#Princess of Hoshido: Hinoka
emblemxeno · 2 months
Here's my Hot Take ideas on emblem bracelet stuff if I were in charge. A lot of these aren't really "creative new ideas" and more just my dumb brain shuffling things around.
-Hector, Soren, Chrom/Robin and Veronica stay. Give Robin more bond conversations. Élivágar is Veronica's first engage weapon, Hliðskjálf is the second, and Enclosing Dark is the last, with all having adjusted stats to compensate. Change Veronica's writing to match her post Book 2/3 character; not being like Book 6 is excusable, but being like Book 1 and 2 is less so.
-I'm swapping Tiki, Camilla, and the House Leaders. In the name of fairness, I'll use characters from the same games.
-Caeda: Soar high, Emblem of Compassion; Bracelet of the Winged Princess.
She gets the spheres like Tiki did, and gets Camilla's Soar engage skill with the same unit type bonuses. Engage attack is called 'Belief in Love' and functions the same as Tiki's Divine Blessing; as such it also has the same unit type bonuses as Divine Blessing as well.
Engage weapons are Gradivus, Hauteclere (she can use it in the DS games if she goes Dracoknight and gets high enough Axe rank), and Wing Spear. Other skills are Axe and Lance proficiencies, Spd/Luck stat skills, and Lance Guard. Her bond stat bonuses are Spd, Res, and Luck.
-Takumi+Leo: Lead us, Emblem of Revelation; Bracelet of the Rival Princes.
While I'm aware that Camilla wasn't called the Emblem of Revelation in the JP version, I still think that there should either be a neutral character or a balance between Nohr and Hoshido rather than just have Camilla.
I wanted to be more creative than just picking Azura, so I went with a duo emblem idea instead.
They get the Friendly Rivalry sync skill where they alternate each turn starting with Takumi, and with the alternating they each give separate bond stat boosts; Takumi gives Str/Dex/Spd and Leo gives HP/Mag/Res. Friendly Rivalry transforms into 'Black and White' when engaged, where the unit gets all the stat boosts. Engage Attack is 'Gravity Storm' which has the same attack pattern as Dark Inferno, but instead of setting flame tiles, it reduces movement of all enemies caught in the attack. AOE is increased when done next to Corrin.
'Black and White' type bonuses-Backup: Avoid +10, Cavalry: Hit +10
'Gravity Storm' type bonuses-Covert: Applies smoke terrain on tiles where enemies attacked are, Mystical and Dragon: same as Dark Inferno.
Engage weapons are Ganglari (both princes have canon sword prowess, and the weapon has connections to both their fathers), Brynhildr, and Fujin Yumi. Sync skills are Groundswell, Darting Blow (reference to Hinoka), and Savage Blow (reference to Camilla). Other skills are Sword, Tome, and Bow proficiencies, Str/Mag stat skills, and Bow Guard.
-Rhea: Dream well, Emblem of Saints; Bracelet of the Archbishop
Both maps where you fight her in 3H reference Dreams (To the end of a Dream and Following a Dream) so this invocation still works. Highkey went with her because after getting shafted in Three Hopes, she really needed a win.
She gets the Gambit sync skill and can freely choose between Flame, Shield, and Poison, but it's no longer inheritable. She still gets Lineage and Weapon Sync. Final sync skills is the inheritable 'Crest of Seiros', where a unit's strength or magic is treated as if buffed by 5 points when using an offensive engage attack, referencing how the Crest of Seiros in 3H increases combat art damage by 5.
Engage skill is 'Ascension' and grants the same stat bonuses and weapon restrictions as Tiki's Draconic Form. Instead of turning into a dragon or donning Rhea's monastery clothes, the unit gets Seiros' armor and Blonde hair with green tips (though that might conflict with Leif and Eirika's engage hair color changes idk). Engage attack is 'Divine Frost', where unit transforms into the Immaculate One, lets out one big breath attack, and makes tiles in a 3x3 square in front of them into ice tiles. Doing this next to Byleth lets the unit move again to take advantage of the ice.
Other skills are Arts, Tome, and Sword proficiencies, HP/Luck stat skills, and Special Guard. Engage weapons are Dragon Claws, Agnea's Arrow, and Sword of Seiros.
-Player finds Caeda's bracelet on the Somniel instead of the House Leaders'. This means you can get the special conversation with Marth early on, and get the rest of the special conversations in the latter half of the game after losing Marth if you so please, cuz the rest of the bracelets are related to latter half ring Emblems (this makes sense to my OCD brain, don't worry lol). You find the Silver Card on the Somniel too.
-Rhea's paralogue is the Silver Snow final map at Garreg Mach. Takumi and Leo's paralogue is the Valla map where you dragon vein copies of your army onto the north and southern halves.
-Takumi and Leo take either C or B bond supports, and both are present in the A supports.
-A Divine Paralogue that lets Ephraim speak because I find the idea of playing a paralogue to untape his mouth extremely funny. Make it the Ruled By Madness chapter as well.
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the-werdna · 6 months
Title: Robcina Week Day 5 - Outrealms
Notes: Takes place between Chapters 52 and 53 of my other story, A Future Tied by Fates, which is a crossover with Fire Emblem Fates set after events of both that game and Awakening.
Words: 1454
"Oh look, over here! Are those candied apples? We should go try some!" Lucina pointed out excitedly. She seized his hand, pulling Robin along after her and she headed through the crowded streets towards one of the stalls before he could respond to her words.
Robin laughed, finding himself grinning ear to ear even as he was forcibly dragged through the festival by his wife. He was just happy she was enjoying herself. After the past several months of near-constant fighting in this world, it was just nice to have a day to not worry about all that and simply enjoy themselves. Thus when it was asked that they attend the New Year's celebration in Hoshido's capital, how could he refuse? For now, he was glad to, for just a few hours, forget the war and all the danger still ahead of them.
Despite the widespread destruction wrought on the Hoshidan capital during the Vallite attack, not to mention the war with Nohr prior, it had amazed Robin that the New Year's celebration was being held at all. Indeed, any plans for the remaining civilians to evacuate the city had been put on hold until after the celebration. However, the explanation Hinoka and Sakura had given made a great deal of sense: as the marking of a new year was incredibly important in Hoshido culture. It was a time to celebrate endings and a new beginning, A time for rebirth and renewal of bonds with those you love. To not hold the festival at all would cause much more harm in terms of lost morale than the extra time would otherwise grant them in terms of benefits.
It's a shame that the festivities here are smaller than they would normally be, Robin thought to himself, remembering the descriptions he'd been told of past years. It would certainly be worth a trip to see it as it was in happier times.
Even in its diminished state, the festival was quite a sight to behold. The entirety of the central market of the city had been packed with colorful stalls, lit by strings of many-colored paper lanterns strung overhead to crisscross the night sky. The crowded streets were filled with people, both commoners and nobility alike, all here to temporarily forget their troubles and celebrate the birth of a new year.
At last, Lucina came to a stop, arriving at the back of the line before the stall she had spotted. Sure enough, lines of candied apples shone glossy in the lantern light. Still laughing even as Lucina allowed their entangled hands to drop back to the slides between them, Robin dusted off his kimono, taking even a moment to brush away a bit of dirt that had stuck to Lucina's.
The kimono Lucina wore was a bright sky blue with a white floral pattern and a golden obi around her waist. Her hair was pulled back into a bun of traditional Hoshidan style, held in place with butterfly-shaped pins. Meanwhile, the kimono Robin wore was silver with a white trim and a geometric pattern of a deep violet. The obi around him was the same shade of purple as the pattern. Both had been selected by the two Hoshidan princesses and tailored specifically for them, despite protests from both him and Lucina that this wasn't necessary. But, as official guests to royalty, it had ultimately seemed rude to refuse such gifts.
Hopefully, they didn't look too silly or out of place in them. Or rather, he hoped he didn't. There was no doubt that Lucina had pulled the look off without flaw. She looked truly stunning in it,
"I hope Morgan isn't getting into too much trouble tonight," Lucina said, her excited grin momentarily replaced by an anxious look. She glanced around as if searching for a glimpse of their daughter 'mid-shenanigans'.
