#tom x hannah
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livelovecaliforniadreams · 2 years ago
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mutliwankenobi · 9 months ago
Girls don’t want boys, girls want Colt Seavers emerging dramatically from the water in a bloodied white wife beater after faking his death while I Was Made for Lovin’ You blasts in background.
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daisymintt · 10 months ago
Is anyone else confused by how the box office works for movies and what makes a movie a “flop” because I’m very confused. I adore Fall Guy and really want to see it succeed and it sounds like it’s doing well as it’s been #1 box office spot for two weeks running yet because it didn’t surpass the cost it took to produce the movie on its first weekend it’s a “flop”? Why does everything need to be some mega blockbuster hit to be considered a success? The movie has great reviews, anytime I see anyone talk about it it’s extremely positive, and it’s an incredibly entertaining and uplifting movie. I’m tired. Anyways, rant over. Go see Fall Guy it’s a great movie you won’t regret it!
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weclassybouquetfun · 1 year ago
The most committed DYNASTY stan. Or maybe just a Joan Collins/Alexis Colby stan.
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-The Emmys were pushed from September to January due to the WGA and SAG-AFTRA strikes. The WGA have luckily struck a deal, but the actors are still out. The AMPTP and SAG-AFTRA have been hammering the negotiations out over the last several days and while some feel they are close to a deal, others are saying the strike could go until January. Which would certainly mean no Emmys ceremony and no opportunity for the TED LASSO cast to reunite.
Will this be the last image we see of the cast together?
You're on your morning commute and there's Hannah Waddingham trying to get you to honk. What would you do?
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What have some of the TED LASSO alums been up to?
-Newlywed Tom "O'Brien" Hendryk and TED LASSO's production designer Paul Cripps attended the screening of Cristo Fernandez's film SISTERS
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at the Raindance Film Festival.
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Kola and Billy turned up, too.
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-Maximilian Osinski went to Nick Mohammed's performance
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-Moe Hashim working on the gladiator series THOSE ABOUT TO DIE.
"New look, who's dis?"
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-"New headshot, who's dis?"
If there's one thing Hannah's going to do, it's uplift people.
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Billy and Kola were recently at the launch party for Reiss Atelier.
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Issac and Colin's engagement dinner- real.
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Kola has partnered with an Alzheimer's research organization and has gone public about his father's struggle with vascular dementia.
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-If you've listened to both installments of Brendan Hunt's appearance on Brett Goldstein's podcast then you know he had a shaky childhood due to his home life. He channels that in an one man show about his complicated relationship with his late mother and their love for The Beatles.
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Brendan and his longtime partner got engaged a few months back, but the wedding is on hold as they are expecting their second child.
Also on Baby #2 is Ellie Taylor (Sassy).
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-Speaking of babies; Baby! Moe Jeudy Lamour and Baby! Tom Hendryk
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-Get you a man who can do it all. English Prof/King/Ken
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Recording artist?? What are you doing in the booth, sir?
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sorryiwasasleep · 1 year ago
Nightmare Time 3:
if we ever get a NMT3 (🤞), not that I want to see the return of the abusive husband character cause he can choke and die, but like… Becky leaves Stanley to die in the Witchwood.
Emma says it in Perky’s Buds and it’s reinforced in Abstinence Camp with Little Jerry
“Things grow here. They grow fast, and big, and different.”
And uhhhhh, the dead don’t really die in Hatchetfield always and a person who’s not CONFIRMED to be dead? I cannot help but wonder if he’s been mutated by the Witchwood and still out there and I think that could be a compelling episode centered around Becky/Tom and Tim. The thought ‘He’s still alive’ has quite literally not left my brain since I first watched the digital ticket of Black Friday and Becky said how she ‘killed’ him.
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junikicker · 2 years ago
idk if u take requests but if you do could i request a fic w lady bellaston (maybe w the same reader character as your previous lady bellaston fics??) where they’re at a party and lady b is knowingly flirting with others to make reader jealous all the while sending looks at reader like ‘what are you going to do about it:);)’ and reader takes her to an empty room and fucks her lol no worries if you don’t take requests tho!!
Masquerade - Lady Bellaston x fem!reader
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Masquerade - Lady Bellaston x fem!reader
warnings: smut
note: I've really grown to love the oc I creadted with the whole Under Her Spell story. Love that even though the story is officially over, you requested the character again. Also love that you all love the series so much.
word count: 2.2k
“I understand you will attend the masquerade ball next week?” Your father asked, just as he was about to head out for the day. “Affirmative, father. I’ll have William fetch my clothes from the tailor this afternoon.” You responded, looking at him from your desk as you dropped the quill in your left hand.
