#tired joe sugg
mysummertimemusings · 7 years
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Joe Sugg tired moodboard 😴
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I need the internet to do me a favor.
I know for some people this will be an absolutely huge favor because I know some people feel incredibly entitled and whatever else-
But anyway: the favor.
I need so many people on the Internet to stop.
I need them to stop putting people on pedestals only to bust up that pedestal for kindling and burn said people.
I need them to stop being so obsessed with people that they stalk and comment on their social media apps on the daily.
I need them to stop knowing the height, weight, eye color, birth place, and all schooling details of the people they follow. It’s not flattering. It’s obsessive. It’s stalking. It’s scary.
I need them to stop harassing content creators and celebrities when they don’t do exactly what they want them to do.
I need them to stop bullying content creators and celebrities when projects hit a snag or take longer than projected.
And while they’re taking these people off of pedestals, I need them to remove themselves, too, because creators and celebrities are human beings. Not toys. Their sole purposes in life are NOT to make any one person happy or to entertain any one person.
I need people on the internet to stop ruining lives or making people incredibly uncomfortable and feel unsafe to satiate personal selfishness.
We’re all human. That’s it. Act like it.
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chocolatemillkk · 6 years
Bathroom Floor (JS)
A/N: an old request of a tired Strictly Joe mixed with something from my own head. Also why does it feel weird to now write things based on him...
It was one of those weeks that felt like a Thursday on a Monday and now that it was actually Thursday, Joe was knackered. Practice had run late again and it was past one in the morning by the time his key turned in the lock and he dropped his bag by the front door. He wondered whether his girlfriend was home but her worn in slip-ons near his own shoes answer his question.
Skipping a snack of any sort, Joe grabs a bottle of water and quietly makes his way upstairs to run a bath. His body wanted to skip the bath, crying out for sleep instead, but he’d already made that mistake in week 2 and he wasn’t about to wake up incredibly sore tomorrow.
As Joe moves to his closet, he eyes your sleeping figure; you’re curled up on your side and the duvet has slipped off half of your body revealing your odd position. Joe bites back a laugh, knowing how often you kicked the blankets off in your sleep-there were a few times he’d woken up to a kick in the stomach from a sleeping Y/N.
As quietly as possible, Joe passes by the bed and stops for a second just to see his girlfriend’s face. It had been two whole days of not seeing each other after a whole year and a half of going out. You were nearing the end of your residency and your random schedules made it hard to see each other but throw in his late nights practicing and it meant no quality time together.
Joe reaches out to brush back a strand of your h/c hair. She was so beautiful, he thought before slipping out of the room.
The bath is almost full by the time Joe gets to it so he strips off and eases into the warmth of the tub.
You're not quite awake when you hear the floorboard near the door that was known for creaking. You blamed it on that one time an angry Caspar tackled Joe to the floor there after a prank gone wrong.
Was it morning already, you wonder. You were still so tired after a full eighteen hour shift at the hospital; you wanted more sleep.
But Joe must be in bed.
This thought gets you to crack your eye and turn to Joe's side of the bed but it's empty-never been slept in. You bolt upright and reach for your phone immediately thinking of the worst scenarios but your alarm illuminates the time before you get to it: 1:54am-you had only been sleeping a couple hours. Joe's side was perfectly done because he hadn't gone to bed in the first place.
You lay your head back down and close your eyes, sighing as your beating heart goes back to normal. This week was way too long-longer because you'd barely seen Joe. And you were so very tired. You missed evenings with Joe but you were so proud of how far he'd come with dancing-you didn’t mind the weird schedule if it came with the price of Joe’s happiness.
A low humming catches your attenion as you begin to relax and you open your eyes again, turning your head to notice the faint warm light on the floorboards. And now that you were conscious of it-it did smell like vanilla. Joe must be home in the bath.
This thought alone convinces your tired body out of the comfortable bed it lay in to get a glimpse of your boyfriend. But not before you wrapped yourself in a furry blanket and slipped on your house slippers.
The door to the bath is ajar and Joe doesn't notice as you silently push it the rest of the way open but he catches your reflection in the mirror as you walk in and jerks his head your way.
"Shit you scared me," he chuckles when he sees it’s just a tired-looking Y/N.
