#to end it here's something ironic. I don't like strawberries as is
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spiderlilywritings ¡ 2 days ago
Ronin Beaufort Boyfriend Headcanons
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Trigger Warnings: mentions of blood, murder, gore
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Well. You're in for a wild ride with Ronin Beaufort as your lover. He's not a green flag by any means, but he cares and genuinely loves you, even if he shows it in twisted ways sometimes. (Hearts drawn in blood, maybe giving you an aorta, sending pictures of his gruesome murders in #killer_shit with the caption "this for You, baby" and oh would you look at that, it's the guy that's been harassing you yesterday—)
Never runs out of nicknames for you. Will probably come up with the cheesiest/sappiest nickname just to see your reaction. It cracks him up. ("Baby. Sweetheart. Darling. Pookie. Sweet apple crumble pop with strawberries—")
If you own a vehicle like a car or a motorcycle, he's your go-to mechanic. He'll take your money and maybe a little bit extra later. ("Aww, don't give me that look, darlin'. I just wanted a kiss 's all. Hahaha!") Shows off a little bit of that muscle if you hang around while he's working. His sweetheart's there, gotta impress them right? (And if you're the type to get embarassed easily, it's more fun for him.)
Speaking of vehicles, I'm not sure if Ronin owns one, but if you do, why not take your little Devil for a late night drive? I think he'll enjoy them. Just you and him, enjoying the night air, letting the scenery pass by.
We've already seen it in the games; he's perceptive and if there's something troubling you, he'll know. He's all ears if you wanna talk about it. Or if you don't, he might think of a way to get you to open up. It's not healthy to bottle everything up after all. He's had to deal with his own issues and being stuck in your own head can be... a lot.
Sometimes, you may have impromptu late night talks with Ronin. Trading secrets and all that. Sorting out some feelings and traumas of the past. Those talks can get heavy but things always feel a bit lighter at the end. That's good, isn't it?
He's supportive. He lets you do your own thing, lets you enjoy yourself and indulge in what you love. As long as you take care of yourself too. He might even join you. ("Aren't you a cutie with that smile on your face. Come onnnnnn, show me more, baby.")
I think he'd like those silly couple shirts. The ones with lines like one shirt has "If lost, return to the bastard" and the other is "The bastard" Or just matching things in general. Maybe you want matching plushies, or jewelry, etc. He's down for it.
Learning first aid is recommended if you haven't already. At least, you'd know what to do when Ronin comes to you injured. Victims don't just lay down and wait for their fate. Of course they want to live and some will literally fight for their lives. Ronin keeps himself in shape, but some injuries are just unavoidable. He doesn't like seeing your worried face, so he's quick to ease your worries with his usual bravado.
Horror movie nights are a given. And if you're the type to scare easily (ironic since you're with a serial killer), prepare for some light teasing. Here's a not-so-secret though: Ronin loves it when you cling to him. He likes being able to feel you. Whether it's small instances like your hands brushing against his to you outright hanging onto him like a koala bear. Make him feel your warmth, that you're there. That you'll always be there. (Not. Not like— well, technically they're still— but not there. Not here. Not anymore. Just a memory now that will always haunt him. They left his heart bleeding. And then, an  "Angel" patched it up. He still bleeds a little. But it's bearable. And now. Now, you—)
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Tick... tick... tick...
The sheets rustle. The clock continues to tick. Ronin hears your sleepy little murmurs as you frolicked in dreamland.
He chuckles, one of his hands moving to play with a lock of your hair. The sight of you curled up on his bed, in his damn shirt, "Darlin', if this is your way of killin' me slowly, it's working. Juuust a little."
In response, you unconsciously snuggle into his chest. Really now.
Sleeping so peacefully with a serial killer? Maybe he got rid of your sense of self preservation; maybe got some screws loose in that pretty little head of yours.
Ronin pulls you closer.
This was nice. Makes him remember those times when it was easier. As easy as it can get back in Angelwood anyway.
He left that place behind, danced in hell's flames like the Devil he is, letting rot and decay follow him. He didn't mind. Let 'em haunt him till the day he croaks.
When he closes his own eyes, he sees Ther; a reminder of what he had. Of what he lost. Feels like they'll always haunt him too. There, but not there. A spirit? An illusion? No. Maybe just that lingering love he's always going to feel for his childhood best friend.
Ther's gone.
After Ther, came Maria. Maria. Sweet, sweet Saint Maria helped him heal and move on.
And now he's got another angel in his arms. Ronin thinks that's hysterical. The Devil attracts angels it seems like. Wings and all. Letting them decay till those feathers fall and the wings are nothing but bone. It's like giving the middle finger to the good ol' god those old fashioned folks at Angelwood worshipped.
How's that for blasphemy?
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spacebubblehomebase ¡ 10 months ago
Your art looks so yummy and soft it tastes like soft ice-scream with different flavours for each character. GIVE ME MOREEEEEEEEEE
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HOW'D YOU KNOW!!!? No one has ever connected those dots for YEARS!!! 👀 See my headline? "With Love Of Every Flavor..." That's something I wrote in my adolescence which I just never bothered to change. It pertains to my posts and how I make them with love (you can cringe), but I also purposely used it to allude to- you literally guessed it- ICE CREAM!!! Which, according to my family, I was infamously obsessed with. STILL super obsessed with actually! (Tho in my defense, the Philippines is hotter than HELL rn.) So yes! I do see my own art as scoops of ice cream. Have been for- again -YEARS! Besides a "space bubble" for introverts -and people who simply love in a different flavor- to feel safe in, that's EXACTLY what I wanted my art to be seen as!!! Which is why I mostly draw sweet things. (Key word: Mostly.) I wanted to convey the giddiness I feel whenever I eat ice cream with my art. So hearing you say that, tho I know naming the taste of an artist's work isn't all that new, really feels like an achievement! THANK YOU!!! ...Okay. Now that you made it this far through my sappy sugar rush induced writing, I know I went off on a tangent, but since ya'll have been really hyping me up lately, how about an update? On my AU? Just a short and sweet reward? Nothing big. Not much lore, but let's saaaaay... it'll beeeee... today? 🫣 Hehe. More, indeed. ^v^ Stay Tuned~! -Bubbly💙
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paradoxcase ¡ 9 months ago
Gideon the Ninth audiobook, through to the end of Chapter 31
Cytherea is described as having "biscuit-colored curls" which I kind passed over the first time I was reading. She's described elsewhere as having light brown hair; American biscuits aren't any kind of brown, if they're made right, but Muir isn't American, either. In Britain, it's my understanding that "biscuit" refers to any hard flat cookie with a stamped design, but those come in all sorts of colors. Does "biscuit" mean a secret third thing in New Zealand?
Gideon says "it's stupid for a cavalier to watch their necromancer die" which I think sort of foreshadows Gideon rejecting Harrow's instruction to survive her
Gideon asks Cytherea why she came to Canaan House in the first place, and I feel like Cytherea's answer is about when she came the first time, nearly 10,000 years ago? She talks about how the Seventh wanted her to die beautifully and she though the Emperor had her best interests more at heart than they did
She says: "If they could figure out how to stop you when you're mostly cancer and just a little bit woman, they would" about the Seventh, but that's exactly what John did to her, isn't it?
And then: "I'll probably live forever, worse luck, whatever happened to One Flesh, One End?"
Palamedes pronounces "golem" exactly like "Gollum" and that amuses me
Harrow thought the secret to Lyctorhood was a secret power source in Canaan House they were supposed to discover - I guess to the extent that the consumed cavalier's soul is a power source, she wasn't exactly wrong
Camilla: "The last thing the Warden needs is an introduction to Lady Septimus" - pretty funny in retrospect
Palamedes after Harrow removes the plug Cytherea put on the Seventh lab's keyhole: "Did you hide the last key, too?" He was right about that
Colum is described as having a "perpetually scratchy voice" which I missed the first time, but it does match up with his voice here
Mayonnaise Uncle thinks Gideon's red hair might have come from the Third, which is I guess some extra information about the distribution of phenotypes in the Empire, but the only other redheaded House character we know of is G1deon (I almost wrote "Pyrrha") (who, ironically, is not biologically related to Gideon Nav unless he was like John's cousin or something). Mercy had "pink" hair, but I don't know if that means like, strawberry blond, or like, literally dyed pink. I guess it's been 10,000 years, so things might be a bit different now
Colum: "The next time we meet, I think it's likely one of us will die." Well, it wasn't the next time they met, since they both showed up to hear Cytherea tell a very fake story about why Protesilaus was already dead just after this, but I think it's the next time they are both in the same room together than Colum dies, so, yeah
Teacher says something about a "poor child" and Gideon doesn't know who he's referring to and I don't either even on the second readthrough. I guess it's possible that he's just talking nonsense, because he's a weird construct, but he's been saying things that consistently make sense in the current context throughout the whole book, so I don't really buy that
The scene where Corona is practicing with a sword and challenging Gideon to a duel feels kind of like she's anticipating being left behind by Ianthe and is trying to lean into the idea of becoming a cavalier after this, since she can't pretend to be a necromancer without Ianthe. We know from the Fourth teens that Ianthe has been sneaking into all the locked doors and reading the theorems at this point
When Naberius comes to collect her, he says "I won't tell her". I guess he means Ianthe?
Is that really how "beatified" is pronounced? I don't think I've ever heard it spoken before. Wiktionary seems to agree that it is
If I had listened to the audiobook first, I definitely would have misheard Gideon talking about "narking" on Harrow as "knocking" and been confused
Palamedes: "All I ask is that you put some pen and flimsy in my cell so I can start my memoirs." Yeah, that's not what you wrote when you were actually confined to the River bubble for months, haha
Narration: Suddenly [Cytherea] seemed impossibly old.
Cytherea claims that John was against soul siphoning. So, the thalergy siphoning that was a fundamental part of Mercy's challenge, and which the Second House uses regularly on enemies, is totally fine and cool, but Mayonnaise Uncle send Colum's soul away temporarily to generate power is wrong. You know, Mayonnaise Uncle is actually a lot more sympathetic on the second readthrough
Mayonnaise Uncle also really had Cytherea's number in this scene and no one listened to him, he was the only one saying that Cytherea was suspicious and everyone else was disgusted by this, including Judith. No wonder he was so sour in Harrow's River bubble
Harrow wants to use Protesilaus' head for necromancy and everyone else is unhappy about this. But this isn't strange for the Nine Houses - the Canaan House skeletons were made from the dead just like the Ninth skeletons were, and just like the Sixth skeletons were in Dr. Sex, not to mention Ianthe's use of Babs' body. Like, if we are going to start complaining about the desecration of dead bodies now, I think that starts to call into question the entire way that the Nine Houses uses necromancy and has been using it for the past 10,000 years. I'm not sure any of the other necromancers really have that high ground
Palamedes says Cytherea only has days left to live, she definitely giggles at that
In the pool scene, Harrow says that the calculations for the deaths of the 200 children were very precise, and that the babies contributed the most thanergy. Now I'm wondering if Gideon failing to die might have messed up those careful calculations in some way? Obviously Harrow was still born a powerful necromancer, and it still worked overall, but now I'm curious
Harrow about John's blood ward: "I knew it had to open for me" because she was the descendant of Anastasia. She never questioned that there might have been some other reason it opened
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monarchtonone ¡ 10 months ago
@keeper-of-magic @restart-the-cycle
Lucky came back with some . . . distressing news, to say the least. As I requested, he asked Iron about the lizard Cycles sent and the Rainmaker (he did warn what would happen if it died)
Again, Lucky wrote out a transcript for us, since Iron is still refusing to answer broadcasts. At this rate, I may have to use my seniority and force him to answer, especially after this.
-Begin Transcript-
NDI: You again?
LE: Me again. Look, something's up with the things we sent to you. Cycles is concerned with her lizard and Keeper has an explosive failsafe if the Rainmaker dies.
NDI: I knew there was something off about it. I still don't want it leaving. It's far too interesting.
LE: You can't keep it forever. Anyway, that's besides the point. What happened? I see the lizard is gone now.
NDI: Yes, but it was well worth it. Though I am short again.
LE: Short on what? I swear, if you send out another fake water broadcast I'll have all of my scavengers stab you to death.
NDI: Don't be so violent. But, you have scavengers? May I have one?
LE: Absolutely not! These are my best guys!
The transcript cuts off here, but there's more. It just says 'Drops proceeded to argue about me giving him a scavenger for nearly half a cycle'. Wow.
NDI: If you won't give me a scavenger, can you fetch me a random lizard?
LE: Sure. You, Pearl, go get it.
NDI: Thank you. Now, about the other things . . . their fates were beyond my control, I'm afraid.
LE: You admitted to keeping the Rainmaker here. So here's what going to happen. You're going to be crystal clear about what's happening here, or you're going to find void fluid at the base of your legs.
NDI: Yeesh, fine. See, I'm rather curious about creatures. Especially ones outside my region. Looking at the way they work, their unique bodies and organs, the structure . . . it's all so very fascinating.
LE: So why the fake water call?
NDI: Well, creatures were coming in slow. I was getting frustrated and bored. I knew that would be responded to with urgency, but I wasn't expecting chaos. I didn't know something actually happened, I've been intentionally cut off ever since the mass ascensions!
LE: I see. Well, stop dissecting stuff. It's weird. Is that what-
NDI: Yes. The lizard was an interesting case. I suspect it has some slugcat in it, but I'm not sure what lizard was the base. Maybe a Strawberry or a Caramel. It was rather sweet.
NDI: Sweet-smelling, of course. And moist. Sweet, stale water.
LE: You're not dissecting any of my scavengers. Speaking of, Pearl's back. Here's your lizard.
NDI: Ah, thank you! . . . A white one. Disappointing.
LE: I can take it back.
NDI: No, no, it's fine! You can go now. Since dissections weird you out.
LE: Works for me. Just . . . don't dissect the Rainmaker.
NDI: Like I said, something was off about it anyway. I've just been watching it, wondering what's on the inside . . .
LE: Until Monarch sends me to check on you again, Drops. Really, open your communications so I can stop making this trek.
NDI: No. Not yet.
-End Transcript-
. . . So he is dissecting them. That explains why Lucky mentioned a knife collection and bloodstains earlier. Lucky automatically assumed the worst, as he tends to do (I swear his gambling addiction will get us all killed).
