#tom glynn carney fic
aemonds-wifey · 2 years
A Stolen Kiss Over Wine
Chapter 4
Summary: You and Aegon Finally Talk
(Authors note: Smut / 18+/ Swearing)
The air felt cool, the clicking of the clock above your bookcase was amplified in the silence. It was almost midnight. You were sat on your couch leaning forward, between checking your phone and taking a sip of your drink you didn’t know what to do. Your toes curled in the soft fabric of the rug, the wait was torture. Your shoes rested by the feet of the sofa,  still Wearing your green dress - your eyes glancing to your thighs where you could still See the marks left by Aegon digging his fingers in. Your stomach flipping as you recalled the way his tongue felt against your skin, the taste of his kiss still fresh on your lips-you craved more.
Aegon still hasn’t appeared, nor had he called. You started to worry, just as you got to your feet to pour another drink you heard three loud knocks on the door, you froze for a moment, placing your empty glass on the coffee table and heading over to the door-when you opened it, you were surprised as you were not met with Aegon standing there.
It was Zoe.
You frowned “Zoe…erm hey…”
She didn’t answer “Where is he?” she asked. Her makeup was slightly untidy, her eyeliner had completely faded on her left eye, she looked on the border of angry and sad.
“Where is who?” you asked holding onto the doorframe
“Aegs…I know he is here!” she said rather forcefully.  
“Zoe he isn’t here …I came straight from the party .”
“Liar.” She said barging her way in to your flat 
“Do please come in.” You said sarcastically closing the door.
“I know he’s here! Aegs? Aegs babe you here?” 
“Jesus Zoe how many times do I need to say it? He isn’t here. I thought he was with you.” 
She folded her arms after she rudely inspected the rooms , facing you she looked incredibly hostile- so much so that your hand remained tightly gripped on your phone. 
“What’s the deal with you guys? Why you so fucking close? I saw the way he hugged you at the party.” 
You scoffed “We’ve been friends for nearly twenty years Zoe what do you expect?” 
“So what your saying you had nothing to do with him breaking up with me just now?” she said almost crying
“What…Zoe I had no idea….I’m sorry.”
You were not sorry. She wasn’t good for him, and both you and Aegon knew it.
“What happened?” you asked.
She took a deep breath “I don’t know he disappeared for a bit…then when he came back he just seemed out of his zone…said we needed to talk” she said impersonating him.
You swallowed nervously “What did he say?”
She inhaled and threw her arms up “That we were done…that there is someone else.” She said almost scowling at you, you did your best to mask your true emotional response “Funny how you disappeared from the party when he suddenly reappeared…”
Your eyebrows almost hit the ceiling “And you think what? Zoe don’t be silly Aegon and I are just friends…I would never come between you guys.”
“So why did you leave without saying goodbye to everyone? Or it was just him you wanted to say goodbye too?”
This was ridiculous, but you couldn’t back down now “Not that is any of your business Zoe but I felt unwell and didn’t want to cause a fuss…because if I told Aegon I was leaving he would only want me to stay and I did not want to ruin his birthday…”
She tutted “Well his Birthday didn’t go to plan…” her head span around “You sure he’s not here? Who could he be with?”
You lifted your arms up “Please feel free to check my whole flat…he’s not here…and I did not in any way suggest he break up with you…Aegon and I are friends…nothing more. Who he dates is his business…”
She scoffed “Hmph…well if it wasn’t you then its someone. I don’t believe you guys are just friends…You break up with that Jace...Jacob guy whatever and suddenly Aegs wants us to break up….but whatever…”
You took another deep breath “Zoe I promise you-” you started
“Save it. Good luck with him” she said heading to the door in a brisk pace “Don’t get your hopes up…his bedroom skills are average.” She said spitefully before opening the door, as she left she slammed it with such force one of your framed pictures fell down.
You took a moment and picked it up, luckily the glass did not smash but the frame had broke. You placed it on the coffee table next to your empty glass and sat back down. You picked up your phone and called Aegon
“Hiya…This is Aegon I can’t answer so leave a message…cheers.”
Voicemail, you started to worry “Aegon…where are you? Please answer me when you can…I’m worried. Call me back.”
It had past midnight and there was no sign of him, you were sick with worry. Perhaps he had just gone home or maybe he was still at the party, his friends saw that he had broken up with Zoe and just decided to keep him there to drink his sorrows away. Either way, you were unable to shake off the fear in your head.
You eventually dozed off on the couch, until you were awoken by some humming and almost rhythmic tapping on the door. The humming was then replaced by slurred singing which made your heart leap.
You got to your feet and opened the door, Aegon sat at the foot of the door with an empty bottle of whisky in his hand
“Saw the ghost…of a king today!” He sang very drunkenly “I saw the –“ he hiccupped.  
“Aegon for god’s sake.” You said leaning down to help him up
“Ahhhh Y/N . See I made it. Better never than late eh?” he hiccupped again
“Aegon Jesus your hammered. Come on lets get up.” You helped in lifting him up, he giggled slightly as you got him to his feet.
“Your drunk.” You said as you helped him through the flat
“No I’m mer-loaded!” he said laughing again “It is my birthday …do I get a kiss?” he said
As appealing as a kiss was he dipped to try and kiss you but he was so unsteady he almost fell forward.
“Not tonight…come on. Bed.”
“Ooo er missus!” he giggled again, which made you giggle in turn. You lead him to your room and let him flop onto the bed, taking the empty bottle from him and placing it down by the side of the bed. “Its you…always been you…” he muffled into the pillow
You stopped moving when he spoke “Get some sleep knobhead…” you chuckled. You also fetched a bucket and placed it by the bed, just in case.
“mmm thank you…I’ll show you…just how much you mean….” He said before rolling over and that was it. He was asleep. You retreated to the couch and slept.
When you knocked on your bedroom door, you saw the Aegon was already awake, he was sat up wearing a thick blue towel and nothing more-he looked slightly rough but still so very appealing in your eyes.
“Hey….” You said softly, lifting up a large red mug “Made you a cuppa…”
He smiled, but it was a different smile, it exuded warmth and something else. “Nice pjs…” he said suggestively.
Pjs…A Aliens T shirt with underwear. You didn’t respond just smiled slightly as you handed him the hot mug of tea, sitting next to him on the bed.
 “Thanks…I don’t even…how did I get here?” he asked
“I was hoping you would tell me…You turned up here at 3 am singing and drunk.” You said.
He laughed taking a sip of tea “Stayed at the warehouse…after Zoe left Eryk said I needed a drink…or several…” he said sipping the tea again. He looked at you slowly.
“Yeah…Zoe came by not long after I got back….asking where you were.” You said
Aegon nodded “Let me guess…Aegs...Aegs where are you?” he rolled his eyes.
You nodded in response “Pretty much…she said you broke up with her because there was someone else.” You said slowly.
He smiled at you “There is…”
Before you could ask him another question his eyes widened in a moment of shock. “Shit we…Y/N…I’m in your bed we ….we didn’t…you know…did we?” he asked raising an eyebrow
You shook your head “No…we didn’t.”
“Thank fuck.” He sighed
Immediately you felt a twinge that unsettled you “Wow thanks…” you got to your feet
He almost dropped his mug as he also got to his feet “No Y/N no…I only meant…”
When you turned around he was only holding the towel across his front, he looked worried at you “I only…I didn’t want our first time to be a drunken stupor.”
You almost exhaled in delight but something made you even more precarious “You said last night…It was me…its always been me…”
He did not blink, he only looked at you so carefully you were sure he was staring into your soul.
“I meant it…I do…I feel like an idiot for not doing something about it earlier…”
A lump was in your throat, you did not know how to react, you only opened your mouth to speak but Aegon beat you to it “What else did I say?” he said sitting back down  
You took a moment and looked at him “You…said You were going to show how much I meant to you….” You let out a short chuckle “But you were drunk so…I did not know if it was a serious gesture or…”
He lifted himself of the bed, putting the mug on the beside table, he was now only holding the towel around his waist, he held his hand out You frowned “What…?”
“If I’m gonna show you how much you mean to me…I’m gonna need a shower….” He  turned himself around, dropped the towel in such a teasing way that his very firm arse was now visible. You blushed almost immediately “Je…”
He wiggled his fingers, encouraging you to take his hand, you needn’t be asked again as you stood up and took his hand, he lead you into your shower room.
He switched the shower on, he stepped backwards into the shower, his naked body now slowly getting wet-the steam from the heat of the shower made your legs quiver-he was so beautiful.
You pulled the t shirt over your head, your bare chest now exposed to him-his eyes widened slightly at the sight of your breasts, he couldn’t take his eyes off them, he gasped in awe at the sight. You hooked the elastic of your underwear and pulled down your pants-kicking them off into the laundry basket in the corner by the door. You stood in the shower with him, the water now licking your body too-you were both bare before each other.
After a moment he stepped forward and wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you in to him-there was no gap between you now, he gently kissed your lips so sensually , it felt like a dream. Your hands crawled up his chest, when you reached his shoulders you squeezed slightly on them. His other hand found the crook of your neck , his fingers felt so delicately delicious on your skin as the moved up to your jawline. Your hands both exploring each other’s bodies was paradise.
He deepened the kiss and swirled you round , he pushed you against the wall of the shower, he bit your lip playfully as he moved his hand down to your wet core. He left your lips and you moaned at the loss of contact, he knelt slightly and latched his mouth onto your breast, the tongue swirling around your nipple made your nerves tingle alive with pleasure, he kissed both of them, keeping his eyes on you as he made his lips moved to the valley between your breasts and then back up to your hungry lips.
You felt his thumb begin to circle your clit, which made you gasp into his mouth, you felt him smile against you and also his hard cock twitch against your hipbone-your lips were inches apart as he picked up the pace. You found your hand slithering down to his erect cock, palming it gently he grunted at your touch “ahh….fuck.” he exhaled. 
You moved your hand up and down, both of you in sync as you pleasured each other, with your lips barely touching as you both felt your climax approaching.
“Aegon I’m…”you whispered
In mere moments you were both elevated in an ecstasy you didn’t think was possible, he moved his lips to the nape of your neck and bit down on your skin as he came-you in turn left your mouth open on his wet , bare shoulder as you felt overwhelmed by the orgasm you experienced. As the water continued to shower you both you both resumed kissing each others lips slowly. You both paused and smiled as you cupped his face, gently planting small kisses along his firm jawline. His hand reached to some shower gel you had on the shelf, he poured some of the cool pink liquid into his hands as you continued to kiss his jaw, neck and collarbone. Aegon massaged the shower gel on your skin, as you pressed against him in desperate need of contact with his skin the lathered up gel got on his skin too-both smelling like sweet vanilla and candy floss, you stood underneath the large shower head-kissing each other deeply whilst the water washed away the gel. Aegon’s hands roamed along your body, grabbing the curve of your arse and stroking it in appreciation, you found your hands pressing against his beautiful chest
After a moment or two he switched the shower off, both of you stepping out and onto the hard surface, he wrapped a towel around you so gently, it was so caring and delicate-you in turn grabbed a small towel and dried his head playfully which made him laugh and kiss your bare shoulders.
You both resumed the kisses as the towels you both held fell to the floor in a instant, backing your way to the bedroom, you fell against the mattress. Aegon took a moment as he knelt in between your legs, one hand on each of you knees, he admired your physique as you did his and he smiled so purely at you
“Your so beautiful….” He grinned.
The way he hovered over you kissing you slowly, it was romantic and so unlike what you had thought. He kissed his way up to your lips as his body lay on top of yours, you looped your arms around his neck as his hand found your thigh and pushed it against your chest, his fingers edged their way your throbbing core once again and without warning he pushed two fingers inside you-your lips broke from his as he went deeper, your head snapping back and all you felt were his lips and teeth on your chin. He smiled at your reaction, you brought your head back as he moved them in and out, one of your hands grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him into a deep kiss.
You swoped our legs around his waist, feeling his hard cock against you once again you shuffled your waist, eager for him to replace his fingers-before he did anything he looked at you, blinking a couple of times “You sure…?” he whispered.
“Desperately” you answered with a kiss.  
He smiled in relief, before removing his fingers and slowly aligning his cock with your entrance. You held onto him tightly as he pushed himself inside you, slowly, sensually, intimately.
“Christ A…Gods…” you said as he slowly moved inside and out of you.
He dipped his head briefly “Fucking hell Y/N….that feels so good.” He said meeting you gaze once more. He kept at a slow pace, he moved deeper as you arched your back slightly to welcome him further, he propped himself on his elbow, with his other hand caressing your forehead so gently as he fucked you. Your fingers grabbed the bed sheet, gripping it as your other hand cupped his cheek. This was where you wanted to be. Him kissing you , deep inside you making you feel such overwhelming pleasure you were sure to black out at any moment.  You felt it, the coil building up beneath your stomach-the intensity rising and you could see it happening in the reflection of his eyes-He latched his lips onto yours for a few more thrusts and they broke apart when you both screamed together, his forehead fell to your breasts as he slumped over you-your head fell back as the wave came over you.
The silence that was between you was only  tainted by the gasps of you both catching your breath, he finally lifted his head to see your face still processing the pleasure you had just experienced, he brought himself up to lay next to you, pulling you into him and firmly setting his arm around your waist. You couldn’t process words you were that out of sync you turned your head slightly, to be met with the lightest kiss to the edge of your nose. Your hand sat  on top of the hand that rested against your stomach, he nestled his head against your neck, inhaling your scent and lightly kissing your soft skin.
He moved his head slightly and nudged you as if he wanted you to face him
“Y/N?” he said
You turned your head so that your eyes were locked “Yes?”
He looked so serious at you and somehow it was so loving, you were captivated “Love you.”
You grinned “Love you too…knobhead” he grinned at your response, planting another kiss “In twenty minutes your gonna pay for that…” he smiled suggestively.
@moonchildrenandflowercrowns @schniiipsel @chainsawsangel @nolongereviliwantlove @motley-baby @bcon24 @lauraneedstochill @sscreamingbanshee @arcielee @happilyhertale @talesofoldandnew @namoreno  @pearlstiare  @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed @f4ll-for-you @aemond-targaryenx @bogwaterswamp @afro-hispwriter @minttea07
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aemondfairy · 3 months
My Sister’s Keeper
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summary: Aemond intends to send you away to protect you after he starts the war, but Aegon isn't ready to let you go.
pairing: Aegon & Aemond x Sister!Reader
word count: 1.8k
warnings: Explicit smut, mention of death, incest, threesome, p in v sex, oral (m&f receiving), voyeurism, male masturbation, infidelity (reader is married to Aemond), lactation kink, choking, cum play/eating, spit, Aegond kiss!! (oop) 18+ MDNI
note: Uhhhh. I'm sorry??? I feel like I just breezed through this, idk I was horny lol. Feedback is appreciated!
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You’ll never forget the look on Aemond’s face when he first arrived back to the Red Keep from his journey to Storm’s End. Your family was desperate in the inevitable, upcoming war against Rhaenyra so Aemond had been sent to help strike up a proposal between one of Lord Borros’ daughters and the youngest son of the late king Viserys, Daeron Targaryen.
Sitting in the large bed of your shared chamber, you had been anxiously awaiting his arrival, chewing your fingernails down to bloody nubs.
“Aemond!” you practically leapt into his arms when he appeared sopping wet in the doorway. Overjoyed to see he’d returned in one piece, but something was off, something was wrong. He was vacant, like he had seen a ghost.
“Lucerys Velaryon is dead.”
With that simple sentence you knew your lives would be changed forever.
“You cannot just make me disappear,” you said to your husband through gritted teeth, as your voice trembled, lump in your throat forming as tears threatened to fall from your eyes.
“If we are not here they will just go looking for us.”
“Anywhere is safer than here, my love.” Aemond answered coolly.
“If you think this decision was not difficult to make, you are wrong. It is simply what's best for the both of you. You and the babe will be staying in Dorne until I know for certain that it is safe for you here.”
“But –”
“But nothing! This is not up for debate,” he growled at you, “the decision has been made and it is final!” His words cut through you like a knife.
“You cannot make a decision like this. You are not the king.”
“No “ he retorted, “but I am your husband, therefore, when it comes to you and my child, what I say goes!”
You got up and exited your shared chambers with haste, not wanting Aemond to see you cry.
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Your bare feet padded against the cold stone floor of the Red Keep, the walls echoed and groaned as you made your way to your eldest brother’s chambers.
Aegon’s head perked up when he heard you come in. He stared at you sheepishly from behind his goblet of wine.
“Has he told you?”
Letting out a deep sigh, “he has.”
“I cannot leave you. I will not leave you, Aegon.”
“I know, I know,” he says, patting the spot next to him, motioning for you to come and sit.
“Our half-sister is unpredictable,” he replied calmly, “there’s no telling what she might do… not to mention, Daemon.”
As much as you did not want to admit it, both of your brothers were right. Accident or not, Rhaneyra’s son was dead. You would be a fool to believe she wouldn’t be out for blood.
Aegon pulled you into his lap, his cock already half hard. You kissed him deeply as he grinded his hips up into yours. You ran your fingers through his unruly silver hair, enjoying the feel of his mouth on you. Completely lost in the moment, you hadn’t heard Aemond enter the room.
He cleared his throat loudly to make his presence known.
Your brother-husband stalked into the room, his violet eye scanning over you with amusement.
“Oh please, do continue.”
Your chest rose and fell as you struggled to find the right words to say.
“Did you not hear me? I said continue,” Aemond repeated, as he approached you and Aegon.
“Aemond, this is not what it looks like —“
His brow furrowed at you as he gripped your chin forcing you to look him directly in the eye.
“Do you mistake me for a fool? You believed me to be unaware of your little arrangement?”
Still at a loss for words, you and Aegon just stared at your brother nervously. Aemond moved away a few inches and started to remove his tunic and his trousers. His cock strained hard against his small clothes, which he removed not long after. You gawked at him as he pumped his cock in his left hand, making his way back to you.
Aegon’s violet eyes beamed with excitement at this, pupils blown with lust. He took no time to nip at your neck, your earlobes, grinding against your core once again.
“I fear this is inappropriate,” you began.
“What’s inappropriate is you sneaking away from your husband to come fuck this wastrel,” Aemond began, his words thick with venom.
“Clearly, you want the both of us. So have us… while you still can.”
