#toko kamukura au
theamityelf · 5 months
At this point can I suggest Kamakurizing everybody? Just a full room of weird creatures trying to live a semi-normal life with varying degrees of participation.
Lol, here are my bullet points for the rest of the 78th class as Kamukuras:
Sayaka: She's similar to Kokichi, in that she's a puppetmaster, but she has the more straightforward goal of satisfying everyone. It's like she's trying to live out a perfect Pacifist Run of real life. And she's the main character. That's the main issue, is that she has reached the conclusion that she uniquely knows the correct way to make everyone happy, and any solace or enjoyment they find for themselves or through relationships she didn't steer them into is illegitimate because they're talentless and don't know how to take care of themselves. If she were asked her goal, she would say that she wants to optimize the world for everyone's enjoyment. But a truer answer is that she wants to justify what happened to her in the labs by becoming the goddess who everyone relies on. That's what makes the most sense; she used to be the Ultimate Pop Sensation, and now she's this! If and when they all escape the labs and her social circle includes original Izuru, she will have to deal with the fact that she sees herself as the pinnacle of Kamukuras and at least some of the others will view Izuru as the one to look to for guidance. She isn't hostile toward him, though; the way to triumph over him is to be to him what she is to everyone else. So she looks for dissatisfaction in him, so she can solve it.
Junko: She no longer feels things as acutely anymore. She can't feel despair the same way, for herself or via others. She still tries, though, because out of her boredom, that's just the direction she leans. (This is maybe kind of gross, but I'm thinking, as a last ditch effort to see if it's worth trying to feel despair for herself, she causes herself some kind of permanent injury. Just one; once she doesn't feel all that much about it, she stops doing it. But she might cut off one of her fingers. Something like that. Just a single very calculated act of extreme despair that she doesn't feel strongly enough about to justify continuing.) She is Sayaka's antagonist. In the labs, she and Sayaka are at opposite sides of a chessboard, where Sayaka is trying to keep everyone happy and Junko is trying to make everyone miserable. Neither of them have an emotional stake in others' feelings; it's just what feels right to them.
Leon: Maybe the closest in personality to original Izuru, in that he is unmotivated and finds no interest in any of his own talents. Izuru broke out of that by finding meaning in being the predecessor to all his successors, but Leon is just one of many. He's much less cooperative with the scientists than original Izuru; he can't be convinced to do much of anything. He will very occasionally do things on his own initiative, based on no discernible reason. But most of the time, he just sits in the corner watching.
Chihiro: Okay, I think Chihiro can go one of two ways: either extremely avoidant of pain or extremely fascinated with pain. Their pain and other's pain; they don't perceive a difference, so the ranking of importance is more based on who would be hurt the most by a given thing. Think the mosquito anecdote from THH; they let the mosquito bite them because the mosquito would suffer more if it didn't than they would if it did. That's pretty much their rationale for everything. They will do anything to prevent their own suffering, unless their own suffering will prevent greater suffering in another. They will do anything to prevent others' suffering, unless other's suffering will prevent greater suffering in themself. I think Chihiro's behavior would be a lot like Byakuya's; a lot of hiding. But they would also be easily provoked to intervene if something bad was happening. And since everyone in this post is in the lab at the same time, I'm thinking this usually takes the form of calling Sayaka or otherwise making sure Sayaka knows about what's going on. If no one else is available to solve the problem, though, Chihiro will step in. They're a lethal fighter.
Mondo: My first thought is, he might try to be the referee of whatever's going on between Junko and Sayaka. Just kind of resisting major status quo changes on either side. I'm basing this on the idea that, without the emotional aspects of his temper, he's left with a more levelheaded, lucid gravitation toward control that results in him trying to take the reins even in situations where that isn't needed. Idk, I might come back to this one, because I'm not satisfied with it. I know he wouldn't be a passive one. Honestly, he might escape on his own.
Taka: You know, I think Taka Kamukura could be genuinely very dangerous. I think his disillusionment with talent would remain, in some form. Namely, he would consider the Kamukura Project a deeply, deeply obscene thing to do. He's not angry about it, because his emotions are dulled, so all he's left with is a profound disgust for what he and the other Kamukuras are. He's fixated on the idea of all of them dying in a fire, along with all record of this abomination, to keep the world untouched by it. But rationally, he knows that isn't a viable option. There are people off these premises who would still know, after all. It could still be reproduced. Leaking things to the press is an option, but Hope's Peak has so much power, they could squash the story if he isn't careful. And telling more people might lead to copycats who aren't even affiliated with Hope's Peak trying their own similar projects. I think he would ally with the original Kamukuras, as far as finding every offshoot of the project and destroying it until nothing remains, but once that's done, he believes something needs to be done about the Kamukuras themselves. They should not exist, in his eyes. All of this would be made more complicated if he makes friends among the other Kamukuras, but ultimately I think his belief would remain no matter what, and his view of it would be "We are friends, and I care for you guys, but we should never have been created, and I have to fix that."
Hifumi: I think he's no longer able to enjoy fiction because he can see its flaws so easily, but he still has that appetite for epic stories, resulting in him using the drama of real life to fill the void. He especially likes the battle of wills between Sayaka and Junko. He doesn't directly involve himself (at least not of his own accord), but if someone tells him what to do, he'll generally do it. (It depends on how strong-willed or interesting he considers the person.) His greatest desire is to spectate. He still creates art, but now he creates it ahead of time to chronicle different ways the scenarios he's watching could go. Basically drawing predictions.
Celeste: Her goal is to escape the labs. She will say or do anything to escape the labs, which, in the immediate, probably means she is the nicest to the scientists, cooperates with them very well, even befriends them. She could probably get some of them to worship her, if Sayaka weren't in the way. As for once she does leave the labs, her objective regarding the mansion and the vampire butlers is no longer a thing. Now, she's looking to immerse herself in an extreme environment. The peak of a mountain, the depths of a forest, outer space. Someplace secluded and different, that will keep her mind active. She would live in an active volcano if she could.
Sakura: Very competitive, in the absence of the passion and care that used to drive her. Not competitive in the social sense; she's not challenging the others outwardly. It's just her goal to be the best. Meaning she's just blankly/compulsively checking the rankings of all the Kamukuras, in every area in which they're compared (lifting strength, running speed, swimming speed, climbing speed, dexterity, proficiency in math, proficiency in language, etc.) and striving to reach the top in all of them. The opinions of the scientists don't matter to her; all that matters are these objective determiners of her worth. The purpose of a Kamukura is to be great, and so she is called to be the greatest. If and when they escape the labs and she's made to look outside of this framework, she will not know what to do with herself for a while, so she might turn to Sayaka or Izuru, or she might just isolate herself until she figures out what she's supposed to be doing.
