#to a man whose mother won't look him in the face anymore but whose eyes haunt his every move
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♡ summary: rhysand struggles to come to terms with his younger sister and only living blood relative being mated to the man whose destroyed his family. ♡ type: angst | no trigger warnings! | word count: 1361 ♡ author's note: um...i don't remember a ton about these books. i've only read the first two and i'm overdue for a reread. plus, i have no idea what i was doing with the latter half of this fic. i just didn't know how to end it so when i reread the books i'll probably come back and re-write this. so sorry if you don't like it. i hope you enjoy though.
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"I won't have it. This must be some mistake…a joke of some kind. Some sort of foul--"
"You'll wear a hole into the rug brother, please--"
"I. Will. Not. Have. It," he hissed.
His face was just inches from your own. His glare alone might have sent anyone else scurrying from the room like vermin, but you were not anyone else. And there was little he could do to scare you now.
"What will you do then? Wage war on the Spring Court? Lock me up? You basically already have! And let me tell you something, brother, your reasoning is no better than his was when he did it to Feyre."
Rhys backed away from you, his eyes--your mother's eyes--far away and distant at the suggestion. You could practically see the gears in his mind turning.
You ground your teeth together so hard they whined. He wasn't even listening to you anymore. But you wouldn't be silent. You'd been silent for months now and it's brought you nothing but anguish. You launched yourself in front of him, halting his damned pacing. "You've been saying this for a month. Pacing and plotting and planning for a month to no avail. There's nothing you can do."
"Like hell there isn't!"
"If there were you would have figured it out by now. He is mine and I am his. And there is nothing you can do about it so stop your pacing and in peace let me go to him--"
Rhys' eyes widened. His face a mask of fury, hurt, and betrayal. And it was all your fault… "Go to him? Y/N, you should be standing with me trying to find a way to fix this! Have you forgotten what he did to our mother? To our sister? What he would have done to you that night had he been given the chance?!"
You flinched so hard he may as well have struck you. Tears filled your eyes and your own dark power chased the light from your brother's study. "Oh please! As if I could have forgotten! As if I wouldn't have chosen any other man if given the choice--
Your brother's face smooths and after a month he is finally himself again. "I… Y/N we do not--"
"--and I was not given a choice, Rhys. Have you ever stopped to think about what this has done to me? About how humiliating this has been for me? My heart yearns for a man who has my mother, father, and sister's blood on his hands. A man who I even now cannot imagine myself trusting. I do not even know him and every minute of every hour of every day my very blood calls to be reunited with him and I hate it! My friends, my court, my High Lord, and Lady look upon me with disgust. And I do not blame them."
"Spare me," you tell him with a tight, sad smile. "And let me go to him. With your blessing."
"I don't know how. You are all I have left and he's taking you from me. He's taking my family from me. Again."
"He's not taking anyone. Not this time."
Silence filled the room. And in your mind it would either crush you both or he'd send you back to your room forcing you to take Feyre and Mor up on their offer to spring you. They didn't like Tamlin and mate or no mate, bond or no bond they didn't understand what you were feeling. Not for him. But they were willing to help anyway.
"I'm sending you with guards. And if he doesn't like it…"
It took you a moment to realize what he was saying. Your hands shook and your heart lifted. "I will speak to him." Confusion flickered across your brother's face. You couldn't blame him. It was strange for you too. You'd only seen Tamlin twice in your life and nothing you've ever heard about him has been positive. And the only conversations you've had were the ones through the bond that only served as further proof of what you were to each other. And yet the sway you already held over him was substantial to say the least. Already he'd vowed to try and make peace--if such a thing could ever be had--with your family. He'd apologize to Rhys and Feyre if it meant you'd come home to him.
For as long as you'd been alive home had always been here in Velaris. Before Tamlin the thought of leaving had never even crossed your mind. This was home. It always had been. Now it never would be again.
"Fine," Rhys said through gritted teeth. "Six months."
"I give you six months with him and then you're coming home. That should be more than enough time to get this…whatever it is out of your system."
Down the bond Tamlin still raged and you comforted him as best you could.
Through the bond your mate's patience snapped almost audibly so. Up the bond he roared and raged at your brother. Slipping in and out of his animal form as he paced the halls of the lovely manor you'd only heard about in your High Lady's stories of her time with the High Lord of the Spring.
Six months.
It wasn't enough.
No amount of time would ever be enough. But it was a start.
Rhys was trying and in all honesty he didn't have to.
But he was.
For you.
You wouldn't be needing your High Lady's intervention after all…
You wrapped arms around his neck and wept into his night black and gold threaded tunic. "I'm sorry."
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He held you tight, squeezing you as if for the very last time. "Don't be. I love you, Y/N."
Rhysand said he would send you to the Spring Court with guards. Instead your brother had gathered a small arm. Cassian's very best. It was embarrassing. Humiliating. You were no less powerful than your older brother. You could level these lands and shatter the fragile minds of everyone in them if you needed to. But still you did not complain.
You were going to see Tamlin today. For the first time in a month, you'd be able to touch him, breathe him in, see him up close. Hear his voice in your ears instead of your mind. It was a good day.
You surveyed the grounds of Tamlin's manor with great interest. It so different...compared to the night court. Your palm sweated in your brother's hand. The temperature was balmy and cool, the air sweet on your tongue. You'd never seen grass so lush nor skies so blue. It would be easy to call this place home, you'd decided. If only for six months.
You danced from foot to foot unable to keep still. You fidgeted with the beaded waistline of your gown. Rhys squeezed your hand and Feyre took hold of your free one. Her grip was warm and steadying but nothing could put you at ease now.
You met her gaze, "Breathe," she told you.
You nodded but breath did not come easy to you. You felt as if there were a boulder sitting on your chest.
And then you saw him.
He was beautiful.
You'd expected guards. According to rumor Tamlin's warband was nothing to scoff at but he came alone in a loose white shirt, black trousers and riding boots. The baldric strapped to his chest free of weapons.
Rhys wasn't the only one trying it would seem.
A breeze sweept his long blond hair from one shoulder to the other and he seemed to bathe in the golden noonday sunshine as he approached.
You hadn't really gotten a good look at him before. But now.
Your stomach tightened and you locked your knees, planting your feet firmly into the earth to keep from launching yourself at him.
Rhys didn't say anything as he led you forth, forcing Feyre to release your hand.
Tamlin stopped a good distance a way. Hands locked behind his back. "Rhys. Feyre," he said by way of greeting. But he didn't look at them. Tamlin only had eyes for you and you for him. "Y/N."
Inches separated of space separated you. It was the closest you'd ever been to one another. You'd never noticed the flecks of gold in his emerald green eyes…
"She's all I have left, Tamlin." Rhys gritted out. "And it doesn't please me to do so but I am entrusting her safety to you."
"Me and the small platoon you've sent with her," he quipped.
"Can you blame me?"
Tamlin's eyes finally left yours and met your brother's. "No."
"If she comes back with so much as sun burn I will grind you and everyone you’ve ever met to do dust.”
“You don’t have to—“
She’s everything to me, Tamlin. Everything.”
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carelessflower · 1 year
finders keepers
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or the war prize alec plot bunny keep refusing to hop away from me
There was screaming, vicious curses, and wailing noises piercing through the palace. Another kingdom fell. It wouldn't be the first time, and far from the last.
Alec just didn't expect to be caught in between.
It was supposed to be simple. Alec knew the in and out of this forsaken place like the back of his hand. He knew what he was getting into the moment he caught his father's eyes. It was an order, and better if it was him than Isabelle. The Lightwood needed any support they could get.
It wasn't that hard to understand. His parents' past mistake had been waging war against the four kingdoms, and the peaceful sky of Alicante burnt scarlet. 
Alec's fateful run-in with Valentine wasn't that up to fate, he had made sure of it.
A man such as Valentine wouldn't be merciful to a guildless lamb, and why would he? 
A predator wouldn't need a prey's input. 
So Alec bathed in lavender and bare except for the white fur wrapped around his body, watched as Valentine coughed up blood, stream of darkness pooled around the carpet till the gold goblet smacked against the floor with a hard thud. His eyes were wide open, a sense of bewilderment and rage, frozen forever. But Alec's mission was far from over.
He sprung towards the nearest exit when the ornated doors burst open and many hurried inside, whose armors indicated their foreign status to the land. 
Alec scurried to the side, face hidden while hugging his knees tight, shaking his body enough to signal distress but not draw any attention. He could feel the guard's footstep near and then far from him. One even let out a pitiful sigh looking at Alec's state of undress. 
He couldn't blame them. The former king had built a reputation for himself, and it wasn't uncommon to see fresh faces being taken in for a night and forever forgotten in the harem. At least, this time, the dead king's lothario nature was useful. The men, whoever they were, would group him along with the other concubines and servants, and Alec could escape from there.
In and out.
In and out.
"Oh, oh my, what do we have here?" The voice was smooth, soft as silk, and it tingled all the right parts in Alec's ears, down to his very core.
Alec stilled. It was only years of training that prevented him from looking up at the man standing in front of him, and that much wasn't enough. He needed to get out of, and fast.
"Won't you mind a little introduction, perhaps?" The mysterious man continues, his voice gone softer than before. "I'm Magnus. How do I call you darling?"
Magnus. Magnus? But it can't be, his Magnus. It can't be his Magnus. He can't be here. Couldn't. His mother, his mother clearly said-
Alec's stubborn no-answer must have intrigued him, as a pair of patterned leather boots soon appeared in Alec's vision, a swirling pattern of black sun and star. Symbols of Edom's royalty. The higher the position they hold, the darker the sun and stars they were allowed to wear.
Alec felt a hand caressing his hair as if only they were in the room. The movement was painfully familiar, Alec's hand sook, not so lightly anymore. "You must have been so afraid, though rest assured, your tormentor can't harm you anymore." 
Another heartbeat. 
"You've certainly made sure of that, didn't you Alexander?" Magnus whispered.
Suddenly there was a coil of blue magic curled around his neck, his head lifted instinctively. At that moment, Alec didn't care how his arms and legs suffered the same bound fate, the way the hasty movement had the fur slipped off his shoulder, the perfect backdrop against his inky hair and red bitten lips, faded all except for Magnus.
Alec had dreamed of the day when he could stare at those burning eyes again and beg for forgiveness, he would let Magnus unleash Edom's fire on him until Alec was nothing but dust and shadow. But there was something different in Magnus's gaze, growing heavier by the minute. It's a welcoming burn if Alec was being honest, from face to chest, down to his exposed thighs.
"Magnus, I'm sorr-" His last word muffled into Magnus's shirt, Alec could do nothing when Magnus carried him. (He wouldn't want to anyway)
"Your Highness, how gracious of you to show your presence with us" Another voice appeared, seemingly bored. "I assume you've found the treasure you keep blasting dear Catarina about?"
Magnus paused to look at Alec in his arms, and smirked. "Yes. Definitely."
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dairy-farmer · 11 months
Junior didn't remember anything
It was exhausting to think about why he went up on the roof of a building and opened his arms on both sides, trying to feel the wind touching the wounds that were gifted to help him smile, located on the sides of his mouth, or where the blood covering his torn rags clothes came from
Considering that Tim gave their body to him so little, something important must have happened. A scary situation that will prevent him from feeling safe
But it didn't matter. Junior just wanted to have fun, put a smile on everyone's face in this city and make his uncle J proud
(No, he didn't want to, but he had to. Otherwise he would have suffered. His body would be parched due to electricity, his aunt would pull up the sweat-soaked strands of hair that reached up to his eyes and ask why he was such a bad boy)
Junior was a good kid. Therefore, in the absence of his father, he had to do things that would make his adopted uncle and aunt happy and forget the past
He should have ignore Tim's existence
Maybe he should have thrown himself off the end of this building. It would be a funny joke
(He wanted to die. He wanted to be free, not to lead a prison life inside his mind anymore
He dreamed of flying. He had to float in the sky, he had been trained for this. They should have had a chance to smile without suffering, or when someone looked at them, they should not cry because of their pain)
'Junior, I wonder if it's possible for you to come towards me a little? I don't want you to fall by a mistake'
Mistake? No, Junior won't make a mistake because he already wanted to fall. That would be a really funny joke, why wouldn't anyone understand?
He turned around and looked at the person who called to him
It wasn't like the green one his uncle was wearing
(The acidic color wasn't burning his eyes. It wasn't a nightmare whose laughter didn't go through their ears)
It didn't look like her aunt's red either
(The blood flowing from the wounds on his body did not stain the floor. The color on the clothes did not hide the liquid and create a happy family picture)
No, it was more reminiscent of his(their) father's black
(Small smiles accompanied by the smell of hot food rising from the kitchen, calloused hands that ruffle his hair when Dad is proud)
The man in blue's lips moved slightly. It was as if he could barely contain himself not to cry
Junior became agitated for a moment. Did he say something wrong? They wouldn't have tied him to the chair again and watched him suffer, would they?
He started scratching his hair. Green... No, no, it's wrong, the strands of his hair were black
Junior? Tim? Who is he?
Tears began to flow from his eyes, at the same time he was laughing
It was all too much...
A body much larger than himself took his skinny body between his arms, wrapped it tightly, as if he wanted to hide him from everything and everyone
'I'm sorry baby, for a moment I forgot that you're not mad at me right now'
Why Junior should have been angry with mother?
(You betrayed me... You left me believing that you would always be there for me... Why did you let me go, Dick? It's all your fault... I'm in this state because of you, because of you, everything the Joker did has come to light again...And now you are here, are you trying to tell me that you care about me? Don't lie to me...)
'Mommy's really sorry, baby. You were always right and I didn't listen to you. But please, don't run away from me. I can not live without you. I can't handle finding your dismembered body in the middle of any street. It's not as funny as you think right now, honey'
To whom was her mother begging? Tim or Junior?
It didn't matter. That's actually what most people forget. They are two different ones, both made of the same fabric...
You couldn't love one and ignore the other
And Junior, looking at his mother's shining blue eyes under the mask, could see that he knew this truth
Even though Tim was still making angry grunts in the back of his mind, he also knew that
Their mommy was ready to do anything for them
So he started to relax
In those minutes when he buried his head on his mother's chest, playing with his fingers with the rhythm of the rapidly beating heart, he did not hear the blackness laid on the roof of the building or the whispered discussions. Because he knows he is safe...
'Nightwing, Dick, please... We need to help him, we need to get Tim back. The later we stay like this, the more likely it will become permanent'
'Bruce, they need me. They both need their mother no matter what they say, no matter how much they try to keep me away
Let me help them. What you're trying to do is just hurting them, no, no, I won't allow it, you have to kill me to take my babies from my arms...'
joker junior and tim is always so tragic 🥺🥺🥺 and then dick, the way he reacts to tim calling him mommy because he brain is so scrambled and he can't make sense of anything or who he is. the way tim thinks to throwing himself off the roof and the way that he seeks comfort from dick who is clearly so hurt from everything that's happened and how dick has desperately grown attatched🥺🥺🥺
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happyk44 · 2 years
Nico waking up and he doesn't know who he is. He asks Hazel where he is - where's his kid, where's his wife. Hazel sits with him and assures him he's fine while everyone watches confused. He was sick for a bit, she tells him, and now he's just recovering. He'll get to go home soon.
She is comforting and warm and he relaxes a bit. Minutes pass by, turn into hours, and his memories come back. The knowledge that he is him. He is not the dead man who left behind a wife and child after being robbed at knifepoint. He is not the little girl choking to death with asthmatic weak lungs that won't inhale and a mother who doesn't care. He is not the old woman wondering where her husband is.
He is Nico. Son of Hades and Maria di Angelo. He is not dead, not yet. He is not survived by anyone, not yet.
Hazel holds his hand the whole time and he comes back to her weary smile and sighs shallowly as the edges of her face bloom back into his memory. Hazel, his sister. There are other people on the periphery but he focuses on her. Her brown skin. Her brown eyes. Her thick curly black hair. Her warm hands. The bracelet on her wrist.
Her voice beckoning him back.
"His wife looked like you," Nico says. "A little taller though. Older."
He was twenty-six. She'd been in his life since they were five, playing in the sandbox. She'd screamed at another kid for taking her shovel and he'd fallen in love immediately. Nico's heart holds onto that love, twenty-one years, even as the man's world fades. Slowly the love seeps away too, and he's just left with a strange longing for a life that wasn't his.
A life that doesn't exist anymore.
"Is he okay?" Hazel asks.
He closes his eyes and exhales shaky. There's a vicious pain in his abdomen. Another lingering ache in his throat. Screams still echo even as the world fades into wispy colours and a strange man telling him it's time to go.
"He's okay," Nico says, because there isn't any other answer he can give.
The man is dead. The man who lived twenty-six years and had a wife he loved from childhood and a daughter whose young hands never left his own as he laid bleeding on hot tarmac. The man who heard crying and pleads to stay just a little longer, to just hang in there, and couldn't. Try as he might, as hard he wanted to, he couldn't stay.
It was time to go.
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lialacleaf · 8 months
The Spartan and His Pyro:
Poor Past Actions, and Their Present Consequences
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Synopsis: Catherine has regrets about her past, and it may haunt her forever.
Seeing old friends often went one of two ways. You were either thrilled to see them, or you would rather have your fingernails pulled out. For Catherine, it was usually the sour kind of reunion that she found herself trapped in.
"I'm pretty sure you stole my shit."
"You had a bright future ahead of you."
"We'ren't you one of my kids's friends? We caught you sleeping in our garage once?"
Or her personal favorite, "You're looking better."
Catherine thought it wasn't hard to look "better" when people were used to seeing you hungover in the grocery store parking lot on a school night, boondocking in an old pickup truck she'd borrowed from her foster dad, along with some of his booze.
