#tommy shelby x childbirth
padfootdaredmetoo · 2 years
Hey how are you hope you ok
I got a request for Tommy Shelby if that ok
So basically you and Tommy are dating and one day in a meeting you was having theses really bad stomach pains and you thought nothing of at than when u got home and I got worse and than u went to Tommy crying in pain still and he said you might be in labour ( u don’t know u pregnant) than he calls polly and then u gived birth to you boy or girl up to you and then next day every one was  Shock and yh hope that make sense u don’t have to do it x
Dear Anon,
Thank you for waiting! I changed things up a bit and I apologize for any mistakes as I'm editing on mobile at work. Hope you enjoy it!
Warnings: childbirth, mentions of Hugh stress and poor eating habits. Peaky related themes and magic.
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Dating Thomas was a life changing decision in more ways than you had originally realsied. Your whole life plan had been derailed by the constant ups and downs. 
Every new accomplishment and high was met with an even more dangerous low. You were along for the ride while managing your position at the book shop you owned. Long days and fun nights occupied these past few months so much that you realised that your period was late. 
Very late. 
You thought about it for a while and realised it was probably what used to happen when you were a teenager. High times of stress would stop it altogether. You had no other symptoms that women had told you about. No weird cravings, or morning sickness. Just lots of drama and stres.
You pushed the thought from your mind as you went about your usual routines. 
________6 months later____
You had come to the realisation that you must be barren. A fact that was difficult to come to terms with, however Tommy had said he wasnt interested in children any way. 
Looking at your self in the mirror you noticed a bit of weight on you and made a mental note to try and correct it by skiping meals for a while. Nothing big to worry about in comparison to another rival family causing chaos. You’d only just gotten sorted from being held captive a week ago. 
You already had so much on your shoulders at the book shop, orders were piling up and you were spending more and more late nights and early mornings. Tommy’s men escorting you and staying by the door while you worked. 
The multiple attempts on your life did nothing but add to the list of reasons you couldnt sleep at night. You were slowly falling apart. 
Cramps set in about mid day and you finally gave up. You called Tom letting him know you couldnt make it to lunch and went right to bed. Taking a much needed nap you woke up to even worse sets of pain. 
You grabbed your hot water bottle and tried to curl up on the couch with a book. Struggling through the sets of pain you began to wonder if something else was wrong. Wasn’t there an organ that could explode in your stomach? 
Your thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door. 
Sitting across the table from the old woman, Polly thought back through time. Her eyes were dark and she had told her lots of things about her life that night. Gave her the curse of knowledge, knowing all too well that the girl was too weak to fight fate. And Polly had tried, every step of the way to fight it. 
It didnt surprise her that she was once again stuck at that wooden table. That the woman reflected on something said ages ago. 
A child. 
Polly’s heart sunk when she thought about the two children that were permanently out of her reach. A child? At this age. Not likely. 
The dream took a turn and woman shouted at her. 
“Go to her now before its too late.” And image of your face came into her mind and suddenly she was awake. The womans cold scream still echoing in her mind. 
Getting her clothes pulled on she quickly called Thomas. 
“Need to get to her place now” She said trying to pull on her boot at the same time. 
“Pol - why? What’s wrong?” The sound of panic in his voice made her reconsider your place within the family. 
“Just go, I’m on my way now.” She hung up the phone not wanting to waist anytime. On the drive over she thought about you and what this ment. 
There was no way of making sense of the situation. All the things she was told never made sense as a girl and wouldnt likely start to make sense now. She sighed defeated. She liked you well enough. Smart, kept Thomas in line, a bit soft hearted but she could see that changing the more you saw of the world. 
She parked and ran up the steps of your building. Opening the door she ould hear your soft cries as he tried to comfort you. 
“Pol what’s wrong with her.” 
“It’s a child.” Polly said moving into the kitchen seeing what supplies they were working with. 
“Fuck off.” You said a tone of disbelif. Coming back into the room she watched your face cycle through the many stages of panic. 
“Accept it so we can get on with it.” Polly said to the both of them. 
“Part of the prophecy. Flashbacks got me up in the middle of the night.” She watched as Tommy fell under the weight of her words. 
“Alright, love.” He kissed the top of your head. “It’s not going to make sense. So just let it happen.” You looked at up him your fear fading in the warmth of his gaze. 
“I dont think I can do it.” You groaned, tears welling up in your eyes. 
“It’s already happened. Pol saw it. That means you certainly can. Just have to make it from here to there.” 
After that you followed instructions, Polly was professional but couldnt help but feel a fondness growing for you. This was also a side of Tom she hadn’t seen since he was a small boy. He did everything without thought, never letting you out of his grip. 
“Tough girl.” He kissed your temple. “You can do it, gotta push again” 
Like many times before. Polly pulled a small little babe from their mother on the living room floor of a dingy flat in Birmingham. 
You collapsed against Tom and Polly went to work ensuring the child was alright. Smallest little girl she’d ever seen. Born too soon, quiet as a mouse as she looked up at her great aunt. Her heart was strong, and Polly knew just by holding her that this child, was significant in something bigger than all of them put together. 
She handed the girl off to her parents. Leaning back against the sofa sitting next to Thomas. He handed her a cigarette from his breast pocket. 
Taking a long drag, she realized she should give them space to enjoy the moment. Her bones had no interest in moving as the night, and previous months took a toll on her. 
“She predicted this? Why didn't you say something?”  Tom whispered stoking the cheek of his first child. 
Polly almost snapped at him, before registering his tone of voice. She’d never seen him this vulnerable. 
“She told me a lot of things, I was small at the time. None of you were born yet. It’s not specific stuff-” 
“Thank you.” You said with tears in your eyes. “I -I Don't know what to say.” 
“You shouldn't say, anything love. You're family now” 
You were the most exhausted you’d ever been, but a family meeting was unavoidable. That night was the last night you spent in your apartment. He’d carried you to the car the next morning to take you to his place. 
You watched him move around the massive kitchen. He got you a cushion before letting you sit at the head of the table. A cup of strange tea was placed in front of you as the family started to pile in. 
Ruby slept in your arm and you tried to relax as the family came close. You were friendly and warm with everyone but this was the first time they were seeing you as a permanent fixture in the family. 
“That must have been so scary love. Your body hid it so well” Emse came up to you putting her arm around you in a makeshift hug. “Look at her. So small. Pretty like her mum.” She sat close to you and you knew that it was because of her natural distaste for family meetings. Her posture told you if anyone got smart she’d chew them out. 
Arthur and John started to congratulate Tommy loudly and your stomach turned when they set on you. She was so small you didn't feel comfortable passing her around yet. What if that offended people? 
“Look at that! Next Shelby made a grand entrance like her da” Arthur kissed your cheek, his mustache tickling. “Good job, love.”
“Thanks,” You said softly. 
“God I hope she’s just like you Tom. Finally some payback.” John came over and lowered his voice once seeing her. “Fuck she’s so small. You can call us any time if you need anything. Got a truckload of baby clothes for ya.” 
“Really though, love. Call any time.” Esme said and you hoped more than anything you would get closer to her. 
The meeting started and Tommy made a grand speech. It didn't take long before Polly was rushing you back up to lie down in bed. When you woke up there was a ring on your wedding finger and a note on the bedside table. 
Gone to London for business. Be back tomorrow. 
You went back to the massive set of diamonds on your finger. It was talked about but you hadn't had the chance to think about it yet. 
There was a soft knock at the door and Esme poked her head in. 
“Staying while he’s away, do you need anything, love.” Without knowing what to do you just stuck your hand out at her. 
She looked at the ring. 
“When!” She whispered.
“Just woke up and it was there.” You whispered back in disbelief. 
“Such a Thomas thing to do.” She laughed and sat on the bed next to you. You both talked for hours and you were grateful she let you doze off and nap. 
You and Ruby fit right in.
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simplyundeniable98 · 11 months
look at me t.s.
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Pairing | Thomas Shelby x Female reader
Summary | When Mrs. Shelby requests Tommy in the room with her for the birth of their first daughter everyone is shocked. Men aren't supposed to be in the room with their wives as they give birth, it's just not how it is supposed to be... well all men aren't Thomas Shelby.
Warnings | Mentions of childbirth, pain obviously she's literally giving birth, maybe ooc Tommy? idk. Reader is a little mean to her doctors but she's in pain cut her some slack. MDNI because I said so. Foul language.
Word Count | .06k
~This is loosely based off of the scene in Queen Charlotte when they won't let George into the room to see Charlotte. If you know what I'm talking about I love you~
All dialogue in italics is spoken in Romani.
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"Mrs Shelby forgive me but husbands aren't usually in the room during the birth" The doctor spoke hesitantly as his eyes flicked nervously around the room.
Everyone seemed to speak hesitantly around her. I guess that was what you get when you become a Shelby. Everyone around you is constantly terrified to tell you no or disagree. It was like being royalty in a sort of fucked up way.
Polly Gray cut the doctor a look as she walked over to you and put a reassuring hand on your forehead.
"Polly please" you cried in pain "I need him here." Nothing from the old wive tales could compare to the pain you were feeling. You had been pushing for hours now with Polly at your side but nothing was working. Your daughter simply just would not budge. Polly had made the comment early on about her already showing traits from her father.
"I don't care what usually happens. If Tommy Shelby is not in this room in the next five minutes, I will personally end you." You spoke with a hiss pointing at the doctor.
You weren't usually this aggressive, but given the fact you were in pain and used to getting what you wanted all the time, the circumstances were different.
Polly sighed as she looked down at you and began to head out of the room.
"What's wrong, is she okay?" Tommy spoke immediately as Polly exited the doors of your room.
"She's requesting you Thomas" Polly spoke in Romani so as to not alert the other doctors of your request.
"She wants me in the room with her?" He spoke hesitantly as he looked towards the door.
Polly nodded and Tommy immediately started towards the door.
"I'm sorry Mr. Shelby but I cannot allow you to be in the room." The doctor outside of your door spoke as his eyes flicked down to the floor to avoid Tommy's sharp gaze.
"Tell me, doctor, do you like your job?" Tommy spoke with a raised brow as he waited for his response.
When he didn't reply Tommy bent down to reach his gaze "Hmm? I asked you a question doctor, do you like your job?"
"Yes. Yes I like my job" He murmured still avoiding the sharp blue eyes that were currently staring daggers at the man.
"Well if you intend on staying alive long enough to keep it, I suggest you move out of my way." Tommy stood up straight and tilted his head towards the door.
The doctor nodded and stepped aside, letting Tommy enter the room. "If I hear one more word from anyone about my presence in this room, I will have a peaky blinder on each and every one of your doorsteps first thing tomorrow morning" Tommy spoke before anyone could protest.
"Tommy" you gasped as you finally laid eyes on your husband. "I've been asking for you"
"I know, I know. But I'm here now eh? I'm here now." Tommy bent down to give your forehead a kiss as you winced.
"I cant do this Tommy" you cried "I want it to be over"
Tommy's heart broke at the sight of you. His wife. He wished he could just take all of your pain away and keep it for himself.
Tommy bent down to kneel at the side of your bed as he cradled your face in his hands.
"Look at me. Hey, Look at me, love." He spoke softly as you turned your head to gaze at him with teary eyes.
"You can do this. I know you can. You are the most headstrong women I know, and ill be damned if you give up now." You giggled at his lighthearted teasing and nodded.
"And you don't really have a choice love. This baby has got to come out in one way or another." He smirked at you as you rolled your eyes at your husband.
"Okay Mrs. Shelby its time to push" Your doctor spoke as Tommy placed a kiss on the hand he had ahold of and nodded at you.
"Let's meet our daughter Mrs. Shelby."
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soleilceirinen · 10 months
Little Girl Blue (Arthur Shelby x barmaid!reader).
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Summary: you work as a barmaid at the Garrison. One day you find Arthur drawing something and get curious.
Warning: none.
A/N: English is not my first language, sorry if there are mistakes.
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You had started working as a barmaid at the Garrison a few months before the Shelby brothers returned from France. 
At first, the idea of quitting crossed your mind but you had no other option and needed the job. You had to take care of your little brother, it was just you and him. You had practically raised him since your mother passed away in childbirth and after your father went to France at the beginning of the war to never come back. The boy was all you had left.
Once the Shelby brothers returned, your situation changed. You stopped having problems with some clients, mostly drunk men, just because you were a young woman. Deep down, you had the suspicion that the Peaky Blinders had something to do with the whole situation. Not that it bothered you, now you could walk alone at night and no one would dare look in your direction in the wrong way if they wanted to keep their eyes.
Out of the three of them, Arthur was your favourite. Sometimes you wanted to hold him in your arms like a child and whisper to him  that everything was alright. Others, when he was high or drunk, or who knows, you avoided him as much as possible. But he always treated you well, and more than once you had caught him gawking at you from across the pub. 
Your next favourite was John, who always flirted with you. You weren’t sure if he was serious or if he flirted with everyone but you were sure of one thing, you didn’t want to become the mother of all his children. And then there was Tommy. He was quite scary, every time he directed his cold blue eyes at you, it made you want to run away and hide. Something about him screamed stay away. He usually ignored you and only spoke to you to order another bottle of whiskey or rum.
That afternoon the pub was quiet. You looked up when the door opened, to see Arthur. He smiled at you like he always did, running a hand through his hair as he headed to the small reserved room he always occupied with his brothers. After drying some glasses, you walked towards the room while drying your hands on your apron.
Arthur didn’t notice your presence, he was focused on what seemed to be drawing something on a piece of paper. From your position you couldn’t see what it was. You knocked on the door frame a couple of times, making the man look up. A look of panic crossed his face but it lasted a few seconds, as long as he folded the paper and put it in his jacket pocket. 
"Excuse me Mr. Shelby, I didn't mean to bother you. Would you like me to get you something to drink?" You asked quietly, surprised by his reaction. 
“Just call me Arthur, love. How many times have I told you?”
“Many times,” you whispered and smiled. He nodded and looked at his watch, frowning slightly. 
“It won't be long until they arrive, I think I'll wait for them.” You were about to leave to go back behind the bar when his voice made you turn around. “How is you brother?”
You paused for a second, considering your answer. “Sammy is fine, a few scratches.” Your brother and Finn were friends and they liked to get into trouble together. A couple of days ago they had returned home covered in mud and blood. Neither of them wanted to confess what they had been doing to end up in that state. “If they are such trouble makers now I don’t want to think how they are going to be in a few years.”
Arthur laughed and lit a cigarette. He agreed with you.
From behind the bar you could observe Arthur through the window that overlooked the small room. You approached slowly, without attracting attention. Once again, he was focused on drawing something, but what could he be drawing? He didn’t seem like that kind of person, as far as you knew, he was interested in boxing not art.
“I didn’t know that you liked drawing, Arthur.” You commented, causing him to fold the paper again and hide it from your view. 
“I don’t. As a kid I liked it, but I’m not really good at it now.” He excused himself. His cheeks were starting to turn pink. 
You leaned over the window and stretched an arm towards him, wiggling your fingers. “Can I see it?”
Arthur shook his head, a few strands of hair fell over his temples. You felt the impulse to reach and put it back in place with your hand, but didn’t. 
“It’s not great…”, he muttered sheepishly. 
You sighed. He reminded you of a little child. “Fine, you don’t have to show me. But even if it’s not great, if it makes you happy and you enjoy it, it is worth it.”
Arthur nodded and opened his mouth to talk when a familiar face appeared in the room and sat next to him. “What are you talking about with Y/N?”
“That’s not your business, John!” said Arthur, pushing his brother in the shoulder. They were playing, you thought. 
Someone clearing his throat brought you back to reality. On the other side of the bar was Thomas, staring at you with his usual icy eyes. 
“Sorry, Mr. Shelby. What can I do for you?”
He pointed to the bottles behind you and turned around to join his brothers. You quickly grabbed three glasses and one whiskey bottle and followed him. While you poured them the liquid you could feel John’s eyes roaming over your body and the familiar smell of their cigarettes. 
You left them alone to discuss whatever they had to do. It was almost time to close when they came out, Thomas nodded at you and left the Garrison. You continued cleaning the bar surface, tired after the whole day. 
“Hey, Y/N, do you want me to walk home with you?”, asked John, looking at you with shining eyes. 
You smiled politely at him and shook your head. “It’s alright, John. I can walk on my own, like every night.”
Then, Arthur appeared next to his little brother and patted his back. “Let’s go, John. She’ll be fine,” he said, turning to look at you directly in the eyes, “no one will dare touch her. By order of the Peaky Blinders. Good night, Y/N.”
“Bye, Arthur… and John.” 
After that, the only remaining space to clean was the small room. So you started with it, picking up the glasses and the empty bottle as well as emptying the ashtrays. When you tidied up the seats something caught your eye, slowly you got closer and reached for it. 
It was a folded piece of paper. You recognised Arthur’s handwriting. Y/N. 
With the tip of your finger you traced the letters before unfolding the paper. You couldn’t help but smile at the little drawing. It was rough and simple, definitely not great at all, similar to the way children draw. But it was recognizable, the tiny figure had your clothes, your apron and the same hairstyle you always wore to work. 
Arthur had drawn you, and even if it wasn’t a masterpiece, it warmed your heart. Carefully, you folded it again and put it in your cardigan pocket. 
Despite his fame, you could tell that Arthur was a good man, a man who had come back from France changed. But, of all the men who returned from the war, was there any who remained the same as the one who left?
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outoftheseine · 2 years
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note: some fics are 18+ so minors DNI.
main masterlist | part 2
fourth time is the charm • thomas shelby x fem!reader part 2
↳ by @moral-terpitude (smut)
a shelby mistress • thomas shelby x fem!reader
↳ by @mrsalwayswrite (fluff, smut, mentions of domestic violence)
time after time • thomas shelby x reader
↳ by @all-mirth-no-matter
good for business • thomas shelby x fem!reader
↳ by @fallatyourfeet (slight angst, jealousy, fluff)
winter light • thomas shelby x reader
↳ by @fallatyourfeet (very fluffy)
missing • thomas shelby x reader
↳ by @fallatyourfeet (angst, fluff)
rules and how to break them • thomas shelby x reader
↳ by @writersblockedx (violence, fluff)
my guiding lights • thomas shelby x reader
↳ by @mrsalwayswrite (childbirth, some angst, fluffy ending)
an understanding • dad!thomas shelby x reader
↳ by @notyour-valentine (fluff)
the promises we keep • thomas shelby x reader
↳ by @strayrockette (very angsty)
you will be safe here • thomas shelby x reader
↳ by @justabigassnerd (mentions of abuse, angst, hurt/comfort)
silent treatment • thomas shelby x reader
↳ by @earlgreydream (angst, ptsd, happy ending)
all for them • thomas shelby x reader
↳ by @babybluebex (mentions of alcohol, fluff)
another day • thomas shelby x fem!reader
↳ by @thepeakygurl (some angst, fluff)
offers in the snow • thomas shelby x reader
↳ by @dearshelby (mentions of death)
wild women don't get the blues • thomas shelby x reader
↳ by @huntingingoodwill (some fluff, angst)
a man like tommy shelby • thomas shelby x reader
↳ by @teenwolf-theoriginals (some angst)
the ring • thomas shelby x fem!reader
↳ by @pherelesytsia (angst, fluff)
a well-needed sleep • thomas shelby x reader
↳ by @madame-wilsonn (mentions of death, hurt/comfort, fluff)
falling • thomas shelby x fem!reader
↳ by @peakyscillian (mention of sa, fluff)
sexy, is it? • thomas shelby x reader
↳ by @vintunnavaa (slight smut)
the one where they are up all night • thomas shelby x reader
↳ by @runnning-outof-time (fluff, little explicit)
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zablife · 2 years
Tachipen (Part 4)
Tommy x female reader
Summary: With the flip of a coin, Tommy makes a deal to bring a 20 year old gypsy girl into the Shelby clan. Considering her too young to marry, he employs her as a nanny. When tragedy strikes, he’s forced to confront the truth he has always known. 
Author’s Note: This was requested by @honey-im-hotdog who asked for a fic about Charlie’s nanny. I decided to turn it into a series. The story will be told through flashbacks, but I will note the year. Tommy meets y/n in 1919 and the story goes thru present time which is the year of the vendetta, 1925. 
Warnings: language, ethnic slur, violence, childbirth
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1924, Tommy’s wedding day
A broken side window and a smell of petrol. Nothing left, but smoke and ash. You tried to put the disturbing thoughts out of your mind, but it was all you could think of as you sat at the long banquet table adorned with tapered candles and silver trays of food. Across the table, John laughed at his own joke, an expensive cigar in one hand and a glass of Irish whisky in the other. Isaiah clapped him on the back as he joined in and you wondered if they held a shred of remorse for what they had done.
“Y/n, is everything alright?” Ada asked, noticing the far off look in your eye.
“I need some fresh air,” you lied. Pushing your chair away from the table, you threw your napkin on the table and turned from the rowdy men as they called after you, feeling nothing but disgust. Finding the front of the house occupied by Grace’s family, you attempted to escape the sea of red uniforms with the rest of the staff below stairs. As you paced the darkened hallway outside the kitchens, you heard someone clear their throat and you looked up to find Arthur standing before you, hands in his pockets as he watched you carefully.
Unable to hold it in any longer you demanded to know, “I’m not allowed a man on my arm?”
Adopting the tone of a weary older brother reluctant to enforce his authority he began softly, “It’s about your choice of man. You know the rules.” You turned from him and he lay a hand on your shoulder attempting to console you, “Come upstairs and enjoy the party, love.”
You faced him, wiping a tear away with your sleeve. “Pretend we’re all a happy family, is that what you’d like?” you asked, failing to contain your spite.
“Aren’t you happy for Tommy?” Arthur asked, confused by your words. As he pulled away from you to study you with concern, Michael passed through with a girl on his arm. Motioning for her to go on without him, he stopped to speak to you.
“Everything alright?” he asked, the hazy, cocaine induced grin fading from his face. 
“You know it isn’t! You know why he didn’t come, don’t you?” you asked bitterly, placing your hands on your hips to stare him down.
“Who? You mean the wop?” he said scrunching his nose as though the very idea was repugnant. You could tell by his reaction he held no concern for Angel Changretta’s plight and that made you angrier than before.
“His name is Angel Changretta and his restaurant was burned to the ground to stop him coming tonight!” you corrected as you charged Michael, unable to believe his callousness.
Arthur stepped between you and Michael, placing a hand on your shoulder as he said in a calm voice, “Now, y/n, we tried to tell you. Angel Changretta weren’t good for ya. He’s a dangerous man. He’s had five different names in the last six years, and he’s got connections with the Naples boys.”
“How could you be that bloody stupid? The order was simple! No fraternizing with foreigners!” Michael spat at you from over Arthur’s shoulder.
You shook free from Arthur’s grasp, a wild look in your eye at the thought of being told what to do by the youngest member of the family. “You have no right to choose who I see in my own time!” you shouted at him. Micheal only returned an icy stare as you shook your head at him in disbelief.
Then you added more quietly, “Maybe I was stupid…to have told John that Angel showed me kindness.” Looking down at your shoes you said to more to yourself than to the men surrounding you, “Angel didn’t deserve this for being with me. I wasn’t even serious about him. Just passin’ the time cause I can’t be with the man I want.”
