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gasstationb · 2 years ago
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“If I tell these private thoughts of mine, it is because I know they are not mine alone, and that practically everyone is trying to say the same things and that the writer is only a man who says out loud what other people think or whisper.” ―Eugène Ionesco 📚 #gsbauthorquotes #gsbquoteseugeneionesco #gasstationburrito #books #bookish #booksofinstagram #Bookporn #bookstagram #bookworm #booknerd #bookaholic #booklove #bookquotes #authorquotes #quotes #eugeneionesco #writer #playwright #privatethoughts #whateveryoneisthinking https://www.instagram.com/p/ClcFh8ry6JZ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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insidethemood · 6 years ago
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FROM ART: Eugene Ionesco, “The three faces of Hélène Cixious, 1955 || JLo wearing a Heidilee Swarovski mask, 2019 #eugeneionesco #jlo #mask #faces #artinspiration #inspiration #insidethemood #medicinemusicvideo https://www.instagram.com/p/ByVtjUrgFOh/?igshid=1frehr5flhiyb
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photomampweb · 3 years ago
Vídeo teaser para Teatreliana, con la obra Las Sillas de Eugene Ionesco, dirigida por Sefa Bernet.
Reportaje fotográfico en la sección portfolio.
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andreaferratometabox · 3 years ago
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Waiting for Le Sedie. #theatre #eugeneionesco #lesedie #teatroalighieri #architecture #igersitalia #igersemiliaromagna #igersravenna @teatroalighieri (presso Teatro Alighieri Ravenna) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cc_Eg71sB-w/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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iamtaboutmf · 4 years ago
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“A work of art is above all an adventure of the mind.” ✌️😎 #TabouTMF 🎤 #DJTabouTMF 🎧 #MrUndefinable 👑 #TeamUndefinable 💎 #QuoteOfTheDay ⁠ ⁠ Music + Mixes + Mashups + More ™ 🎙️ @iamtaboutmf on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat & TikTok 📲⁠ ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ #art #workofart #worksofart #artist #adventure #mind #artlover #artappreciation #creator #creativity #quote #eugeneionesco #avantgarde #theatre #playwright #writer #ideas #techniques #france #french #romanian #travel #wanderlust #traveler #undefinable https://www.instagram.com/p/CTUYnTTM3mB/?utm_medium=tumblr
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bitterpillofficial · 4 years ago
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#eugeneionesco https://www.instagram.com/p/CJmCG8EnsDT/?igshid=1smk9fxbuk92o
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hemanchong · 4 years ago
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#TheHermit / #EugeneIonesco Acrylic on canvas, 18 x 24 x 1.5 inches (46 x 61 x 3.5 cm) Signed and dated verso, Unique, 2011 Private Collection #HemanChong #Bookstagram (at STPI - Creative Workshop & Gallery) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFfzHB_lNoG/?igshid=1xprkurpjp6xk
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nelsonlantiguamusicgroup · 7 years ago
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@ionesco_actor Muchas felicidades para este tremendo talento de nosotros los Dominicanos y latinos en general. es Solo el comienzo de una exitosa carrera felicidades amigo y familia lonesco cabrera el cielo es la meta🇩🇴🇩🇴🇩🇴🔥🔥🔥🎶🎶🎶.😊😊😊🌈🌈 Premio ACE: Mejor Produccion Comedia💎🏆 "LA CANTA TE CALVA" de Eugene Ionesco dirigida por Luis Felipe Rodriguez! GRACIAS POR APRECIAR EL BUEN TEATRO 🎭 #ionescoinformando #mejorproduccion #comedia #teatro #ionesco #eugeneionesco #lacantantecalva #thebaldsoprano #lacantatricechauve #premioACE #ACE @rubioantonioactor @gustavopena_ @claribelactress @janyoviedo @teatrotecny
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yourdisappointedarms · 4 years ago
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“I thought that it was strange to assume that it was abnormal for anyone to be forever asking questions about the nature of the universe, about what the human condition really was, my condition, what I was doing here, if there was really something to do. It seemed to me, on the contrary, that it was abnormal for people NOT to think about it, for them to allow themselves to live, as it were, unconsciously. Perhaps it's because everyone, all the others, are convinced in some unformulated, irrational way that one day everything will be made clear. Perhaps there will be a morning of grace for humanity. Perhaps there will be a morning of grace for me.” #eugeneionesco #romanian #french #playwright #readafuckingbook #thehermit https://www.instagram.com/p/CE6XDmShbLc/?igshid=2vfgwpm4eg0z
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greenernj · 7 years ago
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Won’t be eating outside tonight. Looks like the setting for an #ionesco #play - but otherwise #snow is beautiful. #eugeneionesco #theatre
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erik595 · 5 years ago