As far as she was concerned, it was her whiskey, paid for with the money the state sent as an incentive to foster. She didn't care about the legalities of it, at least until her classmates were whispering about her underage drinking habits when she stumbled through the halls the next morning, blatantly hung over.
Her clothes smelled like her foster mother's smoking habits anyway, and people had already made plenty of assumptions about her based on that. She was beyond the friendship of the clean, well-cared-for kids at her high school.
They were loved. She could tell when she looked at them, with their new clothes, shoes that didn't have holes, and freshly trimmed hair.
What was worse was the parents who saw her in the pickup line and could tell that she wasn't.
A woman once offered her some money to buy a bag for her school books, and she'd turned around and spent it on substances without an ounce of guilt. She still didn't look her in the eye in the pick-up line though.
That life, however, was galaxies away, and Catherine didn't have to think about where her next meal would come from anymore If she'd have clothes to wear, and most importantly, how long until her next drink. Her relationship with alcohol was much healthier now, and her team, her friends, were none the wiser of what she'd once been.
"I wish we didn't have to go to these things, seems like a waste of time," Kelly said, tugging at the collar of her uniform with a scowl.
Catherine simply shrugged, glancing around at the other occupants of the Rec Hall. She didn't even know whose retirement party this was, but Blue Team's presence had been requested, so she could only assume it was a high-ranking officer or a council member.
"I don't see the problem. They've got a pretty good spread," Horace interjected from beside Catherine, licking the remnants of a custard dessert from his fingers.
"Remind me why you're here?" Frederick asked with a raised brow as the Hispanic polished off a plate of fruit tarts.
"I served under the old man a while back, he was always the type to throw a big party, especially if it was in his honor," Horace explained, before elbowing Catherine in the side. "Where's your boyfriend?"
Catherine shot the soldier a glare and elbowed him right back. "Stop calling him that," she snapped. She and John hadn't exactly put a label on what they were, nor had the Master Chief declared that things between them were exclusive.
Sure, he had admitted to having feelings for her, and he'd been rather physical here and there, but nothing had been decided. She couldn't help but worry that if Horace kept up with the unwanted commentary it would become overwhelming for the Spartan, and he'd end things with her.
"John is running late, won't be here for a little while, if he comes at all," Kelly supplied, raising a brow at the redhead's hostility.
"Guess you got dolled up for nothing," Horace whispered and Catherine scoffed. She hadn't exactly put much effort into her appearance. Only curled her hair, done up her face, squeezed into a little black dress she hadn't worn since her twenties, and shoved her feet into the most damn uncomfortable pair of heels sitting in the back of her closet. Ok, so she had gotten dolled up.
It was somewhat of a relief, however, that the Chief might not even come to the party, worries that she had overdone her attire floating around in her brain. Maybe her lipstick was a little too red, or her eye makeup was too pronounced.
Catherine startled when Kelly bumped her shoulder, a worried look on her face. "Everything all right?"
She nodded, smoothing out her dress with a nervous smile. "Just peachy."
"I'm sure John will come, even if he waits until the last minute."
"Oh! no- I wasn't...that's not- nevermind. I- I need a drink." She couldn't get away from her friends fast enough. She felt like a clown as if she was attracting too much attention. She should have just stuck with her dress uniform and foregone the makeup.
She felt even more ridiculous knowing that even the Spartans themselves could see that she was just dressing up to impress the Chief. She felt like glass as if everyone around her was looking in on her most private intentions, picking out her insecurities one by one.
She was so lost in thought that she didn't even notice the familiar figure that stepped into her path until she collided with a firm chest.
"Catherine? Is that really you?"
Her eyes darted up and she felt her blood run cold. There was no way. Her mind was playing tricks on her as a result of her anxiety. It had to be.
The man before her was tall and lanky, with sandy blonde hair on his head and a pathetic amount of muscle on his arms compared to the other men in the room.
"Toby? What...what are you doing here?" she asked, looking around for something, anything to pull her away from this reunion.
"I'm here for my old man's retirement party, what are you doing here?" Toby had a grin that spread wide and showed off his teeth, pearly whites that Catherine knew to be veneers. He'd smoked his way through his real ones back in high school, and it was a miracle his lungs were still intact.
"Your...old...oh," Catherine offered him a smile that was wilting the moment it hit her face. "Wow, time really flies, doesn't it," she mumbled behind her grimace.
"Yeah, this stuck-up military stuff isn't really for me though. You know?"
"Oh I know, Toby. Boy, do I know." She anxiously wrung her hands, eyes darting around.
"Man, I miss the good old days though. You ever think about it?" he asked, a reminiscent gleam in his eyes.
A sigh of resignation left her lips. "No Toby, I, a grown woman with a job and real responsibilities, do not fantasize about hotboxing your car in the middle of January."
Toby let out a bark of laughter. "Damn, Cat. You got old and boring."
Catherine frowned, smoothing her hands over her dress self-consciously. "I'm not that old," she grumbled.
A sudden hand on her waist made her jump, and her eyes snapped up to a familiar pair of blue ones. "Am I interrupting?"
Catherine felt her heart drop into her stomach, and a strong desire to puke bubbled up in her belly despite the lack of alcohol sitting there.
"Not at all, mate! Catherine, who's your friend?" Toby gave her a cheeky grin as he eyed John's figure curiously.
Catherine felt as if the room was a hundred degrees and her knees were going to give out so that she might hit the floor like a dead weight.
"This is..." Her partner? Her significant other? Her commanding officer who was also her crush turned situationship? "Jo-" she was interrupted by her own burp, her hand flying up to cover her mouth, as her anxiety turned to full-blown indigestion. "This is John."
The air felt too thick to breathe, and if the Master Chief had noticed the tension, he didn't deem it necessary to comment on it. "Friend of yours?" he asked.
Catherine opened her mouth to reply, but Toby opened his mouth much faster. "Oh, we go waaay back. Started high school together, feels like forever ago now. Cat always knew how to have a good time. Shared a lot of our firsts," Toby supplied, bumping the Spartan's shoulder with a cheeky grin.
Between the wave of embarrassment and sudden nausea, Catherine nearly whimpered. "Toby taught me how to smoke a cigarette," she stated quickly.
John simply quirked an eyebrow, glancing between the redhead and the clearly intoxicated man before him. "I've never seen you smoke."
"Well she always preferred the reefers," Toby said so matter-of-factly that Catherine couldn't possibly suppress her grimace. She was going to kill him. He needed to shut the hell up or she was going to stuff a cream puff down his throat and watch him suffocate.
John gave little reaction, and she could only imagine the disappointment he was feeling. Surely he was realizing what a mess she really was. What a degenerate she'd been in her youth. She must have been a polished piece of shit in his eyes now.
"It's too bad you joined the military, you were a helluva good time-"
Catherine felt another nervous belch coming on and swallowed thickly. "I need some water," she interrupted, pushing past Toby, towards the bar, throwing a half-hearted goodbye over her shoulder.
The bartender had been nice enough to hand her a ginger ale, noticing the way she clutched her stomach in discomfort. She took small sips, her lip wobbling as she tried not to recount the events that had just occurred, knowing it would send her heart rate through the rough.
She took deep breaths, trying to focus on the expanding of her lungs and not the noise of the party around her. She felt his looming presence over her despite staring into her glass, her shoulders tightening and her breaths coming out shallow. She felt like she was choking.
And then suddenly he was pulling her in from the side, one hand planted firmly on her waist while the other swept from the top of her neck to the base of her spine.
"That was eventful."
Catherine simply nodded, burping softly as her stomach settled. John squeezed her hip, before moving to cup her cheek, the warmth from his palm seeping into her clenched jaw.
"You're fine," he rasped softly, and she nodded, humming in agreement despite the wheeze in her lungs. "Catherine," he urged her to look at his face, and her eyes darted there momentarily.
"I'm sorry," she blurted all of a sudden, feeling like a fool.
John didn't falter, his hand sweeping in sooting strokes down her back. "For what?" he chuckled softly. "Your friend?"
"He's not my friend," she snapped, wilting into his shoulder. "He's a prick I used to mess around with, I didn't think I'd ever see him again."
"You don't have anything to be sorry for," he assured her, arms settling around her waist. "Why is this bothering you so much?" he prodded.
"I have a really good life here," her voice wavered, her hand rising to cling to one of his sturdy arms. "I really don't want to lose that because of something stupid I did in the past," she admitted.
John frowned, watching as the redhead seemed to fold in on herself. "Do you think about this often?" he asked.
Catherine swallowed thickly. "A lot. Every day." Her life was a constant battle between the joy of finally having a home, and the fear of loss and abandonment. What if Blue Team decided she was too much to handle?
John shook his head, pulling her tight against his chest. "You're a part of my team. You're mine. Even the parts of yourself that you aren't proud of." he murmured.
Catherine let out a deep sigh, allowing the tension to melt from her shoulders. “You don’t know everything I’ve done,” she warned, voice wavering.
John’s eyes crinkled at the corners as he offered her a reassuring smile. “Don’t need to.”
He’d never been under the impression that she had ever been the most well-behaved adolescent. Maybe someday he’d tell her about the time he cost Fred and Sam their dinner and ended up with a black eye.
Catherine licked her lips nervously and nodded. “Thank you, John,” she said swallowing thickly.
Her Spartan had yet to abandon her, and maybe someday she’d stop expecting him to.
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@kittybatman04 @il0vebeingdelulu @starchaser-the-prophet
-I think that's everyone? it's been so long since I posted for this....
Masterlist - Find the rest of the Pyro Series here!
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manawari · 1 year
There was a new student in school.
A month after Sung Jin-woo resumed his studies in school, he discovered there was a transfer. He speculated that she or he must be in the same class as him, considering how loud his classmates had been chattering about the new addition. But as someone who was never captivated by such a topic, he delved into the textbooks on his desk and flipped to another page, resting his cheek on his gloved hand.
In a vague whisper, he could hear Igris reminding him of the upcoming mathematics quiz and advising him to check his notes. The monarch sighed and flickered his hand to silence the knight. At this point, he realized his mother's pestering was easier and better than Igris' constant reminding him of his studies as if his life depended on it.
Now, it was Beru whose voice was meddling in his ears. Tank even roared.
Good Lord. Jin-woo groaned.
His teacher's voice finally graced his mind. He lowered his book, only to pause midair when his eyes caught something at the front.
"Everyone, I'd like to introduce our transferee," the old lady gestured her hand to the younger one next to her. She flashed a smile at the student. "State your name, my dear."
The girl nodded and faced the class. Her hands were tucked behind her as she bowed. "I am Cha Hae-in. Please to meet you all."
A smile gently formed on his face.
[ Ack~~ my Liege! It's her! ]
[ It's Lady Hae-in! ]
[ She still looks as graceful as before. ]
[ About time your paths have crossed, my sovereign! ]
Jin-woo ignored his shadows as he watched her walk past the students to settle on the empty desk next to the window. Only a row ahead of him. It was no surprise that there had been many eyes diverted to her. He could tell her posture relaxed when she finally sat down — gaining a handful of attention had never been her cup of tea since the very beginning.
Though a small part of him wished she could've glanced at his direction.
Sure, he had plans to meet her in a natural way in the future. . . But he did not expect that day would come quick. He didn't even know what should he say to her first.
Hi! Remember me? We were both hunters before and you told me how nice my smell was. — no, of course he would not say those words. Unless she had those memories back.
I run in the field too, so wanna race with me? — too casual for his taste.
Hae-in seemed to be growing popular among their peers in an instant. Not just how well she answered every question those teachers had given her, but also how kind she acted toward the other students, always having that smile on her face in spite of the jitters under the mask
And here was Jin-woo, only watching from his seat.
His shadows had been growing quite frustrated at how he still had not approached her. Let alone having their eyes meet.
But the second before they did, he always lifted his textbook to his face.
He was such an idiot. . . It wasn't like she had changed because of the timeline. That pure, heart of gold huntress was right there. Living with no bargain to fight for her life. The Cup Of Reincarnation had given him another chance to form a bond with her in a way he was sure nothing would tear him away from his loved ones this time.
His promise.
His promise to see her again. . .
She may not remember that moment, but it won't stop him from wanting to fulfill it as it was also a promise to himself back when he was out battling the monarchs.
There was still time. As long as he won't slip that opportunity away.
"Woah! That's a whole new record!" Gushik exclaimed, staring at the stopwatch in his hand.
Jin-woo chuckled. Next to him, Younggil was panting like a dog, only a matter of time before his knees couldn't take it anymore.
"Don't be so surprised anymore, Gushik. Be surprised if the little man surpassed our golden boy." Choi Taewoong snickered.
"Pfft~ yeah, it'll be the end of the world of that— OH GOD! IT'S CHA HAE-IN!" Gushik gasped. One of his teammates smacked his shoulder to keep his voice down.
"Where?!" Younggil suddenly rose up.
Taewoong followed his gaze across the field, spotting the blonde strolling the area alone. He grinned. "You bastards are lucky for having her in the same class. I hear many guys are trying to get her autograph, is that correct?"
"Yeah! Sadly, she always refuses in kind," sighed Younggil. "The longest communication I had with her was when she picked up my notebook and told me how good my doodles are."
And oh, besides those things, Hae-in had captured many attention among the guys in the class as well. It took every ounce of willpower for Jin-woo to not step in and make an inappropriate first impression. Luckily, Hae-in managed to deal with them fine — and by 'fine', he meant the times she got the boys running away or apologizing for disturbing her.
There was no denying he felt satisfaction in his veins.
It was never easy to grab her full attention after all.
"Earth to Sung Jin-woo!"
He snapped out and found his acquaintances staring at him. "Yeah?"
"I was asking if you had gotten to talk to Cha Hae-in." Gushik said, deadpanned.
"Uh. . . " Jin-woo scratched his cheek. "No?"
Taewoong laughed. "Oh, I bet ya he will. Had this guy stole enough attention from the ladies? Ms. Cha shall fall under his spell in no time!"
Little did they know, it was him who had been under her spell long, long ago.
Jin-woo grabbed his bag from the bench and slung it over his shoulder. He decided to leave his teammates to their own devices. He had endured the next couple of minutes listening to their chatters, ranging from the upcoming preliminaries to estimating the chances of him being noticed by the famous athlete herself. It was quite a balderdash, but that was just who they were.
A book had dropped on the ground. Jin-woo adjusted his pace to pick it up and called for its owner. No reply. So, he took a couple of steps to tap her shoulder.
Then, a simple whirl of her head was enough for the world to drop into silence. This was the first time to meet her up close ever since she had introduced herself in front.
"I— thank you." She plucked her earphone out of her left ear, taking the book from his hand. "You're Sung Jin-woo, right? One of the well-known runners in this school."
[ My Liege. Your heartbeat is increasing immensely. ]
"Shut up." Jin-woo gritted his teeth at Beru's message.
"Pardon?" Hae-in blinked her eyes at him.
"Huh? Ah, it's nothing!" Jin-woo said. He cleared his throat. "Y— yes, I am Sung Jin-woo."
She smiled. "Please to finally meet you, Jin-woo."
Finally? So that meant she had been meaning to approach him the same way he had toward her?
"I. . . I could say the same thing." His lips curled into a gentle smile. "You've won a lot of competitions, correct? You did very amazing."
"That's— that's very sweet of you." Hae-in flushed.
Now's your chance. . . Jin-woo inhaled and continued. "What do you say if we should run together sometimes? That is, if you're free, of course."
"Sure thing!" Hae-in pulled herself back and cleared her throat. "I. . I would love to. When shall we begin?"
"Saturday. How does that sound?"
She chuckled. "I'll see you then."
"Looking forward to it." Jin-woo smiled. Wider than before.
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topaz-eyes · 1 year
Ten Random Lines Meme
Nicked from @shes-a-voodoo-child
rules: pick any ten of your fics, scroll to the midpoint, pick a line (or three) and share it. then tag ten people.
tagging: not tagging anyone--meme, don't meme, it's all up to you!
Midnight At The Lost And Found (Emergency!, Johnny Gage/Roy DeSoto)
“Yeah, I do.” Johnny paused for another lathering up, then continued in a carefully controlled, matter-of-fact voice. “The second is… man, I don’t know why it’s so hard to say this, but--” Johnny’s voice faltered, but recovered, and he plunged forward. “The second thing is that I love you, Roy, like, really love you, with everything I have. My heart, my soul… and yeah okay, that includes the physical way too. I’ve always liked the men as much as I like the ladies, and I figure we’re compatible in every other way, so it was easy to, uh, extrapolate…” Johnny cleared his throat; Roy could almost see the blush rising in his cheeks, as surely as he felt his own redden.
2. Watching You, Watching Me (House MD, Gregory House/Lisa Cuddy)
"Now remember the last time."
She concentrated, and suddenly she was back to eighteen years ago: back to the days when they were Greg and Lisa instead of House and Cuddy. Back to that sultry June afternoon in House's studio apartment; the day before House was to set off for Baltimore and his fellowship at Johns Hopkins. In the small, cramped room that had no air conditioning, stacks of books piled on the desk, music scores scattered on the floor by his guitar leaning against the wall; back to what turned out to be the last time.
3. Let Be (Torchwood/House MD, Jack Harkness, James Wilson)
"Now that's a nice greatcoat! God, it's gorgeous! Where'd you get it?"
Jack looked down and brushed its wool fondly. "It's an heirloom."
"It's perfect on you. You look like you stepped out of Twelve O'Clock High."
Jack grinned. "Yeah? I know a bit about that era."
James peered at him. "Are you sure you're not Gregory Peck? 'Cause you sorta look like him."
He stared at James' well-manicured hand, sobering slightly as he thought of the Captain reaching for his own. "I'm positive."
4. Home For Christmas (House MD, Gregory House, James Wilson, Blythe House)
"Don't cause a scene, House. Open it," Wilson hissed in House's ear.
