#to everyone’s surprise. especially my own. we are playing DD
blue-dream-rhapsody · 2 months
Oh my god Phoenix Wright. Fuck, I’ve missed screaming your name.
(In aggravation. Because when I press statements hoping you ask an obvious question that’ll bridge to a piece of evidence, you ask some irrelevant bullshit instead. I want to strangle you.)
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scremogirl · 1 year
HII i love ur nonchalant reader sm since i lowkey relate to them too much💀💀 I'm wondering if nonchalant reader w yandere nerd would cause the same reaction or worse?.. :'DD
Omg stop cause why did you open a whole Pandora’s box in my mind!? I also headcanon Nonchalant! Reader as a foodie idek. Original fic here! Nonchalant reader here! Enjoyyyy!!! -Love, Sosa❤️
Nonchalant! Reader with Yandere! Nerd would be sickininggggggg. He would take full advantage of their behavior and use it to get away with things that a normal person would have slapped him for. He is delulu and your attitude is not making it any better 😭. He knows you really don’t care about anyone or anything so that just makes it easier for him.
Before he became popular he would defo try and finesse his way around you.
“Hey… (Y/n)?”
“Uhmmm.. I-I was wondering if you maybe wanted to go get something to eat after we finish this project? It’ll be on me!”
As you two pull up to wherever you decided to eat you see kids from your school through the buildings windows. Everyone has had suspicions that you two were together; you really didn’t care. You knew Yandere! Nerd was just a friend, so why argue? Unbeknownst to you, Yandere! thought you didn’t deny anything because you were already together; playing further into his delusion. You expected people you know to be there and so did he, it’s the reason why he picked this spot.
“Hey, (Y/n)! What’re you doin here? Especially with this freak?” Jeez, this knucklehead again? How many times is he gonna pester you?! Yandere squeezes the drink in his hand, it is only till he here’s the popping of the lid that he stops.
“He isn’t a freak,”
“Really? Because all the freaks I know don’t spend their time working on building fucking Lego sculptures,” he and his goons laugh thinking their funny. You just sigh and give him the classical Kubrick Stare.
“I’m gonna give you the count of three to apologize and get out of my face,” he’s about to say something when he sees you, you have a reputation and he’s not gonna be added to your naughty list. With a quick murmur of an apology, he and his friends leave. You turn back to Yandere! Nerd with a quick head nod once you notice him staring and continue to munch on your food.
That’s ranch on his pants…don’t worry about it.
After he becomes popular, his confidence boosts. He’s too bold for his own good.
“Hey, honey! Did’ya miss me?” you ignore the nickname and continue scribbling on your notepad.
“Oh how you wound me, darling,” with a dramatic sigh he flings his hand to his forehead and flops on you. He stays like that for a while before wrapping his arms around you, face buried in your neck. You continue your scribbling.
“Say, Darling,” he shifts his face around so he can see you. He pauses for a while breathing in your scent. Cucumber Melon; his second favorite to the Peach-Cherryblossom. How he knows that; well, let’s leave that up for interpretation. He sprays it on his pillows before he goes to bed at night, acting like you're there with him.
“There’s this festival after school, Townson Amour? I was wondering if you’d like to come with me,”
“Isn’t that for couples?”
“They’ll be food,”
Another example would be:
Hmmm… I swear you just had that chapstick; it was literally right there. Ah hah! There it is! As you bend down you see the door open behind and the chapstick just so happens to roll away from you to that very same door. Dammit! You’re stuck!
“My, my, my. What a lovely surprise!” You look up amused. You don’t struggle, accepting your fate.
“Hey, you mind getting that chapstick for me?” He looks down and to no surprise there it is at his feet. He bends down to pick it up and smirks.
“You mean, this one?” He waves it around in his hands before popping the cap open and applying it to his lips.
“I don’t know, this flavors pretty good,” you just continue to stare blankly.
“What are you doing here anyways? Don’t you have a club meeting or something?”
“I finished early! I was looking all over for you; if I didn’t know any better,” he walks closer to you, bending his body over yours and whispering in your ear. You can smell the chapstick on his lips, that’s literally how close he is.
“I’d say you were waiting for me,” his hands come up to your waist as he gentley pulls you back to him, successfully pulling you out from where you were stuck.
“Thanks,” you say curlty; reaching for the chapstick in his hand.
“Uh uh uh, not so fast, darling. Don’t you think I deserve a reward?” He invades your space once again.
“Maybe… a kiss?” So you do.
“Keep the chapstick,” you say, gathering your things and walking out of the abandoned classroom.
Hey! How’d that ranch get here?!
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rainbowsky · 2 years
Hope you are enjoying the nice long weekend.
I wanted to ask about the time the host of happy camp weijia made a shocked face when GG was showing the thumbs up sign .
Do we know what triggered that reaction? I have seen a lot of videos which say that DD made the same sign and then GG reciprocated. I don’t really believe a simple gesture like that would result in that shocked face. Could you please share your opinion.
Thanks .
Hi Choko! I am enjoying the weekend, thanks! Hope you are as well! 😊
Fake, fan fiction, CPN.
The only person who knows for sure why Li Weijia made that face is Li Weijia. All the video clips and posts that BXG make about it are just CPN/speculation. I have my own opinion on it, which I'll outline here. Of course, it's just my opinion. Everyone is free to come up with their own interpretation.
@chokolateaddictz is referring to the interview segment with GG, after his performance at Hunan TV's 'Double Eleven' event November 10, 2019 (Double Eleven is a big singles day/shopping day in China). Subtitled clip here.
A lot of BXG believe that Li Weijia made that face in reaction to GG's thumb's up gesture, and to DD returning that gesture from his seat in the audience. Fancam footage of DD laughing and doing a thumbs up in the audience is often cut into the video footage at a key point to make it appear like he did that in response to GG.
Here are some reasons I am skeptical of the popular BXG interpretation of this:
This candy is never shown as just a straight play-through of the event. It's always heavily edited and with a lot of added commentary. I'm always going to find that degree of editing and commentary very sus, but especially when a lot of things are framed to have happened in such a short time.
The shocked face happens simultaneous to - and might even begin before - GG's thumbs up, so it's hard for me to take it as a reaction to GG's gesture (or DD's supposed reaction to GG's gesture).
I doubt he would be shocked by GG and DD's interactions by that point (more on this below).
🚧 Caution: 🤡🚙 crossing! 🚧
I don't think GG and DD were closeted at Hunan at that time, so I doubt their behavior would have surprised any of the hosts - not even Li Weijia.
This Double Eleven event happened months after GG and DD appeared together on DDU. My CPN is that around that time, or maybe shortly after, DD and GG likely came out to Hunan staff about their relationship, or at least their relationship was outed to the staff around that time. It just makes sense to me, because at that point DD's role on DDU transformed from 'single, available guy' to 'married little brother we like to tease'.
I talked about that in the past (I wish I could find that post, sadly Tumblr is an abyss where old posts go, never to be seen again - EDIT found it), but I think it's highly unlikely that such a dramatic shift would occur in how DD is framed on the show - considering that a large portion of it is likely scripted - without the production team being aware of (and buying into) that shift.
They're the ones who plan the episodes, write the bits, etc. so, I think it's unlikely that it would have only been the DDU brothers who DD was out to. Considering how many segments where DD would be framed as the hot single guy, where they'd try to pair him off with women, etc. DDU aired in the past, if the production team is not able to plan segments like that anymore, they'd need to know.
Or, at the very least, the modification of the production team's behavior would have had to come from somewhere, and to me it only follows that they knew about GG and DD.
As a high profile, well-connected figure at Hunan at the time, it seems to me likely that if some shift came about then, Li Weijia would have likely heard about it. I think the idea that he didn't know about GG and DD by then strains credibility.
The famous GGDD Happy Camp episode happened months before this event, but after the airing of GG and DD together on DDU. If GG and DD were that obvious during the Happy Camp episode, I can only imagine how they were behind the scenes. How could anything GG and DD do shock this man? 😅
And he obviously would have been backstage with them at this Double Elevens event, interacting with the DDU brothers, GG and DD, and would have seen them together then too.
But that is just my CPN, I have no proof of any of it.
What do I think he was reacting to, then?
Well, it looks to me like he was probably hamming it up with the audience about the idea that GG might have a significant other. He is a very energetic showman who knows how to work an audience. Given the nature of the event, he could have just been trying to get fans worked up about the idea that GG might not be single (completely without any intended reference to DD).
If you watch the fancam footage, when DLS asks the question, Li Weijia immediately responds with an exaggerated scandalized look, before GG even does his hand gesture. It's totally his shtick to do this kind of thing. Playing it up, jokingly acting like he's hearing some hint of salacious gossip. That is how I interpret it.
Of course, like I said earlier, only Li Wiejia knows for sure what he was doing and why, and of course there are other possibilities. He could have been reacting to one of the many BJYX light banners that were there, or he could have been reacting to something else we have no information on. It's impossible to say. But this is my take on it.
Having said that, could it be true - as some turtles claim - that DD made a thumbs up gesture in response to GG's gesture, from where he was seated in the host area?
Possibly, but I've never seen any video footage that can confirm it. I've never seen fancam footage that captures both GG and DD in the same frame at the same time, to confirm the timing of and relationship between GG's gesture and DD's. And since I've seen a lot of misleadingly edited videos before I think it would be foolish for me to just take this heavily edited candy at face value.
My conclusion is that it is very likely that Li Weijia was just hamming it up with that shocked face, but that doesn't mean that DD didn't also do that thumbs up gesture to GG. Both could be true. I just haven't seen footage that would conclusively convince me of the latter part of the story.
This is just my CPN. Other people can (and do) see it differently.
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bbhyeoliskooks · 4 years
.- : ✧ 𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐈 𝐖𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐦𝐚𝐬 ✧ : -.
➶ TXT’s Reaction to Seeing you Excited for Christmas Like a Little Kid
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
Genre: 5 cups of snowflakes and fluff~!
Warnings: None~~
(omg, watch me post every day now for christmas ?? i haven’t been working on stuff because of assignments and stuff so i’m sad, i really wanted to write a lot for the holiday this year :(( but iss okay~! We have now and hopefully you guys will like it hehe)
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
. ⋅ ˚̣- Yeonjun:
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*’. All year you had been begging to do so many fun activities with him for your first Christmas together as a couple
*’. Every time though, he would boop your adorable lil’ nose and say with a teasing tone, “just be patient and wait~!”
*’. But how could you be patient when the best time of the year was coming???
*’. Yeonjun knew how excited you were for this when you counted down the days starting from November, so he guessed he was really in for a ton of screaming when the first day of December came
*’. When the month of December finally arrived, you were on your toes for all of the holiday cheerings and greetings !
*’. It was just pure happiness wherever you went- you saw everyone with big smiles painted on their faces, little children running around the store to look for Santa, and especially the couples who gifted each other surprises every week
*’. Yeonjun woke up at 12am on Christmas morning because of how much you were screeching and screaming to the top of your lungs
*’. “Will you calm down for a second? We have the rest of the day to spend, but I need some sleep first.” “Jjunie, but it’s Christmas already! I just wanna-” chuuu <3
*’. When he saw the stars sparkle in your eyes, he couldn’t help but instantly pull you aside and gift you with some pretty early passionate kisses
*’. It was the least Yeonjun could do for you, really~! You’re his adowable, widdle baby of course hehe
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
. ⋅ ˚̣- Soobin:
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*’. The Christmas Tree was exceptionally stunning this year ! With all of its gleaming ornaments that hadn’t broken down from the past few years, it wasn’t that hard to believe
*’. It honestly was quite a journey to get the tree inside of the house, but luckily both you and Soobin were able to scuffle enough with the struggle to decorate it from home
*’. Seeing how you happily placed ornament after ornament on the pine tree warmed his heart
*’. “Soobders! Doesn’t this one look so pretty?! I think we should shop for more so that I know which ones you really like.”
*’. He absolutely couldn’t say no, okay…
*’. “Ai, love. You’re the prettier one here, be quiet.”
*’. It seemed that you didn’t hear him as you gazed in wonder at your favorite one- his heart was going crazy because of it
*’. Poor him, he couldn’t concentrate on getting the task done since you were so alluring under the Christmas lights hehe
*’. And poor you, didn’t know what kind of effect you had on Soobders here !!
*’. Needless to say, you didn’t get finished decorating the Christmas tree :// but no need to worry, you couldn’t complain because Soobin flung you over his shoulder to have some cuddly times <3
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
. ⋅ ˚̣- Beomgyu:
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*’. Voila! You stared at yourself in the mirror with satisfaction, adoring how gorgeous you were in your favorite winter outfit
*’. It was actually for a party, you never dressed up quite this much unless there was an important occasion.
*’. Excitement brought itself up from your jumping feet to your trembling arms… in complete realization that it was just a few hours 'till Christmas morning and you’ll definitely be the happiest person ever !
*’. Beomgyu saw how happy you were dancing around in the mirror, and just had to stop his movements- only to stare and coo at you from behind
*’. He truly couldn’t resist giving you a gift from how thrilled you were in front of him
*’. “Princess! I brought you something!”
*’. You immediately looked behind you once you heard the word ‘princess’ to see him rummage under the pocket of his suit, trying to get something from out of there
*’. He walked closer to you, snatching out a tiny box with bright, red wrapping paper on it
*’. You hurriedly opened it with just a little touch of hesitation from how happy he was to give it to you, not expecting that
*’. Oh my gosh :o!! It was the prettiest golden necklace with a letter of B on it ( )
*’. Once he said that it was something to remember him by whenever you miss him, you knew at that exact moment you were so incredibly whipped that it was laughable
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
. ⋅ ˚̣- Taehyun:
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*’. Oh. No. Oh. My. Gosh. No.
*’. As much as Taehyun loved the Christmas holidays, he was NOT ready to hear that Mariah Carey song blast in his ear 24/7, especially from you who knew he absolutely despised whenever the radio played it
*’. Actually, back in June when you were getting sad about it not being winter, he made you promise you wouldn’t play this in the house, not even once
*’. Guess what
*’. You didn’t let him live one second without hearing it
*’. Who could blame you??? You were so exhilarated that the holidays had come !! Which meant so many gifts and sincere love to give to the love of your life !!
*’. He made sure to appease every single one of your efforts of playing that song by a few encouragements like cuddles or subtle kisses on your hands
*’. Cue the puppy eyes he totally has no control saying no over
*’. Although… you were so cute and tiny despite your height that girlie, he fell in love with your stunning spirit over and over again ~~
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
. ⋅ ˚̣- Kai:
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*’. If someone said the word Christmas from a mile away, you would sPRINT out of wherever you were, throwing hands on the streets because of the happiness that simply overwhelmed the rest of your emotions
*’. We can say that Kai hit you with his plushies to make sure you wouldn’t get away from him any longer :DD and good thing he succeeded because you were going crazy over the idea of hot chocolate with marshmallows
*’. Gifts only made your want stronger unfortunately, the need to wrap a few gifts getting on your nerves from how itching your hands were to prep up some happiness
*’. The week before Christmas, you were getting sad since you hadn’t gone shopping with Hyuka yet :((
*’. Okay, he just couldn’t say no to your cute grin when you asked him to accompany you to the stores >3< he needed to go shopping with you now~~
*’. You basically dragged him everywhere- to the Christmas tree perched in the middle of the mall to the decorations section where snowmen were singing their own merry tunes
*’. His feet and legs were aching, but hey !! You were so happy with him that he could say his body didn’t hurt one bit <333
*’. You made it up to him later by making a few cookies you knew he adored
*’. He’d return the favor- would definitely calm you down during night by singing a few Christmas carols or even putting on a movie~~
*’. Not before giving you your early Christmas gifts… which were some sweet kisses okay
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
Posted: 12/18/20- 9:55pm
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bush-viper-cutie · 4 years
Happy Birthday
Pairing: young!severus X reader
Word Count: 3,099
Rating: T for teen
Plot: It’s your birthday and you can’t wait to attend a big party where most of your fellow 7th years will be, including one Severus Snape. Ready to be more outgoing, you take a chance and participate in several fun activities that leave you wanting more.
Warnings: Bullying, kissing, steamy-ness
A/N: It was my birthday this week so I thought I’d write this quick one for everyone! If it’s your birthday this month then HAPPY BIRTHDAY and if it isn’t then a very late/early happy birthday to you :DD
Posted: 5/7/20
(y/n) = your name
(y/h) = your house
(e/c) = eye color
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~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~
Everyone who was anyone was going to be at the top of the astronomy tower tonight, ready to celebrate you and three other student’s birthdays. You made your way down the cold corridor, clutching your cloak tight to avoid a shiver.
Your shoes clacked on the dry stone and echoed through the corridor as you made it to the tower. You took it two steps at a time, ready for the best night of your Hogwarts life. You were normally shy, rather reserved, and focused on your studies all other nights, but tonight you were ready to be your dream self.
You could hear the music pounding on the door of the astronomy classroom and wondered how on earth no teacher had found out about it yet. You opened the door and the second you stepped through several people cheered, welcoming you in.
The room was open, of course since there needed to be a no ceiling for stargazing, but glittery streamers were still gently gliding high in the air, reflecting the changing lights of candles and torches on the wall. Some students in the back were playing their magical instruments of choice while laughing and keeping rhythm.
You turned and saw a pile of cloaks in the corner and added to it, freeing yourself for the night of your old self, ready to embrace the new you.
“(Y/n)! Over here!” a group of students were waving.
You smiled and ran over, jumping on your friend and giving them a hug, “This party is amazing!”
You looked around at all the students, spotting almost all (Y/H) seventh years – and some sixth years – along with dozens of other students from the other houses. No one was wearing their school uniforms, though the outfits seemed decent enough to get caught in.
“Drinks are over there!” your friend pointed over to a table with several chalices, “Careful though, its spiked.”
You nodded and left your group to grab a drink. The liquid in the chalices were orange and smelled like pumpkin juice, but there was a slight sparkle to it that seemed unusual. You held it to your nose and noted that it smelled amazing, almost making you want to chug it immediately.
You tipped it to your lips and took a sip. You were immediately hit with an immense sense of absolute joy and happiness. Euphoria! You jumped happily and skipped back to your friends, falling onto one of the cushions on the bench, careful not to hit your head on a decorated telescope.
“MMM! Who brewed the Euphoria? It’s amazing!” you chugged the remaining liquid, cheered, and vigorously set your cup down beside you.
“Those Slytherins over there,” your friend pointed to a group of boys. “James made them brew it if they wanted to be let in.”
You looked over at the group and spotted Severus Snape, Mr. Perfect Potions in every class you had taken with him since first year. “Of course.” He was first to finish, the only one who could actually follow the teacher’s instructions, and everyone knew he was the one writing several of the Slytherin’s essays since fifth year.
You remembered asking him once for help on a potion and receiving it easily, which had surprised you at the time. It was after that encounter that you had begun to distance yourself from several of the Gryffindors that picked on him and others like him. They always talked about how awful he was… but he had been so nice to you that day.
He was leaning on the wall on the opposite side with his arms crossed at his chest and long dark hair falling at the sides of his face. He was always clean shaven and quiet, which made you wonder what he was doing in a place like this, especially, with his four bullies just a few feet from him.
You smiled, If Severus can enjoy a party like this, so can I. You laughed at that. Severus wasn’t exactly enjoying anything, just leaning against a wall with his two friends looking at everyone else enjoy things. “Snape can brew a mean Euphoria.”
“That I can’t argue with.”
Your friends continued talking for several more minutes until the last birthday kid arrived which meant the festivities could fully begin.
James stood on a bench and kicked some cups out of his way, “I’d like to thank every last one of you for finding that Gryffindor braveness inside of you and risking your weekends from now until we graduate in a few months to come to this party!”
You clapped with everyone else but rolled your eyes at his theatrics.
“Happy Birthday Remus, my friend, along with the three other students who share his birthday who have also helped put this party together,” he disheveled his own hair and jerked strands out of his eyes. “Let’s have cake!”
A giant cake appeared in the center of the room where five large blankets were spread out. The cake divided itself up into small pieces and James instructed everyone to gather around. A candle popped out of every piece and Remus, you, and the other students stepped forward.
The candles and torches went out and the cake candles lit. Everyone started singing the shortest birthday song most wizards knew and you blew out your fourth of the candles in one blow at the very end. Everyone clapped and Remus got an extra toast from Sirius and Peter.
Several students went back to talking and dancing, but a majority of the students stayed seated in the circle. You knew exactly what was coming. It had been the talk of the school for a month now and at first you knew there was absolutely NO Way you were participating… but now you felt really giddy and excited about it.
“Cake Talk is about to begin so,” Sirius looked at Severus and the other Slytherins, “anyone who doesn’t want to participate LEAVE.”
He stared at them a minute and laughed. Severus frowned and made to stand but his two friends held him down in his spot. Severus crossed his arms and stared back at Sirius, standing his ground.
“Fine then. Let’s begin,” he looked at Severus again and fake gagged, making several students laugh.
The cake floated higher in the air except for a single piece which stayed at mouth level in the air. A bottle of clear liquid appeared under cake piece and everyone clapped. The music was loud but you could still somehow hear the bated breathes of everyone as they waited for something to happen.
Suddenly, the blankets lifted two students from opposite sides of the circle and quickly carried them to the center.
“Ooooh,” the crowd cheered them on.
They looked nervous to face each other but nodded, waiting for someone to yell out a personal question.
“Have you two done it!”
Everyone burst out laughing, making the two students blush. You covered your mouth, remembering the rumor going around school last term about them getting caught in the broom closet.
“Boooo,” the crowd yelled.
The two students decided not to drink the Veritaserum to answer the question and leaned forward, eating the single piece of cake at the same time until their lips touched. The blanket picked them up again and sent them back to their original spots. Another piece floated down and the process began again.
The blanket chose several Ravenclaws, Hufflepuffs, Gryffindors, but now this was the first time a Slytherin was chosen forward. There were a handful of them in the circle, but the first one chosen was none other than Severus Snape.
He was sent forward, catching him by surprise, along with a male student. Laughter arose and Severus looked straight down, avoiding everyone’s eyes.
Sirius threw out the question, “Would you rather kiss the giant squid!”
“Cake,” Severus answered, causing a roar of laughter from the room.
“Talk,” the male student drank from the bottle. “I would rather kiss and marry the giant squid!”
“We all would, mate!” James clapped.
Severus and the other student were sent back and the cake piece stayed floating, waiting. More students went but your eyes were focused on Severus still. His arms were folded and his head was bent so low all his hair had come forward. Something was growing in the pit of your stomach. Guilt? Anger? This game was unfair and the Euphoria was either starting to wear off or it was no longer strong enough to hold back certain feelings.
The blanket was choosing again and this time James leaned forward and smacked the blankets with both hands. Severus and a female student were sent forward. This time Severus sighed and rolled his eyes, knowing exactly what was going to happen.
“What’s Snivellus remind you of?”
“Cake,” Severus folded his arms again.
“Talk,” she took a swig and burst out yelling, “A greasy slug!”
The Slytherins booed but the other students cheered. They were sent back again and two new students were chosen. Severus tried getting up to leave but the blanket had taken hold with a velcro-like strength.
You wished the game would end already. Him and most Slytherins were being treated so awful. You wished you were back by the punch admiring the music and blowing Whispering Bubbles over the edge of the tower with the other students.
You were staring off into the night sky at all the bright stars when you felt something lift you up and you turned as you were rushed forward to the center. You almost yelped but you held your mouth closed until you were set back down.
You looked up and saw the intense black eyes of Severus Snape. His arms were folded but for as long as you looked at him, he looked at you. You blushed and turned away, dreading whatever question was going to be thrown your way.
“You a virgin?”
“Course he is!”
Severus frowned and mumbled his usual reply, “Cake.” He looked away, almost agitated that everything was taking so long.
You looked around and saw you friends looking at you through almost closed fingers. They had warned you not to participate but you didn’t listen, all too eager to have your first kiss.
You breathed out and looked at Severus, making up your mind, “Cake.”
The crowd gasped and went silent. Severus looked up with parted lips, clearly shocked by your choice. He closed his mouth and swallowed, blushing deeply.
You looked at the cake and leaned forward, waiting for Severus to do the same. You looked into his dark eyes as he put his lips to the cake, ready to follow your lead. You took a bite out of the corner, followed by him, both heads tilting in opposite directions. His nose rubbed the tip of yours as another bite was taken, and then another.
He smelled wonderful, you realized. Like a library full of books and a freshly watered garden mixed with the obvious scent that belonged to him and only him. You swallowed the spongy bread with ease and found yourself eager to get to the center, ready to connect lips with him at the last bite.
You closed your eyes and breathed in the sugary smell of the expertly whipped frosting, opening your mouth and closing your lips around the tiny bit of cake, savoring it. You felt his lips touch yours and it felt like a jolt of electricity had traveled from your lips to your chest.
For a second you forgot where you were, the music stopped, and all you could feel was Severus’ breath incredibly close. You swallowed the last bit and pressed forward still, feeling a bit of frosting smear your parted lips as they connected with his. He tasted like vanilla and you found your tongue searching for any leftover sprinkles on his tongue.
He tasted even better than the cake and you couldn’t help but reach for him, grabbing his sweater and pulling him in closer. You shut your eyes tighter as you felt your lips grow warmer and begin to tingle. You felt the need to get closer, to press your body against him, but you had to remember where you were.
You pulled away and gasped, keeping your eyes locked on his as he caught his breath. He was blushing and smiling, entranced by the moment as much as you were. You wiped the white frosting off your lips and sucked it off your thumb slowly, wanting to capture his gaze even longer.
