#to the extent that that's still up in the air after you learn I can cosplay jack slash
artbyblastweave · 2 days
The good news is that getting fitted as a groomsman has cemented for me that I'd be capable of a kickass Jack Slash Cosplay. The bad news is that in the current media climate everyone would most likely assume that I was Mihawk or some such shit. And if someone assumed I was Mihawk or some such shit, well, I would have to check the Worm Honor Code, to be sure, but If someone assumed I was Mihawk or some such shit I might be obligated to commit sepukku right then and there on the convention floor using the prop sword. Again, I would need to check the code
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traveler-at-heart · 8 months
Across the Natashaverse - Part 2
Natasha Romanoff x F!R
Summary: After you're sent to another world, Natasha has to deal with yourself, from another universe, and a very different life.
Other POV from this fic.
“Put more weight on your left foot” Natasha says, barely checking America’s movements.
Of course she knows this is important. Maria asked her to train Chavez in the basics of hand to hand combat. Her mind is elsewhere, though.
Especifically, you.
Natasha thought she was doing you a favor, she really did. Someone as kind as you could do much better than her. Agreeing to a date would only give you false hope, so she rejected the invitation.
It was foolish of her to think that things would be the same after that. You weren’t distant or rude, though that might have been easier.
Every morning, you’d still have breakfast with her, show her funny videos or tell her about your latest discoveries in the lab with Stark, which in the end, were related to her work as well.
You simply stopped sharing your interests, or going out of your way to seek her company. Long gone were the days of sitting together at the Met while you talked about your favorite paintings. Or the grocery shopping that turned into strolls through Central Park and ended in your favorite bookshop.
All that was left now were pleasantries.
“Am I doing it right?” America asks. She sure as hell isn’t, so Natasha shakes her head, hoping she can manage to focus on the task at hand.
“Stop” she says, stepping on the sparring mat.
“Please don’t tell me you want me to fight you”
“You’re punching the air, Chavez. The only way to learn is by doing. It will be fine”
The girl doesn’t seem too convinced, but Natasha starts with slow movements and corrects America as they go. When the intensity of the training increases, the girl’s powers begin to stir. A yellow flash on the ceiling distracts Natasha, and the next thing she feels is America’s fist colliding with her cheek.
“Crap! Agent Romanoff, I’m so sorry”
But there’s another loud thud, not far from the gym.
“Did you hear that?” Natasha asks, trying to figure what the noise is.
“Take a break” Natasha instructs, looking around the room to check if everything’s alright. The team is still figuring out the extent of her powers and Natasha worries the girl just unleashed a demonic creature or something.
The redhead is so focused on the room, she doesn’t notice someone approaching.
That is, until she feels a hard slap on her ass, and a sultry voice against her ear.
“There’s my favorite ass-assin”
Five seconds later, she has the intruder upside down, back against the floor, gasping for air.
“Baby, I know you don’t like my jokes but this is a little too much, don’t you think?”
It takes her a second to process what’s happening.
“Hey, love” you smirk, all smug despite being knocked down by Natasha. “The weirdest thing just happened, I was going to get a snack because Anya was moody and then fell on my ass right outside the gym”
Natasha stares at you, as if you’re speaking a foreign language. And then it all clicks. The slightly longer hair, how you smell and feel different.
She let’s go of you and starts pulling your shirt by the collar.
“Hell yeah, let’s get naked”
“Where’s your birthmark?”
“I don’t have a…”
“You’re from another world”
“Ah, that’s so sweet…” you try to lean forward and kiss her, but she pushes you away. “Babe, I’m getting mixed signals here”
“F.R.I.D.A.Y., call for an emergency meeting”
“I’m sorry, she’s what?” Sam points at you, and Natasha pinches the bridge of her nose.
“She’s from another universe. America must have opened up a portal when we were training”
“Alright, so she just opens it back and we correct the mistake”
“It’s not that simple” Tony walks in.
“Uhm, guys. This meeting should be for Avengers only” you lower your voice, eyeing the man suspiciously.
“Hello? That table you’re sitting in so carelessly. Mahogany. Paid by me”
“Yeah, I’ve never seen this man before”
“A world without Tony Stark” Steve says, amused.
“Must be really quiet in your Compound” Sam says and you smirk.
“Why, no thanks to you. Not with all those super models you’re always bringing back to your room” you raise your eyebrows and Sam’s eyes widen.
“I date super models? I wanna go to her world”
Steve and Tony begin to argue about how that will make the multiverse collapse, when Natasha interrupts them.
“She’s messing with you, idiots”
Tony and Sam look at each other and then at you. You almost fall to the ground as you laugh. Since you’re not helpful, the team ignores you as they keep discussing the best way to identify your reality and correct the glitch.
“Y/N 2.0, we need more information about your… where did she go?” Tony grumbles.
“I got this” Natasha sighs, stomping to the kitchen. Sure enough, you’re rummaging through the fridge, complaining at every item of food you find.
“Don’t you have anything with sugar here?”
“You’re free to prepare anything for yourself”
“Not unless you want the kitchen to explode, Nat”
The redhead pushes you aside, while you look around the living room, inspecting the pictures on every place you can find.
“No wedding? Or Anya?”
“Nope” Natasha says, her voice shaking lightly.
“None of your business” she says, handing you a plate with a sanwich.
“Thanks. How did you know I was lying about Stark and Wilson?”
“Your voice gets all high pitched when you tell a lie” she answers, refusing to look at you.
“Huh” you mumble, taking a bite out of the sandwich. “Um. Is this peanut butter?”
“Would her Highness prefer caviar?” Natasha teases, but turns around and finds you covered in hives. “Shit!”
“That’s fine” you say, struggling to breathe. “Nothing an epi can’t fix, love”
You pass out in the middle of the kitchen, wondering if you’ll leave this foreign universe in one piece.
After leaving you at the medbay, Natasha goes back to the meeting room. She’s examining all the reports and missions that are related to multiverses. It’s a lot to digest, including all the quantum physics.
Alone for the first time since this whole thing started, she finally allows herself the chance to miss you. Right around this time, you’d be making dinner, and she’d be in the kitchen, pretending to help just to be close to you.
What if she never gets you back?
“Hello, there” a voice says. You approach slowly, knowing it’s best not to surprise her.
“How are you feeling? I’m really sorry…”
“There’s no way you could have known. It honestly never occurred to me that things like allergies were different” you say, patting her leg. “Interested in string theory?”
“Yeah, it’s a great ice breaker” Natasha says, and you chuckle. “You don’t seem too worried”
“The America Chavez of my world has had a bit more training. I’m sure I’ll be back home for lunch tomorrow”
“You could have said something!” Natasha feels the need to kick your ass again.
“Hey, I was gonna! And then I almost died”
“What are you so worried about? She’s in a safe world”
“What if your Natasha gave Y/N a similar welcome?”
“Oh, I’m sure she had her pinned to a wall, only for very different reasons”
Natasha turns to you, alarmed. Her jealousy is so obvious that all you can do is laugh.
“There it is. I wasn’t sure you had any feelings towards her. Wanna tell me what happened?” you nudge her chair with your foot and she looks at you, annoyed.
“She asked me out, gave me flowers, I said no”
“Flowers, huh? Well, she’s more romantic than me. Natasha and I were pretending to be a couple for a mission and then I just blurted out I wouldn’t mind doing it again under different circumstances” you explain, laughing at the memory.  “But hey, if flowers and chocolates aren’t your thing, I respect it”
“It’s not like that”
“Then, what is it like?”
She thinks back to all the times you’ve made her feel safe, cared for, loved. You make it look so easy, but for the life of her, Natasha can’t figure out how to reciprocate.
What you make her feel, is too good and beautiful for someone like her.
“I haven’t earned her love” is all she manages to say.
“Natasha” you call, softly, and only speak when she finally turns to you. “You don’t have to do anything to be deserving of love”
There is silence, and then you take her hand in yours.
“Come on, I’m starving. Let’s grab some Chinese”
“Fine. No more peanut butter, though. I don’t want to fight myself if something happens to you”
“Now that would be entertaining”
Next morning, everyone is back in the meeting room. Apparently, due to some bad experiences, they’ve decided you should come back to your world immediately, before the universes collapse.
“I promise you, it will be fine” you insist. Natasha is the only one that seems to believe you, so you save yourself the trouble and spin around in the office chair.
“Can you stop?” Steve says, irritated.
“I’m trying to create a vortex that is powerful enough to send me back to my reality, Steve” but he still glares and you stand up. “Fine. I’m getting a snack”
As you exit the room, Natasha comes running behind you.
“Wait. I wanted to apologize”
“Steve is an old grumpy man, don’t sweat it”
“No, not about that. I’m sorry for… being so hard on you when you first got here”
“We deal with aliens and all kinds of threats.  It’s not so crazy to think that an intruder is dangerous. It’s all good, Nat” you shrug your shoulders.
“I just wouldn’t be ok if your Natasha had acted that way with my Y/N”
“Your Y/N?” you repeat, pleased as Natasha blushes. “Good for you, Romanoff. Get the girl. Trust me when I say, she’ll make it worth it” you wiggle your eyebrows.
“Such a flirt”
“We can’t help ourselves around you, no matter the universe”
You wink, and walk to the kitchen, leaving Natasha in the hallway.
Inevitably, she thinks about you. The one that belongs here, with her. Are you enjoying your time in that other universe? Will you resent her for bringing you back? Maybe that Natasha is more loving and sweet, and you’ll finally realise that she can’t actually make you happy…
Her thoughts begin to spiral again, until the commotion in the room breaks her train of thought.
“Damn, you fell from the ceiling” Sam says, looking up. A yellow portal closes just as Natasha opens up the door. Everyone’s around you, and when your face comes to view, Natasha’s heart almost stops.
There’s a little cut and bruising from the fall, but you’re back.
She pushes everyone, and wraps you in her arms. You return the gesture.
“Hey, it’s ok. It’s me”
She hugs you closer, smiling against your neck.
Natasha’s never letting go again.
“So, tell me everything!” you say, sitting next to Natasha as you drive back home. “Did I tell you I almost died to peanut exposure?”
“Looks like someone had fun” your wife comments and you smile.
“What about you, my love? Did you do anything dirty with my other self?”
“Well, there might have been some kissing and touching before I noticed…”
“Not to brag, but the other Natasha was on top of me” you say, trying to pretend like it’s no big deal your wife kissed another you.
“You pissed her off and she threw you to the ground, didn’t she?” Natasha smirks.
Damn it.
Seeing your daughter brings you back to reality. Fun as it was to be in another universe, your life is perfect here.
“Mommy, are you cooking dinner again tonight?” the girl says as you carry her to the kitchen.
“Uh… let’s have lunch first, yes? Go wash your hands”
Natasha hands you a plate of what the other Y/N made and you gasp.
“Holy crap, this is delicious! Babe, not gonna lie, I wouldn’t have judged you if you fucked her against a wall after tasting her food”
“You’re such an idiot” Natasha rolls her eyes, sitting on your lap and stealing a bite of the pasta. “But you are my idiot”
“Always and in every universe, baby”
You kiss her softly, happy to be home.
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adelheidvonschicksal · 8 months
hi i love your writings smm 🥺😩💞💞and i was wondering if you can write something for shy quiet , innocent fem reader whos like Literally an angel and very kind who haves healing techniques and also yuji's distant cousin with sukuna ?
A/N: I'm not the best at Sukuna, but here's a try! I kinda wanted to try to write him simped.
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His predatory eyes have been on you for a while now.
Initially, it’s barely a development for Sukuna to learn that the vessel he’s stuck in has a cousin. It’s a distant relationship, separated by a couple of centuries, but it’s there. It isn’t a mark for concern until he sees your powers. Healing others isn’t special, but bringing back a missing limb, fixing a soul, the chance you could bring a body back, that’s more interesting.
