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booksofwonder · 5 years ago
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We’re thinking of Tomie today. Not only a giant in the world of Children’s books, but also in our hearts. We’ll miss his infectious joy for storytelling and his kind spirit. Be sure to eat some pancakes for breakfast and make a little extra pasta for our beloved friend tonight ❤️ #tomiedepaola https://www.instagram.com/p/B-Z_mIbhP8M/?igshid=16o0bc2iehg9x
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readleafbooks2022 · 2 years ago
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【素敵な洋書絵本の紹介】 イル・チコロ・ピッコロ。 旅をする小さなサーカス団の、小さなピエロ、ジングル。 彼は子どもの動物たちが乗っている馬車にいました。ジングルはまだ若く見習いだったため、彼の仕事は動物の子どもたちの世話をすることでした。 フリック、フラック、シミック、スマック……お猿の兄弟。 ポニーのスパークル、ピタ。 ロバのピタ。 それに赤ちゃん象のローリー。 みんな仲良しです。 やがて、毎年、イル・チコロ・ピッコロが興行する村につきました。 けれども今年は村は貧しく、村人は村を離れ、サーカスをもてなすことができません。 団長は、村を離れ、急いで次の街へと旅立つことを決めました。 けれどもジングルが世話をする動物たちは疲れ切ってしまい、旅を続けることができません。 ジングルと動物の子どもたちは村に残ることになりました。 村の人たちから、小さな古屋をかりたジングルたち。 彼らは、村人たちのために、クリスマスイブのショーを開くことにしました。 まるで天使のようなジングルと動物の子どもたち。 クリスマスを祝うのにぴったりな、トミー・で・パオラさんのクリスマス絵本です。 Jingle the Christmas Clown Contributor(s): dePaola, Tomie (Author) , dePaola, Tomie (Illustrator) EAN: 9781534466562 Publisher: Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers Binding: Hardcover Pub Date: October 05, 2021 Target Age Group: 04 to 08 Physical Info: 1.04 cms H x 31.14 cms L x 24.0 cms W (0.54 kgs) 40 pages Annotation: Staying behind when their circus moves on, a young clown and a troupe of baby animals put on a special Christmas Eve show for an Italian village too poor to celebrate the holiday. #tomiedepaola #readleafbooks #art #本 #本棚 #絵本 #児童書 #絵本屋 #洋書絵本 #絵本が好き #絵本が好きな人と繋がりたい #絵本のある暮らし #芸術 #英語 #イラスト #base #baseec   @readleafbooks Webショップで紹介中。プロフィールからぜひどうぞ! https://www.instagram.com/p/CjuTY1uPogD/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fredhandbag · 3 years ago
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Do you have a favorite children’s Christmas book? These are some l read to our kids. I still can’t make it through The Year of the Perfect Christmas Tree by Gloria Houston without turning into a puddle 😭 I always enjoyed doing voices for Strega Nona 🗣 What are some you read every year? #christmasbooks #merrychristmasstreganona #theyearoftheperfectchristmastree #gloriahouston #tomiedepaola #howthegrinchstolechristmas #drsuess #childrensbooks #bookstagram #homelibrary #bookish #bookishlove #sodacityreads #irmoreads https://www.instagram.com/p/CXg8LlRL5f-/?utm_medium=tumblr
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slickcatbooks · 4 years ago
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Happy Happy Birthday to Tomie dePaola! We have many great Tomie dePaola books for sale! Learn more about him on our Literary Calendar. #slickcatbooks #greatbooksgreatmemories #literarycalendar #birthdays #authorsbirthday #tomiedepaola #birthday #thelegendofoldbefana #helgasdowry #childrensbooks https://www.instagram.com/p/CT2TrLRFvrI/?utm_medium=tumblr
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aproof · 4 years ago
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The term WOP was used to discriminate against italians like my grandparents’ families as a catchall for immigrants “without papers.” its always pretty shocking when i see “wop salads” still on the menu in restaurants down here. my grandma had the last laugh, moving up to canada in her last chapter of life—forgoing any kind of visa process to spend time with my siblings & i. the woman had nerves of steel & i don’t know of anyone ever messing with her. I painted this after she went to meet her maker, parents, sister & husband thirteen years ago. it was when i started to believe “maybe i really can be an artist, just like grandpa cal.” here’s a few of my strega nona & her big anthony #tomiedepaola https://www.instagram.com/p/CLFZyTrl1bd/?igshid=1c8y7by1o6j1f
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brianherrickmakesart · 5 years ago
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Tomie DePaola does this week. I didn’t actually know his books as a kid. It was as a parent and lover of writer illustrators that I discover his genius. People who can write and illustrate are rare. His illustrations are genius and off the charts, but make no mistake, his genius as a writer is equally brilliant. This little illustration doesn’t do him justice but it felt good to honor him this way. Thank you Mr dePaola, you will be missed. #tomiedepaola #kidlit #rip #illustration #thankyou (at Richmond District, San Francisco) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-hrBE6B03q/?igshid=kp2evuuj6t1l
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gasstationb · 5 years ago
