#to be fair I got pretty wrapped up in the more dramatic parts of that story pretty quickly
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mellifiedprincess · 1 year ago
it is very evident i wrote this in like 20 minutes. this one is pretty suggestive too and not as fluffy as my usual stuff. butttt look at this man, I CANNOT.
also this is as close to smut as i’ll get because ~no~
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“I think you’re trying to kill the whole of your fan base, and me along with them.” You see the sly smirk grow on Chris’s unfairly attractive face.
He knew what he was doing. Worst part is, you can’t be mad at the kid because he did it so damn well.
“Now why would I ever wanna put the love of my life in harms way?” He was being serious yet still had an underlying tone of sarcasm.
You roll your eyes and dramatically shove your face into Chris’s pillow. “It’s not fair that people like you exist!” You yell into said pillow, though it’s mostly unintelligible from your muffled voice.
Moments ago you witnessed Chris take an annoyingly hot, without even trying, selfie. A lollipop placed on his tongue as he looked down at the camera. It was sinful how good he looked. And that fucker knew it.
“Baby, you are one of those people.” He argues back while laughing at how dramatic you’re being. He just doesn’t get it. His fans are going to go absolutely batshit crazy over that picture.
Of course you don’t even acknowledge anything he’s saying, too busy thinking about how it’s gonna be even harder for him to fight off screaming girls. “Have you ever considered getting surgery done to make yourself uglier?” The question falls from your lips and Chris just looks at you like you grew a second head. You were being dead serious.
“I think it would be very beneficial.” You state with the same serious tone as before. “For who?” Chris exclaims, his voice raising a few octaves from how confused he is.
“Well for one, every male on this planet. Like you’re kinda being selfish walking around with a face like that.” You sit up and throw your legs over his waist to straddle him, making him look up at you now. “Just think of how insecure they all must be. Knowing you’re just so effortlessly gorgeous, and they could never compare.” You sigh and gaze down at his lips, wanting to slap yourself for being so in love with a man.
“I don’t know if my ego can take much more baby. You’re making me feel really good about myself.” You offer a lovesick smile, before leaning down and planting a sweet kiss to his lips. “It’s cute that you think I actually believe you’re worried about your ego.”
He giggles at your callout before he grabs your hands and brings them up to his lips.
Another sigh falls from your lips as you continue to admire your boyfriend’s face. Your eyes dance across his features, trying, and failing, to understand how you got so fucking lucky to be able to be here with him in this lifetime.
“I should start taking more pictures with lollipops if I’m gonna get this kind of attention from you.”
“I don’t know if my sanity could take any more.”
“We both know you can take it.” As your mouth falls open from the innuendo, that same sly smirk from earlier appears back on his face. You feel a blush spread across your cheeks and your hands instinctively reach up to cover them.
“Don’t get all shy on me now baby. You’ve been looking at me like I’m the last meal on earth since I took that picture.” Chris is sitting up now, his hands softly grabbing your wrist to pull your hands away from your face. When you look at him again, he’s staring at your lips, ready to smash his own against them.
The air in the room changes drastically. The once love struck awe you both held in your eyes, replaced with a look of lust.
“You gonna kiss me or just stare Chris?” Your voice comes out light, like you were scared to break out of this trance the two of you seemed to have shifted into.
Chris’s gaze flicks up to your eyes, before trailing back down to your lips.
And finally, after what seemed like a lifetime of waiting, his hand wraps lightly around your throat and he envelopes his lips with yours, and you felt like your skin was on fire.
You never thought you would be so fucking grateful for a lollipop in your life.
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misdre · 19 days ago
day four of me being insane about necromancers and cavaliers in a very. lengthy. manner. also lots of wonky photos of the pages, it's kinda hard to hold a paperback in one hand and take a picture with the other
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at the curve of the story where harrowhark is not only starting to show more human emotion but also positive emotions towards gideon… so genuinely impressed with her after the first trial. what a good girl. (both of them) and gideon repeatedly being spooked by this because a nice harrowhark is a frightening concept
damn bro, there really hardly is any canon material of abigail. i understand that the books aren't lengthy enough to fully get into all heir&cav pairs in detail but she got the shortest end of the stick and died before a single proper scene with her, and there isn't that much of her in HTN either for consolation. she's teased to be an amazing necromancer and then we hardly get any of it!!!! actually none, just other people mentioning her being amazing. hmph
shout-out to palamedes wearing fluffy old slippers (WHICH, importantly elaborated, turn pink from absorbing blood) and cute PJs. this boy. i can't
in need of the "content warning: ianthe tridentarius" tag (which is a real fic tag on AO3) when she casually starts cannibalising naberius out of nowhere, HOW dare you fucking eat his perfect hair???? what the fuck. and then she spits part of it out too AT LEAST CONSUME ALL YOU BITE OFF HIM YOU WEIRDO
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nobody can argue to me silas isn't a diddledarn anime character, maybe the animest of them all. his hair is silvery white ONLY ANIME CHARACTERS HAVE SILVER HAIR LIKE WHEN DO YOU EVER SEE A TEENAGER WITH WHITE HAIR? THAT'S RIGHT, IN ANIME and he's got the braided hair + headband look. his magic is pretty animey too, he starts glowing ethereally and shit. the deep voice checks too, it just means he got some popular hottie seiyuu voicing him, literally all checks out, mic drop moment
the eighth are such mystical weirdos though, and also another pair i just wish we had more of because what the fuck. basically they come in. are intensely weird. get punched. and are out. speaking of the punching, did protesilaus only punch silas because the soul siphoning was about to work and the fifth would have immediately spilled the truth if they had been siphoned. and everyone present was just kind of. "oh no! dulcinea septimus fainted because things got spooky in here!!! totally fair to beat the shit out of that fucking anime punk who is in the middle of a necromantic ritual that we maybe shouldn't just interfere with when the entire point was to find out what happened and now it's ruined." this scene is a weird one not gonna lie. but i assume "dulcinea" just had everyone so wrapped around her finger that her dramatically going EEK justified just about anything. hrrmm. men and lesbians is2g
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wait--- BIRTHDAY PARTIES? the second and the third are having birthday parties together???? (maybe the fifth also, it sounds like corona knows them well?) oh god are houses 2-5 like all real good friends with each other and casually having tea parties and the rest beyond that are little freaks holed up in their own space stations. at least i never have had the impression that the sixth ever go anywhere, i mean otherwise i imagine palamedes would have fucked off to the seventh years ago. is this an intergalactic extroverts vs introverts divide.
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new favourite line of ever dropped. these early scenes make camilla sound like palamedes's evil minion tbh and i am naturally so so here for it, probably exactly what she wants to be described as also. haunting his shoulder my god. beautiful! i could not love these two any more than i already do without combusting, in fact i already combusted (maybe several times) so idk what's next
and now, the second trial, which i am totally normal about.
by which i mean it's my favourite chapter of the book, stunning, a beautiful specimen of whumping, should be put in a glass case (HA) to be admired for eternity. gideon almost dies, harrow is naked and calls her by her real name, then almost-naked and also very tiny as she hauls the much bigger almost-dead gideon to bed. exquisite.
not to mention we start off with roasting palamedes because HAHA LOL HE WOULDN'T DO IT, dulcinea the very-lovely-and-pitiable-duchess-whom-everyone-has-a-crush-on asked him and he wouldn't do it! imma do it just because that fucking nerd wouldn't, that'll show him. says harrowhark. cue harrowhark later: i should have refused also
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winding back a little though, we also have gideon dealing with the emotions of having met a nice person for the first time in her life and now grieving said person :( i'm not over it. canaan house is somehow simultaneously the best and the worst thing to happen to her. buhhh gideooonn
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now here's a line that would fucking skewer palamedes sextus if he were there to hear it. oh my god. cytherea stop it you're already terrible. and this after she tried to do him dirty by preying on him to do the gig for her, only resorting to the ninth when he wouldn't. i'm so not alright. (i left the lower part also because i can't get enough of gideon being fuckign gay)
but, let me revel in this for a while longer. or like, forever:
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harrow saying he needs to LEARN TO STARE THESE THINGS IN THE FACE ohh. harrow. saying that necromancers need to just accept the reality of their cavaliers ending up hurt for their sake. in the end she was the one learning the very deep, very profound beauty in him refusing to let camilla suffer. oooorr at least she caught a glimpse of that. i could now proceed to eat a bag of nails because i love this all so much, have i mentioned i fucking love the sixth and everything they are, i don't think i've mentioned it nearly enough in fact! UGHH IT WAS DULCINEA ASKING HIM BUT HE REFUSED BECAUSE CAMILLA WOULD BE HURTTTT AUUUGGGHH and just how hard must cam have tried to tell him she could take it. but he just. would. not. aaaaaaaaa
ok i still had a couple more things to scream about:
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first: THE SECOND DO WHAT? I DID NOT REMEMBER THIS. marta suddenly became a considerably more freakier character in my mind just now
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and here. i had to stop here for a second and have a moment of this feeling like it's cytherea speaking as herself, not about the trial but about lyctors. it's even framed as "someone was saying", which we think is just gideon being too gonked out to comprehend but to me reads like a very nice subtle slip into it being someone that's not dulcinea speaking. and she would remember each word later. interesting! i really like that.
that was long. but i'm about half way through!!!
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lonesome-witching · 1 year ago
Writer's Block
After all this time I'm finally posting another ronance ficlet. This one was sort of requested by @ronance4life42 who told me to write about my own writer's block but then for ronance. And so this is the end result. It ended up being good advice so more prompts are coming very soon.
You can read my previous prompts or send me some new ones.
Nancy tapped her pen against the table. Her mind was blank. Her mind was never blank. But now the empty page was taunting her. It had been taunting her for over three hours now. It was torturous. A hell made by her own design. At least she was still dramatic. The writer’s block hadn’t broken her just yet.
But it might if this kept going. Her writing was the one thing she had. Her one talent. She had gotten lucky after college. She got to do what she loved every single day. Only right now it felt more like a curse than a blessing. And she was on the clock. Her deadline was rapidly approaching, and she had nothing.
She heard the door slam shut behind her. “I’ve asked you several times, can you please stop slamming the door? What am I? Your fucking mother?” Nancy bit out.
“Well, hello to you too.” Robin dropped her keys in the bowl next to the door. The sound bothered Nancy. She shouldn’t have lashed out. She knew that. But she felt troubled, annoyed, insecure. And she had trouble biting her tongue around Robin. Once upon a time that had been a good thing. It was the reason she got to kiss Robin in the first place. Now it just kept pushing Robin away as the workload and stress piled up. Their near break up in their senior year of college was still fresh in Nancy’s mind.
“I’m sorry.” Nancy pushed her seat back, slowly walking towards her girlfriend. Her girlfriend, not her enemy. “Hey, Robs. How are you feeling? How was your day?”
“I’m fine. My day was fine. How are you? What’s bothering your pretty, little mind?” Robin wrapped her arms around Nancy’s waist, pulling her closer.
“Little?” Nancy smiled.
“You know what I mean.”
She sighed heavily. “I’ve got writer’s block. Three hours of work and I’ve got nothing. Any tips? What do you do when— Shit, your meeting! How was your meeting with your supervisor?” She couldn’t help but slap Robin’s shoulder softly.
“It was… God, it was awful. I gotta change everything. He hated my entire approach. And I mean yeah, what does he know right? He doesn’t care about the portrayal of women in horror film. But he has a major impact on my grade and whether or not I actually get my PhD, so I gotta do what he says.” Robin’s fingers were tapping Nancy’s skin. A nervous habit Nancy had learned to pick up on.
“How do you deal with that?”
“Well, I come home to my beautiful girlfriend and I give her a kiss,” Robin said with a smile, leaning in to kiss Nancy, “and I realize my research is getting funded by the university and the government and that money really does come in handy.”
“Charmer. How about any tips for dealing with writer’s block?”
“Well, my professor always says that a good cup of tea fixes any great writer’s block. But he’s a jackass. I like walks, they help clear the mind and you can get back to it with fresh eyes. And if that doesn’t work, just write. Even if it doesn’t make sense. You can always scratch parts and re-write bits. But the essence of writing is just putting words on a page, so start there and work your way to something good.”
“How do you do that?” Nancy dropped her head against her girlfriend’s chest.
“Want to go for a walk?”
“No, I don’t have to clear my head. I feel like it’s empty already.”
“Alright, how about we work this together? What you writing about?” Robin untangled herself and walked towards Nancy’s notes.
“It’ll bore you,” Nancy complained.
“It won’t.” Robin had already sat herself down. “Tell me about it. Maybe I can help.”
“Alright, but after this I want to hear everything about the portrayal of women in horror movies and the feedback of your supervisor. It’s only fair.”
“Alright, deal.”
Nancy leaned down and kissed Robin’s forehead. “I love you, you know that?”
“You’ve told me before, you can tell me again though.”
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mamadoc · 1 year ago
After a few days of writer’s block, I had the flood gates open last night and typed out over 8k words. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Which then made the chapter far too long even though it wasn’t done. So I split it into two chapters.
Read on to get a snippet from the one I just posted. The chapter to follow is going to be packed!
At exactly 9:00, Lucy heard a knock at her door. Of course, he would be exactly on time, she thought, smiling as she went to the door. Her smile widened as she saw Tim. He was wearing a Henley again, that seemed to be his preferred look, but today’s was black and long-sleeved. In his hand was a small bouquet of flowers that he extended to her as he said, “Good morning.”
“Aww. Thank you,” she said as she gave him a hug and kissed his cheek. “Come in.” She walked into the kitchen to find a vase for the flowers.
As she was trimming the stems of the flowers under the water and putting them in the vase, Tim came up behind her. First, he rubbed her back for just a few seconds; then, he wrapped his arms around her waist and pressed himself to her back.
He whispered in her ear, “I had the most amazing dream last night. There was this super hot woman in my house.”
“Oh?” she responded with a smile as she finished arranging the last few flowers in the vase.
“Mmm hmm,” he continued. “We had dinner and danced on my patio and kissed… a lot.” He punctuated that statement with a gentle kiss just below her ear. “She had long, dark, wavy hair,” he said as his twisted a tendril of her hair. “And the most soft, creamy skin,” he said while kissing down her neck. Then he swept her hair to the opposite shoulder and kissed along the back of her neck while he said, “She was so kind and smart and selfless and strong.” Then he kissed her other ear and said, “And she listened to everything I said and looked interested, even though I’m really boring.”
Lucy giggled in response to that and turned her head to face him. She opened her mouth to say something, but Tim silenced her with a gentle, caring kiss on her lips.
“And she had the cutest nose,” he said, booping her nose with his. “And I got lost in her gorgeous, chocolate-brown eyes,” he said looking deep into her eyes and turning her so that they were facing each other. “I was convinced that it must have been a dream because it was just too good to be true…” He paused for a moment for dramatic effect. “Until I got out of the shower and noticed this.” He pulled the collar of his shirt to the side to reveal a small hickey at the base of his neck near his collarbone.
Lucy giggled as she gently touched the little bruise. She looked up at Tim to see if he was really upset at all, but as the first part of the word ‘sorry’ left her mouth he caught her lips with his.
When they separated a moment later, Tim said, squinting his eyes, “What was it you said when you hit my butt yesterday? Turnabout is fair play?” Then he dove back in to kiss the sensitive skin at the base of her neck.
Lucy laughed and then moaned as he found just the right spot. But she pushed him away pretty quickly. “Hmmm. Another time. But the dress I’m wearing tonight definitely does not cover that part of my body, and I don’t trust my cover up to hide that all night. I do not need to meet your friends with a hickey on my neck. Yours doesn’t show at all because your shirt covers it.”
Tim growled his disapproval but acquiesced.
Read more here -
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analogwriting · 10 months ago
The Other Side of Paradise
Chapter 5: Helium
Killer x gn!reader word count: 2.9k first|next
Slowly, your friends began to roll in. You play the part of host, greeting and mingling with everyone. Killer was attached to your hip, not wanting you to wear yourself out - he was still worried about last night's ventures taking a toll on you. You were just fine, however, so you think that was an excuse to stick to your side.
With Kid’s help, you were able to help him relax and he ended up going off to shotgun a beer with some people that arrived or whatever Kid called him to do. You loved him a lot, but sometimes he worried a little too much. You didn't want to impede on his fun just because he was concered about you. 
Besides, you felt fine aside from some stiffness. 
