nelliasummersun · 1 year
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2022 Ace Attorney girls (Top left and bottom right are OCs) @tombedtomes -Melina me- Miranda
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tactful-kind-daedra · 3 years
😳 (Just for fun with Yuki)
Your muse walks in on my muse undressed. Send me 😳 for my muse’s reaction. (add + reverse if you want my muse to walk in on yours)
Daedra hobbled about her tent, trying to grab this and that. Things for her daily routines, all while making a detour back to her desk. If she could, anything she could do was in front of said item, generally with impatient step or hop as she tried to get a thousand tasks done at once.
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Extra reading time for the meetings was only a benefit, in her mind. Though she knew it couldn't take priority over necessities. The redhead had tried to read while holding the book and that plan.... went as spectacularly as one would expect. Perhaps if she had more arms than her mere scrawny two... So, it was almost impossible to make herself presentable and handle a book all coherently.
However, if said book was open on her desk, then she could get ready, dressed, an assortment of needed other things, AND get in that important extra reading. Very tactful, if she thought so herself!
However, with her mind and body very very very occupied, Daedra seemed to have missed how much time she was actually taking, and what was happing beyond her little inner space.
As she fiddled in front of her book, staring down as she hungrily took in the lines, and fiddling with a shirt she was trying to noodle over her arms and eventually her head, Daedra was very unaware of her guest.
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It was only when a chilled breeze prickled the skin of her bare back and legs, did she think to turn. When she saw someone in the entryway of her tent, Daedra completely froze, her mind going blank in panic. Unable to move or say anything, it was a miracle she was covered enough with her undergarments and her shirt, though waddled and crumpled about her arms.
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iamclearlyawizard · 3 years
Edward glanced as one more person dropped off a single egg, his egg crates being filled up with magic floating eggs.  “Thank you for your egg in these trying times.”
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It had been a few days since they last spoke. But in his personal research in the library and whatever books he could find in the nearby town he may have found the location of ruins that may yet be unexplored. Thinking to himself a moment before departing in search of people he could bring with him, and who better than the Dragoness?
"Melina." Adam approached her in the hall, "I have a proposition.. and no, not something like that." He chuckled and before regaining composure. "I may have found some ruins that may be unexplored. Thought Hanneman and you may be interested. Of course, I'll be accompanying you as well. If you're willing, I'm ready to leave whenever."
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rosewithpride · 5 years
“Oh Melina~” And here’s Dorothea, up to her shit again.  “Dinner?  My treat?”
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The Healing Process
It had been two days since Caspar and Melina had sparred together and he had gotten some pretty serious injuries from her dark magic spell. He had been healing at a good rate, Linhardt was his best friend after all and he was the resident healer of the Black Eagles as well. But he was still very sore all over. It hurt to breathe to deeply, to laugh for more than a couple of seconds, even to stand for a bit too long, so needless to say Caspar was a bit sad, lonely, and just plain bored without anything to do but lay about and study for classes.
What got him through passing the time better though was thinking about Melina and how they interacted that day. She was very genuine, very intelligent, and while she struggled with how to deal with her feelings she was still willing to talk about said struggles openly and discuss ways she could better herself. Plus he wouldn’t lie and say she wasn’t striking and beautiful with those silver eyes of hers and long and somewhat curly chestnut hair. He couldn’t tell if his heart was fluttering because of the throbbing pain in his body or because he might be getting attached already, but he enjoyed the feeling nonetheless.
Eventually he heard a knock on his door and he sat up with a groan before calling out to whoever it was. “Just a moment!” He stood up slowly and walked to the door, opening it to see Melina standing there, holding something in some sort of container in her hands. Caspar’s eyes lit up and he smiled when his brain recognized it was her and his quiet day doing nothing was sure to perk up now.
“I take it you’ve got that ointment done?” He asked her as he invited her in. “Perfect timing too, I was just about to redo my bandages. So, how have you been doing the last couple days? No one has caused you trouble over the other day I hope.” 
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crestblooded · 5 years
Flayn had been more than happy to take Melina into her father’s room when she found the woman pacing up and down the hall the next morning.  She hadn’t been in to see him yet, but wasn’t surprised when she saw he was just waking up.