"I'm sure she'd be fine. I don't think she, Ophelia, and Kana can get into too much trouble in such a brief period of time. Remember, she also agreed to spend the other half of the festival with Inigo," Robin assured her.
"That second part doesn't inspire as much confidence as you'd think. Though I suppose Inigo is still walking on eggshells with her, even after they reconciled. That may very well keep him from encouraging poor behavior in her," Lucina conceded.
"My thoughts exactly. Though speaking of those two… there is someone else I am far more worried about getting into trouble." Robin rubbed the back of his neck nervously, already again fearing the potential outcomes of her running amok.
"Oh, Soleil…" Lucina said. She grimaced. "We really do need to curb her behavior at some point. This is getting out of hand. And I thought Inigo's philandering ways were excessive." She trailed off, shaking her head.
"Yeah… though for now I suppose we just hope for the best," Robin said.
Soon enough they reached the front of the line, Robin purchasing each of them a candied apple. With treats now in hand, they set back off into the festival. In short order, they made several more stops, from watching a group of street performers act out a play with colorful puppets, to checking out several of the other stalls, to having to quickly rush out of the way as a parade rolled through the center of the festival to the sound of drums and other musical instruments. Eventually, the two found themselves relatively alone, standing on the bridge towards the edge of the festival. It ran over one of the many streams that flowed out from the towering spire atop which sat the royal palace, currently mostly empty with so much of the royal household present at the celebrations.
"The lights are beautiful, are they not?" Lucina asked, staring out at the strings of lanterns hovering above the sea of stalls and crowds below.
"Yes, they are." Robin agreed. "Reminds me a lot of our trip to those Hot Springs in the Outrealms. I wonder if Hoshido's culture influenced Anna's resort at all. Then again, from what I know of Chon'sin back home, it seems several broadly similar cultures are present across many worlds in the Outrealms. I wonder why that is…"
He shook his head, brushing aside his musings. "Sorry, just a bit of academic curiosity on my part. Don't want to bore you with it."
"It's alright, I don't mind," Lucina assured him. She tore in half a pastry she had bought on their way to the spot, offering one half to him. It was filled with a sweet bean paste. Accepting it, the two ate in silence for a few moments, before Lucina ventured to speak once more.
"I wonder how long it will be until we can go home," Lucina said. She leaned against him, resting her head against his shoulder. "I know we cannot, not until the threat here is dealt with and our own world is safe, but…"
"I know," Robin said. She didn't have to say it. It had been too long since they'd been away, too long separated from their new family. From Morgan and Marc, the younger infant versions they'd been forced to leave behind. They were only a few months old when they were last there. If they were still that age, he didn't know how quickly time moved here relative to their own world, or even if they could use time travel to correct any such long discrepancies.
Robin leaned over, kissing her softly on her cheek. He slipped his hand around her as he finished, holding her close. "As soon as we're done here, as soon as both this world and ours are safe, we will return. I promise."
"I know," Lucina said, her turn to affirm their shared understanding, "I know we have made many wonderful new friends here, but even then I cannot help but feel homesick." She chuckled softly, adding, "Even if it is odd, that only a few years ago I would have never considered staying in that time for good."
"I am glad you decided to stay, I'd have been lost without you," Robin said. He kissed her again. She kissed him back in return.
In the distance, a gong tolled midnight. A firework shot off into the sky, raining down a shower of sparkling embers. Another followed, then more, illuminating the night with countless new stars that were born and died in each passing instant.
"I'm glad you're here with me, Lucina," Robin said, taking in the moment at her side. They watched the coming of the new year. No matter what the new year brought, no matter the challenges the future would bring, they would face it together. As they always did.
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nowis-scales · 10 months
Takumi Birthday Headcanons
December 14th means that it's time to make headcanons for the birthday boy! Hopefully you like them.
‣ Takumi is the first man of the royal family in a while that didn’t have Sumeragi’s stature. Many of the men have tended to take after their fathers, growing especially tall and imposing in build, but Takumi takes more after his mother, Ikona. When he was a younger teen, he was more embarrassed about it, feeling scrawny and unthreatening in comparison to his brother. However, over time Takumi has been able to take some pride in it — especially since rumour has it, he is credited as being the most handsome Hoshidan prince.
‣ Takumi is the one royal child who the public doesn’t have as much of a definitive opinion of. Ryoma is treated with high regard and admired, praised for encompassing everything that a proper Hoshidan king should be. Hinoka is a little more controversial, being an unusual princess, but ultimately her bravery and kindness have made her a role model to many young girls in Hoshido. Sakura is beloved amongst the people, known for her benevolence and gentle nature, the child that interacts most frequently with the common people. Takumi, on the other hand, is regarded as intelligent and… quiet. They hear about his talents, but because of his dislike of things like banquets and general feelings that people regard him as lower than his siblings, they don’t know what to make of him quite the same. He’s “mysterious” in this regard, which makes some people unhappy with him… but some even more endeared.
‣ Part of the reason why Takumi is so cautious and untrusting is because honestly, he overall has a low opinion of people. He struggles with the idea that people are inherently kind prior to the war, because time and time again the conflict with Nohr has proven humanity’s nastiness. Even the brutality that his own soldiers have to stoop to sometimes makes him doubt human goodness. However, over the course of Revelation where he got to know more about the people around him, he learned a lot more about people and their complexities. And while the people he met weren’t always kind or understanding, they were so much different than what he expected… and he learned there’s a lot more to people than just what he has to fear, prompting him to brighten up his opinion of people. I don’t think he would ever stop being cautious, but it strengthens his spirit to realize that people are better than he might assume.
‣ I’ve mentioned before that I think Takumi is gay, but I feel like if we’re going along with this headcanon, he was probably pretty in denial about his sexuality for a long time. For a long time, he kind of had the attitude of “well, if I don’t like girls then I’m just not interested in anybody”. At times he would feel things for men around him, but he usually chalked those up to a warrior’s or scholar’s connection more than anything. It wasn’t until he was much older, just before the war, that he was able to be honest with himself and admit the affection that he felt. He was a little scared to come out to his siblings just because being LGBT+ is not always as accepted in Hoshido, but they were all very supportive and vowed to protect him from anyone who wouldn’t be.
‣ Of all the royal siblings, Takumi has the best hair. It is long and flowing and gorgeous. It almost never tangles, it’s always got a lightweight feel to it, and it’s always silky smooth. He takes a lot of pride in maintaining his hair, too, making sure that it always has everything it needs to look right and that it always smells nice. His philosophy is that as a male royal, it’s tradition for him to have hair this long anyway, so he might as well spend the time it takes to make it look good.
‣ He’d never admit it upfront, but fighting the possessed corpses of the Vallites kinda freaked him out. As we learned in Boo Camp DLC, he doesn’t really like monsters or anything of the sort. He would prefer that they stay like… waaaaaay over there, thank you. As a result, facing off against the Vallites was pretty uncomfortable for him. He did his best to put on a brave face, especially because by then Sakura was in the company and he didn’t want to frighten her by being frightened him… but they are definitely something he would dream about, and definitely something he would avoid looking at where he could. Blegh. Something about them just makes him shiver.
‣ I feel like for the most part, I see Takumi as a jack of all trades. He needs to know a lot of different stuff, considering he’s the second prince, so he takes pride in putting effort into various subjects. However, if there is one thing that Takumi struggles with, it’s visual art. Ask him to draw or paint anything, and it’s just… overly simplistic and quite wonky. He’s an excellent dancer, he does okay at playing music, and his writing is pleasant enough to read — but his drawings are chicken scratch and half the time it’s hard to make out what it’s even supposed to be. It frustrates and embarrasses him to no end that he just can’t get it right, especially since others around him are so talented in the arts. Him, though? Not so much.