“Be glad it was only a warning then. Sometimes killing is a kindness and the Peaky Blinders do that very well,” Michael threatened, holding your gaze a moment before stalking off to find his girl.
You gulped as you watched him go, feeling chilled to your core. Your anger soon returned as you picked up a nearby vase and threw it as far as you could, letting out a scream of frustration. You slid down the wall, watching water drip down the subway tiles across from you. Arthur surveyed the damage, before shuffling toward you.
“It goes for all of us. We all have our orders,” he said as he extended a hand to you.
You ignored it as you picked up a crushed flower at your side, “But you have someone so you couldn’t possibly understand,” you answered sadly. Pulling your knees into your chest and pressing your cheek to your forearms you muttered, “Go back to Linda, Arthur, and leave me alone.”
Arthur slipped away quietly. As he passed Tommy on the stairs, Tommy asked, “Where’s y/n?”
“Downstairs, but she wants to be alone,” Arthur said as he stood in his way.
Tommy cocked his head and squinted at Arthur. “Have you said something about the order given last night? She wasn’t to know, Arthur.”
“She already knows, Tommy. I tried to explain it to her, but fucking Michael was high on snow. Made it worse,” he said running his hand through his hair.
Tommy punched the wall beside him in a fit of rage. He had only tried to keep you safe. He hadn’t intended to hurt you. 
From somewhere deep within the house calls for the groom could be heard and Arthur shifted uncomfortably. “We need to go back up, brother. Let’s go see your lovely bride,” Arthur suggested, but he could tell that wasn’t what consumed Tommy’s thoughts.
Tommy hesitated on the stairs as he took one final glance around. Massaging his sore knuckles, he murmured to himself, “I will make this right.”
It was far too late for you to be awake, but you couldn’t sleep. Some nights you still dreamt of home. It was difficult not to think of your sisters at times, wondering what they were doing, and if they ached for you the way you ached for them. As you sat at the kitchen table, drinking a cup of tea, Tommy descended the stairs. He looked exhausted, braces hanging from his shoulders and hair tousled as though he had tried to sleep and failed.
“What are you doing awake, ey? Thought the kids would have worn you out,” he said, voice raspy from the late hour and too many cigarettes. He lit another as you thought of an answer.
“Why are you awake?” you countered, looking him in the eye. You wanted to show him you weren’t afraid of him, hoping to put the unpleasantness behind you and start anew.
Tommy sat back in the chair across from you, blowing smoke into the air. “I asked you first,” he said with a raised eyebrow.
“Alright, I was thinking of my family. What they’d say now,” you confessed, swallowing harshly.
Tommy nodded thoughtfully, then leaned forward, digging into his pocket. He placed a bullet in front of you, standing it on end and left it there for you to consider. “That’s what they’ve said. Go on, have a look,” he said, taking another lazy drag.
You watched his eyes as your fingers reached for the cool metal, rolling it over in your hand before reading his name etched on the side. You knew what it meant. His death had been ordered. You knew it wasn’t your father, he wouldn’t have bothered. Your sister would be married by now though to one of the men Tommy and his brothers had cut the day you had left so this could only have come from one family.
Nodding thoughtfully you replied, “This came from the Lees?”
“That’s right, love,” he said seemingly unbothered by the fact that men were trying to kill him.
“What are you going to do?” you asked, eyes darting to his for some sign he understood the severity of the threat.
“Nothing,” he replied simply.
“But…the bullet has been written, Tommy. They will kill you,” you stressed to him.
Tommy shook his head and a small smile crept onto his face as he leaned forward, “No, I don’t think they will. And do you know why?”
You shook your head, fearing what he might say next.
“Because you know everything that went on in that camp. So I need some information from you to implement a plan for my business. Do you understand?” he asked snatching the bullet up and holding it in front of you.
You nodded fiercely. “Yes, what do you need?”
“You can start by telling me what you know of the racetracks,” he said with a grin. 
“Are we going to see Daddy?” the children asked excitedly. 
“Yes, we are. We’re going to surprise him today,” you said with a big grin, swinging hands with Clara along the way. The sun was setting over Small Heath at the end of a long day and the golden light made everything look softer somehow. 
“I want to see Uncle Tommy!” William shouted.
“He’s not there now. He and Aunt Polly have gone away on business,” you explained as everyone began talking at once. 
As you came upon the front door, you noticed a Lee boy sneaking inside. Your stomach turned, knowing something wasn’t right. “Katie, why don’t you wait outside for me while I fetch your dad?” you suggested. She shrugged, taking Henry from your arms and you carefully ventured inside. 
The moment you crossed the threshold, hands clamped over your shoulders and the front door slammed shut. Before you could scream, the man holding you clapped a filthy hand over your mouth and pulled you into his sweaty body. You inhaled a sharp breath as a knife came to your throat. “So you’re still here, y/n,” a familiar voice hissed in your ear. The knife pressed against your skin as he tightened his grip on your waist. “Like being Tommy Shelby’s whore do you?” You attempted to shake your head, but thought better of it, replying through clenched teeth, “What do you want Erasmus?”
“Just taking back what’s ours, sweetheart. Every last dime you helped Tommy Shelby steal at Cheltenham” he spat. “And more because I know he’s got it,” he sneered. Angered by his words you fought with all your might, feeling the sleeves of your dress tear and nails drag across your skin as you pulled away. You jabbed and clawed your way free until you could sink one hand to your boot to retrieve the knife Esmerelda had given you to defend yourself. Unsheathing it quickly, you raised up cutting Erasums from his chin to his forehead. He reared back with a roar of pain, holding his face as blood gushed forth in bright red spurts.
As you tried to run through Polly’s house you were met with the sight of Ada, asking what was wrong. You gasped for breath as you replied, “We’ve been done over. Run, Ada!” But the warning came too late, as one of the Lee boys barged into the parlor with a gun pointed at you.
“You’re not going anywhere. Sit the fuck down,” he said and you did as he said, watching as the men who accompanied him, mostly kin, overturned the shop. They broke everything in sight and stole what money and valuables they could find, four cash boxes in total. When they were satisfied they had what they wanted, Erasmus came in to see you, jerking you up from your chair by your elbow. 
“You give Tommy a message from me,” he said, holding you harshly by the jaw.
“What’s that?” you asked defiantly. 
“Tell him we want our cut or there'll be more of this,” he said, striking a blow to your cheek that knocked you to the ground. Ada screamed, rushing to you as you fell. The men ran out as quickly as they had arrived and you were left alone in the disheveled house. Only then did you hear the children calling to you, grateful that they hadn't witnessed any of it.
You called them in, hugging them tightly to you. You rocked Henry until he stopped crying and checking everyone over to be sure they weren’t harmed. William shouted out in protest. “Y/n, you’re hurting me, let me go!” Soon your attention was stolen by Ada’s whimpers then a shout.
“Holy shit. Water!” Ada said, looking down at the puddle at her feet.
“What does that mean?” Katie asked.
“Means the baby’s comin’,” you explained. “Take your brother to the neighbors’,” you said trying to keep the fear out of your voice as you pushed Henry into her arms. Of all days for Polly to be away, you thought. 
“Alright, let’s get you comfortable,” you said to Ada, praying you’d be able to do just that, but knowing you were in for a long evening. As the night wore on, John eventually came looking for you and the children and was met with Ada’s screams. 
He’d obviously been drinking because he didn’t seem to notice the state of the betting shop or understand what was happening with his sister asking, “What’s going on in here? Someone strangling a cat?”
“I’m going to strangle you if you don’t get the fuck out, John Shelby!” Ada yelled at him before lurching forward to push once more.
“Keep going. That’s right. Push,” you encouraged her, trying to ignore John. Ada screamed out in obvious pain once more and you looked up to see the note of recognition wash over John. You shook your head at him as you felt her stomach, prodding at the top of her bump and then the bottom. He eyed you suspiciously, your look of concern sobering him instantly.
“The baby’s the wrong way round,” you proclaimed, feeling sick to your stomach.
“How do you know?” John asked.
“I’ve attended three other girls before in camp. One was like this,” you said, biting your lip and trying to think.
“What do we do?” John asked removing his coat and hat, rolling up his sleeves to show he was ready to help. Ada threw her sweat soaked head back against the pillows, too tired to care who was in the room now.
“There’s something else to try. Lean her forward,” you instructed and John helped you move Ada onto all fours. 
“It’s not long to go now,” you cooed in her ear, rubbing along her back, then helped her count “one, two, three. Push.” Ada groaned out a miserable sounding whine as she forced herself to push harder through the pain before trying to collapse onto her elbows.
“Ada, if you stay strong, I’ll fetch Freddie soon and he can see his son,” John said, and that gave Ada the motivation she needed. In two more pushes, her son Karl was born, wailing to the heavens.
“It’s a beautiful, baby boy,” you said as you cleaned and swaddled the child to hand to his mother. You helped Ada move into the rocking chair by the crackling fire just as Freddie burst through the door, tears glistening in his eyes at the sight of his wife and newborn son.
As you washed your hands clean of blood in the porcelain basin, your heart swelled at the sight of Ada leaning her head onto Freddie’s shoulder as he cradled their child and whispered to him softly. Sneaking out the back as quietly as possible so as not to disturb them, you collided with John who was waiting for you in the alley.
“You did well, tonight, love,” John said, moving toward you with a warm smile. 
“I couldn’t have done it all by myself,” you said, shyly. Then jerking your chin across the street you asked, “Do the children know you they have a cousin?” 
John nodded and added, “Yeah, but then they went back to sleep. They’re gonna stay with Mrs. Andrews tonight. Tommy just got back so I sent a blinder to tell him the news….how should we celebrate, ey?” he asked, placing a rough hand to your cheek. Your breath hitched as he leaned down to ghost his lips over yours, pressing against you gently until you were moving in perfect sync with him. The pad of his thumb caressed you softly as his tongue pushed your lips apart, seeking more of your warmth and you let out a quiet moan against him, feeling him smirk against you. 
Suddenly you heard someone in the darkness clear their throat and then you saw Polly’s figure come into view in the doorway, her curls outlined by the lamplight. “John, I would’ve thought you’d be at the Garrison by now wetting the baby’s head.”
John pulled away from you slowly, hand dropping to your shoulder as though unwilling to let you go as he replied, “Aunt Pol, when did you get back?”
Polly motioned to you as she offered, “Y/n, I’m sure you’d like a nice, hot bath after the day you’ve had.”
You realized what a state you must be in, moving to smooth your hair before ducking under John’s arm. “Thank you, Polly.”
She nodded, glancing back at John who still stood frozen in place, one hand against the brick wall. 
After you’d gone, Polly lit a cigarette, walking toward her nephew in slow, measured steps as she considered him. Standing at his back, she turned her head and blew smoke into the night air. “John, she’s only just found her footing here. She’s young and the last thing she needs is heartbreak,” She placed a hand on John’s shoulder, thinking of the many affairs he’d had since he returned home from the war. “Find someone else to put your fires out,” she warned.
John only nodded in reply and headed back toward the Garrison to join his brothers in celebrating their new nephew. As he opened the door of the snug, Tommy and Arthur greeted him. He stepped inside, removing his cap and glancing to the corner as he took in another familiar face, kind and beautiful. “Hello, John,” she said brightly.
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runnning-outof-time · 2 years
Birmingham | Tommy Shelby x Reader (Part 12)
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Previous Part
Pairing: Tommy Shelby x reader
Summary: (Y/N) joins the Shelbys at their family event, where she starts to feel like she actually belongs. Things take a sharp turn afterwards, when a surprise raid leaves a new baby without its father, and (Y/N) knows who may be behind it.
Warnings: language, smoking, mentions of drinking, vague descriptions of childbirth
Word Count: 3932
A/N: I’m a bit nervous for this one cuz I’m not sure about it…I hope it’s received well. As usual, the italicized dialogue is taken from the show. Enjoy! :)
Comment/Message me if you’d like to be tagged in future parts!
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"I'll allow you enough time to go home and come back here before the event starts," Tommy said to (Y/N) after he'd given the basic details of the event that was happening later that evening.
"Why is that necessary?" (Y/N) asked, her eyebrows furrowed.
"You'll need a nicer dress on," he answered her, taking that excuse to look her figure over. If she asked why he'd done that, he wouldn't admit to his secondary intentions.
She scoffed at him, the smile making its way onto her features showing that there was no actual harm in his words. "Mr. Shelby! I'm feeling quite insulted by your statement!" she playfully gasped, a hand over her heart for dramatic effect. Tommy chuckled and shook his head at her statement. "Exactly what type of an event am I attending?" she asked for more details then.
"It's a wedding."
"A wedding?" she asked, surprise now present in her voice.
"John's getting married," he answered nonchalantly, as if what he was going to say was obvious.
But it most certainly was not to (Y/N). "John's getting married?" Her eyes were wide now.
"Yeah," Tommy was still nonchalant.
"He found someone?" she asked yet another question. She couldn't recall John having a woman and wondered how much had happened over the month she'd been absent.
"I found him someone," he corrected her.
"Found? What is that supposed to mean? Does he even know this woman?" more questions escaped (Y/N)'s lips before she could slow them down.
"No," Tommy shook his head, continuing before she could jump on him - she certainly looked like she was ready to, "he needs someone to look after his kids...we need a way to settle the feud that's going on between us and the Lee's. This marriage will satisfy both. Esme's a good woman."
(Y/N) listened intently to his explanation, taking some time to let the pieces connect in her mind so that it'd, hopefully, make more sense. "Don't you think it's a little...backwards; medieval, maybe, to be marrying him off like this? You're treating him as if he's your daughter, which he most certainly is not," she pointed out.
"John will understand that this is what's best for the business," he answered her, dismissing her points without giving much thought to them.
(Y/N) pursed her lips and shook her head slightly. She had many thoughts about this major life decision that Tommy had made for his brother without even consulting him. She was sure that he had his reasons, as she's noticed by now that Tommy always does, but she couldn't help but wonder what John would think of the arrangement.
"(Y/N)?" Tommy's voice broke her out of her thoughts.
"Yeah?" she asked, focusing on him again.
"You didn't hear what I said, did you?" he asked her, the corner of his lips threatening to quirk upwards because he knew her answer already. She didn't give him a verbal one, but instead shook her head as a guilty smile formed on her face. "I'd said that you can go home now so that you'll be able to meet Pol back here...if you still want to go, that is," Tommy restated what he'd said before, then looking at her expectantly.
"No, yeah, I'll head home quickly and do that," (Y/N) nodded, grabbing the rag that she was using to clean down the bartop so that she could put it into the wash bucket.
"Grace, you'll stay here later tonight. Celebration might be in order after everything's finished," Tommy addressed the other woman, who had been wiping down the tables whilst the other two were talking.
"Ok, Tommy," Grace nodded, sending a smile in his direction before she resumed her task.
(Y/N) stuck around for a few more moments to see if there was anything else to be said to her. When silence rang out through the room, she walked out from behind the bar and made her way to the door of the tavern.
"Don't you think this is a little backwards, Pol?" (Y/N) asked the older woman as they walked down the streets to the section of Small Heath where the wedding was being held, "you know...Tommy choosing John's wife for him."
Polly pursed her lips as she heard (Y/N)'s statement. She thought about it for a moment before sharing her response, "John's got a lot on his plate with the children he's got running around at home, and this war between families needed to be settled," she kept her response vague, outlining the same points that Tommy had hit, "sometimes business and family intertwine," she added onto the end.
(Y/N) exhaled a slight sigh, still not really able to wrap her head around the situation in its entirety. She couldn’t help but think of the times that her family had done similar things. She really didn’t want to mix the two families, but it certainly was hard not to at the moment.
"This woman will be good for John," Polly told (Y/N). It was almost like she knew what the younger woman was thinking. "We need to make a stop first," she then announced, taking (Y/N)'s arm and leading her down another row of homes.
As they walked on, a familiar face was standing on the sidewalk just outside one of the larger buildings. A smile formed on (Y/N)'s face as she got closer and made out who this person was.
"Are you ready?" Polly asked her niece as she and (Y/N) came to a stop in front of her.
"Ready as I can be," Ada answered, with what seemed to be a faltering smile on her face.
"You look good, Ada," (Y/N) stated, smiling at the brown-haired woman.
"So do you," she returned the compliment, offering a real smile this time. "Shall we go?" she asked then, looking between the other two women. Both Polly and (Y/N) nodded their heads and the three set off to where the ceremony was being held.
John was already up at the altar with his bride-to-be when the three women arrived at the ceremony. Polly led them over to where Tommy was standing. She let Ada stay there before she tapped on (Y/N)'s elbow. A silent glance told (Y/N) that she should join her and let the siblings have their space, so the two moved over to the side of the aisle and watched on.
The ceremony was short and sweet, and ended with John and his new bride sharing a kiss to signify their new bond as cheers rang out from both of the families. The celebration started almost immediately after. A band began to play and an upbeat song was being sung.
"Care to share a dance with me, (Y/N)?" Arthur's voice came from over her shoulder, making her turn away from Polly to look at him. She smiled up at him before looking at his hand that was outstretched in her direction. "It won't hurt nothin'," he told her after a few moments had passed.
(Y/N) nodded and stood from her chair, glancing over her shoulder to see Tommy watching her, a cigarette perched between his lips. A part of her wished that it was Tommy who'd asked her to share a dance, but she didn't let herself get hung up on that. Instead, she rested her hand into Arthur's palm and allowed him to lead her out to the dance floor. They began dancing to the upbeat song, wide smiles on both of their faces.
Tommy's eyes stayed focused on (Y/N) as she moved about the makeshift dance floor. Polly and Zilpha were having a conversation next to him, but he was only half-listening to it, his mind focused elsewhere.
On the dance floor, (Y/N) danced with Arthur until Ada swooped in and took her as her partner. Arthur said nothing in response to this and instead just stood off to the side and watched the women dance. It was obvious that Ada had some to drink. She was laughing loudly and singing along to the song, not caring in the slightest that she was out of tune. (Y/N) was laughing along with her, truly enjoying herself for the first time in a while.
The two women danced like that for some time, and Ada's behavior only got more boisterous with each second that passed. When (Y/N) asked Ada the reason behind her desire to let herself loose like this, she quickly brought to attention the fact that she'd been cooped up in a dingy apartment away from everyone and everything, and that she was at her mind's end...she just wanted to have some fun. And fun they had.
Until Tommy came walking over to the dance floor. "Ahh look, (Y/N)!" Ada called out once she noticed that her brother was approaching, "he's coming over for a dance with you!"
(Y/N) froze in her spot and opened her mouth to speak, but was unable to because Tommy had already extended a hand to Ada and was addressing her: "Ada, come on. Have a rest, sit down," he began, speaking in a calm voice in hopes that a big spectacle wouldn't be made.
But, of course, Ada had other plans. "Come and look, Esme," she called to the woman sitting next to John as she stopped dancing and faced Tommy, "come and look at the family you've joined! Come and look at the man who runs it!"
"Ada..." (Y/N) said in a harsh whisper as she took a step closer to the brown-haired woman's side, hoping that she could goad her into stopping before things blew up any further. Ada didn't even bother to break her gaze from Tommy. She had her mind made up, and nothing was going to veer her off of her course.
"He chooses his brother's wives for them! He hunts his own sister down, like a rat, and he tries to kill his own brother-in-law!" she continued, pushing Tommy away as he tried to come closer to her, her volume and emotion rising with each word she spoke.
"Ada, that's enough," Polly said as she moved behind her, her eyes jumping between her niece and (Y/N), who was also trying to get Ada to relax.
"And now he won't even let me have a fucking dance! Not even at a fucking wedding!" she continued on. At this point, the party had come to a halt, and everyone's attention was on what was happening on the dance floor.
"Sit her down!" John chimed into the conversation, now standing behind Polly and (Y/N) with his new bride next to his side. He didn't seem to be happy that this was what his night had come to.
"Calm down, Ada," Polly continued with her attempts.
(Y/N) also joined in, finally able to put her hand on Ada's shoulder without having the other woman knock it away, "let's go and sit again, yeah? We'll take a little rest and come back to dancing again soon," she tried to get her to leave the situation.
Ada didn't say anything in response, but instead bent over and rested her hands on her knees, her breaths coming out in pants. Things got silent for a moment as Polly bent down with her. "Holy shit. Water. Right," she breathed out, her eyes wide as she stood up again.
This caused a different wave of emotion to sweep over the group that was now huddled together. "Not now, Ada," Arthur groaned, immediately knowing what his aunt was getting at, "bloody hell, you do pick your times."
Everyone started talking at once as (Y/N) and Polly managed to stand Ada upright again and spin her around so that they could leave the space. Tommy joined in behind them, placing a hand on his sister's back as they walked her over to where the family's car was parked.
"Go with Ada, (Y/N)," Tommy said from behind the group as they were approaching the car. She turned to look at him and nodded instead of verbally responding. She knew that she'd be going with her if he hadn't asked her to.
Ada had gone silent now, only letting out whimpers and groans as they walked. (Y/N) couldn't calm the adrenaline coursing through her as she walked...she never expected the night to turn out like this.
Polly had left the apartment, and only (Y/N) was left to watch over Ada, whose contractions had been coming at a steady pace since they'd left the wedding. Things were quiet until Esme came walking into the apartment. The three women stared at each other before Esme walked over to where the other two were sitting. Nothing could be said before Polly was calling up to them.
Her footsteps were heard rushing towards the room and there was a smile on her face when she came through the door. "Freddie'll be coming," she said, happiness evident in her words.
Ada exhaled a sigh that was a mixture of relief and happiness upon hearing these words, a tired smile forming on her face as she tried to steady her breathing. "I think...I think I need to push, Pol," she then panted out, making the three ladies come and circle around her.
"Alright, let's push," Polly said, and things took off from there.
(Y/N) tried to help the best she could, but it was obvious that she had little to no knowledge in the birthing department compared to these women. When Esme felt that the baby was facing the wrong way, (Y/N) immediately stepped into the support role, telling Ada that things would be fine and would work out in her favor. She helped hold her up as she moved to sit up on her knees, and the real pushing began. She hoped that it wouldn't last long, and hated seeing her friend in such pain.
"It's not much longer now, Ada. Alright, push," Polly talked her through the process, and soon enough, the sound of a child's cries were mixed in with Ada’s screams.
(Y/N) moved away from the other women to grab a smaller blanket so that Esme could wrap the baby up into it and get it cleaned off. "You did it," she said to Ada, who was taking deep breaths and trying to calm down from the experience she'd just gone through.
"Can you go see if the baby’s ok?" Ada asked (Y/N) in a shaky voice, and (Y/N) nodded, smiling before she stood up and moved over to where Esme was cleaning up the baby.
"How is the baby?" she asked as she got to the table.
"He's fine; healthy with no problems," Esme answered while working on wrapping the baby up with a fresh blanket.
"That's good to hear," (Y/N) replied, smiling down at the baby.
"Are you a Shelby as well?" Esme asked then, turning to look at (Y/N) once the baby had been swaddled.
"No, I'm not," (Y/N) answered, shaking her head. She was a bit taken back by the sudden question.
"Are you with one of the brothers?" Esme asked another question.