As sudden as the first time, the blanket lifted you up and rushed you back to your spot. You smiled and covered your mouth, searching for Severus’ onyx eyes again. He glanced up at you from his spot and looked down, an obvious smile playing at his lips.
The blanket no longer felt like velcro and you took the opportunity to stand up and walk over to the pumpkin juice hoping to still your racing heart. You turned and hoped Severus was following, but saw it was James and Sirius instead – the only two of their group of friends who had already gone and were free to leave.
You took a chalice and chugged it down, needing to lift your spirits to deal with James and Sirius and whatever they were about to pull.
“Well that was…” Sirius looked to James.
“Surprising, I’d say.” James looked over at Severus who was looking over from the back wall.
“Couldn’t have been that nice if you had to rush over here and chug the juice down,” Sirius yelled a little louder than you had wanted.
You glanced over at Severus who looked away, clearly upset by what he had heard. Even then as James and Sirius tried to make him seem unlikable, your heart was still racing and your lips still ached for his. You turned to them and shoved the empty chalice in their hands.
You walked towards Severus but he left for the other side of the room. You needed to tell him how much you loved it. How you felt like you wanted more, needed more of him. You sighed and waited by a bench for your group of friends to be done.
The torchlights were dimming, and the candles were going out as the hour went on. The night was close to being ruined and there was only one last event that could save it. There were less students but still an enormous handful, and Severus was with his friends talking and drinking one cup after another, that stayed behind.
Cushions from all four houses were being summoned and set on the floor as couples took their spots and claimed each other’s lips. You gulped and decided to use that ‘Gryffindor braveness’ James had mentioned and made your way to Severus.
Him and his friends were getting ready to leave when he saw you. He frowned, making himself look even less approachable than normal, and folded his arms.
“What.” His tone was harsh and it made every hair on your body stand on end.
“Will you join me?” Your voice was louder than you that it would be and was pleased. Maybe you were brave, and just never used it.
His face shifted along with his tone, becoming softer, “Join you?”
More candles were getting put out and you stepped closer, feeling your heart start to race again and your cheeks flush once more. His friends were annoyingly still around, obviously easily engrossed in the drama and you realized this room was the last place you wanted to be with him in.
You smiled, finding it easier to keep talking, “Join me in the empty Ancient Ruins classroom bellow this tower.”
You winked at him and saw his face light up. He nodded and pushed his friends away, thinking the same thing as you about privacy. You took his hand and led him down – taking your cloak with you – and ran giggling into the completely dark and empty room.
The second the door shut you pinned him to the door and pressed yourself against him, kissing him as deeply as possible. You could feel a rush of excitement overtake you and a wave of ecstasy wash over as he moaned behind his smile.
He pulled you in closer and wrapped his arms around, hugging you tight. You stood on your tip toes and unlatched his arms, grabbed his wrists like cuffs and pressed your knuckles to the hard surface behind him. This was the first time you had ever done anything like this and was surprised by your sudden actions.
You had him pushed against the door with his wrists pinned above his shoulders and was currently trailing kisses down his jaw, slowly turning them into bites around his neck. What surprised you most of all was how much he was enjoying it.
You could feel his chest rise and fall with his heavy breaths, matching yours. He turned his head, giving you more of his neck as you nibbled and pulled at his skin. Little red marks were appearing now and, pleased with them, moved back up along his jaw to his mouth.
The moonlight shining through the high windows created a magical glow around you in the silence of the room. Severus eagerly took your lips and hummed with pleasure. You let go of one wrist and trailed your hand down his body, allowing his free hand to do the same. He gripped your waist and pulled you closer, pushing you against him.
“Go out with me!” he blurted out quickly.
He let go of you and you stepped back, watching his face go red. Your happiness overtook you and you started giggling, unable to help thinking how incredibly cute he was. He was covering his face with his hands and shaking his head, his dark tendril-like hair swinging softly and only his nose poked from between his tightly pressed hands.
You smiled and continued giggling, attacking his nose and hands with soft kisses, “Gladly, Severus!”
He looked up and smiled, fixing his glittering black eyes on your (e/c) ones, “Really?”
You stepped closer and stood on your toes once more, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and kissing him passionately. He smiled behind the passionate kiss and wrapped his arms around you once more.
You broke out into a million pecks and finally responded, “I would love nothing more.”
He leaned down and rested his head on your shoulders, breathing softly on your skin, “Happy Birthday, (y/n).”
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~
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ohnobjyx · 4 years
you answer about celebrities being prudent with dating got me curious as western boys in bands, especially in the rock/alternative/rap scene, seem to have a reputation for dating/sleeping around a lot, do asian idols just not date/sleep around a lot or are they just better at hiding it because they are expected to?
Hi, anon! I’m slowly working through all the asks, but I remembered yours when I was watching this week hotpot episode from SDoC S3 (I’m wondering if I should write a post compiling all the candies, but I have so many asks pending).
To start with the answer, let’s put the disclaimer first: I don’t know celebrities, I’m a simple fan just like all of us. Whatever they do in their private life it’s their own thing, and I just simply try to place an objective view of their situation here.
Just a clarification: when we talk about idol or celebrity, I’m talking about those that are pretty successful in the industry (with their number of fans ranking in the millions). These are the tip of the iceberg in the industry however. The bulk of them have less fans, but are also less subjected to scrutiny by the public.
1. First of all they are prudent because it isn’t widely accepted as “good” that people date/sleep around a lot, especially among the older generations. However, many young people also feel that it’s unacceptable, and their opinions may vary from “they must be very promiscuous or they flicker a lot” to “if they haven’t been able to keep a relationship for long, there must be a problem with this person”.
2. We’ve already talked about the fact that celebrities are expected to uphold a clear and good moral example for their fans. They’ll be heavily criticized if they do things that aren’t socially approved, and it’ll impact negatively on their work prospects. So, I suppose that in the case any celebrity did date/sleep around, they’d have to be masters at hiding their “affairs”.
Let’s just imagine how a male idol’s gf fans (the type of fans that fantasize being their idol’s gf) would react if their idol publicly dated around with many girls. I don’t think that would end well.
3. Like I said at the beginning, I’m going to talk about those idols and celebrities that have more success in the industry.
So, when we talk about dating/sleeping around, there’s something that we can’t ignore: time.
I don’t know about the workload of the boy bands (especially, as you said, in the rock/alternative/rap scene) but the workload of an Asian idol is terrifying.
Let me show you a few examples:
a. Even before he debuted in the boy band, dd spent almost everyday hours dancing, no free weekends and barely vacations, since he was 13 and entered the company. As a child, he got myocarditis when he was learning to dance. As soon as he got discharged, he went back to dancing, and spent his summer vacations (just a month in China, btw, August) dancing from 1 pm to 9 pm everyday, to recover the lost ground (this really was a test for his love for dancing, but just imagine it: he could do 8 hours a day just because he liked it, how many hours would he pull when pressed by the company?)
b. To anyone unfamiliar with Asian culture, the Lunar New Year’s Eve is the most important celebration in Asian culture, a night when family gathers together to celebrate the arrival of the new year. Asian idols usually are full of work, even that same night, so they almost never spend the New Year’s Eve with their families. A famed actress (in her fifties), once said in a program: “my father died last year... and one of the things I regret the most is that I haven’t spent a single New Year’s Eve with him in the last 20 years”.
c. In 2015, a year after his debut with Uniq, dd posted on w/ibo: “Just another year that I can’t be with my parents on New Year’s Eve... just a little sad” (and from what I know, he hadn’t spent a single New Year’s Eve at home since his debut).
d. I don’t know if any of you are familiar with Running Man, another c-variety show that’s very popular in China (I recommended it, btw). They did a night-life special last year, and when the director announced the theme (that they’d start filming by 4 pm and continue through the night), the host were like “just that?”:
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“Then like our usual jobs”, “I can stay awake longer than an owl”, “I’m also good at spending all-nighters”.
One of them actually said: it seems that they don’t really get what an actor’s job is... everyone say how many days and nights have you gone by without sleeping in you busiest times? Angelababy (that’s her stage name, yes): “When I was a model... I really spent  three days and three nights   without a single moment of sleep.” Li Chen: “Before I came here to film yesterday, I spent 4 days filming night scenes for my drama, so 4 nights without sleep.”
Song Yuqi: “If we count sleeping an hour a day... I went a full week without a full night of sleep. Yesterday was the longest I’ve been sleeping in the last month”.
Their attitude is what surprises me the most, to be honest... It’s like, “of course we would spend a whole night awake, no problem!”
e. One of the previous hosts from this show once said that from his daughter’s birth to her first birthday the amount of time he spent with her totalled to three months.
4. I actually remembered your ask yesterday when I was watching the hotpot episode because of this:
The hosts mentioned getting back at their hotels after filming at 6 am (I think they had been filming the episode during the day and most of the night, and wanted to film a part of the dance using the first daylight). Actually, dd was talking about ZYX making noise in his room practicing dance moves at 6 am (wtf dude, you just pulled an all-nighter, please sleep).
There was a stalker photo of dd taken at 3 am when dd was coming out of the filming site for SDoC S3, one of the other day (just imagine it: you’re leaving the workplace, after a hard day of work, and instead of getting into the car peacefully you have to escape from these people). 
This kind of workload is insane. When they aren’t filming, they are travelling to filming sites, filming tv shows episodes, filming commercials, doing interviews, photoshoots, practicing whatever show is coming up next, reading scripts, and a long list of things they do. Almost without a single moment to rest.
I remember an interview of another actor, in which he said that if he had a free moment in his schedule or a free day, he spent it sleeping and talking with his family.
I’m not saying that with this kind of schedule keeping a relationship is absolutely impossible, but it resembles greatly a long distance relationship, no matter where your home actually is. So dating around a lot is quite of... difficult? (at least in my opinion). And about sleeping around... maybe it’s just me, but if I had a free night with their workload... I’d pass out as soon as I was in my room, and that’s all the sleeping I can envision.
(Btw, this kind of work pace is a trend in China. I've been told that it’s actually common to have surgeons doing 36-hour shifts... here I was thinking that 24h shifts were outrageous).
5. However, it’s not impossible. It wasn’t so long ago that a scandal got out about an actor who was married and with an adult son AND still had time to keep a mistress.
I hope I haven’t rambled too much, anon, and that you find my answer useful!
Edit (thanks to @gremlin-02!): “you're missing the part about propaganda. chinese idols have to hold up "chinese culture/good morals/examples of good citizens" they are not gonna be promoting a play boy idol since it "corrupts" the family values and state system.”
You are absolutely right, and it’s also a point that supports the second part of this post. We tend to forget about it, but the national propaganda has shaped the country from its core. Without it, the country would be very different today. Not better or worse, just... different, since propaganda, for all its bad reputation, has played a large part in their economic growth and their position in the world economy today.
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takonei · 4 years
Beta AU - Main story, Chapter 3, deadly life (Part 1)
Note of the author: There are way more weapons near [redacted]’s body than what I showed in the picture last chapter.
And also, I will admit it makes me laugh to see all of you cry for [redacted]’s death after seeing all the “I hope they survive!! :DD” comments.
Chapter 3: What is beyond humans’ control - Deadly life
“Ding dong, dong ding!”
No. No. No.
Shuichi couldn’t even hear the rest of the announcement over the white noise in his head.
The faint smell of blood, the horrifying vision before him... He felt nauseous, bile starting to climb up his throat.
He ran out and puked behind one of the rocks in front of the shrine.
Witnessing the executions was already a lot, but this...
Himiko’s body was filled with various cuts and some of her articulations were bent in ways that shouldn’t even be possible. And if the axe planted in her torso wasn’t enough, a pattern resembling angel wings was made around her with her own blood.
Someone in their own group hadn’t just kill her, they had completely distorted her body to make a grotesque work of ‘art’.
But why?
What did Himiko even do to deserve this? She was kind to everyone, especially Kokichi. Why would anyone even want to harm her?
This was unfair.
He snapped back to reality when he heard footsteps in the distance.
Kokichi was running incredibly fast towards the door, rushing in without Shuichi even being able to try and stop him. He was clearly panicking, like he already had an idea about what happened.
Miu and Rantaro were trying to keep up, and went to Shuichi’s side.
“What happened?? Who died???” Miu asked, panicked.
Rantaro helped him getting up, taking a tissue out of his pocket and giving it to him. “Take slow, deep breaths.”
Shuichi cleaned his mouth, trying to calm down, but still shaking. “I-It’s... Himiko sh-she...”
He trailed off, not even able to describe what was in there.
Miu’s eyes widened. She rushed into the shrine.
“You think you can handle it?” Rantaro calmly asked.
Shuichi nodded, still feeling uneasy. But he had to.
The two entered the shrine.
Kokichi wasn’t moving at all. His eyes were fixated on Himiko’s mangled corpse. it was like a thousand questions ran through his head, just like Shuichi a few minutes ago.
Kirumi and Keebo were on the side. Even the ultimate mercenary was horrified by the scene. Her eyes were examining every little detail of the body.
The scissors.
The knives.
The hammers.
The wooden stakes.
The darts.
The chisels.
The scalpels.
The axe.
It was like the killer went out of their way to take every single item that could be used as a weapon that existed in the academy and used it on her.
Kokichi hesitantly took a step forward.
He went to her side, kneeling beside her, approaching his gloved hand to her bloodstained cheek.
"... Why...?”
The others slowly came rushing in as well, discovering the harsh truth.
“Who- Why...?” Kaito muttered.
“Even if someone really did kill... What was the point of creating this entire scene?” Tsumugi asked.
“Clearly none of us would kill that horribly right? Only Monokuma creates such gruesome deaths!” Angie extended her arms, as if it would strengthen her argument.
“Rise and shine, ursine!” The three bears appeared before them.
Monophanie puked, as usual, when she saw the dead body.
“Monodam! You said everyone would get along together!” Monotaro exclaimed.
“Well it obviously doesn’t!!”
To everyone’s surprise, it was Rantaro.
He approached the bear without hesitation and aggressively grabbed it.
“What are you-” Ryoma tried to resonate with him, but it was useless.
“I’m sick of your so called ‘get along’. You’re saying murdering each other will bring us closer.” His glare was intense. If his speech during the second trial was intimidating, this was nothing compared to now.
He dragged the bear next to Himiko’s body, immobilizing him to make sure he stared at her.
“This. Is what you call ‘getting along’. I know more than anyone else that dangerous situations bring people together. But this? This is madness. And nothing comes out of it other than even more madness.”
There was a moment of silence, of wondering what the medic would even do.
“... Fine.” he said, dropping Monodam. “But remember that I will do my best to take you down, no matter the cost.”
The bear stayed silent.
“... Anyway, here’s the Monokuma file for this case!” Monophanie exclaimed.
The three cubs left shortly after, backing off before the glares of the others.
Rantaro turned to the rest of them, a deadpan expression on his face. “I will stay here to do the autopsy. The rest of you go investigate, although I would like two people to stay here with me, if it’s not too much to ask.”
“Count on me, boss.” Ryoma raised a hand. “I’m not that disturbed by corpses, so I would rather stay here than let more easily disturbed people do the job.”
“I will stay here as well.” Kiyo volunteered.
“Good.” Rantaro kneeled before the body. “Try to locate where all the weapons come from. It looks like they came from different places.”
Shuichi nodded. It wasn’t like he was going to be of great help for Rantaro here.
Everyone aside from Rantaro, Kiyo and Ryoma left.
Just as he stepped outside the shrine, Shuichi took out his monopad to check the file.
Monokuma file #3
The victim is Himiko Yumeno, the ultimate astronomer.
The body was discovered in the shrine of judgement.
The estimated time of death is 2:00 AM.
The victim died of blood loss.
Multiple cuts were noted on the victim’s body.
The victim also suffered from bone fracturation of the skull, the ribs, the wrists and the ankles.
The victim also suffered from broken joints on the ankle and the fingers.
Obtained truth bullet! Monokuma file #3
“Multiple injuries my ass. There wasn’t a single spot on her that was clean!” Kaito exclaimed.
Shuichi glanced at Kokichi. His eyes were empty, looking at the ground.
“... I’ll investigate on my side.” he left the others without saying another word.
Miu stepped forward to try to stop him, but Kirumi put a hand on her shoulder. “Perhaps he needs some time alone right now.”
“Aren’t you the one who followed Maki right after Kaede’s death?” Tsumugi raised an eyebrow.
“Yes, and that’s exactly why I’m suggesting we don’t.” she replied.
Shuichi himself had trouble accepting the reality. Someone among them went out of their way to completely destroy Himiko, leaving her no chance to survive, not even letting her keep a certain dignity after death.
It was understandable that Kokichi was in shock.
Keebo went back to the subject at hand. “The weapons looked like they were from different labs, so we’ll have to split up to see what’s missing.”
Right after declaring this, Kiyo slightly opened the door. “May I have your attention, please?”
The all turned to him. “We discovered a large amount of destroyed small bottles, near the flowerpots. Try to investigate labs containing poison as well.”
Obtained truth bullet! Destroyed bottles
They all walked towards the main building.
Tsumugi stopped in her tracks. “May I ask... Why were Ryoma and I sleeping in the rooms on the fourth floor?”
Kaito turned to her, confused. “Wait, you don’t know?? More importantly, Tsumugi, you feeling okay? Didn’t you have the disease?”
That was actually a good point. He was so caught up by Himiko’s death that he forgot about Ryoma and Tsumugi acting like their usual selves.
“The disease...?” she blinked.
Shuichi tried to explain the situation. “The motive was a ‘despair disease’ that made Ryoma and you act the opposite from your usual selves. And since it was contagious you two and Kokichi were placed in the three rooms on the fourth floor.”
"Don’t you remember anything?” Angie asked, a finger on her cheek.
She shook her head. “No, I really don’t. I went to sleep in my room... I’m guessing days ago and next thing I knew, I woke up in one of the rooms on the fourth floor from the body discovery announcement.”
Obtained truth bullet! Despair disease symptoms 
“Say, how exactly did I act?” she asked.
“You were basically amnesiac. You asked us who we were, where we were, that was really weird.” Miu explained.
The prodigy sighed. “It could have been worse, I suppose.”
That was weird, but this really reinforced Rantaro’s theory that the cubs were lying about the origin of the disease. But what even was used to create such symptoms?
Perhaps right now was not the time to think about that.
As they kept walking, Shuichi noticed Miu looked troubled.
“Is something wrong? Aside from... What just happened...?” he asked.
“... You can agree with me that Rantaro was sleeping on a chair on the fourth floor yesterday morning, right?”
He hummed. “I mean, he did explain to me that he did so in case something happened to the ill ones...”
“I found him sleeping in his lab this morning.”
Shuichi frowned. “What do you mean?”
“Exactly what I said! I went to give him and the others breakfast on the fourth floor and he wasn’t there, so I checked his lab and he was sleeping on another chair. Right after I saw him, the body discovery announcement played, so I was afraid he was the one to... You know...” she trailed off.
Obtained truth bullet! Miu’s account
“That’s... Strange...” Shuichi muttered.
When they reached the building, they split up to cover more ground, most of them going to the different labs by two.
Shuichi and Kaito went to Maki’s lab.
It was a mess, to say the least.
Thread reels, fabric scattered everywhere... It was like someone went on a rampage.
“Sheesh, what a mess... Maki didn’t leave her lab like this, right?” Kaito asked.
“She said she was a little messy, but the killer was definitely looking for something in here.”
“Well duh...”
After proper inspection, they realized all the scissors were gone, whether they were Japanese or western scissors.
Obtained truth bullet! Maki’s lab
Shuichi looked over a roll of fabric on the ground. The cut was very clean, but it definitely looked like someone touched it at some point.
Obtained truth bullet! Cut fabric
The two left the lab.
They went to the fourth floor. Perhaps there were important things there.
They checked the rooms to see if something was different. However they all looked pretty normal.
When getting to Angie’s lab, both Tsumugi and Angie were there.
“Did you find something?” Shuichi asked.
Tsumugi pointed at the shelves. “A great majority of the tools are missing. Only the brushes are still there. However everything from the small tools to the bigger tools are missing.”
Angie pointed at the spot where the bigger tools were. “Even the saws and the axe! But that wouldn’t be the best choice of weapon, would it?” she tilted her head to the side.
Obtained truth bullet! Angie’s lab
The two left to check on the third floor. Perhaps Rantaro’s lab had clues.
When they entered, Rantaro himself was going through the shelves.
“Huh? Did you finish the autopsy?” Shuichi asked, confused.
The medic turned to the two. “Turns out some of the bottles are from my lab, and I wanted to check by myself what was missing.”
“And so? Did you get any clues?” Kaito approached the shelf Rantaro was searching through.
“Not a lot of products are missing actually. Mostly needles, soporifics and paralyzing substances. All the painkillers are still here.” he explained.
Obtained truth bullet! Rantaro’s lab
“Wait, how come there are paralyzing products in your lab? I thought you said there were no products that could be used to kill!” Kaito exclaimed.
He crossed his arms. “Well, same reason why there are painkillers in my lab. They’re often used during surgical operations actually. Although I doubt that was the objective of whoever stole them.”
“Wait, can those products be lethal?” Shuichi asked.
Rantaro stayed silent, probably choosing his words.
“... Yes. Most of these products are lethal when you take more than a gram. However I preferred not to mention the presence of lethal products when we discovered my lab. But I assure you they aren’t lethal when used properly.”
“I see...” Shuichi muttered.
Obtained truth bullet! Paralyzing products 
“I’m sorry I lied to you guys about this, but I preferred to keep the dangerous details to myself, I hope you understand why.” he explained.
Kaito scratched the back of his head. “I mean yeah but... You still hide a lot from us, don’t you think?”
“And yet if you look back at the last trial, that’s because Kirumi, Ryoma and Keebo were silent about Kirumi’s talent that we were able to pinpoint the culprit.” he didn’t look at the biker in the eyes.
“That’s not the solution everyone likes, but keeping secrets is more useful than you would think.”
Although he tried to hide it, Kaito flinched. Was he hiding something?
The three stepped out of the lab. They went to Miu’s lab to see if she had found anything useful. However, she wasn’t there when they entered, so they figured that she was done with her research.
They decided to go to Kirumi’s lab to see if she had found anything.
However, when reaching the stairs of the second floor, they found Miu, who had been visibly running, panic written all over her face.
“Guys!! I need your help!” she yelled.
“W-What’s happening?” Shuichi asked, worried.
“In the entrance hall- Just follow me!” she exclaimed, running back to the place she mentioned.
The three guys ran after her.
When they reached the hallway, they understood why Miu was panicking so much.
... No. 
“Ding dong, dong ding!” 
.......... Not him.
......................... Another victim...?
“A body has been discovered!”
“Everyone, please gather in the entrance hall!”
There, laying on the ground...
... Was the dead- or rather, inactivate body of Keebo, the ultimate without a known talent.
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smoljoelito · 5 years
lace || chris velez
A/N: this is hot garbage but my Joel imagine is taking longer than expected to write so here’s a filler piece while I grind thanks friends :)
word count: 2,981
requested by/request: @everyday-imfangirling || #27 || Chris. #27: A taunt, with one eyebrow raised and a grin bubbling at your lips
description: you’ve loved Chris for a long time, and alcohol is the only thing that makes you pour out your secrets.
warnings: fluff & language. 
tags: @quierick @mepuserojito @ericks-mala-actitud @woowoodaaboo @ella-se-vuelve-loca @joelsaww @honeyzhong @sarswilltakeyouout@pimentelssmile @whippedforcnco @notsoteenagegirl @richukisbb@besosdecnco @emsy55 @cloudfiveclub @erickspretend1 @hardtoadore
For the first time in his life, Chris will not be drinking at the club tonight.
Chris has never once been the DD, pretty much bribing or begging his way out of it every time, but tonight, he had made the choice himself, actually asking if it could be him. Once he found out for the first time in a while you were planning on getting drunk, he didn’t mind at all. 
When you told him you wanted to get drunk tonight, the first thought he had was keeping you safe, and the best way to do that is being the DD and staying sober the whole night to keep a good eye on you. As soon as he asked to be the DD, the other boys grilled him for it, knowing about the not-so-secret feelings he had for you, that everyone knew about except for you.
For the tour, you had been hired as the boy’s photographer, getting to watch every show from behind the screen of a camera, which you loved endlessly. From the first day you were hired, you knew this was the job that was for you. There’s no way to explain it, you just meshed well with everyone, including the boys. Your favorite, however, had to be the Ecuadorian man that could make you laugh harder than anyone could your entire laugh.
And that’s how it was every time you hung out or even had a conversation, laughter, smiles, and tears. Whenever you left him, there was always bubbly happiness lodged deep in your soul, somehow making you giddier than you already are naturally. Whenever you were down, he would offer an ear to listen, but then never leave before you were happy again. There was never a person before you had a connection with like him. Originally, you thought your job was the biggest blessing in your life, but as time went by, you realized the biggest blessing was him.
The friendship was/is always pure and happy. He flirts with you playfully but never throws any sexual inuendos your way at all. Respect is key, especially for him when it comes to women and you. He’d never want to make you uncomfortable in any way and ruin the odds of you getting together. 
Truthfully, he’s had many opportunities to ask you out, kiss you, or make a move, but at the last second, he chickens out, afraid of losing you altogether. The confident composure he has seems to melt when he’s with you, leaving his raw self for you to see, which you absolutely adore. It’s the moments when he’s talking about Ecuador, that you could listen to for hours, his hopes and dreams in life, how much he loves little things like new notebooks to write song lyrics in and sunrises, and his family that truly show the real Chris. He’s absolutely exceptional, and you wish he’d let everyone see that side of him.
