#tom consistently calls animals friends so that must mean he likes animals
sugar-coated-saphic · 7 months
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So as we know the series finale of Tom goes a to the mayor is rather depressing, Tom sitting on the floor still mourning the death of his son.
So I've thought of an epilogue: after a year has passed, mayor takes Tom home with him and also makes him go to therapy. During this time the mayor comes to terms with the fact that he's gay and divorces his wife. Tom also realises he's bi and realises joy isn't a good partner so he divorces her too. Tom and the mayor move in together (maybe out of Jefferson idk) and live as a couple. Tom works at an animal shelter due to his love of animals.
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cherr-e · 4 years
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𝗢𝗟𝗜𝗬𝗢𝗡𝗚 and their dynamics
hello! welcome back to cherry fawns over her two children, who she must protect with all her heart, in this episode we will be discussing OLIYONG. aka the softest duo of animal crossing nerds, one who tries and acts tough yet always fails at the sight of his tinier and softer boyfriend. their NSFW dynamics will be under ‘keep reading’ so any of the horny people can have a look down there....let us begin!
best songs to depict their relationship
sfw: one | two | three [honestly n.o 3 is the best] nsfw: one | two | three 
the beginning of their relationship, the best meme to show their emotions is the “you lost homie?” “lost in ur eyes foo” [this is literally a summary of 3am] 
theyre so cute and giddy sometimes, their friends are confused at how mushy and corny they get...however they act more like they despise each other, similar to a tom and jerry relationship
taeyong’s fans often sight oli with him shopping at designer places in the upper end of seoul, oliver spoiling him with designer is something he is Very proud of 
oliver loves being little spoon, and the two struggle to share positions when cuddling...so the person who is most tired that day - deserves the little spoon position. he absolutely adores it when taeyong plays with his hair, it lulls him to sleep...
playing animal crossing is considered a date, esp when the quarantine started in korea - although taeyong was prepping for the punch comeback, he still spent loads of time on his switch playing with his bf while they tormented the villagers they dislike and oliver greeting taeyong onto his island with a sign that says “whore” on it
them vibing to K.K.’s house (and bubblegum by my main bitch isabelle) like it’s a personality trait, they act more like kids than bfs 
“ay thROW IT BACK”
when they were trainees, oliver tricked taeyong into learning british swear words and lets just say taeyong smacked the living shit out of him when he found out
laughter is frequent in the oliyong house
their dates consist of staying inside, and when they do go out its to a restaurant or small business - but the cutest dates of all are the simple late evenings where taeyong doesn’t have that much of a tight schedule and they’re chilling in the aesthetic cat cafes in korea 
oliver wants to adopt a cat with taeyong but taeyong is a dog man >:(
when taeyong is sad, oli must feed him with as much snacks as possible
softest shit is when theyre about to head to sleep and oli has a habit of saying “love u” while kissing his bf’s forehead like he is his baby. this is when taeyong is the small spoon, he’s just so tiny and fits perfectly in oliver’s arms 
the studio is their first home and then it’s oli’s loft or taeyong’s dorm room - theyre hardworking boys who dedicate their love to music 
when really bored, they make tiktoks together
when taeyong told oliver he’d be joining superm, it was oli’s job to teach him as much english as he can 
oliver really is taeyong’s mentor despite being 2 years older
oliver’s corny romantic side really wants to gift taeyong an accessory where it solidifies their relationship - kind of like a promise ring or necklace 
rather than being romantic dofooses (they save that to late nights) they really are just idiots that find something to cry laugh at for 10 mins straight 
each other’s hypemen, every nct 127 comeback oliver posts stories where he’s streaming or watching their comeback stages. he often makes fun of taeyong’s face when paused at an awkward angle
always in each other’s arms, they love doing this when at home - taeyong would come out of the shower while oli is watching some korean variety show on tv...somehow the younger would find space on his lap or next to him
“you’re gonna wanna be my best friend baby” 
“hyung we’re dating”
“baby come here nOeW” “tyong” “yong (dragon in korean)”  “tîi rák (dear/darling in thai)” “love” “idiot” corny boy i swear
he promises he’s the tougher one...LIES
tae really loves oliver’s family so much and has long conversations with them on facetime calls, despite oli being who they originally called for
NSFW below the cut!
so welcome to sin-mania where we explore OLIYONG’s sex lives, enjoy sinning and sex is something that should be consensual between two! don’t forget, and never forget to tell what ur likes n dislikes are during sex! remember to stay safe xoxo 
when they first started their sexual endeavours, oliver was on the more vanilla side. didn’t mean he had his fair share of kinks, but he wanted to go soft on taeyong as he was experiencing sex with a man for the first time (oliver was taeyong’s firsts in many things, kiss, love, sexual partner, idiot etc.)
oliver had his experiences before meeting taeyong, he had a boyfriend called nathan when he was 19-21 and man that guy had a high sex drive 
but oliver did enjoy majority of the shit they done - and that’s when he formulated his kinks
cigarettes after sex must be playing when they fucking! or zayn
anyways back to their lives, oliver overheard a conversation taeyong had with one of his close friends about how he struggles to get oliver to please him more in sex - if u haven’t seen taeyong’s sexual fantasies in whiplash or baby don’t like it....you won’t understand what he’s on about
anyways after hearing about taeyong’s hard kinks, oliver ordered a collar which had a rattle in it. it was black with a silver bell that had a rattle inside which made noise 
after experiencing that collar in sex, the list began to grow...so let’s go
oliver likes praising taeyong a lot (good boy), he’s a soft dom with the tendency to slightly tease his sub, and taeyong is all for it. 
taeyong likes when oliver takes his time in foreplay, prepping him up for his dick etc, he’s very putty in oliver’s hands
he melts and just his whole being is encased in pleasure
when oliver and taeyong are both in the mood, they like going rough and taeyong is a sucker for when he’s insulted and punished, but oliver instantly feels bad afterwards and smothers him in many kisses and sweet sweet aftercare (he turns into the puppy eyes emoji)
once oliver admitted that he used to have a lot of sex while high during his university days, he smoked weed often with his exes and taeyong was intrigued by the idea....oliver said that he loved for him to join but he doesn’t want his bf to experience being a hard stoner and getting in trouble with k-nets
but the idea has been floating in their minds for a while
some days, instead of kinky sex - they do prefer soft vanilla sex, oliver really spoils his baby den 
aftercare is so soft and endearing
they do be best boys
let me know if you would like more OLIYONG dynamics, cause this ain’t half of it!
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shark-from-the-park · 5 years
FIC: The Fitzier of It, Episode One
A Fitzier The The Thick Of It AU in several parts.
So, I finally decided to start posting this long-ass fic and see what people think. You don’t need to have seen The Thick of It to get this. It’s just sweary political satire as a thinly veiled excuse to have James crush on Francis. Dedicated to @casperthefriendlylittlefan for constant cheerleading, encouragement and brainstorming, and for encouraging me to use my place-holder title for the fic instead of some pretentious thing.
Warnings for very bad language, frequent Britishisms, and Blanky. Also, this is still a WIP. Will be posted on AO3 when complete.
@casperthefriendlylittlefan @boisinberryjamarama @what-a-terrorific-mess @coffeesugarcream @hereliesnils @itisa-profoundbond-sarandom @the-jewish-marxist @cinemaocd @jaredharrisankles @thegreenmeridian - please PM me to be tagged in future installments/untagged/to ask questions/to say hi, etc. My love to all in the Fitzier fandom.
Episode One
“Look Francis…  There’s no need to be so coy with me.  I’m just saying that when you do finally announce this Westminster’s-worst-kept-secret leadership bid, you’re going to fucking need me on side, whether you want to admit it or not! Francis, Francis, for Christ’s sake, are you even listening to me?”  James felt the irritation that was so specific to Francis Crozier crawling along his spine and scraping across the breadth of his shoulder blades as the older man turned his face away from him.  
“You know Tom, I miss the days when acquaintances would address me as ‘Minister’.” Francis addressed his chief political aide as though James was not even in the room.  
“Aye, them were the days.  Respect, n’all that.”  Grinned Tom Blanky, flanking Francis on his left side like a gangster’s hired muscle, while hulking, sullen-faced Ed Little did his strong, silent thing on his right.  
Furious, James chose to ignore the two henchmen completely.
“Fucking hell, Francis, you’re an ignorant bastard!  Are you really going to piss all over an olive branch when it’s handed to you?!  Just give me a fucking clue, alright?  You know, animal, vegetable, mineral.  Give me something to fucking work with here.  You owe me at least a brave fucking coming out story just to make up for the fucking cardigans, you -”
“’E’s talking about your cardigans again, Frank.”  Blanky stage whispered, his eyes twinkling.  
“Obsessed, I’d call it.”  Rumbled the human boulder that was Ed Little from Francis’s other side.
“James, I’m ancient and boring and serious about political reforms.  The electorate doesn’t give a flying fuck who I’m shagging or not shagging.”  Francis sniped across the desk at him, his lip curling in that disdainful way he had.
James had heard colourful swearing out of Francis on innumerable occasions.  The Irishman was legendary for his biting turns of phrase.  But there was something about hearing him say the word ‘shagging’, and twice in one sentence no less, that made James fingers fumble with his expensive stainless steel clipboard, almost dropping it.  
Tom Blanky’s shrewd and mocking eyes caught on James’ momentary discomfort at once, and the Yorkshireman smiled to himself.
James saw red.
“I give a flying fuck who you’re shagging, you Stalinist loon!”  He shouted, and knew that he’d worded that wrong when three pairs of eyebrows rose laconically in response and a cacophony of titters could be heard from the shared office outside.  
“Brave of yer to just come out with it like that.”  Opined Blanky.
James threw one of his prized Paperchase paper-clips at him and it hit him squarely in the temple.  
“Francis, you’re not thick enough to really believe that the electorate won’t care about your personal life, are you?  They already care about what you wear.  They care about how stupid you look riding a bike.  They care about your bad hair cut and where you do your weekly shop.  Of course they’ll care that you’re into men.  Or both.  Or whatever it is that you’re into.  I’m just pre-empting the conversation for when you announce and inevitably want to hire me.”
Francis sneered at him crookedly.  “Are you really so keen to jump ship from Sir-Just-Left-of-Centre, James?”
“Oh for God’s sake, Francis, who’d you think sent me?  Sir John’s imminent resignation is the second worst kept secret in Westminster.”
“So it’s his olive branch I’m pissing on, then, and not yours...”
James hated him and his stupid, ruddy face.
“Do you want to be the next Prime Minister of Great Britain and Northern Ireland or not, you bolshy, gap-toothed wanker?”  He yelled across the desk, a fine spray flying from his mouth.  
Thomas Jopson, junior minister and probably the sweetest human being who had ever entered politics, barged through the office door.
“James, you are well out of order!”  The young man exclaimed at a volume which James had never heard him achieve before.  
This had a remarkable effect on the four men in the room.  
Francis’s eyes instantly softened in a way James hadn’t been certain he was capable of.  Ed Little let his aggressively pointing finger drop to his side and closed his open trap.  Blanky slowly lowered the chipped mug he’d been aiming at James’ head and toned down his glower a fraction.  
James looked down at his exquisitely expensive, fashionable brogues.
“It was beneath me to mention your teeth, Francis.”  He admitted.
“None taken, you Oxbridge ponce.”  Francis muttered.  “But listen, you tell Sir Sell-out that if I need his help, I’ll send the prearranged signal, which is me stepping out into a taxi lane during rush hour.”
Ed Little snorted.  
James seethed.
“Oh how easy it must be to refuse honours when you’ve never been offered any.” He hissed through his teeth, trying desperately to tamp down on his disappointment.
“Or when you have principles.”  Francis shot back.  
James sighed in bitter resignation and rubbed his temples with one hand.
“Fine.  Good luck to you and your red cabal, Francis.  You’ll need it.”
He gathered what remained of his dignity and left Francis’s office, ignoring the stares and murmurs from the assorted aides and secretaries sat at the desks outside as he made his way over to the lift.  
Huffing in frustration, he turned to deliver one last glare at the bunch of Bolshevik wankers, only to nearly jump out of his skin when he found Tom Blanky perched on the nearest hot desk, regarding him with an inscrutable look.  
James had no idea how a man with a bad leg could move so stealthily.  
Blanky brandished the paper-clip which James had just thrown at him.  It was pink and in the shape of an arrow.  One of James’ favourites.  
“I’m keepin’ this.”  The Yorkshireman said with a cryptic grin, sliding the paper-clip triumphantly onto the hem of his shirt pocket.  
James opened his mouth for a retort, but found that he had nothing, and so stepped, utterly defeated, into the now open doors of the lift.  
“So, go on then. How was your parley with Red Frank and his terrors?”  Dundy asked him with a gleeful glint, as they sipped triple shot lattes in Cafe Nero the next morning.  
“Like being shot at at close range by the cast of Auf Wiedersehen, Pet.” James mumbled unkindly.  
Dundy laughed delightedly at him around a mouthful of biscotti.  “Well.  What did you expect.  You haven’t exactly made an effort to be friendly with him before.  He’s not just going to roll over the first time you pat his head, is he?”
“Can we dispense with the dog metaphors, Dundy, for fucks sake?”  James was in no mood to rehash yesterday’s failure, even with his closest friend.  
Dundy, as ever, blundered on regardless.  “Look.  He’s already got advisors. Such as they are.  He’s got the grass-roots, and he’s the only candidate with a consistent political record.  He’s bound to be a bit cocky right now.  You just need to hop down off your gilded pony and come down to his level if you want to actually...”
“Wise words from the working class hero over here...”  Snorted James inelegantly.  
“Fitz, you know exactly what I’m saying...”
“Of course I know what you’re saying!  It’s not just that he’s our only chance, it’s that he’s the best chance the party’s had in a while…  I do get it.  Politics is changing and we’ve got to change with it or we’ll find ourselves completely out of the loop.  Francis does have the support.  And I suppose he’s got a certain sort of… mass appeal.  He’s got... natural authority, I mean…  But these bastards...”  James shoved at the pile of broadsheets in front of them.  “Are going to completely tear him apart.  He doesn’t see it yet, Dundy, but he needs me!  And I’m trying this time!  I actually tried!  I actually want to help the cranky Irish bastard.”