That was really put to the test when you felt someone tackle you from behind. You caught yourself, wincing only slightly, but otherwise fine. You looked back, seeing Dive hanging on you like a wild animal. “HI Y/N!” She shouted in your ear, causing you to flinch a little. You snorted, standing back up with her plastered to you.
“Hey, Dive.”
You heard another laugh and looked up with a grin. “I'm surprised you're still standing with how you went radio silent after your date last night,” Hop mused as she walked up, a sly grin spreading across her face. Your own face felt like it was on fire suddenly.
“What's the big news!” Dive looked at you excitedly. She wasn't one to care about romance or any “boring” things like relationships. You knew that you were going to have to give Hop the rundown. And you'd probably do it whenever Bubblegum arrived because he was going to want to know just as much.
You set her down, shaking your head. “Can't tell you.” 
Hop snorted, rolling her eyes. “Oh, c'mon. You can tell us. We'll act surprised whenever they announce it.”
“Yeah! Tell us! We can keep a secret!” Dive was bouncing on the balls of her feet with excitement as she looked up at you with wild eyes.
You hold up your hands, shaking your head once more. “Not my news to tell.”
“Not fair that you got to know before we did,” Dive mumbled, folding her arms over her chest. 
Though, it was always a given. News couldn't be kept from you if Killer knew. It was only natural that you were told the news since it had to do with him in the first place. It would’ve been the same if roles were reversed anyway. Neither of you could keep anything from each other. Well, at least not too long. He did make you wait, after all.
“Can't even give us a hint?” Hop narrowed her eyes at you. You made the motion of closing a zipper over your mouth, locking it, and throwing away a key. 
“You're so lame!” Dive groaned, rolling her eyes. “What's the point of being best friends if you keep things from us!”
You feigned having your feelings hurt. “Oh, Dive, how you wound me so.” You shook your head, putting your hands on your hips. “And it's not like you guys aren't already going to find out in a couple hours anyway. Dramatic ass.” You rolled your eyes with a grin.
Dive stuck out her tongue at you. “Whatever.” Then she skipped off, shifting her attention to the food that was laid out on the table. 
“You're really not gonna tell us, or at least me?” You looked over at Hop who had her eyes narrowed at you, shaking your head. “I promise it's good”.
“Better be with all the hype and build up.” She snorted. She wrapped her arm around your neck, putting you into some weird side chokehold, and moving on from the discussion. “Now let's go do some shots!”
People continued to show up at a steady pace and it wasn't long until your house, backyard, and garage were filled with people. The music was loud, bumping through the house, conversations being carried at full volume, different kinds of party games, all kinds of chaos in general. When you had a friend group as large as yours, it filled any space pretty quickly - especially when they were actually able to all show up.
Honestly, you loved it when your house was like this - filled to the brim with all of your favorite people having a good time. 
Killer had found you a few times to be showered in kisses before disappearing into crowds again. You were just glad he was more relaxed and less worried about you now. You were sure the alcohol helped with that, but you’d take it.
“Hope the two of you aren't having too much fun without me.” A voice came from behind both you and Hop as the two of you stood out back, having a small gossip sesh. A voice that the two of you were very familiar with. 
“Gummy!” Both of you cheered as you turned around. He mirrored the large smile the both of you had plastered on your faces. “Hello, my absolute best friends. Especially the one who went radio silent after their date last night.”
Your face went red again. “Whaaaat?” The two just grinned at you after glancing at each other. Man, not even two seconds into being here and he’s already hounding you for details.
“Well, you can make up for it by telling me what the buzz is all about,” Bubblegum said, moving to make himself a drink. 
“Huh?” You're perhaps a little drunk, not fully grasping what he was asking. 
“What's the news? Why were we all summoned?”
You blinked slowly as you processed his words before taking your head. “No.”
Hop shook her head right along with you. “Nope. Wouldn't tell me either.” She sighed, pouting slightly. 
“Must be real big if you won’t even tell us.”
You nodded, saying nothing more on the matter. You were determined to keep their secret safe. You were already fighting for your life trying not to tell Hop and Bubblegum anyway, so the less you spoke about it - the better.
“With news this big and with how you guys are hyping it up, they better have been signed,” he grumbled, sipping his drink. 
You, however, were caught off guard that he guessed right off the bat, choking on your own drink. You're pretty sure it came out of your nose. 
“Oh my god. Was I right?” A big, shiteating grin spread across Bubblegum’s face. “I'm right, aren't I?”
The same smile was appearing on Hop’s face. “Holy shit, why didn't I think of that! It’s totally that isnt it?”
You held your hand up, still trying to recover from choking. You'd done a movie worthy spit take with that level of surprise. The two snorted at you as you tried to gather yourself, coughing and doing another shot to help recover.
“With that response, I'm assuming I'm right,” he said, snorting and shaking his head. “Even if you deny it at this point, I know in my heart of hearts I’m correct now.” You just stared at him with wide eyes not saying anything. 
“Oh my god! He is right!” The two of them cheered and laughed while you sat there pale as a ghost. Oh, you hoped they didn't say anything. Sure, they were good at keeping secrets, obviously, but alcohol could be a cruel mistress in letting things slip out.
“Oh lighten up, y/n!” Bubblegum threw an arm around you. “We're not gonna say anything, your secret's safe with us,” he mused. “Until everyone else knows.” The two of them chuckled at your stunned silence. He was right though, you knew you could trust them. After all, they were your closest friends outside of the ones you grew up with. You knew they wouldn’t tell anyone.
“Before we accidentally blow it, let's change topic. Something I've been wanting to ask, but I've been waiting for Gummy to get here.” Hop, thankfully, switched the topic. You were worried that they'd say something too loud and then everyone would know. With this many people around it was hard to talk about things without being overheard.
“I bet I can guess that one too,” he said. You looked at him quizzically. “Uh?” They were pulling you in a million directions, leaving you stunned and confused like some kind of flashbang.
They both gave you droll expressions and you tried to rack your brain. “What- oh.” They grinned, nodding. “There it is,” Hop said. 
They wanted to know about yesterday. It was only the one thing you talked about since Killer made the plans. You had been over the moon about it.
The three of you settled onto the couch in the garage and you told them how the date went. The smoothie place, the movie, your mischievous actions, the forest, and the fact that it went pretty much until the sun came up. You didn't give them the absolute details, but you mentioned that you're pretty sure you saw god and it was Killer. 
The three of you continued to do what you did best. Gossip. They asked questions, you answered. Then they filled you in on what you missed from being out for the count the last twenty four hours. And with a friend group as large as yours, there was always a lot going on. 
Eventually, you hear Kid's voice boom through the house as he called for everyone to make their way to the set up outside. Earlier, the five of you, well, four, considering Killer wouldn't let you help, set up a few tables to make one long table out back for the dinner you had planned. Yes, there was food already out but that was just snacks, this was going to be a feast. 
That's why Killer had been cooking all day, after all. Though, Kid was able to help a little bit with the grilling. 
The two next to you start grinning their knowing grins and you had to smack the both of them to remind them that they're not supposed to know. You just hoped they were able to save face and not reveal anything long enough for the news to be delivered first. It was getting harder the drunker you became. You were also glad that Dive wasn't around when they figured it out because she was the worst at lying which made her terrible at keeping secrets. She always would have a pained look on her face and that's how you knew she was hiding something. It wasn’t exactly her fault, she tried to keep secrets, she just looked like she’d explode if she didn’t tell people. Not for lack of trying.
The three of you head outside and you immediately spot your boyfriend at the table. You grin widely, making your way over to him before plopping yourself down in his lap. “Well, hello to you too,” he mused, wrapping his arms around your waist. 
You turn to kiss him, sighing into him. Man, you were going to miss him. 
“Bigs! Knock it off! I'm tryna make an announcement here!” Kid's voice rang through the backyard and made your ears ring. The two of you laughed, pulling apart. 
“Alright, alright. You have the floor, Tungsten.” A sly grin spread across your face. You two weren’t ones to shy away from arguing in front of your friends. Actually, it was a given at this point.
Kid just narrowed his eyes at you at your light teasing. “That's not…” He trailed off, grumbling to himself for a moment before shaking it off. He wasn’t going to let your egging on get in the way of his news. “Anyway.”
His eyes scan the table, looking at everyone for a moment before grinning. “I bet you're wondering why I've gathered all of you here today and why the universe aligned so perfectly to let us ALL enjoy it.”
“Get on with it!” A tong flung across the table, striking Pomp in the head as soon as the words left his mouth. 
Kid straightened himself back out. “Fucking. Don’t interrupt.” He huffed. “As I was saying.” He grinned widely. You knew he wasn't one for speeches. He was just going to say it.
“Finally, after years of hard work - we've been signed!” 
Everyone was in stunned silence for a moment. You could hear the gears turning. Luckily, Bubblegum and Hop were just waiting for everyone to react so they could join in. You thought they’d immediately cheer, but luckily, they could read a room.
Then everyone burst into roars of cheering. There was screaming, howling, whistling. Gig even ripped off his shirt as he cheered, waving it around in the air before throwing it. Boogie and Mosh yelled before smashing their heads together after shotgunning a beer. Just buck wild all around. 
Kid yells, demanding everyone's attention once more. It takes a moment, but it slowly calms down. Also after your cousin throws a few items at a few domes, that helps catch people’s attention. 
“That all being said, we'll have to move to the big city. We'll be moving about 20 hours away.”
Everyone was silent. Realization was settling in. Yeah, they were signed, but they'd also be leaving. Which also meant they'd come to parties less often and overall be not around. Sure, there was the group chat, but they were about to be so busy. 
“When do you leave?” UK asked. 
The crowd burst into murmurs and whispers. “Monday? Thats so fast!” Hip said, shaking her head. “Why so soon?”
“Well, there's a lot of papers and such to sign. They just want to get started as soon as possible.”
More whispers. 
“You're still gonna visit, right?”
Kid scoffed, rolling his eyes. “Of course we are! You guys are our friends - our home. We wouldn't have made it this far without you. As soon as we get rich, we're gonna buy one of those huge mansions and everyone is welcome to live with us!”
The crowd erupted into cheers again. After all, it's pretty much what you did now. The house was much smaller than a mansion, of course. Much, much smaller. But everyone came and went right now anyway. Everyone had their own routines and classes. They didn't live here, but that would truly be the life. 
All of your best friends, your family, in one place. Coming and going as they pleased like always but you'd live together. Now that you could get behind. You found yourself cheering as well. 
The idea of everyone living together in a mansion had also been the dream along with the rockstar dream. If the rockstar dream didn't work out, everyone was gonna pitch in for a large house to live in. Which, with thirty or so people could be pretty easy. Some people might have to room together, but it wasn’t anything that bothered any of you.
But if they ended up getting a mansion everyone could have their own room!
At this point, things grew too chaotic for Kid to rally, not that he really tried. He said his piece, everyone was excited and buzzing about the news. You noticed Gig crying and hugging everyone around him. You couldn't help but smile. 
“Ugh, I'm so glad we don't have to hold it in anymore. I thought I was going to explode.” Bubblegum spoke before thinking then his eyes widened at you. Your own eyes widened. You felt Killer’s arms wrap around you a little tighter. 
“What is this about holding something in? Did you tell them?” His voice was low and in your ear. 
Hop and Bubblegum looked at you, both wide eyed. They saw the look Killer gave over your shoulder and they skittered away quicker than you could blink. Even drunk, he was sharp. And they just signed your death sentence.
You turned around in his lap. “Babe.” He looked up at you through his hair, a dangerous look on his face. “It's not what you think. I didn't tell them.”
“Then what was that about?” His voice was smooth and deep, sending you shivers down your spine. Not in fear, but excitement. You knew exactly what to expect when he got like this.
“Uh, well, earlier we were drinking. And Bubblegum guessed it-”
“And you told them?”
“No! I didn't say anything! But they went with it as truth.” You frowned. 
“Mm, still sounds to me like you admitted it. Looks like I'll just have to-”
“KILLER!” The two of you jumped as Kid’s voice rang through the crowd. “C'mon, we're gonna play a set!”
“We'll pick up this convo later,” he purred before removing you from his lap. Your heart is racing with excitement and anticipation. You knew he wasn't actually mad. He could never be mad at you, but damn when he put on that fake anger attitude, it turned you on so much. 
Hop and Bubblegum rejoined your side. “Are you in trouble?”
You had a dreamy look in your eyes. “Hopefully.” You sighed, leaning into the table, chin in hand as you watched your boyfriend head towards the makeshift stage they set up.
The two of them burst into laughter. “We'll take it!”
With that, the three of you go into full rager mode. 
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olsenmyolsen · 2 years ago
Unpaid Intern
Part 6 of On The Inside With Elizabeth Olsen
Word Count: ~5.7K
"Do you want kids someday?" I blurt out without realizing it.
Liz gets up and sits up next to me. "I think so?" Liz begins playing with her fingers. I notice she does this when she's nervous and anxious. So I take her hands and put them in my own. "Do you?" Liz asks as her finger gently traces the line inside my palms.
"I do."
"What would you like to name them?" Liz asks, now leaning herself onto me. "Luke, Clementine, Wanda, Taylor, and Clove are my top five. "Wanda, huh" I hear Liz mutter to herself. I nudge her. "Gotta problem with the name Wanda?" Liz lets out a wide grin. "No, I think it's one of the most beautiful names ever. It's one of my favorites." One baby name down, then. I think to myself, "Glad we could agree." I peck the top of her head.
I see Liz thinking. "Do you believe in soulmates?" I open my mouth to answer before remembering how I felt for the longest time that Naomi was my soulmate. "Yes, I do. But I believe everyone has multiple soulmates. I believe I've met one already." I pause when I see Liz raise an eyebrow. "My ex." Liz frowns. "Don't get me wrong; I still think she is one of the worst people ever. But I wouldn't be where I am right now without her."
I watch Liz's pretty face think about what I said. "I completely understand what you mean. I feel like I've already met one or two of mine. I don't hate them. But you're right. I think meeting soulmates helps you on the path to your future soulmate. Hopefully, one who you want to share a life with."
"Couldn't agree more, Liz."
The movie has officially become background noise to us.
Liz giggles. "Do you believe in Zodiac signs?"
"Nope!" I say, popping the 'p' "Do you?"
"Only if they work."
"Okay. Let's see." I think about what to ask. "Dogs or cats?" Liz gives me a look. "Plants." I dramatically roll my eyes. "No sass, Coffee Girl!" Liz shames me as I watch her hand fall onto my knee, softly rubbing the area.
"Do you like your job?" Liz asks, rubbing my leg. "I do. It's nice. It's cool to know you're a constant in your regulars lives, as weird as that sounds. Also, meeting new people can have surprising outcomes." I pull Liz's hand up to my lips. "Plus, I make a pretty good ass coffee."
"Yeah, the coffee from your shop is better than some unpaid interns." I laugh at her matter-of-fact statement.
I think of a new question. "Oh, I got one!" Liz looks at me excited, waiting. "What was your gay awakening?" Liz's mouth drops. She was not expecting this. Liz crossed her arms. "Nu-uh. Next, please."
"Oh, come on! That's not fair. If you tell me yours, I'll tell you mine!" Liz shakes her head no. "Come on. Is it super embarrassing? I promise I won't make fun of you! If I tell you, one of mine will tell me yours?"
"Maybe." That's the most I'm going to get.
"This is a judgment-free zone we're about to enter, right?" Liz uncrosses her arms, smiles, and squeezes my thigh, letting me know she's here for me. "Linda Cardellini as Velma in the live-action Scooby-Doo movies. Also, the Hex Girls in the animated Scooby-Doo movie!" I get out as fast as possible.
Wait, I'm seeing a pattern here.
Liz covers her mouth to push back a laugh I know she has in the chamber. I see the ends of her mouth curl up. "Is that why you're favorite color is orange?" There it is. I get up from the couch in shame. "Agghhh," I groan.
"Y/N, you know I'm kidding." I stop and pout away from Liz. "I'm sorry. You were being vulnerable with me! I'm sorry." I can hear her smile through her apology. Liz wraps her hands around my stomach and rubs. I instantly feel myself feeling better. How does she do it?