At least he knows not to kill the Rainmaker. But I think I'm rightfully mad that he straight-up lied about a lack of water. That's far more serious than just boredom.
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justkillingthyme ¡ 1 year ago
Tell me about the Noah Kahan Layton animatics 👁👁
Smirks. Oh boy get ready for an infodump.
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Here’s the sketch (not all of the planned ones just the ones I had thought up on the spot) and the actual thoughts are under the cut and it’s going to be. Long
Not going to go into detail on the plans themselves unless I get asked to about a particular one it’ll just be my thoughts on why it fits. If I don’t have a song from him it’s either that I have an idea that half fits or don’t have it all fleshed out
Stick Season
Northern Attitude
I think Northern Attitude is a Des song
You build a boat, you build a life.
You lose your kids, you lose your wife
If you get too close
And I'm not how you hoped
Forgive my northern attitude
Oh, I was raised out in the cold
If the sun don't shine
'Til the summertime
Forgive my northern attitude
Oh, I was raised on little light
Literally him. Left alone in his house at a young age, built himself up. Got his shit together and settled down and had it all ripped away from him.
Come Over
Randall vibes (Stansbury era)
And my mouth was designed for my foot to fit in it
Oh, the words they went missin' when the stock market crashed
^angelas tears. He doesn’t know how to deal with his emotions, much less other people’s.
Someday I'm gonna be somebody people want
Randall on the expedition. His whole thing is that he wants to prove himself. Randall is very much an insecure needing reassurance but covering it up with reckless confidence kid.
New Perspective
Randall vibes but MG era
If I could fly I doubt I'd even do it
I'd probably get high and crash or something stupid
Ironic here. Talking w descole
Gave me your word and now I can't pronounce it
No thing's so sure that I can't learn to doubt it
And the chorus
Ooh, this town is for the record now
The intersection got a Target
And they're calling it downtown
You and all of your new perspective now
Wish I could shut it in a closet
And drag you back down
This is aimed at Henry and the development of Monte D’or. On how it’s so close to Stansbury and Henry profited from his death.
Orange juice
I actually have a page for this one! So good for you for sticking around till here
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It’s old but encapsulates more of my idea for the animatic
Henry @ Randall post MM. in this particular one it’s more of a scenario where Randall has left Monte D’or after everything and is back for visiting occasionally.
Feels like I've been ready for you to come home
For so long
That I didn't think to ask you where you'd gone
Why'd you go?
And the verse
See the graves as you pass through, from our crash back in '02
Not one nick on your finger, you just asked me to hold you
Literally the ending of MM. flooded the city with sand.
But it made you a stranger and filled you with anger
Now I'm third in the lineup to your Lord and your Savior
Not sure if it’s visible in the picture but I have lord as Angela and savior as Hershel. He’s always been third place for Randall.
You said my heart has changed and my soul has changed
And my heart, and my heart
That my life has changed, that this town had changed
And you had not
That the world has changed, don't you find it strange
That you just went ahead and carried on?
And here Randall gets a little angry. Henry remains the same no matter how much time has passed. It’s something of a mixture of anger that Henry had moved on without him before but refuses to move on now that Randall has left of his own accord
And Henry responds
Are we all just crows to you now?
Are we all just pulling you down?
You didn't put those bones in the ground
That Randall was the one leaving them.
Strawberry Wine
Layclaire!!! Hershel about Claire after her death. Getting over it
I said, "Love is fast asleep, " on a dirt road
With your head on my shoulder
It’s about the little things. The things they used to do together. The moments that made love real.
Strawberry wine, and all the time we used to have
Those things I miss, but know are never comin' back
and for when he sees Claire pass him by
No thing defines a man like love that makes him soft
And sentimental like a stranger in the park
For a few moments, I see you
and for the chorus. Right person, wrong time. Wrong place. Maybe in a different world
If I was empty space, and you were a formless
Shape, we'd fit
But love leaves little runway, and every time we run
Straight over it
Growing Sideways
Hershel and his habit of self destruction and riding on tea and late night research so he doesn’t have to process any of his trauma. Also could go for Des here
I'm still angry at my parents for what their parents did to them
But it's a start
hello Leon Bronev
But I ignore things, and I move sideways
Until I forget what I felt in the first place
At the end of the day I know there are worse ways
To stay alive
'Cause everyone's growing and everyone's healthy
I'm terrified that I might never have met me
Oh, if my engine works perfect on empty
I guess I'll drive
MM era ranlay, could also work post Stansbury. Could also do layclaire. Hershel pov
I’ll let the lyrics do the explaining. Here’s the chorus
But the wreckage of you, I no longer reside in
And the bridges have long since been burned
The ash of the home that I started the fire in
It starts to return to the Earth
I'm leavin' this town and I'm changin' my address
I know that you'll come if you want
It's not Halloween, but the ghost you're dressed up as
Sure knows how to haunt, yeah, she knows how to haunt
and the verse
It's an ode to the hole that I found myself stuck in
The song for the grave that I dug
There's a murder of crows in the low light off Boston
And I see your face in each one
I'm losin' myself in the tiniest objects
I'm seein' my life on a screen
I'm hearin' your voice in a strange foreign language
If only I learned how to speak
Hershel blaming himself and being unable to move on
Layclaire <3
Last lyric of verse and then the chorus
Stare up at a starless sky and you say
It’s like I’m still here with you
It’s like I’m still here with you
I don't, I don't, I don't wanna say goodbye
Literally the ending cutscene.
The View Between Villages
Hershel post MM. going home after THAT whole experience. Also could work with visiting Stansbury during college/later
Feel the rush of my blood
I'm seventeen again
I am not scared of death
I've got dreams again
and the last verse
Passed Alger Brook Road, I'm over the bridge
A minute from home but I feel so far from it
The death of my dog, the stretch of my skin
It's all washin' over me, I'm angry again
The things that I lost here, the people I knew
They got me surrounded for a mile or two
The car's in reverse, I'm grippin' the wheel
I'm back between villages and everything's still
Paul Revere
MM. just Hershel in MM.
It's typical, I fear
Folks just disappear
And when they ask me who I am
I'll say I'm not from around here
Dude. I could go on and on about this song because I have something planned for each lyric. It fits so well.
No Complaints
Hershel recovering post attack. Could also set it post UF
I saw the end, it looks just like the middle
Got a paper and pen and a page with no space
End is Claire’s death, middle could work for Randall or Claire’s first death. Paper and pen. Man literally journals.
In love with being noticed and afraid of being seen
But I can finally eat and I can fall asleep
It's fine, fine, fine
I think you guys see me vision. Vaguely gestures at Bill Hawks.
You’re Gonna Go Far
Henry and Angela seeing Randall out of Monte D’or.
Making quiet calculations where the fault lies
So, pack up your car, put a hand on your heart
Say whatever you feel, be wherever you are
We ain't angry at you, love
You're the greatest thing we've lost
Alt ending line is we’ll be waiting for you love.
I’m a firm believer that Randall doesn’t stay in Monte D’or post MM
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lilapxtts ¡ 6 months ago
*:・゚✧ — plot idea dump *:・゚✧
Readding this with a better tag so if any of these plots/ideas appease you, come to mee.
So, my delusional self and I refuse to accept that all of the Hargreeves perished and died. I have a few ideas/plots/verses i'd love to do. This is absolutely cross-over friendly because of the way it's done. Like this post or better yet, message me so we can get started on one that you like.
Plot 1- The only way to save the world is to split up. A different timeline for each of the Hargreeves. Just for the sake of covering our bases, after taking the funky marigold, and getting their powers back, Five has a talk with himself at the subway, figures it out that they are the issue and goes back in time, because screw reality. He goes back to tell his family that the only way to save each other and the world is to go to a different time line. Well filled with angst and heart break, they all just spread out and separate. --Will they find each other at the end? Maybe figure out a better way? Or will they make sure that their past selves (if applicable) don't screw it up this time? We can discuss more.
Plot 2 -
You know that whole damn gap from 2019 and the 6 years that go by? Well guess what? I'd love to do just do a domestic Lila getting accustomed to pregnancy, being a mom, having children, her own parents, getting to know each of the Hargreeves more over the 6 year time span.
Plot 3-
Lila and Five take everyone to their strawberry farm. This can be talked about because I know we have many who don't like Five x Lila (which is fine, to each their own) so we can discuss the matters there. But they go to the strawberry farm (WITH Ben because they saved him. I don't make the rules) and start over and try to find others there. I mean, at this point what could go wrong?
Plot 4-
Five goes back in time once he finds out what happens because remember when he was able to rewind time in S2 and he saved his family? Well he saves his family again by keeping the Marigold hidden so Ben never spikes their drink and no one even knows it exists and they all live NORMAL lives being both miserable in the lives they live. Because why not have a normal life?
Plot 5- AFTER THE ENDING.... And completely AU here so don't come at me but the 8 Marigold flowers that grow beneath the tree is picked up by wonderful little girl. Let's say ironically, it's picked up by Allison's daughter Claire. She brings those beautiful flowers home and you know that magical little dust that spread from them? Well it is passed around and 8 very fortunate women are hit with the magical dust. They become pregnant the very next day and thus begins the story all over again. This one is like me on crack or something but i'm thinking futuristic-esque vibes.
Plot 6-
Reginald Hargreeves is a normal father who actually chooses these children with love and care and they protect the world as superheroes that are loved by their own father. Can you imagine that? No one has issues because Riggie loved them all. Five got his passion into music, Luther in Geology, Allison in acting, Lila probably music too because she was never stolen from the Handler. She was raised with the Hargreeves, Diego in education, Klaus in music as well, and Viktor exceptionally talented in multiple things.
Plot 7-
Resurrection/reincarnation plot really. She's reborn. She has dreams of her children. Of her family. Of everyone and they're both familiar and unfamiliar. But is she the only one that's reborn? Will she find her family? Will Lila find those that she lost? Will she have her powers? Can she truly help the world in this life?
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kousaka-ayumu ¡ 2 years ago
Gingerbrave or Balen have very few secrets, secrets that only Strawberry Cookie or Fragaria and Wizard Cookie or Maldue know about.
In reality, he didn't wanted to go to the Vanilla Kingdom, he just wanted to stay in the Cookie Kingdom and help the Sugar Gnomes build it while Custard Cookie the III or Casey the III, Chili Pepper Cookie or Anise, Fragaria and Maldue went to the Vanilla Kingdom.
It's kind of ironic that his name Balen means brave and he wasn't even brave enough to go with the others.
The reason? He doesn't know that.
He probably needed some fresh air after the chaos that happened in Pilgrim's Path specifically Rye Cookie or Rye in general.
As the white haired boy walking deeper into the Roll Cake Woods with his friend Pink Velvet Cookie or Camellia until stumbling upon a ruin of some sorts.
"I'll go get Alchemist and Wizard to let them know about this, don't wondering too deep in there GingerBrave!" Pink Velvet said as she left to get Alchemist Cookie and Wizard Cookie.
But somehow GingerBrave didn't listened to her and entered the ruins.
Inside of the ruins there was nothing but plants everywhere with the exception of few pictures and glyphs that he didn't understand until he stumbled across a statue.
A statue of a woman with long hair tied in braids a dress with the bottom part shaped like flower petals, bandage looking gloves and a staff.
The lady felt familiar to him but couldn't make the connection between him and her.
He put his hand on his head pondering with questions of where did his Red eye come from and who are his mother.
Maybe he could take a sit down and wait for Pink Velvet, Wizard and Alchemist.
Or so he thought...
He accidentally activated a passage and fell right through with a yyel, he fell through a flight of stairs but somehow he never crumbled and crashed unto the floor, ouch that hurts..
"Ow! Ow! Ow..." he as he held his head in pain until saw a glowing green light beam before his very eyes at the end of the hallway and the only light in the path.
The ginger haired boy slowly walking towards the light nervously as it said something unexpected...
"GingerBrave... GingerBrave..."
'It said my name? Why?' He wondered to himself why did it said his name.
But the voice somehow calmed him down as saw the source of light.
It is brighter than anything he seen
"GingerBrave... Come closer... Come closer my son..."
And leaned in closer and closer..
And touch it. ..
"So you're saying that you and Balen saw a ruin deep within the woods?" Alchemist Cookie or Alice said as the 3 of them we're walking towards the ruins "Did you two ever saw what's inside?" Maldue said "Well-"
Before Camellia said anything a bright light appeared blinding the 3 of them.
"What the?!"
He abruptly woke up in an abyss confuse as to why is he here the last thing he remembered was that he touch the green sphere.
All of a sudden he saw the light again but this time the white haired lady was there though she didn't have her staff and her face was shadowed.
"Hello?" He questioned, but she didn't say anything, later he was drawn to the light once again from the sphere, as he put his hands on the sphere...
Everything went white...
"GingerBrave! Are you there?!" Pink Velvet Cookie said as the 3 of them search for the white haired boy.
"God dammit where is he?" Wizard Cookie said as Alchemist saw the secret passage.
'Maybe he's over there?' She thought to herself as she look over the passage, she entered there.
"I wonder why the Sugar Gnomes said this place was off limits?"
"I'm not sure either Wizard."
"Holly God of witches!"
It startled both of them as the duo went to the same passage that Alchemist found.
And soon enough the 3 of them found Gingerbrave unconscious on the ground.
Back at the ruined Vanilla kingdom, Pure Vanilla cookie or Asher is at the White Lily Garden admiring the lilies even though he's wearing a blindfold around his heterochromatic eyes.
He didn't really question why did Pandora ordered him to wear bandages around his eyes even though he said he's fine without it but she insists.
He just playing around with Poison Mushroom Cookie or Dooku like their his child, both of them have no idea that Dark Enchantress Cookie is a evil woman.
At the throne room that used to be Pure Vanilla's, Dark Enchantress Cookie is sitting on the throne holding a broken pieces of her Soul Jam of Freedom.
She always felt like her children GingerBrave, GingerBright and Dozer is there even if she doesn't know they look like.
If only she knew that Dozer had died, GingerBright was out there somewhere and GingerBrave was safe with Wizard and Strawberry.