‣ Takumi was like, the world’s most mild-mannered baby. Sumeragi had a habit of bringing all of his kids to meetings at one time or another just because he liked having them around and wanted more time with them in a day — and who was going to say no to the king? If the children got too fussy, there would usually be a nursemaid on standby, but interestingly enough, Takumi rarely if ever needed his. In fact, unlike his siblings, he didn’t even need a toy or something to entertain himself. He’d be happy to just sit and watch the people, listen to them talk, note how they moved and reacted. People even tried to encourage him to play, but he just wasn’t interested. It was like he wanted to see the politics go down for himself or something. Sumeragi thought it was absolutely hilarious.
‣ Speaking of teeny Takumi, another headcanon I have about him is that he was probably speaking in full sentences by the time he was one years old. Constantly surrounded by nursemaids and older siblings, there was just so much language surrounding Takumi that he soaked it all up and started talking almost as soon as he could manage. The first word he ever said was “help” — not in a worrisome way, but just in a way that would let Hinoka know he was having trouble with his sandals and wanted her to figure it out for him. His first sentence, on the other hand, was something about one of his dolls… admittedly, it didn’t make sense exactly what he was trying to say, but the family was so excited with his newfound grasp on language that they didn’t really mind.
‣ Though he would never want it to be the case, if it were to happen, Takumi would make for a pretty good king. He’s cautious but kind, strong and intelligent, and he really cares about the people of Hoshido. It would feel pretty daunting, trying to fill Ryoma’s shoes, but I wholeheartedly think he would do a good job — and he likely works hard every day to do it just in case it is ever needed from him. Until then, though, he’ll support the kingdom however Ryoma and the rest of his family need him to.
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randomnameless · 10 months
Scrolling through some old posts on a whim and found this, in response to an anon pointing out how stupid it was for Claude to not know about poverty in Almyra:
To be fair, that's also something I ranted about in Birthrout when Ryoma went all "i never knew people in Nohr were starving" because there's no way a crown prince and future heir of a nation doesn't know basic things about his immediate neighbours -
While you went on to point out that it's worse in Three Houses' case because it's a prince not knowing about basic details of his own nation instead of a prince not knowing about basic details of his neighbouring nation, i'd like to add that it's even more justified in Fates' case due to one of the biggest and most consistent issues with Hoshido being it's isolationism and lack of care for the issues of other countries, made even worse by the fact that it's general populace despises Nohrians due to the war:
Azura, in her C-Support with Corrin in Revelation: I suppose the carefree attitude of Hoshido might look like indifference to others. It could give people the impression that Hoshidans are very self-centered. So long as there is peace, the people in Hoshido seem uninterested in the world.
Shura, chapter 19 of Birthright: The day Kohga fell to Mokushu, almost all of my people were slaughtered. I was a child... Chased from my homeland and separated from the other survivors. Even as a refugee, I was denied entry to Hoshido. So I wound up in Nohr. I was exiled and alone. My only choice was to steal or die. You can guess what I chose. I've been here ever since, searching for others like me and trying to stay afloat...
Azura, in a line that was removed during localization and changed into her being the only person to suffer suspicion from the general populace, Chapter 9 of Conquest: But ever since the war started, everyone has changed. After you, a Hoshido princess, defected to Nohr… Anyone who had even a little involvement with the enemy could not be trusted, and a movement to eliminate them began. And the brunt of it… Was directed at me, because I was born in Nohr.
With all that in mind, i actually find it pretty reasonable for Ryoma to not know about Nohr's food shortage; he was born and raised in a country that's, at best, willfully ignorant and uncaring of the issues other countries face and, at worst, actively murderous towards anyone with even the slightest involvement with the enemy nation it's at war with. While his own prejudice against Nohr doesn't go quite that far, it's very consistent throughout Conquest that he doesn't think very highly of it either, calling it's ways treacherous, automatically assuming they tricked Corrin just because she chose to go back to Nohr, and assuming that Corrin was lying to him and trying to trick him to win their duel due to what they were taught while in Nohr (using fateswartable's translations here since Treehouse massively exaggerated Ryoma's grudge against Nohr):
Ryoma, Chapter 6 of Conquest: Like hell I’d give up…! I have to make Kamui come to her senses. Anyway it was you, the Nohr royal family, that seduced her, right!?
Xander: Bullshit…We did no such thing. Kamui, of her own free will, chose us.
Ryoma: Damn…! I know your way of doing things. You always use dirty tricks to torment the people of Hoshido! Defeat me fair and square in a fight and then you can speak of victory!
Corrin, boss convo in chapter 25 of CQ while Ryoma still wrongly believes that they killed Hinoka: Ryouma- please stop fighting! I want to speak with you! There’s more to what happened to Hinoka, so please listen, brother!
Ryoma: Hou…Are you trying to catch me off guard? By seeing the face of the sister that killed Hinoka? Nohr’s ways are treacherous…but it’s a shame. No matter what you say, my heart shall remain steadfast. I can no longer think of you as my little sister! Draw your sword!!! Kamui!!!!!!
Given his own initial prejudice against Nohr, coupled with the isolationist culture of Hoshido, i find it reasonable for him to only bother learning about important military strongholds in Nohr and not bother investigating what life's like for the peasants there, especially since he doesn't hold the country in high regard at the start of Birthright and only softens up to it and vows to help it with it's resource problem once he finds out that most of the people there are starving, meaning he wouldn't have bothered spending any more time researching Nohr than was helpful for the war effort.
I hope my 2014 -5 ramblings weren't completely nonsensical, I haven't revisited them in a while lol
I still think Ryoma, who's not a random but the crown Prince, should at least have known a bit, even if his country is marked by extreme prejudice and isolationism, about Nohr - especially since Nohr is the country who has tried to invade them since Garon (or Gooron?) was king, and they're fighting since, well, forever.
But taking his prejudice into account, and Ryoma's own faults (he's very impulsive, not unlike his own son?), it sort of makes sense, even if I still think that's not an optimal situation for the next heir to only have the "bcs they're evil/norhians it's in their nature" answer to the usual question "why are Nohrians attacking us".
Granted, 2014-2015 was part of my Jugdral period, where both games took care to have their Lord be explained why the frick they are fighting - it's mostly important regarding Leif, who gets told by August that if Thracians are bandits and targeted the Mansterian lands, it's because they are starving and cannot import food from the North bcs Leif's forefathers and the Mansterians nobles don't want to share food.
So Leif's journey from "Thracian Hyenas!" to "Gods why are those people starving why aren't we trading food with them" to being the King of the unified peninsula, aka both Thracians and Mansterians, felt a regular, normal journey.
Ryoma being blocked at the "Nohrian hyenas" step felt a bit underwhelming in comparison, especially since, unlike Leif, he supposedly received all the education befitting a heir and hasn't been on the run for 10 years.
But ultimately everything boils down to "different games, different situations", and more over, different characters. Ryoma is biased, arrogant and impulsive - and there's no FE8!Seth, FE5!August, hell, even FE13!Fredo to tell him to stop and start being a King or acting as the leader of a State.
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eway · 1 year
Smash Bros Corrin's Supports
Vs. Male Corrin
Female Corrin Version
Corrin: That's…
Xander: You. From a realm where not only were you born male, but where you sided with Hoshido.
Xander: I…have wondered. If you could choose between Nohr and Hoshido once more, with the knowledge of what happened when you chose Nohr, would-
Corrin: Nohr
Elise: But you didn't hear the rest!
Corrin: I don't need to. I may have been born in Hoshido, but Nohr is my home.
Camilla: It is?
Corrin: Yes! It's home because…that's where you guys are!
Siblings: !?
Corrin: Nohr is beautiful, with its people, the eternal night sky, the wildlife. But you? You all mean so much to me! If anything were to happen to any of you…I'd sooner die a thousand slow and painful deaths than allow that…so I could never side with Hoshido, knowing I would have to hurt you…
Elise: Waaaaaaaa! Big sister!
Camilla: Oh Corrin…
Corrin: Wait are all of you crying?
Leo: N-no!
Xander: It seems we are. It just…makes us all so happy to hear you say that.
Corrin: I merely spoke the truth. We may not share blood, but that doesn't matter! I may do some things differently, to end the war sooner and more peacefully, but I would never abandon you! I am a proud Nohrian Princess, and an even prouder sister!