“You’re not again writing that foolish poetry, are you? Son, how often must I tell you that you are no Shakespeare? And quit writing with your left hand.” He ordered, a deep frown on his face.
“When my time comes around, lay me gently in the cold dark earth. No grave can hold my body down. I’ll crawl home to her.” You recited the words written down on the piece of parchment before you, looking your father straight in the eye. The man’s frown seemed to only deepen at your words. He turned around and left without saying another word. You sighed. Nothing you ever did could seem to make him proud.
Later that day, William arrived with your clothes for the ball. Your father had insisted on the family colors, however, you decided to only go for the blue and switch the black for silver elements. He was not attending either way, so you thought you could just as well do a bit of your won thing.
You hadn’t seen Lady Bellaston since the night the two of you spent at Champagne Lane, but you regularly exchanged letters. William was so gracious to act as a courier for the two of you, delivering your letters to her and her letters to you, so your father wouldn’t suspect anything. William truly was a man of honor. He’d been around the manor for as long as you could remember. For a long time he had been your only friend.
The letters mostly consisted of her telling you about how much she longed to be with you again, while your letters always included a new poem of yours that you had written for her and only her.
Since you met her, your creativity had increased. You saw her in all the little things. The flowers, the sky, the clouds, and the moon with the stars at night. Sometimes even a word was enough to make you think of her.
As the masquerade ball was approaching, you felt yourself grow nervous. It was the first time that you would be seeing her after Champagne Lane. What if she suddenly decided she wanted to end it all? What if she had told anyone? What if she had told your father?
“Are you quite alright, Y/n?” William asked you as he fixed the buttons on your shirt. Whenever your father was not around, he called you by your real name. Whenever you heard your own name, a smile appeared on your face. Your father always called you Atticus. Everyone called you Atticus. Everyone but William, Charles, and now, Clarissa.
“Yes, it’s nothing.” You sighed, your hands a bit clammy. “Is it about Lady Bellaston?” He asked and you met his eyes. “I haven’t looked at the letters. But I sense there is a strong connection between the two of you.” He explained as he stepped aside for you to look into the mirror.
“We have been sleeping together, if that is what you are asking.” You told him as you smoothed out your clothing. “I was not implying-” William started but you cut him off, chuckling. “It’s fine, William. Really.” You told him. “I suppose, I am just nervous to see her again. We’ve been talking over letters over the past two weeks, but what if she decided that she wants to end whatever we are having? What if she thinks it was wrong?”
“Everything will be alright, Y/n. I’ve seen how she beamed when I came with your letters every day. How she was eager to get your reply. She won’t change her mind. And if she does: Whatever happens, happens. Everything happens for a reason.” William tried to soothe your nerves. “Thank you, William.” You genuinely told him and he gave you a smile. “Now leave. And enjoy yourself. Your father is in Paris until the day after tomorrow, do not worry about the time of your return.”
“I’ll see you tomorrow then. And thank you again.” You told him as you got ready to leave. “My pleasure, Y/n.” He spoke and left you alone.
The carriage in front of your home seemed to have arrived just in time for you to leave. You were still nervous but William seemed to have managed to calm your nerves down severely.
There were already loads of people at the masquerade when you had arrived. You got off the carriage and looked at the mask in your hands. With a sigh, you secured the mask over your eyes and tied it at the back of your head.
You looked around, trying to find any sort of familiar figure but decided it was not worth the effort. Everybody looked so different with the mask on. You still tried to find that one particular blonde among the many people.
“You have got to be kitting me! Atticus Huntington?” A voice grabbed your attention and you turned around. You were met with a small man. His hair was neatly pulled back into a slick bun at the back of his head. “Blifil? Is that you?” You asked. You hadn’t seen the man that you knew when he was still a boy in years. “So it is you! I haven’t seen you in a long time. What have you been up to?” The young man asked. “Spent some time in the countryside. Wrote a book. Everything and nothing, really.” You explained. Then Blifil was saying something about how he wanted to go to the countryside too, but it just didn’t seem to be a fitting environment for him and some other things that you didn’t quite catch because you were distracted by something, or rather someone.