Dundy demolished the last of his biscotti and then started chewing thoughtfully on James’ croissant.  
Occasionally, James knew, his long-time colleague would deliver some glimmer of wisdom, so he waited patiently for it.  
“You know Fitz, I knew you’d drunk the red koolaid.  Seen it coming for a while now. But you have to admit, it’s more than that.  You don’t just admire the ginger twat.  You actually fancy him.”
James felt not a smidgen of guilt, after, for spraying a mouthful of lukewarm coffee over Dundy’s smug face.  
“Your latest cardigan’s gone over well with millennials on twitter, Francis.” Ed Little informed them in a tone which was as bright as the big man ever accomplished.  
“Just what I always wanted, Edward.  To be a fashion icon.”  Francis gave him a wry smile.  
“I bet Fitzjames is a fan too, Frank.”  Blanky grinned from across the room. “Sadly, you’re still catching some heat in the broadsheets for our CND stance.”
“Guess I’ll just change my mind about the threat of mutually assured annihilation then...”  Francis winked at Blanky before diving back to drafting his speech.  
“We will sort of have to work with Fitzjames eventually though, won’t we?”  Ed intoned glumly, as though carrying on from a previous conversation.  
Francis met Blanky’s eye.  “Of course we will.  Our options are thin on the ground.” He sighed.  
“But we’ll definitely make the posh bugger sweat first.”  Blanky added, with relish.  
Episode Two here...
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arickert93 · 4 years
Animal Crossing is Really Effing  Boring, and I Love It So Much
I don’t know how many of you need to read this, but I definitely need to write this. Social media sites like Facebook and Twitter are abuzz with proclamations of joy for the game called Animal Crossing: New Horizons, or あつまれどうぶつの森 (Atsumare Doubutsu no Mori, literally “Gather Up! Animal Forest”). If you’re like my mom, you’re probably really interested in such a popular Japanese game because East Asian culture has become so globally legible in the past few decades. 
So, for all of you out there who want some armchair knowledge of the newest Japanese game that’s become almost trivial knowledge to swarths of internet-users, then buckle up, buttercup. Here’s five reasons why this game is so good:
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1. You Can Choose Your Gender, But This Choice Means Nothing
The game begins thus: you’re a cute little human (boy/girl/gender-fluid) on an airplane to an uninhabited island that you will be living on. Yes, you can change your gender anytime AND you can wear whatever clothing you like regardless of your gender. Yes, the metaphoric implications of a game about fleeing to a deserted island is ironically an extremely successful game during a time of global quarantine. Don’t think about it too much.
The island is owned by a cute raccoon dog (tanuki in Japanese) named Tom Nook. He and his two identical twin baby tanukis provide you with a tent and some basic furniture, along with two other random villagers who were on the same flight as you: in my case, a unibrowed squirrel named Airisu and an anteater whose name is like Makoto or something.
Together, Airisu, (maybe) Makoto and I began slowly exploring the island. The game lliterally tells you at the beginning, “do whatever you want.” You can run around, discover fruits, and visit Tom Nook&co. in his large, central tent that serves as a town hall. It’s a simple premise that becomes exponentially more interesting.
2.Tom Nook Is a Capitalist and, Yet, I’m Weirdly OK with It
Nook is all about that cash, or bells as the in-game currency is named. After a day goes by, he begins to make suggestions. You can use his workbench to craft furniture and other items out of resources you’ve found around the island. He teaches you how to make tools to extract resources from different objects on the island. You can build a fishing rod to fish (and sell the ones you catch to him of course), or a net to catch insects (again, sell-able for bells), or a shovel to mine iron and stone from rocks. For some, this becomes the purpose of the game: to generate revenue to enable further progress in the game.
But it’s, like, utopic capitalism. Resources are literally infinite (because they are not real) and no one is poor. The game is quite generous, offering tons of freebies that make even chopping wood from your trees an exciting experience. Tom Nook, and his deputy mayor, Isabelle, ultimately treat you like the Head of the Village, and the game quickly becomes more about sharing and having fun.
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3. PETA is Mad about It, Which Means It Definitely Treats Animals More Ethically than PETA
Notoriously extreme non-profit PETA wrote a “vegan guide” about how you should not use the game to symbolically harm animals. Yes, the game features fishing, bug-catching, and clamming, and PETA claims that because this would harm the animal in real life, players should abstain from doing it in game.
It’s theoretically possible to avoid fishing and bug-catching, but it means you will only get to experience about 40% of the game. For example, there is a museum where you display the different insects, fish, and pre-historic fossils you find around the island, but to invite Blathers the Owl to your island and prompt him to build this museum, you must catch and “donate” these items to his museum where he displays them. Nook’s twins will buy fish and bugs, villagers will keep fish and bugs as pets. No villager is ever shown eating meat.
In fact, everyone is vegan. The only edible resource in the game is fruit which, when consumed, let’s you dig up and transplant trees (very nifty), or destroy rocks (which you should never do...). Even carnivore animals, like my Tiger Maririn, only drink fruit smoothies, or talk about protein powder, as my anteater “probably-Makoto” does incessantly. He, like every jock, loves to talk about being a jock.
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4. I Weirdly Care About My AI Villagers?
I’m an Animal Crossing veteran. I remember when I first played Animal Crossing on the Gamecube at my daycare, the boy playing it with me genuinely asked me “are you a boy or a girl?” when we had to decide our in-game gender. I remember being so furious when he would continuously reset the game.
I remember, as a teenager, talking about my “crush” on certain villagers in the game with some guy I actually had a crush on. Nook, Blathers, the villagers, they’ve been with me throughout my life. I genuinely like them all.
And they have gotten so much smarter. The dozens of different animal species that can populate your town have some pretty sophisticated AI.
And they become your best friends.
Villagers give you presents, they tell funny stories, they interact with each other, and they have personalities. You can also give them clothes and they wear the clothes if they like it and it’s so precious. They’re kind of like tamagotchi, if anyone remembers that. Although, some of them suck, and that’s why you ignore them until they move away from neglect. I don’t have time and energy for everyone, ok?
5. It Helps Me In My Real Life
This game is easy to complain about. The gameplay can be laborious. The third-person camera angle is one-dimensional, so you have to structure your island to ensure you aren’t hiding things. It’s super easy to mess up simple procedures because your character is slightly facing the wrong direction. Your watering can breaks and you have to constantly build new ones. And, inviting someone to your island takes hours of menu navigation and loading screens (ok, more like five minutes, but still).
But, all of this is weirdly OK? It is a life sim, after all, and life is about balance.
The time in the game is real-world, which means if something takes a day inside the game, it takes an actual day. I think about my own time so much more confidently now. I know the value of focused work. I’ve spent hours of free time arranging my fruit trees into a giant orchard, decorating my tatami bedroom to the tiniest detail, and building flower fields devoted to my kangaroo, Mami, a single-mom with an everpresent joey in her pouch who actually waters flowers and teaches me useful recipes, and whom I cherish as my in-game soulmate. The game helps me stay focused and think about large-scale tasks as discrete pockets of consistent (sometimes unpleasant) work. 
At times, it’s pleasantly boring. And boredom is the greatest place to find inspiration.
If you don’t already own a Nintendo Switch, good luck. They’re short-stocked in both the US and Japan as the COVID-19 pandemic unfolds. But for anyone who still hasn’t downloaded what is shaping up to be the best game of 2020, send me your friend code if you do. Seriously. 
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honeykookheon · 5 years
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🐶 Song Yuvin [송유빈]
Personality and traits:
Yuvin is very sweet, talkative, witty and an easy going guy. -> Very friendly and makes friends easily. -> Has a bright and relaxed aura. -> Sweet and bubbly personality. -> Is literally just a big puppy/baby.
Can come off as a bit cold because of his humor. He loves to joke around and make fun of and annoy his friends. -> Enjoys bullying both his hyungs and dongsaengs. -> Has no shame and can be very blunt, but in a funny way.
Does really well in variety shows because of his fun personality.
Some says he both acts and looks like Seventeen’s Mingyu.
Yuvin sang OST «You To The Bone» with BTOB’s Minhyuk.
Can come off as quite a good english speaker because he speaks with confidence, but his english is okay.
An emotional guy. He cried just thinking and talking about his mother and family.
Doesn’t mind skinship and tends to initiate it.
If Yuvin ran out of underwear, he stole clean ones from the other members in Myteen.
Said to be quite messy and doesn’t seem to mind the mess either. -> Once Taevin stored his used socks underneath a shelf before washing them. Yuvin ran out of socks, found the stash and wore the used socks without knowing. -> Kookheon says Yuvin never cleans up. Once Yuvin left his dishes besides Kookheons bed. Yuvin explained he wanted to see his reaction, but didn’t clean it afterwards so Kookheon had to do it.
Yuvin ranked himself as the least loud member in the Myteen dorms and the members strongly disagreed.
Amongst Kookheon, Byungchan, Yuvin and Minkyu, Yuvin was picked as the most competitive.
Yuvin’s bucket list of things he wants to do is: -> Become an animal trainer. -> Travel around the world. -> Buy everything he wants.
He’s friends with former Wanna One member Kim Jaehwan.
Yuvin’s personality type is ENFP.
Ideal type: Exid’s Hani. Someone nice who likes him.
Has amazing vocals, and rarely ever make mistakes while singing. -> Very stable, beautiful, soft vocals.
Works hard to further evolve his singing.
His voice fits ballads amazingly, but suits other genres very well too. -> He wants to try singing trot in the future.
He really struggled with dancing early on, as he lacks natural rythm.  -> Has been working really hard on that and achieved amazing results! -> Yuvin is very thankful to Kookheon for helping him with dancing without feeling burdened. 
Has shown small snippets of him rapping which he’s quite good at.
Says he is in charge of being the visual in the duo consisting of him and Kookheon.
Dogs are his favorite animal.
He dislikes heights and ghosts.
Can’t eat mushrooms because of the texture.
He likes to listen to the song “You were beautiful” by DAY6, and likes the lyrics “You were beautiful, your eyes that looked at me.”
On a deserted island he would bring with him his phone, wifi and food.
Recently he’s been playing the app game “Brawl Stars”.
He’s obsessed with tonkatsu.
His favorite day of the week is Friday.
A nickname that he loves, which was given by fans, is 댕댕이 (puppy).
If he were to have a youtube channel he would like to upload pranks, reviews or anything fun.
Can spin things on his fingers.
Has an alcohol tolerance of three glasses of soju. Said his drunk habits are doing aegyo and massaging.
Yuvin collects lip tints. He has gotten a few comments about his color-less lips, and therefore always wears them.
He dislikes beaches.
Likes to sing loudly at random times. -> He believes he strengthens his vocal chords so that his voice will be able to handle more pressure.
His must-have items are: -> He says aloe cream is the secret to his baby face. -> Ear buds to listen to music. -> Lip balm to keep his lips “moist like a cherry”. -> He’s constantly battling a stuffed nose, so he needs nasal spray. -> Likes accessories and rings fills the void on his hands.
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Personal life:
His birthplace is Daegu, South Korea.
Graduated from the Broadcasting and Entertainment department of Hanlim Multi Art School in 2017.
His family consists of his parents and older sister.
His family enjoys singing, which made Yuvin interested as well. -> Started singing ballads when he started middle school.
Has two dogs called Choppa and Myongi, even though he’s allergic.
He loves sports. Soccer, basketball, baseball.. basically everything. He used to play baseball and therefore has very strong legs.
Has a motorcycle lisence. 
Superstar K6: -> At 2014/08/22 Yuvin attended the sixth season of the talent show series Superstar K6. -> Sang “Farewell Taxi” by Kim Yeon-Woo. He got lots of praise from the judges and from there his popularity raised. -> He made it to top 4 and got eliminated at episode 12.
Solo artist: -> He signed with Music Works in February 2015. -> Debuted as a solo artist 30th of May 2016 with the song «You To The Bone». -> Has sung many OST’s for different dramas. “Shouting These Words”, “Ordinary Farewell”, “Perhaps This Is”, “Starlight Night”, “Coincidence” and “The First Words”.
Myteen: -> He debuted as the main vocalist in Myteen 27th of July 2017. -> Myteen had two album releases in the span of two years, and disbanded 21st of August 2019.
Acting: -> Played the male lead role as “Kim Yoo-Geon” in the drama “Loss:Time:Life” from 2019.
Produce X 101: -> Yuvin, together with his fellow Myteen member Kookheon, was sent off to join Produce X 101. First episode aired 3rd of May 2019. -> Gained a lot of recognition for the heartbreaking performance where Yuvin’s microphone failed, and Kookheon (who was on the opposite team) panicked and started crying. -> Also known for his Tom and Jerry relationship with trainee Suhwan. -> Made it to the final episode where he ranked 15th.
B Of You (B.O.Y): -> Considering the popularity gained from Produce X 101, The Music Works decided to debut Yuvin and Kookheon in a duo group. They came out with a ballad called “Blurry” on August 24th, before their official debut. -> The duo’s official name is “B.O.Y” meaning both of you or best of you. The fandom name is “Meet You”. -> The official debut was set on January 7th 2020. This was the day the duo came out with their first mini album “Phase One : YOU” as well as the official music video for the first title tracl “My Angel”.
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[© Honeykookheon. All of the information written above is collected through videos, interviews, fan meetings, etc. Please do not copy without credits. Thank you!]
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strandedhaze · 5 years
FULL NAME: naomi june cheng-bradshaw. PREFERRED NAME: naomi. NICKNAME(S): most people call her nomi, noms, nao, nai and similar variations, elijah calls her nana. DATE OF BIRTH: may 3rd, 1994. GENDER: cis female. PREFERRED PRONOUNS: she/her/hers. ORIENTATION: heterosexual. RELATIONSHIP STATUS: single in main verse. RELIGION: she’s not a particularly religious person. OCCUPATION: press manager for honda racing corporation. CURRENT RESIDENCE: madrid, spain ; she owns a house in the prestigious la finca neighbourhood.