Tonight, Clara has taken the opportunity to dress you, so that she can make sure Chris can’t take his eyes off of you, which when she told you, made you roll your own. The outfit she picked for you tonight consists of a black lace bodysuit and a high-waisted leather skirt that reaches down almost to mid-thigh, thank god. Then, she paired some very nice, but practical black heels with it that will make your legs look amazing, yet you’ll still be able to dance well in them. You’re no Gamora, so any incredibly high heels would make you drop to the floor, and not in a good way. 
The makeup you go with is light, just normal things plus eyeliner and a nude lipgloss. Your normal straight bob is curled a bit, leaving it lying just above your jaw with one side tucked behind your ear, letting your big silver hoops show. Ironically, a silver cross necklace adorns your neck, lying just above your cleavage.
“Holy shit!” Clara says when you stand to show her your entire look of the night, clapping her hands together happily. Usually, this isn’t your normal club attire, mostly going in a crop top and shorts, but a dress when the occasion is more formal, like tonight. 
“Oh fuck,” You say when you finally look at yourself completely in the mirror, “I can’t believe I let you talk me into this.” 
“Chris is going to lose his mind! Okay, we gotta go now though, we are gonna be late!” Before you even have a chance to say anything about her comment, she’s dragging you out the door and down the hallway towards the elevators.
“Everyone’s waiting in the lobby for us right now. I can’t wait to see the looks on their faces when they see you,” She squeals with excitement, causing you to laugh.
“You’re magic, Clara, straight up magic.”
The elevator doors open just as you say that, allowing you to view the boys sitting on the couches by the doors on their phones. As you walk over, heels clicking across the marble floor, Zabdiel’s head lifts first, lips parting slightly as his eyes widen, before he smacks Chris sitting next to him. When his eyes meet yours, it seems everything else in the room fades away. His jaw falls open for a split second before it widens into his dashing grin as he stands up to greet you. It seems this triggers all the other boys to look up and they too look like deer in headlights.
“Mami, damn, look at you!” Chris exclaims, making a giggle bubble up inside you. Gently, he pulls you into his arms, offering a quick hug even though he saw you merely hours before. A bright grin mirrors his smile as you pull away.
“Thanks! You don’t look so bad yourself,” You joke causing him to scoff, yet throw an arm around your shoulder as you turn back to the boys.
“Damn!” Rich shouts causing you to burry your face into hands in embarrassment. Attention is not something you always desire, so when you get it, a lot of it, it makes you quite timid.
“Vamos guys lets go I want to get drunk more than ever now,” You say as you look up making everyone burst out laughing. Chris’s grip on you tightens as he leads you towards the backdoor where the van is waiting so you don’t get mobbed with all the fans.
Before you can even get to the van, Chris lets go of you, stepping a few paces ahead to open up the door to the passenger’s side and offers you a hand. A small smile forms on your face as you tip your head down slightly, trying to hide the blood you feel rushing up to your cheeks. As you grab his hand and he helps you into the car, you hear Zabdiel whistle behind you, only adding to the warmth in your cheeks. When you glance back, Chris flips them off causing you to instantly laugh. 
Everyone else piles into the van and just before Chris pulls out, he sends you one final smile. The entire ride is filled with carpool karaoke to whatever is on the radio, all ready kick-starting your energy for the night. Before you even get into the club, you can already feel the blood rushing through your veins from the sound of the bass which you can hear in the parking lot.
With the boy’s celebrity statuses, it’s very easy to slip into the club. As soon as you slip inside and hear the beat, your heart seems to feel it, pounding to the same tempo of the music. A hand finds its way around your waist and when you glance over, Chris beams at you. 
One of the bouncers leads us to our own personal VIP area on the upper floor. Many couches and chairs lie around a small table, all made with what seems to be luxurious materials. From the couches, one can see the rest of the nightclub where many bodies lie grinding, dancing, and well, making out to the music. 
Before we can all even sit down, a waiter comes over, bringing everyone all margaritas. As the waiter makes his way over to you, Chris reaches out and grabs one for you, happily holding it out for you to grab. Your lips wrap around the straw, eyes never leaving Chris’s. The cool Tequilla is welcoming down the back of your throat, the sweetness lingering on your tongue. 
“Hm, it’s Patron Anejo, I like it.” This causes Chris to smirk and shake his head at you as he laughs. 
“You like any kind of Tequilla.”
“You’ve got a lot of nerve being right.” This makes him burst out laughing as he leans forward a bit, getting closer to you. His hot breath fans your ear, making your hand to grip your beverage a little tighter as a shiver runs down your body.
“I’m always right when it comes to you.” He flirts causing your breath to hitch in your throat. A light chuckle escapes his lips, making your heart skip a beat. Just before you can respond, a hand clasps your wrist.
“Let’s go dancing!” She exclaims and you nod excitedly. Just as you glance back to Chris to ask if he wants to go, he shakes his head.
“I’ll find you later, nena.” Clara yanks you towards the stairs as you gulp down the rest of your margarita, setting it on a server’s tray as he walks by to collect empty glasses. As soon as you hit the main floor, the music seems to be playing much louder, almost making you clasp your hands over your ears from the slight pain. Clara spins around, shouting something at you, and you nod, unable to make out what she’s saying. 
To your surprise, she passes right by the dance floor and heads to the bar, grabbing a bartender immediately. Over the music, you still can’t make out what she orders you, but you drink pretty much the same thing so you’ll be fine. 
“I ordered us two shots of Grey Goose!” She screams, finally talking at a tone that seems to deafen the bass in your ears. You nod happily, and then the shots are placed in front of you. Simultaneously, you both pick up the shots, holding them up to each other
“To tour, to CNCO, and to our friendship!” She shouts causing you to laugh. Without a second thought, you knock your glass with hers before tipping your head back. The strong vodka makes you make a face at first before it trickles down the back of your throat and out of your mouth. As soon as it hits your stomach, your blood seems to warm instantly.
“Vamos a bailar!” She screams, before pulling you to the dance floor. Within fifteen minutes, the alcohol is circulating your system provides immediate loosening of your muscles, allowing your hips to sway a little easier to the beat of the music.
With your arms in the air, eyes closed, and feet moving to the beat, you feel as if you’re on cloud nine. Any stress you’ve been feeling for the past two weeks, especially thoughts about your relationship with Chris seems to fade away. You don’t want to think about work or anything, just dancing.
For what feels like hours, you and Clara dance, and she makes sure you stay hydrated with alcohol, handing you many margaritas to the point where you become far past tipsy, but man, do you feel amazing.
Men have been trying to dance with you the whole night, and you brushed them off, not wanting any man right now, besides one, but that’s who you’re trying not to think about. 
Two hands gently grasp your waist making your body freeze as your backside meets someone’s front. Before you can leap away, hot breath fans your ear.
“It’s only me, hermosa.”
Speak of the devil.
You can practically hear him smiling, probably from scaring you, so you gently roll your hips to the beat, which he follows easily. The grip on your waist tightens as he gets closer to you.
“I’m going to go back up to our lounge!” Clara calls out before walking around me, leaving your drunk ass and Chris. You gulp immediately, muscles tightening out of nervousness.
Lord, have mercy.
“Don’t worry, amor, I’ve got you,” Chris promises from behind you, his lips gently grazing your ear. A deep breath escapes your lips before you slowly begin to move to the beat.
Never before have you danced with Chris like this or in this proximity, but boy, was it electric. Nothing that has happened tonight can top how alive you feel at the moment. Your skin is flushed, thanks to the alcohol running through your system and your heart that hasn’t stopped pounding since you started dancing with the cheeky boy behind you. A lightness has risen inside of you that you haven’t felt in such a long time, yet you're unsure of the cause: Chris or the alcohol.
Suddenly, the two hands on your waist spin you around, and your chest is flush against his. A gasp escapes your lips as your eyes raise to meet his, and you find your faces merely centimeters apart. Your mind seems to shut down completely as he leans downward, lips pressing down on your cheek before moving to your ear.
“Everyone’s ready to leave nena, let’s go.” You find yourself nodding at the words, still in a trance from the charming personality of Chris. He beams at you, sliding a hand around your waist for support before heading towards the exit.
“How are you feeling?” Erick asks upon seeing you at the exit as you all walk out together.
“Nada.” You answer, making everyone laugh, “Estoy borrache y no puedo más.” 
“Déjame ayudarte,” Chris responds from behind you as he opens up the door for you at the van. This time, he holds your waist as you step in, and still you almost fall over.
Once everyone is all loaded into the van, the drunken carpool karaoke starts again, but this time, you don’t participate, instead, you watch all the pretty lights and buildings passing by outside the window.
Even in your drunken state, your mind still bounces back to the boy driving the van, making your heart skip a beat. There’s no denying the feelings you have for him; you’ve had them for quite a while. It’s not the alcohol making you light, it’s him. Whenever you’re around the man who’s like sunlight wearing shoes, you just feel relaxed and the best version of yourself. He makes you a better person and makes you want to be better. There’s no one you’d rather spend a day, or a night, with it’s him, it will always be him, and you’re dying to tell him just that.
When you get back to the hotel, Chris practically sprints around the van to open the door for you, then grabs your waist to lift you out. For the first time all night, the other’s don’t make a comment, besides saying goodnight, and head inside, leaving you two alone.
“We definitely have to dance again sometime,” You comment as he slides an arm around your waist, leading you inside. A chuckle escapes his lips as you head for the elevators.
“Well, you definitely have to wear this for me again next time,” He flirts as he lets his thumb run over the lacy fabric of your bodysuit. A blush makes its way up to your cheeks as you smile down to the floor momentarily as you enter the elevator.
“Let me know when and where,” You say as he hits the button for your floor. Instantly, he spins to face you with wide eyes as he lets out a loud laugh. 
“Damn mami, you’re extra flirty tonight. Is it just the alcohol, or is the alcohol letting out some secrets that you’ve been keeping from me?” He asks, taking a step towards you, making your chests gently brush.
“I’d say the alcohol is making me a bit too chatty tonight.” You answer and lean up closer to him, gently brushing your lips against his. Electricity shoots through your veins as he stands frozen in place, waiting for you to make a move. When the elevator doors open, you step away, heading down the hallway with a smirk, and he follows how on your heels.
“Amor, you’re bold tonight,” He comments as he leans up against the wall next to the door of your room, while you swipe your keycard. When a loud beep goes off, you push the door open, motioning for him to follow.
“Quit playing with my feelings, baby,” He begs, causing you to spin on your heel to face him just as he shuts the door.
“Oh? You think I care?” You joke, biting your lip. As he steps towards you, he lets out a low chuckle;
“You know you love me mami,” He smirks, causing you to raise an eyebrow, a grin bubbling at your lips.
“And what if I do love you?” You taunt. This catches him completely off guard, causing his lips to part as his body freezes in place. His eyes widen as he stares at you, incredibly shocked by how much the alcohol has made you confess.
“And what if I love you?” He finally asks, eyes meeting yours as he steps closer to you, leaving a foot of space between the two of you.
“Then we’ve been wasting a lot of time, baby.”
“This isn’t the alcohol talking? Are you sure of it?”
“Oh, it most definitely is. I’m certainly not this bold normally. I’m drunk and I love you, but tomorrow morning I’ll be sober, and I’ll love you all the same.”
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universalfanfic · 5 years
This took me longer than it should have to write, but I wanted to add another part to the dd/amh au crossover. Because lack of impulse control. 
Mary belongs to @inkoutsidethelines 
Mary didn’t know what to say. After the words had left her lips, she expected to be thrown into a dungeon for real this time, but instead she was more confused than she’d been at the start. 
“You… know what Monty Python is?”
“How did you get here?” The queen turned to her husband, brow furrowed. “I thought The Vessel was secure.”
“It is. To my knowledge.”
Mary felt like someone had pulled the rug out from under her and the world flipped over on its head. 
This place wasn’t earth. She’d done enough sleuthing her first few days for it to become clear that she hadn’t been transported to an amish village or renaissance fair. And that had been hard enough to believe, but now? Now the queen of this place recognized a movie quote? 
“No flipping way.” The queen took a step closer, much to the guard’s dismay, and she stared intently at Mary as if she were some new creature. “What’s the capital of France?”
“What’s in a galaxy far, far away?”
Mary’s face wrinkled at the interrogation.
“Uh, Star Wars?”
“What would you put sriracha on?”
“Almost everything?”
The queen stepped back, wide-eyed, and she let out a short breath in an astounded rush. 
“She’s legit. Oh my gosh.”
“I’m sorry,” Mary said as she waved her hands. “Wait- just-. Are you from earth?”
“Your majesty?”
Sir Wilson stepped forward, hand still resting on his hilt, as he cast a confused eye at Mary before turning fully to his queen. 
“Sorry, Sir Wilson. I know this is weird. And not exactly common knowledge.” 
“What is going on,” said Mary. 
Owen’s eyes widened in wonder as the words sank in. The mood in the room shifted from suspicion and gratitude to awe and confusion. 
“Mother, she’s from your world?”
Several people started to speak at once when Sir Wilson cleared his throat. He still looked troubled and doubtful. 
“Your majesties, regardless of where she hails from, I would still call for caution. We don’t know this woman or her intentions.” 
Owen visibly stiffened and the royal couple both noticed yet again. Mary leaned into his touch, careful to keep where her dagger sat below his hand. She needed to make sure she stayed in his favor. And by the look of determination that settled on his face, it seemed like the move worked. 
Oddly enough, the king’s own demeanor softened at the mention of earth. His expression held something like sympathy tinged with fondness, and he put an arm around his wife’s waist. 
“Even still,” the king said, “she is a guest and we are in her debt. Have a room prepared for her and let her get cleaned up.” He turned his gaze toward Mary and she swallowed. Perhaps she’d be able to get out of this after all. 
“If you need anything, ask.” He said. “It will be brought to you.”
Mary nodded and fidgeted, moving slightly away from Owen, and her dagger from his hand, as some of the danger passed. 
“Some food would be nice,” she hedged.
The king nodded and Owen spoke. 
“I’ll bring-”
“No. We need to speak, Owen.”
“This isn’t a debate.” The king’s tone turned more gentle. “You’ll live.”
Sir Wilson didn’t look fully satisfied with the turn of events and Mary decided to avoid him at all possible costs. He was the only one asking probing questions and she didn’t need that right now. Especially with her head still reeling like it was. 
“Hey,” the queen said; and Mary’s head snapped up. “If anyone starts, you know, singing? You just have to ride it out, ok? You can’t stop them.”
Mary had no clue what to do with that. But she nodded anyway since it seemed the polite thing to do. A guard was sent ahead to pass on orders to the castle staff, and they left the guard’s building to head back to the castle themselves. 
While the guard’s office had been minimal, the inside of the castle was much more elaborate and fine. It was expected, Mary knew, but the sight of it all still made her wonder in surprise. It was warm inside, with the scent of fresh bread and flowers mingling in the air. Colorful tapestries lined the walls along with some vibrant landscapes.
It was precisely the sort of thing that Mary expected a fairy tale to look like. 
Owen, as well as the guards, kept close to her during their walk but luckily he allowed some distance between them after a few pointed looks from his parents. It seemed they also found his behavior a bit odd. 
Mary filed that away as another thing to deal with later. Preferably after some food and getting the guards to ease off her case. 
Having someone else from earth here changed things. It being the queen only made it better. Mary could play up the confused, misplaced traveler bit, not that it wasn’t genuine, and they could possibly help her get home. 
“Do you have castles on earth?”
Owen’s voice broke her away from her musings, and Mary looked up. His face was open and sincere, and attention devoutly centered on her. Mary shrugged. 
“Yeah. But they’re old and no one really lives in them anymore.”
“Oh. Well, I’d be happy to give you a tour when your settled. Hopefully everything is satisfactory.” 
“It’s great.”
Of course it was fine. Great. But something itched at the back of Mary’s mind and she couldn’t identify it. Everything in the castle was clearly quality and lush. But it felt like something was missing.
A shout erupted from down the hall and all turned to look as Princess Willow sprinted in their direction, skirts lifted and all. 
“Lady Hero!” 
Mary had to put a foot back to brace herself as the small girl collided with her, arms wrapped around Mary’s waist.
“Thank you for helping me! You were quite brave- Oh, is that a knife? Do you hide knives like Mistress Natasha?” 
Willow’s hands were directly over the hilt of the dagger and she stared up at Mary so unknowingly. Like she didn’t understand that this could be dangerous, or how much danger she could put Mary in. Mary blanched and held up her hands as the guards at her back began to draw their swords. 
“Wait, wait! It’s not-”
“Stand down,” said Owen. 
All eyes were on her and defenses were up. The exact situation she didn’t want. Mary swallowed as her heart began to beat faster. She gestured down to the waistband of her trousers.
“I can grab-”
“Don’t move!”
“I was just going to-”
“Wait a moment.”
Mary blinked as Willow’s voice fluctuated in melody. In front of her, the queen groaned and pinched the bridge of her nose. Surprisingly, everyone did freeze in place.
“Let’s all just take a second, to breathe and to think!
This Lady Hero has come and saved me from deceit 
Can’t we all be kind, and lay down our pointy knives?” 
Mary’s mind was spinning once again. Willow’s voice was light and high and just as she started speaking, someone in the castle started music back up again. Mary turned wide eyes to the queen and the queen winced with a small shrug. 
“The dangers too great, princess can’t you see?
This world is filled with violent possibilities.”
No one even reacted as Sir Wilson joined in. Mary thought she was going to choke. She reached back, pulled the knife from the back of her trousers and dropped it on the ground in one swift movement.
“There! I only had it for self defense.”
The music stopped playing and the singing stopped. Mary let out a breath and the queen nodded sagely.
“That was about how I felt.” 
No one else looked especially disturbed. Except, however, Sir Wilson, who snatched up her stolen dagger and tucked it away. He only kept back at Owen’s warning look. 
Willow grabbed Mary’s hands and grinned up at her. For the first time Mary was paying enough attention to notice that Willow had two differently colored eyes. One green and one blue. 
“I like the sparkles in you,” she said. “They’re really warm.” 
Mary tried to delicately flex her fingers to dislodge them from the girl’s hold.
“Um, thank you?” “Willow, come here. What did we talk about saying silly things?” 
Willow let go and skipped to her mother. 
“Silly is for family and friends.” 
They began moving again, and Owen hesitated, as if he wanted to put a hand on her shoulder but wasn’t certain about it. 
“I’m sorry about the guards. I promise they only mean well,” he said. “Are you feeling alright? You look… overwhelmed.”
Mary licked her lips and ticked her head to the side. 
“That’s one way of putting it.”
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master-sass-blast · 5 years
Aaaaand one more Q for the evening because I need to retire - if there are any thoughts or tidbits about Hyde/Katuna or Hannah/Luis or Dakota/Frank or Hadassah/Frank or Piotr/Reader that are currently floating your boat, I would love to hear them, if you’re so inclined!! Pls and thank you muchly!
Going under a cut again bc I’m expecting this to get long. Trigger warning for discussion about suicide/self harm.
Hannah/Luis: (This is the one with the trigger warning, FYI.) Okay, so I’ve been thinking about the first time they get into bed together, and I think the set up will look something like this:
They go out to dinner together (on a date, because they’re already romantically involved at this point), and Luis picks up on that Hannah’s not herself; she admits that she’s been in a depressive episode as of late, but says she’s fine with staying out when he offers to take her back to her apartment because: A.) her therapist says she needs to not work on isolating herself, B.) if she’s going to be out, she’d rather be with Luis because he makes her happy, C.) she genuinely enjoys listening to him tell stories.
When they’re back at the car (post-dinner), Luis asks if Hannah’s depression ever makes her feel like hurting or killing herself (bc he’s worried about her, not bc he’s nosy). She says yes, admits that why she wears long sleeves all the time, then starts to roll up her sleeves to show him her scars. He stops her and says she doesn’t have to; she smiles and says she’s okay with it.
Luis kisses her scars. Just saying.
Luis drops her off at her apartment building, and is about to head back to his place when he spies a flower shop.
He gets her some daffodils, then asks to be buzzed in and tells her he “has something for her.” Hannah buzzes him in, he heads up, and gives her the daffodils when she opens the door, citing “yellow is a happy color and might help perk you up” (along with an entire ramble about how it’s okay if she doesn’t perk up, because different things work for different people, and everyone’s brains are different which is so cool, but that he thought of her when he saw the flowers and thought she might like them).
Hannah cuts him off with a kiss on the cheek, says he’s sweet, and invites him in for a cup of tea. They drink tea and talk, then Hannah winds up kissing him while crawling into his lap, and then I think you can see where it goes from there.
Hadassah/Frank: Okay, these two are my angsty couple. They’ve both gone through a ton of shit, they’re both kind of broken inside, and UNGH the angst comes so easily with them. Case in point:
I was working on developing the growth of their relationship, trying to figure out how they wind up having feelings for each other, and it occurred to me that they’d probably fight a lot.
Aside from being stubborn jackasses, Hadassah and Frank both have very different points of view on life, despite being very similar in a lot of ways.
Case in point: Frank burned down his family’s home and everything left in it at the end of DD S2. Hadassah basically sees this as insanity and an act of cowardice, partially because she thinks Frank is running from his own self-perceived failures, and also because having grown up Jewish, she knows all too well that you don’t just destroy things that belonged to people and constitute part of their memories, no matter how painful it is to look at any of it.
They wind up having an ugly fight about it because neither of them can see eye to eye --and also because Hadassah is very willing to get downright nasty about things when she thinks she’s right.
They also fight about when it’s acceptable to kill people. They both think that some people have to be taken out, but Hadassah’s also willing to put down arguable innocents to “keep their six clear” or women and children (think the “Black Sky” and Hand fighters from Daredevil) because an enemy is an enemy is an enemy.
She also thinks that Frank’s “metric” is just his way of trying to absolve himself from his own past with his unit, because black and white seldom truly exists with villains. There’s always family, or a kid that joined a gang to try and make ends meet, and at the end of it, Frank’s probably killing as many “innocents” as she does.
That’s another nasty fight where they wind up not speaking to each other for a bit (which is awkward, considering they’re both staying in the same place).
They do learn how handle each other, eventually. Frank concedes that Hadassah’s tactics keep them safer than his do, and Hadassah acknowledges that you can’t keep an entire trove of stuff when you’re on the run, especially since it makes you easier to identify if someone breaks into your place.
Dakota/Frank: Okay, fun fact: the sex-related dreams Frank has about Dakota act as the story’s tell for how he views her, and how those views are changing. Let me explain:
This idea came from the fact that I have lots of weird (sometimes sexual) dreams because of my meds. I figured since Frank’s been shot in the head and knocked around a bit, he’d be a good candidate for weird dreams, too.
Case in point, the first sex dream he has of her is after watching a match and interview with the rest of Curtis’s group. She plays the cocky brat for TV, and his dream about her is him basically fucking her into the mat and dominating her because her arrogance/behavior annoys him.
As he gets to know her better and realizes that her tics are for the cameras and act as armor, the sex dreams he (rarely) has about her morph away from hardcore, domination focused stuff and towards more equal, love making stuff.
I don’t know how to end this, bc that’s basically the whole thought.
Katuna and Hyde: Ah, my sweet babies. My sweet, sweet dorks.
Katuna and Hyde get married at the end of their story. It’s a small ceremony, just with friends and family, but they’re okay with that.
Katuna’s daughter (who is a master seamstress) makes her wedding dress.
Not wedding related, but Katuna and Hyde snuggle a lot. Katuna’s favorite move is to lay her head in Hyde’s lap and have him play with her hair.
They also do a lot of napping together. It starts with them just sleeping on their sides of the bed (before they’re an extremely close couple), but eventually Katuna just takes to nestling right up next to Hyde.
Piotr/Reader: Okay, not exactly what you asked for, but I wanna talk about some things I have planned for the CHC:
Four AU specials for when we hit the end of the series! There’ll be a Zombie Apocalypse one, a loosely based on Beauty and Beast one, a 3+1 (or however many I decide on) Soulmate one, and a Coffee Shop one!
We’re gonna do an Infinity War fic that’s basically gonna be nothing but highlighting powerful woman, and I for one am Pumped about it.
Children of the Gods. OKAY, this miniseries is my BABY for the CHC. I have been working on and perfecting this arc for almost a year. It’ll be a four parter, brings in Karen Page and Frank Castle, Greek mythology, Alexandra’s assassin past and Mafia connections, and UGH. It’s gonna be so good, guys, you have NO idea.
Two kidnapping fics that directly impact the Reader, one of which will be the closest I’ll get to writing horror.
The Wedding/Engagement minseries, which we are V Close to.
At least two more smut fics.
Yeah, lots of exciting stuff! Obvs, I didn’t go into too much detail because this post would literally be a mile long, and also because I do want there to be some surprises, but if you want to know more feel free to ask!
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Lost Words (Chapter 3)
Link to previous chapters: Chapter 1 I Chapter 2 I Click on the Masterlist to see if any future chapters have been published already.
Note: I want to say a quick thanks to everyone who has been reading my Sinclaire series. It’s my first fanfiction, and I’ve been so shocked by this reaction. Thank you very much! 
Book: Desire and Decorum
Pairing: Ernest Sinclaire x MC
A/N: MC shows up on Ernest’s doorstep on a rainy day. What do they have to say to each other after their argument in the garden? 