A slight moan left your lips as you tilted your head to the side, allowing Aegon easier access to your throat, your gaze never leaving Aemond’s, his expression unreadable as he nodded his head at you.
Aemond had his hand wrapped tightly around his cock, the tip bright red, lushed and angry, his arousal already dripping from the tip.
Aegon leaned down and wrapped his lips around your nipple, and began to suck harshly. Being that your babe was only two months old, you were lactating. A loud moan escaped your lips as you felt the milk begin to flow.
“Fuck,” you breathed out, “just like that. You’re doing so good.”
You could feel his cock twitching against your leg at your praise as he continued to ravenously lap at your breast.
As he switched to your other breast he sucked harder at your stiffened peak, the milk coming almost instantly. He palmed your abandoned breast with his large hand, squeezing gently. Shivers ran down your spine as the sweet feeling of relief washed over you once again.
A growl erupted from Aemond’s throat and he unexpectedly pulled Aegon away from your chest. To your utter surprise, he crashed his lips against Aegon’s, tasting your milk on his tongue. You watched with bewilderment as your husband passionately kissed your brother, tugging at his unruly hair, moaning into his mouth. Arousal seeped from your core and onto Aegon’s thighs. Aemond broke the kiss abruptly and stared at you.
Aegon’s hands gripped your waist, flipping you around so you were underneath him. Your eldest brother positioned you so you were laying on your back comfortably against the pillows. He nestled himself between your thighs and hastily hiked your nightgown up over your waist. You shivered as his warm breath fanned over your folds. Before you could blink his tongue was prodding at your entrance. Your hands flew to the back of his head on instinct, pulling him closer into your center.
Aemond approached you carefully. He tapped his cock against your lower lip a few times, a signal for you to open your mouth. Just as he did so, Aegon’s tongue had reached the right spot, causing your mouth to gape open as a loud moan escaped your lips. Aemond took this as an opportunity to forcefully shove his cock into your mouth. You felt a rush of pleasure as Aemond's cock filled your mouth. You began to suck and lick it, eager to make him moan even louder. Aegon's tongue continued to explore you as you pleasured Aemond, and you felt your body quiver with pleasure.
If you knew being with another man in his presence would have this effect on him, you would have brought your affair to light long ago.
With a low groan of your name he pumped in and out of your mouth mercilessly, the salty taste of his precum evading your tastebuds. The air left your lungs as you gagged around him. You could feel the pent up anger Aemond held for the entirety of the situation with each brutal buck of his hips. Ever so slowly he pulled back, giving the you the illusion he was going to give you a break. But before you were able to catch your breath, his cock found his way to the back of your throat again. The faster he went, tears began to stream down your face.
As bubbles of spit began to form around the corners of your mouth, you hollowed your cheeks to the best of your ability. With Aegon now three fingers knuckle deep in your cunt it was almost impossible for you to focus on Aemond; but as the pace of his thrusts quickened you knew he was going to cum soon. You moaned around his length, the vibrations making his cock twitch, you could feel every throb of the thick vein that ran along the underside of his cock.
“No,” Aemond growled as he pulled himself from your throat, “I need to feel your cunt around me.”
Aemond all but shoved Aegon away from you, almost knocking him off the large bed. Aemond lined his cock up with your center and sheathed himself inside of you with quickness.
As Aegon now sat on the upper left corner of the bed, he watched intently as Aemond’s cock disappeared into you repeatedly. One hand tugged at his painfully hard cock and the other wiped the tears from your cheeks.
“You’re doing so good, baby,” he cooed, “look at how you take him so well,” he praised.
You nodded your head at him enthusiastically, pleasure overwhelming you. Aegon hooked his thumb into your mouth and you sucked and nipped at it intently.
There was no doubt that Aemond enjoyed the praise as well, snapping his hips even harder into your own. His cock bullied your sweet spot mercilessly. Your body tingled with a mix of pleasure and pain as Aemond's thrusts intensified; pressing hard against your cervix. His large hand wrapped around your throat, squeezing gently. The overwhelming sensation sent waves of ecstasy coursing through you, making it difficult to focus on anything else but the raw desire consuming your every thought.
“Fuck, Aemond, I’m going to cum!” you screamed as your hot waves of pleasure coursed through you.
Aegon watched intently as your orgasm wracked your entire frame, his own following not long after. He let out a loud groan as he came into his hand. He flashed an evil grin at Aemond as he brought his fingers to Aemond's mouth, shoving them down his throat.
Your husband gagged around his digits, sucking Aegon's release from them.
As the aftershock of your orgasm continued to pump though you, your cunt squeezed around Aemond’s cock. The depravity of it all overwhelmed him and Aemond cum with a shudder. With one final thrust and a loud grunt, he was spilling himself inside of you.
As Aegon removed his fingers from your husband's throat, Aemond leaned over you, his cock still buried deep inside you.
"Open up, baby," he said before spitting directly into your mouth, a mixture of his saliva and Aegon's cum evident on your tongue. You swallowed with a contented hum.
Aemond pulled himself out of you and got up quickly.
You curled up in the bed next to Aegon, Aemond’s seed seeping out of you onto the sheets, sleep finding you almost immediately.
“She can stay here for the night,” Aemond said as he leaned down to kiss your sweat-drenched forehead.
Aegon frowned at his brother.
“Aemond, we cannot make her leave,” he rasped, desperation clear in his voice.
“I think she needs to leave now more than ever, brother. To ensure nothing like this ever happens again.”
A loud sigh escaped Aegon’s lips as he diverted his gaze from Aemond to you, pushing your hair out of your face, admiring your beauty.
“Enjoy your time with her tonight. She will be on her way to Dorne by morning.”
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Aegon finally taking high valyrian classes on duolingo.
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beautifulsweetschaos · 3 months
They got him 😔 they got Pookie 😫 I’m gonna kms
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br0kenangel · 1 month
𝐖𝐈𝐅𝐄𝐘: 𝘚𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘪𝘵'𝘴 𝘰𝘣𝘷𝘪𝘰𝘶𝘴 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘈𝘭𝘪𝘤𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘤𝘢𝘯'𝘵 𝘵𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘤𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘈𝘦𝘨𝘰𝘯, 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘥𝘰 𝘪𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘴𝘦𝘭𝘧.
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The Red Keep was a place of beauty, grandeur, and luxury—a place where everything was meant to be perfect, from the tapestries on the walls to the gowns worn by the ladies of the court. It was a place where you, the embodiment of elegance and grace, thrived. You were known as the beauty, a title you wore like a crown, and you made sure that your appearance reflected nothing less than perfection.
But as of late, there had been something—or rather, someone—who had been disturbing that sense of perfection. That someone was your little brother, Aegon, a child who, in your eyes, was the complete opposite of everything you held dear.
It wasn’t just that he was a child—though that was annoying enough on its own. No, what truly disturbed you was the state he always seemed to be in. His hair was a mess of tangled silver curls, his clothes always dirty, wrinkled, and utterly soulless. You couldn’t understand how anyone could allow a prince—your future husband—to look so… disgusting.
The thought made your skin crawl.
You had tried to ignore it, hoping that someone—anyone—would take the initiative to correct the problem. But no one did. And so, after seeing him one too many times running around the gardens, covered in dirt and wearing those horrid little tunics, you decided you had had enough.
You stormed through the halls of the Red Keep, your gown billowing behind you as you made your way to Queen Alicent’s chambers. When you arrived, you didn’t even bother to wait for the guards to announce you. You pushed open the door and stepped inside, your expression a mixture of determination and disgust.
Alicent looked up from her embroidery, startled by your sudden entrance. “Y/N,” she said, a hint of surprise in her voice. “Is something the matter?”
You didn’t waste time with pleasantries. “Yes, there is,” you replied, your tone sharp. “It’s about Aegon.”
Alicent’s brow furrowed. “Is he alright?”
“Physically, yes,” you answered, your words clipped. “But his appearance is another matter entirely. He’s always dirty, his clothes are atrocious, and his hair looks like it hasn’t seen a brush in days. Frankly, it’s an embarrassment. He’s a prince, not some common street urchin.”
“He’s just a child,” she said gently. “Children get dirty; they play, they explore—”
“I don’t care,” you cut her off, your voice firm. “If I am to be his wife, then I refuse to be associated with someone who looks like that. If you cannot ensure that he is properly taken care of, then I will do it myself.”
The queen looked taken aback by your words, but after a moment, she sighed and nodded. “Very well,” she said quietly. “If that is what you wish, then I won’t stand in your way.”
You didn’t respond to that. Instead, you gave a curt nod and turned on your heel, leaving the chamber as swiftly as you had entered. Your mind was already working on the changes you would make—starting with getting rid of every single one of those dreadful tunics he wore.
You found Aegon in the gardens, as expected. He was playing in the dirt again, his little hands caked with mud as he babbled happily to himself. The sight made you grimace in disgust. How could anyone let a prince get so filthy?
“Aegon!” you called sharply, making him look up in surprise.
He beamed when he saw you, his face lighting up with that innocent joy that only a child could muster. “Y/N!” he exclaimed, starting to run toward you, his arms outstretched.
“Stop right there,” you ordered, holding up a hand to halt him in his tracks. “Don’t touch me with those dirty hands.”
Aegon’s face fell, his little smile fading as he looked down at his mud-covered fingers. He seemed confused, hurt even, but you didn’t let it sway you. You had a job to do.
“Come with me,” you commanded, your tone leaving no room for argument. “We’re going to get you cleaned up.”
Aegon followed you obediently, though he kept a small distance, as if he was unsure whether he was in trouble or not. You led him back inside, where you summoned a group of maids and ordered them to take him away for a proper bath.
“Make sure he’s thoroughly cleaned,” you instructed them, your tone cold and precise. “I want him spotless.”
The maids nodded and took Aegon away, leaving you alone to begin your next task. You made your way to his chambers, where you ordered all of his old clothes to be removed and replaced with the finest silks and velvets. You personally oversaw the selection, choosing only the best fabrics, the richest colors, and the most elegant designs.
By the time Aegon was brought to you, freshly bathed and dressed in a simple but luxurious robe, you were ready for the next step. You had already laid out a few options for his new wardrobe and were just finishing your final selections when the maids brought him into the room.
Aegon looked at you with wide, curious eyes, his freshly washed hair falling in soft curls around his face. He looked much better already, but there was still work to be done.
“Come here,” you said, gesturing for him to sit on the stool in front of you.
He hesitated for a moment, but then obeyed, climbing up onto the stool and sitting as still as he could. You picked up a brush and began to work on his hair, frowning as you encountered knot after knot. Aegon winced, letting out small whimpers of pain as the brush tugged at his tangled curls.
“Stay still,” you ordered, your voice firm but not unkind. “A prince must be strong and brave. He cannot cry over something as simple as having his hair brushed.”
Aegon bit his lip, trying his best to remain silent as you continued to work on his hair. It took longer than you anticipated, but eventually, his curls were smooth and glossy, falling neatly around his face.
You set the brush aside and took a step back, admiring your work. He looked much better now—clean, well-dressed, and presentable. A proper little prince.
“There,” you said, satisfied. “That’s much better.”
Aegon looked up at you with wide eyes, still unsure of what to make of all this. “Y/N,” he said quietly, his voice small, “you mad at Aegon?”
You blinked, caught off guard by the question. “No, Aegon,” you replied, your tone softening slightly. “I’m not mad. I just want you to look your best. You’re going to be my husband one day, and I can’t have you running around looking like… like that.” You gestured vaguely to the memory of his earlier state.
Aegon stared at you for a moment, then suddenly reached out and hugged you, his little arms wrapping around your waist. “love you, wifey,” he mumbled against your gown, his voice muffled but sincere.
You froze, your heart skipping a beat at his words. “I-I told you not to call me that.” you stammered, your usual composure slipping for a moment.
“Wifey,” Aegon repeated, looking up at you with those big violet eyes, full of trust and affection.
You didn’t know how to respond to that. Part of you wanted to correct him, to tell him that he shouldn’t call you that until you were actually married. But another part of you—one you weren’t quite ready to acknowledge—found it oddly endearing.
Instead of saying anything, you let out a small sigh and gently lifted him into your arms, carrying him over to the bed. “Alright,” you said softly, trying to keep the affection out of your voice. “It’s time for bed.”
You dressed him in a pair of soft, silky nightclothes that you had selected earlier, making sure they were comfortable and warm. Then you tucked him into the bed, pulling the covers up to his chin.
Aegon reached out for you as you moved to leave, his small hand grabbing onto your sleeve. “Wifey, stay with Aegon,” he murmured, his voice thick with sleep. “Please?”
You hesitated for a moment, then sighed and climbed into the bed beside him. You let him snuggle close, his little body warm against yours as he rested his head on your shoulder.
As you lay there, listening to his soft, even breaths, you found yourself humming a lullaby, the tune soft and soothing in the quiet of the room. Aegon’s grip on your sleeve relaxed as he drifted off to sleep, his face peaceful and content.
For a moment, you allowed yourself to simply enjoy the quiet, the warmth of his small body curled up against yours. It wasn’t something you had ever imagined doing—caring for a child, even if that child was your future husband—but as you watched him sleep, you couldn’t help but feel a strange sense of contentment.
“I just want the best for you,” you whispered, your voice barely audible as you brushed a strand of silver hair from his forehead.
Aegon mumbled something in his sleep, his little hand grasping for yours. You hesitated before allowing your fingers to gently intertwine with his. The softness of his small hand in yours was surprisingly comforting, though you would never admit it aloud.
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Part 1 ♡ Part 2 ♡ Part 3 ♡ Part 4 ♡ Part 6
@ 𝒃𝒓𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒏𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒍 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒. 𝒅𝒐𝒏'𝒕 𝒄𝒐𝒑𝒚, 𝒓𝒆𝒑𝒐𝒔𝒕 𝒐𝒓 𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒔𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒚 𝒐𝒇 𝒎𝒚 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒌𝒔 𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒐𝒓 𝒂𝒏𝒚 𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒘𝒆𝒃𝒔𝒊𝒕𝒆𝒔.
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emmaofnormandy · 2 months
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Imagine Aegon is the father of your children.
Warnings: fluff all the way; canon divergence; long post.
( @dracaryxzs for you! One hopes you might like seeing Aegon happy here)
• How it all began…
You are his twin, his other half… What one feels the other feels it too. Naturally, as a result, bond came. Courtiers like to say how “wherever the Lord Aegon goes, Lady Y/N is after him like a loyal puppet.”
What they don’t understand is that you and him are two sides of the same coin, blood of dragon, despite the prince calling you his sun, to which he himself gravitates.
“I cannot not believe you are never bored whenever we are together”, says Aegon.
You both are blossoming into youth. You are the only one he trusts, the one he is naturally charmed to. But something about his age doesn’t let him admit there are feelings too.
“I am unlike any other”, you tell him in turn, a smile on your rosy lips. “We came together to this world, Aegon.”
He gives you a shy smile, lowering his gaze—you tamed him, like, it is said, your grandmother had tamed her husband, your grandsire, when they were both the same age.
Lively and so full of life, not even Aegon can deny you anything.
“Let us ride, shall we?”
And not waiting for a response, he takes you by the hand and in between giggles and chuckles the two of you go after your respective dragons.
Sunfyre has been enamored by Dreamfyre and as a result the female dragon has put some eggs. As soon as you are told this, you tell the object of your affections that:
“See, Egg? Evident signs that we are bonded right here”, and you show him the different coloured eggs.
Aegon smiles at you. How can you make him forget the scars of his troubled soul? How can you even sweep away grey clouds, making it seem that it is possible to find happiness?
When looking at your serenity, at how beaming you are before the eggs you cling yourself to, the prince sees himself in you.
You are the light of my world, Y/N.
As if you feel the tenderness his thought emanates, you turn your head at him and give him an egg.
“We are grandparents now, I’m afraid.”
That makes him cackle. A sound so rejoicing, full of life. Few could tell to have ever heard Lord Aegon laugh merrily.
“Too young for that. Come, Y/N!” And then turning to Sunfyre, Aegon is the image of a boy who finds love and happiness where at home such were taken from him.
You smile warmly when seeing the golden dragon almost smiling itself the moment he welcomes his rider.
A bond as strong as the one I have with my beloved.
Then you are distracted by nearly losing balance when Dreamfyre comes at you, resting her head against your face.
“Calm down, girl. I am not as heavy as you are”, you giggle, gently laying your head over the scales of your dragon, whom you claimed when you were ten years old. “Ready to fly high? To some adventures, eh?”
A sound comes from your dragon’s throat. It’s almost as if she speaks excitedly: “Aye, let us go! I’m ready for it!”, which only increases your good mood.
Now here you two are, flying synchronized, one being the extension of the other. Skies may have some clouds, but sun shines high with some warm breeze that announces summer.
“I suggest we could fly atop Dragonstone”, you tell Aegon over your shoulder. “There’s a spot no one goes there.”
“Rhaenyra is settled there with her children”, says Aegon with an unread expression.
You shrug your shoulders.
“So what? I’ve been there frequently and not once she scoffed me off. I doubt she ever knew I flew to this spot.”
And you flash him a mischievous smirk.
Aegon laughs in turn, realizing he’s unable to deny you anything. Flying as high as he could, there’s little need to tell Sunfyre where to go. As if the creature captured the rider’s thoughts, he flies exactly to where he wants… as does Dreamfyre.
It is almost as if both dragons suspect something may come up… even if you and Aegon don’t know that yet.
There is a lake in the midst of vast forests, where silence reigns and there is no sign of any living being. A few hills here and there separate the spot of the rest of Dragonstone.
“How did you come here?”, Aegon inquires you, intrigued by this unusual place. Hardly a man acostumed to wild life, his eyes scan these new surroundings with a mix of suspect and curiosity.
You are untying your hair and loosening your gown—you often ride Dreamfyre in your feast gowns, much to the Queen’s dismay— when you say:
“I don’t think I fit very well at court. I tend to flee whenever I can.”
Aegon is somewhat distracted by your curves, and how poorly hidden your curves are beneath the fabric you dress. He swallows hard, then says:
“We are betrothed. One day you’ll be queen.”
You flash him another of your typical mischievous smirks.
“When have I never performed my duties, brother?”
Aegon shakes his head, but he’s chuckling when he comes next to you.
