#tmf rant
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chaoticmango04 · 2 years
aight hottake
TMF Episode 10 was kinda disappointing
I love tmf as much as the next guy, and I love Rosy. I could never do what she does and the quality of each episode seems to rise exponentially.
I just think that I was expecting more movement in the plot with this episode. Like, I love that we had some confrontation between Jake and the Jomies and everything, but for some reason, it feels like this was a stagnant episode. Like it scratched, but it didn't reach the itch if you know what I mean?
Now this isn't to say that it was a bad episode. Nah, I loved it and I can't wait for more.
It's just, the story didn't feel all there for some reason. It felt like it was missing something. That's all.
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ann1e-on-earth · 2 months
I think sometimes y’all forget that most of the characters in TMF are TEENAGERS.
The youngest member of The Music Club is 15/16. (Milly)
The youngest character in the whole show is 7/8. (Bethany)
The amount of fucking fanart+fanfic I’ve seen has been sexualizing them.
The only time that is somewhat OKAY to show two characters doing “things like that” might be in a future AU, and even then, it’s still kind of messed up.
Where is TMF mainly set?
A high school!
Who goes to high schools?
Teenagers between the ages of 14-18!!
And teenagers between the ages of 14-18 are..?
Stop fucking sexualizing them you gross weirdos.
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sobeksewerrat · 10 months
Mini-Drew-Analysis for His Birthday!!
Since yesterday was my lovely Drewy-bear's birthday, I decided to write a bullshit little blurb talking about how I interpret his character, and how much (I think) people misinterpret his aggression during the drakeup.
I won't include anything about the music club, since it has been a while since I rewatched the series as a whole and memories of them interacting with Drew are kinda rusty and that deserves its own essay.
Like the Milly/Ep.3 post, I *might* briefly mention a lot of my own trauma or experiences and compare them to Drew's behaviours, so apologies in advance if that bothers you.
Now, firstly, I would like to establish his major relationships in the show since most of his characterization comes from said relationships.
Droey is arguably Drew's second-most-important relationship, despite the lack of screentime (which I am really salty about).
Now, whilst I love the aroace and gay Drew headacanons, I think we can all agree that he did love Zoey to some extent. The photo in Zoey's room and the fact that he is willing to fulfil her ever wish are proof enough in my eyes.
Drew's love-language is gift-giving (same, Drew, same). It was been confirmed that his parents get him everything they want since HIS FIRST APPEARANCE.
"Well, they bought it for me last night!"
I'm mostly theorising here, but going off of this alone: Drew's parents have been (and still are) very absent in his life.
They couldn't give him enough attention nor affection when he was a kid so they just opted to shove lavish gifts and money in his face to show him their [persumed] love for him.
So, Drew grew up with the virtue that love is mainly expressed through money and expensive gifts ingrained into his head since he was a young child.
He only buys gifts for people he deeply loves and cares about, it's not just a way of flexing or getting people to like him (more on that in the Jake part).
Drew loved Zoey, from the bottom of his heart, so he bought her everything she asked for and took her on dates to the mall regularly to show her how deep his affection for her is.
That's why he was so concerned and "suspicious" when she stopped asking for so many gifts.
He wasn't worried that she was "cheating", he was worried that she didn't loved him anymore, that she was going to leave him.
Moreover, Drew is a very distrustful person by nature, and those he trusts, he trusts deeply.
Those are the only people he allows himself to be emotional around or express his interests and hobbies to, but even then he still has an invisible wall surrounding him.
He lets them be close enough to understand him on a surface level, but not close enough to see his true colours and vulnerabilities (same, Drew, same ×2. Also, Milly parallel!!).
Zoey was naturally one of those few people he trusted, and she broke that trust.
That's why he was so hurt after Zoey left him. He trusted her, he was willing to go to the ends of the earth for her, he loved her.
But she cheated on him. She took advantage of him. She broke his trust.
And even without all of the above, anybody would get scarred and hurt by their partner cheating on them, manipulating them, and using them for money (trust me, I am speaking from personal experience here).
Well, Zoey betrayed him...at least his other friends are still-
Let me elaborate.
We don't get enough screentime to see Drenriam interact so I can't write about them separately (FUXK YOU JAKE AND THE NUSIC FREKA DFOR HOGFINF ALL THE SCREENTOME).
But, we know Drew cares about them. And they know it too.
"Come on, you know you love us" (Henry, Ep5)
And Drew doesn't respond. He just blushes, rolls his eyes and stays silent, which I think is confirmation enough.
