#to be clear i love April and Casey i just wanna see the turtles have other friends🙏🏽
pixiatn · 1 year
Praying Seth brings back other human allies the turtles have in the future sequel and tv series cause I'll actually die if it's just Casey and April for the 10 billionth time🙏🏽
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butterrats · 9 months
I love 2012 Donnie
I severely dislike 2012 April, one could say I hate her.
I am allowed to have my own opinions on these not-real-people characters because it. Is. A. Cartoon.
No, I am not a misogynist because I hate 2012 April. I actually love literally all five female characters they put in the show except her (Wow writers...) I'm a fucking feminist lesbian. Disliking a female character does not make you a misogynist. I honestly think a lot of her slander is undeserved, but I'd be a goddamn liar if I didn't say I kinda (ok I love it) enjoy participating in it. HOWEVER, I do not think she is a bad person. Is she snippy, rude, entitled, and kinda a brat in my eyes? Yeah, no dip. Do I think she's evil and intentionally trying to seduce every guy she sees into being her man slave? Uh no. I think she's annoying and I dislike her, but I don't want her to burn in hell. I want what I want for every character I see on a show: *clears throat* OWNING UP TO THEIR SHIT AND CHANGING FOR THE BETTER AND NOT BEING A MARY SUE AND MANY OTHER THINGS I DON'T FEEL LIKE GETTING INTO AT 11:30 PM. This goes for literally all the characters on the show. I wanna see Donnie and Casey apologize to April for being weird with her, AND I want April to apologize to them for being weird with them. THEY ALL DESERVED BETTER. They all could have developed amazingly if the writers didn't stick their heads up their asses and spew whatever shit they inhaled onto the script. I have so many other examples of this: I want Splinter to realize the generational trauma he's inflicting on his sons, Karai developing her relationships with all her brothers, Casey going into his backstory, insert other example.
No, I am not encouraging "nice guy" behavior by loving on Donnie. Oh wow, a kid with zero social interaction outside of his three brothers an strict dad gets weirdly obsessed with the first person he develops romantic feelings for? Who could've seen that coming? He should have left her alone when she wanted to be left alone and given her space, yes, but goddamn people, these characters are children. They're always making dumb choices. It's TEENAGE mutant ninja turtles. My boy never once tried to force himself on this girl. Never tried turning her no into a yes. Never wanted her to do anything she wasn't okay with. He's not a "nice guy" or an "incel" or a "stalker" he's a smart boy who made some very dumb choices. So did literally every other character in the goddamn show. You wanna talk creepy? Leo knowingly had the hots for his motherfudging sister but that's a whole 'nother can of worms I ain't touching tonight baby. I just personally think Donnie has so many more redeeming qualities to his character. Honestly, in my opinion, his apology to April was good enough for me. Not perfect by any means, but good enough. Donnie is literally one of the only characters who quickly owns up when he messes up, I think that' worth something considering the characters. Honestly, Donnie is a sweetheart, super smart, sassy, and fun to watch, and I think his qualities outweigh his flaws, unlike how I feel about April. (How I feel about her.)
My morality should not be called into question when I have an opinion on a fictional character for fuck's sake. This franchise is beloved, BELOVE IT. Have your opinions, love April, hate April, love Donnie, hate Donnie, just enjoy yourselves (except you, Tcesters, stay the fuck away from me and my son.) These characters aren't perfect, they're flawed, they're young, they're children. It's not their fault they were written like shit. They're ALL good people at the end of the day.
I hate 2012 April's guts and I love 2012 Donnie to death. But that doesn't mean you have to as well. LOVE YOUR CHARACTERS.
Holy jumping Jesus on a hoagie sandwich why did I waste an hour of my life writing this? I need to get to bed, I have work tomorrow. Anyways, hope this gets to someone who needs it, love yourself, love characters, don't fucking ship siblings, eat your homework, and enjoy your life. Love you <3
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matrixxsystem · 3 months
I can't not tell you guys the story now-
buckle up sluts this so much more comfort and fluff than I've ever written before-
This is how Leo found Marmalade This is a western AU where after the invasion the surface of New York was too triggering so they ran off to the middle of nowhere to try and heal. CW: This AU is a little dark, it wont be explored in full but there might be mentions of dealing with mental illness and having PTSD so just be a lil warned, but this is supposed to be just a lil one off about how he found his lil lady :3
Boots With The Spurrs
The sun had just reached the apex of the sky, heat beating down with such a vengeance you'd think someone owed it money or something.. Though lets be real, it wasn't like it was any cooler yesterday or the day before. The slider never minded though, he loved the sun and all that came with it. And that cool summer breeze that nearly blew his hat off, even as he held on while the wind shoved him back towards the house, or tired to at least- He loved that too. It was so clear each night and so quiet every morning.. The air was so clean, and the grass was so soft.. The first time he stepped foot on the property of their new home he spent a good hour just laying outside and taking it all in. He couldn't remember why exactly him and his family came out here, but it'd been maybe five or six years since they moved now, and it was a hell of an adjustment sure, any city boy would be turned on his head being stuck out in the middle of god knows where. But even when he missed some of the busy aspects, the bright lights and colors, the smells and constant chatter of people, he could only remind himself that there was a reason they left the city. Something about everyone's mental health, about needing space and time or whatever vague excuse Donnie told him each time he asked.
There was a small town not far from where they lived, maybe a twenty minute walk or so, and five minutes if they rode horseback. Oh yeah, didn't I mention? They bought a farm. Yeah, They bought a plot of land that was just outside a small town, fixed the place up, and since Donnie loves plants and Mikey loves animals it seemed fitting to start trying to grow things and really leaning into the towns rustic aesthetic. Who knew they had green thumbs.. Well… Fuck okay who knew they had metaphorical green thumbs- And would be oddly good farmers?? Yeah, me neither. Anyway, after the first two years things really took off for the brothers. And cause I can read your mind, don't worry, Aprils there too, she got a job working at the local news station, her and Mayhem easily became a hit. And Casey Jr came along, and Cass, hell even Barry decided he might as well tag along and make sure the brothers don't get into anymore weird time altering shenanigan's. And after Splinter.. Passed, it helped having everyone be there with them. Leo looked back up at the sky, trying to read the clouds to see if there was any sign of rain, maybe if he could convince the others.. They'd let him go into town for a bit, they needed food soon anyway right?
Oh yeah, second thing about this story. This is one where Leo lost his arm, yeah no, when Mikey pulled him from the prison dimension Kraang was just a little faster and dug his claws into Leo's arm, tearing it from his body as Mikey rushed to close the portal and save what was left of his brother. So yeah, most of the time he spent healing from that is just a blurred mess to him now, then he woke up in the turtle tank out in the country one day. He remembers people by his bedside in the medbay talking about it, asking Leo or trying to ask how he felt, if he wanted to go anywhere, if there was anything he wanted to do outside the city. Anytime it's brought up he's always teased about how he only said things like "I wanna be a cowboy baaabyyyy" or "I just wanna live on a ranch, and sit on a porch swing, with my boyfriend.." (He did not have a boyfriend, or know anyone who could even come close at the time) So they continued to poke fun at his responses, which he blames the pain medicine he was on at the time for.
Leo sighed a little as he sat on the old wooden stairs, rolling his eyes at the audible creek that came from the shift in weight. He took the very cowboy-esk hat from his head waving it in front of his face, trying to get a little more of a breeze to cool him off. He'd just been out moving the pipes Donnie ordered to make he's own watering system for the plants, he wanted to start a new patch on the other side of the house and Leo just knew he'd be bribed into doing all the dirty work somehow.. Though he'd do it if asked, he knew that something bad happened to all his brothers before they moved that left them all a little less able then they used to be. For Donnie his back got hurt badly, most days he was fine but some days he'd get these real bad flare ups and he couldn't put any weight on his back or be on his feet for more then maybe fifteen minutes at a time. Leo liked to call it his "No Bones" days, since he'd usually end up just rag doll-ing in his bed all day. It was actually pretty scary the first few times it happened, Leo wasn't sure why everyone else was so calm that his brother couldn't move. But after a while and a couple explanations he didn't fully understand he came to accept that for Dee it's just something that happens when he overworks himself.. For Raph he lost sight in one of his eyes and hates being snuck up on, there were scars over the eye but they didn't look like any animal Leo had ever seen, he didn't ask though. He knew he didn't like talking about it, none of his brothers did really. Even Mikey, who was an open book all other times.. He had some faint scars from his hands up his forearms, and if he used his hands too much they'd start shaking or locking up, he always blames him drawing too much when he was younger but Leo knew deep down there was something else he just wasn't saying. But like any other time Leo was able to quickly shake those thoughts from his mind, it wasn't important and if they didn't want to talk, then he didn't want to know. He knew enough, and knew prying would only hurt them in the end.
He turned his head to look at the front door hearing the screen door swing open, "Hey Leo, you finally had enough of tha' heat?" Leo put his hat back on and smiled up at his oldest brother, "You could say that- Think if I asked Mike would be willin' to make us some lemonade?" Raph's eyes lit up as he weighed the options for a moment, food always got his big brother motivated and Mikey always made the best lemonade..
Leo let out a little laugh at his brothers reaction, "Though if we're gonna have a drink I s'pose we'd need to head into town to get the lemons don't we..?" Raph tensed up a bit hearing the mention of town. Compared to New York this town was more like a small village- It was like something straight out of a western movie it seemed. Raph let out a little grumble, muttering something about town and Leo just laughed again, giving Raph a reassuring pat on the lower half of his shell. "Oh c'mon big guy, it'll take all of forty minutes to get in, out, and back home." Raph carefully passed Leo on the stairs, once again weighing his options. "Raph..?" Leo asked, a little softer, "I know I shouldn't keep askin, but why don't you guys like goin' into town? Seems like y'all lock up whenever it's mentioned but I can't recall the reason."
"Its.." There was a pause, maybe he was trying to think about his words so he didn't sound like he was yelling at Leo. "It's nothin' really, if you wanna go, we'll go. Saddle up an I'll give Don the heads up that we're goin for a ride." Leo practically jumped up to get ready, "Are you sure we wanna tell Don? If he knows you're goin he'll send you off with a whole grocery list to bring back-" Raph shrugged, "If we're goin' we might as well make sure we get all we need, 'sides, Don ain't feelin well again so it might be good to bring him back some more medicine." Leo glanced back at the house, up to the second story where Dee's room was, "He havin' one of his 'no bones' days?" Raph rolled his eyes at the name but nodded, "Yeah, just one of those days. Now go on and get saddled up while I run in and get some money and everyone's orders." Leo gave a playful salute and a 'yes sir!' before heading around to the barn where the horses we're kept. He gave each one a little attention as he passed, Donnie's being an all black horse of course, Mikey's being some kind of calico with all matter of spots and specks decorating its coat, and Raph's was a big ass Belgian draft horse with a dark grey coat that faded to black at the feet. And Leo's, it was this blonde almost iridescent light color. "Well hey there sunshine" He cooed as he opened her gate, stepping and and getting ready to head out, "Looks like we're goin' for a ride today, a real one, not just round the house. You excited?" The horse turned her head nudging Leo and almost knocking him over, he laughed as he gently pushed her back, "I know I know, I told Raphie we need to take y'all out more but he don't want me goin into town alone, don't think he wants me goin anywhere alone actually-" After he was all set he took her lead and walked out of the barn, nearly bumping into Raph on their way out.
Once they were both set they headed out, Leo riding up and around roads, goin as fast as his Sunshine would let him, she liked going fast too, part of why he was able to get her at all. Her last owner couldn't get her to calm down or stop running off or throwing anyone who tried to ride her. Leo pretty quickly figured she just lived a bit faster then others, just like him. So he'd made a bet that if he could ride her without being thrown he'd get a big discount. Instead of trying to get her on his level he got onto hers, encouraging her to run and jump to her hearts content, and they've gotten along pretty damn well since then. Once they got into town went and hopped off his horse, not bothering to tie her up unlike Raph and his gentle giant, who he carefully tied up at a post outside the local grocery store, pulling a few treats from his bag and setting them down. "Good girl Boots" He muttered with a little pat before heading into the store, Leo trailing behind. They browsed for a few minutes, well, Leo did, Raph just picked what they needed and only that. Going right to the sections that had what he needed, he really didn't want to be there longer then they needed to be it seemed.. Leo rolled his eyes and tosses a lemon his way, "Heads up Raphie-!"
The lemon bonked the side of Raph's head and fell into his basket, he turned to Leo with an unamused expression, Leo braced to be yelled at, to be scolded like they would when they were younger, maybe even a playful slap on the back of his head for being impolite at the store. But Raph just took a breath and sighed, picking a couple apples up and setting them in the basket next to the lemon. Leo pouted a little but let it go, it wasn't like he wanted to be yelled at, but it didn't feel right for them to not even fight playfully? He huffed and set another dozen or so into the basket and gave Raph a little shoulder pat, "I'm gonna go wait outside okay? Make sure Sunny ain't found any trouble." Raph just nodded, seemly he was almost done, the basket was already full but he was still looking for a few more things.
Leo stepped outside, a few people had paused to eye his horse, ones that pretty were usually pretty expensive so it made sense people would look at her. He whistled and she perked up, heading over and lowering one front leg to look like she was bowing, he was pretty proud of teaching her that trick.. Het gave her a few pats and praises and grabbed his bag off her side, reaching and getting out a sugar cube, "There we are, I knew I had one left in here. Whos a good girl? Hm?" "She sure is-" Leo turned around to see another yokai approach him, he hadn't seen this guy around but he sure looked familiar..? "Never seen one that well behaved before.. Your horse must've cost a pretty penny but you don't look the fancy type?" Was.. Was this guy saying he looked poor..? "Sunny here ain't no ones horse-" He joked, giving her a few more pats, "Ain't that right Sunshine? You don't belong to no man huh?" She flapped her lips blowing out a huff as she shook her head, turning to nudge Leo. He just laughed a little louder, "Yes mam, you're as free as the breeze ain't cha? You just follow me home for the treats huh?" The stranger smiled a little, he took half a step closer then stopped, "Is it alright if I pet her? Think she'll let me keep my hands?" Leo just shrugged like he wasn't sure but quickly nodded, "I'm just messin- Yeah you can pet her, she loves the attention don't worry." He nodded and stepped closer again, getting into her line of sight and carefully approaching. Leo took a step back and watched in the interaction, whoever this guy was he seemed to know a lot about horses with a temper, and she seemed to like him well enough.. He took his hat off setting is on his saddle to feel the coming breeze. Sunshine turned to look at him before turning back to the stranger and biting the brim of his hat, lifting it off his head and turning to put it on Leo. The yokai was a bit shorter than Leo, and without the hat long white ears fell on either side of his head, it was a rabbit yokai- Kinda cute actually... Not many of those in such hot and dry places like this town. Their eyes met for a moment before Leo realized he was staring at the stranger, "Ah- Sorry 'bout that, she got that lil trick from my little brother-" He took the hat back off and gently set it back on the guys head, "Think that mean's she likes ya heheh- Uh- Say stranger.. You got a name to go with that face?"
"Y-Yeah, sorry, where are my manners.. I'm Yuichi. Yuichi Usagi." Leo stuck his good arm out to shake his hand, "Leo. Leonardo Hamato. Pleased to meet cha."
"Hamato..? Like.. The Hamato brothers?" Leo perked up a little, "Oh? We got a name 'round here or somethin'..?" Yuichi shook his head, "No no, just.. You guys were a big thing back home, everyone in my village knew about you guys savin' people. Didn't expect to find you all the way out here is all." Leo looked a little confused, it'd been a handful of years before he'd done anything heroic.. But people still talked about them? That was kind of cool… Raph came out of the store and started putting his stuff away in the pouches strapped to his saddle. "Well Yuichi, it was a pleasure meeting' you. Not sure how long you plan to be here but if you need anythin' we live just down the road here up on brasshill." He picked his bag back up fastening it and hopping up. Yuichi looked surprised, "Wait- Brasshill? I'm stayin' with my auntie who lives on that road. She's also a rabbit. Leo gasped, "You're related to Nonanoka??? Dude! She's the best! Oh y'all gotta come over sometime then, we'll have a nice get together, tell her Leon's got somethin for her when you see her alright? Shes got our line if you ever need us." Yuichi nodded a little and gave them a little wave as they headed off towards the end of town, fixing the hat on his head and stuffing his ears back into it to get them out of the way.