Hina: I'm thinking very energetic and curious. She doesn't want to hurt anyone, but she also doesn't consider whether the things she does hurts people. She's not able to feel strongly about anything around her, but she channels her boredom into a belief that she can or will feel strongly about something else; she just needs to find it. So maybe she doesn't care about sitting idle in this room, but maybe it'll be interesting if she tries to break the two-way mirror. Nope, that was boring. Then maybe it'll be interesting if she holds her breath as long as she can. Well, she passed out, and that was still boring. Is this scientist interesting? No. Then maybe he'll be interesting if she breaks his arm! Nope. She could be useful to Junko or Sayaka and probably is useful to both. The fact that canon Hina is a shorts-in-the-winter person and just generally is able to ignore all kinds of physical discomfort tells me that her Kamukura self just wouldn't treat her own or anyone's pain as a thing that matters. It simply wouldn't occur to her.
Yasuhiro: Similar vibe to Leon, in that he doesn't actually do much, but much less stubborn, and with a more neutral-to-positive slant to his boredom. Leon resents his boredom, but Hiro is comfortable with it. Honestly, I'm pretty interested in the thought of him as a Kamukura, but I can't get too into it now. On a basic level, he and Leon are the figurative "Pirates Who Don't Do Anything" of the Kamukuras. Hiro watches life play out the way a normal person would watch a rerun of a familiar show.
Toko: I think that the trauma of the procedure would cause her to develop new alters, but I also would need to do research to approach that concept well. She absorbs languages fastest out of all the Kamukuras.
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wintercandle42 · 3 months
in the purgatory au what happens after makoto gets them out 🙏
Ohh well well well >:))))))
Makoto was 110% Not Allowed to do that. So the first thing he needs to do is Hide Them. So he takes them to his living quarters or whatever he’s got in the future foundation.
Nagito Does Not Want To Go. This is New. He could Die. He doesn’t know how to stay safe here. He is terrified and paranoid and basically a walking panic attack. But what choice does he have? If he’s caught, he’ll be put Back in The Simulation. He can’t. He just. Can’t do that again. He’d rather be in the real world. Even if it means he has to be careful and doesn’t know what will kill him, at least he knows he Can Die and Stay Dead. He just wants to find something he Knows is Safe and Stay There. And that is exactly what he does after standing in the same spot in Makoto’s room for far longer than would be considered normal. But. There’s nothing falling on him. Nothing coming to get him. He’s okay here. And No. he is Not Moving. He will have to be Dragged out of that spot.
Meanwhile, Izuru is So Relieved to be Out of his room. There are colours here, shapes, and textures. It’s not a lot but after the simulation, he will take everything he can get. He follows to Makoto’s room and practically ignores Nagito in favor of rifling through Makoto’s stuff trying to find something interesting. Of course, he can’t find anything Really Interesting but he’s relieved to have anything at all.
Makoto enlists the help of his friends to take care of these two. At first they’re rather horrified that Makoto took them out but. After they see them… Woah. They are actually in horrible shape, this is awful. Hina agrees to try and help. Byakuya does as well, if only to make sure Makoto doesn’t get in trouble (which by extension means Toko is fine with it too.) Kyoko is there for her boyfriend but is still iffy on the idea. She’s testing the waters, and ofc she doesn’t want him in trouble but if these two make trouble she will find a way to take care of them. Plus, she does feel kinda bad for them, even if they were despairs. And then Yasuhiro is just terrified and won’t tell but wants to be Left Out of This. Jill of course won’t tell because of Byakuya, but unlike Toko she’s actually occasionally willing to go out of her way to interact with them.
Unsure if they were already on Jabberwock island or went there to hide or went there at all. I’m thinking Izuru and Nagito might go on a little journey to help fix the world as a way of getting the Future Foundations forgiveness so they can live. Less in hiding.
But they do stick together. Nagito’s unpredictability gives Izuru something vaguely interesting, and Izuru makes Nagito feel a lot safer. (Also sometimes they kith)
Mutual symbiotic relationship over there or something idk the terms.
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madmanwonder · 6 months
With Toko stalking Hinata, Genocide Syo is bound to come out. However Toko isn't the only one with a second personality, as Hinata has one as well in Izuru. It is the meeting of two alternate personalities, both dangerous in their own ways.
"Finally. I finally got you where I wanted you to be."
Genocide Syo said in a depraved lovesick voice as she licked her lips as she stared at the man whom she had been stalking over two and half week, just waiting for the right moment to give this handsome hunk of a man her confession via death with her scissors.
"Got nothing to say to me, Darling~?" Genocide Syo cooed as she twirlinng her signature weapon of choice, lust and love filled her black heart. "Do this mean you are ready for my-"
"How boring." Spoken the deep monotone voice that was far from the shadow which he stepped out revealing...Izuru Kamukura was staring at her with an apathetic expression as he stared at her with boredom-filled red eyes. "How completely and utterly boring this is...." He said to the murderous yandere woman who blinked in surprise at the sudden change of physical appearance and tone of her love...
...but this made the deranged even more deranged as she let out an excited giggle and her pupils were replaced with bright luminous pink hearts.
"This...is going to be so much fun~!" Syo said as she speed toward the man with the murderous intent to express her twisted love toward the man who stared at her with a dead, apathetic expression.
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funishment-time · 3 months
as a summer camp stan
i will say you are 100% Allowed to not like the writing (we're not going to talk about the "game" aspect) but always keep in mind that it's the nicest AU there is.
in this world, everyone has had three peaceful years together. Syojack is a Known Entity, Chihiro comes out without issue, people think it's funny Imposter walks around as Byakuya, Hajime is besties with everyone in class 77, Usami is real, Mukuro's made tons of friends in disguise as Junko, Kamukura exists but may not be Hajime at all, etc etc.
the Kumas are a nuisance at worst! this Chiaki is a beatific combo of DR3 and AI Chiaki! the v3 kids are happily attending! Junko hangs out on the sidelines being annoying with her little robo-bear! even Shuichi lacks his hat...
in-universe, this means that some characters are going to feel Different because they've never been backed into a Tragic Corner here. literally the worst thing that's happened to any of them is the stuff already in their main timeline backstories. that is to say, Mondo's still lost Daiya, Kyoko's still lost Yui, Rantaro's looking for his sisters, but there's been no Enoshima Brand Killing Game, ever.
so of course some characters seem Worse or Better! they've never had to show the sides of them we see come out in the main timeline. Toko's still kind of a brat because whatever she went thru with Komaru was way less dangerous than UDG. Tenko's still kind of a brat because she's never had to change or woman up, and Himiko only recently warmed up to her because there's no fucking scythe in Tenko's head separating them for eternity. Kyoko's had no reason to trust anyone, and Kaede has plenty of friends to make besides Shuichi...