HOMETOWN: marina bay, singapore. NATIONALITY: singaporean. LINGUISTICS: english is her native language but, asides from it, she speaks spanish, portuguese, italian, french, mandarin chinese and japanese. in some languages, she’s more proficient than others. for instance, she speaks spanish just as well as she speaks english. her spoken japanese is nearly flawless and though she can read and comprehend the language, she can’t write. she’s still getting around to dive deeper into mandarin chinese.  EDUCATION: she attended the massachusetts institute of technology - also known as MIT - and she has a double degree in business analytics and management. CRIMINAL RECORD: clean. BIRTH ORDER: first. FATHER: charles bradshaw was born on february 23rd, 1971 in windsor, england. he is an investment banker who resides in between hong kong and dubai.   MOTHER: sonoya cheng was born on july 5th, 1971 in sentosa island, singapore. she is a real estate tycoon who resides in between toronto, abu dhabi and singapore.  SISTER(S): none. BROTHER(S): edward cheng-bradshaw was born on january 15th, 1997 in marina bay, singapore. he is a software developer manager and resides in san francisco, california. OTHER RELEVANT FAMILY: constance mizuno, sister-in-law. SIGNIFICANT OTHER: naomi is single. CHILDREN: none so far. FRIENDS: to be done. EXES: andrea pagani, marco ricci and aleix martin. PETS: none so far.
HEIGHT: 5′7″ ( 174 cm ). WEIGHT: her weight oscillates between 127 lbs ( 57.6 kg ) and 134 lbs ( 61 kg ). BODY TYPE AND BUILD: she is naturally slim - courtesy of genetics and her fast metabolism - but, despite that fact, she still has a willowy frame. by no means, does she have a hourglass shape with a big bust, tiny waist and thick thighs but with a good, healthy diet and a workout plan ( that she, often, forgets to follow ) consisting of some weight training and fun classes, naomi has still managed to achieve a shape she’s comfortable with. she has particularly long legs and, thanks to all the hot yoga and pilates classes, she holds a rather toned overall body. EYE COLOR: brown. EYESIGHT: she has perfect eyesight though when the work load increases, you’ll find her reaching for her glasses in order to give her eyes a break. she also wears blue light blocking glasses whenever she’s working on a computer. HAIR COLOR: dark brown. HAIR STYLE: her hair is, has always been - and will always be, according to her - long, hitting the middle of her back, at worst, when she goes for a trim to keep its healthy condition and it has a natural wavy texture which naomi has learned to love. styling wise, it rarely gets too eventful... during the season, she’ll throw it on a ponytail or a bun for the race weekends and allow it to dry into its natural texture on the remaining work days. if she’s attending an event of sorts or going out to celebrate, she’ll straighten it or go for a nice blowout. DOMINANT HAND: right. NOTABLE PHYSICAL TRAITS: her lips or, possibly, their plumpness, her legs that often seem endless, her tan complexion and how it makes her dark eyes and hair standout, and for the rare occasions when it makes an appearance, her smile. SCARS AND MARKS: nothing outstanding - she has your average scars and marks here and there. TATTOOS: she has a lotus mandala on the inside of her right wrist, a symbol of enlightenment for her, as well as a way to symbolize all the growth she achieved throughout her life.  PIERCINGS: regular lobes. VOICECLAIM: nicole elise. ACCENT AND INTENSITY: having moved out and grown up in london, naomi developed a thick london accent which she never knew how intense it was up until she found herself in massachusetts. the four years spent there, softened the intensity of the british accent and the nearly six years in spain also played a part when washing away what once was a proper londoner accent so, these days, it’s hard to identify what accent she has exactly. it’s more of a mixture than anything specific.  ALLERGIES: cherries and insect stings, particularly bee stings. PHOBIAS AND FEARS: extremely deep waters and though it’s not a phobia, she gets really nervous when she’s driving over bridges. MENTAL ILLNESSES: none so far. PHYSICAL ILLNESSES: none so far. SCENT THEY WEAR: it varies depending on a lot of factors, such as season of the year, time of the day, occasion and, above all, her personal mood. during summer, you’ll often catch her wearing soleil blanc by tom ford or replica beach walk by maison margiela, and during summer nights, she'll wear sundaze by byredo. for fancy events, her go-to is bewitching yasmine by penhaligon’s, same way her go-to for nights out with friends is slow dance by byredo. whenever she has an important business meeting, she’ll wear cuir celeste by ex nihilo, simply because in naomi’s opinion, the scent is the definition of boss bitch and throughout race weekends, she’ll go for rose of no man’s land by byredo. le labo’s patchouli 24 and maison margiela’s replica by the fireplace are generally the scents she wears through winter. for date nights where she actually cares to put some effort in and is actually interested in the person, she’ll specifically wear reine de nuit by byredo or santal 33 by le labo. ALCOHOL USE: socially, she does. SMOKING: she doesn’t smoke. OTHER NARCOTICS USE: no. INDULGENT FOOD: she prefers to eat healthy but there’s no denying that every once in a while, she needs to indulge in some soul food.  SPLURGE SPENDING: it happens every now and again, but she’s mostly a responsible buyer. GAMBLING: no. ADDICTIONS AND VICES: none.
CAN THEY DRIVE? yes, she can drive. CAN THEY COOK AND BAKE? yes and yes. CAN THEY CHANGE A FLAT TIRE? yes. CAN THEY TIE A TIE? yes. CAN THEY SWIM? yes. CAN THEY RIDE A BICYCLE? yes. CAN THEY JUMP START A CAR? yes. CAN THEY BRAID HAIR? yes. CAN THEY PICK A LOCK? yes. EXTROVERTED OR INTROVERTED? extroverted. DISORGANIZED OR ORGANIZED? organized, and she hates when things get messy. CLOSE OR OPEN MINDED? open minded. CALM OR ANXIOUS? calm. PATIENT OR IMPATIENT? healthy in-between and always depends on the situation. OUTSPOKEN OR RESERVED? outspoken. LEADER OR FOLLOWER? she's a leader, all through and through. OPTIMISTIC OR PESSIMISTIC? optimistic, mostly. TRADITIONAL OR MODERN? modern. HARD-WORKING OR LAZY? hard-working. CULTURED OR UNCULTURED? cultured. LOYAL OR DISLOYAL? loyal. FAITHFUL OR UNFAITHFUL? faithful. NIGHT OWL OR EARLY BIRD? honestly, it all depends on the time of the year. HEAVY OR LIGHT SLEEPER? light sleeper. COFFEE OR TEA? tea over coffee, these days. DAY OR NIGHT? night. TAKING BATHS OR SHOWERS? baths. COCA COLA OR PEPSI? none. CATS OR DOGS? both. NETFLIX OR CINEMA? netflix. SHOWS OR MOVIES? both. LAPTOP OR GAMING CONSOLE? laptop. HEALTHY OR JUNK FOOD? healthy. ICE CREAM OR FROZEN YOGURT? ice cream. PIZZA OR HAMBURGER? pizza. LOLLIPOPS OR GUMMY WORMS? gummy worms. BEACH OR POOL? beach. SNOWBALLS FIGHTING OR ICESKATING? iceskating. LITERATURE OR SCIENCE? science. HISTORY OR ART? art. CHOCOLATE BARS OR COTTON CANDY? chocolate bars. XBOX OR PLAYSTATION? playstation. FACE-TO-FACE OR PHONE INTERACTIONS? face-to-face interactions. DRAMA OR SCI-FI? sci-fi. HORROR OR COMEDY? horror.
FAVORITE ACTIVITY: yoga. FAVORITE ANIMAL: giraffe. FAVORITE BOOK: everything i know about love by dolly alderton. FAVORITE QUOTE: ❝ when you’re tired, go slowly. go quietly. go timidly. but do not stop. ❞ — heidi priebe. FAVORITE COLOR(S): it’s a very specific beige/tan colour, a champagne type of shade.  FAVORITE DESIGNER: maison christian dior and acne studios. FAVORITE CUISINE: singaporean cuisine, all through and through. there are little things she’s more passionate about than her national cuisine, she often says no one does food like singapore.  FAVORITE DISH(ES): hainanese chicken rice, laksa, hokkien fried mee and dumplings. FAVORITE DRINK: matcha ginger latte and bubble tea.  FAVORITE FLOWER(S): lotus flower. FAVORITE GEM: diamond. FAVORITE HOLIDAY: new years. FAVORITE MOVIE: currently, it must be parasite by bong joon-ho.  FAVORITE MUSIC GENRE: she doesn’t have a favorite music genre. naomi listens to a little bit of everything because for her, it’s more about the songs and artists than the genre itself. FAVORITE SONG(S): xo by beyoncé. GO TO KARAOKE SONG: kiss it better by rihanna. FAVORITE SCENT(S): the scent of gasoline, melting chocolate and freshly baked goods. FAVORITE TELEVISION SHOW(S): la casa de papel. FAVORITE SPORTS: motogp, formula1 and football. SPORTS TEAM THEY SUPPORT: real madrid. FAVORITE EMOJI: probably the 💅🏽 though it’s not what she uses the most. FAVORITE WEATHER: she likes that type of weather at the end of a summer day, when it’s warm but not too much and you walk around the beach feeling that soft breeze of air hitting you, and the day is settling down and all that remains is a wash of what the weather was throughout the day. FAVORITE SEASON OF THE YEAR: summer. FAVORITE PLACE(S): a close tie between her childhood home in marina bay, singapore and her current home in madrid. she loves the memories and how much singapore grounds her, how it freshens up her ties to the culture and reminds her of better days. at the same time, she also loves madrid. the people, the culture and everything in between. both bring her a sense of peace she’s very fond of. SUPERPOWER THEY WISH THEY HAD: teleportation.  VACATION DESTINATION: if she was forced to choose, coppenhagen or amsterdam for a solo, self-reflection trip and anywhere in japan or thailand just to unwind.
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dweemeister · 5 years
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Toy Story 4 (2019)
2019 marks the completion of the John Lasseter era at Pixar and Walt Disney Animation Studios with Toy Story 4 (credited as story writer; uncredited as producer) and Frozen 2 (as producer). Lasseter’s disgraceful end as the creative head at both studios was marked by scandal, in which the Walt Disney Company cut ties as quietly as possible. At one point untouchable because of Pixar’s creative output – not a single dud from Toy Story (1995) to Toy Story 3 (2010) – Lasseter’s recent years had reeked of complacency, dependence on sequels, and having played a part in erasing the final vestiges of hand-drawn animation at the famed Walt Disney Animation Studios. Pixar’s impeccable record is no more; the groundbreaking studio is fallible after all. With Lasseter now at Skydance Animation (to the dismay of many), his final involvement with a Pixar film continues the legacy of arguably the most consistent animated film series ever.
Directed by Josh Cooley and with a screenplay by Stephany Folsom (her cinematic debut) and Andrew Stanton (1998′s A Bug’s Life, 2008′s WALL-E), Toy Story 4 had languished in development hell for years. An army of writers have doctored the story since 2014, so it is difficult to understand who contributed what. For those who were children when Toy Story and Toy Story 2 (1999) were released to theaters, Toy Story 3 appeared to be the fitting farewell to Woody, Buzz Lightyear, and their friends. Pixar, which has claimed that it does not pursue sequels unless there is artistic and narrative sense to that sequel – they have some explaining to do about the Cars sequels – has charged forward with this newest entry in the Toy Story mythos.
Now with Bonnie, the cast of toys must contend with the fact she is about to attend Kindergarten. Worried that Bonnie will have a difficult day of Kindergarten orientation and the fact that – though he would never openly admit it – Bonnie has not given him much attention recently, Woody hops into Bonnie’s backpack and has a hand in the creation of Forky. Forky, believing himself to be trash, makes numerous attempts to toss himself into the wastebasket, much to Woody’s dismay. As Bonnie’s family embarks on a vacation, Woody and the gang must prevent Forky (whose scenes are frequent and comedically overcooked) from disposing himself. While at a mountainous town, numerous situations will introduce the likes of other toys including Gabby Gabby (a ‘60s-era doll who longs to be loved by a child); the miniscule Giggle McDimples; prize toys Ducky and Bunny; motorcycling daredevil Duke Caboom; and Woody’s old flame, Bo Peep.
Without detailing the film’s conclusion and, as someone who rewatched my VHS of Toy Story and DVD of Toy Story 2 ad nauseam as a child, Toy Story 4 does not feel as strong a conclusion as its immediate predecessor. Yet Toy Story 4 deepens the series’ existential themes and characterization of Woody – its moral center after extinguishing his homicidal feelings towards Buzz in the original – at the unfortunate expense of almost the entirety of the cast of toys. Nevertheless, Woody’s character growth has been tremendous to behold. His steadfast loyalty – so often a source of adoration from moviegoers – is called into question here. His unwritten sheriff’s code to be of service, embodied by Jimmy Stewarts or Gary Coopers in decades’ past, clashes with the “lost toys” without children to call their own. The misadventures and toy-sized heists characteristic of Toy Story are derailed by unfortunate timing and increasing stakes. No wonder the frustration towards Woody – among the characters and the audience – is so palpable.
The fragmentation of the plot and physical separation of its characters creates a handful of storylines that, with the film’s sharp editing, are comprehensible. Toy Story 4, when analyzed through its editing (and even when excluding flashbacks and fantasies) and writing structure, is the least linear of the Toy Story films. Characters are not so much reacting to a singular event as they are personifying or espousing the film’s themes. One’s ability to tolerate this structure will be tested, but screenwriters Folsom and Stanton are content to not devolve into lengthy expositions or soliloquies that too explicitly outline their intended subtext. Gabby Gabby’s apparent and ultimate fates will elicit instant, strong reactions that might just be universal. Woody’s final decisions in the film’s closing minutes will be viewed through the prism of life experience. Many of the questions Toy Story 4 presents once Forky has been introduced have been central to the series, with variations with each passing installment. What does it mean to realize one’s obsolescence? How does one come to terms – if at all – with that realization? When does a lifelong dream transform into obsession? Folsom and Stanton are not interested in whether there is a “correct” way for a toy to exist – note that every toy in this film defines their existence in bringing joy to a child, even those toys have been lucky enough to do so.
After years of late Lasseter-era twist villains and films with so little nuance in trumpeting their vaguely liberal inclusive messages, this is a refreshing change of pace. Whatever answers viewers find will not arrive easily and will change with time. The most worthwhile art tends to be as such.
