#to me it doesn't make much sense for a dalish elf to end up as part of the shadow dragons or the mourn watch or the crows
trickerys-domain · 20 days
So I just got a chance to listen to the Dev Q&A (thank you Ghil Dirthalen!).
Was anyone else extremely annoyed and disappointed by the answer regarding City vs Dalish Elf Rook?
Like that 'things are different in Northern Thedas when it comes to elves' comes across as such a lazy lore excuse for 'we didn't want backlash for restricting races to factions' considering from every other peice DA media released, we know that's not true. The dalish and city elves are very much seperate cultures and factions on their own.
It would be like saying orzammar and surface dwarves are 'basically the same' in northern thedas
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kcwriter-blog · 2 months
Since there has been some discussion about how a young Lavellan might interact with Solas, I thought I would chime in with how an older Lavellan might interact with him.
My Lavellan is in her 30s. She has been a First for some time. That means she has been groomed for a leadership position since her teens. At her age, other clan members will be asking her for advice.
She may not be experienced enough to be considered a haren but she is as knowledgeable as any Keeper about elvish history. She knows herself. She knows her people. She is proud to be Dalish.
So she doesn't give a rat's ass what Solas thinks about the Dalish. At first he's just a weird elf who carries himself like one of the Dalish but doesn't even have a valleslin. She's been taught that non-Dalish elves are to be pitied because they have lost their way. Even as far back as Origins we have a haren telling our Warden that when the elves get another homeland it will be up to the Dalish to teach the city elves how to be true elves. So whether she likes it or not, her first impression will be that he is an elf but not a "true" elf.
So while she asks him his opinion, its not because she thinks he knows more, it's just curiosity. What do non-Dalish elves think about elven culture?
She may say that he "insults her people" but that just drives home the fact that she sees him as different. He isn't one of her people. He isn't Dalish.
What he says is irritating but she can forgive him because he hasn't spent much time with the Dalish and his few experiences weren't positive. He can say what he likes. She's heard worse from the shems.
However, being proud to be Dalish doesn't mean she is going to refuse knowledge just because what she has learned is different from what he is telling her.
Dreamers are important to the Dalish. They are rare but they should be listened to. She's also very, very intelligent. She knows the Dalish don't know everything. If they did, they wouldn't be trying so hard to put together the puzzle pieces that are all that remains of her culture.
She is a confident woman. She is mature. She understands her strengths and weaknesses. She knows it isn't weak to ask for help. She knows leadership is about collaboration. In some ways she is more mature than Solas.
So she listens. She compares what she knows with what he tells her and decides for herself if it makes sense or not. She doesn't believe him just because he is older than she is. She takes in knowledge from many sources including the ruins they visit, the scrolls and books in the library, what other elves say. She analyzes the data and comes up with her own set of beliefs.
She views Solas as someone in need of protection. She tells him she will protect him anyway she has to because she knows the shem could imprison him, make him Tranquil or execute him if they feel like it. She is lucky. She has a seat at the table. She chooses to exercise her power by protecting him.
Solas isn't a mentor to her. Yes, he knows a lot and yes, he gives her good advice but so do Cullen, Josephine and Leliana. He is a colleague. She may trust him more because he is an elf. She may spend more time with him because they share some of the same experiences (as far as she knows) but at the end of the day he is basically someone who can help her do her job. It can even be argued that when she becomes Inquisitor she becomes his boss.
Solas may start out thinking of himself as a mentor or at least a teacher but it is not their dynamic. He gives the information freely. She can take it or not. Does he get frustrated if she doesn't listen to him? Sure. I get frustrated with my friends when they don't listen to me but I can't make them.
I think by the time they get to Skyhold they are on a more equal footing. They respect one another. They may even think their first impressions were wrong. And they may fall in love.
I've always seen their relationship as an equal one with a lot of give and take. As players we know who he is but our Lavellans do not. So there is no real power dynamic at play. He isn't her boss. He knows a lot and gives her advice but that does not put him in a position of power over her. He acknowledges that every time he apologizes or concedes to her.