it's a strange place. if, knowing this, the writing still feels off to you, that's Totally Fine. we all have our opinions and interpretations! but remember that a gentle world will bring some perhaps unexpected sides of our blorbos out. it may not necessarily be OOC, just a version of them we never got to experience because Murderdeath
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Danganronpa Revolutionary Girl Utena au: Makoto is def Utena, you could also make a case for Kyoko or Aoi for The Themes™, but characterwise he fits best imo. Anthy is Mukuro and Akio is Junko, what with the shades of the sibling dynamic, their respective treatment of Makoto and the "Lets stay in the school forever" as thh's bad ending. Mikage is definitely Matsuda and Mamiya is either a) Mukuro in her Junko disguise or b) Ryoko (just to make it that extra despairful). Hajime takes a similar role to Wakaba/Keiko as in a person who realises he is ordinary and that it is stunting him and will take part in the Black Rose seminars to amend that as this universe's Kamukura project, maybe have Chiaki be his respective Utena/Nanami/Saionji. Nagito definitely has Anthy qualities and Kyoko has Juri-like qualities respectively but there isn't a specific role i can pinpoint them as. Byakuya is definitely Saionji and you could make the case that Toko is his Wakaba as well.
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yukinarinn · 2 years
Trigger Happy Havoc
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The names that have a cut on them means I won’t write anything with the characters!!
Makoto Naegi
Makoto Naegi x Childhood friend!Short!Fem!reader that had chronic pain and uses a cane (SFW + NSFW)
Byakuya Togami
“Pleasurable Vulnerability” Dom!Byakuya Togami x Sub!Myumu (NSFW)
Toko Fukawa
Aoi Asahina
Kyoko Kirigiri
Yasuhiro Hakagure
Chihiro Fujisaki
Celestia Ludenberg
Hifumi Yamada
Junko Enoshima
Mukuro Ikusaba
Mukuro Ikusaba nsfw headcanons (NSFW)
Mukuro Ikusaba nsfw alphabet (NSFW)
Leon Kuwata
Kiyotaka Ishimaru
Mondo Owada
Sayaka Maizono
Sakura Ogami
Goodbye Despair
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Hajime Hinata
Nagito Komaeda
“I’ll comfort you!” Nagito Komaeda x Depressed!Fem!Reader (ANGST)
“My pleasure, Our pleasure~!” Yandere!Dom!Nagito Komaeda x Fem!Reader (NSFW)
Yandere!Rantaro & Nagito with a reader who has trouble forming attachment to people
Izuru Kamukura
Peko Pekoyama
“Kissing Under the Fireworks” Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu x Peko Pekoyama (FLUFF)
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu
“Kissing Under the Fireworks” Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu x Peko Pekoyama (FLUFF)
Kazuichi Soda
Gundham Tanaka
Nekomaru Nidai
Tsumiki Mikan
Sonia Nevermind
Chiaki Nanami
Ibuki Mioda
Teruteru Hanamura
Hiyoko Saionji
Mahiru Koizumi
Akane Owari
Ultimate Imposter
Ultra Despair Girls
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Komaru Naegi
Toko Fukawa
Servant Nagito Komaeda
Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony
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Shuichi Saihara
Rantaro Amami
Rantaro Amami x Sub!Fem!Reader (NSFW)
Rantaro Amami x Brave & Savage!Fem!Reader (Canon AU)
Yandere!Rantaro & Nagito with a reader who has trouble forming attachment to people
Kaede Akamatsu
Miu Iruma
Ryoma Hoshi
Gonta Gokuhara
Kirumi Tojo
Tenko Chabashira
Kokichi Oma
Korekiyo Shinguji
Kaito Momota
Angie Yonaga
Himiko Yumeno
Maki Harukawa
Tsumugi Shirogane
I’ll also not write anyone from the anime series, excepting for..
Ryota Mitarai
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Danganronpa: Dedication
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--------------------------------------------------------------- Hello, and welcome to my blog, Danganronpa Dedication, dedicated to all things Danganronpa! Basically, this is me trying to find other Danganronpa fans and pal around. I'm an inconsistent poster, be warned. Here, I will be spouting my hyperfixated nonsense, and I expect others to do the same, teehee! This includes talk of OCs, AUs, headcanons, cosplay, memes and textposts, shipping, art, anything fandom related! Definitely a lot of reblogging also. I'm Mod Tsumugi, and I'm the owner of this blog! Here's some info about me! Age: 18
Zodiac Sign: Gemini (June 9th :3) Favorite Danganronpa Characters: Honestly most of them, my top ten are Hajime/Izuru, Makoto, Nagito, Mikan, Tsumugi, Kiibo, Yasuhiro, Aoi, Toko, and Sonia, but tbh, there are VERY few Danganronpa characters I dislike. All will get love in some way, shape, or form. Characters I Simp For: Hajime Hinata/Izuru Kamukura, and Nagito. Mikan on certain days. Favorite Game: Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair Favorite Anime Arc: Despair Arc Monokuma's Suggestion Box: This is just my askbox. Drop art, confessions, headcanons, requests maybe if I wanna try my hand at writing (the Ultimate Fanfic Creator I am NOT), what you want to <3 Of course though, there are rules for my blog. Let's list those, shall we? - Always credit original creators of something. I know, I know, sometimes you find something on Pinterest and the original creator isn't linked. If you can, please do credit the original creator of what you send me in the suggestion box. It would really suck for that person to not get the credit they deserve. -NSFW confessions, requests, headcanons are allowed, HOWEVER, you must start off your ask with an NSFW warning for those who don't want to read or see that. I ask that any pictures under this umbrella be censored to fit Tumblr's guidelines, or you will be unfortunately blocked. No gibbly bits.
-Adding onto the last one, this one should go without saying. I will NOT TOLERATE any NSFW of any kind, about the WOH, or any other younger characters in Danganronpa. It's disgusting, and we're not trying to be like Haiji Towa out here. You can still request stuff about the WOH, but it will be strictly platonic. -Please no spam. I have pretty bad anxiety, I think I'd scream lmao. -Please no homophobia, transphobia, or any hate regarding the LGBTQ+ community. I have many asexual headcanons for certain characters, and I know that everyone has a wide variety of headcanons for the characters. -Please no racism or sexism either. IRL I am a woman of color, that'd be very uncomfortable for everyone involved. -No hatred towards certain religions and spiritual beliefs. All are welcome here, whether you're Christian (like me) or atheist, and everyone in between. We should learn from each other as a community, not tear each other down.