"buT hE iS mEAn tO tHeM!1!1" I hear a Drew-anti cry from afar while clutching their limited-edition Jailey keychains.
My guy, my gal, my enby pal, do you even HAVE friends?!?
You're only nice for the first month or so and THAT'S IT, you've gone past the expiry date of nice and become mean and brutally insult each other lightheartedly and call each other "Freak" affectionately. Sometimes it takes even less than that.
Again, they were two of the only few people he trusted.
And they also broke that trust by hiding Zoey's cheating from him. They even think about her gold-digging as JOKE (flashback to ep2 opening scene).
"They were blackmailed!!"
I don't even think I have the patience to elaborate on why that is a stupid fucking excuse. Zoey had no dirt on Jake, no?
They could have told him to tell Drew, or they could have just told him but tell him not to tell Zoey they were the ones who told on her or whatever.
I think the only reason Drew stuck with them during the finale was because he was truly alone. He had nobody else, so he stuck with the last shred of his life before Jake left, even if he hated them now (still can't wait for the Drake-up 2.0, where Drew breaks off his friendship with Henriam and falls into deep, deep depression<44).
Lia(and why Dria /p will never happen imo):
Yeah no it won't happen. Lia distanced herself from Zoey,and she will definitely start hanging out with Jake and the others and completely ditch the Dromies.
Yknow just completely cut off Drew from any form of emotional support system let him SUFFER
Oh the dreaded part-
Here we go ig.
Jake sucks. He was a horrible friend. That is the thesis, that is the topic sentence, that is what I will start with.
Let me just document every major shitty thing Jake did that I can remember atm.
1. He blackmailed Zoey and hid the fact that she was cheating on Drew from him, which breaks his trust (I elaborated on this more in my ep.3 analysis!!)
2. He lied to Drew about being grounded to ditch him for club practice, I am not even gonna try to explain why that is super shitty anybody with 2 braincells and 2 milligrams of basic human decency (which Jake apparently lacks) should be able to realize this on their own. Especially since Drew clearly has trust and attachment issues (his clearly possessive nature of Jake, being that he is one of the closest people to home). Actually, he also lied to him at the end of ep1 wtmf
3. Trying to give his laptop away to Sean. It isn't even about how rude it is to give away an expensive gift, it is about how oblivious Jake is to Drew's feelings. He doesn't even CARE about what Drew feels at all.
Drew feels like Jake is his closest friend, like he's the only person who truly understands him, when this shows that it is quite the opposite in fact.
Jake doesn't understand that it is more than just an expensive gift given by a spoiled kid with too much money to spend. It is a symbol of how much Drew loves him (platonically or otherwise). All of the gifts he buys for him are.
Drew is emotionally-constipated. We (sadly) don't get to see how they met exactly (only one picture to elude to it). But, I think I have an idea.
Drew sees Jake, a loner who's bullied by everyone and sitting all alone. He feels bad and wants to talk to him. He doesn't know how to approach him, so he tries the only way he knows.
All of his other friends and classmates would always seem impressed and fawn over him whenever his parents would buy him something new, so maybe it would work this time?
So he approaches Jake, and offers to let him play with his new switch, because that is the only possible way (in his head) to talk to him.
It is not like Jake doesn't value Drew, but this shows how little he actually knows; that him trying to fit in has caused him to completely misunderstand Drew. Idk man I don't really like Jake so I don't like analysing him please any jake kinnie try to explain.
Now, Jake has been spending a lot of time with the music club, and that has been triggering Drew's attachment issues. What was so great about those freaks anyway??
That whole scene in ep.9 was just his attachment and validation issues on full display, an essay on jagged--dust-jacket-analysis explains way better than I ever could, so check it out!!
When Jake yells at him and leaves in ep.10 and implies that there is something Zoey is hiding it...it breaks him, for all the reasons I stated before.
After Henriam explain everything, it just confuses and hurts him more.
But why would Jake hide this from him? Wasn't he his best friend? Why is he apologising to those freaks, but not him?!
It must be that Hailey girl, she is the one fucking with his head.
He'll confront her. He'll expose her for the fraud she is, and then Jake wi-
(Look please bear with me on this part ik the drake up is a meme now but please let us try to treat it seriously for once)
"Back off, Drew"
Jake chose the freaks. Jake is defending them.
"The club is what I care about- MY FRIENDS!"
His friends?? What was he??
This...this was all for Daisy wasn't it?