About fifteen meters away was a woman in a yellow dress, a mask hid her face, but you would know that hair anywhere. It had a different color than all blonde hair you had ever seen. It had a texture that you’d know everywhere. And she was talking with some man, a tad older than you. A hand on his arm as she laughed at something he said. You had a hard time drawing your eyes away from her but managed to get back to your conversation with Blifil.
“I don’t think you’d be a fit for the countryside either, lad… Look, it was nice catching up with you, but I need to find someone.” You explained and gave his shoulder a pat. “Yes, no worries, I must be off as well.” He said and you parted ways. When you looked back to where you had just seen Clarissa with the mysterious man, there were now two ladies, one dressed in delicate green and the other in a deep purple gown. You looked around. No sign of Lady Bellaston.
As you were about to give up on searching, you saw the yellow dress again out of the corner of your eye. There she was, talking to… Tom Jones? What could she possibly want from Tom Jones? Surely she was not going to allow him to wed Sophia. There it was again. That laugh. That laugh that you had come to adore so much. The laugh that you thought was only for you.
As if Clarissa seemed to have felt you watching her, her head turned and she looked at you, giving you a smirk. That was when you knew what she wanted. It was all a game. She wanted to make you jealous and you hated that it was working. Your jaw clenched when you watched her laugh at yet another joke Ton Jones seemed to have made. She looked at you again, quirking an eyebrow at you as if to say ‘what are you going to do about it?’. You took a deep breath before abandoning your drink on the next best table and then made your way over to where Clarissa and Tom Jones were seated.
“If it isn’t Tom Jones. Are you not supposed to be talking to Sophia? My Lady Bellaston.” You acknowledged her presence as you put on a fake smile for Tom Jones. “I was just about to leave.” He gritted out between his teeth before getting up and leaving.
“Follow me.” You said to Clarissa, grabbing her hand, leading her to the next best room inside that you could be alone in.
“What was that about?!” You asked her through gritted teeth. “Why in God’s name were you trying to seduce Tom Jones?! He’s not in love with you!” You were backing her up against the closed door, leaving no place to escape for her. She had a smug smile on her face as her hands reached behind her head to get rid of her mask before she reached around your head to get rid of yours as well.
She caught you off guard with that. It was not what you had been expecting at all. Confused, you looked at her, meeting her emerald green eyes. “Because I want you.” She breathed out. “And this was the fastest way.” She explained, a hand cupping your face, thumb tracing your bottom lip.
“You’re mine.” You breathed once you had comprehended her words. “You belong to me. And if you ever look at him like that again, you are going to be very sorry, Clarissa.” You told her and her pupils dilated at your words. “Understood?” You asked her, looking deep into her eyes. You took the small whimper that fell from her lips as a yes. “Turn around.” You ordered and she immediately obliged.
You practically tore the dress from her body, not caring if it took damage as you removed it from her body. You just needed so much access to do what you had in mind. “Now I’m gonna show you who you belong to.” You growled into her ear. You looked around to find the next best place to take your activities to and saw a desk in the middle of the room. You got a hold of her hips and led her to the wooden piece of furniture.
One swift movement was all it took for you to lift her up to sit on the desk as you stood between her legs and removed her underwear. As you did, you got the perfect look at her breasts, corset so tight they were threatening to spill out of it. And the little heart-shaped mark was present once again.
You dragged your index finger up her slit and a low moan left the woman’s mouth. “Oh, darling. I’ve barely touched you and you are already drenched.” You chuckled at the wetness you found between her legs.
Without a warning, you thrust two fingers into her dripping core, Clarissa’s head falling back at the rough pace you set from the beginning. Your fingers play with her sensitive bundle of nerves, while one of her hands reach for your hair, gently tugging on it, while streams of moans leave her throat. Your lips latch onto her cleavage, leaving mark after mark on her porcelain skin.
Her gasps get higher in pitch and once you feel her flutter around your fingers, you pull away fully, gaining a groan and whimper in response. Just as Clarissa was about to say something about it, you slipped your fingers back inside, thrusting even harder and faster, a moan taking up the space of her words. Her pupils were blown wide, and her chest was flushed and covered in, what you thought was, art.