Warnings: Will explore both Ernest and MC’s feelings of grief, especially regarding the death of family members/betrayal of a spouse. By the way Sinclaire’s feelings regarding his wife and his family background have yet to be revealed in DD at the time of writing, so some things might not follow the book exactly. 
Tag list: @brightpinkpeppercorn @princesstopgun @mind-reader1 @lynn1214@xo-endlessmayhem-xo @bennycumberbuns @bruhvs @danyfreshh @cocomaxley @youngbloodbound @sweetfluffyunicorn18 @tinygooplandroad@marywitchjane @shelivesinthewoods @flyawayblue56 @lizeboredom @laniquelovely @blackwidow2721 @katurrade  @juliazigortega @mspaigemoore @kate-omalleys @meiyoko-trash @self-destructive-bitch @pepitapepi (I could not tag two people, not sure why?) 
Word Count: 1400 words 
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Last time on Lost Words.....
Making a small gasp, Claire was stunned by his appearance. His messy hair had been tousled across his head. He was not wearing a jacket, or even a tie. The dress shirt he usually wore had been buttoned halfway down, baring half of his naked chest. His eyes were red and swollen, the area under his eyes still slightly wet. Had he been crying? She thought to herself.
Cutting her mid thought, Ernest grabbed her shoulders and pulled her into the house.
“What were you thinking?” Ernest questioned, his voice tinged with both concern and disbelief. What could she possibly have to say to me now? So urgent that she must come in the rain? 
“I-I...wanted to talk to you.” This time, it was Claire’s turn to stammer nervously. She had never seen him so upset, disheveled, and....vulnerable. Is this about me?...........What I have done to him? A pang of guilt hit her chest. 
Without replying, he threw his jacket around her shoulders and started pushing her down the corridor, leading her to his study. Although Claire was still cold, being with Ernest made her feel warmer already. Sitting her down on a rocking chair, he knelt beside the fireplace to start a fire. 
The glow from the fire illuminated his skin. Claire watched as the flickering flames danced across his bare chest, a slow blush creeping onto her face. Kneeling next to the fire, staring down at his hands while they worked, she could now see him much clearer. Dark circles formed under eyes that stared blankly. Chapped lips, the faint smell of strong liquor between them. Curly hair tousled in all directions. His knuckles were bruised purple, perhaps from punching something. He looks so hurt. She thought to herself. But at the same time....why does he look so handsome? 
Looking up from the fire, their eyes briefly met each other’s, before shifting away. The tension between them was nervous. Claire had never actually seen a man cry before, let alone Ernest Sinclaire. 
“I’m sorry. I probably look like a snivelling fool right now, and it’s not proper.....” Ernest mumbled, interrupting the silence. 
“Don’t apologize. After the way I spoke to you in the garden......I can imagine why you would be angry at me.” 
Ernest chuckled bitterly at her apology. Standing up to sit in the chair next to hers, he whispered “Oh, I’m not angry at you. I’m angry at myself.” 
“What for?” 
He closed his eyes tightly, tilting his head up to stare at the ceiling. “It’s been really rough for me since my wife left me. And her death during childbirth.” 
Taken aback by his surprise admission of weakness, she glanced at him. “I knew that your wife left you.....but I never could have guessed exactly how devastating it was.” 
“Yes.....” he whispered, deep in thought. “Hold on. Let me get you a drink.” 
Brown liquor splashed elegantly into the cup. He held it towards her, the purple colour of his bruised knuckles faintly glimmering under the fire light. As she accepted the drink her fingers reached out and brushed the bruises, making him blush from both shame and affection. Dropping his arm, he held both his hands nervously in front of them in a poor attempt to hide them. 
“What happened to your knuckles?” she whispered, looking at him in the eye. 
“Ah.” He was hoping she wouldn’t ask. “Oh, that....I need something to take out my anger on sometimes.” He did not meet her eyes in return. 
“I wonder what the poor guy did to you.” she chuckled, motioning towards the sparring dummy sitting in the corner of the room. “He looks pretty roughed up.” 
For the first time since she came in, he smiled back at her, eyes shimmering with affection. Sitting back down, he took slow slips from his drink. 
“You know, it was rough for me too after my mother passed. I had no other family left, it had always just been the two of us. So now that she had gone....I felt so sad and alone.” 
“Losing a parent is never easy.” He shook his head, heart filled with empathy. “My mother passed when I was much younger, and my father passed 10 years ago.” 
“Wow. 10 years is a long time to be alone......and here I am, complaining about loneliness after a few weeks.” Claire said quietly. 
“No....” Ernest shook his head, clearly not finished yet. “I had my wife with me, at first....or so I thought. But she left.” Ernest closed his eyes again, brows knitted together in pain, head tilted towards the ceiling. Claire nodded encouragingly, motioning him to continue along. 
“She had not only left our relationship, but she had betrayed the very foundation of it. I was devastated when I found out. She had been my only source of comfort since I lost my father. We sat together, just like this, every night. Just accompanying each other. Watching the flames in the fireplace flicker back and forth.” 
“Just like us right now?” 
“.......Yes. Just like us.” 
Silence filled the room, but it was not the awkward sort. It was the kind of silence that could only happen between two aching souls that understood each other. 
“But then she had to go drop off the face of the earth altogether. Carrying a child with her as well.” Ernest now leant forward, putting his face in his hands. 
Claire shook her head, heart filled with ache and empathy for Ernest’s pain. “To lose another loved one like that......” she whispered. “It must be hard to ever forget.” 
“I won’t ever forget it. The day I found out. The events of the day are blurry in my memory, but the grief I felt......I still remember very clearly. It was like I was walking around in a trance. The only thing I actually remember doing was leaning against that very door -” Ernest pointed at the door to his study. 
“- and bawling my eyes out.” He sighed heavily. 
“........I’ve been in deep grief too. I watched my mother die in her bed. There was so much I had left unsaid. I never got to thank her - for all those years of loving me. She was gone in an instant. We had hardly spent enough time together when fate whisked her away......I couldn’t even say goodbye.” Claire gushed. 
Lifting his head out of his hands, he turned around to look at her. 
“And now that she’s gone forever, I’ll never get the chance.” A tear rolled down her cheek as her eyes fell to the floor. 
Leaning over, Ernest stretched out his hand, wiping her tear away with his thumb, before finishing his stroke at the bottom of her face, lifting up her chin to look at him. 
“You’re beautiful even when you cry”. He whispered to her. His hand now cupped her face. They were so close that their noses almost touched. 
She lifted her hand to hold his. Their hands rested on her cheek. They stayed in this position, just for a few moments. 
“Why do you shut me out?” She murmured. 
Now pulling away from her face, he knelt on one knee in front of her chair. He took her other hand in his. Bowing his head, his eyes again dropped to the floor. 
“It was my own fault that my wife left me.” He muttered, in a voice that was thick, hoarse and full of pain. “I couldn’t give her what she wanted. Hell, I didn’t even know what she wanted. She may have betrayed my trust, but when I failed to be a good husband, I had betrayed her trust first.” 
Ernest looked like he was about to collapse. His upper body was leaning onto the arm of the rocking chair to stop himself from falling into a heap on the floor in front of Claire. “I don’t blame anyone. I did this to me.” He continued, eyes staring motionlessly at the floor, as if he were only talking to himself. 
“Is that why-...”
“Yes.” He answered. “I don’t think I’ll ever be a good husband. One failed marriage already proved that for everyone to see.” The throbbing pain in his throat grew larger and larger as he spoke. 
“You deserve a good man, Claire. I just don’t think that’s me.” His voice quivered with emotion. Giving her hand a light squeeze, he started to stand up. 
“But what if I think he is you?” Suddenly, with determination, Claire grabbed his wrist. Just like she had done the day before in the park. She yanked him down, and instinctively, he fell into the kneeling position he had been in before. 
Looking at her with widened eyes and raised eyebrows, emotions of surprise and anticipation played across his facial features. She took in his appearance. Now only an inch away from her, she could see the iris of his eyes were the same blend of blue as the forget-me-not flowers that he had planted in his garden. Although his hair was tousled, it gave the impression that he cared little for outer appearances. 
His lips were slightly chapped on the outer edges, but in colour they were a beautiful burgundy, and when he breathed, she could smell the desperation and longing that he had been consuming. 
Eyes glistening with desire, she grabbed his collar, pulled him in, and pressed her lips against his. 
Note: Yes, I finally made them DO it! Excited for the next chapter? Saucy things are coming. As per usual, let me know if you want to be tagged in future chapters. Also, if you enjoyed this fanfiction, tell me which parts you liked the most! (It helps with my writing/brainstorming process.) 
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fadedtoblue · 6 years
Some spoiler-y thoughts on DDS3
I finally got a full night’s of sleep after being awake for about 24 hours lol, so I think I can start communicating like a regular person again. I feel like I still have a lot to process about DDS3 overall, but I thought it might be nice to share a few thoughts while it’s semi-fresh, and maybe later I’ll try to expand on them as need.
Anyway, spoilers below the cut....:)
Overall, this was a wonderful and satisfying season of Daredevil - it felt like they took the things that were notable about S1 and S2 and improved upon them by leaps and bounds. The result was a S3 that was sharply focused and consistently written, plotted like a single focus story (a la S1) while in actuality serving a broad group of equally important characters and intertwining storylines (like S2) - yet I never felt like they lost their grip on the steering wheel. There would be moments in the plot where I’d think, “Wait, are they going to address that plot point / answer that question, etc?” and in the next scene or at least by the next episode, they did. Whoever was in charge of keeping their scripts consistent and not leaving plot holes, extra gold stars to them b/c they did a fucking fantastic job. Kudos to Erik Oleson for coming in with a very clear and intentional plan and executing the shit out of it. 
Here are some things that were notable for me this season:
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Matt Murdock. Look, I was pretty worried coming into this that we were getting Dark!Matt and not much else - I love my emo son as much as the next person, but it was hard for me to imagine how we’d get to a positive ending if all we were getting was dark and more dark. And while yes, we did get a lot of dark and emo and raging at God Matt, there were clear and purposeful moments of growth he made throughout the entire series to get from the Matt that washed out of Midland Circle, barely alive, broken and bereft over losing Elektra to the Matt at the end, accepting who he is as DD AND Matt Murdock and ready for whatever the future holds for him and his friends. 
Quick aside for my Mattelektra peeps: I wish he could have actually talked about the events of Midland Circle and better processed the trauma of that and losing Elektra - for the most part, it all gets grouped under ‘general rage at God and life’ during the early episodes and none of the people around him at the time, namely Sister Maggie and Father Lanthom, actually understand what happened with Elektra. BUT we do get shown a bunch of Mattelektra scenes from DD and TD and I realize that the show really didn’t need to do that, so I’m trying to be grateful that we were shown that little glimpse into Matt’s mind right before he comes to. Because it was necessary reminder that part of why he’s broken is not just that he lost some of his senses and abilities, but because he lost Elektra - again.
Thanks for indulging my moment there everyone lol. Anyway, Matt Murdock was A++++ in all scenes and states of clothedness. In conclusion: I still love him. 
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Avocado Trio feels. As someone who has always enjoyed this trio, but maybe not as much the individual characters on their own, I am really pleased that they actually got the band back together again, and not only that, I came out of this season with positive vibes for both Karen and Foggy but ESPECIALLY Foggy. Goddamn, Foggy was the fucking MVP. First, he looked damn good this year. The haircut and the suits are working for him. But also, this particular team of writers actually wrote Foggy in a way that feels more true to what I had always wanted from Foggy - someone who was smart, resourceful, caring, and most of all, THERE FOR MATT. I felt like his decade long friendship with Matt finally paid off in his characterization and he wasn’t being pushed off to the side to further someone else’s narrative. My favorite moment was when Karen was ready to throw in the towel, but Foggy talks about how everyone has abandoned Matt and he’s not going to do it too. It warmed the cockles of my cold, cold heart. 
I’m also pretty satisfied with how they finally revealed Karen’s backstory and damn if they didn’t make me feel sad and impressed with her at various points - her phone call with her dad / her dad telling her to leave after Kevin’s death and the 1v1 face off with Kingpin being two such examples. She might not ever be a favorite of mine but she was represented well this season for sure. I’m also grateful that they actually allowed her and Matt to air their shit out in a semi-realistic way. They acknowledged there was a lot of shit and baggage and didn’t just try to rush them to some kind of romantic conclusion. In fact, this season was refreshing in that romance was never a primary plot for any of the characters! There was enough going on with the story that the sort of angsting that kind of plot usually brings would have just been distracting. Any relationships were contained to people who were already in them, like Foggy and Marci, or Kingpin and Vanessa. The focus for these characters was really on rebuilding trust and the overall friendship / family bonds between all three. That was one of my hopes for the season and it delivered :). 
Okay, I’m getting to the point in this post where I’m getting tired with my own babbling LOL, so I’m gonna try to bullet point some more notable moments:
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Kingpin - Smart and menacing and I loved the take on him as being this ultimate spymaster. It was really well done and I think once you saw the full breadth of the conspiracy - it was really good. And I guess in this same point I’ll shout out Vanessa - I was SO glad to see her again and dang, she just has a presence on screen that is hard to match. I am looking forward to seeing her as badass Vanessa Fisk - maybe she hires a freelancer named Elektra Natchios as her own personal assassin since Bullseye is gonna have it out for both Fisks?? Would that not be an AMAZING duo?
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Dex aka Bullseye. I loved how they established his origin and his psychopathy - it made a lot of sense to me how this inherently broken, mentally ill person could have flown under the radar for as long as he did, and that someone like Fisk would be able to manipulate him to his own ends. Wilson Bethel is easy on the eyes for sure, but I thought he did an amazing job playing a guy who always seemed on the edge of cracking. He played all the shades of Bullseye very well. I’m looking forward to seeing him again as the primary big bad and GIVE ME BULLSEYE v ELEKTRA YOU COWARDS. Speaking of which, that reminds me, I want to point out the Bullseye was literally a diagnosed psychopath who was incapable of showing empathy whereas they kept trying to tell us Elektra was a sociopath but she clearly is not - she definitely had some sociopathic tendencies, which likely developed from her very messed up upbringing and exposure to violence, and when they bring her back, she will probably keep on some of those characteristics b/c of the sort of fighter than she is, but let’s just put it to rest already. And yeah, I want those two to give me a 1v1 fight for the AGES. DD who? 
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Sister Maggie. LOOK. I don’t feel like I should have been surprised with any of the stuff that happened with Maggie but everything about it was a HIGHLIGHT. I loved the way Joanne Whalley conveyed the character - every time I saw her and Matt interact, I knew it was gonna be good. When they finally reveal her as Matt’s mom (whew!), I was genuinely moved. When she realizes that Matt has found out her secret and is gone, the way she runs to his bed and completely breaks down at losing her son again? I WAS A BLUBBERING MESS. The forgiveness and acceptance in their reconciliation was something my soul desperately needed and I’m so glad we received. We better see more scenes of the Murdocks together in the future!
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Ray Nadeem. Um, who would have thought I'd be so sad to lose Ray by the end of the season! The overall FBI conspiracy felt surprisingly fleshed out and was something I got pretty damn invested in (SO MUCH better than the conspiracy in TPS1). All the shifts and turns and betrayals of this particular storyline could have been very cheesy, but they ended up being working because they were almost character moments first? Because we know Ray and his relationship with Hattley, with Dex, even overall with the FBI, and then of course knowing his home life and his family...every time shit hit the fan, or a personal betrayal occurred, it really hurt. And that we got that super fun escape sequence with Ray and Matt in their civvies and then Ray’s final act of heroism with his dying declaration...RIP Ray. You will be missed. 
God, I haven’t even touched on the non character stuff, like the fights and shit, but I gotta wrap it up now before I bore myself to death :). I’m curious what everyone else thought of the season - feel free to hit me up if you wanna chatter about it!!
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borgatabent · 6 years
Festival Of Many Colors - A Summary
day 1: poison! :D day 2: everyone fit your dates in here day 3: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Or, in more detail:
Carro (DD/08/WQ)Yesterday at 9:56 PM
It's the last day of the Festival of Many Colors, and as expected, your plans for the crew's involvement therein have fallen apart quite spectacularly.  People split off, like you told them not to.  People got poisoned and hurt, as you expected.  By the time your own kids split off from you, well, you aren't surprised.
At least you trust them to stick with the people they split off with.  They'd better.
You, though? You feel safe as can be as you wander the booths, eyeing the wares the local artists of the city have brought forth to peddle to the masses.  In particular, you've been standing before a rather ornate painting of a cat that just...well, it tickles you.  The roundness of its face.  The wide icy lakes of its eyes.  Arresting.  Brim of your hat pulled low, you notice nothing else as you look it over.
"Now ain't that something..."
Coco (Nep/Ara/Sock)Yesterday at 10:05 PM
The festival has been treating you great so far. You got to reunite with an old friend and spend some quality time with your sharks! None of the Felt got (unintentionally) drugged as far as you are aware, and it's such a great opportunity to more or less openly steal food.  Great festival so far 10/10.
They even had some ameozwing pieces of art on display. So amazing you didn't even notice you lost your shark companions. So amazing you don't even notice the  man standing right next to you as you you stare at the painting until he speaks up.
The only thing that leaves your mouth is a half hissed "You!" in true anime fashion.
Carro (DD/08/WQ)Yesterday at 10:09 PM
The troll woman's word brings your head up and away from the painting, but you don't need to look to see who it is.  It has been two years since last you saw her in person, but oh. Oh. You could never forget that voice.  When you turn your eyes down to Nepeta, your face is purposefully and carefully blank.
Until, once facing her completely, you allow a smile to unfurl across your face, slow and malicious. 
"Evening, kitten.  It's been a long time, hasn't it?"
Coco (Nep/Ara/Sock)Yesterday at 10:21 PM
He's better at suppressing his emotions, your face immediately gives away your murderous intent. It's something you should work on but you can't help it when you see him in person, especially after so long.  Of course you knew you'd meet again but you are still surprised by how hard it is not to jump at his throat right here on the street. 
Easy now. You know you can't do that.  You remind yourself that you are going to, one day, and your fists unclench. Huh, you hadn't even noticed doing that. 
"Not long enough." That's all he get's out of you before you sweetly ask for the cat pictures price. It's childish for sure, but if the only thing you can do right now is a buy a beautiful cat painting before he can you will take it.
Carro (DD/08/WQ)Yesterday at 10:25 PM
You chuckle, reveling in the hatred she glares at you.  It's rolling off of her, like heat, and you hadn't realized until that moment how much you truly had looked forward to this.  To see that rage directed at you was, in a word, sublime.  And then she's trying to buy that lovely cat painting. 
You think that's childish, Nepeta? Watch this. 
Cutting the artist off mid-speech, you say to them--never once taking your eyes off of the girl--"I'll pay twice the asking price for it right now."
Coco (Nep/Ara/Sock)Yesterday at 10:39 PM
Oh that motherfucker. How dare he, he's not even interested in this fine piece of art, he just wants to piss you off. And he's successful at that too. 
You don't have as much money but you have a lot of hate in your little heart.
"Can you really afford that? Funerals are so expensive these days. Shouldn't you save up to get get poor sweet Aradia the best funeral money can buy?"  Your face doesn't show your hate quite so obviously now but it unmistakably seeps into your words. It's a low blow, but you don't give a damn.
Carro (DD/08/WQ)Yesterday at 10:44 PM
That smile on your face snuffs out in an instant, and your mouth becomes a hard, angry line.  You can feel your face flush with a hot surge of anger, you can feel it pulse in your strained neck.  Your hand, which had idly been stroking over a small statuette of a cat similar to that of the one in the painting, goes still over its porcelain head. 
"You'd best button your lips," you say slow, "especially about things that don't concern you, Miss Leijon.  It'd be a shame if someone were to knock those pretty new teeth of yours out again for your smartassery."
Coco (Nep/Ara/Sock)Yesterday at 10:52 PM
Yeah, that one got him good and you couldn't stop the smile from spreading on your face if you wanted to, showing off all these pretty, pretty teeth. 
"It'd be a shame if you'd have to bury your children too, yet here we are. How long do you think hot wings will make it? Chicken is a popular snack around here." 
Truth is, you don't hold any grudges against Droogs kids, they don't have to die anytime soon, they should bury him if things go your way. But it's the easiest way to get to him, and if he doesn't want you to ignore him? Fine, you can play dirty too.
Carro (DD/08/WQ)Yesterday at 10:57 PM
Your jaw tightens, just as your grip on the little porcelain kitty does as well.  You can feel it grinding against your palm, past the skin, statuette against carapace.  Stone to stone.  You can hear it creak pathetically under the stress, and not for the first time, you imagine it isn't the porcelain kitty's head beneath your grip. 
You say, "Awful funny of you to mention.  Had some shark soup the other day.  Real tasty--you ever have it?" 
Coolly, you cast your eyes about.  Neither of the cat's pet sharks seem to be about.  You turn your glance back at her.  "Bet olive grub tastes just as nice this time of year."
Coco (Nep/Ara/Sock)Yesterday at 11:02 PM
"Oh, no I can't say I had the pleasure yet, I prefer getting my shark fresh and raw." You are not going to fall for his cheap distractions. 
 "You think so? I hear alternian trolls prefer maroon bloods for such things. You know, since they usually don't grow very old anyways."
Carro (DD/08/WQ)Yesterday at 11:06 PM
"Yeah?"  You chuckle low in your throat.  It's not mirthful; it's a sound of warning.  "I'll tell ya, you kooky trolls are all full of surprises."
You turn to her then, your hand dipping below your collar for a moment.  When you raise it, hooked around your thumb on a thin gold chain, dangles a sharp tooth.  The very top of it, though run through with a hole to hold the clasp, is still dyed a light olive green.  "All kinds of uses for every part of you.  I'd love to see what I could do with those little candy corn beauties on that thick skull of yours."
Coco (Nep/Ara/Sock)Yesterday at 11:22 PM
Oh that's dirty. You were trying so hard to hold back, can't cause a scene here, right in public, after all. But no, he had to go and take out his little trophy. Sick bastard, did he always carry that around with him or just for special occasions?
Hot white rage fills your head as soon as you see your tooth, you barely even hear his mocking words through it all, too fixated on it. You remember all too well how he took it, all the pain, all the misery, all the fury, bottled up and culminated over two long years like a fine wine. 
It feels like this single moment of rage stretches on forever until everything happens  fast and all at once. You hadn't even noticed that you had clenched your fists, hard enough to draw blood with your claws when you are already swinging a punch right at his insufferable smug face, connecting with an audible crunching noise. 
And god, it feels so good. Finally some sweet release.
Carro (DD/08/WQ)Yesterday at 11:28 PM
The thing you've learned about trolls, after having a hand in raising a small squadron of them over the years, is that these fuckers are deceptively strong.  You wouldn't know it by looking at them, but you've seen them lay grown body builders flat at the tender age of 10.  So when that fist connects with your face, you feel the carapace beneath crack before you are sent reeling backwards into the crowd. 
Shouts of alarm go up around you as you bowl people over, only to quickly leap to your feet, easy as you please.  The shadow magic skin you're wearing on your face is crooked, torn at the seam of your jaw, and you take just a moment to pull it back into place before you lunge forward at her in turn. 
The porcelain kitty still in your hand, you grab at her collar to pull her up as you bring it down and shatter upon the crown of Nepeta's head.
Coco (Nep/Ara/Sock)Yesterday at 11:39 PM
You are still too engulfed in that sweet rush of violence to see him coming in time to dodge the kitty, what a regrettable waste of art that was. The other thing about you trolls is how headstrong you are. Sure it hurts like a bitch, sure you can feel sticky olive blood pooling in your hair, but it's not going to anything to stop you.
Instead you take the opportunity to show him just how sturdy your pretty little head is. You grab him and headbutt him right in the mouth, hoping to break some teeth in the process.
Carro (DD/08/WQ)Yesterday at 11:52 PM
You're sturdy, but holy shit, not that sturdy.  You can feel the hot spray of blood gush from your nose, from your mouth, from the now fractured carapace beneath your lips.  There is the click-click and drip-drip as you stagger back, broken teeth and candy red blood falling like rain to the ground below, despite the way you cup your mouth to prevent the fall.  It's all wet heat on your palm. 
The look in your eyes, one reverted back to its natural white after such a hard hit, is one of pure. 
"You fucking stupid bitch," you slur as you shrug off your heavy coat.  It's weighing you down, even if you had chosen it to hide the dip in your mostly healed arm, hideous as it is beneath the thin fabric of your shirt.  You spring forward, arm pulled back to launch a punch toward Nepeta's stupid fucking bitch face, fist surrounded by thick purple flame.  "Look what you've done to me!"
Coco (Nep/Ara/Sock)Today at 12:25 AM
Oh but you are looking, and you are so pleased with your work.  How's it feel to be the one who's too furious to think straight Droog? Pretty good it doesn't seem. 
It feels so intoxicating to finally have the upper hand, to finally not only stand on even ground with Droog, but above him. He's becoming undone right before your eyes and even though part of you knows it's not just because of you but thanks to a whole series of events he and the Crew recently suffered, you decide that no. This is all about you. 
Your rage, your revenge, your victory, ready for the taking. 
Exposing a glaring weak point like his arm was his first mistake, using it to attack you the second. You catch his arm mid punch without any problems. Sure the magic fire burns your flesh but you smile at his face despite the disgusting smell of your own sizzling flesh. 
"I think you are the stupid fucking bitch, kitten." 
