#to your own view of ur politics/country
araguaneys · 1 month
The worst is when another latino dehumanizes us as if they aren't the same or similarly mix of ethnicities as if they aren't also fucked, as if literally MOST if not all of us have a history of dictatorships from different political alinements and YES being fucked by western imperialism but also our greedy "leaders" and shitty politics, as if the left and right or center actually did all they could or helped anyone, as if it couldn't happen to them next...you are the most depressing of them all if you're not with us and you are the ones that sound like gringos.
It's time you all get educated and you see beyond the decisions of our governments and the past problems we've had because of them, or BEYOND THE XENOPHOBIA and migration crisis, all of latinamerica is filled with people of all races like you and me that deserve empathy and not to get abandoned by you all.
Lo quieren en español? dale pues.
Lo peor es cuando otro latino nos deshumaniza, como si no fueran la misma o similar mezcla de etnias, como si sus países no estuvieran jodidos támbien, como si literalmente la mayoría de nosotros no tuviéramos una larga historia de dictaduras de distintas alineaciones políticas, o SÍ no estuvieramos jodidos por el imperialismo estadounidense/occidental pero támbien nuestros "líderes" avaros y políticos de mierda, como si nuestras izquierdas o derechas o centros de verdad estuvieran haciendo todo lo que podrían o ayudaran de verdad, como si no les pudiera pasar a ustedes después... la falta de apoyo de uds son de lad que más me deprime, y son uds los que suenan como gringos.
Es momento de que se eduquen y vean más allá de las decisiones pasadas de los gobiernos o la historia de problemas que hemos tenido por ellos, O LA XENOFOBIA y crisis migratoria, toda latinoamérica está llena de gente como tú y yo de todas las razas que merecen empatía y que no se les abandone.
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menalez · 2 years
that essay against east asian radfems is insane... your average south korean feminist dealing with the politics and misogyny of south korea does not give one fuck about whether tumblr hetfem #3637 has a boyfriend. she's talking about the issues pertinent to her own country. you have to be a special type of idiot to see feminist theory specific to one political atmosphere and condemn it as misogynist because you don't think it applies to yours, across the world.
literally.... oh how dare east asian women's feminism push for more radical action bc of how insanely and blatantly misogynistic the men can be to them. ive heard of many east asian women who arent even feminists choosing to cut out men bc of realising those men don't add anything positive to their lives.... so what... why are western women so keen on being w men that that in itself is viewed as a person attack idgi?? so what if they say ur not a feminist if ur w a man or w/e it doesnt even matter lool u can still find women who think otherwise and advocate for womens rights etc and oppose misogyny and if u see them being misogynistic (and i mean like them victim blaming or calling women slurs or sth not telling u not to date men) then u have every right to call them out too but. beyond that..
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lemonhemlock · 2 years
Omg yes! The whole thing with poor wizard families is so weird cuz like they have magic? Just use some spells and fix shit?? Lmao. Wizarding society doesn't even need any jobs! Spells and potions can do anything for them!! There also the thing that hogwarts isnt the only magical school there are more out there! The universe oh hp is just so vast and there so much that can be done with it!
I actually would love to hear ur thoughts on it! Specially on the rl connection it makes and on Voldemort and his death eaters!
so voldermort is SUCH an awful antagonist and my main gripe with him is that he isn't hot. yes, this is going somewhere.
voldemort's entire thing is that he is terrified of dying so he will do anything in order to avoid that. the horcruxes i thought were actually a really cool idea with a lot of fucky symbolism - breaking your own soul into pieces and stashing them away so as to ensure your immortality? pretty metal. especially since it's implied you have to perform a murder beforehand. neat!
but, at the same time, what exactly is voldemort's quality of life? why does he want to live forever? he starts off as a handsome boy and gets slowly turned into an egghead with no nose! he's played by ralph fiennes and he is not hot, i cannot stress that enough. wizards tend to live very long lives as is, remember that dumbledore died at 150 or so! voldemort dies the second time at 70, after dying the first time at about 50?? come on. so he's fugly as hell, he doesn't want to have fun or fuck bitches or eat good food or live like a king or watch an endless amount of soap operas. he just wants to live a noseless existence?? what a joke. had he not meddled with anything, he could have lived well past dumbledore's age, because he, too, had a few more good years left in him, but he wastes himself away with the horcruxes. and doesn't even use them properly? he is vanquished from his body once by baby harry, but why does it take until book 1 for him to become corporeal again? isn't that a pretty shit immortality system?
his political goals don't make a whole lot of sense either. ok, he wants to rule over muggles bc wizards are so very superior. cool. but how is that feasible? there are a lot more muggles than wizards and they have all kinds of weapons, including fucked up shit like carpet bombing and drones and WMDs. i don't really see how wizards would stand a chance in an all-out war. also, jk really sells him out short. bc she is so very british-centric in her view, she doesn't consider the international implications of this (lol). say britain got conquered by weird-ass people who can perform magic spells. are the european union (hail pre-brexit times) and the US just gonna sit on their arses while this happens? are the rest of the wizards in other countries just gonna stand by? please be serious.
she should have somehow turned this into a world-wide rebellion happening at the same time if she wanted any kind of chance of it working. but that would have been way more dystopian when she really was afraid of veering the books too much into adult fiction. sucks to suck, i suppose. this is why we're in this fandom today.
also. voldemort and his cronies are still very much just a minority within the british wizarding society. how do they not get their arses handed back to them by sheer difference in numbers? everything is on easy mode with these guys, just because they're not afraid to use unforgivable curses.
this needs to be said as well but MARKING your loyal followers who are supposed to stay SUPER SECRET to not risk imprisonment with a very visible snake tattoo is so.... it's a choice, i'll tell you that.
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mihrsuri · 2 years
You know what two things I'm really curious about your political power trio?
How they are each individually viewed by both the court nobles but also the wider population in London and the countryside, as well as how they are viewed together.
How politically active Anne is, especially in regards to not letting her gender stop her and also opening up pathways for women and her charity works that IRL are part of the reason she was killed. (Pretty sure her being made Marquess of Pembroke was the first time a woman had been lifted to that in their own right. Does that still happen in ur AU?)
These are some of my headcanons about this because it’s delightful - thank you so much for asking <3.
Individually it’s like:
Tom Cromwell: a lot of the court is kind of like Will Someone Please Arrest This Commoner For Being A Commoner, though it lessens because (a) it’s pretty clear he isn’t falling out of favour here (b) at a certain point he actually steps away from being Lord Chancellor (what they’d think about the fact that this is because he secretly married the King and Queen and is thus, being an advisor consort is probably not printable ;)). But, in this world the dissolution of the monasteries doesn’t happen so things are much much less controversial and Thomas in general, thus much less so. And there are people who genuinely admire how competent/loyal he is. The general population is, okay so one thing I know is that the people who live in the Dukedom of Essex (especially on the estate) actually love him because he’s a really good land owner etc. Some of it is indifference, some of it is ‘oh yeah, that guy, he’s cool’ (Londoners are divided between ‘upstart’ and ‘love him’).
The country it varies between UGH HIM and indifference.
Anne: BELOVED. One of the history things I thought about is that in this world Anne often gets kind of flattened in popular history to ‘devoted wife and mother who reconciled Henry with his first wife and eldest daughter’ which is true but leaves out her being politically active co-ruler of brilliance/patronage of intellectuals/scholars. But no, she’s beloved. Because in this world, she was able to do the above, she’s a symbol of stability, of pride etc who also does a lot of charity. Henry actually makes her Duchess of Pembroke in her own right in this universe (Elizabeth inherits her title). I think it’s also that people are far far less uneasy about her religion because of The Great Settlement which means genuine freedom of worship (initially just for Christians) and she’s not Held Responsible For Everything That Is Wrong. I think particularly loved by women.
And oh, oh. She funds girls schools! (I also got this from the fact that I read that both Hurrem and Mihrimah Sultan funded girls schools (they also funded universities/medical schools for women) and I was like ANNE WOULD :D. Almost certainly founded/was patron of a college in Cambridge or Oxford, very politically active - Henry has her attending privy council meetings, makes her regent (because of the above people embrace it/her), cultivates an intellectual/creative circle, including women. I’m almost certain she composes a body of music. Also very much involved in expanding the rights of women in law.
(There’s an early incredibly good law on child abuse/sexual assault that is actually largely Thomas Cromwell’s work but Anne absolutely works on expanding rights for women in law in general).
Henry: Genuinely, also beloved. He gets so much more of a chance do some really meaningful policy/reforms (some he actually proposed historically), he’s ensured stability. I think Henry is especially popular with everyone. Yes there’s whispers about his Promotion Of Commoners but it’s only whisperings and it’s definitely not blamed on him (though the rebellion that happened in his reign here was around Indignation About Cromwell’s Status in part but even there, I think it might actually have been a ‘get rid of Cromwell and we can talk’ in part). The Great Settlement is controversial but also because it means people can just like, Do The Church They Want it also isn’t if that makes sense?
Collectively like, they are considered very much ‘co-governors of the kingdom’ before anyone knows about them as marrieds. Tom Cromwell actually gets called ‘the third king/the commoner king’ (as an insult but Henry and Anne are like YES OBVIOUSLY :D) - it’s considered a great governing partnership.
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anelegaicmind · 3 months
can u suggest some books that u read in anything that interests u or shapes ur views pls?
I believe that truth can only come from self-actualisation rather than the mere accumulation of knowledge. We have to live our lives in order to know life. We cannot exist solely on learned knowledge as our interpretation and value gained will go only so far as the experiences we have accumulated. So, with that in mind, here are a list of things that I feel provide a novel or unique view on the world:
Science of the Cosmos, Science of the Soul, William C. Chittick (The introduction gives a good explanation of types of knowledge that informs my point about self-actualisation and you can read as a free sample on online bookstores).