Your thumb on her clit continues to tease her further, her gasps becoming more frequent and the rhythm more frantic. Just when you curl your fingers into that special spot inside of her, her back arches fully into you, and a loud moan leaves her mouth. When you press your lips to hers in an attempt to silence her loud moans, the kiss is sloppy and messy. A few moments later, curses in what seemed to be French started leaving her mouth. Within the next few moments, you can feel her walls flutter around your fingers and her hands clawing at your back, into the fabric of your suit, while you throw her over the edge. You helped her ride out her high, before pulling away. “Who do you belong to?” You ask her, wanting to know if she remembered anything about your conversation from before. “Yours.” She panted, trying to catch her breath.
Her hair was now messy, the heart-mark washed away by sweat and her lipstick was smudged. You wondered if there was some on your face. The way she smiled at you made your heart ache. “I think I’m in love with you.” You blurted out. Just as you realized what you had said, you put your hands to your mouth. “Sorry- that was...”
“You think or you know?” Clarissa asked, now back to her cocky self. “I know.”
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elif-in-wonderland · 5 months ago
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holly-mckenzie · 2 years ago
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Solly McLeod and Hannah Waddingham in   TOM JONES (2023)|Episode 3 directed by Georgia Parris
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ilovehugslikealotalot · 9 months ago
No don’t cause I just saw the fall guy today and I say yes to the Gail Meyer fics!!
Making one rn guys 😛
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livelovecaliforniadreams · 2 years ago
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mathilde-with-an-e · 2 years ago
Meant to Be | Ted & Rebecca
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daisymintt · 10 months ago
What I wouldn’t give to see the Fall Guy 2 😭 If it doesn’t get the sequel it deserves I hope they release the script
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hacked-by-nymos · 1 year ago
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Who Am I - Kein System Ist Sicher (2014)
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junikicker · 2 years ago
Under Her Spell Part 2 - Lady Bellaston x fem!reader
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Under Her Spell - Lady Bellaston x fem!reader
warnings: mention of scars, abuse, surgery, soft and caring Lady B (?), smut
word count: 3.4k
note: you wanted part two, I give you part two
You weren’t sure if it had been the right decision to meet up with Lady Bellaston, but now that you had given her the note and were walking back towards your London home, you found yourself smiling at the thought of seeing her again.
“I take it your meeting with Miss Western went well?” Your father asked as you came into his office, announcing your return. He was a tall, thin man of forty years. Pale skin, bright eyes and dark hair that matched the color of his beard.
“Quite the opposite. I fear, father.” You replied, standing straight. “As it turns out, lovely Lady Bellaston does not see me marrying her niece.” You spoke, only revealing part the truth. “I see. Well, so shall be it. But perhaps I could pay her a visit. We are old friends after all.” He spoke, getting back to writing a letter.
“I doubt that will be of any significance on the case. She seemed quite passionate about her decision.” You said calmly, trying to hold back a smile that was threatening to make its way to your face.
“Maybe look forward to the masquerade ball then. Half of England’s most significant women will be there. You shall try talk to someone suitable there then. “Your father spoke, eyes trained on the parchment in front of him.
“Why not marry out of love? Why shall I marry for status?” You asked him and his eyes shot up from the paper as he dropped the quill in his left hand.
“Marry out of love?” He asked you, looking at you as if you were hallucinating. “Marriage for love is not something we do in this family. It might come as a lovely by-product, but it sure is not necessary for marriage. I did love your mother. Very deeply. But we, too, were set up by my father. As were him and my mother and so on.” He explained, getting up, and smoothing out his clothes. “I do understand that you want to marry for love. All the young people do today. But, and I hate to tell you this, given our status among our people, we simply cannot risk losing our influence. I am Viscount after all. Someday, you will take my place, son. And shall produce an heir.” These words cut deep. They always did. When he called you son.
“Father, you and I both know that is-” You started but he cut you off. “Impossible? You could not be further from the truth. I have been in contact with your uncle and discussed the matter with him. Your cousin would be thrilled to help out. His mother is your mother’s sister after all.” He proposed, stroking his beard.
Right. Aaron. Always in the right place at the right time. He sure was loyal to the family. Three years younger than you and yet to be wed. It occurred to you that it had been only a matter of time for your father to reach out to him. “We do look quite alike, do we not?” I suppose this is the best we can do.” You agreed, knowing that you would not be able to change his mind, even if you tried to.
You stood in front of the mirror in your room. Shirtless, as you looked at your scars. Your whole torso was covered in them. So many that sometimes you liked to think that the ones on your chest from four years ago would go unnoticed if you didn’t know what they had come from.