“Well?”, you tilt your head and the prince seems to notice how handsome you look, wild and free—the way you are born to be. “Aren’t you going to swim with me?”
“Is that a challenge?”, he asks you in a whisper.
You like how he looks at you. Maybe this makes your nipples hard. And maybe this makes him burning inside.
And without waiting for a response, you jump in. Aegon smirks, soon following you.
• Summer Children.
His kiss is indescribable. No words can do justice to the warmth his breath gives you, to the bliss it inspires you, to the affection it craves in you. Oh, where are the words when we need most?
Whispers at court regard you and Aegon as the “Baelon and Alyssa” of your age, perhaps two souls reincarnated. Whatever the truth, all you can think about is the taste of his lips against yours.
Not only that, there is more to inspire. As you are riding Dreamfyre in the absence of your lover—he’s been summoned by your father to attend the council—, summer breeze cannot cool down the heat in your heart. And you still recall that night.
Where no living being is found amidst corridors, when, for a moment of weakness, no guard lies awake; when unprotecting is at stake… Here he comes, visiting you.
Boldly so, his steps are silent—right under his demeanor there is a haunted boy, famine for affection, filled with desire to please… but above all, a very insecure man who needs to play pretend before all.
Even though you are not like any other, being in fact the only one who’s witnessed his fragility, he remains blunt in his manners.
Yet when the door opens… and you stand there in your line nightgown with your hair loose, his confidence dies.
“I feared you’d not come”, but there is nothing blunt or arrogant in how you welcome him; but rather tenderness from the moment he’s engulfed in your arms. “I missed you, Aegon. Too much I long for you.”
“My dear Y/Nickname…”, he buries his head against your neck and from the moment he inhales your scent, no pride is strong enough to resist the obvious. “In vain have I struggled to repress my sentiments for you.”
Hearing these words give you the reassurance you’ve been longing.
“Oh you took long enough, didn’t you? I’ve been kept in waiting, but it was worth it.”
One kiss and you are doomed. Aegon waits no longer, not anymore. He takes hold of your face and presses his lips against yours, biting your bottom lip and slamming the door as he leads the way.
“You must promise, though”, you push him away gently, much to his frustration. But you need to be sure… just in case.
“Anything”, his voice comes out in a plea.
You raise your eyebrows and Aegon, though sensing what might be asked of, is willing to pay the price. He is not letting go of you.
“No more whoring. I am no woman of sharing”, you tell him seriously.
Aegon smiles warmly, but you spot relief behind his eyes. He grabs you by the waist and says:
“I am yours and yours alone, Y/N. We came out to this world together, didn’t we? So we are dying together as well.”
“That is some drama you put in there, love”, you smirk before clashing your lips against his.
That night you came to learn you loved riding your dragon and we are not talking about Dreamfyre.
Nine moons later, the results of you and Aegon’s indiscretion comes to the world with a very strong pair of lungs.
“Here comes a very strong prince”, so announces the midwife.
You are exhausted after almost 12 hours in labour, a puddle of sweat and blood, but from the moment you are told you delivered a boy, you beamed proudly:
“I performed my duty well.”
Aegon, in the meantime, is left waiting outside, pacing impatiently in the corridors.
“One wonders what witchcraft has Y/N used to keep you in this state”, muses Aemond in his unusual show of sense of humor.
The prince of Dragonstone doesn’t bother answering Aemond, rather limiting to shooting a glare. It’s when Princess Helaena comes with a smile on her lips.
“My brothers.”
“We salute you well, sister. But pray tell us the news soon: is Y/N well? How’s the child?”
“She is doing great, Aegon. She’s recovering and getting some rest. As for the child… congratulations! You have a healthy baby boy!”
Aegon is paled by the news and even Aemond gets somewhat concerned with his older brother, holding him by his elbows.
“Are you well?”
“A boy”, he mumbles. “Y/N gave us a boy.”
“Our line is safe”, Aemond agrees. Then turning at Helaena, he asks: “Has the name been chosen?”
“Well, Y/N wants a traditional name… so she decided to have the boy named after you, Aegon.”
No one had ever seen the prince Aegon this overjoyed. The way he smiles… who wouldn’t be captivated by this sight? Even Aemond smiles too at this sight. Of all the misadjusted family, at least two of them found happiness… though when Helaena looks at him, he’s not too far from it himself.
“I must see her!”
Ignoring Helaena’s advice that no man is allowed in these chambers, Aegon, tradition-breaker, storms inside, demanding to see you.
You have just left your privy quarters dressed in a line nightgown with your hair wet and recently brushed when he comes at you.
“Husband!”, you giggle quietly when you are engulfed by his strong arms. “You should wait for me. I am not churched yet and we must…”
“Fuck traditions. I wanted to see my wife”, says he, peppering your face with tender kisses before looking at you with the devotion of a lover. “Are you well?”
You cast him the most infatuated glance to him, locking your hands around his neck as if there were no witnesses in the room.
“I am, thank you. Nothing that I could not handle myself”, you assure him. “Aegon, I performed my duties. I gave you a son.”
“Even if it wasn’t, as long as the child is healthy and you are healthy too, nothing else matters”, he whispers in your ear.
The prince cannot state enough his relief in seeing you well and safe. By how he holds you close, it is as if he needs another reassurance that childbirth will not steal you of him.
Feeling his fears, you raise your chin and give him that blunt gaze that marks your lively personality which he’s familiar with.
“I have no intention in leaving you alone in this world, unless you choose another to be in my place.”
Aegon gives you a meaningful look before snorting and scoffing at the same time.
“For fuck’s sake, Y/N! How could you possibly consider I’d find a substitute for you? I thought you knew me better, woman.”
You both share a quiet laugh before kissing as if to seal an unspoken vow. Not too far from the scene is the Queen, with her father by her side.
“Who’d know this was coming?”, she sighs, content with the merry scene that rolls before her gaze. “I may have been deprived of happiness myself, but on the other hand… thankfully such a burden is not placed on the shoulders of mine own offspring.”
“Do not be so dramatic, Alicent. This match is as fruitful as yours was”, says Otto, nonchalantly like usual. “But at times even I admit that I can see Baelor and Alyssa once more.”
A struggle he keeps to himself, since Otto and Baelor never saw eye to eye. Leaving such personal haunting aside, eventually this summer prince also named Aegon is seen placed in the arms of his mother.
“He’s a lovely child”, murmurs Aegon, whose head is now resting over your shoulder. “I cannot stop looking away of his delicate features.”
“Perhaps you should hold him”, you suggest in a whisper since the regal baby is asleep in your arms.
“I do not wish to wake him up”, says your husband, though you may detect a degree of panic in his voice.
You find his concern adorable, respecting his time. This afternoon, you and him watch over your newly born soon in great delight of how your love produced a handsome baby.
“Our summer prince”, you beam at him.
Aegon shares a smile with you. He looks thrilled before kissing your forehead.
“I cannot believe I am his father.”
“A doting father as I’m sure you will be.”
At times he doubts it, but this is a shadow he is unwilling to cast in such a bright moment. All Aegon can say is:
“Thank you for believing in me.”
He does blush though when you kiss his cheek and tell him in turn:
“How could it be otherwise? As my other half, you shall burn as bright as any dragon, my sun and stars.”
Little Egg, as he is called, is getting every attention Aegon’s father never bother doting his son. Whilst you are breast feeding, just nine months later his birth, a baby girl whom you named Alysanne after your favourite ancestor, father and son are found together at the nunnery.
“Your mother told me she plans to take you and Dear Alys to fly our dragon. I am not discouraging her, but we should best wait for a litttle bit, uh?”, says the protective father whilst rocking his lively and often chuckling boy in his arms. “Oh so you think this is funny? Are you planning to take after your great-grandparents?”
Aegon is holding him still, playing with the boy when the moment is interrupted by a maid.
“Excuse me, sire. His lordship must be fed. And your lady wife has summoned you.”
“Very well”, he stands, with the prince in his arms. “Before I handle you my precious jewel, Lady H/N, I must be certain you have been fed well. After all, you are responsible for feeding my child.”
“Indeed, lord. I am healthy and robust from the day I started the service”, the woman says seriously.
“Good. I appreciate it”, he nods before kissing his son’s temple. When seeing he’s about to weep, Aegon softens: “Do not cry, my prince. This is not a farewell. I shall go back later, I assure you.”
Reluctantly, he parts, though he does wish to go back when hearing a cry. Aegon pauses at the door but when looking back, Lady H/N has taken little Egg inside the quarters.
“How is mine faire ladies?”, the soon to be king asks you the moment he steps inside.
“Looking better than you”, you giggle quietly. “What happened, love?”
“I had to leave him with those women”, Aegon grumbles.
“I know. I don’t like leaving him there either, but thanks to you I can only feed one child now”, you laugh quietly.
Alysanne, whose hair is as silver as her parents’s, makes noises and Aegon, now more confident in how handling babies, carefully holds her.
“If I remember well, you were climbing on me when I was trying to sleep just the day you were churched”, Aegon chuckles.
“You keep saying that to yourself”, you lean to kiss his cheek. “You have been blessed with a handsomeness that makes me difficult not to merrily engage in marital affairs.”
Again, your bluntness makes him blush, a deed only you could brag in succeed doing so. Aegon gives you a long, meaningful look.
“Watch your tongue, woman. You don’t know what you are saying.”
But his mischievous smirk tells you precisely otherwise. The connection you two share has never grown stronger…
• Midnight Sun.
Little Egg is barely three when Aegon takes him for a ride in Sunfyre and you take two year old Alysanne with you as you mount Dreamfyre. It’s late night and since this family is restless, there’s no obligation to stop them in doing so—as if any would do in other period of the day.
“Fly high, Dreamfyre”, you whisper the command in High Valyrian and the dragon doesn’t need much before taking impulse and… weeeee, you and your excited child finally get to the skies.
“Let us do this, S.”, Aegon tells his beautiful golden dragon, resting his face against the creature’s forehead. “Look, this is the son I told you about. He gets my name, and Gods hope that he takes after my best traits. Not that I have many, but…”
Sunfyre buffs as if saying: oh please, you may not be perfect, but you have great qualities! To which Aegon blushes and smiles.
“You are a great friend, Sunfyre.”
“Daddy”, says Little Egg. “Fly!”
“Calm down young man. Are you in a rush?”, Aegon chuckles at his demanding son.
“Mommy… flew.”
“Oh. She’s always in a rush that woman you call your mother. Let’s do it then.”
And soon Aegon’s smile would spread larger if possible as Sunfyre finally spreads his large wings and begins to fly, the reason why Little Egg is happy.
When they are finally getting higher, Aegon makes sure his son is enjoying it. He wants to create this memorable moment that shall reinforce the bond father and son has.
It’s working since little Egg turns his head to his father and says:
“Are you enjoying that, my boy?”
“Yes! More, more! Please!”
Aegon laughs happily and does as requested. They fly as high as possible before diving below to meet you and Alysanne. The scene makes the prince emotional. His wife is looking as beautiful as wild as the day he realized he loved you to an unbearable point.
Sensing his gaze, you turn your head to meet him. And feeling your feelings, Dreamfyre is instantly drawn to Sunfyre.
“How’s it going?”, you ask him, eyes sparkling with delight for making it possible an old dream where you and Aegon, together with children of your own, would fly with your respective dragons.
“Just the way you wanted”, so Aegon tells you as if he’s read your mind.
You and him exchanged loving gazes and sweet smiles, letting the dragons taking the reins of the situation.
Indeed, as your children beam, Dreamfyre and Sunfyre dance.
Such is the dance of the dragons.
The toddlers are snoring by the time you and Aegon land.
“They should sleep with us in bed this night”, he suggests you, as he passes an arm around your waist and pulls you closer to him, placing a kiss on top of your forehead.
“I agree”, and then you instantly pause before the door of the red keep. “Aegon… I would like to thank you.”
“What for?”, he asks you, intrigued.
“For giving me these lovely children, for being the partner I’ve always known you’d be. For being my other half.” You smile softly. “I’d die for you, I hope you know that. You deserve to be loved, to all that you are given.”
“Y/N…”, he’s surprised to hearing these words of you, even though Aegon never needed proof of how you felt for him.
You stroke his face, wiping away his tears. Both of you know that you only have each other, and yet it’s enough. Specially now you have children of your own.
Resting his forehead against yours, the prince closes his eyes and kisses you.
“Whatever our souls are made of…”
“…mine and yours are the same.”
• Epilogue.
Alysanne is fast asleep when she dreams of dragons. Dragons that fight, dragons that die, dragons that survive. In the midst of chaos, she runs after her father.
Where is he? She calls out his name only to find another who is not in his throne. She wakes up thus, unable to remember the usurper’s identity, a mere shadow. But it’s enough to scare the seven year old princess.
She leaves her privy chambers. It’s still dark, but she needs to be sure he’s there somehow. Alysanne runs barefoot to her parents’ chambers. She opens its door, holding her breath but praising the Gods there’s some fire in the fireplace.
She sees you’re sleeping next to your father, but when seeing he’s there…. what a relief. Yet, the princess is scared to go back to her chambers.
“Papa”, she pokes him. “Papa, wake up.”
Aegon groans lightly, but when seeing it’s his oldest daughter calling him, he only rubs his eyes and makes sure to sit properly, careful in not waking you up.
“Lys”, he calls her affectionately and is probably thankful for wearing some proper garments after early copulating with you. “What’s wrong?”
Alysanne quickly throws her arms around his neck.
“I am scared. I don’t want to lose you”, she sniffs.
Aegon rocks her in his arms, smiling quietly for doing so.
“You’re not losing me. Who told you this nonsense? Has Little Egg been teasing you again?”
“No. He’s been good, actually”, she tells him, holding tightly against his neck. “I had a nightmare.”
For some reason, this gives him shivers. But Aegon isn’t inclined to dig into this deeper.
“A nightmare is just a nightmare. Come. Do you want to sleep with mama and papa today?”
Alysanne smiles brightly. She then kisses his cheek just as you are waking up.
“What happened?”, you ask, worried. “Are you well, my dear Alys?”
“She had a nightmare”, Aegon tells you as if this doesn’t mean anything, but one exchange of glances tells you this isn’t anything. Yet neither should feed it. And you agree. “So I’m letting her sleep with us tonight.”
You nod discreetly before kissing your daughter’s forehead.
“Of course. Like the good old days uh?”
And you watch as Alysanne makes herself comfortable in between you and your husband. Aegon strokes her hair as you cover her.
“Do you think…?” Aegon leaves the question in the air.
“Let us leave to concern about it tomorrow. It’s late.”
Aegon agrees. But neither looks forward to go back to sleep. As he casts a fond gaze at the princess, you take his hand and give it a small squeeze.
“It’s going to be all right. Helaena is doing well with it.”
“I know. But…”
“And at the same time she’s not like Helaena”, you tell him. “Let us not confuse things. It’s going to be well.”
“I just worry. I do not wish…”
Aegon looks away, remembering the wounds of his neglect childhood. There’s little need to explain since you can feel what he feels.
“Aegon, my love. We are not like them”, you tell him firmly. As he looks at you, you stroke his hair and place a lock of his messy hair behind his ear. “We are not like our parents. We are better than them. I’d not say so if I believed otherwise. Just look at how Egg seeks to impress you, how Alysanne came after you tonight… or how our twins Jaehaerys and Jaehaera often run after you.”
Aegon smiles quietly.
“How can you convince me that easily?”
“It’s the truth I speak. Besides… I have to tell you something”, and here you whisper. “I conceived again.”
“Oh how fertile we are!”, Aegon chuckles merrily.
You both kiss, before settling to lay down, careful now with your daughter fast asleep in between you. Shadows for once are pushed and in late night midnight sun comes to shine bright.
Oh these delights…
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sapphiressmoke · 3 months
i’m lost for words 😫
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lionneee · 2 months
Aemond’s victory
English is not my first language, please be kind
•Warnings: p in v, smut, kissing, taking of sexual themes, chocking, incest, mention of character death, mention of dragon death•
OC!Aemond x Sister!Reader
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“Aemond— Someone’s gonna see—“ She mumbled as she gripped the top of the roof wall. Her skirts raised over her waist, bend over the wall, as Aemond kept thrusting slowly, but hard and harshly every time, making her jolt forward at every hit.
“No worries, sister, they’re never gonna see us—“ He growled as he gripped her hips tighter, digging his fingers in her skin.
She grunted as she started hearing the parade getting closer. She looked down at the crowd of people, running to get a look of what was going on.
“Aemond—“ She moaned as she moved one of her hands over his hand.
“Shh, just feel me, sister. Your big brother has returned as a winner, won’t you congratulate him?” He smirked, watching how his cock disappeared between her legs, feeling her wet walls enveloping him, sucking him in.
“Yes—“ She moaned. “Yes I want to—“ She gasped as he moved his hand to grip her shoulder, pushing her back against him, the skin of her ass and thighs moving in waves at the hit, the sounds of skin slapping getting louder, accompanied by the sounds of her wetness.
“I told you I would have celebrated inside you, sister— I always get what I want.” He growled as he started to speed up.
“Oh— Yes, yes, brother— Please—“ She could hear the sound of honks and a bell coming closer.
“Please? You want to make me feel good, mh?” He started pushing in fast, always harder.
“The traitor dragon Meleys!”
She raised her head immediately, looking down, her eyes meeting the white eyes of Meleys head.
“See what I’ve brought you, sister?” Aemond pushed her forward, forcing her to take a few steps forward, making her straight up a bit. He hugged her from behind, his hips stilling.
“A little spoil from the fight. All for you.” He whispered in her ear, breathing in the scent of her hair.
“Rhaenys?” She asked, as she couldn’t tear her gaze off the dragon. He moved his arm around her neck, pulling her back, making her arch her back as he thrusted with force, bending his arm enough to constrain her breathing barely.
She gasped in surprise, wrapping her hands around his arm.
“She’s dead. After how she threatened us— you, at Aegon’s coronation?” He growled. “She brought it upon herself.”
“Slain at Rook’s Rest, by your King.”
Aemond growled as he heard that, and she could feel him thrusting again, his hips hitting her ass with force.
“I killed her.” He growled, his voice low and dangerous. “I killed her for you.” 
His words sent a strange shiver down her back, a mix of concern, affection and lust.
“No one touches you— No one threatens you— My queen.”
