#titanfall 2 spoilers
flory0 · 1 year
Titanfall 2 spoilers
Picked up Titanfall 2 because it was only 3 bucks here is roughly how it went
Wow the movement in this game is awesome
Bt seems cool
Love him going:
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after throwing me
Shit is really popping off now
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Credits (cool that they give all the voice actors such a spotlight)
Fun multiplayer, good campaign, would recommend!
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raventroll80 · 9 months
Why is it that whenever I get emotionally attached/invested in a robot/ai they fucking die
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musicalselaw · 1 month
things I did in my first time playing titanfall 2:
does have spoilers but I don’t think it is anything major? Could probably add more too
-somehow not realize I was supposed to kill people in the gauntlet and just ran/wall run through the whole thing (still somehow got a good enough time to be recommended regular difficulty) I also went through it 5 more times and only noticed on like the third that I was penalized for not killing enemies/I was supposed to
-Forgot I had grenades and rarely used them
-somehow managed to beat the whole entire thing on normal (I’m not great at games so I’m very proud of myself for that)
-knew the ending for a while yet it still hit hard
-punched people almost as often as I shot them
-tone wasn’t my favourite (still isn’t) but it was the one I managed to kill the apex predators with mainly
-missed the majority of helmets - I got under 10
-get lost/confused on what to do many times
-managed to execute every apex titan except for Kane yet can’t for any regular enemy
-wasn’t sure what to do when the arc tool MRVN was sad so just kicked him as that would hopefully put him out of his misery
-used the arc tool to get robots since I could
-didn’t figure out how the auto lock core worked
-as soon as it was done since I wanted more I tried to jump straight into multiplayer
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shoukiko · 11 months
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A gif to separate This is a review of the MWIII Campaign! -
I'm going to shoot myself. Oh my god I've never felt so......wow The story was great, I absolutely loved playing. The open combat was my favorite (And also all the cutscenes with Ghost). Being honest I did not like that they brought back Graves. That did not make any sense to me and honestly made me annoyed.
I did not like the Danger Close mission, Yes because of Graves, but also because I just suck :3
I absolutely LOVED the Oligarch and Highrise missions, I had the most fun playing those. I was so emersed in the game during that, sneaking around as Soap, shooting people with the silenced M4 I found (And also Ghost during the interrogation cutscene HOOOMAMA). Playing as Gaz and zipping through the hallways of this big ass building, Got my blood pumping. But then......Soap Holy shit I actually sobbed in front of my viewers. It happened so fast and I hate them for it...but it was also handled well? Like when you're in that situation, theres no time to think or prevention for it. I'm genuinely heart broken, Johnny died a hero. Seeing Ghost run to Johnny and check his pulse, hearing him say Johnny in a concerned and scared voice.... Hearing Ghost's voice break a bit when he was saying "Rest in peace, Johnny" ...fuck man Great fucking campaign, I haven't cried this much since Titanfall 2.
On a lighter note, Ghosts hands are fucking huge and in a way it was comforting to see how he was able to hold Johnny's ashes so easliy. Rest in Peace Johnny, You're in our hearts forever.
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uncrownedjules · 1 year
Three Accidental Shortish Reviews
They asked us to write a few, like, "staff's picks" at the shop and if you know me I love getting to ramble about video games I think people should play. I figured those little blurbs are worth sharing/preserving here too.
So I guess here's three mini reviews/recommendations from yours truly. No spoilers or anything really.
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Titanfall 2 feel like if you approached designing a first person shooter with the inventiveness and sheer tightness you find in Mario games. It’s not hard for me to say that Titanfall 2’s campaign is far and away the best FPS campaign I’ve played, with singular levels more memorable than some entire games I’ve played. If you’ve played Apex Legends at all you’ve already got some baseline familiarity with the mechanics at play, although instead of a battle royal playground you’re instead led through impressively thought out levels with gimmicks each more memorable than the last. It’s not the sort of shooter where you’re just hiding behind cover mowing down waves of enemies in a generic warzone. Instead you’re running across walls or jumping into your mech while fighting through an assembly line or playing with reality bending mechanics straight out of Portal. 