“I didn’t manipulate their soul. The shape was wrong, so I gave it enough that it could put itself back to the way it wanted to be, and it worked out!”
You didn’t seem to really realize the extent of your own power, chirpily going on with life like a colorful bouncing baby bird from what he could tell. And as his interest in your technique starts to grow, it leads to something else he can’t explain.
Sukuna blames this body that he’s in for the reason his attention always sparks up whenever he hears your voice echoing in this body. Whenever Itadori interacts with you, there’s a torrent of happiness proliferating throughout his entire body, including to where Sukuna’s soul maintains itself. That’s where he decides this interest in you comes from.
That’s where the deliciously darkly satisfied sensation upon seeing fluster spread across your face whenever he decides to interrupt you and Itadori comes from. The way you squeak and shy into yourself, resisting that urge to tremble at his presence – which he can still make out – is mouthwateringly delectable. Sukuna presumed this was an easy way to piss off the other soul in this body, but that isn’t the case.
There’s a rush of something indecipherable when that innocent smile appears on your cherub face. The faintest hint of life threatens to lurch into his chest when you place a hand on this boy’s shoulder, sending that heat all the way down to him.
It irritates him because those actions aren’t caused by him but by the brat whose body he inhabits. It irritates him because he shouldn’t be thinking about these things in the first place. Desiring them. Desiring you. Never having the time to remember what this type of desire was in the first place.
At least not until now.
This body is failing, puddling with its own blood from the loss against a pitiful opponent.
Maybe Itadori should have brought you with him after all instead of leaving you behind at the mission start. Sukuna is already aware of the reason. His “precious little cousin” is the only family he has left after all, by his own miserable words.
(“How pathetic. You think you can’t protect her.”)
The brat was right to leave you behind if he died that easily.
“Uh, Sukuna?”
The King of Curses lifts his head; there’s cursed energy and light flooding this body, barely enough that his own soul clings on.
“Are you still…” a small cough, “in there?”
Sukuna wastes little time cracking an eye open. It’s a worth sight to see. Your cheeks are wet with the beginning of tears, a meek and scared gloss to your eyes when you notice him leering up at you from his head’s position in your lap, and your chest pumped up with a shaky gasp that makes him smirk.
“Isn’t this a surprise? Called on by the little lamb herself.”
Just like the name suggests, you tense and frightened like the fragile creature, a fear so palpable that he can smell it wafting in the air.
“Since this is such a rare occassion, I'll give you three seconds of my time. What do you want?"
Fearfully, you struggle to ask, “You can heal people, can’t you?”
Sukuna isn’t sure why you would ask that when you’re classified as a healer yourself. He’s positive the only reason he’s still here is due to your influence then it dawns on him.
“What’s the matter?” he cackles. “Not enough curse energy left to finish the job?”
When you fail to respond, he knows he’s got it right, and his brain already begins to turn with how many ways he could take advantage of the situation when you finally nod.
“What would I need to do for you to help me heal him?”
“You dare try to bargain with me.” His tone is brusque, pure intimidation mixed with amusement. “What could you possibly have to offer me that’s better than watching this punk sorcerer die?”
You’re as much of a fool as the boy, he thinks. The difference though is that unlike him, there’s more that the King of Curses wants from you: your power, your body, your soul, and the innocence comprising it and displaying in the doe-eyed look that you give him as you gently bite on your bottom lip.
“Please,” you shakily air out, tears spilling out in the weakness of your voice, “I’ll give you anything you want.”
“Me?” you ask. There’s a moment of hesitation as your eyebrows knit together. “I-I don’t understand. Why me?” you question; there’s an air of confusion about the question, brewed from the innocent nature that can’t even begin to think what you would have that could benefit him.
“Do you want the deal or not?” he asks, patience artificially short. You’re hesitant, unsure what to say as you stare at him. “I’m not going to keep the offer up for long, woman.”
Slowly, the fear starts to drain from you, which causes him to go silent as your fingers brush your fingers along Itadori’s forehead, pushing the messy blood-soaked tufts of hair away. Your eyes waver, flooding with another layer of tears that collect on your eyelashes, but you quickly blink them away.
“I accept,” you finally relent, a forced smile stretching across your face; a fragile attempt to offer him, or rather yourself, a little optimism and sweetness that sends a lustful pulse down his stomach. “I’m yours.”
There it was, easier than he ever imagined, and he couldn’t stop himself from laughing at the irony. This boy’s decision to protect you would be the very thing leading you to him.
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moineauz · 9 months
જ⁀ 𝐖𝐇𝐀𝐓 are you to 𝐌𝐄 ?
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To Blade, you were the sun stretching over a vibrant pasture of may flowers that broke like the golden yolk of an egg.
To Blade, you were the twirling winds of summertime as your smile emulated the very warmth of the sun and a dash of charming playfulness which never once failed to lighten the strain of burdens. Naturally flowing away like a stream of water or a feather in the wind.
To Blade, your patience was as steadfast and serene as a lake in still waters, the moon dancing overhead while you planted stars on his scars through tender kisses he did not deserve. Boundless and ever so infinite like your soul.
To Blade, you were both an instrument and it’s player: a sweet melody that echoed in his ears every daunting moment when the whispers of the past clouded his mind. Spotlight gracing your skin as the tunes of a forgotten tenderness swirled up into the air like the steam of tea rising from a cup. Thus, no matter his efforts or restraint, Blade kept finding himself at your front door, and thus, in your arms. Time and time again.
To Blade, each step you graced the ground with brought forth life: a child’s laughter, an old woman’s smile, the scent of honeysuckles. That was all your doing.
And Blade, was forever a shadow of destruction that was doomed to a life as devoid and blank as a starless night. Nevertheless, you were the stars. You littered yourself in his life; setting a subtle twinkle in the abyssal night of his being despite his lifeless form.
You were made of cosmic dust, maple wood and all the collective dreams of the universe. And Blade, who was undone bit by bit, followed you like a shadow looming behind in longing.
It had been so long since another soul touched him without underlying motives. He feared that.
Why did you harbour him in your house absent of fear? Why did your persistence invoke warm sensations? Why did your eyes unfailingly meet his?
Blade was keen on understanding you, yet, he gradually realized there was simply nothing to understand. Truth rolled of your tongue with ease and as for Blade, it got stuck in his throat, dying off. Yes, you were far from perfect, nevertheless, you carried yourself despite every thorn pricking your skin. Carving your way through each cavern; leaving subtle traces of discovery for him to follow.
The feeling swelled in his chest like a disease— and it terrified him. And yet, he could not put a name to it. A name to how his eyes lingered a touch longer than they should or how you rubbed his back. (And for the first time, he did not flinch at your touch or grab you by the arm.)
Thus, when the Astral Express offered you the chance to become a passenger, Blade clenched his fist and held his breath.
It was no wonder they asked you. After all, you were the polar opposite of what a Stellaron Hunter should be. You were amiable, mindful, calm, merciful yet seemingly lighthearted like a child.
Blade told himself that he dared not involve himself. You were a person of your own free will. Thus, you would deal with the consequences. There was no regard for him.
Nevertheless, the urge to tear you away from the conversation thrummed through his vile veins.
However, your reply would be forever ingrained in his sullen memory for the rest of eternity.
"I am honoured that you would consider me Mr. Yang," you articulate kindly, a smile reaching your lips, "But, I'm afraid I must decline."
"Oh? How so?"
You emit a silky chuckle, "If you asked me three years ago, I would have readily agreed," you pause then continue with vibrant eyes, "But, there are people I care for with my own life. It would be my biggest regret to leave them."
Until Blade can learn to fathom the extent of his own emotions, he will continue to linger beside you like a phantom or a shadow. Subconsciously yearning to nestle himself in your warmth, yet, always going through, a mere ghost of an absent lover in your presence.
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more angst :0 i think most of my blog will be angst lmao. btw this was originally posted on my other account @/mignonne02. i just took it down there. thank you for all the support! it makes me really excited to write more >> (please request btw) especially on my last post (diluc angst for life)
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nnooahhsworld · 7 months
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SUMMARY: Headcanons of “Yandere” Husk x Reader with fluctuating appearence.
FANDOM/CHARACTER/READER: Hazbin Hotel ;; Husker ;; Masc Reader.
PAIRING: Romantic or Platonic
WARNINGS: Stalking, manipulation, overprotective and Obssesed behavior, reader being kinda mentally unstable and insecure.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: love this request by @cupophrogs!! even if this isn't really yandere, i still wanted to implied it since that what's about my account.
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✧ Honestly, I can't think of any other way you can meet Husk other than walking into the hotel and staying there.
✧ At first, you are insignificant to him (as ugly as that sounds). At first.
✧ I don't think Husk is someone who is very curious. Let alone gossipy. He's not nosy about other people's lives and tends to ignore them as long as they don't mess with him.
✧ Still, he is a great listener. He is willing to listen to others and gives good advice. I mean, he died while he was an old man, something he must have learned in his human life or in his life as an Overlord.
✧ Or after delivering his soul to the radio demon.
✧ But over time, he shows you more attention. I mean, the fact that your appearance and certain physical aspects of you change depending on your mood is intriguing.
✧ Because he has seen it. Everyone has seen it.
✧ You are someone with emotional problems, sensitive to a certain point. Your moods are constantly changing and therefore, certain characteristics of yours. That managed to capture his attention rather quickly.
✧ He is interested in these changes... how your teeth and fingers become sharper, your skin/fur becomes hard as scales and even your hair grows longer when you are angry and ready to attack.
✧ How your eyes get bigger, other smaller eyes appear and you can certainly shrink a little when you are startled by being off guard or feeling threatened or in danger.
✧ As your skin/fur grows and you lock yourself in it making yourself into a ball when you are sad and don't let anyone near you as your fingers sharpen to threaten anyone.
✧ As for that, Charlie really tries to help you. She wants to be there for you when you're down like your good friend but you shut down. With her, with everyone... except with Husk.
✧ Everyone opens up to some extent with Husk. Either because they're really drunk or they seriously need someone to talk to and Charlie isn't always the best, unfortunately.
✧ Let's remember that Husk knows everyone's problems in the hotel and sooner or later, he knows yours too. How you hate to overreact to anything, how you hate to see your appearance deform and become something horrible in your eyes because of your moods.
✧ Husk feels... pity. Although, after a while he becomes more overprotective as he forms a bond with you.
✧ At a certain point, understand your self-hatred as well, it's not nice that people in general are scared of you in general because of your mere appearance.
✧ Once he knows you beyond your problems, once he sees the sinner calm instead of angry, once he knows the real you, that's when his real obsession begins.
✧ Obsession that confuses with severe concern for you and becomes suffocating.
✧ He gets to the point of following you around when you're not in the hotel. You're not someone very powerful and you're in hell itself. Everyone is crazy and you'll never be safe there. Not unless he's in the shadows, watching you warily.
✧ You feel something strange in the air... eyes staring at you, your mind screaming at you that you are not as safe as you think and consequently, small eyes appear on your face and look everywhere desperate and scared, your fingers and fangs sharpen in any alert situation.
✧ Even inside the hotel, he watches discreetly and quietly. And that's one of the reasons why you're also a little more restless and cautious: you don't stop having that uneasy feeling no matter where you go.
✧ And you go to Husk for protection and the thought only gets worse once you get close.
✧ Husk wants you to only have confidence in him.... he doesn't like it when he notices you closer to Angel Dust, when you spend more time with Sir Pentious. And if you were to become close with Alastor, Husk would go crazy.
✧ His obsession with you turns him into a paranoid overthinker. What if he makes a deal with you? What if he steals your soul? What if he takes away your freedom? What if he takes you away from him?