Her gaze fell on a little carriage. A big box hidden by clothes, and pieces of clothing.
“Aemond— What happened?” She gasped, trying to turn her head to look at him, but his arm around her neck didn’t allow her.
“I won. That’s what happened.” He hissed in her ear. His hand moved underneath her skirts, reaching the bound of nerves hidden between her legs.
He started caressing it in quick moves.
“And now.” He thrusted harder. “You’re gonna thank me for it.” He pressed his forehead against the back of her head. “You’re gonna come. You’re gonna thank me— come for me—“
“Aemond— Oh— Oh Gods—“ She moaned loudly, clenching around him, feeling the tension in her stomach about to snap.
He had slain a dragon for her.
He moved one head from his arm to reach the back of his head, throwing her head back, exposing her neck to him, making him groan.
“Don’t do that. Don’t. I can’t mark you there, and you know it.” He growled, his voice restrained. “You’re trying to remember me you're not my wife yet? Mh?” She could hear the frustration in his voice, and his words frustrated her too.
“Aemond— I’m gonna come—“ She moaned.
A dragon. For her.
“Come, sister.” He grunted. “Come on my cock, wet it all over—“ 
He kept pushing and pushing, thrusting as fast and hard as he could, trying to bring her over the edge, to make her come hard.
“Oh Gods— Aemond…” She moaned loudly, panting for air as she felt the tension in her stomach snap, coming with a loud grunt, her legs shaking, as waves of pleasure overwhelmed her.
“Yes— Yes, Aemond- Oh, it’s so good—“ She moaned as Aemond let go of her, taking a step back to pull out.
“On your knees.” He ordered immediately. She quickly turned around, falling to her knees. He gripped her hair, yanking her closer, jerking himself fast as his sperm spilled on her tongue and face, his hand too.
As they walked into the King chambers, she was met with a horrifying view.
Aegon, burned, laying on his bed, the Maesters all around him, trying to peel off the armor from his skin.
Their mother looking from afar, her expression contorted in a mixture of uneasy from the smell and sight, and concern for her son.
Aemond stepped in front of the bed, looking down at his brother as he leaned towards the bed structure.
She knew that look.
And recognising it now, with their brother reduced like that, she couldn’t tell if it was good or not.
She saw that look the night he returned after Storm’s End.
When he killed Luke. 
That night, he was sorry, he felt guilty, despite that, she could tell he was satisfied, no matter how guilty what he did made him feel.
There was no guilt in that look.
Just pride and satisfaction.
“Gōntan gaomā bisa naejot zirȳla, lēkia?” 
-Did you do this, brother?-
She asked, looking at him from his side. She could feel the gaze of their mother on her, desperately trying to catch something of their words. Not that she would have understood them anyway.
“Iksis ziry daor īlva kȳvanon? syt nyke naejot sagon dārys, Se ao, ñuha dāria? ñuha ābrazȳrys?” He answered, his eye never leaving Aegon.
-Is it not our plan? For me to be king, and you, my queen? My wife?-
“Ossēnagon īlva dārys kessa gaomagon īlva daor sȳz.”
-Kill our king will do us no good.-
She said, frustrated. If Aemond committed treason, all would be lost.
“Iā mittys hen iā dārys.”
-A fool of a king.-
He replied coldly.
“Iēdrosa īlva dārys.”
-Still our king.-
She sighed, looking at Aegon again. She couldn’t deny his words, nor blame him for wanting to speed up the process, having gotten the opportunity. 
“Mh.” He simply replied. She knew he was well aware of what he risked. She trusted Criston to not say a word about what he did, but she was still scared someone else might. He turned his head to look at her, his single eye burning in hers.
“Gaomagon daor zūgagon, mandia.  Kostā pāsagon nyke.  Kesi jiōragon skoros jaeli”
-Do not fear, sister. You can trust me. We will get what we want.-
It was a promise. He will take care of her.
She took a deep breath and simply nodded, as Aemond gaze returned to their brother.
“Someone-” He straightened up. “- will have to rule on his stead.” He looked at their mother.
Just the idea sent a spark of lust down her body, and she had to clench her thighs together.
Aemond looked at her with a smirk before walking out.
Him. King.
Taglist: @ka1afbr @cynic-spirit @ladythornofrivia @zenka69 @queenofthekeep @adorewhatever @diannnnsss @kotadislikesthissite @iloveallmyboys @valyrianflower @dixie-elocin @gelacat0413 @quinquinquincy @mamawiggers1980 @darylandbethfanforever9 @rhaethoughts @believeinthefireflies95
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aemond biting your shoulder in missionary when he’s about to cum while simultaneously gripping your hips so hard with his hands that his nails leave marks on your skin
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aemonds-wifey · 2 years
A cheeky kiss
{for @moonchildrenandflowercrowns 🦋}
Summary : Your on a romantic date with Tom Glynn Carney
“So….where next…?” Tom asked as he finished his glass of plum red wine
“Hmm” you hummed as you took a mouthful of cheesecake, you put the folk down and looked at Tom. As you ate it he smiled at you waiting for your response.
As you swallowed the black cherry and dark chocolate goodness you took a sip of wine “How about a walk or we could go for a drink somewhere?” You suggested
Tom kept his smile as he fished for his wallet in his back pocket “A walk sounds good…”
You watched as he found his wallet , opening it up and whipping out his card.
“What are you doing?” You asked
“Paying for dinner…” he said with a slight frown
“Why?” You asked
“Well because it would be extremely rude if we didn’t pay for that delicious meal…” he chuckled
“I know but I -“ you began
He reached over and clasped his hand over yours “I asked you out again…dinner is on me…” he smiled.
As you walked side by side through the empty streets , you felt a set of fingers lace with yours, squeezing them every so lightly- making you smile with a tender shyness, which also Made Tom grin a little.
He pointed towards the bridge “see over there” he said standing behind you lifting your hand with his.
“What is it?” You asked
He rested his head by your ear lobe “they have padlocks on the bridge…you etch your initials in it and lock it on the bridge wire….it’s called lovers Bridge.” He said
The exhale he took saw your hair dance against his breath, as it tickled your skins you felt slightly more aware of how close he was.
“Been there a few times have you?” You asked playfully nudging him.
“Nope. Always wanted to go though.” He said suggestively .
“Well then.” You said , holding his hand tighter and you both began to walk towards the bridge, as you walked together with a hand in his he occasionally side stepped to make a gap between you both but always bringing you back close to him. The way your clothes brushed against each other , it was electrifying and yet so magical .
As you got to the steps of the bridge he let go of your hand and took a step back “Ladies first…”
“Such a gent”
You said, catching a glimpse of his smirk as you went up the stairs first- he followed closely and when you got to the top of the bridge the view was glorious.
The city lights reflected so beautifully on the water that you stood above , elegant sharp blues mixed with bright reds and greens to make a canvas of art wriggle in the water. You were captivated by it , so much so you didn’t notice Tom produce a padlock from his pocket “Shall we?”
You turned to see him standing with a silly goofy expression holding the padlock, he held a sharpie pen in his hand and handed you the padlock. He leaned in and wrote his and your initials in on the metal, before dropping to his knee and locking it on the wire of the bridge.
“There we go …not bad eh?” He said grinning.
“Nice one Tom.”
As you looked down at the padlock he had placed , he gently swooped down and found his lips on yours. His lips were soft and sensual against you skin. He briefly broke apart to study your reaction, he cocked his head with a cheeky smile as he waited .
You simply leaned forward gently and kissed him. You both smiled against each other as he returned the affectionate kiss. As you both broke apart he kissed the corner of your lips and then the edge of your nose. Smiling once more as he wrapped you in his arms, leaning your forehead against his upper body. As he held you against him you felt the tender kiss against your head. Both of you enjoying the view you were graced with , in pure bliss enjoying the moment .
@moonchildrenandflowercrowns @schniiipsel @chainsawsangel @nolongereviliwantlove @motley-baby @lauraneedstochill @sscreamingbanshee @arcielee @happilyhertale @talesofoldandnew @namoreno @aemond-targaryenx @bogwaterswamp @pearlstiare @afro-hispwriter @babyblue711 @jessssica1234
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[ HOTD - Greif-striken Aegon ]
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Summary: At the Queen Dowager's request, you take on the role of Jaehaera’s primary caregiver but bear the burden of catching the King’s eye.
Warnings: canon Aegon + dubcon / noncon + mentions of death + slight angst + hurt/comfort + smut
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Grief-stricken Aegon is surprised to see you playing with his daughter in the garden, temporarily distracted from his anger by a curiosity about you. Jaehaera sits on your lap as you play with her, keeping her happy and your focus solely on her. Although the King doesn’t recognize you, he hesitates before approaching you, his anger turning into interest when you smile at him. You had been warned by his mother to be cautious of him, given the grief in the castle after the loss of the young prince. Despite your reservations, you decide to be kind and give Aegon the benefit of the doubt as you respectfully acknowledge him and then return your attention to Jaehera.
Grief-stricken Aegon leaves you with his daughter, slipping back into a quiet rage as the sight of her reminds him of Jaehaerys. You cradle the young girl close as her father stalks down the stone halls. Sighing in relief, you watch his silver locks disappear around a corner, completely relaxing when Jaehrra smiles. In a month, she had grown attached to you, mistakenly calling you 'mama' once or twice, but you always managed to correct her. Although your heart fluttered at her recognition, you knew very well that her birth mother, Queen Helena, needed no more strife and that prying ears would quickly spread the rumor of her quick attachment to you. When it happened a third time, you corrected Jaehaera as always, cheeks warm with gratitude. However, your decision remained firm. Unfortunately, you were not quick enough to hush her with a gentle reprimand, and Sir Larys overheard the young princess's adoration for you as he passed by the library where you read to her before supper. He wasted little time using the new revelation to his advantage. He tells the King of Jaehera's love for you, explaining it as a harmless but vaguely dangerous trust shift. Aegon feeds into his observation with contained interest.
Grief-stricken Aegon, overcome with sorrow, sends for you the following evening, calling you to the council room after a long day of war planning. You come at his command after putting Jahera to bed and bidding the Queen goodnight. You take your time to reach him, rightfully afraid of the man you've heard raging about the castle in a constant state of vengeance. You're particularly fearful of your growing desire to feel his pain somehow. Jaehaera is the sweet and well-mannered maiden child, much like her mother, and you can only begin to imagine how lovely her brother had been. You know well that pitying their father shouldn't be your prominent state of mind, but having a tender heart makes it devastatingly hard not to. So, you heed his call, entering the council room and standing at the doors with your head held preemptively low. You greet him quietly, withholding the tremor in your tone as you try to steel yourself against his scrutinizing stare.
Grief-stricken Aegon was far from displeased by the sight of you. Since he briefly saw you in the Keep's courtyard, hed been considering many details and assets you possessed. You appeared pious, gentle, and careful in how you presented yourself. You held the traits he knew his mother had explicitly sought: modesty and fairness. Aegon assumed you were a young lady, yet how you carried yourself made him believe you had surpassed his sister's maturity. He took note of the seven-pointed star necklace you kept clasped around your neck; the gold jewelry glinted on your bare skin, bringing out the light colors of the dresses you wore. You never bared green, a minuscule detail that pleased him. The influence of his family hadn’t reached you, and it was an odd relief. You had no allegiance to an agenda, were content with your role, and were not invested in the schemes around him. In his eyes, you were perfect, pure, and identical to the maiden herself.
Greif-stricken Aegon doesn’t confess his sins to you, though. You were never bringing to light the thoughts he’s had about you. The very sound of your voice started his descent into obsession. Hearing you sing soothing lullabies to Jaehaera, seeing you cradle her close, watching you praise her most minor achievements drove his mind to places it’d refrained from going after the death of his son. Motherly. You are sound of mind and careful with the last of his children. You embodied what his dear sister's wife couldn’t: motherhood. It drove Aegon mad in the dead night, his chambers filled with the sound of his moans as he fisted his cock to the very thought of you.
Greif-stricken Aegon refrains from forcing himself on you the first night you visit him, choosing to pry into your life with direct questions and bittersweet compliments for most of the exchange. You’re relieved to experience his generally pleasant side, amused by the scathing jokes he tells between conversations, and pleased to make him smile with your witty remarks. Your walls of caution break down little by little as he invites your company, letting you recount stories of impractical adventures with his daughter and surprisingly invested in hearing them. You ramble a bit, unsure how to feel about his direct attention and nervous to speak so casually to the King himself. Aegon reassures you that your talkative nature is anything but frustrating, reaching out to lift your chin and graze the warm skin of your cheeks with his fingertips. Your dormant blush brightens when he smiles at you, leaning in to kiss your parted lips tenderly before you can stop him. You had no intention of kissing him back, utterly shocked he'd even be so bold with you, to begin with, but he refused to let you shy away from him. One kiss spiraled into several, every one messier than the last, and your head spinning as the lingering bitterness of wine on his tongue soaked into yours. Aegon pressed for more when you pulled away to breathe. It was all too much, and you rushed to excuse yourself and leave him for the night. He didn't stop you, loving the sight of fear and excitement consuming your tender exterior at his will.
Greif-stricken Aegon calls on you often after that evening. He is no longer satisfied with pleasing himself alone. Aegon is reckless with his dependence on you, not caring that you put up a fight every time, trying to reason with him as he buries his cock in your fluttering walls. You scratch, cry, and beg. Doing and saying anything for the slightest chance of mercy, but Aegon spares you none. He forces pleasure into your veins, slaving away in your cunt night after night and committed to coating your untouched womb with his seed. You feel trapped in the cycle he starts, fulfilling your duties by day and spreading your legs for him at night. It tore you to pieces that your body ached for him constantly, the very shape of cock engraved into you, the space between your thighs undeniably drenched hours before he had you entrapped in his embrace. It’s distracting. He is distracting, and it's no help that he begins to spend more time with his daughter to spend even more with you. Aegon’s hands constantly wander where they shouldn’t, tracing your curves over the binds of your dress as you tend to Jaehaera, and it takes all of your will not to run from him. He feeds on your unease, your breaths slower, eyes fixed in the distance, and the apple of your cheeks turning red. He tells you to settle down, focus on your duties, and disregard his lingering presence, and by the gods grace, you can do just that. It’s a relief that his mother, grandsire, or anyone of consequence steals him away. You say nothing to keep him at your side, missing the feeling of his hands, the sound of his voice, and the air of control he envelopes you in, but joyous to be free of him. You can focus. You can calm the heat in your core.
Greif-striken Aegon takes no issue with keeping you in his bed for hours on end, marveling at the sight of you falling apart on his cock, begging for more of it as your legs shake from another high. You’ve given up on running, on reasoning, on being moderately intelligent, enduring the deep thrusts and mind-numbing pace he sets in thinly veiled excitement. There’s no point of hiding uit any longer, no viable way of convincing him you don’t want him to take you. Its your obligation to please him, to be that perfect little mistress, to give his lonely daughter a new playmate is it not? So, you resort to embracing his attention - as unforgiving and possessive as it may be.
Grief-stricken Aegon doesn’t ask your permission to release inside of you, forcing his seed as deep as possible, holding you down in a vice grip anytime you attempt to writhe away. It’s warm, thick, and filling. You’ve only tried to bathe once after hours of him bedding you, and he was furious. From then on, Aegon denied you the choice of washing the evidence of his claim on you away and commanding you to let his seed leak from between your thighs for a minimum of a fortnight. Appalled and rightfully defiant to the idea, you first threatened to confess to his mother about your shared deeds, but Aegon taunted you. He knew you’d rather suffer his stipulation than endure the wrath of Queen Alicent’s modesty. “Tell her and see what becomes of you..” he seethes into your ear, hand tangled in your fallen hair to keep you bent over the edge of his bed, snapping his hips harder against you when a half-hearted cry falls from your lips. You won't tell her. You can't even begin to think of unburdening yourself without acknowledging the joy you took in being used for his pleasure. Even now, as your essence dripped down your inner thighs, coating his cock with every unforgiving movement he made, you simply gave in to sin. His sin.
Grief-stricken Aegon is unsurprised when he notices signs that you are carrying his child. You become emotionally and physically sensitive. You continue caring for Jaehera while trying to hide your changing demeanor, keeping it a secret. However, Aegon cannot help but stay close to you and treats you as if you're made from glass with little regard for those who notice him showing you favor, which draws the interest of his council members—especially his ever-vigilant mother. Days pass before the maester leaves tea for you. On the night Queen Alicent visits your chambers, she expresses disappointment and scolds you for being careless. You hesitate to follow the Dowager Queen's advice, refusing to drink the remedy left for you and crying the entire night after she takes her leave.
Greif-stricken Aegon hears of your pregnancy the day after, ever so gleeful to endure his mother's berating and nowhere near ashamed of what he's done to you. He tells you it won't be the last time you carry his child, sitting you on his lap in the privacy of his chambers as the day comes to an end, and you haven't the emotional strength to keep fighting him. What's done is done, and you have no heart for ridding yourself of his so-called ‘gift.’ It's sick and twisted, but you've fallen into the headspace he's wanted for so long. A willing servant, one dedicated to her role in his domain of power, and one who will bear as many children as he desires.
What more could a lovely, loyal girl like you ask for?
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A/N: Why is it so hard to write smut for this man?! It's usually so easy, but now I'm struggling. It's unfair because I have a lot of great ideas…
Credits to the creator 💚 He owns 85% of the space in my gallery app. I'm obsessed, and it shows…
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wwwaegoncom · 28 days
fragments: prologue
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Summary: One night, Alicent had woken up her kids, gotten them in the car and never looked back. Leaving behind everything they knew. Starting a new life, moving into the apartment across from yours
modern!aegon x reader
warnings: 18+. substance abuse, dysfunctional families, mommy issues, dub-con, smut, traumatic childhood, violence.
PLEASE say if I should continue this this fic, or if im wasting my time. i couldn't shake this idea, modern!aegon fic set in modern time, if Alicent had taken her kids and gotten out. Also this chapter is basically just about Alicent... dw aegon will come next chapter <3
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The night was suppose to end like any other night, your mother narrating a bedtime story as you laid under your covers, protecting you from the world outside.
But the story had been cut short, interrupted by the sounds of children crying in the hallway, their cries muffled by the thin walls. The cries were frantic, full of confusion, not understanding what was happening, or where they were.