Once they were back home Raph carried everything inside while Leo took the horses back to their stables, then headed inside once they were back safe. He opened the door being met with Mikey coming down the stairs, he must've heard Raph come in and wanted to see what all they got. "Heya mike" He said giving his hat a little wave before he hung it up, "Leoooo! You're back already??"
"Yeah, Raphie was in a bit of a rush I guess, he never likes to take long you know that" Mikey nodded a little and gave Leo a quick hug, "Well when you get everythin' put away I wanna go for a ride too!" Leo gave Mikey's shell a little pat, "As long as the suns out and Raphie don't mind stayin' with Don. I think he can be bribed though" He gave Mikey a little wink and moved his head to gesture to the kitchen where Raph was emptying the two big bags of food. Mikey peeked past Leo to see the fruit basket on the table now full of lemons and oranges. His eyes lit up as he got an idea, by now Leo was pretty good at getting Mikey to have ideas he thinks are original despite Leo being the one to plant the idea in his head. Mikey slowly walked into the kitchen with his hands behind his back as if he was hiding something, "Heya Raphie, how was the store? Y'all have a good time?" Raph glanced over to him and shrugged, "As good as going into town gets I guess, Leo made a friend I think, the nephew of nona-"
"Nonanoka has relatives in the sates? I thought she said all her family was back in Japan??"
"Must be vistin' or somethin, seemed nice enough tho.." Mikey scooted over climbing onto Raph's back to peer over his shoulder, "Ooooo, we outta bake nona somethin' maybe a pie? We do have a buncha apples now…"
"That's a good idea Mike" Leo said as he sat at the table, he reached for his satchel but then it moved- Everyone's eyes turned to look at the bag, "That- Wasn't just me right?" Leo asked hesitantly, both Raph and Mikey shook their heads as they watched the bag. Leo felt an odd sense, it wasn't dread, he didn't get a bad feeling, but something was making his anxiety go off the charts- He took a deep breath and slowly opened the bag,
Leos eyes widened as a small kitten, maybe the size of Leos hand, wobbled out of his bag. It was orange with lighter colored stripes. It looked up at Leo and mewed again, tilting its head a little and glancing around to the others. Raphs eyes grew at least ten times seeing that little cat look his way, "Leo- How in the- Where do you even get a cat??"
"I didn't?? I don't- I didn't go anywhere-!" He slowly reached his hand out and pet the cat, it leaned into his hand starting to purr, "I mean I set my bag down to say hi to the new guy- Maybe this lil guy smelled somethin sweet and snuck in..? There are a few strays in that town…"
"Well- Put it back-!"
"Raph!! I'm surprised at you! Look at this sweet lil thing-" Mikey carefully picked the cat up to inspect it after getting off Raph's back, "Hey there lil one, you hitched a ride with the right guy, we'll take good care a' you.." Raph sighed a little, he was too tired for this and knew it was a loosing argument trying to talk them out of keeping the cat. "If we keep her we'll need to go stock up on food, and a bed, and a litter box n litter and a collar- It's a lot of work and on top of runnin' the farm and all out other animals-"
"Her?" Leo asked, Raph nodded, "Yeah can't ya tell she's a girl? She's a month old, maybe a month n a half- What? Why are y'all lookin' at me like that-? I like animals alright? Just- Make sure she don't get outside before we get a collar on her… I'm gonna go bring Dee some food before I start cleanin' up for the night." Leo nodded and looked back at the kitten, "She's so cute- How'd a miss somethin' that sweet sneakin' into my bag hahah.. She's gonna need a name too... Hmm" Mikey set her back on the table, "Let's see... Pumpkin? Cause she's orange? Or... Cinnamon?" "That might be a good name for a horse but she's a much lighter orange.. This lil lady needs a real good name.." "Maybe a snack will help us come up with somethin good! I've been cravin a toasted PB&J, you want one?" Leo chuckled as he was playing with the kitten, "Yeah, make it two if ya would" "Yessir! You want strawberry, marmalade or elderberry jam?" Leo perked up a little, "Wait, say that again.." "Uh.. You want strawberry, marmalade or elderberry jam?" "Marmalade..?" He looked over at the open cabinet, the jar Mikey pulled was filled with a light orange color, he looked back down the to cat, "Marmalade?" She tilted her head a little, it got her attention it seems. "So that's the one you want? ...Leo..? Leeoooo?" He snapped back to reality (ope there goes gravity) and nodded. "Yeah.. I think that's perfect."
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melancholysway · 2 years
Serendipity (2007!Raphael x Fem Reader) 3
CHAPTER III: There’s Something About the Nightwatcher
Chapter Key:
--- = a flashback is happening or ending
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ or ====
= perspective change
~ = small time skip
Casey didn't feel like playing vigilante tonight.
He was more interested in sleeping in cuddled next to April while she forced him to watch chick flicks with her until they fell asleep. But, he hadn't been out busting skulls with his buddy Raph in a few, so, tonight was the night.
He told April he was going out with Raph to do "guy stuff," and she simply nodded her head and took this as an opportunity for some personal girl time- ie; having the whole bed to herself for once until Casey got home.
He met up with Raph on the rooftop (Raphael doesn't bring his Nightwatcher gear everywhere he goes, so he made a quick stop back home to grab it), actual Raph, not Nightwatcher Raph. He had gotten there early enough to where he got to see his friend before he put on his gear.
"Sup, man?" Casey waved to his good friend as they did their handshake. Out of all the turtles, Raph was Casey's all-time favorite. Whenever he was with him, it was good vibes and good times.
Casey hadn't had a friend like Raph in a while. Sure, he had other friends, but on an emotional level, they didn't compare to Raph.
Contrary to what many people think about Raph, he's a good listener (when he wants to be.) He gives good advice and doesn't sugarcoat shit. That's why Casey preferred venting to Raph. He knew he would give him the truth and nothing but the truth.
"You should let 'er do 'er thing, Case." Raph stood from the ledge of the roof, circling while looking at the skylight and full moon.
"But-" "No buts, this is probably important to 'er, and she'd probably like it if you were supportive." Raph retorted, crossing his arms and looking at his friend.
You see, April had gotten a job at Winters Corp, and that meant traveling far and wide for different artifacts her boss, Winters, requested. When Casey heard about it, he freaked out and sort of jumped the gun, because he thought that meant she wasn't coming back; when in reality she would only be gone a few days out of the month.
"She'd appreciate ya if ya were supportive on dis," Raph stated "Ya don wanna hold 'er back from being successful, Case." Like always, Raph spoke facts. Casey didn't care how many times Leo complained about him, Casey knew the real him, and he had brotherly love for Raph.
It took a lot for Casey Jones to admit when he was wrong, which is probably one of the reasons why he cliqued up with Raph immediately after he had first met the brothers, they scarily had a lot in common, and April started to joke that they were conjoined to the hip.
"Ya know what..." "What? I'm right? When am I not?" Raph interrupted Casey and smirked. Casey gave him a fist bump and a quick thanks as Raph got his Nightwatcher helmet on, and they began their night of stopping crime.
"Hey, Case!" Raph replied as he grabbed his Nightwatcher helmet sitting off to his left side. Raph was particularly excited about tonight, he had been cooped up in the lair for 2 days straight, and he was happy to finally get out and get some fresh air.
They started on their usual route, first looking up from the rooftops, and jumping in to save the night from gangs, thugs, or anyone in between. They had just gotten their 5th criminal tied up with the cops arriving momentarily until they heard a commotion from a nearby alley.
"Ya hear that?" Raph asked through his helmet, looking in the direction of the noise. He wasn't sure what- or who it was, exactly.
The pair had jumped a few rooftops to get to the source of the noise, and it was clear what was going on.
"You little bitch!" Screamed...Hun? Raph and Casey were able to make out the leader of the Purple Dragons, and the sight was not a pretty one. A young, h/c girl is surrounded by Hun and his minions, she's on the ground after getting pushed by Hun, as he starts kicking her side. Raph takes a sigh of relief, from the ripped shirt on the ground and her getting out of Huns' grip, they had come just in time before she was no longer able to defend herself before being violated.
"Ready, Case?" Raph and Casey quickly sprang into action.
First, Raph handled Hun, the sudden surprise of Raph- er- The Nightwatcher and Casey, as they pounced on one gang member to fight, stunning the other one in the process.
Raphael handled Hun, and between their many fights, Hun was always Raphs choice to fight, he was tall, bulky, and had such a punchable face. Casey on the other hand, handled Fong, and Raph had pushed John in the process of them coming from the rooftop so hard that he lay on his back holding his stomach.
It seemed as if time moved quickly. You were pushed, then kicked, and then it stopped.
You saw a dude in a hockey mask and...The Nightwatcher??
The Nightwatcher actually came to save you.
You watched as both of them handled their business, and you couldn't help but notice the way The Nightwatcher fought compared to the hockey mask man. It was more...graceful like he had a fighting style.
You backed up into a corner, watching the fight go down. You couldn't just leave, not yet; until you thanked your saviors. You saw from the corner of your eye as John stopped clinging to his abdomen, recovering from the sudden ambush. He looked at both the Nightwatcher and Hockey mask man, making sure they were preoccupied. His dull eyes made their way to stare at your e/c ones, and he stood up, charging at you.
You weren't able to take on John, but you sure as hell were willing to try. You got up and stood confident, ready to take whatever John threw at you.
"This is all because of you, you fucking cunt!" John yelled as he wrapped his hands around your neck, choking you.
You were caught off guard and pinned to a wall, the flow of oxygen getting cut off. You struggled to breathe and kicked John between the knees. He grunted in response, the grip on your neck getting tighter from anger.
You both were going at it, until he was on top of you, and pulled out something shiny from his pocket.
it was a knife.
a small one, but still probably able to do some, if not a lot, of damage.
He swung it at your head, but you moved just in time for him to miss. Suddenly, John was pushed off of you by Hockey Mask.
"Whew, you oka- Y/n?!" Hockey Mask says your name.
Then, he was pushed by Fong.
But, his voice sounded familiar.
"C-Cas-" You heard John do a terrible battle cry from the right of you, and you saw as he charged at you with his knife, aiming for your stomach.
Just in time, you moved out the way, but not enough, as you felt a sharp pain on your left side.
John was soon absolutely pummeled to the ground by The Nightwatcher, and you quickly put your hand over your wound. You took your now slightly bloody hand away, expecting the knife to be there, however, it wasn't. John hadn't missed which resulted in his knife grazing your side, but it wasn't powerful enough that it caused a bad gash or wound. It was, though, enough for it to bleed and hurt like hell.
Everything went past you after, as you paid attention to stopping the bleeding. It wasn't long until all 3 of the Purple Dragons were out like a light until the cops came (which The Nightwatcher hated because he knew they'd be out of the police station tomorrow morning after being bailed out,) and you had two people to thank.
Hockey Masks' mask was off, and it was who you thought it was.
"Casey? Ow-" You confusedly asked before being interrupted by another sudden pain at your side. Casey grabbed your ripped shift from the ground and applied pressure to your wound.
"You know 'er?" The Nightwatcher asks before looking down at his feet. He had just stepped into the mess Hun and his goons made of your camera.
"Yeah, this is Y/n, crazy cat lady." Casey jokes while out of breath. Even though you're in pain, you smack him upside the head.
"Ow!" Casey whines
"I'm not a crazy cat lady, I only have one." You state. The Nightwatcher seems fixated on you and your wound, as he goes on one knee by your right side.
"Err, 'yer alright?" He asks, he has a gruff Brooklyn accent, but it sounds so...hot.
yes, hot.
You've also heard this accent before. It was when you went to ask Casey if he could watch Stella earlier today. Casey knew The Nightwatcher?!
That explained why Casey was acting so weird the last time you saw him like he was hiding something.
"I-I'm fine, thank you." You managed to say.
Casey’s pressure on your side continued to stay, and the pain you felt subsided. “I have a really good first aid kit at home that April got recently; beats payin' a pretty penny at the doctor, right? Can you stand?” He asks while the Nightwatcher is shuffling in your bag.
You wonder just what his abnormally large hands are reaching for until he pulls out the extra shirt you were planning to bring to Jades to wear the next morning. You stood up with the help of Casey, and you were able to walk fine with slight pain with each step. You winded up stepping over the mess that was your polaroid camera, but right now, the priority was you.
You watch as the Nightwatcher lifts your shirt to examine it, then hands it over to you, avoiding eye contact.
"Thank you," You gently take it from him and put it on after Casey removes the pressure from your side for you to do so. Sudden blotches from your wound can be seen staining the shirt from the inside, however, given the situation, you could care less.
"Honestly, I completely forgot I wasn't wearing a shirt it was so chaotic," You motioned to your body, "so please unsee what you saw." You felt slightly dizzy, and this was Casey's cue to hurry his ass up to his apartment.
The walk there wasn't easy, but you had made it. You insisted that The Nightwatcher did not have to carry you, being you were too stubborn to become a damsel and be carried like some fairytale.
Casey's dead apartment was lit up by a single light switch, and you took a much-needed seat on the forest green couch, as you watched Nightwatcher grab the first aid kit Casey was talking about earlier. While doing this, Casey flipped on the radio he had sitting on the countertop near the kitchen and flipped it to a random station.
While the last song was finishing up (you couldn't quite make out what song was playing) Casey had unwrapped everything needed to patch you up, and his eyes stared nervously at your wound after he had asked you to lie on your back and lift your shirt for him to see. Upon future examination, The Nightwatcher had stated that you needed a suture. It wasn't bad at all, however, while you could easily go to the E.R and get it done professionally, that medical bill would be too expensive for you, and knowing NYC on a Friday night, it was bound to be chaotic in the E.R.
Another thing was that suturing was completely out of Casey's expertise.
Have I mentioned Casey Jones has absolutely no first aid experience other than minor burns and paper cuts?
"Case, I'm gonna show you this once, and the second time, you're going to do it." Raphael (after some slight begging to his tech-savvy brother Donatello,) had gotten ahold of the practice suture dummy. It seemed like everyone except Casey knew basic first aid. So, now you know, dear readers, never be put in an endangering situation with Casey Jones, he cannot and will not be able to do anything except stop some bleeding if injured.
Other than being a great listener, Raphael (only when he wants to be) is a great teacher. He shows you rather than tells you how to do something; probably because he prefers being taught that way himself, and that's the way Splinter taught him and his brothers the art of ninjutsu. This had been another one of Raph's qualities Casey liked.
Casey watched carefully as Raphael took the needle through the dummy, swiftly closed up the pretend wound, and tied the knot at the end perfectly. Raph was able to do this with ease, and if he wasn't a turtle, an EMT is something he would see himself doing- since he preferred being relied on to being reliant on others. He was also skilled at this because Donatello (and Master Splinter after some quick consideration,) thought it would be helpful if all brothers knew first aid. Whether it be for a minor cut or a deep wound, they would all be knowledgeable enough to handle something like this. It was bumpy for Raphael during the beginning. He gets irritated easily, and he became irritated by the fact that his fingers were not meant to use such a tiny needle and thread to suture a wound. Don't tell anybody, but Raphael would practice any time he could. He would go into Donny's lab and sit there messing with the practice patient Donny used to polish his own skills.
Soon enough, he was able to maneuver using a tiny needle and thread, and his fingers weren't a nuisance as they once were.
"'Ere," Raph undid his work on the dummy and reset it for Casey "Go 'head."
Casey (for some ridiculous reason) shakily started suturing the dummy. Raph watched as his friend's hands carefully tried to poke and puncture in the right places until Casey's hand slipped, and the needle accidentally winded up poking the dummy's chest.
"Well, now he's dead thanks to you."
"Gah! Move it, knucklehead!" Raph sighed to Casey after seeing his expression, who gingerly got out of the way for Raph to work his magic. He wished he could be of help to you when it came to patching you up. Your head turned to face The Nightwatcher, as he scanned the sprawled out supplies to find what he was looking for.
"Hey, we're inside. Why don't you take your helmet off?" You suggested. within a second, he responded.
