#to be a flirty minx and go toe-to-toe with fives
kaminobiwan · 4 years
funny guy
pairing: fives x reader
summary: flirting. straight flirting y’all
a/n: this the first of my 175 follower celebration drabbles (still open!), requested by @catsnkooks! the prompt was “laugh”. I had to write this one as soon as I saw it bc I was so inspired, this was a blast to do. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it :-)
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If you’re being completely honest — before you met Fives, “funny guys” weren’t really your type.
Your friends had always bet that it’d be a soft-spoken, bookish sweetheart that’d catch your eye. Quiet and shy Ponds, maybe, or the Commander Gree who seemed to know every last fact about a certain tentacled species and was always willing to tell you each one of them. A nice guy.
Actually, that was even more of the case after you’d met the ARC trooper, when he’d crashed into you while moonwalking on the dance floor of 79’s and sent you both sprawling to the ground. Whatever “moonwalking” was.
He’d helped you up, kissed your hand, and blurted, “I really swept you off your feet there, didn’t I?”
You hadn’t found it funny.
Thankfully, he wasn’t a dick about it, and had offered to buy you a replacement drink for the one that was now absorbing into the grimy tile. You’d swiftly declined, but he’d been insistent — following you back to your friends (at a respectable distance, albeit) and hailing the bartender to put your tables’ drinks on his tab. He’d tapped the tattoo on his temple as he said it, then winked at you as a good-bye.
“You can have him,” you’d automatically deadpanned, just as your friends had opened their mouths to ask.
Coincidentally (or not, seeing how it was a clone bar) you ran into him again at multiple girls’ nights out after that, and he’d had a new line for you each time:
“I’m head over heels for you!”
“You know what this armor’s made of? Boyfriend material.”
“Sorry I made you fall, angel, but it couldn’t be worse than the one from heaven.”
You had yet to laugh at any of them, though the last few had made you crack a smile. You tended to brush off his attempts with a roll of your eyes, or a cheeky stuck out tongue, and then, when he’d finally turn away, you’d go back to watching him when no one else was looking.
Maybe he wasn’t the greatest at comedy, but from what you could tell, he was a good friend. Or brother, you weren’t really sure. Regardless, he was charming and kind when he wasn’t trying to be.
At least to you.
The way he’d always make space for you when you passed him in the crowd, how he counted attendance for his squad regularly even at his drunkest, his readiness to defend his brothers with his fists — okay, maybe not that last one — it all won you over better than any of his flattery did. He was growing on you.
Maybe that was what possessed you to glide up next to him at the bar, in a cast and more bandages than you could count, but still looking as handsome as the day he’d toppled you over. You’d dismiss your actions as spur-of-the-moment friendliness when your friends badgered you over it later that night.
He seems surprised to see you as he turns, his companion donning similar armor noticing you quickly and retreating with a knowing smirk. You give him a tentative smile.
“In the mood for jokes today, then?” Fives sips his neon drink slowly, wincing a little as he swallows it down. You bite back a snort.
“You don’t look like you’re in any shape to be telling them,” he peers at you curiously at the playful lilt of your voice, “but it’s not like your A-game would be much better.”
His demeanor immediately perks up at the challenge. “That so? And here I’ve been saving all my best lines for you.”
“They’re not exactly humorous.”
“I’m not exactly trying to be funny.” You look up at him at that, but the seriousness is gone in a flash when he juts his chin. In its place is the same lively expression he always wears when he’s laying it on thick for you, and you fight to control the heat rising in your face. “Consider your bluff called. If you can make me laugh, I’ll end my pickup campaign. If you can’t, I get your number.”
You start for a bit, confidence wavering, but it comes back in a surge when he raises an eyebrow. “Okay,” you hum, tapping your finger on your lip in thought. He follows the movement with his pupils.
In a sudden motion, you tap his temple where his tattoo sits, bold and proud. Just like he did the first night he met you.
“Is that your rating on a scale from one to ten, or is it just your IQ?”
He stares — really stares at you. For fifteen seconds. You count them. The silence is aggravating, but you match him, unwilling to react first.
Then, he breaks down in a fit of laughter, and you exhale a sharp titter of your own, though it’s more out of relief than amusement. He catches his breath after one, two, three moments, and when he glances at you anew, there are tears in his eyes.
“I can’t believe the boys haven’t thought of that one yet,” he practically sings, and you realize your cheeks are beginning to ache at how hard you’re grinning. “Alright, sweetheart, I know when I’m beat. No more flirting. Promise.”
Again, you don’t know what urges you to do it, but you saunter closer, enough that your noses almost touch. You watch his eyes widen exaggeratedly, and it sends a spark of courage up your spine. “Do me one better?”
He barely breathes. “Which is?”
“Don’t stop.” Your eyes glitter with mischief, and his reflect it. “Just get better.”
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mimisempai · 3 years
I want you to only look at me
Summary :
5 times when Loki flirts with Mobius who is completely confused and once when Mobius retaliates.
Loki will learn that teasing Mobius has consequences (but that he will enjoy these consequences).
Tumblr request : Can we have some Lokius where Loki is super flirty and we get flustered mobius???
1734 words - Rating T
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It had all started right at the end of the debriefing at the beginning of the day.
"Is everyone clear on their assignments?"
"Yes Agent Mobius."
Mobius' satisfied look slid from the recruits to their supervisor Loki.
But he had to hold back a gasp.
Loki had just had that little gesture again, the thing that turned Mobius completely inside out.
Don’t bite your lip like that, good god…
He could not look away from Loki's lips, vaguely aware of the recruits leaving the room.
His gaze left the fascinating lips and when he looked up, he met Loki's eyes.
Holy crap... caught in the act.
Mobius could not prevent his cheeks from blushing slightly.
Loki's eyes shone with that familiar spark of mischief, as his lover smiled cockily.
That look always means trouble.
Loki winked at him, the little minx, then turned away and left the room with an undoubtedly exaggerated swaying step.
Mobius moaned innerly.
That meant a lot of trouble.
A few hours later, as Mobius was half-heartedly trying to focus on his files, someone knocked lightly on his office door.
"Come in!"
It was Loki with some files in his hands.