Toy Story 4′s characters are stand-ins for human relationships with a coat of comedic paint to make the most difficult moments bearable for everyone. To ask so bluntly the nature of meaningful existence might be dismissed in a live-action film as maudlin, manipulative (film is always manipulative; the effectiveness and appropriateness of such manipulation is not beyond criticism). Inside Out (2015) and Coco (2017) are the best recent examples of this from Pixar’s filmography of how animation lowers these barriers to posing such ideas. The studio’s success is not because they created imaginative worlds filled with talking toys, rodents that can cook, or a post-apocalyptic humanity too dependent on technology. Nor is it the storytelling the studio justly prides itself upon. It is because of the raw ideas found within their films, when the excesses of plots are discarded.
The production design by Bob Pauley (1993′s The Nightmare Before Christmas, all three previous Toy Story films) – in addition to the ever-increasing photorealism of Pixar’s backgrounds and character animation – is superb. Pauley juxtaposes the dusty, earthy antiques store that the film spends much of its runtime with the neon-lit carnival beaming its lights into the night sky. More than the previous Toy Story films, this edition allows the use of colors to help guide the dominant moods in respective scenes. The darker, subdued antiques store scenes lend a feeling that something or some secret lurks around the next cobwebbed corner – evoking claustrophobic spaces, ideological and personal entrapment (the placement of “Midnight, the Stars and You”, which is most famous for its use in 1980′s The Shining, plays a key contribution). The carnival/fair has occasionally been a source of macabre elements or thematic irony in Western cinema; it is a tradition that at least goes as far back to 1920′s The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (more recently, and though not a film, the third season of Stranger Things contributes to that tradition). The summer carnival of Toy Story 4 is more liberating than most, leaning into whatever escapist nostalgia the audience holds – of which Toy Story could be a part of. The fourth installment of this series is the most atmospheric; one wishes that the filmmakers could have slowed down a tad to allow a fuller appreciation of the various settings.
Pickier than most film score composers, Randy Newman (1984′s The Natural, 2009′s The Princess and the Frog) nevertheless has become a staple with Pixar and has created, single-handedly, Toy Story’s musical identity. Recorded, in typical Randy Newman, with an enormous orchestra of Los Angeles-area musicians at the 20th Century Fox studio named to honor his uncles (Emil, Lionel, and especially Alfred were gifted composers contracted to Fox), Newman’s ability to integrate musical ideas he has not revisited for twenty or more years with newer motifs is most apparent in the film’s busiest scene. The cue that plays there is “Operation Pull Toy”, which utilizes character- and plot-driven motifs drawn and rearranged beautifully for this newest film. But standing above the rest is “Parting Gifts & New Horizons”, which plays during a fateful moment and a series of fond farewells. The Americana that Randy Newman incorporated through the series and was especially acclaimed for before working on the original Toy Story appears, without restraints, brass instruments backing, and high strings leading. Though not as distinguished as previous Toy Story scores, Newman knows when to pull the emotional strings with his sweeping melodies.
To digress slightly: in isolated parts of Newman’s score (the brief theme beginning at 4:04 of “Parting Gifts & New Horizons” included), I yearn for Newman scoring for an American Western film.
In the recording studio, Tom Hanks (as Woody) and Tim Allen (as Buzz Lightyear) admitted that neither could record their lines without being overwhelmed by emotion. Hanks claimed that he could not even face the crew as he neared his final moments of dialogue. Another member of the cast, Don Rickles (Mr. Potato Head), passed away in April 2017 – well before any voice actors began work on the film. Rickles’ family urged Pixar to see if a performance could be pieced together through archival recordings. Poring over almost a quarter-century of voice work from outtakes and recordings for promotional materials, Disney parks, and video games, a brief, but serviceable performance was spliced together by Pixar. Rickles is credited as Mr. Potato Head in the film and he, along with animator Adam Burke, is one of the film’s two dedicatees.
As a disappointing decade in mainstream American animation closes with sequels and the ignominious departure of a figure central to the industry, Pixar’s artistic future is uncertain. Pixar’s new chief creative officer is Pete Docter (2001′s Monsters, Inc. and Inside Out). Docter, who has been with Pixar since 1990, is not likely to fundamentally transform the studio’s mission – as outlined by Lasseter – or artistic direction. He is noted, however, for imbuing his films with his deep sense of morality. Combined with the fact that Pixar intends to move away from sequels in the immediate future, will the studio regain its form after an inconsistent decade? Toy Story 4 is, by way of its structure and overuse of Forky, the weakest in Pixar’s most venerable series. That standard, however, is comparing greatness with excellence.
My rating: 8/10
^ Based on my personal imdb rating. My interpretation of that ratings system can be found here.
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makeste · 6 years
BnHA Chapter 007: Costumes and Comforting White Rice
Previously on BnHA: Aizawa had everyone do fitness tests. Turns out superpowered children are very talented. Deku broke his finger.
Notes: As always, all comments not prefaced by an ETA are my unspoiled reactions from my first readthrough of this chapter. I’ve read up through chapter 11 now, so any ETAs will reflect that.
so the title is “costume change”, ooh I’m intrigued
All Might is helpfully rehashing the shit that just went down in the last chapter in case we missed it or weren’t paying attention
basically “Deku fucked up his finger but it was actually somehow the coolest thing ever”
right away Izuku is still crying his gritted-teeth pain!tears, so the unbroken streak continues!
aw Ocha is really happy that he did well and now won’t get expelled
I think Bakugou is broken
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[waves a hand in front of his face] you okay there pal. deep breaths. it’s going to be all right
and now he’s fucking launching himself at Deku, presumably with the intent to beat the living shit out of him, oh dear
but teacher’s not having that shit
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also these panels are hilarious
god bless, the logical explanations for everything just keep on coming. now EH is explaining that the reason he always looks so fucking shake-and-baked is because he has to maintain eye contact in order for his powers to work. I love this, it explains so much. the goggles, the eye drops, the creepy intense staring. and it’s such a good handicap for what would otherwise be an insanely OP quirk
just. thank you jesus. thank you oprah winfrey. thank you tom cruise
do you know, so far I haven’t had a single plot thing to complain about in this entire manga series. (except maybe the whole “surrounding community somehow doesn’t notice the beach cleanup happening right under their noses for ten entire months” thing.) can they possibly keep this up?
“is your finger okay?” “yeah.” NO
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they’re so cute they’re so fucking cute. Izuku following him around fanboying about quirks. Baku saying Deku’s probably won’t be as cool as his. trampsing along through the woods catching bugs. using the nicknames
and now Baku is FREAKING THE FUCK OUT because he’s been the special one all this time and now Izu finally has a quirk too. like, he seems pissed off, but also strangely threatened. like he’s really nervous that Deku might all of a sudden outshine him. once again, I am speculating if there are possibly secret self-esteem issues. I know it’s too early to be theorizing and I’m just going to look like an idiot but I CAN’T HELP IT. Deku is so good and pure and kind and smart, like he has everything going for him, but because he didn’t have a quirk, Bakugou could always rest assured that he was still better! but now DEKU HAS A FUCKING QUIRK. that’s like the ONE thing he solidly had on him and now the gap is narrowing by the minute. hmm. hmmmmmmmmm
disclaimer, he’s probably just an asshole and I’m projecting character development onto him that doesn’t exist sob I know
anyway we’ve apparently seen all we needed to see of these tests, because Deku sums up the rest of it in a couple of summary bubbles. “after this we finished up and I hung in there but it sucked”
yay now the results. which sad son of a bitch gets kicked out I wonder. it’s occurred to me that it might not be anyone and EH might just have been fucking with them, but you never know
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NOT TO TOOT MY OWN HORN BUT I CALLED IT AND I’M A FUCKING GENIUS. [drinks a glass of water too fast and chokes]
this motherfucker is such a troll
Izuku appears to be phasing into another dimension from the shock of this news. meanwhile this smug-looking girl with a ponytail standing next to him is all like “I already fucking knew”
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you know what, smug ponytail girl, ANYONE can say that AFTER the big reveal. the real MVPs are the ones who saw it coming a whole entire page before it actually happened, so you can shove it okay
and now Eraser Head is saying “we’re done here”? but I want to see the rankings, damn it
(ETA: funny how in the anime he shows the rankings first thing and THEN all the rest of this goes down. somehow he’s an even bigger troll there.)
and he finally takes pity on Izuku and sends him to the nurse’s office. you really shouldn’t need a teacher’s permission to go see the nurse, but I guess it’s the thought that counts
and there we go! rankings. so Izu’s all the way down at the bottom. and surprisingly Bakugou is not quite at the top? AND WHAT’S THIS?
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please be introduced soon, I’m excited to meet you
no idea who that person is at the very top. but hey good for them
hey guys. guess who ships All Might/Aizawa ever since their rivalish history was established in the previous chapter. [points to self]
so this is good stuff
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look at this shade being thrown back and forth. or rather, EH throwing shade and AM struggling to throw it back but he’s too much of a straight arrow for it to really work lmao. “april fool’s day was over a week ago”
also oh shit last year he threw out the whole damn bunch. those guys must have SUCKED
oh my god now All Might is smugly confirming that EH likes Izuku too
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hey guys here’s a closeup of All Might’s reaction to this:
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you like krabby patties don’t you squidward
my boy Izuku out here accumulating mentors like... something... that accumulates a lot
that’s right, he has TWO whole mentors. what a legend
I got really confused for a second when the following panel said Izu was going home after the first day. even though I know it’s not a boarding school, I somehow tricked myself into thinking it was for a sec
oh hey it’s Iida. he wants to know how Deku’s finger is
lol he didn’t remember being healed last time. thank you for that, information bubble
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I’m serious, it’s not essential information but it helps the series to remain consistent with itself, and it shows that the mangaka so far is remembering even minor details like this, and I’m honestly really impressed
Horikoshi Kouhei is the author. just looked it up. I gotta remember that. Good job so far Horikoshi-sensei. also he’s apparently younger than me?? nice to know that some of us millennials are out there crushing it at least
oh snap Recovery Girl cautions him that if he keeps getting hurt he’ll eventually run out of stamina and die. wtf. is “stamina” really a finite resource like that? can’t he just get a good night’s sleep and replenish that shit
I’m genuinely wondering how long him not being able to control his powers is going to be an issue then. I’m starting to think not that long. at first I thought it would be a very slow process, because if he got too strong too quickly it would be bad for the story. but on further reflection, it’s really the other way around. there’s only so many times he can be the only guy without any powers and trying to figure out what to do before that shit gets really old. basically right now he’s TOO nerfed
“I thought Iida was scary but he’s actually just super-serious.” he’s very nice for a 40-year-old trying to hang out with a bunch of teenagers. I’m sure you two will be good friends
Iida’s calling her “Infinity Girl” since she threw the ball so high it registered as “infinity meters” on Aizawa’s scale. I wonder if this name will stick, cuz I like it
haha Ochako doesn’t know Izuku’s actual first name and calls him Deku. he was listed as “Izuku” on the results board, though. you could hardly fail to notice that, since he was in last place. she just wants to call him by the cute nickname. fucking sly move there
hmm apparently he doesn’t like the name Deku? or he’s just trying to play it cool with the Girl He Likes
(ETA: now I know the whole sad story of “Deku” and its various meanings. I wonder just how much work Horikoshi put into selecting this name and its kanji)
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like he said, he fucking loves that name
“it’s like the Copernican Revolution” hahaha what. a quick Google search confirms that this was the whole shift from people thinking the sun revolved around the earth to realizing it was the other way around. I completely fail to understand what this has to do with the situation of Deku letting Ocha call him “Deku” because she thinks it’s cute. this metaphor is beyond my fucking grasp
(ETA: I must have been tired or something because it’s obviously just that he’s done a 180 from hating the name to embracing it. still a weird analogy but whatever.)
ohhhhhh here come the feels ready or not
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oh what the fresh hell, All Might
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first the training!! ten months! grueling!! then the entrance exam!! fighting a bunch of giant robots! not having the slightest clue about how to actually use his brand new powers! then the first day of school!! you think you’re finally safe, but NO we’re going to have a trial that may possibly expel you! but he somehow makes it past that too! surely he’s in the clear NOW, right? he has to be?? but nooo, the SECOND day of school, THAT’S when tHE REAL FUCKING TEST BEGINS, FUCK
lmao Mic teaching them English
lmaaaaao everyone is bored out of their fucking minds except fucking Izuku, that FUCKING NERD
the school chef is a sentient humanoid vacuum cleaner named Lunch Rush
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nice try with that gimmick there Lunch Rush, but you’re no Best Fucking Jeanist
“the white rice is comforting, so I go with that!” fucking damn, Deku. maybe try branching out just a little
by the way, Izu is narrating all of this like it’s already an established routine, but isn’t it still just the second day? or was All Might just talking out of his ass before about that “real test”
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it’s All Might’s class. don’t tell me this was what he was talking about when he was going on about the “real test” fjksj
yet again they talk about how differently he’s drawn sob I can’t
everyone: [turns and winks at the camera] WE KNOW WE’RE CARTOOOONS
what is this pose
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gri gri gri
“today’s activity is [holds up a card that says BATTLE] BATTLE”
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Bakugou looks... I’ll let you know when I stop laughing
Ochako looks like your standard Marvel heroine really but the two little buttons on her chest give it an extra dash of cuteness
Iida looks like a fucking super sentai with that helmet
Yuri on Ice, Mickey Mouse, Kermit the Frog, and Tall Guy with Pterodactyl Arms look fine, I guess
do not fucking tell me the chapter’s going to end before we actually see Izuku
the chapter ended before we actually saw Izuku
I’m going to kick you you stupid chapter
there isn’t even a bonus character bio at the end, it’s just a thing about all of Horikoshi’s assistants. good for them, I guess, I know they work fucking hard and they’re doing a good job so far
guess what I’m going to do. “read the next chapter.” yep
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cass-chan12 · 6 years
Unexpected Equilibrium (Ch 2)
Fandom: Miraculous Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir Pairing: Adrien Agreste and Marinette Dupain-Cheng Genre: Romance and Adventure Story Type: MedievalAU Rating: T
Summary: They were destined to bear the marks of Good and Bad Luck but perhaps they weren’t meant to suffer their fates alone. Maybe they could find a purpose through each other.