“...did you need something, Flayn?” he mumbled, only spotting her at first as he dragged himself out of bed.  He looked groggy but much better.
“Ah, Melina wanted to see how you’re doing.”
Seteth froze at that, reaching up to get a feel for just how many directions his hair was currently pointing.  “...much better,” he said as he tucked a piece behind his pointed ear.
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diotheworldus · 4 years
tombedtomes asked:
“they’re gonna catch us—”
The vampire only grinned as his hand squeezed her chest harder from behind, his breath hitting her neck as a whisper came to her ear. “That just makes it more exciting doesn’t it?~”
He had caught her in her quarters, having sneaked in after being away from her for so long. They couldn’t see them together, if they did he would most likely lose his life, but Dio did not care, he had to be with his beloved Melina.
A startled scream had left her lips as he grabbed her from behind, servants had heard and were already on there way to her room to check. The fact they were right next to the door did not help.
“You don’t want me to stop do you? You’ve missed this....and after that time in the camp I know you like the thrill of getting caught~”
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saintlymemoirs · 5 years
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He managed to sneak away from his siblings - a habit he unfortunately has - and headed towards the dining hall. Indech  tried to keep away from any students or staff as he wasn’t necessarily feeling up to interacting much but when he came to the dining hall, after making sure it was practically deserted (and it was, with only a few people) there was hardly anything salty. Yes he could add salt to dishes himself but that was too much work. 
“Oh, drats..Now what can I do? No good food.”
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eliteeagleguard · 5 years
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She was honestly quite surprised, but she didn’t let it show on her face, the woman was clearly terrified of men but did that mean she liked women, did that mean she liked her? A singular muscular appendage moved to rest on her back hesitantly returning said embrace before one extremity would tousle already messy hair. 
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She was unsure how to react to random acts like this.
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yuri-bird · 5 years
With permission to roam the monastery again, he’d partially taken to spending time in the library, where he would look over the collection.  Just as bare as before, and he’d have better luck down in Abyss.  But there was something amusing about looking at it and seeing what was and wasn’t allowed.
He took a step back only to tumble into another student as she came down from a ladder.
“My apologies,” he said, leaning down and offering a hand.  “I didn’t think anyone else would be in here.”
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nelliasummersun · 1 year
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2023 - Ace Attorney OC besties
Miranda Belongs to me Melina belongs to @tombedtomes
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tactful-kind-daedra · 3 years
@tombedtomes​ // continued from ask:
She had a right to her fear, the princess was cruel in her jokes. This one was not hers though and there for worented her anger.
“ For the love of…. Which Brown nosing s.o.b. said that to you? Or was it lago ….hes in a right pissy mood today. Ive even got his ire….no worries we have time to fix this.”
“It... It’s wasn’t Master Iago,” Daedra replied, making sure to use the honorific he required from her, even if he was not present.
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“I--I can fix this on my own! I’m sure I can!”
Daedra had no interest in being a ‘tattle-tale’, namely because it would be obvious who said something if Melina’s wrath was suddenly unleashed. However, it was clear Daedra’s ‘optimism’ wouldn’t work here... as she was still trying to undo the mess... and having very little luck.
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knightsofthemind · 5 years
tombedtomes replied to your post: “If we are talking about fathers, mine was...
Mel: Leo don’t let father come anywhere near that topic and Forrest ….your father tries really hard ….
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“I agree, but that had to be said, a lot of people here seem to have issues with their fathers anyway.” Wow Leo that was dark for such a lighthearted moment.
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“Tehehe~ tell that to him rejecting me because I like wearing woman’s clothing~” don’t mind him, he’s being salty.
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jasperlion · 4 years
Thinking about… | Accepting
“I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s ever actually hurt someone outside of combat for no reason...”
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morningstaroflux · 5 years
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“Hmm? Not often I run into a dragon, interesting. You are however quite lovely. I wonder if your true form is the same.” He chuckled, shaking his head slightly, no he wasn’t flirting, for once, and he wasn’t even being rude he was just interested. “Oh do forgive me, Lucifer Morningstar at your service, what praytell is your name little dragon?”
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