You had slipped out of your bed, your small feet had made their way across the cold floor. You were stood watching your mother linger by the front door, as she observed them through the peephole, watching who would now occupy the apartment across the hall.
Even though you couldn't see what was happening, you could hear the rustling of bags, the frustrated murmurs from a woman, trying to soothe her children.
It wasn't strange or unusual for people to move in in such a hurry, and after the sun had set. This place, this building, had become a momentary stop for many people, mothers and their children. A hiding place.
Many families came and went, but reasons unbeknownst to you, Alicent and her children stayed. She didn't move on like the rest, she settled into the apartment, and over time your mother and Alicent had become inseparable, bound by something you couldn't understand yet.
She had grown up wealthy and privileged, sheltered from the world outside. But she had left it all behind. And as the years passed, you and your mother had become intertwined with Alicent's family.
Alicent had become no different than the other women who had passed through the building, a deer caught in the headlight. She was utterly unprepared for the life she had now been forced into.
And Alicent had changed. You watched it happen, she had become apart of your world. But there would always be parts of her that stuck out, that wouldn't conform to this new world.
And from that night on, Alicent became a single mother, who swore with ease and lived in a run-down apartment with her three kids. Her story had became woven in with the tapestry on the walls.
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beautifulsweetschaos · 3 months
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It’s not looking good guys 😭
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asongofmarvelanddc · 2 years
Someone. Anyone.
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PAIRING: Aegon II X Reader
SUMMARY: Aegon has waited his entire life for someone to care.
A/N: This simply refused to leave my brain until it was written down. I can't wait to see more of Aegon II in season 2! As always, please reblog, like, comment, send an ask, a raven – anything! I wanna talk to you guys! ❤️
The days seem to blur together recently. Aegon can’t tell the difference between them anymore, bar something particularly extraordinary happening. No such thing has happened of late and so the days continue to blur.
When Aegon wakes that morning, he half-expects it to be the evening. It’s an odd thing the way he sleeps. Erratic. Some days he rises before the birds, and other days it’s just as supper is being cleared from the dinner table. No one thinks to wake him anymore – probably glad to be rid of his presence.
With a sigh, he shuffles out of bed, groaning when his head pounds in response to being on his feet. The thought of washing before he leaves the room crosses his mind. Briefly. There’s no one around to draw him a bath, and frankly, he’s in no mood to wait. He is hungry, tired…and lonely. But he can only do something about those first two things.
He exits the room looking quite haphazard, but rests easy knowing that no one would dare comment on his ghastly appearance. Most of the servants and guards avoid eye contact as he passes. Aegon takes that to mean that no one has requested his presence somewhere. No one wants to see him.
Even when he sits to eat, he’s left utterly alone. He stares into space as he downs his breakfast. A drink. That’s what he needs. It doesn’t distract from the loneliness anymore – it hasn’t in years – but it dulls the pain at least. He finishes eating, and though he has had his fill, the pit in his stomach remains empty.
Perhaps that is who he needs. She always manages to plug the hole in his heart, however temporary it may be. He rises and immediately heads for the dragon pit.
On the way down there he walks past Helaena’s room. The door is ajar, and the laughter of children filters out into the hall. Aegon’s lip twitches as he edges closer to the door. It has been a few days – two, maybe three – since he’s seen the kids. He wants to sit with them, play with them. They’re growing so fast.
He pushes the door open further and slides halfway through, but his smile falters when he realises that his wife and children are not alone.
His brother, Aemond, is sitting on the floor with the children. They’re tugging at his hair, completely unaware of the discomfort they might be causing, while Aemond sits there trying his best to appear annoyed with them. Alicent and Helaena are watching from the lounger, entirely amused by the scene before them.
They seem happy. Happier than they could ever be in his presence at least.
Instead of dampening the mood with his entrance, he quietly slides back out of the room, making sure he isn’t seen or heard. It’s selfish to be hurt by the fact that they are happy without him, but he can’t help it.
He can’t remember a time when his family were happy to see him. His father ignores him, his mother berates him, his brother is disgusted by him, and his wife can’t stand the sight of him….And he’s not entirely sure he can blame them.
He has never been the best version of himself that he could be…but what is the point in being great when all that is expected of him is failure? They all look at him and see nothing of worth. Why prove them otherwise? Worthless he shall continue to be.
Aegon is content to wallow in self-pity for the remainder of the day until he runs into a familiar face upon turning a corner. Although you barely collide, it's enough to startle you and make you jump back.
"Aegon!" you yelp, but quickly recover and bow your head in a more composed manner, "My Prince."
His mood is instantly improved at the sight of you, and he can't say exactly why. He’s paid attention to you, in a way he never has to other young maidens in the castle. At first, it was purely due to the allure of your striking beauty, but soon it became…more.
Your father joined the Small Council only a few months ago, and you've been strolling the halls of the Red Keep since. Not long after your arrival, you joined Aegon for a drink just outside the servants’ quarters and he questioned you about why you accompanied your father to the capital rather than remain at home with your mother and sisters. You clammed up and offered a rather vague explanation that indicated a turbulent relationship with her. Aegon let you be, but since then, he made sure to stop and speak to you whenever you crossed paths.
He wouldn’t call you a friend. No, not at all. However, you are one of the few able to keep up with him when it comes to drink. You don't sigh when he enters a room, nor do you look at him with derision or contempt in your eyes. You laugh at his jokes, so he tells even more for your sake. Because he wants you to enjoy his company as much as he does yours.
He's starting to care, and though it terrifies him, it's better than anything he's felt for years.
"My Lady." Taking your hand, he turns it over so the palm is facing upwards. He raises a brow and looks up at you, "I see you have been drawing again."
It's the charcoal dust on your fingers that gives it away. He's aware of your hobby – drawing various flowers and documenting their differences and similarities. You swear it'll be useful to the maesters one day. Aegon is not so sure, but he doesn't share those thoughts because he sees how happy it makes you.
"Someone ought to do it," you shrug and wipe your hands on the small purse slung across your body, "If I don't, who will?"
"Is that where you are off to in such a hurry?"
"No," you sigh heavily and roll your eyes as you seem to recall something of particular annoyance, "Do you know that there are weeds growing in the godswood?"
"Weeds!" you repeat, even more concerned, "I have asked the gardener to prune them but it doesn’t seem to have been done properly. So, I have decided to do it myself."
Your passion is infectious, it breathes life into him. He cares not about the art of gardening, but he cares about you, your interests. It pains him to admit that he craves the idea of being a part of your life, in any and all ways.
"I shall join you," he says after a moment of thought, "If you will have me."
It's a silly question to ask, one to which you don't bother responding for he knows the answer is always 'yes'. Aegon walks alongside you, occasionally glancing at each other, but not knowing what to say. He’s always like this when he hasn’t had a drink.
"I called on you earlier. I was told you were still asleep."
Most are rarely happy to see Aegon, much less purposely seeking him out. This is unusual for him.
“I was, I only woke a short while ago,” he says, “Were you after something?”
You look up at him with a cheery smile, "No, I just wanted to spend time with you."
He frowns in confusion, "Why?"
You come to a sudden stop and look up at him properly, a soft pout forming on your lips, "You and I are friends, are we not?"
Friends. He cannot say that he has ever had one. Every person he has ever spent a reasonably enjoyable time with was either paid to be accommodating, or did so out of mere obligation. Everyone but you.
"Besides, who's to say you and I will even have the chance to speak at the feast later?" you say with a chuckle.
"We are to have a feast tonight?"
Your brows crease as you search his eyes for any sign that he may be teasing, “Today is your Name Day. Have you forgotten?”
You state it as if it is the most obvious thing to remember.
“No, I–,” he stutters as he tries to recall the date, “No one told me...”
Aegon retreats into his own mind. Until this very moment, he had completely forgotten that this is meant to be a day of celebration. Normally his mother would be dragging him out of bed first thing in the morning, and there would be some attempt from his family to spend time together. But today has been like all the rest, and they have chosen to exclude him.
That is expected. Forgetting his own Name Day is not. It's a painful thing when no one seems to care, but it's terrifying to know that he is starting to care less about himself.
"I'm sure your mother is preparing a banquet that shall be the talk of the Kingdoms," you gently touch his arm, a level of tenderness he can’t remember when last he received.
Aegon looks into your eyes, a ray of light in this haze of misery he calls a life. And just like that, he doesn’t feel so lonely anymore.
As the honoured guest, Aegon is seated at the head of the High Table, his mother and grandsire on either side of him along with his siblings and children. But somehow, as the night goes on, Aegon climbs down from the raised platform and joins you at one of the tables meant for the Small Council members and their families.
Although you are flattered, people are staring because it is not in fact common for the Heir to ignore most of the guests at his own Name Day feast in order to spend time with the Master of Coin's daughter.
No matter. You do your best to ignore them just as Aegon seems to do.
Slouched in his chair, right leg up on the table and his left hand holding a goblet of wine, you can’t help noticing that he isn't drunk – yet – and you hope it stays that way for the evening. He engages you in a heated discussion about whether or not the dance being performed by the guests is worth watching. You are of the strong opinion that it is entertaining to watch and romantic when participating.
Aegon shoots you a look of incredulity, "They are not even touching!"
"Yes, because this dance is about the simple intimacy of the near-touch," you hover your palms close together to imitate one of the dance moves.
Aegon scoffs and sips his drink, "There is nothing intimate about not touching your dance partner."
"True intimacy is about when you–" he stops himself and laughs, shaking his head, "I suppose it would be improper of me to divulge such salacious secrets to a virtuous maiden such as yourself, my Lady."
You roll your eyes at his condescending tone and shove him playfully in the shoulder which makes him laugh.
“Lady Y/N!” ha gasps in faux horror, “You just touched me! How will we ever know the meaning of true intimacy now?”
You laugh and shove him again, earning even more looks from the people around. Quickly you quiet down and focus on Aegon again. He's watching the dancers but you're looking at him.
Even half-drunk, with tousled hair from constantly running his hand through the cropped locks and red-rimmed eyes, you still find him beautiful. You feel the urge to reach out and touch his cheek or his hair, but stop yourself from doing something so inappropriate in public.
Besides, who knows how Aegon would react to such a thing?
“You truly don’t believe two people can share an intimate moment without touching?”
He chuckles at first, ready to brush off the question with a silly joke, but when he turns to you and senses how serious you are, his eyes soften.
There is many a moment you've shared with Aegon that you would consider intimate, and not once have you touched him during them. You want to know that he feels the same way about those moments. You need to know.
He holds your gaze for some time, and you can't be sure what he is thinking about, then he answers in a low voice, "Perhaps..."
He glances down at your lips, it is only for a second, but you catch it anyway. Aegon knows this, but it does not make him lean back into his chair, nor pretend to be embarrassed.
"There are people looking at us," you whisper, glancing around the room at the obvious stares, "Could we go somewhere?"
He frowns, "Why?"
"I want to give you your gift."
Aegon follows you to a less visible corner of the room. He doesn't truly care about what this gift may be, he is only happy to be alone with you away from prying eyes.
He watches as you reach into a hidden zip in the front of your dress, a clever design, and pull out an oval shaped case. It rattles when you pull it out so there is clearly something hidden inside. You step closer to him and press the case into the palm of his hand, practically shaking with excitement.
Whatever it is, it's small, which is quite an unusual kind of gift for Aegon. He often receives famous first edition books, expensive fabrics and custom-made swords for his Name Day. The gifts are piled high on the other end of the room at this very moment.
"Will you open it?"
Aegon, amused by your visible excitement and anticipation, snaps the case open. Inside is a golden insignia ring displaying the three heads of the dragon, perfectly etched into metal.
“It was supposed to be black and red, like the sigil of your House, but I think I like it better in gold,” you say, a look of pride in your eyes as you look down at your gift, “When it catches the light, it shimmers like the scales on Sunfyre.”
You smile as you tilt the ring towards the candle above you, “You see?”
Aegon can’t say for sure if your assertion is true because he doesn’t look to inspect the ring. Instead his gaze stays fixed on you, confused and in awe. He has been showered with gifts since before he had memories of his Name Day, but none as thoughtful as this.
When he glances down at the ring, he notices an inscription on the inside of the band. "To my dearest Prince, Aegon," it reads in High Valyrian.
"You added this?"
"There wasn't much space to have any more inscribed," you say, "But I had Aemond translate it to High Valyrian for me because I wanted it to mean something to you."
He doesn't know what to say. The gift is so small, yet sentimental. No one has ever offered him such kindness, and Aegon doesn't believe he deserves it. His entire life he has longed for someone, anyone, to care about him. Not Aegon Targaryen, Second of His Name, Heir to the Iron Throne – just him. He is not used to receiving such compassion and doesn’t know how to respond to it.
He ignores the stinging of tears behind his eyes and clears his throat.
"Thank you, Y/N," he says as he slips the ring onto his pinky finger, "I shall wear it always."
Your heart swells as he kisses the ring.
"I know it is improper for a Lady to ask," you begin, already feeling the burn of embarrassment on your cheeks, "But would you care to dance, my Prince?"
Aegon is beyond flattered and kicks himself for not asking first. He does not want you to think that he is not eager, when it is in fact the opposite.
"I would–" he cuts himself off at the sight of his mother approaching from behind you.
A frown carves itself into his lips, "I would love to, but it seems my mother wants to have a word."
You look behind you and nod in understanding when you see Alicent walking up, "Of course. Perhaps later then?"
He nods with a smile, "Don't tire yourself out."
You bow to the Queen Mother as you excuse yourself, glancing back at Aegon when you walk away.
Alicent sidles up to Aegon’s side, a goblet of wine in her hands. “I see you’ve grown quite close to Lady Y/N as of late,” she says, “You’re fond of her?”
Aegon’s brows furrow as he looks down at his mother. He’s not sure where she is going with this and thinks to lie, but even he knows he can’t deceive her.
“I am,” he answers, looking away from her and searching for you with his eyes.
Alicent nods slowly and sips from her cup, “She’s beautiful, is she not?”
Aegon finally spots you among the dancers, floating across the floor with Tyland Lannister as your partner. His heart warms as you laugh at something the man says, your smile tugging at something that has long been buried within him. As if you can feel his eyes on you, you turn your head to look at him, throwing him a wink.
“I suppose she is,” he responds absent-mindedly to Alicent's question as the corner of his lips begin to turn up.
Alicent looks at him again, growing more and more irritated as the seconds go by.
"I hear her father intends to propose a marriage for her to Tyland Lannister."
Aegon's head snaps towards his mother.
"Tyland Lannister?" he gasps violently, "He is an old man!"
In truth, Tyland Lannister is a mere six and thirty – not considered old by the country’s standards.
"He is the Master of Ships and brother to the Warden of the West," she says, ignoring the outburst, "A Lannister is a good match for her."
Over my dead body, he thinks. There is not a reality Aegon is willing to accept in which you belong to somebody else. If he must claim you as his wife, then he will. Just as Aegon the Conqueror had two wives, so it shall be for Aegon II. The thought of you being wed to another man not only makes him angry, it is sickening.
“Aegon.” He is torn away from his thoughts of you by his mother’s stern voice.
This conversation is annoying and agitating. He does not want to hear it. He wants to go to you, to tear you away from that Lannister Lord and take you somewhere you can be alone together.
"Whether it is to Tyland Lannister or some other nobleman, she will be wed," Alicent says, her firm tone taking on a desperate edge, "Her father sits on the Small Council. She will be married to a decent man someday who will make her a good husband."
His scowl deepens. "Why are you telling me all this, Mother?"
"Because she is not like one of your whores, Aegon,” she turns to face him fully, though he avoids her eyes, “You cannot sully her skirts with your debauchery. You must leave her alone.”
Aegon has never believed that he is good enough for you, nor that he even deserves your friendship. It is why he has kept you at a distance as much as he can. Too selfish to completely let you go, but also afraid that one day, you will see him as he is and abandon him. His mother has just taken that fear, and in a few words, beaten him over the head with it.
Does she not see that he is trying? He has not stepped foot in a pleasure house in some weeks now. And though he still drinks, he does not do it until he loses his senses anymore. The days no longer blur, and he wakes eager to start them. That emptiness that tormented him so, it has faded.
Does she really not see?
Devastated does not convey the intensity of the pain that descends upon Aegon in that moment. His efforts to do better, to be better, have gone completely unnoticed by the one who chastises him the most for his self-indulgence and lechery.
“Aegon,” she says again, pulling on his arm, “Promise me that you will leave that girl alone.”
Aegon glances in your direction. You’re still dancing, but with a different partner now. Blissfully unaware that his heart has just been shattered into pieces.
“I promise,” he grunts.
As soon as he says the words, Alicent leaves his side, no longer needing to be in his presence.
Aegon stumbles, a bit overwhelmed in the moment as he looks around the room for something, anything, to distract him from the shame and embarrassment he feels. He spots a pitcher of wine on the corner of a table by him and swipes it, heading down to the cellars of the Keep.
Aegon promised you a dance, but after searching for him for close to an hour, you find him in the cellars with Balerion, sitting against the stone wall, legs spread out in front of him as he stares at the dragon’s skull. A wine chalice lies discarded by his side, spilling out what was left of its contents.
Aegon does not react as you walk towards him. Even when you stand right in front of him he doesn’t look up at you. He is completely out of it, and the sight makes you let out a deep sigh.
You move beside him and slide down the wall, choosing to sit quietly with him. Aegon drinks wine like it is water, but to get like this, something must have upset him. You don’t ask him about it. He always wants someone to listen, because of that you never have to press him to share his thoughts.
“What is worse than hate?”
Those are the first words that leave his lips after almost an hour of silence. He’s still staring up at Balerion as he speaks, but his arms are now resting on his knees which are pulled up to his chest. Though he is right beside you, he feels a million miles away.
You ponder the question some, but can’t quite offer a response, “I can’t imagine there is anything worse than hate.”
“Indifference,” he answers, nodding to himself, “It is empty. Hollow. Lonely.”
Finally, he looks at you with tear-filled, bloodshot eyes, “That is all I see when my family looks at me.”
Your heart breaks for him, and a lump forms in your throat as you try not to cry.
“Aegon,” you whisper, voice shaking, “Your family do not hate you. Nor are they indifferent.”