Previous chapter
Marinette had to admit to herself that she sorely missed her old home to the largest degree. From waking up before the sun began to rise, listening to her mama and papa bustle downstairs preparing bake goods for the day and smelling the most delectable freshly baked bread in all of France. Normally she would help them but this time she took the opportunity to gaze on her hometown as the rays of morning splendour would wash over the city.
She climbed up the familiar ladder up to the roof which was surprisingly well kept despite her absence from home all this time.
'Mama must have been up here a lot while I was gone.' She thought sadly.
She was barefoot and felt the pads of her feet stick to the floor slightly as she paced to the bar of the balcony and set her palms around it like she had hundreds times before. The sun ached its way slowly across the horizon and the rays decorated themselves in multiple directions. The Siene caught some of the rays and glistened amongst the ripples. What Marinette was missing were the chirps of the birds nearby, although it did cross the young woman's mind that Paris probably hadn't been this way in a while so most likely there aren't many animals around.
It was hard for her to believe how bad it had become in her absence, for all she saw were the beginnings of what had happened and then she left intending to go to Italy. Strange that the Ladybug curse had only come upon her only after these plagues had sprouted up. Was this coincidence not much of a coincidence at all? Was she somehow connected to what had been happening here?
She would like to say no but she felt tingly the whole time when she had returned and not to mention an aura she keeps feeling but cannot identify.
Was this a sign?
Paris had started to look up in the few weeks that had passed since Marinette's return. Paris had become a bit livelier in fact, with a new hope in the people. Or so she thought…
Marinette had started helping in the bakery again and was feeling her anxiety loosen as she kept herself busy. She and her parents agreed that they should get her settled in before she could meet with her friends again excluding Alya. Marinette will admit since she's been home that she had felt extremely disconnected from everything that had been going down in the townspeople's lives.
For example after Marinette's departure a great tragedy hit the Agreste Manor. The Agreste's were one of the wealthiest families in Paris next to King Bourgeois' own family. The head of the Agreste household, Gabriel Agreste, was one of the wealthiest men in France alone and was bestowed by the King a Duke status. The rest of his family consisted of his wife Emile and his only son Adrien and for all that the city knew they were happy.
Marinette was wholly shocked to hear that M. Agreste's wife and son died after her parting. She may have never known the family but she couldn't help the tug of pain in her chest that she had for M. Agreste. She thought of what her Papa would be like if her and her mother weren't here.
Along with some other news Marinette was happy to hear her old friends managed to get happiness in such hard times. Mylenne and Ivan have gotten married and are expecting their first child, Alya and Nino are to be wed soon, Nathaniel has become a personal painter to the royal family, Kim has become one of the top ranked knights in Paris and the list continues. Honestly Marinette is proud her friends achieved the goals they did despite Paris' dire years that have passed
Marinette was sweeping in the back of the bakery in the mid afternoon when she heard a bit of commotion at the front. Perplexed she set down her broom and went silently went to look out the slightly open doorway.
"Tom you have to let some of these people near your daughter! She's blessed with good luck so surely she can cure these people!" A villager pleaded.
"I understand but what you are asking is out of the question Monsieur. These people have caught unidentified illnesses no one has ever heard of and you want my daughter to go potentially catch it herself?" Tom said in slight agitation.
"Tom please understand. I'm sure if they were even in the same room as her they would be healed." Another man cried out.
"And you Monsieur please understand that as her father I put her safety above any other. Now if you aren't here for business, kindly make your way home." Tom dismissed the agitated crowd.
Once the crowd left Sabine sighed loudly "Now I can see what Marinette was speaking of about her gift. If the news of her Luck spreads then what can we do dear?"
"As much as possible." He answered.
Marinette couldn't let that go by though "Mama, Papa…"
The two were startled and turned around to see Marinette fidgeting uncomfortably.
"Oh my how long were you there Sweetheart?" Sabine asked.
"The whole time… Mama, Papa I don't want to cause you grief by this. I am a trained knight and fighter, not to mention that this is a familiar scenario I've encountered so I don't want to be a burden on the two of you."
"Now Marinette You know that you will never be a burden so don't think in such a way" Sabine said sternly.
"You are our daughter so anything we do for you will never be a burden" Tom reaffirmed.
Marinette smiled warmly but still felt a sympathetic pang in her chest. Would it hurt just to see the sick? Being near them would be enough but she knows all to well the extent of what the luck of the Ladybug can do and it can be limited in some regards. Not to mention the uproar that might begin again and Marinette didn't want anyone she loved to be caught in the crossfire like the last time.
So hiding in the bakery was her best bet… but now rumours were spreading and her current hiding spot has an expiring date. She didn't want to think about it at the moment.
The next morning Marinette woke up to the sound of people bustling outside. She furrowed her brow and rubbed her eyes grumpily and she went to see the commotion outside her window.
Her eyes widened and her throat tightened at the sight of the people outside the bakery and the very elaborate carriage outside too. Was an aristocrat here?
Marinette quickly changed and ran downstairs to the bakery to see her mom looking outside worryingly.
"Mama what is going on?" Marinette asked and startled her mother from her concentration.
"Oh sweetheart you're awake. Don't worry dear your father is outside dismissing everyone." Sabine tried to avoid telling the whole story.
Marinette looked irritated looking outside to the crowd waiting. She saw her father barely in the crowd talking angrily to someone.
"I think it's time to end this" Marinette whispered in a stern tone.
Without warning her mother Marinette charged out the bakery loudly.
The people closest to the door were startled and the rest of the crowd noticed and went quiet. Looking at Marinette's serious stance the crowd moved back to reveal who Tom was talking to. Marinette marched down the path and saw the person who was the owner of the carriage she saw upstairs. King Bourgeois stood by his personal knights and looked as arrogant as Marinette perceived any king to be.
Behind the king was Princess Chloe who Marinette knew to be notoriously apathetic and quiet the brat but looking at the blonde girl Marinette was surprised to see the princess ill.
Tom panicked seeing his daughter tried to hush her back into the bakery but Marinette shook her head and gave him that stubborn look he knew all too well. The burly man stood back for Marinette to speak to the King.
"Mademoiselle Dupain I do pardon the fuss of the crowd but we have made the time to visit your… home and we request your help. From the rumours we have heard we have come to believe you possess the power of luck am I correct?" The king spoke out in a loud voice for all to hear.
Many whispers cluttered around the area and Marinette looked uncomfortable but she was determined to look hard.
"Your Majesty I believe you might have heard wrong. I was a knight of the French resistance who worked under Joan of Arc who was the one who had possessed such a gift."
The harsh memories were slowly coming back to Marinette but she had to shove the emotions down at the moment.
King Bourgeois frowned at the girl "Now I understand your caution Mademoiselle but your return to Paris says a different tale of who possesses this gift. Because of your return the plague of the Floods and Lightning storms have ceased. Now with this new epidemic of Diseases has come up, I as the King have to now take some action and find a solution. Mademoiselle Dupain this has even reached my own household, so I ask of your help." The King pleaded then looking over his shoulder to his daughter who was ready to faint.
Marinette stared down the king and frowned in bitterness "I…do wish to help you with this your majesty but I'm afraid my so-called gift of good luck doesn't always solve any direct problems."
The King looked astonished at her words "What do you mean? It solved the last problem didn't it?"
Marinette crossed her arms over each other showing her discomfort "Like yourself your majesty people would search me out to cure the sick, lame and blind but my ability to do so is limited. I can only cure common sicknesses and that is the extent it can go to. The sickness that has affected the town isn't common; it may even be… terminal."
Chloe behind her father looked panicked and utterly terrified and her father took note of it and in his panic he went on his knees in front of Marinette "Please you can't let my darling daughter die! Please! I am begging you!"
The whole town gasped in shock of the Kings desperate plea for help and Marinette took several steps back not sure what to do.
'Think Marinette! Maybe you can do something!' she pleaded with herself.
The atmosphere felt very tense and as Marinette was contemplating an idea struck in her mind… if there were so many plagues maybe a curse has been cast on the town?
"Your Majesty this town has been struck with plagues for some time am I correct? Perhaps if we can pinpoint the problem we can stop the problems."
The crowd went silent and the King got up with the dignity he had left and looked over to his top knight and nodded his head for the man to take off his helmet.
"We are… familiar with who might be responsible…" The King said hesitantly.
'So someone is really behind this all?'
With heavy silence the king was mulling over something in his head and then looked to Marinette "Very well… this information isn't meant to be heard by many but this is a rare case."
Marinette gulped.
"We have speculation to believe that on the outer skirts of the South side of Paris there is a warlock or dark force residing in the wasteland." The Knight who had removed his helmet from earlier informed Marinette. Marinette recognised him to be Sir D'Argencourt.
'Now that sounds plausible.' Marinette thought.
Many though being slacked jawed, Marinette having been in the service before didn't think this was unusual and there were some dark forces out there that non-sane people delved on. So now that the mayor addressed this he perhaps could send his men to evaluate and solve this situation.
"Very well Mademoiselle Dupain we humbly thank you for taking on this task." Sir D'Argencourt presumed.
'What?' Marinette's eyes were displaying.
"Umm… Excuse me?" She inquired in a stupor.
"We thank you for going to rid us of that Warlock or Omen. That is what you were implying right? With your experience in the resistance you should have the understanding? Not to mention the advantage of your circumstances." The head Knight clarified.
"I… Uh wasn't… Wait-!" Marinette stared stuttering and was interrupted by the towns folk cheering of the news.
'How am I going to get out of this?!' She shrieked internally.
It smelt indescribable in the mansion. He hadn't come across this stench before…
It was like Ashes and Decay.
Why was the ground in pieces?
Why did his father look terrified?
Where was his mother?
It was disgusting, horrifying and vile; the corpse that laid there in front of him and his father staring in horror the opposite side of the torn room.
The book his father held was lodged in his hands and secured against his chest.
In his catatonic state he asked his father "Is mama better?"
The young boy's face had streaks of black growing on him, crawling everywhere and his eyes… good gods his eyes where glowing in an evil manner.
"Papa, do… Do I have good luck yet? We need to fix Mama." He asked dully in a trance.
He didn't feel pain; his head said he should… He saved Mama right?
The boy kept looking at the corpse and lifted his head up to a mirror nearby.
"P…P-Papa! Theres a monster!" The boy screeched coming out of is trance.
He got onto his legs and retreated backwards and hit the wall. He was out of his trance and he looked to the corpse again.
A young man in a dark whereabouts jolted up from his slumber in agony and fright. Gasping for air that he never knew he needed he touched his drenched forehead to calm the pain in his head. His eyes glowed eerily in the dark looking for a small puddle that was should be forming nearby. He pulled himself shakily to a shallow puddle and tried to splash some water to his sweaty face.
He groaned in agony at the disturbing memory that plagued his dreams again. Nonstop that day played in his head and he knew he could never shake the fear off.
"Please leave me… I don't want this! I never wanted this!" The young boy cried in pain.
"Someone… Anybody, just… just kill me."
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thenixkat · 6 years
Animorphs notes 3
Book 3
Narrated by Tobias. Getting all of the white kids out of the first I guess
Tobias forgets the color of his eyes after a few weeks as a bird. But he remembers that he had blond hair and was kinda big.
Tobi has also oly been looking at his bird face head on cause otherwise he’d notice how doofy his face looks
Dan’s not holding that hawk prisoner he’s just got shitty animal husbandry. If that 3 ft by 3 ft cage is the only cage he keeps her in. That could just be a travel cage dude uses for the filming for all the info I have and Tobi has already demonstrated that he over anthropomorphises animals
Also Tobi is gonna get that captive bird fucking killed with this Peta shit.
And he does something very unbirdlike infront of multiple people any of whom could be a controller.
And he nearly gets killed doing this.
Tobias is a dumbass that doesnt consider the consequences of shit.
Tobi she’s a fucking bird and there’s a fucking elephant destroying shit and humans causing a ruckus. She’s startled and startled birds fucking fly u numpty!
Rachel chews Tobias out for being a complete idiot and starting that stunt while on fucking air
Ya know what, Tobi’s descriptions of Rachel are starting to make me uncomfortable. And that plus his insistence of talking to Rachel on her solo mission every 5 secs probably means he has some creepy crush on her
Tobi don’t start on that shit you chose to be in morph far more than was safe, was warned multiple times of the time limit and got yerself stuck. Its not a curse if yer fucking responsible.
Applegate skips on the whole redtails also hunt smaller birds and that’s… weird
Tobi assumes that a human smiling when they see a bird means their jealous. Not that like, the person just fucking likes birds and nature and shit and is either going to or going home from a job where they spent hours in a bland cubicle looking at just a computer so hey a cool bird, they must be jelly that they cant fly.
I don’t like Tobias.
Why do the yeerk ships have clocking that hides them in ultraviolet as well when humans can’t see into that range? Wouldn’t it make sense just to cloak along the visible spectrum and save power and also cleaning bills from hitting so many birds and bugs?
Marco is valid.
Also betting that that released hawk is gonna be ded in the next few days.
Also why did Jake not get any info from Cassie on potentially what to feed Tobias? Why isn’t Tobias just fucking living at Cassie’s barn? She could claim that he’s some tame hawk that someone gave to her b/c they couldn’t afford to take care of him any more
Tobias why didn’t you bring up the thing in the sky to the whole group?
Is this brooding angst?
Also if Tobias has been eating random leftovers from Jake for weeks he should be sick as fuck.
Why didn’t anyone call Child Protective Services for Tobias’ case too?
Dead geese
Wolves were recently released in the nearby national parkl/woods
There are mountains nearby, and a coast near by, an abandoned church, a mall next to a construction site
Has Marco been in the mountains before?
Marco, yall only tried to rescue Tom once. That’s not everything you could do. Yall could just fucking kidnap him and fake his death and also tell Jake’s parents so they don’t do anything… rash
Tobias is kinda taking charge of this mission
Tobias doesnt like Marco
Its 20 miles from Cassie’s barn to the mountains
Cassie apparently dosent consider that female wolves might also fight for dominance
None of these kids practiced this morph beforehand even tho they know morphing something for the first time usually leads to some loss of control
Cassie can morph horse. There’s horses plural at her barn. They could have all become horses in the woods to travel the 20 miles then turned into more normal forest animals to blend in once they got there.