"I'd rather not."
"Aren't you heating up? Are you su-" "I said I'm fine."
You didn't want to pry anymore, after all this was the guy who was going to be sticking a needle in your skin.
After that, it was silent. While he got everything ready, you took this time to really take his presence in.
Now, you understood why people thought he was a bad vigilante, he looked too intimidating. His helmet turned to you, indicating he was staring right at you.
You said nothing. You were taking in his looks.
Up close, you noticed tiny details of his suit and helmet, but you also noticed something else that was abnormal.
He only had three fingers.
Well, that's what you thought in your head. You were a bit confused as to it, and your first thought had been he had 5 fingers, just his glove looked like it only fit 3.
But, you noticed how he picked up the needle that he did have 3.
Now, you've seen a lot of crazy shit since starting college in New York City, so by this point, nothing surprises you anymore. Between the Purple Dragons, the voices from the rooftops at night, and large figures jumping from roof to roof, it was one big clusterfuck of weird.
Needless to say, you could never be bored in New York City, and that was the beauty of it.
"What are ya lookin' at me like I got six heads, ey?" He questioned, slightly uncomfortable that you were staring at him for far too long. You quickly snapped out of what seemed like a spell and cleared your throat nervously.
"Nothing. Just, excited to be patched up is all." You smiled sheepishly, to which you could feel The Nightwatcher roll his eyes at you.
Raphael knew that you were studying his hands, although they were covered by his gloves. This is why he never really took people he saved in because if they got too close and got the chance to study him, they would notice he wasn't normal at all just by his armor. However, the exception tonight was because of his pal Casey, who didn't think about any of that when he saw someone he knew in trouble. Raph couldn't complain, though. He would do the same if the roles were reversed.
Plus, Raph wasn't dumb. He never was, he was strategic about everything he did as his vigilante persona, much like how he was without it. He knew that unless someone like April or Casey knew him personally- mutant and all, nobody would know he's a 5'9 mutant turtle.
You watched intently as he started prepping the suture for your wound, you don't think he realized, but he was essentially revealing himself to you just by showing his hands.
However, the needle kept slipping from the gloves he wore, almost falling on the ground a couple of times.
"You're not gonna get a grip on it if you don't take your gloves off." you hinted to him. The Nightwatcher stopped what he was doing and looked at Casey, whose face was hit with a realization.
Raphael had to take off his gloves to suture.
He wasn't sure how to exactly weasel his way into convincing you to not look at him while he did it, but he thought up something in his head to wing it.
"I keep my face and body hidden for a reason, ma'am." He replied to your glove removal comment, and you rolled your eyes in response.
"Me seeing your hands is not going to automatically reveal who you are, ya know." You retorted.
The Nightwatcher shifted in his seat. “Trust me when I tell ya, ya don' wanna see. So, close your eyes or sumthin', it helps with the pain." He lied on that last part.
"Don't open 'em or else." Did he just threaten you? If you weren't already skeptical of him, you sure were now.
You decided to challenge him, "Or else what?" You questioned.
"You can suture your own wound."
All you saw was black.
Why? Because your eyes were closed. It seemed that the Nightwatcher didn't trust you by any means, and it resulted in also being blindfolded.
The only thing you heard were footsteps that belonged to Casey as he walked around the living room, the reason being was because he was literally no help to The Nightwatcher. He changed the station again to what seemed to be a classic rock station because Paradise City by Guns N' Roses played.
Take me down to the paradise city
Where the grass is green and the girls are pretty-
Take me home, oh, won't you please take me home
"They're playin' my song." The Nightwatcher chuckled slightly. The music wasn't blaring loud, but it was loud enough for it to fill the living room space, almost like some background music. You took note of the sound of his voice, it was no longer muffled. It sounded clear, which indicated that he had taken his helmet off. You were able to hear his voice clearly and smelled the faint scent of spearmint that came from his breath.
Only Casey knows his real identity. Maybe April, too. You'd have to ask her whenever she gets back.
You also mentally noted that he liked rock music, or songs similar to Paradise City.
"I'm startin' now. Try not to move so much or it's gonna fuck me up-and if it hurts too much let me know and we'll take a break, a'ight?" You nodded your head in response and smiled. You were certain it was going to hurt, but you knew that this needed to get done.
You sure felt every single stitch he did, and naturally, you're more sensitive when you can't see. So, it did hurt more than it probably should've. However, you were a big girl and could handle it.
Or so you thought.
"Okay okay, ow!" The Nightwatcher had poked at a particularly painful part, and he immediately stopped what he was doing.
"Nightwatcher guy, that hurt." You turned to him, eyes still closed, and you could sense his gaze on you.
"Sorry bout 'dat.” He apologized, “Seems like it's hurtin' here tha most." The Nightwatcher had been observing your facial expressions and watched your nose scrunch when he reached that part of the suture.
What seemed like forever in darkness had realistically been around 15 minutes. Casey tried his best to explain what you saw, but to you, it just meant he was a vigilante.
You giggled at his antics to explain everything to you, "Didn't take you as someone who'd be the Nightwatcher's sidekick, Jones." The Nightwatcher was finishing up his final stitches.
"Nah," Casey's face wore a smirk, "Rap- err...The Nightwatcher is MY sidekick."
The Nightwatcher tied up and cut the remaining string that was unused, and you felt his abnormally large hands lift away from your skin.
"Yeah right, you're tha sidekick!" You heard shuffling and the sound of leather, and slowly sat up. Casey had given you the OK to open your eyes back up, and the world around you was finally visible. Nothing was out of the ordinary except the now closed wound. It wasn't a pretty sight to look at, and it was 100% certain to leave a nasty scar after the healing process. You noticed that the fully clothed man beside you had his gloves and helmet back on, and you were quite bummed out that you didn’t get to see your savior's real face.
“So uh, what did tha PD’s want witcha?” The man covered in metal asked, “John seemed pretty pissed at ya especially.” Casey took the role of cleaning up whatever mess was made from your wound being tended to, and his curious eyes met yours after The Nightwatcher question.
”I wasn’t expecting you to still be in the neighborhood, plans got canceled?” Casey asked. By this point, both men were staring at you awaiting a response. You remembered what happened before the attack, and you had totally forgotten about Jade.
“No,” you started, “I was gonna stay the night at Jade's. Before I left though, I ran into John- I might’ve given him an attitude.” Casey rolled his eyes at you
“Really Y/n? You know you can’t just be givin anyone around NYC lip.”
“Well, the more you know. Anyways, halfway through I realized I forgot some things and went back home, started the walk again, got pulled into an alley…” You remembered what probably would’ve happened to you had Casey and The Dark Prince not been there to save the night. Shifting in your spot on the couch, you make a mental note to shower them both in thank yous.
“John wanted to teach me a lesson for what I did. They roughed me up, and one of his gang friends went into my bag and took my camera out, then broke it. Hence all the shattered glass that was on the ground…” Casey seemed to remember the small pile of broken glass that was off to the side of the alley, and The Nightwatcher had a recollection of it as well. He wondered if it could be fixed.
”And now here we are.” Finishing, Casey sat down next to you after standing and listening. Both guys were on either side of you, and the raven-haired male put a reassuring hand on your shoulder.
Casey sighed, ”Hey, kid. I’m glad we found you before anything…invasive happened. Sorry that it went down like that beforehand, too.”
“April and I knew how much that camera meant to you.”
”I'm still upset about it, it’s sentimental. But, it’s not your guys’ fault. None of this is any of our fault. I owe you both a great big thank you. So, thank you.” you placed a hand on Casey’s leg and the Nightwatchers. You could feel him tense up extremely, but didn’t protest to your actions.
”I don’t think I would’ve been able to get myself out of that. It means a lot, really. And for what it’s worth, you’re doing a great job of keeping this city safe.” You turned toward the unidentifiable man beside you, and he cleared his throat.
”This is my home, you betta believe I’m gonna keep it safe from lowlifes and dirtbags, girlie.” He replied. Removing your gentle hands from both of them, you looked down at your wound.
The next few minutes seemed to fly by, The Nightwatcher told you how to properly clean it, and if anything opened or became undone, to let Casey know so he can tell him, that way he could fix it. Casey handed you some painkillers that you happily took in hopes of the pain subsiding.
Both Casey and the Nightwatcher suggested that probably walking during the evening, for now, isn’t a good idea, just in case the PDs might still be on alert for you. He said though, chances are they’ll move on to someone new, which made your stomach turn. It seemed like a never-ending cycle of the same shit in NYC. The Purple Dragons have a history of doing terrible things, yet still being able to get away with it.
You took mental notes of both of their pieces of different advice.
”How are you feeling, Y/n?” Casey asked.
”I feel alright, still some pain but, with some Tylenol, I’ll be indestructible!” You joked, “I’m not going to want to work tomorrow morning so, I’ll call out sick. I am getting a little tired, though.”
”I’ll walk you to your apartment,” Casey helped you off the couch to your feet, which you thanked him for.
“Thanks, Jones.” Although you walked slower than usual, you were still getting used to the slight pain with each step when you did. Sure enough, it should be less by Monday, since the weekend was about to be a complete laydown and rest one.
“Thanks for fixing me up, I really appreciate it. You saved me a trip to the hospital; and a couple of hundred bucks as well.” Smiling at the Nightwatcher, he chuckled in response and added in a “No problem,” at the end.
You had wished that you could just know something about him.
You were overpowered with a wave of curiosity.
He had no name, he had no face, he had nothing from what you’ve seen.
He was mysterious.
”Wait!” You turn around before heading out the door with Casey. He gives you a confused look, which you don’t see since your attention is on his partner in crime.
”Is it too invasive if I ask your name? I mean, a first name won’t hurt…and will I see you again?” You asked.
”I have a feelin’ we might run inta each otha again. The name’s Raphael, or Raph.” He had a name.
There was never a better moment like now when someone’s name matched exactly what they were looking at. Although he was fully clothed in his Nightwatcher suit, “Raphael” sounded rebellious-like he took no shit from anyone or didn’t follow rules very well.
“Whateva! Rules are meant ta be broken!” Sounds exactly like something he would say.
“Do ya want to?”
”See me again.” Raphael mused, it sounded like a smile curled from his lips behind his helmet, and you couldn’t help but notice.
“Swing by sometime, will you? My pad is diagonal right from Casey’s. I'll treat you to dinner or something at my place. After all, I’m forever in your debt, Raphael. Actually, you too, Jones. Both of you, come over one of these nights, I’ll whip up something good.” You mimicked a bow, but due to the pain resulted in you cringing instead by your actions.
Dinner, huh?
Raph liked the sound of having a nice home-cooked meal that wasn’t from Mikey or himself.
It’s already been established in the Hamato household that Leonardo should be banned from all cooking equipment, Michelangelo is the family’s sous chef, and Raphael is a last resort if Mikey can’t/doesn't feel like cooking. Donatello tends to burn things since he’s always multitasking.
”It’s what I do…” “Y/n.” You filled in his blank. Raphael had invited you to subconsciously finish the sentence for him, which you had picked up on. You told him your name, and now had a proper introduction to one another.
” I'll see ya around, Y/n.” Raphael gave you a single wave, to which you did the same as you left Casey’s apartment.
Once you got to your door and were able to open it, Casey stopped you.
”Hey, promise me one thing, Y/n.” The male's face bore a look that you weren't used to. It was more serious.
”What's that?”
“Promise me you won’t tell anyone about Raph.” The tone and bass in his voice amplified his statement. Casey wasn't one to be serious all the time, so whenever he was you knew that he wasn't fucking around.
You swallowed. ”He’s not normal, is he, Casey?” It didn’t take an idiot to know there was something about The Nightwatcher, now named Raph- that didn’t sit right with you. Albeit the fact that you still don’t know what he looks like, bothered you the most.
However, you had to respect Raphael’s boundaries when it came to revealing who he was, he can’t just go around showing anyone who he looks like.
However, you had a gut feeling that you would find out with time. Which is probably just what Raphael needed: time.
“No." This didn't surprise you. However, normal could mean so many things. What is normal in our society? What bodies are considered normal and not normal? The social element of humanity has played an extreme role on all beings. 'What could normal mean to me?' You thought.
"That’s why it’s important you don’t tell anyone. Not even Jade.” You nodded your head at Casey’s request to keep your mouth shut. Casey and April had done a great job in not telling you or anyone else about him because you never would’ve guessed.
”Does April know about him, too?” You wondered, and Casey shook his head yes.
You never would've guessed they were affiliated with someone so popular around New York City.
You confidently put your pinky out, "You have my word."
No matter what age, a pinky promise is the ultimatum of trust. If one breaks a pinky promise, then they're never to be trusted again nor spoken to.
Casey interlocked his pinky with yours like you both usually did in the past (whether it be to not tell April something he's planned or whenever you gossiped about school,) but this time it was different. His grip was stronger than it usually was.
"I know you don't break your promises, L/n." Jones smiled and sighed, "Have a good night, I'll see you soon." With that, you waved to Casey's retreating body walking toward his apartment door as he gingerly waved back to you.
You sigh and lay in your bed with Stella snuggled at the end of your bed. Your wound is covered so it could heal, the painkillers had helped the discomfort from it.
After speaking with Jade to let her know what happened, you assured her that you were okay despite her deep concern for your safety. You stuck to your promise and left out a big chunk of what really happened by replacing Casey and Raph with the police instead.
She was grateful that you were safe, and let you know that if you weren't feeling up to class once the weekend finished, she would ask around for notes from the classes you were missing.
"I should be okay by Monday. Thank you, Jade, I love you. I'll see you on campus." With that, you both hung up.
You scroll through social media for a bit before going to sleep as the soft music playing from your speaker echos through your studio apartment. Tapping on various Instagram stories, you stop on Teddy's. It was of the scoreboard from tonight's game. Home: 25 Guest: 13.
Congrats Teddy! So sorry I couldn't be there to support you, tell me all about it in Physics :D
Placing your phone down and getting comfortable in your sheets about to drift to sleep, rhythmic 4 knocks are heard from the large window a couple of feet from your bed.
It took you a couple of seconds to find the strength to get up from the warmth of your covers, and when you did to see who or what was knocking, you saw a paper folded and stuck between the window to prevent it from flying away.
You look out the window, but see nothing other than the ladder leading up to the roof, and the busy way under you. You make out a motorcycle revving loudly, and a silver figure speeding down the street at the bottom. You knew based on the news headlines of The Nightwatcher's mode of transportation, and this fits the description.
Grabbing the paper, you sit back on your bed to open it up.
"""Got your camera back, but it's fucked up, and I mean FUCKED UP. I'm gonna see if one of my bros can fix it for ya. Take this as a token for not freaking out about what you saw. Appreciate it more than you may think. Stay safe."""
- R
Written in maroon ink, you took note of the handwriting "R" had. It was surprisingly neat, considering he had 3 fingers. It was no doubt this was Raphael anyway, from the initial to his intuition of what you might've seen that was out of the ordinary.
You decide to keep the note and put it in the drawer beside your bed.
Lying back in your bed and wrapping yourself in the sheets, you fall asleep to the thought of the unlucky yet lucky events that took place tonight.
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chloeillustrates16 · 2 years
Sing To Me (2k12 Version)
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(My personal head canon is that all the Leos love country music and will unironically blast it in the lair when their brothers are away).
(I wrote a 2k16 version and Rise version of Leo).
Summary: You meet Leo outside; he has a confession to get off his chest.
Warnings: Season 3 of the 2012 show, established relationship, Y/n uses she/her, personal head cannons, fluff
So much has changed since the Kraang invaded New York City; You, April, Casey, and the brothers took an old van out of the city and to April's childhood farmhouse.
Leo was passed out; they put him in the tub to have him stay hydrated during his coma. Shredder did major damage to his throat; it was now deeper than before.
You walked outside in the early morning, to get some fresh air; the rest of your friends weren't up yet. You heard soft singing, you stop, seeing Leo playing music through earbuds.
Quietly as possible, you walked up to the blue turtle, who was sitting in the swing that faced the forest. Although, the damage that Leo received from Shredder throwing him through a window by his neck harmed his vocal cords; you still believed that it was just as beautiful as before.