Wilson glanced at Blythe, whose gaze darted everywhere across the room except where her son sat.
"If you won't do it for yourself, at least do it for your mother." He plucked the envelope off House's lap and pushed it against his hand.
5. Downpour (Lie To Me, Cal Lightman/Gillian Foster)
Soon enough the air temperature decides to drop and the breeze picks up. "Finally," Gillian sighs a few minutes later, when the first drops of water patter onto the gravel of the rooftop. She raises her face skyward in relief.
The rain steps up quickly, from sprinkle to steady. The next thing she knows, Cal's stepped up close too, his hand splayed on her waist; his breath is hot in her ear.
"Ever shagged in the rain, Foster?"
6. Stranger Cures (Strike Back, Thomas "Mac" McAllister/Samuel Wyatt)
Wyatt heard a soft, almost resigned exhale from Mac’s bed. Maybe he should just bunk down in the main room the rest of the night. But after a moment, he heard the cot springs squeak as Mac rose, followed by two creaks of wood as he crossed the floor. His mattress dipped on the edge as Mac sat beside him.
Mac laid a warm, broad hand on Wyatt’s shoulder. “Will you trust me?” Mac said.
Wyatt drew in a quick, deep breath against an oncoming spasm and held it in, but it didn’t succeed, and he expelled it in frustration. “I just want this to stop, man,” he said, not bothering to hide his exhaustion now. “I don’t care how anymore.”
7. One Safe Place (X Company, Tom Cummings/Neil Mackay)
“Shove off,” Neil murmurs, not unkindly. Tom mumbles something incoherent and hooks his leg across him too.
“Fantastic,” Neil says, and rolls his eyes, but he doesn't have the heart to push Tom away. That's decided then, he's obviously not moving anytime soon. (And again, being honest, he really doesn't mind.) He settles back down, adjusting just a bit to rest his cheek on Tom's forehead to help keep the heat in (or so he tells himself). Lulled by the warmth in the shared sleeping bag, the rhythm of the rain, and the easy weight of Tom resting against him, Neil's eyelids droop, and he begins to drift.
8. Reunion (24, Jack Bauer/Tony Almeida)
Jack lived on his senses. He trusted his instincts. He knew Tony Almeida more than anyone alive, knew him down to his touch and taste and smell. But the stench of Tony's current anger and bitterness in the FBI office had overwhelmed any hint of him that Jack had filed away. He'd seen Tony frustrated and despondent, but this--
It was obvious that Bill Buchanan trusted this man implicitly, to the point of Deep Sky. But Bill too had been misled before, had placed his trust in the wrong person; hell, they all had. Double, even triple agents weren't unheard of: appearances could be surgically altered, voices re-trained, operatives conditioned. Jack had made enough mistakes today already; he couldn't afford to make another.
He had to know.
9. On The Shoulder Of Orion (Elementary, Joan Watson and Sherlock Holmes)
She looked up from the eyepiece to find Sherlock rocking back and forth on his heels, a pleased expression on his normally dour face. Joan smiled softly at him. “You’ve picked up a lot of incredibly detailed information in a very short time,” she noted.
“I promised Arthur I would assist him with his astronomy project on the evolution of stars,” Sherlock admitted, rather abashed; and he cleared his throat, looking away towards the horizon. “I believe the history of Betelgeuse makes a most excellent illustration of the concept.”
10. A Kinder Fate (Doctor Who 2005, Eleventh Doctor, Amy Pond, Sister-of-Mine)
Once a year, every year, that had been the arrangement; but after the first year he'd forgotten and hadn't visited her since. He rushed to the mirror that hung across from the entrance to the library. He straightened his bow tie though it didn't need it, and waited.
And soon enough there she was, peeking from a crack in the door, the alien who usurped Lucy Cartwright and wore her face. "Hello, Sister-of-Mine," he greeted.
Lucy hung back by the door, her brow furrowed; gripping her balloon string tight, she shook her head.
"Yes, it's me," the Doctor said. "I've changed my appearance from the last time you saw me, but I'm still the Doctor." Still your jailer, he thought, wincing again.
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bitchofdarkness · 1 year
I'm watching The Rookie and this conversation takes place, after Nolan's mother (whose actual name I refuse to look up, because she doesn't deserve any respect in my eyes) repeatedly jeopardized his job (even when he had his own construction company prior to this) by simply being there and wreaking havoc. She's a con-woman in every aspect and an absolute narcissist. She compares him to his own father, who is bad news all around and who left them when he was a small child, never really getting to know him. She storms into his home that he built himself and didn't even take the time to look around and compliment it, she goes straight to HIS bedroom and takes it for herself. The entitlement is big here. Honestly, if that was my mom, I would've packed her shit right back into her bags and put her on the street. No one has a right to take over someones space- NO, not even your family.
Nolan's mother:"Thinking you're a wholesome small-town guy, huh? You're just like your father."
Nolan:"Don't say that."
N.M.:"You are egotistical, self-righteous, a failure of a man. Because when he ran out on me and you. Who stayed? I did. I stayed. And you wanna throw me out?"
Nolan:"I love you. I will always love you. I just don't want to see you anymore."
Not to mention that she is unable to remember his age or that he's deathly allergic to nuts, but that's besides the point I wanted to make.
She insists that she stayed, like that's some accomplishment that needs praising. She's his mother, he was 4years old. It was her decision to have the child, so it is her responsibility to take care of it. That means either being the mother he deserves or making the hard decision and giving the child away. That's also taking responsibility when you're fully aware of not being able to take care of a child. His father is clearly a piece of work, but we don't know much about him besides him being an alcoholic and beating up people.
She wants an award for staying, but didn't do anything to deserve it. Nolan has her phone number saved under Momster. That's who she is to him. Someone who waltzes into his life unasked and destroy's it as she sees fit and then blames him for it all. He gave her the benefit of the doubt, tried to understand her point of view and gave her another chance and then she destroyed it all over again.
This is their parting conversation:
N.M.:"By the way, becoming a cop at 48 is ridiculous. You're gonna get yourself killed."
Nolan:"I'm 46, mom. Goodbye."
While I don't think it's a great idea to start a career like that at 46... I think he takes the same risk as a 20yo does who starts at the academy. His age oftentimes safes his life, because he isn't a reckless youngster all the time and takes a moment to think and notice shit that others, who don't have the life experience won't.
It's ridiculous of her to throw that at his face, just because she never managed to turn her life around with something that isn't illegal. Nolan is a genuinely good guy despite his mother/his upbringing, not because of her. And she either fails to see or admit that she had no part in what kind of man he became.
Her entitlement made me so mad. The way he was pushed around by her like he was a toddler and in the next breath she called him old. He will never be good enough in her eyes and she had no right to put that on his mind while he's close to finishing.
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parish-in-hell · 8 months
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den-shosha · 2 years
Toman x Takemichi big brother (platonic)
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Takemichi forgot to tell the gang about his big brother who's a badass and the biggest mother hen in Tokyo. He swears he would have introduced you, but it doesn't matter anymore since you showed up in the middle of a battle.
Tw, mention of wounds and blood
The battle was taking a turn and not in their favor. Takemichi could see it. Scratch that; everyone could see it. Chifuyu breathed heavily, a hand clenching his broken ribs, almost unconscious and himself wasn't better. Takemichi's head hurt him, blood-soaked his hair, and the blond lost a tooth. What was going to say aniki when he'll see him? Probably take him to the hospital, curse, and worry. A feeling of guilt stabbed him in the heart. What a shitty brother he was!
Supporting Chifuyu, Takemichi looked around him, searching for Draken and Mikey. The blond found them fighting their opposite; vice-president vs vice-president and president vs president. Both were bloody and badly hurt.
Tears of worry rolled on Takemichi's cheeks. Shit! Everything was bad!
That voice! It wasn't possible...
- "Out of my way maggot!"
No, that was definitely...
- "ANIKI!" He Screamed, looking around, only to find you knocking out coldly two guys.
- "Wait, you got a brother?" Asked Chifuyu whose eyes stared at you. "That your brother?!" He exclaimed as you grabbed a man by the throat before slamming him to the ground, leaving him unconscious.
Takemichi only nodded, too shocked to speak. Since when did you know how to fight?! Next thing, you held him in a tight hug.
- "Oh Gods! 'Michi, who did that to you?" Your eyes turned on his friend before you took Chifuyu's face in your hands. "And you? You must be Chifuyu-Kun?" The named only nodded, cheeks turning as red as cherry. "Okay, you boys get to safety. I'll handle the situation. 'Michi, who's the responsible?"
- "It... it's the one fighting Mikey-Kun!" The teen answered, pointing at his leader
- "Good, now step back and let Aniki take care of everything. When all is over you and I will have a long conversation Takemichi."
You let go of Chifuyu's red face before heading toward Mikey's fight, kicking and punching anyone getting in your way.
- "Wait... Don't tell me your brother is going to interrupt Mikey's fight?!"
- "Worse, I think he's going to save Mikey-Kun and kick the other's ass"
- "Shit!"
As Takemichi said, you went head first toward their young leader. It only took seconds for you to beat the shit out of the opposing leader. You just grabbed Mikey by the waist with an arm and blocked a hit with the other before kicking the man right on the temple. The man fell and yet, you didn't run back to your brother, instead Takemichi watched you take a look at Mikey's wound. Takemichi, and Chifuyu, gasped as you scooped their friend and leader in your arms as the teen fell to his knees, Draken rushing next to you.
The battle finally stopped when everyone realized that both leaders were out cold. With slow steps, Takemichi and Chifuyu joined you as you examined Mikey.
- "We need to take him to a hospital. The kid got a bad concussion and lost a lot of blood. Damn! How many times was he hit on the head?" You asked, giving Mikey to Draken who took him gently.
- "I don't know," said the teen, eying you
- "Okay, get to my car and I'll follow soon Draken-Kun." Turning toward Takemichi you sighed. "Get your damn ass to the car with Chifuyu while I call for friends. It's going to be a trip to the hospital for a few of you. And 'Michi, when I finish with you... you won't be able to sit for a month! Now, to the car."
Gulping, the teen nodded before guiding the group to your car.
- "Takemichi... who the fuck is that?" Asked Draken
- "That would be my big bro Y/n."
- "Because you have a brother?!"
- "Yeah! He's worse than a mother hen, but I didn't know he could throw hands like that!" Takemichi tried to defend himself. "I mean, yeah I know he got in trouble at school, like beating some creeps who harassed girls or kicking a teacher out a window..."
- "Your bro kicked a teacher out a window?!" Draken seemed shocked. " and you never thought he could fight?!"
- "Yeah, it's just something aniki always does. If he doesn't like you or you piss him off, he will just open the window and throw you out." Both Chifuyu and Draken stared at him. "What?"
- "Takemichi... what the fuck?!!" Screamed Chifu'
- "Yeah, well people stop bothering me after they fell from a two or three stories building. Now up your ass in the car kids."
The three of them did as told, white as a sheet.
- "Okay, so Draken, I got a few of my friends who are going to pick up the wounded or those who want a ride. Is there anything else you need? Like, do I need to call someone for y'all kids? Parents, siblings, SO? Do you have anyone to take you all home once your out?"
- "huh... just Emma but I'll take care of it. Will be okay..."
- "So no one? Fine. Michi going to tell me when the hospital kicks you out. I'll bring you home. That is the least I can do for all the trouble that cry baby must be giving you."
- " HEY!"
- "Shut up, you know it's true." You cut him, passing a hand on your face. "Not a word out of your damn mouth now! I am freaking so hard right now, you shut the fuck up."
Takemichi kept quiet, looking at you carefully. You were pale, paler than normal and your hands were shaking on the wheel.
- "For the love of Gods, my lil bro joined a gang, told me nothing. Prefer to go throw hands, even if he doesn't know the difference between an uppercut and a kick! AND YOU TOLD ME FUCKING NOTHING!" You looked at them in the mirror. "Boys, I am not angry at any of you, okay? Only after that idiot." After a deep breath calming yourself you started to talk in a deep dark voice. "You are going to get them all kill you know? If you do not learn, you will have the three of them kill Michi. You told me you made new friends and I foolishly thought you weren't following my steps. FUCK. Where did I go wrong?" Another sigh and you took a turn. Finally, the hospital could be seen. "Listen, I am not telling you to leave, because I can well see just how much you care for them. But I want you to understand this is reality. Not a video game, not a movie. It's real life and in a real-life gang, people get killed. Stab, shoot, beat to death, you name it. Now your job is to be strong enough to watch your friends back. Look at your leader, look at Mikey. Memorize him as he is now because one day he might be down like that and the only one who could save him will be you and I hope for him you will be strong enough to protect him. Do you understand?"
- " I.. ye-yeah I understand." Takemichi answered, unable to look away.
Mikey rested in Draken's arms, still unconscious. His almost white hair was stained in blood, and so was his face. A deep cut kept bleeding on the teen's forehead. Bruises began to show on Mikey's chest and arms, under the skin a rib moved lightly with each slow breath. It wasn't a good sight. It was a horrible one and Takemichi felt he would have a nightmare about it.
- "Alright, kids stay in the car and I'll get help."
And you simply left. The three teens' eyes followed you as you entered the hospital.
- "Takemichi... Your brother is fucking scary." Whispered Draken. "You sure he is not in a gang?"
- "Yeah..."
- "... You think he'll say yes if we asked him to join?"
- "To be honest Draken-Kun, I don't know."
- "You think we'll be out for Halloween?" Asked Chifuyu and Takemichi tensed
Draken and Chifuyu stared at their friend, not knowing what he knew.
So yeah I will definitely make it a series and probably some headcanon. So yeah, I know I am playing with the timeline. Try and stop me 🙃. I hope you'll enjoy it!
@gabytodd you wanted to be tagged so here you go!
Small edit, I will be cross-posting on ao3 too, username will be Denshosha :D
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0aurelion-sol0 · 4 years
SNK keeps on being amazing. ( A rant that is not really one. )
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Just this panel alone is able to confirm everything that I wanted from this manga.
Eren's condition has always been what I suspected.
Ever since he sided with his brother Zeke, who manipulated Marley in attacking Eldia to retrieve the founder and other titans. Something THEY DIDN'T WANT TO DO, because they were being pressured by many other countries and were not as powerful as before due to their lack of powerful weapons like the ones in the Middle Eastern Alliance which were able to PIERCE through the fucking Armored Titan.
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THIS resulted in the fucking festival and we know what happened then. Dozens of people died including children continuing the cycle of hate that has been started for god knows how long. And Eren WILLINGLY took a part in it because he wanted his actions to be a little easier while he was going to genocide the whole fucking world.
INCLUDING his own island because let's be honest when Eren is done with the Rumbling, destroying every ecosystems. EVERYTHING that keeps a planet alive, his little island won't live for long.
"The ground... It's crying." CHAPTER 131 said by one of the goddamn kids he fucking killed.
Marley is now sure, let's fucking kill all Eldians.
He did his attack on Liberio, he betrayed everyone. Crushing Hange's every possibilities of finding a peaceful way of settling things down after having been hidden MANY useful informations by Eren, Zeke and his group but also the Azumabitos.
Sparking a civil war inside Eldia, leading to an Eldian supremacist group cause let's be honest when Floch killed that Marleyan and than gave his little first king Fritz speech, it was like seeing Hitler all over again and the Klux Klux Klan.
I MEAN... FLOCH OF ALL PEOPLE! A guy who has PTSD after seing dozens of his comrades died, their faces exploded by fucking thrown rocks. He bastardized Erwin's ideologies and no matter how good willing he was, he was just a dead man walking acting like a fool.
He also betrays his own party now, the Jeagerist by allowing the very people they tried to stop the power to stop him. By activating the Rumbling, he also caused the death of Eldians inside the walls as we've been shown with Hitch.
AND THE WORST... destroy every connection he has with his friends. Hurting them, putting them in danger by the very group he created and the Titans.
Oh but that's not all...
He uses the titan the same way Marley did it, with oppression and violence. He is not stopping the cycle of hate, he is continuing it. And it will have repercussions inside the very group of people he tried to defend.
People killed each other inside the walls and they will kill each other without it. Mikasa as shown us that when her parents got murdered and she almost became a slave.
And he killed Hange with these same titans. I don't care if they sacrificed themself. He didn't live up to what he preached. They died and Hange was someone close to him and was concerned with his well being. Maybe it was too late but they also had many other priorities as Hange was commander. They also fell into depression because of their position. One of his mentors and friends, one who tried to talk with him while he was in that cell planning to destroy the world...
talking to himself...
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At this point, you know where I'm going with this. We've all suspected it, we all know it. Let's not be blind about it.
Eren is influenced by the Attack Titan. Not Ymir (at least I hope so and I think so), not Kruger and certainly not Grisha.
It's pretty clear now.
I mean Eren's change happens off screen, every time we see him he is completely different from what we used to know of him.
He barely cares about his friend and don't give me the bullcrap of (hE dOeS tHiS fOr tHeM.) If he was he would have secured them and put them in a place where they wouldn't interfere, he would have tried to convince them. HE WOULD HAVE COMMANDED FLOCH NOT TO HURT THEM.
He would have not commited genocide after knowing what it led to with Reiner, Annie and Bertholt.
That's not Eren. And the stupid argument of "hE's aLwAyS bEeN vIoLeNt". That's just bullcrap and it just destroy every bit of beautiful empathy we have seen of him. With Mikasa, Armin and Historia. Levi who he respected a lot.
It just isn't coherent. Every action he does is not coherent since the timeskip.
I mean is no one questionning this, doesn't it seem off from what we've seen of him.
Eren is no strategist BUT... he isn't stupid. Every sane person would know that these actions will not benefit anybody.
But... they still happened.
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If we look back again, here is Eren being positive trying to put Armin in a good mood.
The outside world... endless possibilities. It's a man who wonders.