1984, George Orwell
Politics and the English Language, George Orwell
The Origins of Creativity, Edward O. Wilson
Huck magazine
Any book on the history of photography
Any book on the history of advertising (both of these points have shaped our very reality today. It's important to know how to read and be critical of these)
Any religious book distant from your own culture
The Public Domain Review
Explore poetry. Your taste will be personal but all people will like some poetry and it is important to appreciate the power of words on your emotions
A variety of fiction. Stories are how humans understand the world. If you don't know where to start then start with the classics. Ditch books you don't enjoy until you find something you do. Use your local library: It's free, you won't get distracted and opens you to chance discoveries rather than algorithm formulas.
Why Fonts Matter, Sarah Hyndman
Have a question? Read the FULL wikipedia page on it.
Ray Mears' Bushcraft, TV series
Camera Lucida, Roland Barthes
Observe different people in different settings.
Go somewhere you hate. Pub, football match, classical concert, a Warhammer club meet
Read the five most popular newspapers in your country. Make a note of the differences.
Find the most topical story of the day and read only the headline of 10 different news articles on that story.
The Slow Mo Guys, YouTube: It's fun and you quickly learn the limits of human perception.
Visit somewhere totally new. You don't have to even leave your town to discover the natural variance of culture but if you can travel long distance then go somewhere entirely alien (but stay safe).
Blue Planet, BBC
Use the Medito app to meditate 5 minutes per day for 1 week
A Brief History of Time, Stephen Hawking
@yesterdaysprint: Times don't change, people do.
This is a really broad, far reaching list but you did ask about "anything that shapes my views" haha. I avoided being too specifically about myself because I'm just one perspective within billions and there is nothing special about that. Your own perspective is far more important as it shapes your entire reality and I think these things can help anyone. Feel free to reach out if you wanted a more specific list on a specific topic.
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yourmcu · 4 years
Mesmerized (ii)
Pairings: Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader
@lostaurorax​ said:
hii!! i love ur writing i was wondering if u could write a natasha x reader fic were reader is part of the guardians of the galaxy and they come to the compound and natasha is just starstruck but reader plays kinda hard to get and then just a bunch of fluff !
Word count: 2,551
A/n: basically a day out with Natasha. you like having her around. she likes having you around. Part 2/? (more notes at the end of the fic!)
Warnings: mostly fluff, but ending’s pretty angsty (help), some thor fluff in the beginning, jealous!nat if you squint
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
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gif not mine!! credits to the owner^^
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After Natasha left your room she immediately goes straight to hers. She barely falls asleep.
She stares at the ceiling, absorbed in her own thoughts. She tries to shake away the heat rushing to her face whenever the moment you kissed her on the cheek replays on her mind. All it took is someone like you to get one of the toughest people in the compound turn into mush.
She never believes in the ‘love at first sight’ bullshit because, well, it is bullshit. It’s impossible to love someone you just met. But who knows, right? You might just be an exception.
No, Natasha frowns. I just like her... a lot. It’s different.
The next morning, her run consists of her planning out the date day with you, where she’d take you first and stuff. She stops by the front gate of the compound, suddenly worrying. She wants to impress you. But what if you don’t like what she had in store? What if you think she's boring?
You're the type of person that almost likes everything and you’d express it kindly if you don’t. Boring you should be the last thing on Natasha’s mind.
Natasha walks into the kitchen to hydrate herself but halts once she saw the mess you and Thor had all over the counters.
“Wait, hold on- no, that’s - oh god, Thor, that’s too much batter!” You smack him on the arm and laugh, tilting your head a bit to figure out how you’d get the large pancake out of the pan.
“Oops,” Thor says sheepishly, turning around to put the bowl back on the counter, noticing Natasha’s confusion. “Oh don’t worry, Natasha, we’ll clean up after we’re done.”
The mention of the redhead makes you turn as well. “Good morning, Nat.” You beam. Normally, Natasha would sent a glare to anyone who calls her that, someone who isn’t a close friend, but with you... instead of a glare her eyes light  up. Giving you a small smile, she greets you back.
“I thought you were going out?” She questions, passing by you to reach the fridge.
“We were, but IHOP’s closed, under maintenance they said,” Thor sighs and you hum in response. “It’s quite alright. I heard you guys are going out anyway-”
Natasha lowers the water bottle from her lips, staring at him. “You heard?”
You spin around to clean up after turning off the stove. ‘I didn’t tell him anything,’ you mouth to her, which makes her think Steve somehow knows of it already.
Thor lets out a laugh, grabbing the whole pan and twiddling his fork, “you two have fun.” He winks and walks out of the room.
“They were so cute,” you look back at the newly engaged couple near the window of the restaurant. “And really, you didn’t have to pay. I can pay you back.”
Later that afternoon the both of you headed out. Natasha parked her car somewhere and since it was a nice day, not too hot or anything, you both strolled around the city to find a place to have brunch.
“Y/N, it’s fine. I’m the one who asked you out.” Natasha chuckles, remembering the way you pouted in there begging her to let you pay at least for your own food.
You huff, smiling. “Fine. But I’m getting you back.”
So far you were having a good time with her. You got to know each other more, she told you stories about some of the team’s missions from other countries which were relatively rare, her first encounters with Tony Stark and Bruce Banner, and in return you told her some about your out-of-this-world missions with the guardians.
And no you didn’t tell her about the history of moon rocks or some shit, nor did you promise to bring her back some. Who even collects those nowadays? Natasha was more interested about your early life, on Earth, which you were thankful for. You were taken away from your father (the only parent you preferred and loved) who was pure human one day by your alien-freak of a mother which you inherited your fire powers from.
You don’t like talking about it. But with her you're surprisingly comfortable.
Natasha smirks. “So we’re going out again sometime?”
“Of course we are.” After two seconds of pure confidence you wish you didn’t say that out loud. “Well, you know, I won’t force you to something you don’t want it’s - it’s your call.”
You're in the middle of telling her about your favorite bar and diner, the one your father always takes you as a child and you even paid a visit there the last time you were on Earth.
“Huh. Isn’t that the one that just closed?” She recalls
“No, really?” You drag out the ‘no’, sighing. “They’re the best. They make their own iced tea and beer and stuff... and - oh!”
You feel something rub against your ankle: a fluffy dog who's looking up at you with its tongue out and its tail was wagging wildly. Natasha raises her eyebrows, her eyes trailing to the abandoned leash behind it.
“Hey there,” you kneel down to pet it with caution just incase its intention is to bite you. But it seems to be happy and tame. “Look, Nat, s’adorable.” Natasha chuckles briefly and starts looking around for a person who looks frantic and is finding, calling a dog. 
“This fella belongs to the animal center.” You caress the dog behind its ear while you read the information on its collar.
It isn’t that far, it seems like the dog just escaped as well because the guy running the center was unaware of its absence.
“Thanks!” Said guy smiles in appreciation, reaching out to take the leash out of your hand. Natasha’s mind is focused on how the guy looks at you for the first time. It's the exact same look she gave you that night. Mesmerized, as if it was love at first sight. She doesn’t miss how his hand brushes yours, completely intentional. “I don’t know what I’d do if you hadn’t returned him. The pups here just grew out of their mom’s milk and are very hyper. It’s a lot of work.”
You're completely oblivious to this, you’re just glad the dog is back to where he belongs.
“No problem, he’s very sweet.” You smile politely. “Are they up for adoption? It would really help you out if they were, you know, and this one here is well behaved.”
At this point Natasha’s just eyeing the guy like he’d pounce on you any minute now. He’s definitely into you and she doesn’t like it.
“You’re welcome to stop by anytime,” he grins, ignoring your suggestion. “Can I have your number?”
“Oh, I don’t have a phone...” you trail off.
“That’s right, she doesn’t.” Natasha steps in and she catches the guy off guard and surprised that the Black Widow is actually with you the whole time. Natasha intertwines her hand with yours, pleased with his dumbfounded reaction. “We’ll be on our way now.”
You didn’t expect that but you weren’t complaining. Her hands were soft, and it brought this comforting feeling you couldn’t explain. But you clear your throat once the both of you are a few blocks away from the center.
“Sorry, he gave me an off vibe,” Natasha mutters and removes her hand from yours.
“Don’t be, I appreciate you looking out,” you smiles. Her car was getting into view now. “If it helps you sleep at night though, he wasn’t my type.” You joke.
Turns out you weren’t completely oblivious.
Natasha merely scoffs, getting in the driver’s seat and starting the engine.
After the dog incident you both drove around different parts of the city. You went to a different mall to stroll around, commenting on anything you both saw that would somehow lead to a stupid story that happened at some point in your lives.
A local artsy bookstore, not gonna lie Natasha liked reading a good book when she had the time. So did you. It was nice to know that she’s the type of person who liked reading. Quill always got annoyed with you whenever he saw you reading silently in the ship (but when was he not annoyed with you?). The only ones that was willing to try and read back in space were Mantis and Gamora, bless her soul.
“These are good,” you mutter to Natasha. “All my books are on the ship, I think, but if I get to them I’ll let you read my favorite one... if you want.”
Last stop of the day. Natasha claims it’s a surprise.
“I don’t do well with surprises,” you whine, holding back a smile. “Just tell me.”
“No. And besides, we’re already here.” Natasha chuckles.
Your eyes light up on how stunning the scenery was. An edge of the cliff and below is a beach that doesn’t look like it’s visited by people everyday. The beautiful sunset, the sky made up of purple, orange and almost pink magnifies the calmness of the waves crawling gently to the shore.
“I always come here whenever I need to,” she says silently and exhales, walking over to you. “It’s the perfect place to go whenever those idiots get on my nerves.” You laugh lightly at her reasoning.
