#tom gc imagine
bbytamaki · 1 year
more random obey me headcanons >:)
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content: sfw headcanons, scars mentioned (from piercings), belphie has depression, all family love <3, not proofread >:((
note: i haven’t done any dateable hcs yet :(( might do some soon
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— lucifer can’t stand bananas. it’s just a thing. even the smell will have him pressing his handkerchief over his mouth like a sick victorian man. does satan use this to his advantage? possibly.
— has very feminine hands. he covers them with gloves so he doesn’t have to hear asmo’s jealous whining. if anyone brings it up he’s not above strangling them with his dainty, girlish fingers.
— flexible. like shockingly. it doesn’t really come to light that often but every once in a while lucifer follows single mom yoga videos on the weekends.
— mammon has the prettiest facial features ever. like his eyes and lips look so good in candid photos. his magazine covers are the bane of asmo’s existence.
— bird tendencies. like i mean squawking and jumping like 3 feet in the air when startled. in his demon form he’s just a big parrot. he does the head tilt thing when he’s confused.
— if anyone stands in front of him for longer than a minute he’s picking lint out of their hair and fixing their clothes. his brothers have gotten more than used to his “preening” and either avoid standing around him for too long or just take it. lucifer does this too and sometimes they’ll just stand and fix each other’s clothes for like 5 minutes straight while everyone else is like “???”
— levi is tall. very tall. he’s just so scrawny and lanky and his posture is awful so you wouldn’t even notice until he actually straightens up to his full height. this rarely ever happens unless he’s in his demon form. when it does he is scary.
— cosplays online. his cosplay friends are some of his favorite people. he already sews his own costumes (as we’ve seen), and he’s really good at makeup. one of his future plans is to meet up in the human world to go to a con with his friends.
— screams like a little girl. one time mammon accidentally walked into the bathroom when levi was showering and he shrieked. lucifer ran to see what the commotion was because “how did a human child find their way into the devildom??” levi has never felt more embarrassed.
— satan watches trashy reality tv in his private time. bad girls club, keeping up with the kardashians, you name it.
— can sing the whole periodic table song by tom lehrer forward and backward. i think satan is actual really good at science and it would be his best and favorite subject.
— he just likes animals in general. he has a thing for bunnies after visiting a human world petting zoo.
— asmo has an abnormally long tongue, like surpassing attractive and approaching freakish. he usually keeps it in his mouth but once every so often decides to creep solomon out just for fun.
— has soooo many stripper friends. if you’re wondering how his hair and makeup stay in place the whole day, he learned from the best.
— he definitely designed an entire line of lingerie but only made one of each design. they’re ultra rare collectibles in the devildom and worth more than you could imagine.
— beel can french braid and make friendship bracelets like he’s going to a girl scout camp. nobody can tell me he didn’t hand make the necklaces he wears.
— speaking of martha stewart beel, he can crochet and makes blankets and cute plushies for belphie all the time.
— luke is actually his little brother and no one can convince him otherwise lol they go back and forth over nothing all the time and stop talking to each other until one of them says “what do you want for dinner”
— belphie is the king of doing his own piercings at home because why pay $50 for something he already knows how to do? he ends up taking some of them out before they heal because he gets tired of them and ends up with a bunch of scars on his face and body.
— you and beel are his dream journal. he texts the attic club gc after every nap to tell you guys what his latest dream was about. (you’re the two people that show up in his dreams the most.)
— goes absolutely dormant during depressive episodes. the complete opposite of his twin brother (beel has to keep busy at all times to stay distracted). asmo carries him to his private bathroom and lets belphie pick his favorite soaps and lotions (he likes the ones that smell like sandalwood, they remind him of taking naps in his brothers’ rooms).
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tomwambsmilk · 1 year
Yes yes Tomgreg emotionally vulnerable phone call I could talk about it for hours, but on a less devastating note…that first Tomgreg convo. The three or four people Gregging. Greg being mad that Tom is using him as a word, but also jealous that he has other Gregs. Homeboy literally said “Hey don’t objectify me we’re equals now 😡 but also…why are you repwacing me 🥺🥺 why do you Need other Gregs. I’m here 🥺🥺” God tomgreg codependent era stays THRIVING. We stay WINNING.
wfgeiywiigb I definitely made a note of that before. you know. everything fell apart and I stopped taking notes entirely and started screaming in the gc instead because my brain was melting out of my ears.
It IS funny for exactly that reason.... Greg does not want to be replaceable but unfortunately on a purely work level he is extremely replaceable. I don't believe that Greg is incompetent or does nothing but I don't believe he's a stellar employee either. He is as thoroughly mediocre as they come and Tom is probably much better off with someone scrappy from the pigpen trying to prove themselves lmao. Of course Greg is not actually replaceable to Tom but that has absolutely nothing to do with his competency at work.
(As a side note I cannot imagine how annoyed I would be if I worked for Tom and he started using "Gregging" as a general term for admin or executive assistant tasks because that boy is definitely NOT good enough at his job to have those tasks named after him smh. I think it would be yet another tally on the "are they or are they not fucking" board somebody's hiding under their desk)
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papawolfcg · 4 months
also starting work as an actor in about a month how funny would it be if I met Rachel, josh, or Tom (will not happen Lmao) on a set and literally just thinking of the gc headcanons 😭😭😭😭
BAHAHAH PLEASE OMG 😭😭 just imagining that is HILARIOUS gosh, just seeing them and knowing that they have no idea that u have already given them headcanons on how they would act 💀
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princesstillyenna · 1 year
Tilllyyyy,have you heard of chaotic orange cat energy? Bc that sums up about 2/3 of the GC
I mean, I hadn't, but the beauty of the internet is... I HAVE NOW Know Your Meme informs me that: Orange Cat Behavior and Orange Cats Share One Brain Cell refers to the widespread notion and cliche that orange (ginger) cats are more chaotic, more affectionate and more stupid than other types of cats. And I would like to propose an additional proposal, a kind of parallel if you will. This should answer why 2/3 (I would argue more) of the GC are like this... because I read that sentence and instantly replaced orange cats with hockey boys in my head. Hockey Boy Behavior and Hockey Boys Share One Brain Cell refers to the widespread notion and cliche that hockey (player) boys are more chaotic, more affectionate and more stupid than other types of boys.