Yet, AT THE RIGHT MOMENT... he has a flashback of Faye. And his face just change.
Isn't it just weird ? Like at the right moment where he can have a positive outlook on thing. NOPE.
And this has been going and going and going...
Chapter 130.
Eren arrives in Liberio what does he see.
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A flashback of his mother's death
I mean it's pretty clear now.
Eren has been influenced and convinced by the Attack Titan that there's no way out. He's been reliving past memories of his and others, past memories that were traumatic. It put him in a state of depression and dread through 5 FUCKING YEARS. On top of that, he is able to see the future and what he saw will happen and has happened hence his reaction to Sasha's death.
A fucking mental breakdown.
Jesus Christ, I don't know if I've ever cursed that much in my life.
It's impossible to stop what is going to happen, because what is going to happen, needs to happen.
But as we know Sasha is in the afterlife with Erwin, Hange and the others. And we have been confirmed that this is the afterlife. So we have time-travelling, afterlife, 13 years curse, people who can turn into titans, parallel dimensions and Eren who can see through birds.
But the fandom said, no, the prospect of him being manipulated by the Attack Titan is impossible even after knowing it has special abilities.
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Umm... This has happened before. And I saw no one complain.
So why this ?
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Is impossible ?
Especially when Eren's whole arc is about questionning his perspective of the world and becoming in control of his violence and rage. Having an agency. HELLOOOO!!!????
What better way of having the main threat of that being the very thing that causes all of his problems and his powers.
Doesn't this remind anyone of anything ?
Yep. The Uprising Arc. And who ? Historia, the girl whose all life, she couldn't act as herself or have any real agency.
Yes, you know the girl whose pregnant and decided to live the rest of her life Little House On The Prairie style. ( I mean I don't think it's her but... that's what it's looking right now. )
And who is a descendent of Ymir Fritz. With too much uncanney similarities between the two.
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They could have said the Founder, Eren Jeager or something else but no they said... "It's the Attack Titan."
And it's not Ymir, if she was the one to control Eren. Why wouldn't she free herself on her own if she's able to do that ?
And in 131, she was clearly in a position where she was questionning her choice.
And perhaps she probably tried to stop Eren but the Attack Titan took over him and her. Using her powers as she is the founder.
And now just like Eren, she has no eyes. She is still a slave. Why ? I thought Eren freed her. So ? This is the only logical explanation right now.
I mean when is the last time we saw Eren.
He was sleeping inside his titan in 131. Having a dream about seeing his "sight" of freedom as a kid. And also potentially watching things with birds.
It's just weird. If he was fully in control, the characters wouldn't have questionned it and none of this weird shit would be happening.
He clearly doesn't have a free will.
This requires too much energy and Eren is a normal Eldian, not one of Royal Blood. Being both in Paths, watching this " sight ", communicating, watching with birds, moving his titan which is enormous and the thousands of colossal titans is clearly hard and too dangerous for only one person to do.
Isayama has fooled us all and me in the process.
All this time, it was that goddamn thing pulling the strings. And with the help of Isayama since he is the goddamn author of this series
In chapter 88, we learn the true meaning of Shingeki No Kyojin.
The beauty of the japanese language, as confusing as it is, can be translated by Attack On Titan, at least for us american and western audiences.
( yes because as someone pointed out in the comments, it's a mistranslation but since I don't understand how to give credit by linking because I don't understand how it works, i can't credit. So you can find the person in the comments. DO NOT JUDGE ME, tumblr is not the best place to post sometimes. )
But it's not the Attack on Titan anymore.
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It's the Attack Titan.
( piece of shit is it's surname. )
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landothemuppet · 3 years
Far Longer Than Forever (p.p)
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Word count: 4737
Pairing : peter parker
Request: YES! ANON I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. The Swan Princess is one of my childhood movie and this was so fun to write. I can’t stop listenning the soundtrack now ! I’m so sorry for the time i took to write this, i had so much work to do with school. But it’s over now and i hope you will like this ! 
N/A:  First, gif not mine but i don’t know who i’m gonna credit on this, i have no clue...This is my first Peter Parker x reader and i hope you all will like it! As always, I remind you that English is not my native language. Don’t hesitate to tell me what you think of the fic! Like, reblogs to support. You can Love you all! xx
Taglist: @angeliquekalampoka @harryhollandsgirlfriend @cedricdiggorysimpp​ - if you want to be notified of all my future writings you can add yourself in my taglist : here
As far as you can remember, you've always hated summer. Well, it was partly a lie. You loved the sweltering heat of Queens, the cherry popsicles from Delmar's, not having to worry about what time you had to get up. You liked it but hated the idea of ​​the last two weeks of August.
 This year was no exception. You looked at your half-finished suitcase, a grimace on your face. August still meant the same thing, the same routine: having to spend the last three weeks of his vacation with Peter Parker.
summer 2009
Peter Parker had lost his parents very early on, two years ago. He had lived since then with his aunt May and his uncle Ben. It was your mother's idea to introduce you to each other. Aunt May and your mom were friends from college and luckily, they lived in the same neighborhood. Your first meeting with the one who, many years later, would become Spider-Man, took place on his eighth birthday. You were invited to the party when you weren't even at the same school. Aunt May had simply shared his fears about Peter's difficulty making friends after the trauma he had experienced. Your mother, as the perfect friend that she was, had suggested that Peter and you spend time together.
 There were 3 kids in total at that birthday party, you, Peter - obviously - and a boy from his school whose mother had forced him to be there, too. It was a fact; you were the only girl and you didn't know Peter at all. Your mother walked up to you, got up to your eye level and whispered
 "Can you be nice? May told me she invited Peter's whole class and only this boy came"
 You wanted to please your mother so you nodded before approaching the two boys. Peter and his friend were in the corner of the room, their backs turned to the adults. When you tapping the young boy on the shoulder to make you notice by him, he turned to you with a guilty expression. He had buttercream all over the corner of his mouth and he was holding a cupcake in his hand that looked delicious.
 “My Aunt May tried to bake a cake, but Uncle Ben bought some cupcakes in anticipation. Do you want one?” Peter asked you in a friendly voice
“Why? Is May's cake not good?
“Uncle Ben says that she is not very good at cooking.”
 You let out a little laugh and nodded your head before grabbing the cupcake with a smile. You thanked him and began to taste the little pastry with envy. It was so good! The buttercream was lemony, the cupcake was slightly lemony too but there was a taste you couldn't recognize. You were almost sure you had tasted it before, but you couldn't tell what it was. Peter and the other boy suggested that you go to Peter's room. He wanted to show you the LEGO set his uncle Ben had given him ahead of time and you followed them even though you weren't more excited about the idea.
 And you were right. For several minutes, you were pushed aside while the two young boys spoke spiritedly. You complained several times that you wanted to do something else but Peter didn't seem to listen to you, too excited to finally be able to chat with someone who appreciated Star Wars as much as he did.
 So you were annoyed and slightly angry with Peter but what broke the camel's back is that you started to not feel so good. Your throat was itching and you felt like your tongue was taking up a lot more space in your mouth, getting drier. Peter gave you a distracted look before his eyes widened. He let go of everything he had in his hands before running to his aunt.
 "Aunt May, Aunt May! Y/N's tongue looks like a big, desiccated steak!"
"Peter, don't be rude!" she exclaimed, shocked by her nephew’s words
"No, no come see, she has a huge tongue! I think something is wrong"
 Meanwhile, you ran into the bathroom at Peter's reaction. You weren't sure why he had looked at you like that, but you felt that a few things were wrong. In addition, you were more and more thirsty, your eyes also hurt. And that's when you saw your reflection. You were puffy, your tongue had tripled in size, hence this feeling of dryness and discomfort. It was the same with your throat. You started to cry and when May called you through the bathroom door, you fervently opened it.
 May and your mother's expression of horror was instantaneous and your mother knew exactly what was causing your condition.
 "What did she eat?"
"Nothing..." he tried to escape from being grounded
"Peter, this is very important. What did you eat?"
"We just ate the cupcakes Uncle Ben brought back"
 Ben looked at May with guilty eyes. May had put so much effort into Peter's birthday cake and she felt hurt that they had bought some pastries in anticipation. Your mother was impatiently stamping her foot. It was important to know exactly what you had eaten and above all, you shouldn't waste any more time. Peter felt completely helpless. He had only given a cupcake to his guest, that’s all. What was wrong with giving someone a cupcake?
 "What were those cupcakes flavor?" your mother said impatiently ...
"With lemon and almonds." he said in a very small voice.
 You were panicked. And the eight-year-old that you were was not coping well with stress. Plus, your feeling of being sidelined by Peter and his friend made you feel even worse. So you frowned. You couldn't see a thing but you could feel the torrent of tears escaping your cheeks. You pointed at Peter with rage
 "You tried to kill me !!!" you said somehow with your tongue as big as a little tangerine.
"It's not true!"
"Yes! You are a murderer"
 And you cried even more before your mother takes you to the emergency room as quickly as possible, apologizing for the scene.
 The week later, May forced Peter to apologize for giving you a cupcake, while justifying that he didn't know about your allergy. Your mother forced you to apologize for insulting Peter "a murderer" and accept his apologies.
 But you spent the rest of the vacation arguing with the little guy. After all, you didn't want to be friends with a murderer.
 Summer 2013
Aunt May and your mom didn't let go, however, and every summer you spent three damn weeks with Peter. The summer of your twelve years, you did not thus escape this eternal masquerade but this year, the tide had turned in your favor.
 From the start, you never liked Star Wars. It really wasn't your world. You had always preferred Harry Potter and although Peter had read the books and enjoyed them - which he would never admit to you as that would amount to listing the commonalities you had - he was much more invested in the galactic universe. But on that day, Peter had particularly bothered you. He had first replaced the sugar in your hot chocolate with salt. He kept chanting silly nursery rhymes about you and the downstairs neighbor, insinuating that you were in love: which was not the case. Yes, Peter had been extremely annoying. This time Peter was getting on your nerds by bouncing a small ball against the ceiling as you tried to read your book. Uncle Ben was in the living room watching the sport - you weren't sure exactly which one since it didn't matter to you - so you couldn't go anywhere else to be quiet.
 "Peter, stop it."
"Stop what?" he asked by bouncing the ball once more off his ceiling. You could even make out the smirk on his lips.
"That. Stop it! I can't read."
"This is nothing new."
 You threw him the first thing you found on his desk, c.e, a banana, which he easily dodged. You groaned in frustration. May and your mother didn't understand when you talked about Peter's attitude towards you. He was a calm child, far too shy at school and interested in everything, especially science. He was looking forward to entering Midletown High School in two years. You hated that nerd side about him. Secretly, you were a little jealous of him for being the smartest in the room.
 “I'm gonna hit you so hard you won't know your name anymore”
“ try me, dumbass.”
  A few minutes later, he had finally stopped throwing that damn ball, but obviously Peter's boredom was driving him to find everything the most boring thing than the previous one to drive you crazy. This time, he had simply taken his favorite lightsaber - because he had several - and he was poking your shoulder to get your attention.
 "Parker, stop!"
"Don't you want to drop this book and watch a movie?"
"What do you want to watch? Star Wars? No thanks ..."
"Oh come on, Y / N! I'm sure you'll like it!"
 He patted you on the shoulder once more with his lightsaber.
 "Do you want to play this, Parker?" you said before grabbing one of his other lightsabers
"What are you going to do? I'm sure you don't know how to fight with" he mocked.
 You have lit the glowing plastic stick and you are placed in the guard position.
 "Do you want to bet, knothead?"
 He smiled at you and attacked you first. Strangely, this is what most resembled a moment of bond between Peter and you and deep down, you appreciate it. But you also appreciate that possibility of kicking his ass after he's been so irritating. You responded to his lightsaber attacks with ease and joy. It was playful, childish, but it was one of the few times you had fun with Peter. And you really appreciate it. Your two laughs mingled, echoing in the room.
 But suddenly, as you were trying to dodge an attack from the brunet, your elbow made contact with his face. Peter's muffled cry of pain echoed and you froze. He was holding his nose with a grimace and when he took his hand away you both noticed in horror that he was bleeding.
"Pete..." you started talking
"You blew my nose!" Peter shouted
"I did not do it on purpose!" you defended yourself.
"Of course, you do! You fucking blew my nose!"
"Peter, I swear ..."
 But Peter interrupted you by rushing out of his bedroom looking for his aunt who was in the office as she tried to file the important papers, that Ben and her had received this week. You were livid. First, because you didn't mean to hurt Peter on purpose. Second, you couldn't stand the sight of blood and it was literally everywhere. Peter was leaving trails of droplets on the floor of the apartment.
 "Aunt May?!? Y/N blew my nose! Damn, I'm bleeding!"
 After a brief stint in the ER, the rest of the stay was peaceful as you and Peter avoided each other until the end of the summer.
 Summer 2017
Peter was not the Peter you had always known.
 Since the death of his uncle Ben, the young man had closed in on himself and was even further away. Always so intelligent and discreet but much more distant. He had stopped teasing you or doing things that got on your nerves. He was minding his own business. And even though you had tried to be there for him, not denying him any of the offers he made to you during your stay ... you found him really ... overwhelmed. Which was still understandable.
 But this year was worse than the last. May told your mother that last year Peter got an internship at Stark Industry and attended a seminar in Germany but came back with a black eye. He had been acting most weirdly ever more since then. And you could have witnessed it. In the afternoon, when you were busy, and when it was too hot, when you tried to rest, Peter would disappear for hours. When you caught him sneaking back several times, he made you promise not to tell Aunt May.
 And you were starting to have theories about his nighttime getaways. After all, you were 16 and you too had started dating a few boys. But it never really worked. who knows why?! And when you wondered if Peter had a girlfriend, and who she was - he had to have one in view of all his sneaking out - your stomach twisted in a strange feeling. You didn't understand why the thought of Peter having a girlfriend bothered you so much. Over time, you had learned to be friends. It still happened sometimes that you quarreled but the events of the life made you grow up. Your parents had divorced, Peter had lost his uncle. You could tell yourself that you both had grown.
 And it was one night when Peter was sneaking back in again that you discovered two secrets.
 The first one: He was Spider-Man.
 It was around midnight when you heard the sound of the window opening. Since your childhood and this Machiavellian plan of your mother and Aunt May, you had always slept in Peter's room during holiday and more recently in his bed. The noise alerted you and you got up in a sitting position. But the only thing you saw was a foot, placed on this said window, closing it gently. How the hell was that possible?
 You were ready to scream but your gut told you to look up at the ceiling. A figure hung on it and you were paralyzed. Were you having one of those weird experiences called sleep paralysis? Delicately, silently, you grabbed the first blunt object within reach. A chemistry book that Peter seemed particularly fond of. The figure stepped on the ceiling as you were paralyzed. The form turned to land on the ground and then stood up, still with its back to you. You got up gently from Peter's bed and walked over. The man in the suit whose color you couldn't see took off his mask and you hit the air in an attempt to shoot him down. Peter turned around so quickly and blocked your gesture easily, like a reflex.
 "What the ..."
"Bloody hell".
 You both said at the same time. Your big surprised eyes mirrored Peter's. The curly man let go of your hand with an apologetic expression as you walked away from your friend. You turned on the bedside lamp before you discovered his blue and red costume. A very recognizable costume since it was that of Spider-Man. You winced, a look of judgment and incomprehension on your face. Not bothering to look at his face covered with bruises and traces of blood.
 "What the ... are you sneaking out to go to a costume party?"
"What?! No…No Y/N I’m…”
“Spider-Man? Great costume by the way” you joked.
 For a moment, you completely forgot that you just saw your friend glued upside down to the ceiling. Peter looked at you a little jaded, by the tone of your voice your guess was far from a sincere question but more of a mockery. And right now, the young man needed to be honest with you. He needed you.
 "But, I am."
"Yeah that's it. And I slept with the Winter Soldier. You can't imagine what he can do with his metal arm."
 Peter cut you off by pulling a web with his web shooter, tying your hands. The feel of the canvas was unpleasant, sticky but above all resistant. You let out a little cry of surprise, not powerful enough to pass the walls of Peter's room. Your eyes looked like two big golf balls, realizing that your friend was telling the truth.
 "Omg, You're Spider-Man" you almost spoke too loud.
"Yes and don't make me web your mouth. May doesn't have to know"
"damn, peter. What happened to your face!"
“yeah about that…I need you Y/N, please…”
  And without warning, Peter squeezed the spider in the middle of his costume, at chest level. He winced at the action revealing his bruised chest. He staggered a bit from the action, unsure of his legs and the pain in his sides fierce. You might see several bruises and cuts on your friend's body. You were having difficulty swallowing before you told him you were going to the bathroom to get what you needed. Before leaving the room, he made you promise to be discreet and not tell May anything if she ran into you. When you walk back into Peter's room, he's sitting half-lying on his bed, grimacing. You sit next to him, your heart pounding. You never noticed that he was so built. After all, as a superhero, he had to keep fit. But you couldn't deny that it intimidated you. Your cheeks were burning with embarrassment and a desire you never knew before. He had his eyes closed, as if trying to make the pain go away. And there, looking at him, you found him pretty. he was so cute that you couldn't help but run your hand through his curls to signal your presence and soothe him a bit. But Peter already knew you were there. He had heard your footsteps, he had smelled your scent, a sweet scent he had grown used to in his later years. He sighed softly, more relaxed. You started to clean the few shallow wounds.
 "Does it hurt?" you asked quietly
"Mhmm no, not really."
"Did you win?"
"Ouch..No. Not tonight."
"Sorry." you said more for your gesture rather than the fact that he didn't win the fight against the bad guys.