As the need for more rules come up, this will be updated. I want this to be a place of fun for Danganronpa fans, not a place to harbor creeps. Anyways, rules aside, let's have some fun! I can't wait to see all of your beautiful, hopeful faces! Or, in actuality, read your hopeful posts.
-Mod Tsumugi :3
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monokumafightclub · 2 months
adding on to the fukawatto (caddicarus toko) AU, what if in the jesus episode she dressed up as Kamukura..
"Hey, cool piercing!"
Toko, a fake lobotomy needle stuck through her glasses: Thanks! it hurts!
y'know now you're REALLY making me wanna do video edits with this whole "toko as caddicarus" concept
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RE: Bugsnax AU, I think you could make some rough equivalents out of numerous DR characters and grumpuses. In some cases, you can easily imagine similar characters taking the parts, but in others? I think it'd just be fun to see these different personalities filling that kind of role. So with that in mind, I'd say:
Elizabert = Komaru. Not just because she 'bites off more than she can chew' sometimes, but really because...
Eggabell = Toko. The sort of "angrily ordering you to take care of yourself" mentality just fits... and ofc, Tokomaru = Win.
Filbo = This one was a struggle for me. I ultimately felt that Kaito offers a fun combination of self-declared "best friend" and relative ineptitude to fill the role, and it'd be neat to see how his outwardly confident personality contrasts with someone like Filbo.
Gramble = Gonta. Of course. A pure bug-loving soul.
Cromdo = Kokichi. I think this would be hilarious — Kokichi as a grifting salesman-type.
Beffica = Kotoko? Hiyoko? Either could work, albeit with slightly different spins on the role. If we want to lean into her conflict with Cromdo, then Hiyoko is a better option.
Shelda = Angie. They both love providing phony-ass wisdom from on high.
Snorpy = On the one hand, Kazuichi is smart and seems more likely to believe utterly insane conspiracies. But on the other hand, it'd be really funny to see Chihiro be the one who believes in the Illuminati or whatever. They're definitely smart, and this opens up the chance for his partner to be...
Chandlo = Mondo. Liftin' your crib, dawg.
Floofty = Matsuda seems like a really easy pick for someone who is both very intelligent AND deeply misguided as well as insulting towards others, but... nah, I think it's more fun to make this Izuru. I think the acerbic "I'm better than you" attitude and Kamukura's deadpan delivery combined with literally insane ideas would be a delightful gold mine. :)
This leaves me with Triffany and Wambus. And I'm... at a loss on those two, frankly. Any ideas?
I was thinking about doing this as well, just been at a loss for who would be who. I do like a lot of suggestions you got there!! Unfortunately I haven't played nor know anything about Ultra Despair Girls so I'll have to replace some characters. But I think I'll keep a majority of these suggestions, like Hiyoko and Kokichi. That's a very interesting dynamic!
As for Wambus and Triffany,, hmm,,, I was thinking maybe Sakura and Hina? And maybe replacing Gonta with Gundham(or maybe not I'll put more thought into it). I just thought the dynamic between Sakura and Gundham would be interesting but I may change my mind
And I'm struggling to decide whether I should include the Reporter into the au. And if so, who should it be? I was thinking maybe Shuichi but, as much as I dislike him, Hajime would be interesting.
But as for Eggabell and Lizbert,, since I don't know a lot about Komaru and Toko, I'll have to replace them. That is the hardest decision that I just can't figure out. Let me know what you guys think! Any suggestions??
(btw If anyone wants to draw the Grumpuses from this au, feel free but please credit -<3)
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draconian-bisexual · 11 days
Another smaller AU cause coming up with horse names is not easy
This is what I have so lovingly named my 'flower spirit/dryad' au, where each character has a particular flower they can summon/embody. I didn't use any deeper meanings of flowers for this au, it's purely based on vibes and flower appearance.
Aoi Asahina - Water Lily
Byakuya Togami - White Orchid
Celestia Ludenberg - Black Lace Elderberry
Chihiro Fujisaki - Baby's Breath
Kiyotaka Ishimaru - White Carnation
Komaru Naegi - Daisy
Kyoko Kirigiri - Purple Anemone (the actual flower, not the sea creature)
Leon Kuwata - Fire Lily
Makoto Naegi - Apple Blossom
Mondo Owada - Orange Tiger Flower
Sakura Ogami - Cherry Blossom
Toko Fukawa - Monkshood
Yasuhiro Hagakure - Sunflower
Akane Owari - Dandelion
Chiaki Nanami - Lavender
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu - Yellow Snapdragon
Gundham Tanaka - Onyx Odyssey Hellebore
Hajime Hinata - Marigold
Ibuki Mioda - Frilled Poppies
Izuru Kamukura - Red Rose
Kazuichi Souda - Pink Rocktrumpet
Mikan Tsumiki - Mint Flower
Nagito Komaeda - Clover Blossom
Nekomaru Nidai - Blue Morning Glory
Peko Pekoyama - Red Poppy
Sonia Nevermind - White Aster
Angie Yonaga - Yellow Hibiscus
Gonta Gokuhara - Goldenrod
Himiko Yumeno - Achimenes
Kiibo - Faux Flowers (or Hoya Carnosa if we wanna have him fit in a bit more lol)
Kaede Akamatsu - Pink Peony
Kaito Momota - Purple Hyacinth
Kirumi Tojo - Purple Azalea
Kokichi Ouma - Balloon Flower
Korekiyo Shinguuji - White Magnolia
Maki Harukawa - Red Spider Lily
Miu Iruma - Pink Primrose
Rantaro Amami - Green Zinnia
Ryoma Hoshi - Blue Creeping Thyme
Shuichi Saihara - Blue Pansy
Tenko Chabashira - Stargazer Lily
Tsumugi Shirogane - Gentian
Junko Enoshima - Belladonna Flower
Mukuro Ikusaba - Asphodel
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theamityelf · 5 months
In your Kamakura Wrangler Au could you rank who would be the most likely to hurt/endanger Makoto to the least likely to hurt/protective of him out of the students please?
That is a great question.
Honestly, I think his greatest protector (in terms of effectiveness) would actually be Hiro. While he's not actively protecting him or staying with him most of the time, he often does little things to set the right future in motion to protect him. In general, Hiro happens to lack the kind of hollow boredom that most Kamukuras feel; like I mentioned, his vibe toward everything is just that he is watching reruns of real life. Makoto is a recurring character he likes well enough on a show he's seen plenty of times. (The only show. The only channel. But it's not a bad one. It might even be really good, if this were his first time watching.)
Plus, Makoto's luck can occasionally surprise him. One time, Makoto trips and spills food on himself, and Hiro surprises everyone by actually laughing, because wow! A new scene for once!
