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gasstationb · 3 years ago
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“To burn with desire and keep quiet about it is the greatest punishment we can bring on ourselves.” ―Federico García Lorca, born June 5, 1898; from Blood Wedding and Yerma. 📚 #gsbauthorquotes #gsbquotesfedericogarcialorca #gasstationburrito #books #bookish #booksofinstagram #Bookporn #bookstagram #bookworm #booknerd #bookaholic #booklove #bookquotes #authorquotes #quotes #federicogarcialorca #federicogarcíalorca #desire #dream #dontthrowawayyourshot #takeachance #june5 #onthisdayinbookhistory https://www.instagram.com/p/Cebnr7_uMwN/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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gasstationb · 2 years ago
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“If I tell these private thoughts of mine, it is because I know they are not mine alone, and that practically everyone is trying to say the same things and that the writer is only a man who says out loud what other people think or whisper.” ―Eugùne Ionesco 📚 #gsbauthorquotes #gsbquoteseugeneionesco #gasstationburrito #books #bookish #booksofinstagram #Bookporn #bookstagram #bookworm #booknerd #bookaholic #booklove #bookquotes #authorquotes #quotes #eugeneionesco #writer #playwright #privatethoughts #whateveryoneisthinking https://www.instagram.com/p/ClcFh8ry6JZ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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gasstationb · 4 years ago
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gasstationb · 4 years ago
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gasstationb · 4 years ago
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“One of the great tragedies of modern education is that most people are not taught to think critically. The majority of the world’s people, those of the West included, are taught to believe rather than to think. It’s much easier to believe than to think. People seldom think seriously about that which we are taught to believe, because we are all creatures of imitation and habit.”  ― Haki R. Madhubuti, born February 23, 1942, is an African-American author, educator, and poet, as well as a publisher and operator of black-themed bookstore. Madhubuti is a major contributor to the Black literary tradition and the Black Arts Movement. He is also the founder and publisher of Third World Press, the largest independent black-owned press in the country. #gsbauthorquotes #gsbquoteshakimadhubuti #gasstationburrito #onthisday #literaryhistory #bookstagram #books #bookworm #author #authorquotes #authormemes #writer #writerquotes #hakimadhubuti #criticalthinking https://www.instagram.com/p/CLqCyVDhp4E/?igshid=11ty3kyk91lzc
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gasstationb · 4 years ago
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Edgar Allan Poe, who died October 7, 1949, Poe is best known for his poetry and short stories. With his tales of mystery and the macabre, he was not only one of the country's earliest practitioners of the short story, but is also considered the inventor of the detective fiction genre. 📚 #gsbauthorquotes #gsbquotesedgarallanpoe . . . . . . . . . . #gasstationburrito #onthisday #literaryhistory #bookstagram #books #bookworm #author #authorquotes #authormemes #writer #writerquotes #poe #edgarallanpoe #horror #fools #shortstorywriter #detectivefiction #powerofwords #horrorofreality https://www.instagram.com/p/CGDls3dhMEL/?igshid=yll62n3p71fe
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gasstationb · 5 years ago
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Tommie Smith, who was born June 6, 1944, is track & field athlete known for his performance at the 1968 Summer Olympics, in which he won the 200-meter sprint finals and gold medal in 19.83 seconds – the first time the 20-second barrier was broken legally. He is also known for giving the Black Power salute with John Carlos atop the medal podium. Smith and Carlos raised their black-gloved fists at the medal award ceremony while also wearing black socks and no shoes on the podium to represent African-American poverty in the United States. You can learn more about the events leading up to, during and after the Olympic Games in the HBO documentary “Fists of Freedom: The Story of the '68 Summer Games”, and also in Smith’s book, “Silent Gesture: The Autobiography of Tommie Smith”. 📚 #gsbauthorquotes #gsbquotestommiesmith . . . . . . . . . . #gasstationburrito #onthisday #literaryhistory #bookstagram #books #bookworm #author #authorquotes #authormemes #writer #writerquotes #tommiesmith #1968olympics #blackpower #blackvoices #blackhistory #inequality #humanrights #civilrights #injustice #fistsoffreedom https://www.instagram.com/p/CBG6YVwB_Ak/?igshid=m99ye5j1rbcu