How will she deal with him 10 years later? She has had a lot of time to reflect. She was in a position of power. She realizes he is right. Sometimes there are only terrible choices left. She had to leave Hawk or Alistair in the Fade. Hell, one of her decisions resulted in the destruction of her clan.
So she understands that Solas once had to make a terrible choice. He regrets it the same way she regrets some of her decisions. She knows there are things she would do differently if she could. She would give anything to change some things.
She understands how being in power erases your identity. She knows that sometimes you can become the person everyone believes you to be even if you don't want that. She knows what he went through. She went through the same thing. She knows the world will decide who you are without ever getting to know the real you. She also knows that you can never really leave all of that behind.
With age sometimes comes wisdom. She understands him better now than she did when they first met.
She has had time to learn more about the Veil. She can see that its presence has caused a lot of suffering. She has come to the conclusion that Thedas would be better off without it. She just wants it done in a way that results in as few lives lost as possible.
She has had time to reflect on their relationship. She was very angry at the time but has let it go. She understands why he broke it off. She understands him well enough to know that he is broken and not capable of having a real relationship until he has dealt with his shit.
Her feelings for him have actually deepened because she understands him better now. So when they meet again she isn't going to be plotting his downfall. She's not going to jump into his arms either. There is a lot of water under that bridge. From her perspective they have a job to do. They can talk about their relationship afterwards.
Whatever happens they will deal with it like the mature adults they have always been.
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thedragonagebigbang · 1 month
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Bang Creator Interview: Tumblr: @vivispec | AO3: Vivispec
The Collaboration period has begun! In these quiet months before works are due, we want to foster a sense of excitement, camaraderie, and celebration among our participants. To that end, all participants were given the option of a formal interview by our mod, Dema, or an informal “ask-game” survey. We hope you enjoy getting to know our phenomenal creators as much as we have!
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Top 10 Reasons You Should Actually Contact The Ex Whose Life You Ruined– Number 1 Will Shock You!
Vivi and Dema talk OCs, Whumptober, and how to write while driving
Dema: Good morning! It is I, Dema, here for our interview.
Vivi: Good morning!
Dema: Since this is a fandom event I'd like to start there! How long have you been involved in the Dragon Age fandom? What drew you to it?
Vivi: I've been into Dragon Age since Origins came out-- I actually have fanfic I wrote for it when I was 12 on my Grandmother's computer, it's very bad-- but I didn't actually start getting involved in the fandom until much more recently. I'm kind of a fandom lurker in general, and didn't start posting fanfic or really engaging in the fandom until about 2022.
As for what drew me to it, the series has held a special place in my heart for a very long time, but playing Inquisition for the first time in 2020 kinda broke my brain (affectionate). I went into a Solasmance blind and have never been the same since
Dema: Oh, I too have the Solasmance hooks in me, I understand. Does that make DA:O and DA:I roughly tied for your favorite? Or do you have a strong favorite?
Vivi: This question is honestly the bane of my existence, because I have so much trouble choosing. DA:O definitely has more nostalgia, but DA:I is the one I engage with and write about the most. I think, if I had to choose at gunpoint, I'd actually say DA:2 is my favorite, but that's by the thinnest and blurriest margin.
Dema: Haha, yes. It's a bit of a "choose your favorite child" question. I will not hold you at gunpoint.
Vivi: Much appreciated.
Dema: Is it Solas in particular that inspires you to write in the DA:I timeline the most?
Vivi: He's definitely a contributing factor, and what started me down that road, but I think my love for writing DA:I is mostly tied to my Inquisitor, actually. She's maybe one of my favorite OCs I've ever made.
Dema: DA is such a great sandbox for OCs. Tell me about your Inquisitor! What makes her a favorite?
Vivi: Her name is Viera'vun, a Dalish hunter. She's a pathfinder more than anything else, incredibly observant, and very down-to-earth once she's settled in as Herald. I love figuring out how a Dalish elf with no exposure to this world she's been suddenly thrust into would react, and how she would keep herself safe-- in Viera's case, she becomes really good at picking up on the little things and using them to her advantage, and standing her ground. One of my favorite things about her is actually the dynamic she has with her hunting partner, Iloniyn-- they're platonic soulmates, one of my favorite tropes to write, and having him there as her rock once he joins her at Skyhold definitely gives her stable footing as she tackles becoming the Inquisitor.