Second most protective, of course, is Taka. He is vigilant about making sure none of the other Kamukuras kill this innocent and normal person. I think Kyoko and Byakuya would come around to protecting Makoto, too, but initially their vibe might be more, "You won't survive here for very long, so tell me this, before you die..." Taka is protective right away.
The only catch there is, Taka values Makoto's humanity so much that there is a non-zero chance that, if he thinks the scientists will change Makoto into one of them, he might mercy-kill him. It wouldn't be his default response. He's significantly more likely to attack the scientists or whoever else is posing a danger to Makoto than Makoto himself. But if he's identified it as impossible to protect Makoto from being Kamukurified, he would view death as the kinder, more ethical alternative. It would be very quick and painless, and he would cry for the first time, after. Makoto's ability to sway Taka's view on the humanity of the Kamukuras is so, so important to how well everything goes. Though the increasing investment of Byakuya and Kyoko would be helpful.
And Chihiro would also be a big help. They're usually hiding (and as a Kamukura, they're really good at it), so Makoto's conversations with Chihiro read like conversations with a ghost, but the arc there is that gradually Chihiro starts to become a physical presence. Eventually leading to Chihiro protecting him if and when it becomes necessary. Maybe someone thinks they've gotten Makoto alone, his allies are elsewhere, and they can attack him, but lo and behold Chihiro appears and saves him.
Mukuro initially protects Makoto only from being taken away by the scientists. Her strong sense of personal loyalty from before is now expressed as a rigid bond with the new collective, meaning she is very strict about the treatment of the Kamukuras. They have been given this resource, they have negotiated his use, so the scientists are not allowed to take him. Makoto always has Taka on one side of him, but when the scientists enter the room, Mukuro immediately stands at his other side. I think the two of them don't talk all that much, but she still grows fond of him from what few conversations they do have and how positive a force he's been for the other Kamukuras.
On the other side, of course Junko might harm or kill him just on an impulse. More likely harm than kill; despair is one thing, but she does actually need the enrichment. The thing is, the more he interacts with her, and especially the more he reminds her of the past and maybe helps some of her memories return, she might start to actively enjoy despair again, instead of just feeling the impulse toward it. And this time, she's got all the talents of a Kamukura. She would be extremely thankful to him, and killing him might be an expression of that thanks. Or she might keep him on hand as she develops into her new self, with the understanding that she'll kill him when it will hurt her most. If she actually starts to care about what's happening, she can manipulate her friends' eccentricities to get Makoto to herself. (Give or take a wild Chihiro.)
Sayaka would actually be something of a problem, not because she actively bears him ill will, but because she can't handle his attempts to be present as a friend and support for her. Her way of making sense of the trauma she underwent in the Kamukura Project, and even more so the very particular brand of demeaning that is being one of many Kamukuras, is to perceive herself as the one person who doesn't need any help, support, enrichment, or anything. She's supposed to be the one who can help everyone, and then Makoto shows up and talks to her in ways no one ever has, tells her about a past self she's not supposed to yearn for, etc. If she wants or needs it, then suddenly what she went through was just a pointless thing that harmed her and not the thing that made her what the world needs. She feels she needs to take him down several pegs. But I believe she can overcome it.
Hina is a danger, but she doesn't particularly mean to be; she's just very curious and she assigns no positive or negative moral value to any means of exploring that curiosity that pops into her mind. She'll mitigate her own more destructive thoughts because the group will have made agreements as to how to engage with Makoto, but for anything they haven't made explicit agreements about, there is no guarantee she won't hurt him. Even once she considers him a friend, it would be a separate thing for her to fully understand why suffering is a thing that people actively avoid, because she just doesn't factor suffering into her own thought process at all. (She understands suffering, functionally, and she has a full grasp on the ways in which it motivates and influences people's actions, but her own relationship with suffering colors her understanding of what it means that most people avoid it. Not to mention she's an analyst who spends a lot of time around Junko; her data is skewed.)
Celeste will become a danger if it will help her escape, but in most circumstances it won't.
Mondo will become a danger out of agitation over changes in the status quo, since they cause him to feel a lack of control. Like Sayaka and Hina, I believe he can overcome that.
Hifumi and Leon will be more into watching from the sidelines than anything. When Makoto befriends them, they still won't be too active. Sakura I think would be pretty neutral to him. And I'm going to say Toko likes him but does nothing for him.
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wintercandle42 · 3 months
oi you I wanna hear about your au ideas
Oh boy do I have ideas. Unsure which au exactly you wanna hear about considering I have. A lot. (Hope101, indie game dev x streamer, magical girl au, pokémon sun and moon au, Dragon Nagito au, Dragon Izuru au, etc…) But I can tell you about my band au that I’ve just started working on!
The story is mainly about Hajime/Izuru. He is the bassist in a band with Ibuki (guitarist,) Nagito (pianist/keyboard,) Leon (drums,) and Sonia (lead singer.) However, one day he gets into an accident leading to some brain damage and Acquired Savant Syndrome. He’s suddenly basically a genius, and he’s struggling to feel emotions like he used too. The overflow of information that he suddenly understands at a glance is painful and overwhelming. He doesn’t feel like himself anymore. He isn’t sure what he feels.
So ofc his band is there for him, and they try to help him feel again and explore himself through music, where eventually he realizes he isn’t Hajime anymore and he has to come to terms with that. He’s who Hajime used to be, and he’s also more (and also probably dating Nagito now because I’m a sucker for Kamukoma.)
Though I should mention, eventually Leon gets kicked out of the band. He and Ibuki were dating for a while (mega party couple fr fr) but she got fed up with him play-flirting with other girls and dumped him one day. The band’s manager, Nekomaru, brings in Akane to be their new drummer, while Ibuki begins a budding queer coded frenemyship with Toko Fukawa which may end up in a romance if Toko can swallow her pride and let herself love and be loved. But nah rn she’s just texting Ibuki 24/7 because she “hates that disgusting immature otaku” and for no other reason at all surely.
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funishment-time · 6 months
1, 5, 6, 7, 13!!