He laughs bitterly as his head rolls back to rest against the wall. “You do not have to lie to make me feel better,” he says, “That is what the whores are for.”
You bite the inside of your cheek, preferring the sting of physical pain than the one caused by his words.
“It’s the drink making you feel this way.”
His head rolls to the side so he’s looking at you again, though at an angle. At first, he doesn’t speak and it sends your mind racing as you try to guess what he might be thinking in that clouded head of his.
“Without the drink, I sink into a hole of despair,” his eyes soften, “A hole…I fear I may never climb out of.”
You hate seeing him like this. So broken and worn down by what he sees as a burdensome life.
Aegon’s eyes shift from you to the ground when he feels you trying to lace your fingers through his. He shakes his head and draws back, burying his face in his hands. This is the first time he’s rejected the comfort you offer. He is in a worse state than you imagined and you don’t know what brought him to this.
“Aegon,” his name falls from your lips like a desperate plea. You reach out to pull his hands away from his face, but even that won’t make him look at you.
You look down at your hand as tears begin to well in your eyes. “I’m not indifferent,” you mumble, but in the quiet, the words come out clear as day, “And I don’t hate you, Aegon.”
That seems to stir something in him. He looks at you with narrowed eyes, as though he is suspicious. But the longer he looks, the suspicion fades. And without a second thought, he reaches over and grabs your head in his hands, roughly capturing your lips in a kiss.
His lips taste of wine and salt from the tears now freely spilling down his cheeks. Everywhere his hands find, they grip you tight, afraid to let you go. And you melt into him, promising him with every kiss and every tug that you won’t leave.
You don’t care that his kiss is not the sweet and tender one you imagined. It’s rough, needy and desperate, noses bumping into each other and hands fumbling against your bodies as he pulls you into his lap – a motion only made possible because you want it to be.
All you can think about is how you can’t get enough of this. Of him. Day and night he has consumed your thoughts, dreaming of being held and kissed and touched by him. His sad eyes plagued your mind from the first night you spoke with him. You knew he had burrowed himself deep in your heart the first time you got down on your knees in the Sept and prayed for his healing.
But even now, as his lips merge themselves to yours, his hands sliding up your thighs, you can’t enjoy the moment fully. Because he’s drowning. His heart is broken, and you’re not sure you can fix it.
Just as the thought crosses your mind, he pulls away from you – though, even that seems hard for him to do.
He opens those beautiful sad eyes again and upon meeting yours, shakes his head. He’s fighting with himself, with what he ought to do and what he wants to do. What he needs from you.
He looks up at you again and gently strokes your cheek.
“I don’t want to debase you,” he chokes out, looking like he is in physical pain.
“How could you debase me?”
“I can’t–” He grips your face tightly and pulls you closer, searching your eyes in desperation.
More tears spill over and roll down his cheeks. “You are far too precious to me.”
The pain in his eyes is so raw you can practically see him twisting the knife in his own heart. He’s clinging to you for life while begging you to let him go. He doesn’t know that if you let him succumb, the darkness will consume you too.
“And what do you think you are to me?” you whisper, hands cupping his face, “A rarity. The person I love.”
His grip softens and his eyes widen.
“You love me?”
“More than anything,” you say without any hesitation.
He stares at you in awe, fingers tracing your cheeks and jaw and lips. You cannot say if he is in the room with you in this moment, or if his mind is somewhere else. As if snapped back to his senses, he sucks in a stuttered breath and his gaze refocuses.
“You love me?” he asks again, voice breaking as he speaks.
The last of his resolve breaks when you nod again. Burying his head into your chest, he begins to sob uncontrollably, arms squeezing around your waist as he holds onto you.
With trembling lips, you place a kiss to the top of his head, your tears soaking through his silver hair.
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emmaofnormandy · 2 months
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Imagine Aegon is the father of your children… to whom you are the greatest defender. (Part II)
Warnings: this time we have drama, angst, but fluffy like usual. Maybe some smut. Long post.
@dracaryxzs tagging you once more, hope you like it!
• The Last Feast.
You are present at your father’s last dinner. Despite detesting the circumstances, you put an effort at your husband’s request, as much as either of you are uncomfortable with this growing awkwardness—thanks to your father’s preference over Rhaenyra and your mother’s likewise neglect.
Not to mention the Strong bastards who tease your lover endlessly—as well as your younger brother Aemond. You recollect how, when you were ten and two summers, you hit Jacaerys in his face and kicked Lucerys’ belly after their bullying over your family.
“You have no idea whom you are messing with, boys. I may be kind, I may be sweet, but I am as dragon as either of you are. If yet one may say so… considering there’s nothing Valyrian on you.”
Words—and deeds—that earned Aemond’s respect and Aegon’s admiration. Today you wish you had better control of your temper, perhaps being more diplomatic, but you’d still stand up for Aegon nonetheless.
“You look thoughtful today”, you hear Aegon telling you. “I think it’s too early for you to join this bloody dinner. You have been just churched, Y/N.”
You smile, letting memories of a distant past fade when Aegon comes at you, holding you from behind as your ladies have just finished dressing you and brushing your long silver locks.
Today you opt to wear your two-sided braided hair and a long, silk green gown which may reinforce your curves. His hands are precisely there as his eyes stare at your reflection in the mirror of your privy quarters.
About a month and half ago, you gave birth to your fifth child—and you’re already the mother of Aegon, Alysanne, Jaehaerys and Jaehaera—whom you named Baelor after your grandsire. To the surprise of many, you are not only as fertile as your sisters and mother, but just as strong.
Even though ladies are strongly recommended to avoid events after this period of churching—where they go through the process of getting cleansed carnally and spiritually under the Septs of the Seven—you care very little about such rules, specially when your sire father is about to depart this world—something that gives you mixed feelings.
“I am as good as before”, you turn at him with a smile on your lips. “I may look tired but that is because I had to wake early to feed Baelor.”
Aegon chuckles lightly.
“…all the whilst our dearest Jaehaera was found sneaking under our blanket.”
You laugh heartily.
“She seems to take after you, I’m afraid. Are you ready to put some reins in her, Aegon?”
To which your husband scoffs.
“Please. I’m here to protect and spoil my princesses. Yourself included, dear”, and saying so, he presses a kiss on your cheek. “You look beautiful, by the way.”
You spot a glint of mischief behind his eyes; it already makes your intimate parts ache for him. You gently put two fingers over his lips and bite yours when he takes to his mouth, sucking each without parting gazes.
“Mm. Someone’s not been churched enough, I see.”, Aegon teases you, now going to press you against the wall.
“My darling, you best not ruin me for the feast. We are awaited”, you try your best not to give him, but what power do you have when he, taller than you, towers over you and starts to lift the skirt of your gowns…
“Oh there you are!”, you and Aegon almost jump out the moment you hear Helaena’s voice. “Alysanne and I were looking for you!”
Suddenly the seven year old princess with short curly hair and eyes that resemble her parents shows up dressing a gown that is very similar to her aunt’s.
“Papa! Mama! Aunt Laena did my dress, look! I’ve been looking for you in order to show you it!”, she steps up proudly under Helaena’s fond gaze and clapping hands.
You are quickly straightening yourself when Aegon promptly goes to one knee to match his daughter’s height and speak as if nothing was going on before their… sudden arrival.
“You look gorgeous as ever, Alys! Beautiful like your mama!”, he beams at her, before lifting his daughter and holding her tight.
“Weeee!”, Alysanne giggles. “You can still carry me! Look, aunt Laena! Look how strong my papa is!”
Helaena is all smiles at the scene. You join her side, adding a teasing comment:
“It appears your father is still strong, uh? Here I was thinking otherwise.”
Aegon rolls eyes at you, but Alysanne points out her tongue in turn.
“There is none as strong as my papa!”
“That’s my girl!”, he kisses her cheek, spinning her around a little more before downing her at last. “Now, you best go to see your grandsire. Where is Egg? And your twins?”
“Egg has joined Maekar”, she tells him in reference to Helaena and Aemond’s oldest son. “They are insufferable.”
Helaena chuckles lightly.
“Best mates, as they should.”
“As for me… at least I have Rhae to be friends with”, and that being said the princess runs after her cousin, Maekar’s own twin, both born in the same year as Alysanne’s.
“You should be more careful, leaving the door unlocked”, says Helaena, amused.
And she turns before either of you could form a proper answer. You sigh and as you link your arm with Aegon’s, you say:
“She is not wrong, you know.”
“Where can I be faulted if these kids are growing too fast these days”, grumbles Aegon.
You poke his side playfully.
“The joke’s on you for being careless and leaving the door open.”
Aegon chuckles, pressing another kiss on your cheeks before going to the king’s privy quarters where a family reunion is expected.
You are sitting opposite Aemond and Helaena, next to your husband on the left side of the table. You are making sure your children are behaving well at the same time instructing your maids what to do in case they get…bored.
Whilst you do so, Aegon avoids Rhaenyra’s gaze, who sits on the opposite right of the table, with her own offspring. Trying to sweep away the taste of bad blood, he rather focuses in his own children.
The sight of his growing family brings a relief to his wounded pride. For years, longing for something his father and mother lacked in providing, seems to have been filled with your love and these of his children.
When seeing how Egg is looking for him and, once finding his gaze, smiles in search of approval, Aegon forgets his haunted memoirs and gives his boy and heir a positive sign with his thumb up.
It’s how happy Egg is that makes Aegon believe that he’s overcome his broken heart. By how proud his son looks just after being acknowledged by Aegon makes him think that… had only his father done that for years, one small gesture such as this, well… wouldn’t things be different?
Looking now at his daughter, Princess Alysanne. She’s every inch his own and Aegon takes pride in his eldest girl. She is sweet tempered and talkative—oh doesn’t she like to talk? Aegon observes how she and her cousin, Princess Rhaella, engage in some serious conversation which the prince supposes to be about dragons.
He does approve how they are bonding. And when his gaze meets Aemond’s, the eldest of the two realizes this is a better out coming than both of them expected—considering their upbringing. Aemond, of his part, gives a small smirk, considering he is proud too of his children.
And then… there are the twins, of course, and the newly born son who’s not present. Jaehaera and Jaehaerys are not gloomy nor moody, simply the mirror of Aegon’s domestic joy.
This picture of the family he never had that is now his new reality makes him at peace with his parents… even if at times, such as now, he is remembered of everything he didn’t have.
“I would like to make a toast”, says King Viserys, and his voice drags Aegon out of his particular bliss. “My family reunited here. Everyone together as it should, the perfect reflection of how peaceful our realm is.”
All eyes are set on the dying king. The evidence is clear and you cannot help yourself wondering… how all would’ve been different had he acknowledged Aegon’s inheritance. When casting a quick look at your sister Rhaenyra, you realize that she’s never wanted the high prize.
“Mama”, your daughter’s hand pushing your sleeve draws you out of your thoughts.
“What is it, sweetling?”
“Will the dragons die?”
You furrow your eyebrows, ignoring Helaena’s curious gaze at the sight of you two.
“Why would you ask this question?”
Alysanne hesitates, suddenly realizing this may not be the most proper place to speak. But since the music is now playing and the babbling is loud, you encourage her to speak her mind.
“I… I had a nightmare again.”
“With what, my dove? You will claim your dragon, eventually”, you assure her.
“I know I will, but this isn’t it. I am talking about a red dragon being smashed. It looked terrifying to watch.”
Back then, you do not comprehend what red dragon is your daughter speaking of: neither you nor Aegon’s dragons possess red scales. Before you could find a way to assure your daughter this is nothing but a bad dream, a sound takes you out of your thoughts.
“I’d like to make a toast for these… Strong boys.”
Your eyes go wide at Aemond’s bluntness. Helaena is too surprised, and you two share a meaningful, confident look. Both of you take your children out of the dining table, sensing trouble is coming out.
Later, you come back to rush Aegon out of this mess.
“I was handling just well”, he tells you prideful.
Indeed, to your relief he bears no black eye. But by how Rhaenyra looks angry, you know enmity is official.
You hold her stare as you stroke your husband’s face.
“I know. Who could beat you, anyway? You did nothing wrong.”
And by saying that, you kiss his lips, finding home in his embrace.
• A Storm Of Iron Blades.
Later that night, there is nothing to occupy your thoughts. With your children asleep and your churching period finally at end, you gladly resume your activities.
And your favorite one is riding your husband, of course.
“Aegon!”, you cry out his name, searching for support against the wall as his hands hold firmly your hips whilst his tongue does wonderfulness in you. “Oh Gods!”
And you move your hips gracefully, smirking at the sight of subduing such a prideful prince, yours to be king.
You arch your back, smirking wide as he slaps your hips, hair now a complete puddle of mess as you come undone.
Your husband drinks every juice you give him, such is his thirst. But domineering he still is as, restless like usual, he flips positions and is now thrusting right into you.
“We are conceiving again”, he whispers against your hot skin, turning you around so your face can be seen. Aegon wraps a hand around your neck all the whilst he pulls your hair the way you like him to.
“One more child?”, you moan loud, burying your nails against his skin as you two move as one.
“I told you we are making this a grand family”, he thrusts harder, pleased to earn a louder moan this time.
Matching his hips with yours, Aegon knows you delegate him control. Every time you come after churching, you settle under him, legs firmly tied around his waist… and when you try to swap, oh snap! He got you there.
“Kiss me!”, you demand him. “Now!”
Aegon gladly complies to your commands, pursuing your lips desperately so. In a crazy demonstration of how your connection works, both of you reach climax at the same time.
As he lies his head at your left breast, Aegon strokes your cheek and says:
“Thank you.”
“What for?”, you ask him surprised.
“For giving me what I was refused: a family.”
You peck his lips, cuddling onto him.
“I love you, Aegon. I hope you know I’d do anything for you. Anything at all.”
As he looks up at him, Aegon knows the veracity of these words. And when he kisses you, the prince fears for them at the same.
Little Egg comes early next morning to get his father’s attention. You realize they are very close, which makes your chest swell with pride. It’s you who welcome your eldest when door opens and you are still breastfeeding baby Baelor, despite Aegon’s protest that you should be doing so in your bed not on your feet.
“Darling! What is it?”, you smile brightly at him.
Despite the nickname, Little Egg is hardly little now. He’s grown quite fast for his age and will most likely to be very tall in his early adulthood. His hair is long now, emulating his father’s.
“I want to see my lord father.”
Thankfully, Aegon has just left his privy quarters when his son’s voice reach him.
“What’s lord for? Father is just fine”, Aegon pulls a grimace at the formality.
Little Egg chuckles.
“My lady grandmother told me I should be mindful of my manners.”
“Who cares about what that old woman says?”, and here he ignores your weak protest at how your mother is addressed. “Come here, won’t you hug me properly?”
As you sit to finish feeding your baby and hold him close, you delight at the scene of Little Egg running to the arms of Aegon, chuckling as he is spinning around before putting down.
“A egg has hatched”, says your brave little boy. “I reclaimed it as mine.”
“Well, of course it’s yours!”, says Aegon, admired. “We put that egg with you since you were born. You slept it tightly with it!”
Little Egg blushes at his remark.
“Well, either way, it’s born! And it’s mine!”
“Fantastic! What’s the name of it?”
“I thought about something to honor your dragon, papa, since it’s golden with details in silver. So I figured to call it Goldenfyre.”
You swear you thought Aegon’d burst into tears. You too think some tears come from your eyes, aware of how important this is to your husband. A moment once stolen in his childhood, but somehow regained to compose his son’s.
“Will you show me Goldenfyre?”, Aegon smiles proudly at his boy.
“Yes”, Little Egg smiles timidly, but you spot pride in his eyes. “And after that I want to show mummy too.”
“Of course my dearest”, you tell him just as delighted.
“I also saved an egg to Baelor”, he tells you proudly when coming at you to earn a motherly kiss you give him.
“That’s my boy. Remember, this is your brother whom you shall always protect.”
Very serious, says your small version of your husband:
“I will not fail in this duty, mother.”
“I know you won’t.”
As you look up, finding Aegon as tearful as you, contentment finds solace in this new home, built over a wrecked one. Perhaps the Gods could be good, after all.
Not everything is about family, however. You need a moment to fly with Dreamfyre again and are about to do so with your youngster one when the Queen comes after you with a grave expression.
“Where is Aegon?”
“Greetings to you too, mother”, you do not mind the disdain in your tongue. “He’s with his son. Something you could have done too if you had the time.”
Alicent looks at her daughter as if she somehow wished you were like Helaena: quieter and serene, even though you are more than aware how your younger sister is also estranged with the Queen. Not that you have been very wayward, you have rarely been at her presence… is all.
Old wounds takes time to heal.
“This is not the moment nor the time to point out my wrongs. I know you will not understand the sacrifices I’ve made for this family, but I need you to summon Aegon.”
“Can you not do this yourself since you have sacrificed so much for us?”
Alicent sighs. At times she finds hard to look at you, and you know that is because you resemble Aegon.
“Your father…”
Now she has your attention. You think wise to give your maid your Baelor.
What you find in your mother’s eyes knocks your pride down.
“Your father has… departed this world.”
In other words, you know you should be prepared to war. And how strange it is when for the first time in a long while you and the queen find comfort in each other with a hesitant embrace.
Outside, you could hear the lightenings.
You are flying Dreamfyre when clouds start to rumble. Your dragon turns her head to give you a look as if she’s sensing your intimate thoughts. Amidst the announce of a storm sun is starting to rise in the horizon and you should go back… but you are reluctant. So she knows where to take you.
To your surprise, though, you find him there. In the very spot where everything began. Has it almost been ten years since you and him professed feelings for each other? It certainly doesn’t feel like it.
“Egg”, you call him affectionately. “I wasn’t expecting to seeing you here.”
Aegon looks distraught, a view that much plagues your heart. You take his side and hold his hand.
“War is coming. She’s not going to accept I am our father’s heir.”
“We can do this”, you tell him firmly. To his surprise, you are determined to go to the end of it. “I know my place, but you must know yours. Father has determined as tradition has that a male heir is to sit upon the iron throne. This happens to be you.”
“I wasn’t prepared for the role”, Aegon admits in one of his rare displays of weakness.
You cup his cheeks with both hands and make him look at you. Aegon finds comfort in you, solace for his insecurities, which you know so well. What’s more is that you never left him.
You stayed.