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sunnydaleherald ¡ 1 year ago
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Tuesday, January 16
BUFFY: The demons! They were these three big apey things! XANDER: No. No, not here. Not at my job. That's your job. BUFFY: I can't help where the forces of darkness attack me, Xander. XANDER: Buffy, would you look at this mess? Do you have any idea how much it's gonna cost to repair this? And what am I supposed to say to the clients, should I just show them the demon bodies and say it's all their fault? BUFFY: You can't. They melted. But ... uh ... There, there are witnesses! Vince! Vince! You'll tell him, right, how I jumped in and protected you from those ... things? VINCE: Hey, I don't know what you're talking about. All I know is you were losin' it or something. That time of the month, huh? BUFFY: What?! You were huddled in a corner! Crying! Like a baby! VINCE: Hey, hey. No way. Me, crying?
~~Buffy Season 6 Episode #105: "Life Serial"~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Pick Up Your Pace (Spike/Xander, T, Iron Man xover) by
Effulgent (Buffy/Spike, T) by veronyxk84
Family (Buffy/Spike, G) by Apache Firecat
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Helpless x Spike (Buffy/Spike, unrated) by Vrelx
25 years later: Love and hatred in old London town (Buffy/Giles, unrated) by FPBarbieri
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Vamp for Rent 18/18 (Spike/Xander, M) by forsaken2003
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All are Punished Ch. 1 (Spike/Reader, unrated) by swimming_with_sharks
A Long Short Night (Buffy/Faith, M) by view27
A Brush so Dark and Bloody Ch. 1 (Spike, unrated, Raven Cycle xover) by xivory_lightness_coherence_parrot_swiftx
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Agency Has It's Price, Chapter 13 (Buffy/Spike, ) by Desicat
Who's Pole?, Chapter 4 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Desicat
In The Dark With You, Chapter 26 (Buffy/Spike, M) by Geliot99
The Neighbor's Point of View, Chapter 77 (Buffy/Spike, G) by the_big_bad
A Waxy Gent Chuckled Over My Fab Jazzy Quips, Chapter 16 (Buffy/Spike, T) by violettathepiratequeen
A Darkened Night of the Soul, Chapter 28 (Buffy/Spike, E) by In Mortal
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Clean Slate, Chapter 4 (Buffy/Spike, E) by hulettwyo
It's Easy Time, Until It's Not, Chapter 10 (Buffy/Spike, G) by hulettwyo
Pack My Box with Five Dozen Liquor Jugs, Chapter 16 (Buffy/Spike, E) by honeygirl51885
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A weapon of victory Ch. 10 (Buffy, G, LotR xover) by
The Meaning of Strength Ch. 2 (Xander, T, SG1 xover) by AxelBlade
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork:Jenny Calendar () by snails-in-my-mouth
Artwork:Spike () by greenapplespider
Artwork:BtVS sketchbook doodles () by strawberri-draws
Artwork:Spike () by genericaces
[Reviews & Recaps]
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PODCAST: Episode 11 - Research Boy and Knowledge Girl (Out of Mind, Out of Sight by The Sunnydale Diaries
PODCAST: ATS 207 - Darla by Another Buffy Podcast
PODCAST: Episode 112: The Myth of the Robot by Mythtaken
[Fandom Discussions]
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Brainstorming Different Endings To Doppelgangland by coraniaid
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Vampires and human culture by AndHerSymbols
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Would it have been possible, hypothetically, to keep both Doyle and Wesley as main characters? by JellyfishDry9464
It's been YEARS, Boom! When are you going to FINALLY FIX this mistake?? by irishhawk
Appreciation for Giles’ “Free Bird” singing by Pumpkins217
What is the worst thing this character has ever said or done? by Buffster13
Favorite Season of Buffy? by NordBuffy
Cordy S3 by pengchod
If Buffy and Xander dated... by jogaforacont
what i’d give to own this. by pengchod
Thoughts on Gwen? by modeyink
Finished both shows for the first time. Now I want my first tattoos ever by at_midknight
As you were not liked? by Eagles56
Xander do you know why I love you? by MidCntryModernMillie
S3 Angel by pengchod
Kinda funny watching Buffy now, and seeing them struggle with technology by Gengarmon_0413
Looking for a Buffyverse image by Eagles56
Why was Spike the only one able to see that Ben is Glory and Glory is Ben? by loki2002
what's the best way to watch both shows with my partner? by vianoir
What Do You Think? by Electrical_Big_906
Can we all agree this is probably the hottest scene in the show? by JellyfishDry9464
Hands down the most satisfying moment from Buffy by jdpm1991
Spangel being established early in the series by alrtight
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canyouhearthevoices ¡ 1 year ago
'Crazy Form' MV First Reactions
Another comeback, another ATEEZ win in the MV department.
This MV is a great continuation on from the story in the previous MVs - it has aspects from Don't Stop, Guerrilla, HALAZIA, and Bouncy. The MAMA performance showed the direct continuation from Bouncy, and I'll discuss Bouncy and other elements later on.
I liked it, of course, and, although the song still has some growing to do (and the crotch-grabbing and hip thrusting in the choreo needs to go), it's still, as expected, an overall win.
So let's discuss it.
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First, I love that the intro starts with a flag - a very ATEEZ thing. The last time I remember flags being this salient is in WONDERLAND - they were in HALAZIA, but they were more like prayer flags there, not these massive 'heralding-the-coming-of-the-king' flags.'
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So here we have the city they've been taking over - from Guerrilla, HALAZIA, and Bouncy - the moon (the Cromer takes power from the phases of the moon), ATEEZ flags (of course), and these weird industrial tent things that may or may not be covered in solar panels. The cool thing about the tents is 1) they become more interesting the longer you look at them, 2) they hide even more of ATEEZ's army, 3) they look pretty cool and make a nice, intimidating, symmetrical backdrop, and 4) they kind of look like stadium seating - showing how popular ATEEZ have become.
ATEEZ and their multi-meaning visual language coming back again. As expected.
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Of course, we start with our Captain, and, of course, he is wearing his Captain's mark.
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I think this move is super goofy and funny but it does do an interesting job of revealing San so I can't fault it too much.
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I hope I don't need to tell you that 1) there is some anarchy planning going on here, 2) we are in a futuristic world, and 3) they are back in the shed they do all their planning in.
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Also back in circular towers. Is this a prison? Is Yunho breaking out? It's possible... I mean, anything's possible with ATEEZ.
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It seems that their shed has had some significant upgrades. Probably coming from the revenue of drug dealing.
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Mingi what is the point of looking cool in your car if you then immediately crash said car?
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Mingi in bar scene? Check. Which means? He's up to no good.
Now this is really interesting story progression IMO. In Bouncy, we had Mingi in a dingy wild-west bar, murdering people. So here, we see him in a high-end bar, so we expect more murder. But instead, as we would expect with high-class things, he is...
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Buying Iron Man's heart? Okay probably not - it's probably some other random high-tech thing they need. But it's not only this that is interesting - it's the fact that in both MVs, Mingi drinks something weird - some chilli cocktail in the first one, and... strawberry milk??? in this one.
Possibly to further show how different ATEEZ are from the rest of the world?
Anyway, strawberry milk is superior to alcohol every day.
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Wooyoung's working on something.
Now, interestingly, if you remember back to my post on ATEEZ's positions on their pirate ship, Wooyoung's spot was undetermined. This scene (assuming the director chose this task and Wooyoung specifically, which we should assume) suggests to me that he is some sort of mechanic/dude with technical know-how. Other evidence that he has this, and in general, a supportive role, is how he is often seen backing San up (in general, and especially in Bouncy), and how in Guerrilla, he was involved in hijacking the media systems of the government.
We could perhaps say he is a fixer-upper-er? And I say it like this, because, if we go by the theory that Wooyoung knows Hongjoong is crazy, and is trying to stop him (I presume to fix the universe, save the world, etc), then, this role makes sense for him. He is literally trying to fix the universe and the group, and Hongjoong.
Food for thought.
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I love Yunho's reaction. Also, he too is working on something. So maybe it's the concept. Or, it could be related to his role as the Second Mate - whose role is to make sure the ship is going the way it needs to, and who thus, would also be involved in whatever he needs to be involved in to make sure they're going the right way.
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In 'Don't Stop' they sent out the unbeatable San-Wooyoung team to do the dangerous gambling, but in this MV they send their precious maknae? Rip Jongho. He does look very cool in this scene, though.
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Jongho shows an A card, and, since this guy has a Z card, I assume this is a subtle hint that he's been completely readable and completely under Jongho's control the whole time?
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Epic freeze-frame. That looks like Mingi's body and outfit on the right - or am I hallucinating?
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Seonghwa's stylists knocking it out of the park yet again. Anyway, he's rocking out. I don't have much to say about that - as the 1st mate, he is the face of the group when Hongjoong is behind the scenes. He was literally framed as THE spirit of ATEEZ and HALATEEZ in HALAZIA. Hence, he's basically their 'headliner' or 'frontman' - hence, he jams out in front of their followers. And punches us.
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Not entirely sure what's going on here - is he rising? Falling? Both? Neither? Eh.
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Skaterboy Hongjoong and graffiti artist Yeosang AU? :o
Don't ask me.
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So, you all know that I usually hate anything crotch-grabby or hip-thrusty - I'm a very, very, deeply ace person. But this is acceptable. Because this shot isn't sexual - this is a hilarious 'haha look how much better than you I am, I'm going to sit on you without a care in the world' kind of shot. It adds character and comedy to the MV, and emphasises how cool ATEEZ are. It also gets even better when you think about how the cameraman had to get down on the ground, and the director had to direct Wooyoung to shove his butt in the camera. They then had to do all the set-up it takes to take a shot (a surprising amount), do the whole 'and... action!' thing, and then take MULTIPLE takes of Wooyoung shoving his butt in the camera. Absolutely hilarious.
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I could have told you that. I love the reporter's face in the background. And how Hongjoong still has his Captain's mark. Of course.
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Well, buddy, that's what you get for breaking the law.
A lot of people pointed out how he looks actually insane when he's running here - he's got the blend of joy, adrenaline, insanity, and fear going well. And... well, yeah, he is insane. IRL, but ESPECIALLY in the storyline.
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He's so insane the police don't know what to do with him...
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Here is a cute puppy - a continuation of Hongjoong being associated with animals. I assume this is his dog, since it doesn't have a police dog uniform or anything.
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Another great reaction in this MV, and the usual ATEEZ posters.
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I love the comic frames, but I'm not so sure what their point is other than to punctuate the song, add visual interest and spunk, and highlight how crazy and villainous Hongjoong is.
Which I guess is a purpose, but I mean STORYLINE purpose.
Perhaps that they are taking over the media? And of course that Hongjoong is crazy.
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The insanity's moving down the heirarchy... none of us are safe.
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Epic kpop transitions are back. And yes, that was Mingi in the background.
And that's it for this part. See you in the next one where I can share more cool images!
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mrs-starkgaryen ¡ 12 days ago
I died in this fic and I was just resurrected so here's the essay, Maggie, no fret-
1. "On the kitchen counter is a plate holding a single slice of wheat toast with a transparently thin smear of peanut butter. [...] In their vase, the sunflowers are perky and radiant, like the nuggets of gold that beckoned settlers to the West Coast in the mid-1800s, the hope, the possibility, the indomitable dream."
A) the diet stuff for famous people is already making an appearance
B) the gold reference from NTTF? (I don't have an obsession)
C) the allure of the gold, the hope, the dream? Her acting dream is so embellished here
2. “Try,” Baela insists, pushing the plate towards you. [...] “You aren’t going to make a good impression if you’re all woozy and retching everywhere. You don’t want to look half-dead when you meet Maroon 5, do you?”
A) being forced to do things under the guise of 'caring'...
B) HW people don't care about how you feel as long as you don't show it on the outside e.g: Dan
C) yes I actually do want to look half-dead to keep maroon 5 from me
4. “Oh my God.” You chuckle languidly, rubbing your forehead. Your eyes ache; you’ve barely slept. “I completely forgot they’re going to be there.”
A) she's already being affected- she's tired and losing sleep
B) I didn't forget 😭
5. "And a curse, you think before you can stop yourself. You nibble at your peanut butter toast reluctantly. “I shouldn’t complain.”
A) she said the title again, let's wrap it up.
B) no Sunshine, stand up for yourself
6. "You crack open the La Croix and take a sip: icy, sharp, oddly dry, Strawberry Peach, pretty awful. “It could be a lot worse.”
A) you think it will be sweet, but it let's you down. Sounds like the dream of being famous...
7. "Hair stylists, makeup artists, and costume designers will reinvent you when you get to set, so you are dressed for comfort: an olive green floral sundress with large buttons down the front, your trusty TOMS wedges, just a blur of eyeshadow swept across your lids with a fingertip so you don’t feel naked, sparkly gold Bold Moves by Huda Beauty. Aegon is already blaring Lose Yourself and rapping along loudly, wearing his aviator sunglasses and flashing gang signs, his sandy blonde hair brutalized from the wind:"
A) the fact you said reinvent, not words like stylise, etc is great cuz that's exactly what this part of Hollywood is like- get rid of the old you, hence botox etc.
B) her clothes are comfortable, ironic as she won't feel like this for long
C) the buttons all the way down... easy for aegon to you know...
D) the fingertip applied sparkly gold eyeshadow- barely there, symbolising maybe her innocent dream is disappearing, losing its spark?
E) lose yourself? Maybe someone is losing themselves: either Aegon (memory) or Sunshine (to fit in)
8. “I told my dad you drive one of these,” you say as you climb into the Sebring. “He said they’re super unreliable.”
A) the car is a danger waiting to happen? Interesting choice for Aegon who has something waiting to happen...
B) or does it imply that Aegon isn't a reliable partner? Not for cheating or anything but cuz he doesn't want to get close due to his illness
9. “Oh, absolutely,” Aegon replies. “But I have lots of money and very few responsibilities, so repairs aren’t a problem. And it cruises so smooth.” When he passes you a venti-sized iced vanilla latte, his right hand is shaking."
A) few responsibilities...hmmmm, possibly a child?!
B) he wants to look good on the outside despite breaking down in the inside (like the car)
C) he remembers what drinks she likes AND HER FAV FLAVOUR
D) his hand is shaking... how weird... defo not for a medical issue, the drink was just very cold
10. "Aegon flashes a grin. “Too much caffeine.”
A) sure
11. “Because they keep trying to get Steve to do his own stunts and I don’t want him to end up with a broken back like Brendan Fraser. Uh huh. Sure. Oh, and remind Steve that he’s invited to the charity gala thing. Yeah. I don’t know, call Aemond and ask. No, I don’t want to call him, that’s why I’m telling you to do it. Okay. Cool, thanks. Hey, I have no idea when we’ll be done with the Maroon 5 thing so no need to wait at the office, you can take off at three or four or whenever. Sounds good. See ya.” Aegon hangs up and glances at you. “You’re invited too, by the way.”