✧ He puts his fear into your head indirectly. Subtle warnings, reminders of how dangerous Alastor is... whatever it takes to keep you safe.
✧ He also manipulates you into not trusting others. I mean, as jealous as he gets to feel, deep down he's happy to see you making friends. But shit, he's afraid that you won't trust him anymore, that you'll stop going to him for comfort, that he won't be the only one who sees through you anymore.
✧ So go ahead, bare your fangs and claws at the others but open your arms to him... only him.
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boiohboii · 8 months
The people's sweethearts Ch.III
(Tom Holland x f!verstappen!reader x Zendaya)
Soulmate au
YN Verstappen had been through hell, by her own father, for something she didn't even ask for. She grew up learning that she should hate what was given to her, after all it was the reason her father was always angry with her. So what should she do when the one thing she learned to hate is the one thing that brings her love, safe and comfort that not even her older brother can compare.
WARNING: not proof read, Jos Verstappen (worsned like 10 times for this fic) poly relationship, derogatory terms by father, abusive father. If I missed anything else please let me know
Will they blister and heal over like the last time or will they bleed for days on end and leave scars?
That was yn's first thought as soon as she heard the words of Christian Horner, and with how Max was looking at her, he had similar thoughts as well, which is quite saddening.
When Max first met Kelly, his first thought wasn't how bad his punishment would be, and he hated that this was what yn's thinking about as soon as she saw one of her soulmates. Her thoughts should've been on how she will spend their first date, on when she will get to meet her other soulmate, on how much her face hurts from smiling and her heart feels like it will leap out of her chest from joy.
And although both of them try not to cross paths with their father they still end up meeting him, he still comes by yn's University, which is something that always scares her, not knowing what her father's next move is, where will his hand leave a mark this time. Has she told Max of it? Not really, Max doesn't know the extent of which Jos still treats yn, all he knows is that sometimes Jos visits her at her university whenever he allows it, whenever he is there with her, ready to protect her from the harsh words and actions of Jos Verstappen. Max doesn't know that sometimes Jos visits when he isn't there, that yn goes with him to his flat. Whenever she'd try to tell Max he'd look at her with such tenderness, like she's so innocent and had never seen what she had, that she doesn't gather enough courage to tell him- thinking that maybe if he knew, he'd never perceive her the same way, he'd just get tired and angry of her self harmming ways, that he'd leave her behind because after everything he had done for her, to keep her safe and happy, she keeps going back to Jos, she keeps listening to him and hearing out his lame, repetitive excuses.
"Umm, hi."
Yn's thoughts were interrupted by a soft voice, her soulmate's soft voice.
"Mr Holland, hello."
Max was the one to reply, he knew that his sister's mind is a mess.
"Oh please, just- just Tom is fine, Max," an awkward silence filled the air, making Tom more nervous by the millisecond "is it okay to call you Max?"
Max smiles at the actor, "yeah, of course, you're older than me anyway."
"Oh, yeah, right." Clearing his throat, Tom looked at yn hoping she'd be the one to offer for the two of them to be alone.
"Right, so," seeing his soulmate avoid his eyes hurt, it hurt so much that he could feel his nose burning and his eyes watering "I was wondering if I could speak with my soulmate."
Even with tears in his eyes and a heavy heart he kept looking at her, urging her in his mind to just look at him, to stop the poisonous thoughts from creeping into his mind telling him to prepare himself for a rejection, to prepare himself to cope with the feeling of a missing soul, to prepare himself to tell Zendaya of how her soulmate rejected her without even meeting her.
Now, Tom doesn't have any sisters, but he'd like to imagine that if he had one he'd treat her like how Max Verstappen is treating Yn. He'd turn to her with the softest look in his eyes and a comforting face, asking her if she's okay to be left with her soulmate (he tried not to let this hurt him too much), asking her if she wants to be alone or if she'd rather have him besides her.
"It's okay," he could barely hear her feathery voice over the bustling paddock "I want to speak with him alone."
And with just one sentence Tom felt like screaming at the top of his lungs, he felt the colors becoming more vivid around him and his heart becoming lighter; maybe it won't end as bad as he imagined.
Her voice was so small, she sounded so fragile, almost scared.
"Um, hi, hello" Tom breathed out, mesmerised by his final piece "I didn't ask for your name."
"Oh, right," clearing her throat yn finally met his eyes "yn. I'm yn verstappen."
"Yn," God why did her name sound so pretty coming from his lips
"it's nice, no, wonderful to meet you. I've been looking to this day my entire life."
"Well, I'm here." Yn shrugged her shoulder as she showed him the palms of her hands, looking like she paused in the middle of making that one silly jazz movement
"Yeah, yeah, you're really here."
"How would you-"
"Can I ask-"
Their voices stopped at the same time, allowing the other person to talk, but neither did which was why they were sitting in such an awkward silence.
"Please go ahead."
"Right," yn started "I am not going to lie to you, I am not sure about this."
"This?" His eyebrows creased as his lips turned downwards, trembling as his voice cracked, he sounded so broken, he looked on the verge of tears, she feared that if she uttered another word that he'd cry, but she had to, he has to hate her, he eventually will so the earlier the better for her.
"The whole soulmate thing, I can't handle this."  Her heart clenched as she said those words, her fists clenching the black fabric of her dress at her knees, holding itself back from caressing the brit's face, from gently wiping away his tears and from kissing his forehead as she utters all the apologies and all the loving words she wishes she could say.
Yn would be lying if she said that she hadn't dreamt of this day, she used to stay up all night on weekdays imagining what it would be like to meet her soulmates, what would it be like to see the other parts of her soul, to look in their eyes and to tell them that she's ready, that she's with them forever, but she can't, as long as jos verstappen is in her life she can't see herself in a good light, all she thinks of is how much of a disappointment she was to her mother, how much of a disappointment she is for her father, and how much of a disappointment she will be to max as soon as he figures out what she does behind his back.
No one would love her, why would they love a person like her? A person who never wants to go anywhere, a person who is afraid of everything and everyone, she's always afraid of her own father- how could she possibly explain that to her soulmates, she's a person who will not be loved because she is not worthy of being loved, it's quite sad and unfair but that's the unfortunate truth- the fact that no one will ever love her and no one will ever miss her is yn's unfortunate truth.
"Why?" Tom questions as he looks through his tear filled eyes "why not?"
"I-" yn failed to come up with a fake, reasonable excuse because she doesn't want that. She doesn't want to reject her soulmate, all her life she had done things because she is afraid of her father, and it's not like she could just dump that on her soulmate on their first meeting after rejecting him "Can you accept that I just can't?"
"No, no, I can not accept that!" Tom's tone got a little too lough for his liking, clearing his throat he kept his voice in check "don't ask me to accept that you don't want me, that you don't want zendaya before you even got to know us, you haven't even met zendaya yet!"
Yn's tears got the best of her, quickly forming in her eyes and then in seconds they were streaming down her face.
"I can't, I just really can't," yn started as she tried to wipe off her tears, only for her vision to be more blurry and for even more tears to end up on her cheeks "I can't, and I know that it's unfair, I want to but I can't and I can't explain it to you because it's none of your business"
"But it is," even with all of the frustration in him, Tom made sure that he sounds reassuring and calm "it is my business because my soulmate said that she wants something, she wants me; us, but she's not saying why and I have to understand. I will understand, so please, just tell me, explain it to me," Tom moved closer to yn, stopping her palms from furiously rubbing her eyes and cheeks with his hand engulfing hers, yn could feel his skin on her cheeks "I want to understand."
Looking into his eyes, yn could feel herself calm down, the tears drying and her vision clearer "what if I don't want to? At least, not until zendaya is here?"
"Of course she'll be here, she really wants to meet you.
"She knows?"
"Well," moving his thumbs into a a Z shape onto the back of her hand Tom smiled at his younger soulmate "kinda. How about she explains it when she gets here in a few weeks, after you explain, yeah? How about the next GP, would you be ok with that?"
"Yeah, I think- I think I'd like that."
{taglist: @celesteblack08 @minkyungseokie @woozarts @keii134 @celesteblack08 @sainzluvrr @fangirl125reader @ares10156 @formulas-bitch @laneyspaulding19 @elliegrey2803 @darleneslane @escapingrealitytroughwords @the-fandom-ness @skepvids @reneinii}
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sideprince · 11 months
This part of Snape's memories that he gives to Harry has been talked to death, but please indulge me while I dig it back up because meta rests for no man. Emphases in the below excerpt are mine:
The corridor dissolved, and the scene took a little longer to reform: Harry seemed to fly through shifting shapes and colours until his surroundings solidified again and he stood on a hilltop, forlorn and cold in the darkness, the wind whistling through the branches of a few leafless trees. The adult Snape was panting, turning on the spot, his wand gripped tightly in his hand, waiting for something or for someone … his fear infected Harry, too, even though he knew that he could not be harmed, and he looked over his shoulder, wondering what it was that Snape was waiting for - Then a blinding, jagged jet of white light flew through the air: Harry thought of lightning, but Snape had dropped to his knees and his wand had flown out of his hand. ‘Don’t kill me!’ ‘That was not my intention.’ Any sound of Dumbledore Apparating had been drowned by the sound of the wind in the branches. He stood before Snape with his robes whipping around him, and his face was illuminated from below in the light cast by his wand. ‘Well, Severus? What message does Lord Voldemort have for me?' 'No - no message - I’m here on my own account!’ Snape was wringing his hands: he looked a little mad, with his straggling, black hair flying around him. ‘I - I come with a warning - no, a request - please -‘ Dumbledore flicked his wand. Though leaves and branches still flew through the night air around them, silence fell on the spot where he and Snape faced each other. ‘What request could a Death Eater make of me?’ ‘The - the prophecy … the prediction … Trelawney …’ ‘Ah, yes,’ said Dumbledore. ‘How much did you relay to Lord Voldemort?’ ‘Everything - everything I heard!’ said Snape. ‘That is why - it is for that reason - he thinks it means Lily Evans!’ ‘The prophecy did not refer to a woman,’ said Dumbledore. ‘It spoke of a boy born at the end of July -‘ ‘You know what I mean! He thinks it means her son, he is going to hunt her down - kill them all -‘ ‘If she means so much to you,’ said Dumbledore, ‘surely Lord Voldemort will spare her? Could you not ask for mercy for the mother, in exchange for the son?' 'I have - I have asked him -‘ ‘You disgust me,’ said Dumbledore, and Harry had never heard so much contempt in his voice. Snape seemed to shrink a little. ‘You do not care, then, about the deaths of her husband and child? They can die, as long as you have what you want?’ Snape said nothing, but merely looked up at Dumbledore. ‘Hide them all, then,’ he croaked. ‘Keep her - them - safe. Please.’ ‘And what will you give me in return, Severus?’ ‘In - in return?’ Snape gaped at Dumbledore, and Harry expected him to protest, but after a long moment he said, ‘Anything.'
Firstly what stands out here is that that Snape is the first one to refer to Harry and James and not just Lily, not Dumbledore. Snape says, "he is going to hunt her down - kill them all" showing that from the outset he was aware of not just Lily's fate, but her husband's and son's as well. His warning to Dumbledore takes them into consideration too, so from the outset we see that Dumbledore's assumptions are likely biased.
It's Dumbledore who assumes Snape is only thinking about Lily and doesn't care about her family. Although Snape is clearly more invested in Lily, focusing on her as Voldemort's target when he first speaks, he doesn't exhibit the selfish tunnel vision Dumbledore accuses him of. In fact, immediately after Snape says "them all" it's Dumbledore who changes the conversation to be specifically about Lily again. It's understandable that Snape is more concerned about Lily - she's the one he grew up with and was friends with, although it's likely Dumbledore doesn't know this, and may never learn the full extent of Snape's relationship to her, not even to the extent that he shares with Harry in his final memories. Snape refers to her as Lily Evans, not Potter, likely because he's so used to Evans being her name, having spent his whole childhood knowing her by it. His relationship with James was one of victim to abuser, so it's understandable that in this moment of panic and anxiety, James Potter isn't the most important thing in Snape's mind.