Also as a complete aside to this. Imagine an AU in which Sidby Crosby adopts a particularly feral ginger cat. I say adopts. It turns up at his house occasionally. He feeds it. He slowly learns to love the feral ginger cat. It also weirdly occasionally shows up when he's representing team canada and he freaks out at the concept that the cat stowed away in his suitcase even though he checked three times before he left. The first time he showed up at Sid's house in cat-form it was honestly an accident. Because he likes to go strolling the neighbourhoods at night. Sue him. He's a cat. He doesn't have legal representation. The second and third times it was because he discovered that this is a particularly good way to troll Sidney Crosby. And then... well... it's just.... Sid buys the GOOD cat food ok, none of this store brand stuff. And his behind-the-ear skritches? Incomparable. So after that, he just kind of... hangs around? It's not a problem anyway, it's a perfectly fine arragement. As long as Sid never finds out that his adopted ginger tom-cat is secretly Claude Giroux, everything will be completely fine.
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leejihoonownsmyheart · 7 months
OK THAT'S REAL cuz like.. can you imagine acting like a brat and just scaring them off ?? like what if that guy was gonna be my future mr....
oh my bad 😞😞 i'd love to live with you but im actually jerry (from tom and jerry) and living in the walls, and it's lowkey really spacious in here so i can't move.....i hope you understand
yeah, i think the guy that likes you? is he the guy that pouted at you when you said you were going to leave for a vacation or something
------------- ask separator --------------
why did i do that.
whatever ANYWAYS i also want to start writing fanfics. my issue? i am wildly, like, not creative and posting is scary 😞 so i think ill just keep sending you ideas because you're actually the best <3
-a no-valentine having shakey anon
NO LITERALLY i feel like there are not a whole ton of brat tamers walking around so we have to tred CAREFUL
No I completely get it actually… Tom is a great roommate and those are very spacious walls. I’m glad you have such a nice home!!
OH AND THAT SITUATION IS GOING FINE…. I COMPLETELY IGNORED THE CONFESSION HE SENT TO ME RIGHT BEFORE HE LEFT FOR VACATION AND THEN HE CAME BACK AND I KINDA IGNORED HIM AND NOW I KINDA IGNORE HIM BUT WE PLAY DND TOGETHER NOW CAUSE ONE OF MY FRIENDS TREATS MY LOVE LIFE LIKE AN OTOME GAME SHE CHECKS ON EVERY NOW AND THEN (when she found out he liked me even though I made it clearly i didn’t like him she put him in a gc with someone else we work with who ISNT EVEN THAT CLOSE TO ME to coach him on what to say to me and then gaslighted me into thinking she hadn’t been trying to push me closer to him 🤠) but it's fine I've been pretty clear though
PLEASEPLEASEPKEASE START WRITING FICS You come up with such good ideas!! And the best part about fanfiction is that if you write it IT ALWAYS GOES EXACTLY HOW YOU WANT IT TO
You don’t even have to post :D just send it to meeeeee and I’ll read and love and enjoy it <3 just something to think about…. You’ll never know how good you are until you give it a shot y’know :)
ITS BEEN GOOD IVE BEEN SLEEPING IN LONGER THAN I WANT BUT NOT MISSING CLASS SO IT’S OKAY REALLY cried a bit today because of loneliness again though… idk why it was so random
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gmanwhore · 10 months
For some reason i imagined this based on a song by Tom Cardy
MC: There's no escaping it!
MC: I can percieve you
MC: So here's what were gonna do
MC: [epic floute solo]
MC: Me and The Boys(tm) gonna mess you up
GC: 1 r0ll3d 4 0n3
AL: i rolled. A one
MC: Fuck <3
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interstellarrambles · 6 years
tourists tgc.
pairing: tom glynn-carney x genderneutral!reader
theme: fluff
summary: what it would be like on holiday with tom.
warnings: absolutely none!
a/n: I feel like most of the stuff I have written is really short, so I'm going to be working on some longer pieces. I wrote this back in summer when I went away and I've been keeping it stashed away since then. enjoy! - solis.
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it was warm to say the least.
the heat stuck to everything and no amount of stripping off layers could alleviate it, as you'd unfortunately learnt the hard way.
you and tom were currently flinging yourselves into any local tourist attractions in the hopes of getting the most out of your holiday. the small trips had taken you to places you hadn't first expected, a world of unseen possibilities slowly revealing themselves to you. in actuality, it was more exciting than you could have guessed.
leading you down alleyways and through large open streets, where the history of the town's seeped through the bricks, your adventures had been thorough and had taught you much. not only about the world and the small communities you engaged with, but each other, and the small things that made you you.
coffee shops were a favourite of you both, as they allowed you to garner a small giggle from tom's attempts at speaking the local dialect, and he could sit and stare at you for hours while you babbled on about nothing in particular. though he found it hard to choose, tom's favourite places usually coincided with the places he could marvel at the arts.
you loved watching the wonder that overwhelmed his features whenever he saw something that excited him, and the way that small smile of wonder would engage his whole face. he seemed to radiate light all the time, but these small moments were the best because his light would spread to you, bathing you in his wonder.
tom, however, loved the fact that when it got busy he had the excuse to put his hands either side of your waist and lean his head on your shoulder. this was something you knew he enjoyed and so whenever it became especially busy, you would lean into him, waiting for his hands to meet you. he loved the way a small blush blossomed under the small kisses he pressed to your skin as you manoeuvred through crowds.
the best part of each day was when you returned to your hotel room and poured all of your remaining energies into immortalising your memories together.
poems and diary entries were inscribed in foreign notebooks and on hotel notepads. songs were mused and quickly recorded on one of your phones. pictures and Polaroids were collected, and stored in safe envelopes once the both of you were finished laughing and smiling at the memories evoked.
most nights, you planned the next adventure, but sometimes, exhaustion became too prominent and you simply allowed yourselves to rest in each other's arms.
after all, plans don't always work and sometimes, it can be better to blow wherever the wind wishes.