"So, are you gonna tell me yours, Miss?" "Maybe someday," Liz whispers into my shoulder. I know I can't get it out of her, so I pull my phone out, turning to Liz. Within seconds of opening Spotify, I put on Dancing Queen by ABBA. I place my phone on the coffee table before asking for Liz's hand to dance. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"  Liz curtsies. I take Liz's hand and pull her toward me. Chest to chest. My hand slides down to her lower back. "There's always a good time to dance, and who doesn't love ABBA." Liz follows my lead as silly as this dance is becoming. But she's smiling and letting herself have fun. That's what today was about.
"You know I did ballet for years?" I look at her, surprised. Why should I be? She's one of the most beautiful beings on the planet, plus she's a model, for god sake. "Care to bust out those moves?" Liz comedically shakes her head no. I push my forehead to hers, singing along to the lyrics. Liz looks into my eyes. "I can't believe this song is about you," I say to watch her emerald orbs roll.
Liz and I are both laying on the floor, letting the sweat take us over. After Dancing Queen, my playlist really did hit us with Lady Gaga, Kate Bush, Queen, Harry Styles, and many more artists, so we couldn't help but groove out. "That was so fun! I can't remember the last time I had an impromptu dance party." Liz says in between pants. "Correct, you are Chase. Correct you are." "Oh, shit, look." I peer up to see Liz point to Gone with the Wind. "It's over? Damn, I was just getting into it!" I don't need to see it, but I feel Liz rolling her eyes at what I just said. She needs to stop doing that. They're going to pop out one day. Liz crawls herself towards me. "Hardy har har." Liz positions herself above my face to face.
"Are you gonna kiss me or just stare? I've recently heard it's insulting to stare." I smile to myself for being such a smart ass. "Well, I wasn't going to kiss you, but since I don't want to be rude." Liz leans down and kisses me. I kiss her back, slowly picking up my pace. I feel her push harder against me. I hear a small moan escape Liz's lips when I come for air. I pull her face forward and attack her lips again.
Before I know it, I'm the one letting a tiny moan slip out the side of my mouth. Liz responds by moving herself on top of me, straddling me. Liz starts kissing down my cheek and neck, moaning, making goose bumps zap down my body. I feel her slightly under my hands as they start working their way up under her shirt. Her toned body feels so good. Is this all from gardening?
I moan into Liz's head as she reached my collar bone. "Fuck Liz" She keeps moving her body further down. Her hands are working their way up my chest. One hand softly brushing my neck. I go to remove her shirt but stop.
"Liz?" She looks up at me. "Yes, my Coffee Girl?"
"Do I have your consent?" Liz nods. Not good enough. "I need a yes, Liz."
"Yes, Y/N Y/L/N, you have my consent. 100%." Liz smiles and starts attacking my chest and body again. In response, I rip her shirt off her body and see what only my drunk eyes have seen. Oh my god. I left hickeys all over her chest too. Liz's eyes follow mine. "Like what you see?" Her bare chest with my marks? Yes!
I smirk. "I love it. Come here." I scoop Liz up, making her laugh as I carry her to the bed. I gently put Liz onto the bed. Within a second, she rips my shirt off as I kick off my shorts. Liz goes to remove her shorts as well, but I grab her wrist and put them above her head. "These stay right here. Okay, Miss? You gonna be good for me?" Liz nods. "I don't want to have to punish you." I wink.
I spread Liz's legs as I kiss my way up her body. I hear Liz whimper as I go past her knee and up her thighs. I look up at her eyes shut, lips puckered in. I keep going before stopping at her shorts. I hover my mouth over where clit is and wrap my mouth around the area. Letting my mouth soak her shorts. I suck in feeling her.
"Please take them off!" The model below me moans. I oblige, wrapping my fingers in the hands of her shorts. I slowly peel the shorts down her legs. Just as I thought. Liz isn't wearing any panties, and she's dripping for me. I look up to Liz, red in the face. "So naughty!" She groans. "Shut up and fuck me!"
"Oh, so is that really how we're going to do this? You've been warned, Chase." I back up and position myself off the edge of the bed. Liz looks a little confused before she realizes. I grab her legs and pull her towards me. Without warning, I dive my tongue straight into her clit, moving my tongue up and down as fast as I can, only stopping to harshly suck on her clit. Liz moans loudly explicits as I pick up speed. I feel Liz's hands grab onto my hair. I pull my mouth away and scold her, "what did I say? Hands stay above your head!"
Liz looks down at me, pissed, but obeys." Liz can't see my hands, so I take advantage and begin moving my index and middle finger over her folds. Her legs shake in response, and my fingers are dripping wet within seconds. "Do you want this baby?" Liz whimpers out something I can't quite make out. "I said do you want this?" I continue teasing.
"Y-Yes pleas-e!"
"Good girl!" I slowly slide my fingers in. The sounds escaping from Liz echo off the walls. "You're being so such a good girl!" I quicken my pace, placing my thumb on her clit, rubbing in a circular motion. I work my left hand up Liz's thigh stopping at her hip giving her a squeeze and a push. I run my mouth over her thighs and the top of pussy. Out of the corner of my eyes, I see Liz go to grab my hair before stopping herself, gripping the sheets below her, balling them up in her hands' white knuckles and all. "Y/N- fuck baby- I-"
I decide to take my chances and add a third finger. "Fuck!!" She pushes her legs up towards herself, allowing me to position myself deeper into her."Go ahead, baby cum for me!" I watch as Liz gasps for air. Her mouth moves, but nothing comes out.
"Cum for mommy!" And just like that, Liz, let's go. I watch her green eyes roll back on her pretty pink face before they come back to look down at me. Her heavy breathing returns as she comes down. I softly slide my fingers out as I look back at her. I put my fingers up to my mouth, licking them. "So sweet." I wink at the gorgeous woman in front of me.
"Come here." Liz weakly lets out as her breathing begins to go back to normal. I oblige her by crawling up the bed to lay down beside her. I close my eyes and kiss her flushed cheeks. When I open them, she's staring right at me. Her eyes are holding in more than she's telling me. But it looks like pure love or lust.
Liz pulls herself into me. We are now stomach to stomach. Legs wrapped around one another. "So, how bad was it?" I huskily whisper. Liz smiles and kisses me "so bad I definitely didn't just have one of the best orgasms ever." I kiss her ear "damn, guess I better try again." Liz giggles. She has no idea how big of a grin I get hearing her laughter. "Maybe another time, Coffee Girl. I'm still recovering... ya know from how awful it was!" A smirk falls onto Liz's face. "Understandable." I lean in and kiss the girl I've officially fallen for.
I rub my eyes open, and to my disappointment, I'm alone in Liz's bed. "Liz?" Escapes my lips with a groggy tone. No response. I try again but louder, "Liz?" This gets a response because the bedroom door flies open with Liz on the other side, back in her t-shirt and shorts. "Coffee Girl!" She squeals, jumping onto the bed. "I was beginning to think you'd never wake up!" Oh my God, what a fucking cutie this one is.
"I don't even remember falling asleep. How long was I out?" "Almost two hours," Liz says nonchalantly. My mouth drops. "Liz! Oh no! Today was our day! Why didn't you wake me up I-"
"Y/N. Don't worry about it! You look too peaceful and pretty to wake up. It also gave me time to answer my team and people in greater detail."
Oh, that's good. Right?
"Plus, I ordered us some dinner. I was going to make it, but I remembered what you said, and oh boy, you're right. I don't have any food! So come on, get up and dressed. If you want, that is." Liz winks and leaves me alone in the bedroom to freshen up and get dressed.
Once I'm done, I walk out of the bedroom and into the kitchen. "Jesus, Liz, it's only us two!" I say, shocked at the amount of Mexican food I see in front of me. You would think a house party is about to happen. "I know it's a lot! But I wasn't sure what your favorite dish was, so... tada!" Liz throws her arms out, shaking her hands. "You're such a dork! Thank you for this, Liz."
I look into Liz's eyes, seeing the care and love in them. I once again thank Liz for her thoughtful choice for dinner and be sure to shower her in kisses before I begin stacking my plate. I don't mean to, but I make a quick comment about food waste, but Liz assures me that won't happen.
I don't know where in the hell Liz got the food from, but it has officially become my favorite spot! I can't explain it, but it's like a five-star meal wrapped in that hometown Mexican restaurant your family loves. You know the one.
Liz and I finally finish our meal only after I made sure to thank her and tell her how much I love this place's food a hundred more times! Liz goes to take our plates, but I stop her from leaving the table. "You cooked, so I clean." "But I-" "I can't hear you, Liz. You're too busy not wanting to clean these dishes." I walk myself into the kitchen and put all the food away so Liz can have leftovers. After that, I begin to clean the dishes.
"Fine." Liz pushes herself off the dining room table, playfully pouting as she shimmies her butt to the living room, ensuring I'm not missing the show. I watch the beaut sit on the couch, turn to me give me a goofy smile before drawing her attention to the tv. I glance at Liz as she sucks her lips into her mouth; she appears nervous, scrolling through the TV.
I close the fridge door. Everything has been cleaned and put away. I smile to myself at a job well done. A job I haven't even done to my place in who knows how long. Sure, I tidy it up when I have Max come over, but nothing like what I just did for Liz's kitchen.
"Y/N?" I look at Liz on the couch with my phone in her hand. I tilt my head confused. "Yeah?" I carefully make my way to Liz. "You have two missed calls from Max." "Oh shit," I reply, worried and confused. It's not like Max to call me. I sit next to Liz as she watches me call Max back. On the screen, Liz has a movie called Martha Marcy May Marlene paused at the beginning.
After a couple of rings, Max answers.
M: "Dude, where the hell are you?"
Y/N: "At Liz's. Why?"
Liz looks at me curiously. I shrug.
M: "Dude, hello, movie night. As in tonight is the night you finally watch the MCU. Wait, did you, Liz!? You slut, omg!"
I slap my hand against my forehead.
Y/N: "Shit, dude, you're right. I'm sorry. Fuck. I'm in the city, and yes, Liz's! But I can be there."
Liz turns her head away from me and turns the TV off.
M: "Whoa, Y/N, if you're with Liz, this can wait!
Y/N: "Are you sure?"
M: "Hell yeah! But look, I'm probably just gonna chill at your place till you come home, that is if you do come home."
Y/N: "Yeah, that's cool. Once again, I'm sorry, Max, it slipped my mind."
M: "No worries. Just want you to be happy. Later whore."
Y/N: "Yeah yeah."
Max ends the call.
I close my phone and turn toward Liz. "Sorry that was-" Liz cuts me off. "I know. I heard. I'm sorry, Y/N. I didn't mean to steal you away from Max." The look in Liz's eyes is a look of guilt.
"Hey, don't apologize and say that. You didn't steal me away. I've enjoyed every single second with you. Even holding you while you let everything out this morning. I'm the one that lost track of time, plus Max is my best friend. They understand. So put the movie you were going to show me back on." I go to grab the remote, but Liz stops me. She places my hand in hers. Liz goes to speak but stops herself. Thinking about what to say.
"Y/N." I don't believe my name has ever been spoken as softly as it just was. "Look at me." Liz places two fingers under my chin and lifts them, so our eyes meet. "Earlier, I asked you for a day together—just one. And you've done way more than you even realize for me since then. I genuinely appreciate it." Liz clears her throat. "I thank you. I just want you to know that everything we said to one another remains. I do feel you and want to continue to feel you."
Liz looks away. I can feel the word coming.
"But." There it is. She turns back to me."Like I said earlier, I have a lot going on that I need to figure out before I want you to become more a part of my life."
What the heck does that mean? Does she see a future with me?
"So within the next couple of days, I'm going back to London." Liz sniffles and swallows the tears she's trying to keep in. "Before I leave, during my stay, and after, I want to be in contact with you. I don't want to lose any part of what we've built up till now. Yes, I know everything between us has happened super crazy soon, but I like it. I know, or at least I hope you feel the same Y/N. I'm not trying to say goodbye to you or anything; I am trying to make you understand."
A single tear falls from Liz's face. My hand instinctively wipes at the trail on her face. I listened to every word that dripped from Liz's mouth. A part of it hurts, but yes, I understand.
I cup Liz's face and pull her into a slow passionate kiss. Liz wraps her arms around my body as our lips part. "I understand. I do. A part of me doesn't want you to go, and I wish you could just tell me everything you have inside of you, but I can wait. I know that's what the underlying question is."
I push our faces together, feeling the tears fall from Liz's eyes onto my cheeks. "Okay. So this is super awkward now because we just said all of that, and now I feel like that's my cue to leave." Liz and I giggle at the obvious yet painful observation. "Let me help you get everything," Liz says, getting up and wiping the tears away.
Within what feels like a minute, I have a tote bag full of Y/N's clothes from last night, two Tupperware containers full of Mexican, and a fruit roll-up all packed up for her to take. "Are you sure you want me to keep this?" Y/N says, flaunting my t-shirt and now grey sweat shorts.
"Yes! I want you to be comfortable and have something to remember me beside the memories for now." I look Y/N over. "Plus, you look ridiculously hot in such a simple outfit."
"And here I thought you didn't want me." Y/N clearly teases, but it still stung just a little bit. I watch her slip on her vans and look around for her phone. "Already in the bag, Coffee Girl." I slip the tote over her shoulder and kiss her on the cheek. This fucking sucks. "Okay, as I mentioned, a car is already downstairs waiting for you. Just tell the driver where you need to go. Call or text me when you get home!"
I open the door for my girl. She, in her own sulky way, exits the apartment door. I grab her wrist and spin her around to face me. "Y/N, thank you so much." I pause. "I meant everything I said on the couch, okay? I feel you." A flush of pink shines over her face. "I know you did, Liz. You know everything I said and did today, I meant with my heart. I'll text you when I'm home." Y/N shuffles her feet to move but doesn't; instead, she plants a kiss of pure bliss. "I feel you too." With that said, I watch her walk down the hall and into the elevator, out of sight but not out of mind.
As I reach the lobby, it hits me what a bittersweet moment this is. I exit the elevator, still lost in thought about everything with Liz, before I hear my name from a voice I don't recognize.
"Miss Y/N?"
I look up to see the doorman of the building. Does he know my name? "Yes?" I hesitantly ask. The man looks at me, confused. "I said I hope to see you again, Miss Y/N." That's when it hits me.
A very drunk Liz and I, hand in hand, enter the building. We walk straight past the doorman before Liz turns us around. "Mr. Madison, I'd like to introduce you to Miss Y/L/N, a special friend of mine."
"Pleasure to meet you, Miss Y/L/N." Mr. Madison extends his white-gloved hand to me. I promptly take it and begin shaking his hand. "Just call me Y/N next time you see me." I realize I have yet to stop shaking Mr. Madiosn's hand. "I'm shaking your hand too long." I awkwardly let go and bid him farewell, following Liz into the elevator.
"Mr. Madison?" He nods. "Thank you for being so kind," I say to him as I exit. Once I step out, I am meant by paparazzi, but I realize they're not for me because why would they be? A rush of flashes goes off as someone enters the building. Liz lives here and is a model, so it would make sense that other people like her would too.
After watching the paparazzi do their annoying thing. I find the car and the driver Liz told me about. Miss Y/L/N?" I shake my head yes. I go to enter the car but first. "And you are?" The man smiles. "Mr. Bronson." "Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Bronson. Please call me Y/N." The man agrees and helps me into the car. Once he gets in the vehicle and routes us to my place, I let out a breath I had not realized I was holding. Mr. Bronson told me he texted my friend to let her know I was secure.
Throughout the drive, I made small talk with Mr. Bronson. I asked him multiple times to give me his first name, but he refused, not in a mean way, just in a nice formal way. It turns out he has a wife and two kids. I apologize for taking him away from them tonight. He calms my worries and says the amount he gets paid; he makes sure to make it up to his kids. I asked him if he was our driver last night, to which he replied yes. He said he made sure to give us privacy the previous night, so I embarrassingly got the picture of what he meant. Small talk is something I don't do anymore, so having it with new people is nice.
I returned to the couch after Y/N left. It hits me what a bittersweet moment this is. I'm beyond thrilled with everything that happened between us, but it hurts knowing it might be a long time till I can see her again. Plus, I still have to face everything I've been ignoring. I'm lost in thought about everything with Y/N.
My phone next to me lights up. It's a text from Mr. Bronosn telling me the package is secure. I chuckle and blame his son Billy for that phrase. A man as old as Mr. Bronoson should not be using that vocabulary. I send him a thank you text and ask him to ensure she enters her building without a problem.
I put my phone down on my coffee table and decided to distract myself with some trashy TV. I go to grab the remote, but a set of knocks from my door stop me. I cautiously make my way over, unlocking and opening the door.