It's important to how the dynamics between Snape and Dumbledore play out in this scene that Snape is terrified. He's described as "panting, turning on the spot" and his fear is so palpable that even Harry feels it, though he knows he's safe and in a memory where he can't be harmed. Snape is coming into this conversation out of desperation, and trusting a man who didn't seem to care much when Snape's life was threatened by a fellow student in his fifth year at Hogwarts. To Snape, Dumbledore is the man who let Sirius' prank slide even though it could have killed him. Years after this scene on the hilltop, when Sirius escapes from Azkaban, he still asserts with viciousness that Snape deserved to die just for being too nosy about him and his friends. So to Snape, Dumbledore is the man who let that attempt on his life slide, and who invited Sirius and James - both his attackers, as far as he's concerned - to join the original Order of the Phoenix.
To Snape, Dumbledore is someone who doesn't care if he lives or dies, and who trusts and respects people who, as far as Snape is concerned, are violent and ruthless. This is compounded by the time he's spent in Voldemort's ranks, where's he's seen firsthand what people like that - violent and ruthless - are capable of. He likely sees Dumbledore as a leader who is just as volatile as Voldemort. Since we know that Voldemort doesn't believe in light and dark, good or bad, only in power and weakness, we can assume that Snape has taken on some of these ideas. His perspective may also be informed by his experiences with the bullying of the Marauders, who claimed to hate his proclivity for "dark" magic while perverting innocent spells like scourgify to enact violence (if you've ever tried to eat soap as a kid, you can imagine how vile that might be, let alone if it's blocking the airflow in your trachea). So in Snape's eyes, Dumbledore is probably not the light to Voldemort's dark, but a rival wizard fighting for power, and therefore someone he likely assumes will resort to similar brutality.
As far as Snape is concerned, Dumbledore could strike him dead just for being there. And yet he walks into this meeting, the arrangement of which is already a mortal risk, knowing he might not leave it alive. His first words to the man are, "Don't kill me." Even if he were there just to plead for Lily's life and not care about her family, his willingness to sacrifice himself to save her is already an act of bravery and frankly, I think it's a much more complicated moral dilemma whether one can choose who to give their own life for than Dumbledore's harsh condemnation makes it seem. Can we expect a man to risk his life for a friend? That's a question with a complex and multi-faceted variety of answers. Can we expect him to risk his life for an enemy, or an abuser? That's a long and complex answer with even fewer clear conclusions.
Dumbledore, meanwhile, sees himself in Snape. We see through the HP series, especially in this reveal at the end, how intertwined his relationship with Snape became. We learn that Dumbledore spends his life carrying the guilt and pain of his sister's death and his direct or indirect role in it. It's a pretty common reading of his and Snape's relationship that Dumbledore understood the depth and irrevocability of Snape's regret and guilt firsthand. Knowing all this, it's hard to read Dumbledore's judgment of Snape on the hilltop, and his immediately conclusion that Snape is only interested in protecting Lily - despite warning that Voldemort intends to "kill them all" - as being objective. I read it as Dumbledore projecting his own guilt and anxiety onto Snape in that moment. In addition, as @said-snape-softly pointed out to me very aptly, the prophecy was overheard in the Hog's Head, which is run by Dumbledore's brother Aberforth, adding onto Dumbledore's personal baggage coming out in this moment. Dumbledore's own feelings are loaded and he makes assumptions about Snape's goals and motivations out of his own anxieties about himself.
And Snape lets him. He's been under Voldemort's thumb, a murderous sociopath who throws unforgivable curses around like most people sneeze. He's desperate and terrified and isn't going to argue with Dumbledore. Dumbledore says, "Could you not ask for mercy for the mother, in exchange for the son?" and Snape replies that he has. But as we've seen already, Snape has included Harry and James and Dumbledore - as the person with all the power and leverage in this conversation - has changed the subject to focus on Lily. Snape is in no position to argue about semantics in this moment. The same way he brought up Harry and James to Dumbledore only for them to be ignored by him, he may have brought them up to Voldemort only for him to react similarly.
Given what we know about Voldemort as a character, once he has decided to go after Harry and not Neville, there's no changing his mind. Any effort made to sway him would fail and only add the asker to the pile of bodies Voldemort leaves in his wake. James and Lily are both targets, because canonically they have defied Voldemort three times and are members of the Order fighting against his cause. Snape may be able to beg for Lily's life - and we see that Voldemort assumed it was because he "desired her" - but James' is almost impossible to argue on behalf of, even if he wanted to. Snape can't claim any intimate connection even if it's a lie, because James is in the Order and enough of an enemy to Voldemort that he was targeted on the basis of Trelawney's prophecy. The fact that Snape went to Dumbledore means that he is asking for Lily's whole family to be protected, not just her. It's not just extra insurance in case Voldemort decides to kill everyone in his path to Harry, it's an effort to save Lily and the people who matter to her as well. Snape knows that Dumbledore will give them a fighting chance where Voldemort won't.
When Dumbledore accuses Snape of not caring if they live or die, Snape says nothing. He doesn't confirm or deny this accusation, and as we've seen, he's terrified and Dumbledore has already twisted his words and judged him, so it's reasonable to assume Snape is worried that if he says the wrong thing, all will be lost. Dumbledore could have just accepted Snape's warning and told him to leave. He could have accepted the warning and asked why Snape gave it. Instead, he jumped to conclusions and threw them in Snape's face, a frightened man risking his life who learned quickly in this conversation that Dumbledore hates him and is judging him, and who learned while still at school that Dumbledore doesn't value his perspective or even his very life.
And then Dumbledore asks him, "what will you give me in return?" Snape is caught off guard, because as far as he knew, he was already doing Dumbledore a favor. He's offering him free information that will enable him to protect two of his Order members when the Death Eaters already outnumber them twenty to one, as Lupin said in OOtP. Again, Snape is risking his life - if Voldemort finds out he had this conversation with Dumbledore, he's definitely dead. As far as he knows, Dumbledore could kill him, as his opening sentence in this scene shows. And yet, Dumbledore turns this around - like the tactical, manipulative military leader he is - and posits the situation as being one in which he's doing Snape a favor by heeding his warning. As if he were choosing to protect Lily and her family for Snape's sake, not his own, and not theirs. Many years later, Dumbledore will ask Snape how many people he's watched die, and Snape answers, "lately only those I could not save." But in this moment on the hilltop, that's already what Snape is doing.
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phoebepheebsphibs · 5 months
Double-Mutated Mikey
Chapter 11: Anthropophobia
Continued from the short story written by @boots-with-the-fur-club
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Splinter is the first to meet April as she walks in. She's carrying several bags that hang from her wrists and arms. Apparently she went grocery shopping before she got here.
Splinter walks over to her and nods his head in greeting.
"Ah, April. Good to see you again..." he sniffs the air, his demeanour immediately changing from composed host to excited foodie. "Ooooh, is that tiramisu I smell?"
April laughs as she reaches into one of the bags.
"All for you, Splints," she says, handing the box of cake over to Splinter, who grabs it with a huge grin.
"Aha! Come to big papa! Thank you, April, this is very kind of you."
"Anything for you and the guys," she says with a smile. "Speaking of which, how's Mikey doing?"
Splinter pauses.
"...How much have they told you?"
"You know Donnie, he likes to be vague and build up suspense for dramatic effect. But he texted me last night to say how the mission went."
"Did he?"
"Sometime at like, midnight or one AM," she grumbles. "Just to say that the mission was a success and they got Mikey back. I asked how he was, and all he said was that he was alive and conscious. But I haven't known Donnie all these years to not know when he's hiding something. So, how is Mikey, really? Is he okay?"
"It's difficult to say," Splinter mumbles, walking back into the lair with April. "He's... he's awake and can communicate, to some extent. He can walk and even run. But... I'll let you decide when you see him."
April is unsure what he means by that, but lets it slide. She's sure she'll find out in a bit.
The three other Hamato sons come into the room to greet them. Leo is first, rushing in with haste. Raph comes in after him, his pace quick but not as swift as Leon's. Donnie meanders in last, his stride slow and somewhat sluggish. He looks exhausted.
"Hey, family!" she says, leaning in for a hug from Leo, who takes half of the bags from her as Raph takes the rest. "How're you holding up?"
"Well enough," Leo mutters. "All things considered. At least, I haven't had a emotional breakdown yet!"
Raph looks embarrassed. Apparently he can't match that boast.
"Where is the man of the hour?" April asks. "I got some new paint pens for him."
Leo looks uncomfortable.
"Uhh... we left him in Donnie's lab. I think he's still asleep... let's get these groceries into the kitchen for now; we'll tell you about everything."
April nods sadly as she follows the guys.
"Hold him still!"
"Stop struggling!"
"Get me 20 Cc's of the mandrill, the boa, and the -- crap, he's gotten loose again!"
Mikey shrieks as he jumps down from the operating chair and dashes to the exit. A guard blocks his path, a cattle prod in his grip. He flicks the switch on it and a loud grinding sound ignites as blue sparks fly from the end. Mikey makes a quick turn and dodges him, running to a corner of the room and cowering. The doctors surround him angrily.
"Where's that frost gun?"
"Over there by the table!"
"Antagonizing little cretin! You'd think he'd have learned his lesson from the last time!!"
One of the men in white comes back, brandishing a long thin airgun with a blue stripe down the middle. A special weapon made specifically for him, for when he acts out. The doctor points it at Mikey and pulls the trigger. A gust of icy air shoots out directly at Mikey. He screeches in pain as the shock of temperature causes his body to go rigid. He falls to the ground convulsing and shivering, painful stabbing sensations prickle across his entire body. He almost feels like he's dying. He can't move.
The guards grab him roughly. He can't move to fight back. Mikey sobs and screams.
He hurts so much, there are so many hurting places on his body.
Needles that have broken the skin to inject what Mikey can only assume is poison because of how much it hurts.
Bruises from where he has been forced into places with other animals to see how they interact. They are never friendly. Mikey is the only one to ever walk out of the room again. Instinct is efficient and ruthless.
There is no love in this room. Only hate. Only pain.
Mikey is taken back to the chair and strapped down. He howls.
"I'd advise you not to do that again," a doctor says with anger burning in his eyes. "Or else there will be consequences."
Consequences worse than what is happening now? He doubts it.
Syringes prick his arms. Oozes and slimes and ghastly liquids are shoved into his veins and bloodstreams. He can feel it doing painful things to him, he feels his bones shift and crack and grow and shrink. His teeth snap into new formations and his fingers start to elongate, the nails splintering and curving into talons.
Mikey sobs. Why is he here? Why do they hate him? Where are the other ones?? Where is Red, and Blue, and Purple? Where did they go, why have they left him behind? Did they escape this place? This place is all he can remember, apart from them. He only recalls needles and linoleums and cages and cold and pain and tears and hatred and fury and longing and loneliness.
Why did they leave him... didn't they love him, once?
Didn't anybody love him once?
No. No one could ever have loved anything from this place.
No one could have loved whatever it is that Mikey is.
Mikey's eyes snap open, tears streaming down his cheeks.
He doesn't recognize this room. It's another cage? It's a small white tunnel, he's stuck inside, he needs to get out!
Mikey clambers around, whining and crying like a puppy stuck in a kennel. He somehow manages to make a backwards shimmy out of the tunnel.
He is in Purple's lab. He wants to leave, now. Right now.
Purple and Blue and Red aren't in here. Where did they go?
The door is open. Mikey rushes out, calling for them.
