#aaaand she wears mismatched socks
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this-isnt-oish · 11 months ago
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hi this is my oc kitty :3 she likes sea animals
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vancilocs · 4 years ago
Joe bc he do be on my mind aaaand bailey?
just had a big dinner oh jeez
💔 = Has your muse ever been heartbroken? If so, explain what happened.
Every time he’s been dumped it’s been like that but getting dumped by your fish bf via text added anger to the mix
Yeah he had a fling with a vet student at the farm over the semester and turned out he was in way deeper than her bc she considered it just a fling for as long as she was there
🌹 = How would your muse react to romantic gestures, expected or not?
Depends, if the romantic gesture is like fixing dinner for them both he’s pleased and a lil flustered, if it’s something girly like a bubble bath he’s a little apprehensive but doesn’t wanna seem ungrateful, if it’s lingerie he’s praising god and jesus in heaven
A bit flustered and obviously flattered, grateful, very into it
🌷 = Is your muse likely to be the one to make the first move, or would they wait for the other to make a move first?
He has no qualms about making the first move, whether it’s to a stranger or someone who likes him already. 
He’s a lil oblivious so you gotta make your attraction very clear for him to make any moves, also he’s a lil shy so. While he can make the first move he prefers the other one to
🎁 = Does your muse become flattered to receive gifts?
Yeah, he’s not a gift-giving or gift-taking kinda guy but if he gets something he’s grateful
Very, cherishes them
😍 = Does your muse have any crushes? If so, who are they?
He’s gone beyond crush with Mae
Same with Kasia
😘 = Does your muse like to flirt? Do they like to be flirted with?
He likes to flirt and tease and is pretty good at it. Just makes sure the other one reacts positively. It’s fun to be flirted at too, time to become insufferable
He’s not very good at it so his flirting is more just straightforward compliments. If he tried to be slick he’d likely get nervous and start stuttering and he doesn’t want that
❤️ = Does your muse focus on one person, or do they like to go and date as many people as possible?
Despite being flirty he’s pretty monogamous and work-oriented - no time to dally with many people. Definitely wouldn’t go on dates with multiple people around the same time.
Just one person ples
💛 = In what ways does your muse express their love to their partner?
Compliments, touch - if ass or bust not allowed, then he’ll keep to shoulders, arms, hands and hair. Being vulnerable and comfortable, available, listening, remembering the little things
Being attentive, gentle, asking about their day and what they’ve been up to, cuddles, compliments, remembering little things, looking after them
💚 = Does your muse get jealous easy?
A little, especially when out working. With Mirad it was also bc he’s a very flirty and outgoing person and Joe was gone long stretches of time so...
Not really, unless given reason to.
💙 = Does your muse prefer a night out or a night in?
Both, go out first and then get back home and do what you do there
Prefers a night in.
💜 = Does your muse date others based on their appearance or personality, or both?
Both, appearance draws him in and personality keeps him interested. If the personalities don’t match he’s not gonna stay even if he was dating a supermodel
Personality more, he may have a physical type but it’s not a dealbreaker
♡ = Is there any kind of person that your muse will never date?
Someone who’s mean and causes drama for fun and hurts others, someone who wouldn’t want to have sex and have kids
Someone rude and mean and just genuinely not a fun person to be with, a cheater, all that
💞 = Does your muse believe in soulmates?
💘 = Does your muse believe in astrology signs? If so, what sign are they most compatible with? And is this important when considering a date?
Doesn’t pay attention to them at all
Knows his own sign, doesn’t think it has any meaning
💗 = Would your muse prefer a large, public proposal, or do they prefer a small, private one?
Just the two of them, but like, get the ring and get on one knee and all that
Make sure the other one is okay with a public one and propose in an art gallery, but still keep it very minimal and lowkey. Not even kneeling
💵 = Is money an important factor to consider when dating? Does your muse prefer rich partners?
Not a factor at all, he has his own money
Money doesn’t matter one bit though if partner has less he will treat them to food and tickets and all that more
💎 = What kind of gemstone would your muse prefer on their engagement or wedding ring?
He’s a manly man he has no gemstones
💍 = Big or small wedding?
Kinda medium, nothing super extravagant or like a big venue wedding or anything, just a pleasant one-day deal with the friends and family
Keep it small and cozy but fun, stomp on a lightbulb
💅🏻 = Does your muse always try to look their best around their partner, or are they comfortable wearing anything around them?
He honestly doesn’t pay too much attention to how he looks, the most he does is shower regularly and wear clean clothes. When his hair and beard gets long during a mission he cuts it down soon enough himself but it’s just for his own comfort not for his partner
He’s comfortable being a lil frumpy and hanging out in pajama pants and mismatched socks. It’s no biggie.
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