What passion was he talking about?!
He never told them anything!!
Why would he hide Zoey's cheating from him!?
Wasn't he his best friend?!
Was he lying to them this whole time..?
"You're right. Drew, Henry, Liam, I'm sorry,"
He is sorry. Drew didn't bother listening to the rest. It was basically confirming what he'd already concluded.
Jake lied to him.
They all did.
"I'm sorry"
Those words were meaningless.
Sorry, sorry, sorry, that's what they all said!
Accepting this apology would make him seem weak.
Allowing Jake to abandon him would make him weak.
Breaking down crying would make him weak.
Apologising, when he'd done absolutely nothing wrong in his own eyes, would make him weak.
And if there is one thing Drew hated more than anything else, it is appearing weak.
Appearing vulnerable, letting people take advantage of him like all of his friends and his girlfriend did.
"I'm done with you,"
Drew walked away without making eye contact with anybody. He didn't even look to see if Henry and Liam were following him, and he frankly didn't care.
They were all assholes anyways.
They all used him.
Nobody mattered to him anymore. He was fine before meeting them, he'd definitely be fine without them, right?
Drew was leaving them all behind, he'd cut them out.
He would be better off without them.
Conclusion/Closing Thoughts:
I must admit, this did turn fanfic-y midway and it is not the most well-put together, I was really rushing to finish this.
A lot of what I am describing here is my subjective opinion and what I percieve ad Drew's P.O.V, not the objective facts.
Another confession I must make is that most of what is here is just me projecting a few months of therapy sessions onto Drew. My therapist dissected a lot of internal issues with me naturally, and they served to help me understand myself better and realize how much of my own issues applied on Drew aswell.
As I progress with my therapy and learn more about my own baggage, I might be able to remove the biased lens that I am seeing Drew through and might write a more well-constructed and objective analysis of him in the near future.
For now, however, this is all I have. Hope you liked it!! Happy late-birthday to Drewy Bear, and have a great day/night everybody!!!
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tmf-confessions · 1 year
confession #230
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drew haters js be projecting atp like js say ure a freak and leave BYEEE
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strawberry-pretzels · 9 months
damn jake
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angrycloudcrown · 1 year
do you ever have that one interest or fandom that none of your other friends are in so when big news about the series rolls around youre kinda just. stuck with the information rotating in your head like a microwave while you silently go feral in the corner with excitement while also simultaneously suffering?
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speedydestinydream · 2 years
Tmf isnt very accurate in many ways but I like to think that one of the main accurate things rosy nailed was the fact that the jomies have been bullies for years and still haven't been (onscreen) punished and not even stopped. You'd think that after middle school to junior year of highschool the school would notice and stop them for good, but guess what! Nope!
#very accurate to the real school system#btw this isnt a serious or deep post about the shitty school system#im just making fun of it in both tmf and irl#tmf#the music freaks#the music freaks rosyclozy#tmf rosyclozy#oh and what i meant by the statement that tmf isnt very accurate is that like#i doubt that jake could be forgiven in a single month by drew and hailey#let alone fall in love with hailey while still trying to work out their friendship issues and friendship in general#and vice versa#and also them switching up the club mysic preformance plans last second#i feel like if milly really got into a lot of fights the school would probably just take her out of the music club already#and like (not a nitpick but something else) how the hell did henry and liam climb up to the bully rank??? theyre so fucking goofy#(in a good way) but they dont feel like serious bullies or they arent on the same level as drew#the rest of the music club knew about hailey and zanders bullies (im pretty sure) so why didnt they know about jake??? he literally was#with them all the time and was very persistent in.. idk being an asshole#theres a lot of plotholes in tmf and i could sit here and ramble and rant about them all i want but i wont cause that would be stupid#i still adore the series for what it has and is#plus sometimes you can fill in certain plotholes for yourself to make the story more enjoyable in your point of view#idk idk man i like rambling about tmf A LOT.#this is way too many tags#oops#EDIT: SORRY SORRY i meant i doubt jake could be forgiven in a single month by zander and hailey#*music#goddamned typos
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dreamydadie · 1 year
stacy sucks
stacy from the music freaks is a one dimensional, useless character that serves nothing to the series besides getting in the way of lander and being a pick me girl.
she's so boring, how could anyone have her as a favorite let alone like her? her design is so mid, and her writing is worse. she's annoying and she also kisses luke without consent (which is something NO ELSE in the series ever did, because zander totally didn't do that either)
and while we're on the subject of the series' character writing, can we talk about zoey? her character is so complex, totally strays away from the stereotypical blonde mean girl – i'm so glad we got to explore the reason why she acts the way she does and how the show definitely explores the subject of her manipulating grown men and her classmates for money! and let's not forget, how the show explored her relationship with lia aka her supposed bff who she totally didn't get over in just a few seconds! wow what a well written and deep character!!
also luke definitely has a character outside being zander's love interest. definitely.