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lowdenglynnstyles · 7 years
Hello! How are you? I love you writing and I was wondering if I could request something? Like the reader was an actress in Dunkirk and became close with the boys but she hasn't seen them since the premiere because she's been busy but they end up surprising her by going to her graduation ceremony as she graduates from university xx Hope you have a great day xx
AN: Thank you chick! Hope you’re doing well- and I apologise for how long this took me. Enjoy! ***
You could say that the last few years have been surreal to you, after working on set of Dunkirk as an actress and finishing your studies at university. Although happy you’re graduating, you were missing the boys that you had grown quite close to.
Remembering the time that you had spent with each of them, you smile when you see their messages on the group chat. All of them wishing you well for the day, explaining how they wish they could’ve made it to see you graduate.
You reply, thanking them and rush to the ceremony. You’re not going to lie, the beginning drags slightly, not until your names are called out and you’re presented the diploma do you begin to let the excitement settle in.
After your name had been called you collect your diploma from the staged area, glancing up to the fairly rowdy supporters in the crowd. You knew your parents couldn’t make it so you survey the mass of faces. Finally, your vision falls on the group of boys you’ve come to love and admire. Shocked and absolutely filled with joy a grin breaks out onto your face, nodding in their direction you take your seat again.
With the ceremony finished you rush to them, bounding straight past your friends you gleam when you see Jack and Harry waving at you. Reaching them, you jump into Tom’s arms. He squeezes you as they all sing their praises, congratulating you on your success and hugging you when you’re free of Tom.
“So, Y/N, how does it feel to be free of assignments and deadlines?” Barry asks, punching your arm lightly.
“So good, Barry. I’m so glad you guys made it! How did you do it?” You ask, still attached to Aneurin’s arm.
“Well, we knew how much it meant to you and we are so proud of you, we made sure we were all down here!” Fionn answers, smiling over at you.
“Aw! You guys are the best-”
“We know” Harry winks over at you.
“Alright lads, what do you say to giving this lass a good, old congratulatory night out?” Jack suggests, awaiting everyone’s responses.
“Sounds like a plan, you up for it Y/N?” Tom looks over at you.
“When have I ever passed up the opportunity to go out with you guys?” She grins.
“Come on, let’s go get some drinks, saw a bar on the way here!” Barry excitedly leads you all.
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honeyyholland · 7 years
Me walking into any situation ever
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suspiciouslycurly · 7 years
hope is for the lucky ones. //
A/N: This is going to get quite lengthy – the A/N, I mean – but please read until the end if you can... And thank you if you do, it means a lot ♥ The story was loosely inspired by my trip to London to see The Ferryman last month – don’t really want to get into details again because it doesn’t matter anymore, but the trip left me with rather bittersweet memories and also lots of self-doubt that was really hard to get rid of later on. I made this story by a great amount of thinking and jotting down bits and pieces of information everywhere I could but somehow I just couldn’t bring myself to write it. Now, a month later, I needed it again and it sort of became my coping mechanism as I’ve been dealing with lots of, well, stuff lately – and writing certainly let me take my mind off that. I’m actually really happy I made it happen because I generally give up on my plans way too easily – and completing something gave me a push to give myself a chance to try again. I admit I projected onto this story way too much and put lots of personal experiences in it but let’s leave it at that, it doesn’t really matter which parts are pure fiction and which relate to me personally in some way. Tl;dr I put a lot of effort and personal feelings into this story so don’t be afraid to send me both positive and negative feedback :) I haven’t got so invested in writing in ages (if ever) and I hope it shows just a little. I listened to lots of very random music while working on this but if I can recommend anything, you could try listening to Kygo’s This Town while reading, I feel the atmosphere of this song sort of compliments the story. Also, I most probably won’t write anything else, like I’ve said somewhere before. Anyway, thanks for putting up with me and, well, enjoy! x
What: sometimes luck strikes when you least expect it... what happens when a lucky person like Tom meets the exact opposite, a ‘bad case of bad luck’, as she likes to call herself?
Word count: 3137
Warnings: none, unless you’re afraid of getting cavities?
Hope is such a vicious word – it makes you look forward to things then tears your heart out when they do not happen the way you wished them to. And she was an expert on having her dreams crushed by the unknown forces of the universe.
“O-of course, I understand, the end of the month it is then,” she said and ended a call, letting out a heavy sigh and feeling a wave of panic rushing through her already tired body.
It was happening. Again. The universe just loved to keep dropping bombs at her without any warning, as if she existed for the sole purpose of being ridiculed by it.
She had just recently quit her job and it was a well-thought decision, having grown in her head with all the pros and cons attached for several months; the job had been draining all of her life energy like a badly developed app would a smartphone’s battery – and she had had enough. There was no turning back; she ended up being unemployed of her own accord, but at least she had found a nice and affordable place for herself and tried to make it home ever since. Somewhere she would finally belong.
The temporary calm was just the calm before the storm, as it turned out soon; the landlord called to tell her they had changed their plans and they were so very sorry and all that but she would have to move out by the end of the month… Now she could add homeless to the ever-growing list of -lesses. Jobless. Homeless. Worthless…? And, to end it all with a huge cherry on top, her favourite band had just cancelled their only gig in the vicinity, the one she had been waiting for years to attend, the only thing she had been excited for, her only ray of hope left in this world.