"No," (Y/N)'s answer was the same as before, though this one was said quicker than she'd have liked to.
"You seem pretty close to them," it still seemed as though things weren't making sense in Esme's mind.
"They've taken me in and made me feel safe here," (Y/N) gave her a short backstory of her history with the Shelby family. She figured that if there'd be a better time, she'd give the longer version, but now she just wanted to hand her friend her baby. Esme only nodded in response to (Y/N)'s answer, her eyes showing that she still had more questions on the matter, like (Y/N) had suspected she would.
Ada had moved over to the table after Polly was finished checking her, and took her baby into her arms after she'd sat down at one of the chairs. (Y/N) smiled as she watched Ada stare lovingly at the little bundle. Silence fell in the room then, and a calm washed over the women. No one spoke until Ada's name was being yelled from outside. Moments later, Freddie walked through the door of the apartment.
"It's a boy, Freddie," Ada announced, smiling at her husband as she turned to face him.
A wide smile appeared on Freddie's face as he moved over to sit by Ada. "It's a beautiful baby boy," he started as he reached out to touch the baby. Ada laughed softly as she leaned over at transfered the baby to his arms, "there you go. Welcome to the world, son," he said softly as he smiled down at the sleeping child.
The moment of reverie was broken by the sound of heavy knocking on the door. "Open up! Police!" could be heard from outside as the knocking continued. Everyone in the apartment froze. (Y/N) stayed in the corner as the police burst through the door and immediately went for Freddie. He tried to fight, but they overpowered him, and all that he could do was yell for Ada as they pulled him out of the apartment.
(Y/N) pulled Ada into a hug as she looked over at Polly, who was now looking like she wanted to rip someone's head off. "I need to go speak to Tommy," Polly said, looking briefly at the other women in the room before she moved to the door and exited the apartment.
The remaining women stayed frozen in their spots after Polly left, shocked and unsure of what to do next. "I...I think I need to go and make sure that Polly will be alright," (Y/N) broke the silence, and the other two women nodded their heads. She wanted to stay with Ada and Esme, but something was telling her to follow Polly to wherever she was going. So she rushed out of the apartment to catch up with Polly while the adrenaline coursed through her again...she never expected the night to turn out like this.
"Don't you dare look at me like that!" (Y/N) heard Polly scream from inside the Garrison as she rushed through its doors. As she entered the main bar room, she found Polly being held back by Arthur and John, and Tommy looking at her with a shock filled expression. A tense silence hung in the air as everyone waited for someone to say the next word. Polly broke it, spitting on the ground before saying "you liar," with venom dripping in her words. Tommy only blinked, probably still trying to process everything as Polly shook herself from her nephews' hold and stalked her way into the snug.
John and Arthur went to join her, shock also present on both of their faces. This left Tommy, Grace and (Y/N) standing in the main room. (Y/N) looked between the two, seeing an unreadable look on the other woman's face. Tommy's eyes found (Y/N)'s briefly before they dropped to the floor. He then turned and began walking to the back office.
(Y/N) stood still for a few moments before she also began walking to the backroom, something telling her that she should go speak with Tommy. "It's (Y/N)," she announced herself as she walked through the office's doorway.
Tommy had only made it halfway into the room before he had stopped and gripped onto his head with his hands. He was pushing his thumbs into his temples as he took deep breaths, trying to keep himself calm while also trying to figure out how this situation had come about. It was getting harder by the second to stop his mind from spiraling.
"Tommy..." she called out to him as she stepped closer to him, "what's going on?" she asked him once she was standing in front of him.
"I don't know," he breathed out, his hands still gripping at the ends of his hair, "I don't know what happened."
"With Freddie?" she hazarded a guess, her voice coming out soft so that he wouldn't think she was accusing him.
"Yes, with Freddie...with fucking everything," he answered, "I don't know what happened, but it wasn't me. I didn't send the coppers to Ada's."
"Who could it have been then?"
"I don't know...I don't know who," he answered her, his hands starting to shake against his head as his mind was still swarming with the possibilities of the scenarios that could have happened.
"Tommy..." (Y/N) trailed off when she noticed this shift, "hey, look at me," she said softly as she reached out and grabbed hold of his forearms so that she could pull his hands away from his face. He allowed her to, and she felt her heart drop the second she saw his wild, worried eyes.
"I don't know who it was, (Y/N)," he breathed again, shaking his head slightly as he exhaled shaky breaths, "but my family thinks it was me and I don't know how to change their mind."
(Y/N) nodded along as he conveyed what was going on in his mind, "hey, look at me, Tommy," she said, taking hold of his face and bringing him closer so that their foreheads were touching. Immediately she saw something change in his eyes, a bit of calmness washing over the worriedness the moment their skin touched. She stared at them for a few moments before she spoke again, "it wasn't you...I know it wasn't you." She didn't have concrete proof of this, but she believed him. She'd never seen him react like this before.
"Tom?! Tommy!" came from the hallway, breaking the silence in the room, "we found out who did it!" John was visible in the doorway seconds later.
(Y/N) and Tommy broke from each other, and Tommy was focused on his brother in a matter of seconds. "Who? Who was it?" he anxiously asked.
"It was that fucking Irish inspector, Chester Campbell. He and his coppers picked up Freddie...we got one of our men to tell us that he got an anonymous tip telling him where the apartment was," Arthur explained, walking into the room behind John.
Tommy swore to himself before he turned to look at (Y/N), who nodded her head, silently telling him to go with his brothers. He nodded back at her before the three rushed out of the office.
(Y/N) stood in the office, alone for a few moments. She needed a moment to think over everything that had happened over this short amount of time. As she pieced together the events of the night, something became evident to her. There was a voice screaming in her head, telling her that she knew exactly how this had happened. She knew of an Irishman named Chester, and of someone who could have provided that tip...and she honestly wouldn’t put it past that someone to provide that tip.
Sure, it could be a longshot, but right now she needed to talk to the woman who would have the answers. When she exited the office, she found the bar area empty, which meant that the person she wanted to talk to had left.
(Y/N) quickly left the Garrison for her apartment, hoping that she'd find the blonde-haired woman there. But after knocking a handful of times and coming up with nothing, she realized that having the conversation that night was a lost cause. So she returned to her apartment with her mind swirling from the possibilities and the adrenaline...she never expected the night to turn out like this.
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Next Part
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creativepawsworld · 7 months
Silence - Chapter 56
Pairing = Thomas Shelby x OC
Summary = Tommy is once again distracted by something leaving Ana wondering what's he up to now? She visits her parents who have a surprise for her.
Warnings = Language...Grammar...Death mentioned....violence implied...fluff...cute moments
Word Count = 1931
Note = Okay so here we are baby name revealed. I don't know if anyone reading this remembers the poll we did in regards to the names but it has been used as this story is for you guys and all your overwhelming support. Hope you Enjoy this cuteness overload 💙
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Wasn’t it crazy how your life could change all in one night? All in a matter of hours because of a small, innocent baby. The pain I had felt during childbirth had completely subsided the moment I held my daughter in my hands. Ever since that night, I threw myself completely into motherhood. And I wouldn’t change it for the world. It felt right, this was meant for me.
Roselle Penelope Shelby became the light of my universe. Despite all the pain that occurred over the years, she made everything so much better. Roselle even had my mother smiling which was a rarity after her vicious attack. My mother had returned to tailoring making the most beautiful dresses and sleepsuits for her granddaughter. It was like the light had returned for her. She now had a purpose in life again. At least that’s how she was seeing Roselle.
As for Tommy, I had never seen him so devoted before. But this remained mostly behind closed doors. All of his men became aware Tommy was now a father. A few of the lower-ranked men believed it made him soft. Tommy was quick to shoot down any of that talk of that notion. He wouldn’t tell me exactly how it was dealt with, in fact, all he said was he had a word with them but there was a darkness in his eyes when he would talk about it. Any further meeting I witnessed he had with his men, the younger of them all seemed a lot more terrified.
The message was delivered, Tommy was not to be messed with nor was Roselle or I and he made that perfectly clear to every one of his men.
I pushed my daughter in her pram along the street of Small Heath towards my parent's home. I was in deep thought, Tommy was up to something. He wouldn’t tell me what, he was once again secretive which annoyed me. But deep down I knew I trusted him, I trusted that he would tell me in his own time. I push Roselle in her pram, she slept soundly under a little blanket her uncle Arthur had purchased for her a few days after she was born.
He was another man who had the coldest look in his eyes if he felt like someone was threatening his niece. Before getting to know Arthur, I would have never said he was a child-friendly man. In fact, I always would have said he hated children and didn’t have time for them. But seeing him around John’s kids and now Roselle I could admit I was wrong. He was the perfect uncle.
Walking past my parent's home I was in shock to see they had the tailor shop opened for business. I couldn’t believe it. People were coming and going dropping off garments or collecting them. I felt like time had stopped as I was hit with the memories of happier times. It felt like life was finally moving in the right direction. Pushing my pram into the shop I stood next to my former desk, looking around my family’s tailor shop.
I look over to the table opposite mine, formerly my brother James’ table and a sad smile crosses my face. I looked down at my daughter, he would have loved to meet her. I would have loved for him to meet her. It was conversations we used to have together, especially when he got with Martha and me with Tommy. We planned out these play dates with our children that now would never happen. The thought brought a tear to my eye, my heart felt tight. It had been a few years since he died trying to save me and I missed him every single day.
Inhaling softly I turned away from my brother’s table, looking at my own. This was where I started to come into my own person and not just a follower of my parents. This was where I made my first full suit for John Shelby and multiple dresses and skirts for Polly. But my favourite memory was the night Tommy came into the shop, kneeling before me to place the boots he purchased on my feet. It was the first time he ever got on bended knee for me. A fond memory for sure, I couldn’t help but feel giddy.
I was so lost in my thoughts, that my father had to make a noise behind me to bring my attention towards him and my mother who were both standing with big grinning smiles. I eyed them carefully as my mother rushed forward to see my daughter, smiling softly as she placed a hand on my shoulder. She still couldn’t bring herself to speak but I could see it in her eyes. She was proud of me. Finally.
“A….na” My father spoke slowly, his voice still rusty and low due to the lack of movement of his tongue. But he never gave up. He was even more determined now Roselle was born. Like my mother, she had given him a new lease of life. A new want to keep going and stick around.
“Hi father, Mother” I smiled at them both. My mother looked up from looking at Roselle and ushered me towards my father. The pair were acting suspiciously.
I walked into the back of the shop, and my mother wheeled my daughter closer to me towards the back of the shop and away from the door. Not much had changed back here either except that my mother’s desk was hidden behind the room divider we used to offer our clients to change behind to get some privacy.
“Is everything okay?” I asked softly looking up, I noticed a piece of white lace on my father’s table but didn’t think anything of it. He was a tailor, after all, we used a multitude of fabrics to create different garments for people.
“y….yes,” My father nodded, a proud smile on his face. “T…Tommy talk…” He tried to talk only to spot and wince in pain before pointing at me to finish his question.
“We talk but he hasn’t told me anything. He didn’t mention speaking with you or mother either” I shook my head, tilting it to the right slightly in confusion.
“Ahh,” My father nodded, looking at my mother with a grin. It quickly became clear that whatever Tommy was planning, he included my parents in it.
That thought made me smile. Not only did it mean that Tommy wasn’t doing anything dangerous or life-threatening but it meant he was more accepting of my parents. Trying to include them in our lives more. It felt like he understood that, despite my rocky past with my parents, I still needed them. I didn’t want our daughter to grow up and not know who her family was. Especially with the business her father was in. Family was important and may not always be around, so she needed all the support she could get.
“What’s going on?” I asked, “What has Tommy told you?”
My parents smiled both walking to either side of the room divider and moving it off to the side to reveal a beautifully made wedding dress. It was a cold shoulder style, with a delicate, lace, floral design all over the bodice. There were more lace flowers around the waist creating a belt around my waist. The silhouette of the dress was layered chiffon, with a satin underskirt. The hemline just graced the wooden floor, it was honestly the most beautiful dress I had ever laid my eyes on.
“For, you” My father spoke, a tear in his eye as he took in my reaction to the dress. I looked at my mother who was crying, her hands placed over her nose and mouth in a triangle shape at the reveal.
“M…My wedding dress?” I asked breathlessly. My emotions were all over the place I couldn’t believe it. This dress was much more than I could ever imagine. It was more than ever expected. I don’t think I could have found a better dress in a shop. This was everything.
“G…g…good?” My father asked softly stepping forward.
“Amazing” I whispered rushing forward to hug him tightly, crying into his chest. I ushered my mother over with my arm hugging them both tightly. “Thank you, thank you so much”
I stayed in the arms of my parents for a good five minutes before pulling away and wiping the tears from my eyes. Laughing softly. This was a complete 180-degree change in our dynamic. I couldn’t get over the changes and it was all down to me meeting Thomas Shelby for the first time four years previous.
“Wait, wait does that mean? Has Tommy spoken to you about our wedding?” I asked my parents, the realisation hitting me. Why else had my parents made a wedding dress for me unless Tommy had mentioned something? Did he mention something?
“A…ask him” My father chuckled peering into the pram. Roselle was awake, cooing away. Her small chubby little fingers grabbed at the air and then my father’s finger. I noticed my father’s eyes on me silently asking if he could lift her out which I agreed to. My mind wandered to my potential wedding. Was that in fact what Tommy was planning?
Later that evening I was home alone with Roselle, singing softly to her as I stared out the window of my apartment. The dark night had now taken over and I had yet to see Tommy all day, whatever he was doing kept him busy. Just as the thought entered my head I heard the front door open, looking over my shoulder I noticed Tommy walking in removing his peaked cap and fluffing out his hair.
“Everythin alrigh love?” Tommy asked shrugging off his coat and hanging it up. In a few long strides, he was over next to us, softly caressing the back of Roselle’s head. “How’s me girls tonight eh?”
“We went and visited her grandma and papa this afternoon” I answered, my eyebrows slightly raised as I looked at him, waiting for him to divulge some information on what was going on.
“Is that right? And how was that visit?” Tommy smirked not giving anything away. His blue eyes held a mischievous glint as he looked down into my eyes.
“Very good, they made me a wedding dress” I answered smiling up at him before handing over our daughter. Almost instantly she cuddled into the lapel of his suit jacket, she was only a few weeks old and already she was a daddy’s girl.
“Tha right? That’s good, you’ll need it” Tommy chuckled holding our daughter close. Every so often his eyes would move down towards her and then back towards me.
“For when?” I asked licking my lips as I moved into the kitchen to make some tea.
“Tomorrow” Tommy chuckled, his index finger gently caressing the side of Roselle’s face. I dropped the teaspoon I was going to use to make the tea once the teapot boiled to the floor. The noise stirred Roselle but not too much as she inhaled her father’s scent and settled once again.
“I’m sorry what?”
“I told ya, once I had the soldier dealt with we were getting married,” Tommy explained looking up at me
“This soon though?” I asked surprised
“I’m not waiting another day” He answered with a smile that lit up his eyes. I chuckle nervously looking at him and shaking my head softly.
I am getting married tomorrow.
@shelbyteller @seleneshelby @forgottenpeakywriter @babayaga67 @sweetmilkshakeluminary @slutforcoffein @sydneyyyya @happysparklingshadows @margew76   @midnightmagpiemama  @pierre-gasssllyy  @duckybird101 @muhahaha303 @thenattitude  @dolllol2405 @citylights31
Anyone wanting on or off the tag list please just let me know💙
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MidnightsWithDearKatyTSPB’s Recommendation List: March PT. 2
Welcome to part 2 of March’s recommendation list. Down below, you can find the link to take you back to part 1 featuring Peaky Blinders, Frankie Morales from Triple Frontier, Frank Castle, and the works that I posted. I still have some specialists that I’m traveling to go see, so there might not be 32 links this time around, but we’ll have to wait and see. The goal for March is to write another chapter In This Heart and rewrite The Spark. If you are interested in having your writing challenges featured here, or your stories, or even just your blog, please feel free to tag me in your works, message me, or use the hashtag MidnightWithDearKatyTSPB. I hope you are having an amazing March and you didn’t have such a hard time springing ahead. 
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☘️ March '23 Pt. 1
April '23 Pt. 1 🌸
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37 of 44 Years (Moodboard) ... Dedication to my parents.
All For You My Daisy (Moodboard) >> Garret Hedlund, Pedro Pascal, and Tommy Shelby
Begin Again (Moodboard) >> Ted Lasso x OFC!Penny Fletcher | Moodboard made for @teds-mustache-wrangler story Begin Again.
Innocence and Sadness (Moodboard) >> Arthur Shelby ... dedicated to @cillmequick
Peaky x Lana Challenge (Moodboard) >> Alfie Solomons x Reader x Tommy Shelby | “I’ve got a black limousine and two gentlemen who escort me through these halls.” 
Two Broken Souls (Moodboard) >> Tommy Shelby x OFC!Estella Holland | “Come, Josephine in my flying machine. Going up, she goes, up she goes.”
Update//Calm Down by All Time Low (Moodboard) >> Garrett Hedlund, Luke Grimes, and Pedro Pascal
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As His Daughter by @sneakyblinders >> Dad!Tommy Shelby x Reader ft. Daughter!Kate Shelby - Summery: As Kate Shelby becomes an older sister yet again, she realizes she doesn't really know her father. Her mother is on a mission to change that. | You'll go through the emotions with this one, I promise. For those who need the warning, there are mentions of childbirth!
Loving Girl by @valentine-in-my-quinjet >> Tommy Shelby x Reader - Summary: You've always known you would be a better partner for Tommy. After Grace died, you had to reassess your motivations for being close to Tommy because he needed a friend more than ever before. | You will need a tissue with this one. TW: Suicide Mentioned
Make Your Heart My Home by @look-at-the-soul >> Tommy Shelby x Reader - Summery: Y/N hasn't had the best life. In fact, she's physically running from it into the physical arms of one Tommy Shelby, who saves her. | Read this, get a little emotional, but fall in love with its ending.
Mr. Girraffe by @teenwolf-theoriginals >> Dad!Tommy Shelby x Reader - Summary: Florence's giraffe gets lost in Johnny Dogs camp. | The family dynamic in this is quite adorable, and I love how sweet Tommy is as well.
The Perfect Team by @runnning-outof-time >> Arthur Shelby x Reader - Summary: Arthur's ability to reason with (Y/N)'s child has them realizing that they work rather well together. | This is absolutely adorable and light-hearted, definitely recommend reading it.
'Teach You a Lesson by @celticmelody >> Tommy Shelby x Reader - Summary: you’re soon to marry Thomas Shelby, the infamous horseman amongst the gangsters in Birmingham. however, when he finds out you’ve never ridden before, he makes it a task to teach you… amongst other lessons that unravel afterwards. | If all riding lessons with Tommy were to end this way, I would take them every day as well. 🥵
When One Heart Breaks The Other, Follows by @little-diable >> Tommy Shelby x Reader | Summary: Tommy has been at war for months, and the only thing the reader can cling to is the letters he kept writing. Until the day when he no longer writes to her, when she no longer knows if he's alive or not. All until one last letter finds its way to her. | I've been emotional lately, okay? So did I need tissues when I read this? Yes! But was I smiling by the end? YES!
*A Different Sort of Man Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 by @evita-shelby >> Tommy Shelby x OFC!Eva, Canon!Tommy x Grace Burgess - Summary: Or where Eva plays around with magic, and Tommy wakes up in a universe where Grace is his wife. While in that universe, Tommy discovers just how different his life would have been if he had pursued the pretty witch in 71 Watery Lane. | My mother always warned me growing up to never fiddle with magic, but this just makes me want to... Only two chapters in, and it's so good. The switching of points of view is everything I could have asked for.
The Photographer // Part 13 by @midnightmagpiemama >> Modern!Tommy Shelby x Photographer!Reader - Summary: Hired to take pictures of your boyfriend's cousin's wedding, you are excited to spend the night in the presence of your boyfriend doing what you love. The night, however, doesn't go as according to plans. Or, the one where Gina and Micheal get married, Gina sits Lizzy at Tommy's table. And people have opinions on your relationship with Tommy. | Erin is such a fantastic writer, and I truly love this series. In this chapter, she just captures Tommy and Polly so beautifully.
A Royal Wedding of Small Heath Part 1 // Part 2 by @sneakyblinders >> Tommy Shelby x Reader - Summary: Tommy is getting married in what the newspaper is calling The Royal Wedding of Small Heath with the announcement of their engagement. It's fitting, as his wife is his Queen. | If I had to picture my wedding to Tommy, this is exactly how I would want it to go. I love how some parts came straight from the TV show. It was just perfect.
Welcome to Downtown, Mr. Shelby by @notyour-valentine >> Tommy Shelby x Crawley!OC - Summary: He was born on a boat, with neither of his parents sure of the date after the fact, unregistered and unlisted until he went to fight for his country. Her birth had been celebrated with the ringing of church bells, champagne toasts, and announcements in newspapers on both sides of the Atlantic. Their worlds could not have been more different, and perhaps that was why, when Thomas Shelby looked at Lady Charlotte Crawley, he saw more than her title, more than her looks- he saw an opportunity. | Enjoyed reading this and emerging myself into this little world, and look forward to what is to come for Charlotte and Tommy.
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*Push & Pull // Chapter 4: Coming Of Age by @milkymoon2483 >> Frank Castle X Plus Size Jewish OC Hannah Friedman - Summary: You’re going back to your small town for your father’s funeral and Shiva. You know you’re about to face family drama, but what worries you the most is that you’re going to see HIM, your dad’s long-time friend and probably the most attractive man you have ever met.  When Frank finally sees you and realizes that you're all grown up, he struggles with accepting his budding feelings for you. | This chapter had me feeling so many emotions. You start with a stomach drop, then you feel so sad, and then you end it on a great high, needing a tall glass of water to cool down. Anna knows how to make you feel every emotion that the main character is going through at every moment of the chapter. That is a true talent.
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Triple Frontier:
🍑 Appeteaser Benny Miller + Shower Sex by @dameronscopilo >> Benny Miller x Reader - Summary: Benny comes home after a long day and enjoys some time with his girl. | Let me just say this is really hot, and I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Here With Me by @pasukiyo >> Frankie Morales x f!reader - Summary: When your husband promises it will only be one week, your gut tells you it won't, you beg him to stay if not just for you, but for your family. (Horrible summary by me) | This starts off so sad and emotional, and it ends on a spicy note. It's perfect.
A Proposition by @dameronscopilot >> Santiago "Pope" Garcia x f!reader x Benjamin "Benny" Miller - Summary: Benny returns to Florida after six months of backpacking his way across Australia, and the surf and sun have treated him well. Very well. You can't help but notice. ...Santiago thinks that maybe it's time for the two of you to change things up in the bedroom. Because if he's going to share you with anyone, it's most certainly going to be Benjamin Miller | Is it just me, or is it really HOT in here right now? 🥵 I think I better go open the window after reading this one.
Untitled Sick!fic with Benny by @dameronscopilot >> Benny Miller x Reader - Summary: benny knows exactly what you need when you're sick—in more ways than one. | If Benny ever wants to come to take care of me like this when I'm sick, or now even, he's more than welcome.