Leo pulled out one of his earbuds, "What are you doing up so early?" he asked,
"I should be asking you the same thing." you sat beside him on the swing,
"Couldn't sleep." he admitted, you understood; one minute, he was in New York; the next, he was in a farmhouse and was told that he'd been out for eight months. He put the earbud near your face, "Wanna listen?"
You took the bud from his fingers; you were surprised to hear country music coming out of the small speakers. You smile as he began singing again; you rest your head against his muscular shoulder.
"I can't count the times, I almost said what was on my mind; But I didn't; just the other day, I wrote down all the things I'd say. But I couldn't, I just couldn't. Baby, I know you've been wondering, so here goes nothing; in case you didn't know, Baby, I'm crazy 'bout you!" you blush, "And I'd be lying if I said, that I could live this life with you. Even though, I don't tell you all the time, you've had my heart a long, long time ago. In case you didn't know. The way you look to night; that second glass of wine, that did it. There was somethin' about that kiss; Girl, it did me in."
You flushed redder as he turned to face you, in the faint light of the moon, you could see his cheeks turning pink. "Got me thinking, I'm thinking; All of the things that I've been feeling, it's time you hear 'em. In case you didn't know, Baby, I'm crazy 'bout you, and I'd be lying if I said that I could live this life without you! Even though, I don't tell you all the time; you've had my heart a long, long time ago." Leo's hand reached up, cupping your cheek.
"In case you didn't know, you've got all of me, I belong to you; Yeah, you're my everything! In case you didn't know, I'm crazy 'bout you. I'll be lying if I said that I could live this life without you! Even though, I don't tell you all time; you had my heart a long, long time ago! Yeah, you had my heart a long, long time ago! In case you didn't know; no, no, in case you didn't know,"
You leaned against Leo's hand; your lips pressed against the palm. Leaning forward, his lips captured yours. Your hands holding each other's; pulling away, he smiled.
"That was something," you giggle. "I've never had someone serenade me, as a confession," he blushed.
"Yeah, I remember how you like my voice before; It wasn't bad was it?"
"Can I be honest?" he nods, nervously. "I think it's better than before," his blush turned brighter.
"Really?" You nod, "You wouldn't mind if I continue?"
"Not at all." Leo nervously cleared his throat,
"Grandma and Grandpa painted a picture of 65 years in one little house; more than a memory; more than saying I do. Kiss you good nights, and I love yous; me and you, Baby, walk in their footsteps; build our own family, one day at a time. ten little toes (or maybe six)." You stifled a laugh, "A painted pink room; our baby looks just like you. And we'll build this love from the ground up; now till forever. It's all of me, all of you, just take my hand, and I'll be the man your dad hoped that I'd be. And we'll build this love from the ground up, for worse or for better."
Leo pressed his lips against your forehead. "And I'd be all of you need, beside you I'll stand, through the good and the bad. We'll give all have, and we'll build this love from the ground up."
Leo stood, you followed, nervous that his knee would hurt him. Leo wrapped his arms around your waist. He pressed his head against your forehead; the both of you started to sway with the leafs in the wind.
"This life will go by, from a blink of an eye, but I wouldn't want to spend it without you by my side. The clouds goin' row, the earth's going to shake, but I'll be your shelter through the wind and the rain. And we'll build this love from the ground up, now till forever! It's all of me, all of you, just take my hand, and I'll the man your dad hope that I'd be. And we'll build this love from the ground up; for worse or for better. And I'll be all you need, beside you I'll stand; through the good and the bad, we'll give all we have, and we'll build this love from the ground up!"
You press your head against his chest. His heartbeat soothing you along with his voice.
"Someday we'll wake up, with thousands of pictures of 65 years, in this little house; I won't trade for nothing, the life that we built; I'll kiss you goodnight and say I'll love you still, and we'll build this love from the ground up! For worse or for better, and I'll be all you need, beside you I'll stand; through the good and the bad, we'll give that we have; and we'll build this love from the ground up. From the ground up."
Lifting your chin lightly, you look at him; the early morning sunrise making a hallow around him. You pressed your lips back onto his, "Promise me."
"What?" You whisper against his lips.
"One day, will you marry me?" Your heart raced,
"Of course." He let out small sigh of relief, I slightly pulled away as he pulled out a ring from his pocket.
"I was going to give it to earlier, but...yeah," he muttered, nervously. The ring was dainty against your finger; blue gems lit in the early morning sun; the silver shining brightly.
"How did you?"
"April, kind of helped, I still owe her," he explained. You let out a small laugh as you slipped it on your finger.
"I love it," he intertwined his fingers with yours as he pressed his lips against yours in another kiss.
Songs Used:
In Case You Didn't Know--Brett Young
From The Ground Up--Dan and Shay
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star-glass-coffee · 2 years
What do you think Yandere Leo (2012) be as a platonic for his darling ? Love to hear your thoughts 😍🎧🥰
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I feel as though he would have to see you as a sister, someone who truly understands him and his brothers, a human or mutant that gets the life of having to hide and needing to be the boss
he’ll be very close to you before his actions start to show, let’s just say your one of the few humans that know the turtles, he would first be very careful around you, not trusting you enough to be in the lair or know plans, but after a while he’ll see his brothers warm up to you
Mickey first, the youngest being the first to invite you to the lair, sneaking you in to play video games and have fun, after that it’s Donnie, he needs help with a project and you join, he’s first distant and awkward but after some conversations and success of the project he’ll happily talk and hang around you
and the last two are raph and Leo, the leader and strength wanting mostly nothing to do with you... but after you talk with raph for what seems like three seconds he ends up laughing and talking with you
your now one of the trio and the turtles best friends, well except for Leo, he was the last to want you around, he makes that clear by stuffing himself in his room or training, he hasn’t trust anyone since every incident of April’s ‘friends’
you where the first to really want to be his friend, trying to start conversation or just watch him train, Leo didn’t seem bothered but certainly annoyed, he finally yelled at you one night as you sat yourself down to watch him train
yelling at you for what you want, and that he won’t fall for whatever plan you have for him or his brother’s, what he didn’t expect was for you to just smile up at him saying the words that started his friendship with you
“I just wanna be your friend”
After that the leader can’t be seen without you, training sessions your always there to cheer him on, during his late night show your with him smiling at the characters
Leo seems more energetic with you around, having more speed and strength to feel with stuff, he never thought he would like a human this much... but that was until someone ruined it all
he would watch as Casey would flirt with you, trying to get your attention and just being gross, Leo’s blood would boil at this lowlife flirting with someone he sees as a sister
after that his actions show, having you six inches near him at all times, watching you from the side of his eyes as you talk with his brothers… well your brothers as well now
He’ll be most annoyed of Casey, he can be grabby sometimes with you and Leo puts him in his place, living his katana up at the teens throat as he backs off
You notice this slight behavior in Leo as you watch, thinking he’s been acting off ever since your meeting as you talk with Donnie about it
Leo doesn’t think he’s doing anything wrong, he needs to protect you, your s human that can easily be hurt, he doesn’t want that… you need him to protect you, even if he takes it to far
“Your basically a sister to me, I can’t let anything hurt you or else it’s gonna be on me!”
“I’m not even a mutant?”
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Doing more thinking on the tmnt 2003 2012 and Rise and the relationships between the brothers and why they might act like that...which means thinking on the splinters also how they might interact??? I ramble a lot in that part on how things might go? This is just my interpitation so...
Ngl I think 2003 kinda has the most balance betwee the boys being ninjas and teenagers? Because of how splinter raised them in 2003 he did train them seriously as ninja but he still at least tried to also treat them as children too...
2012 it was honestly a bit hard to see them being well teenagers at times...yeah they were steait up serious mean ninjas 24/7 but honestly some of their actions? Dont seem like they were taught certain things werent ok like hitting each other for the pettiest of things
Now I wont lie 2003 Mikey got hit a few times for some dumb things but not nearly as much as 2012 Mikey didnt get yelled at nearly as much either...from what Ive seen at least.
Its like 2012 splinter focused on them being ninjas over teenagers and that thought makes me wince sorta? It also makes me go hnn boys you need therapy because honestly it got progressivly worse as thing went on and as far as I could tell? There's probably thing Im missing...also I do have to give the guy points for trying to protect his kids...
Now Rise we KNOW rise splinter didnt train them as ninjas they were his kids first and for most and he didnt want to put the Hamato clan duties onto them. It was only when it was unavoidable that he seriously started training them...also the guy is hinted to be going through ptsd...also the oy version of solinter shown not to play favorites and just yeah love that.
Now for if their living families meet
Well for this Im going to refer to the 2003 boys by full name 2012 by the usual nicknames and Rise boys by alternate nick names and for the splinters Ill be calling Rise splinter Lou
Leo and his brothers despite being (presumably by this point) 18 year olds would be so floored by how loving some of their counterparts are and confused because their relationship has kinda devolved a bit?
Michael would be the first to aproach them change my mind I dare you boy takes chances and he could beat them probably *the boy through a freighter at his version of the shredder* after all but it would likely not come down to a fight...
A lecture a very large lecture on why certain actions are wrong and why trying to justify them are bad
Raphie would probably be worried on why his counterparts were pretty physical with their anger, something 2003 Raphael isnt proud of..., and try and help them figure out other ways to cope before Michael steps in to help his big brother because he noticed the other two Raphs also like art just like him
Leon would be horrified on how being the leader has jaded both his counter parts and just be like talking to Raphie because its clear these two never took a self care day. Hed have to convince the two to let Raphie lead everyone since the snapper was the leader (and Leon would probably tell them still is much to his brothers feels about it) while he took them on a self care day in the hidden city.
Raphie would probablynjust proclaim the day to be a self care day over all and everyone else just chills at the lair and does self care there...he knows Leon took those two out because haha yeahhh they arent equipped to handle what those two need for self care...
Splinter and Lou would probably exchange storyas about their boys growing up. Also probably exchange parenting tips because lord knows each other needs them. Karai would be talking to them since her counter parts are either a) not a familynfigure to the turtles blood or not or b)related to them but dead and they kinda just help her though her own trama and troubles
The Aprils and Caseys would probably be talking about their own experances with their own turtles...and thats stuff
I also wanna know how they'd react to the dark turtles but Im salty because fast forword got cancled so they were never developed beyond what we saw and the creators did have plans for a redemtion arc for them but nooo...*coughs* sorry that was outa left feild
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remmushound · 3 years
Curse of the Clan part 53! @selfindulgenz @scentedcandlecryptid
“How do we track Krang?” Leonardo asked when the story concluded.
“You don’t.” Was Knight’s answer, “If Krang is free, he will be seeking revenge on the ones who trapped him; it may not have been you in this life, but Krang will not see the difference. All you can do is wait and trust your instincts. You wouldn’t have been reincarnated if you couldn’t complete this task. He will come to you, and after he does and you defeat him, the council will be there to clean up the mess…
Back at the lair, Leonardo was stewing in his own thoughts. He, for one, was never good at waiting. If something had to get done, it had to get done right that moment, as soon as possible. No delays, no time for second guessing. Sitting there on the couch, surrounded by his family, doing nothing was the worst kind of torment! He just wanted Krang to find them and fast so they could handle the conflict and return to their normal lives. All this waiting was driving him crazy and he just felt so helpless—
“I feel the same way, Leonardo.” Splinter’s voice sliced through the silence like a blade and made everyone look toward him.
“What?” Michelangelo asked, the fastest one to break out of the silence that had plagued them.
“I feel helpless too.” Splinter said with a slow nod, closing his eyes in solidarity.
“Too?” Raphael asked slowly.
“Yes.” Splinter said; now he too was confused as he opened his eyes and looked around at the faces staring back at him. “Like… like Blue said.”
Silence, followed by Leonardo saying, “No I didn't…”
“No?” Splinter’s ears pressed back. He looked from Leonardo to the rest, who all shook their heads. “Oh…”
Draxum hummed, unamused. “I guess we found Yoshi’s power.”
More silence. The faint trickling of water was a constant this low in the sewer. The rumble of Donatello’s machines across the lair, the hum of the fridge, the low drone of the television that even Splinter wasn’t paying attention to. Eventually, the steady tapping of Leonardo’s fingers joined the melody of background noise.
“I want a kitten.” Michelangelo stated.
“What?” Raphael, and all others, turned to Michelangelo.
“After this whole Krang thing is done, I want a kitten.” Michelangelo stated again, closing his eyes and nodding matter-a-factly, “A fluffy orange kitten and I’m gonna name him Klunk. And I’m gonna buy him the most expensive cat trees to ignore, and give him wet food every day, and buy him lots of feather toys to play with. And he’ll sleep with me every day.”
There were a few moments of the clan looking around at each other, Michelangelo’s hopeful statements ringing in their minds.
“After we defeat Krang…” Leonardo was the next to talk, mind set on breaking the awkward silence, “You know what we’re gonna do? We’re finally gonna finish that Hip Hop Christmas Album.”
His words were met with groans from his father and siblings and confused murmurs from his friends.
“You’re still on that?” April groaned, shaking her head and laughing.
Leonardo threw his arms into the air in surrender. “It’s a good idea! Just because you’re all lame doesn’t mean a hip hop teenage ninja turtle mutant album isn’t a good idea! Have you heard my voice?”
“More than I would care to have.” Donatello commented, rolling his eyes.
“You’re welcome!” Leonardo said, flopping over to rest against Donatello and pull the softshell close, “Love you brother! And Let me guess; you want uranium when this is all said and done.”
“No.” Donatello said with a scoff, then immediately added, “Well— yeah. But I also wanna rebuild Shelldon…” Donatello carefully removed his necklace so he could hold Shelldon’s memory chip in his hand. He stared at it for a long, drawn out moment before Leonardo carefully brought his hand against Donatello’s so they were holding Shelldon together. Donatello finally smiled. “It… it’ll be my next big project… I really miss him…”
Leonardo smiled and rubbed Donatello’s shoulder, which in turn made Donatello rest his full weight into Leonardo and lay his head on his twin's shoulder. Leonardo welcomed the affection gladly and wrapped an arm around the softshell.
April took a deep breath through her nose. “I… would kinda like to start sending in college applications.” She brushed her hair out of the way of her face, “Thinking about going into journalism…”
That was met with an uproar of applause from all but Draxum, who didn't quite seem to know what college was. April was swarmed by hugs and affectionate touches from her friends as they praised her.
“You know we’ll support you every step of the way, Apes!” Raphael declared.
“Yeah! Just way the word and we’ll get you into any school you want!” Leonardo prodded April’s chest. “Within reason, of course.”
“Okay, we need role models, teachers, sources—we’re missing the references, people!” Donatello immediately pulled out his phone and started on seeking out potential references.
“Guys!” April laughed as she shoved the turtles off of her, “All I saw was I was considering it! Still gotta finish up school first.”
“It never hurts to be prepared.” Donatello said.
“Well… I’m not so sure what I wanna do yet.” Sunita said, laughing weakly as she twiddled her hair, “Maybe just get out in the workforce, try some things out…? Maybe something with children?”
“There’s no rush.” Draxum reassured, “I was well into my adult years before I realized I wanted to be an evil, warring warrior scientist!”
“And ignoring that note…” Splinter said slowly, then cleared his throat, “I want to adopt another goldfish. Since Piebald was flushed and mutated, I’ve been feeling a little bit lonely.”
“We can get you another one, Splints.” April smiled as she patted the old rats back affectionately.
“Pathetic!” Draxum growled, jumping from his seat and onto the table so he could make his announcement loud and proud, “While you waste your time adopting a normal, puny goldfish, I shall adopt a shark! And name him Sharky and train him to fight for our cause.”
“It’s not a competition…” Splinter grumbled, slightly jealous that he hadn't thought of it first.
“What do you want to do Cassandra?” Michelangelo asked innocently.
Cassandra considered. Then, taking a page out of Draxum’s book, she kicked over the chair she was sitting in so she could stand on it like a sailor on the bow of his ship tasting the salty winds.
“I want to rip our enemies to shreds, dance on their graves, then dig them back up and—“
“CJ, CJ, CJ.” Leonardo had to repeat the name a few times before he got Cassandra’s attention, standing up to address her while she stared down at him, “We’ve all been talking about, you know, getting pets and jobs and stuff. Killing and then dancing on the graves of our enemies is just a liiiiiiiittle much. So bring the bar just just a little bit. Just a little. Think smaller.”