Wasn’t hope just plain overrated though? Especially when you were what she would call a ‘bad case of bad luck’; a pessimism-painted realist, somewhere along the way she had learned how to hope and expect good things to happen – and that was the nail to her proverbial coffin. To most people, an unfortunate event or a mild inconvenience, which the things she would experience might or might not have been, would be quite far from the end of the world. But to her, they were. The end of the world. Over and over again. Some of the days, she would even wonder how good it would be if it came for real one day and ended her misery.
But to her ever-growing disappointment, it just would not come quickly enough. And now she ended up in a shady back alley on her way to pick up some groceries, having just ended up that dreadful call, unable to move or think straight. In normal conditions (if there were ever conditions considered as ‘normal’ with her), she would somehow manage to make a straight face, do her business as fast as possible and run back home, just to burst into tears the moment she would close the front door to her flat. But today was different. Crushed with the bearable-no-more weight of living, she just dropped to her knees and started crying right where she had stood, silently sobbing at first just to go full-on wailing, too busy being lost in her own misery to realise anyone could actually see (or hear) her like that. She quickly readjusted her position and now she was sitting with her back propped against a cold brick wall and her arms wrapped around her head, resembling a child who had just lost their parents and could not find their way back to them.
Listening only to her own quickened breathing and the heartbeat thumping through her ears, she did not recognise a sound of footsteps slowly coming into her direction.
After having taken care of some business in town, he was now taking a stroll through the neighbourhood. As the streets were rather empty this time of the day, he was enjoying the peace and quiet in the middle of hustle and bustle of the city, lost deeply in his own thoughts… until he heard a peculiar sound coming from a back alley he was just passing by. He did not even slow down at first, trying to ignore that slight disturbance to overall peaceful surroundings, but something at the back of his head started to nag at him to turn around and check the source of the unusual sound.
“Whatever…” he mumbled to himself and headed back to the dark and ugly alley he would normally never give a second look – just to find her. A young woman, sitting all alone on the cold cobbled ground, crying her heart out.
Suddenly hit with an unpleasant pang of worry, he rushed to her without a second thought.
“Hey, you alright?” he asked with a concerned but warm tone in his voice.
Startled out of her mind, she immediately lifted her head up – strands of hair sticking to her wet face and mascara starting to run down her cheeks – just to be met with a pair of deep blue eyes staring down at her with a rather vague expression. She blinked twice, thinking it was just her wild imagination playing tricks on her already messed up mind – but he was still there. A man resembling an angel looking down at her with concern, running his hand up his blonde hair to prevent the fringe from getting its way into his eyes.
She tried to say something – anything – but words just would not come out of her mouth; he was not even supposed to be there with her, she would always be invisible to that kind, only being noticed by drunks and overall dodgy types… She even half-expected him to turn into one of those if she blinked one too many times.
“H-huh…?” she murmured, her stiff tongue only allowing her to produce this much of semi-coherent speech. She still was not convinced he was real and did not want to get her hopes up for nothing. She knew better than to hope again.
He saw reluctance and pure confusion in her glassy eyes. ‘What a beautiful girl she is…’ he thought, wondering what on earth could make her so incredibly sad and put her in the state she was in.
“What happened?” he continued aloud.
“N-nothing,” she answered and her voice was barely audible, accompanied with constant sniffling.
He was suddenly hit with a rather strange idea.
“Wait a sec… d-do you like tea?” he blurted out and smiled sheepishly at her, rubbing the back of his head, suddenly unsure of what to do with himself. In fact, he just could not stand the sight of someone like her sitting out there all alone with tears streaming down her face.
Even though he still had no clue what had caused all that despair, he did not want to push; he could come back to that later if she was willing to share her experience with him at all. All he knew at that point was that he just had to keep her safe and make sure she would get home without any trouble, be it catching a taxi for her or just walking her himself – whatever she would not find too suspicious as they were strangers after all. He decided to protect her from the world that evidently had hurt her so much, even if it would be just for the day.
With his newly found resolve now deeply engraved in his conscience, he took off, leaving her all alone again, hoping and praying she would be fine until he came back.
She stared at his slowly retracting silhouette with astonishment and mouth now wide open but as he disappeared around the corner, she started to overanalyse the whole situation – as ridiculous as it was – just to come up with the only possible explanation.
‘I knew it,’ she thought as she sighed loudly. ‘Of course he would run away, I wouldn’t even want to look at myself right now.’
And then she went onto telling herself how hope was only for the lucky ones, definitely not for someone like her whom the universe hated so much; how no hope was better than actual hope, since no hope equalled no disappointment. And deep in her heart, disappointment was exactly what she felt that very moment.
‘Shite, why did you leave her out there, you idiot?!’ he scolded himself as he was running back to ‘her’ alley as fast as his legs allowed him to. He was worried out of his mind for that unknown girl he would probably never even meet again but he just made it a point of honour to somehow ease her pain, whatever had caused it.
“Here, drink it and you’ll feel better,” he bent down in front of her, handing her a takeaway cup from a small café she had previously passed by a thousand times, as it was located just around the corner. “Tea makes everything better,” he added and smiled, as she gave him a confused and a bit wary look.
‘At least she isn’t crying anymore,’ he thought, looking at her damp and pale face slowly producing something in a shape of a soft smile. Maybe he was just imagining things but he could swear the corners of her lips moved even more up when she took a sip from the cup. “I didn’t know what you liked so I went for herbal to help you calm your nerves, hope that’s alright?”
“You’re not trying to drug me, are you?” she asked gingerly and looked him deep in the eye, holding the cup in both her hands, trying to warm herself up a little.
“I give up,” he held his hands up in the air in a defensive gesture. “Whatever I say, you’ll have trouble believing me anyway… At least I would if I were you,” he stated and an honest laughter escaped his mouth.
She giggled almost inaudibly and took another sip. “Thanks.” she murmured quietly.
“Now tell me what’s wrong… You got me really worried here,” he added and the expression on his face shifted to a concerned one.
“D-do you know what Murphy’s law is?” she asked and looked at her own feet, suddenly unable to face him straight on. “Well, it’s not really a law per se but I’m pretty much a living example of that.”