"No, it's perfect ... it's just a little sensitive"
 You smiled but something was wrong. A feeling you've never felt before. You've finished cleaning up Peter's wounds, but your gaze has darkened. As you were about to get up, the brunette gently grabbed your wrist to hold you back. He could hear your calm breathing and yet your heart was racing. He could feel the heat on your cheeks. He too felt that the tension was at its height. Your mind was muddled, he didn't know why, he wasn't a telepath, but he could see it, feel it. Your body betrayed your mind.
 "Y/N, what is it?"
"I..I don't know." you lied.
"You can tell me everything."
"I ... Well…Seeing you like this ... makes me ... makes me realize that I ... I'm afraid of losing you."
"You won't lose me ... I promise"
 You are ashamed of your vulnerable state. How did you go from hating this boy to having an overwhelming fear of losing him? You looked at those chocolate eyes in confusion and distress. You were now fully aware that the little neighborhood spider was none other than your childhood friend. The one you once loved to hate, tease, fight with over trivia. He was also on the youtube videos, who stopped cars with his bare hands.
 “Y/N… you won’t lose me, I promise.”
 Peter dared to walk slowly towards you and in a surge of courage, one of his hands circled your burning cheek, his lips rested on yours. The brunette had always had a crush on you without actually admitting it. After all, you had known each other since you were children but... your relationship had been rather confrontational. But for two years now, everything had changed for him. He appreciated more and more your little arguments, your teasing. His thoughts would sometimes turn darker when you lick your lips or when your fingers scratched that point behind your ear, when you were a little stressed.
 Your lips moved between them in a harmonious dance and you were now clinging desperately to Peter's slightly sweaty brown curls. Your heart was pounding at a speed close to the point of no return, reluctant to stop suddenly in the face of this overstimulation. But all good things came to an end and you slowly walked away. You bit your lip to get the taste of Peter's back. Your mind wandered, lost in the haze of rushing feelings.
 "You..you should rest ..."
 You ended up pulling away, swallowing hard. That night you didn't sleep. You have studied every facial feature of Peter, thinking of every event since your friendship. The next day, you fooled that nothing had happened. Too scared of what that kiss meant to you.
 Summer 2025
It all happened so quickly. After that summer, the summer of your kiss, you promised yourself that you understood your feelings towards Peter. You weren't going to the same high school and even though you were both on social media, you never dared to contact him. You needed time.
 But you haven't had this time. Peter became full-time Spider-Man and then the aliens came to earth, again. The threat of Thanos hovered and within moments, days, hours ... you were gone under his snap.
 When you returned to your childhood apartment, you were alone. Well, alone in front of the family who lived in this place now. The man in his forties simply believed you were a drug-hunting teenager squatter. Five damn years had passed. 5 years where your mother had a new life when you had been eclipsed. You were distraught, alone and it was by happy coincidence that you found May at the F.E.A.S.T project. It was a relief for you to find a familiar face again. She had suggested that you come and live in her new temporary apartment, allowing you to finish high school without having to move to the other end of the United States, with your mother. You declined your offer. You wanted to fend for yourself. And surprisingly, you did pretty well.
 To be exact, Mr. Delmar was looking for a student to work in his store and was kind enough to greet you in the bedroom of one of his daughters who had gone to college. By the greatest of luck, you've never seen Peter. Or rather, you managed to avoid it for an entire year. You had caught a glimpse of him one day, trying to speak Italian to get a travel adapter and a dual headphone adapter. Did you feel foolish thinking that after so long - could we consider those 5 years to be 5 concrete years? - would it still focus on the kiss you shared? After all, you got away from him after that. And then, everything went in a state of madness.
 Every time you turned on the television, you learned that elemental monsters had attacked a different country. They had first started with Mexico and then moved to Europe. Italy, Prague and then London. A certain Mysterio seemed to be taking care of this matter, but you couldn't help but think of Peter. May told you he was supposed to go to Italy. In fact, every time she went to Delmar's for a sandwich, she gave you an update on her nephew's trip. But it wasn't the craziest.
 Upon his return ... Spider-man's identity was revealed. You had watched in horror the video of Mysterio, which appeared on the Daily Buggle newspaper, accusing Peter of wanting to be the new Iron-Man. You were listening to J. Jonah Jameson falsely accusing Peter of being a murderer. You knew Peter, and there was no way he had done such an act. The video was bogus, you were sure. When you tried to reconnect that summer, you noticed Peter's girlfriend. Michelle Jones and ... and that's what kept you from approaching him. He was already supported. He had his best friend, Ned. His girlfriend, MJ. And he had May. It was enough, wasn't it?
  It was the following year, after a new incredible adventure that you met again.
You worked at the store in the evening. Mr Delmar had asked you to help him out urgently because his youngest daughter had a health problem. You accepted with pleasure. You had offered to babysit his daughter but the loving father he was wanted to be with her. And it was precisely this evening that a thug decided to steal the fund from you.
 You were at gunpoint with your hands up in the air when you saw a red and black mass fall behind the thug.
 "Hey buddy, I think the bank is across the street"
 Spider-Man tapped the thief on the shoulder and dodged a punch.
 "But I think I'll arrest you anyway if you went to the bank. You don't seem like a nice guy." Peter joked.
 You were paralyzed as your friend, your best friend if you were honest, chained or avoided them with agility. You swallowed hard, unable to move or run away. A gunshot rang out and you smelled a scared little vintage. Peter squeezed the barrel of the gun in his hand, deviating from his course. It made sense now to say that he had simply defended himself against the assault. After a few seconds that seemed like an eternity, Peter stared the offender against a fridge door, immobilizing him. He then turned to you, oblivious to your identity at the time.
 "Are you okay there?"
 You didn't give him the chance to realize and you rushed into his arms, hugging him so tight to feel the comfort of his body against yours.
 "Uh, yeah, you're welcome. Cuddles are nice but ..."
 He paused for a moment and his automated eyes widened. He knew his perfume. The flowery, sweet scents that he had missed so much. Is this possible?
 You let go of him and immediately put his mask back on. Adrenaline was controlling your actions and god damn it, you needed that touch. You kissed him, bluntly. Your lips crushed against his in impatience, in ardor, but too bad. You needed to feel it against you, to regain the feeling that you had felt, years ago. After a few seconds, you felt Peter's hands encircle your waist, pulling you closer to him. Your heart was exploding, the ardor was present in your kiss. You were even frustrated that you couldn't grab her brown curls with full hands, settling for only the base of her hair. You let out a moan before pulling away abruptly. He had a girlfriend.
 "I… I'm sorry. I… Sorry, I didn't mean… MJ… and… please don't blame me."
 Peter silenced you with another kiss, shorter this time but so good.
 “There is no MJ .... Just you and me ... Far Longer Than Forever”
 You looked at him hopefully and then burst out laughing after his words.
 "I didn't know you were so romantic, Parker"
"Shut your mouth."
"Make me"
"You are impossible."
"But obviously, you like"
 He was going to say something to nag you, he was looking for it but you caught him off guard, placing your lips on his again. You could feel his smile in the kiss and you couldn't help but do the same. Anyone living in the neighborhood present in the street would have a view of Spider-Man kissing the student cashier from Delmar. But you couldn't care less. You had waited too long and the joy you were feeling now was so intense, you didn't want to stop feeling this. It is reluctantly that Peter moved away from you apologizing for the fact that he had to go on patrol again.
 "Go save the Spider-Man neighborhood"
"Only if you promise me you'll be there when I get back."
"I was thinking of going to say goodnight to May instead ... But if you want, I have a sleeping bag in the storeroom."
"You are incorrigible .... See you later ..."
"See you later."
 You smiled, in a misty state of bliss as Peter disappeared from view. This time, you weren't planning to escape, you wanted to fall into the webs of Peter Parker. You closed the store after the police visit and headed to May's flat. It was late but with her kindness she welcomed you with open arms.
 This summer ... was the best in years but the others to come were going to be even more wonderful.
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mageofseven · 4 years
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Part 3! This is the last part, containing Beel and Belphie's sections below the cut. Please enjoy~
Part 1 | Part 2
Things were peaceful with the pregnancy for a while.
Even in the beginning, when MC was barely showing and faced very little issues, the sixth brother was waiting on her hand and foot
And he almost always had a smile on his face. He was just insanely happy about becoming a dad, about having a baby with MC.
He handled every thing more or less with stride.
When she started showing and the woman felt self-conscious about the fact that she was losing her figure, he'd hold her close and kiss her, telling how beautiful she was, that the belly she was growing made her no less so. In fact, it made her even more beautiful because to him, what her body was doing was a beautiful thing: growing and carrying his child, something that meant the world to him.
Yeah, he was a bit anxious about how things would go since Lucifer told them the pregnancy could become dangerous for her, but he was still truly happy for the two of them to become parents.
Unlike his siblings in the other timelines, Beel had no fears about how he'll be as a dad; he knew he had so much love to give their son or daughter and was ready to give it.
It wasn't until MC's fourth month when some concerns were raised.
MC's belly had grew at an unusual rate. Despite just entering her fourth month, her belly was roughly the size of what it should be in her sixth or even seventh month of pregnancy, according to Satan.
Beel didn't really know anything specific about pregnancy so he didn't see it as anything to worry about. I mean, he was the Avatar of Gluttony and this was his baby. MC developed quite the appetite because of this and was eating at least twice more than she used to. Surely that's all this was? And if so, the man couldn't see it as anything dangerous, at least.
Still, MC's anxiety grew over it, causing him talk over it more with the blonde to figure out if there was anything he could do for her.
And so the time came; the rune! Satan drew the rune over the human's belly to collect the data they needed.
After a minute or two of absorbing the data, the blonde raised an eyebrow.
"What is it?" MC asked.
"It... well, I suppose for a start, Beel is correct that his sin is part of the reason for the growth spurt." Satan began. "But only partly."
Beel leaned towards his brother, listening closely.
"However, there are some more difficult elements at play here." The fourth brother continued. "The most pressing being... the number."
"I... what?" The woman stared at the demon in front of her.
"It seems you two are having twins. Two girls, in fact."
Beel immediately pulled MC in for a hug. The woman cried heavy tears, but they were paired with a smile. The big guy teared up as well.
"Twins. Beely, we're having two little girls." She said from inside his arms.
"I know." The man pulled back and gave her a sweet kiss before laying both hands on her belly. "Our little girls--"
"I hate to interrupt," The Avatar of Wrath said, but of course, did so anyway. "But... do either of you realize the danger this poses to any degree?"
Beel turned back to his brother, furrowing his brow.
Satan sighed.
"Beel... one baby was going to be rough on her body, but two?" He pointed out. "Honestly Beel, she'll likely be eating at least as much as you, if not more, and that still might not be enough for her body. It's manageable now, but once she enters the last trimester, it'll be very difficult to keep two gluttony demon children fed as well as the mother they're siphoning nutrition off of faster than she can get it."
Basically, MC was going to be eating an extreme amount of food and still literally be starving. That's how Beel understood it at least.
The man looked at his girlfriend and frowned in worry. He hated feeling hungry and didn't wish that on his Muffin, but knew she'll end up feeling even worse than that.
"Is there anything I can do for her now?" The redhead asked.
"Right now... all we can do is stock up and hope for the best." The blonde answered. "Lucifer should probably be informed so things can be planned out."
And so he did. He walked his girlfriend to their bedroom so she could lie down for a bit while he went to Lucifer's study to inform him. The older brother was instantly stressed out, but let out a sigh and told him that he'll handle it.
Lucifer did warn Beel though that he probably won't be able to eat as much as he's used to because of this. The Avatar of Gluttony only nodded. If he had to go hungry to keep MC fed and alive then so be it. It was worth it to him.
As the months went by, Satan's predictions were proven true. By half way through her seventh month, MC was bedridden. Her belly had grown so big that she literally could not get out of bed on her own.
The woman was never alone though. She constantly had either Beel or Belphie or both with her to bring her food or carry her to the bathroom or cuddle her so she didn't get lonely.
What was equally as worrisome as her gravid boulder of a belly was the rest of her. The woman had lost so much weight in her thighs, arms, and face that she looked like she's been starved for years.
Each touch of Beel's was extra gentle because his girlfriend looked so fragile like this. He was afraid to hurt her even more, especially because of their girls' kicks.
The twins had inherited their daddy's strength. Occasionally, one or both of them would kick their mama a bit too hard, causing a bruise to form on her belly.
This led to lots of belly time. Beel would kiss and rub his Muffin's belly while talking to his girls, telling them how loved they are, but how they need to be more gentle with their mama.
Despite how difficult the situation was, both Beel and MC kept positive, smiling through it. After all, this was all for their little girls so of course it was worth it.
Good End:
Oh this poor woman. It took ten months of pregnancy, being a full month over due, but her twins were finally ready to come out into the world and meet their parents.
It was a long twelve hours for the couple; after all, these were two very big, overdue demon babies of gluttony being pushed out by a mom they've seriously weakened for months now. Yet despite the odds, both Mama and babies made it out okay.
Beel kissed his girlfriend's head and watched as she fed their girls. Their girls. This was really happening. Beel was a daddy. His sweet Muffin was a mama and those sweet girls feeding from her chest were their daughters, sporting his hair, eye color, horns, even delicate versions of his wings, but still had all of their mother's facial features. They were identical, unlike him and Belphie, but the demon truly hoped the two could forge just as strong of a bond together as he had with his twin.
When the two were done drinking, Beel took the one from MC's left arm and brought her into his own. Just then, a knock came to the door and it clicked open to reveal Belphie, who Beel texted a few minutes ago; he wanted his twin to be the very first one to see his daughters.
The couple smiled at him.
"Belphie, come see them." MC invited him to come closer.
The seventh brother approached the bed and gave a small smile.
"So... whose who?"
MC looked up to Beel, letting her boyfriend introduce them. The man smiled.
"This is Arsenia." The redhead stared down at the little girl in his arms, kissing her head before looking to the one in MC's arms. "And right there is Anais."
The three talked for a bit and watched the babies before MC needed to sleep. Beel laid the twins in their cribs before giving his Muffin a quick kiss on her head.
"Sweet dreams, Muffin. Thank you for everything." He smiled.
Bad End:
Twelve hours. Twelve hours of labor that seemed like it was going no where. The first baby was barely even crowning after all this time and MC was losing what remained of her strength. The woman honestly didn't know how much more she could take.
Beel felt so helpless as he watched her struggle. He was so hyperfocused on his Muffin that he hadn't even thought of food once during these twelve hours and even a non gluttony demon would be getting hungry right then.
It took another hour, but MC eventually got the head out and then the shoulders. But that was it. That was as far as she made it. She had lost the last of her strength and just... faded away at that moment. Beel couldn't accept it at first and just kept calling her name and shaking her shoulder, begging her to wake up. But she didn't. The man let out a howl of pain before collapsing on his knees in sobs. He cried for a minute before remembering his girls.
Beel quickly shot up and freed the first baby, Arsenia, from her mother's body. Anais... Anais, he never got to save. They never knew it, but the cord had been wrapped around her neck for most of the labor and she left them before even MC did.
And just like that, the Avatar of Gluttony lost his Muffin and one of his daughters. As he held tightly to Arsenia though, he vowed that he would never, ever let any harm come to her.
Beel was a loving, but fiercely protective father. His daughter handled it in stride for the first twelve years of her life, but after that, grew to really resent him. He never let her truly live her life. By fifteen, she actually ran away to the Human realm in search of what was left of her mother's side of the family, leaving a note saying that she couldn't handle him suffocating her anymore. Arsenia had succeeded in finding her grandma and Lucifer convinced Beel to just let her be for a few days. Then he came to get her and the two had a heart to heart talk.
The man didn't know how he could grow to let go more; all he knew was his fear. This was his daughter. His worse nightmare was losing her just like he did with MC and Anais. But he knew if he didn't learn then he was just going to lose her in another way. The man just didn't know what to do anymore. Not without MC, who kept him grounded. Not without MC, who he sees everytime he looks at his daughter's face. And so he was stuck feeling desperate and lost and just wanting his daughter to understand him and be happy.
After the two's three month fight, Belphie was dedicated to taking care of MC.
He was an ass to her when he found out of she was pregnant and he knew it, never even denied it, but it came from a place of fear and love for his human.
Seeing just how important this baby was to her though... it was enough for him to bury his fear deep inside of himself for her. He had to; she needed him and he was not going to abandon her again.
Her second trimester was... well, let's just say he stepped in to support her at just the right time.
MC was always so exhausted and went through her days in almost a daze.
She even passed out at the dinner table one evening, face falling straight onto her plate.
Normally, the Avatar of Sloth would find this funny, but the pregnancy had him on edge.
She woke up fairly easily though. Just a couple shakes of her shoulder and the woman was lifting her head, wondering why there was mashed potatoes in her hair.
That was enough for him though. Belphie picked his girlfriend up and carried her to his room. He cleaned the food out of her hair before laying her back on the bed.
"I'm sorry..." She mumbled.
"Don't apologize, Butthead." He said softly, pulling her to his chest.
He knew she couldn't help it. In general, pregnancy could be tiring, but when the baby daddy is the literal Avatar of Sloth? Yeah, that made things harder.
The human fell asleep, barely staying conscious long enough to hear his response.
Belphie leaned in and kissed her forehead.
Even after such an early bed time, MC didn't wake up in the morning. Or the afternoon. Belphie was tense as hell, but tried to be patient.
Around 3pm, after sleeping for about twenty hours straight, the man tried shaking his girlfriend awake. But she wouldn't.
Belphie started freaking out and shaking her harder. She still wouldn't wake up.
He had to triple check that she was alive. And she was; the woman still breathed slow, sleepy breaths and had a calm pulse like any sleeping person would.
But she wasn't waking up? Why?
At some point, the younger brother wasn't sure when, but Beel had gotten up and rushed to Lucifer.
The oldest brother put a hand on his youngest brother's shoulder, stopping him from shaking the human anymore.
Belphie instantly shook the oldest off and gave him a glare.