"Sorry," you say softly. You shuffle to the tub and Joe reaches for your hand that dangles at your side.
"Did I wake you?" He asks, concerned that he'd potentially interrupted your sleep.
"Nah," you fold your knees and sit cross-legged on the floor beside the tub. The tiles were cold so you wrap your blanket tighter around you. "I just wanted to see your face."
Joe dips his hands into the bath’s foamy bubbles and creates a white beard for himself. "Here it is."
"Christmas is still a month away Santa Claus," you laugh at his silliness. Even with the tired bags under both your eyes, there was still time for play.
You swipe some of the bubbles off and blow them back into his face. He grabs your hand once it's empty and kisses your knuckles.
"I've missed you too." He kisses your hand again and you feel fluttering in your stomach as he smiles at you. Joe had a way of looking at you so tenderly, like you were a fragile thing he coveted and it always made you as nervous as the first time you saw him. The truth, however, was the complete opposite. You-your love for each other...you two were made of strong stuff. No matter how complicated your hours got as you chased your dreams and Joe chased his, you two were always with each other. Nothing fragile or breakable about that.
"How was practice?" You cover your yawn with the blanket. "How're you getting on?"
"We nearly nailed it! Just a bit more practicing," Joe comes alive as he talks about practice. "Can't tell you specific bits though-I can't wait for you to see it all on Saturday."
"Me too," you squeeze Joe's hand. “I’m oddly nervous.” You'd finally managed to get the Saturday evening off and you were going to watch Joe live for the first time since he started. Joe normally sent you clips of practice to watch during the week to catch you up on what he was up to but this week he refused to show you anything so as not to spoil the final performance. "But mostly I’m excited to see you in all your dancing glory up on the stage! Finally get to celebrate with you on time."
"Well we celebrate only if we make it to the next round." Joe says and the way his eyebrows scrunchle you can tell it was stressing him out.
"You're definitely making it," you trace out his brows to smooth the worry out. Tracing your finger down his nose you say, "You work way too hard not to make it-"
"So does everybody el-"
"Hey," you cut him off. "Don't doubt it."
You lean forward and kiss him, not realising how you missed even the solidness of Joe. And even though your hair gets wet as he tangles his soapy fingers into it and the corner of the blanket soaks into the tub, you hold the embrace for as long as you can.
"I'm so proud of you," you whisper as your forehead rests against his. "You've accomplished so much and I'm so proud."
"And I'm really proud of you," Joe deflects the praise humbly. "You've only got two more weeks of insane hours!"
"Just take the bloody praise without flipping it back on me will you?" You smile before pecking his lips.
"Touché," Joe flicks bubbles onto your nose.
You laugh and push him away, sitting back down on the floor but he grabs your hand and holds it to his slick chest. His thumb strokes the ridges of your knuckles and you settle against the side of the porcelain tub, your head laying on the edge. The two of you stay silent as you gaze at each other in the dim lighting, your arms running the length of the space between you two as you hold onto each other, both marvelling at how you got so lucky without saying a single thing. The dim lighting adds to the ambience of the night, the scented candles warming the room, and the gentle music playing from the speakers does the trick-lulling your eyelids closed.
Joe watches as you fight the sleep and slowly give in to it, your head resting against the side of the tub and the blanket wrapped tightly around you. He knew you'd just had a long shift and how normal it was for you to fall asleep right about anywhere-but this was new.
Joe stealthily reaches for his phone with his other hand and takes a picture for his collection of Y/N-sleeping-in-random-places. So far, there were over fourty photos.
Finally relaxing his own shoulders, Joe closes his eyes and allows his muscles to soak into the warmth of the water-minus the one hand still holding onto yours. He smiles to himself at what the two must look like. But he knows he would take any moments with you in your hectic lives, even if it was the simple act of holding hands just to feel close to each other. Even if that meant one of you sat on the bathroom floor while the other was submerged in water.
When the bath water eventually turns lukewarm, Joe sits up and moves your hand to your lap. He steps around you carefully to finish his nighttime routine. After tying his robe, he kneels to where you still slump, surprisingly in deep sleep.
"Y/N love," Joe tucks your hair behind your ear. You don't even budge so Joe shakes your shoulder. You mumbles something that sounds like go away and he can't help but laugh.