“I reckon I’ve heard that term before… What’s it about?” he replied and scratched his head, wondering where she might be going with that.
“You know, ‘anything that can go wrong will go wrong’ and all that… This is basically the definition of my life, I shouldn’t even be surprised anymore.” she explained and sighed heavily, lifting her head up and finally locking her eyes with his again.
“Tell me more,” he said intrigued, sitting down next to her on the cold and unwelcoming cobbles, noticing a shade of resignation in her voice.
When she mentioned Murphy’s law, or whatever that was, he certainly was not too convinced; but as her words started flowing out of her mouth, a sign of understanding slowly appeared on his face. In any other situation he would most probably think she was just overreacting but that was no ‘other’ situation and he found himself drawn into her wild and meandering explanations, believing her every word.
Her story was very chaotic to say the least; she would often lose her train of thought, just to find it in the middle of something completely unrelated, throwing in yet another digression after digression. Buses that come too early; lost phones; broken bones; missed opportunities; bad things coming in threes (or in swarms, as she liked to say), never raining but pouring... Her life was a mess and she knew it all too well. And now he did too.
He listened to her rambling intently, nodding here and there to let her know he was paying full attention to her, astonished at how many ‘inconveniences’ she had to deal with every day. He slowly came to realisation that she must have been all alone in this whole mess, otherwise why would she even want to share her story with someone she has just met?
As she went on and on about the ‘bad case of bad luck’ that she was convinced she was, he knew he had to help her somehow; everyone had a fair share of the unlucky in their lives – and he was no exception – but he felt that in her case it was a bit too much... How was a girl like her even supposed to lift all of her ever-multiplying misfortunes on her already weakened shoulders? He did not want her to. He was not going to let her.
He felt so sorry for her.
“The universe must really hate me…” she said in a voice filled with sadness and shrugged as to brush off the feeling. “But what can I do…” she added and smiled at him weakly.
No, what he felt was not just sympathy. It took him a moment to think that through but now he was convinced he wanted, needed to be a part of that girl’s life. What role he was to be cast in – he could not care less; all he had to do was to make her happier somehow.
All of a sudden the world went completely silent. The confession was over and he knew it was his turn to say something but he just could not find the right words.
He did not understand the rush of emotions that started to fill him up but, just like when he had laid his eyes on her for the first time that afternoon, all he wanted to do was to protect her at all cost. No, it was actually more than that. She had put trust in him – a total stranger – and let him see a part of her broken soul, something she must have kept hidden for a very long time. Now, in turn, he was willing to help her fix whatever she needed to, even if it was going to take a whole another eternity. He had time. He was patient.
“But karma always comes back, doesn’t it?” he finally said, taking the long-forgotten cup out of her hands and putting it on the ground next to himself. He reluctantly placed his hand on both hers, now free, unsure if he was not crossing the line. The last thing he wanted was to scare her off by making her think he was taking advantage of her state.
But she did not brush it off; his hand was warm and she shivered at the unexpected but pleasant sensation on her skin.
“Maybe the universe has something bloody amazing in store for you just around the corner,” he continued, now taking her hands in both his and giving them a gentle squeeze.
“Isn’t there a café around the corner though?” she replied and as she realised how lame her joke was, she could not help but start laughing.
“Exactly! What did I bring you anyway? ‘The amazing stuff from just around the corner’!” he exclaimed and joined her, letting out a hearty laughter.
“What if I told you I was a pretty lucky type? Maybe that would even things out, don’t you think?” he added in a more serious manner and looked her in the eyes, letting his lips form a lazy smile.
“Pretty or lucky?” she asked in turn, deliberately putting more emphasis on ‘or’. “You can’t possibly be both.” she quickly explained, smirking in triumph and punching her small fist gently against his arm.
“Hey, that was rude!” he replied and punched her back, seeing her tense muscles slowly relax under his touch.
In fact, he still slightly intimidated her; she tried to hide how much of an impact that combination of great looks and what seemed like more than just a decent personality had on her. His smile was genuine, she could tell – but she also could feel it take its effect on her weary body, like a wave of calmness coming at her out of nowhere and washing off all of her troubles. As much as what he had said might have sounded a tad cliché, she wanted to believe him. She just needed that kind of reassurance in her life.
While she was trying to enjoy that sudden but rather pleasant calm, he decided to just let her; if it was making her feel better, even sitting out there in a cold dark alley was more than worth it. Encouraged by her newly-found relaxed attitude, he put his arm around her and brought her closer; she did not protest and responded with a soft hum.
“So… what now?” he suddenly broke the temporary silence and stood up, dusting the dirt off his trousers. “Up we go!” he smiled and extended his arm to help her up.
As she was trying to think of something to say, he took a tissue out of his pocket and pressed it against her cheek. “Let’s make you all cleaned up, shall we.”
“Am I five years old or something?” she pouted but let him finish what he had started.
“Definitely ‘or something’, I’d say,” he tried to defend himself smoothly and she gave in when she saw him smiling innocently at her, laughing it all off.
“Care for a walk? Walks also make things better, you know… Let you take your mind off things, just breathing in the air and landscape around you.“ he said, staring off into the distance.
He hoped she would say yes. It was just a moment they had shared together and he suddenly realised she did not necessarily have to feel the same way about him as he did her. What if she did not? What if she would not let him into her life after all? Was hope really only reserved for the lucky ones? But then again, he did consider himself rather lucky…
“Sure, why not?” she shattered his doubt in a split second, re-establishing eye contact and presenting him with a warm and genuine smile – that kind of smile that produces a spark in the eyes the moment it reaches them.
Without giving it a second thought, he grabbed her hand and felt her fingers intertwine with his. His warm palm against her cold skin, they started to walk along, unsure of their final destination; maybe there was not even one, maybe the whole point lied somewhere along the way. Somewhere in between.
They did not even know each other’s names – but everything at that moment just felt right. 