When it came to hiding your gender, your father hadn’t spared no expanse or effort. He had a doctor from France come to your home and perform surgery on you in an attempt to make your chest appear smaller.
The rest of the scars had mostly been from prior to that surgery. Scars from your childhood when you went hunting or horseback riding. A large number of scars remained from a day when you were playing in the forest with your cousin and fell into a bush of roses, the thorns cutting deep wounds into your flesh. Another one had come from the attack of a dog that you got involved in after unlawfully setting foot on another person's property. And lastly, there was a scar that went from your right shoulder to your left hip bone. However, this was one of the scars that you remembered fondly.
You had been playing with a friend of yours when you were fifteen. You had nicked swords from your father and started fighting each other for fun. One thing led to another and he accidentally hit you harder than you intended to.
You sighed and grabbed your shirt from your bed. It was almost time for you to leave. You would need a good forty minutes to your destination if you wanted to go unnoticed by people.
You had decided it would be best to go unnoticed in simple colors, black and dark blue were the colors of your family, so you deemed them appropriate. These were colors that were used among people all over the city, you would blend in with them nicely.
“Father, I am leaving. I will spend the night at Charles’.” You said upon your departure as you stopped by at your father’s office. “Alright then. I shall see you tomorrow afternoon.” He replied, not bothering to look up from his desk to look at you.
And with that, you went. You made sure to grab a hat on your way out, a way of disguising yourself a bit more. You walked until you were somewhat close to St. James’s Park, deeming it safe enough to enter a carriage without much fuss.
“Champagne Lane.” You said, getting in and the coachman nodded. Within twenty minutes you had reached Champagne Lane. You paid the coachman and then left for your destination.
You hid in an alley and watched the coaches, watching who stepped out of them. After a few minutes, you were unsure if she would even come. You looked at your pocket watch and time seemed to only go by slower. One minute more. And as if perfectly planned. As the clock stroke eight, a carriage appeared. Lady Bellaston stepped out and paid the coachman just as you had about fifteen minutes before.
The carriage left and she looked around, looking for something, probably you. You stepped out from the shadows of the alley, walking towards her. She seemed to notice and flashed you a small smile.
“Lady Bellaston. A pleasure to see you again.” You said as you reached her, you bowed down a bit in front of her. “The pleasure is all mine, Huntington.” She replied and you held out your hand for her to take. “Shall we?” You asked, she nodded. “I hope you are not here to abduct me.” She joked with a smile. “I shall never. But maybe you decide to stay yourself after all.” You joked back as you walked up the stairs of a house.
It wasn’t a big place. It was a small, cozy getaway that you had managed to buy yourself without your father noticing. It was nice to have your own place after all.
“After you.” You said, opening the door, stepping aside to let her enter first.
“Let me take that for you.” You offered, taking her jacket off for her. “This is not what I imagined your place to be like. I’ve known your father’s residence after all.” She said, looking around. “My father does not know about this place. This is my personal getaway. My quiet place.” You replied, leaving your own jacket on the rack at the door that you had made yourself.
“Shall I make us some tea?” You asked her as you lead her into the living area that technically was the same room the kitchen was in. “I doubt we will be able to finish it. Such a waste.” She said, hinting at the true reason you both were there.
“I do agree.” You said, sitting down next to her. “Shall I show you the bedroom?” You asked her and she nodded. You stood back up and held out a hand.
You lead her upstairs to the bedroom. You liked how the place was divided into living and sleeping areas. The bedroom was big, arguably one of the biggest rooms in the place. “Welcome, please, do enter.” You smiled, opening the door.
“I’ve heard Tom Jones is in the city. Has he paid visit yet?” You asked, trying to fill the silence that made the room seem a bit empty.
“I doubt that is any of your interest.” She said, turning to face you and stepping toward you. “Seeing as you are here...” She places a finger on your chest. “With me...” She undid the first button of your coat. “Doing things...” The coat went to the floor. “That we both know we shouldn’t.” She finished and placed her lips on yours. Her touch was sending chills down your spine.
As her tongue invaded your mouth, you felt her perfume fill your nostrils. The world seemed to disappear around the two of you, the only thing existing were your bodies.
“I shall free you of your restraints.” You breathed against her neck, hands on her hips as you spun her around. You gently undid the strings on her back and the dress pooled down to the floor. She seemed to have gone for a simpler choice of clothes, as did you. Her hair wasn’t up in the way it had been when you last saw her and there were no feathers gracing her head. Never the less, she hadn’t skipped on the corset underneath the dress.