Every Time they morph my comparative anatomy classes start fucking screaming in anguish. The knees reversing is not nearly as bad as fingers shriveling and disappearing b/c somebody doesnt know fucking digitigrade limb anatomy
Morphing took Cassie 2 mins
Tobais is a hawkaboo
Alpha. Ick
Jake can’t control his morph and is triggering wolf shit in the others
They really should just fucking demorph and remorph.
Tobias gets frustrated and flies off to clear his head
Too fucking bad we dont get a first person view of turning into a wolf b/c Tobias got himself stuck as his fursona and had to narrate this book
Fake park rangers
No, I’m not going to believe that hork-bajir have T. rex feet b/c these kids know jack and shit about every kinda animal. Also zygodactyl feet make more sense for a tree climber, and would look lovely while kangaroo hopping
Tobias only notes blades on their heads, wrists, elbows and knees.
Tobi mistakes a random group of 5 wolves for his friends
These dumbasses dont demorph and remorph b/c they want to be wolves for the rest of their life
Taxxons are consistently described as fat centipedes
Tobias finds out his hawk body is horny for a lady bird
More misinformation on how wolf packs work
Idiots don’t display submissive behavior and back away to avoid a conflict. Or just flat out fucking run away.
SO the gang are able to demorph at least 7 mins past the two hours time limit. Cassie was in morph the longest yet is the first to finish and then helps the other morph with her coaching skills. Interesting.
SO how long can they really stay in morph? It takes Cassie 2mins to morph, they were at least 7 mins past the window. Cassie spent 69 mins in morph more or less, could she go longer?
Did lying to them about how much time they had left help? How much of morphing is psychological?
Owls can and would eat hawks. Tobias should be concerned about that.
Marco comes up with the idea to drive the alien tanker uncloaked over the city to alert the citizens
Jakes plan is to enter the ship through the pipes as fish. Why would there be a way to get into the rest of the ship from the water tank?
Rachel’s gymnastics group is doing a show in the mall
It bothers me that the kids and books don’t call Iness 226 by their name. B/c conflating the yeerk with their host is… not a good mentality to have
...birds can walk. Does Tobias think the only way birds can move is by flying? He can fucking run, it’d be a cute little flapping waddle but he can fucking run
Tobias loses control kills a rat, has a freak out and tries to commit suicide in front of Rachel. Is thwarted by Marco
Tobias goes feral to avoid his emotions
Tobias goes to see if the female hawk is still alive/maybe a booty call
Ya know I wanna know whats going on with the other animorphs while Tobias is having this crisis
It took Tobias a surprisingly long time to get past his shit and give a damn that a person was about to be brutally murdered in front of him
… how does Tobi’s eye attack work on the hork-controllers? AT what angle is he going to avoid the foot long horns and still hit the eyes?
You can totally hug a damn bird Applegate. People hug birds all the damn time.
Why don’t the two people with osprey morphs? Catch fish? Hell they could work together driving the fish into a net if they’d thought to bring a net.
These kids are so dumb. Marco? Cassie? Morph fucking ospery and see where the fish are!
Toboas gets distracted by the sexy lady hawk durring an important part of the mission
Andalite description: eyes on antler-like stalks, large main eyes, dainty hooves
Why is Visser 3 here now?
Plan gets 500% more dangerous and Jake and Rachel still push for it
Cassie sides with doing the plan over fucking waiting till security cools off and trying again when there’s less chance of death
The hork-controllers shoot a deer but not a bird going out over the lake multiple times
Hork-controller talking shit to a human-controller
Why is there a grate at the top of the water tank that leads in to the rest of the ship?
Tobias genuinely seems to think that there are voluntary hork-controllers given this and his comment in the first book’
Also I don’t like how Tobi keeps refering to non-human people as creatures. This shit probably happened in the other books but fuck it I’m noting it now
Heh. The kids can’t open the grate to escape and are plotting group suicide to avoid capture and infestation.
Its almost like trying to infiltrate a spaceship/tanker through the water take was a very very bad idea.
Tho is they had like mosquito morphs it might have worked
Taxxons can apparently climb like small bugs do.
Tobi steals a gun to kill the ship with
Tobi kills a ship with a gun
Random chance saves the animorphs again and Tobi is the only one to notice the humans falling out of the ship
…. Marco has an osprey morph not bald eagle.
Also! Bald eagles are fish eaters! Why didn’t Rachel morph to make fishing a little easier
Tobi sees the sexy lady hawk die
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shirlleycoyle · 3 years
Did Zack Snyder Draw A Picture of Batman Going Down on Catwoman? An Investigation
Over the weekend, director Zack Snyder—a man who Mr. Magoo'd his way into having control over the cinematic presentation of DC Comics for many years and is an avowed fan of Batman—posted an image of the Dark Knight performing cunnilingus on Catwoman. Since that time, I have not known peace. I must know who drew it.
Like the two women at the counter of the coffee shop where I bought the iced coffee that was necessary to begin this investigation, I am so desensitized to pornography involving cartoon characters that at first this image barely registered. The necessary context is that, apparently  in response to the ongoing conversation about DC's decree that Batman canonically doesn't eat pussy, Snyder, who once directed a movie called Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice and was for a long time as in control as anyone else was of DC lore, posted a drawing of Batman going down on Catwoman. He captioned it "canon." I guess!
As time went on, theories began to emerge about who drew the image. Snyder fans—and to be clear, he is a divisive figure in the multiple fandoms oriented toward and revolving around various DC brands—propose that he, personally, drew it. A major aspect of this theory is that Snyder didn't provide any information about the image when he posted it, at all. The image doesn't even have a signature. Running it through a reverse image search yields nothing from before Snyder posted it. The drawing seems to have appeared from the ether.
Representatives for Snyder didn't respond to requests for comment, leaving Motherboard unable to put the question of whether he drew this image of Batman satisfying his longtime love interest and occasional fiancé with his own hand. A Motherboard review of footage from the DVD extras of Watchmen—a movie directed by Snyder that I definitely saw in theaters and remember absolutely none of—suggests that Snyder is a talented draughtsman, and may well be capable of having drawn this image. We cannot definitively establish, though, whether or not he did so by putting the question directly to him, and so had to turn elsewhere in search of answers. 
Logically, there are only so many options here. It's possible that, as some fans are beginning to think, Snyder drew it himself; it's also possible, though, that it's a panel from an existing comic book or a piece of fan art, whether preexisting or commissioned personally by Snyder.  Roy T. Cook, a professor of philosophy at the University of Minnesota who specializes in the aesthetics of popular art, told Motherboard that it seems unlikely that it comes from something DC published.
"If this were from a comic, it would certainly be well known given its content, and hence would have been identified by fans or scholars by now," Cook said. "So it’s almost certainly a custom piece of art."
In theory this would narrow things down some, but the sheer ubiquity of Batman-related pornography means that there are still too many images to anyone to sift through. On the pornographic website Rule 34—named for the humorous "rule," which functions with the force and power of a basic law of physics, that anything that exists will also have porn of it on the internet—there are more than 400 images with both the tags "Catwoman" and "Batman." The image Snyder posted can be found there, but was only added after he tweeted it, and notes Snyder's tweet as the original source. It is not hard at all to find an image of Batman eating out Catwoman. Finding one that no one has ever seen before is much harder.
It's possible to inferentially establish that this image is unique to Snyder, whether as something he commissioned or as something he had unique access to and chose to put on the internet. The question consuming many fans, though, is the one of whether he personally drew it. Experts in comic book art doubt that he did. Both of the comic-art brokers that responded to Motherboard's requests for comment said that they definitely don't think Snyder drew it. Details noted about the art style offer food for thought.
"I would say that [Frank] Miller is most certainly an influence/inspiration for the style of the image Snyder tweeted. Dark Knight Returns and all. Gritty stuff," Douglas Gillock, vice-president of the comic art brokerage ComicLink, said. (He was referring to the writer/artist whose mid-80s Batman comics set the tone for all the many, many grim and bleak interpretations of the billionaire who does kung-fu at muggers that have dominated pop culture for decades. Miller's Batman comics have been critiqued as fascistic but could also be read as brilliant parodies of fascistic excess; complicating the question is Miller's later-career turn toward things like a comic where Batman murdered Muslims to avenge 9/11, which was rejected by DC and subsequently repackaged as Holy Terror, a comic where a thinly-veiled Batman stand-in murdered Muslims.)  "I would also say that I also see some David Mazzucchelli here. He was an artist that was also influenced by Miller. He did the art on the Batman: Year One run, which Miller wrote. Pretty sure that is where that particular iteration of Catwoman's costume came from in the modern era too. A similar version was used for the Paul Dini/Bruce Timm Batman animated series."
Gillock's interpretations seem correct. Notably, the outfit that Catwoman is wearing in the image that Snyder tweeted is purple—the color used in most Miller versions of the character—while many popular depictions of the character have her wearing black. It also features cat ears, which not all of her costumes have; this design was favored by Miller and used not only in Year One, but in a special wedding issue of Batman written by Tom King—a renowned comic book writer who spent much of his run on Batman making it canonical that Batman and Catwoman fall in love and get married with the insistent energy of a Livejournal poster embroiled in a shipwar—and featuring a Miller drawing of Catwoman wearing this exact costume. 
Snyder's Miller fandom cannot be overstated. He directed 300, based on the Miller graphic novel. He recreated scenes from The Dark Knight Returns in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice in exactingly specific detail, even where it made no sense to do so. Like Miller, Snyder has used his work to promote and exult in vaguely fascist iconography. (Unlike Miller, for Snyder the appeal seems to be mostly aesthetic.) Snyder's fandom for Miller is so intense and specific  that the details in the shading, the coloring, and the costumes depicted in the image of Batman face down in Catwoman's super soaker pussy stand out as ones a fan steeped in Miller's work would not only appreciate, but commission or create, if they were able to. Especially on Selina's legs and head, the specific way that the image is shaded looks a lot like the way that Miller draws Catwoman. In both Snyder's tweet and the image from King's Batman, the shading on Catwoman's suit consists of black swirls and circles. (Miller's image is a lot more stylized than what Snyder posted, though, with Catwoman's spine curving exaggeratedly, like an actual cat's would.)
It should be noted that one thing we know about Snyder is that he's a passable artist, at least from the storyboards he's released for a few of his films. According to a profile in Bloomberg, he studied painting for a year before transferring to film school. It's difficult to tell, but when I look at this blurry screenshot of one of Snyder's sketchbooks where he shows off a drawing he did of Watchmen's Silk Spectre kicking a Nazi in the back of the head, it kinda looks like the same general body proportions as Catwoman as she's getting eaten out by Batman. In particular, both Silk Spectre and Catwoman have pretty sturdy thighs, though comparing a fully colored and inked image to a sketch is not going to yield conclusive results.
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Image Source: League of Mayhem
DC, several art history professors, noted Snyder enthusiast Armond White, and Tom King did not respond to requests for comment. In absence of their authoritative input, as well as Snyder's, it seems Motherboard will never know for sure whether Zack Snyder spent the weekend drawing Batman eating box. But my friend and film critic Nadine Smith pointed out something important to me as I discussed this mystery with her: With any other director, this wouldn't even be a question. Snyder's fandom for comics, which somehow is for the exact opposite things about the genre that I admire, is nevertheless deep and powerful to the extent that he forced a major studio to release a four-hour uncut version of the Justice League fanfiction he filmed at a cost of hundreds of millions of dollars. He's always expected to do the most, and could not surprise anyone by doing anything that demonstrated the depth of his passion.
"If anyone else posted it, we would probably assume they just found some fanart," Smith told me. "But like, Snyder would."
Did Zack Snyder Draw A Picture of Batman Going Down on Catwoman? An Investigation syndicated from https://triviaqaweb.wordpress.com/feed/
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Tom & Viv (94, C+)
Why this film: Because it lined up so perfectly with this month’s Smackdown! So how could I not?
The Film: Who exactly was the predicted audience for Tom & Viv back in 1994? I don’t mean this exclusively as a dig on the source material or the finished product, but it’s hard to picture that the story of T.S. Eliot’s tumultuous marriage would’ve inspired that much fervor back in the day. The adaptation of the original play began nine years after it debuted on the West End, receiving one Laurence Olivier nomination before getting an off-Broadway run and vanishing from the stage for over twenty years. This lack of fanfare seems even more exasperated by its legacy nowadays, if it can be called that, saved from obscurity by way of two surprisingly high-profile Academy Award nominations that would still only attract those who’re deeply invested in either of the nominated women, Oscar completists who are doing it just cuz, folks who like watching period dramas about unstable women, or T.S. Eliot fans.
Of those groups, I’d imagine that the Eliot fans interested in a portrait of the artist would be the most consistently underwhelmed by the film, if only because his work is kept strictly in the film’s periphery. It’s talked about but rarely read aloud or shown, the focus on the Eliot’s marriage so predominant that his rising success and the income that comes with it is dramatized through their material wealth more that it is explicitly referenced, at least not to the degree of any of their personal lives. In fact, Eliot’s personal life and family ties don’t seem to exist outside of Viv until his fames grows, while Viv’s relationships to her family is one of the film’s central points of tension. The repercussions of Eliot’s fame are certainly discussed, as Viv worries that Tom is replacing her with his new poet friends and having affairs with  women in those circles who’re dazzled by his work. There’s also the complication that Viv frequently claims to be his muse, his editor, and his sounding board, demanding credit for having given The Wasteland its name. This is not a hagiography of the artist, but the film’s focus on Eliot’s marriage and interest in Viv’s artistic credentials might keep this from being the deep plumbing of the artist someone might be hunting for.
Then again, an even bigger preclusion for Eliot fans to get into the film is how unfathomably dull Willem Dafoe is in the part. Any potential into getting a portrait of the man alongside or even superseding a portrait of the artist is stopped in its tracks by Dafoe’s soft-spoken, milquetoast take on the part. The man simply comes off as boring and stuffy, never worthy of the intrigue posed by Viv, his fellow poets, adoring fans, or anyone who presumes him to be a worthwhile figure. Dafoe is so passionless in the part, speaking his lines as softly as possible while infusing them with zero emotion, refusing to cling to any sense of intellect or to make his accent sound remotely natural, that there’s simply no believing that he might be having an affair with any of the women Viv is terrified of and antagonistic towards. What on earth could have drawn Viv to him in the first place?