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x-lonelywolf · 7 years
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Mr. Glynn-Carney, do you wanna kill me or what
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guccixstyless · 7 years
Dunkirk Cast GC Convo-3
Barry: Harry, I cannot believe you said that muffin joke.
Tom: Yeah, which part was supposed to be funny?
Fionn: You’re an embarrassment 
Harry: y’all are horrible
Harry: also Fionny you can drag me by texting, yet can’t tweet?
Fionn: Tweet?
Tom: remember you opened a twitter account?
Harry: Fuckk you
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bluehairmisfit · 3 years
it's finals-ish week for me and I'd rather be at summer camp, as usual.
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galaxystony · 7 years
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Hi there friends! I’ve seen a lot of people asking for a Tom Holland/Peter Parker group chat, and I found that a Discord chat is the best way to not only make friends in the fandom, but share your talents and posts with other people who love the same things! If you love Tom Holland or Spider-Man Homecoming/Peter Parker and want a place to talk about it with other fans, join the ‘Homecoming Heroes’ Discord server! if you don’t know what Discord is, it’s basically a Skype-like website that will require you to make an account if you do choose to join. The different group chats are called servers with subcategories (such as the chat channel, fanfiction channel, art channel).
What It Is:
a place to make new friends
a place to share your love of Tom/Spider-Man
people to reblog your posts
a place to share your writing/art/etc.
How To Join:
must be following Me
reblog this post and tag it with “entered”
there is no age limit, but it is asked that you not lie about your age once you’re in
you have until December 31st to reblog this
I’ll send out links to join on January 1st, 2018
Tags below the cut!
Tagging my tag list and some mutuals: @multi-parker @cutie1365 @cersei-lannister @oswald-1998 @fairydustparker @lionfart @mrsdoradominguez-barnes @nonewmessage @sunshine-little-miss @cubedtriangle @triggerfingerfunction @dailygubler @dianadawson @frickflop @sparkle-dinosaur @theholyholland @hayleyygrace @flyingfry @quackmom @rileywrites-parker @tomhollandxreader @augurydemon @jediparkers @tbholland @invinitywar @spidergirlwanab @screamholland @tomsaloha @tom-holla @parkerstcr @spiderling--parker @spidereyhes
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mattyxharry · 7 years
“Do a threesome w Jack and Tom PLEASE”
“I feel like for a J and T threesome you'd be very nervous and they'd both wanna be very comforting and take things very slow to make sure you're okay with everything. But then I also feel like there's be a lot of dirty talk and rough sex”
“okaY so !! For the J+T threesome , it could be like Y/N and jack are dating but Y/N always found tom rly attractive and constantly talks about it to jack. sO one day jack suggests a threesome as a joke but Y/N doesn't mind the idea and then you know just ;))”
Obviously NSFW...
You were sat in front of the TV, blanket over you. You were watching one of Jacks new interviews with Tom. Jack came downstairs from a shower and sat next to you. You inhaled his musky shampoo and matching body wash and sighed softly. It was without a doubt your favorite scent in the world. You leaned against his chest and he pressed a kiss to the side of your head. Minutes passed as the boys spoke about the film and their future endeavors. 
“What do you think?” he said as he paused the screen at the end.
“Tom’s new hair is nice” you replied in a daze. “Looks good on him...sweet lad”
“I meant of the interview” he laughed.
“I know ye fancy him” he toyed.
“Do not!”
“What, do you want a threesome?” he joked. Your face stayed still. “Oh god, you would wouldn't you?”
You didn't answer. You just bit your lip softly and kept your eyes at the paused screen. Minutes passed as you both sat in silence, enjoying each others company.
“Admit you find him cute” Jack blurted out with a devilish smirk.
“He is attractive, yes” you blushed. “So, what do you want for dinner?”
“Uh, uh. Dont change the conversation” he smirked. “Would you have a threesome with him?”
“Yeah, yeah...but thats mental” you said quickly. He leaned back into the couch with a smirk. His mind was working overtime at the thought of it. Normally he wouldn't be into that kind of thing but he couldn't help but get excited at the scenes unfolding in his head. He saw you shift uncomfortably. He saw you bite your lip. He saw your normally bright eyes go lustfully dark...
He knew he had to figure something out. 
A week passed since that conversation. You were fast asleep around 5 pm. You stayed up all night to work on some proposals for work. Jack promised you a surprise later that night and it left you confused...
You woke up to a sensation in between your legs. You moaned softly and slid your hand down your stomach. Your hand found their way to unfamiliar hair. It wasn't as soft or long as Jacks. You pushed the covers away to see a ginger head, lapping at your core.
“What the hell!” you pushed away but he pulled you back into his tongue.
“Relax, baby...you said you wanted this” Jack smirked as he came in the door. You couldn’t even get words to form. Tom mimicked the smirk in between your legs. Jack moved over to you and pulled the tank top you had on over your head. He pinched your nipple softly and pressed a kiss to your lips.
Tom took your clit in-between his teeth. He pulled away slightly and ran his finger down your folds. He rubbed your nub as you shuddered softly. You let out a long sigh as he put his lips back to where you needed them to be. Your hands flew back to his head.
“Need ye to suck me off, hennie” Jack groaned as he wiggled his sweatpants down his long legs. His cock sprung out, standing high and tall. Your mouth watered at the sight. You sat up slightly and took his length in your hand. You slowly pumped him and became startled when Tom spoke up.
“She does taste good, mate” Tom said as he wiped his mouth of your juices. Tom stood up and pressed a kiss to your lips. You tasted yourself on his tongue. You looked up and saw Jack staring down at you with lustful eyes. 
You looked up at Jack to see if he was really serious about this. He saw your nervous look and nodded. He pressed a kiss to your lips and smiled as he tasted what Tom left behind.
You kept pumping him steadily as Tom took his boxers off revealing his manhood. He wasn't nearly as girthy as Jack but he was still a large size.