Just as you went to undo them, she spun back around and crashed her lips to yours in a heated kiss. Her hands were fumbling with your waistcoat as she tried to undo them during the kiss. Shortly after, she got frustrated and instead harshly pulled it open, sending some of the buttons flying across the room. Her hands immediately grabbed onto the fabric of your linen shirt, tearing at it, wanting it to come off as soon as possible.
Lips still attached, you lead the two of you towards your bed, showing her down onto the mattress, a parallel to your first meet. As you now towered over her, you decided that it was time to discard your shirt. In one swift movement, you lifted the piece of fabric over your head and sent it to the floor.
Lady Bellaston’s face seemed to get a bit pale at the sight of your torso. For a second you had forgotten about your scars.
She sat up and carefully placed a hand on your stomach, letting it travel over your skin, circling every other scar. “Who did this?” She asked you, looking at you, never seeming to break the eye contact.
“Mostly, I did. I tend to be an unhandy person.” You said. “This was your work too then?” She asked, tracing the biggest scar. “Partially my fault.” You admitted, growing nervous as she was close to the scars on your chest that you hoped she wouldn’t ask about.
Instead of asking more questions, something you did think she would, she leaned forward and placed a kiss on the scar. “I must say, I find these quite arousing.” She admitted and you smiled, leaning down and pressing another kiss to her lips. “Oh, do you now, my lady?” You asked teasingly, relieved that she was more than okay with your scars.
You freed her of her corset, not breaking the kiss. Just as you expected, she relaxed into the comfort of the loss of restriction when you lifted the corset over her head. It was only now that you noticed the heart-shaped mark on the top of her left breast, so drunk on her body you hadn’t noticed it at first. You gently traced a finger over it. “As much as I appreciate you worshiping me, I am longing for you to work that witchcraft on me again.” She breathed as you climbed on top of her on the bed.
“Ah, yes. Witchcraft. How could I forget.” You apologized in a teasing manner, before wrapping your lips around her nipple, having her back arch into you only a second later and a loud moan escaping her lips. You hummed around her nipple, drawing life elixir from her moans, making goosebumps appear on her skin. “Is it that sort of witchcraft you were thinking about?” You asked her teasingly and she nodded quickly.
Her sighs of pleasure make your stomach flip and you switch to her other breast, to give it the same attention before you continue your journey down her body. You kissed down her sternum, leaving a love bite right between her breasts for her to remember tonight by.
You kissed down the center of her stomach slowly, feeling her skin soft as silk on your lips. Her grip on your hair tightened and she let out a small sigh of realization when realized what you were heading for. You smiled against her skin. Somehow you were doing new things to her all the time.
You hooked your fingers into her underwear and seductively slid them down her legs, letting her kick them off as you shifted up to kiss her again. You slowly cupped her center, pulling away to see her reaction. Lady Bellaston gasped softly and her hips twitched to add pleasure. “If you were a witcher, it would be just reasonable.” She breathed, smirking at you. You kissed her cheek before whispering “Let me know if you want me to stop, my lady.” And she nodded, biting her bottom lip.
You rubbed her center up and down slowly, taking notice of how drenched she was already as you watched her sigh and gasp before you started rubbing tight circles onto her bundle of nerves. A low moan escaped her mouth and you smirked again, kissing down her body, settling yourself between her legs. You grabbed her thighs and she momentarily grunted in protest at the loss of pressure, snapping her head up to glare at you. You quirked an eyebrow and threw her legs over your shoulders and her eyes rolled back at the sight, her fingers finding their way back into your hair. You weren’t sure if she was alright with you going down on her, but based on her reaction, you judged that she was more than alright with it.
You kissed up the inside of her thigh, skipping over where she wanted you most, fighting slightly against her grip on your hair, to kiss down her other thigh. You made your way back to her center after leaving another love bite on the inside of her thigh before placing a kiss against her core. Her hips twitched, so you grabbed them to keep them in place. One of her hands shot up to cover her eyes, lip between her teeth in pleasure as you slowly flattened your tongue against her. You had spread your fingers out across her stomach in an attempt to keep her in place and moved the other hand to tease her entrance while taking her bundle of nerves into your mouth, softly sucking.