Not too much longer, and we're out in front of my building. Mr. Bronson opened my car door for me before I even had a chance to protest. He helps me out and makes sure I have everything with me. I thanked him for the ride, and he responded by giving me his card, letting me know that he'll be there anytime I need a ride. He waits until I enter the elevator of my building to leave.
During the ride up, I text Liz letting her know I made it home. I don't immediately get a response back, which saddens me a bit, but there's nothing I can do about it. The doors open, and I make my way down the hall to my apartment. Through the New York thin walls, I overhear Max playing one of her Marvel movies.
"What are you doing!?" I shout as I fling open my door, scaring Max and making her throw her popcorn in the process. Thank goodness I don't have a dog. It would be going to town right now. "WHAT THE FUCK, Y/N! I wasn't expecting you for a couple more hours!" Max walks up and hugs me before jabbing my arm. "Don't do that again!"
Max takes notice of my new outfit and tote bag. "Well, it looks like you really did more than spend the night. New clothes, food, and a tote!" Damn, putting the whole lesbians move to fast thing to work." I would go to argue, but Max nailed it on the head.
"Once again, Max, you're always right." Max throws up some finger guns and begins cleaning up the mess I made her cause. I put the food away and threw my dress from last night in the wash. Max finishes picking up the popcorn, throws it away, and sits herself down on my couch, making herself at home. "Come sit and tell me everything, Y/N!" I plop down next to Max and look at the TV. "Hold on. You're watching this one again?" Max looks up and sees what I see a guy in a black catsuit fighting a dude with a metal arm."Okay, I don't need your judgment. Besides! We were supposed to start on these movies tonight!" I roll my eyes. "Who's right! Come on, Y/N, say it!"
"You are." Max pumps her fist. "Always." Max grabs the remote, exiting this movie, and goes back to a film called Captain America: The First Avenger. "We are going to start from the beginning. We will enjoy this movie, and then you will tell me everything that happened with Liz! Everything."
I have to say I was pleasantly surprised by the movie. I lost count of how many times I asked Max how they did the body transformation stuff. Also, I thought the guy named Stark's first name was Tony. But Max told me to wait. Whatever that means. I'm so sad about Bucky. Why did they have to do him like that? Max also told me the next movie isn't her favorite, but she loves Brie Larson, so since I'm surprising, not tired after a war movie, we decide to jump into it when I decide to check my phone for the millionth time.
Still no text back from Liz.
"Nothing?" Max asks. I shake my head no, and she leans closer to me. "Who knows, maybe she just fell asleep." I like Max's ability to look at things differently. "Now tell me everything before we watch Captain Marvel!"
I do just that. I tell Max everything. I tell her about the bits of the night I can remember. The hickeys. The garden. The missed phone calls. The movie and dance party. I brush over the details about Liz and my sex romp because that's for me. I tell Max about dinner and more.
When I finish, Max just looks at me, stunned. "What?"
"The whole time you talked, you had the biggest smile on your face. You've fallen for her! Haven't you?" I blush, and Max sees it. "Oh my God!! My freaking Y/N finally got back out there and gets the one! This is amazing, Y/N. Tell me her name again; I wanna stalk her Instagram."
"Elizabeth Chase."
Max gives me a smirk and raises an eyebrow. "You serious?" I give her a look right back. "Yes?" Max goes back to her phone, seemingly satisfied with my answer. "Okay."
"Let's see. Private account. Private account. Fan acc-." Max stares at her phone, frantically scrolling. "Oh shit. That's why!" I turn to Max, very confused. "That's why what?"
"That's why she looked and sounded so familiar at the coffee shop! Oh my god. I can't believe this. My heart-"
"Dude, what the hell is going on?" I try to look at Max's phone, but she moves it away from me. "What did Liz say she does again?" A worried look grows on my face. "Model." "And she has a sister named?" "MK." "Y/N. You have zero idea who you just spent all day with."
Max hands me her phone. That one article I saw this morning is staring at me.
"Okay?" Max scrolls down the page for me. I see Liz and I, hand in hand, walking into a car. I get hit by a wave of information.
The articles.
The calls.
Her job.
I scroll down the page and start reading the actual article.
"MCU star Elizabeth Olsen seen exiting a NY restaurant with a mysterious woman in hand. Earlier the same day, the pair were seen leaving a state park. This news comes days after Olsen was seen exiting the London set of the Doctor Strange sequel distraught. No one knows when Olsen arrived in NY, but it's clear she arrived alone. Only today was Olsen's fiancé Robbie Arnett seen at Heathrow Airport. Rumors have been flying around Olsen and Arnett for a while now. Is this the end? Who's this mysterious woman? For up-to-date information, be sure to stay subscribed to our newsletter."
I stay silent, holding Max's phone. The rage and hurt I'm feeling is one I haven't felt in- since-
I eye Max, tears pooling in my eyes. "She lied, Max." I whimper out. Max doesn't catch it. "Dude, you're dating the Scarlett Witch!" "Max." Max doesn't hear me. "Omg, she's like top 5-"
"She lied!" Max turns to me, stunned. Max softens her body. "Y/N..." I open my mouth, which has suddenly become dry. "I'm sure she had her reasons" I glare at Max. "Max, she lied about her job. She's engaged! She lied about her fucking name!" I get up and start rushing to put my vans on. "Dude, what are you doing!?"
"I'm going to talk to her. I want her to explain herself." I open my phone. My messages are still sitting on DELIVERED. "She hasn't even fucking opened my text!" I begin snapping at Max. I know this is unfair, but I can't let this happen again. "Y/N, just stop and-"
"Max, I love you. But I can't." I say through gritted teeth. I grab my phone, wallet, and keys. "I'll be back."
I close my door and sprint down to the elevator. Luckily my neighbor Miss. Jones was getting off, so I didn't have to wait. I pull out my phone and call Mr. Bronson, asking him to pick me up. It turns out he doesn't live too far and would be happy to take me back. Thank God.
While waiting, I decided to send a text to Liz. Elizabeth? Lizzie, or whatever the fuck her character's name is called.
"Olsen. We need to talk."
Part 7
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squeakygeeky · 2 years ago
My Ride Episode 10 Drama vs. Novel
I'll actually start with Nadia. I was kind of disappointed by the way it took a really bad date to make Nadia finally go for Mayom, although it was a pretty funny terrible date. I'm also disappointed how the show needed to make Mayom the Most Specialist Barista Influencer to justify them getting together. Book Mayom does disappear for a bit, leaving Nadia upset, but he was just taking a management training course and a latte art class (because he does want to improve himself to be a better match, but he is a perfectly normal barista). Mayom gives him a latte with a heart (less impressive than a detailed portrait, but still very cute), and their story wraps up with them happily together.
Meanwhile everything with Mork and Tawan in the show just...did not happen at all in the book. But I understand that they needed something exciting to end the series. I hate the cliche of the ex coming back and causing a misunderstanding, and I hate that Tawan was apparently ready to quit his residency over a boy. But I do love that as a mototaxi driver Mork got to have a big dramatic moment on a bike, and a sunset kiss on a mountainside is a romantic cliche I need more of so 10/10 for setting, although I'm not sure we needed the mototaxi guys watching (what were they even doing there for any of this?)
The book has a much simpler and quieter confession scene, with Mork meeting Tawan at the end of a difficult shift in order to bring him more 'hearty' hainanese chicken rice. Tawan had been worrying a little bit about risking losing a friend but at that gesture he goes ahead and confesses to Mork that he likes him, and this is the thing from the end that I wish they'd kept for the show. TAWAN GETS THE CONFESSION. Technically Mork is the one that officially asks Tawan to be his boyfriend, but only after Tawan is forced to repeat himself several times so Mork can get his thoughts together. Also Tawan has to tell Mork to stop calling him Doctor and use his name now that they're boyfriends.
@bengiyo I'm kind of laughing at myself right now because the book doesn't even have a real kiss, when the show has 3. Literally Mork just kisses Tawan's hand and then the hug for a while. But to be fair I'm pretty sure this is all taking place at the entrance to the hospital still and also Mork is telling this story to P'Fueang as a flashback so it's not like he was going to include anything racier.
There's a flash-forward scene in both, but the book's scene is not quite as far ahead in time, it's 2 years. Mork just graduated with his high vocational certificate and is just about to start studying engineering and Tawan is about to start even more training, in cardiology. They celebrate with the mototaxi guys and I really like that Ms. Ai the teacher is there too. There's some joking re: Tawan being the 'wife' clearly related to him being the bottom which its just as well that didn't make it to the show, but maybe this was what made think there had been something vaguely spicy in the novel when there absolutely was not. Anway, Mork asks Tawan to move in with him and Tawan agrees, but only on the condition that Mork meets his father first so we're left with that as a semi-cliffhanger.
The show gives a little more closure, but I kind of prefer seeing Tawan becoming part of the mototaxi tribe. There's a lot in the book about Mork working to better himself, and that's a good thing, but it's nice to see that Tawan also becomes part of Mork's world, it's not all about Mork becoming good enough to be able to date a doctor.
I'm sad to be saying goodbye to Mork and Tawan again. Rewatching the series without the Boss and Toy scenes drastically improved the experience, and this remains one of my favorite BLs, and the only change I'm really mad about is Nadia because otherwise it was a very close adaptation. I do think there were different vibes, with something about the book feeling a little more real. Maybe just because it was in first person able to be introspective, in a way that I don't think you can translate to screen.
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bittyfromquotev · 2 years ago
Madie Aizawa: Origin: Part 3
WARNINGS: Not edited, somewhat detailed smut/rape, cussing, sex toy/restraint, pet names, hate sex
Puppeteer sucked in air and exhaled deeply. “Man, that was a lot of talking!” she exclaimed. “But, there shall be more to come.” Endeavor leaned back in his chair, making it squeak. “You mentioned a party that seemed important. Where did it take place?” Puppeteer nodded. “Yeah, yeah, okay. So…I finished my project, summer came and went, the new school year started, blah blah blah.” She cut herself off to clear her throat before continuing. “Then we got to the party, which I chose to go to Japan for. It was so much fun!” A knowing grin spread across her face when the sarcastic comment was made. Every Pro in the room began to grow slightly concerned, and they showed it. Hawks, Mic, Eraser, Endeavor, Jeanist, all of them. “Go on. Keep talking,” one of them said. Puppeteer began stomping her feet, giggling in a manic excitement. “Yes!” she cried. “Haha, yes! I get to expose them! Okay…lemme see…” . . . They left for Japan on October 4, at 1:30 PM. Madie and her parents looked into Japanese time in order to arrive on time, so it would already be the sixth when they arrived. The plane ride was fun; she sat with Bri and Tokoyami on the way, and when they arrived, she was glad to have been fluent in the language. “Pretty sweet country, isn’t it?” Madie’s heart skipped a beat when Johnathan brushed his hand against hers. “Mhm.” “Makes ya wonder why your dad didn’t want to join us.” Madie nodded, making eye contact. “Exactly! He never talks about why he moved!” The boy made a peculiar face in response. “Yeah. Oh, you might wanna get your suitcase, Madie. Looks like we’re leaving.” Crap!
Everyone invited met up at a large, expensive-looking hotel that Madie’s mom booked to put their stuff in their designated rooms and officially start the day. She went up to hers, and found Johnathan organizing his things. He grinned at the sight of her. “Oh, lookit that! We’re sharing a room? This must be a love hotel.” Madie pursed her lips, eyes watering a little. “No…” she blurted, voice wavering. She tried composing herself, and it worked, but she’d been put in a downhill mood. Johnathan cupped her check in his hand, thumb dragging across her lips smoothly. He scolded her with those quiet, sweet words he used on everyone before he released her and left the room, jogging in the direction of the elevators. She followed suit soon after, hoping that nothing went wrong before…before they had to go to bed.
When Madie arrived at the lobby of the hotel, everyone was gathered in a group, ready to head out. Before Selena could say anything about how the day would go, the hotel doors swung open dramatically as two people stepped in. One of the was the one that was missing before. In a foggy flurry, Madie had dashed over and wrapped her arms around the tall boy’s slim waist, burying her face into his chest. His fair arms returned he hug, one hand placed comfortingly on her head. He lifted her head to face him with a look of nothing but happiness and concern etched in his features. With a low voice, he greeted her back. “Hey, I missed you too. What’s the matter?” He looked back up, his icy gaze scanning the hotel. “Who. Hurt you.” His voice was louder now, more firm and threatening. Not to her, but to the others. Madie shook her head, breaking the hug. “Yes, hello Leo. No one’s hurt me,” she assured him. “Yet.” His faint freckles glowed in the light when his face relaxed, transforming from murderous to teasing. “Still as short as always, I see,” he laughed, patting her head. Madie nodded back, playfully annoyed. His mother stood tall, watching the interaction with eyes that analyzed all they gazed upon. She tapped Madie on the shoulder. “Hi there, sweetie!” she chirped. “How’ve things been since we called?” Madie made eye contact with the taller woman, grinning in phony kindness. See? I’m just like you today! “Hi Ms. Takami! It’s been fine. You?” The woman nodded in return, her expression responded ‘me too’ without speaking. Madie pointed to the small group of (mostly) preteens. “My mom’s over there, if y’all wanna talk.” Ms. Takami didn’t hesitate to make a beeline to Selena, leaving Madie and Leo by themselves, standing awkwardly. Madie began to chew on the loose, dead skin around her fingers, flicking her eyes back and forth between Leo and anywhere else in the hotel. “Uh…” she began. “How’s, uh…How’s life been?” “Oh. Life’s been great!” Leo snorted. Yep. Could’ve guessed that from his demeanor. “You?” “Hah! Bro same,” Madie huffed, voice laced with excessive sarcasm. “Anyways, you ready for this fuckin’ party?” Leo grinned, a sparkle in his brown eyes. “Yes. So fucking ready for this fucking party.”
The whole day was spent traveling around the country, seeing sights and eating some good food. Some of the best food Madie’s ever eaten, actually. The group went to stores, parks, bridges, anywhere interesting they could afford and find. Tokoyami was introduced to Leo, and was “officially” made part of their little friend group. A lot of catching up happened, and overall a lot of talking between everyone as well. Nothing really noteworthy happened until right after dinner. The party group sat in a couple benches of a circular area of a large park. Madie’s friends and family carried gifts to her in the form of boxes and bags. Why did they get me so much stuff? She opened her gifts one by one; there were some clothes, fancy bags, makeup, books, and even school supplies. She smiled and accepted all the gifts, hugging the givers. Polite words of thanks and compliments were exchanged for every gift she opened. Almost everything that had happened that day had lifted her spirits from earlier. Then Johnathan and his friends handed her a gift bag.
How did she get here? Wearing some weird, skimpy sex-toy thing, holding onto a pillow with her dear life as Johnathan thrust that cock of his into her? That wasn’t important. The boy gripped her sides, making her wince through her own choking sobs. “You wanna say something, bitch?” He seethed threateningly, stopping for a moment to rest. “What did I do!?” Madie shrieked, spitting the cloth of the pillow she held out of her mouth. “I didn’t…I didn’t say anything to you!” Johnathan picked up his pace, both hands on her shoulders as he lectured her about taking back. About being ‘easily provoked’ and gullible. It wasn’t fair. If she was forced into the whole ordeal, it would be fair if she was at least allowed to speak. But life is never fair, right? Yeah. Keeping her mouth shut and following orders is what she was taught to do, so she should just do that. Just shut up. “Mhm…” the boy behind her was finally wrapping up his little lecture. “Stay quiet and still. Just like that.” Madie’s nails dug into her palms when he yanked and twisted her body to fit his desires. She was twisted around like an action figure until she laid on her back, feet up and knees almost touching her bare chest. Johnathan moved along with her, making sure he was the only thing in her limited field of vision. The only thing. His hands snaked up and down her body in a way most people would call ‘loving’. The rest was mostly a blur, both visually and mentally, save for a few sickly sweet insults and praises. When this happened, which was often, all Madie could do was cry through it. Her eyes stung and fogged up, even more than when she had her glasses off. She tried to suck it up and stay quiet. She had to, didn’t she? Unless, of course, she wanted to end up with more blood and bruises on her body than the act itself could inflict on her skin. Johnathan always ended up getting what he wanted regardless of what transpired before then. It was always the same; it made her cringe. She knew it wasn’t for her, though. He gripped the contraption he called a gift that was locked onto her form, removing it roughly and tossing the thing aside before resting his head in between Madie’s breasts. He murmured something like, “How the fuck are your tits so nice,” loud enough to make her shiver in embarrassment. Shut up, dude. The boy propped himself up, sliding off of Madie and the bed she lay in and proceeded to quickly throw his pajamas on and get in his own bed. “If you wanna shower, do it now. I don’t wanna hear another sound from your mouth until morning.” He strut over, now fully dressed, and planted a tender but hateful kiss on her temple. “Baby Bunny should want to look good for her friends and family on her birthday night, right?” Shut up. “Hurry up.” Yep. They hated each other with a passion.