“Circumstances are better teachers than theories. I can help you with that, though. I am not made of silk or dragon blood”, you flash him a side smirk. “I have a brain sharp as sword.”
“Y/N… I never underestimated you. We…”, and here he whispers. “We both know you’d be a better queen.”
You chuckle quietly, rubbing your nose against his. Rain starts to fall but you both seem immune to it.
“Shush. I know my place, husband. You will be a great king.”
As if convinced by your arguments, Aegon rests his head against your shoulder, and you rock him gently, stroking his silver locks.
“We are doing this for our children.” He tells you firmly, regaining his composure.
Hands intertwined, eyes locked. Mutual communication.
“My Visenya”, Aegon smiles, besotted.
“My Conqueror”, you beam at him.
And all is sealed with a kiss.
The green council is gathering and in the meantime you spend your time with your sister and your children.
“We must be wary”, whispers Helaena to you.
You cast her a knowing look.
“Can we prevent it to happen?”
“I don’t think so. The crown has a price to pay.”
“I shall do it so”, you tell her firmly.
And then the conversation breaks suddenly.
“Mama”, says Alysanne, running to her side. “Will papa get burnt?”
Never before you detested these dreams your daughter and sister share.
“No”, you assure her firmly, giving a side glance at Helaena, who’s holding her own children protectively. “Nothing bad will happen to him. This I vow.”
To the rest of the day, despite not contenting yourself with embroidery, you settle with the role of mother just fine. But as rain gets heavier outside, you know another will come eventually: that of a wife ready to fight for her husband.
Later that evening, as you watch the children playing with their father and you rock young Baelor against your chest, Aegon tells you the plans of his coronation.
Alysanne and Little Egg are almost fighting over who climbs faster in his father’s shoulders and when he turns at them with that smile you love and says:
“Hey. What did I say?”
“One at time”, grumbles Little Egg. “But I am the heir, therefore…”
“Heir you are, but you must not forget your manners, my son. Ladies first, or has chivalry died?”, and here you try to hide away your amusement.
“Fine. You go, sister.”
Alysanne puts out a tongue, but she too earns a reprehension of her father.
“Now, now, this is not the way, Lys.”
“Sorry”, she puts out a face that makes her irresistibly cute. Aegon chuckles and kisses her temple before putting her over his shoulders. “Weee! I’m flying!”
Aegon makes a noise that you suppose to emulate a dragon’s. The whole scene is adorable and gets your children’s attention. Soon he does the same to everyone—but Baelor, who’s asleep.
“Very well. Your father is tired, he’s done for the night. It’s late and you should be put in bed.”
“Papa”, says Jaehaera, putting his sleeve.
“Yes, daughter?”
“Can you tell us a story before we go to bed?”
“Yes!”, Alysanne runs to her sister’s side and the boys too, despite them pretending to lack interest, which amuses you.
“It’s your day, honey”, you tell him in between giggles. “I’m already occupied here.”
Aegon rolls his eyes as if he doesn’t want this arduous task. However, he makes sure to get the four children to put in your bed before getting to such a mission.
First, he gets Alysanne and Little Egg under blankets before putting the twins on his knees. Second… he makes sure to get their attention.
“Now listen up. Do you want to hear a story about a dragon princess who saved her dragon prince?”
“Hear! Hear!”, Little Egg cries out. “Ladies and gentlemen, no bard nor storyteller can match our dad!”
Aegon blushes.
“Why thank you for the praise, son. So I guess this is a yes?”
“Of course! There is romance too so we are all very pleased���, says a very romantic Alysanne.
You watch as your husband is set loose to your children. He likes the attention, but more so… he likes being their father.
If we were peasants, we’d be a merrier family.
Sweeping away these melancholic thoughts that make reference to an inevitable upcoming war, you focus on how happy he looks when the burden of wearing a crown is not smashing over him.
How loved he is when surrounded by these innocent toddlers who want to please him—and Aegon is eager to please them too.
You are teary at the scene. Alysanne is watching attentively as her father tells in his own your love story behind a great deal of creativity and fantasy, which makes you chuckle quietly. Jaehaera and her twin brother are not too far behind. These youngsters who like to make your quarters a mess are unusually quiet, captivated by their father’s voice, eyeing him with the most genuine devotion of a children.
Eventually though as the story comes to an end, they are all snoring.
“Well, my king. Our bed is full”, you laugh quietly as you put asleep Baelor carefully in his cradle.
Aegon smiles, moving to where you are and putting you against his arms.
“Thank you for giving me these beautiful children. I cannot believe I am this blessed.”
“How could it be otherwise? Oh Aegon, I love you.”
You spot some tears forming behind his eyes. He clears his throat, still uncomfortable with his own sentiments. Nevertheless he says:
“And I love you, my preciosity. You are my moon and stars.”
“And you are my sun and universe.”
This evening ends well. And you kiss him in turn.
But even sun sets in paradise. You are outdoors with Helaena, two maids and your children when Aemond comes in.
By the looks on his face nothing good is coming. You prepare for the bad news.
“What is it?”
Aemond cannot look at you, but it’s Helaena, who runs to his encounter, who casts a look at you and says:
“War has found its home. We best be prepared to fight it.”
Like a premonition, heavy rain starts to fall. You touch your hip, feeling that dagger you keep hidden underneath your silk gown.
“Well… Let war come. It will end with fire and blood”, you whisper to yourself before going back inside with the toddlers.
• A Dragon for A Dragon: The Cause Must Be Avenged.
You are by your husband’s side when the crown is put atop his head and Aegon raises his sword, applauded under the cheerful voices of “Long May Live King Aegon!”
It’s at you he looks for when his smug smirk curls on his lips. You nod approvingly, pride sparkling in your eyes.
Later that day, when council is opened, you are with the children when your husband summoned you. To a general surprise, Aegon wants his wife to be present at his council.
“My lady Y/N is as competent as my brother, Aemond”, he nods at his one-eyed sibling, who gives you a quick, indecipherable gaze. “That is my decision.”
“It is as it is”, says Otto in a dismissive tone. “We need to ponder what to do to counter Rhaenyra’s actions. She’s not inclined to peace.”
“We ought to do what it takes to preserve my crown”, muses Aegon. “Who are our allies?”
Someone starts to list them. You watch Aegon’s reaction, furrowing his eyebrows as he ponders what to do with the information.
“If I may speak”, says Aemond after some babbling dies. “I suggest we take Harrenhal. It’s my understanding the Blacks are heading its way there.”
“We use our dragons before they do. But if they are armed…”, you muse in almost in an inaudible suggestion.
Aegon shoots you a glance.
You sigh heavily, but don’t argue.
“I can go.”
“But we need Vhagar”, says Aegon. “Perhaps we can do without a dragon.”
“That is impossible. We are talking about a war of dragons, Your Grace”, says Otto, somewhat impossible. “We must preserve the dragons until we cannot. There’s no need to be in such a hurry. We will come out with a defense tactic.”
“Who’s the one intending to claim Harrenhal?”, you ask suddenly.
Ser Otto gives you a quizzical look, but it’s Aemond who answers you.
“Our uncle, Daemon Targaryen.”
“He’s the right hand of Rhaenyra”, you think out loud, not minding to call her a sister when Helaena does this role a lot better. “What about the other’s?”
“You are not considering getting into this fight, are you?”, to your surprise its Queen Alicent who voices out a general preoccupation.
“Visenya did so, my mother. Whilst I perform my duties accordingly, I shall stand for my husband’s right to wear his crown”, you flash him a smile and are pleased to see him regaining confidence.
“Your loyalty is touching, dear”, says Otto genuinely caring, for you and Helaena are his favourite grandchildren. “However, what military expertise do you have?”
“I am a great dragon rider and I could use this well”, you don’t find prudent to share that you’ve been taking sword lessons for a while. And by the looks Aegon gives you, you know he knows. “I could beat Baela, though.”
“This isn’t about vengeance. It’s about war.”
“War is founded upon vengeance, grandsire”, you speak gently. “Let it be said. A dragon for a dragon, my Aegon shall be avenged.”
That said you recline back to your chair, pleased to leave everyone in the room astonished with this side of yours few—except Aegon, Aemond and Helaena— are familiar with.
“You must stay for the children”, says Aegon. He’s walking from one side to the other, in evident display of nervousness.
It’s just the two of you in the council room this afternoon.
“I cannot handle the possibility of…”
He leaves his fears unspoken and it’s when you walk to where he is and holds his face with your hands.
“We are in this together, whether you like it or not. Your birth right will not be stolen from you. As our children’s…”, you smile at him, fondly. “We will wage this war, but with no need to be cruel.”
Aegon rests his forehead against yours, nodding in an agreement. It’s when he pursuits your lips and you let him lead the way. Suddenly, the kiss evolves and you are gladly lying against the table as he moves over you.
Every issue is kept drowned when the needs of flesh overcomes each. Aegon needs you as much as he needs you. Here comes that boy, starving for affection, that you know.
You gasp as his callous hands run over your thighs, lifting the skirts of your gown as his lips brush against your neck, biting your neck, leaving traces of bruises.
“Aegon”, you moan out his name in response of his eager fingers digging to your core. “Oh Gods!”
His eyes look for yours and when finding yours, your hands hold his hair, pulling him over you.
“My husband”, you gasp, moving your hips against his skillful hands, and soon you take your seat at the edge of the table.
“No”, he groans against your ear when perceiving your intentions. “Just sing out to me…”
But you answer to none—despite gladly obeying him in all when it’s due—so you smirk rebelliously when your hand finds the path to his pants.
“Come here… Let’s do it together”, and you whisper in his ear. “Remember when you taught me?”
Aegon closes his eyes, already unbearably aroused by your words. You bite his earlobe, moaning softly as you speak unspeakable things, caressing his manhood until it pumps against your palm.
“Fuck”, he rests his forehead against yours, eyes closed. “Fuck, Y/Nickname…”
“Yes, baby. Together. We are always together…”
And when he rises his eyes and bites your bottom lip… well, he replaces his hand with something else and it takes little time until you reach climax.
As it has always been.
“I love you”, you mumble in his ear.
“I love you”, he whispers back.
“A king cannot be so until he leads his soldiers”, says Aegon before the council.
To a general astonishment, this is Aegon announcing his preparations to war.
“A king delegates others of his trust for a good reason, Aegon”, your mother snaps at him. “Do not play the reckless…”
“I think it’s funny”, you muse out loud, attracting the council’s gaze—with particular notice to a smirking Aegon, aware of how subtle your temper works, and for which he’s grateful. “How so many of you planned to make the transition to this new reign in a peaceful form, and yet when it is more than clear that war is inevitable… you stop the king to do what’s must. War should have been prevented many moons ago, but this is not the time to live based on “what ifs”. If diplomacy is not the answer…”
You stand, and you swear you detect an approval smirk from Aemond himself.
“…then fire is.”
“May I suggest a fare point that could be turned to our advantage?”, and here Aemond speaks in turn.
“Well, it appears I speak to deaf ears”, grumbles Otto Hightower.
“Listen to Aemond, grandsire. We are not as impulsive as you judge”, you speak softly.
After a moment of silence, the Hand of the king reluctantly lets Aemond speak, of which your brother is thankful for. And you take your seat next to your mother.
What happens next, however, will test the stability of your husband’s cause.
“Baela has been spotted flying near Storm’s End”, you are glancing through the window when you hear Aemond’s whispering to his brother. “She’s sent there in order to bring Baratheons to Rhaenyra’s side.”
“And what do we know about their position?”, inquires Aegon.
As the two men speak, your eyes concentrate at what happens at the yard. Unaware of a grave event that is to mark their father’s reign, Little Egg and Alysanne are playing with Maekar and Rhaella in complete synchrony. You feel a fang of guilt for not spending time with them, but you convince yourself this will pass. After all, you cannot neglect the role of wife. When you told Aegon you’d do anything for him, you meant every word.
“Y/N”, Aegon comes at you, hands resting over your waist. He knows what afflicts you. “When I told you to stay, I’ve meant it.”
He turns you at him, sensing your tears as if he senses his own. You cannot repress all this stress that you’ve been going through. You simply… cannot. And he’s there to hold you, to pick your pieces up.
“You don’t have to be strong the entire time”, he whispers to you, cupping your cheeks and fighting away your fears. “Look at me. I demand it as your king.”
You chuckle lightly, but when you raise your gaze, you know you are the one exposed for the very first time. And Aegon appreciates it.
“This is often the reversed role, is it not? It’s usually me asking for comfort and not the other way around”, and here he wipes the tears off your eyes. “Your unending loyalty to me, regardless of my vices and countless flaws, is a very endearing gift. We have fragilities and they do not make us weak. It makes us… humans, I think. Not a word I think of often, but here’s a brilliant learning you’ve taught me.”
And he proceeds:
“I honestly did not wish our family ripped apart like that, more than aware knowing how a war between kin displeases the deities. But what else can I do? This is not about us, but about our children’s future. I want our five, and hopefully six, toddlers to grow strong and with a prospective future”, he smiles when he manages to get something out of your sadness. “I lament it mostly deep that I’ve brought such misfortune to our family. I wish it was otherwise, that you were proud of me…”
“I am proud of you”, you cut him. “Aegon, I could not look elsewhere and choose someone else to be espoused to. As much as I get along with Aemond, this isn’t the man I love. Who did I come up to this world with? You, Aegon Targaryen. I weep because I want to give you the peace you deserved. I witnessed all these wounds and…”
Aegon swallows his own tears, knowing today you are the one who needs comforts. He comes to realize that, being this stronghold for so long, you too had your own wounds, your own pieces to get.
Oh my darling, Y/N. We are their creatures, are we not?
“You are my sun and stars”, he mumbles. “You don’t have to go through this by yourself, Y/N. We are healing together, won’t we? This is us against the world, my lovely wife.”
Lifting your chin, he presses a soft kiss over your eyes and says:
“You gave me everything I was refused in these years. You gave me love when I had none, you restored me trust when I lacked in; you granted me happiness when I was unworthy it. You make my days a lot better.”
A pause comes where a comfortable silence hangs in between. You rest your forehead against his, breathing in his silence.
“If we came to this world together…”, you whisper secretively.
“…then it is only natural that we leave it together”, Aegon vows it with a smile on his lips.
The decision is done and the pact is made.
You see Aegon flying high with Sunfyre and a bad feeling consumes you. Aemond is there too, so he’s going to Vhagar when you stop him.
“Nay”, you tell him firmly. “Leave this to me.”
You are not wearing your court garments, but prepared to go to war. Underneath green and silk, with some adjustments, you are dressing hauberk with two sharp blades carefully guarded. Your long silver hair is tied in a perfectly braid.
“Today we don’t spot Alyssa”, says Otto, concerned about your bold attitude, narrowing his eyes as you mount Dreamfyre and fly high. “But Visenya Targaryen has come to us.”
A remark that would later echo through generations of poets.
What you and Aegon agreed was to inspire soldiers in order to go to local Y/C and there make it a stronghold to his cause. However, spies delivered news that Baela Targaryen is preparing to wage war… with her grandmother, Rhaenys.
Yet, who’s coming is Rhaenys’s red dragon, Meleys. Suddenly you are remembered of your daughter’s dreams and her fear in losing her father.
In order to try to prevent agony making a nest in your heart, in barely gritted teeth you command Dreamfyre to fly above skies—as high as possible without, however, missing Aegon’s position. After that, you promised yourself to fly to Baela’s encounter: there is an unknown bad blood that you find urgent to resolve at last.
In the meantime, though, this isn’t about you, but your king, your lover, your brother, father of your children. This isn’t about a crown, but the legacy of your family—misadjusted they may be, but it’s still the one you are part of.
Grey clouds begin to assemble, but Dreamfyre flies as if it’s in her natural environment. She knows your thoughts and sentiments, she’s prepared to fight even if for a while she hasn’t been part of any of the kind.
But she can fiery.
“Baby girl, be careful. Meleys can be…”
Your words die in your throat when you see fire coming from the old red dragon. Suddenly, Dreamfyre takes a deep dive and gives such a strong bite against Meleys, getting her off guard. Part of the flames may get to you, and you think you hear Aegon screaming your name—you’re fueled with adrenaline, and you cannot stop.
All you know is that, moved by your sentiments, Dreamfyre does drag Meleys down. And it only comes to an end when both rider and creature fall down.
An explosion is heard and felt. You are flying high, Dreamfyre’s sound coming as if echoing your silent mixed feelings. Now adrenaline comes to pass, you realize part of your arm is burnt—and it hurts like hell.
“Are you well, D?”, you ask your dragon, more concerned about her than to your own wounds, in spite of the unspeakable pain.
As if to nod that she is doing perfectly well, Dreamfyre turns her head. It’s when Aegon comes at you.
“My wife!”, and when you turn at him you spot concern in his eyes.
“I told you”, and suddenly weakness comes to shake your senses. “I’d do anything… anything… for…”
And why do words die in your mouth and everything is dark? You have no idea, but you swear that you hear Aegon yelling as your eyes close.
• The Aftermath.
In a twist of events, Aegon II refuses to leave your bed until you open your eyes. Nothing can take his mind off you, therefore all matters are placed for now in the hands of Otto Hightower.
Your children have momentarily been put under the care of their aunt Helaena, for so distressed is the king that he cannot fail his children now.
But gods be good and you recover your strength. To your surprise, Aegon is next to your side.
“How… What…”
“My beloved wife”, Aegon smiles warmly when seeing you well and safe, mostly important: alive. “My greatest defensor. Imprudent and reckless, but possessor of the sweetest heart I know.”
He kisses you carefully, as if he’s afraid of losing you.
“What happened? Did we win? How’s Dreamfyre?”
“Calm yourself, love. Rest”, says your husband in most affectionate tone, though firm. “Dreamfyre suffered little damaged in comparison to your broken and burnt right arm and neck. Good grief, woman. It was supposed to be me.”
“No”, you breathe out of relief. “Not you. Never.”
Carefully you lean to his side, not minding the slight pain given just by a slight move. You caress his face, seeing his concern, the fear of losing you… that you risked your life for him, something none has ever done for him…
“I love you”, he whispers like the needy boy he is. “Don’t leave me, Y/N.”
“I love you too, my king”, you brush your lips against his, fingers intertwining together. “We promised to leave this world the same we walked in here, didn’t we?”
