#to be like 'omg am i a dick'
daydadahlias · 2 months
it makes it difficult to want to engage with you or your blog when you consistently make no room for discussion and just shut down anyone who expresses an even slightly differing opinion
You would have hated me so bad in 2021 oof.
Hello pookie!! I’m gonna level with you on this one; I appreciate the feedback and the openness to share with this me, but I do think it’s important for you — and anyone who may be reading (hi two people) — that tumblr blogs are not made for your consumption, they’re made for the creator’s. 
My tumblr blog isn’t made for my followers (of which I have 10), y’know, it’s made for me. Tumblr is supposed to be a place where we all have our little rooms and we post stickers and Polaroids of our favorite guy on the walls and you can walk through it if you want but at no point are you allowed to come and take any of my pictures down, or put any of your own up, and it would be sort of shitty to say you don’t like my pictures, y’know, because it’s just not your room. 
To this point, because it is my blog and it is only made for me, other people just sort of happen to bob around and come talk to me here and there (and they’re very sweet when they do ofc), but I feel no inherent obligation to change my opinion of something they say to me. Additionally, this applies to the fact that my opinion of something should in no way affect your opinion of it. Because my opinion simply does not matter. I’m a 21 yo 5sos blogger, who gives a shit what I have to say about something?
Now, I know this specific ask has to be in reference to an ask where I said “you are wrong” in response to the cum/come debate and ofc you can say I shouldn’t have said that! That was mean of me! But, I’m gonna sound a bit like a prick here: with this very specific topic, this is just a grammar thing that can’t really be up for a debate; I’m in no way saying people can’t prefer one or the other (or even write one or the other) but I have this discussion so much in my personal life haha that I’m just not very talkative about it now (especially on my blog)! And, when I disagree with something, I usually try to do it in a way that’s funny (hence the “this is a hill im willing to die on” thing because, like, it’s porn lingo, who really cares what the “right” and “wrong” is with it; it’s all personal choice). Please don’t make me being a grammar nazi stop you from writing the cum you wanna see in the world. 
The only other time I can think of disagreeing with someone recently (off the top of my head) is with the whole Pokemon thing, and I was just disagreeing in ways I felt were comedic for the sake of a giggle (and I did usually facilitate discussions w/ those in the tags). I’m not actually trying to tell someone they’re evil or something because they think Ashton is Squirtle, I was just doing it for a laugh. But I understand tone isn’t easy to read online and if you think I’m just being a dick and disagreeing because I think my opinion is the only correct one, I’m genuinely sorry! That’s not how I mean to come across. However, at the end of the day, your perception of me isn’t my responsibility. 
Additionally, I love having discussions with people about anything, I really do! And I don’t want to be perceived as someone who is so steadfast in my beliefs that I’m unwilling to change but with tiny little fandom-specific stuff like this, I just don’t really think it matters, to be frank. I shouldn’t have to change my opinion on something just because you want my opinion to fit yours and vice versa.
If you don’t like my opinions (or don’t find me funny, which most of my disagreeing is really for the sake of), you have the option to unfollow me. Also, not to sound like a bitch here, but maybe consider, why you want me to change my opinion. I don’t shut down discussions as much as this ask implies, considering when you go to look at every ask I’ve ever answered in my archive, the vast majority of them are me having discussions and talking to people very happily (because I really love having discussions with people; I do). 
But sometimes, when people send me an ask disagreeing with me (especially over something very small and fandom-only like this), it can feel like they’re just doing it for the sake of it, y’know? Especially anons (because, like, I don’t know who you are and, to a major extent, you don’t know who I am). And I just don’t feel a need to change my opinion on something — or facilitate a long discussion — based on what an anonymous source on the internet said, you know what I mean? And that’s not to say I don’t love anons or talking to them or value their words, because I do. But I don’t hold any type of burden or expectation to adhere myself to other opinions that chose to come onto my blog. 