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gasstationb · 5 years ago
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Lizzie Douglas, born June 3, 1897, and known as Memphis Minnie, was a blues guitarist, vocalist, and songwriter whose recording career lasted for over three decades. Running away from home to perform on Beale Street in Memphis at 13, she would go in to record around 200 songs, some of the best known being "Bumble Bee", "Nothing in Rambling", and "Me and My Chauffeur Blues" and “When the Levee Breaks”, about the the Great Mississippi Flood of 1927 that affected 26,000 square miles of the Mississippi Delta, 630,000 people in three states and displaced up to 20,000 African Americans along the Lower Mississippi River. 📚 #gsbauthorquotes #gsbquotesmemphisminnie . . . . . . . . . . #gasstationburrito #onthisday #literaryhistory #bookstagram #books #bookworm #author #authorquotes #authormemes #writer #writerquotes #songwriter #songquotes #bluesguitar #blues #memphisminnie #lizziedouglas #kiddouglas #whentheleveebreaks #nothinginrambling #greatmississippifloodof1927 #kansasjoemccoy #africanamericansongwriter https://www.instagram.com/p/CA-cH2LDDPA/?igshid=kf229rkn72fg
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gasstationb · 5 years ago
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“A poet is a painter in his way, he draws to the life, but in another kind; we draw the nobler part, the soul and the mind; the pictures of the pen shall outlast those of the pencil, and even worlds themselves.” / From “Oroonoko”, by Aphra Behn, who died April 16, 1689. Aphra Behn was a prolific dramatist of the English Restoration and was one of the first English professional female writers. Her writing contributed to the amatory fiction genre of British literature. Along with Delarivier Manley and Eliza Haywood, she is sometimes referred to as part of "The fair triumvirate of wit.” 📚 #gsbauthorquotes #gsbquotesaphrabehn . . . . . . . . . . #gasstationburrito #onthisday #literaryhistory #bookstagram #books #bookworm #author #authorquotes #authormemes #writer #writerquotes #aphrabehn #poet #art #playwright #dramatist #englishliterature #oroonoko https://www.instagram.com/p/B_DLwGphwt5/?igshid=1xqcs3oyl9z5n
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gasstationb · 5 years ago
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“There are good people, kind people, too. I’ve got to keep thinking of them. I’ve got to remember them. There are people who help. Not only people who destroy.” / from “Neither Five Nor Three” by Helen MacInnes, author of espionage novels, who was born October 7, 1907. 📚 #gsbauthorquotes #gsbquoteshelenmacinnes . . . . . . . . . . #gasstationburrito #bookstagram #bookquotes #quotes #writerquotes #authorquotes #writerquotes #goodquote #quoteslover #goodquotes #bookaholic #booknerds #quoteme #quotestoremember #onthisday #literaryhistory #october7 #helenmacinnes #espionage #kindness #kindpeople #goodpeople #seekkindness https://www.instagram.com/p/B3UtUXBB-Fw/?igshid=1xuyzw3a63rm3
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gasstationb · 5 years ago
“We can never be gods, after all—but we can become something less than human with frightening ease.” ― from “The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms”, by N.K. Jemisin, born September 19, 1972. 📚 #gsbauthorquotes #gsbquotesnkjemisin . . . . . . . . . . #gasstationburrito #books #bookish #bookstagram #bookworm #booknerd #bookaholic #booklove #bookquotes #authorquotes #quotes #booksofinstagram #Bookporn #literaryhistory #onthisday #dailyquotes #september19 #nkjemisin #thehundredthousandkingdoms #inheritancetrilogy #gods #godsandmonsters #wearemonsters #inhuman #humanity https://www.instagram.com/p/B2nTsYtB1MT/?igshid=1o8sb3ut00pla
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gasstationb · 6 years ago