A) ooh i made a ref to Brendan Fraser in the first chapter
B) he doesn't want to talk to Aemond... interesting
C) The office is going to be empty? Perfect for sexy times
D) I can't wait for the drama of the gala. I bet Becca will be there
12. "The mansion is perched on the cliffside of Bendict Canyon, red-gold earth that glows under the rising sun, gnarled trees and shrubs twisting skyward from arid soil. The circular driveway is already crowded with trucks and vans, along with a few BMWs and Range Rovers. Aegon parks his convertible near the end of the driveway and then walks with you into the building: mid-century modern, glass walls and sand-colored marble floors to match the accents of amber and warm teak wood, jewel-tone velvet furniture and shag area rugs, statues that pretend to be gold and plants made of plastic. There are attendants brushing exotic cats, Ragdolls and Himalayans. There are people picking over trays of fruit and sandwiches, and others setting up light fixtures and placing marks on the floor with tiny Xs of white tape. You imagine yourself standing on them, and your knees and ankles feel weak as you toddle in your wedges."
A) sounds like hell with the red connotations
B) glass walls- no privacy
C) the house interior sounds very common like everyone in HW is the same
D) fake gold and plastic plants- all fake, like HW
E) everyone is picking at food....
13. "Dan waves Maroon 5 over, and you meet the band but even as it’s happening you can feel yourself not committing it to memory, your skull too full of rattling anxiety, fog-like doubt. They are here to tour the set, but they seem halfhearted about it, and soon they find an excuse to leave; the band is filming their scenes on a different day and presumably have more interesting things to do. If I had millions of dollars, you think distractedly, I would want to be on a film set every day of my life. You are also introduced to the male actor, and he is very attractive in a tan, gym rat, California sort of way, and he seems perfectly polite as well. Aegon hovers nearby until the actor casually mentions his husband, then Aegon slides his sunglasses into his suit jacket and wanders off to pet the long-haired and ill-tempered exotic cats.
A) not the band, don't seem the best to meet
B) she would stay even if she was famous but maybe she hasn't been around long enough for the effects of it to disappear like it has for m5
C) or maybe she's doing it for the passion whereas they're just in for the money?
D) lmao Aegon is so protective & jealous
14. "And then before you can think of how to protest, she herds the stylists out of the bedroom and you are left alone with the poltergeist of the near-future, cold pockets that make you shiver and the racket of furniture being rearranged in other rooms. You leaf through the script and then, when your hands start shaking, leave it on the low platform bed with a geometric print blanket.
A) "herds" all animals in the Hollywood zoo
B) poltergeist of the near-future... like Aegon is the ghost of what's to come..
C) everyone's hands are shaking
15. “Are you naked?”
A) how gentlemanly
B) but even if I was, come in
16. Aegon is confounded. “What scene?”
A) I knew he didn't know
B) let's get angry!
17. You reach up onto the bed behind you and fumble around until your fingers grasp the script. You give it to Aegon and he hurriedly skims through the pages. When he stumbles across the scene in question, he goes entirely still and his murky blue eyes turn dark and hard and focused in a way you’ve learned is rare for him.
A) desperate movements from her...
B) ooh he's turning into a werewolf- wrong genre
C) he's getting mad yippee
D) focusing is rare for him... woah alright sunshine (it's true but still), also calling g out his medical issue
18. Aegon looks at you. “He showed up at your house?”
A) I knew that was wrong
B) get extra angry
19. Dan is chortling with two other men and leaning against a wall. Aegon rages to him, shoves him so hard Dan stumbles, strikes the wall two inches from his face. Aegon’s knuckles come away bloody; there is now a dent in the wall marred with a stain of crimson. An assistant screams; everyone in the room is gawking.
A) ugh, men being happy ew
B) woah I love angry aegon but I don't want him to get in trouble for physcial assault buy Dan asked for it
C) also is Dan named after that Nickolodeon Dan cuz he was a creep too
D) I'll lick aegons blood up, no worries
20. “How about we take it from your life insurance policy?”
A) yes babe, I love this look
21. “No, you know what you did!” Aegon shouts, and Dan is bigger than him but Aegon is seething, fearless, unrelenting, giving him no space. He balls up the script and pitches it at Dan; it bounces off his temple. “You knew any changes to the script were supposed to go through me and you hid this, and that’s fucked up, and it’s not happening. Take the scene out.”
A) the little dogs are always the most ferocious 😂 ankle biters
B) can he be my bodyguard?
22. “Don’t act stupid. You went to her house and you sprung this on her and you thought you could get away with breaking the rules, and maybe you’ve done this before and no one stopped you because it’s just innocuous enough for you to have plausible deniability. But you’re not going to do it to me, and you’re not going to do it to my girl.”
A) ew men suck, ew hollywood
B) I hate that this probably happens, not just to young women but the young men too
C) MY GIRL? hot, squealing- ITS OFFICIAL
23. “And I will never work with you again. And neither will Aemond, or Helaena, or Daeron, or any of our people.”
A) and he goes in for another blow!! 🤜
B) oooh using the whole family? 💅 do it
C) I want to see how big his family is in Hollywood, like his Kardashian style (but with jobs in the industry). Also what are their jobs other than aemonds scriptwriting?
24. Aegon smiles, thin and tight and ingenuine. “I’ve been known to be sensitive.” He holds out his right hand; blood drips from his knuckles. An assistant drops to the marble floor and scrambles around wiping up the mess, viscous and scarlet. “No hard feelings?”
A) he's been known to be sensitive.. with what?
B) blood pact lmao
C) he is scary and we love that
25. Aegon returns to you, and your pulse is slow and hushed, and your breathing is effortless, and you are transfixed; you cannot look away from him, you cannot believe he’s real. “So, uh,” he says, quietly so the rest of the room won’t hear. “No need to worry about that anymore. You want to take ten minutes to chill and get in the zone, and then we’ll get started?”
A) same sunshine, same. Im stunned
B) why can't he be real
26. “Okay.” Aegon turns to Dan. “She’s ready.” Then he points at the male actor. Aegon probably doesn’t mean it to, but it comes out sounding like a threat. “You ready?”
A) calm down man, save that energy for something else
27. “Great,” Aegon says, and he steps out of the shot, and you step into it, and by the time the camera rolls you aren’t you anymore. You are a woman who desperately loves the man in front of her—instantly transformed from a stranger to a soulmate—and you are betrayal and jealousy and loss and wrath, and while your pink Prada dress is formal and wondrous your body is ever-contorting to be weak, vulnerable, breaking as you realize he is leaving.
A) he steps out, you step in? So like when he leaves the industry/ dies- that's her wish to carry on, to dedicate things to him?
B) damn her onscreen loves aren't great, they always leave. Much like Aegon will? I see your foreshadowing
C) and whilst she looks great, she will feel weak when she loses aegon?
28. Then you are clawing your way up the staircase in a heavy fur coat that seems to swallow you, then you are in a bedroom making unanswered phone calls in a lavender silk nightgown, then you are in the kitchen shattering plates and glasses in a neon green mini-dress, then you are in a leopard-print robe petting the exotic cats in the living room, then you are drowning in the swimming pool in a black empire-waist evening gown. Aegon follows you around the mansion and stands wordlessly in corners, chomping on his Juicy Fruit gum, holding the towels that assistants bring him against his knuckles; during every wardrobe change, he waits just outside the bedroom door.
A) she sounds like an animal trapped, is that gonna happen when she makes it? And aegon is gone?
B) he always has gum- that must mean something. Like is he trying to disguise a flavour of medicine or symptom? Idk like President Snow wore roses to hide the effects poison had on his mouth
29. “Aegon, please don’t be mad at him,” you say quietly. He’s driving very, very fast. The streetlights race by in a blur, the night wind tears like talons through your hair.
A) he is sounding reckless, dangerous,l
B) or with him, she feels exhilarated?
30. “It’s not fine.” And you don’t have the opportunity to correct him because Aegon is scrolling through his contacts, and despite his earlier aversion to calling his brother Aemond, soon Aegon is recounting what happened and warning Aemond to never work with Dan, never recommend him to actors, never sell him a script, that Dan is dead to all of them as soon as the music video is officially released.
A) I like the commitment Aegon
B) he's so mad at Dan that he doesn't mind (he needs to) calling his brother. I wonder what happened between them
31. Aegon merges onto the 10 and heads east towards his office in Elysian Park. You don’t wonder why he’s not taking you south to Harbor Gateway, because you don’t want to go home yet.
A) ooh I wonder why
B) sexxxxxx
32. Aegon sighs deeply and kneads the area just above his right eye with his fingertips, as if he has a headache.
A) a headache, my poor baby
33. He glances at the back of his hand as if he had forgotten about the damage incurred there: clotted blood, subterranean bruises. “No, that was just for you.”
A) forgotten? First goes short term memory then it's long term omg
B) hang on, that's hot
C) would he want to f*st me?
34. Then you step out of your wedges, reach beneath your sundress, hook your thumbs under the waistband of your panties and pull them down to your ankles. You kick them away and leave them on the scuffed wood floor with your wedges. Aegon is watching you, his lips parted and his dark blue eyes amazed, as you walk to his desk and sit on the edge, pluck a Honeycrisp apple out of the bowl there, and take a large, famished bite. When saccharine juice spills down your lips, you don’t wipe it away.
A) girl I was like what is she doing
B) also my lips were open in shock
C) but I was here for it
D) I knew that apple would come back woo
35. Slowly, Aegon’s own mouth blooms into a smile. “I was wondering if it was mutual.”
A) hot
B) we all knew it was mutual
36. You are afraid only once, when Aegon unclasps your bra and tosses it away, but then he’s touching and kissing you there, lips and tongue and teeth, and his need is so palpable, and you can’t believe you ever considered scalpels and stitches. “I knew you were perfect,” he whispers against your throat, and when his war-torn hand travels between your legs you are already slick and starving, and you tell him you can’t wait.
A) my goodness, same sunshine lmao
B) I knew he'd love her boobs
C) this is hot. One of the best sex scenes you've done. the feelings!!
37. You glance down as he rummages around in a drawer of his desk and eventually—seconds that feel like an eternity—finds a few condoms in silvery wrappers. “I’m sorry you have to use one,” you say, breathing heavily as you lie beneath him, not wanting to ruin this. “I’m sorry I’m not on the pill or—”
A) damn he has condoms on the ready?
B) does he and Becca like office sex?
C) or does he have secret sex wirh a lot of people?
D) girl don't apologise, always wrap it. Men should do that regardless- cooties
38. And then he’s easing himself into you, and it’s better than it’s ever been because you’ve never wanted it more, and you’re trying not to moan too loudly because you don’t know if there’s anyone home in the other half of the rundown little duplex, and when your eyes flutter open you see flashes of the mint green walls, beams of headlights raking across the windows, gleaming emerald shards of your Perrier bottle that has tumbled to the floor and broken there, hemorrhaging a sea of carbonated water. It’s not a climax but a plateau so high you can’t think, can’t speak, your fingers in Aegon’s hair and your hips moving with his, your legs linked around him and his voice in your ear, is this okay for you, is this good, and you are nodding and gasping and letting him take you to a place where you can have everything, magic that usually only exists on pages and screens.
A) a lot of green...
B) "broken & hemorrhaging".. interesting use of words
C) he wants to make sure its good, my baby
D) or does he feel like he csnt do it as good as he used cuz of his medical issues?
E) he's taking her somewhere she wants to go but will it be as good as she hoped?
39. Aegon kisses you, sweet and slow, and then he climbs off the desk and flings the condom somewhere, grabs your hips, drags you towards to him. You sit up when you realize what he’s doing.
A) passionate, stop. I want Aegon
B) is someone gonna find that condom?? Even if it went in the bin?
C) oh he's hungry
D) she feels like she's an inconvenience 😪
40. “Shut up and put your legs over my shoulders.” He yanks you closer and you fall back onto the desk, now damp and slippery with perspiration, and you are grinning up at the ceiling, astonished and euphoric and a little sheepish, not expecting it to work but then being overwhelmed by him, coaxed into it like tumbling down the crumbling wall of a canyon, plummeting into inevitable and effortless gravity, the earth disintegrating beneath your clawing fingers when you try to catch yourself. Then Aegon takes your hand and shows you that he is hard again.
A) yes sir, I will
B) all I'm thinking is that she's got paper stuck to her lmao
C) aegon do me next
D) she's falling but he's catching her. Will she have that next time when she falls for other reasons?
41. “More,” you plead in a whisper, and you go with him down to the floor, careful to avoid jagged flecks of glass and fragments of the shattered ceramic bowl, and you are helping him roll a new condom on because he’s taking too long and you can’t wait, and you’re both laughing as you straddle him, and then it becomes something quiet and slow and indelibly heavy, imprints in sand that eons of waves could not wash away, and afterwards you lie together on the floor for a long time, not saying anything, not tethered to reality, drifting in a bone-weary mirage of nightscape chemicals until the sun will rise and paint the world in color again.
A) amongst the rubbish (of hollywood) she has him, a safety net. She won't always have it..
B) is he taking too long cuz he's spent or cuz of his medical issues?
C) oh its something deep!
42. Aegon groans as he drags himself to his feet, pulls on his suit and misbuttons his shirt, surveys the damage done to his office and runs his hands through his disheveled blonde hair. He shakes his head and looks a little sad, vacant, meditative. Does he regret it? you worry; but then Aegon turns to you and smiles. “Let’s get going.”
A) 'misbuttons' because he's tired or forgetful?
B) is he sad because he wishes he didn't have to do her in his office, and something better like his house, like a wife would want?
C) he's always putting on a smile for her
43. You check the analog clock on the dashboard, a black box of green numbers. It’s just after midnight on July 4th. You murmur as you kiss Aegon one last time, your lips curled into a smile: “Happy Independence Day.”
A) green again...
B) independence day... yet they're not free
C) he's still engaged, has medical issues
44. Then you float up the concrete steps and into your apartment building, higher than the sun at noon.
A) aw she's floating
B) there's nothing higher and brighter than the sun at noon, and we know what that means.. the sun has to go down, so it's only bad from here guys 🌆🌃🌅
I hope you enjoyed Maggie! I loved thsi chapter and I love this fic, it is my second favourite Aegon one and possibly matched third overall: after nttf and martyrs, joined with comet donati cuz I love that croc Aegon with my heart. "Starboy, stargirl, starbaby"....