Leo: Well said, sister.
Xander: Now, defeat that Hoshidan Prince! FOR THE GLORY OF NOHR!
Corrin: (alone) I must admit. I am glad he exists. Because, at least I know that there is a timeline where Ryoma, Takumi, Hinoka, and Sakura are alive…and happy. Though I would never pay the price needed for that ending…
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fe-fictions · 2 years
Let’s do Kaze and Saizo to start! The ninja bros!!
Kaze: He had been doting on you day and night like he’d never doted before. As the baby grew with each passing day, it was impossible for him to contain his excitement.
You were taking the next big step in life together; the woman of his dreams was due any moment with his precious baby. He could hardly believe he had become so blessed.
But when you started going into labor, the doting had turned into a borderline panic. Kaze was pacing back and forth outside the bedroom, waiting for some word if you were alright or not.
So far, ten hours into the process, he had yet to hear a thing from the clerics. It was driving the normally patient and gentle man absolutely mad with worry.
Surely he’d have heard something by now, right?
“Peace, Kaze.” Ryoma, who was sat outside the delivery room along with everyone else. “She will be fine.”
“Thank you, milord. I…I know that, I just…wish that I could be in there with her. I can’t imagine what she’s going through right now.” Kaze said softly, eyes glued to the door before his pacing resumed.
The Hoshidan siblings were all waiting anxiously for news, with your Nohrian siblings soon to join them all once matters outside the Outrealm were handled.
Kaze was glad they were here, but at the same time, a part of him wished it was just the two of them. He knew you wouldn’t want them to see you exhausted and ragged after delivery, seeing as they all tended to worry about you almost as much as he did.
“If it makes you feel any better, none of us are allowed into the delivery room. Even when Shiro was born, I was kept out; and I’m the High Prince of Hoshido.” Ryoma added under his breath, clearly displeased.
“You can rewrite the laws if you wanted to, y’know. You’re literally the only one with that power.”
“No way!” Hinoka jumped in, “Do you have any idea how insanely stressful birth is?! And it’s gross, and hard, and emotions are everywhere- it’s like a whirlwind of pain and panic! If my husband was in there while I was trying to have a baby, I’d probably rip his head off! If you make that a law that husbands can be in the room, I’m gonna start a war”
“We’re already at war,” Sakura said softly, “A-and I don’t think that it’s s-such a bad idea.”
“That’s because you’re a soft, sweet little angel.” Hinoka sighed, patting her head. “Once you have a baby, you’ll understand.”
“Please don’t talk about our little sister having a baby..she’s still so young…” Takumi covered his face with his hands, “You don’t need to taint her with the reality of the world.”
“She’s not a toddler, Takumi. Stop being such a wuss!”
Kaze was thankful for the distraction, considering the worry was eating him alive. Just before it got too far, though, the doors suddenly opened.
The whole crew of them looked up at the Outrealm midwife, who looked quite pleased.
“The princess has given birth to a healthy baby girl, Your Highnesses.”
Kaze’s heart skipped a beat, and all of them gasped.
“A girl!!” Sakura exclaimed.
“Another little princess,” Ryoma grinned, “Prince Xander will be pleased.”
“We’re all pleased!” Hinoka laughed before grabbing Kaze’s shoulders, “Go on! Go see your little family! The sooner you get to say hi, the sooner we all get to, too!”
“Y-yes…yes, of course!” Kaze managed, breathless, before he hurried in behind the midwife. Sure enough, the ninja was striding to your side. You were lying down in bed, resting quietly until you felt Kaze’s hand touch your hair.
“Corrin? …Corrin, are you alright?” He called to you gently, drawing your eyes up to his. You smiled at him brightly, offering a tired laugh.
“I’m great. I-I’m wonderful,” You looked up at him, letting him take your hands into his. “We have a little girl.”
“We do,” He nodded, tears already impossible to fight away. He laughed, the sound broken in a good way. “Have you held her?”
“Not yet,” You tilted your head towards the foot of the bed, “They’re cleaning her up now.”
Kaze eased onto the bed beside you, following the direction and finding a group of clerics huddled around a table nearby. He squeezed your shoulders, swallowing hard. His baby was over there.
His and Corrin’s firstborn daughter.
“Want to hold her?” You asked, but quickly he shook his head, looking almost bewildered.
“No, not until you hold her! You...you worked so hard. I couldn’t possibly hold her before you do!”
It was only a few more minutes before the swaddled bundle was gently placed in your arms, finding the sweet little girl grumbling and whining without the touch of her mother. It’d been so warm and dark, and then all of a sudden everything was bright and she was freezing- without a clue to what happened, she was rightfully pissed.
“Oh…you’re cute when you’re angry, aren’t you?” You say softly, your voice a quiet murmur. The same voice you used to speak with her when she was still growing, kicking about and keeping you up late at night.
Kaze could hardly breathe, seeing the sweet little face nestled in the blankets. A tuft of green hair had already grown on her head; no doubt that was his baby.
“She’s beautiful.” He whispered, cradling her head from where she laid on your chest. “She’s so, so beautiful, Corrin.”
“She already looks so much like you; I think we’ll have another green ninja on our hands.”
“We mustn’t decide that for her; she’s a princess, isn’t she? If she wishes to live a life as a pampered young royal, I would never make her live otherwise. The way of the ninja is difficult…and seeing how she is now, I…I don’t want her to lift a finger for the rest of her life.”
“She’s not even an hour old yet, dear.” You giggled, seeing the fire already blazing in his eyes. “Not even I was ‘pampered’ when I was a princess. You’d want to spoil her?”
“Can you blame me?” He huffed, a calloused finger brushing along his daughter’s cheek.
“No,” You leaned into Kaze’s chest, snuggling into him. “I certainly don’t blame you at all.”
“Hmm,” He beamed, kissing your forehead. “What shall we name her?”
“You know, I had hundreds of names planned out since we found out you were pregnant, but now…now I can’t think of a single one that suits her”
Kaze paused, staring at you. It had come out so easily, he was bewildered. But you had yet to tear your gaze from your little one, who cooed and wriggled in her blankets, trying to get closer to her mother’s voice.
“Do you like it?”
Kaze nodded, the lump in his throat nearly escaping at a sob. “I love it.”
He curled into the bed with a smile, drawing his two girls into his embrace. You held the baby between you, freeing one hand just long enough to brush away the tears running down Kaze’s face.
Saizo: He had managed to break in about three times, until Ryoma ordered him to sit the hells down outside and wait for word. Kaze had been the one to haul him out each time.
The flaming ninja was falling apart at the seams; every time he’d gone in, you had begged them to let him stay. You were scared, feeling unimaginable pain, and you were in worse shape than he ever could have imagined.
Saizo was desperate to get to you. He couldn’t just sit and wait.
But, according to every single person around him…that was all he could do (aside from breaking in and getting tossed out again).
“She’s not okay.” He huffed, pacing back and forth as aggressively as humanly possible. “She needs me in there, milord!”
“I know.” Ryoma looked tense, taking hold of his retainer, forcing him to pause. “I’m sorry, but you have to wait a little longer.”
“But I can’t-”
“You have to!” Hinoka snapped at him, her arms crossed tight over her chest. Camilla, who was sitting and tapping her foot anxiously to the floor, nodded in agreement.
“We all want to break in, dear…but you must wait. It would only upset her and distract the healers again.”
He hated how right they were.
A little longer turned into an hour, and then two hours. Three hours.
He nearly blew up the doors when the clerics informed him nothing had changed yet. It was a hard labor, and you’d already been in it for the last 17 hours.
Fortunately…rather, finally…there was a change.
Saizo’s manic pacing screeched to a halt. He froze and stared at the doors, capturing the royal siblings’ attention.
“The baby’s crying.”
“What?!” Hinoka shot up, eyes wide, “Y-you can hear it?!”
They all tried to hear it, but between the walls and the heavy oak doors, there was nothing to be heard without the trained skills of a ninja. Saizo strode to the doors to rip them open, but the clerics beat him to it.