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Tomie dePaola, who died March 30, 2020, due to complications following a surgery after being injured in a fall in his studio, was a writer and illustrator who created more than 260 children's books. Best known for “Strega Nona” he also received the Children's Literature Legacy Award for his contributions to children’s literature. 📚 #gsbauthorquotes #gsbquotestomiedepaola . . . . . . . . . . #gasstationburrito #onthisday #literaryhistory #bookstagram #books #bookworm #author #authorquotes #authormemes #writer #writerquotes #tomiedepaola #streganona #childrensbooks #childrensbookillustration #author #illustrator #reading #learning #readeverything #readanything #learnanything #learneverything https://www.instagram.com/p/B-aS5viBq9l/?igshid=1ua4n635uma5d
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noodlenuts · 5 years ago
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It's National Pancake Day in the U.S., and even though I'm Canadian, I'm all in. Who doesn't love pancakes?! And despite the fact that I've noted previously that I'm not usually a fan of wordless picture books, today I'm sharing Tomie dePaola's classic "Pancakes for Breakfast" (1978), a wordless book with a fun twist, which I'm definitely a fan of! 🍴🍴🍴 One thing wordless picture books are wonderful for is teaching kids sequencing--how to put events in order--which is an important early part of reading comprehension and critical analysis. It's also something that autistic kids like me can struggle with. "Pancakes for Breakfast" is a great book for that because it is fairly straightforward, and the pictures do a wonderful job of moving the narrative along. I highly recommend having your little ones "read" this one to you!! Let them tell you what's happening as they follow the pictures. It will not only help their sequencing skills, but give them that crucial reading confidence. ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ #noodlenutsclassickidlit #noodlenutskidsbooks #bookstagraminthe6ix #pancakesforbreakfast #tomiedepaola #tomiedepaolabooks #voyagerbooks #homeschool #teachersofinstagram #readinglist #librariansofinstagram #homeschoolfamily #whattoread #bookcollector #nationalpancakeday #inquirybasedlearning #funwithbooks #preschoolideas #vintagechildrensbooks #vintagepicturebookillustration #vintagepicturebook #literacyskills #literacymatters #makereadingfun #pancakes #makingpancakes #kidsbookreview #wordlesspicturebook #invitationtoread #earlyliteracymatters https://www.instagram.com/p/B24Z5Benrml/?igshid=1tnbashhge9oz
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missi396 · 5 years ago
The Delight and Sadness of Tomie dePaola https://t.co/9pd08Scvtg #tomiedepaola
The Delight and Sadness of Tomie dePaola https://t.co/9pd08Scvtg #tomiedepaola
— Shadowsofthemoons (@moonshadows1) April 6, 2020
from Twitter https://twitter.com/moonshadows1 April 06, 2020 at 09:15AM via IFTTT
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liviablackburne · 6 years ago
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I didn’t read this Tomie dePaula as a child, but discovered it recently when researching for a project. It’s a really touching picture of a boy’s relationship with his grandmother and great grandmother. Quiet, and another one of those books that finds the magic in every day interactions. It does touch on loss, so be prepared to discuss with your child. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #bookstagram #books #picturebooks #childrensbook #childrensbooks #storybook #booknerd #kids #toddlers #babies #moms #momlife #momsofinstagram #earlyliteracy #literacymatters #literacy #booklover #kidsbooks #kidbook #kidsbookswelove #tomiedepaola https://www.instagram.com/p/BrnscmQHE4Q/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ml1u0kyvux09
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booksofwonder · 6 years ago
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See you in a bit?? We’re thrilled to be hosting #TomiedePaola tonight (10/22) in Chelsea at 6pm!! Come meet the picture book legend as he talks about his latest work, Quiet, from @simonkids and signs book! 📚🎉 • • • • #tomiedepaola #simonandschuster #quiet #streganona #picturebook #childrensbooks #kidlit #indiebookstore #bookparty #events #nyc #books (at Books Of Wonder) https://www.instagram.com/booksofwonder/p/BpP2xAfhCLd/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=u3va371pri7h
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readleafbooks2022 · 3 years ago