The next morning, Madie felt sore. More sore than she’d ever felt in her life. She got up, changing out of her sweaty pajamas and into some nicely comfy clothes, slowly putting her glasses on and rushing out of the room. Quietly. Don’t look scared. Leo’s the only one who’d believe you anyways. Downstairs in the lobby, several party members were waiting, including a few parents. They all greeted her, congratulating her on becoming a year older. Her mother and Ms. Takami began to almost smother her with questions about her night. Weird. “Uh, I slept great.” Madie strained to hide her sarcasm as best she could. Again, nothing really noteworthy about the rest of that morning. Until, that is, right after a few attendees left for the day.
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liopleurodean · 2 years ago
Season 10, Episode 20: Angel Heart
Isn't that the Novak house?
This must be a flashback
Poor Amelia
Oh no
A dream?
So the mom is alive
That's freaky
She's definitely not
One of her happiest moments
Poor guy
She's looking for mom
Fair point
She's the furthest thing from a girl scout
She never gave a last name
At least he called
Oh, Cas
Dad mode™
Sounds like fun
You were hurt!
I'm sure it was
They want to help
He did it for you, Claire
He didn't help much
Oh boy
Wait a second. Give or take, two years ago she might've been on the trail of Emmanuel.
Um. Bye Dean
Escape artist
She doesn't like you, Cas
Dean can be scary
Dean, you need to chill a little
Oh, Dean does NOT like those
I'm sure
Hah! If it was Roy, I'd laugh
And that's not concerning at all
This is weird
I don't believe him
But you're getting it anyway
Makes sense
He didn't know his mom
I'm pretty sure I've heard this out of context and I thought it was post-Amara, but he's literally just talking about time travel 😭😭😭
That wouldn't stop Sam
I'm sure
An angel?
Hey, remember when Sam ragged on Dean for credit card scams? Yeah, me too
Okay fair
What was he taking from Amelia? It almost looked like grace
And Dean was with him ���� can you imagine Dean Winchester in a Hot Topic
It's cute!
It wasn't Dean
Slammed his face into a table, though
He didn't kill the guy, though
You've probably heard of Eric Clapton, but if you haven't, he's known for Knockin' on Heaven's Door, I Shot the Sheriff, and Layla (as part of Derek and the Dominos). Jimmy Page is the guitarist and founder of Led Zeppelin.
Nice, Dean
Angel blade, definitely
Of course
It's not that simple
He's a loose cannon
Daddy-daughter date!
Claire is more antagonistic
I mean. True.
That's true
Cas... that's a loaded question
Sam is right on this one, but it's hard
Bill Murray is awesome
Come on, Claire
How can you know if you like it or not if you haven't seen it?
He's so dramatic
Ok, boomer
Happy Gilmore.
Sylvester Stallone face
The mini-golf is rare
I love the side-by-side
That was unfortunate
Also Cas was a jerk back then
Several times over
That's good to know, I guess
I have no clue what's happening
So like... an archangel?
*insert Michael joke here*
Depends on the angel
There's Amelia
Not exactly
Oh boy
Poor girl
Dean, maybe the lore is both. They prey on some and help others
That's fantastic
Wouldn't be the evilest angel out there
No promises
Thanks, Cas
That angel was doing some messed up stuff
That's so sad
Jimmy's been gone for a long time
Speaking of Claire...
Oh, Amelia
Wake up, Sam
Dean was right!
That's horrifying
Not for the humans
There's the sword
Evidently not
You kind of screwed up there, buddy
Baby's first hunt!
Two years
Family reunion!
Protect your mom
Of course
Where did he go?
Enough with the jump scares!
Apparently not
That's suspicious
Oh no
I don't think it is
Oh no...
Cas to the rescue
This is going great
Um. Bad idea
He's mopping the floor with them
There's no saving her
Oh, Claire...
She's in her real heaven now
The light is beautiful
Oh, Jimmy...
This is so sad, but so sweet
Wayward sisters!!!
Heck yeah!
I think Jody has it handled
Aw, he got her a birthday gift!
That's sweet
Worth a shot
Dude. Throw away the wrapping paper
He's not even 40
She didn't know better
I hope so
Oh, Dean...
This is cute
Of course
Somewhere between
0 notes
inuysotomehell · 1 month ago
Part 2!
Epilogue Chapter (B side)
I'm gonna start off by saying, this was absolute perfection to me! Usually the games like to play off that the "playboy" character wasn't really that after all and there's no issue between them and the MC, so it was really nice to get that confrontation.
Alright! So, the chapter starts off pretty cute (but dramatic) with Helvetica bringing a DVD of his past self fighting drug addiction that he wants to watch...but wants her to watch with him. I really liked that he went to Teuta for the support. And what a cute CG for it.
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After that, we skip to Teuta and Helvetica out shopping...well, coming back from shopping and getting some bullying from Helvetica (glad to see his personality didn't change just because he's now "in love" like some games like to do too....) I really liked the struggle Teuta goes through of wanting to hold Helvetica's hand and him pulling away *sobs* and that it comes back into play in the next scene!
So, at the end of the last scene, Helvetica tells Teuta that he got tickets for one of her favorite movies that evening, but that he's got a party for his clinic he needs to attend at Carmen's, so they plan to meet there....and then the drama really hits! And it is good! LOL.
As soon as Teuta shows up at the bar, Carmen appears going on about how Helvetica is hanging all over these other women and of course Teuta is like "well...he's not doing anything wrong, and he is popular..." but then this hits:
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Annnd there's where the hand-holding becomes important! Gah! I just! Of course Teuta leaves, but Helvetica catches her just outside and they get into it, how Teuta doesn't want to be jealous but when she sees things like that it's really hard (which, like, fair! I feel like the jealousy angle isn't well done in most games or it's over something stupid, but like, Teuta show him licking another girl! WTF???)
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I really liked that in this moment Teuta had to be like "no, I need to step back and collect myself". Yes, she wanted more from Helvetica in this moment, but I also feel like anything he would have said would have come as hollow in this moment? Just my own personal take.
Cut to a few days later, Teuta went to stay with Luka and so Helvetica decides to go in Teuta's room....And it's such a cute scene.
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Annnnnd then he falls asleep and when he wakes up and leaves her room, there's Crow XD I love that Crow is trying to help (though he doesn't do the best job of it...but at least he's trying).
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While, I'm assuming at the same time Teuta is getting the same treatment from Adam and Luka XD I really love that Adam and Luka are giving her hard time and by her not talking about how she's feeling, she's also leaving Helvetica in the dark, so he doesn't know what to do about it all! Also, I love that Helvetica actually called Luka to find Teuta 😭
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And Luka just...being Luka. LOL. I love her!
Finally, FINALLY, Teuta and Helvetica meet back up. There's some light bullying from Helvetica, of course, and they talk through their problems/insecurities.
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Then there's some cuddling and kissing and teasing, and then...Crow has to try to be the good friend again and try to check up on both Teuta and Helvetica and, again, just loved the entire scene!
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All around it was a cute wrap up to their relationship and I really wasn't expecting to like Helvetica all that much when I first got the game 😅
Tragic End
Okay, so to start off, the divergence is at the halloween dinner shopping scene and picking Limbo is a damn life-saver XD I love that Limbo actually talks Mozu and Crow out of their crazy gory idea and has them cook Irish food instead. Amazing. 10/10
And then there's the option to ask about the unknown calls Helvetica has been getting, and even choosing the don't ask, Helvetica still tells you because, of course, he knows that's what you really ask about...
AND THEN, there's the big difference: the pool scene where Helvetica is kinda questioning himself...And first you don't call out to him but he still knows you're there and he calls out to you
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And then when he brings up questioning himself and you give him this answer instead of being supportive 😭OUCH, my fucking heart!
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And, again, BIG DIFFERENCE in scene when Shu and Limbo find Helvetica and bring him home. Teuta doesn't burst into the shower to confront/comfort Helvetica and you don't get the CG....
And again, again....When Teuta goes back in time, it has you not get the passcode right the first time, so you lose time, and don't get to make the extra call (after contacting Helvetica) to Crow to tell him about the explosion and how it injured innocent people.
Cut to the scene where Sauli takes Helvetica out of the hospital to talk to him. And it's a way shorter version where Helvetica has to choose who he wants to be.
THENNNNN comes the bad, bad part 😭I mean, I guess compared to everyone else's tragic routes, his isn't all that bad, but Helvetica decides to live as Nicola (his past self) and cuts off all contact to the group. And then Teuta just passes him by without even knowing it's him *sobs*
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Otome LI Review: Helvetica Orsted (Bustafellows) **Spoilers Ahead**
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(He's usually not my type...but DAMN!)
💸💸💸💸/💸💸💸💸💸(Pretty boy; the type of bully I like; is actually really sweet)
Trigger Warning: Drug use/abuse, physical abuse
Ohhhh boy was this route a ride! LOL. There was soooo much going on, so I'm glad I'm replaying and refreshing my memory and getting a better feel for if I truly I like the routes or not.
So, at least his route starts off on a good note...? Teuta is working with Helvetica to get another article published writing about his clinic and plastic surgery. And of course we jump right in his "bullying"...that, let me be perfectly honestly, I want to punch him in the face, but also....I kinda love these types of characters 😅
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But, then of course, right out of the gate, we find out that he's from the lower class annnnnd that he's providing a nude photo shoot for the article because they're paying for the client who can't afford the plastic surgery cost....
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We also learn that Professor Sauli performed plastic surgery on him because he was found badly beaten.
I will say, I absolutely loved the halloween scene! LOL. So the cheat sheet I follow says to pick Shu for the good route annnnnd XD I love that he gives no fucks and lets Mozu just do the most horrible food prep in the world. What a fucking asshole (but this isn't his route...soooo)
There's a nice little pool scene where Helvetica flirts and tries to kiss Teuta but she ain't having it! You tell him, girl! Prob one of my fave scenes for him, honestly.
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We do learn a little more about his past, that he was addicted to drugs and a drug mule, but that he really doesn't remember his past.
Annnnd then there's a whole thing with an unknown number calling him, and Teuta obvs gets concerned about it, but Helvetica just blows it off as either someone with a legit wrong number or a patient that's not mentally stable...because, ya know, that's not concerning on it's own! Geez! BUT, in the same breath, we learn that the client he helped for the magazine (who they were on their way to see) was found dead.
I did really like that Teuta ended up writing an article about the client (because the magazine was just going to cut that part out) and the whole scene with Teuta telling Helvetica about it and showing him the article 😭
And then of course because the magazine are shit people, they come back with an already picked out client who is Suuuuuussss 😒 Helvetica pushes the magazine person out to interview the person they picked, and come to find out that she can't be a candidate anyway because she's using drugs, and then she starts calling Helvetica out about his past....which of course starts a whole spiral of events...
Then we get another Helvetica pool scene...(I think all his pool scenes are in my faves. haha). I also loved the difference between his good route answer and bad route answer for this (this route did a really good job with that). But, anyway! It was nice seeing Helvetica off his game, and having to support him.
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It was really nice seeing this different side of Helvetica, honestly. In the end I think this scene is what made me like him a lot more.
But, then of course, after this is when shit hits the fan! It's been a few days and Teuta finds out that Helvetica hasn't been going to work and they call her to find out if she's seen him. Of course she's worried and she ends up going to visit Sauli with Limbo (because he was driving Teuta when she got the call), and come to find out Helvetica's been asking about his past from Sauli. He gives Limbo and Teuta a list of places Helvetica used to frequent in his past to help the search!
*sigh* Thennnnn Limbo and Shu (who were out visiting the list of places) find Helvetica puking his guts out, bring him home, Mozu diagnoses that he's oding on drugs and that he just has to let him purge and let it work out of his system...and of course Helvetica is refusing to go to the hospital even though he's also beaten up badly. (The first time I played this, WOW. Was not prepared!) But also, again, I just love Teuta being so worried for him and in the good route bursting into the shower to show her support!
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After all that, Helvetica comes clean about Magda (the girl the magazine people brought in) who was someone he knew from his past, and that he remembers everything about his past now (like I said at the beginning....there is a LOT going on in this route!) He asks for everyone's help dealing with her as he doesn't want to send her back to prison and he wants to actually help her.
There's also a whole scene, after everyone goes to bed, where Teuta and Helvetica get to have a little midnight chat that's a nice little touch for their romance progress.
And then cut scene to Teuta out with Mozu looking for Magda, they get a clue and are going to check it out when they get into a crash....and GUESS WHO XD They wake up to, yep, Magda kidnapped them so she can lure Helvetica to a building that she set up to explode? Burn? so he will end up like her (because she was left by they're gang in a burning down house and has a huge ass burn mark on her face....). I really did like that we FINALLY got to Teuta getting to use her knowledge how to get out of zip tie handcuffs (thanks to Shu from the prologue chaps) and her standing up to Magda despite the danger to defend Helvetica 😭
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Of course Teuta is all "FUCK THAT" because Magda showed them the news report of Helvetica being found and taken to the hospital with severe burns, so while Mozu is shielding Teuta, Teuta decides to go back to the past so this shit don't happen! Teuta manages to get in contact with Helvetica to tell him about the trap and also calls Crow to let him know what's about to go down to save other innocent people.
Teuta comes back to find Helvetica confronting Magda. He ends up lighting his face on fire in an attempt to make things "even" with Magda, which only furthers pisses her off and she starts beating Helvetica until Mozu picks up the gun she threw aside and threatens to stop her. Teuta, of course, runs over to Helvetica and he loses consciousness and Magda thinks she killed Helvetica. She starts freaking out while Mozu is treating Helvetica and shots herself. Mozu finally calls 911 and it is confirmed that both Helvetica and Magda are alive.
Then we cut to Helvetica in the hospital, his face bandaged up. Everyone has been taking turns watching over Helvetica and Teuta holding his hand even while they sleep 😭😭 Sauli comes in, and takes Teuta and Helvetica out so he can have a talk with Helvetica about who he "wants" to be and, honestly, this scene hits me so hard! Ugh, my heart.
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After all is said is done, Helvetica does help Magda in the end, although Valerie wants to prosecute her...He spends X amount days in the hospital recovering/getting his plastic surgery done, and THEN, oh, look here, we have one last pool scene! XD
And once again, it is a fave scene. I like that we actually, finally, get a full confession from both of them *sobs* and it's just so damn cute!
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And then this super cute kiss scene...where Teuta actually kisses him!
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victorluvsalice · 5 years ago
Forgotten Vows Friday: A Side Story Whoops
Me: [going about my business] Oh crap, I should check FanFiction.net and make sure I don't have any PMs to answer. [goes over]
PM: [responding to a response I gave to a review on "Fixing You" back in 2019] Hey, did you ever write this thing?
Me: ??? [scrolls up to my original post -- which mentions that Victor and Alice skipped Queensland in the "visiting Wonderland" chapter because I figured Alice wouldn't want to go back right away. . .
. . .but that I might do a one-shot eventually about Victor meeting the King of Hearts]
Me: ...
Me: Aaaand I entirely forgot about that.
Yeaaaah, this is what happens when you have a lot of story ideas for a particular verse -- stuff gets lost in the shuffle. (Especially when, like I told the PMer, you switch verses to focus on a different story!) So yeah, chalk that up as another story I owe the verse. . .wonder if I could slip it in as a weird little "bonus" epilogue to "In A World Of His Own." It doesn't take place in Victor's Wonderland, obviously, but it does, in a sense, involve him meeting a counterpart. . .
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pinkrelish · 2 years ago
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𝐰𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞.
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bestfriend!eddie x fem!reader
✶One missed call. No new messages.✶
NSFW — angst, drug/alcohol mention/use, 18+ overall for smut
chapter: 9/15 [wc: 4.8k]
↳ part 01 / 02 / 03 / 04 / 05 / 06 / 07 / 08 / 09 / 10 / 11
Chapter 9: A Slow Rejection
——January 1, 1986——
[One missed call. One new message.]