Cassandra took a while to answer, struggling to think of just one, small thing she really wanted to do. She flipped her chair back over so she could sit backward in it and rest her head on the backrest. Her eyes lit up all at once and she finally knew what she wanted to do.
“I… kinda really want to rebuild my parents old bakery. It was burned down when I was just a kid and… and it was never rebuilt. It’s their legacy and I want to restore it if I can…”
“Aw, that’s sweet Casey…” April wrapped an arm around Cassandra and gave her a gentle squeeze, “If anyone can do that, it’s the great Cassandra Jones!”
“Thanks, Apes…”
“Raph?” Leonardo said with a gentle urgence, “You’re the last one. What do you want to do when we win?”
“I… it’s kinda stupid…” Raphael rubbed the back of his neck.
“We’ll be the judge of that.” Leonardo said, “Lay it on us!”
“I… kinda wanna do a secret santa gift exchange.” Raphael admitted, “One where we all make the presents and don’t just buy the first cheap thing we see. You know… something more special…”
Leonardo smiled widely. “That’s not stupid at all, hermano. In fact? I think that’s the best one yet!”
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Bayverse TMNT: a love confessing wedding (Leo x reader)
Summary: you meet the turtles and Leo falls in love with you, but never told you how he felt. you tell him the exciting news of the engagement, and he finds out who the groom really is. how will Leo stop all this and confess his love to you? read and find out! 
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Leo was in his room sharpening his katanas. he always thought about you every single day. he really wanted to tell you that he really loves you. the only problem is, he couldn’t say it due to the feeling of being rejected. he continues to sharpen his weapons, until he got a text. it was from you. it said: “could you meet me by an ally way? I have something exciting to tell you.” he smiles and heads out. as he got to the place you told him to meet you at, you finally made it and he smiles. “hey (Y/N). did April take you here?” you shook your head, and replied. “no. I walked. but I’m glad you came though.” you smiled and he smiles back. “um...so. you said you wanted to tell me something. what is it?” he was hoping it was about you telling him that you like him and such, but instead he got a different response that made him frown a bit. “I’m getting married. it’s next month. I’m sorry if I didn’t tell you earlier a year back. my fiance and I already have everything ready for it. it’s taking place in a large local church.” Leo stares at you frowning a bit with disappointment, but eventually shook it off acting like he is happy to hear about it. “oh! um...that’s wonderful to hear. I’m so happy for you.” he smiles a bit and you look at him smiling. “yeah. here’s the invitation if you’d like to come.” you give to him, and he nods thanking you. “well. I better go. I have ceremony practice to go to.” you say goodbye to him, but Leo stops you for a split minute, and he takes out a gift. “here. I made this for you. it’s not much, but....it’s something for you to remember me by.” you unwrap the gift which was wrapped in old newspapers, it reveals a rose origami. you stare at it, and you smile at him giving his gentle hug. “ thank you Leo. It’s lovely.” he hugs back and he feels like he doesn’t wanna let go. but still. he was still too nervous to tell you. you both say goodbye to each other, and Leo heads back home to the lair. his brothers notice how disappointed he looked. he sits down and sighs shaking his head thinking to himself that he should’ve told his confession earlier. but it may be a bit too late for that now. a month has finally passed, and it was the wedding day. Leo was putting on a tux that is big enough for him to fit into. it was a good thing Casey and April got the tuxedos for him and his brothers to wear. April walks up to him and notices how unhappy he looked. “Leo. are you okay? you should be happy about (Y/N)’s big day.” he sighs and responds. “I know I’m supposed to but....I just....I can’t...I love her...she means everything to me. I should’ve told her how I felt earlier before any of this.” April pats him on the arm and looks up at him. “you’ll find someone one day. don’t worry.” Leo nods, and everyone leaves to head to the church. Leo waits for April and Casey while his brothers wait in the shell raiser, until he hears a voice from a nearby window. he looks into it, and it was the groom yelling on the phone talking to someone. “I will make sure the wedding is a success. once I marry this woman, nothing will stop us! it’s not just for the money, but to also kill those damn turtles! I will not have our men blow their cover!!....No! I will not let them escape! I promise you that!.....yes, yes! I will take out the leader first! he is the most obvious easy target. okay look. the wedding is starting in a few minutes. I’ll see you after the ceremony.” the groom hangs up, Leo was in complete shock. this guy is up to no good. he rushes back to the shell raiser where his brothers are at. he takes off his tux and grabs his katanas. “guys! head on home! there will be no ceremony! I gotta stop this thing!!” his brothers were confused. but Leo didn’t want any long arguments about it for right now. “no more talking! I got a wedding to stop!”  the wedding finally starts, and the priest start speaking. “Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate the union of this man, and this woman in holy matrimony, before the presents of god. before we start, is there anyone here present who objects this ceremony, and wishes that these two shall not be-” Leo opens the doors, and yells out. “I object! stop the ceremony! I have something to say! it’s very important! I beg of you! just listen!” everyone gasped as they see him, (Y/N) stands there baffled. “Leo....why are you doing this?” Leo walks up to you, and takes a deep breath. the groom tries to push Leo away, but then he pushes the guy back. “please. let me say my peace.” the guy stops and stares angry at the turtle. Leo turns to you, “don’t marry this guy. he’s not a good guy for you. you deserve better than this. and....I...*clears throat* um....I-I wanted to say that....I love you (Y/N). I always have. I can’t spend another day without you....and I mean that.” you stare at him as you start to tear up a bit. “Leo...why didn’t you tell me?....” Leo sighs deeply, and responds softly. “it’s because of me being  a mutant. I thought you wouldn’t like me back because of it....now you know....” you both smile at each other and you both slowly lean into each other about to kiss, but then the groom snatches you away from him. “enough games!!” Leo takes out of his katanas, and starts to threaten him. “let her go!! I know what you’re trying to do! I heard everything!! so who are you!!?” The groom looks at everyone, and back at Leo. “you wanna know?....” then there was silence. that is when the groom takes out a microphone and talks into it. “it is time boys. we got him now.” suddenly, a bunch of foot clan soldiers uncovered themselves from their fancy attire, and surrounds Leo. “that’s right! I am the son of the infamous Shredder! I had to do something so I can make him proud to kill you! I will bring your head to him once I am done with you!! you think you call yourself a man? than why don’t you come and face me!?” Leo’s eyes turn from subtle to seriousness and rage. “with pleasure!” and so the foot clan attacks and Leo takes them out single handedly, and the son of shredder attacks Leo in the face. it was an endless sword fight, and Leo at first was winning, but then his katanas get knocked down. he never knew how strong and very skillful this guy’s fighting style was. Leo was trying his best to defend himself, but from every cut and blow lead him to being vulnerable. you couldn’t help but stop watching the horror. Leo was on the verge to passing out of exhaustion and defeat trying to keep himself up. you try to stop your fiance from killing poor Leo, but then you get hurt yourself as you get hit back hard from the bastard. Leo witnesses it, and then he becomes very angry and literally beats the living shit out of the guy, and almost killed him. but thankfully, he stopped since he knows that being a ninja doesn’t mean he has to kill others for justice. he runs up to you although injured, he doesn’t care at all. all he ever cared was you being okay. “Leo!” you both hugged each other, and Leo apologizes many times but, then you stopped him by kissing him on the lips. “you know, I kinda need that.” he smiles and slowly gets up as they hear the echoes of sirens from a distance. “let’s go home. I really some medical attention. I know for a fact Donnie will help out with that.” you all head to the lair. thankfully, at least the wedding is over....in a disastrously way actually. a year later, you and Leo go out on dates, had your ups and downs during the relationship, but now, you finally decided to tie the knot. Leo was nervous of course. Donnie was chosen to be best man, and Mikey was getting  a bit bored since he just wanted to eat the cake already. as you walked down the aisle, Leo couldn’t help but just stare. the ceremony was going well. and it was time to say the vows. Leo was trying to fight the tears. as he says his. “(Y/N), I have so many things to share with you that I couldn’t express. we may be different, and we may be judged by others in the outside world, but I will promise myself that I will never let anything get in between us. I will honor and cherish you, and spend our days together in our eternal lifetimes. I love you. and I hope our happiness will show that humans and mutants can live in peace and.....bring a new society that we all deserve.” you smile at him, and you say your own vows. “Leo. ever since we met, you were the turtle who never wanted to give up hope and take on the big responsibility as leader of your family. we always had great times spending our days getting to know each other and knowing we are different, we deserve a happy life. and I realize, we can’t live without each other. I will honor and cherish you, and I am happy that today, I call you my husband. I love you, and no matter who you decide to be, you are always human in my eyes.” you start to tear up, and the moment he wipes away your tears, he finally kisses you in the end. everyone cheered, and Mikey starts throwing a bunch of flower petals like a child “wooo! that’s my big bro right there!!” Raph rolls his eyes at him. “oh brother.” and so, you and Leo are finally happy being husband and wife and plus, hopefully mutants and humans may actually live happily together in peace.                                                          THE END (okay! and that was that! who should I do this next? Mikey, Raph or Donnie? I’d be happy to do more. had a lot fun doing this.) :)
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tmntgirlie · 4 years
TMNT Universe!Reader x Turtles 5
“Hey, uh, Leonardo?”
It felt so weird for you to use his full name. For some reason, it didn’t feel right to use the leader’s nickname at the moment. You really didn’t know them that well.
Well, you did, but they didn’t know you. Yet
“Yes, Y/N?”
God, he was intimidating. You were thankful Mikey didn’t suggest you ask Raphael. You’d probably die.
You scratched the back of your head nervously. “Well, I was uh… Well, here’s the thing. Is it okay if I plan a party for you guys? Kind of to make up for the lack of birthday parties.” You stared down at your feet. 
Were your shoes this dirty when you arrived?
The lack of response worried you. Did you say something wrong?
Maybe it was too weird. You only came into their lives yesterday, after all. It must be weird for them to be housing someone that knew a lot about them. Kind of like giving a home to your stalker. Maybe this was a bad idea.
You finally looked up from observing your embarrassingly dirty shoes.
The blue-banded turtle was looking right at you. It felt like he was staring into your very soul.
“A party for us, huh? Depends on who’s invited.”
That was it?
“I was just thinking the other humans you know,” you told him quickly, your heart racing. “April, Casey, that other guy- Vern! Fuck, I always forget his name.” You cleared your throat. Did you really just throw out the f-bomb in front of Leonardo?
“Wish I could forget his name,” Leonardo said through a small laugh. You could tell he was at least partially joking, right? “Man’s done a lot to cover our shells, but it gets to his head.”
You smiled slowly. “You wanna know something? I think that he was originally supposed to end up with April. See, in the first movie, he was the only love interest- the first movie was basically set when you guys met April and took down Shredder for the first time. It ended when Mikey accidentally blew up his new car. I think they decided to throw in Casey for nostalgia- he was in the original comic books and early series.”
“I see,” he said. “If you can pull something together, I don’t see why we couldn’t have a party. We do kind of deserve one.”
You snapped your fingers. “That’s what I was thinking! I already have a list of party games started.”
“Party games?”
“You know, fun games people play at parties. It’ll be really fun.”
You decided to leave out the specific games. You really wanted it to be a surprise for them, it being their first party and all.
Now you just needed to figure out food, drinks, and invite the three other guests. In theory, it wouldn’t be the hardest thing to accomplish. Obviously you’d have pizza and soda. Maybe you could convince April or Casey to bring alcohol- probably Casey, he seemed the least likely to say no.
But to a stranger?
Maybe this would be harder than you thought.
How would the turtles react to alcohol anyway?
Sorry for the short update! This chapter needed to get out there before the branching out begins- Reader x each turtle. Hint: each x turtle will feature its own party game and introductions to the other humans. Each will be tagged and titled for each turtle it features. From there, this story will go into four unique stories with the same beginning. I hope you guys like it! <3
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I Sing the Body Electric 4
Michael woke up a few days later in an unfamiliar place. Strangely, he didn’t feel the need to panic. “Oh. Hey, dude. Didn’t think you’d be able to visit us yet...Well, I mean, visit me”. Michael turned to see the older Mikey in a kneeling position. “Give me a minute. I’m finishing my prayers,” said Mikey. Michael knelt next to him. He looked at the shrine Mikey was praying to and realized with a sinking feeling...this was a shrine that looks like Gram-gram Karai’s shrine at home.
This one had incense burning in a small holder and had a single picture of a human man, a woman, and a baby. Whoever they are, they must be very important to his brothers in this dimension. Michael lowered his head and quietly said a prayer just like his father taught him. When he looked up again, his counterpart closed the shrine and held out a hand to him with a smile. “Thank you,” Mikey quietly said. “It means a lot man”. Then after a minute, he commented, “I didn’t know you spoke Japanese” Michael rubbed the back of his head. “I don’t. Dad just started teaching us after our Gram-gram Karai...well, he taught us how to care for her shrine” Mikey blinked, not sure what to say to that statement. He then led Michael out of what he assumed was a dojo. “Karai’s your grandmother?” “Technically she’s our ancestor. We only knew her for a short while but...we love her you know? She’s amazing...was amazing...I...I really wish we could have gotten more time with her” Michael’s eyes welled up with tears. It still hurts thinking of Gram-gram. He felt a hand on his shoulder. “I’m so sorry for your loss. Hey, you know what? It’s not the same of course but...umm, our Karai? She’s our eldest sister here”. Michael brightened up just a little. “Your sister? That’s so cool!” Mikey chuckled, put on a helmet and pads, and picked up his skateboard. They headed toward the kitchen then Mikey put out a hand for them to stop.
They could hear arguing that was getting louder coming from the kitchen. Mikey sighed then looked at Michael and gave him a pained smile. “We can skip the kitchen for now. You don’t need to see that”. He turned a confused Michael around in the other direction. “Where are we going?” Michael asked. He noticed this lair was very somber, with a lot of grey tones. “To give Donnie the heads up,” Mikey replied. They reached an enclosure that was probably the entrance to Donnie’s lab. Mikey knocked on the door. There was no answer. Mikey sighed. He knocked again. “Donnie”. Nothing. Mikey knocked louder this time, “Hey, Donnie-” Loud footsteps came crashing and something violently wrenched the door open. “STOP IT WITH THE RACKET. WHAT DO YOU WANT!?” Donnie looked furious, eyes much more bloodshot red, and he was jittery with his mask off. Michael hid behind Mikey. Mikey’s eyes widened, hurt. Then he narrowed them and shot out a hand putting Michael firmly behind him. Donnie seemed to realize that it was Mikey that he shouted at and he shrinks back putting his hand up. “I-I didn’t mean...Mikey...I-,” sputtered Donnie.
Mikey looked away. “You might wanna avoid the kitchen. Raph and Leo are at it again”. Mikey turned and walked away from his brother. A hand shot out and grabbed Mikey’s wrist. Mikey didn’t bother to look back. “Mikey…Please…I’m sorry” “Are you really? Then what, the next time I come by, you’ll shout at me to ‘Get the fuck out’ like the last time I tried to talk to you?”, Mikey spat. Donnie shook his head, “No! I’m sorry about that time...I was stressed and-” “You’re always stressed, Donnie. Is that really an explanation or is that an excuse? You need help, man” Michael watched Donnie slowly let go of his brother. Mikey walked away without looking back. Michael stared at Donnie’s distraught and heartbroken expression. His eyes widened when he saw Donnie scratched at a scale on his arm then pulled it out making it bleed. Donnie didn’t seem to notice. Michael scrambled after Mikey, “Hey...um...Your brother… Donnie...he...his arm… his arm is bleeding” Mikey winced...then pushed on. “He gets mad when you point it out to him and does it some more. The best thing to do is ignore it”. Michael shook his head, “Dude, no. That’s not…” “I know. Just...just leave it. Please,” Mikey said quietly. Michael stopped and looked at his counterpart in concern. Mikey sighed and patted Michael’s shoulders. “Come on, let’s have some fun”
“Dude...Is--Is this safe?” Michael asked, eyes wide at the steep drop of the building. Mikey adjusted his helmet and pads. Then he positioned his skateboard over the edge. “It is! Think of this as a huge half-pipe, yeah?” Mikey said excitedly. Michael frowned. “Sure….but it’s made of glass…” “Plexi. It’s pretty sturdy. Here, I’ll do a run so you can stop worrying,” Mikey bumped shoulders with Michael. He positioned himself on the skateboard. But before Michael could stop him, their surroundings suddenly changed. “Woah!!!” They both landed on their bums and looked at their surroundings. It looked like they were inside the sewers again...except this time it’s spacious with lots of clear water flowing through. Mikey helped Michael up and looked around. “Oooh. It looks like the lair except it isn’t as colorful as your home but it isn’t...um...grey as mine” “You think this is Mike’s home? Let’s find him!” “Yeah!” “Race ya!” The two orange-clad boys ran off giggling and chasing each other. They soon found a large area and heard voices.