If you consider yourself a fan of shooters, especially those with satisfying movement and creative levels- Titanfall 2 is a must play. It is as important to the genre as something like Half-Life or the original Modern Warfare, Titanfall 2 not only helped form the basis of modern movement shooters, but its engine and core mechanics have been adapted into further projects from the company. Even if you never touch the multiplayer, Titanfall 2 is a game well worth your time and one that will make you wish for more shooters that are half as creative with their run time and level layouts.
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Viva Piñata is one of those little gems that’s only so underappreciated because it lives on the Xbox. If it were a Nintendo title people would be intensely angry every time a new entry wasn’t announced any given Direct. Instead Viva Piñata lives on the console of Halo and Gears of War, and thus this novel little garden tending simulator lives in the periphery of most peoples’ memories. It doesn’t help that the 4Kids produced cartoon anthropomorphized the cute Piñata animals into over the top 4Kids caricatures and likely gave many people an impression that Viva Piñata was something it wasn’t. In the actual game the piñatas act much closer to their real world counterparts than they do cartoon characters, with the game’s main focus centering on cultivating a garden that welcomes a wide variety of piñata to live in it. You’re essentially a backyard ecologist, helping bolster populations and keep the circle of life in check with not too many predator or prey piñata overtaking your garden. 
In what feels like a marriage of Pokémon and Harvest Moon, Viva Piñata's a simple game that offers just enough depth to engage more adept players and overflows with charm that’ll enrapture most anyone who likes the idea of tending a fantastical animal sanctuary. If you pick only one Viva Piñata game, Trouble in Paradise is essentially feels like the original game with an added expansion built in. However if you wish to play on modern consoles both games are included in Rare Replay, a collection of 30 games from Rare’s history including Banjo Kazooie, all of which are playable in 3D on your current gen Xbox. And if that wasn’t good enough, Rare Replay comes in a double pack with Gears of War Ultimate Edition that sells for like thirteen dollars. So if everything said about Viva Piñata wasn’t enough to convince you, it also comes with a few dozen other games just in case you weren’t convinced it was worth a shot.
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Most everyone well versed in the gaming sphere knows the tale of Final Fantasy’s origins. A desperate Square on the verge of collapse poured all their passion and effort into a last ditch effort- their Final Fantasy. A few decades later and Final Fantasy stands as a monolith of the industry, standing as perhaps the most dominant MMO of the modern day and with more entries than most franchises could ever dream of. So perhaps it was only fitting that for their sixteenth entry they decided to radically shift the course of the franchise. Final Fantasy XVI is no turn based RPG, in fact one could say its RPG elements at times feel borderline vestigial. But despite this brazen turn away from the genre it once defined, Final Fantasy confidently steps into its new future by asking one simple question. What if these fights felt and looked as cool as we always imagined they’d be?
In what feels like an earnest embrace of the bombastic nature of blockbuster games and cinema, Final Fantasy has turned itself into a feverishly fast character action game in the same sorts of conversations as Bayonetta and Devil May Cry. It helps, of course, that both DMC 5’s director and Platinum Games worked on the combat of Final Fantasy XVI. All star developers all came together to create a game that truly feels bombastic and triumphant. The story has shades of Game of Thrones in all the best ways with political machinations a plenty and villains so vile you’ll want to yell at the screen. Each combat encounter is a frantic dash as you cycle through abilities and dodge massive attacks at the last possible second. When you get in the zone the game feels incredible, with such freedom of expression in your combat even from early stages that by the time you hit midgame you’re swimming in ways to style on all of Final Fantasy’s most iconic foes. If any game justifies the PS5, it is Final Fantasy XVI. It’s an angry game about overthrowing horribly corrupt systems, a game about not just earning a good death, but living a good life- and what doing so requires. And even if you don’t care about that narrative stuff, it’s the most electrifying action game I’ve played since Hades. Final Fantasy may have stepped away from what it is known for, but I am confident it was a step firmly in the right direction.
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madeforunkownpurpose · 9 months
One of my favorite games is BloodBorne and one of my favorite characters is Eileen the Crow. Three of my favorite characters in gaming are Eileen the Crow, BT and Takuto Maruki.