You don't waste any time and use your opening to kick him right in the stomach, hard. But you don't let go of his arm, even when he hits the ground. Instead you pull, putting your strength to good use. You don't stop pulling not when you hear a a loud popping, and not when you hear a sickening a crunch. One last effort from your side and you finally stumble back, his arm in your hand. Your very own little trophy, one you will treasure dearly. 
You stand above him finally tasting sweet victory, blood rushing in your ears. This is better than any high you ever had. The temptation to kill him on the spot but you settle for another kick right into his oh so handsome face instead before you spit on him,  just because you can. "Always a pleasure playing with you kitty cat." 
With that you turn around to flee the crime scene and report to Snowman.
Carro (DD/08/WQ)Today at 12:35 AM
It's fast, it's all too fast--you're on the ground before you can even properly think, and then you're hearing this sound, and it's so hard to parse through the screams of the crowd down pushed as far back away from the two of you as they can get.  They're shouting for help, for the police, for something,but you can't hardly hear it over the pop and break of your own sinews, and that other sound.  God, what is that? 
It's your own screaming.  That's new. 
When Nepeta pulls your arm away from you, you're left to stare blankly up at her.  The world is grey and hazy, but this olive troll and your arm are in sharp, painful focus.  You register the kick to the face and the heat of your blood pooling on the ground below you, and it just doesn't seem real.  Like a strange dream turned nightmare, in the blink of an eye. 
As she walks away, you go to lift your arm only to realize, whoops, that's not there anymore.  You lift your other and fumble around for your phone.  As you tap on the screen, now streaked with the gore of you, you realize you're shaking uncontrollably.  Or you suppose it is.  It seems so far away, as though you're watching some other armless sap shaking like a leaf in a tornado.
You put the phone up to your ear, still skewed from the hit you took earlier.  You think you're speaking loudly, but your voice is barely a whisper. 
"Hey Slick, uh... ...my arm's..." Before you can say another clarifying word, the phone slips out of your hand and comes to rest in the sticky red lake forming beneath you.  You pass out.
jailed rooty (03/Dave/MK)Today at 12:43 AM
Oh well. Oh shit. This was bad. You refound Nepeta a few moments ago, but the fight was already a little heated to step inbetween. Especially since Nepeta looked like she got it handled pretty well. (Better than you ever could.) Before you could quit the hemming and hawing and decide what to do, it was already over. And...
You definitely didn't expect THAT outcome. Now, Nepeta surely got hurt a little. But... she was fine enough to run away. You already had your camera handy for the festival. Some cute kissy selfies with your lovers and totally not stolen plushies on there. You're gonna check on your beloved meowrail in a minute, for sure. But until then...
Nepeta would want it that way. And then you are gone too. All you can hope is that Droog managed to catch your gleeful grin before he passed out.
Bunny (SS/07)Today at 12:42 AM
You're at the festival, already fighting the heat of rage from building up inside of you. You're looking for clues as to the whereabouts of the mysterious vendor from the other day. The one that drugged your son. He tore himself up pretty good and you're not going to rest until you have your vengeance.
That's when you think you might be hearing screams. It draws your attention enough for you to squint at the forming crowd. A few thoughts buzz through your head as you casually start making your way over--
Your phone rings. You answer. Your heart squeezes tight and a chill runs through you, cold enough to snatch your breath away. "Droog?!" You can hear the crowd still shouting on the other end of the line, as well as in that close distance. You start running, shouting for him on the phone to no answer.
You're shoving people aside, desperate and wild, until you see him. Unconscious, bleeding out, phone in his bloody fingers. You don't think. You drop to your knees and stop the bleeding with shadow magic. You're shaking him, trying to wake him up. Screaming at the people surrounding you.
Mabs (PI/02)Today at 12:48 AM
You had a gameplan. Day three made sense for you to arrive, bundled up and faking illness that you have been boasting. Scarf on, coat buttoned, one of those little paper masks to indicate a cough.  Perfect enough to get at least some sembelence of festival and buy a few pumpkins and lose a few games in the quest for the kiwi.  Maybe even heckle some of the crew since you heard they had a kissing booth all up and about.
So of course, just as you are about to waste said money on a dream you hear some sort of commotion nearby.  Immediately you abandon the baseballs as you break into a run, pushing and shoving until you reach the break in the crowd. 
And blanch at the sight.  Oh frog...  Still, time to get the authority voice on as you pull out a badge. 
"I need everyone to clear some space. NOW "  That was more for the crowd than Slick since you expect his shadowy magic is probably better suited for stopping the bloodflow than any bandage pressure you could provide.  You pull out your phone and dial up.  "We have an emergency situation here.   Massive injury. Ambulance needed."  You already have an idea of who did this based on your own sources but telling that to Slick sounds like the top 10 worst bad ideas right now.
Avery (PS/Sollux)Today at 12:54 AM
You're Problem Sleuth and you're running through the crowds that are panicking over the event that seems to be a girl tearing out Diamonds' arm and you've never dodged running citizens like this until you were in the court yard of Prospit when the war was announced.
Goddamn there were apparently a bunch of spectators to the de-arming and when you get there, you see Slick and you hear the wrath in his voice. Seeing you kismesis in si much rage almost makes you feel anger too. And you look around in time to see the tail of a green coat and you're running before you even know it. 
The Crew and whichever faction this was, you suspect Felt, are at each other's necks, you're trying to not even think of the new faction rising to power -- "Get out the way!" You're hot on the suspect's trail and you hope it better stay that way.
pixel~! (04/Dualscar/HD)Today at 12:56 AM
Your name is Clover, and you'd probably been catching up to the sharks. Everything was going smooth, absolutely everything- and then you turned and you saw Diamonds Droog hitting the ground, and it all happened so fast you could barely register it before you see Nepeta tear his arm straight off, and when she runs- 
Well, you do too. If anybody's gonna need some fucking luck, it's your kitty, after all. You're not thinking about anything else.
[insert missing post of Fin, fleeing along Nepeta and Trace and getting into the car]
Carro (DD/08/WQ)Today at 1:00 AM
Your name is the White Queen, and you had been nearby with your Dame when the commotion had started.  It had taken you until now to push through the crowd to get close enough to see what is happening, but when you do, you reel back.  Though you had promised yourself that you would not do so again for a long time, you clasp your hands together and focus your empathetic powers on your ring to send a pulse of calm through the crowd.  It won't do anything for the humans and the trolls among them, but it will be enough to calm the carapacians from outright rioting. 
In the meantime, your name is Snowman, and you are fading to and from black. In your room one moment, a few paces ahead of Nepeta the next.  She collides with you but you anticipate it, and you wrap your arms tight around her.  You toss a wink over her head at the men pursuing her, and in a shimmer, you fade to black once more.  You would both find yourself collapsed upon your own bed to soften the impact of your collision, bouncing once before settling.
pixel~! (04/Dualscar/HD)Today at 1:00 AM
The Dame herself, though- when the screaming starts, she replaces her glamour with something that the citizens don't know but her Agents would recognize as a favored disguise, and she gets on clearing everybody the hell out of the way. Her imagination presses up against the minds of particularly stubborn crowd folk, pushes suggestion in to make the process easier. Leave, leave, leave. Get to safety, get to calm, it will all be alright.
jailed rooty (03/Dave/MK)Today at 1:03 AM
Too bad, Fin. Because all of a sudden, Trace is gone. He has been tailing people long enough to notice that they, and more importantly Nepeta, had been followed, and ducked away to the side during the next best occasion. Hopefully quick enough.  It was. The crowd surely helped. You see someone that is very definitely not a Felt running right past the corner and past you, whereas everyone else tried their best to get away from anything green. 
 Maybe some of Clover's luck rubbed off on you too. Unfortunately for Mr. Sleuth. Before he has a chance to turn around, you reach for his collar and suddenly you're on his back. 
 "Not so fast, copper. This ain't your business" you just growl into his ear. A well aimed punch should take care of the rest. Time to get outta here.
Plush (Jadesprite[Jay])Today at 1:08 AM
Jay's ears perk as Clover texts her for a pick up, she leaps from the roof and teleports in front of Clover. Skidding to the side from the force of the teleport she looks at Clover, all of her soft and kind looks gone. She is determined and calculating. All in one go, as soon as she stops skidding she lunges at Clover, scooping him up over her shoulder and looking at the ones chasing. With a flick of a tail and a flash of green her and Clover are gone, standing in the main lobby of the Felt manor, Jay nods at him as she sets him down and teleports right back to the roof from before. Ready to extract anyone else.
Avery (PS/Sollux)Today at 1:09 AM
You're running and you're catching up, reaching out to harness your imagination to start forming your sword when the process is cut short by someone pulling you back by your collar and you choke. 
You look fast enough to see who it was and then the punch comes and you're knocked out. Falling to your knees and onto the cold ground of the alley.
jailed rooty (03/Dave/MK)Today at 1:09 AM
Soon after, Trace slips into the back of the car and tosses Fin the key.  "Get us home!" Squint around.  "Where did Nepeta go? Weren't you with her?"
Mikky the gay shark (05/JH/CD)Today at 1:10 AM
"I thought you were with her! " Car car key right. Time to scram.
pixel~! (04/Dualscar/HD)Today at 1:11 AM
Before the pup can vanish, Clover grabs her be the sleeve and as quick as a radio host, he tells her- "Check for the sharks, check the festival, get Doze before Slick finds him and decides to take everything out on him. They were nearby, I don't know where they went."
Shadow <3 (Jade)Today at 1:13 AM
Your name is Jade and you hears screams and slick's furious anger. Something bad has happened and you think it must be one of the bosses. You run to see what's happened and gasp at the sight. 
Droog's on the ground bleeding and Slick is there holding him, fixing with shadow magic but snarling for answers. Officer Ingleton is there too otherwise you'd step in to see what happened. Instead you question the people near you in fake hysteria, asking what's going on. 
You're very displeased to learn the stupid cat bitch was the one to cause this. Fuck, if this wasn't an escalation. The bitch was probably long gone too. What about the others though? 
This wasn't good. You're quick to go see what Felt was still left on the grounds.
Mikky the gay shark (05/JH/CD)Today at 1:14 AM
You name is Jude Harley and you are running to the car with your police badge in hand, but sadly no guns, just...the flare one? Right it's on your common equipment so you take aim to the car and shoot, permission can come later.
 Somebody roll a dice to see if he break a window or not.
Bunny (SS/07)Today at 1:14 AM
There is a ping of feeling. An attempt to calm your rage. It is swallowed whole. Nothing can quell your anger and your outright pain in this moment. A ring sitting heavy in your pocket, your matesprit of uncountable years broken in your arms. And a name ringing in your ears. 
Nepeta. "The cat girl in the Felt."
You've seen them scrambling away. And you won't chase them. No. You will plan. You will make sure that the next move you make completely and utterly shatters them.
"Lyosha... Lyosha wake up. Please."
jailed rooty (03/Dave/MK)Today at 1:15 AM
He's dead, Jim.
Meanwhile Kingpin is somewhere in the crowd, watching the show and having a damn good time
Mikky the gay shark (05/JH/CD)Today at 1:18 AM
And this is why you don't let Fin drive, with all the trails blocking the way and now a god damn flare breaking the back window the shark is now panicking and screaming. 
The trash you left earlier on the backseat is on fire.
jailed rooty (03/Dave/MK)Today at 1:19 AM
Oh no. Oh no no no. Not the window. 
Mikky the gay shark (05/JH/CD)Today at 1:20 AM
>dramatic car break 
>those wheels are really good but they will look like shit after this 
jailed rooty (03/Dave/MK)Today at 1:21 AM
Hey Fin, do you know this look? You know this look. It's the look Trace gave you after Itchy sucked your dick. 
"Move over." Growl.
Mikky the gay shark (05/JH/CD)Today at 1:21 AM
>You move over and try to put down the fire on the back 
"I’m taking no reponsability for this!"
jailed rooty (03/Dave/MK)Today at 1:23 AM
"Yes you are. I'm putting this on your phone tab." 
At least the car is still turning on. Time to get you home in a very relaxed and non-accent-risky manner.
Mikky the gay shark (05/JH/CD)Today at 1:23 AM
JH==> Attempt to chase the car once you heard the breaks but to no avail. No more flare charges anyway.
Plush (Jadesprite[Jay])Today at 1:17 AM
Jay nods to Clover quick and from the roof back to the scene. She dips quickly into the crowd and circles around, scenting for Doze, her ears pinned flat and tail poofed up with worry. Jay sees the tint Doze explained and pushes through the crowd, looking from the scene to the tent.
She reaches it and dips in, and spins to look for Doze, her chest heaving with quick breaths. Her cold expression not showing the panic she felt inside. "Doze? Come on we have to get the fuck outta this joint."
Mabs (PI/02)Today at 1:19 AM
Your name is Doze and you're just chillin in a booth a bit away but still close enough to hear the pandemonium. You got your bubble pipe and are looking at some badass woodworking stuff. Kind of cool. Gotta appreciate the arts really. 
You turn to Jay. "Oh hey checkout this baddass lil thingie. Got like tiny lil sharks etched on it. Think it'd make a good gift for Trace?" 
 Meanwhile you, Pembrooke Ingleton are on the radio.  There are some orders to pursue suspected targets as well as to get an ambulence out pronto.  Other than that, you're trying to keep the crowds calm and back and give Slick space.  Never entirely sure if that one will suddenly lash out at the nearest crowd or person.    Also not sure how he's going to react to medical personal wanting to take Droog to the hospital but that's a problem for future Pembrooke.
Shadow <3 (Jade)Today at 1:21 AM
You go back to the booth with the henna just in time to see the Felt, Doze you think, with Jay. And you freeze for a moment, shocked that she knows him. You stare and you realize that she doesn't just know him; she's with him. She's with the Felt.
You don't know why that hurts your very being.
Plush (Jadesprite[Jay])Today at 1:25 AM
Jay presses her nose between her thumb and forefinger and huff out a laugh while shaking her head. "God you are so fucking funky. Can't help but love that about ya." She taps the baddass lil thingie and lifts her hand with a flick, teleporting it close to where she teleported Clover to. "Okay it's home, and it's loud out there. Let's dip, and laugh about someone loosing and entire fucking arm." She holds out her hand for Doze to take. 
The fur on the back of her neck raise up and she looks over her shoulder and, her ears slowly droop as she stares directly into Jade's eyes. Jay's cold determination falters and for a second Jade can see the sadness, panic, and worry in her eyes. She shakes her head slowly and reaches more earnestly towards Doze.
Shadow <3 (Jade)Today at 1:27 AM
You step back in shock. She's Felt she was this whole time. And then you feel anger; anger at her, at that bitch cat and all of the fucking green bastards. You step towards them, towards her, but you have a feeling you won't be able to reach her this time
Lissa (Paint/Feferi/Kanaya)Today at 1:29 AM
You name is Kayana Maryam Spektor, and you are NOT calm. You are looking for the center of the chaos in search of your father who you've learn has lost one of his arms. You push and shove your way through people not caring if you knock them down.
Mabs (PI/02)Today at 1:31 AM
You, Doze, smile at Jay and hold out your hand but then turn to see what the sudden agitation in the air was. Turning around, you see oh...its the one gal you did henna for.   "Oh! Heya there.  Check out this badass woodwork thing this one booth was doin."  You give a wide smile completely missing the point.
Quinn (Equius 🐎)Today at 1:32 AM
Uh oh here comes a special boy!! Here he comes!  If ever there was a juggernaut made alive, it would be the steamroller that is trying his best not to bowl over the crowd while he linebackers his way through to the coordinates Jude gave.  The commotion is easy to follow, growing thicker as you get closer--and also harder to get through.
It's then that you end up almost running into the car, or the car running into you.  It's hard to tell which it is because you're JAYWALKING/running across the street to get to the location without looking for traffic, and so the car that's just started up and is burning rubber trying to accelerate.  The front bumper thuds into your hip and thigh and you skid just a tiny bit--but you also might have dented the bumper yourself, or at least the hood of the car when you slam a hand onto it to brace yourself from falling over.  Point being you hiss and yell more in surprise than pain--though your hip IS in a lot of pain--and you're scratching the front of the car while glaring absolute fury at the driver-- 
Oh. Oh.  Perfect timing.  You lock eyes with one of the Felt sharks--the orange one driving, and bare your teeth at him.
Plush (Jadesprite[Jay])Today at 1:36 AM
Jay freezes and whispers, "Doze, not now!" She grabs his hand, pushing him behind her and full blown growls. Tail lashing and ears pinned as she faces Jade, little bits of green bolts spiking across her body as she bristles up. She crouches and readies her hands for combat, "Walk away, Jade. Now." Her tail slowly but surely curls around Doze's waist, Jay didn't want confrontation but if Jade rushed her she was ready to get her and Doze out of there.
Lissa (Paint/Feferi/Kanaya)Today at 1:39 AM
Kanaya finally spies her Uncle Slick and... Oh no... Her father with blood leaching from his empty shoulder. "UNCLE SLICK!" you call out to him shoving people out of your way with greater ferocity.
Shadow <3 (Jade)Today at 1:42 AM
You glares at her; as if she has the audacity to tell you what to do?! "I want answers Jay!" You snarl back, not bothered by her light show, not slowing her step. "You're Felt; was this planned?! Was this all a fucking lie?! A ploy!?" You're not sure if you're more angry over Droog or angry at this feeling of betrayal. "Why'd she do it Jay?? Why cause an escalation now?"
Bunny (SS/07)Today at 1:42 AM
You hear Kanaya. Your gaze snaps to her and you hold Droog closer, halfway shielding his cauterized wound from her sight. "Go home," you order, leaving no room for question, "and tell the Crew. The Felt attacked us and we're going to--"
There are cops here, Spades. One is standing right beside you. The inspector. The one who had been poking around in your territory. You narrow your gaze, glaring at him. You'll deal with him later. 
"We're going to regroup," you say, "Get out of here."
Lissa (Paint/Feferi/Kanaya)Today at 1:46 AM
Kanaya's face is conflicted for a moment, but finally she nods and turns to go tears in her eyes but not falling. There's few people you would trust to make sure your father would be okay. You boss and father's matesprit is one of them. You follow the order and vanish into the crowds as you head home. You hoped you'd be able to convince your uncle to let you in on making this felt bitch pay.
Mabs (PI/02)Today at 1:47 AM
Pembrooke looks up, and puts two and two together. Right, Droog's daughter.  He lets her pass into the area unheeded as the ambulence siren begins to get louder. 
You frown, knowing well that tone of whisper,  and you see the glare....meeting it back with a narrow squint of your own before you finally get the nerve to speak aloud.  "There is an ambulence on its way to take Mister Spektor to the hospital. You are welcome to join him of course."  You were going to extend the offer to his daughter but apparently she walks faster than your mun types. >:U
Meanwhile Doze tilts his head, a moment of confusion then well...more confusion. Ok this isn't about woodworking. Hooboy. 
"Iffn this is about all the hootinenenery happening right now gotta say that there was no grandscheming on this one tho prolly not gonna believe that.  Just as surprised as everyone else I just wanted to get my gift shoppin done like fuck now its a pain in the ass."
Bunny (SS/07)Today at 1:50 AM
That's okay because you weren't going to let her. You hold Droog tight, keeping your gaze locked on the Inspector. The sound of sirens gives you fucking anxiety. But this is one of the very very few situations you'll allow one of your own to enter a hospital. You'll just have to be sure to pay off every fucking doctor and nurse and janitor you see to make sure you don't leave Droog's side and that he's receiving the best possible care.
Plush (Jadesprite[Jay])Today at 1:52 AM
Jay knows she should probably just.. teleport away but. She stands up ears shoved forward and her expression cold and empty, "You think it was planned for me to be here? To have been left by my family and for me to got all happy daisy to the Felt? Sweet heart, nothing is planned. It just happens." She turns slightly, not looking away from Jade, "Doze can you please grab on to me? Anywhere is fine right now." 
Jay's ears flick and she huffs at Jade, "I never lied, you just never asked. As for what cat babe did? Not part of the plan but man..." She leans forward, snarling, "was it good."
Quinn (Equius 🐎)Today at 1:54 AM
Because the mun has no reading comprehension skills and  is now revising actions, Equius continues from the incident with the car, having left a dent and a hook man car door claw marks down the side of it, and the car giving him a nasty bruise, but otherwise everyone is unscathed.
He favors his right hip a bit as he trots up to Pembrooke, breathing a little heavily and holding up the roll of police tape you have handy.
"Sir--brought this--Jude said it would come in handy."  You huff and shake out your leg a little bit, starting to get on the task of keeping people back and setting up a perimeter.
Shadow <3 (Jade)Today at 2:01 AM
You know it's just angry speaking; you know you should step back, take a breath. You're better than this and you know that in a way, Jay's right. What time they spent together, that couldn't have been a ploy it was far too genuine. You don't really understand what she means by a family leaving her, but you do understand what she says about the aftermath and you see Red 
 Before you've realized, you're already swinging a punch at her
Mabs (PI/02)Today at 2:05 AM
Pembrooke nods at Equius.  "Set up a perimeter. Start taking witness reports."  You notice the shattered bits of porceline.  "Find out which booth that came from and get their report in particular. I want to know exactly every word and detail that led up to this down to how many times they blinked." 
A few tents away Doze sets the woodwork down cause he aint a thief dangit, and rests his hands on Jay's shoulder.  "Sorry yo. Gotta go."
Plush (Jadesprite[Jay])Today at 2:08 AM
Jay grins at Jade, all of her malice and mockery going into that one good last look and just as Jade's fist is about to connect with her face... a flash of green goes through the tent and she is gone from Jade's sight and into the main entrance of the Felt manor. Jay sighs and pats Doze on the head, "I could of taken that other wood piece with us too if you wanted." She points to the shark one she teleported in before the commotion, "Least I got that one. Now pardon me, I need to go find some damn ibuprofen."
Shadow <3 (Jade)Today at 2:11 AM
She's gone before you can wipe that smug fucking look from her face and you're shocked and angry. But then, you feel... upset. Not that you missed, but that you tried to punch her. God what is wrong with you?! She's the enemy now; she has to get past this! You're not going to let this make you a liability. 
But, this shows that she's not just a furry for show. Maybe Scratch worked on her like he did Sock, except she was clearly more successful. 
....time to get out here too.
EJ (GHB)Today at 2:15 AM
You're the Grand Motherfucking Highblood---And you've been alerted to a commotion by Azzie. You smell blood on the air and normally it'd fill you with Glee. 
But that blood is your Moirail's blood. The motherfucker you'd slaughter leigions for. 
Your calm and gentle demeanor evaporates in a second as a wave of Terror washes over the crowd, forcing them apart as you Roar and Snarl, charging on all fours in the direction of your Moirail's scent. 
...You're going to Kill whoever did this.
Without question. You will find them.
Quinn (Equius 🐎)Today at 2:17 AM
He nods, immediately finishing with the perimeter first and wedging himself between the scene and various citizens, politely but forcefully scooching them back.
Before he gets to the witness accounts, he sidles back up to Pembrooke, voice lowered a bit quieter.  "Also uh, I was told to give this to you."  He passes the kiwi very sneakily like contraband, and nods solemnly, getting back to work.
He sets up some markers around the porcelain shards, voice raising up to tell people to form orderly lines and wait for questioning--before you feel a rush of nauseated horror and acrid fear that could mean only one thing.  You might be less susceptible to mental influences than lower blood castes, but you still freeze on the spot, getting OUT OF THE WAY when you see highblood frenzy coming towards the scene, grabbing Pembrooke's arm on instinct and pulling him behind you.  Just in case.
Mabs (PI/02)Today at 2:22 AM
Your business stern faced demeanor is temporarily shattered as you hold in your hand the blessed kiwi at long last.  It is softer and more perfect than you imagined.  But then you clear your throat and return to professional mode.  Just in time for you to be pulled behind Officer Zahhak as you hear the crowds start to stir. 
Craning your neck, you see the flash of black and purple as you inwardly brace for probably another one of the Crew's confidants to bust their way onto the crime scene like an emotional trainwreck.
EJ (GHB)Today at 2:32 AM
Not emotional. Angry. Very, Very Angry. Roars and snarls fill the air as the crowds part as he darts past the Blueblood and the Capricians. They don't matter. Finding his mate matters. 
He sees the blood...so much blood. Splashes of Olive.....
Slick is scented, acknowledged, but he's snuffling intently at his moirail, Snarling at anyone who dares approach. 
His common tongue doesn't even sound right, tinged heavily with Alternian, rearing up on his legs to his full height, eyes locking on the blooblood. "Who." This is not a request. It is a command. The leader of the Mirthful is asking a motherfucking question and he Best Motherfucking Answer.
jailed rooty (03/Dave/MK)Today at 2:35 AM
Oh shit. Lookit that. Kingpin was still watching the scene with delight. And just as the White Queen's awful attempts at mind- pardon, emotional control crawls past you, you feel another emotion wash over you that is sending a shiver down your back. 
One of the few times you truly felt that, if not the first. And boy, that was. Fucking. Thrilling. The source of that wave was hard to miss. A giant troll. One of them purple bloods. Kingpin had heard stories, but he had yet to see them in action himself. A thing he may get to change soon, perhaps.
Quinn (Equius 🐎)Today at 2:41 AM
He still has one hand gripped on Pembrooke's upper arm as he keeps him behind--he did not want one of his new bosses in the crossfire of the most reveared and infamous of their people, something that rivaled the title of the Condesce, though no one would state as much out loud.
