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neometalpussy · 10 months ago
it's been 2 and a half years almost since the gimmick blog imploded i think it's finally time where i start talking honestly about myself on here instead of weirdly and vaguely
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this-isnt-oish · 11 months ago
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hi this is my oc kitty :3 she likes sea animals
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urmomslonelycryptid69 · 6 months ago
I love jon so much he never wanted to be a mystery yet all he is to anyone in the tmagp timeline is just a mystery
And if he is the archivist then he also became something he didnt want tobecome like hello jonny why must you wound your namesake
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il3x · 4 months ago
i need to buckle down with oc creation. i have tobecome the change in the world etc and start creating tall buff autistic anime WOMEN. #feminism
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geyfrog · 3 months ago
Sleep through final! Final great time tobecome well rested sleep important for body’s function sleep for EXTRA time eleven hours of sleep today to sleep through final now nothing can go wrong if you sleep through final
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trashblackrainbow · 1 year ago
Unpopular opinion but I loved Svetlana.
Don’t get me wrong, she did some f-ed up shit but she was also great and a badass a lot of the times. She helped Kev and V with a lot of things like the Alibi and the kids and maybe even them as a couple. Then they either got bored or she did one step wrong and they just turned completely on her. All that woman did was trying to get out of the shithole her life was and the stereotype expected from her. Also I think she did something for or impacted more or less everyone in the series.
Kinda sad her storyline ends abruptly and we didn’t get to see the wedding but at least she and her kid got out of what was starting tobecome an abusive environment.
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call-me-double-trouble · 2 months ago
Hello again! 😊
It’s midnight here but I must get this out! What if Double Trouble backstory involved neglect somehow? After reading your reply, I rewatched DT’s scenes and the most prominent thing about them is their love of acting and receiving applause.
This is not a criticism of DT by any means! The part about them that I’m becoming fixated on is what would make them tick? No, what would really hurt them in a way that’s almost earth shattering for them? Like how Adora and Catra are each other’s weaknesses or how Hordak hated himself. What would completely and totally break Double Trouble?
The need for validation and attention is sometimes linked to neglected childhoods. This is a form of abuse but I can see it being prominent (even if it’s not intentional) during times of war.
Example: what if DT was an orphan and lived at an orphanage with several other kids who lost their families to the Horde? Double Trouble’s need for attention and validation could stem from feeling abandoned or left out in said orphanage (and again, it might have been intentional abuse. Sometimes in places/family situations where there are lots of children, the smaller ones or the ones with the most needs are the ones who get cared for while the older ones are forced tobecome independent early-I could be wrong there since I’ve only heard a few instances of that though!).
Also, next to wanting attention and validation for their acting and character study, I can’t help but wonder how much of Double Trouble is really them versus them just acting? I mean they clearly know WHO they are (confident, fun, and of course fabulous!) but like they seem to transform and become anyone they want and I just wonder if they are ever truly themself or do they just prefer to be anyone but themself?
And here’s my ‘tin foil hat’ theory: The “real” Double Trouble is the opposite of what we see in the show. DT is desperate to survive in a world where they have no one or have been abandoned and forgotten far too many times. The only one they can reliably depend on is themselves and everyone else is just someone to protect and distance themselves from. Do they come off as self-centered or evil at times? Yes, but they’re not here to make friends.
Side note but while I have mixed feelings about their talk with Catra, I don’t think she would have heard them if they had been gentler about her relationships with everyone around her. Maybe in their own way, DT was trying to tell her that she had people (mainly Adora and Scorpia. Hordak and Web Weaver are more conflicting) who legitimately love her and care about her and that she’ll be all alone if she keeps pushing them away.
Thank you for answering my last ask and I hope you enjoyed my midnight angst rant! ���� Have a goodnight (or day)!
Yes yes yesssss! This is a perfectly valid take and would make an interesting fanfic!
I've seen some other people mention the same idea before of not knowing how much of the DT we get to know is them acting and how much is genuine. I've even seen some people speculate that DT themselves doesn't even know for sure. It's a great way to squeeze more angst into them and provide more layers to a character that really deserved more screentime.
I know lots of people like the "DT is an orphan" idea, and it certainly tracks given the war in Etheria that caused many people to lose their family members. It's a solid idea, and I think lots of readers will be into it.
Whatever you decide, I like the thoughts you've been sharing so far!
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bogdan-dragos · 6 months ago
and the children in the streets and the sewers and the laboring camps and the foster homes agreed with me
What do you want tobecome when yougrow up?was their most askedquestionAnd silence was mymost given answerMight as well askHow do you wanna die?I didn’t.I didn’t wanna grow upbut God, nature, the universeput me through it anywayAnd I told God, nature, the universethat I would give up all thepossibilities for my future, allthe things that I could becomeif only God, nature, the universewould answer…
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blue-pikmin-gaming · 1 year ago
Log #4
oki am was. talkigabout my "rememberies" yes. uhmwhere was i.. yes. i rembr.
dadcome back with the "louer" tolook for treasur!! more dorif uuntime... the "louie" iknow as many such thing. "the grillr" "kingof bug" "hungy one."
heis. strange.but dadtrust him so so do i ok?
hehad Difrent metal onun too, new one alive talk veyr loud kind of means?? very odd i didnot like. missedold one.
nyway myfirst encountr with "scary rollr" was around here....at som point... dont rember the wellest.... lost alot of friend that day. almost dieded myself. veryry scaryry....