"Stop, she's not waking up!"
"Shaking her is not going to help the situation."
Belphie was frustrated with the Avatar of Pride, but knew he was right. But what else could he do?
Lucifer did most of the talking with Beel after that. The two went back and forth on different things as Belphie simply held his girlfriend close.
Eventually, the two left the room and came back with Satan, book in hand. Belphie growled as the blonde approached the bed.
Satan sighed.
"Enough with that. I believe I know a way to figure out the problem."
And with that, the fourth brother explained step by step everything he was going to do.
The boyfriend scowled, but let the blonde do what he needed to do.
Satan opened his book and laid it on the bed. He gave a glance at the page before pulling down the blanket and raising up the woman's shirt.
Belphie growled again, but stopped as Beel laid a hand on his arm. The man then took a deep breath and just sat up, watching the blonde's movements carefully as he guarded his girlfriend. Yeah, Satan was his brother, but more importantly, that was his girlfriend the blonde was messing with. Whatever he does, he better be gentle.
The three other men watched as the Avatar of Wrath drew a rune around MC's navel. The woman stirred, making some noises in her sleep, but didn't awake.
When the blonde finished the rune, it glowed a very bright purple. The fourth brother raised an eyebrow at this.
"It's... not supposed to do that." The blonde picked up his book, rereading the passage once more.
"What did you do?" Belphie immediately jumps to the worse scenarios.
Satan waved off his words and continued to read the passage.
"It's suppose to glow green since I am the rune's scripter... however, it shows itself in your color."
The Avatar of Sloth didn't say a word; he didn't understand what was going on. He looked down at his human, whose sleep had turned a bit restless since the other man drew the rune on her.
The fourth brother finally sat down the book and reached out to lay his hand on the rune
...and was immediately shocked.
Satan cursed and pulled his hand towards his chest.
"What happened?" Lucifer asked.
The fourth brother just shook his head and breathed for a minute in order to keep calm.
"It... I seemed to be locked out." The blonde answered in a controlled voice.
"What do you mean, you're locked--"
"It means I don't have control over the rune!" The Avatar of Wrath snapped at the oldest before taking a deep breath. "Belphie, you do it."
"Do what?"
"Just put your hand on the rune; it'll do the rest."
Belphie stared at his brother for a minute before slowly laying his hand on MC's belly, right above the rune.
Suddenly, his eyes glowed as his brain was flooded with information.
Okay, first off, he learned the rune was purple because of the baby. As soon as they sensed the rune intruding on their safe place, the baby locked Satan out... apparently to protect themselves and their mother. Belphie only has access because they seem to trust him.
It also seemed that the baby has inherited their dad's protective instincts. Belphie approves.
That's not the only thing they got from him though.
The reason MC has been out cold for past twenty hours is because they inherited their dad's miasma powers, the ability that he uses with his aura to weaken people and put them to sleep
The very same power he used the night he killed MC.
Belphie wanted to curse, to scream, to aim all his anger at the little being doing this to her
But then he discovered why.
The baby... they sensed their mama's great distress, something MC had been trying so hard to hide from him.
It all went back to the first revelation; the baby was protective of their mother. They weren't just protecting her from outside forces, but from herself too.
Lastly, he learned learned that there was no single baby; there was two
Twins. A boy and a girl.
Belphie pried away his hand so quickly that he almost fell off of the bed. If it wasn't for Beel being right behind him and catching him, he would have.
"What is it?" His twin asked.
Oh dear devil, where should he even start? The seventh brother didn't even know if he wanted to say anything; he just wanted time to let it all sit within him, but he had three pairs of eyes trained on him at the moment.
Belphie glanced down at MC's sleeping face and a fresh wave of guilt washed over him. She was essentially being drugged into sleep by his kids. Once again, this was his fault.
Sensing how overwhelmed his twin was, Beel turned to Lucifer and said some things that the younger twin didn't even try to hear before the oldest and the blonde left the room, leaving the twins alone.
Belphie sat with his knees to his chest and hid his face in his arms.
Beel came up and hugged his brother.
"It's my fault..." Belphie's voice cracked.
The younger twin told the redhead everything, who listened patiently to all of it.
Beel's arms tightened around his brother.
"You know she wouldn't blame you for it." Beel told him.
"Doesn't change the fact that it's my fault..."
The twins talked together for a little over an hour. After that, Belphie fell asleep next to MC and Beel left to update Lucifer.
The conclusion? Wait. All they could do for now is wait. Satan looked into some human-safe potions that would be strong enough to wake MC if she took too long, but otherwise, waiting is all they could do.
Two days later, MC woke up in severe need of water. Beel ran to go get some for her as Belphie held her close, relief washing over him.
A few bottles of water later, MC asked what happened.
Belphie didn't know what to say. Or rather... how to tell her.
But he did. He admitted everything with a heavy heart and actually apologized to her.
Wide eyed, his girlfriend pulled him in for a hug.
"Hey... none of that." She told him. "I'm fine, I-- it's okay."
The two laid there and cuddled for a while. Belphie laid with his head on her chest, feeling it rise and fall with each breath (and being incredibly grateful for each one) as his girlfriend stroked his hair.
"So...twins?" She asked softly. "How...how do you feel about that?"
Belphie let out a sigh. How could she lay there and worry about him despite the situation she was in?
It didn't help that the demon honestly had no clue to how to answer that. How did he feel about any of this now?
He hated all of this in the beginning and he resented this baby for even existing. Since his experience with the rune and getting the chance to understand the babies inside of her... he really didn't know.
They seemed... anxious and overall just wanted to protect their mother. That was no different from Belphie himself.
His twins just... devil, he could feel his heart softening for them as he thinks over everything.
He didn't resent them anymore, but how did he feel about them? About there being two of them?
Honestly, it sounded like a hassle. Even once this whole pregnancy is done with, MC and him will have twice the responsibility; he was exhausted just thinking about it.
Still, he accepted it all.
"Dummy, you shouldn't be worrying about what I think." Belphie shook his head. "...How do you feel about it?"
"A bit... scared." She admitted. "I don't want you to get overwhelmed again and... and leave me."
Belphie sat up and stared down at her.
"I'm not leaving you. Ever." He said firmly. "I know I was a dick in the beginning, but I'm staying with you. Period."
MC looked away.
"Y-Yeah, but..."
Devil, he had to keep her stress levels down or their twins are gonna drug her again. The demon leaned in and kissed his girlfriend before laying his head back down on her chest.
"I love you, Butthead." He mumbled. "I'm not leaving you or our kids so stop worrying."
He could feel her body relax underneath him.
Months went by with very little issues. She went through somedays with a really froggy mind and that was concerning on it's own because she was extra clumsy like this, tripping over furniture and starting little fires in the kitchen.
Belphie and Beel were always hovering around her because of this, ready to catch her when she tripped. They also took over her cooking duty and took turns. MC felt bad and said she should be contributing more, but Belphie would always silence her with a kiss and tell her she's contributing enough by carrying his little gremlins.
This made her smile because she knew he was joking. If he was able to joke about them like that then there must be affection for them underneath it all. And she was right.
Her coma-like sleeps were rare but they did happen twice more in her pregnancy. Luckily between Belphie and Beel, they were able to keep her stress down enough to where it usually wasn't an issue.
Good End:
MC had woken him up in the middle of the night. Her contractions started while she was asleep and woke her up when they got too strong for her to sleep through. Belphie woke up to her crying and clinging to him.
From 3am to 9am, a long six hours, MC labored hard till she pushed both twins out. Their son had his dad's dark hair while their daughter had MC's hair. Both had Belphie's purple eyes though. Their daughter had their dad’s horns while their son had their dad’s tail.
MC held their son close to her chest as Belphie held his daughter. He stared down at the little girl, who lightly squirmed in his arms and let out soft cries.
He looked over to his girlfriend, just to notice that he himself had been crying as he watched his daughter. The demon looked away, blushing. After a moment, he spoke.
"I know we really didn't talk about this beforehand... but I want to name her Lilith."
His girlfriend gave him a smile.
"Of course."
The two discussed it for a few minutes and decided to name their son Judas.
Bad End:
Things fell apart early in MC's eighth month. The woman suddenly just collapsed where she stood, seconds after whispering Belphie's name and trying to reach out to him. The man caught her before she hit the floor. She had suddenly fallen into one of her comas. But why? He thought his girlfriend was okay, but apparently she had been bottling some feelings up. She would have had to have been or otherwise their children wouldn't be doing this to her.
It was three days later that Belphie woke up in the night to feel that the bed was wet. Very wet. MC's water broke! She was still in her coma though so how did this work?? Even with the contractions, could she birth the twins if he she wasn't awake to push?? Belphie quickly woke up Beel who in turn rushed to Lucifer. The oldest called a doctor, who had Belphie stay outside of the room.
The youngest brother paced back and forth in the hallway, cussing, and overall more awake then he has been all of his demon life.
In the end... MC didn't make it. But the twins did. The twins survived even when his girlfriend didn't and that fact destroyed him.
For the first two years of their life, Belphie had absolutely nothing to do with his kids; Beel raised them for him. It wasn't because of what you might think. Belphie didn't resent his kids or blame them for their mother's death like he thought he would. Belphie was drowning in self-hatred because it was his fault. He believed this with every fiber of his being. He couldn't even look at his children, especially Lilith, who he saw both MC and his sister within her whenever their eyes met.
Eventually, he got his shit together, at least somewhat. He always needed help though so Lilith and Judas were raise by both their father and their Uncle Beel. Belphie was pretty laid back as a father so between him and Beel, the kids had the freedom to do just about anything. However, they grew to be a bit bratty. Good hearted, but bratty. Any time anyone other than he or Beel tried to discipline them or said anything awful to his kids, Belphie was ready to murder a bitch and slowly at that; it was a lot easier to set this man off now as a parent. Luckily, Beel was always able to drag him away and calm him down.
Those around them were always put on edge by the Avatar of Sloth's presence because of this; even the other brothers weren't sure how to interact with him somedays. Still, his kids were safe and between himself and Beel, they never went without anything. They grew up loved and protected... just like MC wanted.
He sometimes got into these depressive moods when he thought of her and couldn't leave his bed. At first, Beel would try to occupy the kids elsewhere so he could have his space and the twins didn't have to see their daddy like that. One day though, when they were five, they snuck away and into the attic room that he hid in. Wordless, the two just climbed into bed with him and he held them close to his chest.
As much as he missed MC... he loved his kids and moments like that reminded him just how important they are to him. There was once a time where he told himself that if he had to choose between MC and their kids, he wouldn't hesitate to choose her; he simply couldn't imagine how he could care about anyone as strongly as he does her. Now that they're here though, he doesn't have to imagine it; it's his reality and though he missed MC with every fiber of his being, he wouldn't trade his children for anything in the three realms.
Part 1 | Part 2
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lostysworld · 3 years
My dar(k) ling – The Darkling × reader
Part 13
Pairing: The Darkling x reader
Warnings: none?
Summary: Another fete, another challenge for you and Aleksander. Another person between you and the man you love.
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– What the hell is that?
You step on the training ground that you usually keep during archery trainings with young grisha. But seems this time your today's training started without you. Instead of empty space on your usual place a tall young woman is standing next to the line of targets with children not far from them.
Unfortunately, Baghra is here too.
– I found a replacement for you for this day, - the old woman waves her hand and a dark-haired woman sends a suspicious glance towards your side.
– Once it's for a day, and then for a life.
Baghra only rolls her eyes on your barely audible mumbling. When she brings you closer to that woman, you realize you've seen her before during trainings.
– It's Zoya, one of the best grisha in the Second Army.
You trace her slim figure in navy blue kefta with critical glance, waiting patiently for her any reaction. Not that you are against new people, but definitely not today, the day after your latest conversation with the general.
– Zoya Nazyalensky. A Squaller, - she extends her arm for a handshake, and you notice familiar pattern on her sleeve and smirk.
– Yes, I can see that.
Nevertheless, you extend yours in response, with a blank expression.
– She will train them, - Baghra nods towards kids. – While I am dealing with you, young lady.
– What else? - you grit your teeth in annoyance. You still have some lessons with Baghra, but usually they are about one and the same.
– I'm not done abusing you. Not yet.
– I am done.
– What? - the woman raises her brow and stops, turning to you.
– I don't need your lessons anymore. Though I'm grateful for the things you taught me, Baghra.
– Did my son brainwashed you with his teary puppy eyes-
– He has nothing to do with it. I just learned everything I wanted.
You already turn to leave her on the gardens' line, but the old witch doesn't intend to let you go.
– Your ancestors could do incredible things, and you only learned how to summon two elements and think, that you can outdo those grisha, who are here from the childhood.
You freeze on one spot, slowly exhaling and inhaling to calm yourself down. With one swift movement you are standing in front of her again.
– Air I can summon is still in your lungs, so be careful with your words, Baghra.
The corner of her lips twitches, as if she's waiting for a reaction like this. When the first wave of rage passes you relax a bit and you step back.
–And I still think that you are wasting your time here.
– What should I do? - you throw a glance to her, throwing arms to the sides in grim surprise. – To destroy the Fold with my hands?
– It's time for youto decide whose side you are on, girl. Are you with Aleksander, or you are helping to destroy him from the inside.
Your blood turns cold. No wonder, Aleksander became so impulsive with a mother like that.
– As far as I know, the boy still trusts you, Y/N.
– It is the perfect reason for me not to trust you.
The woman shakes her head, seeing the girl in front of her as a lost one for her to save. Worse that her son's influence is her own stubbornness and youth.
– What was Aleksander like? - you draw her attention. – Before the Fold.
– He laughed... A lot.
– Well, he seemed to do this with me either.
– That's what I am talking about, - she comes closer to you making you flinch. – You may bring some light to his life, but you won't change him.
Nonsense. You shake your head. Every new conversation with Baghra leads both of you to her attempts to turn you against the general. Every time. Always.
– I would never ask him to change-
– But it doesn't mean you won't want him to, Y/N. He is used to ruin people who are dear to him.
You lower your gaze, observing the ground. Loud noises from the training ground reach your hearing. Seems Zoya entertains young grisha more than you.
– Well, - you take a step back to show the woman, that your conversation is over. – Seems, my life has been already ruined before I met Aleksander.
The woman scans you with a mixture of judgment and motherly adoration in her eyes.
– There will be no happiness between you, if you are so alike on this point.
– Be that as it may, - with only one sentence Baghra gets to set your mood up and down.
As soon as she nods towards your side, you turn away, heading to the palace, passing by the training ground. Your head is full of useless information and whirlwind of emotions, so you at least can be used as a bad example of a trainer now.
When you get closer to your room, where Genya should meet you to try the fete dress on, you notice a familiar figure behind you. Even not turning your head, you know who it is.
– That's what the general meant, when was talking about constant pressure.
Ivan smirks smugly to himself.
– Oh, shut up, please! - you reach the door and halt to face the intrusive heartrender behind you.
– I am not a little girl, I can cope with it.
– And I am glad to hear it, - his face just perfectly shows how he enjoys himself at the moment.
– Shouldn't you look after your husband, hm?
– He is not my husband-
– Well, he should be.
With that you slam the door in front of Ivan's face, making him drop this mean smile from his face. If you two go on with communicating like this, you will become besties for sure.
You have never felt yourself so stupid and uncomfortable in your entire life like right at the moment, standing near the wall of the ballroom.
Genya abandoned you about a half an hour ago, and you are standing looking at the only one person here, that may draw your attention.
Aleksander spends his time discussing something with lieutenants on the opposite side of the room. Seems he is not interested in the fete or, what's most important, in you.
Not this gorgeous dress you are wearing, not your hairstyle, nothing can make the man turn his glance on your. After your last conversation none of you dared to speak with each other or look at.
Most of dates to the dance are already preoccupied with their partners, and you have only to throw sympathetic glances to Fedyor and Ivan, where one of them sometimes salutes you with a champagne glass by turns.
Not that you are just standing alone, some of familiar grisha join you from time to time having a small talk. And you may even easily escape from this party, but the chance that Genya will catch you somewhere in the corridors is pretty high and unpleasant.
But one small detail doesn't go unnoticed for you. Only couple of seconds ago the music becomes quieter, and you casts a quick glance towards the orchestra. There from their side, Aleksander is looking straight at you.
But it is not a problem at all. This detail doesn't seem to you; as soon as you follow others' glances with yours you notice a person coming to you.
The one you don't expect to see next to ever.
White coat with golden epaulettes, blond short hair and unusual charming smile instead of dull glassy glance.
Vasily Lantsov is walking straight to your side.
People around are not used to see the part of the royal family dancing with someone at parties like this one, so even musicians slow down a bit.
You are not nervous, but the whole scene is like not happening with you, so you just watch.
– Miss Y/L/N, may I have the pleasure of the dance?
His voice pitch is not high, not low, but something in the middle, although not unpleasant to hear.
You hesitate, but feeling of the general's burning glance on your figure makes you smirk slightly and nod, laying your hand in prince's one.
The music halts, but when the young man leads you to the center of the ballroom, it starts again with new force. The constant thoughts, that you are the only couple now and everybody is looking at both of you vanish as soon as Vasily's hand lays on your waistline, pressing you closer to him.
He doesn't talk, but the man is always looking at you, attentively, with the hidden interest, and you unconsciously compare this dance to your first one with general. It is stupid, because, honestly, it's nothing compared to the first fete.
You were kind of in love, charmed by a handsome stately man, who you trust with your life, and what's now?
Lost, without direction, still in love, but more love than in love, you are dancing with the prince, but not enjoying it. Though the dress is charming. With long waves it waltzes with your every movement, black and red.
Your lips touches a one sided smirk and you can only imagine what an impression this dance has on Aleksander. Surely, his subordinates will have a hard day tomorrow.