“Hey! It’s getting pretty late, so I thought you’d be back by now.. Call me when you get this, so I know you made it okay.”
——January 3, 1986——
[One missed call. One new message.]
“Are you back to working on Fridays? Wayne let me know you made it home safe. Uh.. Miss you and stuff. Call when you can.”
——January 12, 1986——
[Two missed calls. Two new messages.]
“Been missing you, again.. Been so long, I’m starting to forget what your voice sounds like. Ha, I know, I’m being dramatic, but yeah.. It’s really not fair Wayne’s gotten all your calls, while I pick up the ones from bill collectors. I’m sure he’s a real riot, too. Telling the same story about how he tore his thumbnail clean off in that accident at the plant, but need I remind you, I’m the one you’re supposed to be.. Oh, fuck–shit–!”
“Man, sorry about that. You ever manage to burn pasta? Anyway. What was I saying? Right! We should try scheduling calls again, so we stop missing each other. Well, I guess we’d have to talk in the first place, but you know what I mean. Hope to catch you soon, so we can work something out.”
——January 24, 1986——
[Three missed calls. Three new messages.]
“I know you’re out of town for a meet, but Goddamn, I hope you don’t mind me ranting–because–holy shit, I just dropped the biggest plot twist on the club tonight. They totally didn’t see it coming, and shit, I’ve been planning it from the start. I’ve got even more twists later in the campaign, but this one was so good.. Hey, If I fill this whole cassette, I’m sorry, babe, I’m just excited–”
——January 27, 1986——
Every part of you ached. Wincing at the smallest tasks like lacing up your boots, and zipping your winter coat. Lower back pleading with you to stop bending over to pick up your purse. Arms shaking under the strain of textbooks. Eyes burning from lack of sleep. Head spinning. Water. Food. You needed both, had time for neither. Instead, you grabbed your waitress uniform, loaded your other shoulder with your gym bag, and walked the three flights of stairs down to the parking lot.
“God fucking damnit.”
You dragged the door closed from the white abyss, and stomped up three flights of stairs, rage simmering to a boil as you remembered you left the ice scraper and shovel behind.
But as soon as you entered the hallway, you sprinted. You could hear your phone ringing.
“Hello?” you answered, disguising the nauseating hope in your voice under a layer of genuine curiosity at who would be calling at dawn, and a touch of fear in case it was bad news.
It was never bad news when it came to him.
“Hey!” The pure relief in Eddie’s exhale wrapped you in a warm hug, placed a chaste kiss on your chapped cheeks. “I finally caught you.”
Finally. God.. finally you could reconnect with him after he swept you off your feet on New Year’s Eve.
You imbued your gratefulness into your voice, trusting he’d understand the magnitude of comfort he brought you, “Shouldn’t you be getting ready for school too, Munson?”
“I’m going, I’m going,” he promised with that little laugh of his, surely grinning ear to ear, pacing around his kitchen, probably annoying Wayne. “I just had a feeling I should try calling in the morning, and hey, it worked out. Do you have time to talk?” He knew the answer as soon as he asked, hearing the pause.
“I’m sorry.” Another pause. He didn’t interrupt. “My car’s buried under snow, and I’m running late as is.”
“It snowed there?”
“Mhm..” Certainly did, and if you didn’t get a move on, your coach was going to chew you out. But the temptation to keep sharing this blip in time was too enticing. Pretending things were better. “If you were here, would you shovel the snow for me? Scrape the ice off my windows?”
Eddie’s boyish, smitten murmur tingled across your skin. “Of course I would, baby,” he spoke in a lower range, in a whisper from where his heart resided. “Wouldn’t even have to ask. I’d take care of it.”
You knew he would. He was reliable like that.
“I’d have breakfast made, too,” he said. “Probably something frozen, but! Not to brag or anything, I know the exact amount of time to microwave a burrito so the inside is cooked, but the outside isn’t soggy, nor stale.” His warmth coaxed you into joining him in laughing, but it was repressed. Hollow. Delaying the inevitable. You both knew what was coming.
Aware he was burning the spare minutes you could afford, he asked the question you dreaded answering, “Do you have time to talk later?”
Oh, Eddie. Silencing your apology before it upset him more, you explained, “I have work later. What about Wednesday?”
“I have a date booked with Jeff’s mom. They moved into a new house over the weekend, and need help fixing faulty electrical stuff in their bathrooms. His dad is out of town in Indy. How about Thursday?”
“I’m usually in the gym until 11, and I have an exam to study for the next day.. I’m really busy during the Spring semester, with competing and stuff, on top of school bullshit–exams, papers, projects, whatever–and waitressing.”
Ugly silence.
He said, “Well, I’ll let you go. We can work something out some other time.”
“Of course,” you promised. “Some other time.”
——February 8, 1986——
[No missed calls. One old message.]
“Uh.. I had to convince your roommate not to answer the phone, so I could leave this, and uh.. Now I feel super cheesy, but I wanted you to have a message waiting for you when you got back from New York–and–here it is, I guess. Jessica, are you listening to this? Whatever, I wanted to say I missed you, and hope you won all golds. I know you did, because you’re the best, but I wanted to wish you all the luck in the world, regardless if you needed it or not. Think of it like you opened a chest and found a Stone of Good Luck. +1 to all your rolls.. or tumbles, I guess.. Jesus Christ, I swear I’m done being weird. Call me when you’re back. Okay, bye.”
——February 9, 1986——
You called. No answer.
——February 10, 1986——
You listened to the fourth ring on the other end, and hung up. Defeat welcomed you like an old friend. Draped its blanket over your shoulders, squeezed you tighter than the lump in your throat, and reminded you to grab your new grips for the uneven bars on your way out of your dorm. It’s not like you had time to talk, anyway. You just wanted to try.
Eddie sprinted from his van. He heard it, he heard it, he heard it. Trailer door was locked. Wayne wasn’t home. God. Fucking. Loose doorknob he’d meant to fix yesterday knocking his keys from his shaky hands. Hehearditheheardit. Scraping his nails on the steps. Couldn’t find the right key. No, not the gold one, the bronze. Fucking hell. The ringing stopped. Maybe he could still–
He got the door open and dialed your number faster than his tunnel vision could discern. “Pick up, pick up, pick up.”
Ringing, ringing.
It rang. It rang.
It clicked over to voicemail.
——February 12, 1986——
You took matters into your own hands.
——February 15, 1986——
“There’s a letter from your girlfriend waiting for you on your nightstand,” Wayne told him.
Eddie reminded him with a dull glare, “Not my girlfriend.” To which his uncle’s grin grew, watching his nephew fidget under the scrutiny of his curious gaze.
“It was delivered yesterday. What exactly do you call someone who sends you a Valentine’s card?”
Paling, then flushing at the suggestion, Eddie’s tongue stumbled over a half-assed response about the date being a coincidence, and disengaged from the odd twinkle in Wayne’s eye, hurrying down the hall to his room. Closing the door behind him, and locking it just in case.
The density of the card was substantial in his palm. He wanted to take his time, but his eagerness got the better of him. He ripped into the envelope and pulled out the thin letter stuffed with goodies. Beige cardstock. Crinkled along the top.
He meant to read the note first, but when he unfolded it, an abundance of riches slid to the floor, onto his dirty Reeboks. “What the..” With shame, he gathered the money first. It was no secret Wayne was throwing away the bills before Eddie could see the bright red stamps of FINAL NOTICE on them. Any time the lights went out, they would share a look from across the trailer, or a sigh if it was at night, until they flickered on due to a random outage. Things were rarely permanently cut, they made sure of that–with longer shifts at the plant, and Eddie selling weed, amps, acts of service, whatever he didn’t need–but there was always the looming threat. A voice in the back of his head when he needed to buy milk, and it had gone up another 4 cents. Morals; that’s what those voices were. Allusions of rules set by the wealthy. He bought the things he cared about, and stole the rest.
But with what you gave him..
“Damn,” he whispered, counting. Recounting. The weight of the money was comfort stacked in his dirty hands. A warm greeting after a long, cold day of working on his pregnant neighbor’s car for next to nothing. Granting him, and Wayne, the luxury of rest. It was enough to pay what they owed. Maybe more.
“Luckiest man on Earth,” he said, in reference to his sweet girl. “And you sent me..” He picked up the Polaroids and matched them to the paragraphs in the letter. One of you on a podium when you won first place overall; the picture was taken from the sidelines, far away. Another one of you competing on beam. Cute. Nice back shot of you in a leotard, too. Then..
You were at the edge of a pier overlooking the Statue of Liberty. Another girl was beside you, arms hooked around each other’s waist, having the other hand raised in the air as if you were holding the torch. The pose helped open your jean jacket, and beneath that, he saw peeking between the buttons, his Hellfire shirt.
“Sweetest girl.” He shook the picture steadily, like a nod. Gradually doing it more vigorously, until he was outright slapping it across his other fingers. “Goddamn, baby. You make me so proud.” Wearing his Dungeons and Dragons shirt out in public.
You would be a keeper, if you were his.
——February 17, 1986——
He meant to write back.
——February 22, 1986——
[One missed call. One new message.]
“.. I know it’s been a while, I’m sorry I haven’t called. Things got busy over here. Seems like when one thing goes wrong, more piles on. Did finish my book report for class, though, so you can be proud of me for that.. Yeah, miss you. Hope you’re doing okay. I don’t know if you’ve been calling and we’ve both been missing them, but Wayne hasn’t heard from you, either. You’re competing out of town today, aren’t you? Uhm.. Call when you can. And thank you for sending us money. Bye.”
——February 26, 1986——
You meant to call back.
——March 1, 1986——
Nothing really happened to trigger it, he was just sad.
Eddie sat at the kitchen table. Small and cramped with magazines and mail. He picked at a scab on his knuckle, twisted the black ring around his finger. Was tired, hungry. Quiet, and reserved from his usual personality, using all his energy yesterday to entertain Hellfire. Wayne would be back soon, he knew. The grocery store closed in 30 minutes. He just needed to occupy himself until then, but couldn’t find anything to do. New Metallica album in two days. He could listen to his bootlegs and finesse a song. But.. None of it sounded intriguing right now. Instead, his mind filled in the blanks. What were you doing on a Saturday night? Were you in your dorm? Out with friends? Working? Training? On a date–?
No. He stopped himself from fleshing out that last thought.
Tucking himself into the corner, huddling until his shoulders sagged, and drawing a knee to his chest, he grabbed the phone from above his head and dialed.
It didn’t matter if you couldn’t talk for long, he just wanted to hear your voice. Your voice would make things better. Shake him out of this cycle. These unfair consequences of being the one who could leave remnants of his heart for you to listen to at your leisure, but wasn’t afforded the same luxury. Unless you were both available, he didn’t get to hear you speak. Just ringing, ringing, ringing. Suffering ringing.
Wrapping his arm around his leg in a hug, he rested his temple on the stained wallpaper, and rocked his head back and forth, grinding his forehead into the wall. Ringing. Ringing. The same position he took when he was a boy, on the rare–very rare–occasion his mother called on his birthday, or Christmas. Mostly Christmas, that was easier for her to remember. And he sat in this exact arrangement, curled up as small as he can be, wishing the person on the other end of the line loved him.
“Just thinking of you,” he said, after swallowing the thick spit in his mouth foretelling the water in his eyes. “Miss you. Call me when you get this.” He hung up.
——March 5, 1986——
You wanted to call, but last week’s graded essay was burned onto the back of your eyelids. So much red ink.
Under the buzzing fluorescent lights of the library, you squeezed in the last of your allotted time before they closed, and forced your cramped hand to write, making it to your dorm in time to pass out.
[No missed calls. No new messages.]
——March 8, 1986——
He meant to start his letter to you. Really.
——March 10, 1986——
The quarter-sized blister on your palm you attained due to your own negligence around the flat top griddle at work burst on your fourth pull up. Fluid snaked down your forearm, cutting a stark line through the chalk. Coach would be livid if he knew you had a job. No distractions, he said. Not for champions like you.
[No missed calls. No new messages.]
——March 15, 1986——
Wayne took one look at him and sighed. He pulled Eddie’s wobbly desk chair up beside the bed, and sat facing him, lighting a cigarette. The heavy wooden box beside his nephew’s feet told him everything he needed to know.
Eddie held out his hand for Wayne’s lighter and lit the end of a joint.
“So,” his uncle started, drawing his eyes from the decades of memories stacked neatly in the keepsake box taken from the top shelf of the closet, to the Polaroids tacked onto the wall above his bed, to the worn black journals spread around the boy who laid there with his eyes on the ceiling, moping. “What’s gotten to ya, now?”
“Same old,” Eddie answered. Nonchalant, he took a drag on the joint pinched between his thumb and index, and rested his wrist on his forehead. Wayne waited patiently. And as usual, Eddie caved under the silence. “Unless she’s purposefully calling when we’re busy, she’s just.. not calling at all, and I don’t know what pisses me off more.” He shook his head. Long shakes, rolling cheek to cheek on his limp pillows. Eyes drifting closed. “I think I fucked up.”
Wayne leaned back in the chair and crossed his legs, preparing himself for a long conversation. “Why do you think that, son?”
The corner of his mouth twitched at the memory. “I promised her we’d be together forever, and she said ‘okay.’ That’s all. ‘Okay.’” He started to mock himself, “I want to be with you forever,” and shifted his pitch higher, “Okay!” Eddie stopped his theatrics, and sank to his mattress. “Jesus.”
“You seemed really happy the next morning when I came home.. Are you sure you’re not reading too much into her reaction? Maybe she was surprised, is all I’m sayin’.” Eddie didn’t give so much of an eyeroll, as it was him sliding his gaze away from Wayne, disinterested in analyzing what he’d been poring over for the past few months in solitude; as the phone calls decreased, and his loneliness worsened. “Why don’t you tell me exactly what it is you said?”
At an impasse, they inhaled their vices at the same time, and tapped them into the ashtray on Eddie’s nightstand in sync.
“Fine,” Eddie heeded, “But it’s not like I remember it verbatim.” Wayne spun his hand in encouragement to try. “It was something along the lines of.. I don’t know, man. She has these amazing opportunities lined up for her, and I told her after I graduate, I’m gonna work odd jobs, so wherever she goes, I can go with her, so we can.. you know, be together. Forever. I explicitly stated ‘forever.’ I’ll follow her forever, so we never have to be alone.”
Wayne spoke with the cigarette between his lips, “Sounds sorta stalker-like.”
“I’m just givin’ ya a hard time,” he said, after a slight laugh, and a coughing fit. His nephew seemed less amused, rubbing the back of his thumb across his forehead in a self-soothing gesture. “Was there anything else?”
Eddie burned through another fraction of his joint as he recalled that night. “She sucks at taking care of herself, so I said she needed her best friend there to look after her. Meaning me, obviously. Y’know, help keep her car functioning, make sure she gets rest so her injuries heal, cook for her because she doesn’t eat when she’s stressed. Stuff like that. I just want to be there for her, and.. Why’re you looking at me like that?”
Cigarette paused half-way to his mouth, Wayne debated with himself over which style of guidance he should take. For as long as he’d known him, Eddie was stubborn. Liked to figure things out for himself. But this? This was a little much for Wayne to sit back and watch.
“You told her that.. platonically?” he asked, a touch of astoundment at his nephew’s stupidity in his inflection.
Jesus, kid. Get a clue. “And did it ever occur to you..” he drawled, waving his cigarette, “to tell her how you really felt, so you wouldn’t have to go through this? So you’d have a definite answer, whether she rejected you or not, and we could avoid all this back and forth worryin’?”
Eddie begged him to understand, “You know I can’t just.. say that to her. I mean, I said everything but that and all she could say was ‘okay.’ What if I actually told her? Made some grand confession at midnight, and kissed her? Christ, at least she still sort of talks to me.” He cut his arm across his chest. Quick, hard, and final. “No. No way am I doing that.”
Calming himself down, the joint between his fingers burned to a nub, and he spoke through the haze. “We’re finally friends again. I’m not going to jeopardize what we have by talking about my feelings.”
“Well, you’ve already lost her once, and you’re worried it’s happening again.. So, why not risk it?”
“Because now I know what it feels like for her to be a stranger.”