"I have some mission reports for you to sign," the god said as he walked over and sat down in front of him. Then he gave him the files.
Mobius leaned forward to seize them. Loki took advantage of it to touch the hand of Mobius with his fingertips. Surprised, Mobius looked up at Loki who looked away, pretending to be innocent.
Mobius almost snatched the sheets from his hand and, annoyed, began to read the reports as if Loki were not there, but aware of the heat he felt where Loki had brushed his hand.
Loki stood up and slowly walked to the door humming.
"See you later, Agent Mobius..."
Mobius buried his head in his hands. It was not yet noon.
A lot of trouble, indeed.
Two hours later, as Mobius' stomach reminded him that it was well past lunchtime, Loki entered his office again.
"Given the time, I suspected you hadn't eaten yet, I managed to save a salad from the cafeteria," Loki placed the salad in question on his desk and sat down across from him before continuing, "so I'm taking advantage of the end of my lunch break to bring it to you and spend a few minutes with you."
"Thanks, that's thoughtful of you," Mobius said softly, touched by the kind gesture.
"I have to take care of you, since you don't."
Mobius grunted around the mouthful he was now chomping on.
Loki chuckled and they talked about everything and anything while Mobius ate his salad, aware of Loki's gaze, which seemed to follow the movements of his fork with attention.
Having finished his salad, Mobius put the plastic fork back in the bowl and looked up at Loki.
And for the second time that day, he almost gasped.
Damn it! He was doing it again!
Loki was biting his lip again, but this time it was clearly to tease Mobius, because he was staring him right in the eyes.
Mobius coughed to compose himself and looking at his watch he said with a confidence he was far from feeling.
"I think your break is over, right?"
Loki, not at all fooled, stood up slowly, with a small turn of his hand made the empty salad bowl disappear and came very close to Mobius' face. With a glint of desire in his eyes, he whispered softly, "I love the look on your face whenever I do that."
Mobius's eyes widened and he couldn't stop his cheeks from turning slightly red again, as Loki once again walked out of his office with a proud and confident step.
Mobius wondered if he would survive the afternoon.
Yes, a lot of trouble.
Two hours later, Mobius was waiting in front of the elevator, lost in his thoughts, when the little 'ding' of the door opening made him look up. He was surprised to see his lover come out, who exclaimed with joy when he saw him, "Mobius!"
Whatever his annoyance at the way Loki had Mobius wrapped around his little finger today, reading the genuine joy on Loki's face whenever he saw Mobius, made him forget everything. There was something comforting, to see that his own presence made the person he loved so happy, after all.
He smiled softly at her, then entered the elevator, their shoulders deliberately brushing against each other as they crossed.
He turned and watched his lover walk away as the doors were about to close. Suddenly Loki turned around, lifted his hand and the elevator doors remained open. He rushed towards Mobius and stood so close to him that their toes were touching and Mobius could feel the heat emanating from Loki's body.
"Loki? What is it?"
Loki had a half smile and said softly, putting his hands on Mobius' tie, "I can't let my handsome lover look less handsome because of a poorly made tie knot."
Mobius wanted to lower his head to check Loki's words but Loki didn't let him do it and made him raise his chin while shaking his head.
Mobius also realized in the moment that Loki had just said that he was handsome, and again he could not help but blush.
He wanted to slap himself on the back of the head because he felt like he was reacting like a prepubescent teenager.
Loki, with his eyes fixed on him, tightened the knot perfectly and once finished, slid his hands along the tie until he rested one of them on Mobius' chest.
He leaned forward and whispered in Mobius' ear, totally aware of the shivers he was causing his lover, "I can almost hear your heart racing."
Then he stepped back, until he came out of the elevator, with a flick of his hand he made the doors close, and all that Mobius' stunned eyes could see was the flash of mischief that crossed Loki's.
A look that presaged more trouble to come.
For the past five minutes, Mobius had been listening to the recruits' reports of the day's missions and he was unable to concentrate, because Loki was staring at him with the same gleam in his eye that he had had all day. After all the ways he had teased him, Mobius was only aware of Loki's presence and responded in an automatic way to the recruits.
He reached with difficulty the end of the succession of reports, thanked them for their work and wished them a good evening, all this while feeling Loki's gaze following his every move. But Mobius did everything to avoid crossing this glance.
The irritation of being messed up by his lover was however starting to get to him.
As the last of the recruits left the room, Mobius gathered his papers, determined to ignore Loki.
He moved with a quick step towards the door, but he couldn't help it and exploded, turning back to Loki, "Stop staring at me to distract me!"
Loki walked towards him, with a predatory grin, and bringing his lips close to Mobius', he said quite distinctly, "Oh, I'm not staring at you to distract you. I'm staring at you because no matter how many people are around us, I can only see you, love."
Then, just as Mobius thought Loki was going to kiss him, he stepped back, walked past him and strolled away, humming again.
The next morning, Loki woke up in Mobius' arms wrapped around him, his back against his chest. He gradually became aware that he was a little sore, but really happy and content as he thought back to the previous night.
He had not really intended to make Mobius react in this way.
He had just wanted that for one day, Mobius only thought about him. The result had been beyond his expectations, the night had been incredible.
He felt Mobius wake up behind him and press himself a little more against him.
Mobius turned him around and kissed him gently before pulling back a little, a soft smile on his lips. Then suddenly the expression on his face changed, he now looked almost horrified.
Loki lowered his eyes, following the direction of Mobius' eyes and saw what had shocked his lover. His chest was covered with various hickeys and small bites.
Seeing that Mobius had already begun his guilt trip, Loki raised his head and said, "Mobius, love, you didn't do anything I didn't want to. And honestly, if I wasn't afraid of shocking the younger recruits, I wouldn't mind parading around and proudly displaying this evidence of your passion." He finished with a wink.
Mobius buried his face in Loki's hair and whispered against the skin of his neck, making him shiver.
"You have awakened in me my most feral instincts, sweetheart."
"I enjoyed it, believe me." replied Loki, "I know I reaped what I sowed, but I didn't expect such a torrent of wild passion."
"You think you can taunt me all day and I won't return the favor? You were such a fucking tease. So infuriatingly intoxicating!”