Namely Elise, who flung them open with a sparkling smile.
“It’s a boy!!”
“A boy!” Sakura echoed behind her, the two young princesses flushed and covered in blood and sweat. It was alarming, but more importantly, the princess was okay.
Saizo confirmed it for himself.
He had rushed past both the women and hurried to the bed. The chair was flung to the bedside and Saizo was settled in beside you, quickly checking all your vitals.
You were clearly drained, weak and tired, but you were stable. Still breathing, heartbeat steady…you were okay.
Saizo perked up when you called him, finding your eyes had slid open just a crack. He quickly cupped your cheek, holding your face tenderly.
“I’m here. You’re alright?”
“I’m okay.”
“Good. …Good.” He managed to breathe out for the first time in months…particularly the last few moments.
“Have you seen him?”
“Him? Who- oh. Our…”
“Your son, dear.”
You laughed when the blush rose to his face, and he shook his head, quickly looking about the room.
“I was far more worried about your health.” He said, “Forgive me, I didn’t mean to minimize the importance of our son’s…”
You watched as he trailed off, seeing how he seemed to realize that he was coming to terms with the fact that the words “our son” had just come out of his mouth.
That he was actually a father, now.
“Saizo the Sixth is healthy; a good weight, good length… strong pair of lungs, too.”
“I heard him through the doors.” Saizo nodded, finally spotting the edge of a blanket in the arms of the midwife. He sat up much straighter, watching silently as she brought the baby over with a bright smile.
“Milady, your son.” She presented the baby to you, holding out the little one for you to take. Saizo could only watch when the scrunched, round face of his little son was pressed to your chest.
You inhaled sharply, emotions overwhelming you as you felt his warmth for the first time.
“Hello, little one…my little Saizo.”
He mumbled and squeaked, squirming just so in your arms. You laughed softly, stroking his back comfortingly.
“You’re not sure what to think of being out here all of a sudden, hm?”
“Seems so.” Saizo remarked, all but straining himself to get a proper look at his baby. You grinned, motioning for him to join him on the bedside. “No, Corrin- you need your rest. I shouldn’t intrude.”
“Your his father; you’re more than welcome to join me.”
“Come hold him.”
Saizo nodded silently, awkwardly coming rising from the chair to sit beside you. He steadied himself and put his arm around you so as not to jostle his family.
The little one squeaked when he felt a shift, making both his parents smile.
“He senses changes quite adeptly.”
“He’s a newborn.”
“A prodigy.” A smile softened Saizo’s face, your crimson guardian all but fawning over his little one. “He has his father’s abilities- I can feel it.”
“I suppose his training will start early?”
“He will start when he is ready.” Saizo said, pausing when you gently shifted the baby so that Saizo could hold him. The moment the baby fell into his arms, his heart all but exploded. He squeezed the little one close, his vision suddenly misty when the baby turned towards him. “Which…seems like it will not be soon. He is…so small.”
“Not for long. We should enjoy it while we can.” You tell him, resting your head against his arm, watching the little Saizo coo and babble in his father’s arms.
It was no question that Saizo had never been so full of love and joy than he had been in that very moment. Surrounded by his family, with a new little life joining the ranks of the great Saizo line. He held you close, swearing he’d never let you go. Of that, there would be no doubt.
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thinking of a time travel au for fates gen 2, because deeprealms are a terrible way to get the kids. but the campaign chosen doesn't necessarily dictate the kids you get
so it's kind of like heirs of fate, where they come from two different world. thanks to a combination of Lilith, the orb that was entrusted to the Awakening trio, and the appropriate Corrin kids, they are able to travel back in tim
the timeline diverges as early as a few years before the game starts. this time, Corrin ends up on Rev instead.
found alongside Midori at a Hoshidan village. Mikoto discreetly asks Kaze to take in both girls and insists they be treated as important guests, particularly Kana. She's already there when Corrin is taken to the castle. (Dead in BR)
blames himself for not being able to save M!Kana, and is the first person to encourage mutual cooperation between the two factions. Applies to be a butler at Northern Fortress to get close to Corrin, who recognizes him from her visions. Inherits Yato. (Dead in BR)
sticks around to help, but dyes his hair, changes his name (as in canon), and never tells his parents who he is. when his lady doesn't show up, he leaves to find her and takes on the name "Gaius". Caeldori's retainer. (Dead in BR)
falls into Ylisse, and while scouring the skies to try and find Asugi and to find out where she is, she's found by Phila. She takes on the name "Cordelia" and becomes a part of Ylisse's Pegasus Knight squad (Dead in BR)
deeply curious about her cousin Asugi and just young enough to not understand why he resents her so much. She's mostly kept off the battlefield. Is training to be F!Kana's retainer, and has her existence revealed by Soleil. (Does not exist in BR)
promptly ends up having her identity revealed to her parents because she has a brand, being the first one as well, after Laslow finds her in a bar. Is the first instance of Nohr realizing something is up. Inherits Falchion. Siegbert's retainer. (Dead in BR)
first prince of Nohr and leader of the army. Also feels guilty for the loss of his two cousins. Runs into his mother before she ever encounters Corrin and is recruited alongside her. Inherited Siegfried. Does not tell his father until much later. (Does not exist in BR)
Grows up close to Caeldori, due to her father formerly being the Queen's retainer. Next in line to be chief of the Fire Tribe, she attempts to find Caeldori and Asugi by heading to Hoshido. Reveals herself to Azama first. (Dead in BR)
second princess of Nohr and representative of the Wolfskin. Was raised mostly isolated from the human world. Is the second person to reveal herself. Winds up at Mt Garou and tracks down her father. (Does not exist in BR)
One of the last characters to join the cast. He is found with Shigure and is relieved to find that the two factions are getting along. Is the first person, alongside Shigure, to make sense of Valla. Dwyer's retainer. Charlotte recognizes immediately. (Does not exist in BR)
Second youngest of the Hoshidan and Nohrian families. Grew up in Hoshido before his father died protecting him and his mother, before moving to Nohr. Inherited Fujin Yumi. Readily reveals himself to his parents. (Does not exist in BR)
Inherits Yato after his brother dies. Reunites with his sister after his grandmother orders Kaze to quietly bring him to the castle as well. Due to his blade, the royal family is also informed about the appearance of children from the future. (Dead in CQ)
second prince of Nohr. Is just old enough to recall his mother. Inherited her writings and her song, alongside the warnings that come with it. Mentioned above, becomes friends with Ignatius. (Does not exist in CQ)
third prince of Nohr. The sword he carries is the same one his father named after him. While okay with an alliance with the other faction, is stubbornly against revealing their identity to their parents. Joins as a samurai at the castle to be able to watch over his mother. (Does not exist in CQ)
next in line to be chief of the Wind Tribe. Is very close to Forrest. Winds up in Plegia after being chased by Faceless, only to run into Grimleal. Takes on the name "Tharja". (Does not exist in CQ)
first prince of Nohr. Is very excited to find out he has cousins in another world and wishes to get to know his aunt and uncle. One of the first to reveal himself, namely to Sakura, once she and the rest of Corrin's gang head to Izana's place. Inherits Brynhildr, but struggles to use it. (Dead in CQ)
grew up in Ylisse without her father, eventually deciding to chase him down because she was unwilling to believe he was dead. Ended up getting roped into fighting, and wastes no time introducing herself to her father. Forrest's retainer. Has her existence revealed by Soleil beforehand. (Dead in CQ)
first prince of Hoshido and the leader of the army. Feels responsible for losing Dwyer and M!Kana. When alternate Dwyer approaches him with friendship in mind, he is initially apprehensive but agrees. Kagero finds him first as he tries to warn her about Mokushu. Inherits Raijinto. (Does not exist in CQ)
Forrest's retainer. Stays with Forrest and does not wish to reveal her identity. Aids Hinoka and the rest in saving Sakura, requesting only that they hear Forrest out. (Dead in CQ)
representative of the Kitsune. Grew up close with Dwyer and Kanas. Shiro's third in command after Asugi dies and witnessed Dwyer's death. Winds up at Kitsune Hamlet and misses most of the action. (Does not exist in CQ)
Treated by Forrest as a younger sibling. Was taken in by Camilla after his parents' deaths. Used to the kind, motherly version of her, he tries to tell her immediately. Soleil is thankfully there to stop him. Kept off the battlefield due to his age. (Dead in CQ)
First Dwyer's, then Kana's retainer. Chooses to reunite with her father first, introducing herself as a distant cousin. After he disappears, she attempts to track him down. (Does not exist in CQ)
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thot-farm · 1 year
WE ARE FINALLY GETTING QUEEN HINOKA. (This gives me hope that we will get King Leo someday.)