Dema: She sounds lovely, and I can see how those themes would provide a lot of creative inspiration! Dalish Inquisitors in particular have such an interesting dynamic. How do Viera'vun and Iloniyn navigate the religious affiliations of the Inquisition?
Vivi: Viera uses it to her advantage, as best that she can. She doesn't believe in it of course and isn't shy to say so, but when holding her tongue and letting others make their own assumptions would help her out, she's not opposed to begrudgingly doing so. I think the biggest thing is that she knows how, historically, elves have been treated by the Chantry, and that she likely won't be immune to being killed or erased by them. Still, as long as she's around and has power, she's going to use it for her and her people.
Dema: Oh, she sounds so savvy! I love her already. Since we've been discussing OCs, especially in the context of the Dragon Age universe, I'm curious how you go about creating them. For example, was Viera an in-game Inquisitor? Or did you make her specifically for writing with? And was she typical of your process?
Vivi: In general, my OCs start in-game. Even Iloniyn was originally an alt Inquisitor that I fell in love with, and wanted to use in writing! When I replay roleplaying games with some element of character creation, I tend to give my PCs a gimmick so they don't all play the same-- Iloniyn's whole shtick was he didn't want to be there and was very vocal about it, and one of my Warden's always chooses the lie option if it's available to her. Viera was my first playthrough of the game so she didn't have a gimmick. I let the game shape who she was as I played it and tweaked it in post, adding more backstory and personality once I knew the general arc of the story, and where she was going to end up. Then, I did what I do with all of my OCs to flesh them out: drop them into increasingly terrible situations to figure out how they tick! She got the worst of it, I did Whumptober the year I started writing her. 31 days of horror for that poor lady
Dema: Hey, the meat grinder tells us what they're made of!
Vivi: Exactly! You get it.
Dema: Were those mostly one-shots?
Vivi: Yes they were! 60k worth of one-shots. Most were about her, but she definitely wasn't the only one. I even dipped my toes into Ancient Elvhenan for that event, it was a lot of fun filling those prompts!
Dema: Oh wow, 60k in 31 days! So you are no stranger to writing a lot of words in a set timeframe.
Vivi: No stranger at all, though I don't think I have that sort of stamina any longer. Still not entirely sure how I did it. I've done three other Big Bangs since as well, finishing four pieces across them.
Dema: What keeps you coming back to Bangs?
Vivi: I wouldn't finish pieces otherwise. I'm a notorious WIP collector, so having incentive to finish my pieces is always nice. Plus, I love getting to work alongside artists, and see how they interpret what I write! Collaborations make it all feel so much more official.
Dema: Having only participated in Bangs as an artist, I'm so impressed and inspired by the dedication you have to the challenge. It's a big number!
Vivi: Aw thank you, on the opposite side of the event I'm always impressed by the artists and their illustrations! It's amazing what we both are able to do in the timeframe given, thank you for your service.
Dema: I love it! From the artist's perspective, it's an interesting way to engage with a fic as a prompt, and the inspiration comes from the story and the collaborative effort. As a writer, is there anything in particular you're drawing inspiration from as you develop your idea for a long fic like this? Without being too specific about this idea, of course.
Vivi: Honestly, ideas just kinda hit me during my morning commute, while I stare aimlessly at the road ahead of me. Because of that, I tend to record myself talking in the car, despite the fact that I probably look like I've lost it just a little bit. Just talking through my thoughts on where my OCs and the companion characters are or what they're doing during specific times generally gives me a lot to think and write about, but mostly I pull my inspiration from their interpersonal relationships. That is what this series is built off of, and what I love about it!
Dema: I think that is a brilliant strategy. In the last minutes, and just for fun: can you come up with a click-bait title for your fic? Without giving anything major away, of course.
Vivi: Top 10 Reasons You Should Actually Contact The Ex Whose Life You Ruined-- Number 1 Will Shock You!