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^^thh cscary roller.
eventul wefound al the treasur!!! dadleft but hungy bugman didnot??? lost sight ofhim went undergron i thinkthats where we foundhim later eventaly. said soething like "off tobecome king of bug metamoorphis nana point fiev thousan" or somethan? nnot my prablem.
dadcame back very quicklies with new person? rember be excites to see new pers wondr what they be like. but excite quickly ruin becaus he kind of so sucks??? "shaco" dadcall him "pesident" the Annoyin One. he ismean to dad even bbackthen so dont like.
he also onewho kidnaphim more recintly.. hopefuly wecan ten thousan bomb rock attak soon ok?
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cadaverousdecay · 1 year ago
well i apologize for bothering you (i don't) and i hope your head doesn't hurt like mine does have a good day or night and i hope you learn tobecome polyphonic the new philharmonic
thank u hope your head stops hurting soon and hope u have a good day/night <3
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perceremade · 2 years ago
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mwebber · 2 years ago
ames are u drunk if so what is your fav drink and also what do you love about mark webber
i Zhafr HATE alcohol im going tobecome a super rich famous powerufl lawyer and make it an international crime i had cocktails that tasted like rruit juice and they were os good but my tummy hurts so much and i dont think that’s LEGAL. to your secokd question i love mark so much i just thjnk he’s so human and relatable in thats he’s not enough and never has been enjjuoh like girl same!!!!! but he’s trying his best and trying to live his life as unapologetically as he can and beinf true to himself even if he’s super cringey and aging ag an alarming rate and has bad opinions on peopke like me and us but i think we could have so manh good conversations and philosophical debates and i have life chanjnf pussy
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professorcocoa · 2 years ago
it's been a while since I posted anything here, lol
been a little busy with some stuff like my relashionship, work, taking care of my mons...
and to top it all off, I finally published my first book :D
It's a book about the different enviroments I had the capability of researching all these years. It's not the best book in the world, of course, I'm just a small dude living in a small town, trying tobecome a pokemon professor and all, but it's a start!
The name is "The Pokemon World: Enviroments and Societies." by me, Cocoa Criollo, of course.
well... I hope people read it... yeah...
just tryna do some minor advertisement for it, lol
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n0info-angel · 1 year ago
lost my meds on a greyhound lol sudden urge tobecome extremely religious
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ladyaislinn · 1 year ago
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pic © Jasper James
Rufus says he has never experienced financial security.
‘I can’t afford to have a lavish lifestyle. Would I like to have houses in London, New York, Rome, Los Angeles? Yeah!’ But if serious wealth never materialises,he won’t be devastated. ‘I live in a beautiful, very small flat in a lovely part of the world. I have a nice life.’
And his goals? ‘I would be very satisfied doing disparate parts in tiny, very low-budget movies. I have to be a bit of a terrier. I’ll live anywhere, I’ll do anything.’
The perfect role ‘is still in the future, someone might have tobecome unavailable for that to happen,’ jokes the self-effacing actor. ‘But I’m a hopeful puppy. I’m an optimist.’
metro uk 2012
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shslpunkartist99 · 1 year ago
What about Athena, Summer & Saria, the Punks, and Komet & Starlight? Sorry just noticed that you didn't mention them in your refresher post, and couldn't help but be curious about that.
Oh that last post was just random trivia of what I remembered. I can write something with them
Athena's an ice demon that has a booming voice. She wants tobecome a musician that her uncle would be proud of, since he saved her from her abusive parents (he's already proud, but she's determined). She carries around her broken guitar as a reminder to keep going, and she has a pet bird (... right?). She also looks up to Mommy Must Murder, and she named herself after MMM's stage name (my name for her. Athena's trans btw)
Summer and Saria are corrupt babies born from Keith and Core. Summer looks the most corrupt, whereas some of Saria looks corrupt. Summer acts more like a goopy puppy, has an endless appetite, and can fuse with shadows. Saria has characteristics of a bunny, moves quick, and can be quite the chatterbox, especially about duckies. Summer had to be carried in a bowl when he was first born cuz he was goop
Komet helped cause the corruption in his world because LD got the hit on Starlight, and the corruption was the only thing keeping her alive. LD promised to save her if Komet tried to corrupt everyone. Out of fear and desperation, Komet corrupted because he had himself believe that he was saving others this way. There's a happy ending (probably), so now, Komet is shy yet clingy (idk), and Starlight needs a wheelchair to get around because she's weak, but she doesn't blame Komet
The Punks.. don't have a proper origin in the Main Verse. They're just there. Symbol au has more lore, but Main? They're just here and everyone's okay with it. Oreo (Punk Keith) represents the Leader by being calm, cool, and collected. Cherri (Punk Amelia) is very emotional and a mess, but she means well. She's got a high sex drive too. Pachinko (Punk Pico) is a chaotic bastard that can't die and gets himself into trouble on purpose. Also a high sex drive. Keno (Punk Otis) is tired of everything, hates everything, and is constantly drinking alcohol. Also they have different flavored tits
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