"Wear whatever you want, I can fight." by @plaguedoctorsmistress >> Benny Miller x Reader - Summary: When your boyfriend can’t seem to do anything but whine about your outfit, Benny’s jealousy finally gets the best of him, and he takes matters into his own hand. | Benny can defend my honor any day and call me princess all he wants.
*The Wedding Party by @goodwithcheese >> Frankie Morales x f!reader - Summary: Series Summary: A combined bachelorette/bachelor party introduces you to a brown-eyed pilot. | I loved this series so much that I read it in one night on AO3 when I came across it. I'm so glad it came up on my dashboard so I could share it with you guys here. It's both fluffy and sexy!
You Again?! by @theunbearableweightofpedropascal >> Benny Miller x Reader - Summary: You keep running into the guy you had sex with in an airport bathroom. | If you looking for some good spiciness and a mixture of giggles, this one is for you.
Chances Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, & Part 4 by @creativepawsworld >> Cillian Murphy x OFC!Paige - Summary: A single mother meets an unlikely lover after a concert. Putting herself out of her comfort zone. Can she find herself a mate for life? | The story has everything in it, fluff, a little bit of angst, and some spiciness.
Quicky by @peakyscillian >> Cillian Murphy x Fem!Reader - Summary: Cillian just can't wait. | If you are looking for something romantic, hot, and with a dash of laughter, this is it.
Late Bloomer by @cherienymphe >> Alpha!Geralt x Omega!Reader - Summary: Geralt of Rivia saves you from more than just a werewolf attack. | Sometimes, a one-shot is so good you share it twice with your followers. I'm pretty sure I shared it when I first started doing recommendations, and I'm sharing it again.
Chokehold by @psychedelic-ink >> Joel Miller x Reader x Ezra - Summary: Joel’s frustrations run deep; to him, you were a twisted source of purity; touching you forced him to think, forced him to feel. But not Ezra. With him, he could do anything. A scary yet also exhilarating feeling. Or alternatively: You wake up to Joel and Ezra having sex. | The emotions you feel while reading this are just too good for me not to share.
I Forgot About Time and Space by @psychedelic-ink >> Ezra x Fem!Reader - Summary: You cook for Ezra's guests, and seeing the sight of you being so domestic awakens something in him. | The smut in this *chef's kiss* and the plot in general. Please read this when you are alone. You'll thank me later.
*The Infinity Cube by @littlemisspascal >> Marcus Pike x Reader ft. Various Pedro Characters - Summary: When you play with a strange cube, you’re transported out of your current reality with your boyfriend Marcus into brand new ones starring alternate versions of your boyfriend who look and act entirely different every time. With each encounter, you start to wonder if you’ll ever make it back to your real universe? | Such a good use of the Multiverse and it introduced me to characters that Pedro played that I haven't yet watched. Rae does an amazing job keeping you at the edge of your seat and passing off such deep emotions. It's a must read for Pedro Pascal fans.
*Meet The Millers by @musings-of-a-rose >> Joel Miller x Benny Miller x Will Miller x f!reader - Summary: Moving into the Boston Quarantine Zone after nearly 20 years on the outside takes some adjusting. A misdirection one night guides you to the 3 men who will change the course of your life. | This series has a little bit of everything from drama to love and spiciness. There isn't much more you could ask for out of this series other than wishing for more.
When You're Reading Me by @psychedelic-ink >> Joel Miller x Reader - Summary: If you had to make a list of things Joel Miller might buy you as a gift— nipple clamps would not be a part of it. | *Internally screams* This was really hot, and I think I'll go grab a cold shower now.  
The Grief of Losing Eddie Munson by @eufezco >> Steve Harrington x Reader - Summary: Best friends with Eddie Munson, the reader goes through the stages of grief of losing her best friend with her family at her side. | Someone pass me the box of tissues. This was so good. I cried through almost the whole thing.
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My Luck by @forgottenpeakywriter >> Tommy Shelby x Reader
My Sun, My Moon and All My Stars by @zablife >> Tommy Shelby x OFC!Aurora Sabini | Lee puts together a breathtakingly beautiful moodboard for a what-if scenario in the Peaky Blinders universe. It leaves you wanting to read more and more for the couple.
Your Bread by @forgottenpeakywriter >> Alfie Solomons x Reader
Your Eyes by @forgottenpeakywriter >> Tommy Shelby x Reader
You Like That by @dearshelby >> Tommy Shelby x Reader | Tall glass of cold water to cool down, please!
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@psychedelic-ink - SIL, is such an amazing writer, writing most recently for Pedro Pascal's characters and sharing her amazing works with us here. Her masterlist includes more than just Pedro's characters, having written for the MCU and Oscar Isaac, to name a couple. I love the emotions you feel through every piece of writing she puts out, and I have yet to find a piece I don't like. I think you'll find you like or perhaps love her writing just as much as I do.
@shelbydelrey - Isa is a Peaky Blinder writer whose work I enjoy reading and love seeing the moodboards she puts out as well. I would definitely give Isa a follow because she brings positivity to your dashboard with her reviews and welcoming spirit.
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emotionalcadaver · 1 year
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Part 10: Red Right Hand
Fandom: Peaky Blinders
Pairing: Tommy Shelby x Grace Burgess x OC
Summary: A wedding and a new baby should be cause for celebration. And it was, until it wasn't.
Word Count: 6,026
Notes: Warnings for depictions of smut and references to prostitution, pregnancy, and childbirth.
Previous Chapter • Series • Fic • Next Chapter
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Chapter 11: Liar
By the time he got to Lucy’s apartment it was just beginning to rain. A light drizzle that did little more than dust the road with moisture.
“Hi,” she was lying on her stomach on the bed when he came in, a few documents spread out in front of her. “How did it go?”
“Good,” he shed his coat and came to sit beside her. She was wearing a silky red nightgown that barely hit her mid-thigh, the color matching that of her hair. Lucy narrowed her eyes at him.
“You didn’t chase her away, did you?”
“Your lack of faith in me is beginning to grow insulting.”
Shrugging, she rolled onto her side, stacking the papers she’d been working on and handing them to him. He tossed them onto her vanity. “You can just be a bit of a…” she hesitated at his raised an eyebrow. 
“A bit of a what?”
“Never mind.”
“A bit of a what?”
“A cranky bastard,” she grinned, tracing her fingers across his face. He snatched at her wrist with an indignant sound.
“Yeah, well this cranky bastard still managed to get you in his bed, didn’t he?” he wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her to him as she giggled.
“That’s not fair. I have terrible taste,” her fingers threaded through his hair as he began to kiss her neck. 
“I think you need to be taught some manners,” he smirked at the way she shivered in his arms as he growled against her skin.
“Probably,” her voice was breathy and soft. Tommy grinned as he rolled them carefully onto the bed, settling his body on top of hers.
Lucy moaned sweetly into his mouth when he kissed her again. Shifting to push one of his thighs in between her legs, he pressed up with it until she whined in pleasure at the pressure being applied to her core.
“My pretty girl…” he whispered, mouth moving to pepper kisses along her cheek, down her neck and to her chest, hand palming greedily at her breasts through the thin material of her nightgown. Dropping his voice purposefully an octave lower than usual, he pressed himself closer. “Are you going to be good for me?
“Ye…yes…” she stuttered, back arching a little when his thumbs teased the outlines of her hardened nipples. 
“Mhm,” nodding, he sat up to pull off his upper layers. Lucy made a happy little noise, running her hands across his abs once he was naked from the waist up. 
“Tommy, please,” her fingers tangled in his hair, one of her legs looping around his waist, rocking up into him. 
“Shh…Imma take care of you; don’t worry,” he soothed, hands pushing her nightgown up over her hips. As was usual, she wore nothing else underneath it, and he bit his lip at the expanse of pale, freckled skin slowly being revealed to him.
She lifted her arms for him to fully remove her nightgown, and it joined the steadily growing pile of clothes discarded on the bedroom floor. 
The expression on her face as she watched him take her in was nervous. Sometimes it was. Every once in a while she still worried about her scars. She never said anything, but he could always tell. He’d catch her staring at herself in the mirror, frowning while running a finger along a raised patch of skin. Or she’d give him a look–like the one she was giving him now–once he’d gotten her naked and fully exposed in the dim lights of whichever room they were occupying for the night. Like she expected him to suddenly be repulsed by her. 
Shaking his head at the thought, he crouched over her, running his thumb along a particularly gnarly scar that ran from the bottom of her right breast, all the way down along her ribcage. Lucy made a little sound in the back of her throat when he dipped his head to kiss along it, lips working downward.
“You’re so beautiful,” he murmured into her skin, feeling how her breath hitched in response to his praise, her little fingers smoothing through his hair.
He worked his way down to between her legs, situating himself with one of her thighs hooked over each shoulder.
She trembled in his arms when he leaned forward to breath warm air against her cunt, pressing a quick kiss to her clit. And when he gave her the first of many practiced licks, she moaned so loud it was a wonder that the entire fucking street didn’t hear her. 
He set to work on her with lazy swipes of his tongue, eventually slipping two fingers into her. Already she was impressively wet, fluttering around his fingers.
“Mm…” he hummed into her, grinning to himself at the way the vibrations made her moan. Lifting his face, he pillowed his cheek on her thigh, watching her breasts rise and fall with every breath. At his cease in movements she lifted her head from where it had been flung back against the pillows, brows furrowing. 
“Why’d you stop?”
He smirked at her deviously. “Say you’re sorry.”
“Wha–Why? What for?”
“For calling me a cranky bastard,” he cocked his head. “It hurt my feelings.”
“Are you serious!?”
“Mhm,” he bit the inside of his cheek to keep from laughing. Lucy narrowed her eyes at him, jaw setting stubbornly. 
“It’s the truth,” she said, chin lifting. 
“Now that’s just mean,” he shook his head. “Here I am, doing my damndest to show you a good time, and you insult me?” he clicked in tongue, battling hard to hide his smugness when she squeezed around his fingers at the sound. “Rude.”
“I was just being honest,” she gave him a challenging look. “You don’t want me to lie to you, do you?”
“Say you’re sorry.”
He shrugged. “Okay.”
“What’re you–ohhhhh…” she cut off her own question with a gasp as he dropped his head back down and wrapped his lips around her clit, sucking hard before swirling his tongue around the sensitive little bud. Her hips bucked up against his mouth, the nails of the hand she’d tangled in his hair grazing his scalp. Pumping his fingers and lapping purposefully with his tongue, he drew her right to the edge of an orgasm, feeling it build within her as her walls fluttered and squeezed around his fingers.
Then he stopped.
“Tommyyyyyyy,” she whined, pleadingly, in a way that went straight to his dick, which was growing rather uncomfortable where it was still caged within his trousers.
“Say you’re sorry, and you can cum.”
“That’s not…that’s not fair!”
He just flashed her another devilish smile and she bit her lip. He could see her warring with herself: her pride versus her need to climax. Shifting his fingers within her, he curled them ever so slightly against her g-spot; not enough to give her what she really wanted, but just enough to keep her dancing on the edge of it. She whimpered.
“Just say it, love,” he cooed, kissing her inner thigh. “C’mon…” swiping his tongue across her clit again, he slowly withdrew his fingers, then pushed them back in again. A lewd, wet sound came from her cunt when he did so, and he gulped, cock twitching between his legs at the thought of how easily he could glide into her. In a way that he hoped was subtle enough that she wouldn’t notice, he pressed the bulge in his trousers into the mattress to try to take some of the pressure off. If she realized just how strong of an effect she was having on him, he’d be fucked. 
Probably quite literally. 
She trembled, as he slowly pumped his fingers in and out of her. 
“Say.” Out, he kissed her clit. “You’re.” In, he licked a stripe across it. “Sorry.” He curled his fingers against her g-spot at the same time he gave her a strong suck. 
“Fine! Fine! I’m sorry, alright!? You’re a shining beam of cheerfulness and abundant joy! The very image of a sunny disposition! When people think of positivity and agreeableness, you’re the first person they think of! You happy, now!?” 
Tommy snorted, almost coughing with how hard he was trying not to double over laughing. But, because he just couldn’t pass up the opportunity to tease her a little more, he hummed contemplatively. 
“Hm. Feels a little like I should reprimand you for lying, now…”
“Tommy!” her voice raised a pitch in desperation, and he couldn’t hold his laugh in anymore, hitching her legs up a little more securely onto his shoulders before dropping his head back down, burying his face between her legs. All it really took was a few well timed laps from his tongue and pumps from his fingers to have her falling apart on his mouth, babbling his name and tugging at his hair.
He guided her through the waves of her orgasm and the aftershocks tenderly, bringing her down slowly. When she was finally completely relaxed, he raised himself up, wiping his mouth on the back of his hand and gingerly lowering her shaky legs to the mattress, crawling up to kiss her. 
“Up for more?” he asked, not wanting to push her if she was too tired.
“Mm. Yes, please,” she wound her arms loosely around his neck. With a growl, he reached down to undo his belt, kicking his trousers and underwear off hastily. His cock sprung up to slap against his stomach, the tip practically purple and weeping precum, the entire shaft throbbing. 
Confident that she was good and ready for him, Tommy took himself in hand, lining up with her entrance and sliding in with one quick forward roll of his hips. As he’d suspected, she was more than wet and open enough for him to slide right in with ease, so warm and tight and wet that he had to stop for a moment once seated in her completely, breathing labored while he battled to maintain control over himself.
Lucy cradled his face, pulling him closer until their chests were flush together, her arms around him while her legs crossed around his waist. 
He started with gentle rocks, kissing her languidly. The enthusiastic response he got in turn, gentle moans and happy little hums while she kissed him back, spurred him on, increasing the depth and length of his thrusts, but maintaining the slowness. He wanted to take his time with her tonight. 
There were few things he loved more than watching Lucy’s face as he made love to her. The way that she tipped her head back, curls wild and flying everywhere, while her eyes fluttered and glazed over, was as far as he was concerned, one of the great wonders of the world. 
Fuck the White Cliffs of Dover, or the Great Barrier reefs off the coat of Australia, or the Grand fucking Canyon; Lucy Winters teetering on orgasmic bliss could put all their beauty to shame.
Feeling her squeeze around him, he started to fuck her a little more vigorously. The bed springs began to squeak rhythmically, adding to the cacophony of their moans and the slap of skin meeting skin. His balls, heavy and full, slapped against her every time he bottomed out.     “A-ah! Wait, stop, stop, stop,” Lucy suddenly yelped, and not in a ‘oh that feels so good,’ kind of way. Tommy froze immediately, panic half settling in.
“What–?” he was already moving to start pulling out of her, but she stopped him with a hand on his ass, keeping his pelvis where it was.
“No, no, I’m okay, I just…” she let out a tiny, pained laugh. “I have a leg cramp.”
He blinked, processing, then relaxed. “Oh.”
“Yeah,” she chuckled sheepishly. “Can you just…”
“Where does it hurt?”
“Left leg. Back of my calf.”
He carefully unhooked it from where it was wrapped around his waist, straightening it out and pressing down lightly onto the indicated muscle until he found where it was tensed, massaging careful circles into the spasmed flesh. 
“Mhm,” she nodded. “Sorry.”
He shook his head, brushing her nose with his. “It’s alright. I was worried I had hurt you.”
“No,” she shook her head, angling her head to kiss him. “No, you didn’t,” her nails dug lightly into his shoulder. “Don’t stop.”
Still massaging her leg, he started thrusting again, grunting at how she was beginning to tighten around him. Lucy’s fingers knotted into his hair, pulling him back in for a bruising kiss. Her hand was pleasantly cool against his skin when it trailed from the back of his head, down his neck, to join the other she had wrapped around his shoulders. 
Satisfied that the cramped muscle in her leg had relaxed and was no longer causing her pain, he let go of her leg. Immediately she coiled it back around him, though at a slightly different angle than before to avoid it cramping up again. 
They both gasped out harshly when it turned out that angle allowed him to slide just a little bit deeper into her. Using the hand that a moment ago had been massaging her leg, Tommy started rubbing firm circles into her clit. Moaning his name, Lucy arched her back, breasts pushing up into his chest. 
“Attagirl,” he pecked her cheek. “C’mon; I can feel how hard you’re squeezing me. Give me another one, sweetheart,” nuzzling at her cheek, he struck the final blow, the one that without fail always had her falling apart around him: “Be a good girl and come for me.”
Lucy wailed, clutching at him so tightly he couldn’t have pulled free from her even if he’d wanted to. She tightened around him like a vice, release gushing out around him as she came hard, small body practically straining with it.  
He fucked her through it, the convulsions of her walls spasming around his cock making him throb, balls starting to tighten in preparation for his own release. One, two, three more thrusts and he was coming with a growl of her name, forehead dropping to rest against hers while he pushed in as deep as he physically could get, emptying into her with several generous spurts. 
For a good while they both just laid there. Lucy’s fingers were stroking through his hair, the feeling of her cool touch brushing across his scalp so pleasant he actually could feel it lulling him a bit, eyelids growing heavy. 
If he fell asleep on top of her like this though, he’d probably squish her, and they really couldn’t have that, so with great effort he pulled himself up just enough to slip his softening cock out of her and roll to lay beside her on his side on the bed. She turned over to face him, letting him draw her in close to rest her head on his chest while he pulled the blankets up around both of them. 
“So,” he laid his cheek atop her hair. “Still think that I’m a cranky bastard?”
“Are you still on about that?” she laughed, snuggling closer and tipping her head in thought. “‘Cranky’ might’ve been a little harsh,” she finally conceded. “And it’s not like you’re like that all the time.”
“Hmph,” he shrugged. He was well aware of what he could be like. It was frankly amazing to him that she still put up with him at all.
Lucy craned her head to look up at him, and with both hands flattened on his chest, pushed herself up to give him a firm peck on the lips. “I don’t mind it,” she bit her lip, smiling. “It makes you more fun to tease.”
She just laughed and kissed him again. “And, you can be pretty sweet, when you want to be.”
“Mm. Better,” he kissed her back, unable to stop himself. Then frowned. “Don’t tell anyone.”
She snorted against his cheek. “‘Course not,” her arms went around his waist, hugging him like she would a very oversized teddy bear. “I love you. You’re my favorite cranky gangster.”
“Ugh,” he dropped his head backward into the pillows, maybe a tad overdramatically, the arm not around her flopping over his face. “I love you too,” he mumbled, with begrudgement that they both knew not to be true, into his forearm.
Lucy just chuckled, and kissed his chin.
∗ ∗ ∗
“Well, you look like you had fun,” Lucy cocked her head at Tommy, arms crossed over her chest. He groaned, walking to her, and in the darkness of the alley wrapped his arms around her waist, burying his head in her shoulder. “You tell John about Lizzie?”
He just sighed heavily against her.
“That means we can move onto the next stage of the plan.”
She rubbed his back. She knew that he took no joy in testing Lizzie and her loyalty to John, but it had to be done. 
Good thing, too. 
Lucy could only imagine how the talk with John had gone. Not that it could be helped. He deserved the truth: Tommy had offered Lizzie money for her usual services, and she’d said yes, despite her engagement to John. What John did with that information was up to him.
“I was going to go to the Garrison,” she pulled at his hand. “Come on. I think we could both use a drink.”
Tommy let her lead him down the road to the pub, though he was increasingly quiet the whole trip there. But he started to perk up once they pushed through the doors. Lucy greeted Grace with a quick kiss to the cheek.
The three of them drank whiskey together, smiling with ease as they celebrated Grace’s new contract of employment with the company. Lucy giggled, cozying up to Tommy’s side, glad that he seemed to be in a much better mood. 
“I had this delivered from Rackhams department store,” Grace reached beneath the bar and pulled out a huge bottle of champagne. Tommy picked it up, examining the label. “Will you open it?”
“No,” he shook his head, setting it back down. “Save it, for a special occasion.”
Lucy played with a button on her shirt while Tommy launched into instructions to Grace for her first assignment as an employee of the company: find Ada and get a message to her. 
“This seems more in line with Lucy’s job description,” Grace observed. 
“I wish,” she huffed. “Not only would Ada run away at the first sight of me, but she knows all of my current disguises. It’s very annoying.”
“What am I delivering?”
Tommy’s eyes darted up, and then down, and then away. “It’s an invitation to a family occasion. I want her there. So tell her there will be a truce.”
“Am I delivering bait for a trap?” Grace asked.
“If you check that contract, I think you’ll find it doesn’t say anything about asking questions. Just give her the invitation,” he grabbed his suit jacket from where he’d shed it when they first came in and began to pull it on. “And put that thing in a cupboard until I say,” he pointed to the champagne bottle, suddenly irritable as he stormed to the door. Grace picked up the bottle and placed it back below the bar. Lucy could have banged her head against the wall.   
“It’s nothing personal,” she tried to tell Grace as the door closed. “He just gets like this sometimes.”
“I’ve noticed,” Grace said rather quietly.
“It really doesn’t have anything to do with you.”
“Family trouble?”
Lucy groaned quietly, reaching for her coat. “Always. I’ll see you later?”
She nodded, rushing out the door after Tommy, mumbling quietly to herself. “‘I’m not a cranky bastard,’ he said. ‘I don’t know what you’re talking about, Lucy,’ he said–”
“What was that?” Tommy asked as she caught up to him.
The stairs creaked as they climbed them one by one, until Tommy suddenly froze, Lucy nearly colliding with his back.
“Shh,” he hissed, moving forward much more slowly, creeping to his closed door, resting his ear against it for a moment before pulling his gun from its holster. He checked behind him, once, to make sure that Lucy was doing the same. Gun at the ready, she nodded. They came bursting through the door with their guns out, ready to blast the intruder to kingdom come, and were instead met with John, fumbling drunkenly with the opium pipe.
Tommy dropped his gun, shoving it back into its holster. “What the hell, John?”
“I couldn’t get it lit. Couldn’t even do that,” John looked to be near tears.
“What would you want to be smoking that for?”
“Same reason as you. Pain in the head,” his eyes darted over Tommy’s shoulder and narrowed. “What’s she doing here?”
“I needed to pick up some documents from Tommy,” Lucy lied swiftly. Her eyes darted between the two men. “I can go if you would rather…”
“No, it’s fine,” John slurred, shuffling over to sit on the bed. He looked up at Tommy with miserable eyes. Lucy lowered herself slowly into the chair next to the nightstand, feeling a little awkward as the brothers spoke, trying to busy herself with fiddling with her rings. Overall just doing her best to be silent and invisible as Tommy consoled John over what Lizzie had done. 
“Get some sleep,” Tommy finally stood, beginning to usher John from the room. “We’ve got a big day tomorrow.”
John’s brows furrowed as he stood. “We have?”
“Tomorrow we finish the war with the Lees for once and for all.”
“Since when?”
“Since just now. Ten o’clock tomorrow. Be ready for anything.”
Lucy watched as Tommy guided John out to the hall. He hovered for a moment, watching his brother descend the stairs before closing the door. 
“He really has no idea about the deal you struck with the Lees?” she asked. Tommy shook his head. “And you aren’t going to tell him until right before?”
It seemed to be a bit of an odd way to handle the whole situation, but Tommy knew his family better than she did. He could handle John.