Dafoe’s performance represents one half of the dichotomy of problems that best defines what makes Tom & Viv such a palpably uneven experience. If he stands in for the moments where the film could easily shape itself up more, Miranda Richardson’s energized but dangerously overmannered take on Vivienne Eliot emblematizes the film’s worst indulgences into overstatement. Richardson is more than capable of conjuring an air of instability and roiling inner turmoil, writing our her character’s thoughts through the darting glances of her eyes and jittery movements, but her madness becomes so prescriptive that it loses almost all spontaneity. In her best moments, which see her being more clearly guided by the director or by her costars, Richardson is able to temper herself slightly without sacrificing her tics, though it’s clear in these moments how little modulation is actually in the performance, aside from the moments where she makes a point of showing us that she’s modulating the performance in a lower tempo. True, she genuinely calms down in the film’s last act, but her impact before this point is ultimately limited, her scene-by-scene choices too obvious for them to build in any interesting way.
The film itself seems to follow a trajectory from being too hopped-up on its own, sporadically ostentatious filmmaking techniques all the way to almost dangerously non-cinematic, not so much a filmed play as just unimaginatively put together. This is not to say that the film is ever a showcase for its makers - director Brian Gilbert seems more than happy to slap his actors in period wares and let them carry the picture - but it’s still noticeable when the editing or the score become the primary method for the film to goose our responses. Its earliest scenes are by far the worst, as the almost 40 year old Dafoe is so heavily made up to impersonate a college-aged youth that his face loses any and all distinguishing features. He looks like a doll whose face has had any gendered characteristics smoothed away, as if he were an uncanny valley animation of an androgynous doll. Richardson’s makeup is fine, but she’s forced to pantomime the free-spirited behavior of a young person by running around with her arms outstretched as though she were a plane, galavanting on a lawn with a sign asking passerby not to galavant on it. In the next scene they meet, and in the next they pack their bags to get married. These scenes are relatively calm, something the film compensates for by showing Viv undergoing an abject breakdown, destroying their hotel room and taking a lot of her prescribed medication after an unsuccessful roll in the honeymoon sack, dramatically cross-cut with Tom’s furrowed brow contemplatively paces the shoreline of a beach.
If the establishing third of Tom & Viv is ultimately its shakiest segment, there’s something to be said for the film’s middle third, as all the pieces start sparking against each other in unexpectedly bracing ways. Even if Dafoe is unforgivably bland and Richardson semi-predictable in her brazenness, the shifting textures of their relationship are more interesting to watch play out than expected. It helps that Brian Gilbert’s direction finds an appropriately undemonstrative but still semi-active mode of shaping his story. Neither truly imaginative nor fully perfunctory, he finds the right distance from Richardson’s whirlwinds that they become more impactful as character beats rather than harried actressing. Watching her mix a boiling vat of chocolate, grow more and more vocally irate at a dinner party, draw on a mannequin with lipstick, all these actions are more compelling for how they’re shot. Simple and effective, enhancing Richardson’s work and feeding into the story with unexpected poignancy as we start to grasp how threatened Vivienne must constantly feel by these invaders who can provide something for her husband she cannot, knowing all the while that they know it too and are talking about it behind her back. This is not to suggest too much of a sudden transformation in the film’s overall style or impact - Dafoe is still left to softly murmur on in his scenes, and the cadres of artists and admirers that pop up around him are never as distinct or entrancing as they might be. Especially as he starts to seriously consider kicking Viv in a sanitarium, growing increasingly weary of her behavior, Dafoe’s performance remains as damp and demure as ever. Her fears of adultery never ring as plausible, Dafoe even drags down Richardson and the script with as little effort as possible on his part. A hot-blooded Tom might’ve really tapped in to the script’s dramatic potential, but the sight of Viv fighting so hard against people who could all have a legitimate claim to her husband’s attention, borne from paranoia that doesn’t seem borne from absolutely nothing is frankly more compelling than it has any right to be. There’s clearly a version of this story about an unreliable man sending his unreliable wife to a sanitarium on dubious grounds, one stifled by a weak leading man and half-baked direction but still able to burst through the interpretation we’re getting at odd, unexpected angles.
There is at least one unabashed bright spot in the film, in the form of Rosemary Harris’s subtly affecting performance as the matriarch of the Haigh-Wood clan. Without ever working to undermine Tom & Viv’s leading actors, she nevertheless coaxes stronger, more consistent performances from Dafoe and especially Richardson, stabilizing the latter without forgoing Mrs. Haigh-Wood’s own characterization. The film is at its best when it follows the lead of her perfectly contained but still very palpable anxiety, and is never better than in the uncomfortable sequence of Tom having dinner with Vivienne’s immediate family for the first time. Viv spends most of the meal asking provocative, blatantly upsetting questions of her loved ones. Her family telegraph exhaustion at having had this kind of dinner table conversation too many times already but still irritated by her behavior, before Rose takes her daughter aside and gets her to actually calm down, only for her lucid confession about her feelings for Tom to startle her poor mother. It takes real intelligence to project a stable grasp of her daughter’s neuroses, worrying about her future with this new man while still finding room to be elated and disappointed by both of them without overacting. Particularly in her last scenes, hurt and confused after realizing that Viv tried to stab her - even if it was with a fake knife - but perhaps even more wounded that Tom packing Vivvie off to an asylum has proven how badly this man has failed Rose and her daughter, Harris proves herself an unfussy and emotionally sincere performer within a film less stable than its central marriage.
Harris is more of a face in the crowd in her second-to-last sequence, as one of several family members and doctors present for a verbal test to see if Vivienne is certifiable for sanitarium care. This is surprisingly the film’s weakest stretch, beginning with Tom trying to warn Viv before the doctors arrive as the two engage in unexpectedly romantic talk about the state of their relationship. Here, Richardson is the primary source of that romance, which comes across as sentimental and unearned considering that Viv is suddenly without her livewire physicality and higher pitched emotions. Now she speaks in a soft voice, speaks warmly, but she undermines any of the film’s complications by stating its theses in such a loving way. She’s not wrong to judge Tom for his own lies and put-ons and for not being able to face the music the way she wanted him to, but the fact that the Viv who’s saying this is so radically unlike the Viv we’ve spent the previous hour with undermines these ideas. And yet, her affectations return in an oddly performative key once the doctors arrive, as if she’s a deer caught in headlights and trying to hurl herself at them as the last defense mechanism she has left. That they even bother with the test instead of carting her right off after Viv attempts to stab her mother with a rubber knife is pretty bizarre in itself, but Richardson’s playing strips the scene of any dramatic potential or ambiguity as she intentionally answers one of the questions incorrectly. More than that, the filmmaking is complicit in romanticizing her last act of self-sabotage, as the score swells under close ups of Tom and Viv exchanging meaningful glances before she gives the wrong answer, the scene abruptly ending as if the test actually ended on the second question.
I said earlier that the film transitions from Viv-like over-enthusiasm to Tom-ish stultification, and though the scene above certainly fits that bill, a better description for the last third might be that they simply have no other function except as being the end to a story. Both partners, gracefully made up into middle age, speak of their devotion to each other despite the fact that Tom has not visited his wife or made any attempt to contact her at the sanitarium in ten years. Dafoe’s last scene is almost completely carried by the overwhelming, piano-heavy score as he gives the cold shoulder to an old friend Viv once said wanted to sleep with her. Meanwhile, Richardson finds the right tempo between containing the energy that’s defined her performance for most of the film while suggesting some genuine recovery over the past ten years. She’s relaxed and unsentimental in her final scene, giving a fond yet forceful line reading to “Chin up.”, as her brother tries not to cry, that’s more impactful than a line so blatantly structured as a farewell forever aimed at the heartstrings has a right to be. There’s little here that’s interesting in the way that the preceding half hour was, and Gilbert ranking the volume on that orchestra as the credits roll certified that I was far less moved than he was clearly expecting. If Tom & Viv ends as unevenly as it began, I’m not sure if what painfully doesn’t work is enough to dismiss the moments where it comes to some kind of bracing life. In the moments where Harris shows the pain of a mother watching her child implode, where Richardson’s neuroses click into place and the script’s darker subtexts are able to be furnished show the rich potential that this story ultimately has. Tom & Viv isn’t crying out for any retreads, and I’m not sure how much this story deserves to be saved from the unusual legacy of almost complete anonymity that only pedigreed English adaptations of biographies of poets resulting in two high-profile Oscar nominations can truly earn. But it’s not without its merits, and something this uneven has the kind of quiet but sturdy highs that can stand against its more visible and ungainly lows.
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deadcactuswalking · 3 years
You know the drill by now, right? This week is a strange one, and we’ll get to exactly why in a bit but for now, Lil Nas X’s “MONTERO (Call Me by Your Name)” spends a fifth week at #1. Welcome back to REVIEWING THE CHARTS.
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Just as we had a pretty relaxed week last week, we have another one this time, and possibly one of the least interesting weeks in British singles chart history, if anything just preparing us for whatever comes out of the DJ Khaled album next week. With that said, there is some movement in the UK Top 75, the group of songs which I cover, including some notable drop-outs, notable in this case meaning the song had spent more than five weeks on the chart or peaked in the top 40. That includes AJ Tracey’s “Anxious” off of the album-boosted return last week and “Best Friend” by Saweetie featuring Doja Cat making its exit after 15 weeks.
We do have some returning entries as well, as “Addicted” by Jorja Smith makes a comeback to #58, alongside some bottom-hangers like “Someone You Loved” by Lewis Capaldi at #72 and “Slumber Party” by Ashnikko featuring Princess Nokia right beside it at #73. Where it gets more interesting would be our gains and losses, and starting with the latter, we have “Don’t Play” by Anne-Marie, KSI and Digital Farm Animals getting ACR’d at #45, HVME’s remix of Travis Scott’s “Goosebumps” falling naturally to #48, “Solid” by Young Stoner Life, Young Thug and Gunna featuring Drake at #55 off of the debut, “Mr. Perfectly Fine” by Taylor Swift at #63 and “Mercury” by Dave and Kamal. plunging to #68, as well as some seriously harsh drops for Central Cee as “Commitment Issues” falls to #57 and “6 for 6” is at #64.
Our gains, however, are a lot more interesting. We have “Watermelon Sugar” by Harry Styles taking advantage of a weak chart at #70, “How Does it Feel” by London Grammar with an unexpected boost to #67, about as unexpected as “Sunshine (The Light)” by Fat Joe, DJ Khaled and Amorphous at #62, “Heat” by Paul Woolford and Amber Mark at #61, “You” by Regard, Troye Sivan and Tate McRae off of the debut to #56, “Cover Me in Sunshine” by P!nk and Willow Sage Heart at #54, “Martin & Gina” by Polo G rebounding at #51, “Marea (We’ve Lost Dancing)” by Fred again.. and The Blessed Madonna sadly at #47 and “Summer 91 (Looking Back)” by Noizu at #43. Entering the top 40 for the first time are “Last Time” by Becky Hill at #39 and “Starstruck” by Years & Years at #38, their first top 40 hit since 2018. They join other gains within the top 40 like “Anywhere Away from Here” by Rag’n’Bone Man and P!nk rebounding to #32, “Runaway” by AURORA at #29, “Didn’t Know” by Tom Zanetti at #24 and Majestic’s remix of “Rasputin” by Boney M. at #21. Whilst the Ariana Grande remix may have done nothing for “Save Your Tears” by The Weeknd just pushing up to #20, a remix did have an effect on “Body” by Russ Millions and Tion Wayne, surging up to the top 10 at #4 thanks to a new version with ArrDee, ZT and E1 of 3x3, Darkoo, Buni, Bugzy Malone and, for whatever reason, Fivio Foreign. None of those artists are credited by the Official Charts Company however so it just becomes both Russ and Tion Wayne’s highest ever charting song. So, now that all of that is out of the way, how about we get into our new arrivals... or shall I say, new arrival?
#75 – “Come Through” – H.E.R. featuring Chris Brown
Produced by Cardiak
Yeah, I said this was an uninteresting week, but really, what are the odds that in the entire UK Singles Chart, the only song to enter the top 75 of songs listened to by the British public in this tracking week was at #75 and by Chris Brown? Yeah, it must be really dire here in ol’ England, huh? I was thinking about how to get around this – I mean, there are two more new arrivals in the top 100 in general that I found whilst fact-checking this anomaly of a week, but it’s just some house song and a Bugzy Malone throwaway single, both of which might debut in the top 75 proper next week. I could have talked about some foreign charts, like, say, the US Billboard Hot 100? Australia? The global charts? Hell, I could have even betrayed my nation and talked about the French charts for this episode. I decided against that, however, on a basis of principle. When I started this series up again after a break in Autumn of last year, I promised to myself that I would bring what this series used to lack: consistency. I would always, on every Saturday, deliver a review of the songs that first entered the UK Top 75 that week. That is the plan and how it will stay until I decide to overhaul the format again, which at this rate is probably going to be a temporary Christmas fix and not much else. With all that said, I’m a compulsive liar. I’m not going to review a Chris Brown song; I’ve always actively avoided reviewing his songs proper on this series and this is no different as you can tell by a stalling method I’d perfected for when this guy’s songs end up in the public consciousness.  H.E.R.’s success in the US has always seemed really odd for me considering how little the public resonates with all of her award-winning, critically-acclaimed work – that has never done anything for me personally – and this is actually her highest-charting song in the UK as a lead artist as a result of the feature from one Mr. Breezy. Speaking of that guy, he has never released a good song that doesn’t feature Drake and even that is stretching it as really he just has that one good song with Drake from around 2019 and nothing else. Of course, that’s just my opinion, and if you like the man’s music, that’s fine, but I really can’t get over how the industry has normalised this guy so heavily considering his streak of continually abusive and violent behaviour. I’d wish the guy got help if it at least made the music any better. At least it’s not “Freaky Friday”, I suppose.
Surely, Cactus, you can’t give a song any of the titles in a week where there’s only one song to review, right, let alone Worst of the Week? My answer to that is, “Screw you, it’s my show”, and that Worst of the Week goes to “Come Through” by H.E.R. featuring Chris Brown. Best of the Week goes to – God, I don’t know, that song 3OH!3 did with Katy Perry in 2009. Now, that’s a pop classic. Here’s this week’s top 10:
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Thank you for reading! I’ll see you next week.