Natasha pats a spot on the grass beside her. She holds her gaze on you as you sit down, sighing. “It’s beautiful.”
“Yeah,” she manages to stop staring at you and look up at the sky instead. It's getting darker by the minute, the orange and pinkness started to fade as the sun went down, all of it replaced by light purple, darker shade of blue.
You're used to different colored skies. It would always vary and depend on what planet you were on, plus you always see those stars shimmering up above, so your focus is on the water and the waves. The way they move calms you.
“Thank you for today,” you murmur. “I’m gonna be honest, I didn’t expect any of this happening.”
Natasha hums. “I hope I wasn’t too boring.”
“Of course not, I think you’re very interesting and you’re fun to be with.” You say genuinely.
Once the sun is fully down and the moon had taken over the sky, the both of you get up to head back to the compound. “Eating out here would’ve been nice but Steve’s in charge with dinner, he wouldn’t be too happy if he knew we already ate.” The car ride back is silent, but the good kind. A content, comfortable one.
Okay so, your stay took more than a few weeks. 
You grew close with the amazing group of people, plus your good relationship with Natasha just kept growing and... just got better.
Thor stayed too because he didn’t have a choice, but he didn’t mind. Rocket left one pod for both of you to use that’ll send you to wherever Quill’s ship was up there. 
You and Natasha went out when you had the chance, taking turns treating each other to stuff. You learned that Thor included your books when he packed you a bag, and now Natasha was borrowing one of them.
Sometimes you’d join them on missions. You did a great job every time, not wanting to be a burden to a team you weren’t officially in. Sometimes you’d join Steve into a sparring session at the compound’s gym.
Speaking of which, he’s treating both you and Natasha as if you’re dating.
“Would you look at that, your girl managed to give me a bruise. She’s a keeper.” Steve tells Natasha.
“You totally deserve that.”
You also started sparring with Natasha. And Tony caught on with the whole ‘dating’ thing from Steve.
“Oooh, am I interrupting something here?” Tony smirks. He's going back and forth visiting the compound and coming home to his wife and daughter at their cabin. It's working out though. “I think the mat’s unsanitary. Take this to the bedroom.”
“Oh shut up, Y/N was just working on her tackling.” Natasha grunts, leaving you sprawled  on the mat, exhausted. “It’s getting sloppy. We’ll go again in a minute.”
“Y/N,” The devastating tone of Natasha’s voice makes you look up. “Quill’s calling. He’s looking for you.”
“What?” She doesn’t answer but instead motions you to follow. In her office is a hologram of your fellow half-human and he looks distraught.
You step in front of the hologram so he can see you. 
“What happened to a few weeks, L/N? It’s been almost three months!” Quill says. “Look, come back, bring Thor with you. Our distress signal goes off almost every day and we can’t keep doing this without both of you.”
“Alright, how much time do I have before you lose your cool?” You reply sarcastically, but you're also worried and didn’t want to leave. You know better than to argue with the guy.
Natasha doesn’t want you to leave so suddenly. There’s limited communication between you and her once you go back up there. She grew attached to you.
Quill gives you an obvious look. “As soon as possible! Just - just get back here, please?” Then he abruptly ends the call.
You roll your eyes and left the room to pack, barely noticing Natasha hunched over, visibly sad and anxious that you’re leaving.
She loves you, and now you’re leaving without that knowledge.
You told Thor about it when he passed by the open door of your room. He didn’t look thrilled to be leaving so suddenly. After packing everything up (on his part it wasn’t that much) he offered to carry your bag for you as you said your farewells.
“Sorry guys, duty calls,” you sigh, hugging everyone. “Seeing as Tony’s not here just tell him I’ll miss him or something.”
“Will you come visit soon?” Wanda asks as she pulls away from your hug.
“Definitely.” You turn your head when Steve nudges you, nodding his head to the direction where Natasha is shifting, pacing, avoiding any eye contact.
You walk over to her. She tries holding back tears as you did. She grew attached to you and now you’re leaving. “Hey Nat,” you cup her face, trying to get her to look at you. “I’m sorry. I don’t wanna leave either, not right now, but-”
Natasha kisses you, pulling you close to her as much as possible. Tears fully streaming down her face. She’s never felt this way before, about anybody, for a long time.
But let’s face it, you both know you loved each other. Maybe the both of you just knew that if you got together, it’ll be extremely hard for your relationship once you left. The long distance relationship thing. Even if you aren’t, it's already too painful for Natasha, like she's caught off guard or something. None of you knew that today's your last night on Earth.
“I’m gonna miss you.” Natasha whispers after pulling away.
You smile sympathetically, wiping her tears away with your thumb. “You know I’ll come back, right, pretty girl?” Natasha exhales shakily and pulls you into a hug.
“You better.”
I found a song for this fic-series whatever, please I’m so proud of myself the song reminds me of this story
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hetalia-reacts · 3 years
allies plus spain and austria revealing that theyre nations to their s/o? Love ur writing btw <33
Thank you (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)
Alfred wouldn’t be that nervous to tell you the truth
Y’all have been together for a while now and he thinks that this will change nothing between you guys
He just tells you nonchalantly during another conversation
Like “yes you have absolutely have to pour the cereal first t h e n the milk oh btw I’m a country haha”
Alfred would get serious though depending on your reaction
If it’s good and you kinda believe him/roll with it/laugh it off he’ll be more assertive and show you proof of what he is
If you have a bad reaction and you get mad and ask why he never told you/what this means for your relationship Alfred gets super serious and takes your anger or grief maturely
Either way he wants to do all that he can to make you believe him while also keeping you as a S/O
Matthew takes a more serious and thought out approach
He thinks this conversation will change everything between the both of you
That’s what he’s so scared of and why he needs to take this super seriously
He’s gonna tell you that you both need to talk
Once he tells you he waits for your reaction to see if he can lighten up or if he needs to keep the serious atmosphere
If you need proof Matthew has it on him
If you need time to process he’ll give you how ever long you need
And if you’re scared of him/what’s gonna happen to your relationship he will do everything in his power to make you feel safe and secure again
The last thing Matthew would want from this is to lose you or your trust
Arthur is so serious it’s scary
I mean you can tell he’s been thinking about this for a while now because his mood has been down for the past few weeks
He’s just terrified of what you might do or think of him
He knows his past can be questionable, he knows his immortality can be scary to think about, and what bothers him the most is that he knows nothing about what your reaction could be
So he just sits you down over breakfast and tells you outright what he is while showing you pictures of him, France, Canada, and America to further prove himself
Arthur would be surprised if you had a good reaction to this, he would be expecting yelling not a gentle and accepting reaction
If you starting yelling or seemed to be panicking Arthur would try to calm you down but he’s also starting to panic and worry himself to death
No matter the reaction Arthur will try his hardest to remain calm and collected so it’s easier on you to process and hopefully accept
Francis wants to take a lighter less serious approach to this
He feels sitting them down for a serious talk will freak them out or make them think him being a country is a bad thing
So Francis decides to tell you at the end of a good day
He brings proof and keeps his tone light and calm in hopes to keep you level headed
He would be the most understanding and best at consoling his S/O if they were angry or overcome with worry about this
This isn’t his first rodeo after all
If you take the news well he politely asks if you want him to stay with you or leave for now so you can think some more without him there to possibly cloud your judgement
Francis is among the most worried about the decision you make after processing this
He’s been left behind before for many different reasons and hopes that the only reason you may leave him is because of old age
Ivan has no idea how to start this conversation with you
He’s terrified of what you may think of him, if you’ll view him like everyone else does after you knew the truth
Might unintentionally lock himself away in his office so he can think and try to curb his worry
It doesn’t work really but he eventually invites you into his office for a serious talk about your relationship
Ivan then proceeds to tell you literally everything, his proof is the way he retells everything he’s ever done with a scary amount of details
Reacting badly is what he expects, he won’t try to calm you down at all
Ivan will let you yell awful things at him, hit him, curse him, and blame him for everything if that’s what makes this easier for you
If you take the new well and even tell him you don’t mind/care about him being a country Ivan might cry on the spot
He isn’t used to people truly caring for him like that so having you say that and want to stay with him is more than anything he could’ve ever asked for
Yao isn’t going to beat around the bush
He doesn’t joke while reveling his true self to you
but he isn’t going to sit you down and talk all serious like
Yao just thinks he needs to tell you seriously enough so you believe him but not give you unnecessary stress by making it seem super important or scary
If you get mad and start yelling he may yell back
Yao just feels it’s unfair of you to get mad at him as if he asked to be a country and how he was supposed to tell you before hand when he wasn’t even supposed to be telling you now
If you take the news well he’ll just try to continue having a normal day with you
If you can’t do that he can respect that and give you space and time to think about the relationship and what you want to do now that you know
Antonio is similar to America in the sense that he doesn’t think it’s a big deal
He’s not fool enough to believe it won’t change anything between you at first, but he has hope it won’t end the relationship or leave a lasting scar
He brings up his status as a country very nonchalantly, showing you pictures and journals as if he was showing you an embarrassing family album
It’s going to be hard to get mad at Antonio after he tells you everything
He pretty much tells you the truth about him and his past immediately and tells you why he kept it a secret for as long as he did
If you do react badly he won’t blame you and he’ll be really sympathetic and feel guilty for dumping all this on you
If you react well and are okay with him being a country Antonio will just thank you, clear out his photos and journals, and then act like he didn’t just revel a huge secret to you
Roderich wants to take a serious approach to telling you this
He makes it really official feeling, possibly even asking you to meet with him in his office
He explains everything to you as soon as you sit down
Leaves no details out
tells you exactly who his friends Feliciano, Ludwig, and Elizabeta really are, and even shares some of the more unsavory parts of his past just so you know he’s not trying to con you or deceive you
Roderich hopes from how he put everything on the table that your reaction will at least be more confused or weirded out instead of angry or sad
If you do lash out Roderich keeps his cool and tries to talk you through it until your calm enough to think rationally
If you are confused/weirded out or take really well to the new information he will either leave you to your own thoughts until you want to speak or ask if you’d like to have some tea with him
Roderich really wants things to at least end civilly between the both of you if you won’t stay with him after learning what he is
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awkwardhumann · 3 years
I’m interested in polysci for uni could u elaborate on ur field of study
disclaimer: im only in my second yr of university (kind of) so keep in mind this is all from an undergrad view where i don't get to engage with more specific topics in political science. also strap in this is literally the longest thing ive ever typed on this website. im also assuming you're left-leaning since you are on blue hair and pronouns dot com
i have a complicated relationship with political science because i am a communist. i find polisci interesting and i engage with it on my own time, however, what they teach you in university (this depends on your professors and university as well imo) is to evaluate political issues from a neoliberal and western perspective. most of your course material will be written by westerners heavily influenced by neoliberalism. the biggest indicator of this is when you study any geopolitics. you might get good readings on imperialism and colonialism or you will get straight Nixon era warmongering that deems whatever nations the west views as an "enemy" as "autocracy" or "regimes" or "authoritarian" all of which are useless terms .(in the field of polisci prob not but these r all stupid buzzwords they use to conjure up negative associations w whoever is the big geopolitical enemy) for one of my classes on democracy and technology we had a whole unit on china's social credit system which, i, as a Chinese person, knew was complete bullshit and exaggeration coming from western media. when i challenged this notion to my professors and TAs i was met with dismissal.