Spoilers for Titanfall 2 and BloodBorne. I'm not explaining why Maruki is a favorite besides I love him and he deserved better.
Eileen's questline was so awesome but I felt terrible at the end. I killed the bloody crow of Cainhurst for her and I came back to find her dead. I was just sitting there stunned for a bit, sitting with the body. To find some peace I guess. I fucking mourned a video game character. I mourned the loss of BT as well when I beat Titanfall 2. The only reason I played the game is because one time I said "Protocol 3: Protect the pilot" and my friend was like "Did you beat the campaign?" I said no and he went "You don't have the right to say that, then." And so I beat the campaign, called him, cussed him out while crying (in a joking manner. Not the crying but the cussing.) Persona 5 Royal though hit me hard. That game made me think about my morals and world view. I'm getting all philosophical. I'm also typing this out rapidly. Some of this post is just a ramble so yeah whoever sees this I'm sorry for your eyes.
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fletchasketch7893 · 3 months
First edit on Tumblr. Very, VERY new to this system and format. YouTube link and more edits above, video file below.
Description copied from YouTube:
"Spoiler alert for Titanfall 1/2
[Content Warnings: volume, minor blood, heights?]
Song: The Prowler by Daniel Pemberton for the Spiderman: Into The Spiderverse soundtrack
Games: Titanfall 1, Titanfall 2
Side Notes: I envisioned this video after listening to "The Prowler" by Daniel Pemberton, but found nothing like it currently on YouTube. I decided to take matters into my own hands, and created a little trailer from gameplay I had captured and footage I found online. Personal Project Credits: In game cinematics collected from "Titanfall Game Movie" (IMC and Militia Editions) by Gamer's Little Playground. Gameplay footage collected by myself on Xbox One. Additional elements, including end card, collected from various Titanfall and Titanfall 2 trailers, by Respawn Studios and EA games. Tags: #edit #mashup #gmv #titanfall #titanfall2 #respawn #theprowler #spiderverse #ost #fanmade #trailer
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phantom-imahara · 6 months
You lot are surely bleedin' for a more independent MOTHER/Earthbound community that is a free for all who come from various corners of the internet (spoiler alert: most of them are the ones I source and poll from the exact corners I've been lurking at before), and I'm here to plug and give you...
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A MOTHER community in name only, non-mainstream, yet lingers on a semi-dormant caliber.
Want to be a part of the MOTHER equivalent of The Frontier from Titanfall 2? Supplies are unlimited.
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yobotica · 1 year
First Lines Meme
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favorite opening line. Then tag 10 of your favorite authors!
Tagged By: @desynchimminent
I find these extremely interesting because it would never occur to me to do this and it's fascinating the kind of patterns you can see. :) I'm kind of surprised I have more than 20 works, so I'll just go by the most recent 20 on AO3, newest to oldest. I write a lot of post-canon AU's so there may be spoilers below.
1. A Weary Soul Seeking an Echo // Titanfall 2 // WIP // Post-canon AU
It was only a week after BT... after the destruction of the Fold Weapon, that Commander Briggs asked Jack to look over the specs of available Titans.
2. Story of Seasons: Feather Valley // Assassin's Creed, Story of Seasons // 17.4k // Story of Seasons/Assassin's creed crossover
Shaun cursed as he heard the door to the little library jingle, signalling someone had come in.
3. Ghost // Assassin's Creed // 92.1k // Post-canon AU
By his best estimation, it took Desmond days to realize he wasn't actually dead.
4. Back to Those Old Familiar Places // Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Deus Ex: Mankind Divided // 5.2k // AU between games
When Adam was finally able to enter the vent and escape the rain pounding the rooftop he'd just been carefully crossing, he allowed himself a small sigh of relief.
5. The Cost of Living // Deus Ex: Human Revolution // 13.8k // Supernatural Elements AU (not the show, lol, werewolves & vampire AU)
Frank was on comms for Jensen, again.
6. Focus // Assassin's Creed // 3.4k // AU
"Stop doodling on my notes, Desmond," Shaun grumbled from the kitchen, and Desmond grinned at him, even though Shaun hadn't even bothered to look up from his laptop to send a glare his way.