1. What was your first exposure to Danganronpa?
answered here! ʕ ᵔᴥᵔ ʔ
5. Which character would you hypothetically die for?
Sakura, Mukuro, and Miu (though i don't think Miu would be remotely grateful. that is fine)
6. Do you have a fan character? Tell us about them!
i am working on a Fangan so i have...lots, actually. still in the conceptual stage, but i have the overall plot and characters molded together. it's a weird setting but one i am extremely passionate about
7. You get the chance to reassign five characters new talents. Who do you choose, and which new talents do they get?
more Talent Swap AUs:
Sonia as the SHSL WRITER who got famous via writing novels about royalty. she now fully believes she is a conglomerate of her OCs and will politely correct you and tell you she's the SHSL Princess if you say otherwise. not at all like Himiko, though: she's got the same cheery, determined personality as regular Sonia, she's just our friend with a Delusion now
Chihiro as the SHSL BIKER GANG LEADER because it'd be so so silly if the biggest kid delinquent on the block was this tiny little nonbinary baby with squishable cheeks. he rules the Streets through Sheer Sweetness. turns out that's all most people need
Toko as the SHSL LUCKY STUDENT, Nagito vers. much the same, except she explains all her trauma away by saying that it's building up to something Very Lucky. coming to HPA? no no, that's a Little Lucky. now marrying Byakuya...she believes that is a Very Lucky Thing. (then in UDG, she realizes Komaru is her Lucky Thing. it's very romantic and homosexual)
Kokichi as the SHSL PRINCE. same concept but now he is the ruler of a small country of 10,000 people that no one's ever heard of. it is so Evil tho. nee hee hee
Kirumi as the SHSL HOPE because Kodaka himself said she could do anything. what if she was the HPA Arc mastermind? or their Kamukura? Kirumi Tojo Kirumi Tojo yas queen!!!
13. What is your OTP?
Sakuraoi, Tokomaru, and Irumatsu. however, i'm really only iffy about splitting up Tokomaru: they are the franchise lesbians for me (yes, even over Sakuraoi, since Sakura does not live in the "main" timeline). otherwise with my other OTPs i like content that features them in other pairs, as long as they're happy, even if i don't necessarily seek that content out. (ex: a big fan of Hina x Kyoko in the main timeline after Sakura unfortunately Exits Stage Death. and Miu, well, i just want someone to treat her well while also not letting themselves get stomped-on)
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infizero · 3 years
hajime and izuru might be treated as separate characters in danganronpa s and i dont know how to feel about that
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People actually liked wtf okay so I guess I’ll expand on Lucky Mastermind Makoto
So this time there’s actually 16 students since Komaru took Junko’s place and became the sixteenth student so there’s no doubt at all in the beginning
Makoto wiped his memories of how good his talent was for more fun (Kyoko’s as well cause she’s standing in the way)
At the beginning Sayaka bonds with Makoto and Komaru and ultimately decides to use Komaru for her plan since she figured people would ignore the normal girl more than the lucky student and she’s semi aware of the legitimacy of Makoto’s luck
Though this was actually thanks to Makoto’s luck he would never get suspected and Komaru would instead
Makoto learns about this and still let’s Izuru as Monokuma manipulate Komaru into disobeying the rules and she dies
Makoto is in grief after his sister’s death and Mukuro comforts him about it (she has her memories but she doesn’t like seeing Makoto sad)
The class trial goes off for the death of Leon Kuwata and they point out how Komaru was the prime suspect but she’s dead and Monokuma let’s them know the dead can still be the blackened however thanks to Makoto and Kyoko they still manage to corner Sayaka who breaks down sobbing for her friends and Makoto feels guilty for a bit due to his childhood friend being in absolute agony as she’s dragged off to her execution
Despite his pain a twisted pleasure hits Makoto and he can’t quite pin why but it’s there (this is of course the despair fetish he grew to have before he lost his memories)
The trials go by without much of a difference except Mukuro also helps in the trials but doesn’t make too much of a difference
The exception is Sakura’s trial where Sakura actually outs that there’s another person working for the mastermind in her suicide note that Izuru kept on for fun however she is not aware of who it is (it’s Mukuro in case you couldn’t catch up immediately)
“Izuru Kamukura, the true 16th student meant to be with our class lying somewhere within the school. Watch out for him”
The fifth class trial goes off differently since they used Komaru’s body they actually discover this with the remains of an anime thing she had (up to your interpretation honestly)
Since everyone knows Komaru was executed they decide to work on finding the other traitor Sakura mentioned
Kyoko is suspected but since Izuru had actually told him that Mukuro would probably be outed by the fifth trial before his memory wipe and thanks to him working alongside Kyoko they corner Mukuro however since the cast are kinda a bunch of idiots they claim Mukuro is the mastermind causing Monokuma (Izuru) to deny that whole idea as Mukuro would explain she’s only a soldier for the mastermind a tool you could even say
Later on in the sixth trial Kyoko actually manages to corner Makoto and talks about him hiding the true nature of his talent but revealing the research papers Hope’s peak had on Makoto’s luck and this causes him to remember and return to his despair self
Mukuro’s cold and stoic behavior suddenly become reminiscent to how she was in Dr3 as she basically becomes to put in simpler terms Makoto’s bitch
Izuru comes out as well as he got bored and figured since they were all out there’s no more point in hiding since they already had an idea that he was the one controlling Monokuma
Mukuro is the one to explain Makoto’s luck and of course everyone refuses to believe it so Makoto decides to reveal to them the tragedy that he created with the help of his luck and explain many situations in the killing game where things could’ve gone wrong for him but he was lucky so there were no problems
I really can’t see how they would be able to counter the intense amount of despair occurring and I actually believe they’d choose to stay forever in Hope’s peak academy as they rot away while Makoto, Izuru and Mukuro stop the Future Foundation at every attempt to bring them hope
If anyone wants to know more about this au your free to ask me questions I think the ask box is open but pm me if it isn’t
I might do another post about his relationship with the remnants if this post gets some likes as well
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monomonomagines · 4 years
DR2 Boys as Monsters with a Human S/o Part 3
Wooh! I’m finally back writing and I had a ton of fun with this request if I’m entirely honest, especially since I had an idea on how to include Izuru as a fun bonus! I hope that you’ll all enjoy it as much as I did and expect for me to flesh out the lore with how Izuru and Hajime are tied together more in AO3 once we start uploding our more intricate Monster Au there! 
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Part 3 (Part 1 here) (Part 2 here)
Fuyuhiko (Dragon)
Just as another day starts, it just as suddenly ends in the same manner with a few customers streaming into the bakery just before the day came to an end.
In the same manner, as you had grown accustomed to, entered the usual straggler that bought up all of your sweets that didn't sell, standing tall despite his small frame.
Approaching the glass and peering in like a child at the zoo, he still kept that same tough look on his face as he spoke up, his boyish voice giving an order more than a request.
"Give me everything you haven't sold today."
His eyes the hue of new spring growth with a goldish tint, don't bother to meet yours other than for that fleeting moment when they flick up to meet your gaze.
If you weren't used to him already, you would've assumed that he's quite a rude or shady guy but despite the fact that he always came bundled up in trenchcoat and other accessories to hide the shape of his figure he never caused even a stir in the bakery.
He always took your remaining sweets off of your hands at the very end of the night only to show up the next day and repeat the process.