basically what i despise about my field is that its a machine that churns out puppets for state agenda who use academia as justification for imperialism and ultimately, to ensure the dominance of capitalism.
you learn about the roots of all this structural inequality, on a local and global scale but they evade any discussion that the effective solution to this inequality is to abolish capitalism.
im not saying there are no leftist or even communist political scientists out there. many revolutionary figures and writers have studied or are even professors of political science, but you will almost never learn about them unless you enter a very specific niche area of research.
what i do like about my field of study is that i have enough interest in it to stay engaged with the political issues we discuss despite hating the "solutions" that are brought up with it. you also learn the roots of western political ideology which, while i despise it, it gives you a basic layout of how neoliberals/capitalists think (and also how fucking stupid they are). you also will meet a lot of left-leaning people. even if the people i meet are not communists it is obvious we are trying to fight the same thing. and depending on which classes you take, you will get a lot of good education on political issues even if it is tinged with neoliberalism.
im not saying don't study political science if you are a leftist. im just saying as someone who was already very left-leaning (albeit not yet communist) before entering university, there was a lot of dumb bullshit to wade through to get to the actual stuff i was interested in. also hearing the term "corporate capitalism" makes me want to scream.
im a communist, and like i said earlier, despite most universities being generally progressive, western academia is grossly neoliberal and anticommunist and does not evaluate things from a dialectal materialist view, something that literally all Marxists must understand and base their theory on. thus there is an inherent contradiction on how i analyze and process the world vs how they want me to analyze and process the world. occasionally you will also get a lot of pro-capitalist historical revisionism specifically written to paint (usually the USSR and associated countries) as the "bad guys" and downplaying of American war crimes and western imperialist aggression on other countries.
lastly, i want to say im not studying political science as a career aspiration (clearly LOL). im studying it because im stupidly bad at school and will only be able to complete schoolwork if im interested enough in the topic and even then it is a struggle for me. every person is different. i would say ask yourself why you want to study political science and can you stand reading a lot abt neoliberalism and western liberal democracy and about free and fair elections for your first two years. you also read a lot of classic philosophy if you're interested in that!
this is the general gist of my love-hate relationship with my major. if you have any other questions feel free to dm me! i know i shit on the field a lot but i think if you find the right professors and the right courses there's a broad selection of topics and even other fields you can venture into that help really narrow stuff down to your specific interests. <this applies to university in general. 
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ok J&H Fandom, let’s talk:
“Popular” blog @thatsmyhyde​ is a prominent creator in the J&H Fandom. But here’s where the problem shows up: 
the content they make is concerning at least, and full of red flags at worst. 
DISCLAIMER: This is all information I have gathered through their tumblr blog - I am not aware of what other things they may be posting on other social medias or their written work.  ANOTHER DISCLAIMER: Please be polite, I am a minor, and am just creating this post to ward off / warn other minors from following this person. If you are an adult interacting with this post and blog, be mindful of your actions and be responsible
Trigger warnings for: discussions of homophobia, discussions of p//phillia, fat-shaming, fat-phobia (?), etc. Just be on general edge for this post, we’re talking about a lot of weird stuff
I will be linking their posts as I am not going to take screenshots of their art.
This is not a comprehensive list of all the things they’ve done - these are the ones I could think of and was able to adress. If you have anything additional you want to add to this post (such as concerning things they may do on other social media), feel free to reblog and add on the things you need to say, just please don’t be dumb. 
Let’s start with the premise: Henry Jekyll creates an alter ego, Edward Hyde. They begin a relationship - an emotional and physical one. Their AU features Jekyde (A popular ship in the fandom, the name stands for Jekyll x Hyde), people have various views on this ship. 
So far so fine, right? Here are the problems:
1. Their Henry Jekyll is an awful person. Now, let’s start by saying that of course you can have bad people in your works, those are, after-all: villains. The problem is,Henry Jekyll is a harmful walking gay sterotype, and an outlet for Biscuit’s obvious fat fetish. But their relationship isn’t just toxic it’s romanticised in how toxic it is.
a. The harmful stereotype - Their Henry Jekyll has a “thing” for younger men, even though he is in his middle-ages, and Hyde looks like a young child. (Age gap relationships are their own thing - they come with their own burdens, and this is not the post to discuss them. This topic will lead into the Edward  Hyde section of this post.) But, it was a known homophobic scare-mongering tactic of straight parents to accuse everyone who is gay that they are ‘out to prey on your youths’. This is a stereotype that stigmatized the LGBT community, and still harmfully affects them to this day. 
b. The fat fetish: Jekyll is frequently seen with cake (as seen here, here, and here)  or being self-loathing, to the point of suicide. (click the link here to acess a list of suicide and other crisis hotlines! you matter to me!). Now, the self-loathing could be a symptom of depression or other mental illness, so I am not going to talk about it, as a person with mental illnesses.  But the self-loathing in addition to him being fat is not good. Media is drowning in the “self-loathing fat person” and as someone who isn’t thin i’m tired of seeing this. 
- The fetish aspect comes in him constantly being referred to “Chonky”, a term usually used for overweight/obese cats and being drawn obsessed with cake. It fetishises his weight and dehumanises him into something people call their animals. Also, here’s more of Jekyll eating food and being embarassed by it, though this time because it’s seen as “servant’s food”. 
- Biscuit admits to liking them “Big and chunky” in posts like this. 
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[Photo id: A string of texts that says: tantok, frankenstein, twink lore, dorian slipped through the cracks and got himself sketched by yours truly the other day because he brought lord henry along, he and the slime didn’t have to fight to the death because they’ve both got their own chonky old toxic henries to focus on, but this blog still ain’t big enough for the two of ‘em. end id]
- They also talk about how they ‘prefer’ to draw fat (chonky) people. Image attatched above. the thing that should be noticed is that they say ‘chonky old toxic henries’ . they, once again, are making fat people a fetish. 
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[Photo id: Anonymous asks: are you gonna make a victor design tho biscuit responds: Oh, man, anon, I hate to disappoint but.....probably not. Aside from my non-humanoids and hellspwans (slime gremlins, corpse creatures, and etcetera), I’m extremely uninterested in drawing young thin men. I really need middle-aged chonk to hold my attention. If poor Victor Frankenstein had only been 40-something and round when he made his great creation, then he’d definitely get a design from yours truly. As it is though, he’s not holding my attention enough to want to. end id] 
Biscuit once again talks about how he doesn’t want to draw ‘thin men’, because he is only interested in older ‘round’ people. He, is, once again, bringing to light his fetish for fat people. 
2. Edward Hyde is basically a child - Edward Hyde is drawn in boy’s school clothes, is taken in and raised like a child after Jekyll’s death, and is constantly cooed over by the creator, even earning a nickname of ‘slime’ from them. In addition, he also has ‘family photos’ taken with Utterson, has his toenails kept, is the height of a child, and teeths. This, paired with the fact that he is in a toxic, abusive, relationship with a man in his middle ages is concerning and should not be romanticised. 
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[Photo id: the text reads: In his first year of existence, Hyde lost teeth and regrew them in a mildly similar fashion to a kid losing baby teeth - except it wasn’t all of his teeth (Just the canines and some random molars) and they weren’t replaced with a larger set, just with teeth exactly the same as the ones that had been lost. No one knows what was up with this. the teeth are still in Jekyll’s study in a little jar. end id]
a. Hyde is treated like a child after Jekyll’s death. Hyde teething is concerning because that’s something infants do. He also clings to utterson like a child. The idea that he gets taken in by Utterson, whisked away to an estate out in the country, despite both of them having romantic feelings for Jekyll is. how do I put this: WEIRD. (seriously, imagine your father/father-figure dating ur significant other / having a crush on them before you two got together and after). 
b. Hyde dresses like a child, whilst being sexually active and wearing lingerie. Now, on their own, these traits aren’t a problem - but together? They are very much a problem.  
- Hyde dressing as a child is concerning because he is also treated like a child at certain points in their “lore”. After Jekyll’s death, Hyde becomes a singular entity, and is taken away by Utterson. To care for, like a child. This post sums it up well: he wears both children’s clothes and lingerie. 