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【素敵な洋書絵本の紹介】 トミー・デ・パオラさんの雲についての絵本です。 雲の最も一般的なタイプのいくつかだけでなく、その形に触発された言葉や物語も紹介しています。 たとえば、高いところにある巻雲は白くて羽毛のように見え、それらは「牝馬の尻尾」と呼ばれることもある、とか、ギリシアの神々のメッセンジャー、ヘルメスが雲でできた太陽の牛たちを盗んでしまったこととか。 雲はさまざまな色や形を取るので、それを見��人間たちはたくさんのことを想像するのです。 雲のことをたくさん学べる絵本です。 Tomie Depaola's the Cloud Book Contributor(s): dePaola, Tomie (Author) EAN: 9780823445486 Publisher: Holiday House Binding: Hardcover Pub Date: March 17, 2020 Target Age Group: 04 to 08 Physical Info: 1.02 cms H x 22.1 cms L x 21.08 cms W (0.27 kgs) 32 pages Annotation: Some people see animals and pictures in clouds. The ancient Greeks believed that Hermes, the messenger of the Gods, once stole the sun's cattle, which were clouds. In this picture book, Tomie dePaola introduces some of the most common types of clouds, as well as the myths and legends inspired by their shapes."--Provided by publisher. #tomiedepaola #readleafbooks #art #本 #本棚 #絵本 #児童書 #絵本屋 #洋書絵本 #絵本が好き #絵本が好きな人と繋がりたい #絵本のある暮らし #芸術 #英語 #イラスト #base #baseec #雲   @readleafbooks Webショップで紹介中。プロフィールからぜひどうぞ! https://www.instagram.com/p/CikT1sbPrcU/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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slickcatbooks · 4 years ago
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Who doesn’t have a favorite nursery rhyme? Tomie dePaola has many! #slickcatbooks #greatbooksgreatmemories #tomiedepaola #tomiedepaolabooks #favoritenurseryrhyme #nurseryrhymes #nurserytales #aesop #robertlouisstevenson #henrywadsworthlongfellow #josephjacobs #brothersgrimm #thebrothersgrimm #pcasbjørnsen #hanschristianandersen https://www.instagram.com/p/CTxoRPTlO_t/?utm_medium=tumblr
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stupendousworldcollector · 7 years ago
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"My First Halloween" by Tomie dePaola 「英語日本語ハロウィンおはなし会」で読みました。 #えいごにほんごおはなし会 #ハロウィン #英語 #絵本 #ハロウィーン #仮装 #クラフト #ジャックオランタン #トミーデパオラ #picturebook #childrensbook #myfirstst #halloween #tomiedepaola #penguinbooks #読み聞かせ #読み語り #レッスン #1歳 #はろうぃん #はろうぃん🎃 #ハロウィンの絵本 #happyhalloween 👻 ☠️🕷️🕸️🦇🦉🎃
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melaniemurphymyer · 8 years ago
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How lucky is this! Books to put in our future #littlefreelibrary! I stopped at the #publiclibrary on my way home from work to pick up a book I had reserved, and there was a table overflowing with books that had been withdrawn from circulation - free for the taking today (normally they sell them). I was so excited when I saw the excellent selection of children's books. Trying not to be greedy, I picked out a few I liked best and left the rest for other #booklovers. As I drove home, I thought about the children in our neighborhood who might visit #caetyslittlelibrary, and I wondered if perhaps there are some who don't get much chance to go to the regular library. I hope our #littlelibrary will be a haven of happiness for many. 📚 #books #littlelibraries #librarylove #librarybooks #booklover #bibliophile #booklove #bookstagram #childrensbooks #childrensliterature #kidsbookstagram #kidsbooks #picturebooks #tomiedepaola #janeyolen #beatrixpotter #lemonysnicket #aseriesofunfortunateevents #raggedyann #reading #literacy #inmemory #grievingmother #sometimesjoy #Caetylovedbooks 💜 (at Lititz Public Library)
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noodlenuts · 6 years ago
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What makes a story great? Sometimes it can be hard to quantify. Some authors just have a knack for narrative, telling stories that are greater than any description of them could convey. Tomie dePaola is definitely one of those authors, having written or contributed to over 250 wonderful kid's books, and "The Knight and The Dragon" (1980) is a fantastic example of that as well. 📚📙📗 The story of an easygoing knight and a not-particularly-vicious dragon who are meant to duel each other, "The Knight and The Dragon" is a quiet one, full of amiable humour and surprisingly tender at its heart. A wonderful story for a cuddle-up-and-read-together with your kids, with a subtle lesson about compromise. ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ #noodlenutsclassickidlit #noodlenutskidsbooks #bookstagraminthe6ix #theknightandthedragon #knightandthedragon #tomiedepaola #authorandillustrator #authorillustrator #paperstar #paperstarbook #knightsanddragons #storytime #childhoodunplugged #childrensbooks #magicofchildhood #beautifulbooks #kidsbooks #oldbooks #picturebook #childhoodclassic #classicchildrensbooks #vintagepicturebooks #vintagekidsbooks #vintagechildrensbooks #childrensclassics #childhoodfavourite #readitagain #makereadingfun #bestbooksforkids #familyreading https://www.instagram.com/p/B1zKyLkHjf1/?igshid=ucskt0mxczf3
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