∗ ∗ ∗
At first, John did not react well to the prospect of being married off to one of the girls in the Lee family. He shoved Tommy away, but the men surrounding him grabbed at him as he tried to get away. Lucy batted back John’s hands when he attempted to swat at her, grabbing him by the back of the collar, spinning him around to face Tommy. He tried to thrash out of her grasp, but the other boys helped her to hold him in place.
They argued back and forth for a while, but ultimately, with a tiny tilt of his head and a stern speech, Tommy won. 
John’s face twisted as he tried shoved them all off of him. “Let go of me.”
Tommy nodded once to Lucy, and she let her hold slacken. John straightened his clothing, pushed his hair back, and looked at Tommy coldly. “Fine.”
They picked their way slowly the rest of the way up the hill to where the Lees were camped. Zilpha Lee gave John a quick once over before affirming her approval, and he was quickly whisked off to the front of a growing crowd before a makeshift altar to join his bride; a woman escorted by Zilpha, dressed in white with a veil obscuring her face. 
The sounds of footsteps behind them, just as the ceremony began, alerted Lucy, and she looked over her shoulder, grinned, and elbowed Tommy.
“Grace came through.”
Polly guided Ada over to them, leaving her to stand beside Tommy while she slipped past Lucy to be next to Arthur. Ada shifted awkwardly from side to side, keeping her eyes straight ahead, but she didn’t seem upset to be there. 
“You look well,” Tommy commented. Ada gave him a tiny smile.
“Hi, Ada,” Lucy whispered.
“Hi, Lucy,” she whispered back.
Linking her arm with Tommy’s, Lucy focused her attention on the ceremony while Tommy and Ada talked softly beside her. It was nice to see them getting along, even if it was only because of the truce. Exasperated as he might’ve been over some of her recent decisions, she knew that Tommy had been worried for his baby sister. 
Up at the altar, Johnny Dogs was slicing John and his new bride’s palms with a ceremonial knife, announcing a joining of the two bloods as they clasped their cut hands.
“I now pronounce you man and wife!” Johnny Dogs announced, and the entire field was filled with clapping and cheers.
∗ ∗ ∗
The party was in full swing. There was dancing, and singing, drinking, and cheering. At some point, someone fired a gun into the air, and someone else set off a grouping of golden, blazing fireworks into the sky.
When Lucy felt Tommy’s leg, pressed subtly against hers beneath the table they were seated at with Zilpha, flinch at the fireworks, she leaned slightly closer to him in her chair, until their sides pressed against one another. He seemed to relax a little at the contact, smiling to himself as he took in the festivities and lit a cigarette for them to pass back and forth.  
There was a sudden loud whoop from the dancefloor, and they both glanced over at where Ada, heavily pregnant, was spinning around and around.
“At least she seems to be enjoying herself,” Lucy mused, taking a drag from the cigarette before handing it back to Tommy. 
“I’m just glad she hasn’t decided to start yelling at me yet,” he mumbled. She gave him a sympathetic pat on the knee, doubtful that there was much she could actually say to really make it better. 
“Shame that it sounds like her and Freddie are on the outs. Do you think he’ll forgive her?”
Tommy shrugged. “If he was telling the truth down at the cut, then I would imagine so.”
“You should tell Ada to slow down,” Polly came up to stand behind Tommy’s chair. He huffed. 
“You think she’ll listen to me?”
Polly continued to fuss, nearly shriveling in on herself at another particularly loud whoop from Ada. “Oh, Christ, Tommy, please.”
Tommy sighed, standing rather unenthusiastically. Lucy followed him across the way to where Arthur was already trying to talk to Ada, attempting to convince her to slow down. But the moment Tommy tried to step in, she started yelling, slapping at Tommy’s chest, eyes glittering with resentment.  
“Ada, we’re just trying to help,” Lucy attempted to placate, but Ada ignored her, still beating on Tommy’s chest while he gently tried to shush her, though he made no move to push her away or stop the strikes at his torso. Lucy made a small move forward, half ready to put herself between the two of them to get her to stop.
“And now he won’t even let me have a fucking dance!” Ada half screamed. Everyone was shouting over each other, John trying to get Polly to sit Ada down, Polly trying to get Ada to calm down, and Ada…
Ada whimpered, grabbing tightly to Polly’s arms. Polly looked down.
“Holy shit. Water. Right.”
“Not now, Ada. Bloody hell, you do pick your times,” Arthur groaned. Ada wiped at her face. Lucy didn’t think she’d ever seen someone go so quickly from enraged to in tears. Tommy’s eyes had widened concernedly, reaching out to help Polly pull Ada away from the crowd. He shrugged off his coat and placed it around his little sister’s shoulders, steering her carefully towards the car. Polly and Ada climbed into the backseat, while Lucy got into the front with Tommy.
“We’ll follow you!” John called, getting into his new car with Esme and Arthur.
“Bastard just wants a chance to drive his new toy,” Lucy mumbled. In the backseat, Ada groaned in pain. The engine roared to life as Tommy pushed the button, the car lurching into movement and bouncing along the cobblestones. He was driving notably faster than usual. 
“How’re you doing back there?” Lucy looked over her shoulder at Ada. She was answered by only another cry of pain. 
The car came to a halt with a jerk. Polly was ushering Ada towards the door of the house before the engine was even turned off. Lucy and Tommy watched them, a sudden, odd feeling of helplessness settling in the air. Lucy reached out to pat Tommy’s arm. His eyes were deeply worried.
“She’ll be fine. Polly knows what she’s doing. ”
Rubbing at his forehead, he nodded, and opened the door. “Yeah.”
She took the hand he held out to help her from her seat. He lit a cigarette, leaning against the side of the car as they waited.
“Are you going to go in?” he asked. Lucy crossed her arms, leaning beside him.
“To get yelled at by Polly? No thanks,” she scratched at her cheek, taking the cigarette when he offered it to her. “I wouldn’t be of much help anyway.”
“You had four younger brothers.”
“So? I didn’t give birth to them,” she handed the cigarette back to Tommy. In the distance, she could hear the approaching groan of an engine, tires squealing, and Arthur shouting. John brought his new car to a screeching halt behind theirs, Arthur climbing from the backseat, looking ill as he held out a hand to help Esme down while Tommy asked John about the car. 
“Your sister is in there giving birth, you’re talking about the bloody car,” Polly was at the door, stepping by to let Esme through.
“Not much us men can do now, Pol,” Tommy shrugged, the four of them about to head to the Garrison before she interjected again. 
“There’s one man who should be here.”
Tommy paused. Thought it over. “You’re right, Pol,” he turned to look back at her. “Freddie should be here.”
“Is that a heartbeat I hear inside that chest?” Polly’s eyes widened. Lucy rolled her eyes at the subtle jab.
“The truce lasts till sunrise,” Tommy promised. “On my oath. Tell Freddie it’s safe.”
Polly smiled; a genuine, proud, joyful smile, rushing back into the house.
“Right boys, let’s wet this baby’s head,” Tommy began to walk towards the Garrison. 
“You ever think that’s a weird saying?” Lucy asked.
“‘Wet this baby’s head.’ It makes it sound like we’re gonna pour alcohol all over the kid.”
“Maybe they did, at some point in history.”
She snorted. “Probably.”
They filed into the snug, Tommy ordering a round from Grace where she was behind the bar. She looked up and beamed upon seeing them, but she looked particularly busy tonight with a crowd of patrons waiting to be served, so Lucy just gave her an enthusiastic wave before ducking into the snug. There would be plenty of time later in the evening to catch up with her.  
It didn’t take long for Arthur and John to be well and truly smashed, slurring near nonsensically while leaning against one another in the booth in the snug.
Lucy shared a grin with Grace as the blonde refilled John and Arthur’s beers. John was babbling about Tommy letting Freddie be there for the birth. 
“Freddie will be there. Nothing will keep him away. And Tommy said it’s all right for him to be there. Isn’t that right, Tommy?”
“That’s right. I’m all heart tonight,” Tommy cleared his throat, squeezing in past Grace to sit beside Lucy. John and Arthur erupted into giggles as they watched Grace disappear out the door, beginning to tease Tommy about how she must be the reason he’d gone all soft. 
Tommy glanced out the door where Grace had left, and smiled so wide Lucy could see the shimmer of the gold tooth in the back left side of his mouth. When he looked at her, she shot him a conspiratorial smirk, scooting closer.
“You did the right thing,” she told him softly. He smiled at her gently, foot knocking affectionately against her beneath the table.
As the night went on and the patrons in the pub began to filter out, and John and Arthur’s singing grew more and more off key, Lucy rose quietly from her seat in the snug, slinking out to lean against the main bar.
“Everything all right?” Grace asked.
“Yeah. Was just getting a little loud in there for me,” Lucy shrugged as Grace handed her another drink. A moment later the door to the snug creaked open and Tommy stepped out, moving to stand beside her with their shoulders touching. Grace gave him another drink and set about tidying up behind the bar.
They hadn’t heard any news, which could mean anything, really. But Tommy kept shooting anxious looks at the door.
“She’ll be fine,” Lucy said. “First births often take longer,” she frowned. “Or is it the other way around…?”
“No you’re right,” Grace finished drying a glass and stooped to set it down on a lower shelf. 
Lucy shook her head. God, she really did know nothing about that sort of stuff. Everytime he mother grew close to her due date with any of Lucy’s brothers, her parents would send her away for a few weeks into the mountains or the forests to stay with her mother’s kin. It was during those times that her cousins taught her things like how to shoot a gun, go hunting, or ride a horse bareback.
Much more preferable to sitting at home with a laboring woman or a screaming baby.  
She cringed at her thoughts. It was probably for the best that she couldn’t have children of her own. None of those things sounded particularly appealing to her. But when she glanced over at Tommy hunched against the bar, conversing with Grace while she wiped down the bar, she swallowed hard, the terrible secret she’d kept from him burning in her throat. 
“You want me to open that champagne now?” Grace asked with a quiet smile. Tommy looked genuinely interested in the idea, lips parting to speak just as the doors flew open and Polly hurled into the pub. Her hair was mussed, makeup smudged, eyes furious.
“It’s a boy,” she announced. Tommy straightened, still smiling, though that faded when Polly rushed at him. 
“Pol? Polly? Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!” he caught her attack easily, restraining her wrists, brows furrowed in a combination of hurt and confusion.
“Polly? What the hell?” Lucy tried to shove her way between the two of them. Arthur and John came rushing in from the snug, grabbing Polly and pulling her off of Tommy.
“But the police came and took his father away!” Polly spat. Tommy just stared at her in utter baffled confusion. But that just made Polly angrier. “Don’t you dare look at me like that!”
Tommy didn’t say anything, lips parted, shoulders heaving with a sigh, as if realizing at the same moment Lucy did that nothing he could say would convince Polly of anything but what she already believed. Polly ripped herself free from Arthur and John, and spat at Tommy’s feet.
“You liar!”
Tommy’s eyes darted down and away, looking a little like a scolded schoolboy. Polly’s heels clicked as she stormed to the doors, slamming them unnecessarily as she exited the pub. Arthur and John were looking at Tommy with a combination of disbelief and disgust. Lucy remained near the bar, glancing over it to where Grace was standing. She’d had her eyes fixed on Tommy, but when she noticed Lucy looking at her, she took a step closer. Both outsiders. Both unable to do much than watch as the accusations and shouting began as John and Arthur began to question Tommy furiously. They both knew that any attempt either of them made to interject would just make it worse.
“It wasn’t him,” Lucy said certainly. She didn’t even have to ask him to know. “He didn’t do it,” her voice was only loud enough for Grace to hear. Grace looked at her levelly.
“I know.” 
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missymurphy1985 · 3 years
The Writer (part 10) Final Chapter - Epilogue
Warning - childbirth
Massive thank you goes out to @heidimoreton for your trust and faith with your idea - couldn't have done this without you 💖
Taglist @queenshelby @margoo0 @being-worthy @peakyscillian @peakyciills @janelongxox @elenavampire21 @noctvrnalmoth @ysmmsy @cloudofdisney @lauren-raines-x @namelesslosers @misscarolineshelby @screemqueen @cilleveryone @peaky-cillian @misselsbells06 @datewithgianni @heidimoreton @ilikealotofpeople-younotsomuch
It had been nearly a full year since that first encounter. Twelve months of pure bliss. Your roommate was married to your brother now, and had a job as Charlie's tutor - Thomas still hadn't allowed him back at the school so Laura had been hired as his home tutor. You'd moved into Arrow House when you discovered there was a mini Shelby on the way.
"Y/n, come here..." Polly had been over that morning to help you make plans for Christmas dinner. Your brother and Laura were coming, along with the Shelby family, and you were panicking about the whole thing. You wanted it to be perfect. You entered the kitchen where Polly suddenly grabbed under your left breast, and you instantly pulled away.
"What are you doing?"
"Just stand still will you?"
"Stand still while my boyfriend's aunt gropes me??"
"Yes." You furrowed your brow in confusion but allowed her to continue.
"This isn't awkward at all Polly, wanna tell me what's going on?" Thomas walked in right at that moment, and froze instantly.
"Polly... Polly what are you doing?" He eyed her, but not suspiciously like you did. It was more of a 'knowing' kind of look.
"Well well Thomas.. hardly surprising considering you two can barely keep your hands off each other..." She smirked.
You were totally confused, darting your eyes between them
"Someone wanna enlighten me?"
Tommy looked to the floor, rubbing his eyes, before smiling. A huge grin, followed by a long sigh.
"Remember telling me you didn't have children with Jack because you thought you couldn't have them?" Polly asked and you nodded, still trying to work out what was going on.
"You weren't infertile, y/n." Tommy leaned against the door, his eyes slightly damp as he glanced at your stomach. The penny still hadn't dropped.
"Someone want to tell me what the fuck is going on here?"
Tommy nodded at Polly who left the room, smiling to herself. Tommy pulled you over to him, his hands stroking your arms.
"After Grace died, I vowed never to love again. It felt like I would be cheating on her, disgracing her memory. She didn't need replacing, and I certainly couldn't replace her. When you lost Jack, you felt the same, which is exactly why I think fate brought us together. We discovered there was enough room in our hearts for another love. Now, it seems we need to make room for one more." His right hand took yours, and he placed them both over your stomach gently. The penny dropped, and your mouth hung open in stunned silence.
"I'm... I'm pregnant?"
"You are. Pol?" Polly came back in and threw her arms around you, squealing with delight.
"But I didn't think I could... Jack and I tried for years..."
"You clearly weren't the infertile one, y/n. I'd say you're around six weeks already, you're glowing! That's how I could tell," Polly had tears in her eyes, and you felt your emotions coming to the surface.
"I can just about handle one of you crying, both of you will send me over the edge, knock it off!" Thomas laughed, wiping his eyes on the back of his sleeve making your eyes water more, a choked sob leaving your chest.
He pulled you close, his chin resting on the top of your head as you sobbed with happiness into his shoulder.
"A baby..." You choked.
"Our baby. And now we know you can have them, don't think we're stopping here either," he winked, making you grin. You'd have a football team of Shelby's if you could.
Present Day
You were both lying in bed having a lazy Sunday morning. Tommy's hand drifting over your baby, still tucked warmly inside you but due to make her appearance in the next two weeks. Occasionally she would kick his hand - the clear bump visible making both of you smile.
"She's going to be famous - Polly told me," you grinned, clasping your hand over his, resting it where she'd kicked.
"She's going to be beautiful. Any thoughts on names?"
"Yes. What do you think of Jacqueline Grace?" You asked, nervously. A mix of the two people who'd brought you both together. He looked down at your belly, moving his body down to kiss it lightly, smiling.
"I love it. It's perfect.. thank you.."
You grimaced slightly as a sharp pain shot through your abdomen, you'd had a few over the last few days but put them down to over exertion - you'd refused to rest up like Tommy had ordered, continued the renovation planning of the house.
"You okay?" He asked as you tensed.
"Yes - Ada warned me about this, it's just my body preparing that's all, nothing to worry about." Your hand suddenly tightened on his as another pain gripped you, you sat up and gritted your teeth.
"Shit..." Tommy gasped as a sudden gush of water flooded the sheet underneath you. He looked to you, both of you panicking but smiling through the fear.
"Call Polly - I think your daughter wants to meet us a little earlier than planned!" He kissed you, then shot up and ran down the stairs to the phone in his office.
You stood up, walking round in circles, rubbing your belly as another wave of pain took over. You were doubled up, haunched over a chair when Tommy came back in the room, panting through the pain.
"She's out - Michael's out looking for her... We need to call a doctor -"
"No! I wanted this to be family only Thomas, I don't want doctors fussing or drugs, I can do this without them... Just rub my back, please.." he moved to your side, his hand stroking firmly over your lower back.
"I don't know what to do y/n!"
"You do as I need you to do, then when Polly gets here you can leave if you need to.."
"Not a chance am I letting you go through this alone - I'm staying right here if you'll let me?" You turned to him surprised, but nodded.
"Fuck... Tommy this really hurts..." Another wave of pain. "Take me downstairs, I need water..." He led you slowly down the stairs into the lounge, before fetching you a glass of water. You paced the room, the pressure in your pelvis was excruciating but you tried to remember Ada and Polly's advice as much as possible - breathing slowly, staying calm.
"Thomas where is she?!" You screamed, leaning over the back of the sofa. The contractions were coming quickly and getting more painful. Weren't these things supposed to take hours?? Days even??
"Come lie down, rest - you need to keep your strength up..." He lay you down on the floor, but you quickly realised that wasn't what you wanted. You moved into a kneeling position, your upper body resting against Tommy's chest as he breathed with you through each contraction.
"Tommy, I can feel her pushing down..." You panted. He suddenly took charge - lifting your nightdress up and ripping your panties away from you. Reaching a hand between your legs, he pulled away sharply.
"Then push - she's coming now whether Polly is here or not, I can feel her head - Push!"
You bore down, gripping onto his shoulders for support. The pain was stifling. His hand between your legs, he could feel his baby's head slowly pushing through.
Pulling away from you slightly, he grabbed a cushion from the sofa and placed it between your knees.
One of the maids must have heard the commotion, and she entered the room carrying a bowl of cool water and towels.
"Mr Shelby let me help, I've delivered three sisters..." He nodded, holding your nightdress up by your waist as Clara focussed on the baby.
"Thomas Shelby, you put that cock anywhere near me again and I'll cut it off, you hear me??"
"Shh now you know that's not true.... I've got you, come on... I'll breathe with you, eh?"
"Mrs Shelby you need to pant - do not push until I tell you to, okay?" Clara ordered.
Tommy leaned back, looking directly into your eyes.
"With me... Come on..." You found strength in those blue eyes, as he panted with you. Your eyes watering from the immense pain between your legs. "Stay with me, that's it, I've got you.."
"Heads out, push now Mrs Shelby!"
A scream left you as your body took over.
"How much more Clara?!" Tommy asked, desperate not to see you suffering any more.
"We're nearly there now, one more Mrs Shelby.."
"You hear that? One more and our girl is here. Jacqueline Grace will be here in her Mama's arms, come on baby, you can do this I know you can." You shook your head to protest but again your body defied you.
"Tom... Shit shit shit...." The wave of pain, tied with your exhaustion, was almost too much to bear. You couldn't take anymore, you could see the blood on Tommy's shoulders through his shirt where your nails had dug into him. You rested your head on his chest, focussing on his heart beat as he kissed your head. One scream from you, followed swiftly by a baby's cry from underneath you as you slumped against him, completely exhausted.
A few minutes went by, as Tommy eased you onto the floor between his legs, pulling your nightdress clean off you. You didn't care that Clara saw you completely bare - there wasn't much more she could have seen at that point. Just as you regained your senses, your baby girl was placed on your chest, having been checked and cleaned by your new favourite maid.
"Congratulations Mr and Mrs Shelby, she's perfectly healthy," she smiled, handing her to you. She instinctively searched for your breast, hungrily suckling from you as a wave of pure love took over. You could feel Tommy shuddering slightly underneath you, unashamedly crying as he watched his daughter feed.
"You were so brave.. so strong.. you blew me away y/n, I'm so fucking proud of you..."
Once you'd been cleaned up and moved back upstairs in bed, Polly arrived. She stopped in the doorway in shock, seeing you lying in bed sleepily as your husband swayed back and forth, Jacqueline in his arms dozing.
"Better late than never, eh Pol?" He laughed, handing his daughter to his Aunt. She choked holding the little one close, kissing the top of her head gently.
You tried so hard to stay awake but you could feel your eyelids growing heavy. A small kiss placed on the top of your head sealed the deal.
"Sleep now Mama. You'll need your rest, because I'm putting another one of those in you at the earliest opportunity."
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padfootdaredmetoo · 3 years
Hmm could you please write a domestic husband and father Tommy x reader where she tells him she needs him home more, maybe she’s struggling with the constant anxiety over his safety and the safety of their young family (they have a 6 year old son and 3 year old twin sons; called Thomas Jnr, James and Charles) and she tells him she’s pregnant again… so he decides to take time off, taking a leave of absence from parliament (not even sure if that’s possible but let’s pretend) and has his brothers running the business for a bit, and takes his wife & kids away for a while to Cornwall to escape it all and relax, letting his wife have some respite & time to relax on her own while he wrangles their sons taking them to the nearby beach and playing with them etc. then taking time for his wife spoiling her and taking care of her then having wholesome family time together. He realises he needs to be a better husband and father, and that they are the most important things to him in his life. Maybe they end up buying a second home in Cornwall and it becomes a tradition for them to all go down to the cozy manor near the beach each year for the summer months, maybe a flash-forward a year later where they are back at their Cornish home but this time they have a tiny beautiful baby girl named Alice Elizabeth Shelby (named after her grandmother and great aunt) who is the apple of her fathers eye and has him wrapped around her finger already, and that his wife is now a lot more happier and healthier mentally, and that their family is a lot more secure now and Tommy is being a better more involved with them. Maybe they have a pet dog too that their sons love? A working cocker spaniel named Max
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Hello! Thank you for waiting! I really hope you enjoy it!!!
Warnings: reader is unsure about a pregnancy and having another child, she's really stressed, childbirth, good dad Tommy
This wasn't what you had wanted. You loved your children dearly but things were not in order for another child. You had the house and money, fancy schools lined up… But death and danger were always lurking around the corner. It would be cruel to drag another little human into this.
Tommy loved you all dearly, when he had the time to. Another child would only add more burden…. Your heart broke as you looked out at the grey winter sky from your kitchen window.
You hated the fact that your life was stressful enough that you thought of an unborn child as a burden in that way. This was not the kind of woman you were, or had always wanted to be. You’d had to sacrifice plenty and do things only sinners would, your hands had been hardened by the world. You weren't sure what parts of yourself you had left.
Tommy was away on business due to be home just after dinner time. Not knowing what to do, you called Polly.
Polly had expressed concern for your tone on the phone which naturally meant that Esme was there too. You hadn't wanted to bother her as she had just gotten back from visiting family and had announced over the phone that she was also expecting again. But all three of you sat around the big table in the kitchen.
“Pregnant.” Polly said in a forced neutral tone, her eyes focused on your face looking for a reaction. Esme let out a soft shout of excitement.