With a skilful hip movement, Mobius turned Loki on his back and straddled him. Then he bent over and it was his turn to make Loki squirm, while he whispered against his ear, aware of the shivers he was causing to his lover, “You have no idea what you do to me, do you? I'll show you Sweetheart. Today you're not going to leave this bed and I’m going to learn everything there is to know about you, everything that makes you tick, all your sensitive little buttons, what makes you blush, what makes you shiver."
He nibbled on Loki's earlobe and released it before pulling back and continuing, his eyes in Loki's wide ones, "You said you only see me, but I, Loki, only see you too, since forever, love, you're the only thing that makes me tick. You. Loki. And even though I loved everything you did yesterday to seduce me, just being you will always be enough for me."
He concluded his passionate speech with an equally passionate kiss and began to put into practice what he had just told him. Learning everything that made Loki tick.
That day, they indeed did not leave their bed.
Whole one shot series here : X
As always, bear with me as it is not beta'd and english is not my native language I hope you enjoyed it 🥰
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itstittycitybaby · 4 years
From the Ashes we are Born (Part 12) V x fem! reader
a/n: lmao here we are finally. decided to just get this edited and shit so i can have something out. ohhhh yall gonna hate me for how i ended this lmao
warnings: NSFW 18+
V’s blood was boiling as he sat his hat on the table. It hit with a soft thunk from the force of it. Stiffening, you carefully took off the precious ruby earrings that dripped from your ears. “Honey,” you said softly, carefully making your way towards the vigilante. “Is everything okay?” V just grunted as his daggers clattered onto the table. He knew he shouldn’t be upset, let alone jealous. He trusted you and it frustrated him that he was being bitter and insecure. “It’s nothing, my dear.” Crossing your arms, you rolled your eyes and sighed. “V, if you want me to help you, you gotta be honest with me.” “Trust me my darling, everything is alright.”
V wanted to leave. He wanted to be alone with his fault and reflect on tonight. He would talk to you later, but how could he when all this emotion was bubbling up inside of him. Your brows furrowed as you backtracked to tonight’s events. Let’s see drinking, dancing, mingling, dancing with Prothero. Oh, OH. A chuckle bubbled from your throat at the realization. V turned to you cocking his head. He knew it was foolish and he was acting like a child. He wasn’t upset with you at all, you were just doing what you were told. But the hungry gaze in the Commander’s eyes was one he knew all too well. “Is it wrong to feel flattered,” you asked as you stood next to your very tense boyfriend. “I’m afraid I do not understand,” V replied, voice guarded but curious. Grinning, you reached up on your tippy toes and gave his mask a peck. Smirking, your voice became low. “I’m yours V. I only want to be yours.” You glanced at his hands and looked back into the mask, asking for permission with your eyes. V didn’t say a word. He was afraid of making things awkward. Instead, he nodded and tried to relax by loosening his posture. A smile crossed your lips and following it was a mischievous glint in your eyes. V tried not to think too much about your scheming.  
Gently, you grabbed his left hand. You pulled his glove slowly, giving him time to interject if he felt uncomfortable. “Good boy,” you cooed softly, smirking at the choked sigh you got in return. Lifting up his hand, your lips kissed the back of his hand. V let out a sigh as your soft lips graced his knuckles and fingers. Each finger was given attention and love. He didn’t understand why you loved his skin so much; it was ugly and a constant reminder of the pain he endured. But you didn’t see it that way. Instead you saw the beauty that V had and cherished every moment you shared with him. V was horrified at the mischievous grin on your lips. What was his little minx planning? Kissing up to the tip of his thumb, you sent him a flirty wink before giving his thumb a small lick and sucking it gently into your mouth. Oh, you were going to be the death of this man. “Jesus,” V murmured darkly, his voice almost turning into a growl. A shiver ran down your spine as your hot and wet mouth kissed and licked his fingers. You sent him another wink before you pulled away. Your spit glistened in the light and V felt his pants tighten. His hands cupped your cheeks. V’s right hand still had the tough leather glove and his thumb brushed across your lips. Your body tingled with anticipation at the idea of what V could do to you.
The tension crackled in the air. It felt dangerous and you couldn’t help but feel a bit nervous. Though, you knew if you changed your mind V would stop. But you didn’t want to. The fear was intoxicating and you were excited. Your eyes bore into his mask, daring for him to make a move. “What am I going to do with you mademoiselle,” V’s voice rumbled. Your face pulled into thought. V could tell it was a facade and the faux innocence made him crazy. His darling was a brat. It made him grin underneath his mask. “Remind me who I belong to,” you purred, your eyes filled with lust. 
His arms snaked around your waist, tugging you closer to him. An idea popped up in your head. V saw the cunning twinkle in your eyes and the way your lips pulled up into a smile. “Oh, to know what exactly my lovely little minx is planning.” Giggling, you gave his mask a quick peck on the cheek. V’s arms loosened a bit as you leant up to give a kiss on his lips. Taking this as your chance, you wiggled out of his grasp. V tried to grab your wrists but you quickly dodged his hands. For once, you were faster. V’s head cocked to the side as the two of you danced around the table.
You laughed at V’s attempts to reach over to you from his side of the table. It was futile. Cheekily, you sang, “Try and catch me if you can!” V was stealthy and quick, but you were more agile. Though, you knew the masked criminal would catch up to you in no time. Mulling over your thoughts, you dashed out of the kitchen with V on your trail. You were going to be the death of him.
It was dark in the shadow gallery. The lights had been shut off by no other than V and you were on the run. You bit your lip to try and stop yourself from giggling as you crept throughout the sanctuary. V’s footsteps had faded away a while ago, but there was no way you’d lost him. V was sneaky and silent. His skills were venomous and cunning. There was no way you had much time left before he found you. The amount of times he made you jump from sneaking up behind you were too many to count, but this time, you had the dark on your side tonight.The silence hung thick over you as you maneuvered around the gallery. Has it been five minutes? Twenty? A whole ass hour? When you managed to bump into something you’d scurry away from the scene, hoping V wouldn’t find you. “Ow,” you said softly as you ran into the table for the 30th goddamn time.