His posture goes to military attention, expression sobered up.  His one consolation is that at least the force of that anger, that rage, isn't directed towards him individually.  Still, he's afraid.  Afraid for Nepeta, and afraid with the waves of empathetic terror that roll out from Baron like a swelling tide.
"Felt," he says with a low rasp, meeting Baron's eyes and ducking his chin a little.  "It was Felt.  I just arrived on the scene, but--"  He shifts a little, letting go of Pembrooke because he is the commanding officer who can speak on the situation, giving a pleading look to Baron to be dismissed from answering questions that he had no right to answer.
Bunny (SS/07)Today at 2:45 AM
You feel a sense of relief, although very slight, at the sight of Droog's moirail. You meet Sam with a soft headbump, hands full with Droog. You're lifting him up, preparing to carry him to the ambulance. "It was that cat bitch," you growl, "Nepeta. She's holed up with her posse by now." 
You lean close to Sam, muttering quiet enough for only him to hear you, "I want to dismantle them, Sam. We need to plan carefully. But if there are any of those green fucks or their associates running around, I want them taken care of. We're going to send a message. Understand?"
EJ (GHB)Today at 2:53 AM
...You needed that. You needed something to ground you, though tenuously. Your hand shakingly passes over Droog's lack of arm, wiping the blood over your face like the warpaint that's always present on it. 
The Blueblood is released with a wave. "ZAhhAk. DIssMiSSEd." 
There's clicks and whirrs that meet Slick's order, your voice thickly affirming. Your voice is neigh a whisper. "I'll bring their heads." Fuck I don't know how do italics but pretend with me people. Power Of Imagination. You're following to the Ambulance without a second glance to anyone in the crowd. You could care less. 
Greens will. Die.
Mabs (PI/02)Today at 2:58 AM
You stand silent, observing all of this. There is a lot that you're starting to discover and none of it is good.  Firstly that the Baron is far closer to Crew than you imagined and the sudden worry for your morail is bubbling up because you are pretty certain he is good friends with the Baron?? 
But there is also the detail of interractions and for somene to be able to call rank and authority to one of your officers is...also not the most ideal of things.  But something to be filed for later.
You watch the hushed whispers, no idea what is being said but you can likely guess.  This was not something the Crew was going to just take idly.  Just a matter of if their counter will be immediate or longterm.  You then watch Droog get loaded into the ambulence, waiting to see who goes and who stays behind.  Thankfully at this point he crowd has begun to scatter and disperse.
Quinn (Equius 🐎)Today at 3:04 AM
He feels a chill like ice dumped down his back for a whole other kind of dread now.  Baron might have let him go but his gut twists, because he... he doesn't work for Baron.  He doesn't.  He can barely relax even as he steps to the side from around Pembrooke, but he can't... he can't really meet his eyes right now for fear of actual distrust in them. One ear twitches, your considerable hearing picking up the low murmuring between Slick and Baron.  You don't hear what's said.  But he does hear the tone of voices and it's nothing but the promise of violence.
"...Permission to continue questioning, sir," he says to Pembrooke, eyes flicking up and then away again, hands clenching kind of uselessly at his sides.  Then, because he can't leave any stone unturned or irresponsible.  "....I'm sorry.  It... it won't happen again.  I was caught off guard."
Bunny (SS/07)Today at 3:06 AM
You hop into the ambulance. And just as cover, you call to Sam, "Get straight home and keep an eye on everyone. I don't want anyone else getting hurt, got it?"
You don't actually wink because that would be obvious as fuck but the sentiment is there. Also, with one eye, winking is extremely difficult. 
You try to relax enough to not lash out as the first responders get to work on your matesprit.
Mabs (PI/02)Today at 3:11 AM
"Permission granted." You simply state with a nod as you watch the ambulance doors close and start to pull out.  At this point, Slick and Droog were now the least of your worries other than the possibility of Slick just making everyone's lives miserable at the hospital.   You pull out your pen and begin to assist taking witness reports and gathering evidence. 
There will be times for talk later, but now that the action was fading you had a job of trying to get as many witnesses still about as you can before they filter away.
Quinn (Equius 🐎)Today at 3:21 AM
You give a short nod, going back off to round people up, focusing mainly on organizing them into categories of relevance.  After examination of the porcelain pieces again, you scout out the nearby booths--and sure enough, you find the most likely one, artisan crafts and all that.  It doesn't take much convincing to get the stand owner to come with you to the priority list of witnesses, her eyes cagey and wary after the whole trainwreck.
"This one saw them come into first contact," you murmur to Pembrooke, directing the woman to stay with the inspector.  "Would you like me to take her to the station."  To make sure she doesn't get cold feet and decide to stay out of mob crossfire.
EJ (GHB)Today at 3:23 AM
You understand the Wink with the intent for murder burning in your heart. Your grin in response is sharp and dangerous as you sniff the air, scenting for the Green Bitch before starting to move off to another direction. The police can think what they want, there's no concrete proof. 
 Clowns can be deceptively quiet as they're slinking out of the eye of attention.
Mabs (PI/02)Today at 3:28 AM
"I doubt it will be necessary.  It's just a simple eye-witness of the events.  Much like everyone else is giving."  You say that aloud, as you hope such statements will set her on ease in case she is worried that she may end up in the middle.   "I'd say take some forensic samples, get some photo of the scene Officer Zahhak."  you gesture to the olive and red blood as well as the various fragments of porcelien.
You set to task of questioning...hopeful that the other officers off scene are faring better.
15 notes · View notes
new year → reyza
Where:  London Skybar
Summary: Reyna takes Esperanza to London Skybar so they can ring in the New Year together. Turns out... they can never be just friends. 
Written with: @reynasantos​
Reyna has surprised Esperanza earlier by telling her to get dressed in something sexy and formal because they would be leaving at nine. That was all the instructions she gave her ex because they were going to bring in the new year together. Now, they were at the London restaurant Sky Bar for their first actual date. The thing was, Reyna honestly didn’t know how to act with Esperanza. She was used to the woman being scared of being public, and even though she was out now, she had no idea how she felt about PDA. She kept asking herself if she liked holding hands, if a kiss on the cheek would be okay, or if she could wrap her arm around the woman’s waist. Unfortunately, each answer came with an I don’t know. Now, she had left to the bar to grab them both some drinks and was walking back to the beautiful but mystifying woman. Reyna wanted to bring the new year in with her, but she was also more nervous than she let on. “Hey,” she said with a small smile. “Here you go.” She handed Es her drink and then took a sip of her own. The area around them was beautiful. Eventually they would have a complete view of the fireworks in the sky when the new year rang in. “So, do you like that I dragged you out tonight?”
Esperanza hadn’t exactly questioned her ex when she was told to be dressed by nine. The brunette had looked up at Reyna from her glasses, and sheet music full of notes...it was easy for her to agree. Anything that would get her from giving herself a headache with the work in front of her. In the hours that Rey has given her, Esperanza has gotten done up and had found a short but flowy long sleeved navy dress that she had quite frankly forgotten all about . The Sky Bar was by far the most beautiful view of London Es has seen. She felt the artist in her just taking in what was before her, wanted to keep it in her memory for future reference. Pulled out of her own head, she faced towards the bar in the direction Reyna was coming back in, the cellist thanked her and gave her a nod. “Honestly, yes. If you hadn’t, I’m sure I would’ve called it a night before midnight.” She admitted, taking a drink from her glass. It was true that she wasn’t much of a partier, but she was keen to be spending time with Reyna outside of the mansion. That while big, could feel stuffy quick. “How’d you choose this place?”
“I’m glad I saved you from turning seventy early then,” she teased lightly before taking another sip of her drink. She had managed to get them a small high top table to sit at, so she leaned forward to make sure she heard Es when she spoke. “One of my cast mates actually. He’s from here and told me it’s the most romantic way to bring in the new year. Since we’re starting new, I thought it was an appropriate first date,” she said with a shrug as her finer traced the rim of her glass. She had been thinking of the best way to find out Es’ preference when in public, and well, had come up with what she thought to be the least painful method. “So, when the clock strikes twelve, am I giving you a kiss or waiting til we get back to the mansion?”
Esperanza purses her lips to keep from smiling at the joke but her eyes gave her away. The brunette just valued sleep, that was all and every New Year was the same. Drink till you were drunk and couldn’t see straight, watch your friends make irreversible mistakes then go home after the ball dropped. A couple of years of that and Esperanza had gotten bored and declared herself the New Year’s DD. “The guy certainly know’s what he’s talking about because it’s stunning.” She brought her glass up for a drink and tilted her head at Reyna’s questions, a little confused. “Isn’t the whole point of the clock hitting twelve kissing someone? To welcome the New Year with love?” She asked, a smile tempted her bail her out of it.
Seeing Esperanza almost smile was always cute to witness. The woman honestly was insanely beautiful, and Rey adored just about every inch of her which she had shown when they were younger on many occasions. “It is,” she said with a nod. “I’ll introduce you when you start up practicing again. Everyone wants to meet you actually,” she said with a playful roll of the eyes. While she was never against showing Esperanza off, the show brought a ridiculous factor to it. People who saw her every day and could just ask how her night was instead watched the show. It was slightly creepy. She teased and called them stalkers all the time. “It is,” she said with a nod. “But I don’t know how you are with PDA and things like that. I’ve never been with you when that was a thing.”
At the mention of meeting them, she felt a pang of discomfort just because she had always been someone that liked to keep her professional life just that professional. But, Esperanza wouldn’t let that discomfort give her away. Plus, it wasn’t that deep. She always made things more serious in her head anyways. Smart but an over thinker by default. She’d meet them at some point anyways, it wasn’t like she could escape the cast when she was down in the pit. Esperanza also acted as if her entire life wasn’t on display for the world to see. “Aright, yeah, that’s fair.” She had to remember that Reyna didn’t know her as someone who was out and not as nervous about being queer in public. “PDA is fine, Reynita. A lots changed, babes.”
“Don’t worry, I won’t share you too much. While I’m out and whatever, I’m still a fairly private person. Enough of my life is being shown through the show, so I don’t need to divulge even more,” she said with a shrug. She never gave away too much in interviews before either. Sure, she’d gush about a significant other from time to time, but some details were hers. Most celebrities were the same. They had to keep some things to themselves to feel sane. “I know a lot has,” she said after taking another sip of her drink. “It’s just learning what has and hasn’t. I was always a pretty strong personality even as a kid, so a lot of things with me have remained. I’m more patient now though. I would never pull what I did with you in high school as an adult. Yeah, I was frustrated, but that gave me no right to push you to do anything,” she finally admitted. She needed to. If Esperanza was willing to give her another shot, then she had to start honestly. “When that clock strikes midnight, my goal is to not mention our break up ever again, so whatever needs to be aired out for us to start fresh and be as okay as we can be, I think we should do it now.” Reyna would rather rip off the bandaid than slowly unpack things. Luckily with them, the damage was mostly on her end. She was literally the definition of a bone head. “That is, if you’re up for that. If you’re not, that’s okay too. I’ll still kiss you at midnight and date you. I promise, no more ultimatums from me to get my way. It’s manipulative and honestly, just not fair. It leaves very little room for communication. I’m a brat and dramatic, but that doesn’t mean I have to be an asshole.”
Fame was definitely going to take some getting used to, all Esperanza really wanted to do was create things. Getting on IKAG was more of her trying to push herself out of her comfort zone, to meet new people and find whatever she was actually looking for in her sabbatical. Esperanza hadn’t figure figured out what it was but she’d given herself a year to figure it out. Her ex wasn’t wrong when she said that there was a lot to learn, on both ends really. Esperanza played with the rim of her cup, making small circles as she listened to the actress. “I think that’s a good goal. I mean— how much more is there to say about it?” She asked, tilting her head, “I mean, it’s been over ten years, we were incredibly young, ambitious in our own rights, and in love.” She explained with a sigh, to think back to when they had originally gotten together was pure, and intense and honestly, Esperanza for a long time had chopped it up to it just being that— a first love. As she would show her though, make she had been lucky enough to find that person early on. Shame that it had gone downhill but again, age would prove that it was probably for the best. “Is there anything else that you want to say about it though? I don’t would hate for there to be something that gets lost in.... all of this, y’know?” When Reyna mentioned that she’d like to date her, Esperanza straightened up for a second, “Wow, look at you. I would love that, really, Reynita. I don’t think it was manipulative, especially given our age. We really were just trying to make things work.” She reassured, giving a shrug. When Reyna called herself a brat, the cellist rolled her eyes and mentioned that there was only room for one brat In their relationship. “You’re not an asshole.” The brunette said, taking one of Reyna’s hands in herself and giving it a squeeze.
Reyna didn’t know what more there was to say about it honestly, but she wanted to make sure there weren’t any hard feelings. Resentment was a killer in relationships, and well, that was what she was trying to avoid. “You’re okay? You still have some walls up, and I don’t think even you notice. You’re pretty oblivious when things don’t involve music,” she said with a small chuckle. “I can’t really tell if this is something you want since you’re kind of just going with the flow that I set I guess.” She didn’t know how else to put it, and she hoped Es could still read her enough to know what she meant. Reyna had apologized which is what she needed. Holding it against Esperanza that she just left the next morning wasn’t going to do anything. Yes, it hurt because they were girlfriends and best friends, but nothing could be done to change it. Reyna rolled her eyes but kept a smile on her face at Esperanza’s comment. “Yeah, well, I figured you would hate it if I was sleeping around in the house, and if I’m exclusive with anyone then it better mean something because these goods aren’t free.” Reyna wasn’t someone who committed often which would most likely be shocking for Es to hear. She fooled around a lot in college, and only had like two serious relationships since they broke up. One could say she didn’t like commitment after everything, and well, she wouldn’t be able to argue it. “Mm I can be one for sure. You don’t see it often, but my ego and alpha mentality can make me a bitch, but I embrace it. If I wasn’t as picky about how I like things done, I wouldn’t be where I am. Our relationship isn’t a place I want that to be though. I can’t always get my way which is hard for a controlling person to accept, but that’s what’s fair. It wouldn’t be a relationship if I dictated everything.” She rubbed her thumb against Esperanza’s hand that was now holding her own and just enjoyed the fact that they could actually talk maturely now. It was a big change from teenage hormones.
At the mention that she still had walls up, Esperanza pushed her lips to the side, giving it a thought. Maybe it was something that she hadn’t realized because it had been so long. It probably happened over time, a slow build up to what had happened. Esperanza had always used music as a coping mechanism but in college, it definitely intensified, when it became the only thing she did up until her accident. To which she turned to boxing, all of which her only played into her need to have an outlet. “I think music has just been my thing, Reynita. Y’know? It’s been a constant in my life and it’s been the one thing that’s always been there. I definitely don’t realize it,” She explained, almost nervously picking at at her fingers. She huffed playfully when Reyna said that she’d hate her sleeping around which... the other wasn’t untrue and she bit the inside of her cheek, “I mean— I don’t want you to be with me because you think I’d be jealous.” She told her, her eyebrows pulling together, Esperanza knew that it probably wasn’t the only reason but still. She wanted Reyna to be sure. “That’s fair and valid, I definitely want things to be fair between up and there be a balance in our relationship. You’re right though, it wouldn’t be.” It was good that they could actually talk to each other without it ending in a screaming match or tears.
“Hey I get it,” she said with a smile. “I’m not someone you ever have to explain your love for music to. We might have different specialities, but that’s something we’ve always shared. I’m just telling you that it’s hard for me to read where you are with all this.” Typically Reyna would try to make Esperanza jealous so she could see where the woman stood or other little tests, but she was trying to not be a little shit. Communication had to be better if they were gonna work. The shit she usually did with people wouldn’t fly. Esperanza would call her out on it in a minute, so talking about things even if it made her uncomfortable was best. “Babe, I would never be with someone or do anything for that matter if I didn’t want it,” she said with a laugh. “I’m not a self sacrificing person. For the most part, I always look out for me and put me first. The only times that isn’t my default is with those I love. So, I wouldn’t mention wanting to date you if it wasn’t something I wanted. I’d just do my own thing.” While some people wouldn’t openly admit to being selfish, Rey definitely knew that about her. She was an immensely loyal person, but only to those she loved deeply. If you were in her inner circle, she’d die for you. Otherwise, she wouldn’t give you a passing thought. “Yes, balance which means you have to tell me what you want too. I know you’re more quiet and let your actions do the talking, but you’ve got to talk to me for me to know what page you’re on. It’s beautiful that I can read you so well and you me, but I won’t be able to 24/7.”
“I know, I know. But it’s become more than just that.” She explained, wanting to really explain what was going on in her head. It was going to take her a lot to work on stopping that habit of turning to art and boxing. As someone who would rather avoid confrontation, Esperanza just took time outs, to find whatever peace she was looking for. The brunette would always come back to the situation with a clear head even if it meant avoidance. That wasn’t going to slide with Reyna at this point.   The brunette laughed, noting that it was something good to know that she wouldn’t do something to make her jealous. Plus, doing that would completely destroy what they were trying to do in bettering their relationship. “I’ll work on it, Reynita. You’ve just got to give me a second to re-wire my brain, yeah?” It wasn’t that she needed completely undo the work she had done, just when it came to Reyna, Esperanza needed to be more direct with her needs, wants, feelings, the whole ordeal. It was the only way to make them work and truthfully, the cellist couldn’t imagine letting Reyna go again over anything petty. If it happened because they realized that they just weren’t compatible anymore, fine. They had tried and it didn’t work but over miscommunications or no communication, she couldn’t let that happen. “Te quiero, si? Ningunas de las pendejadas que hice antes van a pasar otra vez. No tengo medio de estar contigo.” With her words, the younger woman brought Reyna’s hand up to her lips and pressed a kiss against it.
Reyna luckily had grown more patient and secure in herself over the years. While patience still wasn’t a forte, she didn’t need to know everything right then and there. As long as she knew where Es stood in the moment, she was fine. Everything else, well, it would come. “Take all the time you need, Es. Honestly, I’m not going anywhere. You’re too hot to lose my attention,” she joked before adding a wink for good measure. Honestly though, her ex had only gotten more good looking with age, and she was not about to complain about the boxing. All she had to say about the woman’s body was damn. That about summed it up. “Yo te quiero tambien,” she said with certainty because she did. Not loving the woman was never an option. It was more hating that she had to learn how to live without her for so long. “I know you don’t. You’re kind of on a TV show for gays. I think you’re way out of the closet,” she joked. It was true though. Everyone was going to know they were a couple which was more than they typically would bargain for. “You know, my family has already asked me when I’m bringing you back home. Luckily, my schedule doesn’t allow much time off, so you can dodge it for awhile.”
She scrunched her face up at Reyna’s comment of her being too hot to lose interest. She definitely didn’t give herself credit and was often oblivious to people pointing those things out; while Reyna had known her forever and was being honest, Esperanza couldn’t help but blush. She was glad that there was still feelings there after so many years of hurt later, the more time they spent together, Esperanza couldn’t believe that they spent so much time apart. The mind crazy things to cope. “I’m actually still in the closet, didn’t you know?” Esperanza joked with a playful chuckle. At the mention that her family was already asking for when she’d be going back home, surprise without a doubt over took her face. Not because she’d be out at home with Reyna but because she’d be... home. It had been twelve years, the last time she was home was when she left for Boston and she hadn’t been home. Esperanza hadn’t even stepped foot in the state. Being home was something that she couldn’t even begin to imagine. “I think it’s going to take a second before I can show up there again. I mean, Abuela is ready to beat me up.” The cellist admitted, the last time she had seen the neighborhood grandmother, Esperanza had made her get on a train to Boston and then flew them out to Cuba once the borders had opened up. Each time Abuela asked her to go home instead and Esperanza refused both times.
Reyna shook her hand at the woman’s antics. The playfulness that Esperanza had was one of her favorite things about the woman. Her brother had already started teasing her about how whipped she was going to be which she’d never admit, but she knew was going to be true. “Can I stay at yours tonight,” she asked before biting her lip. Did she want the woman beside her? Absolutely. She also just loved how affectionate Es was. Her words didn’t say much about her feelings, but her reaching out for contact said plenty. Reyna squeezes Es’ hand to give some silent reassurance. “It’s okay, take your time. I honestly probably won’t be going back for a few months, and when I do, you can decide if you want to come or stay. We can always come up with some excuse that I’ll back.” She knew it would be hard for Es to step back into the world she has left behind so long ago. The singer had explained as much to her mother. “Whatever you need. Plus, my family will probably come out here at least once. Well, some of them at least.”
A warmth filled her when Reyna posed the answer and some how, she was still surprised about her ex wanting to be with her. It was something that she never saw in her future. “Please do.” Esperanza said with a nod, she still didn’t have a roommate. The brunette was unsure where the girl had actually gone but they hadn’t stuck anyone else in her room yet and the other girl’s name was still on her door. She didn’t question it, maybe the other just needed a break. The last time that Esperanza had seen her, she was knees deep in work. She never seemed to take a moment off. She did speak as she looked at Reyna and was still in sort of awe of her, of who’d she become other had become. The brunette hummed thinking about going back home, what that would mean and the exploration that she would have to give. She would have to do a lot of warming up and work before hand to make sure that it wouldn’t be an issue. Truthfully, she never thought she’d have to retuning to Washington Heights. As much as she loved it, she left it behind long ago and had come to terms with that heartbreak. “No, no, I can’t make more excuses.” She explained, shaking her head, sighing. “Plus,” Esperanza kept going, lowering her voice a little bit, “They’ll see us plotting an excuse.” At her own words, she offered a laugh to let Reyna know that it was mostly a joke. But it was true, there wouldn’t be able to hatch any sort of plan with cameras in their face 24/7.
"Good because beyond wanting you because of how beautiful you look tonight, I also just want to hold you and fall asleep," she said with a shrug. Reyna was very sweet once she was with someone, and no one knew that better than Esperanza. She had literally seen her grow from a little girl and saw the path she was heading towards. It was different to be with someone who had seen the majority of your life. Hearing that Esperanza wasn't going to look for a way out surprised the singer, but she was happy to hear it. The Heights just wasn't the same without the woman. Well, at least to her. Even though she'd never said anything, she had always hoped she'd run into the musician when she went back home. She laughed when she heard Es mention how they really couldn't hide much anymore, and she was right. They couldn't hide anything with all the cameras. "You're right. Man, all those years hiding, and now we took it too far," she joked lightly. "So, any New Years resolutions you want to share, Es?"
Esperanza blushed deeply, and fought the urge to kiss the other, just because she could hold off until the clock stuck midnight. She did chuckle for a second, noting to her that it was probably the only thing she could do by that time was sleep. “I know, goodness, we went from one extreme to another, aye?” She joked, shaking her head, maybe one day they would find some balance in how much they shared. At the question of resolutions, Esperanza took a drink from her glass, letting the liquid go down before she went on. “Oh, no. I don’t do New Years resolutions. There’s too much pressure, most have no plans, and aren’t realistic.” She explained with a shrug, taking another drink. “I find that the best way to really to change is little goals, throughout the year.” Esperanza didn’t look down on others who did, in fact she applauded them. Especially if they had the self discipline to make a change. “Have you got one?”
“We really did,” she said with a small laugh. It was actually odd how much the tables had turned. She wasn’t upset about it though. New Years resolutions were dumb to the singer as well. It was because of them that she used to hate going to the gym the entire month of January. Everyone wanted to lose weight and all that crap, so the place was absolutely packed. That didn’t mean that she didn’t have her own goals. “Oh yeah definitely,” she said with a smirk. “My goal is to give you more orgasms than anyone else has. You know, like a marathon. You up for it?”
“Reyna!” She exclaimed her entire face becoming red as she looked away from her. She couldn’t stand her, in the most loving way. Her most forward attitude was something that she had always found attractive, especially when compared to her own, more timid one. It took her a second before she looked back at her, still shaking her head in disbelief. “Calles mal, sabes?”
Reyna just looked at the other woman with the most innocent look she could muster and just shrugged her shoulders. She laughed when Esperanza finally found her voice to speak again. It was always adorable how flustered she could make the woman. “So is that a yes or a no for being up for it,” she asked with a tilt of her head. Reyna bit her lip as she looked at her girlfriend? She actually had no idea what to call the other woman. But, she wasn’t about to clear that up in the least romantic way ever. “You love how forward I am and how much I want you. Do you want me to tone that down and want you less?”
Esperanza looked at her from her lashed, lips pursed together, scrunched up. Her lips melted into a smile and she rolled her eyes playfully, of course she was up to it and Reyna would probably not let her be quiet about what she wanted. “What am I going to say? No?” Esperanza said with a chuckle, teasing the other. She learned her chin on her hand, and looked at Reyna loving, her head tilting her head. “Don’t you dare tone it down.” The brunette muttered, before pulling up closer to her, her mouth by Reyna’s ear and she whispered, “How much do you want me?”
The smile completely lit up Reyna’s world. It was good to be in position to make the woman smile again instead of being filled with sadness. She never thought they would be able to be in that position again. “You could, baby,” she said nonchalantly as she moved herself to mirror Es’ position. “Why should I give the brat what she wants?” When Esperanza moved closer and whispered into her ear, a small shiver moved down her spine. “Considering how wet I am for you right now, I’d say a significant amount,” she whispered right back.
She wasn’t going to say no, if she had, well, that would be the day they would have to talk things out again. Though the brunette had always said that she would deny Reyna if it ever came to that, she knew it wasn’t true. Everything felt so natural around Reyna, like coming into her own skin but they were older, wiser and could handle their hormonal. Well, more than before. Esperanza’s places her free hand on the other’s leg, gently making its way up the exposed skin before stopping and going back towards her knee. “Is that so?”
