#tlh luna
yaboirezzy · 7 months
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We need a better filter for the search engine basically...
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The sillies (non-meme post version)
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lifeismarvelous · 1 month
I just realized…
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The 3 Sams of Nickelodeon
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martinacatlover · 9 months
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Hey, it's the Moon Goats my favourite BAAAnd (reference to episode child's play)
I love them, especially Sam and Sully
I also have third artwork like that, I drew them to my sister's birthday, I will post it later
Sorry for mistakes, I'm not native speaker
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lazycestman · 2 months
Luna x Lynn, please?
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Sorry for taking so long to answer you.
Anyway, what a funny thing, Lynn x Luna is my 2 favorite ship in TLH.
They have such a funny dynamic, even though I still really like their cute dynamic I can't stop making them a toxic couple. Genuinely, I love it when people make Luna some kind of abuser, it just scratches a part of my brain.
And Luna and Lynn having a wild size difference, also Luna calling Lynn “pup” is just perfect.
Honestly, anyone comparing Lynn to a dog is just right, she deserves being called ''good girl''.
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taki8hiro · 1 year
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loudhousewriting · 1 year
Are you still active? If you are,can you please do Luke Loud X Y/N headcannons? Thank you :)
Hell yeah I am. I'm just lazy tbh
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Luke wouldn't approach you for a while. I mean, he'd probably just admire you from afar, before actually approaching and starting a conversation with you
He likes you, but he doesn't want to end up scaring you off, so he approaches you nice and steadily
He starts off friendly and you end up taking an interest in his guitar/music. That really pulls him in
He gets so nervous around you and quite clumsy. He's fallen on you and then avoided you for like a week
He gets so flustered when you wave hi to him and that cute little smile doesn't do him any favors
God, he could stare at you forever, though that'd be creepy... He knows that.. But god he'd love to stare at you
All his brothers know about you before you even know about them
They talk to you like they've known you their whole lives
He wants to do everything with you [Cooking, Baking, Concerts, Relaxing, etc etc]
He has pictures of you by his rockstar posters [He hides them so that Lane doesn't try and use them against him]
When he does finally get the courage to approach you and ask you out, it'll be in a private setting, if not in a note form in fear of rejection
But you'd never reject him, but you think it's cute and on brand for the purple male
He loves holding your hand, kissing you, looking at you, just being with you, the whole works to be honest
He can't imagine his life without you as cheesy as it sounds
[Bonus: When he's around you, he becomes a lot cheesier with his romance. It'd make even his mom tease him]
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indigoartistrulu2004 · 2 months
📱🛍🎸🎭⚽🎩🍕Pizza day 🍕⚰️🔧👠⚗️🎨
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Happy 8th years anniversery to my comfort show.Drawing was based of a short /comic
This cartoon help me cope with alot since 2016.
And it still helps me now.
i discover it when i was very miserable in my life.Got bully severly in middle school and high school and lost a lot of family members.And while i know it not perfect it made me feel safe and it still does. It something thet i would tune in after a bad day at school or even work .I grow up with these characters , and im greatful to all the loud crew thet put and did there best to keep in enjoyble for so many .💜
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liloskull343 · 3 months
Happy trans visibility day (comic)
Here's some characters I headcanon as trans
Pidge (ftm)
Henry (ftm)
Lynn Loud Jr (ftm)
Luna Loud (mtf)
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knightscanfeeltoo · 11 months
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Sam X Luna is pretty much my Only Favourite CANON Couple from The Loud House at this point...
(i still love lucy loud x rocky spokes more but they might never be canon, sadly...)
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jr-verse · 3 months
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Lori and Luna Summer (even though it's Spring in my reality.)
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ladymarlin · 1 year
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They are looking.
Also here's this I thought was cute
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Sam: Luan, why am I saved as "Sam Short" in your phone?
Luan: I thought it fit.
Sam: Why?
[Luna enters the room and walks up next to Sam]
Luna: Hey guys, what'd I miss?
Sam: Ah, I see.
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dotti-artwork · 2 years
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Don't forget to reply with your choice!
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lazycestman · 10 months
Hi! Do you ship any other Loudcest ship than Lynncy btw?
Yes i do!
I'm good with anything louder. My main focus is Lynn ,because she's my favorite, but honestly any loudcest is great.
I have my favorites, of course, but if anyone wants to send an ask about any loudcest ships, I'll be happy to answer.
and Luan and Luna, because, why not?.
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i don't know what's their ship name, sorry.
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taki8hiro · 1 year
(COMM) Lusam
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