Aegon half smiles at you.
Even though the battle is won, the war hasn’t ended yet.
With you regaining your strength, domestic life—where the king’s and yours are concerned—goes back to what it was before your accident.
“Papa, is mama well?”, Jaehaera asks him, eyes tearful.
She’s clinging onto him as he rocks her in his arm. This afternoon you are resting and he’s decided that he needs a break of governing for a moment as well.
Under his watchful gaze, Alysanne is working in her embroidery and Jaehaerys is playing toys with his eldest brother.
“She is resting, my love. But I assure you”, and here he pauses to kiss his daughter’s cheek, earning him a beam that breaks his inner walls, “that she is well. Your mama is as dragon as you.”
“I am a dragon because of her”, Jaehaera corrects him, which makes Aegon chuckle.
Oh aren’t you adorable? How could I father such a pure child? And how… how else does she love me so?
In order to avoid the depth of such thoughts, Aegon limits himself in kissing his daughter’s forehead. Then he drives his fatherly gaze to his offspring.
“What are you seeing there, Alys? Let me see.”
Alysanne is blushing before her father’s attention. Very pompously, she takes her embroidery work so he can take a look.
“Aunt Helaena has taught me how to use the needle properly. I was struggling with the smaller ones”, she admits somewhat shyly so. “So here’s a green dragon. I want to mark in my gown your coat of arms, papa.”
Aegon swallows before the sight of his daughter, whose eyes show an eagerness to please him—a feeling he knows so well, but unlike Alysanne’s case, he was never corresponded. Precisely why the king beams and says:
“I am very proud of your skills, Alys. I am unworthy of such an honor”, says he with a wide smile.
In this sacred moment with his daughters so close, Aegon doesn’t see you come by. You are leaning against the wall, pleased to find your family in complete harmony.
Your boys, getting along… Jaehaerys trying to impress a very serious Little Aegon in his building, earning an eventual smile of his older brother’s approval. All the whilst Jaehaera sleeps in her father’s lap and Jaehaera is blushing pleasantly at the praises she receives him.
It makes you think of your own scars. How many times you tried to please your father and all you got was dismissive waves, distant conversations and comparisons to Rhaenyra?
Containing a sigh, you know how all of this is nothing to what you have now, but it’s pointless to deny these scars. They make you who you are, as it’s Aegon’s case.
Both of you are everything your parents were not. When Aegon looks at you with a smile on his lips, you smile too because you know you succeeded at it.
Despite the gleeful scenarios, war is still going. You are barely recovered when there are news of Baela flying to take y/c, a very important spot for the cause she defends.
You are listening to the Green Council’s strategies when you find Aemond and Aegon’s gaze on you. You lower yourself, but you know why they are concerned about you.
When defending Aemond so many moons ago, it was Baela who hit you hard. Even though you managed to knock her down, your fury was such that left the boys open mouthed by then.
A grudge that you were never able to overcome. A wound that time didn’t heal.
But the opportunity comes just fine.
“I can patrol skies”, you announce casually.
“I forbid you, Y/N”, Aegon is the first to protest. “There is no need to…”
“Y/C stays close to King’s Landing”, you muse, trying to remain calm.
“She’s not daring to come nearby when Vhagar is here”, interferes Aemond.
Both of you exchange looks. You bite down your lips, saying no more. However… opportunity to fight for your husband is coming once more, and yet at what cost?
Days go by when it’s decided that Aemond shall take Harrenhal on behalf of the Crown. This comes after Rhaenyra suffers another blow: her son Jacaerys was defeated once for all in an encounter against Aegon himself.
“I’m proud of you”, you smile the brightest as you two parade at the capital. “A great victor, that you are!”
Aegon flushes at your compliments. This day you and him ride splendid horses before all, richly dressed in order to reinforce signs that the civil war is coming to an end.
“As I am”, he takes your hand to his lips, not minding the courtly rules where public display of affection is concerned. “My greatest defensor. I am nothing without you, Y/N.”
Despite taking pride in this acknowledgment, you play the humble.
“My king, this is untrue. I only do what I am asked of: to daily submit my will to yours, to provide you heirs, to pledge for the safety of our subjects during this rebellion”, you smile at him for, despite the embellishment of your words, you speak such with your heart.
“My queen, blessed by the divine with the utmost caring for this one who gives you word; your unending loyalty and wisdom beyond your years played a great part in the conduct of the affairs of this realm. Whether I wage wars, whether I bring peace to our subjects it is in you and in the beautiful children you provided me that I think of.”
In silence, when he squeezes your hand and nods at you, you know what he means. And as you smile timidly and play the humble queen, he knows what you speak too.
In your own ways, underneath this public exhibition, one tells the other:
I love you.
‘Tis enough to make the people rejoice and praise for the health of King Aegon the Wise and Good Queen Y/N of House Targaryen.
• Epilogue.
War had its costs. But it eventually came to an end. Upon its twilight, revenge bled two broken houses of one dynasty for the last time. Aegon met his sister, Rhaenyra, just after you defeated Baela at the Battle of Stormlands, which would later be sang by bards how ‘two damsels, misled by the ambitions of men, took their dragons to a deadly feast and thus they danced’ until ‘the lady Baena was stabbed in the heart by a very bold move of Queen Y/N’.
Some of superstitious folks believed to have seen in you the ghost of Queen Visenya.
You brought a victory to your cause, but got yourself a broken arm. Dreamfyre was hurt too, but not injured enough to impede her to fly with you over the lands of the Baratheons, who welcomed you.
In the meantime this happened, Daemon Targaryen was defeated and Aemond conquered it all. Daemon’s lover, the witch queen of the place, Alys Rivers, attempted to transfer her affections to his nephew—unsuccessfully so. It was rumored that he said the following words:
“Mine heart knoweth no lady that is not mine damsel, Helaena.”
What was her destiny after these words were professed? The chroniclers could not tell. She vanished and many attributed to Lord Aemond her death.
Whatever the truth, Lady Helaena and her offspring moved with Silverwing to meet her husband, ignoring his orders that she should not do so until he sent for her. Apparently she knew what the outcome was going to be.
As for the battle between Rhaenyra and her brother for the throne, Rhaenyra was defeated. However, it was you who interfered on behalf of the kingdom to impede her death.
An agreement was arranged: Rhaenyra, albeit reluctantly, renounced her rights to the throne and agreed to wed her sons to you and Aegon’s daughters, as well as to wed her daughters to your sons. Peace was finally sealed and she was left to live in Dragonstone.
Once reunited, in the present day this feud is now a page in history. You are enjoying better days, ruling behind the scenes as Aegon conducts the realm with a wit that surprised most.
“He is a good king”, you tell your mother in a day where, to a general surprise, Aegon brokered a peace treaty with the Dornish. “Why it surprises you goes beyond my comprehension.”
Today you are dressing a long green, silk gown with reinforces your curves; your silver locks are carefully braided under a hair net that reminds Alicent of the days the dowager queen used to wear it herself. Besides the ravishing look, you wear the jewels Aegon recently gifted you: a pair of emerald earrings and a gold necklace.
“He was hardly the most devoted to studies, is all”, so your mother tells you.
It is a curious contrast how, after many years, you and her found a way to overcome parental issues. But even now, you find difficult to accept some of the critics she at times weaves to her eldest boy.
“Please, it was only lack of proper encouragement”, you roll your eyes as a response.
“I see I cannot make a comment about my son when I’m with you. Let us change topics”, and here she smiles. “I heard you are carrying another child.”
“Well, what can I say? Aegon makes it difficult not to engage in marital affairs”, you giggle maliciously.
Upon which Queen Alicent scoffs, feigning offense.
“To hear these words from the Good Queen Y/N?!”
“Why, I am not complaining. Pretty much otherwise.”
In between chuckles, you move to the gardens where the dowager queen finds all her grandchildren playing together.
Aemond, recently acknowledged as Hand of the King, is talking to Aegon, probably something about the affairs of the realm—judging by their serious countenance. But the one eyed prince is also attentive to his wife, Helaena, who’s teaching the now ten year old Alysanne to improve the girl’s skills, joined by their daughter Rhaella, same age as her cousin. As well as how Maekar and Little Egg—as Aegon’s heir will be always known—are talking nonsenses of their age.
The little ones are not too far behind. Aegon is holding three year old Baelor as he talks to his brother, but is in a position where he can watch over the young toddlers. It does not go unnoticed by all how Jaehaera tries to be friends with another Aegon, Rhaenyra’s son, who was sent with Viserys to be educated at court. Aegon doesn’t look very pleased, but young Viserys is too busy playing with cousins Jaehaerys and Aerys.
When seeing you with their mother coming at the happy meeting, Aegon soon excuses himself to greet you.
“My mother”, he pays the due respects to Queen Alicent, and then doing the same to you. “My lovely wife.”
“Aegon my darling”, and here you pick the chubby baby out of his arms. “Baelor, did you miss mama? Or were you too spoiled by daddy?”
Aegon gives you a smug grin.
“Well, isn’t this why I’m their father in the first place?”
“Not to overindulge, my love.” But not even you believe in what you are saying.
Soon, Helaena and Aemond join the three of you.
“Together at last”, and not to a general surprise Helaena greets you with a warm smile and her own way in showing her affection to you.
“Greetings to you too, my dearest. I was having a moment with our mother. She has some news to share”, you flash the dowager queen a mischievous smirk, pleased to find her blushing.
“Shh, don’t ruin the surprise.”
To which Aemond confides a whisper to Aegon:
“As if it’s a surprise to know what she’s yet to tell.”
“It did take more years than we’ve judged”, the elder of the two agrees, struggling to muffle a chuckle.
“Well, I was worried… due to the recent events that concerned us all, that…” the Queen doesn’t really know how to put it.
But Helaena makes it easy for all of you.
“If you are happy, then we are happy for you.”
“You deserve it, mother”, you echo your sister’s support.
“But I…”
“Do not protest. We’ve always seen Ser Criston as the father we didn’t have”, says Aegon.
“He did indeed raise us, though”, so Aemond points the obvious.
“I appreciate your support. Then I think we should invite Ser Criston to join us.”
“Later, perhaps”, says Aegon, mirroring that old mischievous spirit that characterized his youth. “I need a moment with my wife and my children if you excuse me.”
“Oh yes, the family man”, teases Aemond discreetly before getting a punch in his arm.
This afternoon, all parts well and in restored peace as it should have been the way it started long time ago.
Aegon has just flew with Sunfyre and Little Egg with his own dragon. It’s a good time to do so and represents a unique moment between father and son.
When looking at this growing boy, who’s about to rise to Prince of Dragonstone in due time, Aegon struggles to see he’s no longer that toddler easily impressed with Sunfyre and his first time flying high.
“You are looking at me in a funny way”, says his son as they land and go back to their quarters. “Do you have news to share? Or is it the way I conduct…?”
“No, no. Not at all”, and here he pulls Egg under his arm, ruffling his hair and pleased to get him some chuckles. “I was just noticing that you are growing to a fine man and I am not ready to let that go yet.”
“You sound like mom”, and so typically he pulls a grimace.
“Your mother loves you as much as I do. One day you’ll have children of your own and you’ll see what I mean. As for news, did I tell you that your grandmother secretly remarried and believed no one would suspect she did so?”
The fourteen year old boy laughed loud. A sound that somehow is almost equal to his. Aemond smiles.
“No! I cannot believe my ears! Was she espoused by Ser Criston? But that man…”
“Shush. He’s your grandsire now.”
But the idea brings the two to joint laughters.
Aegon is all smiles when he’s with his girls too. After spending a while hearing Jaehaerys’s proudly progress in his studies, a deed that does impress him, he’s doting on his princesses too. You are already pompously dressed for the dinner when you find your husband hearing Jaehaera’s recent claimant in her dragon which she named Moonfyre because of the curious mix of silver and red scales.
A deed that did impress her elder sister and father.
“I know we have a great bond”, says the seven year old excitedly. “But…”
“But you are likely the youngest of our dynasty to have ridden a dragon! And all by yourself!”, and here Aegon cannot help himself and fuss over Jaehaera, who blushes pleasantly. “My little girl is getting me some headache in the future, I can already foresee it!”
“Well, she has so much of her father to be blamed on it”, you smile at him.
What a scene. Aegon joins you, not the king circumstances made him, but the grown man you loved since you could remember. When he tangles you in his arms and doesn’t mind being affective to you—“uuuuuugh” would tease the boys and even Jaehaera makes a grimace—, you know those wounds took time to heal.
Love prevailed over all.
As you’ve always believed it.
King Aegon II and his Good Queen Y/N of House Targaryen were found dead in an embrace that would be turned into marble. Theirs is one of the longest reign, despite the early years of civil war.
Aegon II is succeeded to his eldest son, Aegon III, married to Rhaena Targaryen, daughter of Rhaenyra and Daemon Targaryen. Aegon’s Hand was his long time loyal cousin, Maekar, who wedded his sister Rhaella.
No more turmoils to be seen… for a long while. Dragons did die, as foreseen by Alysanne, who became Princess of Dorne in due time, but they also survived and prospered.
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franzkafkagf · 2 months
queen PLEASE rewrite the brothel scene so it makes sense I BEG YOU.
Aegon stumbled into the brothel, the dim lighting and the overwhelming scent of cheap perfume and sweat wrapping around him, suffocating him. Martyn, Leon, Eddard, and Rodrick, Martyn’s new squire, followed him. Aegon's own face, flushed and unfocused from too much wine and ale, betrayed a desperate attempt to drown out unwelcome emotions.
“This place is as good as any to get it wet,” Aegon slurred, his arm slung over the squire’s shoulder. The boy, still green behind the ears, looked up at the king with wide, nervous eyes. “Time to make a man out of you, eh?” He punctuated the statement with a bawdy laugh, echoed half-heartedly by his friends.
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The brothel was dimly lit, with curtains draped around, each one hiding unique secrets. Aegon staggered forward, yanking aside the first curtain he came to. Behind it, a couple gasped in surprise, but Aegon was already moving on, cursing under his breath. His mind was set on finding a particular woman—a distraction, an escape.
“Her name is Selyse or Selsie… or something like that,” Aegon continued, leaning heavily on the squire. “She’s great. Nothing like that woman’s touch to—hic—to forget your troubles.” His laugh was a bitter bark, masking the hollow ache in his chest.
He flung open another curtain, revealing yet another entangled pair, before stumbling on. Each step heavier than the last, the sounds of pleasure and the stuffy air seemed to close in on him. The sight of flesh and sweat did nothing to ease his mind; he still felt powerless, terribly powerless. King he might be, but even a crown couldn’t shield his family from harm.
Finally, he found her—the woman he sought. But instead of the welcome distraction he craved, he was met with a scene that stopped him cold. She was not alone. In her arms, naked and unashamed, was his brother, Aemond.
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Aegon’s vision blurred, he did not know if he should laugh or scream. The room seemed to tilt as he stumbled forward, nearly ripping the curtain down in an attempt to steady himself. "Aemond the Fierce!” he roared. “Look at you!”
Aemond looked up at him, scrambling from the woman’s embrace and standing up to put on a robe. She herself shrank back too, pulling the sheets up to cover herself. The tension in the room was a tangible thing, crackling between the two brothers.
“You see, I do not exaggerate,” Aegon’s eyes flicked to his companions as he stumbled further into the room. His voice had an air of lightness to it—but it carried an undercurrent of anger, deep anger. “Such is the Madam’s prowess, that my brother does not want to sample another.”
“Tell me, brother.” Aegon clapped Aemond on the shoulder, too hard, a bitter smile twisting his lips. “Was this where you were? With this whore while my son was being murdered? When Jaehaerys was breathing his last, were you still fucking your very first?”
Aemond’s face darkened, the shadow of guilt flickering across his features before being masked by a cold, defensive anger. “You think I didn't want to be there? You think I don’t wish I could’ve been there to fight off those cowardly assassins? I grieve my nephew too.”
“Grieve?” Aegon’s laughter was hollow and bitter. “If you hadn’t been busy killing Rhaenyra’s bastard, she’d never have sought retribution. If you’d been able to behave yourself, my son would still be alive!”
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Aemond’s eye flashed with rage, but the truth in Aegon’s words was undeniable. “What of you, brother? Where were you? Drowning yourself in strongwine and whores—why didn’t you protect your son?” Aemond was facing his brother head-on now; years of resentment and anger finally flooding out of him. “You’re just as much at fault as I am. You’re a wastrel, Aegon, a weak and unworthy king.”
Aegon's face contorted with fury, tears prickling at the corners of his eyes. He remembered Larys’ words from before, could it truly be? Was his own brother planning to overthrow him?
“Plotting to take my crown, are you? Is that what this is all about?”
Aemond scoffed, “you think I want your crown? You can hardly keep it on your own head.”
Aegon saw red. His fist shot out before he could think, landing squarely on Aemond’s jaw. The force of the blow sent his brother staggering back. The woman yelped, scrambling off the bed, desperate to get away from the two.
Aemond seemed shocked for a moment before he launched himself at his brother. “You’ve always been a coward,” he shouted as the two tumbled to the ground in a flurry of fists and curses. “Hiding behind your whores and your wine!”
Aegon’s punches were wild and uncoordinated as he struck his brother again and again. “And you’ve always been a viper, waiting for your chance to strike!” His fist connected to Aemond’s ribs.
“You think I don’t suffer?” Aemond growled, landing a punch to Aegon’s side. “You think this is easy for me?”
The fight was brutal, raw, and undignified. It would have been embarrassing if it wasn't so profoundly sad—two brothers, driven by grief and guilt, lashing out at the only target they had left.
Martyn, unable to continue watching, forced his way between them. “Enough! Both of you, enough!” he shouted, pushing them apart with all his strength. “Calm down!”
Aegon struggled against Martyn’s grip, eager to keep fighting. “He’s a traitor, Martyn! A traitor!”
Aemond, chest heaving, wrenched free from Martyn’s grasp. “You're a fool, Aegon,” he spat before turning and striding away, leaving the room behind.
Aegon swayed on his feet, the room beginning to spin. His stomach churned, and he felt bile rise in his throat. With a groan, he doubled over and vomited onto the cushions.
Martyn knelt beside him, placing a hand on his shoulder. “Come, Your Grace,” he said, helping Aegon to his feet. “Let’s get you out of here.”
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