Reyna wasn’t someone to back away from a challenge, so when she felt Esperanza’s hand making its way up her leg, she spread them subtly to allow the woman more access. She’d silently dare the musician to finish what she was hinting at starting. “Why don’t you find out,” she asked with a shrug before leaning over and pressing a kiss to Es’ cheek. “I mean, I’m not wearing any underwear, so it shouldn’t be hard. It didn’t go with the skin tight dress.”
Esperanza bit gently on her lower lip, trying to make a choice. Knowing that either one had a consequence, the brunette wasn’t someone who would do things when there was a possibility of them getting caught. Peering eyes, around them but too caught up in their own worlds and nights. She felt her breath hitch in her throat coming up to a decision and her hand had a through of its own, Esperanza definitely got closer again and not touching her where Reyna might want. “Do you want me to?” Esperanza asked, but in her head she had ultimately come to her own decision on what to do.
Reyna's eyes closed and her breathing shallowed a little as Esperanza's hand trekked upwards. This moment had definitely been a fantasy of hers before with the woman besides her, but she didn't think it would ever happen. "Yes," she said assertively. While Esperanza was definitely the brat who skirted around answers, Reyna was the forward and direct one. "And I want you to kiss me."
A smirk played on her lips, keeping her bottom lip between her teeth. She breathed against her skin, and Esperanza took her other hand, caressing Reyna’s face. Her thumb stroking over her cheek and God, did she want to. She wanted to give Reyna want she wanted. It took her a minute before she took the one that was teasing her bringing it up to the other side of her face as she pressed a kiss upon her lip. Gently, Esperanza pulled away before she arched a brow and shook her head, “No.”
Reyna tilted her head and leaned into Esperanza's touch. However, when the second hand moved away from where she wanted it, the most she almost huffed. However that process was interrupted when Esperanza placed a soft, brief kiss on her lips which she happily reciprocated. Getting half of what she wanted wasn't bad. "No," she asked with a confused tone. "Why no exactly?"
She placed another kiss on her lips before eyeing the clock. “Because when have I ever been someone to do that in public, mm?” Esperanza questioned softly and she moved closer against Reyna’s ear, before she started placing a trail of slow kisses down her jaw. “Plus, it’s fun to watch your squirm for once.” The cellist admitted against her skin.
"Mmm I didn't know," she said with a shrug. "You used to do nothing in public, love. You told me a lot has changed, so I was testing it out." Her voice was teasing as she looked at the other woman through her eyelashes. Reyna tilted her head to the side to give Es more access to her jaw and neck. "You can totally make me squirm whenever you want," she said honestly. "You always could. This sexy, subtle confidence just had to come with time. I can handle this kissing in public thing though. What else is a green light outside of the bedroom?"
Reyna wasn't wrong, a lot of things had changed and maybe it would keep changing with a few more weeks or months. It would be fun for them to find those limits and how willing she would be to push boundaries. Right now, thought, she'd rather not get kicked out of the place they were in.  Feeling Reyna tilt her head, Esperanza moved to kiss down her neck just a bit before she looked back at the girl before her. "I like being able to make your squirm, it's a fun little thing to do. I'm not sure just yet what else is green-lighted. I think we can figure that out together, don't you think?"
When Esperanza stopped kissing down her neck, Reyna leaned forward and placed another sweet kiss on the cellist’s lips while cupping the other woman’s cheek. After a few seconds, she pulled away and smiled. “Feel free to do it whenever you want. I enjoy this feisty side of you. As for finding more green light activities, I’m down. Maybe we can find new stuff we’re into together,” she said seductively. If they were open, she’d happily start exploring her sexuality. The toys they could order and places they could explore were exciting. “Maybe I can order us some things.”
"Ah, I don't know if I can keep this up," Esperanza admitted with a chuckle, she could only keep up a facade for so long. The brunette raised her eyebrow questioningly but not entirely hating the idea of them introducing different things into their sex life. She was willing to try just about anything once before writing it off completely. "Yeah, we can do that. I mean, it couldn't hurt, right?" She kissed her again and all she could do was just look at Reyna loving. "Wow," Esperanza said, shaking her head for a moment, "I can't believe we went so long without being in each others lives."
Reyna couldn’t help but laugh when she heard Esperanza’s admission. Her being this forward and teasing was definitely not her default temperament. It was a fun way to switch things up, but never something that could be done for long periods of time. “That’s okay. We both know I prefer to be the one holding the reigns anyway. I’ll just probably be more subdued until I figure out how you are in public. I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.” Reyna was trying to be as considerate as possible. She honestly wanted things to go much better than their last time, which honestly would be hard to top in some instances. “We’ll have a safe word to make sure it doesn’t. You’ve got to come up with it though. Something your shy self would use.” Plus, Reyna would usually be the one leading with things or the one doing them to Es. It was better if the woman picked a word she’d actually remember and use. “We were definitely stubborn and scared,” she said after smiling into another kiss. “I’m happy we’re here though. If I was going to have someone drive me crazy, I’d rather it be you.”
As the true, bratty sub she was, Esperanza liked when someone else took the lead more. She didn’t mind it for her own pleasure but she didn’t enjoy for an extended period of time. It worked that Reyna felt more comfortable on that end anyways. She was grateful that Reyna was giving her time to figure out what she was truly comfortable with in public, just to be extra sure as to not have a meltdown about it unexpectedly. As of right now, except for having sex in public, she didn’t really have a list of things that were on her ‘no-no’ list.  At some point, she figured that she’d be up to try it. “What if we went with like, traffic light colors? Red; full stop. Yellow; approaching my limit.” Esperanza suggested, they had already naturally been using that sort of language when the cellist mentioned that a lot of things that normally didn’t have a green-light before did now. “I’m not going to drive you crazy, bruta.” The girl muttered softly before kissing her once more, smiling into it. It was still so strange to her, this thing that she wouldn’t admit that she wanted for so long had become a reality. She wouldn’t dare mess things up.
“That could work, love,” she said with a nod of her head. It was basic and something she would definitely remember. To her it would be easier for her to remember that than something random like manatee. Somehow the two of them had spent a good two hours sipping their drinks, talking, and just enjoying each other’s company. When her phone that was on the table  lit up from a text message from one of her siblings, she saw that it was already eleven fifteen. “I’m pretty sure we will drive each other crazy from time to time, but that’s okay. The good relationships always come with a small side of  it,” she said with a shrug. That’s something she had learned from her own parents. The two of them had been in love since they were teens, and while they fought and went nuts, they still always loved each other. When Es pulled away from another kiss, Reyna nipped at her bottom lip. “Thanks for being a brat that day in the kitchen. If you hadn’t been, I don’t know how long this would have taken.”
Esperanza had heard of people using strange language as their safe words, and she sort of understood that. Words that normally wouldn’t be said in the bedroom would definitely throw the mood but she wasn’t sure that she’d be able to remember it fast enough, especially in the case if she wanted something to stop. Seeing the other’s phone light up, she was surprised, had they really already killed a couple of hours? She wasn’t complaining, timing flying that fast was good and with the new year approaching made things that much more exciting. Reyna wasn’t wrong, she had been lucky enough to see that with her own parents. As a teen she would hear her mother groan about her dad but in the same breath say that she loved him and it was the purest form of love she had ever seen. Reyna was the closest thing to that sort of love she had experienced herself.  “I’ll take one relationship with a sprinkles of crazy.” She said with a laugh that turned into her smiling, learning back with her hands balled up and placed on her hips like a superhero. “I mean, call me captain Brat.” Esperanza explained jokingly before dropping her pose back towards Reyna, “No, I don’t know how long it would’ve taken either. Too long though.”
“How do you manage to be one of the sexiest women alive, but also a major dork,” she asked because she was genuinely impressed and confused. Esperanza was someone who didn’t have to do anything to draw Reyna in, and she was probably the only person who could say such a thing. When she put her hands on her hips, the singer could only smile. “I’ll get you a hoodie with that printed on it,” she promised seriously. It would be cute. As soon as Es was closer, Rey ran her fingers through her hair and lightly scratched her scalp. “I really missed you. I don’t think I’ve said that enough, but even though I acted like I didn’t, and I acted as if I was fine with this not being a thing anymore, I wasn’t. I wanted it, but didn’t know how to go about getting it.”
“Sexiness I didn’t have a say in, it came with age” Esperanza explained, tilting her head, “As for the dork in me has been a sort of always been apart of me, babes.” The bookworm admitted with a smile, knowing at the other probably knew that. As a kid, she was studious, her head stuck in books as she read on her fire escape. Most of the time if Reyna or the kids who were like her sibling wouldn’t come and pull her out, Esperanza would lose the day there. “Don’t get me a hoodie, I have to keep my identity a secret.” She joked. Esperanza let out a soft breath, closing her eyes feeling the others finger through her hair. “I missed you too,” The cellist began as her eyes fluttered open, “I think it had a lot to do with pride, me not being home and trying to avoid spaces you’d be in.” Esperanza admitted, “but I’m glad that all of that can be left where it belongs.”
"You got finer with age, but you were always sexy, Es. At least to me." That was true. Sure, Esperanza was always the much more nerdy one of their circle in school, but Rey always found her to be attractive. "How about you have it to just wear in your room when you're practicing for hours on end? I'll have to make sure I pack you snacks or something. You always forget to eat." Reyna always worried about how much of a perfectionist the woman was. Nothing was ever good enough, and Es would spend hours upon hours stressing over a sheet of music. "You know, I always hoped you'd come home," she said with a light laugh. "Whenever I wound up at your folks' place, I'd always have it written on my face that I was disappointed you weren't there. Your mom caught it more than once. That woman sees everything." The last part she mumbled just because it had been honestly aggravating. "I'm excited to do things with you. It's new, but not. I get to go on dates with you and kiss you whenever I want without worrying about who's around. It's nice."
Esperanza had never seen herself as someone who was sexy. She had heard it before, sure but her nose always wrinkled and she would fight against the title. There had only been one person where that wasn’t the case and that was Reyna. “Alright, you’ve got yourself a deal. Just while I’m rehearsing, to remind my cello that I’m the only brat between us.” She joke, she definitely could get frustrated with herself and her instrument. Most would take a walk and then revisit the piece, but Esperanza got obsessive, and wouldn’t leave things alone until they were absolutely perfect. Days like that were long and took so much out of her. But it was in her nature. She couldn’t stop until it was perfect. Eating without a doubt became a second thought and a lesser priority. “Wait, how would you wind up at my parents place?” She asked Reyna, confused at what she had said. Esperanza had never heard about Reyna being in her house, sure in the neighborhood, that was expected but in her parents place? This was the first time she heard of it. Usually, her mother wouldn’t shut up about seeing Reyna, she didn’t miss the opportunity to bring it up. The woman had so much love for her. So if there was something her mom wanted her to know, she would have by now. “It’s a good change of pace, dontcha think?”
“I swear, my only competition in your life is your cello,” she joked lightly. And it was honestly perfectly fine with her. Getting in between Esperanza and her craft wasn’t something she ever wanted. The singer was often fine rehearsing lines or laying on the bed with headphones on while Es rehearsed. That’s how they used to do it at least. Now, she’ll do that but also poke around the house or city and wait for the cellist to text her or something. “Your mom never told you,” she asked with a furrowed brow. “I’d wind up there every New Years when I was home. Your parents and my parents are still really close, so they always throw a party together with their grapes and music. They’ve seen me once a year at least since we broke up.” She found it odd that Es’ mom hadn’t told her, but maybe she just didn’t want to cause her daughter pain. Her being at home while Esperanza wasn’t was hard for the woman, so she probably didn’t want to make the musician guilty either. “I do. It’s almost midnight. I hear the fireworks in London are absolutely amazing, but who could be surprised? We are in a country doing it right and being run by a woman.”
“Honestly yeah. The day that I chose you over perfecting something on that thing, that’s how you’ll know que estoy bien enculada contigo.” She half joked, she could already feel herself getting completely whipped by the other. As a teen, Esperanza really worshiped the ground Reyna walked on. She could do no wrong. The brunette would gush about her to anybody who would listen— as best friends of course. “I didn’t know they threw parties.” Esperanza muttered, pursing her lips together. She had called her parents every New Years, and maybe she had just been oblivious to their surroundings. How had she missed it? Why hadn’t her mom told her? “I knew that our parents were still close, I’d get calls on my birthday from your folks which was always sweet but I didn’t know they were ‘hosting New Years celebration’ close. Grapes and all.” It made her wonder if that would be happening that night, in their time. Had it already begun? Would they call her their time before the new year rang in? Esperanza shook her head at the though; as if it would make the thought go away. She wouldn’t think about it, her folks for the most part always did what was in her best interest. Maybe they were just protecting her. Whatever. Maybe some things were better left unsaid with her parents. “You’re not wrong, men touch things are they almost automatically fall apart.”
“Noted,” she said with a nod and smile. “Although, I’ll never ask to come before your music. I love hearing you play, and I knows important that is to you. I don’t have to be your whole world. I’ll be happy with just being a really valued part of it.” Reyna didn’t want to take over anyone’s life. Honestly, she was someone who enjoyed being domesticated while still allowing another person to still have their hobbies, space, and independence. Spending time with Es was something she absolutely loved, but she didn’t need to take up every second of her time to be content. “She probably didn’t tell you because she didn’t want to make you feel guilty about not going home or feel weird about me being there, babe. Plus, it took your mom awhile to come around to the whole I used to be romantically involved with you thing. Once they found out, she connected the dots pretty quickly.” Reyna did her best to never out Esperanza to her parents and so did her parents. They never mentioned Es’ romantic life or anything of the sort. It was a topic they all skirted around. If her mother asked why they didn’t talk anymore, Reyna would just shrug and say that they grew apart with college. Around them people were starting to get more and more excited as the clock ticked closer to midnight. Reyna smiled because the new year already looked pretty promising. “One of the reasons I swore of them honestly. Well that, and you kind of ruined me from a young age. What woman can have a best friend with curves like yours and that smile and not go gay,” she asked teasingly.
Part of the issue in Esperanza’s past ‘relationships’, if they could even be called that, was that she felt suffocated in them. Having people breathing down her neck wasn’t her strong suit, especially when they demanded her attention away from her music, her art, whatever she was using to scratch the itch. The brunette reassured her that she was a valued part in her life, taking the other’s hand in hers, locking their fingers together. “Yeah, maybe that was.” She said with a nod and at the mention of it taking her folks a lot to come around. Esperanza remembered the day she realized that she got a call from her mother and the absolute heartbreak in her voice. For a little bit, she wondered if Reyna had said something out of spite before she eventually reminded herself that Reyna wasn’t that type of person. No matter the amount of hurt. She wouldn’t do that to her, Esperanza in her heart of hearts knew that.  “I didn’t ruin you, you meanie.” The cellist exclaimed, taking a drink, then playing with the rim of her glass. “I dunno, you tell me. If I remember correctly, you were the one that made moves on me.” Esperanza teased softly before she got off of the high chair she was on, leading them over to one of the big windows that faced towards the water, where the fireworks would eventually go off over.
One of the things Reyna did love about Es was how she said things more through action. It took awhile to master figuring that out since it was often in the little things, but once someone did there was constant reassurance about where they stood in the cellist’s life. “I’m pretty sure they’ll be okay now, Es. I mean, if it has to be a woman, it might as well be me is something I’ve heard from your family before, so I think we’ve got a good shot,” she said with a laugh. “And to be fair, my dad has said the same thing about you.” It was odd how much her family wanted her with Esperanza. They said that the musician made her lighter which was true but shit, it had been a lot to handle when they were apart. “You totally did, but in the best way, so don’t feel bad about it,” she replied with a wink. Reyna followed Esperanza’s lead through the crowd to wait for the show to start. “I did, and I was so damn nervous. But seriously, I couldn’t handle you biting your lip and looking at me anymore. It drove me nuts,” she huffed as she leaned against the taller woman.
It was interesting to her that her parents had said to Reyna that if it was going to be anyone, that it might as well be her. Maybe it was because they didn’t talk about that part of her life, but they had never said it to her. The trip to see her parents on their home turf might have to happen sooner rather than later. It wasn’t a bad thing, but she had waited so long for her parents to even say anything, and they wouldn’t say this massive thing to her face. To their defense, that probably wasn’t a conversation to have over the phone. It was good to know that on both of their families thought the same way at least. She wouldn’t argue with her, mostly because Reyna had gotten under her skin too. Sure, at some point she would’ve figured it out but if it wasn’t for that night, Esperanza might’ve been confused and scared for a lot longer. The brunette looked at the other for a second and she realized how at peace she actually felt, the same kind of happiness that lingered anytime she was around Reyna when they were teenagers. “I’m glad you did, I don’t think I would’ve muster the courage to ever. Just continue with my longing looks and roll my eyes every time you mentioned that Jake kid.” Esperanza recalled with a laugh, but still cringing at the thought. He had to have been the most annoying boy on the planet and sixteen-year-old Esperanza couldn’t fathom what Reyna actually liked in him. “You drove me out of my mind, every sonata I had to write was about you.” The cellist admitted, every single one had been about the actress, before they were together, during, after, not that she would admit to after. Esperanza just couldn’t get her out of her head.
The mention of Jake took Reyna back. He was honestly a sweet guy who worshipped the ground she walked on. It was nice, but it seriously did nothing for her. “You know, Jake and I are still friends,” she asked with a chuckle. “Before you get all cranky, he’s engaged and stupidly happy. But yeah, I couldn’t take it anymore. Our little ways of flirting were like torture. You’re lucky I only kissed you that night honestly. I really wanted to pin you to my bed, but I lasted what? Another week before that happened,” she said with a chuckle. She was not the definition of self control. Hearing that Es had written music about her made a very genuine smile appear on her face. It was so sweet. “Really? Have I heard them?”
“I wouldn’t get cranky.” She said playfully defensive of herself. In high school, she was cranky, Esperanza would change the subject and not care for him. But that was because she was helplessly into Reyna and didn’t want to hear about how he had everything she wanted. “Maybe less, honestly.” Es always thought that she wanted to wait, the reason she had was because she wanted the whole fairytale scene that she’d grown up watching. In its own right, it was that but she hadn’t expected it to be with a woman, let alone with her best friend. Thankfully, she had no regrets about it. She felt so comfortable and safe, she couldn’t of imagined it any other way. “I think you’ve heard... one of them, at least.” Esperanza has written it before she had  the courage to tell Reyna that she was in love with her. Not that it was a big mystery but Esperanza fumbled over her words when she was overwhelmed and music was the only place she could get it right. That first one she held close to her heart, she’d does reworked it over and over and over as the years went and came. “I played it for you before I told you that I loved you for the first time.”
“I know, I’m teasing,” she said before turning towards Esperanza and kissing her on the cheek. “If you thought that you had to worry about me with someone else, then I’d have to pinch you or something. Although, it would be a great excuse to smack you on the ass.” Her tone was playful as she lowered her voice towards the end to make sure no one eves dropped. “Probably less,” she agreed with a shrug. That night had been incredible. She honestly had yet to top it. So many people talked about how awkward their first times were or with people that didn’t wind up meaning much, but hers was the complete opposite. The beauty of it was how both of them were so trusting and open. “Wait — that one? I loved that piece. I still remember it. I’ve wished I had it so many times.”
“Not after him, I didn’t.” Esperanza mentioned, smiling ever so slightly as she felt Reyna against her cheek. She teased her gently and told her to do it anyways, knowing that she could only win with whatever the other chose. “We were quite crazy after that.” She said with a chuckle, shaking her head, there was a time where they just couldn’t keep their hands each other. It was a miracle that more people weren’t suspicious of them earlier on. “Mmhm, that was the one I wrote and realized how intensely I felt for you but couldn’t think of the words to even begin to explain it to you.” She said with a shrug, looking over at her... Reyna. “I’ll play one of the revised versions for you.” Esperanza whispered softly into her ear, putting her hand on the others waist, as if she could bring her any closer to her body. Placing a kiss on her hair, she started there for a second before putting another one.
Reyna smirked at the other woman and just shook her head. Honestly, she didn’t need to have an excuse to smack the woman’s ass, but she’d happily take one if it was given. “Baby, who are you kidding,” she asked with a smile. “We will probably be just like that again. I’ve just been giving you time to adjust before having marathons in bed again.” That much was true. She knew the cellist needed time to process and thought that would be easier without the fog of sex. “How do you do the most romantic things and not tell me about them?” Her voice was honestly laced with awe because it wasn’t every day that someone wrote a musical piece for someone. She was going to say more but heard the countdown beginning around them. Not really caring much for the fireworks herself, Reyna turned herself in Es’ arms to face the other woman. When the countdown got to five, she got on her tippy toes. The words, “will you be with me,” were whispered in Esperanza’s ear just as the countdown ticked down to the new year.
“Thank goodness.” Esperanza joked, shaking her head, she didn’t have the stamina she had as a kid anymore. Well, that wasn’t entirely true, but still. However, the brunette was glad she was being given that time— if they had jumped straight into bed together, there was no telling how long it would’ve actually taken her to get her head in straight around Reyna. Esperanza’s eyebrow quipped up, smiling, not answering her question. She preferred to just do things and let them be known when they needed to be. Esperanza just wasn’t good at putting her words together to accurately convey her thoughts and feelings, thus the music, the art work, through the ones of Reyna were hidden away somewhere else. Probably never to see the light of day until they were much old and cleaning out some storage unit, the forgotten pieces of art lying in some portfolio. Feeling her shift in her arms, Es could only look at her, brushing her hair a little away to better see her features. Reyna truly was one of the most beautiful women she’d ever seen, no one had ever compared and no one ever would. “Pensaba que nunca ibas a preguntar.” She joked right before the countdown got to one and as it did, Es kissed her softly— ringing in the new year as the fireworks went off.
Reyna chuckled lightly at the woman. Esperanza definitely gave off the innocent vibe to most people, but that's definitely not all there was to the cellist. The woman was definitely very sexual when she wanted to be. She simply had to be comfortable enough to let that show. Reyna wondered how many other romantic things she didn't know about, but she knew she would only discover them when Esperanza wanted her to. That was fine though. It kept life full of little surprises. Reyna smiled into the kiss and let her arms dangle loosely behind Esperanza's neck. She let it linger for a few moments before pulling away. Again, she was the one with little control. "If you keep kissing me like that, then we won't see any of these fireworks because I'll just want to get you in bed."
Esperanza didn’t really have a ‘feisty’ side so to speak, she was true to herself and what you saw was what you got. Except when it came to sex, a hidden side of her that only a handful of people had gotten a change to experience, but none as intensely as Reyna. She got greedy with Reyna. Esperanza bit her bottom lip gently, giving her a smile,  before kissing her again. “I think I  just want you to see a different type of fireworks.” She teased, her hand following the curve of Reyna’s waist, resting comfortably on her hip. Truthfully, she’d leave now if Reyna wanted her, all she wanted to do was take her dress off anyways and she wouldn’t do it with an audience.
It was so different to see how affectionate Esperanza was in public now that she was older. The difference was  night and day, and she knew it would take her a minute to learn to expect it. Right then it still caught her by surprise each time even though she was very good at hiding it. "I already got what I wanted here. I wanted to make sure I asked you in a way that was romantic, so if you don't care about leaving then trust me, neither do I," she said honestly with a shrug. Feeling Es' hands on her was insanely addictive, and she'd much rather feel them with less clothing on. "I'd much rather see your firework display."
Esperanza’s nose scrunched up when Reyna mentioned that she wanted it to be romantic and she shook her head. “Que romántica.” She teased, she hummed before giving her a nod. "Yeah, let's get out of here." Esperanza placed one last kiss on the other's cheek before maneuvering them through the crowds that had gone back to dancing, the fireworks making a beautiful backdrop. With their finger laced, she managed to get them out into the street and Lord, did it take everything for her not to kiss her against the building.
“With you, always,” she said with a shrug. Being romantic with the cellist was simple to her. It also helped that Es was very low maintenance and never required much. The smallest of thoughts meant the world to her. It was touching and really cute. Reyna followed her out of the building and onto the street easily enough, and as soon as her feet hit the sidewalk she hailed down a cabbie. “You can’t tempt me with that and have us wasting time out here,” she said matter of factly and opened the door for the woman. “After you.”
She pursed her lips together and knew that Reyna was right, she couldn't tease her and then expect her to hold out the walk back to the mansion. It hadn't been that bad of a walk but with the growing want, a cab didn't seem like a bad idea. Esperanza thanked her and as she climbed in, wishing their driver a happy new year, she waited until Reyna was in the back with her so that she could place her hand on the other's knee. "Do you reckon the house is a mess?" The brunette asked, her head resting on Reyna's shoulder, her eyes looking up at her.
Reyna settled into the car easily and smiled when Esperanza leaned against her. She turned her head to press a kiss against the cellist's hair. "Most likely," she said with a chuckle. "I'm also sure there is going to be a lot of sex going on. I mean, if there isn't, then these girls aren't bringing the New Year in right." Honestly, they were in a house filled with other single, hot women. It didn't get any easier than that. "As long as no one is in your room or my room, then I don't care."
“Oh yeah, I didn’t even think about that.” Truthfully, she had forgotten that the other women in the house would be jumping into bed with each other. She didn’t blame them though, over twenty, gorgeous, single women? It was a recipe for disaster or just a good reality show. Esperanza had been so focused on herself, that she didn’t care to give anyone the time of day and now with Reyna, even less. “I doubt anyone will be in mine.” She assured, “Who’s your roommate?”