“So, can you tell us why you called us here? Is it because of the kids you guys said you have been “visiting” lately?” Mikey put up a finger to his lips and Michael nodded as they quietly sneaked closer to the group they now realize were the four Splinterson brothers and two humans. The lady with fire red hair leaned on a table and said excitedly, “And can you tell us what they’re like? Please? The last dimensional versions of us were older” Mike came out with beer bottles in both his hands and passed them around. Leonardo chuckled and nursed his bottle. “Really young. Although one Leo just turned eighteen, the other is just fourteen. Why do you want to know, April, Casey?”. “That’s their April and Casey?” Michael asked, surprised. Mikey tilted his head. “They look like ours….but a lot older”. Michael blinked, “Really!?” “Shh!” April took a swig of her beer, “Professional curiosity. Not like Donatello will tell us what he’s working on” Donatello was on a table, tinkering with something. “Believe it or not, a stable portal to each other’s dimensions,” he explained without looking up. “Don and Donnie are working on a portal on their end”. “Oh my gosh, oh my gosh!” Michael whispered gleefully. Mikey looked away thoughtfully. “I guess that’s why he’s much more irritable as of late”. Michael stopped hand waving and frowned. “You...You don’t mean that, right Mikey?”. Mikey sighed, “Yeah...sorry”. “Don and Donnie, huh? You guys gave them nicknames already?” Casey said amusedly. Raphael clinked their bottles together as he passed by. “Makes it easier to figure out who’s who,” Raphael said. He settled next to Leonardo who, to Mikey and Michael’s surprise, took out a cigarette and lit it. “Not in the lab, Leo,” Donatello reprimanded without looking up. Leonardo moved to an open window. “Sorry, Donny. Anyway, April, what were you asking again?” “You were talking about the other Turtles! Tell me about them, please guys? What do they look like? How are they different from you?”
Leonardo chuckled. “Well for starters, one set of turtles are different species and ages from each other” “Oh my gosh! Really? I'd love to see that!” “Same! Ah man, that must be awkward tho, huh? They probably don’t have that much in common with each other…” Raphael looked at Leonardo and smirked. “Actually, the kids are really close. Like their own Raphie is the biggest, the eldest, and their current leader-” “Oh my gosh!” “What, no way!” “Yeah- I know! But he’s such a good kid. His brothers are very protective of him and him of them. He’s a lot calmer too. Must be because all his brothers are different types of hyper-” “So he offsets them!” April finished, her eyes shining. “He sounds amazing!” “He is! He knitted sweaters for Klunk and Raph’s Chomper-” Mike put down his beer bottle eyes wide and a touched smile on his face, “He did? That’s--wow. What a sweet kid”. “I know! Let me finish. He also gave Leonardo his blessing to train Leon to take over as leader sometimes...speaking of which--,” Raphael, Mike, and Donny put down what they were doing and glared at their brother. “---Leo, I hope you didn’t give the kid a hard time. He was acting out at the table” Leonardo lifted his hands in frustration, almost dropping his cigarette. “It wasn’t me!” He sighed. “But you’re right. I didn’t do anything to stop Leon and Leo from fighting and it turned into a huge misunderstanding...I’m sorry”. He put his free hand on Raphael's shoulder. “Good thing Raphie was there, huh? You all should have seen it. Leon...Leon’s a good kid but he’s...he’s so carefree. But I can see so much potential in him, and Raphie confirmed it. The kid is a natural- it’s a shame I also see he doesn’t know how to follow instructions or doesn’t have that much confidence in himself--” Mike came over and nudged his brother’s shoulders. “He’s a teenager . An actual teenager living his best life. From what I see, their Splinter raised them as actual kids instead of ninjas”. He looked wistful, “I’m so happy for them”. Michael looked down, red in the face. He felt a pat on the head and he turned to see Mikey, also smiling wistfully, “Don’t be sad, man. That’s a good thing”. Michael looked confused, “But...what does that mean?”. Mikey doesn’t answer him. Leonardo smiled, “Heh. You’re right, Mike. I’m happy for the kid too. As for Leo...the kid is quite capable and knowledgeable but...something’s off. Like really off, I can feel it. I hope the two of them won’t resent me too much when I train with them”. Raphael leaned back and sighed, “Same with Raph. He’s actually a quiet kid but I could feel something’s wrong. I could feel the anger and frustration but I don’t think it was at me or Raphie. Like it was directionless and directed everywhere” Leonardo took a drag of his cigarette and smiled wryly at his brother. “Looks like you’ll have to guide him, Raphael”. Raphael rolled his eyes and chuckled. They all looked over at Donatello. Donatello continued working. April poked him. “Come on Donny, spill-” “No”
“What? Why?” “Patient-Doctor Confidentiality” Raphael frowned. “The kids aren’t our clients-” “Even more reason to not say anything. It’s not any of our business-” It was Mike who interrupted. “That’s all well and good, Donny, but as your brothers, don’t think we do not notice how your arm bleeds or your recent sliced thumb the last time we visited the kids”. Raphael and Leonardo got up in alarm. Mikey looked down and glared at the floor, frustrated. Donatello sighed in annoyance. “It’s fine. I’ll handle it”.
Mike frowned, “If you say so. But if you need help-”. This time Donatello looked up and gave his brother a fond smile, “Yeah, don’t worry. If it’s too much, I’ll ask for your help”. Raphael shook his head. “Or mine. It sounds like my area of expertise too”. Donatello went back to what he was working on. “It’s better if I handle it. They open up quicker and better to someone familiar. Even if that person is a different version of themselves” April tapped her chin, “I don’t want to diagnose without getting the full picture but...it sounds like sensory overload that is triggered due to...something. Stress is a factor but another could be trauma-” Donatello shook his head, “April, I’m sorry but what did we all agree on in early diagnosis?” April rubbed her arms sheepishly. “Sorry, Donny. I can’t help it. How about you Mike?” Mike turned his head and was about to reply… then he swiveled his head in the direction of Mikey and Michael and grinned. The boys gulped. “I could tell you, but I think it’s better if they can explain themselves. Boys, come out” Michael rushed out and hugged Mike. Mike gave out a laugh and a slight “Oof. Hey, bud”, while Mikey lagged behind. Mike put a hand on Mikey’s head and rubbed it. Mikey chirred quietly in response. Michael chirred back happily. “Woah, ASL, Japanese, and Turtle speak. You guys are really talented, you know that?” Mike commented, impressed. “Ooh! They’re here? How are they? Are they alright? How did they feel when they traveled here?” Casey asked intrigued. April rocked on her heels excited, “Hi kids! You probably have guessed but I’m April O’Neil and this is my husband, Casey Jones! You’re welcome to our humble home any day” “Wow! Casey and April are married here? Tell them I give my thanks, Mike,” Michael cheered and he hopped up and down excitedly. “Married...Woah...uh...um tell them thanks! I’d love to meet them face to face,” Mikey said. Mike relayed what the boys said and April clapped her hands excitedly. “I can’t wait to meet you all! When Donny finishes the portal anyway” “Actually-” “What’re your hobbies? I’d love to get to know you!” Mike grinned, “Little Michael here-” “Hey!” “who is a smidge smaller than me, is a really good cook. You should see him in the kitchen. He also uses a kusari-fundo instead of nunchakus, am I right?” “And saws! But I can use nunchucks too when I use ninpo-” “And Mikey here is a master prankster like me. He can dance and is really creative. Come on dude, own it! Also, you’re like what 5’6? I’m a 5’4 man. You’re tall, kid. And you’ll grow even more I bet” Mikey slightly retreated into his shell, embarrassed. Michael nodded enthusiastically. “They’re both good skateboarders. Must have gotten it from me-Hey, Raph, not cool!” Leonardo chuckled because Raphael had thrown a well-aimed grape. Michael kept bouncing up and down. “This is so, so cool!” Mikey put a steadying hand on Michael, “What were you guys saying about clients and diagnosis and stuff?” “Hey guys, the kids wanna know about our day jobs. Is that cool?” When Donny, Leonardo, and Raphael nodded their heads, Mike replied, “We’re therapists, and April and Casey work in the same field too. Analyzing behavioral patterns come out naturally to us” Mikey scrunched his nose while Michael let out an “Oooo!”. “That’s...cool? What do you guys do?”. Mike patted his plastron proudly and gave a huge grin. “I’m a certified youth and school counselor! I deal with kids from all walks of life regularly” Raphael collected his and Leonardo’s empty bottles. “I’m a physical trainer with certification in both exercise and trauma work. I handle physical and mental recovery from...er...really bad stuff”. Leonardo put out his cigarette and threw it away. “I’m a social worker. I handle displaced and marginalized people in the city. I also am sensei to….a bunch of rowdy mutant kids”. Donny put down his work to reach for something glowing. “I’m a behavioral therapist with some overlap in trauma. I deal with the rehabilitation of mental health disorders” Casey scratched the back of his head. “Mine is a bit complicated. Closest I can get is nutritional and exercise therapy. You...you cannot believe the things people do to their bodies,” he shuddered. “I’m a psychiatrist with a specialty in pharmaceutics. Anything that needs medicine, I supply” Michael was gob-smacked, but Mikey looked confused. “I’m surprised but...why would ninja need to do all that stuff?” Mike gave the boys a sad smile. “Because there is an influx of mutants in the city and see, there aren't a lot of people willing to help them or the humans lower in the social ladder who desperately need help”. He gestured to his brothers and sister. “So we did what we could and stepped up. We’re kind of all they have at the moment”. Both Mikey and Michael stared at their counterpart in a new light and deep admiration. Mike scratched his cheek in embarrassment. “And I have never been prouder, my dear children. The battlefield has changed, and so you all adapted in ways I have never expected,” said a soft voice. Out from the shadows, a grey rat hobbled towards them all. He took Raphael’s outstretched arm and sat in front of Michael. “From what I have gathered, you apparently have guests, Michelangelo” “Yes, Master Splinter. You can’t see them but Michael and Mikey are here. They are very young, father” “I see? How old?” “Mikey and his brothers are eighteen. Michael is thirteen and is the youngest of his brothers” April gasped and put a hand over her mouth while Casey sucked in a horrified breath. Splinter closed his eyes. “Each iteration gets younger and younger. I grieve for the innocence lost, and I am sorry” Both Michael and Mikey looked down solemnly. “It is a shame I cannot see or hear them-” “Excuse me, Father, but this is what I have been trying to say since earlier,” Donatello interrupted. He gave a grin and pulled out seven crystal wristbands and pointed to a floating, glowing, orb. Donatello looked to the side and chuckled as if he responded to something only he could hear. “The portals are done and stabilized on all our ends. We can now visit each other”
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aurora-the-kunoichi · 4 years
The Forgotten - Part Three
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Here is part three of The Forgotten
Here it is in its entirety 
The Aquarium 
Raphael had always been….overwhelming, the one to leave her breathless, boneless and tied up in knots after a rough session of love making.  He knew what buttons to press, the right pressure to touch at just the right places. Raphael was a master of breaking down walls and getting exactly what he wanted by making Aurora realize she wanted the very same thing. This Raphael was no different.
Aurora could feel her heart in her chest as his sinful lips found the pulse point bringing the skin into his mouth and sucked until the blood vessels burst. As he continued to molest the skin in his mouth Raphael’s left hand moved to her backside gripping the apple of ass and squeezed. Aurora tried; she really did, but found it impossible to stop the moan escaping between her parted lips. Memories flooded back as he pressed her into the side of building with his immense frame while licking at the now red mark that spread across her skin.
Raphael did this regularly when they were hers and hers alone. He’d mark her mostly in the mornings when they’d get a few moments alone and he take the first fuck of the day and the subtle mark on her neck would remind Fearless that he had, had their kunoichi first. It was a game the alphas played on the regular always trying to one up each other which Aurora didn’t mind being the object of their attentions. Being on the receiving end of their insatiable sex drive was something she would never complain about. Mike and Don were nearly as bad but they tended to be a little more submissive to her.
“That’s so fuckin’ pretty, say it again.” Raphael husked pressing his knee between her thighs to widen her stance. “Why the fuck do I want ya so bad? Like I’ve been starving for years and you’re the only thing to satisfy my hunger?”
Aurora fought with her body as it responded favorably to his impatient treatment. Her hands shook reaching for the rim of his shell and willed herself not to pull him closer but to keep him at bay. She had to get her libido under control, this was not her Raphael. She took a deep breath and pushed; the mouth that was sampling the column of her throat was detached and growled its warning of displeasure.  
It was now she could hear his labored breathing as the disconnect from his body allowed some of her senses to return. Even in the low light Aurora could see his pupils dilated, Raphael’s ravenous sex drive was in full gear and his sights were locked in on the kunoichi. She needed to be quick and utilize all of her tricks because despite the throb between her legs Aurora wasn’t going to give him what he wanted and she could tell he really wanted it.
“Come girly, I can smell ya, I know you want this too. And if we’ve fucked before I know ya can take me.” The eager mutant moved forward again his hands searching to reclaim the roundness of her backside.
Aurora jumped gripping the lip of the roof’s overhang and lifted up and out of range of those gifted three fingered hands. Her legs spread clearing his towering height and using her stomach muscles reared back and launched herself over the mutant landing just behind him.
Raphael fist slammed into the wood siding and whirled around with a manic smile widening over his scarred lips. “Playin hard to get huh? That’s ok cause I love the thrill of the chase. When I catch ya I’m gonna make you scream my name and mark you inside and out. That way Fearless will know who had ya first.” Just then the brute stopped his forward motion and blinked eyeing Aurora carefully. “I’m havin déjà vu right now, like I’ve said those words before. But Leo and I have never…….”
He looked confused running his hand over his scalp before clamping both hands over his skull grunting in pain. “God my skull, it hurts all of a sudden.”
Aurora took the moment of his distraction and kicked the solid turtle in the chest sending him back on his shell. With the quickness of her training she moved over the enormous turtle and pressed under his left arm pit and above his plastron to the right of his clavicle, right where she needed to immobilize the deadly terrapin. The mutant hissed in discomfort as his body succumbed to the pressure points and every muscle in his cumbersome frame let go of its tension leaving him helpless to the tempting woman.
Despite his arms and legs useless his lips still worked just fine, “Ain’t you full of fuckin’ surprises. Pressure points, I’ve only seen Leo use those. Looks like I seriously underestimated your abilities. I promise that won’t happen again. That is unless you plan on killin me beautiful.”
Aurora straddled his hips and leaned down settling her elbows on his chest and her head in her hands. “It’s Aurora, and don’t worry handsome those pressure points will wear off in about 15 minutes. I don’t want you dead I just wanna have a few words. You are having déjà vu because you and Leonardo have both had me, but so has Mikey and Donnie.” Saying his name out loud still hurt but the furrowing brows and a grunt of pain that came from Raphael indicated his brain was trying to access the suppressed memories. “You and Fearless would play a game practically every day. It was called ‘Who fucked the kunoichi first.’ It was a game I enjoyed being included in. You see, I know a lot about you. I know you’re just a little bigger then Leo with a slight curve to the left. You have a long scar that runs from the top of your thigh down to your knee. I know that you love your adonis line stroked.” Her right hand disappeared between them dipping under his waistband to find the well defined line of muscle just under his plastron connecting to his groin.