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"A writer never has a vacation. For a writer, life consists of either writing or thinking about writing". - Eugene Ionesco - . . . . . #eugeneionesco #ionesco #quote #quotes #frasi #frasitumblr #frases #citazioni #aforismi #writer #author #escritor #scrittore #book #books #bookstagram #buch #livros #livre #libri #library #romanian (presso Slatina Centru) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAPZD9alKDn/?igshid=uayjefmj7jip
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sessaosemlimites-blog · 5 years ago
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Fellini, significado: Do barroco e do surrealismo o cineasta modelava seus filmes utilizando como ferramentas os escritos de Carl Jung (em específico á partir de 1961 quando o descobriu com seu psicanalista), instrumentos oníricos do ambiente orquestral e psicológico de filmes com cenas rarefeitas, uma relação prazerosa com a relatividade do consciente e inconsciente como desenvolvimento de grandes filmes, "Amarcord", "Oito e meio", " "Julieta dos espíritos" e claro, "A doce vida" são meus favoritos. Sugestão pra definição de sua linguagem: "ciência das soluções imaginárias e das leis que regulam as exceções," (criado por Alfred Jarry, o artista do revólver, do absinto e da bicicleta que nunca pagou) ou melhor: é só metafísica, que como Fernando Pessoa significou: característica de estar mau disposto. O absurdo como incompreensão (Kafkatear) e o insólito como algo assustador e ao mesmo tempo maravilhoso, é um abraço em companhia com a leitura insólita de Eugene Ionesco, em especial "O rinoceronte", peça do mesmo ano do marco zero de Fellini: "A doce vida". Seguido deste acompanhamento, a sugestão de sobremesa são as telas de Chirico e pra encerrar a Sessão de hoje com a música de "Einstein on the Beach" da parceria frutífera de Philip Glass com Robert Wilson (!). Fellini está enterrado com sua família num único túmulo de bronze em formato de barco, na entrada do cemitério de sua cidade natal. O poderoso chefão? Em outras veredas as aberturas de Fellini são arrebatadoras como um nascimento humano, nem todo mundo morre; assim como Fernando Pessoa, não pode ter sido algum fim ou descanso na vida do maestro, mas algo como um perdão. Vídeo de Fellini: Trecho de " Oito e meio"/ Pintura de Chirico: "O enigma de um dia"/ Fotografia icônica de Eintein na praia creditado á David Rothman numa história muito maluca. Fonte: Memória, livro " Viagem a tulum" em parceria com Manara, filmografia de Fellini, Site Lambiek, 2 poesias de Fernando Pessoa, etcetera. * * * * * #fellini #cinema #carljung #chirico #surrealismo #eugeneionesco #philipglass #barroco #cinematografia https://www.instagram.com/p/B77Ko84jD_C/?igshid=r7y4iyuyvtds
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mj1982mjha · 5 years ago
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"I long for solitude and yet I cannot stand it." #EugeneIonesco. #RomanianFrenchWriter. #Playwright. #OnThisDay. #Literature. #Absurdism. #TheaterOfAbsurd. #happybirthdayEugeneIonesco ! https://www.instagram.com/p/B5VpUaVBmRU/?igshid=nqpeey6r9t0c
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gasstationb · 5 years ago
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“If I tell these private thoughts of mine, it is because I know they are not mine alone, and that practically everyone is trying to say the same things and that the writer is only a man who says out loud what other people think or whisper.” / Eugène Ionesco 📚 📚 #gsbauthorquotes #gsbquoteseugeneionesco . . . . . . . . . . #gasstationburrito #onthisday #literaryhistory #bookstagram #books #bookworm #author #authorquotes #authormemes #writer #writerquotes #eugeneionesco #ionesco #playwright #whatwewhisperinthedark #whisper #sayitoutloud #speakup #universaltruth https://www.instagram.com/p/B5VnCtNB1f6/?igshid=4aaxuh9t2nv3
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smaeralit-blog · 8 years ago
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"For a writer, life consists of either writing or thinking about writing." #eugeneionesco ✨ ✍ • • • • • #smaeralit #vacation #story #think #thinkingaboutwriting #write #writer #writersofinstagram #writing #writerscommunity #writerscommunityofinstagram #writerslife #writerscorner #writersnetwork #screenwriting #poet #travelwriter #poetry #instaquote #writingquotes #book #quote #storytelling #storyteller #imagination #inspiration #creativewriting #filmmaking #author
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jazztizz · 8 years ago
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"A work of art is above all and adventure of the mind." #eugeneionesco Gems 3.87 | #Under1000skies I hope you’re having a beautiful day. ♡ Here’s another light-filled ¤ Gem ¤ Journey Notes The suggested theme for August is “adventure.” If you have a favorite quote about adventure or any other uplifting subject, please let us know. Your Creativity As always, we would love to feature your creative visions too! If you would like to contribute photos, art work, short poems/stories, quotes, time, etc., please see our “About Us” page for details. When we show each other what we find beautiful, we get a glimpse into each others’ hearts. May you find joy every day of your journey through life, ☼ #under1000skies ☼ a #giftivism initiative We are #photographers, #writers, #artists & #advocates #serving and #connecting #homeless #creatives ( #linkinbio ) #photo by Niki Flow #tizzlovesrowdy #adventure
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