 The sound of a chuckle made the hairs on your neck stand up. Excitement and fear settled in your belly as you made a run for it. A yelp escaped your throat as an arm snaked around your stomach pulling you close. Your back met V’s chest and his arms held you in front of him. “It seems I’ve caught you, mademoiselle,” V’s voice purred. You shivered as his breath traveled down your spine. You couldn’t see him but his mask was off. His voice wasn’t muffled and his breath actually hit the air. You held in a whimper once you felt the tent in V’s trousers hitting your ass. “Is there a dagger in your pants or are you happy to see me,” you asked teasingly. V barked a laugh, his arms squeezing you tighter. “My darling seems to have a talent for cracking jokes at the most interesting of times.” “Sorry,” you giggled. “No matter,” V replied, kissing the top of your head. It was silent for a few moments; your heart pounded in your chest and your ears were ringing. You were waiting in anticipation for something to happen. Wiggling in his tight grip, you turned to face him. You leaned a bit back so as to not accidentally brush across his face. Strands of his hair shone in the moonlight. V’s face was still covered by the shadows but you could make out the area of his nose and lips. Slowly, you placed your hands on his shoulder. You tilted your head and inched your lips in front of his. Although you were tempted to kiss this man senseless, you wanted V to decide. 
Heavens, V thought to himself as his lips met your soft, delicate ones. His hands crept up to your stomach and lay low from your breasts. Your teeth nipped at his mouth and softly sucked his bottom lip. A whimper left your lips as V’s delicate, but firm fingers softly rubbed circles around your nipples through the material of the dress. V let out a purr; his tongue caressing yours and the roof of your mouth. You pulled back, breathless. The image of V with lipstick stained on his lips made you smile. When V’s thumbs gently rubbed against your nipples you let out a small mewl. You felt your cheeks flushed and you squeezed your thighs together. This didn’t go unnoticed by V. “Is there something you want, my beloved?” His voice sounded gruff as the words left his lips. V’s voice alone, made heat rush down to your cunt. “I-I,” you stammered, your cheeks flaming with heat. God, how you hated V’s teasing. You inhaled sharply as his thumbs brushed across your nipples again. “Sorry,” V said, his tone sounding very far from apologetic. 
V’s breath hit your ear as his lips kissed your left earlobe. Tilting his head, V whispered, “If there is something you want you will have to tell me, my devilish little minx.” All thoughts jumped out of your brain as his lips nibbled your ear. “V..,” you said breathlessly. “Hm,” he asked, his lips kissing your neck to your shoulder. You squirmed as your cheeks started to heat up. V tutted, giving your ear a sharp bite as a warning. You softly hissed from the dull pain. “P-please...fuck me.” V’s held tilted as he brought one of his hands to caress your cheek. “Maybe some other time, my dear. But tonight you are to be cherished and worshipped.”
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c-atm · 4 years
Fighting Flirty: Character Select PT4 (Act 4.3)
"Oooh, that's a beautiful shot," Alex grinned, taking a picture of the not couple standing back to back, fixing the wrist of their gloves. “and with that, we’re done with the couple shots.” She announced, getting a sigh of relaxation from the two.
As it turned out, there wasn't much official art of Shinji and Asuka together in romantic situations, and any scenes that did show them was kind of iffy. 
'Forgot how psychologically screwed up Eva was .' Alex mused, looking over her shots. ' Ah well, that’s what model sheets and fanarts for...And boy, did I get some good ones then…'
Steven and Connie watched as the photographer started to chuckle to herself, both looking a bit concerned. 
"Hey, you ok there, Alex?” Steven voiced.
“Hmm!?!” Alex looked up to see the two gazing at her, Steven with his arms crossed and brows arched while Connie had her hands in the jacket pocket smiling cheekily at their photographer, ”What?” Alex blushed, feeling the gentle tease in their eyes.
“Nothing, you. Um…”
“You seemed very proud of your work.” Connie continued where Steven paused.
“You better believe I am. This is Diamond status stuff you two gave me.” Alex praised with a grin, “to think I’d get two wonderful subjects. It’s a photographer's dream.”She laughed as she walked back to the desk, “come look at your shots, yourself.” she challenged, “You’ll understand what I feel.”
Steven and Connie took that challenge with a nod to each other walking back over to the workstation as Alex plugged the camera into the laptop and pulled up the catalog of pictures she just took of the two of them. 
“These are some good shots, right?” Alex smugly asked as she watched the duo’s faces as they stared at the first picture.
It was a simple shot and the most current one. The two of them back-to-back, fixing their gloves while looking heroically determined as if they were going to battle. It was a bit cheesy but also cute.
"Look at how hot you are with your brows furrowed, ready to take on the angels." Connie praised, "not to mention how well the picture shows your body, Bisky."
"I think you're looking at the wrong thing Heartberry," Steven suggested, instinctively pulling her close to his torso as he interlaced his fingers over her stomach, "You're the one who is stealing the picture, with the way your fist tighten and smirk on your lips," He praised, nipping the back of her ear and evoking a small purr. "That confidence is alluring. Looks like you're about to give a class on beating down evil and making it sexy." 
"That just…My 'Auska psychosis' acting up. "Connie leaned into his oral manipulations, holding his nape. " Hmm~mm,  that feels nice . " 
Steven laughed upon her skin, giving her goosebumps, as he went to the next picture. It was of Connie lifting and dangling him by the costume collar in anger while he looked surrendered, his hands up a sheepish look on his face.
"That’s a cute one." Steven laughed, "Really showed your 'mad bitch' in this picture."
"Not to mention my physical ability." Connie teased, "though holding 260 lbs of dead round, thick muscle is a lot harder than bench pressing your standard 320, you ok?" She rubbed his cheek with a smile, "Didn't dig into you, right, Mister?"
"Hey, hey! I should ask you if you're ok. You are the one who basically balanced my whole body on their forearms." He countered.
"I mean, you did take care of the strain when you touched down." She blushed, "I'm fine. More so than Alex was."
"You're small compared to him!" Alex exclaimed, "and yet; you can deadlift this burly man for ten seconds without shaking. - Clap! - What - Clap! - kind - Clap! - of - Clap! - training - Clap! - regiment - Clap! - are - Clap! - you - Clap! -on!"