The immobilized turtle tried tilting his hips up into her fingers as they ran the length of the line coming to a stop just before his cock. “Fuck!” his head dropped back to the tar roof and rumbled as her fingers moved down bypassing the rock hard rod of flesh and the hanging green globes. “Ah come on!”
Aurora leaned down ghosting her lips over his, the tip of her tongue darted out running along his lower lip and he leaned up to catch the appendage sucking it into his mouth. She allowed it briefly having her first taste of Raphael in years. She opened her mouth and swept her tongue into his mouth giving him a deep kiss and broke free. “I also know your little kink.” The pad of her finger ran just under the green sacks tracing the line of flesh just under them. “I know when you get head you love to get your prostate massaged.” Just then her finger ran over the puckered entrance and the brute gasped as the soft pad of her finger pressed against the flesh just enough to make him groan.
“Fucking impossible…ugghh…..fuck……”
“I know every inch of your body Raph.” Her hand moved up again and the palm of her hand finally gave him the attention the mutant had been craving and gripped the pulsing cock firmly. Aurora closed her eyes and slowed her breathing, this was getting way out of hand but she needed his attention, his full attention and she had it now for sure. “As much as I want to ride you until we’re both sweaty and satisfied…”
“Please, dear gods, please do blondie.”  
“Your boss isn’t who you think he is Raphael. Bishop took you from me, from the resistance and put something in your bodies to make you obedient.” Her fingers slid down to the base of his shaft and twisted just the way he liked it. “And you Raphael are anything but obedient.
“Fu—hck….What the fuck are you talkin about? Fuckin shell, just-t like that!”
“It’s small and metal or some kind of alloy, we’re not sure. It moves around your body somehow keeping you and your brothers under his control. Keeping millions under his control.” Her hand released his cock and Aurora leaned up much to Raphael’s displeasure.
“I ain’t got nothing in my body controlling me. I ain’t no one’s puppet!”
“Oh I know.  You’re not one to take orders, at least without questioning their validity first. It was the main theme of yours and Leo’s fights. But why do you think it hurts when you try to remember? Why you and your brothers are drawn to me? Why the name Donnie pulls at something deep inside you? You had another brother but he disappeared and we had no idea what happened to him. It still haunts us to this day. Can you remember anything prior to five years ago? Your childhood?” Suddenly out of the corner of her eye Aurora could see his finger twitch, it was time to leave.
Her fingers rested on his chest and ran over the hard lines letting out a shaky breath and stood.
“Hey, wait! Where ya going? You can’t leave me like this? Fuckin tease!”
Aurora moved off of him and took a few steps back edging the shadows of the roof. “The feeling is coming back in your body and I can’t be here when it does. I’ll be seein you red…” And with that she disappeared from his view and began her escape listening to the roar of her name fade with the distance.
She didn’t stop; Aurora ran and ran bypassing home base just in case he would take chase. She wouldn’t take any more chances; she did enough of that tonight. Keeping to the darkness Aurora slipped below the streets and made the trek to her own personal hideout.
The lair had been abandoned shortly after Bishop earned his edge in the war. The turtles and Aurora moved to the resistance’s hideout to stay close to the news and the help. So the lair was still only known to a select few. Since the five original tenants were either gone or unable to remember its location only Aurora, Casey and April knew of its existence.
Aurora made a trip to the lair at least once a month to make sure everything was running and that it was still stocked just in case of emergencies. Just in cases the resistance fell and they needed a new place to lay low.
The vacant rooms still hurt to look at, Donnie’s lab sat with abandoned machines and projects never to be finished again. The room with the rice paper doors had been missing its owner for the longest. Running her fingers along the teak wood frame Aurora pushed it open and kneeled at the opening. In the middle of the room was a beautiful ornate Japanese table and sat upon it was a green urn filled with the remains of Master Splinter.
“Good evening Sensei, I know it’s been a while since I’ve visited but I figured you’d like an update on your sons. I had a run in with Raph this evening; he didn’t try to kill me this time so that was a bonus. I had to use a few of my tricks to get him to listen but I think I might have moved a few brain cells around a bit. I..may have kissed him but it was unavoidable. “Her eyes lifted to the vessel and let out a heavy sigh. “Ok maybe it wasn’t but….it’s been so long and I was weak. He did have something interesting to say. Supposedly I have been a regular topic of conversation with those three. That’s something I guess.” Getting back to her feet Aurora bowed. “Sensei.”
She moved about the lair until she entered their room looking at the giant makeshift bed. She remembered the day Mikey had suggested the consolidation of their sleeping arrangements. He had been so proud of himself he was simply beaming from ear to ear.
“What the fuck did ya do shell for brains?” Raphael was circling the massive arrangement of mattresses, blankets and pillows. Even though he was a bit annoyed Aurora could see the wheels spinning in his head.
Mikey took a few steps back and rushed his creation grabbing Aurora as he went. Aurora screamed in shock as the youngest hurtled her and him onto the mass with a very comfortable collision of bedding. “No more fighting over who gets to sleep with Rora. Now it’s just gonna be a giant turtle pile with her in the middle.”
Leo stood in the doorway with his massive arms crossed over his chest; his face was unreadable as he watched Mikey molest Aurora with his signature enthusiasm.
“I don’t usually say this but…..” Donnie was right next to Leo but his expression was much more readable. The big toothy grin widened and the genius followed the two into the bed helping Mikey strip the kunoichi of her clothes. “This is probably the best idea you’ve ever had Mike.”
“Leo! Raph!” Aurora squealed mock fighting off two of her lovers. “Are you gonna just sit there and let them take advantage of me like this?”
The two alphas finally found each other’s gaze and stepped from their positions. Raphael rolled his shoulders and cracked his neck while Leo slipped a kunai from his thigh holster.
“It looks like you two are taking way too long to rid her of her clothes. I think you need to let a master take over.”
Raphael moved with Leo and lunged, “Not if I get to her first Fearless.”
The introduction to the new bed was christened with their first fivesome leaving Aurora walking a little funny the next few days. She still found it unbelievable she was once in a relationship with four mutant turtles. Aurora remembered how good it was and how amazing each of them were to her. Something that good wasn’t meant to last. Life could be so cruel sometimes, a taste of heaven before it was ripped from her grasp.  
Aurora crawled into the bed and pulled the covers over herself. The interaction with Raph had left her shaken and emotionally drained, something she was not expecting for the nights events. She had nearly given in to his advances and that worried her. But then again the closer he got and the longer he was in close proximity he seemed to lose more and more control. As she mentioned things from his past Raph’s head began to hurt as if the memories were trying to resurface. Maybe she should have given in?
Their scent had left the room long ago but the indents from their shells remained. Her fingers trailed along the massive divots imagining their slumbering bodies just next to her. She imagined Raphael turning to her and his honey eyes opening to find her staring at him.
“Can’t sleep?”
“I’m just imagining you guys here with me.” Her hand reached out and ran her palm across his cheek smiling as he leaned into the touch. “I miss you.”
Raphael moved closer running his fingers through Aurora’s hair gripping the back of her skull gently, “We may not realize it but we miss you too. But I’m hopin’ you guys can figure those fuckin little things out. I wanna come home; we wanna come home to you.”
“We’re working on it I promise. It’s just gonna take a little longer without Don here to head the charge. We’ll get you home; we’ll get all of you home or die trying.”
“Nah Rora don’t do that. I can’t fuck you into next year when I’m free of this bullshit if you’re dead. You need to stay alive and strong cause this isn’t gonna get easier, it’s only gonna get harder.” Raphael leaned in giving her his signature smirk. “Speaking of harder….”
Aurora closed her eyes and waited, but like all of her other day dreams those lips never came. No arms came to claim her. By the time she opened her eyes Raphael was gone and his indent cold as death. Tears began to form in her eyes as she stared at where bulky terrapin had just been laying.  She was tired, so fucking tired.
The next thing Aurora knew, she was being jolted awake to the com flush in her ear blowing up with a familiar worried voice.
“Base to White Skull, base to White Skull. Where the fuck are you!?” April’s angry voice boomed in her ear. Just under the irritation Aurora could hear the fear in the back of her throat clawing at her subconscious praying her friend wasn’t captured or worse….. dead.
She must have fallen asleep, poor April had enough to worry about. Pressing the com in her ear Aurora yawned and replied quickly, “This is White Skull to base. My apologies I had an unannounced visit from Red Bear. I was unsure if I was being followed so I took refuge in the aquarium just in case. I didn’t want to compromise the base just in case he had gotten the best of me.”
“Are you alright?” April’s voice instantly softened understanding the code words and knowing she was safe.
Aurora let out a heavy sigh and nodded to mostly herself, “Yeah I’m ok, I must have fell asleep. I’ll return at dawn.”
“Be careful White Skull, I…..we’ll see you in a few hours. Over and out.”
As the com went cold Aurora sat up pushing the blankets from her body. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes she made her way to the kitchen for something to drink.
The genius’s sewage powered generator was still working like a dream. As long as the human race still occupied New York City there would always be an endless amount of human waste. Donnie had figured out a way to harness that power and turn it into unlimited power for the Lair. The lights remained functional, along with all the kitchen appliances as well as the bathrooms. God she missed him.
The fridge was the least supplied appliance. It held perishables and in a secret lair uninhabited most of the time it was unwise to keep it stocked with items that would go bad quickly. The freezer held most of the food and the fridge held water, pop and butter.
Pulling out a bottle of water she cracked the top and downed the whole contents in one gulp.
“Fuck!” Aurora growled throwing the now empty bottle in the trash. “My thermos! Now I gotta go get it.”
Just then a burst of light from Donnie’s lab distracted Aurora from her lost item. In a flash her hands went the hilts of her katana and unsheathed them with a low sing. Her feet made no sound as the kunoichi made her way to the partly closed door currently displaying a spectacular show of multi colors.
She could hear electricity snap and crackle and a low hum of some kind as the light show pulsed faster and faster. As she reached the partially open door to Donatello’s lab Aurora peered through the crack and felt her heart stop and burst all at the same time.
Her katanas slipped from her grip clattering to the ground at her feet. In a hurried burst of energy her fingers found the edge of the metal doors and pushed with all her might.
@imthegreenfairy88​ @alonia143​ @ravn-87​ @waterstar2016​ @tmnt-bucklover​
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janna-the-breaker · 5 years
Not Exactly
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It's been quite a while since Mikey has been dating this girl, Clarie. She was a very pretty looking girl with ginger hair and freckles. Mikey would talk about her non stop. His brothers were starting to be very anoyed by it, but still happy for him. One day, Mikey brought the news that Clarie was inviting them for a dinner at her apartment so they could all meet properly. Mikey have told them that she has some unique beliefes about reincarnation, soul mates and aura. The turtles were all okay about this, promising to be respecfull with her. But, Raphael had an idea in mind. A very wild one.
"It's very nice to meet you guys. Mikey have told me a lot about you." Said Claire to the turtles.
"I hope he said good things about us." Said Leo.
"Oh yes, he did. You know, i have a gift that allows me to see through the aura of people. So i can have an idea about their personalities. Can i try it on you guys?"
"Well, sure. Alright."
"You, Leonardo. I can see the color blue not just in your eyes or your mask. There's a calm blue deep in your heart, i can see a strong feeling of bravery, patience and stealf. You would do anything to protect your family."
"You bet, Clarie. I'm impressed with you."
"Thank you, Leo. It's hard to get reconized this days. My parents keep saying that i'm schizophrenic, but what do they know?! Right?"
"Yeah, right." Said Donnie, trying his best not to sound sarcastic.
"I've always felt different from the others. Like i could see through another universe. You know, there are a bunch of them spread through the galaxy. In each of them are a different reality, with alternative versions of each of us with new possibilities in a life time."
"Hey, Clarie. Sorry to interupt ya, but, can i say something?" Asked Raphael.
"Of course, Raphael. Go ahead."
"So, i guess i believe in ya about this whole universe stuff. Cause last night, i've had a dream where i was in this same apartment with you, but different. We were all alone and there was a music playing and then you called me to the room and we made love to each other. Isn't that crazy?!"
"Raph, shut up." Said Leo roughly. Already knowing the dirty plan that he had on his sleeve.
"No, Leonardo. Let him finish."
"Well, now that i am here i can still feel that imma going back to that dream with ya, not on the same scenario but the energy is sucking me into these loving memories. I know that ya love Mikey and i don't wanna disturb your relashionship, but..."
"No, Raphael, we both understand it."
"Yeah, bruh! Clarie explained all of this realities stuff so it's totaly plausible."
"And you know, Raphael, when you first enter in my apartment i felt that something was odd about you, but i didn't want to bring it out. But i can't believe that you feel the same way. It's soo overwelming." She got up and headed to the hallway, entering a room. Raph was left counfused.
"Where did she go?" He asked.
"She needs some time to get ready. The room is the second door to the left."
"Wait, Mikey! You can't be seriuos!?" Protested Leo in a firm ton.
"I'm dead serious, bruh. Clarie told me it's not good to not follow the same energy as our auras. It just has to be."
"Raphie..." She called him from the hallway with a very sexy voice. He stayed still for a few seconds until he snaped out.
"Can i really...?" He ask one more time to his little brother.
"Go ahead, brah. Take good care of her."
"Fuck yeah!" He cheers before getting up and heading to the room slaming the door behind him.
"MIKEY!!!" Leo and Donnie yelled at him.
"Hey, calm down, guys. It's passed 10pm, we're not allowed to make much noise."
"Mikey, how can you be so stupid?! Letting Raph sleep with your girl like this?! What the fuck?" Leo snapped out at his brother.
"Relax, bros. The energy he felt is..." Mikey tried to explain but he got cut by Donnie.
"The hell with that energy nonsence! We're talking comitment here! She's your girl, you don't just give her away like this."
"So, guys, what's gonna be now? Monopoly or Uno?!" Clarie appears sunddently back at the living room. Surprising both of the turtles.
"Whaaaaaat???" Donnie mutters in counfusion.
"Aren't you in the room with Raph?"
"Of course not! I love Mikey and Mikey only!" She hugs the turtle in orange by the neck and kisses him on the cheek.
"Then what was all of that talk about realities and make love to Raph?"
"Let me explain, this apartment is acctualy my sister's. We're identical twins." She showed a picture of her with another girl. They were dressed in the same pattern of clothing and shared the same hair cut. Even thought they looked younger than now the resemblance was very clear. "I told her about tonight's dinner and she said she would stay in her room to leave us more comftarble. But she joked that if one of Mikey's brothers were interested then i could send him to her room."
"Aw fuck! Yeah! Keep going!" Raph's voice ecooed from the room. He was clearly having a good time in there.
"How did you get out of there without him knowing?" Asked Donnie.
"I just went to ask her if that's okay and then i hid in the bathroom."
"So, he thinks that he's with you, but it's acctualy another girl that he doesn't even know?"
"He won't even noitice because we have so many similar features, we're like clones of each other."
"Yeah, today i almost gave her a slap thinking she was Clarie." Mikey said a little ashamed.
"So, he's basicly fucking with a stranger right in that room?"
"Well, she won't be a stranger once they finish and he finds out that she is my sister."
"Oh man, i realy wanna see his face when he came out. It's gonna be hilarious." Said Leo with a chuckle.
"I gotta text Casey about it. He'll laugh his ass off." Said Donnie grabing his phone.
"And you wanna know the best part? Is that the dream he told me about, that wasn't me! It was Heather! Their auras were calling each other for this very first encounter of soul mates. They don't know yet, but they're just meant to be." Clarie said with a dreamer look in her face. It was like it was the most beautiful thing in the world.
"Better off, text April too."
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theninjasgirl · 5 years
hey again ur request page gave me an idea: can u make a headcanon of a new human friend of the turtles( preferably male but u can make it gender neutral) whos a sweet lil cinnamon bun but when the turt fam has a karaoke night and not only has a really good singing voice but the song they choose has a like FILTHY yet soulful quality to it. and in short, i wanna see wut the whole group (including April and Casey) would think. THX SO MUCH
   Everyone knows that the turtles are very protective. I mean, it’s not everyday that they meet and make friends with someone. April and Casey are really the first friends that they made. So when they made a new friend, they naturally get protective over them. 
   But when they meet a human embodiment of a cinnamon roll, who befriends them all, they got PROTECTIVE. 