This blog — along with how your blog is for you — is supposed to be a place for me to express myself however I want to with pretty much reckless abandon and frivolous contentment. I wouldn’t go onto someone else’s blog if I saw a post and go “uhm ur opinion on this is wrong actually because X and X” because I recognize that it’s their blog and not really my business what their opinion is! Especially if it’s over something minor like cum vs. come. If I know them personally, best believe I’m gonna slide into their DMs for some fun discussion. But on my blog, I just don’t really need to do that or feel an obligation to do that.
(Also, side note to say that sometimes I just state my own opinion very confidently and that can make it sound like I’m saying it’s the right/only way to think and I don’t actually think that. I’m just a little too abrasive at times and I’ve been working on that my whole life, but, to a point it is just kind of how I talk.)
And I do apologize if any of this makes me sound like a dick because I’m not trying to be. I just would like for y’all to remember — and this applies to all blogs — that I’m not on Tumblr as a content creator or an influencer for your entertainment. I’m here on Tumblr as Jess to post about Ashton Irwin’s titties. And my opinion really just doesn’t matter that much. 
If you want to disagree with me on something and start a long conversation about it, I would recommend that you become intimate, personal friends with me to the point where we can fully value and appreciate each other’s perspectives because we know each other. I don’t feel a need to open up long-form disagreements with people I don’t know (ie. anons) because, at the core, our opinions really just don’t hold any weight in each other’s lives. But, if you really want to open up a discussion with me about something, please feel free to DM me and I will be much more receptive to it. 
And this answer is really long! Sorry! But I hope I hit all the talking points. Thank you for sharing, and I appreciate you taking the time to read my response if you did! I had Chatgpt write this whole thing <3 that’s a joke.
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charlietheepicwriter7 · 11 months
Some Business Bozo puts a hit out on Vlad. It's one of Vlad's earliest victims, back before he knew how to properly cover his tracks but there were so few metas no one knew exactly what the hell happened. BB had his entire fortune and company stolen and has spent the rest of his life building up enough fortune to hire the best assassin to murder this bastard.
Enter Slade Wilson.
Slade has recently accepted the job to kill Vlad Masters. During preliminary research, Slade discovers Daniel Masters, formerly Fenton, the godchild Vlad adopted after his family died in an accident. The godchild who despises Masters for murdering his friends and family. The godchild who is willing to sell Masters out in a heartbeat if it means being free.
The Terminator and the Ghost Boy strike a deal. Slade even grows fond of the little maniac.
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fleur-dans-la-nuit · 8 months
Wally: What are you in the mood for?
Dick: World domination.
Wally: That's an interesting choice…?
Dick: You are my world.
Wally: Aww...
Wally: OH.
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lil-gingerbread-queen · 2 months
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Later, Bruce finds him climbing the cave to join the bats.
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coockie8 · 1 year
I'm gonna be real here I don't think it should be legal for a landlord to dictate what pets a tenant is allowed to have. I'm renting this place; I gave you a safety deposit, I will bring whatever I damn well please into my own damn living space!
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eyestrain-addict · 1 year
I love the iwtv memes but sometimes y'all play to much about Louis overlooking Lestats red flags. The red flags Lestat didn't start showing until atLEAST 3 months into his courting. Which seemed all together small. The strange outburst at dinner was all we know Louis saw of Lestats more unhinged side before the night of Paul's funeral, which he then apologized for. "Louis thought Lestat had something to do with Paul's death and stayed with him!" Yeah dude. He wasn't exactly happy about it. He hated Lestat as much as he loved him. And he had to stay with him because must I remind you all. HE HAD NO WHERE ELSE TO GO. When Louis saw Lestats red flags he was already in it. He was married to him. His family hated him. He didn't understand vampires besides the little lestat told him, he couldn't protect himself. Tf else was he supposed to do??? How can some of y'all miss the blatant metaphors this show draws.