Dema: HAHA, Perfect. Thank you so much for your time, Vivi!
Vivi: Thank you! This was a lot of fun.
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sky-fire-forever · 3 years
Someone please ask me questions about my Dragon Age Wardens. Here they are
Orion Mahariel: Dalish elf rogue. He's an archer and a ranger. He's trans, gay, and demisexual. He romances Zevran. He's very kind and hates killing sentient creatures, but is an excellent hunter as long as he knows the creature will be honored and used. He has Alistair complete the dark ritual since he can't due to being trans. He cares very deeply for elf rights and Dalish culture. He believes in a second chance for everyone. He has a huge crush on Sten at first and is extremely curious about other cultures and people. He is fascinated by spirits, but terrified of demons. He's always trying his best.
Rose Tabris: My city elf. She's extremely distrustful of humans and of most everyone, really due to the trauma she's been through. She's very guarded and mistrustful, believing that pretty much everyone is out to get her. She's quite harsh and blunt, not taking anyone's bullshit. She isn't afraid of a fight and she doesn't back down. She eventually romances Leliana, but it takes a long time before she trusts her. She's so conflicted over if she should harden Leliana or not. She just wants to protect her. She's a two-handed warrior. She's a cis woman and a lesbian.
Benten Brosca: My commoner dwarf. He's very sweet and jolly, loving everyone. He's kind and eternally optimistic. He laughs very easily and tries to turn most things into a joke. He really tries to always look on the bright side of things. He doesn't do the Dark Ritual with Morrigan, but he romanced her, so his son still exists. He doesn't die, either. Alistair ends up making the sacrifice. He's cis and straight, but an ally. Probably going to be a rogue.
Orla Cousland: My human noble. Can't decide if she should be rogue or warrior. Kind, but fierce. Has a strong sense of duty. She always wants to do the right thing, but often doesn't know what that is. She is Andrastian and supports the Chantry for the most part. She cares deeply and wants to change things. She hates being seen as weak and always wants to take charge of her own destiny. Cis woman and bisexual. Romances Alistair and eventually becomes his queen.
Eluvia Amell: My human circle mage! She's a trans woman and is bisexual and polyamorous. She romances Zevran and Leliana. She's very curious about the outside world, as she's never experienced it before. She is extremely Andrastian, but hates the Chantry. She loves the Maker, but hates the people who speak for Him. She has a similar view to Leliana about it. She becomes a blood mage and spirit healer. She is a bit emotionally stunted due to not experiencing many milestones of growing up while trapped in the Circle.
Primrose Surana: My elven mage. She's a mage, but she actually supports the Circles and the templars. She's kinda similar to that one mage in the Circle whose name I forgot. She believes that magic is a curse and that they have to atone. She's very fond of the Tranquil and spends a lot of her time with them. She hates being a Grey Warden and wants to return to her tower, where it's safe. She's so scared all the time. She's a cis woman and probably bisexual, but repressed. Haven't decided who/if she's gonna romance, but I kinda like her with Alistair and Leliana
Ralsei Auducan: My dwarf noble. Probably gonna be a warrior. Pansexual aromantic trans woman. She's kinda a bitch. Very spoiled. Thinks she's the best at everything. Violence is her first response. Very hot-headed and easily offended. No romance, but sleeps with Gorim and Zevran. Wishes she could be queen of Orzammar, as she believes it's her right.
Tristan Cousland: My other human noble. Probably gonna be a rogue and an archer. He's very pragmatic and wants solutions. She's kinda rude, but it's just because they're very blunt. He hates authority and understands why Loghain did what he did. Spares Loghain. Romances Nathaniel Howe in my mind and possibly Morrigan
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emerald-amidst-gold · 3 years
FRIEND FRIEnd friend fr-
I have a 🌟 question 🌟
Souvenirs from days gone: Does Fane have a mundane object he's emotionally attached to from his past (draconic past or most recent)? A toy, a piece of clothing that doesn't fit any longer but he can't find in his heart to get rid of, a pretty pebble or a dried flower someone dear gave him in days long gone?