Connie giggled at Alex's animated praise, "Trade secret, Alex." Connie shrugged, grinning.
"Oh, come on," Alex pleaded."You gotta tell me what's what."
"Now, if we tell you all our secrets," Connie leans a bit forward, closing her onyx eyes halfway as a slightly mischievous grin enveloped her lips.
“You might lose interest in us, and we don’t want that,” Steven added as he wrapped his arms over Connie’s shoulders, interlacing his fingers and gingerly resting his chin on her crown, giving Alex a similarly flirty smirk and gaze.
'These two! It should be a crime to be this teasy.' Alex screamed in her mind as she felt her cheeks glowed a little. "Yeah, like that gonna happen." Alex scoffed, turning away from her muses, "just finish looking through the pictures and while I set your camera for Connie's solo shoot in that costume." Alex hummed in pause, "Are you going to shoot in all those other costumes?"
"Yup. We need them for a project." Connie nodded, "Though, they won't be too big. Five singles each and five couple pics."
"Still gotta make it for the parade," Steven added as he kissed Connie's crown, getting a smile. "Though, doubt we'll be wearing these two to the parade."
"What you got planned, Mister?"
Steven grinned at her suspicious smirk.
"You two are adorable." Alex chuckled," speaking of the parade, I'm going to be there...So maybe, I can get some candid shots of you two, In whoever you two are going as."
"Alex, is that your way of asking to be our photographer?" Steven implored, grinning at Alex's sudden bashfulness.
"I don't appreciate the tease in your voice, Universe." 
Steven's eyes widened a bit at the slight edge of her voice.
"Sure," Connie answered, looking up at Steven, who nodded.
"To me taking pics at you-
"To both, Alex." Steven clarified.
"You have a talent for getting the best shots of us," Connie spoke in slight distraction. Her eyes on a picture of Steven and her grabbing each other by the collar with angry stares. "This is a cute one too!" 
"It really is," Steven laughed In agreement before turning to Alex, "That doesn't mean I'm letting you take my solo shoots of Connie." He playfully warned Alex."Those are for me."
"Thought those were for me." Connie's arched her brow at Steven.
"No, it's definitely for him/me." Alex and Steven corrected simultaneously, giving each other a knowing point.
"Hmm." Connie bit the inside of her jaw, " you wanna make this a game then, Mister?" 
"A game?" Steven pondered, getting a nod, "what type of game, Heartberry?" He kissed her forehead.
"A competition on who can take the better photos and be the better model." Connie proposed. 
"There's something underneath that... I know there is." Steven dipped down, capturing her lips with his own as Connie squeezed his wrist in excitement, "Talk, you mischievous Minx."
'This man and his damn husky baritone gonna be the end of me one day.' Connie thought breathlessly, "Oh, of course, there's something more to that, but you haven't agreed to play yet?" She bit her lips," and if I stay silent, you'll try to force it out." She gave him a slight shrug, "why should I miss out on that?" 
"She is trying to get more kisses."Alex laughed.
"Alex isn't wrong." 
Steven sucked his teeth at those onyx orbs that shined with a prankster's ambition. Those full-sharp lips in an alluring half-smile. 'This lioness and her damn seduction gonna be the death of me one day.' Steven mused as he dipped down gently and captured her lips with his own in an upside-down lip lock.
' And once again, I get to witness their very close friendship , if you can even call it that.' Alex smirked the camera once again in her hand, putting the two in her crosshairs. Watching his palms trailed the sides of Connie's costumed torso as her hands rubbed his whiskered cheeks, simultaneously pulling him deeper into the lip lock as her back arched due to his manal manipulations.
The slight peek of tongue every time they broke with a popping -CHU!- and rejoined. The gasping breaths that slipped from Connie's mouth, accompanied by his teasing little nips on her lips that made her eager to pull him back in. It was all beautiful, all sexy, playful and them, but she was waiting...Waiting for the shot. The moment that showed everything.
Even the thing they hid from themselves.
- click!-  
' Oh! That's...That right there...That's the money shot.' Alex inwardly praised herself as she looked at her newest prized shot.
Both of their eyes half-lidded in a sensually adoring gaze with the bridge of their noses brushing against each other as Connie's fingertips gingerly touching the corners of Steven's lips, while Steven palms lovingly held her upper torso, right under her breast, and their lips met the others forehead, at the same time.
It was a quick moment, a millisecond in the deepest part of their world, a secret shared between the two, and it was caught on camera. As she placed down the camera, they were already looking over the pictures again
"Pff!! I like this... A lot" Connie laughed at the picture of her stepping on a spread out Steven.
"Bet, you would…" Scoffed her Mister, who soon rubbed his chin, "though it is kind of alluring, with how it's your toe and not your whole foot on me." The appreciation in his voice was evident.
"Can't say I'm surprised.'
"You like being under me, Eh-heh-heh!"
"Cheeky Minx!"
"Yeah...What's you gonna do about it, Bisky?"
"Gonna put you through your paces during your photoshoot and then make you red-face during mine."
"I don't turn red-face, blushy...I turn maroon, heh. Besides that, you're running a lot of mouth for a 'Shinji' to an 'Asuka.' Writing a check  your butt can't cash, Mister."
"Oh, you really are cheeky right now."
"As if most of your pictures aren't going to try to exhibit my 'cheekiness.' "
"You have a lot to show."
"I feel like I'm being slandered; you hearing this right, Alex?"
"Don't pull me into your competitive  flirtation!" Alex yelled as she watched the two.' I should be working, but this is too entertaining.'
"It’s not slander if it's true. Not that I would slander you anyway." Steven said, rubbing on her knees, trailing upwards.
"Whatever you say, Hippy." Connie breathed a teasing whisper in his ear, squirming gently as she allowed herself to bask in the touch of Steven's hands on her outer thighs. ' This man and his touch.' Connie sighed.
"Hey, now. Just because I prefer peaceful resolutions doesn't mean I'm a hippy." His baritone voice argued with a grin.