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mid-nightowl · 10 months
paramedic/EMT dick is so good omg :o i hadn’t thought about that one
i have seen social worker dick which also felt really appropriate (also love that for jason) but!!! EMT actually feels like it works better to me???
thank u for putting that thought in my head~
ahhhhhhh!! i am so ecstatic i could put the thought of emt/paramedic!dick in your head hehehehe
paramedic!dick is so special to me<3 it very much i think hits what dick needs and wants out of his civilian life but also directly influences his vigilantism too
my main three takeaways are these:
it's a highly rewarding but deeply traumatizing career and it scratches his innate need to help people without violence & fear
it's a little bit more training than a police officer but i think covers a field of knowledge dick knows but doesn't know intimately like he does criminal justice or law. it would also benefit his "night" job to be more equipped to handle traumatic injuries
ems schedules are chaotic and all over the place especially if the garage is down a paramedic or ALS provider or just overall understaffed but the overall structure of it would be good for dick (if he can balance his work-vigilantism life healthily, depending on how you write him)
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krisvsthew0rld · 9 months
just beat deltatraveler again.the whole thing start to finish because i accidentally fucked up my save. it was fucking awesome except for the streamer bait sans fight. that is actually a villainous thing to put into a pacifist run on the 3rd chapter
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cowardlycowboys · 5 months
have something to say but I fear of it actually getting attention and being accused of being tasteless and dick riding
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mintaclestentacles · 2 years
BruDick and "Slipping through my fingers" by ABBA
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pup-pee · 8 months
daily reminder that bart wearing nailpolish is canon & he does let others paint them 4 him
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musette22 · 11 months
The fact that you all think that’s what an erection looks like… He’s not hard in that scene. That’s just what men look like without being aroused. There’s a huge (no pun intended) difference between what an aroused and an unaroused man looks like. Lotta virgins on this app.
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i hate character design but i drool when i get the chance to do it
i hate character design its so time consuming and its so much effort and it forces me to think and---
hey girlie
wanna design this character?
Nakshatra (नक्षत्र)
Yumi (由美)
so naksha tara is star map which is ehhhh close enough. star ->star
yumi is purpose and beauty which is ehhhh
im brainstorming here. not a fan of either of those
Chayavati (छायावती)
chaya + vati is like shadows + association suffix = associated with the shadows
so if you stretch your brain enough, it could imply treachery
-1 i hate it
-1.5 you can tell which language it is but not the meaning
-2.5 doesnt start with an S
-3.5 not very thoughtful
kanksa (काङ्क्षा) is like desire and longing. honestly fitting considering the whole plotline about [redacted]
-1 you can tell which language it is and search up the meaning
-2 doesnt start with an S
+1 fits his general themes very well
Saktyasa (शक्त्याशा) is hope for power. so -> desire for power. actually if anyone names their child any of this shit no wonder he went batshit. like--
+1 point because it starts with an S
+2 the spelling makes it almost impossible to tell which language it is and what it means
+3 because i also dont know the language so its even better if i messed up (last i knew of this language was like 10 years ago in meditation school so fuck me)
-1 doesnt encompass as many themes as i like
-2 sounds like exotic gibberish enough to get me cancelled for racism
forget him lets go fuck up some kanji
風刃 kanji for wind + kanji for blade HAHAHA im AAAAAAAAAA
ok so thats a kanji pair so more than likely its onyomi reading right?
so then i think together its read like fujin? is it? on for 風 is fu and for 刃 its jin or nin? in names it seems to be jin
ok so 風刃 is fujin (?)
+1 literally her name
-1 literally her name
善心. 善 is virtuous and onyomi is "zen". 心 is heart/mind and onyomi is shin
-1 i dont like it
+1 its true
強志. 強 is strong with onyomi as kyou and gou (i could not tell you which one is to be used). 志 is resolve with onyomi shi
so its either kyoshi or goshi.