Nodding you simply begin to carefully package the treats and begin to calculate the total while those same eyes from before followed your every move.
It was a bit funny to see such a tough-sounding guy always buying all of your sweets but you knew better than to voice that as you proceeded to relay the price of his goodies to him in the usual manner.
Like usual he pulled out some money from the pocket of his trenchcoat and places in your hands with his own gloved ones before telling you to, "Keep the change," and disappearing.
Normally you would leave around this time, that was what was typical but with your usual latecomer leaving you with nothing for the Holidays coming up you had no choice but to stay late to work on some fresh treats for the coming weekend.
It was going to be a long night, you thought as you got down to work.
After hours of baking and mixing and pouring you were going to call for a break when a strange golden light seeped in from the back window in the kitchen, piquing your curiosity.
The light seemed to be coming from the nearby forest, not too far but far enough behind all the greenery and trees that you had to draw closer to make out what it was.
There stood your usual latecomer, the straggler in the trenchcoat now shedding his disguise as he revealed his body to be covered in beautiful golden scales with a pair of wings and a tail to match.
You hadn't meant to stare, you knew it was none of your business what species your customers were but before you could attempt to turn back it seemed that he had caught onto your whereabouts.
Growling out in a way that made his sharp teeth visible even in the dead of night, he turns to you, his small form morphing into a much larger one as he reveals his true form to you.
"Don't scream!" He says, picking you up in his mouth with his discarded clothes as he lifts off into the sky.
As much as you wanted to scream, you could feel the fight leave your body as you were lifted off the ground and high into the sky.
This couldn't be happening! Your usual was a dragon, a literal gold dragon! There was no mistaking that this wasn't a dream with his gentle hold on you as you two flew but you didn't know if you wanted it to be real.
By the time this inner turmoil began to swirl about like a raging riptide it was already far too late. As suddenly as you had been lifted off the ground you were soon gently placed on it again, feelings your legs shake as they relished the feeling of solid ground to stand upon.
Now it was time for your captor to return to his previous humanesque form throwing on the trenchcoat once again, this time leaving it open enough for you to see his body underneath still.
Once you took it all in, he had placed you before a traditional-style Japanese house, the type you had only seen on rare occasions with its size when he spoke up, those same golden-green eyes gazing upon you.
"All right, I'll get down to business, how much do you want to keep your mouth shut?"
Huh? That's what he wanted to talk about, he wasn't going to kill you? To your obvious confusion, all he could do was smirk. It wasn't a playful kind of smirk though, let alone even a snarky one. The kind of expression he gave off felt dangerous as though he was trying to convey that refusing to comply would make it useless for him to have brought you this far.
"I'm not bribing you to be nice, Human. I know you've realized what I am and who I am, anyone would know by the scales that I'm the head of the Kuzuryuu Clan after all and as easy as it could be to kill you, I don't want to lose my source for my horde. Either, you accept my money or you disappear. Those are the only options you get!"
Despite his overly malicious sounding tone, his eyes bore into yours and for a moment you felt as you saw more than a dragon and Yakuza head threatening you.
In his eyes you saw a piece of who he really was, he was like a child begging you to have another cookie. He was vulnerable because of the simple knowledge that he liked sweets and even if you technically had no choice other than to allow him that, you wanted to.
In that moment your answer was clear, you'd allow him, the head of the Kuzuryuu clan to bribe you for your silence so that he could continue to indulge himself with your sweets.
That was what began your new-found "comradery" with Fuyuhiko. Now he was not only your usual latecomer in a trenchcoat, now he was the Golden Dragon that bought all your sweets and ate a portion of his spoils in the safety of your bakery after hours.
At least he was for months on end that is. However, after eating and talking with you over his sweets in the bakery so many times he seemed to be not as fond of the setting as he asked you to come with him to the same house he had taken you to before.
He had respected your wishes not to fly, saying something along the lines of that It's "not like he gives a damn" as he waited for your arrival.
As impatiently as ever, he wouldn't waste a moment once you did, dragging you off to a room to show you an impressive horde of all kinds of gems and gold and other treasures.
"So, you think this is my horde right?"
He asks with bated breathe as his eyes scan yours searching for something as though he knew there was something for him to find, but at your affirmation those same eyes seemed to soften as he let out a deep sigh.
"Well, you're fucking wrong! None of this is my horde, it's just for appearances for the clan. My real horde, my treasures...I actually wanted to share them with you but you have to swear not to tell anyone about this! You have to or else I really will kill you!"
He grumbles out, seeming more embarrassed than actually hostile as he waits for you to agree once more before pulling you into a hidden side room.
Upon first glance, it didn't seem to be anything special but as soon as your eyes focused in on the giant stash of sweets you knew. These were all the sweets that you had been baking lately, most of his leftovers from the nights he visited.
But why did he want to give a piece to you of all people? You knew you had gotten close and you did have feelings for him after getting to see the more intimate parts of him that you got glimpses of but if this was some kind of custom it surely was lost on you.
All you could manage to do was to thank him as he handed you a fried doughnut with some kind of childlike anticipation.
"What the fuck do you mean thank-" he stops to pinch the bridge of his nose, as though to cut himself off purposely before continuing-"You really don't know what this means do you?"
Reluctantly biting into the doughnut you nod again, waiting for him to explain, a light dusting of red coating his cheeks as much as the powdered sugar on your doughnut.
"It means, I...I want to be mates, you idiot."
Hajime (Alien)
Although you were planning on having a quiet evening in away from excitement, it seemed that the world had decided to ruin your plans by bringing the excitement directly to your doorstep.
It was well into the night, at least midnight if you were to approximate when you heard a deafening sound come from your backyard.
It sounded like a huge collision, possibly a horrible car crash or some other type of terrible event, an event the likes of which you didn't wish to get up to witness.
However, even though you had decided to attempt to remain under your covers where the world seemed so deceivingly warm, you were wrenched from your peaceful thoughts as a firm but polite knock at your back door assaulted your eardrums.
Ok, so maybe you were exaggerating but with this being your day off you really wanted to stay inside without anything concerning you, and someone needing your help after a crash was not in your plans in the slightest.
This was the right thing to do though, you told yourself as you approached the door and noticed the brunette on the other side with a worried expression etched across his features.
"Hello, I'm sorry for bothering you so late. I was hoping if I could stay the night here, I'm afraid I have no way to get home and I'm not really feeling too well after crash landing."
Maybe it was the sleep deprivation from staying up most of the night the day prior to your relaxation day or maybe it was that the words "crash landing" didn't register in that moment but before you could internally scream at yourself you were already allowing him into your home witnessing his odd appearance.