She is the wielder of both Fujin Yumi and Raijinto. she is only a 2 ranged unit tho 🫤.
The feh game8 rated her 9.5 and said she is going to have abysmally low def/res.
I'm not that excited to actually use her as a unit, especially since bow Leo exists with dog shit def but high res.
But I am excited to have her just because I love Hinoka.
Sharena trying to make me cry with this intro (it's probably not that sad. I'm just emotional)
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"As a Hoshidan princess, Hinoka fought against Nohr with her siblings. But during the conflict, she lost both her older brother, Ryoma, and her younger brother, Takumi…"
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"Now, she carries on her fallen brothers’ purpose, as well as the heavy weight of being Hoshido’s queen. They say that her dignity and determination inspired Hoshido with renewed hope!"
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thedivergingpaths · 1 year
Birthright in Conquest
Corrin has grown up within an isolated palace in Nohr alongside his younger brother and sister, Leon and Elise.
Leo will soon be making his debut at the main palace, but one night shortly after Corrin's birthday King Garon comes to visit.
King Garon's visits are few and far between, but on this night Corrin is going to be allowed to officially join the court. There had been troubles for years amongst the nobility, and the ongoing conflict with Hoshido, but Corrin was finally going to debut as one of Garon's children to the whole of Nohr.
Leo and Elise are jealous, but happy that their sibling will be free to stand alongside Prince Xander and Princess Camilla.
Everything begins to go wrong on the journey from the Northern Castle to the heart of Nohr, Castle Krakenburg. A group of Hoshido soldiers, seeking to break the seals crafted by King Garon's late wife, Arete, meet the traveling party.
Corrin is recognized and whisked away to Hoshido, where Queen Mikoto greets them as a mother. Corrin's world collapses, but things seem...nice though odd in Castle Shirasagi.
The oldest three royals are cordial, but distant. Ryoma is frequently away from the castle, and Hinoka frequently patrols the borders. Takumi speaks with soldiers that make Corrin's skin crawl.
It all comes to a head when Corrin's dragon is released one sunny day. Mikoto promised them a chance to understand what they are, and then the castle town is in ruins.
A woman singing a mournful song and dancing with water calms them, and with the help of a repentent ninja and the youngest princess, Corrin absconds from Hoshido through a glowing lake.
In the depths of Valla, Corrin learns Azura's name and the about how Anankos has throttled Hoshido. Nohr attempted to fight back years ago with Queen Arete, but she perished and Azura was taken to Hoshido. Corrin was taken in retaliation, and possibly other reasons Azura is unsure of, though she knows Corrin has ties to Valla because Mikoto does.
The destruction of Valla left Mikoto thralled to the fallen dragon Anakos, and with her magic, the royal family has either been thralled or sworn fealty to a new dragon god.
Corrin desperately wants to go home to Nohr, to be with their siblings, but they also can't abandon their newly discovered Hoshido family. How could they live with themselves if they let Hoshido be truly devoured? Their time there was not horrid - and they made tentative friends in the ninja Kaze and the princess Sakura.
Corrin resolves to return to Nohr with Azura, who is nervous to be back in a nation she only remembers pieces of.
There are no lovely reunions, because Hoshido has invaded Nohr and Nohr is putting up a violent resistence.
Corrin manages to get in touch with Elise and her retainers, and after getting in touch with some allies and leaving news for the other siblings that they are alive, but outside of the war effort, the group returns to Valla.
They come across Arete and Sumergai's spirit, and while they are able to fight them off and escape Valla again, Corrin learns the truth of their parentage and of Azura's lineage.
Corrin has a crisis they decide to put off for later - a child of a mad god? That can be dealt with when the world isn't burning.
The group returns to Hoshido, to try and stop and the war and invasion at its...well, human source. They aren't strong enough to take on Anankos himself yet.
Mikoto and Takumi have remained in the palace, and they reject peace. Corrin is forced to kill their mother, and Takumi falls in battle trying to awaken Corrin's feral dragon. They do not have a dragonstone, and thus no real control, but when Takumi falls and Mikoto is dead, Corrin remains human but grieving.
Princess Sakura and her retainers appear, and while it's a bad situation, Sakura knows Corrin was given no choice. They gather more allies in trying to track down other royals in Hoshido - Camilla and Hinoka are fighting at the front lines in Hoshido, and Ryoma is deep in Nohr crossing blades with Xander. Kaze defects and Corrin decides that before anyone else dieds, they neee to take care of Anankos. Just dealing with the human element didn't work, after all.
Before they can return to Valla, Hinoka appears and challenges them to a battle. Kaze is killed defending Corrin, Hinoka is fatally wounded and dragged away by her loyal retainer, Setsuma. Azama defects and joins Corrin's troupe.
Corrin and co dive into the lake at Castle Shiragasi, and plunge into Valla, moments before Leo rides in with a battalion. Prince Xander is dead and Leo is fleeing Prince Ryoma, who vanishes before there is a confrontation at the castle.
Corrin fights through Valla spirits, barely able to keep everyone well and fighting. Several die before they make it to Ryoma. The fight with Ryoma is brutal, and Sakura sacrifices herself to save Corrin and stop Ryoma, but Ryoma is too far gone and deals a near fatal blow to Corrin.
Corrin goes feral, and tears Ryoma apart before separating from the remaining party.
Azura attempts a pursuit, but more Vallite soldiers block the way and delays the party's reunification.
Corrin finds the feral dragon Anankos, and a fight rattles the fallen nation. Anankos should win, but Corrin's allies appear to help.
When Anankos falls, Corrin does not revert to human form. Instead, the power ebbing fron Anankos is absorbed by Corrin and they thrall all within Valla to them.
On the surface, the thralls are released, and the remainint heads of nations begin planning to deal with the lurking threat. They are tattered, but perhaps they can build a strong enough army before Corrin's power grows out of control...
Especially since the thralls may not be so loyal, as Azura uses her Vallite lullaby to frequently lull Corrin to sleep and rest and is, perhaps, trying to free them all.
A sleeping dragon is still a dragon, however.
Check out these earlier drabbles, one for Shadow Dragon and Minerva and Michalis' swapped roles (Macedon's Twist of Fate) and the other for a fractured rescue (Time is Note Linear) of the Awakening timeline!
It's funny how I was originally going to have these be prompts but they became one-shot botes instead haha. I should probably proof before posting but I just finish so here y'all go
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sweptawxy · 1 year
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Picrew: here
Full Name: Princess Sasha of Nohr
Birthday: January 1st
Heritage: Vallian but grew up mostly in Nohr/kidnapped
Height: 5′8′’
Appearance: Tall, pal ivory skin. She has dark blue hair and unlike her twin brother does not have a scar on her face. She keeps her hair usually up half way. She’s slim and not as curvey, and frail looking.
Occupation/Job: Princess of Valla, but denies it.
Relationship status: n/a
Family: Originally, only King Garon, Prince Xander, Princess Camilla, Prince Leo, and Princess Elise. Eventually accepts Prince Ryoma, Princess Hinoka, Prince Takumi, and Princess Sakura as her family. Azura/Aqua and her mother.
Birth parents: Anankos and Queen Mikoto.
Unlike with Kaito where he originally started his confusing horrid path in Birthright and in Hoshido, Sasha begins hers in Nohr with the Nohrian royal family and in conquest. Her original birth name is Taiko, but she grew up with the name Sasha and it is the one she is the most comfortable with. It means protector of man. 