More words were exchanged, and many of them circled around the same subject without a resolution, but Wayne made sure to end the night on a positive note before he left for work.
He leaned over and dusted the ash from Eddie’s hair, pushing the fringe out of his face for a sincere, long moment of eye contact. “Love you.”
“Love you, too.”
“I hope she calls. I’m sorry, son.”
——March 16, 1986——
The red lights on your alarm clock blared 2:35AM. You rolled over, adjusted the foam cups of your headphones onto your ears, brought the quilt to your chin, and rewound the tape to play it from the beginning.
“Crashed at Rick’s last night.. Sorry if you called.”
Then, a slurred message an hour later. “M-Mm.. Miss you.. I.. Hm? I.. Damn.” A drink spilled. Music played in the background. Something recognizable in the depths of your subconscious, but too quiet to place. Eddie inhaled deep, held his breath, and resumed with a steady cadence, “Wish you were here.”
——March 19, 1986——
Black. Black. Black. Searing white.
You came to holding onto a rope, and someone’s hand gripping your shoulder, acting as your sole buoy in the sea of your dizzy spell.
“Are you okay? Don’t answer that.” Katherine’s voice cut like a snake’s tongue. She lowered you to the spring floor next to the foam pit, and released a string of infuriated whispers about miracles, and you not falling from higher up. They came muffled against the high-pitched whine in your ears, and the pounding heart beats racing blood to your face.
She had a first aid kit with her. “Hello? Do you not feel that?” You looked at your hands. A cold flash of sweat prickled your skin. Nausea rose. The bleeding wasn’t bad, but it did leave a streaking trail on the last few feet of knotted rope dangling beside you.
At least Coach was in his office while the rest of you did your conditioning, so he didn’t see.
You rubbed your knuckles into your brow bone. “I think those caffeine pills caught up with me,” you muttered. Kat sucked her teeth, and handed you what you needed to patch up your torn calluses.
“I wish you’d stop taking those and give yourself a break. Rest isn’t a punishment.”
You may not have known her long, but she was the first friend you made, and her disappointed voice struck you in a way your Coach’s didn’t. Kat understood. She had a similar upbringing to you, and could relate. She also worked at the diner, and you helped cover for each other when other girls asked why you couldn’t make it to their bonding nights out.
And being vulnerable with her meant she knew intimate details of your life no one else did, and you were beginning to regret it.
Not really. But it sucked when she knew she was right.
“I can’t take a break now,” you mumbled, surveying the rest of the gym to make sure your conversation was private. “I’ve gotta study for next week. Gotta go to work. Gotta make money. Gotta–gotta–” You moved your hands erratically, drying the sharp sting of rubbing alcohol on your palms. “Gotta live up to everyone’s expectations.”
“Why not at least cut your hours at work? I know you don’t need the money that bad right now.”
“No.. But he does.”
The exasperated sigh Kat released grazed your cheek. She placed the first aid kit in her lap, and shifted closer to you. The side of her thigh squished against yours, and you wondered if anyone else on Earth would have stopped breathing at the small sign of affection. If anyone else’s eyes welled with tears at what others took for granted.
Kat’s tone went gentle, “You’re killing yourself over a guy who will never commit. You deserve better than that. Why not try going out with Roger again? You already know he likes you.” She bumped your shoulder and tipped her head at the group of sweaty guys standing under the rings. Most notably the stand-out amongst the men’s team jumping and grasping the apparatus, hoisting himself up for minute-long holds in poses that had your abs burning in empathy.
Roger was nice. His smile was nice. His short, sandy blonde hair was nice. Your date with him at the Italian restaurant in town was nice. He paid for the meal, which was nice. His eyes crinkled when he laughed at your bad jokes in a nice way. He made it a point to walk you to your dorm at night, like a nice man. He spoke to you nicely. He hugged you tight, and long. And when you made your intentions clear, he accepted you didn’t want a kiss, and left like a gentleman, without complaint. Nice. He was nice.
“You didn’t hear the way Eddie said–” the most romantic thing anyone had ever promised you.
“He called you his best friend.” She took over bandaging for you, turning her body to block the others from seeing the tears run down your cheeks. “He doesn’t love you like you want, and you’re starting to worry me. Well.. You’ve been worrying me. You need to take care of yourself, first. Coach might turn a blind eye because you’re still able to compete, but I see the way the stress has been eating away at you.” An opportune moment for your stomach to growl. “And I love you, and I want better for you than some guy who’s not into you, taking advantage of your kindness.”
“Eddie’s not like that. He’s different..” you offered meekly. “You don’t know him like I do.”
“Just.. consider going out with Roger again. Pay attention to the date. How he treats you, what he says. Maybe compare him to Eddie, and see what I mean.”
Done patching you up, Kat tossed the first aid kit to the side while you chalked your hands over the bowl, not caring the white powder clung to the wet smears on your face. She opened her mouth when you grabbed the rope again, fists on her hips not unlike a mother who actually cared for her children.
“You’re going to get hurt,” she said.
You put your weight on the rope. Your open flesh wrung against the fiber, padded by a few layers of athletic tape rapidly losing their adhesive from the blooming blood soaking through. The pain stung deep. Not enough for you to quit. You could persevere. Climb up to the rafters of the gym, and back down again without rest two more times, as Coach instructed. You could remain calm. Focus on the task, finish it, and still read your textbook until the crack of dawn, and go in for a quick morning shift at the diner before your afternoon class. You could do it all. You could. You could do it all if it meant securing a future for you, and for Eddie.
You replied, “Maybe I will.. But it’ll be worth it.”
Kat waited until you were half-way up to question, “Will it?”
——March 21, 1986——
If Eddie answered, you wouldn’t go out with Roger. That was the deal.
“Pick up, pick up, pick up,” you whispered with your head resting against the doorway to the back of the diner. The two line cooks gave you sympathetic looks. “Pick up,” you pleaded with a bite of anger.
You hung up.
Dialed again.
“Come on, Eddie..”
When he didn’t answer, you let Kat embrace you in the walk-in cooler, blotting your tears on her brown uniform shirt, and she listened to you sob about how not only had the phone calls stopped, Eddie had stopped calling you by pet names long before that.
Roger was soft. His grin was soft. His hair was soft, brushing across your forehead. The callus on his thumb was smooth, soft as he traced your bottom lip. The back of his fingers were soft as he caressed them over your cheek. His lips were soft, too. Placing them gently on the corner of yours after you turned away at the last second.
His voice was soft. “You don’t like me, do you?”
“I’m sorry..” You struggled to say more. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s alright,” he said, and left. Softly spoken through the rejection, and accepting it like the nice man he was, not coercing you into more.
“I’m sorry,” you apologized, long after Roger walked away. You went inside your dorm, and did the thing you always did, pressing the blinking light on your answering machine, noticing the cassette through the plastic window hadn’t moved.
[One missed call. No new messages.]
He’d never not left a message before..
——March 22, 1986——
You awoke with a start. “Wha–?” Your bloodshot eyes refused to open under the disturbing amount of daylight streaming through your window. What was that noise? Was the phone ringing? 
The phone was most definitely ringing.
Answering under the grog of not knowing when you went to sleep, nor what day it was, you said the first thing that came to mind, “Eddie?” You winced, and jerked the phone away, taking a moment to place the loud, exuberant–panicked–voice on the other side. “..Dustin?”
Taglist: @xxhospital-for-soulsxx @myfavoritesareproblematic @henhouse-horrors @tlclick73 @sidthedollface2 @i-will-duckyou-up @qnsfwthoughts @captainonaboat @eddiemuns0nl0ver @godcreatoreli @harrys-tittie @eg-dr3amer3 @trixyvix88 @venomsvl @lacrymosa-24 @sashaphantomhive @sharp-and-swift @emokid-ellie @mantorokk-writes @drdvlss @mirrorsstuff @bebe0701 @eddiethesexy @edsforehead @b-irock @brittney69 @princesseddie @hes-a-rainbow @churchmuffins @barbielibra 
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jerry-hornes-foot · 3 years ago
Love your writing! I was wondering, if you haven’t already, if you would write something with a line like “You don’t get to cum until i say so” with dom reader and sub Steve.
Omg thank you so much you're so sweet! 🥰💖 Literally going apeshit for this idea too!! I could write Steve getting edged till the cows come home I swear to God it's so hot 😵‍💫😵‍💫 so yeah went a bit wild on this one, thank you again!
1070 words
18+ only
Steve Harrington x Gender Neutral Reader
Tags: dom/sub; dom!reader; sub!steve; brat!steve; edging; orgasm denial; choking; scratching; rough sex; collaring; handjobs; 69ing; penetrative sex; ownership; multiple orgasm; excessive cum; offensive language
Your hand is pumping rhythmically over Steve's dick, making him cry out through gritted teeth. He's been brattier than usual tonight, living up to the engraved silver heart that dangles from the collar around his neck, which simply reads "BRAT". He's been acting up since you got him into bed, and it seems he thinks he's gotten away with it. You feel his cock start to twitch and swell in your hand and take the opportunity to remind him who's in charge here. With a swift, dramatic movement you lift your hand away from his cock and wave at him. Steve stares up at you, mouth open in horror as he's cut off just at the edge of an orgasm.
"That's not fair!" He protests.
"What did I tell you about talking back, Harrington? You were warned there would be consequences."
"I know but... that's... you can't just... its not-"
You cut him off with a hand around his throat, gently rubbing the soft pleather collar under your fingertips as you stare down at him.
"I think you might have forgotten what this means, Harrington." You hiss. "You're mine, understand? All mine. You don't get to cum until I say so."
Steve glares up at you, his bottom lip slides forward into a pout.
"Oh don't be such a crybaby." You release your grip on his throat and lie back on the bed, parting your legs and staring down at him. "Now, show me what that pretty little mouth can do and I might be inclined to feel a bit more generous."
Steve's knees straddle your head as his mouth works over you. He didn't take very much convincing once he realised he'd have his dick in your mouth too. You're teasing him intentionally now, running your tongue up and down the underside of his cock as you suck it and making him tremble. You know he's already close again, but you have absutely no intention of letting him finish. Using all the strength you can muster you manage to pull up a little, enough to draw Steve's full length length into your mouth, and firmly trace a few circles into the base of his cock with the tip of your tongue. It works exactly as intended and you feel him twitching against you once more. The rhythm of his tongue on your skin gets sloppy as his knees start to shake. Without hesitation, you pull your mouth away and let your head flop back down onto the bed. Steve let's out a loud whine,
"Come on!!"
Steve lowers his hips in an attempt to get your lips wrapped around him again, but only succeeds in smearing your lips with precum. In one quick movement you push your hand up against his ribcage and flip him over onto his back. Scrambling up beside him you throw one leg over his chest and put your weight down, grabbing his wrists and pinning them above his head.
"And just what makes you think you can talk to me like that, Harrington?"
Steve doesn't answer this time. He can't take much more of this and he knows you're more than capable of keeping this up all night.
"Didn't think so."
Your fingers grip the sheets as Steve pumps in and out of you. You're on all fours now, lulling Steve into a false sense of security by letting him fuck you. Steve moans loudly as you tense around his cock. As his hips pound against you, you start to feel yourself getting close too, but Steve still needs a little more punishment. His fingers dig into your hips as he starts to peak once more. Leaning backwards you push Steve back onto his knees, sitting on his lap with him still inside you and forcing him to stop what he's doing. You can hear him whimpering behind you, but this time he's smart enough to keep his mouth shut.
"What's the matter, baby?" You tease, gently rocking your hips. "Thought I'd let you win that easily?"
You buck your hips once more, a little rougher this time, and Steve's hands grip at your arms. He lets out a few ragged breaths in your ear as his body tenses and convulses. His fingers remain tightly grasping your skin for a few more seconds before his body relaxes. To your great surprise, you don't feel him cum. Climbing off his lap you turn to face him and, from the looks of it, he's just as surprised as you are.
"Interesting," You say with a slight smirk. "Think you can manage one more?"
Steve's hips are jackhammering against yours. Over your shoulder you can hear his collar jingling as his body moves sporadically. You can feel your skin flushing white hot, whole body tingling as Steve's cock works in and out of you.
"Such a good boy." You purr. "I'm so close, baby, make me cum and I'll let you too."
The words barely escape your mouth before you feel the wind knocked out of your lungs as you lunge forward with the force of a sudden orgasm ripping through you. The sounds of your lust filled screams spur Steve on, slamming his hips against yours in a fast, messy rhythm. Within minutes you feel Steve start to convulse again. He scratches down your thighs as his cock twitches once more. This time a fountain of cum sprays into you, wave after wave filling you up as Steve's body tenses against you. When he finally stops he barely manages to pull out of you before he flops down on the bed, fucked out and gasping for air.
There's silence for a long time. You stroke Steve's hair gently before you get up to get yourself cleaned up in the bathroom. When you come back Steve hasn't moved. You perch yourself on the edge of the bed, reaching around to the back of his neck you carefully undo his collar and take it off for him.
"You okay, sweetheart?" You ask, softly.
Steve tears his eyes away from the ceiling and looks up at you. He laughs suddenly and a wide smile spreads over his face.
"Holy shit."
"That good?" You say with a laugh.
"That was fucking incredible." He says, still a little out of breath. His face melts into a smirk, that mischievous sparkle back in his eye already. "Bet you couldn't do it again."
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chiruba · 4 years ago
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req. hiii bestie !! i can smell potential in this account, so i'm here for a request ! jjk boys' reaction to their s/o wearing a bunny girl/boy outfit (they lost a bet) ?? maybe with... megumi, inumaki and gojo ?? thank you and i give you all my love and support for your work!!!❤️❤️️
an. HII BESTIE!! i loved this req omg and thank u for supporting me!! hope i did this req justice <3
ft. gojo, fushiguro, inumaki x fem!reader
wc. 1.5k
genre. fluff
tw. a lil suggestive but like 99% sfw
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— this mf would be so cocky and teasing about it
— definitely the type to whistle and wiggle his eyebrows
— he's probably the one that made the bet with you
— and of course he made it knowing he'd win
"satoru!" you whine from behind the closed bathroom door, thoroughly embarrassed. "are you kidding? i'm not wearing this!" well, to be fair, you were already wearing it, but coming out of your sacred space the bathroom in it? absolutely not.
"come on!" you heard him say, his tone clearly teasing and excited. "you lost the bet, after all!"
"and you cheated to win!"
gojo let out a dramatic sigh, and you could practically imagine him pressing an exaggerated hand to his heart. "fine!" he said, letting out another sigh, "i guess our bets mean nothing to you."
"it's a stupid bet, satoru-"
"i understand, don't worry." you groaned, rolling your eyes at your boyfriend's usual childish antics. you could hear him shuffling from the other side of the door, "i'll just go to bed." you let a sigh, glancing to the large mirror to your right, your reflection staring back at you. you felt your face get hot at the thought of showing this to gojo. i mean, you could use it to try and get back at your boyfriend for all the times he'd teased you, and maybe even fluster him a bit? impossible, but a girl can dream.
"...fine." you grumble so quietly you're unsure if he even heard it - until you hear the giddy squeal come out of your boyfriend's mouth from the other side of the door, catching you so off guard that you can't help but let out a snort. before you even have a chance to do so yourself, gojo swings open the door and catches you as you stumble out.
he grins at you cheekily, one eyebrow raised and a low whistle sounding from his lips. "you were already wearing it?" he asks, and before you can respond a bright light flashes in your eye, and you realise he's taking pictures.
"satoru!" you go to cover your head, immediately regretting your decision. "i'm changing back right now!" you exclaim and try to rush back into the bathroom, only to be stopped by him pulling you back gently, his chest colliding with your body.
— he'd be so embarrassed even looking at you LOL
— doesn't mean he won't look though
— would probably be like "what are you doing?" all grumbly and annoyed
— but his eyes stay trained on you and the outfit
you didn't think last week that your saturday night would be spent waiting on your boyfriend's bed, dressed head to toe in a bunny girl outfit while you waited for him to get done showering. it originally began when nobara showed you a funny tiktok of someone else pranking their significant other while they were dressed in a bunny outfit, and you'd both joked about doing it to your respective significant others. you had teased nobara, doubting that maki would be flustered even by such an outfit, which then led her to tease you about how fushiguro wouldn't even bat an eye at it. and, well, here you are.
you want to blame nobara for this entire fiasco, but you can't help the scratch of curiosity you yourself have about your antisocial boyfriend's reaction. if you're being entirely honest, the thought of making him flustered makes you a bit giddy. you decide to wrap yourself in his bed covers, seeing that fushiguro's designated showering time is ending soon, and then duck your head under the covers like a child hiding from a monster. the door lock clicks, and you hear the familiar sound of the sliding door.