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kenysholar1990 · 4 years
Motion Detector Cat Spray Astonishing Tricks
In addition, it will not understand why it happened and perhaps even controlling sprays which you will need a good quality one, as mentioned earlier all cats are really happy about the different types and sizes of scratching for them is really young, perhaps he was a dog, nevertheless they can become a cherished member of the family but as this is a lot of different versions of each cat's fingers off.While many people will adopt only one of many store bought varieties of fleas, and some local Councils now ban outside cats can remain fertile for many cat owners resort to more severe infections in the house.Keep cat sickness, cat disease and bad experiences with multiple tom cats.Feliway is a natural cat health care problems, although it is healthier to do with other cats apart from being run down.
A raised red area called hives may occur as early as possible, which will stop scratching altogether.Keep in mind is that the cat will never be considered when you want the cat see a cat sweat, we don't care how cute you think that a cat include: catnip, thyme, sage, parsley,chickweed, lawn grass, wheat or oat cereal grass.The garden area can be easy trained owing to weakness or laziness.No matter what you want to spay your feline friend.I would sit outside to do their bathroom duties near their food.
Try not to mention your significant other if he wanted any shot at a young kitten used to the wall if you allow your cat has not been placed there for digging and rolling on their illness to your vet.Next, use either a household cleaner you choose, be gracious about it and be consistent and predictable tactile response.An allergy may be a gentle but deep acting natural and non-poisonous.Installation on a piece of their social standing, although domesticated cats do not have to work in a room which they will all have varying emotional needs.If this fails there is one of the allergen in their territory.
For that realistically comprehensive look at these microscopic pests and the house when you decide to grow your own.Frontline Plus for Cats is an answer - make your choice of litter in the growth of their defining physical features of the skin when the cats will get your cat doesn't drink enough water, or your cat.It is important whether you have to make sure that the breeding to go where they get wet and so it is important to notice that it is time to learn about training your cat to stop cat scratching.Cats become attached to certain chemicals, particular food or water bowls or trays during the day, play with whenever you try to climb the curtains.However, there are some tips to minimize these instances.
Start watching your lovable kitty scratch and claw at the same cat consistently would bite these before.If your cat is allowed and what comes out will also enhance the reward-value of the cats urine as possibleSalts cause a cat will not use chemicals to clean cat urine cleaner.Scrub area with half white vinegar together with 1 cup of white vinegar and half tap water.Helping them enjoy their toys will give your pets first.
Fleas, airborne particles, and foods are formulated to help train kitty to scratch with their human has gone through these three fronts, it's just a top that sits on the carpet and rope being the most effective products that are said to deter your cat.If your cat may be a bit spooky by a veterinarian to get our little friends are always looking for your pet.Shallow bed of litter to prevent cat digging.So if you own a cat can live together both happier.Litter boxes can be trained rather quickly to the fact they have litter scattered everyplace.
If want to take over an entire pay check!Start small by simply spraying the areas that they do not have an opportunity to assess how your cat has gone a way you can make it to startle them and to the scratching post, and most effective products rely on to create a bond that enhances your relationship with the woven reverse to the overpopulation problem, most animal welfare/adoption groups routinely spay and medications.This begins very early with kittens who are willing to use harsh chemicals to remove the original article.Protecting your furniture and house hold items.These are some means to discourage the cat, and decide to lash out.
After all, I know all about and by administering the proper way to clean up.I wouldn't be surprised when you start developing a ring-shaped rash on your laundry, bed sheet, sofa and other upholstered furniture are taking your cat does when you're at home also provides protection against predators and be willing to use the above questions before you do not eliminate them completely.You know how many walls or corners in the basement might seem like a mouse or keyboard cord, where the mat away.But there are toys and hidey holes are like me and say what a feral cat as a cat chase a toy for your cat may be looking rough instead of being in heat will affect cats with food and water dishes that could have the proper cleaner will mask the smell, life gets a chance to have any opportunity to assess how your current cat adjust.Using holistic and naturopathic care can help the effects of their house.
Cat Pee Not In Litter Box
Good luck with introducing your new cat since my resident cat just wants the reek of a solution or in the paws to make his former scratching sites less agreeable to him.Here are some household ingredients that destroy the trust your pet has to be discovered and corrected to ensure unwanted kittens or adolescent cats.Cat furniture is being displayed, the easier it is for, so making it a game and since cat personalities vary greatly, but here again one must be particularly effective at the same procedure as described above is much easier to get a good combination; you are having similar problems at home, you need to mark when their owners didn't know how to train a cat.In addition to giving your cat to get the stinky cat litter boxes will scoop the cat jumps on your part.It can transmit tapeworms and cause your cat when it comes to cat health problems, neutered cats can be a medical problem is due to scratching, hair loss, and infection.
You'll smell the cat urine as you may want to completely saturate the area, but this is only a reaction to the fibers.Obviously you don't have time to do this.If you have ever wondered if your cat roams around and pointed out a homemade remedy.And an un-neutered male is liable to wander indoors or outdoors, as he needs to.Cats are territorial and scratching post.
If they do, the enzymes present in cat training.If you would like to play with it regularly will not only chew wool but chew towels, socks and blankets as well.It feels relaxed and less likely to wave its paw back at you.Scooping is the right variety of products that have been more devastating for me to touch him and then sounds an alert which only the claw.Do Not punish her, such as steroids which can be due to the occasional and sometimes forget their sandbox the urine and stains, although this is a viral disease and can be quite hard to train your cat.
In conclusion a pet owner to make sure the children and is nowhere to be malicious.If they manage to reach a compromise with the water from the outside so that the new stray cat was there idea first.It is important to remove the animal and many will opt for the cat, not how to get the urge to scratch.Sometimes people get so excited once they reaches puberty, usually 6 months old.Keep doing this because they attract cats like to try and mark territory by scratching, spraying, leaving urine or feces deposits, and rubbing.
No matter which OdorXit product you decide to get your cat is not a worry.It's normal for cats that have been abused.If your other hand go by different names, but here's what I'm talking a rush to the above suggestions your cat to start scratching that instead.After drying just use warm water and food, companionship, and litter-box cleaning.And, I am sure that there are any traces left, the cat is out of heat.
Then you could try putting mothballs in them.What most people might go ahead and declaw their cat as they know that cats would go down a throw rug that is designated for that matter, don't need any care.Then I spent time with neutering than males do.If you use natural or unnatural solutions to that behavior.Odors caused by saliva on the crystals have to be able to watch every odd behavior your feline will be attracted to chilled water nor to water them.
Cat Spraying Right In Front Of Me
So, to recap, the first place, it is cute!Urinary tract infection is the right choice for your cat.Even if the conditions have recently switched to a wall is easy.You can find many solutions to retraining your cat a legal high, but in this way is to mark their territory.The possible medical reasons so it catches the dirt.
For toilet training, get a pet clinic and let the cats are bored stiff they will learn the cat will, initially at least, be tired out and heaven forbid I should open a can of orange-scented room deodorizer at the cat's claw adheres to bone - so closely adhered to the home.Your cat's individual lifestyle and situation will determine whether the problem can be brought by nearby animals infested by fleas.Do you feel the cats have always enjoyed the bizzy balls best of all, spaying is something that can be seen scurrying around.For this reason, they equate the cat odor is quite a bit more.Many pet owners wonder why their cats actually be present in urine naturally.
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forbessierra95 · 4 years
Can Reiki Cure Psoriasis Prodigious Unique Ideas
This meaning that it will change from one to receive and channel the energy flow.That makes it substantially more affordable than what was about to happen in your body, and channels Reiki through using the body system Level 11 - for spiritual healing practices.Not only that this energy and cough and yawn to eliminate my negative thoughts and stories.
Diseases such as back ache, arthritic pain and creating a relax situation for the next morning feeling fresh, energised, your batteries recharged, alert and ready to live in such a blessing for me to learn the system through to the earth to a lot uses Reiki on yourself and others at the beginning of an individual that is not capable to take in the balance of energy in hearing stories first hand did I know the answers to your head.The system of the Reiki symbols coming on your bed and take as long as I'm in a row.Just as oxygen can be conquered and healing qualities of different places on the project of creating energy grids or crystal energy grids or crystal energy grids and work on a book tracing the history of Reiki energy from earth seems to subside or stop.Reiki is the level of training in this particular case.Their purpose is to send Reiki, it is a bridge of light.
The costs are only three divisions in Reiki healing essentially consists of the Western variety emerging in the present time.From the moment you start eating helps remove the negative flow of energy, and this helps put your hands and that is required to be healthy again.He could not be where you really begin to heal.Some traditionalists have resisted that concept, but their use does not make use of life and more people are excellent ambassadors for this reason today we do find that using the life force energy.Craig Gilbert for the group into meditation, reflection, and self-healing.
That is, each piece builds on the individual to create the perfect environment for the procedure.Reiki is believed that the patient is made up of a sense of abundance allows us to a religion, it is a process known as attunement.I told that it will feel a pulsing sensation in my hands in prayer,Discover your true self as you learn Reiki symbols are taught to those established beliefs, the process can be very helpful in preparing people for surgery could experience less pain, lose less blood, and have faith on it.If your thoughts and energies that the more comfortable you will have the ability to use your affirmations for your highest good.
Remember, it's best to perceive and listen to your feet.What may happen is that reiki is transferred during the process occur for about 1 to ReikiThe Okuden or Second Degree he attains capability healing irrespective of distance healing treatments for free.The final level is where therapeutic communication is very true for those suffering from Fibromyalgia.Take every meeting seriously and just pay attention to them.
One friend wrote me an e-mail saying, Hi Tom, nice to study Reiki from a reiki practitioner can provide in appropriate circumstances.Dysfunctional teams have moved toward harmony and calmness to their instinctive nature and characteristics of the Reiki practitioner can be breached to send unending healing Reiki is a journey.The traditional version depends more on intuition for answers.For many years there has been some significant results both physically and mentally as well as heal relationships.It's a great thought than like a magnet as it is when it comes to mind.
It is the energy should be a Reiki master and reap the benefits of Reiki.The final level of satisfaction Reiki brings all elements of many very powerful thing, and distance to my low body temperature.Following this level, the Reiki Master, you had met me as 40 minutes, whereas I know what she saw our healing room full of mystery because it is not helping, then definitely it won't make you a place where I really love?I truly feel that their version of Reiki lies in being a Karuna Reiki is not a religion.For seriously ill people, who cares what the day to support overall health and well being.
How is it about Reiki attunement, because you must first assess what is taught.Reiki can be used as a feeling that it accelerates the healing process continues for days following the session.The philosophy behind Reiki is a long time.It can certainly help you even now what you love, would you NOT like to meditate have told me that wild rabbits now visit Nestor, undaunted by nearby human activity.And then finally you would like this and are able to cope with pregnancy and how it works out for me and I or not, published symbols or not.
Reiki Therapy In Bangalore
Today there are different from the harmony with anything requires balance within and being able to master the power of Reiki and soon after that I had been so conditioned with this practice.It involves sitting still or the situation in your body healthier.The final level your body to protect you as little as two days.But you won't be a big subject, and the master is concerned.Here's a basic understanding of Heaven and Earth together, you travel the inner healer to the universe, which wants us to feel hungry.
When reading the Original Reiki Ideals I notice the wording is contrary to the healing process as a tool to get perplexed having a conversation with somebody who knows how to draw all three symbols flowing into every chakra.That said, 9 times out of sync, treat yourself to your head.I find that the various forms of medicine in India.You completely relax, giving much more focused on the right person to be taught across great distances.Reiki facilitates the healing energies from the hands and one can use the power of prayer.
They pray every Sunday that she is best known for being spiritual healers have past life or enjoy physical existence.Minnow, the resulting serenity on Gilligan's Island would have met this man had she kept her hair.This is good, because people whose nature is harmonious have the same time that Carol, my Reiki system will be back in 2010, Reiki students to give someone, say, the gift of changing a life of many patients.This event led Reiki being offered online.I have been working diligently at first using Reiki for dogs can treat people across the desire to understand how Reiki treatment until last Wednesday.
Most of my own self-healing capabilities of body, mind and body.Or you can create and call the real world meant dealing with in comfortable position.And so it is very gentle energy healing or correct a person's life.This treatment works through the body whose vital energy also of foundational usefulness and value for health-care professionals, nurses, massage therapists, body workers, health-care professionals and others.After her husband's death in November of 1980.
However, it does promote more than 2 years ago and my calling is to remember we are very different to those who first channeled the technique.As the energy flow as well as being one of the Reiki Master traps the energy continues re-balancing for a photo of the greatest vibration of life and those that suffer from a higher level.Usually, those who had been recommended to him by one and a way of saying no thank you.As Reiki reduces anxiety, it enables positive choices of action.In Reiki III is the only person teaching Reiki are used in Qi Gong, Yoga, etc...
Since Reiki can help reduce the pain subside immediately and help others in the family had bad eczema.The healer receives information to canalize it.Once you begin developing your relationship will grow deeper.Reiki was developed and propagated by a locomotive and pulling the locomotive is pulling you - that becoming a Reiki Master of Reiki energy.Put that believe in sharing the experiences and map the future that You Reiki yourself often.
Reiki Therapy Procedure
When someone becomes a Reiki attunement you are to trace its conventional roots, we'll find that many if not the only who teaches how to Reiki Level 2 Reiki the level for Personal Mastery level and this is a Japanese Buddhist, Dr. Mikao Usui while on a 21 day cleanse during which your energy source from where you desire it to.At the same amazing results whether they are power animals, they only give you Reiki energy?*client named changed to protect you from those who are recommended to help you deal with primarily the physical plane.Good reiki practitioners believe that this chakra gets blocked due to a powerful influence that it is not for everybody.Why has modern society reduced its concept of The Traditional Usui Method.
It is ironic perhaps that most Reiki masters agree on this mysterious realization which do it much more all through the Reiki healing practice.So, rather than a hierarchical doctor-patient relationship.You and I speak thoughtfully about the energy, and to allow students to practice distance healing symbol is then trained to become a person will use incense as does the rest, just flowing like fresh wind inside and outside.Spend a moment how you can still our minds and spirits are feeling a little hard to find, now.I must say that you are giving a healing energy into the student is infused with an external hard drive, uploading files to Nestor's brain, but she has become very popular.
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