A Curse [Chapter 4: Beverly Hills]
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Series summary: You are an aspiring actress. Aegon is a washed-up and disenchanted agent…at least until he sees something special in you. But within paradisical seaside Los Angeles you find terrible dangers and temptations, secrets and lies. Maybe Aegon’s right; maybe the City of Angels really is a curse.
Chapter warnings: Language, sexual content (18+ readers only), age-gap relationship, entertainment industry misogyny, lowkey sexual harassment, emotional distress/panic attack, Maroon 5, some shouting, minor injury, Sunshine and Aegon share an apple.
Word count: 5.8k
💜 All my writing can be found HERE! 💜
Tagging: @lauraneedstochill @mrs-starkgaryen @chattylurker @neithriddle @ecstaticactus, more in comments! 🥰
🏝️ Let me know if you’d like to be added to the taglist 🏝️
Baela has made you breakfast. On the kitchen counter is a plate holding a single slice of wheat toast with a transparently thin smear of peanut butter. You’re already nauseous; the smell of toast in the air is enough to make your stomach lurch and the caustic burn of acid rise in your throat. In their vase, the sunflowers are perky and radiant, like the nuggets of gold that beckoned settlers to the West Coast in the mid-1800s, the hope, the possibility, the indomitable dream.
“I don’t think I can eat anything,” you say.
“Try,” Baela insists, pushing the plate towards you. Jace isn’t shuffling around lackadaisically or sprawled across the orange couch; he must still be asleep. “You aren’t going to make a good impression if you’re all woozy and retching everywhere. You don’t want to look half-dead when you meet Maroon 5, do you?”
“Oh my God.” You chuckle languidly, rubbing your forehead. Your eyes ache; you’ve barely slept. “I completely forgot they’re going to be there.”
Baela grabs a can of La Croix out of the refrigerator and sets it down beside your toast. “You’re that freaked out about the bathtub thing?”
“I guess so.”
“You wanted to be an actress. You’re getting your wish. It’s a blessing.”
And a curse, you think before you can stop yourself. You nibble at your peanut butter toast reluctantly. “I shouldn’t complain.”
“No, you shouldn’t,” Baela says.
You crack open the La Croix and take a sip: icy, sharp, oddly dry, Strawberry Peach, pretty awful. “It could be a lot worse.”
“Yeah, it’s not like it’s a Harvey Weinstein situation.” And in her tone is a quiet condemnation: you don’t belong here, you don’t have what it takes.
“What are you doing today?” you ask to distract yourself.
“Gym, the farmers’ market, practicing French.” Because Baela is leaving for Paris in a few weeks, and her agent didn’t even have to forge her a resume to get her the part. “Maybe you’ll meet a guy on the music video set, like a camera dude or a boom operator or something, and then you can finally have a real boyfriend and stop fantasizing about your elderly engaged agent!”
I doubt it. Nonetheless, you smirk weakly as you nurse your La Croix. “Let’s hope he’s not a hobosexual like Jace. We’re running out of room.”
“Hey,” Baela says as she admires your sunflowers with a soft, fond smile. “Jace isn’t so bad.”
“No,” you agree. “No, he’s not.”
You are standing on the sidewalk outside your apartment building when Aegon rolls up in his white Chrysler Sebring convertible, just a few minutes shy of 8 a.m. Hair stylists, makeup artists, and costume designers will reinvent you when you get to set, so you are dressed for comfort: an olive green floral sundress with large buttons down the front, your trusty TOMS wedges, just a blur of eyeshadow swept across your lids with a fingertip so you don’t feel naked, sparkly gold Bold Moves by Huda Beauty. Aegon is already blaring Lose Yourself and rapping along loudly, wearing his aviator sunglasses and flashing gang signs, his sandy blonde hair brutalized from the wind:
“I’ve got to formulate a plot, or end up in jail or shot,
Success is my only motherfuckin’ option, failure’s not,
Mom, I love you, but this trailer’s got to go,
I cannot grow old in Salem’s Lot,
So here I go, it’s my shot,
Feet, fail me not,
This may be the only opportunity that I got…”
“I told my dad you drive one of these,” you say as you climb into the Sebring. “He said they’re super unreliable.”
“Oh, absolutely,” Aegon replies. “But I have lots of money and very few responsibilities, so repairs aren’t a problem. And it cruises so smooth.” When he passes you a venti-sized iced vanilla latte, his right hand is shaking.
“You okay?”
Aegon flashes a grin. “Too much caffeine.” He whips away from the curb and drives towards the interchange of the 405, five chaotic lanes that fly northwest towards Beverly Hills. He is wearing his haphazard suit again, his jacket too big and his tie too skinny, reminding you of the Jehovah’s Witnesses who used to come proselytizing to your parents’ house until one day Tripp got fed up and told them you were Satanists. That is apparently sufficient to get a family on some kind of blacklist. Mom was mortified.
You are slurping your vanilla latte—very slowly, so your queasy stomach will not rebel—and trying to think of how to bring up the new scene situation when Aegon gets a call. Eminem vanishes from the Sebring’s speakers, and Aegon unplugs his phone from the aux and lifts it to his ear.
“Hello?” Aegon is merging onto the 405, crossing dotted white lines until he reaches the High Occupancy Vehicle lane along the concrete barrier. “Hey, Brando. What’s up?” A pause. “Why, what’s on Monday?”
You look over at Aegon: one hand on the steering wheel, hair whipping in the wind, black sunglasses that the early light glints off of, thoughtful creases etching into his forehead and around his eyes as he listens, endless blue sky above and miles passing anonymously below. It’s the morning of Thursday, July 3rd, and you have known him for three weeks, and you—who once made Mason wait months to do anything more than kiss you—think that if Aegon laid his palm on your thigh right now, only a whisper-thin layer of cotton between you and the warmth of his palm, it would feel not just good but right, safe, destined, and your drumming heartbeat would turn calm like the sea after a storm, and you would believe you were capable of anything he asked for.
I don’t want him to think I’m weak. I don’t want him to be disappointed in me.
“Right, yeah, I have to go to that,” Aegon says. There’s a lull as Brandon asks him something. “Because they keep trying to get Steve to do his own stunts and I don’t want him to end up with a broken back like Brendan Fraser. Uh huh. Sure. Oh, and remind Steve that he’s invited to the charity gala thing. Yeah. I don’t know, call Aemond and ask. No, I don’t want to call him, that’s why I’m telling you to do it. Okay. Cool, thanks. Hey, I have no idea when we’ll be done with the Maroon 5 thing so no need to wait at the office, you can take off at three or four or whenever. Sounds good. See ya.” Aegon hangs up and glances at you. “You’re invited too, by the way.”
You startle; your thoughts had been drifting. “Invited to what?”
“The gala in a few weeks. It’s to raise money for UNICEF. All my clients are invited.”
Just like they’re invited to his wedding in Turks and Caicos, you think, and you are hit by another pang of nausea so strong you put your latte down in the cup holder next to Aegon’s drink, something topped with whipped cream and a swirl of chocolate syrup. “I’d love to go! It’s like grown-up prom!”
Aegon shakes his head, but he’s smiling. Again, you are mulling over if and how to mention the new scene—does he already know? will he think I’m complaining?—but now traffic is thick and a Tesla cuts Aegon off, and he is focused on driving and reading the directions on the screen of the GPS mounted on the Sebring’s windshield, and you don’t want to distract him, and when he plugs his phone back into the aux there is a Red Hot Chili Peppers song that comes plucking out of the speakers as the mid-70s breeze ghosts across your skin like feather-light fingerprints: She Looks To Me.
The mansion is perched on the cliffside of Bendict Canyon, red-gold earth that glows under the rising sun, gnarled trees and shrubs twisting skyward from arid soil. The circular driveway is already crowded with trucks and vans, along with a few BMWs and Range Rovers. Aegon parks his convertible near the end of the driveway and then walks with you into the building: mid-century modern, glass walls and sand-colored marble floors to match the accents of amber and warm teak wood, jewel-tone velvet furniture and shag area rugs, statues that pretend to be gold and plants made of plastic. There are attendants brushing exotic cats, Ragdolls and Himalayans. There are people picking over trays of fruit and sandwiches, and others setting up light fixtures and placing marks on the floor with tiny Xs of white tape. You imagine yourself standing on them, and your knees and ankles feel weak as you toddle in your wedges.
Dan is here, and he parts a sea of assistants and sound technicians to cross the living room to greet you and Aegon, beaming and energetic and showing no indications of deception or malpractice. You watch as he and Aegon chat and laugh at each other’s jokes, tales of their most disastrous filming experiences, and you think: If Aegon trusts him, shouldn’t I?
Dan waves Maroon 5 over, and you meet the band but even as it’s happening you can feel yourself not committing it to memory, your skull too full of rattling anxiety, fog-like doubt. They are here to tour the set, but they seem halfhearted about it, and soon they find an excuse to leave; the band is filming their scenes on a different day and presumably have more interesting things to do. If I had millions of dollars, you think distractedly, I would want to be on a film set every day of my life. You are also introduced to the male actor, and he is very attractive in a tan, gym rat, California sort of way, and he seems perfectly polite as well. Aegon hovers nearby until the actor casually mentions his husband, then Aegon slides his sunglasses into his suit jacket and wanders off to pet the long-haired and ill-tempered exotic cats.
A copy of the script is placed in your hands and an assistant leads you upstairs to a small bedroom filled with racks of clothing and a station set up for hair and makeup. The costume designer and stylists work on you, and you make small talk so you won’t think too much about what’s about to happen and start hyperventilating. The first scene, blessedly, is fully-clothed: blush pink Prada ballgown, four-inch heels, your updo gracefully falling loose, dramatic fake eyelashes and inky mascara tears snaking down your cheeks, a screaming match with your supposed soon-to-be-ex lover. You and one of the makeup artists chatter about favorite eyeshadow palettes as she paints your skin like a canvas: a base of matte pink Love Letter by Anastasia Beverly Hills, the sheen of dusk-colored Brink by Natasha Denona.
When you’re ready, the costume designer says: “I don’t think they need you quite yet. You can stay in here, if you’d like.” She smiles, believing she is doing you a favor. “I know you actors need your space to get into character.” And then before you can think of how to protest, she herds the stylists out of the bedroom and you are left alone with the poltergeist of the near-future, cold pockets that make you shiver and the racket of furniture being rearranged in other rooms. You leaf through the script and then, when your hands start shaking, leave it on the low platform bed with a geometric print blanket.
Knowing you shouldn’t, you go to the racks of clothing and paw through garments until you find the lingerie for the bathtub scene: all black lace, all semi-transparent, and while clever camera angles and post-production editing will conceal anything elicit from the audience, there will be no such discretion here. And even if only the essential crew is present for the scene—though there’s no indication it will be a closed set—that’s still a cinematographer, a key grip, a camera operator, a sound technician…and Dan the director, of course.
Your family’s words come rushing back to you, a chorus of skepticism and caution and an underlying conviction that no one could want you for the right reasons:
If she wants to embarrass herself, let her.
Well, be careful, darling.
Who knows what his intentions are.
Men can be so creepy.
You walk towards the bed in a daze and then sink to the floor, backing up until you hit the mattress, hiding there in the small shadow, a sanctuary from the daylight that is flooding in through the glass walls. You feel like you can’t breathe, like your vision is going dark, like the chambers of your heart are splitting open, and yet you know from all your father’s stories of people showing up at the ER erroneously believing they are dying that this is all in your head, and you force yourself to take deep, slow breaths so you won’t pass out.
I can’t do this.
But you have to.
Everyone’s right. I’m not the kind of girl who makes it in Hollywood. Not exceptional enough, not bold enough, not beautiful enough, not willing to do what it takes.
But you’re not ready to give up yet.
There is a knock at the door. “Hey, you camera-ready, sunshine?” Aegon says from outside.
You press your curled index fingers just beneath your eyes to try to stop them from watering. “Yeah. Two minutes.” But your voice cracks, and now he knows something is wrong.
“Are you naked?”
You sniffle. “No.”
Aegon opens the door, and then he has crossed the room and is kneeling down on the floor beside you in his black suit, and he’s completely mystified because he’s never seen you this way before, and he’s half-reaching for you but he’s also hesitating, not knowing if you want to be touched. “What happened? What’s wrong with you?”
“I think…um…” Another sniffle. “I guess I’m just a little freaked out about the scene they added.”
Aegon is confounded. “What scene?”
You reach up onto the bed behind you and fumble around until your fingers grasp the script. You give it to Aegon and he hurriedly skims through the pages. When he stumbles across the scene in question, he goes entirely still and his murky blue eyes turn dark and hard and focused in a way you’ve learned is rare for him.
He asks without lifting his gaze from the paper: “When did you find out about this?”
“Yesterday night. Dan brought the script to my apartment.”
Aegon looks at you. “He showed up at your house?”
“Yeah,” you whimper pathetically.
“Did he touch you?”
“What? No, nothing like that. He stayed in the hallway.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I’m sorry. I kind of assumed you knew.” A pause. “And I didn’t want to disappoint you.”
Aegon, still clutching the script, stands and bolts for the bedroom door.
“No!” you beg in a whisper, lunging after him and grabbing his empty hand. “Aegon, no, I can do it. I don’t want to lose the job. I’ll do whatever they want. Aegon? Aegon, please, I don’t want to give up, I don’t want to go home a failure—”
“Don’t talk,” Aegon says, low and violent. “Let me handle it.” And before you can reply, he has ripped away from you and is through the doorway, down the staircase, into the living room where people are gathered under bright lights and making last-minute adjustments to furniture, décor, equipment. Exotic cats lounge on the velvet sofas. Your faux lover paces in a flawlessly-tailored white suit; he smiles when he sees you, then it swiftly dies.
Dan is chortling with two other men and leaning against a wall. Aegon rages to him, shoves him so hard Dan stumbles, strikes the wall two inches from his face. Aegon’s knuckles come away bloody; there is now a dent in the wall marred with a stain of crimson. An assistant screams; everyone in the room is gawking.
Dan is not just stunned by irate. “What the fuck, man?! That’s coming out of her paycheck!”