FRIEND, FRIIIIEEENNNNDDD! >:D Your questions always leave me pleasantly surprised and EXCITED because I just love explaining Fane's oddities and softer side!
So, objects that Fane is emotionally attached to? There are quite a few, actually! (Surprise, right? X'D) However, I'll go with the one that Fane cherishes the most!
In my fic, Mhairi gives Fane a crimson sash as a birthday present, and it's the only article of clothing (other than his leather wraps) that he wears that has Dalish inspiration. Though, he doesn't wear it because of that, of course, but the gift is something Fane rarely goes without because it was the first gift he received after his father's experiments ended (about a year after, in fact). It was like a safety blanket, a reminder that he wasn't truly alone, and that what he did perhaps wasn't in vain since Mhairi was alive, whole, and 100% unaware of everything that had happened to him.
"Vhenan, what is this? It appears to be of Dalish craftsmanship, but the materials are not what I'm accustomed to seeing.", Solas asked, turning to face where he was at the desk.
The rich crimson flowed over his sky's hands, delicate gold embroidery of leafless trees and the tiniest of hallas all along its edges and woven into the very core of velvet. Solas had a thoughtful, curious expression on his face, blue and grey orbs fixed on the beautiful article, almost appraising it. Fane chuckled at that, lifting a hand to scratch at his temple idly. Leave it to this elf to immediately pinpoint the one thing that actually meant something in his 'hoard' and assess it.
"You're too nosy for your own good sometimes, you know that?", Fane said, but he kept his voice light and a small smirk on his face. He wasn't miffed with the man; there were no secrets between them, just surprises as they learned and relearned.
Solas blinked, eyes and face snapping up to him as he was caught red handed. "I only--", he began, but Fane cut him off with a small wave of his hand.
He rolled his eyes, smirking more. "I know, my sky. Relax.", he assured, slowly pushing himself up from his seat with only a minor grimace of discomfort. He sat for too long again. How he did that with his job, he would never know.
Fane circled around the other end of his desk, strides slow, but not seeming like it as he easily closed the distance between he and Solas. The mage looked up at him, a wry smirk on his lips and the uncommon sight of sheepishness in his sky-line eyes. It was always a treat when he could coax out those hidden emotions with a few words. Always a treat.
"Here," Fane held out his hands, palms up and beckoning with two fingers. "..give it.", he said and smiled a tad more warmly as Solas gave him the crimson article of cloth without protest or question. The wolf was as keen as it was curious.
"I assume it is of sentimental value?", Solas asked as Fane began to fold the length of velvet and gold in a specific fashion, shortening it one way, lengthening it in another.
Fane nodded. "It was a gift.", he said, pulling the material taut to work out the kinks before seamlessly starting to wrap it around his waist. It was a bit harder to work this into his normal attire, especially with what he wore now, but the mage would get the gist.
Solas watched him raptly, head tilting a bit. "A gift?", he asked.
Fane huffed with amusement. "I know, an odd thought, but yes.", he affirmed, deftly tying and tucking without any thought. He had done this for so long that he barely had to visualize how the sash would lay, how the material would bunch or smooth out. As such, he glanced up, meeting soft orbs and a tender expression and greeted it one of his own. "..It was from Mhairi, so I guess it really isn't that odd of a thought if you think about it."
Realization flashed across his sky's features, thoughtfulness dissolving, blue swallowing grey as irises widened and pupils did so in turn. The shock wore off quickly, however, Solas' expression warming to where Fane could swear he could feel its heat physically. Or maybe that was just his face. His cheeks did feel warm. Which meant...he was blushing. Lovely. Why did he always blush when confronted with that look? Damn it all.
"I see. The craftsmanship makes more sense now with that in mind. Your sister is immensely talented in the delicate arts.", Solas said, a smile pulling at the corner of his lips more as he took a few steps to where Fane was suddenly having trouble tying due to how much warmth was between them. Damn the sky... It was too beautiful, too strong.