“Side drawer, mate” Jack grunted as you took his length in your mouth. He formed a make shift ponytail before taking your head into his hands. Jacks hips slowly moved towards your face as he pushed his length further and further into your mouth. 
Tom nodded and opened up the drawer. He saw a box of condoms but then also a small purple vibrator. He smirked and grabbed the vibrator before snatching a condom. He ripped the foil open and rolled the condom down his length. He ran his cock up and down your folds before sliding into you.
“Fuck” he grunted. You let out a stifled moan against Jacks cock. Tom’s length was a little longer than Jacks. He instantly started thrusting into you at a quick rate. Jack pushed your hair out of your face as you slowly sucked his dick. 
“So fuckin’ tight” Tom groaned. 
“She's a minx, I’ll tell ye” Jack smirked as Tom dangled the vibrator in his hands. 
You felt a cold plastic hit your clit and then a sudden vibration began. You let out a squeal as Jack pinched your nipples softly. You were too overwhelmed from all the pleasure you were receiving. You released Jack from your mouth and looked down to see the vibrator Jack bought you for your birthday as a joke.
“Holy hell” you groaned. Your legs began to shake and your hips bucked up into the air. Jack came in your hand and put your fingers to your lips. You licked the leftover cum. 
You closed your eyes as Tom roughly thrusted into you. Jack moved to your side and took the vibrator into his hand. He began rubbing it up and down your clit as Tom filled you up. You felt yourself getting closer and closer to orgasming. Jack tossed the vibrator aside and kissed your lips gently. He then moved town to leave marks all down your breasts.
“Ye still mine, hennie” he whispered in your ear. You nodded and kissed his lips. He placed his hand on your cheek and deepened the kiss as he played around with your clit using his other hand. You were so deep into the make out session you didn’t notice Tom slowly getting closer and closer.
“M”gonna cum” Tom grunted. You clenched around him. He released into the condom and shuddered at the pleasure. He fell beside you and Jack with a sigh. Once your breathing steadied, Jack spoke up.
“Fuck, I need to invite ye round more often” he chuckled.
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tomgcsglasses · 7 years
Was It Worth It? (TGC)
Here is your angsty and smutty TGC imagine @fionnglynnjackstyles. 
Sorry if this is really long. I’m not good at writing angst or smut either, so apologies if it’s not very good.
You took your final check of your outfit in the full-length mirror, smoothing out your tight black lacy dress. You bent down to tighten the straps on your black chunky heels. Once you ensured they were securely fastened, you made your way back up only to find your boyfriend leaning against the door frame looking at you with admiration.
“You liking the view Glynn-Carney?” You asked, making eye contact with him through the mirror. 
He didn’t say anything. Instead Tom stood up straight and started walking to you. You watched him carefully, absorbing how handsome he looked in just his white t-shirt, black skinny jeans and docs. You stood up resuming your upright position, standing up straight as he made his way over to you never breaking eye contact. Tom’s arms snaked their way around your waist. You placed your hands on top of his arms and locked eyes with him in the mirror. Tom nuzzled his head into your neck and lightly kissed it. You purposely pushed yourself up against him, causing his breath to hitch slightly. This only meant one thing - what you were doing was definitely working. 
“Don’t Y/N..” Tom whispered as he tightened his grip on your waist. You didn’t say anything, all you did was push up further against him. You looked at him through the mirror, his face slightly flushed at how aroused you were making him. Before he could do anything else, you unwrapped his arms from your waist causing him to groan slightly. You grabbed your purse on the way out, swaying your hips proud you’ve got the upper hand this evening. As you left the bedroom you looked back, checking Tom out and giving him a seductive wink. You smirked as you saw him tilting his head back, letting out a frustrated groan. 
“C’mon Glynn-Carney, we need to get going. The boys are already there.” You shouted. You browsed the living room, making your final checks of the apartment, ensuring that everything was locked and safe. 
You and Tom reunited with the Dunkirk boys, it had been a while since you all went clubbing. Excited was an understatement. All of the boys dressed as simply as Tom did, just a plain coloured t-shirt, black skinny jeans and simple shoes. You just looked at how dressed up you were compared to them, why can’t girls just get away with dressing like that? Jack approached you and Tom.
“Didn’t know how long you guys were gonna be, so bought you these.” Jack said, handing you and Tom a clear plastic glass with what seemed like vodka and lemonade, with ice and a black straw. You smiled in acknowledgment and took a long sip letting the alcohol soothe your body. You sighed in relief as you felt the vodka penetrate through your blood stream and immediately warming you up. Clutching onto your glass, you all proceeded to make your way to the dance floor, not before hearing a glass being clink behind you. You turned around to find Tom placing the empty glass onto a table, smiling cheekily at you. He gestured that he was going to buy another drink and you just nodded. You followed Jack, with Harry behind you, as you all politely pushed your way through the crowd. 
The night was going well, many vodka and lemonades were consumed by everyone. Tom, in particular, was drinking them as if this was the last night they’d be available. You could see that he was well and truly drunk, but that didn’t stop him from drinking. However, for you, this just meant one thing, you had to go to the bathroom. Really, really bad.
“I’m just going to the loo.” You turned to Fionn, informing him that you’d be absent for a while. He nodded in approval. 
“Want me to come with and wait outside?” Fionn asked. You shook your head.
“No thank you. I’ll be ok.” He nodded and smiled, watching you as you walked away. Making sure you got to the toilet safely. Before going into the toilets, you turned around and gave Fionn a thumbs up, he nodded once and turned back to the group. 
There was something about relieving yourself on a night out, never have you ever felt more liberated, your bladder now empty ready to consume more alcoholic beverages. You flushed the toilet, picked up your purse off the floor and washed your hands. Seeing the boys in your vision, you decided to get another drink before reuniting with them, you made your way to the bar and bought another vodka and lemonade. There was a tap on your shoulder, you turned around to see Barry. 
“Barry! You came!” You exclaimed, extending your left arm out and giving him a tight hug.