“Oh babes, this is excellent! When we are too fat to do anything we can sit with each other!” You were happy that she was excited for you. But you still couldn't push past the tight grip of fear warped around you.
“Spit it out” Polly’s sharp tone cut through Esme’s ramblings about all the things she was looking forward to.
“I don't know if I should. I-I-I didn't think about it till it happened. But with the potential war- Tommy’s always away these days. I’m worried sick all the time.”
“It’s alright love, I understand” Esme’s eyes were empathetic and suddenly you felt stupid for not asking her for help sooner. Obviously she’d get anxiety about the kids or John going away, most of the time she would come to you.
“Talk to Tommy, I know he’s stubborn but I know he will make the effort if you ask him to.” Polly said. Her words were honest but there was an unmissable pain in her eyes about the situation. “Even if he does screw you over, you can do this love, you won’t be on your own and if you need extra help we are here for you” She gave your arm a squeeze.
The rest of the day was spent with the kids playing throughout the house and the three of you visiting in the kitchen. Ribs sore from laughing, you guys made dinner together and the evening soon turned into a large extended family dinner.
It was a nice spot of brightness in otherwise dark times. You were relieved when Tommy came home happy to see everyone. By the end of it you were exhausted, the maids handled the clean up and you wrangled the boys into bed. One six year old wasn’t a hard time, Charlie was very easy to deal with in comparison to the twins. Having a baby with two twin 3 year old boys was absolute insanity. James and Teddy were curious about life in a way that kept your heart racing at all times. Charlie was the type of kid to tug on your skirt and ask questions about things, the twins skipped the questions and ran (well, stumbled quickly) head first at everything.
You had helped them into their bed clothes and had placed them into their beds when suddenly you felt dizzy. You gripped the edge of Teddy’s bed before everything went black.
You woke up laying on the floor with Tommy taking your pulse, his eyes dark and consumed with stress. The twins were crying and Charlie looked terrified but was trying to hide it.
“I’m alright.” You said out loud trying to comfort everyone.
“No you're not.” Tommy said in a hushed whisper. You looked up into his eyes.
“I’m just tired, it's alright!” You said in a cheery tone that seemed to settle everyone but Tommy. “I’ll talk to you about it after” You whispered to him. You expected him to help you up but instead he scooped you up off the floor into his arms. One of the maids you had taken a liking to came through to handle the kids. Your body tensed as you hated anyone outside the family being left alone with them.
“Don’t” Tommy said in a stern tone. “Polly hadn’t left yet, she’s just on the phone then she will settle them.” Your body relaxed against his and you let him carry you into your shared room just a little down the hall.
He placed you on your side of the bed gently. Your hands instinctively went to your stomach as if you already had something there to comfort.
“What’s happened?” He looked as scared as he was capable of showing, your heart twisted. This was not the way you had wanted this to go.
“I’m pregnant.” Your throat got tight and tears welled up in your eyes.
“Fuck” He breathed, hands coming to rest on your arms. "Are you in pain? What's wrong?”
“Nothing’s wrong - I - I’m Scared. I can't do this by myself. The kids are fine but I can't barely protect and look after three. Another one is too much. I won't be able to keep them safe. "Your eyes were squeezed shut, you couldn't bring yourself to look at him.
“Hey, hey, look at me, love” You opened your blurry eyes. “Protecting this family is my job, not yours. Your job is to be a wonderful mother, and a pillar of this family. You don't need to stress like this.”
“Yes I do Tommy, your gone all the fucking time now. I’m doing this all on my own for the most part. I don't blame you, I know how things are. But I really don't think I can handle anymore.”
You knew he didn't have a response to your pained words. So he just held you tightly for a long while. You settled into his arms and eventually calmed down.
There was a knock at the door and Polly came through.
“Kids are asleep, love.” She said softly. “Can I look you over?” You only nodded and Tommy shifted slightly to allow her more access. Polly did a bunch of strange things, poking and prodding.
“Something is off, but I think you're just overworked.” She looked at Tommy. “I would call a doctor just in case.”
You closed your eyes in defeat.
The doctor came and went, confirming Polly's suspicion. He had recommended that the maids take care of the children while and for you to go on bedrest. He strode out of the room and you looked at Tommy with a hard glare.
“Over my dead body”
He let out a long sigh, and Polly snorted.
“If you can take the time off, why don't you take them to my cottage in Cornwall?” Polly suggested and you silently thanked her in your head. Honestly a vacation sounded lovely, you haven't been to the cottage in years.
“I will make some calls in the morning then.” Tommy said after seeing your face light up at the idea.
It was tricky but the family pulled together to look after the ever growing expanse of factories. Tommy had taken three months leave from parliament, you hadn't seen him as happy as he was driving away from the arrow house that morning. The kids were stuffed in the back but it was early enough that they were all dozing off.
It was a long journey to Cornwall and you were relieved to be there. Tommy opened the door for you and he and Charlie unloaded the car while the twins played on the colorful rug in front of you. It bothered you a little bit, normally you were involved in everything but now you were expected to just sit and relax.
Having your husband around all the time was a welcome change. For the first time in his life he could focus on being a father.
He kept you up late, concentrating on satisfying your body and finding an intimacy that had been lost in both of you for quite some time. You would wake late in the morning to light streaming across the room and the sound of your children laughing or sometimes just silence. On those quiet mornings you would race through the house unable to shake the unease and panic pulsing through you, only to step out onto the back patio to see him there with the kids near the water on a beach blanket. Hands waving explaining something about the world that had all three of them captivated with him.
Tommy helped you make dinners, well mostly he ate the prep food and teased you. Occasionally pulling you against him to sway to the music playing. You ate together as a family for every meal.
Charlie was finally coming out of his shell, asking more questions and sharing more of his interests, he made a joke and Tommy actually laughed. You watched his eyes light up at the accomplishment.
The twins were much better behaved, quieter and more at ease. Less fussing and more cuddly than they normally were being tired out from all the fun.
You and Tommy finally decided that it was time to tell them about the new baby. You sat them on the couch and there was a tension in the air that you hated. You were afraid that Charlie would be upset, feel like he had the responsibility of another child to help you with. But it all went out the window the second Tommy came through from the kitchen.
“Alright boys. We are having another baby!” He was happy with a big smile on his face as his hands ran over your stomach. The twins didn't quite understand, they were happy because dad was happy. Charlie didn't look surprised but smiled and gave you a hug, you had a suspicion Tommy and him had already discussed it but you would ask him about it later.
But soon vacation was over and it was back to Arrow House. Things did not go back to normal though. There was a new feeling in the family that wasn’t easily defined. A certain safety, a sense of being settled. Tommy came home every night. He managed to distance himself from parliament duties delegating tasks onto team members rather than carry everything like he had been doing. John, Arthur, and Michael had managed their expanse in responsibility very well meaning Tommy had even more support.
You were sitting at the rarely used dining table doing a puzzle with Charlie while the twins drew pictures when your water broke. Tommy promised to go no further than Small Heath because you were past your due date.
“Charlie” You took a breath and looked at him already aware that something was wrong. “I need you to call Polly and tell her the baby's coming. Tell her to get dad.” Charlie raced out of the room as the twins sat oblivious to the situation.
It was a long hard birth. Tommy was nowhere to be found. Polly and Esme tried to keep you calm, Ada was on her way up from London to help with the kids.
John and Arthur were also missing in action. The contractions got worse and Polly was telling you to get ready.
“No, I won't do it without him that fucking bastard” You whispered, breathing hard.
“Fuck him, you will do what you have to.” Polly said sternly, just as the door flew open. Your husband stood there observing the situation. Without thinking you threw the bedside lamp at him.
“WHERE WERE YOU? YOU MOTHER FUCKER” You screamed as your body tensed with another contraction.
“It’s happening love.” Polly said calmly. Tommy came and comforted you the best he could.
It was only after the baby was cleaned up and happily sucking on your breast did you notice the blood covering your husband.
“Did I do that?” You asked in a breathy tone, still too worn out to be anxious.
“No love” He said looking down at his daughter, arms wrapped firmly around you.
“What the fuck happened?” You hissed.
“It’s a long story but I’m no longer a member of parliament.” There was a sense of relief in him that settled you.
“Their loss” You said happily.
“Now. How can I make this up to you, love?”
“Let's go back to Cornwall. Hell, let's move there.” You said dreamily settling against his chest. You didn't expect he would actually buy a place down there.
But alas there it was, a bigger house than the cottage which was perfect because you hoped that the rest of the family would tag along in the future. Tommy had driven you all down as soon as you were well enough. This meant you had time to rest and the family had time to bond with little Alice.
She spent more time on Tommy’s shoulder than she did in your arms. He was infatuated with the little one, something that you didn't understand until you were making a coffee in the kitchen one morning. He had her cradled in his arm making faces at her. She let out a little laugh and the familiar feeling of seeing your child experience joy for the first captivated you. You’d seen all of the kids laugh and take their first steps. Heard their first words, comforted them and played many games of imagination.
Tommy hadn't.
You looked at him, tears in his eyes. This was the first time he’d seen this, been the one to make them laugh.
Things were righted in the world somehow. He’d gotten a second chance at domestic life with little Alice. The boys were still young enough that they wouldn't remember the way he used to be. No damage done.
Towards the end of the trip, Tommy went out one morning. You didn't think much of it mumbling to come home safe in your sleep.
You heard Charlie let out a yell and it startled you out of bed and down the hall with Alice cradled in your arms.
Charlie was clutching a small pup and Tommy was smiling.
“Now that’s my end of the bargain. You have to look after him alright? If you don't, the deal is off and I’ll send it to the shipyard.” Tommy said in his usual business tone.
“Yes, I understand,” Charlie said petting the dog.
You were going to tell him he cant make bargains with his children, he cant bring dogs into the family without telling you, that he can't buy his children. But you watched from the hallway at how Charlie looked up at his dad like he was a God, a small dog licking his face. His loud laugh was too much for your heart to be angry. He needed this more than you probably understood. So you put on a happy face.
“Whose this little fella then, eh?” You asked excitedly. Charlie lit up even more seeing you letting you know that you’d made the right choice.
“This is Max!”
The rest of the day Tommy helped him learn how to care for the dog, and Charlie taught the twins about how to handle the little dog.
Once Alice was asleep in her crib. Tommy had spent the whole night making it up to you in various ways.
The trips to Cornwall happened every summer. Between the house and the cottage there was room for the whole family to come down, so Christmas was celebrated there away from the big parties and dinners. Back to being stuffed under one roof eating at one table.
Tags list: @tommydoesntpayforsuits @peakyevans @misselsbells06,
795 notes · View notes
amysteryspot · 4 years
You Shelby women do pick your times - Thomas Shelby x Fem!Reader
Request: hi! could I request an imagine with tommy from peaky blinders and Y/N, where the reader gives birth during a family meeting but there is danger outside so they can’t go to a hospital and tommy and his brothers have to deliver the baby and its all chaotic. Tommy and reader are married also. ✨
Requested by: Anonymous
Fandom: Peaky Blinders
Pairing: Thomas Shelby x Female Reader
Summary: Since the beginning, (Y/N) knew that being with Thomas Shelby was no easy deal. What she could never imagine was that she would end up giving birth to their son in the middle of an offensive by a rival gang.
Warnings: swearing and mentions of childbirth, nothing too graphic
Word Count: 1024
A/N: Okay, this has been sitting on my drafts for a long time and I’m just going to post it before I change my mind. Not exactly how I wanted this to be, but I hope it’s good enough. As always, feedback is much appreciated. Hope you enjoy it!
(Y/N) = Your Name | (Y/N/N) = Your Nickname
English is not my first language and this wasn’t proofread by a beta.
If you want to be tagged in my stories, just send me a message.
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(gif by the ever amazing @nofckingfighting and this time tagging right, for goodness sake 😂🙈)
Being married to a Shelby was both a blessing and a curse. Never a dull moment in the family’s lifestyle: war between gangs, a plan to gain more power, some enemy wanting to take revenge… The list was endless.
Being married to Thomas only made it worse—the man was unstoppable. His ambition knew no boundaries, he didn’t know when to stop working, and everyone seemed to rely on him in a way or another.
(Y/N) wasn’t even sure why the both of them ended up falling in love with each other, to be honest. He all but invaded the shop she worked in one day, all bloodied and bruised, gun in hand, trying to hide from some men from a rival gang because he was outnumbered. She scolded him for breaking in, not even bothering herself with his treats as she grabbed him by the collar, and guided him to the backroom, cleaning him, and patching him up.
He chased her for weeks after that, receiving a sound “no” to every invitation he made to her until he wore her out and she finally agreed to dinner. The rest was history.
They were married within a year and, as John gloated, she had already been pregnant at the ceremony. Here she was, nine months pregnant, sitting at a family meeting on the snug in the Garrison.
Tommy looked at her, checking if she was okay for the hundredth time that day, and (Y/N) did her best to smile reassuringly at him, but she knew that he noticed the tension on her shoulders and the restlessness on the way she rearranged herself on the chair every two minutes.
The contractions, the pain on her back, not being able to find a comfortable position to stay in… It was all normal, or so she had been told, at this stage of pregnancy.
Polly eyed her, cautiously from the other side of the table, and this time she didn’t try to hide the wince of pain.
At some moment, she had zoned out, a hand on her swollen belly as she tried to get acquainted with all the sensations running through her system at the moment. Looking at the watch again, (Y/N) swore under her breath, catching Ada’s attention.
“Are you alright, (Y/N/N)?” her sister-in-law asked in a worried tone, a hand gently patting her back.
Tommy’s eyes immediately fell on her as she nodded to Ada, noticing that Arthur and John had left the room. Her husband said her name at the same time shots were heard from the outside. Everybody backed down at the sound, trying to protect themselves.
She felt Tommy’s arm around her, Arthur saying something at the door of the snug, but all (Y/N) could acknowledge was the damp feeling between her legs.
“Fuck,” she swore, closing her eyes.
“What is it, (Y/N/N)?” Tommy asked voice filled with worry as his attention was divided between whatever was happening outside and his wife.
“She’s in labor,” Polly announced before she could say anything.
“Fucking hell, you Shelby women do pick your times,” Arthur exclaimed from the door, just for Ada to scold him,
“It’s not like we can choose it, you fucking prick!”
“Okay, John, Finn, push the table out of the way and get out.” Polly got up, giving out her orders before going to (Y/N)’s side.
“How did you know?” she asked when Polly sat down beside her.
The older woman smiled, “You were checking your watch every few minutes for the last hour and I saw you wince in pain more than once. Now let’s get you as comfortable as we can, we have a long way to go, sweetheart.”
It was difficult for (Y/N) to register anything that happened after that, it was too much at the same time for someone who was going through labor in the middle of an attack of a rival gang.
She heard her brothers-in-law calling for Tommy and Polly scolding him after he left the room. There were more shots, the men that were outside of the snug talking loudly something about them being outnumbered and surrounded.
All she could think about was the pain as she tried to follow Polly’s instructions. Then, a pair of arms moved her from her previous positions and she felt someone slipping into the space behind her.
“It’s okay, love, I’m right here with you,” Tommy said in a soothing tone, kissing her hairline and sweeping out the sweat from her forehead.
“Tom,” she groaned, settling into his embrace, and holding the hand he offered her.
“I know, I know it hurts, sweetheart. But I need you to push, okay. I need you to be strong like I know you can and push so we can have our baby with us in some minutes, eh.”
Between screams—hers and from the ragging fight outside—and Tommy’s words guiding her through the pain, a crying (Y/N) finally had their son in her arms.
“He’s so beautiful,” she said, elated, fingers gently tracing the baby’s features as she leaned against Tommy.
“Yeah, yeah, he is,” he agreed, smiling and kissing her cheek.
“We have to deliver the afterbirth and then, hopefully, we can get you home, sweetheart,” Polly announced as (Y/N) nodded at her.
“I can believe that he is ours,” Tommy exclaimed, making (Y/N) laugh.
They were both observing the baby that was sleeping in his father’s arms. Both leaning against the pillows on the headboard of Tommy’s old bed on Watery Lane. (Y/N) had her cheek pressed against her husband’s arm, the both of them in awe of the newborn.
“Oh, dear husband, I can assure you that he is ours. No doubt in that,” she joked, making the both of them laugh.
Tommy looked up at her, so much emotion and love in his eyes as he leaned in to place a sweet kiss on her lips that (Y/N) forgot for a minute about all the pain and tiredness that still plagued her body.
“I love you so much,” he whispered against her lips, their foreheads touching, “Both of you. Till my dying breath.”
Taglist: @stressedandbandobessed7771 @internalmess3 @captivatedbycillianmurphy​ @giowritess​ @theshelbyclan​ @peakyxtommy��
1K notes · View notes
runnning-outof-time · 2 years
The Dance | Tommy Shelby x Reader
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Request: no
Pairing: Tommy Shelby x reader
Summary: In which Tommy and (Y/N) have, quite literally, built their life around a dance.
Warnings: langauge, smoking, childbirth
Word Count: 5223
A/N: this is another one that’s been sitting in my drafts that I’ve been working through on and off. I’m pretty happy with how it came out. I was listening to an interview that Cillian had done about the show a bit back and when he was asked the question ‘what is one thing people might not know about Tommy Shelby’ he said that he thinks that he’s a dancer/likes to dance. And that was how this fic was born haha. I hope you enjoy! :)
Let me know if you’d like to be tagged in future stories like this!
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This was the last place she wanted to be at the moment. Sitting in a stiff chair, wearing an uncomfortable gown, watching all of the people she'd probably never see again in her life waltz around sharing fake smiles and making stuffy conversations. She didn't understand why her mother and father drug her to this charity gala. Why couldn't they have just taken each other as their date? Did they really need her to be their third wheel?
"You're slouching, (Y/N)," her mother reminded her, breaking her out of her thoughts then.
"Sorry, mum," she sighed and fixed her posture. "May I go dance now?" she asked, hope seeping into her features.
"What woman dances without a man at her side?" her mom responded like it was a preposterous question. (Y/N) just sighed and decided to drop it, knowing that her argument wouldn't get her anywhere.
Turning her attention back on the people meandering around the room, she caught the eyes of someone who was already looking over at her. A man. A man who was surely a few years older than her, and looked rather handsome in the black tuxedo he was wearing. He had dark hair that was long on the top and shaved on the sides, and even from where she was sitting, she could still make out the color of his piercing blue eyes. She held his intense gaze for a moment before turning away. She still felt his eyes on her though.
Looking at her mother and the woman she was conversing with, she tried to follow along with what they were saying, nodding her head every so often to show that she was listening. That was until someone approached the table.
"Mr. (Y/L/N), may I have a dance with your daughter?" the man asked the older man who was sitting at the table next to (Y/N). Being the daughter in question, (Y/N) glanced to her side to see the man who had been looking over at her for practically the entire night.
"Of course, Mr. Shelby. (Y/N) would be happy to dance with you," her father was agreeing before even asking her, which made her jaw drop slightly.
"Go on then, (Y/N). Dance with Mr. Shelby," her mother nudged her when she didn't move from her chair. "You've been wanting to dance all night."
"Alright, ma," (Y/N) nodded, feeling slightly uneasy and awkward about this whole thing. She'd never met this man in her life. Why, out of all of the women in here, did he choose her?
"May I have a dance?" Mr. Shelby asked her after she stood from her chair to face him. There was a slight, but charming, smile on his lips as he held out his hand to her.
"Yes, you may," she smiled back at him as she took his hand. She may have been awkward when it came to these situations, but she truly loved dancing, so she tried to focus on the fact that that was what they'd be doing. Dancing. Nothing more.
Mr. Shelby then led (Y/N) to the dance floor, turning her to face him once they were in the center. The hand of hers that he was holding stayed clasped in his as his other hand moved to rest against her waist. They were close now, and (Y/N) placed her hand on his shoulder as they began to move to the beat of the song that was playing.
"What is your name?" (Y/N) finally asked after she'd been dancing with this man for a few minutes.
There was a slight look of surprise that flashed across his face before he spoke, "Tommy Shelby."
"(Y/N) (Y/L/N)," she introduced herself then, a smile playing on her lips.
"It's nice to meet you, (Y/N)," Tommy grinned then, making her smile widen.
"It's nice to meet you as well, Tommy," she giggled slightly. Her fingers went to play with the material of his suit then, pinching it in between them slightly. It was a nervous habit of hers. She guessed that it was her way of keeping herself grounded. Her cheeks tinted pink when she realized that she was doing it to his suit. "Why are you here, Tommy?" she decided to make more conversation.
"My company’s hosting this charity event," he responded, making her eyes widen slightly. She felt way more self-conscious all of a sudden, because here she was, dancing with one of the guests of honor.
"Why'd you want to dance with me?" she asked him after a few more moments of silence.
He chuckled slightly at her questions before answering yet again, "because I thought you looked beautiful, and I couldn't let a beautiful woman sit by herself for the entire night." His response was blunt, and it made (Y/N)'s cheeks heat up. This man, who was still practically a stranger, had just called her beautiful. She felt like a little school girl. But she was still going to keep dancing with him.
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Tommy heard giggles the second he stepped into the foyer of his home. After giving his coat to the maid waiting by the door, he moved towards the family room of the house. As he got closer, he was able to hear music playing softly, and more giggles escaping a child's lips.
"I'm going for the spin now, Charlie. Are you ready?" he heard (Y/N)'s voice then.
"Spin me!" the child exclaimed, and as Tommy stepped into the room, he saw his son and his girlfriend spinning around in circles. Charlie was laughing loudly as he held his arms out, (Y/N) holding on to him tightly as she smiled at the carefree child.
"Ok, Charlie, I've gotta stop now. I'm getting dizzy," the woman said, slowing her spinning down as she spoke.
"Ok," Charlie answered, the two coming to a stop facing Tommy. The boy's eyes immediately lit up as they fell onto his father. "Dada! You're home!" he exclaimed, dropping from (Y/N)'s arms to run to the man standing across from him.
"I'm home, Charlie boy," Tommy grinned as he lifted the three year old up into his arms, "did you take care of (Y/N) for me?" he asked then, making the child nod his head profusely.
"We're dancing," the boy told him then, making Tommy raise his eyebrows as he finally looked over at his partner. She was looking as beautiful as ever, even though she was in a simple house dress.
"Dancing? Without me?" Tommy gave his son an incredulous look, the drama of it making the child giggle.
"Come dance with us then, dada!" Charlie exclaimed, wiggling out of his arms before he went back over to (Y/N), assuming his position on her feet like he'd done countless times before. Tommy watched on with a smile as she danced around with the giggling boy.
He let them be for a few minutes before stepping over to where they were, "may I have a dance with (Y/N), Charlie?" he asked permission before taking the woman from the boy.
"Of course, dad," the three year old nodded, stepping off of (Y/N)'s feet before he let his father move closer to her.
"Hello, love," Tommy finally spoke to (Y/N), making her smile as he took her into his arms, his hands clasping together at the small of her back.
"Hi, Tommy," she mirrored his greeting, "I missed you." The two swayed to the music, the room being silent as Charlie had abandoned them to go play with his toys. "How was London?" (Y/N) asked after they'd been dancing for a few minutes, raising her head from his shoulder to look at him.
"Stressful," he didn't try to sugar coat it.