- Hyde has a very strange appearance - if you compare it to his early design (which was less cartoony and looked more like a man in his twenties), Hyde’s current design is concerning. Why does he have the height of a child? Why does he have eyes that take up a grand part of his face? Now, one could argue that ‘he is not human’ - but if he is treated like a human, whilst wearing children’s/youthful clothes, teeths, and his general enchanment with the world - he appears as human (and looks eerily similar to a child), which is why him being sexually active, wearing lingerie, and being friendly with prostitutes (one that gave him underwear and other articles of clothing)  is concerning. 
- That said, Utterson is directly talked about being ‘adopted into gremlin fatherhood’ (paraphrasing). 
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[Photo id: the text reads: 59. Jekyll is irresitibly attracted to everything about Hyde, but if he could somehow be forced to list hte most attractive physical attributes of Edward Hyde in his opinion, aside from Hyde’s youthful appearance in general it would be his eyes, his overbite (Jekyll perceived the way Hyde’s-) the screenshot cuts of the rest of the paragraph. end id] 
- Jekyll has a ‘thing’ for younger men. This is to the point that the most attractive part about Hyde is that he is young. (or looks like it), Hyde looking very young is concerning because that would make their verison of Doctor Jekyll a p*dophille . This is something the artist has either not recognized, realised, or simply does not acknowledge. 
3. The toxic relationship (and how it’s romanticised) - The relationship in this ‘AU’ is: love comes first, toxic nature comes second. If you scroll through the blog you may see some reference of ‘Henry Jekyll is such a toxic person teehee’ and a lot of them kissing, being together, smiling, or enjoying life. Now, obviously, an artist - if they do not want to - should not draw characters being toxic to each other. But it is concerning when the above points come into a factor, that the toxic nature of their relationship comes second to the highs of their relationship, at least on their blog. 
Here is one of the only examples I’ve seen of Biscuit talk about the relationship in a detailed negative light. 
4. The fandom - Whilst Biscuit says it’s ok for minors to interact with his blog (in that blog he says that he tags nsfw - which is true.) he does not regularly mention that his jekyde is toxic - not in a concerete way. He romanticises it (despite acknowledging it’s flaws), and the only way it may or may not be (i would not know) acknowledged is his fic: which is mature and not meant for minors. He does not tag his posts with regular triggers for things like: alcohol, drugs, mental illnesses, or abuse (any variants). They’re not even in his blog’s description! If Biscuit had acknowledged it in his blog, something along the lines of: “Hey! This blog has <content warnings> be warned when interacting! But no, he does not. 
- A lot of the people who draw things, or generally interact with Biscuit are minors. Being exposed to such a thing may be harmful to my peers, and I am worried. To minors who are fans of Biscuit: if you’ve made it this far, thank you, I know you’re mature and responsible, but being exposed to content creators like Biscuit could lead you down a dangerous path of having this kind of thing normalised to you. Be careful with the content you consume, please! And thank you for making it this far, I’m sure you’re a lovely person :)!
Thank you for taking the time to read this! Stay safe, tell the people you love that you love them. 
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Muslim Lives Matter TOO
An issue, no it is world crises that never gets mentioned, that does not even cross anyone's mind and it happens on a daily basis it has been happening for years, even before civilization. The violence that is unleashed upon Muslims every single day is unbearable, unacceptable and unprecedented but does anyone speak up against the monsters who tortures, murders and rapes innocent Muslim children and women, the answer is no. NO not a single person does a thing to stop this, why because the rest of the world thinks we deserve it but in reality nobody deserves this kind of treatment it has to come to an end.
  As the world defends Asian people for the hate crimes acted upon them which is good people need to defend those who can not do it themselves, but we have also seemed to forget that the same Asians we are protecting are also keeping millions of Muslim people in concentration camps. A sad truth is that the Muslim people of Palestine has been in war since 1948 and it is still ongoing lets face it this is a one way war but if we stand up we might just have the power to stop it. These people have no weapons to defend themselves so many innocent lives being lost and for just some political ploy that the people who are in power oversee, do you not see this is part of a much bigger plan the people in power are trying to everyone against each other. Just like black lives matter campaign and the all lives matter campaign, shouldn't Muslim lives fall under the category of “All lives matter” because we are just as much part of “ all lives” like the rest of the world is. But yet we choose to be silent about this , why? Look at China and how they are trying to ban Islam in their country, authorities are removing crescents from the mosques because according to them Islam is an extremist religion. The Imam and the boy responsible for the call to prayer from a local mosque without any reason at all got arrested. On one occasion the Chinese authorities beat an elderly Muslim lady for wearing hijab, for representing what she believes in she got beat mercilessly. People do not even respect the elderly Muslims. The authorities even went as far as confiscating prayer mats and many copies of the Quran. What is even more sad is that Muslims are not even allowed to wear the clothing that represents our religion, they are not allowed to have long beards and women are not allowed to wear veils or anything that is viewed as “extremist” attire according to the Chinese authorities. Even the children are not even allowed to be educated about Islam even in the comfort of their own homes. These people are having their human rights violated and nothing is done about it.
A variety of repressive tactics are used on an unprecedented scale.Muslims in China are being monitored on a daily basis and their have their privacy invaded without cause. Each and everyday they are questioned about anything that could be seen as “extremism” in the eyes of Chinese laws.Islam is basically outlawed in China.Having a Muslim family member is enough to get you interrogated in an inhumane way. Now for the bigger issue, about the Muslim people who are disappearing in China on a vast scale, where are they you might wonder, oh they are just being held in so called” political education camps” until they are deemed qualified to reside in the country, they have no freedom of movement they have to qualify in order ot moves around from town to town. And proving my point once again there has been little to no international outrage over what may be the world's most draconian and comprehensive control over Muslim life throughout history.
What do you imagine when you hear the word “terrorist” you would imagine a man in a long thobe with a beard right? Preferably a Muslim man but my question is why do we associate Islam with terrorism. First of all you should know the correct meaning of terrorism. According to the United States government Terrorism is: the unlawful forceful violence against persons or property to intermediate for political or social objections. Now listen to this in 2013 a Caucasian Christian male killed three Muslim students known as a hate crime. Did he use an unlawful forceful violence yes he did, was it targeted at against persons or property yes it was, did he want to intermediate for a political or social segments yes he wanted to because it was a hate crime. So i ask this question why was this not considered an act of terrorism it clearly fits the description, was it because he was white i think so. We need to stop associating terrorism with Islam because there is a major difference because anyone could be a terrorist not just Muslims. 9/11 was when the world hated Muslims even more than they did because 15 Arabs hijacked one plane why should the rest of the 1.8 billion Muslims suffer their consequences. Within every religion there exist a spectrum of attitudes and behavior and extremism is not unique to one particular belief system. There are people who view themselves as Muslims who have committed these horrible crimes in the name of Islam but they do not represent the rest of us, they are a minority within Islam and have the wrong interpretation of what Islam is. A vast majority of Muslims around the world reject their violence. Terrorism is not what Islam is check your facts.
 Why is it so easy to stand up for every other injustice in the world, but when it comes to Islam everyone goes silent. Its incredibly sad to see that the how war ridden Palestine is and what is the rest of the world?And its a one way war because all those innocent people have no physical weapons to retaliate, lives are being lost as we live our lives and nothing is done to stop it. Yes i agree all lives matter but when are we going to realise that Muslim lives should matter as well. The same Asians that we are protecting is holding our Muslim brother and sisters in concentration camps raping Muslim women, killing our babies , physically and mentally abusing them day in and day out. And yet we are silent standing up for Muslims should not only be on social media platforms for two days, it is something that should never fade and what is more sad is that our own Muslim brothers and sister are afraid to speak up against these wrong doings, because we fear offending the Christian friend we have or the Jewish friends we have and so on. But we forget that Allah has told us” to not take the enemy of Allah as a friend and do not take the friend of Allah as ur enemy”. We want to the live the modern lifestyle and i am not speaking of everyone , i myself have not done my part. So many Muslims are not allowed to walk in the streets because they will be exposed to attacks threats and discrimination and we are mocked for our religion. So i will ask again why, why all of the hate that turns into violence , so many innocent lives lost and for what , what could these people possibly gain. ALL this violence is just wrong we are all human we all have our own beliefs so you tell me what is wrong with Islam its a religion based on peace how can you not see that. Everyone who is not Muslim ask yourselves would you want this to happen to your religion, would you want to be killed like dogs in the streets , no you would not so why is is okay for it to happen to a Muslim, ponder about that. More Muslims will stand up and fight for what is right as they should, and this, this is only the beginning, not all of us can be strong that is why we are an Ummah
Written by: Imraan Hardien With help from Yusriyyah Latief 
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ohnobjyx · 4 years
Okay, I received many asks that can be answered in one post...
On Twitter, the rumor turns around when X iao z han and Y ibo are kissing, what is this?
I've try to stay away as much as possible from tt because it's so messy over there, but then today i decided to browse a bit and there's so many people talking about their break up? Do you know if there's any rumours about this that I missed or something? Or it's just people being ott lol
Hello, love ur blog! What do you think of the possibility of xiao zhan and li qin being a couple?
hey dear, wonder if you know why dd gets repeatedly caught up in dating rumors with an heiress (dont want to mention her name for obvious reasons but you probably know who it is). yh keeps denying it and the same rumor pops up again and again. i dont support or oppose whatever it is but curious why this association has occured multiple times now. thank you for being kind always and stay safe and healthy
Hi, anons! I’ve decided to answer all in the same post because my answer is the same for all of them: they are just rumors. 