He howls, long whining hoots that anyone within the lair could hear. Why don't they respond? Where are they?
They left him again...? They left him. They left.
Gone. Gone. Gone.
Mikey starts to whimper.
Should have known they would leave...
No, they wouldn't leave!
Then where are they?
Somewhere... Brothers are somewhere... He'll find them eventually.
No trust. Something bad. Smell something bad.
Mikey smells it, too. Where is the bad smell coming from?
It's not a disgusting scent. In fact, it is, in some ways, very nostalgic. There are traces of coconut oil in it. Sweet scents. But it is a bad smell.
Something dangerous is in the home.
It's coming from the kitchen...
Mikey goes into hunting mode. He digs his talons into the cracks between the bricks in the wall. As he climbs, the pads on his palms shift, tickling sensations that give pins and needles on his hands. Miniscule hairs create Van der Waals forces, causing a suction effect as Mikey starts to scale the wall and crawl to the ceiling.
He sneaks along the top of the hallway, following the bad smell.
Mikey cranes his neck down to peer into the kitchen. Everyone is inside, unloading bags and boxes and containers of food and supplies.
Rat is in the corner of the room, wiping his eyes. He was crying. The human who made breakfast is also in here, quietly rummaging through the pantries and cabinets as he places things away. He looks like he might cry, too. Blue, Red and Purple are holding someone in their arms. She is making a lot of noise, weeping and wailing and sobbing in their embrace. Apparently everyone was crying.
They must love her.
But she smells bad. She has the bad smell. Why trust bad smell?
The bad smell is human.
We don't like humans.
No... we don't... but the male human made the food for us! We trust male human?
NO. No trusting humans! Bad humans! They do terrible things to us. Mikey must not trust humans. Only Instinct. Instinct kept us alive.
Instinct kept Mikey alive...
The male human seems to sense something is watching them, and looks up. He yelps in surprise.
Red, Blue, and Purple turn to look at him, then at what he's pointing at. The girl looks up at Mikey and screams in fright.
He hisses back at her, growling loudly as his tail whips underneath him. The scales and scutes start to lift, the ridges on his shoulders and thighs raising high. His tail becomes a spiky bludgeon.
Let Instinct take over. Instinct will keep us safe.
Mikey can do it. Instinct Might hurt brothers.
Instinct is better. Stronger. Instinct is --
MIKEY CAN DO IT, he snaps back in his mind. His tail cracks like a whip again as he snarls angrily.
The human girl yipes and hides behind Red.
Mikey starts to creep along the ceiling, watching them. Making sure that the evil humans don't do anything to hurt Rat or brothers.
Red follows him around the room, raising his hands and guarding the girl.
"Mikey? Hey Mikey, come on down, bud..."
"How... how is he doing that?" the girl asks.
"Lizards can climb on walls," Blue mutters. "Remember we said he has lizard DNA now?"
"I can't believe... that's really Mikey?" the girl whimpers quietly, grabbing Blue's arm.
"It's him," Blue says. He sounds sad.
"Mikey, come down?" Red begs.
Mikey sneers at the girl.
"What? April? You remember April, right?"
Mikey snaps at her, baring his teeth. The canines are growing longer and longer.
"Mikey, she's your sister," Red enunciates.
Mikey's expression softens. Sister? Like brothers?
"Yeah, mi hermano, she's cool! It's big sis April!" Blue joins in, patting her on the head. "See? She's one of us!"
Mikey croaks at her, cocking his head in confusion.
Don't trust her. Don't trust them. Humans are evil. Humans did this to us. They hurt us, and kept us from brothers, and made us sad and scared. She will hurt you!
Red walks directly underneath Mikey and holds his arms out as far as he can. Mikey lowers himself into his embrace, dangling upside down from the ceiling for a moment before readjusting and wrapping his torso around Red's forearm, his spine twisting with flexibility that surprises his brother.
"Boa constrictor?" he asks, looking at Purple.
"I guess," Purple answers with a tired shrug.
Mikey keeps his eyes on the human girl. She cautiously starts stepping closer, holding a hand out to him.
"Mikey? It's me, April. Please say you remember me...?"
Her voice wavers. She sounds so sad.
Humans can be sad?
Humans only cause sad. How can this human be sad?
Her eyes become glassy and blur over. She sniffles. Her nose is red and her cheeks are rosy. She was crying. She was very sad. Why is she sad now?
Did Mikey make her sad??
Mikey mews at her. He feels bad now. Her fingers touch his beak. He takes in the scent on her hands... lotions, perfume, coco butter from her curls. Mikey doesn't remember her face, or her voice. But he remembers these scents. And they do smell safe. He loves these smells, though he can't remember why. His eyes water, the scents activating some distant and foggy recollection of a warm embrace and a soft hand against his head and the feeling you get when laughing too hard.
She might be human... but he loved her once. He can love her again.
Mikey purrs, closing his eyes and leaning his face into the touch. He hears her stifle a sob, stroking her hand across his forehead and down his cheek. Tears pool in his eyes and seep through. Soon enough, she's wiping the tears away.
The humans were never gentle like this in the other place. They never loved him. But she loves him.
He was loved once. He is loved again.
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Hi guys! I want to talk about a minor problem I have with Amphibia and how they could've been done better. I will not be talking about any of the big problems that people have already complained about, like Sasha and Marcy's lack of screentime, their character arcs, parents, nobody talking about Marcy after "True Colors", yada yada yada, because we don't need another post like that, and I want to keep this overdue rant as short as possible. This is based on my personal opinions along with a few others, but feel free to disagree with me if you want. But with further, let us begin...
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Anne almost always gets way too easily forgiven for f*cking up.
Okay! This one may be a hot take because I have never seen another person complain about this. But this has been eating me away for MONTHS, and if no one else is going to say it, then I will. While this occasionally extends to some other characters depending on the episode. The one I want to talk about most is Anne. Now, at the start of the series, Anne was pretty much a jerk with a heart of gold. She was selfish, bratty, lazy, and irresponsible, but she did learn from the mistakes that she made and became a true hero by the end of the series. While some of these flaws and mistakes are not worth talking about, there are still others that are actually worse than what the show's narrative portrays them to be.
They may not be as bad as leading a toad army to invade the capital city, burying the only thing that could get Anne home, or sending your friends to another world on purpose. Anne has still made some pretty questionable decisions, even to the point where they often cross the line.
Here's a list of some of the worst things Anne Boonchuy has ever done from Season 1 and 2:
Breaking Hop Pop's favorite cane that also happens to be a keepsake of his father and grandfather all while making fun of him.
Manipulating Sprig into taking Bessie the family Snail on a Joyride without reading. Which is like someone taking a car out for a spin without a driver's permit.
Forcing Sprig to marry Maddie despite his obvious discomfort for Pizza Dough and later forces him to date Ivy while he's still engaged to Maddie.
Faking being sick to get out of farm duty, which led the Plantars getting sick themselves and even thought they were all going to die from red leg.
Slacking off while she was supposed to be protecting the frozen townsfolk, while aware of what happens to one of them while they're frozen. Which, of course, led to Polly almost getting eaten by a giant weasel.
Causes massive property damage with Polly while on the streets of Newtopia, and later breaks into Newtopia University in hopes of finding a rad college party. The second one was Polly's idea, but Anne had no problem going along with it.
A team effort along with her frog family. Sending a giant chicken to attack Wartwood. Which BTW can create tornadoes, breathe fire, and even turned their loved ones into stone, all because they forgot to buy everyone gifts. Sure, Anne was against the idea, but she still went along with it.
What do characters usually respond with when Anne admits her mess ups?! "It's okay! You're good! What you did was serious, but it doesn't matter that we almost died, as long as you learned your lesson."
Though Anne still at least got a lot better, as the worst things she's done in Season 3 were covering up some major plot points from her parents, robbing a museum to get a clue on how to find a way back to Amphibia, and tricking Blair the Balloonist into flying a hot air balloon. Though, the first one is still a little f*cked up, but she did have selfless reasons for doing these, and she came clean for 2/3 of these.
But still, 90% of this show is just a lighthearted slice of life cartoon, but when it shifts to its dark story driven and plot twisting side, this is where the narrative (and by some extent Anne herself) gets pretty hypocritical. It's pretty much when Anne messes up and lies to other characters. It's a simple error in judgment. But when other main characters such as Sasha, Marcy, and even Hop Pop do the same to her, first they gotta face hell for it, and then they get their redemption arc.
Yes! They did do some serious sh*t, and Anne had a right to be mad at them. But it seems that other characters are just not allowed to even stay mad at Anne when she does pretty similar sh*t. I mean, yes, she does try to make up for it, and yes, she admits what she's done most of the time, and eventually, she does become a better person from them. But so have Hop Pop, Sasha, and Marcy. But again, they didn't get the protagonists treatment. They got hurt and thrown around like ragdolls because of one or two big mistakes, and even that wasn't enough.
While Anne sometimes faces some consequences for her actions, like breaking Hop Pop's heirloom cane with HP giving her dish duty for a month (Cmon man! You should've given her way more than that!), gets banned from an arcade because she threatened to eat newt kids for cutting in line (which is not important), and most importantly, gets stranded in Amphibia after being peer pressured by her friends to shoplift it, all on her 13th birthday. Which I guess was enough for karma itself to feel so bad for her that she will hardly ever worry about facing any lasting consequences for her misdeeds ever again. While karma beats the cr*p out of others who would dare lie and betray our precious protagonists, even when they have sympathetic reasons for doing so.
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Speaking of, this leads to me to clarify something that some fans have misinterpreted since the beginning of the series. The flashback scene in the second episode, "Best Fronds," was intended to show where Anne's distorted views on friendship and some of her toxic traits come from. Not to justify every single bad decision Anne has ever made, like what some fans think.
While I'm not gonna say that Anne was just as bad as Sasha before Amphibia, as it does show that Anne had her own personal flaws that she had to get through without depending on her friends. Who were more enabling her flaws than causing them.
However, while the show does try to show that Anne wasn't exactly much better in their friend dynamic than they were. For the reasons I mentioned earlier, it instead paints Anne as the least toxic one or not being toxic at all. With them only making a handful of moments that show that even after their betrayals, Anne still isn't much better than them. But the usual wacky slice of life narrative in her character development episodes downplays the severity of her actions, with Anne only just getting an emotional lesson after nearly getting everyone killed, and some of the said lessons being brought up in a few episodes to test her character or as examples to show others how much she has grown.
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Now, I'm going to do some comparisons between Amphibia and The Owl House. While there are several things that Amphibia did better than TOH and about an equal amount of things TOH did better than Amphibia. One of those things that The Owl House did better than Amphibia was the writers treating each and every character fairly. The characters make mistakes and learn from them without the narrative downplaying the seriousness of their mistakes, and it isn't always "Okay! You're forgiven! What you did was serious, but it doesn't matter that we almost died. You learned your lesson, and that's what matters." While it doesn't give other characters the short end of the forgiveness stick for doing similar sh*t. With that, it also makes the character arcs a little bit better, in my opinion.
However, I'm not saying that Anne's character development was bad or that Matt Braly is treating Anne like how some see Alex Hirsch did with Mabel. The show did alright with changing a bratty teenager with flawed views of friendship into a true and selfless hero. All of what I described seems to what TV Tropes would call "Protagonist Centered Morality," and if I'm being honest, but because of that reason, I don't find Anne to be the most appealing character to me. I'm sorry! I know that a lot of you love her, and she's the second most popular character in the show; with the first being Marcy (my favorite), but I don't even dislike her either. I just feel that the narrative could've done better in treating the characters more fairly, like how TOH did with their characters. I really want to like Anne more than I do now, but for what I described, it makes it kinda hard for me to.
