knightsofthemind · 4 years
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To be honest, I have no been on the blog mostly because I’m not feeling completely comfortable on here. As such I am going to be Archiving this blog and moving my muses to my Multifandom blog.
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knightsofthemind · 4 years
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To be honest, I have no been on the blog mostly because I’m not feeling completely comfortable on here. As such I am going to be Archiving this blog and moving my muses to my Multifandom blog.
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knightsofthemind · 4 years
@lamedeflammes​ said: “I think I’m going to feel that tomorrow.”  (Oboro to Hinoka)
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“Hehehe~” Hinoka giggled a little bit  as she finished training with Oboro once more, and even though the Spearwoman was used to Hinoka’s brutal training...it did not mean it would become easier, no it would seem that  the Princess was making it slightly harder.
“Get up! That was just a warm up!”
Oboro run!
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knightsofthemind · 4 years
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"Listen here you little punk ass, D instead of L is a fucking Dove, dipshit."
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knightsofthemind · 4 years
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“By law it starts with a D now!”
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“That would be Dove, which is a bird, please stop confusing words.”
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knightsofthemind · 4 years
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“But....Love doesn’t start with a D-”
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knightsofthemind · 4 years
@dawnroyalty​ said: How does Elizabeth && Zaire feel about Byleth? Do they dislike, like them, or are indifferent towards them? To Six!
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Well this is a little more complicated, since there is both Post and Pre timeskip to look into. Pre-Timeskip, Elizabeth and Zaire are a little bit confused as to why a Mercenary suddenly took up teaching at the Academy, as such Liz is a little bit concerned about how Byleth teaches, and the missions she and her class go on. 
Zaire on the other hand is trying to figure out Byleth, to him they are a big mystery, from their arrival to the fact that they can’t emote easily. He doesn’t hate them of course. 
Post timeskip is slightly different. Elizabeth is glad that Byleth is safe, seeing as she would grow to like them, Even if she has to fight them, she won’t express but more sadness at the situation. 
Zaire will also be happy to see them, however if they are against him, he would see them as a backstabber, and ask them why they couldn’t see the issue with this world, the Crests, at the same time however, he will show hesitance to fight them.  
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knightsofthemind · 4 years
@dawnroyalty​ said: for Elizabeth, how does she feel about supporting the new head of the church? Does she hope that Zaire && her future will be assured to be safe && in peace? Since Byleth takes over, after Rhea steps down. to Six to reply!
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Ok, so it seems as though you are referring to the end of the Church Route. This could go in many ways. But overall yes, Elizabeth would feel safe with Byleth as the head of the Church, since they would know about the threat of Those who Slither, they would be more willing to take action which is what she wanted.
With Zaire however, it’s complicated, if he survives, he would try and seek forgiveness from his mother, while he might still distrust the Church, as long as his mother is safe then he will be happy. On Elizabeth’s side, she does hope that her son gets a brighter future at that point, and does forgive him. 
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knightsofthemind · 4 years
mcsesofhope replied to your post: I wonder if I should move all my Fire Emblem muses...
Up to you really
Yeah, seriously considering it because it might be easier then just jumping from blog to blog, ya know?
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knightsofthemind · 4 years
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I wonder if I should move all my Fire Emblem muses to my main Multifandom blog-
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knightsofthemind · 4 years
Sparring/Training Sentence Starters
Requested by Anonymous
“Come on, then! Hit me!”
“Your stance is all wrong.”
“Am I doing this right?”
“I feel like I’ve been chewed up, spat out, and run over repeatedly.”
“Get down and give me 20!”
“How many miles/kilometers are we running?!”
“Hey! Watch where you’re swinging that!” 
“Nice punch! Now do it again!” 
“You won’t hurt me, I promise.” 
“My grip feels off…” 
“Have you ever used a(n) __ before?” 
“I don’t want to hurt you…” 
“I think I’m going to feel that tomorrow.” 
“If you can lift me up, then you can lift these weights just fine.” 
“On a scale of one to ten, how much did that hurt?”
“Here, you put your feet like this…” 
“Relax. I’m trying to help.” 
“Can you teach me how to __?”
“God, we stink.” 
“Are you doing okay?” 
“Are you alright?” 
“If I do fifteen push-ups, can I be done for the day?” 
“Come on! Another round!” 
“You can win this time!”
“Work your angle a little more and you got it perfect!” 
“What are you doing up at this hour?” 
“Where did you get that bruise?” 
“Hey, no, stop. You’re going to break your fingers punching like that.”
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knightsofthemind · 4 years
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“W-We’re t-talking about Lady Rhea’s hips and breasts now?!” Elizabeth hides her face, mostly because she was blushing!
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knightsofthemind · 4 years
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There was a pause. The Princess lowered her spear, as did her sparring opponent. As if sensing that the time was up...it was then that the Pegasus Rider turned to her mother, somewhat surprised that she might say this yet...it made sense.
“I know mother...but I have to train if I am to get stronger, for you and my family..I don’t want to be weak again.”
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“ i don’t want you overworking yourself, hinoka. ” mikoto’s smile is warm, kind, gentle. “ please, take a break from training soon, and have some tea with me, okay ? ”
@knightsofthemind​ / hinoka - from 🌊.
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knightsofthemind · 4 years
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Oh, moving in to do some things here finally! Hello, who is there?
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knightsofthemind · 4 years
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The young princess just leaned on her sister looking down at her hands. “I know, I don’t want to try talking about it even if i want to..”
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“...Ok just...I’m here.” She rubs her shoulders comfortingly before a thought came to her mind. “Did...I do anything wrong?”
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knightsofthemind · 4 years
The fact that she wasn’t trying to seduce either but simply had won them over, even if she had lost the younger, was nothing but amazing to her. Here Byleth was, a woman that never explored her desires or needs when it came to romance and she had managed to win over not one, but two absolute angels.
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She was actually a bit embarrassed as she said the next thing. “I would like to stay in your room, with you, for a couple of days. Just….to relax and spend time with you, maybe meet your family, after all I’ve only ever met your baby sister.” She decided to tease just a bit, leaning in as they walked and whispering into her ears. “Maybe you have another sister that will fall in love with me.”
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“Heh heh- I have a few other siblings of course, but I doubt you can get them.” While embarrassing, it does not mean Hinoka was not going to joke around about it just like it seemed Byleth was. Of course jokes also helped to clear the air so to speak. To calm them both down.
As Hinoka showed her girlfriend around. Most that was of note was the thone room, large and beautiful, with the Throne itself standing in the centre, it’s magic seemed to produce a glowing aura. “Of course you can stay with us, I can show you my room if you wish.”
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knightsofthemind · 4 years
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“No occasion. I just heard someone singing and wanted to see who it was. When I found out it was you, I couldn’t help but be proud about how much you’ve grown.” Rhea answered as she continued to pat Flayn on the head.
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“Thank you-” There was a pause before Flayn glanced around to find that they were alone, perfect..now no one could interrupt them. “-Auntie.” She then leaned into the headpat. 
“Do you need me to help you with anything?”
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