"what are you doing?" fushiguro asks, closing the door behind him as he makes his way over to the mound on his bed. you giggle and hug the covers closer.
"take a guess," you tease, and you were sure if you could see him he'd be rolling his eyes.
"i don't know," he responded bluntly, "are you cold? i'll warm you up." you could hear the slight grumble in his voice at the last part, clearly still getting used to voicing his affections. it made your heart flutter a little, and you decided to stop teasing, mostly because it was the first time today you'd be able to see your boyfriend's face. you quickly pulled the covers back, sitting up on his bed as you stared up at fushiguro with an innocent grin.
"wha?!-" fushiguro spluttered, pink immediately beginning to stain his cheeks. his mouth hang open as he stared at you, eyes rapidly glancing around your outfit. "what are you doing?" he asked, gulping obviously after his sentence.
"what do ya think?" you teasingly asked, deciding to stand up and give a quick spin around, only flustering fushiguro further. "maybe this should be my halloween outfit? oh, we could even match! you could be a magician-" fushiguro let out a noise similar to a growl, and the next thing you knew, you were back in his bed, covers one again wrapped around your body like a cloak.
"no." he said plainly, and you had to hold back your laughter.
"no? no what, love?" he scrunched up his face at the nickname, but you could tell he liked it just by the simple fact that he'd never told you to stop. your teasing smile dropped when he leaned in closer, his breath ghosting on your ear as he whispered,
"i wanna be the only one to see you that way."
— he got so flustered at first omg
— and said the one word that came to his mind - "wow."
— inumaki has such great control when it comes to his speech, he already knew it would be a safe word
— what he doesn't have great self-control over is, honestly, his love for you
— inumaki's just so amazed at how you're his s/o
— after he gets over his initial flustered reaction, he tackles you in affection <3
you were sure that you've never been more embarrassed in your life than now. nobara had suggested the grand idea of playing 'truth or dare' for girls' night, and sadly, your turn had ended up in maki's hands. you thought that maki couldn't come up with anything too bad, especially not this late at night, and so you went with the dare.
...and now here you are, dressed in a bunny girl outfit, standing in the middle of your boyfriend, inumaki toge's, room. the outfit was bought last halloween as a complete joke between the three of you, and you had completely forgotten about it afterwards, keeping it in the deepest part of your closet. how had maki even come up with that on the spot? damn her brains. your phone pinged, vibrating on inumaki's desk where you had put it, and you glanced over to see nobara's text;
'he's coming!!'
the simple message made your heart pound, your head frantically snapping back to look at the door as you waited for your boyfriend to come through. you held your breath when you heard a key being inserted into the door, and a small noise of surprise when inumaki realised the door wasn't locked. he quickly understood that you were most likely in his room.
"kombu-" inumaki froze, quite literally froze. it reminded you of the times he'd unzipped his collar and whispered the words "don't move,", his enemies bodies going rigid just as his just did.
you began to speak, and then realised, what the fuck were you meant to say in this situation? you'd been so focused on when inumaki would come through the door, you hadn't even thought about what to say when he did. you quite literally felt the way your heart fluttered when you heard inumaki let out a quiet breath, and you heard him whisper,
it was already rare to hear your boyfriend's soft voice, even when he was simply speaking in onigiri ingredients, and you were shocked that you had caused this much of a reaction from him.
inumaki finally took back control of his body as he dropped the plastic white bag full of late-night snacks he was out getting, quickly shutting the door behind him and rushing over to you. his arms snaked around your waist, and you stumbled when he pulled you from the middle of his room to his bed.
"toge!" you yelled, arms wrapping around him automatically. you giggled when he began bombarding you in kisses, kissing you on the tip of your nose, the corners of your mouth and continually along your jaw, each a sweet peck full of affection that was more than enough to convey inumaki's feelings. "toge," you whined, now lowering your voice, "maki and nobara are probably right outside the door!" inumaki continues to hold you close while he reaches into his shorts pockets, pulling out his phone and typing a quick message, still giving you sweet pecks as you read his text.
'too bad. ur mine now <3'
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ill give u a kiss goodnight if u reblog <3 
©  2021 sinrinyoku — please do not repost, translate, modify or plagiarize my work! i will beat the shit out of u (maybe)
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winterhawkkisses · 3 years ago
Bucky and Clint and a corn maze for the autumn prompt please?
Loving all your stories and shares!
Bucky Barnes was brought up in Brooklyn, and as such had been woefully unprepared for the concept of corn mazes as some kinda competitive sport.
"Swear to God," Clint muttered, shoving his feet into unlaced boots at some ridiculous time in the morning, "if the Butchers win again this year I am going to shove my foot so far up that judge's ass -"
Bucky must've made a sound, or raised an eyebrow, or given off some kinda aura that questioned Clint in this, 'cos Clint whirled on him and pinned him with a crazy-eyed stare.
"Five years," he said, low and fervent. "Five goddamn years of the same Iowa Hawkeyes logo, stalk for goddamn stalk. I have done Steve's shield. I have done a damn circus. I have done the cataclysmic destruction of the Death Star that I had to finish with a scythe -"
"I don't understand that reference," Bucky said, deadpan, and Clint pointed a shaking finger at his chest, opened his mouth, then snapped it shut again and threw his hands in the air, slamming the screen door behind him.
Bucky couldn't help sniggering into his coffee.
It wasn't always so dramatic. Sure, the farm in general, where the pace of the days was generally pretty slow, peace rising up from the ground like the morning mist, but also the run-up to fall and the county fair. Most of it was quieter: Clint groaning happily as Bucky tried out another pie recipe on him, determined to perfect it this year; the daily measurement of a beast of a pumpkin, and Clint's cracked voice singing rock ballads to it every night before bed.
Somehow he'd got it in his head, though, that everything was riding on his corn maze this year. Somehow everything seemed to be hinging on getting it just right, and Clint had strung up a sheet over the back bedroom window so Bucky couldn't jinx it by seeing it too soon.
"Like seeing a bride before the wedding?" Bucky asked, unable to keep the laugh outta his voice, and Clint had twitched and headed hurriedly out to sing Sweet Child Of Mine.
"Hey," Bucky murmured from the porch swing one evening, catching Clint by the belt loops as he paced along the porch and pulling him closer, between his legs. "Hey, Clint, it's gonna be fine. You've got this."
Clint ran his hands through his hair, looking down at Bucky with a weird sort of vulnerability in his eyes.
"You think?"
"I know it," Bucky said, pulling him in closer still, wrapping his arms around Clint's lean hips and resting his cheek against a plaid shirt that still carried the warmth of the late summer sun. "You can do anything you set your mind to."
Clint's hand came up to cup the back of Bucky's head, his callused thumb catching a little as it swept across his hair.
"You know I love you, right?" Clint said, and Bucky couldn't help but smile with it, the way happiness filled him up like there'd always been a space ready for it.
"Sure," he said. "I know."
It was the week before the fair when Clint finally seemed to settle. Not completely relaxed, maybe; more like the pause at the top of the rollercoaster, where all the potential's somehow resolved itself into a final moment of calm.
He cornered Bucky in the kitchen, taking the coffee mug out of his metal hand and weaving their fingers together instead.
"It's ready," he said, on a long breath. "You wanna see?"
Bucky couldn't help laughing a little, but followed along gamely enough as Clint dragged him up the stairs, then climbed the precarious ladder into the loft before opening the little window that led out onto a just about perchable part of the roof. Bucky led the way out, bracing himself on the weathercock - which was a good thing, since it gave him something to grab when he finally got a look at the corn maze Clint'd been working on so long.
He'd been expecting the title card for Dog Cops, maybe. Or Iron Man in flight, like Clint'd been promising Tony for at least the last few years. He hadn't expected -
"What d'you think?" Clint asked, just by his ear, and Bucky let out a choked laugh, reaching back to grab Clint's hand.
Most of it was - it had to function as a real maze, if it was gonna win, and the complicated knotwork was gonna make it a bitch to run. Bucky's focus, though, was the center of it all, the way the corn had been cut away to ask the curling cursive question Bucky, marry me?
"Think it'll beat the Hawkeyes?" Clint asked, and Bucky turned to drag him down so he could press their foreheads together, so Clint could be close enough to hear him breathe out a fervent yes.
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cherrysrambles · 3 years ago
Riduur (Part 1)
Basically, it got really sappy and cute and Din kind of started turning into Anakin a teeny bit, which is quite funny when you think about it. But then it got sexy. I just like making Din horny
Warnings: yes. 18+ although part 2 makes this look like fluff
‘Din what’s wrong? You’ve been off all night”
He stays silent, what a surprise
“You can’t get angry at every guy that wants to talk to me, and especially not with me”
“I’m not angry because of that” he says as he gently strokes your hair
You pause this time, letting him have his space to open up to you
“I just. I didn’t like how you called me your boyfriend earlier. I mean I am, and I’m so grateful to be, but, I just didn’t like you calling me that”
“Then what do you want me to call you?”
Another pause. Longer this time.
“Your riduur”
Without even thinking you say “Well Din, you’re going to have to marry me first”
“I intend to” he says with conviction”
With Grogu fast asleep and the crest initiated in ground security protocols, you could technically go out for a drink in the nearby cantina while Din picks up some new pucks, right? Wrong.
“Hey pretty lady, mind if I buy you a drink?” This smarmy Twi asks you
“No thank you” you say as you turn to face the other way.
“Come on, one drink won’t hurt”
“It won’t hurt me, but it’ll sure as hell hurt you”
“No, go away”
“Why not!?”
“Because my boyfriend won’t like it”
“Yeah and where is your boyfriend?” he says with a sneer
You move your head dramatically to the side signalling that your big, sexy Mandalorian is behind him.
The Twi turns around still laughing “Oh shit! Oh no, hey dude I don’t want any troub” Din grabs him by his lekku and drags him out the cantina. You hear the Twi screaming and then one distinct gunshot. Just when you think Din had gone too far, you hear the Twi screaming in excruciating pain. That’s better then killing him, right?
Din walks back inside and heads straight for you
“Are you ok Meshla?” His gloved hand caress your face.
“I’m fine tha-“ You get cut off by the Twi screaming outside
“Din, what did you do to him!?”
“Shot him in the dick” he says
“That’s a but dramatic don’t you think?”
“I showed him mercy by not killing him. He should be grateful” Another scream “come on, lets head back to our ship”
As you start to walk back you can sense that something is off, Din seems distant and more quiet than usual. You know he’s jealous, but it’s not fair to harbour on to this and bring it home.
As soon as you get into the ship Din heads for the ladder but you grab him and pull him into your bunk. Slowly stripping him of his beskar and boots in the process.
“Get in, I’m going to check on Grogu. I’ll be right back”
Grogu is sleeping soundly, just as you left him, you tuck his blanket around him a little tighter and crawl into your shared bunk with Din. His arms instantly wrap around you, and you rest your head on his chest.
After a moment of silence you speak.
‘Din what’s wrong? You’ve been off all night”
He stays silent, what a surprise
“You can’t get angry at every guy that wants to talk to me, and especially not with me”
“I’m not angry because of that” he says as he gently strokes your hair
You pause this time, letting him have his space to open up to you
“I just. I didn’t like how you called me your boyfriend earlier. I mean I am, and I’m so grateful to be, but, I just didn’t like you calling me that”
“Then what do you want me to call you?”
Another pause. Longer this time.
“Your riduur”
Without even thinking you say “Well Din, you’re going to have to marry me first”
“I intend to” he says with conviction”
“Cyare marry me, be my riduur, lets be bound to each other for longer than an eternity. You’re the only one for me, it’s only ever been you. I didn’t think I’d be able to have any of this, I didn’t think I could love someone the way I love you. I love you so much that it hurts me every moment we’re not together. You are my everything”
“Yes” you say with no hesitation. “Din, I’ve only ever been sure of two things in my life. 1, that Grogu is mine” He laughs, “ours, but go on”
“Ok ours” you laugh. “And that I’ve only ever wanted you and that I want to marry you. To be your wife, your riduur”
“Marry me now” He whispers
“Marry me right now Cyare, we can say our vows to one another and we are bounded forever” Then he pauses. “Unless you want a big wedding, which we can do, I want whatever you want”
“Yes” you reply, still shocked at his words.
“Yes to what?” He asks
“Yes to marrying you right now, I don’t need a big fancy wedding, I just need you”
He nods and you both stand up facing one another holding hands
“We’ll say it in Mando’a first, then in basic”
“And that’s it?”
“Yes, then we’re bound”
He slowly starts.
“Mhi solus tome, mhi solus dar'tome, mhi me'dinui an, mhi ba'juri verde”
Your Mando’a is awful, but you try your best repeating everything word for word.
Then he starts in basic and you smile finally understanding what you were promising, and you happily repeat after him.
"We are one when together, we are one when parted, we will share all, we will raise warriors.”
You finish your vows, meaning every word of it and stare into his visor with the biggest smile.
“OK Cyare, I’m ready”
“Ready for what?” You ask confused
He places your hands on the sides of his helmet “ready for you to see my face, for you to see the real me”
You freeze.
“Din, I didn’t marry you because I wanted to see your face, I married you because I love you. You are my everything. Even if we go for however long without me seeng your face then I’m ok with that. I need you to know and understand this”
“What if you don’t like what you see?” He asks, and you can hear the vulnerability in his voice.
“If I looked different would you still love me? Would your feelings change in anyway?” You ask
“No. But it’s a bonus that you’re hot” he says and you can’t help but chuckle at that.
“My love we don’t have to do this now”
“We do, I want to” which has to be the most unconvincing thing Din has ever said to you. So you try a different tactic
“You know I basically know what you look like already, and let me tell you, it’s something”
“Seeing my body isn’t the same as seeing my face Cyare” he says exasperated.
“No, but, I know your skin colour, I know your hair colour, you’ve told me you have brown eyes, I’ve felt your face in my hands, on my body, between my thighs” Your move closer to him.
“I know you have a strong jaw, a talented tongue that loves being inside me, a prominent nose that likes to nudge my clit and if it’s not your nose, then its your pillowy lips sucking hard on my nipples, just how I like. I know you have facial hair, the burns all over my body can attest to that. I know what your voice sounds like without your vocoder, when I’m wearing a blindfold and am on top mercilessly riding you, pulling those delicious noises from deep within. Am I close?” You ask
“I’m ready. Really this time, let’s do it”
And he places your hands on the sides of his helmet again.
Your heart beats so loud that you’re sure he can hear it, you hear the latch open, and your slowly start to lift it off.
Something inside you makes you feel as nervous as he is, maybe more, which is ridiculous after that pep talk you just gave him. As you lift his helmet you see a strong jaw, with a light smattering of stubble, golden skin just like you’d predicted. Higher you lift and there is that talented mouth, that prominent nose and there it is. His eyes, his beautiful chocolate brown eyes, looking back at you with so much love.
“Hi Din” you say trying to hold back your tears.
“Hi Cyar’ika” he whispers
His thumb reaches up and wipes your tears away as he leans in for your first kiss as husband and wife. You pull back but he pulls you inn closer, his tongue making its way into your mouth, you can’t help but moan in satisfaction. You both pull back for air and you eyes instantly find his. So you start looking at him, really looking at him.
He starts to fidget “What is it? What do you see”
“Just one second” you whisper as you continue to get a really good look at him.
“Just had a thought” you say
“My husband is hot, like really really hot, fuck”
‘Cyare, I think in this relationship you’re the hot one”
“That’s debatable. Now are you going to take your wife to bed and fuck her senseless or what?”
“I’m going to take my riduur to bed. But first I’m going to take my time, savouring every part of you I can touch, making you yearn for me. You will cum for me at least three times before I finally get to be inside you. You’re mine Cyar’ika, forever, and I’m going to remind you of that. I want your whole body to ache tomorrow because of me. I’m going to take my time and mark you. I want everyone that sees you and thinks they have a chance with you to know that you’re taken, that you’re mine and only mine. Do you want that Cyare? Do you want me to dominate you?”
You nod.
“Use your words"
He backs you into the wall and whispers
“Who do you belong to?”
“Say my name”
“Din Djarin”
And with that, he leads to to your shared bunk.
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