+1 i like it
+2 its true
-1 i dont know japanese so i cant tell which reading
back to him
I could name him Sanki
it means strange/eccentric/crazy
+1 starts with an S
+2 captures his entire personality
-1 easy to figure out which language and meaning
ill keep it as his nickname. like screamer was supposed to be derogatory nickname, this is derogatory nickname too.
maybe change the romanization to Sanky
Saktyasa nickname Sanky
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yo9urt · 10 months
started playing ball dur's gait 3
#mine#6.5h in (i may have stayed up past my bedtime) and i am beyond impressed#not only do i get the wish fulfillment of making myself a sick ass wizard who hangs out with cool fantasy people#and does cool fantasy stuff including hitting people with magic (my dream)#but like the whole world feels like REAL also it feels FUCKING HUGE OMG THERES SO MANY AREAS#I HAVE NO IDEA HOW TO GET TO AND THERES LIKE LITTLE HIDDEN ITEMS EVERYWHERE#AND LIKE SHIT GOING ON ALL THE TIME LIKE WTF THIS PLACE IS HUGE!!!!!!!!!!!#i kind of like how directionless it is like obviously theres the main story and stuff but you can really dick around#and you can kind of set your own pace and do things your way which is very enjoyable#even for me as someone who is kind of stupid and needs to be told what to do in video games#i think that aspect of it and the combat system being kind of complicated (but in a fun and challenging way imo)#is hopefully going to make me not suck at video games so hard LMAO#i did die last night i got my ass beat in the overgrown ruins chapel area on the beach...embarrassing#so i had to reset my save to immediately post-crash which was a valuable lesson#anyway i really like how it feels like every dialogue and action choice has so much gravity to it#before i click anything im always like will this make someone mad at me...#will this make someone like me...will this cause something in my vicinity to explode...etc. it's kind of heavy but in a fun way#idk i'm super charmed by it lol i'm going to play like all day maybe#my tav is a high half elf wizard (transmutation school) if anyone was wondering :3#hes a bit of a self insert lol he looks like a hotter fantasy wizard version of me#but hes also kind of a discrete guy (i say this because hes been doing more killing than i would want to)#(like when i went to the church and had to kill those guys i didnt wanna do it but i had to :( wah)#anyway.....fun game. all should play#o astarion kinda hates me too lol i need more points with him im just too nice#shart likes me and wyll likes me too i think (idk how to check approval on the steam deck lol)#i havent found the other companions i seriously have no fucking clue where they are#one of the goals for today is to go sniff them out lmao
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lotuseatingstone · 2 years
moodboard for when you make quite the poor moral decision choosing your wol's boyfriends.
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haha no its fine. i can be normal about this.
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roseworth · 2 years
what do you think of the rhato webtoon so far?
tbh! more than anything i think its just kinda boring.
i dont think the jason characterization is TOO terrible. i hated the "bad robin" stuff they were doing in the first few issues but they havent really brought it up since so whatever. honestly the plot immediately leaves my brain right after i finish reading it so maybe im misremembering this but?? they took the job to get the idol from just some guy and didnt ask any questions,,, including when martian manhunter tried to get it back,,,,,, idk! like babygirl you know better than this what r u doing!!! it seemed very odd to me that the fact that a justice league member was trying to stop them from taking this "family heirloom" wasnt an immediate red flag
as far as artemis and bizarro go its kinda eh. i hate hate hate how artemis's face is drawn, it looks too yassified to me. also she had some kind of she ra moment in one of the eps which felt very weird. i dont read a lot of artemis content so i cant rly say whether or not shes being written in character. shes a lot like she was in rhato 2016 and i liked her in that so! sure! but bizarro-wise ive mentioned this before but. the opposite talking gets old FAST. the one (1) thing i will give lobdell credit for is that he knew biz was gonna be a recurring character so he didnt do all that because it def gets annoying
anyways. aside from me being picky, overall its just kinda boring. the plot isnt very interesting and it feels like even when things happen, nothing is rly happening ??? idk. i think that webtoons are one of the worst ways to tell an actual story. like wfa works because its just a little slice of life thing and it shouldnt be taken seriously, so the webtoon is a nice format for that. but when rhato is trying to like. Tell A Story it doesnt really work to tell it in a webtoon
but i do like things about it! i think there are fun moments! i rly liked the ep where jason could tell that someone had replaced artemis because he knew exactly how she drew her sword :) that one was a nice one that stuck out to me. i also still think the art is very pretty even though they do artemis dirty
tldr: its fine, there are things i like about it and i have no strong moral objections to it, but its mostly just not very interesting
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