Fane cleared his throat harshly. "Yeah, she is.", he agreed, quickly turning his gaze down to crimson and gold because the view of blue and grey was making him lightheaded. "She spent months gathering the supplies and funds to make it. Odd jobs in the clan for coin and whatnot. I remember snapping at her when she told me she had gone to local villages to gather rarer items. Stubborn girl.", he grumbled, but smiled fondly all the while. His sister was indeed stubborn, but so was he. At least they were related in that fashion.
"She was willing to tempt to danger for you. I do not believe that is solely stubbornness, vhenan.", Solas explained with a fond chuckle.
Fane shrugged. "Guess not, but I still didn't like the thought of her traipsing into a town full of templars ready to maim her, to silence her.", he growled before taking a deep breath. Calm, calm. He would end up tearing the sash if he thought on those memories too much.
"Truthfully, nor do I relish that thought. Especially since I have seen the effects those in the armor have upon her.", the mage admitted. Fane remembered the event that Solas spoke of without full context. He would not let another gauntlet touch either of them again. "But, her gesture and endeavors were well meaning; they came from a place of love."
Fane hummed, ire washing away as he gazed at crimson and gold, trees and hallas. "Don't I know it.", he whispered with fondness. A new feeling of tranquility washed over him as he gazed down at the masterful sash, memories beginning to wiggle into his mind. "Material magic. That's what I've always called it."
He heard Solas chuckle, his hands coming into to view to help resume the task Fane could no longer complete due to emotions and more innocent days painting his psyche in gentle shades of pink. Every time he looked at his sister's gift for over long he...drifted, but not like how he once had when he gazed up at the sky, watching its expanse shift and feel his heart ache with yearning. This was more gentle, more welcome. It was nice.
"Explain?", Solas inquired, voice soft and gestures softer as slender hands skimmed along his waist and plucked at cloth. The mage was less prodding and more...reverent now. That made Fane lean forward a bit, resting the side of his head against Solas'.
"I just..feel calm from mere sight and touch. It's like how I feel when you speak to me in Elvhen in the morning.", he murmured, glancing down to see Solas was being less productive now, fingers merely tracing, feeling and memorizing delicate designs as his eyes were. "The material holds warmth and love; things I feel I still don't deserve, but am learning to accept. It's...something I don't think I'll be able to abandon even if the world commands me to." It would be one call he would not answer, and he would not feel guilt over it this time.
Solas' eyes fluttered shut. "Some must be obeyed, some mustn't. That is one I believe would be forgiven.", he whispered, coming closer still, fingers curling into lushness as Fane brought his arms up to loosely wrap them around an unadorned waist.
Fane hummed, nuzzling against the mage's temple absently. "We'll see about that, won't we? I may not abandon my sister's gift, but--"
Solas cut him off with a gentle shake of his head, eyes turning away from sanctuary to bore up into him, face soft, but expression hard. It was a look Fane was all too familiar with; they wouldn't think past today, or rather, he wouldn't. Easier said than done, but his sky was right. As always. He would find sanctuary tonight, not tear apart fabric as surely as he would one day tear apart a heart plated in gold and wrapped in velvet.
Fane loves Mhairi with all his heart. They may not be brother and sister in blood, but they are in soul. It's why everything he has to do and say later hurts so immensely; he doesn't want to do it. And it only hurts worse when the sash becomes a sword of pain to his heart rather than a blanket of sanctuary, but he keeps it, he endures. The sash seems mundane to those on the outside, but Fane doesn't care about them or what they think. He'll take any ounce of love he can, even if he feels, deep down, that he truly doesn't deserve it.
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shift-shaping · 7 years
Writing Prompt: I have been subsumed by teacher/student AU and I want more. o.o But I wonder so much about Surana and Solas in this AU. So this prompt is - who is Surana's closest friend her own age in this verse? Does she know them through her program? If she doesn't have any close friends, why is she isolated from her peers, and have any of them tried to be close to her before? If she had friends before, did something happen that separated her from them? Sense: balloons, hardwood floors, fire.