"How's your head?" she asked then. It hadn't been too long since he'd gone through a major operation for a cracked skull, and though it happened in the early days of he and (Y/N)'s relationship, it still scared her greatly. She thought that she was going to lose him.
Once he was out of the hospital, she agreed to move into Arrow House with him and Charlie so that she could aid him in any way possible. They shared some great times together during that period, the three of them staying inside the house and creating memories like a family would as each day passed. But Tommy was itching to get back to work, and although (Y/N) was apprehensive about it all, she ultimately made peace with the fact that he was going to London for a week to hold some meetings.
"'S alright. Still hurts me at times," he told her truthfully, and she nodded her head.
"Well I hope that you don't have anything scheduled in your diary, because you're taking some time off again. Before you do more damage to your brain," she said then, the look in her eyes telling him that she wasn't going to budge on her stance.
"No, Tommy. I'm serious," she cut off his sigh before he was able to say much. "You look tired. It's good to take a break," she assured him.
"Always keeping my best interest in mind," he grinned as he spoke to her.
"Who else would if it weren't for me?" she smiled at him, accepting the kiss that he gave her then.
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Tommy and (Y/N) were walking around the grounds of Arrow House. Spring had just started, and with it, the beautiful gardens around the property were blooming. (Y/N) would occasionally extend her arms and spin around, her eyes closed and a smile on her face as she soaked in the sun. "It's so beautiful out here, Tommy," she stated, opening her eyes to look at him.
"Mmm," Tommy hummed, nodding his head as he exhaled the smoke from his cigarette.
"Feels nice to be in the sun after the winter we had," she remarked, coming back to his side. Tommy just nodded. It had been a tough winter. The deal with the Russians he was working with just about went sideways and the two things that Tommy loved most were threatened: Charlie and (Y/N).
But it was spring now, and they were safe; the Russians dealt with. "The gardeners have done a nice job out here," Tommy stated, glancing around the property at the seemingly endless amount of plants and flowers.
"Hey, I helped them too, ya know," (Y/N) stated, the smile coming through her hurt expression showing that she was only faking it.
"I know, love. I've watched you," Tommy told her, a smile playing on his lips. Sometimes he'd get distracted from his work by just watching her roaming around the grounds and trying to be of help at any place possible. He swore that she knew when he'd be in there. That she purposely went outside to distract him from getting things done.
"Penny for your thoughts, Tommy?" (Y/N) brought him back, and when he looked over at her, he could see that she was intently waiting for his response.
"They're yours for free," Tommy smiled softly at her before he cleared his throat, "was just thinkin' 'bout how you distract me," he told her honestly.
"Sometimes you need to be distracted," she pointed out, turning so that she was facing him now, stopping him in his tracks. "Dance with me, Tom," she said then, holding her hands up.
Tommy looked at her and let out a chuckle, "there's no music, love," he stated, flicking the butt of his cigarette anyway so that he could take her hand into his; his other hand finding the curve of her waist.
"Nature will be our music. Close your eyes and listen," she said softly, her hand falling onto his shoulder as she stepped closer to him. A smile formed on her face as she shut her eyes, allowing Tommy to start swaying them softly. Tommy took her suggestion and closed his eyes also, the sounds of the wind in the trees and the birds chirping becoming louder as his vision was taken away.
There was also the sound of his heart beating violently in his chest. He didn't know why he was so nervous. It's not like this was his first time. Although it was the first time that he was doing it right...without a pregnancy out of wedlock looming over him. "(Y/N)..." he started after they'd been quietly swaying for the last few minutes. His voice came out hoarse, so he cleared his throat before continuing. "(Y/N), I've got to tell you something," he stated more soundly this time.
(Y/N) was almost immediately lifting her head from his shoulder, her eyes widened slightly. She was expecting the worst. She'd learned that you have to if you wanted to be the partner of Tommy Shelby. "What is it? What's wrong, Tommy?" she asked, waiting on eggshells for his response.
"Nothing's wrong," he eased her mind with those two words before he continued, "I love you."
"I know..." she was almost giggling now, this being the exact opposite of what she expected, "I love you too," she smiled up at him, squeezing the hand of his that was still in hers.
"I want to marry you," he said then.
"I kn...what?" she stopped herself when his words sunk in. "You want to what?" she asked for clarification.
"I want to marry you, (Y/N). To have you by my side for the rest of me life," he told her, dropping her hand so that he could fish the small, velvet box out of his coat pocket. "If you'd have me, that is," he added for good measure, opening the box to show a beautiful diamond ring that sparkled under the sun's rays.
"Of course I'd have you, Tommy. Are you serious?" she gasped, one of the widest smiles forming on her face as it all set in. He was asking her to marry him. "Yes, Tommy. My answer's yes...I'll marry you," she was now fervently nodding her head with tears welling up in her eyes. Tommy only smiled at her before he took the ring out of its holder and slid it onto her finger. "It fits perfectly," she commented, admiring how it shined in the light as she gazed down at it.
"I'm happy you like it," Tommy stated, feeling like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders.
"I love you," her arms went around his shoulders as she stood on her toes and kissed him passionately.
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The deed had been done. It had been put on paper, and that paper had been signed, telling the world that, legally, Tommy and (Y/N) Shelby were married. And they'd never been happier.
The reception was being attended by a large number of guests, many of which (Y/N) did not know. She was pulled into conversation after conversation, having to act like she wanted to be talking to them when in reality, she just wanted to curl into Tommy's arms.
So the first time that she saw that Tommy was free, she practically ran to him. "What's the matter, love?" he asked, looking quite concerned about her rushed appearance.
"Nothing, Tommy. Just wanted to be with you is all," she answered him, a bashful smile on her face. Tommy's expression softened as he heard what she had to say. He felt guilty that he'd been working the room for the majority of the time. This was their wedding reception and he'd been ignoring her.
"How 'bout we share a dance?" he suggested, making her eyes light up.
"I'd love that," she smiled widely, allowing him to take her hand and bring her to the dance floor. They started to sway to the music, love in their eyes as they held each other close. “This doesn’t feel real,” she whispered as she laid her head against his shoulder.
“Nothing’s felt real since you’ve come into my life, love,” he told her, making her heart swell at his words.
“I love you, Tommy,” she said as she lifted her head from his shoulder to look at him once more.
“I love you, Mrs. Shelby,” he grinned, making her feel giddy before she stretched her neck up slightly so that their lips could meet. Their kiss was short, but sweet, and they pulled away to smile at each other as they kept on swaying slowly to the music. It was almost as if it was just the two of them in the crowded room.
Then the sound of rushed footsteps approaching them was heard. They both looked to their side to see Charlie, who was now four and a half years old, approaching them. He had a smile on his face, and his eyes were focused on (Y/N) instead of his father.
“Would you like to dance, Charlie?” (Y/N) asked him with a smile on her face. The little boy nodded his head enthusiastically, making (Y/N) laugh.
“Are you trying to steal my woman from me, eh, Charlie?” Tommy jokingly questioned, a smile on his face as well.
“No, I just wanna dance with my mum,” he responded like it was the most obvious thing in the world. (Y/N)’s eyes widened as she heard what he said. Almost immediately, tears were running down her cheeks. This was the first time that he’s called her ‘mum’. She looked over to Tommy then to see that he was trying hard to hold his tears back, a proud smile on his face.
(Y/N) laughed through her tears and wiped them away with the back of her hands before she looked down at the boy again, “well I can’t say no to that, can I, Charlie?” she questioned with a smile before she lifted the boy up into her arms. He was wearing a wide smile as he wrapped his arms around her neck, allowing her to spin the both of them around the dance floor.
Tommy stepped to the side and watched on, his heart filled with love as his wife spun his son around. Their shared giggles were like music to his ears, and he wished he could stay in that moment forever.
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It’d been a very long day. The seconds seemed to be passing like hours, and the hours were dragging on like days. (Y/N) had been in labor for the past several hours, and it didn’t seem like it was going to be over any time soon.
She was absolutely thrilled to finally get to meet her child, but she wasn’t sure how much more pain she’d be able to take. “Can you tell me how much longer, Polly?” she asked through gritted teeth as she looked at the woman who was sitting at the foot of the bed. She was currently checking how far dilated the woman in labor was; her hands moving under the sheet that was draped over (Y/N)’s legs.
“You haven’t moved along much since we last checked. There’s still a few more centimeters to go,” she gave the answer that (Y/N) did not want to hear, and she couldn’t help but frown as she watched the exhausted woman tip her head back onto the pillows with a sigh. “You’re doing good, (Y/N). Just keep breathing through the contractions,” she gave a reminder then.
“I don’t know how much longer I can take,” (Y/N) breathed in between her shallow, panted breaths as she made her way through another contraction.
“Maybe it’ll do you good if you stand for a bit...move your stiffened muscles,” she suggested, and at this point, (Y/N) was willing to try anything to get this baby out. So she nodded her head and attempted to get up and out of the bed, flopping back down when she realized she had no energy to do so. “Ada, go get Tommy. He can help her stand,” Polly told the other woman in the room, who nodded and exited the room quickly.
Soon enough, Tommy was walking through the door with a concerned expression on his face. “Everything alright, Pol?” he asked as he came to his wife’s bedside. He’d been out of the room for the majority of the day, deciding to give the women their space during this time.
“Yes. You need to help her out of the bed though. She’s going to try moving around to help the labor progress,” Polly explained and Tommy nodded before moving to where (Y/N) was still trying to sit up and swing her legs over the side of the bed.
“Easy, love. Lemme help you,” he spoke in a quiet voice as he reached out to her, using his strength to get her to her feet. She draped her arms over his shoulders as she placed a good bit of weight off on him. He didn’t seem to mind it though. “Come on, let’s walk slowly,” he coaxed her as he started to take slow steps away from the bed.
“It hurts, Tommy,” she whispered, gritting her teeth together as another contraction came on. It, mixed with the uncomfortable feeling of the pressure now being put on her pelvis, was too much for her to bear.
“Breathe, (Y/N). Breathe through it,” he told her, his voice as soft as hers was. “You’re doing an amazing job. You’re so fucking strong,” he praised her as they moved about the room.
“I can’t do it,” she said, whimpering as the pain reached a new high. If she could melt into a puddle on the floor right there, she would. But Tommy’s strong arms were holding her up, and he wasn’t about to let her fall.
“You can,” he assured her, kissing her sweaty forehead before he glanced down at her. “Want to dance with me?” he asked then.
“Dance?” she asked, that being the last thing she’d expect him to suggest.
“We can sway. It might help with the pressure on your hips,” he told her, his hands moving to hold the sides of her swollen stomach. She only nodded before they started to sway slowly. (Y/N) kept her head rested against his shoulder as her hands stayed locked behind his neck. Tommy had his head rested against hers as his hands moved back and forth from the sides of her stomach to her lower back, his movements serving to soothe some of the pain she was feeling.
They swayed and spun in slow circles for a good bit of time before (Y/N) started experiencing a different type of feeling. “I feel like I need to push now,” she announced more so to the women in the room.
Polly was on her feet in an instant, “bring her to the bed, Thomas. I’ll check her again,” she instructed her nephew, who nodded and started to walk (Y/N) back to the bed she’d been on. He helped her lay down and took her hand into his as Polly assumed her position by her feet. She draped the sheet over (Y/N)’s legs before she did her checks, a smile forming on her face as she looked back up at the expecting parents. “You’re ready to deliver, (Y/N).”
“Oh my goodness,” was the first thing that came out of (Y/N)’s mouth before a sigh, that was a mixture of nerves and relief, left her lips. She squeezed Tommy’s hand before she let her head drop against his bicep, happy that he was there for her to lean on.
“We’re going to deliver your baby now, (Y/N). You’re going to need to push when we tell you to,” Polly said as Ada also came to the foot of the bed to assist in any way she could. (Y/N) only nodded and closed her eyes tight, waiting for the go ahead.
This process did not, by any means, go fast. In fact, (Y/N) wasn’t sure how long she was actually pushing for. Just when she felt like she had nothing left to give, the sound of an infant’s cries filled the room. Hearing them made her own sobs start. The two women made quick work of getting the cord cut and the baby cleaned up as Tommy stayed up by (Y/N), his heart swelling as he heard his child’s cries. Polly had asked him if he’d wanted to assist but he stayed frozen in his spot, not wanting to leave his wife’s side.
“Is the baby ok, Tommy?” (Y/N) asked finally after her sobs had died down. She still didn’t know the sex of the baby.
“He’s perfect, (Y/N),” Tommy responded as he moved slightly beside her, “open your eyes, love. Your son wants to meet you,” he told her then and she listened, blinking slowly as her eyes fell upon her newborn baby that had been wrapped up in a soft blanket.
“He is perfect,” she breathed, reaching out to gently run her finger along his cheek.
“You did so well, love,” Tommy praised her, handing the little bundle over to her before he leaned down and kissed her forehead. She smiled weakly up at him before staring down at their son again.
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“Why am I so nervous?” (Y/N) asked as the car driving her and Tommy pulled up to the doors of the prestigious event center.
“I don’t know, love. There’s no reason why you should be,” Tommy smiled over at her as he exited the backseat, holding his hand out for her then. She accepted it and let him help her out of the car before their arms linked together so that they could walk up the steps and to the main entrance.
The man at the door greeted them before they entered the room filled with all of the people attending the gala. “I’ll never get used to this,” she couldn’t help but whisper to him, making him chuckle before he dropped his hold to her lower back and led her into the room.
The Shelby family was hosting another gala for the opening of their latest institute for orphaned children. (Y/N) couldn’t help but laugh slightly at the circumstance. It was at an event exactly like this several years ago that she met Tommy for the very first time. Now she was attending this gala as his wife and the mother of his children. Things had certainly come full circle.
“I think I see my parents,” she stated as she nodded over to the table that they were sitting at.
“Go see them,” Tommy nodded to her and she smiled up at him, giving him a quick kiss before she left his side to approach their table.
“(Y/N). Don’t you look absolutely stunning,” her mother was the first to comment, a smile on her face as her daughter stopped at the table. “Sit down, darling,” she offered the open seat between her and her husband, who was currently holding their infant granddaughter, Annaleise Shelby.
“Have you seen Charlie or Philip around?” (Y/N) asked as she took her seat and checked over her daughter, who looked content as she slept in her papa’s arms.
“I haven’t. I’m thinking that they’re with their cousins though,” her mother responded, and (Y/N) nodded. Philip had just gotten to that age where he loved to explore, and Charlie was certainly happy to have a sidekick to join him in his adventures.
“Fair enough. So long as they don’t get hurt,” (Y/N) said then, hoping that her words would be true. That was a big wish with the Shelby boys though.
“Your father and I will still take them tonight if you want us to. I know that you and Thomas will have to stay late with the guests since you’re the hosts of this event,” she offered to (Y/N) then.
“That’d be great, mum. Thank you,” she smiled, feeling so happy that she was willing to do so. Her parents had been completely invested in their three grandchildren’s lives. Yes, three...Charlie was as much a grandchild to them as Philip and Annaleise were.
Tommy approached their table before anything more could be said. “Wonderful gathering this is, Thomas,” (Y/N)’s mother stated as she looked up at him with a smile.
“It is. Thank you,” Tommy nodded his head, a smile on his face as he glanced over at his daughter. (Y/N) smiled up at him as she watched him check over the sleeping baby. He was the same way with Philip and Charlie. He always needed to have his eye on them and make sure that they were safe. “May I share a dance with your daughter?” he asked both of (Y/N)’s parents then, making (Y/N)’s cheeks heat up. It almost was as if she wasn’t his wife.
“Of course, Mr. Shelby,” (Y/N)’s father spoke up, a smile on his face.
(Y/N)’s mother was nudging her before anything else could be said, “go dance with your husband, darling,” she coaxed her on. (Y/N) laughed slightly, taking Tommy’s extended hand as she stood from her seat. She smiled at him as he led her out onto the dance floor.
“Isn’t this crazy?” (Y/N) questioned as she hooked her hand with his, placing her other on his shoulder as his other went to her waist.
“What’s that?” Tommy asked, smiling down at her as they began to dance to the music being played.
“That this was where we first met...at an event like this,” she started, smiling as she remembered the very first dance they shared, “and you asked my parents if you could share a dance with me.”
“I did,” Tommy nodded slightly before he dropped his forehead to rest against hers, “I knew then that I needed to dance with you for the rest of my life.”
“Tommy...” she breathed, trailing off as her cheeks heated up. “I love you,” she told him then, smiling up at him once more, “and I’d be happy to be your dance partner for the rest of my life,” she added for extra measure.
Tommy’s smile only widened as he leaned in to kiss her. They swayed until the end of the song, when Philip and Charlie had both come to their sides to eagerly tell them about the secret upstairs room they’d managed to get themselves into. They were overjoyed to tell them that it even had toys in it.
(Y/N) couldn’t help but smile as she stayed curled against Tommy’s side for the remainder of the night as they went about talking to the other people in attendance. She never would have thought that her life would turn into this, or that she’d share so many dances with Tommy Shelby, the man who she met on a whim at a charity dinner all those years ago. But she was certainly not going to trade it for anything else in the world. She was going to happily dance with Tommy Shelby for the rest of her life.
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Tagged: @alreadybroken-ts @magicalxdaydream @the-anxious-youth @cloudofdisney @look-at-the-soul @golden-hoax @elenavampire21
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wouldpollyapprove · 4 years
It’s Quiet Uptown: Part One
Request: Hiii, can I request a Tom Shelby x reader where they were a couple until Grace came and he broke up with her but she was pregnant and lose it and he finds about years after that????
Requested by @espacioytiempo
Tommy Shelby x Reader
Word Count:
Warnings: language, stillbirth, angst
A/N: First, I know very little about miscarriages and stillbirths, so if this isn’t accurate, I’m sorry. I did some research and tried my best. Second, this made me cry like a baby. I’m not even kidding. I teared up a little at first and that it was a full on river of tears seconds later. I’m so glad no one was home while I was writing this cause that would have been a disaster. I’d like to thank @nemesis729 for helping me with this and I love all you’re ideas, so thank you. I will also be doing a second part.
Part Two / Part Three
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“It’s me or her,” Y/n stated, a tear rolling down her cheek. Wiping it away, she already knew it wouldn’t be her.
The decision was a simple one after she’d seen the sparkle in Tommy’s eyes when he’d glance at the new barmaid anytime she accompanied him to the Garrison all those months ago. Y/n wasn’t naive, she knew it wasn’t the reflection from the lights above. There was no scapegoat, no one to blame for what she had seen. As plain as day, it was obvious that Tommy had fallen out of love.
At first, Y/n wanted to believe that he would get over himself. Speaking to his aunt on the subject, she believed the same. Men got bored easily with what they couldn’t have and, if her lover were like any other man, he would do the same. But Thomas Shelby wasn’t any man. He was the man that set his sights on what he wanted and didn’t let up until he held it between his palms. If he wanted Grace the way Y/n believed he did, then he wouldn’t care who got hurt until he got her.
He was an animal in that way.
Tommy sighed, annoyed by the demand. One of many signs that she was already lost to him. “What?” he questioned, biting back venom as lean back in his chair. 
“Pick one,” she commanded, unable to repeat the previous statement. When there was no response, she said, “I see how it is then. Enjoy your whore.”
Walking out of the Shelbys’ shared home, Y/n wouldn’t let herself cry. She hadn’t lost anything worth losing. Tommy had never been hers if he could slip through her fingers so easily. He was a man that answered to his dick, nothing more, nothing less. Not worth her time, nor her heart. She would be better off with a fucking cow than Thomas Shelby.
But he wasn’t the only one to blame for her loss. 
Before the war, Tommy was a loving man. One with a moral compass that guided him through the streets of Small Heath. With his love of horses, he dreamed of training them, spending his days in the stables, between the mares, brushing their tales and taking their reins. The man that returned from the tunnels wasn’t the same, not that anyone expected him to be. But this man…this man was cruel, cutthroat, and greedy. Anything that could be taken, would be taken. He knew no bounds and drew no lines. And there was a hole in his heart that no one could fill…not even his fiancee. 
And, so, it was no surprise that he turned to the Garrison’s former barmaid. She was beautiful, smart, and witty. Grace held herself with class that Y/n would never have. But the woman with class was also the same woman that did her best to throw herself on a taken man, disregarding the fact that she herself had a husband. Y/n was no fool to believe it was all Tommy’s fault. She’d seen the woman flirt with him, even having the nerve to do it in front of her on a few occasions. Grace had read Tommy like a book and knew how to pull a laugh from his throat and put a smile on his lips. Even Y/n hadn’t been able to do that since the war. 
Perhaps, Grace was the only one that could mend his broken soul…. If that were true, Y/n wished them the best.
But now she was left with her own heart to mend and, walking down the empty street, there was only one thing she had to worry about.
A few days later, Y/n stepped off the train, scanning the crowds for the only person she could think of calling. “Y/n,” Ada squealed, rushing over to her. Quickly setting down her luggage, Y/n wrapped her arms around her childhood friend, happy to have escaped Small Heath. “I’m so glad you decided to come!”
“I am too,” she admitted as they broke apart. Grabbing her bag, she followed her friend through the crowded station and to the car that was waiting outside for them. In the safety of the vehicle, Y/n finally asked the question that was bothering her, “Did Tommy tell you…?”
“That the two of you broke up?” She raised a brow, lips turning up in a sad smile. “No, Polly did. Said he was a fool for letting you go.”
She nodded, moving to look out the window as the car moved through the city, Tommy was many things and a fool was certainly one of them. The people that were in and out of view in seconds were nothing compared to those in Birmingham. These people held themselves a little straighter, they wore bright colors that no one where she came from would dare to dream of. The air filling her lungs wasn’t clean, but it was fresh. It sure as hell was fresh. 
Soon they were at Ada’s home and she was showing her guest to her room before asking her to join her for a cup of tea. Y/n couldn’t turn the offer down and soon the pair were sitting in the parlor.
“You know, I don’t know why I left him,” Y/n said, stirring her spoon absentmindedly in her tea.
“What do you mean?”
Sighing, she knew Ada would have to know eventually. “I’m pregnant.”
There it was, out in the open. Y/n hadn’t dared to utter the words until then. Until she felt safe. It was a cruel joke to think that she was going to tell Tommy before she discovered he’d slept with Grace. The conversation that she was hoping would be joyous and full of smiles died once she got a whiff of the perfume that was not her own. 
Ada sucked in a breath, unsure how to approach the subject. “Does Tommy know?” she asked, setting her tea down. Y/n shook her head and Ada grabbed her hand, gently holding it in his own. “What do you want to do about it?
“I don’t know,” she admitted, leaning back in her chair. “I was going to tell him that night. But your bastard brother had another woman in my bed and I couldn’t.” Y/n thought back to the man Tommy used to be, the man she fell in love with. She wanted to believe she could love the man he had become, but that proved to be more difficult than she once thought. And how was she expected to love a man that clearly had fallen out of love with her. “He doesn’t want me anyway, so it doesn’t matter. And you won’t tell him or anyone else for that matter.”
Her friend nodded, knowing what it was like to deal with her brother. “It’ll stay between you and me.” 
And it did. 