Lady Bellaston moaned out a “Dear Lord” as you sunk one finger into her heat, loving the lewd noises coming out of her mouth. You established a slow rhythm with one finger before adding another, her mouth releasing a raspy moan as she adjusted. You lightly bit at her clit, soft curses leaving the woman’s mouth as a result. You quickened your pace before she could ask and her gasps sent wetness to your center. You curled your fingers and sucked harshly on her clit simultaneously and her grip on your hair tightened almost painfully but you could not have cared less about pleasuring the beautiful woman beneath you.
You moved your fingers in a come hither motion and felt her heels dig into your back, the pleasure overtaking her body. Her free hand grabbed at the sheets, her head pressed back into one of the pillows on the bed, her back arching and you momentarily took a mental image of her body opening up so beautifully for you. She was absolutely gorgeous.
With a few more quick curls of your fingers and twirls of your tongue on her clit, she unraveled before you, a long, loud moan leaving her lips along with the name of the Lord and a string of curses. You slowly continued your movements with your fingers, letting her ride out her ecstasy before cleaning her up with your mouth and kissing back up her body. You took your time trying to kiss every inch of her body you could find, feeling her breathing calm down.
You slowly made your way up her neck and to her lips, slowly connecting them in a passionate kiss, her arms wrapping delicately around your head and neck. You felt her hips shift on your thigh now that it was between her legs.
“Are you alright, my lady?” You asked, searching her eyes. “Ecstatic.” She replied, still searching her breath, eyes only half open. “My turn now.” She said and easily flipped you over.
“Wait.” You said, fear rushing through your body. “I need to tell you something.” You said, holding onto her hand on your chest, close to the scars from your surgery. She tried to find your eyes but needed to lift your chin in order to do so. “You may leave after I tell you, but this is central if you want to continue.” You said, looking down again.
You gently took both her hands into yours as you sat up in bed, placing each thumb onto one surgery scar. “I might be an unhandy person, but for these… it takes precision.” You started and a confused frown appeared on her face. “My father wanted a male heir. Then, when I was born, my mother died...” You explained and her expression softened. “And then there was this little girl. So confused in this new world, no mother. And then my father decided...” You took in a deep breath. “That he shall raise this little girl as his son and make her his heir?” She finished your sentence and wiped a tear off your cheek.
You just met her eyes, hoping it would be enough of a response for her. “After all this time?” She asked, a sad expression on her face. “Always.” You breathed. She gently got a hold of your neck and pulled you forward so your head could rest on her nude shoulder.
“What is your name?” She asked you once you had straightened up again. Your lips quivered. No one had ever asked you that question. “Y/n.” You replied, another tear rolling down your cheek. “After-” You started but she cut you off. “Your mother.” Lady Bellaston finished your sentence.
“Do you want to leave?” You asked her, wanting to give her the chance to escape if she wanted. “Do you need me to?” She asked in return, looking at you lovingly. “I suppose not.” You replied and she smiled.
“Did I ruin the mood?” You asked, feeling a bit guilty. “Somewhat.” She chuckled as she laid down on the bed, showing off her gorgeous body. “But it does not matter.” She patted the space next to her and you laid down, facing her. There was a comfortable silence for a few moments as you just looked at each other. There truly was something about the art of eye-contact.
“Stay the night.” You said. “I told Father that I won’t be home until tomorrow afternoon. Just the two of us. Maybe I shall teach you some of that witchcraft.” You smirked at the last part and she smiled. “That sounds delightful.” Lady Bellaston agreed and leaned in for a kiss. This one was soft. Not like the passionate, lustful, heated ones you had shared with her before but more loving and caring.
As she was lying on your chest that night, arms draped over your body, you couldn’t help but feel some sense of irony. When you held her, you were the one who felt safe. Who would have though that Lady Bellaston actually had a soft side to her.
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bloodmoonloveletter · 6 months ago
I find love letters to be super romantic and even a little to-date because of texting and email and such to the point where I use note-passing and the aforementioned two in my writing a lot, and the blood moon means a lot to me - I like how it looks, I like how it gives off creepy beauty vibes, it was used as a soul-bonding tool in Star vs. the Forces of Evil (which I like to bend the canon with and use it in a Tomco context), I like the moon, and I think blood is cool. + I used the blood moon as a cult symbol in my origin story for the main antagonist in my main WIP, signaling the nearby cult to come to her orphanage and kill everything and everyone she's ever known and/or loved, including her twin sister and her best friend that she was in love with.
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themacabrebarbie · 7 months ago
tag drop 3 !
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