Fortunately for you, the music stops soon and the man, as a perfect gentleman, lets go of your palm and smiles in the end. You curtsy and step towards another wall, closer to the exit. One dance is pretty enough for tonight.
But when you intend to leave the room, someone's hand wraps around your wrist, slightly squeezing it, and you turn around immediately.
Lantsov doesn't go away, but stands still peering at you.
– Would you like to join me this evening, miss Y/L/N? - your eyes narrow in suspicion. Carefully you try to take your hand away from him.
– Don't think me to be rude, your Highness, but you are not known for spending time with ladies.
The young man smirks to you and you literally feel that burning gaze from another side of the room.
– I am not, but you will rescue me, if do that, - you clearly don't understand his intentions and wince.
– Otherwise, I will be sentenced to never-ending grumbling of my mother about searching for a bride.
– Oh...
– "Oh" indeed.
You barely hold yourself from chuckling, but the the prince steps closer to you, and suddenly you think that this scene can be used as a motivation. Of course, not for you.
– What do I get out of it? - you take his hand, that Vasily gladly offers to you.
– A way out of your difficult situation.
His words lit a sparkle inside of your mind, your thoughts find a common point, and you switch your interested gaze on him.
He waits for a second and casts a glance on that side where the general should be, but you decide not to test your luck, and keep staring right at the blond man in front of you.
Suddenly you remember that the ring Aleksander gave you with the letter is left in your room, on a night stand.
A nasty rotten feeling crawls inside you and all your previous thoughts vanish away.
When you turn to the direction where Kirigan stood, you see no one. There is definitely not a good sign, and you quickly look around to sneak out of the hall without Genya noticing you.
You excuse yourself and runs out of the ballroom. All this evening leaves your head full of conflicting thoughts and feelings, so you just need more fresh air.
Usually it's Aleksander who comes to your room either to make up or to take his time alone while your sleeping. But something is telling you that this day is not one of them. You need to talk to him first.
The door behind general's back slams loudly, he can even hear some of the pictures on the walls shaking. Everything in the war room is left like it was before he left for the fete. But the man isn't the same.
He ruffles his hair, exhaling tensely, marching from one corner to another in strange mix of helpless rage and jealousy.
He doesn't know, what is going on with him. All these day it was not so hard not to pay attention to this girl, and now, when Lantsov shared a dance with her, the Darkling is furious.
He unconsciously registers his own shadows crawling to his figure from the darkest sides of the room. If he goes on like this, he will surely have troubles with controlling his powers in future, leaving it to his anger.
The full moon is in the night skies and millions of glittering stars are shining radiating a slight pale light. The sudden thought of leaving the palace and having a night stroll dies with a barely audible knock.
Not many people afford themselves a luxury of disturbing the general so late at night, but anyway he heads to the door.
He opens the door rapidly and he blesses himself for wearing a usual cold mask, the general doesn't give his surprise away.
– Zoya? To what do I owe your esteemed company?
The girl's hesitating, but determined expression almost makes him smile, but he holds himself back.
– You left the fete so soon, I was afraid something happened.
Aleksander steps aside inviting her in. Honesty, he may even use this night visit to forget his predicament, but something holds him back. Something is telling him, it is not his way out.
Unconsciously his hand slips into the pocket of his kefta, fingers find the ring of black metal and green stones. He knows the similar one is somewhere here, in Y/N's room.
But when the squaller walks in further into the room, straight to the table, both of them hear one more knock. Loud, clear one. Aleksander will never mistake him for any other.
– Come in!
He doesn't busy himself opening the door, and when it's opened by the woman he is afraid to see, Kirigan finds himself enjoying the moment.
– Am I interrupting? - the witch's cold voice rings in the tense silence of the place, as she cocks her head to the side. Zoya straightens her shoulders.
– I was just keeping company with the general Kirigan, - the man follows Y/N arching a brow without any other visible signs of displeasure. – People tell it helps when you are alone. Isn't it convenient? You should know about it.
Venom in Zoya's voice is clear, but it's not enough for freaking the young woman out.
– Yes, I'm forgetting all my troubles the moment someone breaks into my chambers in the middle of the night.
Kirigan presses his lips in thin line, trying not to smile or smirk. Despite this difficult situation and visible intentions of Zoya towards him, he can't not to admire his forest witch. The little girl turns into his queen. It's just her character, that doesn't let her admit it.
– Zoya is already leaving, - Aleksander pushes himself from the wall, attentively looking at the squaller.
The dark-haired woman passes by you, not even sharing a last glance, and when the door behind her closes, you feel like finally relaxing.
– Don't like the company of the royal family?
The general locks the door and comes back to you, eyeing your figure with a silky arrogant gaze.
You, in turn, don't leave his eyes too, but with completely different expression. The man, who adored you so much, when we first met and developed your feelings towards each other, who worried about your opinion about him, now only pushes you away as hard as possible and even harder.
You indeed are not recognizing the same man you loved. But maybe you should learn to love him again.
– What was that? - your quiet voice seems to shake him to the ground. This strange calm power on the bottom on your eyes frightens him.
– What was what?
– What made you what you are? - you come closer to the man knowing that he won't go away. There are no more places where he can hide from you. – Tell me, Aleksander, what have burnt the heart out of you?
His glance is a mix of shame and disgust. He can't just not look at you and solve his problems with that. With the woman who sees through him.
– You don't want to know, Y/N.
– Well, I'm here..., - you throws your arms to the side.
Kirigan turns away and comes up to the table with maps leaning on his hands. His glance is slipping to the documents and plans, but he feels you're coming with his back.
You can't wait anymore, come closer to your lover. Lean with your hip on the table to face Aleksander, desperately staring into sharp lines of his features, trying to find that very young man he was once, so long time ago, beyond all the darkness that surrounds him.
– What do you want to hear? I was killing people in their backs all these years. I have terrified them, terrorized using my shadows, I was Ravkan punisher. Fouler than death itself.
– I understand, - you say quietly, wondering if there is still soul inside of this man. Burnt down black desert. That is all he has instead of it.
– Do you regret?
You flinch, when low voice rings in complete silence after a pause. Instead of answering you just shake your head.
– Not a minute of it...well, - Kirigan's gaze switches to yours, when you highlights last words.
– Aside from the moments when you tried to send me away.
One-sided light grin touches his face.
– Don't tell me later, that I didn't warn you.
– Even if I ever regret about my decisions, I will never blame you, Aleksander.
Something in him clicks and he straightens turning his head to you. Need in the glance only softens you more.
– Call me that again, - everything inside you clenches, as you hear his broken voice.
– Aleksander-
– No, not like that.
On a short moment you don't understand his words, but then you are finally lighted up with an idea. His hand that lays not far from you appears under your gentle touch.
– Sasha.
The walls he was building for so long are crushing down at this very moment. You make a quick move to embrace him tenderly and tightly. The man immediately hides his head in the crook of your neck.
– Has the darkness in me won over the light, Y/N? - you feel these words as he touches your skin with his lips while speaking.
– I don't know, darling. I don't know.
– Maybe they are right, - he raises his head, and you see these two burning pools of pure madness in his eyes. – Maybe the beast should stay with his own kind-
– Shut up!
Kirigan blinks and fever in his glance vanishes. He definitely doesn't expect this outburst from you.
Your hands laying on his shoulders and chest before, now are cupping his face, making the man look you in the eyes.
– Stop talking nonsense, - his eyes are searching for something on your face, something that gives up your true feelings. – I love you, Aleksander. And you are not even close to a monster. Don't you dare taking about it again.
You bring his head a bit down so your foreheads touch. Only a moment before you notice tears gathering in his eyes.
– I thought I had lost you, Y/N. My dearest love.
You move closer to finally connect your lips, savouring the perfect moment of peace. Your name sounds like a lament from his lips.
– How can you still stand me after knowing who I am?
Kirigan steals one last kiss from you touching the tip of your nose with his. This tension he felt before slowly leaves him.
– I choose to love you for the things you have control over. Yes, I may not approve your methods, but I know that you want the best for your people. That's enough for me.
– If I knew that you become the only thing I needed, I would not come into that forest.
You chuckle and this turns into light laughter, that Aleksander catches too.
– I'm taking it as a compliment, dear.
When you two stop, you realize that it is pretty late already. You won't forget yourself tomorrow's morning for the lack of sleep.
– May I stay with you? - you are searching for the answer on his face.
– Come.
Aleksander leads you to his bedroom where you stayed a couple of times, laying his broad palm on your back.
He gets rid of his own closer and changes it, handing a new clean shirt for you to change as well.
Honestly you have a small collection of his shirts in your wardrobe now, and the whole palace will probably know about it, if you ever done wrong with Genya.
When you take you places on the bed you notice, that the man is still restless.
– Just try to fall asleep, - his hand twitches under your soft touch. – Don't think about anything else, okay?
He is silent, and you go on.
– I see how you talk to your people, Aleksander, I know that you are trying for them. Grisha are dedicated to you, because they know you care about them, - your fingers start brushing circles on the back of his hand. – Though, as I said, your methods are questionable for me.
– I want grisha not to be afraid anymore. Anyone.
– I know. But I can't advise you anything. I'm sorry.
He shakes his head, covering your hand with his.
– It's okay. I'm grateful, that you are here at all, and...
Emotions overwhelm him, and the general falls silent. Suddenly you move closer and hug him tightly, placing a chaste kiss on his brow.
– Shh, sleep. We will think about this in the morning
@aleksanderwh0r3 @all-art-is-quite-useless @carlywhomever @cynthianokamaria
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amindofstone · 4 years
A pirates treasure
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a/n: I am in love with a broken character. I am in love with a man that has “death” tattooed on his fingers. I am in love with a freaking 2D character that has the name “Surgeon of death”. Call me crazy but hey, the owner of a heart was never able to choose in who it falls in love. Yeah, to put it short I am in love with a character that barely has any romantic, lovely or sweet traits but still gets me screaming at 2 am whenever he appears. I am in love with Trafalgar D. Water Law.
a/n edited: My attention was drawn to a huge mistake of mine. I really don't want to justify my mistake and just delete it as if nothing happened. So therefore I'll do a quick explanation.
As you can see I used the picture above as a "cover" for my imagine without making any researches about the artist of the amazing work. I got the picture send by a friend with the request if I could use it and so I did without thinking twice. I should have done my job properly by finding the artist and asking for permission but I didn't and simply neglected that. And I'm truly and really sorry for that and genuinely apologise from the bottom of my heart. I hope I'll be forgiven. The picture used was that of the artist @666deaddash999 that has a blog here on tumblr and definitely should be seen. And again my apologies. 
a/n edited pt. 3.: I am in f***ing tears. I don´t deserve this much kindness. This artist, the dear @666deaddash999​ , is truely an angel. I really am garteful for being allowed to use it. Like damn they even liked my fic!!! I am in tears and emotional AF!! Anyways have a nice day and thank you for reading my work!
Genre: anime imagine? One Piece imagine?
Character(s): Trafalgar D. Water Law x Rose (reader)
Warnings: Maybe grammar or spelling mistakes. (I genuinely apologize. English is not my mother tongue and I´m really trying to improve. So please be so kind and have mercy)
Words: 4257
Info: Keep in mind that the words in italic are Rose (reader) train of thoughts.
!!! Please do not steal my idea or work. Credit me if this is shared or published in any other platform or any other way. This took me a lot of time. So please respect me as the writer and my work. Picture used is not mine. Credits to the rightful owner. !!!
"Are you insane?! Can you hear what you're saying right now?! No! Do you know what you're saying right now?!", asked the now furious woman. "She lost her mind Marcus. Your daughter lost her brain on the way back home!!", the woman with the probably most expensive tiara on her head was running around the salon while making sure her husband understood her point in their daughters failure. "For the sake of sanity Marcus say something!!! Won't you?!", the woman yelled at her husband who was sitting on his chair in front of the chimney. “I regret the day I gave birth to you? I regret those nine months I carried you. I did not give birth to you so you can end up like this! This is not what we taught you!”. The king was clearly overwhelmed by the whole situation that had to happen two weeks before the king and his spouse from the neighboring island would come. Right at the moment in which he and his wife decided to make their daughter marry their son. The king who usually was always in a good mood and had a smile on his lips was now the total opposite. He was sad and felt lost. He didn't know how to cope with the situation his wife; or rather life confronted him with.
With a hand covering half of his face and closed eyes he focused on his breathing and just let his spouse calm down first before he spoke what was on his mind. He kept telling himself to breathe in and breath out when the queen’s next words made him stand up and leave the room.
"You traitor! How dare you sit there like you're the victim, you disgrace! You disgusting piece of shit! Where did you leave you honor and pride?! In the bed of that scum?!", the words of the mad woman made the young royal look up for the first time she entered the salon. The princess, the third daughter of one of the most powerful kingdoms, was in tears. A hand covering her mouth with the hope to keep her screams of pain inside she just let the tears stream down her face. “Look what you did you cheap piece of shit. I am disappointed in you. No wonder I never was fond of you and your existence. You are absolutely not capable of anything in this world. And Marcus calls something like you his beloved daughter. Get out and get back to your chambers. I don´t want to see you out of your quarter before the royal family whose son you´ll be marrying will come. You heard me! And I dare you to start another tantrum about the marriage or else I make you regret existing.”, Rose nodded and left the salon without a word.
On her way back to her quarter her brother, the crown prince, saw her and wanted to stop her and ask what their mother said, but she didn´t let him touch her or talk to her. He wanted to hold her and comfort her since he knew how their mother can hurt one with her words but she didn´t let him come closer. She silently left him behind and ran to her save place so she could cry out loud with the hope of getting rid of the pain in her chest. She cried and cried until her maid came with her dinner. The maid tried her best to make the young princess stop crying and eat something but she couldn´t make it. When the food she brought her got cold she tried to at least make her calm down but to no avail. Before the sad maid left the princess alone she took the food she brought her and asked her with pleading eyes if she could do anything for her. The maid thought that she won´t answer her while still shedding tears when the princess who was sitting on her bed looked her in the eye for the first time since she entered her chambers. The maid gave her a genuine and friendly smile while telling her that she´ll do anything for her. But the words of the princess made her stop smiling while the little spark of hope died down. “Kill me and put this miserable life of mine to an end.”, the maid did not know what to say so she left her chambers with a soft apology and a deep bow.
Suffocating silence took over her chambers after a while when no sound of her could be heard anymore. Her throat was sore from the hurt screams that left her. Screams she tried to suppress with a pillow or her hand. Screams she held in for weeks. If her throat wouldn´t be hurting by now and if she had just a bit more energy she would be screaming more. She would be screaming from the top of her lungs while trying to get rid of the pain in her chest that seems to be clinching onto her for dear life. Her heart was aching. Her soul was helplessly trying to understand what was happening right now while her brain stopped functioning. She was lifeless. She looked like a corpse sitting on a bed. She didn´t move an inch or dared to breathe aloud. When someone would have entered her chambers they would have thought a doll was sitting on the massive bed and not the princess. The princess the whole kingdom loved for her genuine smile and friendliness. A princess that was loved by ever person that saw her because of the kindness she holds in her heart and eyes.
The princess. A young lady whose beauty was known all over the world. Whose kindness anyone knew and mentioned. A young royal with a genuine heart, a heart as pure as that of an angel. A young royal in the age of 19 that was able to make any person walk over broken glass if they could make her smile. But what happened to her? A young lady who used to walk around the kingdom with a smile upon her lips and a childlike playfulness. What happened to the girl that used to be the happiness of any person in the palest and the kingdom?
Rose, never thought that the day would come she needed to be told how beautiful life can be. She never thought that the day would come where her siblings and maids would have to come and tell her that life is full of love and happiness 
Isn´t it funny how fast a person can change? How fast the happiness of a person can be taken away from them. Isn´t it funny how something that is supposed to be good can break a person and ruin their whole life? How can something that she was always told about as the most beautiful and powerful thing on earth break her and be the cause of her pain. Why does it carry so much pain and tears when it´s supposed to be the reason a human lives? This doesn´t seem logical to her. It seems like all the things she was told were lies. Lies and lies told one after another. Why did they lie to me?
Rose was freezing. The dress she was wearing at the moment was obviously not able to keep her warm anymore. She needed to change. She needed to take a bath. But she had neither energy nor motivation to do anything so she kept sitting there while looking out of her huge window. Her window was wide open and let the fresh but cold wind of the spring night enter her save place. Her curtains were waving more and more due to the slowly stronger getting wind. Just when she thought that she calmed down a bit, she suddenly started to remember the words of her mother. Words that were sharper than any knife or sword. Words that cut her heart into pieces. Disgrace, she said. Disappointment, she said. She regrets giving me live, she said. And again tears fell down her cheeks. Tears filled by pure hate towards herself. She hated herself. She hated her body and wanted to die. The couple that used to shower her with love now hated her. Slowly more tears started to stream down her face while she tried to muffle down her soft sobs by putting a hand over her mouth. The cold wind that entered her chambers through her open window and door to her terrace stopped by now only to be replaced by rain. It seems like the sky was the only one that understood her pain and cried with her out of empathy. Day, weeks and now months passed and a forbidden longing accompanied her through her lonely days filled with regret. I wish I never went to the harbor with my maid. I wish I could erase that day from my life and memories.
When she thought that the pain she felt couldn´t get worse a person called her name with so much love it hurt her. She was confused and scared at the same time. With panic written all over her face she looked around her chambers only to be greeted by a tall man who entered her bedroom through her terrace. Slow steps were made as if he knew that she´d be overwhelmed by his sudden presence. She couldn´t see his face but knew that he was looking straight into her eyes. Just when he was about to enter her bedroom he stopped at the door of her terrace and allowed her to hear his voice. A voice that was able to get her weak and lose balance and fall on her knees. But luckily she was now sitting on her bed in the same position since a few hours now. “May I enter?”