Sometimes the rumors are spread for the sake of spreading rumors and adding “fire” to a fandom. Sometimes, they are translations of fanfiction from Chinese fans and w/ibo (it’s often quite difficult to differentiate between a rumor the author believes in and a fanfic). 
So, since rumors that turn out to be true (the latest one would be dd and his jet ski heart), baseless rumors and fanfics are mixed together, they lead to confusion and misunderstandings, and sometimes they spread to international fans. 
In my opinion, we don’t need to pay a lot of attention to any of them unless they are confirmed by official channels, like events, tv shows, posts... 
(More detailed answers about each ask)
1. About the kissing thing, there’s no such real photo (there are a lot of photoshopped images). If there was, their “alleged” relationship would be in the open by now. I think there was a photo of a fan meeting that people fawn over when they are introduced to the fandom. 
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Quite misleading, isn’t it? Of course, when you look into it, you’ll find out the truth quite quickly. This is the same moment from another angle. 
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So this is what comes to my mind when I hear of a “kissing” photo. But there was no such thing (but the moment dd pats on his back and says “be careful with your waist” it’s quite funny). 
2. There has been rumors about their break up, but about their engagement as well. In my view, all of that it’s still baseless, there’s nothing that would point in either direction. Quite the contrary, gg’s last post in weibo is a mirror of those first posts in 2017, and dd’s posted on 0704 with the kadian 13:10 and his “surprise”. So it doesn’t look like a break up or a fall out, and an engagement is pointless in a country that doesn’t allow two men to marry. 
Edit (thanks to zhansww!): it’s true that a religious/espiritual ceremony would still be possible even if they can’t marry legally. Those were my own views of marriage in there. It depends on how they view commitment and devotion to each other, for what I don’t think a ceremony is necessary, but maybe they think otherwise. However, a rumor of an engagement is still likely to be false. 
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And both of them requires them to be a couple, of which I’m mostly convinced (let’s say to 98%), but there’s still this last straw of possibility that they aren’t. 
3 and 4. Both of them are repeatedly shipped with other people (actresses, actor, their bandmates...). It’s something that happens to all of the celebrities, so I don’t think much about them. Besides, what’s quite telling is how they act and their chemistry with all of those other people. Here, in this post, it’s explained what happened to other ships dd had. I suppose that those ships too are brought up often, but we don’t hear it from here. 
GG has been shipped lately with Li Qin and Yan Zi, his co-stars for his next dramas. However, I don’t see him behaving very differently than he does with other people. He’s polite, friendly, cheerful, as he is with every other people he works with. But It’s only with dd that he banters, bickers, playfully fights and says things like “he’s noisier than me”. 
Edit (thanks to zhansww again!): regarding the thing with the heiress; there is (was?) a rumor that she is gonna debut in Korea and since dd was a trainee there, he was an easy target to use as clout, to get more attention for her upcoming debut. At one point, people who believed those dating rumors hated on dd for 8 days straight so of course, YH had to make a statement, denying them.
I wholeheartedly agree with the people who say that they both are drastically different with each other in the sense that dd softens and talks (to the point of being called noisy) and gg drops his all time present politeness. Romance or friendship, it tells about closeness, familiarity and trust, and I think that’s more precious than the exact nature of their relationship. 
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nbapprentice · 4 years
Hey as sm whose parents grew up in a communist country (a eastern european country during the ussr) and have long lasting trauma from it ty from bringing up how marxism isnt perfect. I keep seeing ppl usually white american lefts act like karl marx was an unproblematic but really all he was was a racist (used the n slur, hated mexicans etc) who wrote a what if book, like im NOT against leftism I believe in anarchism myself but i see sooo many leftists who r literal xenophobes and racists (1/2)
(2/2) towards east asian, latino, eastern european etc people who are uncomfortable and dislike communism or marxism for the genocides ppl like stalin or mao sze tsung have caused and more. Sorry that was ranty and kinda personal but overall i agree w ur viewpoint of Leftism Isnt Bad But Its Also Not Super Amazingly Perfect And We Need To Hold It Accountable and also ty for the great article link for a indigenous view on it!
you’re welcome. it’s EXTREMELY important for people not to fall for American anti-communist propaganda, but on the flipside, it’s important not to fall for tankie propaganda either, and the most vital way of doing this is by listening to indigenous peoples, to people who did live under those regimes, AND seeing how our own political movement is behaving at the moment (and its not. fucking. behaving well. shoutout to the fucking BEING DISABLED IS BURGOEISISS wave that happened JUST months ago. like holy fucking shit you people, this is just leftist eugenics.) granted, media still hyper-focuses on Stories Of Suffering Under Communism and will die before talking abt what may have improved, but again. nuance, criticizing, keeping your own house clean, not dismissing people who DID suffer under different regimes, and analysing how to reach the Good parts of communism while working against the Bad parts.
like. ppl who are like MARX BIG DICK are putting all their eggs into ONE guy’s basket when communism should be about listening to EVERYONE?? come ON??? FAILED STEP ONE???????
i gotta say something, though, about latine anti-communism - a LOT of latin american countries have been desperately trying to push for socialist governments and its america thats been like “uhhh no i really want your natural resources <3 coups u xD” and that a lot of the anti-communist latine sentiment in the US comes from rich cubans who had their wealth taken and they’re still big mad about that. THAT SAID if people react with racist n xenophobic vitriol instead of “arent you just mad pappy’s planatation got taken by the state” then that’s just fucking bullshit.
and as an addendum: ppl who are like ALL ANTI-MARXISTS MUST DIE ACKALAKACKAKCALCAKCK like. ideally? once the Revolution meets its end and we actually reach some sort of anarchist life where all people’s needs are met? that means. all people. even those who fought against this. even those you don’t like. rich people catastrophize about their wealth being taken away but they’d... still be taken care of. they would just have to share. that’s the point. that’s the endgoal. everyone means everyone.
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menalez · 1 year
i'm anon who sent ask about jesie randhawa - i think it's a cool chart on the population of singapore you posted, however i'm literally singaporean and have lived here my entire life and my family forever and sorry to say but much like with kaeyacvnts i think know more about my own country than someone not from here who can only use google to pull "facts" out… indian people are incredibly rare as in i've never seen seen or heard of one as they're such a tiny teeny population. the majority of singaporeans are of chinese race, this is a fact, come here and you will find almost everybody here does in fact speak mandarin sorry to disappoint you and your google search. and again… i've met this woman! she does have an english accent! she is from uk! she always goes to large singaporean feminist meetups and does nothing but shame us for not doing enough in uplifting transwomen, she does those stupid getting over your genital peference bullshit, and again sorry but she is in the wrong for being annoyed by singaporeans speaking our own language and demanding we speak english, if she wants to be here and falsely call herself a singaporean and be an online fraud who calls herself a singaporean feminism expert then she should learn basic mandarin and stop thinking we need to become a westernized nation since apparently we're all so uneducated and bigoted in her view. i won't lie i am very confused by your response being the way it was, and offended and offput by your dismissive tone. i was only just offering my own perspective as a singaporean on a tra using a non-singaporean woman that i've met in real life as proof of singaporean feminism being trans focused which it is not and never has been.
i know chinese singaporeans are the majority. i just pointed out that her being of indian ethnicity doesnt mean she cant possibly be singaporean nor does her not speaking chinese mean that. im sure you know that but those were your argument points & you can argue 10% of the population is very rare but it is significant enough (even tho yeah i get hardly ever coming across them, christians in bahrain are around a similar % and ive met like one in my life. when ur a tiny island u could miss 10% of the population from my experience too)
i never argued against chinese singaporeans being the majority. all i said was that there are singaporeans who are neither chinese nor speak mandarin, which youre saying right now. ive come across chinese singaporeans, indian singaporeans, and 1 malay singaporean before so i just found ur claim that someone having an indian last name means its obvious they cant be singaporean odd esp when ur now saying what i was saying while also getting mad at me for simply pointing out exactly what ur saying now…
i did see she studied in the UK tho but not where she was born. i dont know if shes british i just saw a woman with a near identical name who is british. sorry i found it hard to trust what u were saying after u started with “well look at this indian last name and not speaking mandarin! she cant be singaporean!”. i agreed with you on her politics being seemingly questionable, all i disagreed with was the assertion that not chinese singaporean = not singaporean. i know you know thats not the case either, majority doesnt mean everyone in the country, so idk why ur mad at me for pointing that out.
my tone was pretty neutral before too.