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mrdancemoves · 1 year
little rant abt jenry
jake and henry are aooxks /possxzs (≧▽≦)
the middle school flashback at the begingigb of episode nine was sososozzoso cute (>ω<) it was love at first sight i swesaer !!1! and the fact that henry has canonically wore jakes jacket multiple times is just so so ssososozoosz cute to me i wish they had more screen time tbh..- i hope thatsz they become frinwds againg in season twoowo (┬┬﹏┬┬)'' they awre so cute together they deserve the world and i lovew them :33 if they dont get more screen time is s2 im going to break into rozys house steal her computer and make them canon. it will be canon >:p or else....(j) but i will cry if get zeroe screen time (am normal abt them)
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pastara-cell · 1 month
Tad bit about me?
Realised i should probs make an about me or something lols
Hellooooo!! My name is Pastara, You can call me Pastara, Pascell, Pasc, Laurie, Laurence, Lauren, Or basically anything if you’re not being rude about it!
Nicknames are 100% allowed, you don’t even have to ask!
@totallysean ‘s most devoted follower 🔥
Dms, Asks, Tags, and allat shazam are 100% a-okay! I like being interacted with!
(Please don’t tag me in posts that violate creators boundaries)
DNI if you’re an ableist, Homophobe, Transphobe, Z1onist, A-phobe, Dont include intersex people in the LGBT, or call people who use Neos weird.
Scene Kid 🔥🔥 (Ur average 6arelyhuman, Asteria, Odetari, and Clover!! fan. Always looking to expand my music collection tho, so song recommendations are super appreciated and accepted!)
Diagnosed Adhd, on meds for it, but chances are I forget to take em 50% of the time XD
Ijevin is my Idol, comfort streamer, and just a cool dude. Definitely recommend checking him out!
Pronouns are (In order of preference) He/Him, Star/Stars, They/Them. Still experimenting with neos, so this may change one day
My gender is I dont give a fuck its tuesday (Genderfluid) and my sexuality is Pretty on the inside by Chloe adams (Pansexual)
70% of my friends and my mutuals too I think are on the a-spec, So shoutout specifically to acesexuals, aplatonics, aromantics, aroaces, and literally just any a-spec people. Y’all are literally the coolest people every and I love you all ♥️♥️/p
My fandoms include, but aren’t limited to:
(listed in order of interest)
The Music Freaks 🐀🥚
Hermitcraft 🦀
The Life Series/Traffic life ♥️💛💚
Witchcraft SMP 🪄
Lifesteal SMP (relatively new to it) ⚔️
Haikyuu!! 🏐🏐
Evolution SMP 🟪🟪
Empires SMP 🤠🐟
The outsiders 🔫⛓️
The Hunger Games 🔥🐦‍🔥
Very rarely, I do dabble in some Dream SMP 💚🤍
Same for Qsmp and Origins smp 🤍🟪🤍🟪
Afterlife SMP 🐈🦝🐉
Steven Universe ⭐️🩷
General MCYT/Minecraft community 💚🤎🤎
Ace attorney 🟦▫️🟥
Fandoms I used to be in but have left, can probably talk about them a bit?
Wings of Fire
Percy Jackson (Every book really)
My little pony
My hero academia
Country humans/balls
I enjoy writing fanfiction, Drawing, and writing poems! I’m super into Au making as well, so really, If you want a fully finished, Fleshed out Au for a fandom that I’ve listed in my Fandoms list, Send me an ask! No charges or anything, just tell me what AU you want and I got you!
I draw traditional and semi-realism, so as much as I’d love to do fanart, It often comes out looking slightly horrifying. Getting better though! Maybe i’ll post something when I make something i’m proud of!
Hyper fixation hobbies are rock collecting, Bracelet and keychain making, and ranting about stupid little things!
Comfort characters are Ijevin, Drew (tmf), and Noya (HK)!!
So uhhh Yeah!! Thats all! Will probably update this someday but thats mostly it!