"You know I could put your hand in the water and then go away and you'd probably pee your pants," Joe tells you as he gets one arm under your knees instead and lifts you.
"Piss off," you mumble against his chest.
"Now you're awake," Joe shakes his head as he carries you to bed. "You just pulled the oldest trick in the book on me.”
You’re too tired to respond but a small smile tugs at your lips. It's mischievous and childlike, Joe observes. God, he loved this woman.
"Should've left you on the floor," Joe continues as he places you gently into bed and pulls the covers over your body. He settles in next to you, pulling you closer to his body because he'd missed the feeling. The way your solidness grounded him.
"I love you," Joe whispers into your ear, 3 words he never tired of telling you. You hum back, too tired to say the actual words-but hoping he understood it was tired talk for I love you too. With the way he tightens his grip around your waist, however, you were certain he understood it perfectly.
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thatchedsugg · 7 years
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conorsbabe · 7 years
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From the very beginning, I've managed to keep a lot of really odd and funny quotes from Joe's Livestream.❤️ (I did however stay up so if you see spelling errors... oopes)
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serosdaylight · 7 years
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I made it all 24 hours but now I feel like Joe in this picture 😂❤
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theyaskedmeto · 4 years
Kurt doing makeup, like, just for fun because he's bored, and Blaine feeling strangely attracted, something like that lol
more feminine - klaine oneshot
read at ao3
words: 1399
AN: I hardly know anything about makeup so this is why that part of this oneshot is very vague, pls don't hate me if I got anything wrong there!!! I have no idea when this is set but they're fiances, so maybe between season 5 and 6 before things go bad :) I used to stan joe sugg, so there's a little hint to his brother zoe (aka zoella) for the VIBES. sorry about that
He comes home to the sound of a voice that isn’t Kurt’s in the bedroom. It’s definitely not what he would’ve liked to have heard after a very long day at NYADA, but he doubts after all that he and Kurt have been through together Kurt wouldn’t be cheating on him. Then he realises that said voice sounds tinnier than the usual human being. That’s when he recognises what his fiance is actually doing, and walks into their shared bedroom without removing his scarf or coat or shoes that were protecting him from the frosty air in the cold winter of New York City. 
What he actually sees makes his heart skip a beat. Kurt is sitting there, cross-legged on the bed, watching a youtube video with various makeup products dotted around him, as the girl in the video (he recognises her - isn’t she called Zoella or something? She’s got a British accent and long hair but really, he’s not too sure) neatly applies some very bright eyeshadow to her eyelids- a turquoise sort of green colour - and Kurt tries to do the same. He’s done pretty well actually, Blaine observes, as he sees one of Kurt’s eyes has already been completed. He looks beautiful, with the outside of his eyelid painted in the same turquoise green colour, which fades into the inside of the lid which is a lighter shade of blue. Along the upper lashline (and Blaine only knows the name of that part of the eyelid because the girl in the youtube video just said) he has painted a simple black eyeliner which makes his eyes pop. There’s only one way Blaine can describe the way he looks right now, and that word is ‘hot’. 
“Hey,” Blaine says, leaning against the wall divider. 
Kurt jumps, not realising his fiance’s entrance as he was so focused on the video. “Blaine! You’re back early!” He says, flustered. 
Blaine frowns as he watches Kurt hastily try to pack all of the makeup away into a black makeup bag, and walks towards him. “You know you don’t have to hide all of this from me. I love it. I think you look amazing.” 
Kurt looks up at him then, stopping trying to pack all the products away, and meets Blaine’s hazel eyes. He watches as Blaine moves further towards him to sit on the bed next to him.
“...W-what?” He hesitates, staring deeply into his fiance’s eyes, their faces only inches apart. He’s becoming very aware of the eyeshadow that he’s heavily powdered on as Blaine gazes back at him. 
“I love you with all this on,” Blaine repeats, gesturing with his hand to Kurt’s face, marvelling his beauty. “I love you always, but… honestly, Kurt, you look hot.” 
Kurt’s eyes widen at this, eyebrows raised, “Oh, really?” He observes. 
“Yes. I mean, you always look hot, but you look really good like this.” Blaine smiles. He moves closer to Kurt’s lips, eyes darting down to them, silently asking for a kiss. 