Glimpses: Sparkling Cranberry Juice
Rating: M
Genre: Romance
Verse: Confessions of a Teacher’s Pet
Pairing: Solas x Surana
Warnings: Teacher x student, age gap, ARMS
They were so toned. There was the slightest hint of a tan, a soft sunlight over hard, defined muscles. She wondered what the soft hair would feel like under her fingers, what her body would do if he flexed under her touch. She thought she might feel his pulse in his blood, moving along the raised veins of his forearm. His muscles tensed as he shifted, crossing his arms over his chest. 
Behind him the great fireplace flickered, filling the room with the smell of woodsy smoke and lighting his silhouette from behind. He wore a white dress shirt and sweater vest, the type she’d normally think aged a man but somehow made her forget how old he was. He’d rolled his sleeves up to his elbows, and as soon as she saw how the firelight reflected off his smooth, exposed skin she couldn’t look away.
“Eirwen!” A hard grip on her upper arm tore her from her stupor and she blinked, turning to the girl at her side.
“Maker’s balls, Eir…” The girl looked her up and down, then shook her head. 
“Nothing…” She trailed off, looking away, her tone teasing. “I guess I know why you brought me here…”
Eirwen flushed and looked back at her drink -just sparkling cranberry juice, because alcohol wasn’t allowed here anymore. “I didn’t want to go alone.” She took a drink, then cleared her throat. “No one else would want to come.”
“Pfft.” The girl smirked and shrugged. “Morrigan would have come.”
Eirwen looked at her sideways. “She’d be so obnoxious.”
“I’m flattered that you think I’m better-behaved.”
“When it comes to this kind of thing?” Eirwen nodded toward the Dalish-themed decor, the late-Fall herbal tea, the Halla statuette at end of the buffet table. “She’d be trying to tell Dr. Sabrae what the ‘real’ translation of everything was.”
Eirwen’s friend snorted, holding her glass close to her face. “At least I’m apparently the least shem of your shem friends.”
“All my friends are shem friends,” Eirwen replied flatly. 
“Well this is your chance to change that!” She gestured broadly, trying to make it look impressive that seven other Elvhen students had showed up.
“Yes, with every other elf in the university.” 
“Eirwen.” She pursed her lips, turning fully to face her. “Why are you so glum?”
“I am not glum. I’m fine.”
“Okay. Why don’t you go talk to your professor then?”
Eirwen glowered at her, let her voice drop to a warning low. “Leliana.”
“What? The point of this is to meet other elves -go meet other elves!”
“We’ve already met,” she blushed even deeper, turning her eyes away toward the green balloons floating from the buffet table. 
“Go talk to someone else, then.”
“Why are you trying to get rid of me?”
“Eirwen, go.” Leliana was having none of her friend’s excuses, and she gave Eirwen a soft shove. The drink in her glass nearly spilled, but she was immediately distracted from it by the catch of her hahren’s eyes on her. Solas turned to her with a confused smirk, and somehow Eirwen knew Leliana was smiling without looking at her. 
“I’m pleased to see you could make it after all, da’len.” His voice was warmer than the fire against her skin, and she fought to keep from overheating. “And you brought a guest.”
Leliana spoke and held out her hand, anticipating her friend’s stunned silence. “Leliana Nightingale. A pleasure.” Solas shook her hand and smiled politely.
“Solas, and likewise.”
Eirwen took a long sip from her glass and forced herself not to notice how his Elvhen eyes shone like stars in the dim light. She knew she ought to say something now, to explain her relationship to Leliana, but every word she attempted to draw from her mouth crawled back down her throat. She shifted her weight and the floorboards creaked underneath her -a distant reminder of the age of this building, of the history in its ghosts.
She could mention that. She could ask him if he knew the real story of this place, the myth of Elvhen students holding parties in the basement beneath these noisy floorboards, starting small but growing to dozens of elves smoking and drinking in ways their kind was not allowed to. He had to know how it fell apart, how a shemlen student called campus security and the Elvhen admission rate had dropped to barely 10% ever since. 
But she mentioned none of that, because before she could, another professor drew him away. He apologized and left her standing there, words sitting on her tongue held back by the tight reigns of her nerves.
“Oh, you have it bad,” Leliana observed, and Eirwen considered throwing her drink on her before rapidly finishing it instead. 
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