"Nuh-uh, you can't back out now; you threw down the gauntlet." She nuzzled behind his ear.
"I'm trying to give you an out."
"Cocky and hippy, now aren't we?"
"You're to blame for both, you amorous lioness."
"Ain't my fault your hands squeezing my hips right now."
"Oh, it's definitely your fault, cheeky temptress. You heart-shaped, honey trap in red-latex."
"You know this and yet, here you are." She crossed her legs, "ensnared and entranced by everything under my navel."
"Who's cocky now?"
"By the way, you're breathing and staring...I'd say both of us...Though, mine is more mental and less physical ."
"Why'd you crossed your legs then?"
"Cause you like when I do or anything that has to do with my lower half, Hippy . "
"Upper-half too, Nini. The whole package is lovely."
"You're a hot package yourself, Burly Bisky in blue."
"You just like big guys."
"You're to blame, big guy."
" so we're both to blame for our preferences."
"Admitting you're a lover of the hips."
"If they're yours."
'I think that's a checkmate.' Alex chuckled, lifting her camera to Connie's adorable marooned cheek face, bit-lipped pout in a low glare at the smug charm of Steven and his smile. 
Just when Alex was about to sit the camera down, it happened. 
Connie's face switched from blushing prey to beautiful predator as her thumb and index finger gripped his chin, making him face her before closing her eyes and giving his lower lip a nipping, suckling kiss.
Steven brows rose before the sensation traveled through his nerves. His eyes closing, his body melting into the kiss as he held her by the hips, instinctively kissing back, getting a swooning giggled from his Heartberry, though not as vigorously, willingly being led by her in this lip lock.
She broke the kiss with a clipping -chu !-, licking her as she opened her eyes to a dazed and lovestruck Mister, feeling herself slowly fall into the same state. "Since you love my hips so much.." she chuckled like a fox, grinned like a jackal, "I expect you to show that reverence in your pictures." and spoke like an empress.
 A conquering empress, treasuring her most precious heirloom as she thumbed his lips. Her onyx eyes steeled as they were, glowed with passion, affection, playfulness, and protection. All while being the target of Steven's dreamlike gaze and pink-cheeked smile as he nodded.
' She took the win from defeat.' Alex surmised, looking at the last two pictures. 'These two...God damn...Can’t wait to see how they act during their head-to-head photoshoots'
"Well, then." Connie stood with a stretch giving him a peck on the nose before bounding back on the stage. Turning on her right foot to face Steven and Alex, the not quite yet birthday-girl bent forward by her waist, letting her hair hang low, pulling the hat down, so the brim shadowed her left eye."I'm ready for my close up, Mr.Universe."Connie breathed out flirtatiously before she gave a small toothy snicker.
'God damn. She can switch from cunning and amorous to cute and adorable at a drop .' Both Steven and Alex thought, both red-face. 
"Good-luck."Alex teased, handing  Steven the camera, who nodded before turning and walking towards the stage. Stopping just foot away from it and six from Connie.
"Ten shots." Steven started. "Ten shots to make me fall for you...want you."
"More than you already are and do, you mean." Connie countered with a lick of her top front teeth.
"Cheeky. "
" And love it…" She teased, patting her hip. "You got ten-shots to make me squirm and blush involuntarily."
"So you gotta charm me."
"And you gotta break my character."
The two stared at each other before laughing. Excitement surging through them over the new game. 
The new bond and memory to be had.
"Good-luck, Heartberry." Steven teased with adoration and competitiveness on his tongue.
"Good luck to you too, Mister." Enamored heart and a hunger to win fueled her reply, " make me beautiful."
"You already are...Now give me, dynamic."
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iamkatehardy · 6 years
Shots (Handsome Bob x Reader) - Pt 2
Tags: @tiredoffeelinglost , @eap1935 , @ellar21 , @but--dear-this-is-not-wonderland , @titty-teetee , @sparklyreaderx , @iv-nyc
Warnings: Use of alcohol; Use of drugs; Smut, kinky smut
A/N: I don’t know how I feel about this, but I promised a smutty Pt 2, so here it is 😁😏 Hope you enjoy it, babes!
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Shots - Pt2
You had both drank too much, disinhibiting yourselves and getting to know each other’s bodies better as you danced. The beat, the music, the lights, the laughs…Suddenly everything about the surrounding environment made you feel more alive than you ever did before. The higher you got, the more energy coursed through your entire body, and whenever Bob touched you, you felt even more revitalized.
Shot after shot, the time seemed to be passing faster than normal, and he was flirty and sweaty, but seemed to need a break.
“You don’t get tired, do you?” – The music was loud, so he leaned down to whisper in your ear, his lips brushing softly in your ear in the process, making you tingle all over.
“We just got started!” – Pouting, you slid your hands under his jacket, first up his shoulder and then down off his arms, removing it. – “But you look like you need a break… And a drink!” – You wiped the sweat of his face with your uniform’s sleeve, before returning to the group.
“Bob, head honcho of handsomeness! – One Two slapped Bob’s shoulder, before wrapping one arm around it.
“I’ll take the compliment! You know you make me go weak at the knees when you turn on the charm full blast like that…” – Bob teased him. – “But let’s cut to the chase, you’re not trying to get some of this handsomeness, so what do you want from me?”
“You’re a straight shooter, gotta love that! You see that bombshell blonde, 8 o’clock?”
“I don’t even know where my 8 o’clock is right now!” – Confuse, because of the booze, Bob spun around, trying to figure out where the hell 8 o’clock was.
“Wrong side, mate…” – Laughing loudly, you spun him to the other side.
“Oh, yes, I see now.” – He  nodded in acknowledgement.- “ Let me guess! You tried, you fail, and now you want me to try.”
“Listen, you just need to get me her phone number!”
“No, you need to get her phone number! I’m not letting you use me again, unless you want to literally use me, that is.” – Bob roared in One Two’s face.
“It’s right, gentlemen, I’ve got it.” – You stated calmly
“What?! No, You’re drunk, and I’m pretty sure was checking men out, just a moment ago.”
“Wanna bet?!” – An expression of defiance crossed your face. – “My hunch is: you’re afraid I’ll do it, when you couldn’t… Guess what? I fuckin’ will!  Now watch and learn, my darlings.” – You smirked, before waking to the blonde standing near the bar.