“Not surprising,” she said with a laugh. “You kind of don’t notice much or think outside of your own bubble. I think it’s cute though.” It didn’t take long for them to get back to the mansion. Reyna happily paid the cab driver before opening the door and getting out first. “How about we make them all jealous and have the loudest room in the house,” she asked with a smirk and wink.
Esperanza playfully placed a bite on Reyna’s shoulder when she mentioned that the cellist was in her own bubble. “I do not.” She whispered against her skin, Esperanza just didn’t keep things that weren’t of value for her. It took too much head space. She thanked both the driver and Reyna as they stepped out onto the front of the house. Still with their hands together, she gave her a little squeeze, “They’d never believe it was coming out of my bedroom.” She admitted with a chuckle, Esperanza wasn’t embarrassed that that was her reputation in the mansion— in fact she liked it like that. She enjoyed that there was still things that people didn’t know about her.
Reyna closed her eyes and gently gripped Esperanza’s thigh that was beneath her hand at the bite. The cellist was just mean. She knew how much of a turn on biting was for the actress. “Do too, brat,” she said as she led them into the mansion and just bypassed anyone who would be around to get to Esperanza’s room. “I have to shatter this innocent bubble you have them all buying into,” she said with a smirk before pining Es against her own door and kissing her.
Following Reyna, she gave little waves to the women that they passed, but she couldn’t get the words out to wish them a Happy New Year before she was whisked away. Not that she minded at all. “You just want them to know that I’m off limits.” Esperanza muttered against her lips, kissing her as she reached behind her to try to open the door of her bedroom. For now, there were just a couple of things she wanted to continue doing behind closed doors. Plus, there was quite a few kids that were running around the house.
“That too,” she replied happily once they got into the room. “I don’t share well. Never have, and I honestly most likely never will when it comes to you especially.” Reyna wasn’t as much of a brat as the other woman, but she could be when she wanted. She didn’t tolerate people flirting with someone who she loved. That was never going to fly, and she’d let that be known fairly quickly. “Now, as much as I love talking to you babe, let’s get you out of this dress.”
Esperanza wasn’t one to play into other people’s flirting, quite often she ignored it— knowing that all they really wanted was a quick hookup and then on to the next. Esperanza couldn’t be bothered by it. The slightly possessiveness tone in Reyna’s voice almost caused the cellist to become completely undone, God, did she love it. Nodding and not replying to Reyna, she just reached back to undo the lower zipper that was on her back to loosen the fabric a little bit. Since it was an already flowy dress, Esperanza was able to slip out of it, to reveal that Reyna wasn’t the only one that had overlooked undergarments.
When the dress fell, Reyna’s mouth nearly dropped. Nearly. Esperanza was the biggest sneak. She wouldn’t inform people of things, but instead show them if it ever was appropriate. For instance, not mentioning all night that she wasn’t wearing anything beneath her dress. Trying to show some self restraint, she turned around and moved her hair to the side to show Es her zipper. “You’re beautiful as always, but we’re not in a rush. We’re off tomorrow, so I plan to make good use of the whole night. So undo me please?”
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Things a little is "NOT "
Most of us have seen the posts about what a little IS, but I'd like to take a moment to give my personal perspective and opinion about the other side of the coin...The things a little is NOT.....
A little is NOT dumb...In fact most of us are very well educated and some of us even own our own buisness.
A little is NOT naive...Being childlike does not equate to having poor judgement.. Believe me when I tell you that we can smell a rat a mile away...So beware..
A little is NOT desperate...This is my favorite, because Tumblr abounds with people who prey upon the littles because they assume we are desperate for a Daddy. While Yes it is true, that we do have a deep desire to have the loving guidance of a Daddy, most of us are quite capable of functioning on our own.
A little is NOT required to be a certain age, height or weight. We come in many different shapes, sizes, colors and genders and are all fun and unique in our own special way.
A little is NOT crazy or mentally unstable.. This is something I've frequently come across as well..Many assume that because we exhibit childlike behavior that we must have some type of mental illness. So here's the rundown on that....Yes a little can have a mental illness and suffer from extreme anxiety but NEWS FLASH...so can anyone else, Doms included. NO ONE...i repeat..NO ONE is immune to this disease.
A little is NOT a community play toy. DO NOT assume that because you see someone is a little, that it is ok to message us and try to engage us into playing with you...This is ABSOLUTELY not ok...Especially if you see that someone is taken...thats just plain RUDE and makes you look like an asshole!
A little is NOT someone who can be easily manipulated...We are actually quite keen and VERY well aware when someone is trying to play head games with us...So for FUCKS SAKE, please quit being creepy...No we don't want you to buy us any candy or ice cream , and quit asking us to send you nudes! **SIDE NOTE** We can become quite feisty when we need to be and will quickly shut you down if we feel threatened or offended.
A little is NOT broken or damaged goods...This one might come as a surprise but I have seen it far to many times on here. There are those who assume that all littles have suffered extreme emotional/physical abuse and therefore we must need someone to fix us.. While Yes, statistically speaking a good portion of us do come from this type of background, it is wrong to incorrectly lump all littles together in this category. please DON'T ASSUME..
I could go on and on....But I wanted to just touch base with a few of the most common things I have personally experienced or seen...(AGAIN...this is purely my own personal opinion and view point) The bottom line is this...we are no different than anyone else, we work ..some of us have children, and some are still in college...Dd/lg is our kink just as everyone else has their own particular kinks. Our kinks however do not define who we are as a whole. Thank you!☺
s-howard 🐵🐶🐥🐳🐙🐻🐢
#my thoughts #ramblings of a little
#proud little/middle
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Animage June 2013 Kobayashi Yuu & Oohara Takashi Interview
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Animage June 2013: Highlight: Grand Prix Kobayashi Yuu (Kirino Ranmaru) and Oohara Takashi (Tsurugi Kyousuke) Interview
Translator’s Notes: THIS is the extent of Inazuma’s popularity in Japan! First place for three years in a row in one of the biggest anime magazines, Animage, not to mention a song from the anime being displayed on a huge screen in Shibuya! I’ve seen them – those screens are massive and I can’t believe IE GO was playing on one! Ares, I eagerly await you. Make my boys popular again~
Regarding the voting method for The 35th Anime Grand Prix: The target of the votes cast were characters who appeared from December 2012 - November 2012 (excluding flashback episodes). This includes Inazuma Eleven GO, Inazuma Eleven GO Chrono Stone, and Inazuma Eleven GO The Movie Kyuukyoku no Kizuna Gryphon, but all votes for characters that appear in more than one series were added together.
Like a Gallant Flower
Male Character Division First Place
Kirino Ranmaru
Raimon Junior Second Year/ DF Shirt Number 3
A humble boy who contributes to the team with his common sense. It’s a shame he was separated from the main characters in the new series. His gorgeous Keshin Armed form can be seen on page 26.
Flowers Bloom!
Since both winners of the male and female division have flower-based names, we decided on a flower theme feature this month!
In response to fans’ ranking of all Inazuma characters!, we can announce a project to turn the most popular characters into figures! For more information, please see page 15.
Male Character Division Second Place
Tsurugi Kyousuke
Raimon Junior First Year/ FW Shirt Number 10
The strong, silent type. He’s usually cool, but when he makes a special move his cry stands out with passion. Be it Keshin Armed, regular clothes, or French armour - any style seems to suit him well.
Kobayashi Yuu
Since Kobayashi-san is used to taking many kinds of photos, even though it was her first time to use a bangasa (oil paper umbrella), as expected she looks wonderful with it~ By the way, the bouquet of flowers on the first page is, naturally, a bouquet of orchids – Ranmaru’s flower. ‘You made your Mom proud. Thank you!’ she said with a smile as bright as a bouquet of flowers~
Oohara Takashi
Oohara-san confessed nervously that he was not used to taking photos ‘It’s my weak point, so I’m really sorry,’. Not to mention, taking a photo alongside Kobayashi-san - ‘Taking a photo with a professional model – this kind of pressure is no joke!’. Don’t worry, you look really cool, Oohara-san~
Thanks to Inazuma Eleven Fans’ passion, it’s a third consecutive victory for Inazuma!
Inazuma Eleven GO took first place in our Anime Grand Prix. Congratulations on your 3rd consecutive victory!
Oohara/ Kobayashi: Amazing! Thank you so much!
First of all, since Kirino Ranmaru took 1st Place, and Tsurugi Kyousuke took 3rd place in the male character division, please share a few words about your victory.
Kobayashi: As with last year, to receive this title is a huge honour and I’m deeply moved. Since I have the wonderful opportunity to play Ranmaru-san, I want to congratulate him! And I also want to thank everyone who voted for him!
Oohara: Putting the fact that he was up against so many great characters aside, I was surprised Tsurugi came third. I really want to express my thanks. I really believe that it’s all thanks to everyone’s support that Tsurugi was able to come this far.
In addition, Tsurugi, Tenma and Aoi’s character song ‘Te Wo Tsunagou’ won first place in the anime song division.
Both: Ooh! (Applause)
Oohara: That was unexpected (laughs). But to be honest, I was really pleased with Tsurugi’s ‘Darou?’. I have a feeling I won’t get another chance in my life to say a better ‘darou?’ than that… Ahh, I got a little carried away.
Kobayashi: Get carried away!
Oohara: No, it’s all thanks to KMC-san (T-Pistonz + KMC) - it was their idea when they wrote the lyrics. I’m really happy that I got to sing with Tenma and Aoi-chan. Thank you so much.
Next, while we call out a few of the top places in each division, let’s look back over the past few years. Second place in the TV Show division was episode 24 ‘Chikai wa kono Kata no moto ni’, the last episode of the Medieval France arc.
Kobayashi: I remember those few episodes well. Even just hearing the word ‘Kata’ (flag) brings back memories. Ranmaru-san was troubled over what kind of role he played for the team, felt some jealousy towards Shindou-san, and after all that thanks to Kariya pushing him forward he was able to travel to Medieval France. I thought together with Ranmaru-san about what kind of role he should play to benefit the team to the best of his ability. I was also moved by Ranmaru-san supported Jeanne-san with those words of encouragement. I thought he was speaking to himself too with those words.
What did you think of his Mixi Max with Jeanne?
Kobayashi: His hair suddenly grew longer, and he wore glasses; it was really beautiful. I wanted to congratulate Ranmaru-san on his full-body transformation.
Oohara: Chrono Stone episode 21 is a top contender for one of my favourite episodes too.
Kobayashi: Oh, thank you!
Oohara: The catalyst for everyone’s Mixi Max is different for each person, but in Kirino-san’s case, he first had to accept himself - he supported Jeanne with his words of encouragement ‘If I can do it, so can you!’. Then it happened all of a sudden. I also like the words Kirino-san said just after he summoned his keshin Brynhildr. ‘My role isn’t to stand at the front line. In order for Shindou and everyone else to focus on attacking, my job is to support everyone!” is what he said.
Kobayashi: That’s it exactly! Thank you for remembering!
Oohara: It made me think that apart from participating in the heart of the battle, it also takes strength to encourage and protect.
Kobayashi: Listening to Oohara-san talk about it now makes me think that everyone in the Raimon Eleven also feels that Ranmaru-san is looking out for them. They know that in a team people who defend are just as essential as people who attack.
To continue, 3rd place was Inazuma Eleven GO episode 44 ‘Ten made Todoke! Minna no sakka!!’, the climax of the first series.
Kobayashi: Fire Tornado DD was so cool!
Oohara: They finally mastered it! That’s how I felt. Could you say it was the showpiece of the first series? After winning the tournament, Tenma says ‘Soccer is definitely happy too. Right, Tsurugi?’ and Tsurugi replies ‘Don’t ask me!’ but in reality I really liked that conversation.
From Oohara-san’s point of view, how was the young Tsurugi that Kobayashi-san played?
Oohara: If you take away Tsurugi’s thorniness, he becomes a very honest child. I thought it was wonderful. Especially the scene where he cries out ‘Nii-chan not being able to play soccer any more is a lie, right??’ - I was really moved. Back then, before we recorded, Kobayashi-san came to me and said very politely ‘This time I’ll be playing young Tsurugi. Thank you for the honor,’. Actually, I should be the one saying thank you! (laughs)
Kobayashi: It was a great honour.
Oohara: Naturally I did kind of want to try playing young Tsurugi too, but I think I couldn’t beat Kobayashi-san’s performance.
Speaking of Tsurugi, he’s had a pretty rough life. He underwent Spartan-style training on a solitary island at distant sea.
Kobayashi: That’s one of Tsurugi’s attractive points, that there’s a lot to him. And when he’s crying out the name of his special moves, it looks really cool. Even though he’s normally calm and composed, he suddenly bursts into blue flames. It always makes me think, ‘how wonderful!’ after recording!
Kirino’s development happened thanks to Kariya nonchalantly pushing him forward.
To continue, in fourth place was episode 29 ‘Jidai o tsukuru otoko tachi’.
Oohara: That’s the episode Tsurugi Mixi Maxed with Okita-san. I was interested in how Tsurugi would persuade Okita-san, but it was more to do with his actions and behavior rather than persuading him with words. I thought that was very Tsurugi-ish.
Kobayashi: Tsurugi is always calm, and everyone watches him from behind, while he tells things like it is. He’s quite intellectual. That episode showed another side to him too. Okita-san might have reminded him of his brother, Yuuichi-san~
Oohara: His brother being in hospital has taken his toll on him.
Kobayashi: I think that’s understandable.
Oohara: Oh, thankfully Nishiki-san and Sakamoto-san also Mixi Maxed. Since they have the same first name, when Nishiki-san Mixi Maxed I thought it was amusing that he said Sakamoto’s full name - ‘Mixi Max - Sakamoto Ryouma!’. I also like the relationship between Zanark and Nishiki. Since the ending was a little bit rushed, I wanted to see more.
Fifth place was episode 18 ‘Minna ga kaettekita!’, the episode where Kinako and Zanark appears and there’s quite a bit of drama.
Oohara: The one where Kurama-san used ‘Winder while wearing his casual clothes. Against some delinquents.
Kobayashi: That’s right, a casual-clothes Sidewinder. There was many different scenes of many differents places in that episode. I was happy about that. Stuff that hasn’t appeared yet in the main story. Even though every character has surely got their own lives, we could only imagine what they’re doing in their personal time so far.
That episode became a turning point for Kirino.
Kobayashi: Ranmaru-san started to show he’s worrying over Shindou-san. Since these feelings are a delicate part of Ranmaru-san’s heart, I tried my very best to portray that was gently as possible. But Kariya-san, with those wonderfully sharp eyes of his, notice Ranmaru-san worrying and reached out to him. I was really glad.
Oohara: Kariya’s developed quite a bit, in these surroundings.
Kobayashi: He has. He went as far as to feign a stomach ache and gave up his place to Ranmaru-san for the Time Jump, since there was a limit. Even the way he talked to Ranmaru-san about it was very Kariya-san-ish. He read Ranmaru-san’s mind. Ranmaru-san, you really owe Kariya-san one!
Oohara: Since we haven’t really seen such a human-like drama like this before, I was happy. I thought it was very tenacious.
In the new series, the troubles continue for our Playmaker!
Now we’d like to ask about what you think of the male character division. Following Kirino, Tsurugi and Kariya, Shindou took 9th place.
Oohara: As always, Shindou-san had a year full of worries (dry laugh). Since he had the best view of everyone’s individual situations, I felt it was expected of him to worry so much but he’s gone through a lot.
Kobayashi: Yes, in the new series too he’s also put through a lot of trouble…
Oohara: Soon enough, there’s going to be a hole in his heart with worry.
Kobayashi: Oh no! We need to take care of him. Ranmaru-san, I definitely want you to escort him if he needs to go to hospital! In the last series when Shindou had to go to the infirmary, Ranmaru-san escorted him there!
When Shindou was Captain of El Dorado Team 02, that was also pretty tough.
Oohara: Out of al three teams, I think Shindou got the worst deal (laughs).
At that time, Kariya was bickering with Beta and started running wildly.
Kobayashi: If Ranmaru-san was there in that situation, I think he’d definitely scold Kariya-san. While I think his mischievousness is one of Kariya’s attractive points, it was just too much for Shindou-san at that time! (laughs)
Kobayashi-san, you’re still a huge Shindou fan like always?
Kobayashi: Yes, I love him! As Tenma-san adapts to being Captain, Shindou-san supports him and looks out for the team. He’s really a person that all the members can rely on! A big part of why I love him is also because of Saiga Mitsuki-san (Shindou’s voice actor).
Oohara: Oh yeah.
Kobayashi: Saiga-san also really looks after everyone after we finish recording. She’s a kind and wonderful person.
When Kirino was watching El Dorado Team 2’s match who was constantly muttering to himself ‘Shindou, Shindou…’
Kobayashi: Yes!
Oohara: In the original script he said ‘Now of all times I can’t be by Shindou’s side…’
Kobayashi: That’s right, he did!
Oohara: I thought ‘Oh, that’s a very typical thing of Kirino-san to say!’ but in the final version it was omitted.
But even without him saying it, the viewers could definitely understand it’s what he was thinking. (laughs)
Kobayashi: But I really, really wanted to say that line so it’s a pity! That’s what I really thought Ranmaru-san felt, from the bottom of my heart. His was urging Shindou-san on with his gaze alone.
Oohara: Kirino-san and Shindou-san have a bond of trust so deep that it would make you jealous. You can really feel those two support each other together. I want to see them together when they were younger. I wonder how they met?
Kobayashi: Me too, I want to see that too! Of course, I’d also like to see more about Tsurugi-san and his brother. I think their relationship as brothers is great.
Since Kobayashi-san is an only child it seems like you admire sibling relationships.
Kobayashi: I do!
Oohara: I wanted a younger sister (laughs).
Kobayashi: I like Oohara-san’s older sister a lot!
Okay then, Oohara-san – out of Kinako (Female Character Division 1st Place) and Beta (same division 3rd place), who would you prefer to have as a younger sister?
Oohara: Kinako!
Kobayashi: That was a quick reply!
Oohara: What I like about Kinako is that she’s so innocent and she really thinks about the feelings of everyone around her, and is kind to everyone. It left a big impression on me when such a cheerful kid like her joined the story during such a difficult time for the Raimon members.
Kobayashi: Her first appearance was funny too. She was wearing the number 10 uniform.
Oohara: Tsurugi lost it to her in a shoot off.
Kobayashi: I’d like to see that story drawn one day. Kinako-san’s Mochi Mochi Kinako Mochi looks delicious. I want to eat it!
Oohara: As for Beta on the other hand, her cuteness and her brutality are two sides of the same coin – I think I like that. She’s a little bit scary, but it’s quite realistic. It’s refreshing to see her voice actor change her voice from sweet to scary in an instant.
Kobayashi: Beta-san makes me a little bit nervous.
Oohara-san and Kobayashi-san’s personal Anime Grand Prix are?
So, we’d like to hear about your personal choices out of Inazuma for the Anime Grand Prix.
Oohara: Out of the TV series, if I look from Tsurugi’s point of view, it’s Inazuma Eleven GO episode 41 ‘Kessen! Amano Mikado Stadium!’.
The one where you practice Fire Tornedo DD.
Oohara: Tsurugi said to Tenma ‘You showed me how soccer should be played,’. They’ve come this far and he was able to express his feelings in words to Tenma. Therefore, I think it was a very important scene. Of course, there are a lot of episodes that I really like, but for Tsurugi episode 41 is unforgettable.
As for the Male Character Division?
Oohara: I wish I could say Sangoku, but (laughs) I’ll have to go with Tenma. If it wasn’t for Tenma, I don’t think Tsurugi could have played real soccer again, nor could he have made such good friends and even his relationship with his brother might have become strained. Tsurugi is who he is today mostly because of Tenma.
You always say you like Sangoku, but what is it about him that you like?Oohara: He was cool from his very first line! I thought his conversation with Shindou-san was really cool. Didn’t you feel it?
Kobayashi: I felt it! The whole team loves Sangoku-san. The time he invited Tenma-san to his house and made roll cabbage for him – I get the feeling whatever he served would have been delicious.
Oohara: All in all, I think he’s a good man, with a good balance.
Kobayashi: When he entrusted the goalkeeper position to Shinsuke too, that was very masculine. No matter how many goals are scored he stays optimistic.
Oohara: He keeps standing up again and again. He doesn’t get discouraged! (laughs)
When Sangoku-san speaks, everyone becomes roused up (laughs). To continue, your second-place character.
Oohara: My favourite female character is Kinako-chan. I was happy when she gave Tsurugi candy. He was standing a little bit further away from everyone, so she took the time to go over to him and he said the candy was ‘Umai’ (*delicious – masculine version) (laughs). In the Anime Song Division, I liked the movie version of the song ‘Niji o Koete Ten Made Todoke!’. I always liked Ten Made Todoke, and Terasaki Yuuka-san (Tenma’s voice actor) said that this song has the power to bring tears to your eyes. You can really feel the characters power up. And in the opening, they literally soar to the heavens and fly through space (laughs).
Kobayashi-san, it’s your turn.
Kobayashi: It’s so hard to pick a favourite episode from the TV series… From Ranmaru-san’s point of view, the Medieval France arc, episodes 18 – 21. In those four episodes I became completely absorbed in playing him. Especially in the last episode, 21, since Ranmaru-san was helping Jeanne-san and everyone else it was very moving. As for the male character section… I gotta pick the whole team!
Oohara: Huh, you can do that? I should have said that too! (laughs)
You feel like you can’t pick just one?
Kobayashi: I just really like everyone! Shindou-san, Kariya-san, and of course Tsurugi-san and Tenma-san. So please let me pick everyone! What should I say for the Female Character Division? I really like Kinako-san and all of the managers, but I think I’ll go with Jeanne-san. She made Ranmaru-san’s heart stronger.
Finally, the Anime Song Division – the ending theme Kirino sang ‘Bokutachi no Shiro’ was left out of the vote ranking this time.
Kobayashi: In the TV series, Bokutachi no Shiro was a duet between Tenma-san and Tsurugi-san – it was wonderful~ Everyone please vote for it next year! Okay, I pick ‘Te o Tsunagou’. I thought it was a wonderful song, like something they’d sing at a get-together or party. It was refreshing to see everyone wearing headbands, and you get the feeling that anything is possible. I once saw that ending displayed on a big screen in Shibuya.
Oohara: Seriously??
Kobayashi: Yes! I just happened to be walking through the street and by chance I saw it playing on the big screen. I was really moved. So it’s left a deep impression on me.
So Tsurugi’s ‘Darou?’ rang out for all of Shibuya to hear?
Kobayashi: Yes~ Tsurgugi-san, you were so cool~
Does Kirino appear in Galaxy?
Finally, let’s talk about the highlights of Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy. In any case, the first match against Teikoku was a bit of a mess, and ended in a loss.
Oohara: Right? I wonder what’s going to happen afterwards. None of us were told anything about what happens next.
Kobayashi: Yes. From the title ‘Galaxy’, I wonder does it imply something to do with outer space?
Oohara: It’s got the longest name so far. It’s really thanks to everyone’s support that the Inazuma series has come this far. From here one too I think exciting things are going to happen, so please continue to support us.
Kobayashi: You can tell from the title it’s going to be a fantastic series. We can only imagine what’s going to happen! I’d be happy if you could get together with your friends and watch Galaxy! Thank you for all your support!
I think perhaps that many readers are wondering when Kirino will next appear in Galaxy (laughs).
Oohara: As expected of such a popular character (laughs).
Kobayashi: What a great honour. I’ll also wait impatiently along with the readers for Kirino’s next appearance! 
Kirino and Tsurugi ‘Souji Jikan’ (*Souji is the designated time period where students work together to clean their classrooms and the rest of the school…)
Kirino and Tsurugi haven’t had many chances to interact a lot up until now - what do you think would make them bond?
Oohara: Speaking of which, the first person Tsurugi used keigo towards was Kirino-san. (Translator’s Notes: Keigo is polite Japanese - for example, kouhai should use towards senpai. I made a post about Tsurugi using keigo towards Kirino here:  http://inazuma-eleven-translations.tumblr.com/post/158941896068/use-of-language-to-show-character-development  )
Kobayashi: It was~
Oohara: Since Kirino was very annoyed by Kariya, he asked Tsurugi ‘Don’t you think he’s a Seed?’ but Tsurugi told him something like, ‘Chigaimasu yo~’ (I don’t think so).
Kobayashi: Wah, Tsurugi-san! (She smiles FULL of affection)
Oohara:Well, wasn’t that what he said?
Kobayashi: Yes! They had the conversation under the shade of a big tree (laughs). I’m sorry, but the way Oohara-san said that just now was just wonderful! (calms down). For sure, the first time Tsurugi used keigo left a deep impression. I thought he was someone who understood the importance of being polite to his upperclassmen.
Oohara: He’s quite sportsmen-like, Tsurugi. (Note: Sports clubs are particularly strict about kouhai using keigo with senpai)
When he was a Seed, the importance of sportsmanship was probably pounded into him.
Oohara: Tsurugi’s social etiquette is better than you think. He shares that in common with Kirino-san... I think they could bond over some kind of volunteer activity. Like cleaning the school.
Kobayashi: Wah, souji! Yes, they’d do it to the best of their ability!
Oohara: Also, since Kirino is a second year, he could tutor Tsurugi in the library.
Kobayashi: Wah, if they did that kind of thing I’d be so happy! I think Ranmaru-san would do his best to revise as he tutored Tsurugi-san. Both of them are hard-working so they’d definitely bond!
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