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rextile · 1 year
was rewatching tmf and noticed a few things
i swear i could talk about these idiots for hours
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the fact they look at eachother and mind read or whatever they do before acting on anything tickles the funny part on my body
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notice how the girls are smiling and henry isnt
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and even though lia was revealed as “not evil just jealous” or something (and never even said anything during this scene) she was definitely in on whatever this is
i dont think they really planned this whole “make jake explode out of pressure” and intentionally manipulated him like evil masterminds but they definitely knew atleast half of what they’re doing
im talking about zoey, drew and lia, btw. i dont BELIEVE henry and liam even knew what was happening. just LOOK AT THEM. THEY LOOK CONFUSED AS HELL!!! especially in the part where drew is talking here
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they are so. damn. oblivious to EVERYTHING GOING ON AROUND THEM.
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while drew and zoey proceed to spit bullcrap claims about hailey, henry and liam just say things that jake already knew. sean and daisy “dating”. and that was probably the only thing henry and liam knew aswell
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defending these boys with my life rn *sobs*
and i have reached the maximum pictures you can put in one post so this will be the end of my teeny tiny rant
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kahatesevryone · 7 months
Ngl I’m not an active gacha watcher or in the community, but it was a big part of my child hood that I still look into it from time to time, and that’s how I’ve found tmf like I watched it ironically but then came to love the characters and stuff it’s on of my guilty pleasures lmao.
I’m still not really into the gacha stuff but when I check on the community I see really good stuff like the animations from ppl and the amazing character designs ppl have made I hope in the future gacha creators can get more credit for the amazing works they have instead of being recognized for the bad side of it. Is there still some cringy content in the community? Yes. But there’s also amazing artists and animators who are really good at what they do and some amazing story’s they have created
Any that’s the end of my rant lmao
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rey-reyned · 5 months
The blog for all my artworks (basically)
My name for most of my socials is rex/rey, so those are the names i prefer you use ^^
can’t believe my alt account got an intro post before my main account…
— I have lots of blogs/side blogs on tumblr, and because this blog is more focused on my art, i have other blogs for reblogging/conversations/rants and the like. heres a list for all my current blogs:
@rextile < main blog (disorganised for the most part, but you’ll mainly see tmf/pjsk on it)
@pjsk-voca-centric < self explanatory, focuses on pjsk’s version of the vocaloids
@impeet < focuses on genshin impact (sorta inactive for now??)
@grammil < focuses on milgram
—For the most part, my personal info isn’t important. But here’s the general stuff you’d normally need:
pronouns are She/Her
i’m a MINOR.
sexual/suggestive language towards me in NOT appreciated — even as a joke. same thing goes to romantic/flirtatious talk — even as a joke. both things make me greatly uncomfortable so please be mindful.
i accidentally miss a word or two when typing. so sorry if i don’t make sense
That’s the end. It’s really. short. but thats what i intended. See you!
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sobeksewerrat · 8 months
"But Drake is toxic!! You can't ship toxic ships!!"
Yeah, dumbass, that's half of the appeal??? That they are both somewhat toxic towards the other??
Seeing these two idiots who clearly care about each other fuck everything up and hurt themselves and the other so deeply they stop being friends due to poor communication skills on both ends makes them tragic.
Seeing them grow more animosity (? Is that the right word) towards each other and start being enemies hurts knowing how much they truly loved the other at some point, platonically or otherwise. It makes people want to see them work out their differences.
It leaves people wanting to see them get their happy ending, talk it out, become close friends again. And maybe more.
Drew and Jake love and care about each other, whether you interpret that as romantic or not is up to you.
I am not saying you can't dislike Drake, you can. But I am sick and tired of this weird argument I saw floating around.
And the whole "toxic" argument isn't restricted to Drake, it affects other ships I enjoy as well, but I digress.
My main issue is that whenever they bring up the "toxicity", they almost always make Drew out to be the worse of the two.
No, they both sucked.
"But the club-"
This is about Drew and Jake's relationship specifically. Within the confines of their friendship, they both hurt each other unintentionally.
Don't bring up mostly unrelated actions.
I have no fucking idea what happened in the Christmas Special, and I frankly don't care. I won't watch it, because as a wise person once said:
"Canon isn't real if I don't look at it"
And I live by that quote.
Anyways, if you'll excuse me, Imma go back to being autistic about eps 1-5 only
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tmf-confessions · 11 months
confession #261
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confession by @cringelordofchaos
I recently saw someone headcanon drew as AroAce and although I'm a gay drew truther I'm kinda starting to like it?
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