What was meant to be a few days stay turned into a permanent residence. Ada refused to let Y/n go back to Small Heath and have to deal with raising her child on her own. She didn’t want to get rid of the baby and Y/n made it clear Tommy would never know. Going back to the place that had caused her so much pain would not only crush her, but Tommy would know the baby was his and stick his nose where it didn’t belong. So, Y/n gave in and took the room across from Karl’s. Ada still had much of the boy’s belongings from when he was an infant and told Y/n she could have them if she wished. 
London then became her home. It was much more glamorous than Birmingham would ever be and it held opportunities that she never imagined. Though, with her growing bump becoming visible under her clothes, Y/n spent most of her days at home. While Ada worked at the library, Y/n would entertain Karl and discuss short stories and novels with James, Ada’s other roommate. The two were very comforting to her, a girl who had never had a proper family. They gave her the support she had always wished for and she knew they would be wonderful people to raise her child around. 
It was late, almost 11 when Ada heard screams from down the hall. James was out for the night, going to the opening of a new club with his boyfriend, leaving Ada, Y/n, and Karl. Placing her book on the nightstand, she pushed off her covers and rushed out of the room.
“Y/n?” she called, hearing the woman’s voice float down the corridor. Entering the other woman’s room, she found it empty, the covers pulled back on the bed to reveal a red stain on the sheets. Sucking in a breath, Ada feared what she would find as she approached the bathroom door. Pushing it open, she fell to her knees to comfort Y/n, who was on the floor sobbing.
“I-I think… I think I lost it,” she cried, a steady stream of tears coming down her cheeks, and clung to Ada like she was her only lifeline. 
“It’ll be okay, Y/n. We’ll call the midwife,” Ada told her, hoping that it would bring the woman some hope, though, she didn’t have any herself. Having only one child, she didn’t know as much about childbirth as her aunt, but she knew there was too much blood on the bedsheets and the floor of the bathroom to be good.  The front door opening snapped Ada out of her thoughts, “James!”
Her shouts carried down the stairs swiftly as she could hear the man’s footsteps against the wood. “Ada?” he asked, standing in the doorway of Y/n’s room. 
“In the bathroom.”
James grew pale when he discovered his roommates on the floor, blood surrounding them. Opening his mouth to say something, he was interrupted before anything could be said. 
“Call the midwife, tell her to hurry,” she ordered him. He made haste to get to the phone, dialing the number of the midwife like he was asked. As he was doing that, Ada helped her friend off the floor and led her to one of the empty guest rooms. 
“It’ll be alright,” she repeated over and over, both for herself and for Y/n. She had to have hope that they would get their desired outcome. She had to.
“Midwife’s on her way,” James told Ada, meeting her in the hallway. “How’s Y/n?”
Ada shook her head, dark brown curls sticking to her face. “I don’t know,” she admitted, biting the inside of her cheek. “With how close she is to her due date, I hope she doesn’t lose the baby.”
“But you think she did, don’t you?” he asked upon catching the sadness that sunk her eyes. 
She nodded, eyes on the floor. “It doesn’t look good.”
There was no life in their eyes when the midwife arrived and Ada showed her to the room Y/n was in. There were no smiles as James fetched what the older woman asked for or while Ada sat by Y/n’s side. 
Tears stung her eyes as Ada was forced to watch her friend deliver her child that she would never get the chance to raise. When the baby was born, Y/n collapsed against the pillows beneath her, sobs escaping her lips. Ada did her best to comfort her friend, the same one who had been there to help her with the birth of her son, but it was no use. There was no comforting a woman who’d lost a child. 
“I want to see the baby,” she croaked, looking Ada in the eye. “I want to see my baby.”
Her friend nodded as the midwife brought the infant over. No cries filled the room as the baby was placed in its mother’s arms. Both women watched, hearts broken, as Y/n pulled the blanket down to see the baby’s face. When both had pictured this moment, there was meant to be a wailing baby, kicking and screaming until it was placed upon its mother’s chest. That wasn’t close to the scene they witnessed.
“It’s a girl,” the midwife told Y/n before going back to cleaning her instruments. 
“She looks just like her father,” Y/n said, a tear rolling down her cheek. 
Peering down at the child, Ada saw her brother in the child he would never get to meet. The child that would never know her own father, never given the chance. “That she does.”
Caressing her daughter’s pale face, she kissed the top of her head, holding her tight against her chest. “I love you, I’ll always love you,” she whispered. “My little Elena. You’re with good people now,” she told the lifeless child. “Your grandmothers are there, they’ll take care of you. They’ll play with you, braid your hair, take you for a picnic.” Sobs racked her body she continued, “And one day…one day, I’ll be there too.”
Ada had to excuse herself, telling the midwife she would bring Y/n a glass of water. The older woman knew better than to believe that, but she understood. Every stillbirth hit her like a bullet. And as much as she wished she would grow used to the pain she witnessed with her line of work, it was only human to feel sorrow and grief when mothers’ lost the children they loved unconditionally. 
Escaping to the hallway, the brunette wasn’t even down the stairs before tears poured out of her eyes and she collapsed on the stairs. It wasn’t fair. It wasn’t fair. Y/n deserved to watch her child grow. She deserved to hold her baby when it cried and teach her how to walk. After everything she had been through, she deserved that. And it wasn’t fair that Grace got to carry her brother’s baby, and with the fucking luck of god, do everything that Y/n would be unable to. 
It wasn’t fair.
In that moment, she wasn't angry at God for what he had taken away, she was angry at her brother. This was Tommy’s fault. He was a master at taking away everything that people cared about. It was his fault that Y/n had to deal with the loss of her daughter alone, in a place that wasn’t her home. It was his fault that Ada was the one who had to listen to Y/n’s sobs and tell her that everything would be okay when it never would be. He should have been the one to do that, but Thomas Shelby always got out of the hard work.
When Ada returned, tears wiped away but eyes still red and puffy, Y/n was asleep, exhaustion finally hitting her. “What would you like done with the baby?” the midwife asked, gesturing to the little bundle that sat in a bowl on the dresser. 
Clearing her throat, Ada was at a loss for words. She didn’t know. She never expected to be asked such a thing. “Um, I believe we’ll bury her with Y/n’s family, outside of Birmingham. I think that’s what she’d want,” she nodded, voice breaking. “I’ll make the arrangements and contact you tomorrow.” The midwife nodded, grabbing her bag and the bowl off the dresser.
Moving out of the woman’s way, Ada watched as the midwife left, little Elena with her. 
Three days later, Ada led Y/n, James, and Karl to Y/n’s family cemetery, where they were to bury Elena. It was a miracle they had entered the city without her brothers catching up with them, but Ada had called Polly the night before and her aunt did what was asked of her, no questions, once her niece’s cries came through the line. 
Y/n stood over the small hole in the ground, fresh dirt on one side and a coffin, that should never come in such a small size, on the other. She wanted to cry, to scream, but all her energy was gone. She couldn’t feel anything, her heart lying in the coffin in front of her. Y/n had given all her love to her little girl, believing she wouldn’t end up heartbroken, only for her heart to be torn in two.
The priest’s words fell on deaf ears as the three adults zoned out. Each had been looking forward to the presence of another child in the house. Ada was excited that Y/n would get to live her life the way she wanted with her child and James was thrilled that he would get to be a stand-in uncle for Y/n’s baby. But standing at the foot of the infant’s grave, neither were full of excitement, not an ounce of joy in them since a few nights before. 
Focused on the gravestone, Y/n wished that Tommy was beside her. That he had been by her side the whole time. But he wasn’t. He was fawning over Grace and her unborn child. Y/n doubted he would have done the same if she had told him about their baby the day she left him. He still would have chosen Grace. Even with that thought, she still placed his name on her daughter’s birth certificate and his last name was hers: Elena Rose Shelby. Even if the two never met, she was his daughter and Y/n wasn’t going to deny the world such knowledge.
*~~*~~* Let me know if you would like to be on any of the tag lists.
Permanent: @amirahiddleston @haphazardhufflepuff @woahitslucyylu @mzcrazy2 @lovemissyhoneybee @multi-fandom-iimagines @tarafaithe @jenepleurepasbaby @wtfdanness @chloeforde @futuristicslimemongerbanana @auds24 @lucillethings @nemesis729 @sirkekselord @princesscornbread @i-volunteer-for-finnick @iwillboilyourteeth @anyasthoughts @ellieemais
Peaky Blinders:@simonsbluee
Thomas Shelby: @captivatedbycillianmurphy
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Just Fine (Part 2 of Unexpected Reunion)
Here’s the requested 2nd part of “Unexpected Reunion”. *Familiar characters do NOT belong to me!*
Fandom: Peaky Blinders
Warnings: Angst. Mentions of pregnancy and childbirth(not graphic, but still). A couple swear words, if that bothers you. 
Pairings/Characters: Past!Michael Shelby/Gray x fem!reader, Michael Shelby/Gray x Gina Gray, The rest of the Shelby Clan
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A few days after your confrontation with Michael, you sat in your flat crying your eyes out. You had refused to talk to anyone as every emotion you felt came pouring out in hot, angry tears. Polly and Finn often came to check on you, but you refused to open the door for them. You loved them, but you couldn’t face them. After about the fourth day, there was another knock on your door.
         "Go away, Pol,“ you called out in a scratchy voice. "Open the door, Y/N,” Arthur’s voice called out. You didn’t reply. He knocked again to no answer. The third time he knocked, another voice said, “Open the door or Arthur will break it down!” You recognized Tommy’s growl and sighed. You knew he was serious. You got up and threw the door open, meeting the faces of Arthur, Tommy, and Ada.
         "What?!“ you snapped. Tommy looked unimpressed and Ada had a look of pity on her face. "Don’t. Don’t do that. I don’t want your pity, Ada. I don’t want any of this. And I’m not sorry I told Michael to go to Hell.” Ada smiled at you before pushing passed her brothers and going to your wardrobe.
         You didn’t get the chance to ask what she was doing before Tommy said, “You’re going to stay with Ada for the duration of your pregnancy.” You arched a brow. “The hell I am. I’m not going anywhere he can just show up whenever he feels like.” Tommy’s eyes never left yours as you continued, “I am not Shelby property that you can do with as you wish, Thomas Shelby!”
         To his credit, Tommy didn’t raise his voice. He didn’t even show any signs that he was upset other than a slight tick of his jaw. “No, you’re not. But you are one of us. As is the child. You will be taken care of and protected. If you refuse to stay with Ada, then Polly is an alternative. Or you can take up residence with the Lees. We take care of our own, Y/N. Michael will not be allowed to come ‘round without your permission.”
         You looked between the three Shelbys. They were all waiting for your answer. You met Tommy’s gaze again. “Do you swear?” He nodded without hesitation. After a second, you found yourself agreeing. Ada went back to throwing your clothing in a trunk.
*time skip*
         Months passed quickly and before you knew it, you were eight months gone. You’d had no contact with Michael, but knew Ada had. You’d come home from the market one day to smell the mixture of cologne and cigarettes you knew could only be him. Other than that, there was no sign of him, just as Tommy promised.
         However, as the day you were due to deliver drew closer, you found yourself missing him. You knew it was probably the pregnancy messing with your head but you didn’t care. You needed to clear the air before the baby came. So, you picked up the phone and asked the operator to dial Michael’s number. Unfortunately for you, it wasn’t Michael who answered the phone.
         "I need to speak to Michael please,“ you said through gritted teeth when Gina answered the phone. You wanted so badly to tell her exactly what you thought of her, but you didn’t. As she was pregnant as well, you didn’t want to upset her. The baby was innocent after all.
         "He’s out. May I take a message?” You sighed heavily as you ran your hand over your stomach. “Fine. Please tell him Y/N called.” It was silent on the line for a minute, then there was some shuffling, as if she was shifting the phone. “Michael doesn’t want to speak to you, Y/N. He doesn’t care anything for you or that bastard in your belly.” With that, she hung up the phone.
         Anger coursed through your veins like never before. Never before had you truly despised another human being, but you loathed Gina Gray. The front door of Ada’s home burst open, pulling you from your thoughts. Polly frantically ran into the room.
         "What are you doing here, Pol?“ you asked. You were really trying not to take your anger out on her. "Are you alright?” You brows furrowed and you nodded. “Of course. Why wouldn’t I…” you trailed off, meeting her gaze, “Did you have another dream? A vision?” She nodded.
         "Well, don’t worry. I’m fine. Just a little upset.“ No sooner had you finished speaking did you feel a sharp and unexpected pain shoot through your stomach. "No,” you whispered. The pain didn’t lessen despite your refusal to believe what was happening. “Polly?” She gave you a smile as you let out a scream, bringing Ada running.
         "Ada, call Thomas and Arthur. Tell them to get Michael and bring him here. Drag him by the ear or tie him up if they have to.“ Ada nodded and moved for the phone. Polly wrapped an arm around you to help you up to your room. "Ada,” you called back to her. “Yes, love?”
         "Tell Michael to leave his fucking wife at home.“ Ada and Polly both chuckled a little. Polly lead you to your room while Ada placed the calls to her brothers. "I’m not ready, Pol. I’m scared,” you admitted softly. Polly gave your shoulders a squeeze. “You’re gonna be fine, love. Let’s bring your darling girl into the world.”
         "A girl?“ She beamed. "I saw her. A beautiful little girl.” You couldn’t help but smile. The door opened and Ada gave Polly a nod. “Doctor’s on his way. Tommy too. He sent Arthur and Finn for Michael.” You nodded and thanked her as another contraction hit you. You gripped Polly’s hand so tightly, you thought you might rip it off. She hardly seemed fazed though. “Good girl. Breathe.”
         You heard voices drifting your way, one you recognized as Tommy’s. The other was probably the doctor. “Take care of her,” Tommy’s accented voice said just outside the doorway, “I will make sure no one disturbs you.” The doctor’s gaze drifted to the bed and he smiled. “You have my word, Mr. Shelby. Ms. Y/L/N is in good hands.” Tommy stared the man down with that intimidating stare of his, the one you’d been on the receiving end of on more than one occasion. After a moment, Tommy left without a word.
         Time passed so slowly and yet so quickly at the same time while you worked endlessly to bring your little girl into the world. At one point, you heard screaming that was not your own, but Ada quickly left the room, slamming the door behind her, to make the ruckus stop. That left you squeezing the life out of Polly’s hand. You were hot and tired and miserable, but you knew you couldn’t give up. Finally, after what felt like hours, you heard the shrill cry of your newborn baby.
         "A girl.“ The doctor placed her on your chest and you felt like you might cry. "Thank you, Doctor. I’ll get them both cleaned up. And perhaps you would be kind enough to send Thomas up in a few minutes?” The doctor’s brow furrowed and his mouth opened as if he was about to ask if Tommy was the father, but thought better of it.
         "She’s beautiful, Pol,“ you whispered. Polly smiled again. "I knew she would be. Now let’s get you both cleaned up.” You nodded and attempted to shift, but your eyelids felt heavy. Polly laughed and helped you, being careful of the little girl.
         When she was done, she opened the door to let Tommy in. “Alright there, Y/N?” You told him your were fine, just tired. “Good. Michael’s here. Do you want to see him?” You frowned for the first time since you laid eyes on your daughter. “If you don’t, I’ll tell him so. If you do, I’ll make sure he doesn’t do anything stupid,” Tommy assured you. You contemplated for a moment. “He is her father, Tommy. He-He should see her,” you said softly.
         Michael appeared a couple minutes later, hand in one pocket and an unlit cigarette in the other. “Don’t even think about it, Michael,” you scolded harshly. Michael put the cigarette away as he drew nearer to you and his child. “Girl or boy?”
         "Girl. She looks like you…“ you said, trailing off. He came even closer so he could peer down at her. "She does. A little.” You stayed silent, fighting back tears. What could you say to the man who had broken your heart and rejected your child? What could you say to the one who got another woman he hardly knew pregnant and married her? You thought you were in love. You had been. Apparently Michael hadn’t. Before you could drown in your thoughts, Michael finally spoke again.
         "I’m sorry, Y/N. I didn’t mea-“ You cut him off with a hiss. "Don’t you dare say you didn’t mean it, Michael! You sleeping around wasn’t an accident! You screwed around, knocked her up, and married her, not caring two shits about me in the process. We were happy. We loved each other. At least I thought we did.”
         "We did! I did!“ You shook your head as the tears started to fall. "No you didn’t. If you had, you would have come home to me. You would have come home and married me, just like we talked about.” Michael said nothing and you huffed. Silence once again descended on the room for a few moments. You couldn’t bring yourself to meet Michael’s gaze, so you settled for the ceiling or your daughter’s face.
         "What can I do?“ You shook your head. "Nothing. We can’t change it now. Go home to your wife, Michael. I won’t keep you from seeing your daughter, but it will be under my terms. And that b-woman is not allowed anywhere near me or my daughter for the time being. I don’t trust her. Especially not after this afternoon.” Michael looked at you in utter confusion.
         "You don’t know?“ you asked before rolling your eyes. "Nevermind. Go talk to your wife. I need rest.” Michael surprisingly didn’t argue and left. More tears fell from your eyes. How had things gotten so messed up? Other people would have blamed the entire family. “The Shelby’s are bad news.” But you couldn’t. It wasn’t their fault. It was yours and it was Michael’s. Now you had to live with it. Still, as you looked down yet again, you smiled.
         All the messed up situations in the world were worth seeing that little girl’s face. Michael could rot with his wife for all you cared. You didn’t need him and your daughter certainly didn’t need to look up to him. The door opened again to reveal the rest of the Shelby clan. “Is everything alright?” You looked at them and smiled tiredly. “Everything is going to be fine…absolutely fine.”
(a/n: I hope you liked it! I’ve got a Sherlock fic and a Labyrinth fic in the works!)
Tagging: @gilraenpalantir​ @namelesslosers​
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peakyswritings · 4 years
Everything that matters
Arthur Shelby x female!reader
Requested by: @fandom-puff
Warnings: swearing, childbirth
The gif is not mine, credits to the owner
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Arthur could tell that something was wrong with you lately. You seemed always tired and exhausted and your mood swings were becoming more and more frequent. Also, you had started to have a lot of cravings. For example, one day you had told him that you wanted a peach, out of nowhere.
“Love, you do realise that it’s autumn, right?” he asked you, knowing too well that it was impossible to find peaches during that season. The look you gave him made him understand that you didn’t care at all.
Long story short, that’s how he found himself going into every grocery store in Birmingham looking for peaches.
Last but not least, you had started making comments on your appearance.
“I’m gaining weight” you said, staring at your reflection.
“You’re always the same” he shrugged his shoulders, not removing his eyes off the journal he was reading.
“No, I’m gaining weight. And of course you don’t see it, I could balloon up to 600 pounds and start rolling in the living room and you wouldn’t notice” you stated, placing your hands on your hips, making him laugh.
“I think I would notice love”
He put away his journal and he got up from the couch, walking close to you to hug you from behind.
“But you would still be the most beautiful woman to me” he said before placing a kiss on your temple.
Being the eldest sibling, he had seen his mother having a pretty similar behaviour when she was expecting. He didn’t want to jump to conclusions, but it made sense and it was the only explanation for the way you were acting.
You had your suspicions as well. You were two months late and you had been waking up feeling sick a lot of times in the last month. You were afraid of finding out the truth, because even though you really wanted to become a mother, the thought of having a child scared you. One day you gathered up the courage and you told Polly, who called a midwife. As you expected, you were pregnant. You spent the last few days trying to find a way to tell your husband. Little did you know, he already knew and that he was just waiting for you to tell him.
“Arthur, I need to tell you something” you told him, while you were cuddled up on the couch after a long day.
“Yeah? What do you need to tell me?” he asked, holding back a smile.
You raised your head from his shoulder, sitting straight on the couch to look at him.
“I’m pregnant”
Even though he already knew it, hearing it from you was on a whole other level. He smiled as he shook his head.
“You finally decided to tell me”
You looked at him with wide eyes.
“You knew it?”
He just nodded, leaning forward to gently grab your face in his hands and kiss you.
“We’re going to be parents” he said, looking you in the eyes with a visibly emotional expression.
“We’re going to be parents” you repeated after him.
He rolled on top of you, holding his weight on his arms as he started placing kisses all over your face, tickling you with his moustache and making you chuckle.
“I love you” he whispered, looking at you with loving eyes.
“I love you”
The following day, Arthur stormed into the private room of the Garrison with a bottle of champagne, eager to give the good news to his family. However, he didn’t talk until they were all there.
“C’mon Arthur, are you going to tell us what this is all about or do we have to guess?” John asked, already having enough of his brother’s behaviour.
“Y/n is pregnant. I’m going to be a father” he said with a smile, uncorking the bottle. Everyone in the room cheered, raising their glasses for him to fill them.
“Well, Arthur, you wasted no time” Tommy joked, making everyone chuckle.
“You’re fucked man” John teased him, wrapping an arm around his neck and ruffling his hair “you have no idea of how fucked you are”
“Don’t scare me, John-boy” he laughed, putting his hair back into place.
“Congratulations, brother” Tommy smiled at him and pat him on the shoulder.
After nine long months of waiting, you knew that the baby would be born at any moment. What you didn’t know was that the moment would have come during a family dinner. When your waters broke, everyone basically freaked out. Luckily you had Polly, Ada and Esme with you, who helped you while the men of the family were waiting in the kitchen, drinking whiskey.
“Where the fuck is Arthur?” Polly asked, taking a look around the room.
Your husband was actually pacing back and forth in the kitchen, his nervousness was eating him alive. Ada walked in the room, smacking his head.
“Arthur! You should be with your wife now!” she scolded him, pointing towards the door.
“No Ada I can’t do this” he shook his head. She raised her eyebrows and she put her hands on her hips.
“If she can handle so much pain then you can be by her side. Go. Now.” she said with a tone that didn’t allow any form of disagreement. He hesitated for a moment, then he walked in the room you were in, sitting next to you and holding your hand.
“I’m here love” he said, rubbing his thumb on the back of your hand.
You had never felt so much pain in your life, you squeezed your husband’s hand as you cried.
“Arthur I swear to God” you stopped for a moment, taking deep breaths “if you even think about having another baby, I’ll kill you”
Hours later, your baby was finally born. The women of the family had helped you clean yourself and the baby up and he was awake in your arms while you walked back and forth in the living room, cradling him. You walked towards Arthur, who had never been so emotional in his life.
“Look Nathaniel” you whispered to your baby “here’s daddy”
Your husband smiled and gently stroke his face with one finger. The baby moved and took Arthur’s finger in his little hand.
“He’s so small” he said, looking at Nathaniel in adoration.
“Do you wanna hold him?”
Arthur nodded and took him in his arms, gently cradling him.
“Hey you” he said “you’re finally here with us”
You rested with your head against his shoulder, looking at your son.
“It feels like nothing else matters in the world”
“That’s because it’s true” he stated, placing a kiss on your head “nothing else matters now. Just us”
You walked towards the rest of the family, who were standing in the kitchen.
Arthur placed his cap on Nathaniel’s head, holding him up to show him to the others.
“See, he looks just like me”
“Poor thing” John joked, making everyone laugh.
“Nathaniel Shelby” Arthur said “welcome to the family”
You were everything that mattered.
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