Feeling confident, you approached her; leaning on the bar near her, you mumbled something in her ear, before her eyes roamed you from head to toe, with a flirtatious smile. She started playing with her hair, maintaining a sexy eye contact, as your hand slid down her back, until it was resting on her waist, bringing her closer before you whispered in her ear again. You bit your lip and she smiled, writing something on a napkin, along with a lipstick mark. With a victorious smile, you returned to your friends.
“I told you…” – Waving the napkin in front of One Two’s nose, an insufferable smirk played on your lips.
“Uniforms never fail! I’ll drink to that.” – Bob raised his glass before he gulped down the shot.
“You and the damn uniforms Bob… Anyway, I thought she was straight, man.” – One Two yanked the napkin out of your hands.
“She is… But then again, so is spaghetti, until it gets hot and wet.” – You devilishly smirked once again.
“Are you into girls?!” – Bob shot you a surprised look.
“The world is full of unlimited possibilities… That’s all I’m saying.” – Lifting your eyebrows, you took another shot.
“Excellent point!” – Bob smirked, as he narrowed his eyes.
“God, you’re just alike… Two little insatiable minxes!  But as a sign of my appreciation for your god results, I have a gift for you. Courtesy of our friend Cookie!” – One Two opened his palm, and you saw a handful of pills.
“Molly?” – You thoroughly studied them and he nodded. – “Fuck it. Tonight I am not turning down the gift.”- You took a pill, followed by another drink. – “Now, you won’t let me get high by myself, will you Handsome?” – Folding your arms, you sexily pouted at him.
“Absolutely not! What do you take me for?” – He mockingly sneered as he looked you up and down, before he popped a pill himself.
Another shot. You immediately felt the warmth blossom through you, leaving a pleasant heat in your stomach and cheeks; your heart fluttering, combined an intense need to touch and be touched. In no time, both of you felt more uninhibited, spontaneous, lively, and with a great willingness of dancing the night away together.
He took your hand, leading you to the dance floor again and dragging your body tighter to his; hand slid down from your waist, to firmly grasp your buttocks.
“Bob!” – You squealed in surprise, before punching his chest playfully, and a goofy grin spreads on his face. His body grinded against yours rhythmically, and your body moved in harmony with his, heating up with his every touch; for a moment you could’ve sworn his eyes were focused on your mouth, just as yours were on his.
Time seemed to pass quickly, one hour felt like a minute when you were hanging out with him; lighthearted, reckless, devil-may-care attitude, living urgently as if your next breath could be your last. When you finally came to your senses, looking for the rest of your friends, they were all gone.
“Where the hell did they go?” – Looking around the dimly lit room, you didn’t see any other familiar face.
“Home, probably.” – He checked the time on his watch, showing you as well.
“Well, that's my cue to skedaddle! It’s almost closing time anyways…”
“And how exactly are you planning to do that?”
“Driving?  I still have energy to burn, but not enough to get across town… As much as I’d like to, it’s not unlimited.” – A little laugh escaped your lips, followed by a shrug.
“What?! No. Are you crazy?!  We went off the deep end tonight, I’m not letting you drive, don’t even think about it.” – He tightened his hold on you, trying to stop you, while his free hand searched in your every pocket, looking for your car keys. He finally pulled the out of your reach.
“What are you doing?! Give me that back, now.” – Huffing in annoyance, you desperately tried to reach for the keys, that he kept triumphantly dangling in front of your face, but you couldn’t catch them. His grin was wider than ever, and he seemed somehow amused by the whole situation.
“You can crash at my house (Y/N), it’s just down the street from here. It’s not the Ritz, or Claridge’s…” – He stated with a solemn face that ultimately broke into another smile. – “Buuuuut it has Handsome Bob here, and that fact itself makes it a five star accommodation, right?” – He threw his arm around you, biting your cheek playfully.
“Yeah, right, Mr. Pain in the ass!” – You glared at him.
“Come, let’s go, soldier. Our mission here has been accomplished.”
“Idiot.” – Muttering under your breath, you slapped his arm playfully before you burst out laughing.
The walk home was not as quick as he had told you, but the high and his company made it slightly more bearable than you thought it would be.
When you got home, you threw yourself on his sofa, looking at your surroundings; the house wasn’t big, but it was pretty cozy, and surprisingly tidy, for what you’d expect from a hot mess like Bob. Your contemplation came to an end when Bob laid on the sofa, with his head on your lap.
“Should I show you our suite , milady?”
Our suite didn’t sound bad, considering that a) he was gay, and b) you wouldn’t mind sleeping with him at all, regardless of his sexual orientation.
“Sure.” – Tilting your head, you brushed your fingers across his temple, with a smile of approval.
You ended up staying like that a little while longer, and then they headed off to the bedroom.
“Is it to your liking?” – He questioned as he slowly took his shirt off.
The sight was indeed to your liking, but you quickly snapped out of it, realizing he was probably talking about the bedroom.
“Right now, any bed would be to my liking…” – You took your pants off, putting them on a chair in the corner. – “But thank you for your hospitality, your bed seems really comfy.” – Giggling, you nodded, with your hands on your hips, taking another look at the bed.
As he was taking off what was left of his clothes, he stared at you from the corner of his eye, watching you unbutton what was left of yours.
“You know…” - Before he could finish the sentence, you turned to face him and he approached you, inhaling deeply.
“I still have some energy left… Maybe we could play a little bit before going to sleep.”
“What do you have in mind? There aren’t many games for two, but we’ll find something. But you ought to know, I can get very competitive while pla…”
“Play…” – He whispered in your ear, after tucking your hair behind it. His hand encircled your waist, pulling you closer.
“That pill messed with your head, you’re just high, Bob.” – Biting your lips, you hands ran over his chiseled chest.
“High doesn’t mean delusional. The world is full of unlimited possibilities, isn’t it?” – Smirking, his lips trailed down your neck, as his hand slid inside the edge of your panties. He heard your breath quickening, warm on his neck. – “So, do you want to play or not?” – He faced you, forehead resting on yours and his lips so close you could feel their warmth on yours. – “Hmm?” – You squirmed as his thumb stroked your clit in a slow circular motion.