Kurt complies, but not in the way Blaine wants, as he only gives him a short peck and moves away, grabbing his laptop and makeup bag, leaning up against the headboard and taking all the necessary products out again and pressing play on the youtube video. 
Blaine whimpers, moving closer to him on the bed. “Kurt, please…” he says, pouting. 
Much to his dismay, Kurt stretches a hand out towards his fiance, pushing him away. 
“You’re such a boy sometimes. Not now,” He laughs, picking up his eyeshadow pallette and dabbing the green-colour to onto the eyeshadow brush. “I spent so long doing my left eye, I’m not going to waste my time and just wash it off without doing the other, at least.” 
There’s a moment of tranquillity between the couple with nothing but the sound of the girl on the video instructing what colour to put where, as Blaine admires Kurt’s skill of applying said colours. 
“Teach me.” He says quietly, breaking the silence. 
Kurt looks up at him, half annoyed, half observant, and then asks, “what do you mean?”
“Teach me how to do makeup. Or at least that eyeshadow you’re doing now.”
Kurt looks at his fiance, pausing the video and says “Are you sure you want to do this?” 
“One hundred per cent. Now give me a brush.” 
His eyeshadow collection isn’t big, only one palette with a few bright colours and some neutral ones, so he shares it with Blaine, offering him a brush. Blaine takes it happily and scoops a load of the powder onto it when he hears Kurt shriek in horror. 
“Blaine! What are you doing!”
Blaine frowns. He hasn’t even applied the makeup to his lid yet, and his fiance is already shouting at him. 
“What? I’m just getting some colour!” He reasons, trying to dab some more pigment onto the brush but failing as Kurt steals the palette back. 
“That’s way too much! Ugh, you’ve made a massive dent in the eyeshadow!” He exclaims, holding the palette up to his chest. 
“Fine! You do it then!” 
“Okay! Give me the brush back and I will.” 
Half an hour later, they’ve moved to the desk at the end of their bed, just so they don’t spill anything on their white sheets, and Kurt is applying a full face of makeup to Blaine’s complexion as he urges Blaine to stay very still. 
“How long does this take?” Blaine asks, growing a bit tired. He didn’t expect Kurt to go this full-on with the whole makeup experience. 
Kurt sighs. “Just… be quiet and let me finish this. I haven’t even finished mine yet.”
“Finish yours, then.”
“No. You’re my barbie doll and I’m giving you a makeover. Now shush.” 
That’s all they say for a while, then Kurt leans back in his seat in satisfaction. 
“All done,” he smiles, then taking a small mirror from the bathroom to show Blaine. “What do you think?” 
Blaine stares at his reflection. His eyes light up when he sees himself. His eyelids are mainly dark green, which fades into a lighter shade of green on the inside. It’s simple, but dazzling, and highlights the hazel in his eyes. 
“This is amazing, Kurt! You’re amazing. Come here,” he says, pulling the taller man towards him. Their lips meet in a kiss and Kurt cups Blaine’s cheek, caressing the skin just below his eye. As they pull back, Kurt gazes at him, his lips turned up in a smile. 
“I get what you mean about the whole makeup thing,” He mumbles dazedly, “it just looks… really good.” 
“Yeah?” Blaine jested, a hint of teasing in his voice. 
“Yeah. Come back.” 
They stumble to the bed, keeping the makeup on, but not much else. 
Later, they’re lying in bed together, when Blaine asks, “Kurt?”
“Why were you trying to hide your makeup from me when I came in?” 
 Kurt smiles, a blush rising to his cheeks as he looks down at their hands that are linked together between them.
“It’s not something I usually do, you know,” He starts, “Like… you know how much I like fashion but I’ve never been really that… well. Feminine. Apart from our skin sloughing routine. You don’t see me walking around every day with a full face of makeup on. And I haven’t really mentioned it before. I thought you might judge me.” He looks up at Blaine then, nothing but honesty in his eyes. 
Blaine frowns at his fiance slightly, “Kurt. You don’t need to feel like I’m gonna judge you. Trust me. I love you. I would never do anything to hurt you. Or judge you. Unless it’s something really outrageous, like when I found you still sleeping with your boyfriend pillow even when we were back together.” He jokes. 
