#tolkien elrond
wolfgangisdead · 2 years
in the stars
part one
warnings fluff, angst
@ghostscap for u
Her fingers pluck the strings of her harp absentmindedly before she strikes a despondent chord loud enough to echo off the walls. Damn these large rooms and their emptiness. Elrond and Gil-Galad both look up from their work to send her a questioning look—they’d been meeting lately to celebrate Galadriel and her soldiers, with Gil-Galad being apprehensive and Elrond being the dashing good person he is, has been trying to convince Gil-Galad to send her home to the Undying lands.
            “Are you alright, Meleth nîn?” Elrond sits upright, sending her a worried look. It seems to please Gil-Galad that he’s worried, but the look is quickly hidden by his own mild concern.
            Ninaelnith sends him a funny look. “I’m fine, just didn’t get the chord correctly. Nothing worth worrying about. Carry on about your business, or else I’ll simply go and entertain the children instead.”
            “They would not know how to fully appreciate your music,” Gil-Galad chimes, raising an amused eyebrow at her. “There is something on your mind. Name it and be free from it.”
            “What if, on the off chance you are wrong, Adar, and Galadriel is right, Sauron returns? What are we to do then?” She folds her hands neatly in her lap, fiddling with her thumbs as she speaks. “We have lost far too much already to lose anything more.”
            Gil-Galad doesn’t treat her concern like he does everyone else. He’d normally treat her concern like it was nothing if she were anyone else, but she’s not. She’s not everyone so he merely sighs and leans back in his chair.
            “However great a threat he may be, Ninaelnith, we will be greater.” He says simply, hiding the uncertainty from her well enough. But Elrond is skeptical. “You will be safe. You will not need to worry.”
            The unspoken meaning was that she would not have to pick up a sword for as log as she lives. But it wouldn’t be as simple as that, and the feeling leaves an unsatisfying, uncomfortable ache in her stomach that only time will be able to fix. Assuming Sauron truly is gone.
            It’s an ache that Elrond brings up when they’re finally alone, away from everyone else and in the confines of their chambers.
            “Meleth nîn, I’m sure everything will be alright.” He lifts her chin to press a quick kiss to her lips. “You’ve been fiddling with your thumbs constantly. It’s not good for your health to worry so much.”
            “You can’t blame me for worrying, you know as well as I do that Galadriel makes good points. Who knows if he’s even gone? Just because we haven’t seen them doesn’t mean they aren’t there.” She clutches the fabric of her sleeves tightly, bunching them up until her knuckles turn white. “Something just doesn’t feel right, Elrond. It’s very worrisome.”
            He looks at her a moment, coming to kneel before her. “I promise no harm will ever befall you. You are safe here.”
            Ninaelnith smiles at him, pressing her forehead against his. “I am not made for war, Elrond. Neither are you. You are a poet, a wordsmith, you are meant for the arts. Should a war come, I could not stand to lose you.”
            There’s a smile on his face when he once again lifts her chin to look at her, to really look at her. “I will go nowhere you can’t follow. Now come, shall we go for a walk and wash this stress away?”
            “Only if you read me another of your poems, Meleth nîn.” She nuzzles him, nose to nose like a rabbit kiss. “I would feel much better and at ease if you did. Perhaps I might turn it into song, with your permission of course.”
            “You have my permission to do with my works as you please, you know that.” He tilts his head as his arm slides around her waist, pulling her to walk at his side. “Now, I’ve heard that you’re working on a special project. Care to share what your new work is?”
            “No, it’s supposed to be a surprise. You’ll hear it when I’m ready.” She leans her head against his shoulder, sighing contentedly. “Where is Galadriel anyway? She’s been gone for so long. I miss her.”
            “She’s fine, I assure you. She can handle just about anything that comes her way.” Elrond waves his hand dismissively and smiles at her. “She’ll be glad you miss her, Ninaelnith. You know friends are so few and far between for her.”
            “Well, it’s not her fault her brother died. I would’ve done the same thing if it were you.” She huffs, pouting. “I may not be any good at a sword, but I think I can manage.”
            He laughs. “Not on my behalf, please. I’d much prefer you safe and sound.”
            “I can do that.”
            By nightfall, when Elrond is hunched over his desk in the corner of the room, and she’s nestled under the covers holding onto his pillow tightly. She sleeps marginally peacefully until something changes and she’s tossing and turning, silently, but frightened all the same.
            In her dream, or nightmare, rather, she sees violent images flashing before her very eyes. The tree, first, then the roots of the tree blackening and turning into ash before the image shifts and there’s a symbol, a three-pronged symbol. Then it’s back to the tree decaying, the very life the foundations of their people are built upon. An endless, vicious cycle that she can’t seem to wake up from.
            She jolts awake, gasping and clawing for air like the nightmare had become worse between her experiencing it and waking up from it. The panic and fear that settles into her bones causes her to haphazardly fall out of bed, feet still entangled in the sheets before she gives up entirely and starts sobbing at the foot of their bed.
            She doesn’t know at what point Elrond makes his way to her, but when he does, she’s instantly pulled into his lap, his arms keeping her safe against him.