Your mouth fell agape, a low moan escaping your lips, as you nodded in response to his question. You could feel yourself getting wetter and wetter with his touch, aching for more; he could feel it too, and he complied, sliding two of his wet fingers up and down your slit.
“Oh..” – You gasped, closing your eyes, and he reached for your lips, kissing you almost animally.
He picked you up, laying you on the bed, with a devilish smirk, before he savagely kissed you again. One of his hands grabbed a fistful of your hair, while the other got a rid of your panties, before he spread your legs and his fingers insatiably penetrated you once again. Your breath was quick and heavy against his lips, and waves of pleasure shot through you as he rubbed you and pumped his fingers inside you. You could feel yourself contract, sucking him deeper, a loud moan escaping your lips as you clutched the bedsheets with both hands, growing wetter until finally came. Exhaling slowly and loudly, you opened your eyes, letting go of the sheets; he was licking the tip of his fingers, tasting you before he came to kiss you once more.
“Fuck me…” – You laid your head to a side, panting.
“No, fuck me…” – Lying atop of you, he pressed his hardness against you. – “I want you to fuck me… With that uniform of yours… I want to feel you inside me.” – His breath was hot on the nape of your neck, and he started a trail of hungry passionate kisses that ultimately stopped on your lips.
You shot him a surprised look and a giddy laugh escapes his full lips. He got up, going through the drawers in his bedside table; in the bottom drawer, he found what he was looking for: a strap-on dildo, and a half-empty bottle of lube. You open your mouth to say something, multiple times, but you ended up saying nothing at all.
“I’ll help you putting it on! Now, the uniform…” – He threw you the jacket of your uniform, before coming back to bed.
“Wait, are you serious? I’ve never…”
“It will be fun…” – He bit your earlobe. – “I think you might even like it…”
He placed himself on all-fours on the bed; you rubbed the strap-on dildo, starting by its thick shaft, smearing lube all over it. Bob could feel the tip of the dildo against his ass; your hand gently guided the tip inside him with. He groaned loudly, and you could feel his body quivering under yours, as you slowly slid deeper inside him. Asking for more, he grabbed the sheet, biting the pillow softly to control his moans. With a wicked smile, you grabbed his buttocks, squeezing them tight and thrusting deeper into him. A feeling very close to ecstasy bloomed within him when you reached and stroked his prostate, his boner throbbing in sync with his quickened heartbeat.
“Turn around…” – You smacked a flattened palm on his butt.
“What?” – He turned his head to face you; he was sweating and breathing heavily.
“You heard me, babe.” – You stopped the thrusts, and your hands slid slowly up his back.
He nodded and laid back on the bed, you gave him a provocative smirk; grabbing the collars of your uniform, he pulled you for a deep passionate kiss. Your hands slid down to his slippery hard cock, and you started rubbing in a slowly, steady rhythm. Another moan escaped his lips, and you bit his lower lip playfully as you slid the dildo inside him again.
You kept hitting the right spot, and your hand went down to cup his balls, stroking them gently before you wrapped your hand around his shaft again. His loud moans filled the room, his voice growing raspy, and his muscles clenched as he tried to hold orgasm.
“I’m gonna come.” – He growled lowly, at the edge of climax.
You stopped thrusting and focused on stroking his cock harder, slightly faster; a few moments later, placing your thumb against his tip, you rub it slowly. You wanted to taste him as you made him cum, savor him; you tongue ran in tormenting slow motions his testicles, before it moved along his whole length. He could feel the provocative effect of your eyes glued on his. With a loud moan he placed the tip of his impatient cock on your lips, and you allowed him to thrust inside your mouth; within seconds you could taste his thick load across your tongue and swallowed it. He didn’t thought you would, but it was an incredibly pleasant sight, more than he expected.
“Nice shot...”
Before you knew it, he started taking what was left of your uniform off, and removing the strap-on, throwing everything on the floor. Grasping one of your breasts, his lips explored every bit of your skin.
“I thought female bodies didn’t interest you…” – You teased him, closing your eyes as his full lips slid across your neck.
“Shut up.” – Planting a desperate kiss across your lips, he placed your legs around his waist, the tip of his cock rubbing teasingly on your clit.
“Bob…” – You moaned lowly in his ear, heightening his desire to insane levels. His hardness, his smell, his touch, his kiss… Every little thing about him was driving you insane. – “I want you.”
He traced your wet folds with the tip of his cock; you could feel your insides lubricating more with each touch. You were hot, more than ready, and dripping wet, making it easier for him to slide his rock hard cock inside you. Your cheeks flushed pink, and you bit your lower lip, your whole body clenching in arousal. The rhythm of his thrusts increased, and his thumb rubbed your clit simultaneously, as fiery pleasure washed over your whole body. You dug your nails into his back, crying out in pleasure as he throbbed vigorously inside you; he was delighted to please you in such ways.
The blood rushed through your veins, your body arched against him and your toes curled, as pleasure engulfed your entire body. Bob’s husky moans filled your ears, at the same time he slammed his body against yours.
“Yes! Yes, baby! Don’t stop!” – You breathed in short gasps, and couldn’t help but letting out high-pitch moans.
Thrusting inside you as he pleased, his throbbing cock deliciously filled you, stroking the deepest places inside you, a slick wet abyss of pleasure he didn’t know he would love so much. Your walls squeezed around him tightly and you whimpered, as pure bliss took over your whole body.
He could see in your face that you were close, so he took his sweet time to make you come. You both climaxed and he collapsed on top of you, gasping for air, before he planted a slow gentle kiss on your lips. He kept inside you for some more minutes, feeling your heat, while taking the messy hair off your face; after exhaling loudly, you giggled.
“Wow.” – Lifting your eyebrows, you placed your hands his neck, bringing him closer and kissing him fervently.
Lying by your side, he growled happily, bringing you closer; nestling your head against his chest, you closed your eyes. His hand shyly reached for yours; when he felt you squeezed his in response, he smiled and kissed the top of your head, letting his lips rest there for the rest of the night
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