Kurt slaps his arm lightly, “Hey! You said you wouldn’t bring that up again! It was only because you decided to stay up playing on the PlayStation into the early hours of the morning. Don’t blame it on me that I was being needy.” 
“Fine. But my point is, I love you. I will always love you. And plus, haven’t we just discovered that makeup on you is a big thing for me anyway?” He hints. 
Kurt kisses his lips again, sweetly, “I love you too. And yes. I think we’ve definitely discovered that.” 
Blaine smiles, “definitely.” 
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dlwritings · 6 years
Flicker | Tom Holland
masterlist found here
pairing - Tom x YouTuber!reader word count - 3,677 warnings - A/N - listen to Flicker by Niall Horan
summary - Lately, you felt like Tom was slipping through your fingers. After a fight, Tom showed just how afraid he was of losing you.
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“And here we have YouTube star, (Y/N) (Y/L/N)!”
You were pulled aside by an interviewer as you walked the red carpet at the Streamys. You smiled as you answered the usual questions: “Who are you wearing?” “Are you excited for tonight?” “Is there anyone specifically you’re rooting for?” Then, the dreaded question.
“Where’s Tom tonight?” she asked. You expected someone to ask. Actually, you expected a lot of people to ask, so you weren’t mad at this interviewer. Instead, you just gave her a well-rehearsed smile.
“Got caught up on set,” you told her. “He hasn’t even landed in LA yet.”
“How long have you been dating the spider boy now?” she asked.
“A little over a year,” you replied.
“Quite long for a Hollywood couple, especially at your age,” she said. You knew none of this was meant to upset you, but the ache in your stomach was growing. You just smiled at the reporter and hoped she’d let you move on. Instead, she added, “Do you hear wedding bells anywhere in your future?” You knew how you needed to respond, so you let out a laugh.
“I love Tom very much,” you said, “but we’re both quite young. We’re just enjoying the moments as they come.” The reporter smiled.
“Well we’re happy to see that Hollywood’s perfect couple is still going strong,” she said.
You scoffed unintentionally, “Well, no couple is perfect.”
When you finally made it to your seat, you let out a heavy breath and rubbed your temples slightly. It was true. Tom had gotten caught up on set. He texted you and apologized, telling you he would probably be home by the time the Streamys were done. It was hard not to be mad. Lately it felt like Tom was absent from everything in your life. You understood that he was a big star and had a busy life, but important things happened to you too. Was it so selfish to want him to be there for them? It was times like these that you wanted to go back to Brighton and visit your friends. You grew up in Bath next door to now-YouTube-sensations Zoe and Joe Sugg. They were the ones who got you interested in YouTube in the first place. You moved to Brighton soon after Zoe did, and the friendship you had with the two siblings never faded. The amount of times you found yourself yearning to have a sleepover with Zoe had been increasing exponentially over the past few months.
Soon enough, the seat beside you was taken by Arden Rose, so you snapped yourself out of your thoughts to socialize with her. Once you got your mind off of Tom, you had a wonderful night. You and Arden chatted nonstop during the breaks, and it was loads of fun to see so many content creators you respected get awards they deserved. You were up for both the First Person award and Creator of the Year. You didn’t expect to get either, but it was fun to just be there and an honor just to be nominated.
Needless to say, you were speechless when you won the latter.
Arden gave you a huge hug before you walked up on stage shakily, praying to God you wouldn’t trip or stumble or say something stupid. You took the award from Casey Neistat who was presenting it and stepped up to the microphone to give your speech. “I don’t know what to say,” you said nervously. “I didn’t prepare a speech because I didn’t expect to win.” The audience laughed in between their continuous cheers. “It’s a huge honor to be in the same category as all of these creators. So many of you inspired me to join this platform, and I will forever be grateful for you.” You said a few more things, most of which you forgot as soon as you were done talking, before walking off stage and eventually finding your way back to your seat.
When the award show was done, you wanted nothing more than to go home. You were currently spending some time in LA and had rented an apartment for your stay. You were in month three of being there. Tom had been coming and going for filming. A part of you almost hoped he wasn’t there when you returned. You knew his presence would just ruin your mood. Arden invited you to go with her to an after party, but your heels were killing you, and your stomach was filled with anxiety at the thought of your upcoming conversation with Tom. You knew you just needed to go home and get it over with.