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bangtansfavwriter · 5 years
💘bangtan as boyfriends: namjoon💘
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(this cutie tho💕💗💞💓)
- the touchy kind of bf, your relationship can be described with one word: sensual
- bonds with you mentally and physically (👀)
- at the same time, very awkward with you when the guys are around
- but whenever it's just the two of you... oh my ..... you're in your own personal and highly intimate bubble
-a man of ... dualities... will talk about Aristotle with you and then ask you about your favourite pokemon
-will teach you about the richness of the finest wines while he's sipping on his capri-sun
-very passionate about your relationship and highly protective of you
-helps you deal with life in general, mostly with some daily tasks, will be ur mental support when actually can't be with you
-sends you pics of everything he finds interesting when he's away, there's a "joon on tour🌏💕" folder on your phone with pictures of unique statues, selcas, amazing food and loots of photos of landscapes and the sky. and of course.... 🦀☺️
- you cry at over trivia: love at least once/month, as it is the one song that always lifts your spirits, you once had an awful day where absolutely nothing was right and you crawled into bed in hopes to just fall asleep already (at 6pm smh) just to forget how shitty life can be sometimes. you listened to music, hoping that this would help you fall asleep, but no avail, you were just laying there, trying to keep yourself from crying. you didn't even notice that namjoon slowly snuck into the bedroom, until you felt the weight shift in bed and him pulling you into his chest. he knew. you knew by the way he held you and caressed your hair. "y/n?" he whispered and lifted your face to look at him. your teary eyes couldn't avoid his, but you couldn't complain. He smiled at you warmly, hugged you again and then softly sang the chorus of trivia: love, reminding you of his love for you (and laughed/cooed when you finally started sobbing)
-he took the supporting thing to a questionable level when he tried to cook for you and almost burned the house down and you reminded him of that incident everytime you saw a fire extinguisher, it became a running gag between you two
fire extinguisher:
you: oh, reminds me of the time you almost turned the kitchen to -
joon: i did it in good will and this is what i get
- manliest man in every other occasion, babiest baby when he's drunk, one loud mf tho (you once took scissors away from him when he was shit-faced drunk and he got emotional bc "you love me that much huh y/n, you protect meeee~, love you so so so much, y/n~", and you have to remind yourself why you signed up for this)
- very soft for you, will try to initiate cuddling but gets shy very often, you're his reminder that being soft and gentle is indeed something good
-will get inspiration to write when you guys are together, whether you are cuddling, going out somewhere or even fighting
-you cussed the shit out of him once when you trusted him to hand in an important paper for you, as you had fly to another country for urgent business and .... he forgot. he literally has no reason, he simply forgot and this was the only time you actually cussed at him and it was, well... believe it or not he wrote his cypher pt.V verse based on that
-and a heart-wrenching ballad after that because you were so mad that you said you needed a break, said break lasted 2 days after maknae line was at your doorstep and asked you to take namjoon back bc "he literally didn't sleep ever since your fight and barely leaves his studio" (jimin) and you knew that over working himself like this was a very obvious sign that he's not in his right mind, so you gave him a call and you two met up and reconciled ("your hook in cypher seemed awfully familiar tho" - "....i wrote a ballad for you" - "cypher always wins, joon" --- 2 years later it turned out said ballad became spring day pt 2, it wouldn't leave the charts --- "y/n, even the charts won't let me forget the one time i screwed up" - "and neither will i" - "petty lil shit")
- your thighs have become rock-solid bc this man would take u biking every damn weekend, "why are you wheezing like that?" - "idk, joon, maybe because my lungs are failing" - "don't be so dramatic, y/n" (proceeds to laugh about your misery)
-but he'd make it worthwhile with a nice picnic during the day
-makes it even better with a candle-lit dinner at a cozy restaurant near his place, that had fantastic pasta aglio e olio ("joon, this is the best food i had in a while, but you may have to carry me home" - "same, I'm so full but it was so worth it" - "hell yea, but...I'm serious about the carrying part" - "??" - " I can't move my legs" - "oh my god" - "this is what happens when im forced to do sports")
- you spent many cozy nights with him where you just pampered yourselves and talked about all sorts of things
-he could listen to you for hours, no one fascinates him as much as you do and he's convinced that you're the most hilarious person he's ever met, although you can't quite understand why he thinks that, he never really explained it either
-you have discussions about all sorts of things, he loves it when you challenge his views, bc that keeps the fire alive ya know
-tbh he's quite possessive , ngl there.. he once saw you joking around with jungkook who smiled and stared at you with heart eyes (!his opinion!)
- namjoon was very disgruntled but didn't say anything bc jungoo is babie and so are you, but it was a whole other thing when jin drunkenly flirted with you one day but it wasn't anything harmful tbh, yet namjoon was FUMING
-jimin was so kind to drag his hyung away from you, since you were too polite and too awkward to tell bangtans oldest off, but you knew how chaotic jin could be, especially when drunk, so you didn't bother much tbh..... but namjoon did. the following day, when you went over to theirs, a very distressed jimin opened the door. you shot him a quizzical look to which he simply said: "yesterday's aftermath". jin stormed towards the door when he saw you, which startled you, but jin grabbed both your hands and profusely apologised for his behaviour the day before. you noticed namjoon glaring in the back, while you listened to jin, who was unaware of namjoon in the back. "so are we good? we have to be good or namjoon's gonna kill me". you started laughing and reassured him and all of you were ok again, jimin took a deep sigh in relief.
- very loyal to you, almost fought a staff member who bad-mouthed you when your relationship became known to bighit
- that was the time you knew namjoon would always have your back, and you knew that this man was worth every kind of hassle that could await you and your relationship (like a unintentional arson by a clumsy man who just wanted to cook)
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georgiafm · 4 years
            big  boobs  ?  what  ??  ummm,  chile,  anyway...  soo.  hey  angels  !  xD  fun  fact  ?  positions  has  been  on  repeat  for  like  4  days  straight  <3  i’m  c / cely  (  she  +  her  ),  whatever  floats  ur  boat,  i’m  a  23  yr  old  from  the  eastern  tz  who’s  110%  struggling  to  adult  properly,  and  i’m  rlly  not  all  tht  interesting,  so  let’s  move  on  to  The  real  star  here
p.s.  i  promise  i’ll  try  but  9/10  i  am  terrible  at  ims  😔  so  feel  free  to  hmu  on  the  disco  @simp 4 shawn 5ever#1305
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chicago’s  very  own  georgia  ‘gigi’  madigan  has  been  spotted  on  madison  avenue  ,  with  a  striking  semblance  to  madelyn  cline  !  you  may  know  them  as  @gigipuffs  or  hitting  the  front  page  of  tmz  as  shamed  child  star  gigi  goes  gaga  on  pedestrian  on  broadway  street  .  according  to  tmz  ,  you  just  had  your  twenty-third  birthday  bash  .  your  chance  of  surviving  new  york  is  uncertain  because  you’re  irascible  ,  but  being  congenial  might  help  you  .  things  that  would  paint  a  better  picture  of  you  would  be  head  held  high  despite  the  sooty  markings  of  a  dirty  neck  ,  deafening  music  blaring  from  a  convertible  speeding  down  residential  streets  ,  cherry  chapstick  on  a  pouting  mouth  .  (  cisfemale  +  she/her    )
full  name  :  georgia  stormy  madigan.
nickname(s)  :  gigi.
birthdate  :  sometime  in  october  during  ‘97.  
zodiac  :   libra. 
sexuality  :  bisexual / biromantic.
hometown  :  born  in  dallas,  texas  but  moved  to  chicago  at  age  5  when  her  mother  remarried,  then  eventually,  nyc  at  16  after  her  step-father  received  a  huge  job  offer.
father  :  sullivan  “sully”  madigan--  retired  soccer  player  &  hall  of  famer.  now,  currently  lives  in  honolulu,  hawaii.  gigi’s  best  friend.  she  goes  to  him  often  to  either  whine  about  her  family,  or  laze  in  the  sun.  leads  a  normal,  modest  life  with  a  new  family.  mellow  &  altruistic. 
mother  :  gwendolyn  mayfair--  talk  show  co-host  (  the  view  reimagined  ).  was  miss  texas  in  ‘84,  then  miss  america  in  ‘86.  ambitious,  but  superficial  &  overbearing.
step-father  :  michael  mayfair--  sports  commentator.  basically,  sukie’s  second  father  as  he  married  gwendolyn  while  gigi  was  still  young,  therefore,  was  instrumental  in  raising  her.  was  once  sully’s  biggest  fan,  then  stole  sully’s  wife.  funny,  but  flighty  &  unreliable.
siblings  :  riley  mayfair--  half-sister.  4  years  old.  if  it  was  still  a  thing,  you’d  without  a  doubt  catch  her  on  a  toddlers  &  tiaras  episode.  keith  madigan--  brother.  27  years  old.  currently  serving  life  in  prison  for  3  counts  of  manslaughter.  a  painful  detail  the  family  doesn’t  talk  about.  it  always  makes  gwendolyn  cry.  it  makes  georgia’s  blood  boil.
occupation  :  host  of  one  of  the  most  popular  podcasts  in  america.
traits  :  -  irascible,  sardonic,  skeptical,  flippant,  scatterbrained,  tactless,  insubordinate.      +  congenial,  benevolent,  resilient,  individualistic,  waggish,  uninhibited,  candid.
character  inspo  :  pinterest.  viola  hastings  (  she’s  the  man  ),  maeve  wiley  (  sex  education  ),  miley  cyrus / ashley  o  (  black  mirror  ),  alyssa  (  end  of  the  fucking  world  ).
* 𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐞  :  georgia  madigan’s  most  scandalous  articles
sully  madigan’s  problem  child  throws  tantrum  on  set.
“  i  know  madigan.  nice  guy.  but  that  daughter  of  his  is  out  of  control  !  ”  director  leopold  lincoln  recounts  georgia  madigan’s  horrific  attitude.
racy  photos  of  nearly  nude  georgia  madigan  leaked  !
mental  breakdown  ?  georgia  madigan  attacks  paparazzi  !
meltdown  madigan  at  it  again  !  georgia’s  meltdown  with  boyfriend  caught  on  tape  !
disney  axes  contract  with  georgia  madigan.  is  this  the  end  for  the  child  star ?
ex  disney  star’s  fall  from  grace  *  tmz  image  of  a  19  year  old  georgia  on  her  hands  &  knees  vomiting  outside  of  a  nightclub  * 
why  no  one  in  hollywood  wants  to  work  with  georgia  madigan.
* 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭   𝐢.
when  gwendolyn  first  learned  she  was  with  child,  she  was  ecstatic.  she  prayed  &  prayed  for  a  girl.  she  daydreamed  often  about  what  it  would  be  like  having  a  mini  her;  pictured  her  in  pageants  (  dominating  the  competition  if  she  was  anything  like  mommy  ),  in  ballet,  getting  their  nails  &  hair  done  together  like  close  mommies  &  daughters  do.  
when  she  found  out  she  was  having  a  boy,  she  begrudgingly  accepted  it  as  her  fate,  but  vowed  to  try  again,  already  planning  her  next  pregnancy  while  still  pregnant  with  her  first;  a  child  she'd  name  keith,  &...  she  liked  him  okay.  the  first  born  always  occupies  a  special  place  in  the  heart;  but  she  wanted  a  girl.  keith  would  grow  up  knowing  a  subtle  kind  of  rejection.  the  second  time  gwendolyn  learned  she  was  with  child,  she  was  over  the  moon.  this  time  she  knew  it'd  be  a  girl--  a  psychic  had  told  her  so.  she  didn't  listen  to  anything  else  the  psychic  had  to  say.