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fayesdiary · 2 years
If you’re still willing to play around with that ask game, could I trouble you for 1 with Caminoka? :)
Sure thing! Gotta give the lesbians some time in the spotlight 💜💓
When I started shipping them
I don't remember precisely, but I think it must have been some months after I got more into the FE fandom, which at the time for me was *sigh* ... Reddit.
My thoughts
These two are so sapphic it hurts.
Camilla definitely at the very least fancies Hinoka a lot, given she flirts with her at almost every chance she gets in Fates, but Hinoka's reactions also say a lot. Her face gets as red as her hair, she becomes incredibly flustered... but never actually rejects Camilla's advances. And this is consistent even in Heroes and Warriors, too!
Honestly if Fates had proper same-sex S supports that weren't for Corrin you bet they'd be the first to marry each other.
What makes me happy about them
Gods, the flirting. The shameless flirting. I could watch Camilla hit on Hinoka all day, their dynamic is everything.
It's also really sweet when you remember how self-conscious Hinoka feels about being a tomboy and not feminine enough, especially for a princess. And here comes Camilla, the peak, most feminine woman you could think of, adoring everything about her. How validating that must have felt for Hinoka once she gets used for it?
Also they're both really cool in completely different ways!
What makes me sad about them
The whole angst potential in Birthright and Conquest. Imagine realizing you're in love with the princess of the nation who's bringing your kingdom to ruin? Who's responsible for the deaths of your siblings? Just how conflicted and ashamed of yourself you must feel?
In addition, Queen Camilla/Kinshi Hinoka(who could be Queen Hinoka from CQ) in Heroes is just this tenfold. Just realizing how better things could have been and longing for someone you should despise to death at this point.
Things I look for in fanfic
Honestly I just want more fics where Camilla/Hinoka is the main pair. Granted, I haven't looked for them very much, but I feel like I rarely find a story where they're the main focus.
Oh, and of course I want flirting. Even better if they're flirting while fighting each other.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other
I'm not sure. I don't have any other strong ships for them, although I know they could definitely work with a lot of other people.
I know for sure they're other women, though.
My happily ever after for them
Post-Rev, and with Camilla leaving the Nohrian court. I'm not sure if Hinoka would live with her given how devoted she is to Hoshido, although the idea of them founding an orphanage together and basically being two moms is really cute.
Who is the big spoon/little spoon
Of course Camilla is the big spoon. But I like to imagine Hinoka trying to be the big spoon sometimes and Camilla finding it adorable.
Their favorite non-sexual activity
I'd say sewing because that's how they got close to each other, although sparring is another big one too!
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youngerfrankenstein · 2 years
2 and 3?
2. Favorite character from Hoshido/BR?
Probably Hinoka or Saizo? I have a soft spot for tomboy princess characters I will not lie.
Also for Saizo? “I gotta do everything around here!” How could I not?
3. Favorite character from Nohr/CQ?
Charlotte FireEmblem I love you. She’s just hilarious to me, even if she did get KO’d QUITE a bit while I was playing…
Xander is also pretty damn great. He’s hanging by a thread but doing his best not to show it.
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nowis-scales · 2 years
Sakura Birthday Headcanons
It's time, gang. We're back for another Hoshido royal's birthday. This time: Sakura, the sweetest little girl there ever was. I had a lot of fun writing the headcanons this year (they came very naturally!), so I hope you will have a lot of fun reading them!
Has a really hard time treating any of her siblings for injuries that cannot be easily healed with a staff or rod. If she has to do more delicate work on some of the other members of the army, it’s no problem, but when it comes to her brothers and sisters… Well, she’ll still do it, but usually she’ll hand them off to another healer if she has the choice. It’s not that she doesn’t want to treat them, either, but that she’s far too wracked by her nerves when she does because of how much she loves them. If she were to fail them, she would have a really hard time forgiving herself for it. Even procedures where she might inflict pain upon them can be difficult to conduct — she still remembers how Hinoka howled in pain when she had to pop her shoulder back into place. Ouch!
Confused and vaguely upset by Nohrian cutlery. For one thing, she just can’t get past the concept of forks. In Hoshido, it is considered very rude to stab your food with one or both of your chopsticks, so she has a difficult time remembering that it is okay to be stabbing things. Whenever she uses one, she always feels like she’s doing something wrong. She spent way too much time in etiquette classes to be defying her teachers’ “no stabbing” rule so openly, and yet… It’s completely cultural! Of course, all this is without even mentioning the Nohrian need for like, a billion different types of utensils at their fancy dinners. Why do these people need so many spoons? Boy, the Nohrians are actually really sweet once you get to know them, but their eating materials are exhausting!
Doesn't really think about romance a whole lot. It’s not that she’s necessarily disinterested, but it’s not at the top of her list of priorities. She doesn’t long for it deeply, but she doesn’t shy away from it either. I think she’s probably a big believer that the right person and the right relationship will come along when the time is right. Even for potential arranged marriages, she knows neither Mikoto nor Ryoma would have even thought of organizing one for her without asking first… and then making sure she had ample time with the person to ensure that she liked them and was comfortable with them. No matter what happens with it, Sakura knows that she’s well taken care of, so it’s one of the few times where she doesn’t really sweat things. 
Little Sakura was super duper shy – even more so than she is now! It was to the point where she would usually get Takumi to talk for her if she wasn’t with family or close friends. In settings with larger crowds of people, she even habitually started hanging around Ryoma because he was tall, so it was easier to hide behind his legs and not be stared at. Some of the castle staff worried about the severity of her shyness and encouraged Mikoto to thrust her into tougher situations, but she refused, gradually easing Sakura into being more comfortable talking in front of strangers. Over time she grew to talk and act more, even when others were around, but many still remember Sakura as the demure, wide-eyed princess who always wanted a hand to hold.
Though Sakura is much too young to remember her father, sometimes she dreams about him. Unlike some of the rest of her siblings, her dreams about her father are almost always pleasant. She tends to refer to the dreams as “visits” and speaks of them fondly, sometimes telling her siblings about what he had to say. Her emotions about them end up a little scrambled by the events at the end of Revelation, but ultimately she chooses to believe that they were something closer to his true spirit attempting to communicate with her. 
It’s funny that she is as shy as she is, because when it comes to Shirasagi Castle Town, she’s actually quite popular among the people. Mikoto has been visiting the town since Sakura was a child to truly try to understand the people’s needs, so of course she’s spent some time accompanying her. As a result, many a townsperson has fallen in love with her gentle heart, and they always look forward to saying hello to her when she joins Mikoto (and, in the future, Ryoma). There are even a few people who keep some extra sweets stashed around just so they can give them to her! 
As long as she is in a position where she can do so safely, Sakura will not wear armour. Obviously, if it’s a concern for battle or anything of the like, she won’t hesitate to put it on… but she’ll also find any excuse not to wear it when she’s not in battle. She finds it really stiff and uncomfortable, and just can’t get used to it. She doesn’t understand how decades of her family’s warriors have been wearing the same dragon-styled armour, because it’s practically full body and if she’s being honest, it looks super duper uncomfortable. Armour just pinches and restricts her movement in too many places for her ever to really be happy wearing it, so she just chooses to avoid it where she can.
If Sakura absolutely hates your cooking, whether in terms of actual skill or just not liking the food, she will do whatever she can to not let you know. Food is something that she thinks she should always be grateful for, especially as the princess of a nation plentiful in it, so she does everything in her power to avoid being picky. Even when she actually is choosy about her meals, she’ll still quietly sit there and eat everything, regardless if she’s actually loving all of it. And if she’s eating something she doesn’t like, for the most part you can’t even tell. Well… unless she’s eating natto. She has a tendency to make faces then, try as she might not to do so. It’s just so slimy! 
Sakura is a big fan of Kabuki theatre! Though she found the masks a bit unnerving as a child, she grew to appreciate the style of theatre in its entirety as she grew older. She loves the artistry behind every element – the delicate shapework and painting on the masks, the enchanting power of the actors’ every movement, and the intricacies of the choreography as actors glide across the stage… it’s gorgeous to her. If she were ever to pick an activity for a foreign pal to do while they were in Hoshido, she would absolutely take them to see a production in a Kabuki style. I bet she probably told Elise all about it!