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That's it for my opinions on this. This was longer than I thought, so if you read it this far or read it at all. You either think that I have a point and should do more of this or my analysis stinks, and I should never speak my dumb mind again. I'll probably see how this goes either way. If anybody else here still cares about this show.
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heartfullofleeches · 2 years
Masochist Yan bully with a sadistic student council reader
Tw: smoking, cigarette burns, masochism, slightly suggestive themes
Erin watches the cafeteria door as he wastes for you to come outside. He was standing behind a building in the recreational area of the school, tucked away from human eye less they rounded the corner. He flicks on his lighter as you finally make your way outside for your routinely inspect of the school grounds.
He puts the cigarette to his lips. The other week, you caught another school smoking in this same spot and gave them an earful. You forced everyone to leave, but there were rumors you made them smoke the entire rest of the pack after-school. Erin still got tingles when he remembered how the student cries from your verbal assault.
Erin lights the cigarette, taking in a puff as the nicotine burns. He gags. It's not his first time, but in his excitement he ended up inhaling more than intended. He stands close to the end of the corner; tossing his pack onto the ground as your footsteps approach.
He steps out and picks from up, cancer stick hanging from his teeth as he waves. "Hey, Y/n. What's up?"
Your expression is neutral. "What are you doing, Mr. Hart?"
"Nothin." He takes the cigarette from his mouth and blows into the air. "Just enjoying my break like everyone else."
Without another word you walk over. You grab him by the wrist, pulling him around the corner as you then shove him against the wall.
"Give it to me."
Erin's face heats up. He feels your breath against his face. He shakily hands you the cigarette.
You grimace. "How disgusting. Tainting our school grounds with this stench. It's fitting for someone like you, but that doesn't mean you can do it."
His heart beat excellerates. "What are you gonna do about it?"
"Well I let the last pest off with a warning, but I'll make an example out of you. You're tougher to crack than them anyways." You step back. "Kneel."
Erin's not as tough of an egg as you think as he immediately falls to his kneels. He was a little over a foot taller than you standing, now at stomach level. It was a good imbalance. One he'd like to see more often. He gets as close as possible, chest pressed against your leg. You stare down at him; him returning the look with one that reminded you of a dog in heat.
"Stick out your tongue."
Erin again does as told. That smart ass confidence of his had been withered down to an obedient pet. You had yet to fully tame that spirit of his - but you would. You yank him forward by the jaw; flicking some of the cigarette's ash onto his tongue. He trembles in anticipation. You finally press it into the flesh of the muscle; keeping an iron grip on his jaw.
"Gah.. Hah..." Erin moans in pain as the bud chars his tongue. He grabs your thighs, nailing hooking onto the fabric of your pants. It fucking hurt. He could feel the tastebuds in that area melting away, but he wanted more. So much more. The pain was as enriching as the sweet embrace of a lover. It believed with his sick obsession for you that left him in a puddle of pure ecstasy.
Saliva pours over his lips and onto your fingers. He tries so hard not to bite down; jaws clenching, but unable to close around the cigarette. It eventually goes out from the combine weight of his saliva and being forced into a surface. You twist the extinguished bud for added measure before flicking it onto his lap.
You force his head back; another moan erupted from his throat as you yank his hair. Your fingers enter his mouth as you except the extent of the damage. A circle red is burnt into his tongue; the flesh raw. He nearly finishes on the spot as you tug on it. Deeming he's learned his lesson, you let him go.
"I think that's enough punishment for today. Don't do it again or..." Your voice trails off. As you spoke your eyes wandered his body; falling on an unflattering sight between his legs. "Are you- Did you get-"
Erin doesn't respond. Too caught up in the pleasure running through his body to speak. You nearly retch.
"How repulsive... Clean yourself up and go home for the day."
You walk away as the alarm rings for the next period. Erin slumps against the wall as he shoves his fingers in his mouth, trying to reach that same high he felt when yours were in their place. It's not enough to settle his heart back into his chest, but enough to finish what needed to be done.
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delicatestones · 1 year
Rereading Worm for my purposes and the early sections are giving me unexpected emotions about, of all things, the dynamic between Brian and Alec.
They have such a quiet teen boy sort of back and forth, is the thing. Like, yes, Brian finds Alec profoundly annoying, Alec is being profoundly annoying on purpose - but one of our earliest examples of Alec laughing is when he trips Brian and Brian goes across the room to put him into a headlock and starts punching him in the shoulder.
Insinuation 2.9
With Brian gone and Lisa absorbed in trying to patch up Bitch’s ear, I was left with Alec.  To make conversation, I said, “Alec.  You were going to tell me what you do.  You go by Regent, right?” “The name is a long story, but what I do is this.”  He looked over his shoulder at Brian, who was returning from the washroom with a damp washcloth in hand.  Brian, mid-stride, stumbled and fell onto the floor. “Way to look good in front of the new girl, gimpy!” Alec mocked his teammate, laughing. Grateful for the break in the tension, I couldn’t help but laugh too.  While Alec continued laughing, Brian got to his feet and ran up to the smaller boy, at which point he got Alec in a headlock and began punching him in the shoulder repeatedly.  This abuse only made Alec laugh harder in between his cries of pain.
I mean, there's the casual ableism and Alec being a little shit at an inappropriate time, but it's also notable to me that Brian, the stiffest man-teen in the world, is still roughhousing with Alec instead of actually being angry. It's also a lot that Alec, given what we know about his relationship to touch, likes this. Getting a headlock from Brian probably feels the closest to a hug Alec gets, well. Ever.
Then there's the sparring moment before Taylor gets her first bout with Brian, where Alec wears basketball shorts (???), gets bored, and fucks off to play video games - but Brian still cares enough about Alec to want to teach him. He cares about Alec to the extent he goes 'easy on him' (read: just teaches him like you should teach people to fight), which Alec takes as a slight (slightly sarcastically, because it's Alec), but we learn not too long after that Brian's father's method of teaching him how to fight was basically just short of actively kicking the shit out of him. But Brian doesn't do that to Alec, or to Taylor.
Then later on, in Shell 4.4, Brian gets Taylor that dragonfly in amber for her room in the loft (Brian!! down bad for the bug girl), Taylor hugs him, and we get:
“Hey!” a voice from behind me startled the wits out of me, “No romance in the workplace!” I turned around to see Alec and Lisa standing in the hallway, grinning.  In Lisa’s case, grinning more than usual. I must have turned beet red.  “It’s not, no, I was just thanking him for-” “I know, dork.  I was with him when he bought it.”
And I'm entranced by the concept of Alec and Brian on their separate side shopping trip while Lisa and Taylor were having that Very Straight Shopping Date. Brian contemplating a giant Declaration of Paying Attention To The New Girl in this big open air marketplace while Alec stood there in his new Kid Win shirt laughing like a little cartoon hyena.
It just makes me rotate things in my brain at high speed about both of them.
(This is also good foreshadowing for what Aisha is going to be like when she comes onscreen because you can feel the Exhausted Big Brother rolling off Brian in waves.)
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mydearsteven · 1 year
a Diamond from space in a school
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promt: Steven doesn’t know what a school is and decided that he wanted to come with you on what you’re doing.
featuring: Diamond!Steven x Reader
you were only doing your homeworks on homeworld, it was a quiet night. But what you didn’t realize is that tomorrow is school day. You see you would often spend time at homeworld thanks to the technology of warp pad but tomorrow you have to go to school, and not having any clothes on homeworld did not make it better. You would eventually try to ask Steven to go back to earth tonight because you have school.
“Steven, can you teleport me back to earth? i have school tomorrow.” he stared at you confused. What on stars is a ‘school’? it felt weird on his mouth. Steven would ask you what a school is and would explain it to him.
“so.. ‘school’ is a place where you learn and make friends?” you nod at him. “hm, interesting. I want to go to school with you.” your eyes stared at him in shock, he only rises a brow wondering why you react in such way.
“is there a problem, __?” his head tilted to the right while his face remain calm. You don’t know how to tell him that you need to sign up first before entering a school, you eventually told him that he needs to sign up next year if he wanted.
Steven scoffs and look at you in the eyes. “i do what i want. That is my planet after all, if they dare to deny me i could just destroy the head of that place.” he frowns and crosses his hands, you could only sighs and hope for the best.
it is now monday, and you are waking up from the sound of your alarm going off. ‘6:00… better start preparing stuff i guess..’ you thought, getting off from the bed you shook your boyfriend who was still sleeping.
“Steven, wake up. We need to get ready for school.” he groans and ignored you who eventually wake up because of your constant shaking. “do you always wake up this early?” he inquired while rubbing his head, you chuckled and say yes. “stars.. i couldn’t imagine my life living like this.”
you made breakfast for the both of you while he took a shower, once he was done though he shouted your name so that you could take a bath too. You reached up to your room only to find him using the diamond clothing from homeworld. “no! you’re absolutely not wearing that.” searching through your wardrobe, he was groaning once again. “why? this is like my everyday clothes.” you found his pink jacket and a black shirt with a diamond authority like shape but only pink on it, you threw those at him.
“you’re going to wear that, trust me its so much better.” trusting your words, he wore it and he thought it was really comfortable than his diamond clothes. You blushed a little, he look even better with normal human clothing. It suit him.
finally after taking a shower, the two of you ate your breakfast and went to school.
ofcourse being a half gem has it perks, one of it being able to leap and landed safely. That’s what exactly Steven does, he carries you and he told you to hold on tight, suddenly leaps up on the air. Squeezing your eyes shut you finally realizes that you’re already on the school ground, everyone was staring at the two of you; wondering how in the world did you two get from up there and landed safely.
you weren’t exactly that popular but not that nerdy either, though you have some bullies going around you but not to THAT extent. “why’s everyone looking at us? i thought that was normal.” you glared at him. “yes, normal to us but not these people, Steven.” he only shrugged before finally the two of you reached the principal office.
you knock on the door once and there was a voice. “come in!” twistinh the door knob, you saw the principal there with a stern look on his face. “what is it do you need? and who… is this?” he looks at Steven, noticing his pink diamond shaped eyes. Steven only look at him calmly with his hands inside the pocket.
“what?” he inquired, the principal suddenly smiles. “__! what do you need?” completely ignoring Steven’s question. You asked him if your boyfriend could be here for one day, the principal ofcourse declined this idea.
“what? are you dumb or something? he HAVE to sign up first! which is going to be in a few month. And he also needs some..” he make some ‘money’ looking gestures on his hands, you could only sigh at this.
you were about to put the money on the table before finally Steven’s hand get the money away from you. “Steven?! what was that for?” you shouted at him, he only glares at the principal with an intense glare. The principal only gulps at the sudden change of atmosphere inside and outside the room.
“you will let me in. Or else.. i might need to give some punishment to you for not following my orders.” he said in a threatening tone, save to say the moment you guys went out of that room; the room was almost destroyed.
“okay, now! lets go to this.. ‘glass’ of yours.” you gave him a deadpanned look. “its class, Steven. Not glass.” he shrugged. “same thing.”
walking inside class, the whole class suddenly shuts up and look at the boy who was behind you, who is obviously Steven. You can’t deny, he does look attractive in that clothing. Well proud to say that he’s yours, and you knew that Steven wouldn’t leave you for any of the girls who even dare to laid eyes on him.
the teacher immediately tell you to go to your seat, when you wanted to go though you felt hands on your wrist. Steven is nervous, he has sweats on his forehead. Not because he’s scared, he just don’t know what to do.
“hey, Steve. Its alright i’ll be right there okay? just tell them your name and that’s it.” you tried to reassure him and slips your hands away from his grasp, leaving him alone.