   I mean this person is just the kindest, sweetest thing ever! Suddenly the turtles were inviting them over to their lair, meeting them at night, and checking on them, making sure they got home safe. This person is just too cute, too fragile for any ‘bad’ things. They are just too cute, too soft, too innocent. 
   One particular night, they decided to have a KARAOKE NIGHT! Thanks to Mikey. So they gathered up, moving the couch towards the kitchen archway and connected the T.V. to a microphone with a cord. They showed up with April and Casey. 
   After a couple hilarious rounds, of just horrible singing, and a surprisingly exceptional song from Casey Jones, the ‘cinnamon roll’ was selected. 
   Mikey hollered, trying to hype everyone up for their turn. Leo and Donnie chuckled, taking small sips from their drinks. Raph scoffed, joking with Casey. April laughed with Master Splitter. Suddenly the cinnamon roll coughed, clearing their throat. 
Suddenly, everything changed. 
    The cinnamon roll surprised the hell out of them. They sang the most incredibly enchanting song. The song itself was absolutely filthy. I mean, it scared the hell out everyone, yet, it had some soul put into it. It left them breathless. 
  Donnie’s blush was the most apparent, as you could see his glasses slightly fog up. 
  Leo was shocked, wide-eyed, but cheeky. He chuckled, smirking at the little cinnamon roll’s song. 
  Raph was wide-eyed, staring at them in shock. Holy chalupa. They surprised the hell out them, yet, he is so proud. 
  Mikey found all of this, the entire situation, incredibly hilarious. He laughed and cheered the cinnamon roll on. 
  Casey is shocked, unsure of how to properly react for a good second. As was April, but she laughed it off. Master Splinter just shook his head. 
In the end, it was one hell of a night!  
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catbowserauthor · 6 years
2003 Mikey Piece w/ OC
@brightlotusmoon So this is another piece I did a while ago when I was coming up with a background for my OC for Mikey in the 2003 world. It doesn't have a story as of yet because I don't use this OC much...but given it has some Mikey and Donnie sweetness in here, I thought you'd appreciate it.
It seemed like it was his turn to be in the hellish world. SO far, he'd made little progress at finding the section where Usagi dwelled but he knew at least it was around here somewhere. Apparently though, there were all kinds of different races here and they seemed to like to hound on the Kame portion of this world. As it was, he was currently walking through the partially abandoned, burned out village. He had only heard a few of the remaining attackers say its name: Shellrala. He couldn't really even tell what kind of creatures the attackers were...maybe large feline like creatures. All he did know was that they apparently had NO honor because they had mowed through this village with absolutely no restraint--he'd lost track of the number of women and children he had stepped over. Most of the large feline creatures had moved on, maybe two or three still lingering and honestly, he was going to as well but he felt...no, KNEW he had to at least give these poor people a proper burial or cremation or something! He couldn't just leave them. He was trying to stay out of sight because quite frankly, after days of not having a lot of food and walking constantly, he was not in the mood for a fight. Then, he heard it. Crying. Like, really little kid crying. He darted and followed the sound, still attempting to stay quiet but he felt like finding the source was more important than stealth right now. He dipped into one of the nearby huts, where the noise heightened. Pushing aside the burnt and broken furniture, he found finally found the source. Lost amid piles of blankets and a torn kimono, he found a small dark green (even darker than his own coloring) baby turtle. Absolutely howling their head off, with little small wisps of dark black hair trailing into deep ocean blue eyes. The kid had to be...heck, maybe four months, if that? Despite only being 18 himself, Mikey KNEW that a baby that young was especially vulnerable. The baby locked eyes with him as he approached and stopped crying. He guessed it was a female, simply because of the slimmer size and frame (and he would confirm this later) but the baby didn't reject when he scooped her up into his arms. "Hey, hey, little squirt. It's okay. Mikey'll help you." The sound of commotion outside made him pull the baby close to his chest and pull a tanto from his belt, silently thanking Leo for tossing it to him before they got divided. Two feline soldiers pushed their way through the door way and hissed in Japanese to one another "I thought you said you killed all the turtles in here? And you missed the brat?" "I'll remedy it, easy enough," their partner confirmed and approached, a hand on their katana. Mikey's swipe of his tanto sent them to their knees, clutching a bloody stomach before they got within a foot and in a swift motion, the second one was slammed against the wall, the blade at their jugular. Mikey's Japanese was...well, not the greatest (least speaking, he understood it fine), but he knew he got this right and even if he didn't, he knew his face would send the message clear enough: "You kill baby, you die next." The feline dropped to their knees when Mikey hit their concussion point and the teenager looked to the tiny baby who cooed up at her rescuer. Mikey glanced around the village, biting his lip. No one was left to watch after the kid and even if there was...these turtle knew next to nothing about defending themselves! Most of the kids he had walked past had been shoved into holes--they just knew to hide. Looking down at the tiny girl in his arms, he gave her a nervous laugh, "Well, guess you're gonna hafta stick with me, munchkin." She giggled.
  "You didn't tell them I'm here, right?" Mikey didn't take his eyes from the baby girl in his arms who greedily ate up the bottle he offered her. It was nice to have a place in the Daimyo's place, especially after traveling for the past three months. The little one in his arms was more than capable of scooting now and rolling over. His brothers had been back at home for several weeks. He knew they were still looking for him but he was...scared. Scared of what they would think, scared of what they would say but mostly, petrified that they would say he had to give this little one up. No, he refused. He wouldn't. She was his now, they had bonded. She was his...his masterpiece. His Sistine. However, he also knew that he had to face this eventually and he hated to think of the torture he was putting them through, the worry, the uncertainty. And he missed them. God, he missed them. He...wanted their support right now and maybe that's what he was most afraid of. That it would be denied to him. He looked up at his visitor. Renet winced, "Duh, no. I didn't tell them. But they're, like, totally freaked out Mikey! You can't sit here forever..." "I know," He shifted the girl in his arms as she settled into sleep. "I...I know I needa tell them. C-can...can you give them a letter from me?" Renet wasn't thrilled with the idea of being messenger but it was a start! "Sure! Do you have one?" Mikey slipped the baby girl into a small basket that he had decked out in blankets and cushioning into a crib of sorts. "Gimme five minutes." --- "Leo, I tol' you, I can't say where he is or anything. He just said to drop this off to you." "Whatta ya mean you can't tell us?" Oh, Raph was livid, "That's my baby brother, Renet!" "Duh, I know that," she challenged "But he asked me to just drop the letter off and then...see what happened." The threesome of brothers exchanged glances as Master Splinter gave a nod to Renet and Leonardo looked at the letter he held in his hand. Walking wordless to the couch, he sat, his two other brothers sinking down next to him and Master Splinter following and sitting on the opposite chair. Unfolding the parchment, Leo began to read aloud, if only for his own comfort: "Hey Bros--first, I'm A-Okay! Tell Sensei sorry I gave him another heart attack. Daimyo told me that you guys were okay too and totally kicked shell! Not like I'm surprised. You always do. So, sorry I haven't come home yet. It's...complicated." Donnie frowned, "Complicated?" Immediately thoughts of his own hellish world flashed through his mind but he forced himself to calm, to not jump to conclusions. "See, I got stuck in Usagi's world but totally not the fun parts, Leo! There's a whole part just for turtles! But...well, they were...man, they were cowards! Totally being overrun by these cheetah-jaguar-feline-ish creeps! And they didn't have any weapons, didn't defend themselves or anything and these creeps were totally thinking genocide!" Leo took a breath and went on "I ran into this old village after they had ransacked it. Slaughtered turtles everywhere, bros! But...I found one survivor. This little girl. Guess they overlooked her. And I wasn't gonna just leave her there so I took her with me. I've...been taking care of her." There was a smudge where obviously their brother had paused, "I _love_ taking care of her." "Mikey with a kid?" Raph snorted "You gotta be kidding me..." Leo ignored him and kept going "I...guess you probably expect me to say that I've been trying to find someone to take care of her but I'm not. I'm taking care of her. I want to. I love her, bros. And..and..I know it's probably not too smart but I have...I have to raise her. She's like...she IS my daughter now. I call her my masterpiece. My little Sistine." Donnie, despite himself, found himself grinning widely, "Fitting." "I...wanna come home Dudes. Me and little Sistine. I wanna introduce her to her uncles and to her Grandpa. And to Casey and April and Angel and all of 'em...but...I'm scared. I...I need to know you're with me. I can't come back if I'm gonna hafta give her up. I won't. I'm crashing with the Daimyo right now. So...if you guys can give me an answer...I'll be waitin...love ya" --- Mikey was so caught up playing peek-a-boo with Sistine, too absorbed in her laughing to hear the first knock. He heard the second one. Turning, he found Leo, Donnie, Raph and Splinter in the doorway. He stared, unsure what to say or do until Leo lifted up the unfolded letter, complete with a smile. Mikey felt tears prickle his eyes, just for a moment until Donnie was the one that pushed forward, knelt to the ground and said, "Well, that's some greeting, Mikey! Lemme see my niece!" Sistine, full of life and having no fear, clamped onto Donnie's face with gummy hands as he cooed and lifted her up, "Heya little Masterpiece! I'm your Uncle Donnie!!
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fyrapartnersearch · 7 years
Yo! The name’s Sparky– or at least, I enjoy calling myself that as a cool alias and watching all the messages come in of people saying I remind them of their old dogs– and I believe I’ve posted here a couple times in the past few years. Thing is, I never cease to get a few great jackpot responses from my ads every time I do this, but eventually, roleplays tend to slow down and people tend to disappear off the radar [which is completely fine, I get it], and I always seem to keep discovering new ideas and fandoms I wanna dive into over time. So, I rinse and repeat and post again, and that’s what I’m here to do, today.
  Just to get it over with, I’m nineteen years old, have been roleplaying for about eight years, now, and am willing to roleplay with anyone of legal age in their state, if only because I enjoy incorporating smut into my roleplays. If you’re somebody who likes to fade to black every time characters get freaky with each other at points in our story, I’m unfortunately not the gal for you. I enjoy long-term plot heavy stories for the most part, but am totally down for PWP as well, so feel free to message me for either.
  At the moment, I’m mostly looking for a buddy who wants a Fandom roleplay (Canon/OC), so please contact me if you’re interested and match pretty damn well with the rest of these guidelines:
  Care about your writing. I’m not asking you for a whole fuckin’ novel every response, you can write however much you’re comfortable with as long as It’s more than one sentence, but I’d appreciate it if you didn’t have a spelling error or a typo every other word. Everyone makes mistakes, I’ve been there on many, many… many, occasions (it’s no joke, man), but like– just try, y’know? To me, lazy writing shows a disinterest in the roleplay, which is a huge turn off for me.
On the same wavelength as above, please don’t feel stressed over how much you’re writing or if it matches enough to mine. Again, all I’m asking is for my partner to be interested and care a little about what they’re typing; I tend to write a LOT for roleplays I’m excited about but I’m not expecting you to respond with the same amount at all. If your limit is three paragraphs max, stick to three paragraphs max. If you love writing novels every response, I will fuckin’ read… ALL of that novel.
I will ONLY write Double-up roleplays [unless you for some reason are just looking to play a canon character], I am making this very clear because not only do I fuckin’ love seeing all the different characters people create, but also because the more the merrier. I like it when these things are played fairly– I play a character for your OC in return for you playing a character for mine.
25 is way funnier than 24
Most of my pairings will likely be M/F or F/F (seeing as right now I only have one M/M pairing when it comes to canon/OC, and you’ll only be seeing them if you’re looking for Homestuck), but your side is totally free game. Do what you want. I’m also chill with Polyamorous ships and/or love triangles as long as you’re cool with the possibility of me going that route, as well.
It would be appreciated if you care about your side of the roleplay about just as much as you care for mine. I’ll totally do the same; I will get overly attached to everyone in our roleplay.
Please be okay with our OCs being eventual buddies sometime in the roleplay; I have a guilty pleasure for connections between all characters, even if it takes like, a roleplay-year for them to meet. Obviously, if we end up planning something wherein that’s not possible, that’s chill, too.
OOC chat is 100% welcome– throw me all your jokes and ideas and stupid scenarios and possible future Ideas for the roleplay, tell me how much you love that one subject, talk to me about your day. I’m here for it.
  Some extra info for those people who REALLY wanna know what they’re getting into:
  I have 0 limits, on like, everything. The smut we write out can be weird kinks galore for all I care, there can be suicide and torture and pedophilia and major deaths and mental illnesses in our plot; and I have a bad habit of assuming my roleplay partner can handle anything I dish out in writing so just, if you have hard limits make sure to tell me about them before they can come up in an awkward situation.
I’m totally down to share kinks before a roleplay; ESPECIALLY if we’re jumping into PWP or a smut-centric plot
I’m a very carelessly blunt and a smartass, so If I say anything that makes you uncomfortable just tell me and I’ll chill out a bit.
I’m in Mountain Time
I mentioned this before but my responses can range from like chapter-in-a-novel to a few paragraphs, and I’m not expecting you to match me in the slightest. Do what you do and we’ll be fine.
I very much love talking about character and relationship headcanons and shit, so like, hit me with all of your ideas, I could talk about this shit for hours.
I draw. A lot. Like, a lot a lot. There’s a large chance I’ll end up drawing characters from OUR roleplay, so just let me know beforehand if that’s not something you’re okay with.
I’m pretty flexible with response times, but it would be appreciated if you tell me beforehand if there’s something going on in your life that’ll make your replies more scarce than usual.
  FANDOMS: bolded names are preferred in the fandom.
  [Tokyo Ghoul]
Wanted: Juuzou Suzuya, Uta Will Play: Anyone from the fandom in general. Really. I’m completely caught up with the manga, and I’ve watched all available seasons. I’m kinda obsessed.
  [Invader Zim]
Wanted: Dib Membrane
Will Play: Anyone, I’ll play Sizz Lore for all I care, fuckin’ love this show and It’s comics.
  [Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles]
Wanted: Donatello, Raphael [2012], Casey Jones [2012]
Will Play: Any turtle, Casey Jones, Splinter, April O’neil, Karai [2012], Mona Lisa [2012], etc.
Wanted: Dave Strider, John Egbert, Sollux Captor, Cronus Ampora, Terezi Pyrope, Gamzee Makara, Karkat Vantas
Will Play: Anyone. Again. The trolls, the kids, the midnight crew, the Cherubs, Doc Scratch, Lord English, Hussie himself I guess, they’re all available.
Wanted: Buddy the Wolf, Silver the Hedgehog, OCs
Will Play: Fuck, this fandom’s kinda ridiculous. Just request any character you want, I’m sure I can play 90% of them, or we can just build shit around OCs.
Wanted: Ticci Toby, Jeff the Killer, Ben Drowned
Will Play: I haven’t been around in this fandom for quite some time, but you can request anyone– If I don’t know them yet, send me their story and I’ll figure it out.
Wanted: Mettaton… Maybe Chara
Will Play: Anyone but Sans. Please, not Sans. Not again. Never Again.
  [Diabolik Lovers]
Wanted: Kanato Sakamaki, Laito Sakamaki
Will Play: Yui Komori, Ayato Sakamaki, Laito Sakamaki, Shu Sakamaki, Reiji Sakamaki, Subaru Sakamaki, Kanato Sakamaki, Cordelia
DISCLAIMER: I’m totally willing to dive into this fandom, But I warn you I’ll probably make a character that’s somehow logically capable of beating the shit out of any of the vampires, because I have this weird love-hate grudge on this fandom and want to make a strong female that can put them in their place. Otherwise, feel free to request whatever you want for your side. As of this point I’ve only seen the first season, but maybe I’ll get around to forcing myself to watch the second and I can offer more characters to play.
Wanted: Rin Matsuoka, Sousuke Yamazaki, Rei Ryugazaki
Will Play: Anyone from the first season, still haven’t gotten around to finishing the second, yet
  If you want to contact me for a roleplay but are currently only interested in OC/OC, I’m willing to work with you as long as you message me with some sort of plot in mind. I tend to only play dominant females if you want an M/F relationship, just as a heads up.
Email [Preferred]: [email protected]
Discord: Sparky#4225
Tumblr: http://thesparkyshark.tumblr.com
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