* 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭   𝐢𝐢.
georgia  was  her  mother's  perfect  little  doll...  until  she  wasn't.  but  until  then,  she  dressed  her  up,  ensuring  she  only  adorned  pastels,  bought  her  lots  &  lots  of  barbies--  replacing  the  ones  that'd  turn  up  with  their  heads  missing  with  dozens  more--  forced  her  into  hosiery  &  leotards  while  the  child  cried  &  cried  &  cried,  smiled  through  the  embarrassment  when  she'd  sabotage  her  own  performances  at  pageants,  smiled  in  polite  agony,  face  colored  crimson,  when  she'd  pick  georgia  up  from  school  with  her  dresses  covered  in  dirt,  pigtails  lopsided  &  drooping  sadly.  this  wasn't  what  she  pictured  having  a  daughter  would  be  like.  
but  instead  of  letting  up,  letting  georgia  explore  her  own  interests,  she  pressed  on.  her  sights  eventually  set  on  the  silver  screen.  by  6,  georgia  was  crying  on  disney  sets.  by  10,  she  had  no  more  tears  left  to  cry;  &  what  would  be  the  use  anyway  ?  they  never  worked.  by  15,  georgia  was  acting  out  in  a  very  different  way.  her  father  was  gone,  driven  away  across  the  country  &  an  ocean  by  gwendolyn,  her  step-father  mostly  looked  the  other  way,  complicit,  her  brother,  in  prison--  gwendolyn’s  biggest  disappointment  &  heartache.  georgia  was  alone.
* 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭   𝐢𝐢𝐢.
by  16,  georgia  had  been  dropped  by  disney,  &  a  deep  depression  would  befall  her.  when  she  was  younger,  friday  night  lights  used  to  glint  off  of  warm  starry  eyes.  her  father  &  step-father  would  take  her  to  all  the  games  &  teach  her  all  the  happenings  on  the  field  until  they  made  up  their  own  little  game  of  guessing  plays--  up  until  there  came  a  time  when  georgia  would  always  emerge  victorious.  she  dreamed  of  following  in  her  father’s  footsteps  when  she  was  young,  but  now,  it  was  too  late.  her  youth  had  been  wasted,  &  she  felt  utterly  drained.  she  used  to  think  she  had  all  the  time  in  the  world,  but  adulthood  was  rapidly  approaching,  &  all  she  could  do  was  lament  over  all  that  wasted  time.
she  eventually  dug  herself  out,  some  time  an  ocean  away  from  her  mother  doing  her  good,  but  when  she  returned  home,  gwendolyn  had  replaced  her.  this  time,  this  baby  would  be  a  mini  her.  like  her  brother,  georgia  would  come  to  know  a  subtle  kind  of  rejection.
generally  easygoing  &  big-hearted,  over  the  years,  georgia’s  earned  a  bad  reputation  she’s  undeserving  of.  while  she  has  difficulty  controlling  spurs  of  anger,  said  anger  is  never  without  reason,  it’s  simply  exacerbated.  she  doesn’t  take  too  kindly  to  aggressive  authority  figures  or  injustice.  after  she  established  a  podcast  on  youtube  &  spotify  when  she  was  20,  however  (  the  subject  matter  is  some  of  everything;  football,  soccer,  pop  culture,  racy  content,  politics,  think  pieces,  philosophy,  she  even  hosts  people  on  occasion  to  keep  things  fresh  &  exciting  ),  people  were  finally  able  to  get  to  know  the  real  her.
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ufonaut · 4 years
I hope this isn’t annoying, but what’s your take on how dragon king and the wizard viewed jordan and henry’s weird power relationship and differing views on project New America? Like how henry allowed jordan to be in charge before hank died, and how jordan’s ideas didn’t seem to translate to henry’s endgame in the finale? It sucks that we missed henry’s speech later in the season because I would have loved to see the other ISA’s reaction to henry’s new (well more like stepped-into) power. Like dragon king seemed invested in jordan’s dream and the wizard probably believed more in what jordan would have wanted instead of what henry enacted, you know? Also sorry if this sounds like an essay prompt- the ISA relationship, especially jordan and henry makes me feral 😅
absolutely no worries, this isn’t annoying at all! might be the film student in me talking but analysing my favourite media is my no 1 hobby & passion so there’s nothing more validating than anyone being interested in my thoughts, genuinely thank you for reaching out to me!!! sorry it took me a hot minute to get back to you, i wanted to make sure i’d have the time to get into it because i really do genuinely love this
first off, i think it’s important to note that the project: new america is actually the world’s most high stakes game of telephone. not a single person in the isa has the same vision for the endgame here nor for the means to achieve it
that being said, dr ito fundamentally couldn’t have been invested in jordan’s dream. out of every character in stargirl, he’s the one who’s changed the least and who has remained the most comic book-y level of one-dimensional evil (disclaimer: not a bad thing! sometimes rule of cool is well-earned, particularly in the case of lizard men). let’s recap what we actually know for a fact about dr shiro ito:
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so we’ve got the following conclusions: ‘controversial’ scientist specifically means scientist for the axis powers in wwii. while in real life the creators of the bacilli bombs weren’t prosecuted as war criminals despite japan frequently using chemical weapons, dr ito’s so-called execution takes place well within the timeline of the real life IMTFE/the tokyo war crimes tribunal and it’s very likely that he was less executed and more declared dead after secretly fleeing the country (hence his current residence being blue valley’s sewers). while in the comics his ultimate goal is to became the emperor of japan and subsequently take over the world, the facts of the case haven’t changed when they’ve been adapted for stargirl
that’s one of the reasons i tend to be pretty baffled when i see any fandom affection or “”soft””” headcanons directed at dr ito considering surely it’d be obvious how outright stupid that is if he’d been outright called, say, a nazi scientist. that’s another discussion though! what i mean by all this is that dr ito isn’t in any way, shape or form a man who believes or is invested in jordan’s dream. as a matter of fact, i think it’s pretty clear he’s got his own power play within the isa
he’s not well-liked (for the obvious reasons above and the lizard-ness) within the gang and it’s obvious that he spends the majority of his time doing his own experiments in the basement with the drones/zombies/whatever you wanna call them. i think his plan for the machine was a genuine mind-control thing that he needed henry for and his own endgame isn’t remotely similar to the rest of the isa’s. that being said, he clearly holds henry in some regard (fellow evil doctor?) going by the letter he sent him about hank & the fact that he doesn’t address him as anything other than “dr king”. my personal headcanon is that he actually talked his way into the isa by offering a palpable method (the machine) of achieving the so-called “dream” and his goals are much more aligned with henry’s. it’s equally likely that it’s henry who insisted on dr ito joining up in a rare show of leadership, especially if jordan & co aren’t actually aware of his history
dr ito, like everyone else, doesn’t appear to respect jordan as much as he simply keeps him at arm’s length -- as he does with everyone else who isn’t henry, at any rate. jordan falters on the stairs in episode 4 when he sees dr ito in the meeting room! he’s distinctly and visibly tense! it feels less like a talk between teammates and more like begrudging allies, with an implied possibility of backstabbing at every turn (”i won’t betray you, like the shade”, “i won’t fail, like the wizard” etc etc. are suspiciously specific denials!). sure, dr ito says he believes in the injustice society but i think the emphasis there is on injustice and his goals that have changed very little since the war. if nothing else, he simply believes in an exceedingly long con
AS FOR THE WIZARD. i think he & jordan were actually friendly and somewhat united in their goals. we’ve got the following neil interview:
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where he calls william jordan’s friend, despite also saying in the stargirl after hours podcast that jordan has “zero friends” (and which i assume to mean that there’s no one left after wizard). they’ve clearly got a somewhat close relationship considering jordan left william in charge in his absence (a possible reference to wizard being the leader of the original comics isa but no doubt a testament to their similar povs as well), he doesn’t shy away from calling him literally four times in a row and william does sincerely seem to be the only person in the world to respect jordan to some degree. he’s certainly the opposite of dr ito in that he’s aligned with jordan’s general idea of helping people rather than what the plan turns into after henry takes over. the problem, however, is that jordan very evidently lost his trust in william somewhere along the line
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now, i’ve seen a couple posts around here claiming that jordan could’ve just gone into politics (which shows a fundamental misunderstanding of his character and, again, a different discussion for another day) but we know for a fact that he distrusts and dislikes politicians. that’s precisely the rift between him and william! jordan is fighting for real actual change, for a genuine & humanising way to help people and that’s near impossible to be done through politics. regardless of how much william would’ve been able to do through his job, the fact of the matter is that there would always be compromises & corruption. despite william believing in jordan’s plan, it’s jordan (for once!) who can’t reconcile his dreams with william’s actions
beyond that, promises are everything to jordan because he’s spent the past decade tied to the promise he made christine and he’d never even dream of breaking that. the perceived betrayal of an unkept promise (to take care of the isa? of henry?) is unbearable to him. no matter how much he might like william, the measures he takes seem necessary in the moment precisely because of all this
so, ultimately, i think the isa are well aware of the dynamics between henry & jordan and they’ve more or less split between them in accordance with their personal goals. i really do wish we could’ve seen henry’s cut speech too though!
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