Well, he wasn't all that strange. He seemed to look just like an average guy other than the weird clothes and fuzzy antennae on the top of his head bouncing with every step he took.
"Thank you so much for allowing me to stay here. I was beginning to feel a bit sick after having to destroy what was last of my ship with the emergency protocol. It's probably just from the motions of crashing and all so if you don't mind I'll just need to lay down for a moment."
Despite his polite tone, he did seem a bit off-centered as he wobbled his way to your couch, laying down like it was some newfound sanctuary that he couldn't wait to reach.
Even if you wanted to say that this was normal, you knew at this point that something was up. Why was he dressed so weird, what was he going on about, and really what's with the antennae? Despite the number of questions beginning to multiply within your mind all you could manage to do in your tired stupor was to wobble over to him yourself, outstretching your hands to feel the fuzzy dancing receptors atop his spiky hair.
"W-what are you!?" seeming to contort his own face in confusion or even skepticism akin to your own he remarks, "So that's how you're feeling. You're apprehensive of me, right?"
Perhaps this would be the moment to respond or to even acknowledge the fact that he seems to have the power to understand what you feel once you're within a certain proximity of him. Perhaps you should have some deep revelation in this moment but with your lovely evening ruined by this interloper you decided instead to ignore any revelation, giving the fuzzy sensory appendages a hard tug to see if they'd come off.
"Ouch! S-stop that hurts!" He yells out into your head, his teeth gritted.
Huh? Did he just speak to you telepathically? Immediately understanding your mistake you unhand him, the realization that there's a real live alien laying on your couch finally sinking in.
"I didn't realize that you didn't understand the situation. Are you sure you don't need to lay down now? You seem more shaken up than I am." He replies sitting up to make eye contact with you.
As much as you wanted to agree, you now had even more questions overwhelming your very senses. You needed to know why and how he was here, immediately. Why did he show up tonight of all nights and here when it's supposed to be your day off!?
"I hadn't realized that I'd cause such a disturbance, although I guess I can't say I didn't consider it. I really don't have anywhere to go though so please allow me to stay here, even if it's just for a few! I'll learn to do whatever I have to earn my keep!"
He gives you a determined look as you gaze back shocked by the sudden proposal. He couldn't work but it's not like you wanted to turn him away. Guess this means that you got yourself an alien housewife or so the joke goes.
Allowing yourself a moment to breathe you accept his proposal, on the condition that he takes care of the house, dinner, and anything else around the place that was necessary to bettering it.
You knew it was probably a small feat for an alien compared to a human and with his quick approval you knew that you two would have a new exciting relationship blooming, even if it was just a symbiotic one.
Months have passed now since that day and despite your and Hajime's growing relationship, one thing never seemed to change.
Hajime rarely seemed to show much emotion unless he could get a reading off of you.
It was something that had started endearing but with him asking for your assistance in acting more human you had begun to wonder how to make it so that he would act more emotional without basing his feelings at the moment on others.
That's when an idea struck you! You would take him to a "Haunted House" you knew of. It wasn't exactly haunted as far as you knew but it's not like he'd know that and with a good scare you'd be sure to see his expression change even if just a bit.
What you anticipated didn't happen though as Hajime seemed spaced out the entire time you were there. Try as you might, it seemed that nothing changed that blank expression of his as you weaved intricate scary stories, claimed to see things not there, and even asked him if he "heard that sound" repeatedly.
Just what was he so focused on anyway!? You cursed to yourself when a warmth on your hand snapped you out of those thoughts.
"S/o?" he asks, his hands on your own as his forest colored orbs peer back at you, "Is this like what the human couples do? At home, I've witnessed enough TV to presume that you did this in order to court me in accordance with your established feelings for me. Am I right about that?"
Oh, right he can read your emotions and all. How didn't you think of him knowing all this time?
Taking your silence as an affirmation, he gently smiles at you catching you off guard with this rare expression and the words that had joined it. "I...I know it may be a bit sudden, but I do feel the same. I know I'm simply supposed to be earning my keep but would you allow me to be your boyfriend as you put it?"
Izuru (???)
After your strange rendezvous with Hajime in the "Haunted House," you took him to, you imagined that all would be normal or at least the state of normalcy you were used to with your new alien boyfriend.
However, something seemed off since you two had returned. Hajime had begun to space out often, seeming to move around without any recollection of what had just happened.
It was of course worrying but it wasn't like you could do take him to a doctor when he was an alien. You were left with little to no options other than to wait for it to pass if it would and to try to support him no matter what.
As this process continued with Hajime's face going blank and his body moving without his knowledge you only grew more fearful.
Now even when you tried to sleep beside him you'd end up tossing and turning or waking up every few hours out of fear that you'd lose him.
One night in particular though, he wasn't in bed with you when you had woken up. Perhaps it had been because of the raging storm that your ears picked up as soon as you had awoken or that he had to use the bathroom but at the same time you just knew that couldn't be it.
Something had to be amiss with how he's been acting, you couldn't think of anything else even if you had nothing to back up your thoughts.
Feeling the adrenaline shoot through your body you tore your way downstairs to see his silhouette in the kitchen looking out of the window at the pouring rain, only snapping around to look at you when you called out his name.
"So, you've awoken." He remarks, sounding more deadpan than ever before as his eyes gaze upon you, those same forest green orbs seeming cold and analytical as though there wasn't an ounce of life left behind them.
This wasn't Hajime, this was something else, you thought as whatever was before you tilted its head.
"You are right," you heard within your own head. "I'm able to access his powers though meaning that we can speak like this."
Taking in his form, illuminated by a flash of lightening you noticed how he floated a mere inch or two off the ground as he continued to stare through you with that expressionless face.
"I can tell you're scared of me but I don't mean any harm. Do you remember that "Haunted" house you took Hajime to?"
How did he know about that? As much as your thoughts swam about in your head, he seemed to be calm as ever simply floating closer to you.
"I'm surprised you're not getting this already," he sighs still inside your mind causing you to shiver from the strange sensation as he continues, "I'm a ghost, I died out long ago but I stopped being human long before that. I was the product of an experiment, an alien experiment so I thought that possessing the very same thing that stole my humanity would be interesting."
Drawing closer, his gaze bores into you, feeling an icy breath as his lips rest just an inch or so away from yours unmoving as he finishes his previous speech.
"But, like with everything else in this world I'm still so bored."
As soon as it seemed like he would possibly kiss you the body of your boyfriend fell into you still deep asleep as though he had never stirred in the first place.
You were lucky you could catch him but you knew you'd need to tell him about what happened.
As you dragged the two of you back to bed, trying to muffle the memory of that horrifying event and the onslaught of rain you felt a single name roll off your lips before you fell into a deep slumber.
"Izuru Kamakura."
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