A soft whine erupted her sore throat, while her heart started to race. As if she ran from one side of the island to the other. She couldn´t believe her eyes. She wanted to scream his name and jump in his arms. She wanted to kiss his face, hands and shower him with all the love she felt for him but she didn´t move but gave him a small nod that allowed him to enter. Am I imagining this?
His hat he seemed to love so much and that turned into his signature got recognized by the heartbroken princess next to his sword that accompanied him through every fight and battle. But his clothes changed into something she thought he would never wear. It changed into something elegant but at the same time simple. A black long cloak was loosely hanging over his shoulder that was decorated at its collar with a thick pitch black fur. Under the cloak she could make out a white wide loose shirt that gave away a beautiful sight of his toned and tattooed chest. He looked like a sculpture that was awakened to life. She couldn´t believe what she was seeing. She was staring at his face, his hands, his slightly wetted clothes with the hope that her eyes were playing a stupid game with her heart. She couldn´t look away while all this time he was slowly coming closer to her and the bed she was sitting on. Just when she realized who was standing in her chambers she quickly tried her best to pull herself together and speak in a half decent steady voice but sadly to no avail. “Don´t come closer and get back to the place you came from.”
She tried. She tried her best to talk in a convincing and steady voice but she failed, miserably. Her trembling voice and body betrayed her. Her hands that were holding tight onto her sheets betrayed her. Her knuckles that turned white from the pressure she put on them betrayed her. But most of all it were her eyes and tears that betrayed her. Her whole body screamed to be touched by him. Her hands longed for his warmth. Her heart screamed to be consoled and her eyes gave away all of the love she had for him. She shouldn´t be able to cry anymore thinking about the whole day she only cried but unlike a few minutes ago she was now shedding tears of pure joy. “Are you sure that you want me to leave?”, the man in front of her asked her to not only convince himself that this is what she wanted but also to give her the chance to rethink her choice, but the black haired woman nodded what she instantly regretted.
Regret. What a simple word to use when it hold so much emotions and thoughts.
The moment she saw him make a step back and put a distance between him and her, a quiet pleading to not leave her left her lips that made him instantly drop his sword. The sudden sound of his falling weapon surprised her and made her look down to the place it fell. She wanted to ask if he was doing fine when the next move of the man that ruined her life shook her to death. Everything happened in the blink of an eye. He took of his hat and threw it somewhere she couldn´t make out only to get on her bed and connect their lips. She didn´t wanted him to kiss her. She didn´t wanted him this close but still grabbed his shirt and pulled him closer. Rose´s hands were trembling while her tears still didn´t stop falling. It felt like a dream, a dream come true when she remembered her mother’s words and pushed him away from her.
Trafalgar D. Water Law.
What or who gave you the permission to enter my live and turn it upside down. The tears that were falling down her cheeks were that of pure happiness to have him in front of her but slowly with her mother´s words coming back to her mind they slowly turned into tears of pain and fear. Law wanted more. He wanted to kiss her more and hold her. He wanted her all to himself. He took her hands, that were still holding onto his shirt, in his and kissed each and every finger of her one by one. “She´ll kill you.”, she said with a quivering voice with the hope to make him understand in what kind of situation they were but he didn´t care at all. “She said she´ll execute you in front our nation.”, but still the pirate didn´t care. In fact he intertwined their hands and started to kiss her all over her face. “She called you so many names and said that she´ll kill any person you are close to right after she killed you. Law are you listening.”, she kept telling him what her mother the queen said but her lover didn´t seem to care. But to make clear that he indeed was listening to her he nodded and hummed in her ear before he made his way to her neck. But before he could place his lips on her skin again she said something what made him stop in his tracks. “I´m getting engaged in two weeks and married next month.”, just when she thought that he´ll get made and push her away she heard a soft chuckle before he laid her down and get back to kissing her while making sure to leave marks here and there. She felt pathetic. She felt horrible. She felt like agreeing to her mother’s words that she is not worth being a royal or a princess. “Law, don´t you understand in what situation I am right now? I feel like I´m a joke to y….”.
“Am I a joke to you? Are my feelings a joke to you?”, Law stopped her midsentence just to leave her with a question that made her rethink all the thoughts she had in the last weeks. But she had no time to think because the man on top of her stood up and left her bed. Panic overcame her and she started to breath quickly. “Please don´t leave me. I beg you Law. I don´t know what to do without you. Please!”
If the princess could see the man’s face at this moment she would have seen his genuine smile of pure happiness and relief. “Who said I wanted to leave you?”, said the tall man and made his way towards her door just to lock it. No matter where he went Rose followed all of his steps around her chambers. He closed the window and the door to her terrace while also making sure to close the curtains. If her maid did not came to light the candelas on her nightstand it would have been pitch black and she wouldn´t be able to see what the pirate who sneaked into the palace would do right now. He took of his shoes and placed them neatly next to the armchair in front of her chimney. Slow and carefully he took of his slightly wet cloak and put it over the backrest to dry. While she wondered if he wasn´t cold with what he was wearing she realized a bit too late that he took his shirt off and went to light up some other candelas in her room while giving her a full display of his tattoos. How on earth could someone as beautiful as him fall for me? What happened that made him love me to an extend he came all the way to the palace to me? Do I deserve this much love? Rose was looking down to her hands that lay on her lap when she felt the bed shift. She didn´t dare to look him in the eyes. She felt cheap and used. How can I marry a man that I don´t love? How can I get married while fully knowing that I gave away the most precious thing I had to a pirate that told me he loved me? I am being the naive and stupid woman my mother called me. “Do you regret losing you virginity to me?”, the sudden question of the criminal she fell in love with surprised her and made her look up to him with widen eyes. “Do you regret letting me be your first kiss? Do you regret letting me lay in your arms?”, Law took her hands back in his to intertwine them again. An act he does without realizing it by now. He was used to place her hand in is. He wanted it and needed it. He wanted to feel her and her warmth. He needed a reassurance that she really was sitting in front of him. He needed something that made clear to him that he wasn´t dreaming and really was beside her and not in his or the strawhats ship sleeping.
“Do you want to marry him? Are you fine with your parents marring you off to someone you don´t love neither know?”, the princess was overwhelmed not only by his question but also by his eyes which were filled by sadness. His grey eyes that usually had something playful and fierce in it. His eyes that used to always soften whenever the landed on her who was his lover, his woman, his absolute everything. The princess placed her hands on his face and caressed his cheeks. If only she knew what that little gesture did to him. If only she knew how much control she had over him. If only. “Trafalgar Law. I gave you everything I had. I let you be my first love and my first lover. I let you be my first kiss and my first time not for you to ask me if I regretted it. Law I love you. Although my miserable live won´t allow me to be with you I can assure you that I would throw everything away only to be with you.”, Laws eyes were closed. He couldn’t think properly anymore. His heart was racing. His mind was an absolute mess. He wanted her close to him. He wanted to feel her. He needed her so he sat her down on his lap and leaned back. With his head resting on the headboard of her bed and the royal lady on top of him he tried to calm his heart down and make it stop racing. “If I wouldn´t be a doctor I would have thought I was about to die whenever I had you near me.”, the young princess looked at him with concern in her eyes. “At that time I couldn´t understand why my heart was racing or why I felt like I was getting crushed. There was always this feeling of something or someone putting a huge amount of pressure on my chest whenever I thought about you. And whenever I had you close to me I felt like I was drowning and losing all my powers. But now I know that it´s alright to feel like this because this is how it´s supposed to be. Because today I know that it´s because I love you.”, Law was not someone that spoke out loud about his feelings. He wasn´t the type of person who shared his thoughts but when he did he was able to blow any person away. The words of her lover made her heart race while guilt over came her. “Stop. Please stop.”, begged Rose while hiding her face in the crock of his neck. She knew that she was hurting him by telling him to stop. She knew that she wasn´t supposed to react like this but what could she do, she was promised to a prince of a neighbor island. She shouldn´t be kissing him or hugging him. She shouldn´t be laying in his arms while he told her how much she meant to him. She should be sending him away like a worthy daughter and princess should do.
“Do you want me to leave. If so than just tell me and I will leave you alone tonight. I really don´t have a problem with that. I can´t bear seeing you sad, my love. I will come tomorrow. Would you like that?”, hearing his words made her look up and see his face to make sure he wasn´t playing with her but no, he was serious. He was smiling down to her while caressing her cheek. The look he gave her broke her heart. She knew he loved her. No matter how many times she told herself that she meant nothing to him her heart told her different. “This is not how it works, Law! You are such a fool. You idiot! I just told you that I´m promised to a prince and here you are telling me that you will come tomorrow if I don´t feel well. What is wrong with you?”, tears were falling down her cheeks. Thinking about the amount of tears she just shed today makes one wonder how she is still possible to cry more. Rose hit him a few times on his chest before she left his lap and sat down next to him. She couldn´t bear being this close to him so she tried putting some distance between him and her when Law laid her down and hovered above her.
“Tell me what is wrong with you? Do you really think I let your parents take you away from me? Do you really think I let some random bastard marry my woman? I am a pirate Rose. If I want something I get it and when I have it I won´t give it back. Do you understand?”, Law spoke in a soft tone but one full of power and determination. Rose didn´t know what to say so she simply kept quiet and kept listening to him. “You are mine. My treasure. My property, You are mine all alone and I don´t share what is mine. And if anyone is so foolish to try to take what is mine I won´t hesitate to cut off their heart.”, the dreaded pirate spoke in his calm but deep voice and made the woman underneath him stare at him without daring to move an inch. “Now tell me do you really thing I let you get married to anyone that is not me?”, Rose was numb. She was awestruck and speechless so Law took the matter in his own hands and took her face in his hands and shook her head in a playful manner. He knew that his words took her by surprise what could he do? It was her guilt that he was head over heel in love with her. “No, my darling. I won´t let go of you. Just wait a few more days and wait for me. I have a little plan to get you out of her.”, the last words the pirate spoke made her widen her eyes. Law indeed loved the effect he had on her. The princess wanted to say something but the pirate didn´t allow her to speak up. He placed a short kiss on her lips before he slowly started to unbutten her dress. “Law?!”
“You can´t imagine how much I missed you. Please allow me to show you how much you mean to me, my dear. Hold me and show me that your presence is not a dream. Please allow me to love you.”
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How do you think the mercs would react to engineer getting really tired and doing something absolutely idiotic? Like Engie don't lick the soap it won't taste good sweetie (totally not inspired by the fact ive done this same thing while exhausted)
Also your hcs are great!! They all seem super thought out and they're a thrill to read! Your writing is... Ok no word seems sufficient to describe it! It just too good!
Askers like you make my day! Thank you so much! Sorry if this is a little short, but I’m still working on the relationship ones, which take forever to write.
“Hey, uh, Engie...buddy...you good?”
“Listen, I’m the only merc around here that does stupid stuff like that...you’re one of the smart guys, remember?”
Pretends to yawn so that Engie will feel more tired and go to bed faster.
When that doesn’t work - Engie doesn’t pay much attention to his surroundings when he’s working - he asks Sniper for help.
“Aw, bloody ‘ell, ‘as he gone into one of his fits again?”
‘Fits’ meaning bouts of creative invention that can last anywhere from several hours to a couple weeks.
Sniper waves a hand in front of Engie’s face, but to no avail.
“Nah, mate, he’s outta this world. All off in his own universe. There’s nothin’ that can bring him out now.”
Suddenly Medic walks by, and the pair practically pull him in to help.
“Hm...zhere’s only vun thing that can avaken zhis building beauty!”
Medic wraps his arms around Engineer’s neck. No response.
Head on the shoulder. Nothing.
Chin resting on top of head. Nope.
Tugging on his collar. Still nada.
Finally, Medic uses his secret weapon: the cheek peck.
Engie still doesn’t look up - in fact, Medic has to pull his arm away from almost putting his hand on a sparking wire, something that an alert Engie would never do.
“Ach! Engie! Dummkopf! Vhat are you doing?!”
Suddenly, Spy peeks his head in as he walks by, but Medic grabs him by the tie.
“I need zhis vorktable for my experiment, and ve have all tried our luck. Any bright ideas?”
“Why must I always find myself in these situations? Surrounded by idiots, waiting for my assistance.”
A murmur of complaints all around, but no one contradicts him. They still need a pair of fresh eyes.
Spy snaps in front of Engie’s face.
“Laborer? Do you mind coming down to earth so the good doctor can commit his nightly atrocities?”
No answer. Not even a look.
Spy thumps Engineer’s hat several times. Then knocks. Then takes it off completely. Still no reaction.
Spy has been getting increasingly more frustrated, as he has been waiting to unwind all week, and this is keeping him from a glass of scotch and a good magazine.
“Did your Texan weed of a mother never teach you manners? Or did she not know any herself? She most likely had yet to learn her alphabet, much less any sort of etiquette.”
Scout cringed, Sniper pulled his hat over his eyes, and even Medic put a hand on his bonesaw. You never talked about Engineer’s mom. Scout almost got a wrench through his forehead when he walked into Engie’s workshop in the middle of a Yo Mama joke.
This happened to be an exception, because Engie still stared blankly at his project. This infuriated Spy, whose sharp tongue usually had a much bigger impact.
Spy gave Engie a stinging, backhanded slap.
Engie scarcely stumbled.
Spy roared in rage and walked out, using his cloaking device so he wouldn’t have to bear a walk of shame. He was also holding his raw hand, which was hurt from the slap.
Demo walked in right after, rubbing his eyes and looking really hung over.
“Mmph...whasall this, then? Aye...onea those, eh?”
Demo, being the night owl that he is, had seen Engie in his zone before - in fact, he was usually the first to snap Engie out of it.
“Comere, I’ll show ya how it’s done.”
Demo took the empty beer bottle he was holding and cracked Engie over the head with it. It shattered on impact.
“Don’tcha worry, lads, that hard hat ‘a his is made for more than a strong drink.”
Demo laughed at his own joke, then slowly got serious as he realized Engie still wasn’t reacting.
“Lad? Are ya...did anybody check for a pulse?”
Medic walked over and put two fingers on his neck. After a few minutes, his eyes went wide.
“No bloody pulse?! How the hell-!”
Pyro suddenly walked in, holding a bag of gummy bears.
He mumbles excitedly, then goes over to Engie.
She takes a red gummy bear, which are Engineer’s favorite, and holds it out to him.
No response.
Pyro laughs good-naturedly, as if he was joking about how silly Engineer was being. He put the gummy bear in Engineer’s mouth.
It fell out, but Pyro giggled and put it back in again.
It tumbled out once more, and Pyro cocked their head.
This whole process went on a few more times before Pyro decided to tap Engie on the shoulder.
When that didn’t work, he walked over in front of the table to look at Engie’s face, and hopefully get his attention.
Pyro took one look, started, then backed away slowly. After they had gotten a good distance, he ran to Medic and hid behind him, starting to cry.
Sniper translated: “He doesn’t look good...he doesn’t look like Engie...he didn’t even look...did I do something wrong?”
There was a rattling from above, and Soldier popped his head out of the vent and looked around.
“Morning, maggots!”
“It’s ten o’clock, mate...”
“You shut your godamn mouth before I write you up for insubordination!”
Soldier leapt down, took one look at Engie, and grunted.
“Gone A.W.O.L, huh?”
Everyone nodded, albeit unsure.
“I’ll show you landlubbers what we did in the army...”
He very slowly crept up to Engineer, grinning. Everybody took a step back, just in case.
Finally, Soldier pounced, taking Engineer’s hat and replacing it with his own, whooping and laughing as he went back up the vent.
Everyone just stared at each other, and while they were all recovering, Heavy walked in, still in his nightgown.
“Team is all here...what is wrong?”
Everyone started talking at once, but Heavy just held up a hand.
“One at time. Doktor. What is wrong?”
“Engineer doesn’t have a pulse, he hasn’t reacted to stimuli, his facial expression doesn’t change...he is a dead man valking!”
Heavy just chuckled. “Engie just sleepy. Here. Heavy will take him to bed.”
Heavy picked Engineer up by the underarms, lifting him over his shoulder.
Before he knew it, Engineer was falling apart. Arms, legs, body. It all crumbled to the floor in a mix of wires and cogs.
Pure. Chaos.
Everyone was either screaming, crying, looking like they were about to vomit, or were trying to salvage the pieces.
Suddenly, they heard a yawn behind them.
“Well, howdy, y’all!”
After everyone had gotten over the shock and had made a huge hug pile, Engineer explained everything.
The Engie at the desk was a robot with a realistic skin suit on. In the dark and dusty workshop, no one had noticed the difference.
He was actually doing an experiment - something that resembled a “straight face” experiment they had done with children. He wanted to see how people reacted when there...wasn’t any reaction. His hypotheses were mostly correct - except for Soldier, put he was a random variable anyway.
Scout was mildly put off, Sniper and Medic came up with a logical solution, Spy was furious because of his job’s emphasis on reaction, Demo joked around until it wasn’t funny anymore and then just froze, Pyro was very upset, and Heavy tried to physically change the situation.
“It was all real interestin’...but it had to be a blind study. Sorry I had to worry y’all. It’ll never happen again.”
He looked down at his broken robot.
“Especially not with my Engiebot in pieces.”
Engineer told everybody goodnight, apologized one more time, said he’d make it up to them, and then went to his room.
Needless to say, everyone followed Engie to bed that night.
And he had a certain Frenchman to apologize to over a cold-shouldered breakfast.
I’m a writer...can’t you tell? No, but seriously, by the time I realized it was spinning out of control, I had written too much to delete. I know it wasn’t exactly a normal response, but I just couldn’t resist! I just felt a really good story in this one!
Anyway, I’m sorry this took so long! I have an ask blog and a lot of requests coming my way, so I may be a little slower on the upkeep. But a lot of the requests are pretty short, so I should be able to knock them out.
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