Steven look at the students who was infront of him, he was mostly focused on you though. “uhm, my name is Steven Diamond Universe. That’s it.” the class was stunned on how his voice sounds like silk.
the class was quiet for a moment before someone raised their hand. “Steven, is that your real eye color?” everyone inside the class immediately look at his eyes, most if them finding it pretty to have that amazing shade of pink. But they’re even more suprised when he said that its his real eye color.
another student raises their hand. “oo, Steven! were you that person who was carrying __ that came from the sky this morning?!” Steven answers calmly. “yes.” with that one answer only, the whole class suddenly became a fuss.
“ooh!! Steven! can you do that to me too?!-“ “no! i was first to ask!” “cut it out you all, he clearly choose me!” you were uncomfortable because well, he is your boyfriend and all of these people just met him. But by the looks of it, Steven looks pretty chill about it. You knew that he would never carry them since he ‘doesn’t want to get his hands on organic things’ even though he is half organic and you’re an organic.
the teacher cut us all out and asked Steven where he wanted to seat. “Cut it out class!! anyway.. ehem, Steven. Do you know who you want to share a seat with?” Almost all of the class immediately left a spot for Steven to seat, since you don’t really have a seatmate you’re just there.
Steven look over the whole class before smirking at you, walking towards where you’re sitting the people he passes by cursed under their breath.
“hey there lovely, sitting here by yourself?” he took a seat beside you, while you just nudged his elbow slightly. “pftt don’t do that again.” you blushed by how he calls you ‘lovely’.
after the first period was finish, it is time for lunch. And by what i mean is you have to deal with his complaints about the food. “ew.. gross. Is this what they gave you at school? you know what, i should sent Pearl to give us a PROPER meal.”
and he really did did that. His spaceship was coming and all of the students and teachers inside was walking out of the building to see what was going on. Only to see you standing by Steven’s side while Pearl was giving him his lunch.
“okay Pearl, you can go back to homeworld now.” you’re pretty anxious on the way everyone was staring at you. “ofcourse, my diamond. I hope you have a nice visit here on earth.” Steven only nods before Pearl took off to homeworld.
once you turn your backs around, you saw how everyone was staring at the two of you. Steven saw how uncomfortable you are and decided he would just takes you to your house, it would be better that way rather than just staying here doing nothing he thought.
after you went home you dropped yourself on the bed. “holy hell that was so awkward.” he chuckled and starts to cuddle you. “awww are you tired?” teasing him only results in a light smack on your head. “shut up. And go to sleep, i want to enjoy this moment before back to working again tomorrow..” once he finished those sentence you heard a light snore coming from him. You laughed a little before pecking his forehead and start to drift off to a deep slumber.
a/n: holy sharts this is long. what the hell
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lets-try-some-writing · 4 months
Ohoho I have a fun idea for The Moon, (I just got that idea last night and really wanted to share it, SO YOU SAYING YOU WANT OUR IDEAS IS JUST SO PERFECT) and it just got WAY longer that I anticipated, oh no…anyway enjoy :
So we humans, despite how harsh and unprotected from solar wind and radiation Moons surface is, still want to, if not fully colonize, then at least put some kind of research base, or a point between Earth and Mars (in some of my favorite sci-fi novels The Moon is always colonized/with scientific bases).
-and then it hit me – Humans are Moons Citizens - what if (in main or AU of an AU XD) when humans finally got to the point of living on The Moon, what if this titan just adopted them as his new citizens? :D
Why? Well idk, maybe he softened a little over the eons, or Erath just convinced him to give humanity a chance – after all, so far the best ideas for moon bases are either buildings covered in the lunar regolith (you know, solar wind and radiation) or just build some in one of the bigger caves. After a while he just accepted and grew fond of them as his new (weird) citizens.
And while writing it I got another thought – Marss reaction when humans just suddenly land on his surface, build bases, and what is that “potato” thing?, and – HEY! PUT MY ADOPTED ROVERS DOWN!
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Moon personally wouldn't be all that happy with the fleshies opting to build on him. He holds little love for Earth's children, especially since they hurt her with every breath. However, he would have have to commend them for bothering to make it all the way to his surface in light of the difficulties involved with the journey. Those few who can get to him would be allowed a grace period. Moon is of the opinion that if a race wishes to progress, they must do so without direct aid. A Titan is meant to guard and nurture, not pave the way forward. That thought process is directly thrown into his opinion of humans potentially colonizing his surface.
They would not be allowed deep enough into his frame to reach the hidden places reserved for his Cybertronian citizens. Those places are sacred, only to be inhabited by Cybertronians he deems worthy. However, the humans that can stick it out on his surface without breaking too many of his rules would be welcomed. They can reside within him, to a certain extent. But they would learn very quickly that Moon has exactly ZERO tolerance for citizens who harm him purposefully. Any humans on his surface would have to adapt and become very good at getting what they need without harming him, or they might very well find themselves exposed to Moon's immune system.
The few who make it through his gauntlet would be granted his protection and care. Their descendants would need to follow the unspoken rules, but so long as those rules are followed, he would grow to care for them eventually. The fleshies are HIS weird cleaning crew citizens. They receive safety, warmth, and breathable air. In return, all they need to do is keep him in decent shape. It's nice to be polished after all. It is all but guaranteed that in such an instance, a Moon cult would form eventually. Humans aren't stupid. They would learn the place they called home had a mind of its own eventually.
If anyone asks, Moon does not claim them as his citizens. They are his cleaners. However, if touched, he can and will retaliate with the vengeance of a Titan whose precious children have been wronged. Earth would be thrilled at the development and take extra care to try and ensure only the hardiest of her children make it up to Moon. No need for extra deaths when Moon only wants the strong anyway.
As for Mars? Well he would be thrilled to find that new citizens want to reside within him! He's not a functionalist jerk like his dear brother Moon, so he is more than willing to make room on his frame for the humans so long as they don't hurt him. Oh and they can't take his rovers (sparklings) either. He wants his little ones to grow up in peace until he can get the Allspark. Those who disobey will be very politely told to go back to Earth. Failure to obey will result in Pluto taking the offenders instead. Pluto, being an attack grade Titan, does have room for citizens. However, citizens must work to earn their keep. A very active Titan does not equate to a very comfortable living experience.
The poor sods sent to Pluto get to live as though they are traversing the north sea until Pluto says they have served long enough to go to Earth or another Titan.
None of the Titans know what to make of the whole potato nonsense.
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azu-rei · 10 months
Kazuha x reader
A/N: This is my first post so I hope I did it well. I'm on a writing frenzy since exams are tomorrow, and I want to keep my mind away from it. Bwahahahaha!
Synopsis: Selfless and reckless, what a horrible combination. Although you wish he'd cherish himself a little more. (Patching him up after a difficult battle)
The moon shone overhead, its gentle light an extra support to the flickering flames of the camp fire. The air around the two people in the wilderness remain silent, with one lost within his rampant thoughts, and the other busy tending to the man's wounds.
He looks downcast, you observe. After being ambushed by a horde of monsters and fighting against a number of ruin drakes, you make it out alive but not unscathed. Still, ever since then, Kazuha barely spoke which is quite unlike him. Despite suffering injuries in the past, his first course of action was always to ascertain his travelling companion's safety, but now...
You wordlessly apply ointment to the scratches and light wounds on his back before placing small plasters on it. Carefully, a cloth is wrapped around his arms first before making it's way towards his torso.
"I apologize," Kazuha's soft voice sounds out, "I was irresponsible and careless with my actions, so you ended up getting hurt. Even though you were also injured, you've been looking after me. I'm very sorry."
Your hands continue to wrap the bandage around him, acting as if he never said a word at all. He seemed to interpret that as a sign of displeasure, so he promptly turns his head away from you, preferring to gaze up at the stars instead.
Quickly tying up the last knot, you let out an audible sigh. You reach out a hand for the silver haired man's shoulder.
"I'm not mad, nor am I blaming you for what happened today. It was an accident, and everyone messes up sometimes.", you reassure as he turns his head to face you, but still refusing to meet your gaze directly
"As you can see, I'm breathing. And besides, I was also there so you shouldn't be the only one carrying responsibility for what happened"
"You were also hurt, so I should also be saying sorry for not being careful enough. I should've been more attentive in supporting your back."
Kazuha's eyes are fixed on the ground. His next words almost self-loathing, a bit out of character from the calm and self-assured person he usually presents himself as to others.
"You're hurt because I wasn't careful. Even with all my skills, I still let you get hurt. I should be someone more reliable and-"
You interrupt his words with a hug. Any more and you're certain he would continue to find more things to criticize himself about. Gently, you pat his back, paying extra attention as to not jostle the wounds you bandaged earlier.
In the time you two have been travelling together, you've learned a great deal about the enigma that is Kaedehara Kazuha. One of them being that his gentle soul hides a great deal of past grievances. He's open to an extent, but is careful enough that his defenses don't falter easily. His past must weigh a lot for him to keep his heart out of reach. In that regard, you've chosen to believe it better not to reopen an old scar.
"You are a reliable and capable person. With you around, I can be at ease no matter where I go,", you emphasize with a subtle tightening of your hug, "That's why, I'd ask that you don't think so lowly of yourself. It might seem like the most obvious thing in the world, but please cherish yourself!"
"Please be kind and patient to yourself, just as you are to others. You have many people wishing for your happiness, so consider yourself a bit more. There's also your friends from all over Teyvat, and me, so relax because we'll be here if you ever need help"
You continue to pat his back even after releasing him from the hug. He doesn't say anything more afterwards, but you sense a change in his mood - it seems a bit lighter now.
Your words may not be enough to fully remove the doubts in himself, but you pray to the gods that it would alleviate his burdens, even if just the smallest bit.
A/N: Was there too much dialogue? I'm new to this so feedback would be appreciated. I also didn't know how to end it, but hopefully it doesn't sound too rushed. Thank you for reading!! <33
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zeroseuniverse · 1 year
could you write some platonic!ateez x reader i neeeed more of them!! maybe something where reader is an idol too and has a panic/anxiety attack and they (or some of them) help reader?🤷🏼‍♀️
We're Here
Pairing: Platonic Ateez x fem reader
Warnings: Mentions of anxiety, protective Wooyoung, and bad members of reader's group
Word Count: 696
Summary: In which after making a mistake at the biggest performance of the year she's riddled with anxiety.
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A/N: I’d like everyone to remember anxiety and panic attacks can be different depending on who has them, yes some are similar but all are different
This was bad, like really bad. She could practically feel the glares from her members and management. One mis-step was all it took to almost cost her everything, at the biggest performance of the year as well.
The gasps rang through the crowd as she caught herself from falling and instead threw in her own move to keep the choreography going with no obvious mistakes. Her breath started catching after that, making the performance harder to complete, but she knew she couldn’t stop it would make it all worse, so with watery eyes she continued, even as everyone watched her turn red in the face with the lack of air. As soon as the performance finished and the lights turned off, the only thing she could hear was the thumping of her rapid heartbeat and footsteps racing towards her, her eyes closing in an attempt to calm herself.
When she was hoisted in the air she knew it wasn’t her members or her manager since none of them had the strength to pick her up in a bridal style hold. And when she opened her eyes she was in the Ateez dressing room, though only five members seemed to be in front of her, the other three could be heard arguing with someone down the hall. 
“Hey sweetness, how’re ya doin’” Mingi cooed, taking a soft approach to the attack that had calmed down a bit with distance from the situation but still lingered. 
Of course she couldn’t speak, it was a constant anytime she had an attack, speech just was not on her side. So she signed that she was okay to Yunho who had taken the time to learn sign language after he realized the extent of her panic attacks.
San took the moment to cuddle up to her side, the contact making her feel grounded and though her mind still felt hazy she could also make out Mingi rubbing her head gently, and Jongho humming a small tune while Yeosang stood a bit further not knowing exactly how to help but making sure nobody pushed any bounds to make her uncomfortable.