As we know, Sakura kind of hates violence. It makes sense, of course, being from a peace loving country and the child of a peace loving woman… but that’s not really the only reason why Sakura hates violence as much as she does. The truth is that she dislikes violence because so much of her childhood was touched by it. Violence took her father and her sibling from her. Violence threatened her people. Violence brought her other siblings to many near scrapes with death. Violence brought worry into her mother’s heart. She loathes it because it’s always been the boogeyman that lies in wait around her, like it is always just prepared for another moment to strike. Her more pacifistic beliefs are her own attempt to choke it out, because an ideology that no one puts stock in is one that will not survive. However, she does choose to be a part of the war in the end, because she thinks that fighting may be the only way to stop it from coming for everyone’s lives.
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themxtleycrew · 2 years
((10 facts about Oboro!))
-||[🌟 Drop one of my characters’ names in my inbox and I’ll tell you 10 facts about them 🌟]||-
(Please be aware these are mostly headcanon)
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Her family has designed and fashioned clothes for the Hoshidan Royal Family on several occasions. Oboro herself designed most of the current outfits worn by the Hoshidan Royal siblings (with the exception of Ryoma's armor).
Despite being Takumi's retainer, Oboro actually trained under Hinoka to learn the Naginata and frequently spars with the Princess.
Even before Oboro has children, she's already got Mama Bear status.
She is slowly getting over her resentment of Nohrians, but she will admit, they do have interesting fashion sense.
She does have some skill with katanas, as she occasionally acts as Hinata's sparring partner, this usually ends with one of them getting injured (usually Hinata).
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This Oboro survived the events of Conquest. After Takumi's defeat at the wall, Oboro was taken prisoner, but Hinata was killed. She was given to Hans as a play thing, which resulted in her being beaten senseless whenever Hans was in the mood.
Following the events of the story, Oboro attempted to assassinate Corrin at a conference between Hoshido and Nohr but was stopped by Hinoka, resulting in her hair being cut and losing an eye.
Having to beg Xander's favor, Hinoka managed to bargain for Oboro to be taken back to Hoshido as a prisoner but would not be allowed to leave the country. Hinoka did this because she knew if Oboro was tried in a Nohrian court, she would not be given a fair trial and would face execution.
Oboro managed to escape through an Outrealm gate and tried to replace another Oboro in an alternate timeline, a scheme that ultimately failed.
She currently resides in another version of Hoshido where Takumi and Hinata somehow survived the events of Conquest, but their Oboro did not.
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crowntess · 2 years
                                  ❝  I can only hope that if I nurture you, you can both move forward. And as long as this dream continues... I will be right here beside you.  ❞
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MIKOTO FARASHA ( FARAH ) ICHINOMIYA - FORSBERG. has arrived to Garreg Mach Monastery!
for those who don’t know who Mikoto is, here are bits and pieces of her character copied and pasted from her wiki:
“ Mikoto is the biological mother of Corrin, stepmother of Ryoma, Hinoka, Takumi, and Sakura, and adoptive mother of Azura, all of whom she loves dearly. She is also the biological grandmother of Kana. [ ... ] Mikoto was born in Valla and is the sister of Arete. One day, she found an amnesiac hooded man and nursed him back to health. The two fell in love and eventually bore a child, Corrin. However, with the threat of the great dragon Anankos and his hostile takeover of Valla, the hooded man revealed to Mikoto that he is the disembodied soul of Anankos and regretfully decides to send her and Corrin away from Valla in order to protect her from his dragon half's wrath, along with Arete and her daughter, Azura. Mikoto was successful and managed to eventually make her way to Hoshido where she met King Sumeragi and Queen Ikona. Seeing her plight, Sumeragi and Ikona welcomed her and because of Ikona's sympathy for Mikoto she allowed Sumeragi to marry Mikoto. She became the step-mother of the Hoshido royal siblings, however, aside from Ryoma, she made them believe that Corrin is the child of Sumeragi. [ ... ] Befitting of a queen, Mikoto is calm, kind, and graceful and well loved by the people of Hoshido for it. Mikoto has a generous soul, from nursing a man suffering amnesia back to health to raising her late husband's four children and her own niece later on.
Despite her serene demeanor, she had her fair share of silly moments. Orochi mentions some of her odder moments in her supports with Ryoma and Corrin, like dressing too lightly when it snowed, forgetting she had two chopsticks in hand and ended up eating with four, or swimming with her slippers on. While she did keep herself as composed as she could in court, Orochi described her as 'like a wise sage and an accidental jester.'   ”
TOA ! Mikoto will be written as post-Revelations, first having been summoned to Askr by the voice of young Azura and later following the voices of Anankos and Corrin to Fódlan. she’s been in Askr for maybe two or three years, which puts her around the age of 42-43, though she stopped aging at 40. after her death at the hands of Sumeragi, her dreams became visions and her body became immortal. only trusted few know of this ability; the prince and princess of Askr, commander Anna, and her past retainers. before her death, she was able to see small premonitions but only as glimpses into the possible future.
going by the Drama CD, Mikoto knew of her death beforehand. she told no one of this revelation and kept it to herself until summoned to Askr. another factor of her interpretation is that she’s distanced from others as a result of the constant wonky leaps in her mind / dreams. she spaces out a lot and hears the voices of premonitions when she’s in or close to a state of unconsciousness. ( also, on the topic of headcanons, I have sprayed Mikoto with light melanin. don’t be surprised, this is Elix writing her. )
Mikoto’s here as a counselor and a substitute Faith professor that also specializes in Bow and Sword classes, though not affiliated to any house because of her uncertainty in life. after all, she’s just followed the voices of her dead lover and the child she left behind— she’s not sure if anything is as it seems. though she’s no longer the present queen of Hoshido, she will still introduce herself as such, since it was the title she died with.
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gentlenekomata · 2 years
[ BURN ] Burn different plants as offerings to the Goddess. Herbs and powders are sold by local vendors to change the scent and color of the smoke.
Such offerings are surely nothing new to the priest and priestess duo. Even so, that doesn't mean they need to be complacent about it.
For all that Azama likes to bother people, he is nevertheless typically good at his job.
"Do you think it strange," he asks, giving one small bundle of timidly burning herbs a gentle shake and watching solemnly as a few ashes flutter unto the altar, "us burning offerings to a deity not of Hoshido? Does that not make us a pair of heathens?"
All the while, he hums and he smiles, hanging another bushel up to the string. Pungent, these ones, but all the better to evoke some measure of faith, one supposes.
Not that the gods have ever cared for silly mortal lives...
from midsommar event | already finished!
Another season, another tradition: here in Fódlan specially, since the new land for the hoshidian princess was her new home too for now and she actually felt at ease, by now: it has been a while at this point, but Sakura did feel in perfect harmony with the traditions and folklore of the place, perfectly submitting to the performances and the rituals, from times to times partnering with Azama, the trustworthy retainer of her sister Hinoka. This time, the two of them decided to operate a ceremony regarding herbs and sticks, especially some aromatic ones, used to do some sort of scented incense.
As she observed and helped him with the gestures, she listened to his mumbling with a sceptical expression, not really knowing how to properly respond: does it sound strange to her? Obviously yes, religious and ceremonial facts were something quite important to their reign, but at the same time, she thought it was an honour and a great blessing to be allowed to respect and regard another deity and another culture. She was really into her now belongings and despite the aloof and cynical attitude of the monk, she felt like she deserved to be part of this.
“It’s not strange” she began, while passing another bunch of herbs to him, “It’s our duty to help during these ceremonies” she was saying all this speech with a rather serious tone, one that normally not belonged to her, “and I actually feel useful while doing so” she stopped for a moment, realizing that was a bit melancholic to be said, remembering all the beautiful rituality they used to accomplish with her parents.
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“Yeah, very useful—” and soon after, a veil of bitterness hovered all over her pallid face.
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