He pulled away. “Yeah! Just finished work half an hour ago, couldn’t miss this night out.” He beamed. Barry took out his wallet from his back pocket, flipped it open and pulled out his. “Vodka and lemonade please mate.” The bartender nodded and started making his drink. Once Barry got his drink, you both made your way back to the dance floor, catching up on how both of your days have been and exchanging jokes every now and then. 
You looked around the group and noticed that Tom wasn’t there, you didn’t really think much of it. Sipping on your vodka and lemonade, you danced to every song that came on, having a mini dance-off with Jack. You were surprised at how good he was at dancing, the group were cheering you on. It was obvious you were winning the dance-off. As you were in the middle of a move, you flipped your hair back and saw something that caught your eye. You squinted, adjusting your vision, making sure you weren’t seeing things. It couldn’t be. Someone that resembled Tom was dancing with a girl that had a tight black dress on and had a similar hair colour as you. They both were facing you, the guy behind her with his arms around her waist dancing dangerously close. He pulled her hips back so she was grinding upon him. Your brows furrowed and your eyes widened as you came to the realization that the guy was in fact Tom. 
It wasn’t long before the guy looked up and his eyes widened as well, his arms immediately dropped to the side as he pushed the girl off him. “Babe.” You saw him mouth. 
You turned on your heels, slammed the glass down and marched out of the club. Tears falling down your face, clouding your vision as you were determined to just get some air and out of his presence. Your head was spinning and your ears began to ring, as you felt your heart drop and your stomach perform a thousand somersaults, making you feel sick. You kept your head down, not wanting anyone to see how much of a state you must’ve looked. You could just hear the faint “babe” as you marched out of the club, you knew he was following you, begging for you to just stop and let him explain himself. The thing was that you didn’t want to listen to him. 
“Babe!” Tom’s voice became a little clearer, you felt his hand touch your upper arm as he attempted to stop you. You shrugged him off and walked faster. Before you knew it, you were in your apartment, with Tom at your heels trying to explain himself. Nothing he was saying was going in, you just felt so betrayed, angry and hurt. You kicked off your heels and made your way to the bedroom, you attempted to slam the door, before it shut Tom put his arm in and pushed it open.
“Babe. Please just listen to me.” Tom whispered, his voice inaudible. You wiped away your tears and turned around, back hunched and your hair a mess. You didn’t say anything, your face showing no emotion. He took that as a sign to explain himself. “I was drunk, very drunk, and I thought you had returned from the toilets. And after you teased me earlier, I wanted to get back at you...”
“... How did you not notice it wasn’t me earlier on. Do I mean that little to you Tom, that you just see someone wearing a similar outfit as me and assume it’s your ‘girlfriend’.” You used air quotations for the word girlfriend, which caused him to look down in shame, he gulped and opened his mouth to say something. “Don’t even bother trying to justify this. If you just paced yourself and didn’t knock back these vodka and lemonades like they were glasses of water, then we wouldn’t be having this conversation.” You ran your hands aggressively through your hair, pulling it a little in anger. 
Tom look stunned, a little bit taken back. “Well, if you hadn’t teased me earlier and got me all hot and bothered, then I wouldn’t have grinded on that girl I thought was you.” His raised his voice slightly. You choked a little, that hurt your heart a little more than it should’ve. Your stomach performed an extra thousand somersaults. 
You scoffed. “Don’t you dare turn this around on me. It’s not my fault you’re still a horny teenager that can’t control himself.” You raised your voice a little bit too. “You know what, I think we should take a break.” You whispered, avoiding eye contact. 
“What?” He whispered. Your eyes watering, you felt the tears brimming. You took a deep, shaky breath and mustered up the courage to look into his broken, blue eyes. You didn’t say anything, you just nodded. Tom took a step forward, which caused you to take a step back. He continued to do this, until your back lightly hit the wall and he had his arms encased around you. You tried pushing him away, but he was too strong. He just looked at you, knowing he had screwed up, you were doing everything you possibly could to avoid looking at him. 
“Please don’t leave me.” He whispered, as he stroked your cheek. “You mean so much to me, I can’t lose you.” You slapped his hand away and attempted to break free, still nothing. You sighed aggressively and looked him dead in the eyes. You were taken back when you looked into them, the Tom you knew and loved was replaced with an emotionless black hole. 
His hand returned to your cheek, instead of slapping it away you placed your hand on top of his. He slowly and reluctantly leaned in to kiss your lips, you didn’t stop him nor encourage him. His lips connected with yours, both wet from the tears. Tom deepened the kiss with desperation, the need, the hunger of being this close to you again slowly bought him back to reality. His hands caressed your body and stopped at your hips, bringing you closer to him. You threw both arms around his neck, feeding your hands into his hair and pulling at it as you deepened the kiss even more. You felt the dress slide off your body, no recollection of Tom unzipping it, you let it fall to the floor and stepped out of it. Your hands found their way to Tom’s t-shirt, you quickly pulled it up and took it off his body. You knew you were going to regret this tomorrow, but it was too good to stop. His hands were roaming around your body, pulling you as close as you could get to him, whilst you unzipped his jeans and he kicked them off along with his shoes. He lifted you up and carefully placed you onto the bed, not once breaking the kiss. 
As you were on the bed, he pulled away and peppered kisses from your neck all the way down to your stomach. Your hands taking a fistful of his hair, pulling as hard as you could. Still angry at him for what he did in the club. He unhooked your bra and chucked it in the room somewhere. His lips locking back to yours, whilst he took off your underwear. You helped him take his off, deepening the kiss as he thrusted into you.
It was a long night full of passion, regret. None of you uttered a word to each other, neither one of you knowing what was going to happen with this relationship you both worked so hard to build. Were you going to let this one mistake break you up? You didn’t really want to dwell on that for now, you both just enjoyed being joined together as one. 
A/N: Okay, I’m not really happy with how this ended. But hope you enjoyed my first angst and ‘smut’ imagine. 
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