“You’re so selfish!” She heard her other members scream through the door, they had thought she just wanted attention by standing out, not realizing that if she hadn’t done that she could’ve ruined the whole performance. Her attention was stripped away from the screaming women as Mingi pressed their foreheads together, to signify his support for her.
She didn’t even hear Wooyoung cursing out her other members or Seonghwa trying to reel his gremlin back to his side, or even Hongjoong trying to stop Seonghwa frm stopping Wooyoung. She did however notice the three entering the room shortly after, security following them to make sure they didn’t cause another ruckus. 
“Those litt-” Wooyoung grumbled with a glare until Seonghwa nudged him to shut up.
“Oh honey,” The three cooed, rushing to push the others away and take their places, well Wooyoung and Seonghwa did, Hongjoong was busy pulling up his phone to complain to the company about the group's treatment of her. 
“We’re here, We’re always here. You did so well.” Seonghwa assured, running his index finger along her nose, his own signal, they all had one. After years of friendship with the boys she had come to notice that whenever they wanted to comfort her first there would be a cuddle pile, then it would be the individual reassurances that she wouldn’t be facing anything alone, Mingi had touching foreheads, Yunho had linking pinkies, Hongjoong would kiss the tip of his finger and place them to the tip of her finger, Seonghwa would run his index finger down her nose, Jongho would rub the space behind her ear with his thumb, Yeosang would tug on her hair gently, Wooyoung would run a finger along her spine, and San would pull her head under his chin. And as she felt the sensations one by one her heart rate slowed, and her breaths steadied. Her dazed brain cleared up and she now sleepily looked up at the men of her life with the sweetest smile, though weak, it did give them the reassurance that she was getting better.
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ria-writes-stories · 5 months
Murder on patrol
Ship: Vuzi Genre: Cotton Description: Two crazy girls running around FOR THE ONE AND ONLY @bladeubae! Give it all for queen's amazing art. She has been a great source of inspiration for me and she is one of the many artist that made me go 'aight I'm learning how to draw as well now' ------------
(No one's pov)
It was no easy task being a disassembly drone. You had to live off from the oil of other drones. While the worker drones of the planet had bunkers and plenty of oil to consume at will not the same was for the disassembly drones. They were too few to form any sort of 'colony', not to mention they could barely find any scraps in collapsing buildings around the cities of the planet, so, they had to resort to hunting. But what about the drones who found pleasure in the hunt?
Snow crunched after various fast steps as tree branches were pushed to the side roughly with the occasional snap of twigs under the drone's feet. A presence was following close by, laughing sickly as an yellow X flashed through the darkness of the dim lit forest given that the moonlight was barely enough for how dense it was. However, the darkness meant safety, sure the drones had night vision…to a certain extent that is. In the end the night proved useful both for the prey and predator.
A swift change in the air and everything changed at once. A barely audible move and the prey had disappeared leaving the predator to extend out it's claws and step forward looking left and right with a wide toothy grin that would terrify most to death. That is if you weren't a certain somebody of course. "Where are you~? Come out~" The drone taunted with a sadistic giggle as she looked left and right. Gust of winds flew past her left and right followed by a barely audible sound, but one thing was sure she was being cornered. It wasn't long before the other presence made itself known, tackling down the other drone. Or at least it tried to, because the disassembly drone quickly shifted the weight from her legs, changing her position and grabbing the other one by it's collar before it crashed into the snow behind her.
"Got you~" V said as her eyes flickered back to normal as a small purple drone groaned and folded her arms. "BITE ME!" "Is that an invitation?" The disassembly drone said with a smug look on her face before dropping the worker drones and licking her claws clean from the residue oil from earlier. "Nobody said you can just attack my oil can!" Uzi said angrily as she got up from the snow, dusting herself off. "Well, I was hungry, and you were taking too long to share." V taunted as she swiftly bumped her hips into Uzi with a small giggle. "Loosen up, it's not like you're lacking any at the moment!" Uzi frowned as a visible blush formed on her face and she proceeded to take her beanie off just to place it over V's head and push it so far down she blocked the other drone's visor. "HEY!" Uzi knocked V off into the snow and then took off with her wings but not before her tail bit V's arm.
V took the beanie off and flew up with a small growl chasing after Uzi. "I'M FASTER! I spoke too soon-" Uzi said as her eyes widened in shock the moment she saw V spiral after her full speed, and did it work? Absolutely. V practically made herself a bullet, giving her the benefit of aerodynamics. It was something that Uzi was still gripping on, something she struggled with given her flesh bat wings. V quickly tackled Uzi, both rapidly approaching the ground with Uzi screaming, just so that V would spread her wings at the last moment and pull the both of them back into the air.
"I hate you." Uzi said with a frown as V laughed lightly and caressed her face lovingly, pulling a few stray strands from her face. "You're so adorable without that beanie on." V said with a proud smile as Uzi looked away irritated. For once she was not used to such teasing that V was giving her, and for second she was mad with herself for being so easily flustered as a visible blush rested upon her cheeks.
V's smile turned into a grin as she swung her tail teasingly, having Uzi's beanie anchored on it like a prize. "Give it back!" Uzi demanded as she tried to get her beanie back, only for V to pull it further away from her reach.
"What? Maybe I wanna try a new fashion style. I was quite stylish back then." V said with a cocky grin as she adjusted Uzi's beanie over her head. "I should probably try other colors tho." "You? Stylish? Sure." Uzi said with a dismissive eye roll. "My maid outfit was very much so elegant. Why, you'd rather see me in something like that than my current uniform~?" V tease with a toothy grin as her hands softly rested on Uzi's waist pulling her closer as Uzi's blush came back to life the moment V began to tease her. "You're into that cosplaying stuff right~?" Uzi began to squirm in her grasp as V laughed softly at this and pressed a soft kiss on Uzi's forehead. "You want some wall oil back?" "Well- I mean I could go for a snack about now but where fr-" Uzi got cut off short just when her blush began to defuse just for it to be lit back on as V pressed her tender lips over Uzi's soft delicate ones. V pressed down on her own lip until she drew out oil and continued to kiss Uzi.
Uzi mumbled in protest but she eventually melted into the kiss as her arms warped around V's neck all the while her tail warped around V's and playfully nibbled on it. They broke the kiss with a light pant as Uzi slightly gasp for air and noticed V's bleeding lip. "Don't do that again." Uzi said in a soft scold as she kissed away the remaining drops of oil from V's lips as the taller girl simply smiled looking at the smaller drone with a love struck madness in her eyes. "I'll decide that, thank you. Tuck those wings in come on, I'll cary us both." V urged as she nuzzled Uzi's neck softly. "Are you sure? I'd still rather have them out for any possibility." "Come ooooon." V pleaded as she nuzzled the crook of Uzi's neck affectionately as the goth girl looked away and mumbled a shy 'bite me' before complying with the other drone's wishes.
V held a firm but gentle grip on Uzi as she flew them higher until they were above the clouds and then leaned on her back and flew like that. If it weren't for the clouds Uzi could have been fooled that they were back in her bed in the colony. Uzi's eyes sparkled with excitement as she ran her hand through the clouds under them, she was slightly hesitant at first. V gripped her a bit tighter as she crossed her legs while in this 'laid' position and Uzi got all the reassurance she needed to freely play with the clouds without needing to worry about falling and then having to spread her own wings. "And you are confident we won't bump into anything because?" "There's no sky scrapper on this planet, and no tree this tall, the only thing that could possibly hit us is N, and if he does that I'm cutting his head off." "Don't be mean." Uzi said with a small frown all the while V kept her eyes closed and relaxed, just so that Uzi wakes up with V's claws pressing against her back. "Hmmm, I didn't quite catch that." V said as she opened one of her eyes lazily as Uzi proceeded to huff and look away angrily. "Oh come on. You know you love me~" "I also know you're sleeping from the ceiling again if you keep this attitude up." "And then you'll get all gloomy and sad and demand I come to bed to cuddle you up." V cooed out lovingly as she pressed a soft kiss on Uzi's cheek. "My, somebody's gotten real warm, better head down for some oil." V said as she was prepared to lower her wings, just to be stopped by Uzi. "Wait- no, I want to stay up here a little while more, please." The girl said with a genuine pleading look in her eyes as V opened hers in pure shock with a dumbfounded smile on her face. "I didn't think I'll live the day to see you asking nicely but I'll take it." V said as her smile slowly became widen just for Uzi to look away with another pout. V knew how to get to her nerves, but she knew how to defuse her just s fast, with soft words and a tender touch, all was good and peaceful again. As peaceful as you can get with a walking ticking bomb hand in hand with a TNT stick that is of course.
"You want to train a bit more after this?" "Only if we switch places. I'm tired of you being the one to chase me." "Well, you got me real good the first time you transformed, I assumed you didn't need further more on it, you're a natural." V said calmly only for Uzi's face to shriek with shock and look away with guilt. V quickly realised her mistake and softly cupped her cheek, bringing her head back to her by gently pulling her by her chin and looked into her eyes apologetically. "If it's of any use I think you are still a born rebel." V said with a soft smile as Uzi returned it as they softly pressed their foreheads against each other.
Once the two decided to came down they decided to try again with the whole chase game. The change? Uzi had to outrun and outsmart V without any weapon or her powers. Why? Well, what if Uzi's powers became unstable? She had to be able to fend for herself without them. Much to Uzi's shame she had very much became dependent on those and forgot how to rely only on her wits to get her out of danger in even the least likely situation.
The chase began before Uzi realised it as V leapt on her, missing her by just an inch. The action still took Uzi off guard and made her loose balance before quickly recomposing herself as she ran as fast as she could as V followed laughing.
They were back to where they were before, but now Uzi was no longer allowed to use the AS to get away, same goes for her wings and tail, they too are out of discussion. All of a sudden everything became more terrifying as V played her role a bit too good. V was an expert in causing havoc and chaos into the mind of her prey, it was her speciality to scare them to death, literally.
Uzi had the terrible luck to get into a dead end with V slowly creeping up behind her, wings spread out widely, claws out with her hands loosely hung behind her, the tips of the deadly blades scratching the snow ever so slightly leaving behind a trace. "Ok V. You proved your point you can drop it." Uzi said as she rolled her eyes and folded her arms. "V… I said you can stop." Uzi said as she frowned ever so slightly, but V didn't answer, she kept approaching with the same stoic doll crept smile on her face. "V…" Uzi said as her hands shifted from their position while her eyes grew wide. V must have been playing…right? That is only if she didn't start overheating… The whole thing started because Uzi wouldn't give V a nibble of her oil since Uzi had asked her multiple times if she wants to pack some for her and V kept saying no. All of that just so that later she tried to steal some of hers and for Uzi to drink most of it out of spite and run off. What if V actually needed the oil? What if she wasn't just being annoying?
As these thoughts began to rush in Uzi's mind V was coming closer, only for Uzi to move further away, bumping into the huge rock behind her. Should she bring her wings and tail out? Should she use her powers? Should she fight back? V could regenerate but what if the overheating would actually end up leaving V laying on the ground to never get up again? V leapt and tackled Uzi down, bouncing off the rock and rolling with the smaller drone in the snow.
For a moment Uzi thought all would be fine, only to see V had the same murderous look on her face before she suddenly moved her head down and bit. A blood curling scream filled the woods, but pain never came as instead Uzi felt her beanie being put back in place on her head as V kissed the nape of her neck softly. "I didn't know you could scream this loud. Someone would think I murdered you on our 'patrol'." Uzi hit V in the chest as she barely fought tears to slip from her eyes before she hugged V tightly. "You scared me! I thought you…" "I'd never! Not around you." V said softly as she rubbed her back affectionately.
They were a mess, but at least they loved each other endlessly. They made up, after Uzi hit V's shoulder that is.
The end
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