“How about we take it from your life insurance policy?”
“What is your problem?!”
“No, you know what you did!” Aegon shouts, and Dan is bigger than him but Aegon is seething, fearless, unrelenting, giving him no space. He balls up the script and pitches it at Dan; it bounces off his temple. “You knew any changes to the script were supposed to go through me and you hid this, and that’s fucked up, and it’s not happening. Take the scene out.”
Dan throws his arms wide in disbelief. “You said no nudity and no sex scenes, and this is neither. I didn’t con you, man.”
“Don’t act stupid. You went to her house and you sprung this on her and you thought you could get away with breaking the rules, and maybe you’ve done this before and no one stopped you because it’s just innocuous enough for you to have plausible deniability. But you’re not going to do it to me, and you’re not going to do it to my girl.”
“You think I need her?!” Dan yells, as if it’s preposterous. “She’s a nobody, she’s nothing special! She should be down on her knees thanking Baby Jesus that she’s on this set right now. You think I don’t have ten other actresses I could call?”
“So call them,” Aegon says. “But you’ll have to reschedule the shoot, and I know you’re paying a thousand bucks an hour for this place.”
“Hey dumbass, I spent over a thousand dollars on wine last night—”
“And I will never work with you again. And neither will Aemond, or Helaena, or Daeron, or any of our people.”
For the first time, Dan looks uncertain, stymied, wary. He studies Aegon as his crew avert their eyes awkwardly. On the sofas, the Ragdolls and Himalayans lick themselves and swish their fluffy tails. Aegon glances back at you. Your eyes are wide, glossy pools of pleading.
I don’t want to lose the job. Please, please, don’t make me give up on the dream yet.
“Look,” Aegon tells Dan, now level and diplomatic. “Do the right thing. You fucked up, you own it. Take the scene out and we’re cool. You get your music video shot on schedule. We get the originally agreed-upon terms. Everyone goes home happy. You’re a very talented director and I’ve only ever heard great things about you. I’d hate to have to start correcting people when they’re singing your praises.”
There is a long stretch of silence, and then Dan chuckles and holds up his hands as if surrendering. “Fine, no problem, we’ll axe the scene. It was just an idea, and maybe I got carried away. That was my bad. I had no idea you’d be so touchy about it.”
Aegon smiles, thin and tight and ingenuine. “I’ve been known to be sensitive.” He holds out his right hand; blood drips from his knuckles. An assistant drops to the marble floor and scrambles around wiping up the mess, viscous and scarlet. “No hard feelings?”
Dan shakes Aegon’s wounded hand. “No hard feelings.” Then he marvels at the blood in his palm and an assistant descends to disinfect him. Another moves an abstract painting so it covers the damage to the wall.
Aegon returns to you, and your pulse is slow and hushed, and your breathing is effortless, and you are transfixed; you cannot look away from him, you cannot believe he’s real. “So, uh,” he says, quietly so the rest of the room won’t hear. “No need to worry about that anymore. You want to take ten minutes to chill and get in the zone, and then we’ll get started?”
“No, I can go right now,” you tell him.
“Okay.” Aegon turns to Dan. “She’s ready.” Then he points at the male actor. Aegon probably doesn’t mean it to, but it comes out sounding like a threat. “You ready?”
The actor nods frenetically. “I’m ready!”
“Great,” Aegon says, and he steps out of the shot, and you step into it, and by the time the camera rolls you aren’t you anymore. You are a woman who desperately loves the man in front of her—instantly transformed from a stranger to a soulmate—and you are betrayal and jealousy and loss and wrath, and while your pink Prada dress is formal and wondrous your body is ever-contorting to be weak, vulnerable, breaking as you realize he is leaving.
Then you are clawing your way up the staircase in a heavy fur coat that seems to swallow you, then you are in a bedroom making unanswered phone calls in a lavender silk nightgown, then you are in the kitchen shattering plates and glasses in a neon green mini-dress, then you are in a leopard-print robe petting the exotic cats in the living room, then you are drowning in the swimming pool in a black empire-waist evening gown. Aegon follows you around the mansion and stands wordlessly in corners, chomping on his Juicy Fruit gum, holding the towels that assistants bring him against his knuckles; during every wardrobe change, he waits just outside the bedroom door.
The shoot isn’t done until after sunset, and you thank everyone profusely before you leave: the crew, the male actor, and especially Dan. You still need him to promote and release the music video, and assuming he doesn’t hate you after Aegon’s outburst, he’ll be a valuable reference.
When Aegon speeds his Sebring out of the mansion’s circular driveway and onto winding cliffside roads presided over by the towering shadows of palm trees, the first thing he says to you is: “You are never working with that man again.”
“Okay,” you agree immediately. And before you can say anything else he has put his phone to his ear. Faintly, you can hear ringing, and then a voice that you think you recognize as Brandon’s.
“Hi,” Aegon snaps. “What do I pay you for?”
“Aegon, please don’t be mad at him,” you say quietly. He’s driving very, very fast. The streetlights race by in a blur, the night wind tears like talons through your hair.
Aegon ignores you. “Why was her address on the stuff we sent to the Maroon 5 video people?” A moment passes. “No, it clearly wasn’t redacted because Dan Sacco showed up at her apartment last night. Yeah. That’s what I’m saying. Well, open your email and find out.”
“Aegon, he’s supposed to be off work right now. He’s at home, I’m fine, it’s not important.”
“Shh.” And then, after a long pause, Aegon says to Brandon: “Oh. I get it. Okay, yeah, my mistake. Sorry about that. Enjoy the 4th tomorrow, I’ll pay you extra for this conversation. Alright. You too. Bye.” Aegon sighs and looks over at you, as if he’s asking for forgiveness. “I mislabeled the PDFs. Brando thought he sent them the redacted one but he actually sent the original. He should have double-checked anyway, he usually does, but I was rushing him to get it out because I was trying to make sure you got the job. So…it’s my fault and I’m really sorry.”
“It’s fine, Aegon,” you say softly.
“It’s not fine.” And you don’t have the opportunity to correct him because Aegon is scrolling through his contacts, and despite his earlier aversion to calling his brother Aemond, soon Aegon is recounting what happened and warning Aemond to never work with Dan, never recommend him to actors, never sell him a script, that Dan is dead to all of them as soon as the music video is officially released.
Aegon merges onto the 10 and heads east towards his office in Elysian Park. You don’t wonder why he’s not taking you south to Harbor Gateway, because you don’t want to go home yet. It’s well after 9 p.m., and the freeway is vast and open, silhouettes of skyscrapers and palm trees, reflective green signs indicating routes to Pasadena, San Bernadino, Santa Ana, San Pedro. Under the streetlights that arch overhead, you can see that the knuckles on Aegon’s right hand have turned violet and maroon, bruises down to the bone. When he reaches Downtown, Aegon’s Sebring takes the 110 north, and you are reminded of the route you drove to Elysian Park on the day you first met him, a girl with no prospects that he believed in anyway.
Aegon doesn’t hang up the phone until he’s at the curb outside the half-duplex he rents, a blinking blue neon sign that reads Targ Talent Agency in one window. He rests his wounded hand on the back of your seat when he twists around to look as he’s parallel parking. In the lobby, he goes to the minifridge behind Brandon’s desk and gets two green glass bottles of Perrier, passes you one of them, continues to his office and collapses into his chair, staring up at you as he swigs his Perrier and drops of condensation fall down onto his suit. He thumps his shoes up onto his desk, characteristically littered with gum wrappers and manilla folders and loose papers, framed photographs and his recently-acquired ceramic bowl of Honeycrisp apples. You are still standing.
“That happens sometimes,” Aegon says after a while. “Just so you know going forward, because I failed to make it clear before, script changes always go through me. I negotiate with the other party and if any modifications are approved I tell you about them, not the other way around. And unless you’ve cultivated some kind of working relationship with them, directors and producers should not be reaching out to you personally.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Why are you apologizing?”
You aren’t really sure. “I guess I should have known better.”
Aegon smirks, tired and cynical. “I told you this place is a curse.”
“You tried to warn me,” you concede.
“Do you believe me now?”
“No. I still want to be in Los Angeles.” I still want to be here with you.
He considers you, his head tilted thoughtfully to the side. “You did a really good job today, sunshine. Despite everything.”
“I hope so.”
He gives you a wry half-smile and takes another gulp of his Perrier. You haven’t opened yours yet. You are wearing your street clothes from this morning, TOMS wedges, unceremonious olive green sundress. Your hair is still damp from the scene in the pool and smells like chlorine. Aegon sighs deeply and kneads the area just above his right eye with his fingertips, as if he has a headache.
“Aegon?” you say, and he looks up at you. “Thank you for what you did for me.”
“I’d do it for anyone.”
“You’d almost break your knuckles?”
He glances at the back of his hand as if he had forgotten about the damage incurred there: clotted blood, subterranean bruises. “No, that was just for you.”
You set your unopened bottle of Perrier and your purse on his desk. Then you step out of your wedges, reach beneath your sundress, hook your thumbs under the waistband of your panties and pull them down to your ankles. You kick them away and leave them on the scuffed wood floor with your wedges. Aegon is watching you, his lips parted and his dark blue eyes amazed, as you walk to his desk and sit on the edge, pluck a Honeycrisp apple out of the bowl there, and take a large, famished bite. When saccharine juice spills down your lips, you don’t wipe it away.
Slowly, Aegon’s own mouth blooms into a smile. “I was wondering if it was mutual.”
He stands, harvests the apple from your hand, buries his teeth in the wet yielding flesh in the same place where you bit it. Then he lets the apple tumble to the floor as his hands rise to your face and he kisses you, and if you once discovered that this was easy with Mason then here it is instinctive, necessary, sheltering, and you have never felt so safe, and you have never been so sure of anything. You are unfastening the large buttons that run down the front of your sundress. Aegon is shrugging off his suit jacket and opening his shirt, his chest and belly soft and warm, no distance between you as you lie back across the desk and Aegon climbs on top of you, tasting like apples and Juicy Fruit and night air. Folders and papers cascade in a flurry. The bowl of apples is shoved off the ledge and shatters. Photographs are knocked to the floor, their glass panes splintering.
You are afraid only once, when Aegon unclasps your bra and tosses it away, but then he’s touching and kissing you there, lips and tongue and teeth, and his need is so palpable, and you can’t believe you ever considered scalpels and stitches. “I knew you were perfect,” he whispers against your throat, and when his war-torn hand travels between your legs you are already slick and starving, and you tell him you can’t wait.
You glance down as he rummages around in a drawer of his desk and eventually—seconds that feel like an eternity—finds a few condoms in silvery wrappers. “I’m sorry you have to use one,” you say, breathing heavily as you lie beneath him, not wanting to ruin this. “I’m sorry I’m not on the pill or—”
“I’d wrap up anyway. I’m serious about the no kids thing.”
And then he’s easing himself into you, and it’s better than it’s ever been because you’ve never wanted it more, and you’re trying not to moan too loudly because you don’t know if there’s anyone home in the other half of the rundown little duplex, and when your eyes flutter open you see flashes of the mint green walls, beams of headlights raking across the windows, gleaming emerald shards of your Perrier bottle that has tumbled to the floor and broken there, hemorrhaging a sea of carbonated water. It’s not a climax but a plateau so high you can’t think, can’t speak, your fingers in Aegon’s hair and your hips moving with his, your legs linked around him and his voice in your ear, is this okay for you, is this good, and you are nodding and gasping and letting him take you to a place where you can have everything, magic that usually only exists on pages and screens.
Aegon finishes—too soon, with some embarrassment—then pulls back and is alarmed to find tears on your cheeks. He wipes them away with his hands, bewildered, concerned. “What are you doing? Don’t cry, sunshine.”
You laugh shakily. “I’m fine, I swear, it’ll go away. I just get emotional.”
“When it’s good.”
Aegon kisses you, sweet and slow, and then he climbs off the desk and flings the condom somewhere, grabs your hips, drags you towards to him. You sit up when you realize what he’s doing.
“Oh no,” you say. “Wait, no, you don’t have to. Don’t worry about it.”
Aegon furrows his brow at you impatiently. “Do you want to come or not?”
“Well yeah, but it can take a while. So I’ll just do it myself later.”
“Shut up and put your legs over my shoulders.” He yanks you closer and you fall back onto the desk, now damp and slippery with perspiration, and you are grinning up at the ceiling, astonished and euphoric and a little sheepish, not expecting it to work but then being overwhelmed by him, coaxed into it like tumbling down the crumbling wall of a canyon, plummeting into inevitable and effortless gravity, the earth disintegrating beneath your clawing fingers when you try to catch yourself. Then Aegon takes your hand and shows you that he is hard again.
“More,” you plead in a whisper, and you go with him down to the floor, careful to avoid jagged flecks of glass and fragments of the shattered ceramic bowl, and you are helping him roll a new condom on because he’s taking too long and you can’t wait, and you’re both laughing as you straddle him, and then it becomes something quiet and slow and indelibly heavy, imprints in sand that eons of waves could not wash away, and afterwards you lie together on the floor for a long time, not saying anything, not tethered to reality, drifting in a bone-weary mirage of nightscape chemicals until the sun will rise and paint the world in color again.
You get up and start looking for your wedges. You have to shake them to get pebbles of green glass out. Aegon, still lying on the wood floor, watches you; you smirk guiltily. “I should probably go home soon. I have to be at Cold Stone tomorrow morning.”
Aegon seems surprised. “You’re working on the 4th of July?”
“Only until 6:30. Then Baela and I are going to see the fireworks.”
“And you’re driving to work, right? Not walking?”
“Right,” you promise.
Aegon groans as he drags himself to his feet, pulls on his suit and misbuttons his shirt, surveys the damage done to his office and runs his hands through his disheveled blonde hair. He shakes his head and looks a little sad, vacant, meditative. Does he regret it? you worry; but then Aegon turns to you and smiles. “Let’s get going.”
The long-gone daylight has been replaced by streetlights and headlights and coils of neon, glowing through the darkness like manmade stars, young synthetic constellations. As the Sebring sails down the ghost town of the 110 at midnight, Aegon passes you his phone. “Listen to whatever you want.”