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“You won’t accomplish anything sitting around wishing. You got to do things.” / Allen Drury, American novelist and Pulitzer Prize winner for the novel ‘Advise and Consent’, Allen Drury both was born and died on September 2. 📚 ‘Advise and Consent’ uses several incidents from Drury's fifteen years in Washington as a journalist as it tells the story of a controversial nominee for Secretary of State. The success of the novel led to a stage production and several sequels. 📚 #gsbauthorquotes #gsbquotesallendrury . . . . . . . . . . #gasstationburrito #books #booksofinstagram #bookstagram #booknerd #booklove #bookquotes #authorquotes #quotes #dailyquotes #literaryhistory #onthisday #september2 #allendrury #adviseandconsent #pulitzerprize #political #politicalnovelist #dostuff #youshouldbewriting #getup #laborday #gettowork https://www.instagram.com/p/B16ulBbBjvz/?igshid=vbszyicd05sg
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gasstationb · 6 years ago
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“Out of the night that covers me, Black as the Pit from pole to pole, I thank whatever gods may be For my unconquerable soul. In the fell clutch of circumstance I have not winced nor cried aloud. Under the bludgeonings of chance My head is bloody, but unbowed. Beyond this place of wrath and tears Looms but the Horror of the shade, And yet the menace of the years Finds, and shall find, me unafraid. It matters not how strait the gate, How charged with punishments the scroll, I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul.” / ‘Invictus’ by William Ernest Henley, who died July 11, 1903. 📚 A good friend of Robert Louis Stevenson, the character Long John Silver from “Treasure Island” was inspired by Henley who had lost a leg as a boy to tuberculosis. 📚 #gsbauthorquotes #gsbquoteswilliamernesthenley #invictus #poet #july11 #masterofmyfate #captainofmysoul #robertlouisstevenson #treasureisland #longjohnsilver #victorianpoetry #poetry #unconquered #unafraid #writer #gasstationburrito #books #bookish #bookstagram #bookworm #booknerd #bookaholic #booklove #bookquotes #authorquotes #quotes https://www.instagram.com/p/BzyAl-6hZoM/?igshid=1ufsooosm45so
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gasstationb · 6 years ago
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“The price of hating other human beings is loving oneself less.” / Eldridge Cleaver, born August 31, 1935, was a writer, and political activist who became an early leader of the Black Panther Party before splitting with the party over his support of armed resistance to the government. 📚 #gsbauthorquotes #gsbquoteseldridgecleaver . . . . . . . . . . #gasstationburrito #books #bookish #bookstagram #bookworm #booknerd #bookaholic #booklove #bookquotes #authorquotes #quotes #booksofinstagram #Bookporn #literaryhistory #onthisday #dailyquotes #otd #august31 #eldridgecleaver https://www.instagram.com/p/B115TlYBptp/?igshid=1crnlf1swqy3
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gasstationb · 6 years ago
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“You can't change a regime on the basis of compassion. There's got to be something harder.” / Nadine Gordimer 📚 #gsbauthorquotes #gsbquotesnadinegordimer . . . . . . . #gasstationburrito #books #bookish #bookstagram #bookworm #booknerd #bookaholic #booklove #bookquotes #authorquotes #quotes #Instaquotes #igquotes #booksofinstagram #Bookporn #literaryhistory #onthisday #july13 #dailyinspiration #dailyquotes #nadinegordimer #southafricanwomen #southafricanwriters #pulitzer #standup #standout #resist https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz4Nqm5B5ll/?igshid=1ungjicee39lj
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gasstationb · 2 years ago
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Gayl Jones, born November 23, 1949, is best known for her novels Corregidora, Eva's Man, and The Healing. Jones has described herself as an improvisor, like a jazz or blues musician, playing upon a specific set of themes, varying them and exploring their possible paths. đŸŽ” đŸŽ·đŸŽč đŸŽșđŸ„đŸŽ¶ 📚 #gsbauthorquotes #gsbquotesgayljones #gasstationburrito #books #bookish #booksofinstagram #Bookporn #bookstagram #bookworm #booknerd #bookaholic #booklove #bookquotes #authorquotes #quotes #gayljones #writingismusic #improvisation #jazz #listen #hearyourworld #listentowrite https://www.instagram.com/p/ClTizTXOymY/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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