7. Discovery // Assassin's Creed // 3.5k // Post-canon AU
The cabin safe house was exactly what they'd needed.
8. Departure // Assassin's Creed // 666 // canon-compliant
"Hey, Desmond. I'm sorry it took so long," Shaun said, not really daring to look down yet.
9. Denial // Assassin's Creed // 1.2k // canon-compliant
He never got to apologize.
10. Dynasty // Assassin's Creed // 1.8k // AU - canon divergent
It was strange, Desmond thought, that even though he'd been gone for over ten years, the scenery as they approached the farm slowly became familiar.
11. Durable // Assassin's Creed // 7.2k // AU - Period swap
Shaun was concentrating on the ledger in front of him.
12. Decay // Assassin's Creed // 1.5k // canon-compliant
Shaun knew he hadn't been nice to the new guy.
13. Declaration // Assassin's Creed // 3.1k // canon-compliant
Shaun hated getting a new phone.
14. Dream // Assassin's Creed // 1.2k // canon-compliant
Desmond groaned as he rolled out of the Animus chair.
15. All it Takes is Once // Deus Ex: Human Revolution // 1.4k // AU post-game
Pritchard wasn't exactly a saint.
16. Resolutions // Assassin's Creed // 1k // AU
"Alright, I'm choosing to believe that you're taking this seriously, despite evidence to the contrary," Shaun stated imperiously, raising a brow at the single index card in Desmond's hand.
17. Foolish Games // Assassin's Creed // 28.3k // AU
Desmond would say, if he was asked, that he was pretty happy with his life; he had fun taking classes to pursue his passion in brewing and tasting all sorts of beers; he loved being fit and active with parkour and his pick-up soccer team; he enjoyed his job bartending, even, though of course the degree varied depending on the night.
18. Animus // Assassin's Creed // 5.4k // AU - Afterlife
Desmond felt like he'd spent his whole life waiting.
19. Altruism (An Act of Good Will) // Assassin's Creed // 717 // AU
For the first hour of Desmond's very first shift at the kissing booth, he thought it was pretty neat and maybe he'd consider doing this again in the future.
20. Paradox // Assassin's Creed // 3.7k // AU
Just once, Desmond would like the bathroom to be free when he came up from his animus sessions.
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BT-7274 from Titanfall 2 is definitely still alive!
Requested by @inchoherent-ramblings
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falloutstasis · 3 years
dude matt mercer was congratulating erika ishii on getting her role as valkyrie and then his next reply was saying sorry he killed her dad (viper) DFDHGDFJGKD
for those who don't know matt voiced for jack cooper in titanfall 2
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catastrophic-crisis · 3 years
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I was vagueing but this. I was thinking of this.
“Okay I’m dead for real this time. Psych! Now buy Titanfall 3!” *narrator voice* And then Titanfall 3 never happened. 
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queenofstatic · 4 years
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ari-enbear · 4 years
I noticed something looking back at the Ash boss fight in Titanfall 2
She kinda be sounding like Wraith.... And like .... She uses portals.....
What if she is just another version of Wraith that got simulacrumed like rev did
Because there's different universes for her so maybe???
It's also very possible ash was just experimented on the same way as Renee but like
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screechthemighty · 4 years
I just realized, I keep talking shit about the IMC being pro-genocide but never backed it up with proof. This is hella spoilers for Titanfall 2 so bookmark this for later watching if you plan on playing the game (and you should because it’s amazing, please play Titanfall 2).
Here’s General Marder. As of Titanfall 2, he was the head of the ARES division. His list of war crimes includes human experimentation, because he’s just that Charming. It’s unclear what the time is between Titanfall 2 and Apex Legends, but bare minimum this man was running ARES within Bangalore’s lifetime if not her actual military service.
This is the speech that he makes in favor of using the ARK, a Death Star like weapon that the IMC had aimed straight at Harmony. Harmony is a planet with a population of forty million people. And the IMC was perfectly okay with this.
Please keep this man in mind when considering Bangalore’s blatant and repeated IMC apologism, and also know that this is the reason why I’m so mad the narrative has done nothing to challenge it yet.
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