You scroll through his Spotify playlist; there are five hundred songs, lots of Alanis Morissette and Pearl Jam and Third Eye Blind and the Red Hot Chili Peppers. You remember listening to one of their songs on the way to the mansion in Beverly Hills this morning; Aegon must really like them. You choose another Red Hot Chili Peppers song at random, one you’ve never heard of before, Hard To Concentrate. The hypnotic guitar chords spill from the speakers, and as you gaze dreamily over six abandoned southbound lanes, you can see on the periphery of your vision that Aegon keeps glancing over at you, his hair flying in the wind and his bruised right hand resting on the steering wheel.
Aegon parks illegally in a fire lane on the curb outside your apartment. “Hey,” he says when you open the passenger’s door, and you stop and return to him. “I’ll see you soon, alright?”
You check the analog clock on the dashboard, a black box of green numbers. It’s just after midnight on July 4th. You murmur as you kiss Aegon one last time, your lips curled into a smile: “Happy Independence Day.”
Then you float up the concrete steps and into your apartment building, higher than the sun at noon.
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white-poppie ¡ 3 years ago
New addiction
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A/N: Things I like about Mikey: His two best friends (Draken and Mitsuya) and His older brother. Why simp for the shrimp when you can simp for the much hotter, smarter and more mentally stable big brother?
Character: S.Shinichiro x G! n reader Genre: Angst to Fluffiest fluff ever Warnings: smoking, manga spoilers
Song recommendation: Strawberries and Cigarettes by Troye Sivan
Tokyo 卍 Revengers (東京卍リベンジャーズ)
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Shinichiro Sano never thought that he would grow up to be a chain-smoker. His hazy eyes flickered between the lights of his shop and the unlit cigarrete.
He grew up while nursing Manjirou and Emma, selflessly, thinking that he never had a childhood of his own. Acting as an only family to Izana Kurokawa and running a bike shop and a gang.
Shinichiro Sano never had time for himself, yet wondered if he had done something wrong in raising Manjirou. What in the actual world was that boy thinking when he attacked Haruchiyo? To think he would simply...rip open the sides of his mouth, all for a toy.
He could have asked him to get a new one. The maniacal look on his face when he ordered Haru to smile with his mouth ripped open. To think a mere child of both more than 7 years...
Shinichiro took a shaky breath a ran a hand on his face, distressed.
You rolled open the shutter of the garage, "Shin?"
Almost tripping on one of the petrol bottles, you make your way to the boy and sat beside him.
"Wakasa told me you were here," you replied. He hummed
Your eyebrows scrunched and you took the unlit death sick from his hand.
"Stop smoking when you are stressed, think of some healthy coping mechanisms."
He sighed and leaned his head back on the wall, "did Waka tell you?"
You nodded and leaned your head back too.
"Y'know you should take help from a professional for Mikey, its not child's play anymore."
He chuckled ironically and closed his eyes, "must've done something wrong in raising that brat."
"Shin," you kept a hand on his shoulder and looked at him with sincerity," you have done the best for your siblings, be it Mikey, Emma or Izana."
"Doubt so," he whimpered, draping an arm on his eyes, "have a lighter?"
"Yeah, but I told you already, no smoking."
"Just one, come on," he bargained.
You sighed and leaned your head on his shoulder which caused him to tense, "no Shinichiro, you gotta take care of yourself, if you die of lung cancer who will look after those three?"
"Just because I need to look after those three?" he asked staring at you questioningly.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean..." he gulped not looking away, "does me being safe only matter because I have to take care of them?"
You felt yourself flush at the question, finally understanding what he implied.
"No...it m..matters to Wakasa, Benekei, Takeomi and well me too," you tried to say it as nonchalantly as possible.
"Mhmm..." he chuckled.
"Shin, I have an idea!" you declared happily while looking at him, "what if whenever you feel the need to smoke, you don't smoke, but rather just put an unlit cigar in your mouth?"
"How is that going to help?"
"It works kind of like a metaphor, you are putting the killing thing in your mouth, but not giving it the power to kill you."
Shinichiro just blinked at you for a second," that...was poetic."
"I know right! And then later maybe we can substitute the cigar with candy and until it stops completely... how does that sound?"
"Tried leaving once...suffered from extreme withdrawal."
You hummed and thought for a second," what if, you make a promise to yourself. For example, if you don't smoke for a month, we will treat you to a barbeque?"
"Sounds nice, but once a month is too long."
"True...then you tell me, what do you want?"
"How about...we have a little game?" he smirked mischievously.
"And that would be?"
"For every day, on the first week I don't smoke, I get forehead kisses. The second week, I get kisses on my hand. Third week and fourth-week cheek kisses and at the end of the month, I get proper, fell fledged kiss?"
You made a noise that had to be a mix between 'What the hell' and 'Why are you so smooth?' which sounded to be just a choking sound.
"Deal?" he asked.
"Will it get you to stop smoking?" you sighed.
"One hundred percent."
"Fine..." you whispered and he tapped on his forehead.
"It's not the end of the day," you said weakly.
"Look outside," he pointed at the night etched window.
You gasped in surprise, it had been so long already?
Shinichiro snapped his fingers and drew your attention to him, "gimme my kissey" he fake pouted.
You smiled and gave him a kiss on his forehead.
"You are such a brat," you whispered.
"Learnt that from Mikey."
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Check out my first wattpad book:  L'appel du vide
Tokyo 卍 Revengers (東京卍リベンジャーズ)
I literally had nothing in my mind when I wrote this. I was like: Hmm gotta write from Shinichiro. Das it.
This is so badly written, bye.
Taglist: @denkis111, @jazzylove,@maybeleftoverjourneys, @lordmypantsaresocool, @futuristicallykawaiiturtle, @kristaline2dmensimp, @astrofai, @rintaroubby @nanaseishiro @dislownini @idowritingandstuff @loverboy--pdf
〜 ➤Be added to my tag list: TAGLIST (If the link doesn’t work message me under this fic or personally to add you)
Please like and reblog it if you find it nice. The story is written by me and please do not plagiarize my work. If you find anyone copying this, please inform me ASAP. (Requests are open)
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leggerefiore ¡ 2 years ago
Taking your local folk god mate from his mostly isolated village into a human, a species whom he despised, dominated the city was probably not the best idea. Emmet was clearly tense in the modern clothes you had dressed him in. His fluffy tail and ears were disguised by his illusions, but you could almost sense his tail swishing back and forth behind him. He walked close to you, eyes watching for any unfavourable actions by passing people. It felt ridiculous.
When was the last time he left his village? Had he ever? The village was mostly his and his brother's descendents, so everyone was extremely comfortable with him. The ending of your past life had failed to give him any reason to shift his opinions on humans, too. “… You never stop watching shows about them, and I do believe someone left an offering in the form of a book about the history of locomotives,” you explained to the younger twin god as you both approached the station. A cool autumn wind blew around you both, stirring leaves from their trees and onto the ground before you. Their colours were gorgeous. “I come here often, too, for foods we don't have in the village,” you reassured him.
“I don't like it,” he whined, “Our shrine here is small and useless. It's next to the station, for safe travels. I refuse to answer any human's prayer.” You knew that much from the looks he gave out of town visitors of your main shrine. The smaller one here was run by Zoroarks who moved here in the past for better work. Ironically, next to where a train station ended up. Something both fox gods had become obsessed with despite their repeated denials. He needed to visit here regularly, for the more disconnected Zorua and Zoroarks and for moving past his tense history with humans. You were human, too, after all, and he managed to love you. (Though your research into that long passed history was quite odd. He and Ingo seemingly decided to settle down and begin repopulating their species, and somehow your past life happened to be a person they encountered.)
You have down the shrine maiden at the small temple, and she came bounding out. Her excitement was palpable as she gazed at Emmet. Suddenly, she bowed and greeted him, “Most respectable Lord Kudari, thank you for coming to visit our more humble temple!” You giggled as he tilted his head. A hand carefully landed in her head to pet her. Emmet giggled at his great-granddaughter. “Emi, aren't you already a century old? You know verrrry well you don't need to be formal with me!” She quickly grew flustered and stood up straight. You sighed. How many foxes would you meet that had aged well over normal human life spans and still looked so young?
After a quick exchange of tea and time, you both continued you on your way to the station. Emmet stared at the empty tracks with a hum. “They're powered by electricity instead of diesel,” he commented, “It's part of the reason for their speed.” You smiled at him. Humans made him uncomfortable, but the shrine visit seemed to calm him. His bloodline never moved too far away, the tradition of returning to the village something deeply respected. When a train pulled into the station, his grin grew wide. He murmured the model and date of its first use aloud. You sighed.
Lastly, you brought him to a café as the sun began its descent from its place in the sky. He ordered a strawberry parfait, while you took to your favourite desert. His enjoyment of the day only increased as he dug into the multilayered desert excitedly. “Is the city that bad, Em?” you asked him after he made it halfway through the sweet. He hummed for a moment before resting his head in his hand, glowing gold danced just under the silver. His disguise barely there. “Humans pray for the strongest things,” he commented, “They mock our descendents who believe in us and refuse our cultural obligations. Here is not so bad because of all our children who remain.”
Your server returned with an awkward smile. “Ah, someone was offering to pay for your order, but I wasn't sure you wanted to take it,” she spoke nervously, hands fiddling with her apron. Emmet smiled at her brightly, telling you all you needed to know. “Heehee, you reeeeeally want my brother to bless your marriage, don't you?” he giggled. She looked to the ground in shame. “Your offer is kind,” he continued, “He blessed your marriage without hesitation. He's proud.” She let a relieved breath, “Thank you, Lord Kudari. I'll still pay, as it was nice seeing in person. You as well!” She gazed at you kindly.
On your walk home, you finally felt curious. “If you could theoretically move to the city, why do you remain here?” you wondered out loud.
“It's been my home for centuries,” he countered, “We became mates here first and established it with Ingo all that time ago. Children left to find their mates and returned after. It grew big. Humans hated us because we were Zoroarks, and therefore untrustworthy. It's continuing to exist and thrive means everything to me.”
How oddly romantic, you felt. Even Emmet had an attachment to things for common reasons. You have no idea why you were ready for him to announce it was where he first fucked you.  “That's… very sweet of you, Emmy,” you held his hand as you entered the village gate, “… I've grown attached to it, too, I'll admit. Its nostalgic quaintness relaxes me.”
“I enjoyed our trip today,” he pressed a soft kiss to your cheek as you stopped in front of the shrine, “I still don't like humans, but being with you is always fun. It reminded me of why I loved you, and how much I missed you. Yep! I'll be a better mate this time around.”
“Will you stop dropping Patrats off at our door?"
“Nope! That's how I show my love.”
You sometimes regretted staying with these goofy gods.
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pianocat939 ¡ 3 years ago
Hey!!! It's 🇧🇷 anon here! How are you?
Well... can I request yandere Snake Fruit Cookie and Tainted Vanilla Cookie (separately) with a darling that is a dragon with a level equal to or higher than the Longan Dragon but instead of using it for evil they just don't use it or use it to help everyone?
Well... I don't know if this idea I had would fit with the yandere themes but... If you think it doesn't fit then you can make a normal relationship
And yes... I'm making a request for a character from your CRK AU (I hope you accept requests with your AU characters)
I’m sick, I guess to put it simply. This cold is getting worse and better at the same time. Tbh I kinda waited for something to come from you. Idk why I just expected something.
You didn’t specify headcanons or a fic so I just went with something in between.
Sorry last comment. Yes, I definitely do accept requests for my Villain AU. It helps me sort out thoughts and kinda get a better idea.
Tw: Kidnapping, snake bite/venom usage, mentions of murder, blood (strawberry jam), yandere itself lmao, feeling of being unaccepted (idk if this is a Tw)
(I made banners (⌒▽⌒))
Doesn’t use powers
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Snake Fruit would have mixed feelings.
They hate the fact you’re a dragon at first. After all, you’re already what they strive so hard to be. So before they start to obsess, they interact with you in a malicious way.
Let’s say you were friendly or on good terms with Longan Dragon. So one day, while you were visiting the palace, Snake Fruit was taking orders from Longan. Curious to see who this new cookie was, you asked Longan.
“A snake who is desperate to become a dragon. They try to hide themselves and act like an obedient servant, but I know their intentions. All they want to do is overthrow my position. Such a disgrace indeed.”
Since then, you’ve been defensive whenever you passed by them in the long corridors. Likewise, whenever they greeted you there was underlying venom.
That was until they eavesdropped on your conversation with Longan.
“Why don’t you use your powers? Surely you must use them for something.”
“No, I just find no reason to use them. I don’t have any enemies, nor do I have the hunger for power like you.”
This piqued Snake Fruit’s curiosity. It’s quite ironic for a dragon to not use their powers. Especially one as powerful as Longan. Wanting to know more, they observed you more closely.
If you visit the palace they’ll greet you as per normal, but occasionally they’ll ask questions about your life.
“Ssay, you sseem to be living the liberty. Do you do anything elsse during your never-ending leissure?”
“I do like to observe the outside world from my living space. It’s interesting to see cookies do many different things.”
“You must usse your powerss to ssee around the world then!”
“Surprisingly no. I usually just sit next to my window and look at the civilization below.”
As they learn more, the more they appreciate your humbleness and neutrality when seeing other cookies.
In their mind, they see you as someone who believes power do not define social status. This especially makes them happy since they get called out at for being weak or fake. (From dragons at least)
Soon enough they become friendly and the poison between each other washed away; replaced with a friendship that soon turned into a more concerning relationship.
Snake Fruit now would follow you whenever they could. It was fine until one day, they appeared at your doorstep with tea and jellies in hand.
“Hello my friend! I’ve brought ssnackss for us to sshare!”
They would force themselves into your home and lounge around with you. Sitting beside you a little bit too close for friends. Staring into your cookie-soul with a smile that hid the true intentions. That’s when you started to get overwhelmed.
After a few months, you finally broke and confronted Snake Fruit; telling them that they’re being too unsettling. Finally, Snake Fruit hissed and in mere seconds they coiled themselves around you.
“We are on equal levelss you and I. You are the only who ssees my wayss, and treat with me with the resspect I’ve desired. I can’t sstop myself anymore. I need you by my sside, forever…”
In a state of panic, you struggled to decide your next action.
Should you use your power? No, you’ve sworn that you wouldn’t use them. Attack them? But what would occur in the future?
Your thoughts were stopped by a sharp pain going through your body. Snake Fruit had bit you.
You immediately started to feel weaker, limbs unable to struggle from the bind. Fatigue weighed you down, causing your brain to cease thinking properly.