            “Meleth nîn, you’re safe, you’re safe, Ninaelnith.” He whispers, pressing a kiss to her temple. “Was it a nightmare?”
            “Oh, it was horrid! The tree, Elrond! The tree was dying and it was terrifying!” She gasps, curling into him like it’d ground her, like he was her tether. “I don’t… It was horrible…”
            “You’re okay now,” he brushes her hair away from her face, pausing to look at her frantic and fearful gaze, “breathe, okay, just breathe. Look at me, you’re okay.”
            He keeps her in his lap, holding her until he’s certain she’s relaxed. He lifts her up and tucks her back into bed. He pauses for a moment, thinking he should clean up his desk, but decides against it and crawls into bed beside her, making sure to keep a protective hold around her.
            “I’m sorry, you were working, weren’t you…?” She turns to look at him, biting her lower lip.
            “The work can wait another day, Meleth nîn, you are my first priority.” He says simply. Like it truly didn’t matter to him whether he got his work done or not. “You are my most important priority.”
            “Did Gil-Galad tell you to say that?” She rolls her eyes, smiling weakly. “It was just a very odd dream, I’m alright now. I’m sure you’d rather go back to your work.”
            He pulls her close to him, brushing a strand of hair out of her face. “You are a far greater delight to be with than measly papers.”
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sapphoismymuse · 2 months
rewatched aragorn’s coronation scene and i just realized you can see elrond’s heart breaking as she goes to join aragorn
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like, that is the face of a man who was promised eternity with his daughter, a reunion in the west no matter what happened, only to lose her forever to love
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my-deer-legolas · 7 days
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velvet4510 · 7 months
It amazes me that in a world where oaths are so valued and taken so seriously, Elrond does not have the members of the Fellowship swear any oath. He only encourages them to stay with the Ring-bearer for as long as they will. Yet every single member remains true to the Quest in their own way. Everyone makes contributions that make its success possible. Not because of any oath. Sam is under no oath to follow Frodo to Mordor. Boromir is under no oath to lay down his life for Merry and Pippin. Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli are under no oath to follow the hobbits. But they do all these things anyway, because it is right, and because they love each other. Boromir repents for his actions toward Frodo not because he has broken a literal oath, but because he has broken his friend’s trust, and his actions were just plain wrong. Frodo has sworn no official oath, but made a vow of his own will, because he knows the task must be done by someone, and he is not forced to be the one; he chooses: “I will take the Ring.” Within the entire Fellowship is pure love and nobility and loyalty and that, rather than any oath, saves the world. From the beginning, Elrond knows this is the better option. He knows what Fëanor’s oath did to the world. He knows that there has to be another way. And it turns out there is.
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masterelrond · 9 months
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@lotr20 | Day 6 ↳ Healing: Aragorn in the Houses of Healing
Aragorn went first to Faramir, and then to the Lady Éowyn, and last to Merry. When he had looked on the faces of the sick and seen their hurts he sighed. 'Here I must put forth all such power and skill as is given to me,' he said. 'Would that Elrond were here, for he is the eldest of all our race, and has the greater power.'
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eglerieth · 1 year
Elrond be like: I am 4/8 human, 3/8 elf, and 1/8 angel. My mother is a bird and my father is the planet Venus. My twin brother was the first king of Atlantis but somehow I seem to be more famous than him. I am one of three ringbearers, the other two being the female version of Feanor and a guy who loves fireworks. My foster father is a crazy homeless guy who likes music and his whole family is dead. My many-greats grandnephew is in love with my daughter. No one can tell my sons apart. I like waterfalls and am both a glorified innkeeper and a top-notch doctor. I am the voice of reason no one listens to.
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olessan · 25 days
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Low Opacity Elrond: the trifecta
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n0-n1c · 4 months
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listen. this man canonically wrote a sad song about the first kinslaying. which he took part in
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mandhos · 6 months
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fflewddur-feanorion · 6 months
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anattmar · 1 year
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[Welcome to the soldier side,
Where there's no one here but me]
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babe-bombadil · 11 months
Please reblog for bigger sample size because this is very important information
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sempermoi · 19 days
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Here’s my art for my TRSB collab with @oatmealcraisin
The fic tied to Elrond’s portrait gallery will be revealed in a few days and I can’t wait to reblog the link then so you can all enjoy their work!
Here’s the individual portraits in a close-up:
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noldolante14 · 8 months
Not gonna lie, Elrond probably has the BEST case of Dad Lore™️ that has ever existed.
Like one day Elrohir is just helping wrap bandages or some shit and offhandedly mentions a cave he found and Elrond just goes off on a mini tangent of a cave he slept in with Maedhros when he did CPR for the first time and ate an orc raw or some shit. Elrohir just looks at him like ?????? And Elrond never mentions it again.
Arwen will be talking about dwarven trade routes and he will just be like “oh I’m pretty sure that’s where I delivered that dwarven baby after we hid from goblins back in the second age” and then no one knows what’s going on.
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luzriels · 1 month
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