“I’m glad you haven’t ussed your powerss. You really do love me don’t you? It’ss good that you only get weaker from my bite…And not death.”
In a few minutes your eyes started to droop, putting you to sleep. In your last moments of consciousness, you heard snickering and the feeling of being placed onto a cushion.
Snake Fruit had kidnapped you to their home, in their sedan with their servants. In power, just like how you once were.
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Tainted Vanilla wouldn’t care too much. Except for the fact that you don’t care about status in terms of power. To him, that is a relief. After dealing with so much abandonment from his curse, it makes him feel accepted. (Snake Fruit and TV are similar for status lmao)
He definitely likes to ask why you don’t like using your powers.
“Say, you never use your powers. Even for the hardest tasks, you still don’t. Is there a reason why?”
“I like to think myself equal to all the cookies in this world. It makes me feel more in-touch with the present. Unlike Longan, who unfortunately cannot see the world is not only about power.” (Longan pulling a Raiden Shogun moment)
TV never liked change, it always made him feel uncomfortable; but seeing you wanting to accept all changes no matter what made him also want to accept change.
“Maybe I need to accept the fact Light Enchantress doesn’t see me as the same. Or is she just blind?”
There can be both a positive and negative end for Tainted Vanilla. The positive one being that he realizes people change, and so must he. The negative one being him going even more berserk and end up killing his beloved friend.
When he realizes he needs to change, he’ll stop wanting acknowledgement from Light Enchantress. Instead, he’ll just fight for the betrayal his comrades went through. It doesn’t mean he isn’t a little crazy though.
He won’t hesitate to bury his dough arms into strawberry jam.
Going back to the negative one, he’ll slowly start to doubt L. Enchantress even more and snaps. Before, he only wanted her to acknowledge the fact that he is still Vanilla cookie, and is only troubled with a curse that’s been cast upon him. Now, he wants total punishment.
He wants to see her in pain. For her to feel the torture he went through when she left him behind to crack. To see what devastation truly can be.
“You deserve this. You left me behind to the witches! Today, I stand here with demons and troubled souls haunting my mind and dough every moment!”
“I just couldn’t bare the thought of-”
You know the rest.
Keep in mind though, he’ll still keep you, no matter the ending. You are the only cookie to cure his curse temporarily when he’s around you. Although you’ll have more access to the company of other cookies if he’s happier. ——————————————————I think I just went raging fast with Tainted Vanilla’s…sorry about that.
When I was writing I realized how similar Tainted Vanilla and Snake Fruit are. They have similar problems, and are struggling to fix them.
Anyway, I hope you like it.
- Celina
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amayaonly1 ¡ 3 years ago
A Lil' Oopsie - Lesson 3 (Obey Me! x Female!MC/Reader)
@strawberry-moonpies Here it is. The long-awaited third chapter to this fluffy mini-series. I apologise if it took a little longer than expected. But nevertheless, I hope you enjoy it! ❤
Other work: Diavolo's Cousin from Hell
A Lil' Oopsie mini-series:
Prologue | Lesson 1 | Lesson 2 | Lesson 3 | Lesson 4 | Lesson 5 | Lesson 5.5 | Lesson 6 | Lesson 7 | Lesson 8 | Lesson 9 | Lesson 10 [End]
"No, MC," scolded Belphegor lightly. He was standing next to the said toddler who was on a wooden stool so she could reach the workbench. He quickly reached her hands that were about to shove a handful of dough into her mouth, as he said, "You're not supposed to eat that."
The toddler, who reluctantly allowed him so, looked at him with her big curious eyes, letting out a soft coo as if she was asking, "Why not?"
"It's not good for the stomach," was his reply, trying to simplify it for a toddler to understand. "You can get sick." He hoped that would convince her to at least put the dough back into the glass bowl. And count his blessing, for she gave him a curt nod before finally putting the dough back.
Belphegor didn't even realise that he was holding his breath like he was trying to detonate a bomb or something.
It came time to prepare dinner. After distracting the little girl from Solomon's departure, Beelzebub lifted her up and placed her on one of his shoulders, where she began to excitedly bounce on. She felt like she was in a whole new world after seeing everything from so high up. Belphegor stayed near them as the older twin carefully walked towards the kitchen. Not to say that he didn't trust his brother, but toddlers could be unpredictable. Should she flail around and then fall, their older brothers wouldn't hesitate to lunge in and strangle them.
How ironic would that be, he thought.
The twins must admit, though. It was adorable to see their little assistant donning a mini version of the female RAD uniform with a white apron over it. To boot, she'd been running around bringing ingredients to them; carefully pouring them into the mixing bowl for the puff dough; watching Belphegor mix them up with such focus like she was on DevilChef. If only either of them could take a picture of such innocent fascination this child showed.
Well, that was until she thought the dough looked like a yellow bun and decided to reach in to grab some.
But eventually, they'd overcome that hurdle. The puffs were baked and now left at the side to be cooled. It was then Belphegor's turn to occupy the stove where he would prepare the Roasted Roc while his brother's Cream Bonnacon was left inside the large stew pot, ready to be served. Beelzebub, on the other hand, started mixing the heavy whipping cream with the sugar and vanilla extract that MC had kindly brought to him.
"Okay," he began, standing behind the intrigued toddler who was now on the stool. "We're going to put the cream inside the puffs."
"Eh?" The toddler sounded very perplexed, looking at him with her big doe eyes while tilting her head to the side.
He let out a chuckle. Just how any cuter can this girl get?
"We'll do it together, okay?" Using his free hand, he placed her tinier ones on the bag whilst he kept the other at the top. Picking up a puff, he slowly pushed the tip of the piping bag into the side and piped the cream inside until it was filled. His little assistant was so fascinated that by the time he was finished with the third puff, she figured that she would like to try it out. But of course, with he secretly helping her to press the bag, knowing that her small hands would do naught.
"Hey!" came an awfully familiar voice, all of a sudden. "Don't get too chummy with MC, Beel!"
The said demon didn't even need to look up to know who that was. "What is it, Mammon?" he asked, albeit a little exasperatedly. "We're a bit busy here."
True to his words, the white-haired demon emerged from the door, proudly revealing himself as he retorted, "Yeah, I can see that. But ya don't need to be that close to MC."
"Huh?" Beelzebub was starting to get confused. "If I want to help her, then I have to get closer. Otherwise, how would she be able to pipe the cream?"
"That's not what I mean!" Mammon was about to continue, but he immediately froze, to which he earned a raised brow from his younger brother.
Ah, so that's what it was.
"I see," said Beelzebub. MC was too occupied with filling up the cream puffs to even look up, though he still had his grip on the piping bag while she was doing so. "You want to be the one who helps MC with piping the cream, right?"
Looks like he was caught red-handed, and there's no point trying to lie to his own brother who knew all too well why he was here in the first place.
Not especially when he had a prominent red shade dusted on his cheeks.
"O-Of course!" Mammon couldn't help but internally cringe at himself. How embarrassing for him to admit it; not because he was embarrassed by MC, but it felt so alien for him to hear those words coming from him. "You and Belphie spent too much time with her, so it should be our turn!"
"You mean your turn," mocked the said demon, whose attention was still on the large roc roasting inside the oven. "I'm pretty sure the rest hasn't complained about it, considering that we all agreed that Beel and I would be making dinner with MC right now."
"Yeah," agreed the older twin while placing another stuffed puff back onto the tray. "So it's only fair that you wait for your turn."
But the secondborn was rather obstinate. "Still! It doesn't mean ya get to be-"
All of a sudden, he felt an ominous presence right behind him. Flinching, he spun around, abruptly, and sheepishly grinned like a Cheshire cat. "Ah... Lucifer! What brings you here?"
Unfortunately, his brother wasn't going to be swayed so easily. "I'm certain that we have come to an agreement that MC shall be taken care of by Beel and Belphie. Isn't that right? Or shall I give you a kind reminder? I won't be kind, however, for I expect you to be fully aware of the agreement we made beforehand. Now let's wait for them outside."
Without batting an eye, he grabbed the white-haired demon and dragged him back to the dining room as the latter yelped, "N-No, wait! I'M SORRY!!!"
The said demon turned to the source, seeing MC lifting up a puff to him with a look of anticipation. "Puff?" she offered meekly.
Beelzebub smiled at her before taking the puff from her. "Thank you, MC." He then picked up another and handed it to her, which she gleefully accepted. "You can have one, too, if you want."
"Remember those are for dessert," reminded Belphegor, earning a mischievous giggle from the toddler, followed by Beelzebub's chuckle.
Just when the Avatar of Sloth thought he'd only have to worry about one glutton in the kitchen. How much longer does it take for a whole roc to be fully cooked?
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lilapxtts ¡ 6 months ago
TUA Plots
So, my delusional self and I refuse to accept that all of the Hargreeves perished and died. I have a few ideas/plots/verses i'd love to do. This is absolutely cross-over friendly because of the way it's done. Like this post or better yet, message me so we can get started on one that you like.
Plot 1-
The only way to save the world is to split up. A different timeline for each of the Hargreeves. Just for the sake of covering our bases, after taking the funky marigold, and getting their powers back, Five has a talk with himself at the subway, figures it out that they are the issue and goes back in time, because screw reality. He goes back to tell his family that the only way to save each other and the world is to go to a different time line. Well filled with angst and heart break, they all just spread out and separate.
--Will they find each other at the end? Maybe figure out a better way? Or will they make sure that their past selves (if applicable) don't screw it up this time? We can discuss more.
Plot 2 - You know that whole damn gap from 2019 and the 6 years that go by? Well guess what? I'd love to do just do a domestic Lila getting accustomed to pregnancy, being a mom, having children, her own parents, getting to know each of the Hargreeves more over the 6 year time span.
Plot 3-
Lila and Five take everyone to their strawberry farm. This can be talked about because I know we have many who don't like Five x Lila (which is fine, to each their own) so we can discuss the matters there. But they go to the strawberry farm (WITH Ben because they saved him. I don't make the rules) and start over and try to find others there. I mean, at this point what could go wrong?
Plot 4-
Five goes back in time once he finds out what happens because remember when he was able to rewind time in S2 and he saved his family? Well he saves his family again by keeping the Marigold hidden so Ben never spikes their drink and no one even knows it exists and they all live NORMAL lives being both miserable in the lives they live. Because why not have a normal life?
Plot 5-
AFTER THE ENDING.... And completely AU here so don't come at me but the 8 Marigold flowers that grow beneath the tree is picked up by wonderful little girl. Let's say ironically, it's picked up by Allison. She brings those beautiful flowers home and you know that magical little dust that spread from them? Well it is passed around and 8 very fortunate women are hit with the magical dust. They become pregnant the very next day and thus begins the story all over again. This one is like me on crack or something but i'm thinking futuristic-esque vibes.
Plot 6-
Reginald Hargreeves is a normal father who actually chooses these children with love and care and they protect the world as superheroes that are loved by their own father. Can you imagine that? No one has issues because Riggie loved them all. Five got his passion into music, Luther in Geology, Allison in acting, Lila probably music too because she was never stolen from the Handler. She was raised with the Hargreeves, Diego in education, Klaus in music as well, and Viktor exceptionally talented in multiple things.
Plot 7-
Resurrection/reincarnation plot really. She's reborn. She has dreams of her children. Of her family. Of everyone and they're both familiar and unfamiliar. But is she the only one that's reborn? Will she find her family? Will Lila find those that she lost? Will she have her powers? Can she truly help the world in this life?
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halfblood-princes-crown ¡ 2 years ago
Here it is!
Persephone, Persephone, Persephone. It's a nice name, and it's my name. It sounds elegant, rolls right off the tongue, and reminds me of tea. Specifically, the kind of tea your mom gives you when your throat stings and scratches. Mom’s would taste like strawberry lemon, but it left a bitter aftertaste. It worked though, hot enough to make you go to sleep right after. The kind of tea that soothes. Persephone, Persephone, Persephone. It's also the name of the Greek Goddess of Spring. Ironically, I’ve never liked spring. It's the start of summer and knowing that makes me feel queasy. It's a weird feeling I can't describe, there's something so disgusting about it. The bugs (mosquitoes specifically), the intense sweating, the ice cream melting too fast, and getting my hands sticky.
Sharing a name with the goddess of a season I dread. 
Persephone, Persephone, Persephone. It's a name that doesn't have a lot of nicknames. 
Septimus would call me ¨Perse¨ or ¨Pierce¨ as a nickname but those never really stuck. My name can´t be broken up easily. It's sad sometimes, since I don't hear my name from other people often, but I´ve lived. One time, I had the nickname ¨PP¨ once. It was a terrible experience.
I like it though (not the nickname), a name that can't be broken. Strong and sturdy.
Persephone, Persephone, Persephone.
That´s my name.
Apparently, it's also the name of my great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great! Grandma. That part would been nice, if her grave wasn´t full of secrets. I've been uncovering those lately and they don't put her in a good light. She's been alive longer than she should´ve and that did damage. 
My great grandma, Persephone, her name is held up with contemptment and disgust.
At least my name won´t be shown like that (right?).
Persephone, Persephone, Persephone.
Sometimes I wish it was Eurydice. 
Eurydice, Eurydice, Eurydice. That name was a song, Eurydice. A song that reminds me of spring, the beauty of spring. Not what will come after it. Blossoms, flowers, going outside without a jacket. Eurydice, Eurydice, Eurydice. 
Persephone, Persephone, Persephone.
Septimus loved my name. ¨Persephone, Persephone, Persephone¨ he´d shout. It was cute when he was little. I´d come home after school, and he´d run up. 
¨Persephone! Persephone! Persephone!¨ and give me a hug.
As he got older, he stopped. As he got older, he started doing it again. 
Now that he's gone…there isn't much to look for.
¨Persephone, Persephone, Persephone!¨ 
It´s a name I´ll keep.
Persephone, Persephone, Persephone. 
It’s a shared name.
I know this name belongs to millions of people too, but we´re all different in the end…But it's different with her. She wears that name to war. I come with it in peace. Persephone is not her name. 
It's mine.
OOUUU that’s beautiful!!
I really like it
The part “As he got older, he stopped. As he got older, he started doing it again.” was really good to me
And “But it's different with her. She wears that name to war. I come with it in peace. Persephone is not her name. It’s mine.” was 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩
I love their names as well, they’re so unique and pretty
Great job!
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