On your way home, you called Zoe. You wanted to talk to her about the award and about Tom. She answered cheerily which immediately made you smile. “Guess who won Creator of the Year?” you asked, a smile making its way to your face.
“No way!” she shrieked. “Alf!” you heard her call to her boyfriend. “Alfie! (Y/N) won Creator of the Year!” You could faintly hear Alfie’s cheers before Zoe laughed and told you he had congratulated you as well. “What did Tom say?” she asked. You quickly frowned and took a deep breath. “Oh no,” she sighed. You could feel her demeanor change, even over the phone. “What’s wrong?”
You didn’t hesitate to dive in. “I just feel like we’re drifting away from each other,” you told her. “He couldn’t make it to the show because of filming, and I get that, but he knows how much this night meant to me and how excited I was for him to be there. It’s like he didn’t even try to get an earlier flight. 90% of the time I feel like he doesn’t give a shit about my career.”
“Oh (Y/N),” she said sympathetically. “I’m sorry.”
“I just don’t know what to do,” you sighed. “I won’t make him choose between his career and me, but he’s also 22 years old. He should be able to balance his time without me giving him an ultimatum.” You weren’t even sure you were making any sense. All you wanted was to get to your flat. You ended your conversation with Zoe just as you got home. When you walked inside, you sighed at the sight of Tom’s shoes by the door. You should’ve been happy to see your boyfriend. Instead, you were filled with dread.
Tom wasn’t on the couch or in the kitchen, so you headed into the bedroom to find him lying in bed, flicking through channels on the TV. He looked up when you walked in and smiled. “You’re home,” he said happily, his voice sounding tired. He reached his arms out to you. “I wanna cuddle.” You clenched your jaw and set your award down on the dresser, ignoring Tom and heading into the bathroom.
Tom was confused. Why were you being so cold? He heard the shower start to run and decided to leave you be for a moment, certain you’d be excited to see him once you came back out. He had missed you dearly while he was away filming. Sometimes he hated his job, but he knew it was important and that he was lucky to have it. He had always been grateful that you understood and respected what he did.
When you came out of the bathroom, a towel around your waist, Tom immediately jumped up from the bed and walked over to you. You faced your dresser, pulling out a pair of panties and a t-shirt. Tom wrapped his arms around you and rested his head on your shoulder. “How was the show?” he asked, pressing light kisses to your skin. You pulled away from him, dropping your towel momentarily to get dressed. Tom, again, was confused. Why weren’t you talking to him?
“I won an award,” you told him, motioning to the trophy on the dresser. His eyes grew wide, his heart filling with pride.
“That’s great, darling!” he said, trying to reach out for you again. You just stepped away and got your hairbrush, brushing the knots out of your wet hair. “What’d you win?” You didn’t say anything. Tom was starting to get irritated. He had been gone for over a month, and this was the welcome he got? Finally, he seemed to snap.
He grabbed the TV remote, shut it off, and asked, “What’s going on?” You finished brushing your hair and turned to face him. It was only then that Tom noticed the tears in your eyes. What the hell?
“I wanted you to be there,” you said. He could tell you were trying not to cry.
“And I wanted to be there,” he told you. You shook your head and let out an angry laugh.
“Did you, Tom?” you asked. “Because you’ve known about this award show for months, and you still couldn’t manage to catch a flight on time.”
“Filming went longer than I planned,” he argued. “I told you that.”
“You could’ve taken a break,” you told him. “You could’ve explained to your director that I had something important and-”
“You think they’d put an entire film on hold for me?” he snapped. “For you?”
“Well they can’t very well film if you tell them you’re leaving.”
“Yeah, but they can replace me, and they’d do it in a heartbeat if I pulled something like that.”
You just rolled your eyes which made Tom’s blood boil. You walked over to the bed and sat down, starting to get under the covers. Tom, however, wasn’t done talking about this. “You know I would’ve been there if I could’ve,” he said. “But it’s not like it was the Grammys or the Oscars. They don’t care about that shit unless it’s an EGOT.”
“They don’t or you don’t?” you asked.
“That’s not fair,” Tom argued.
“Admit it,” you snapped. “You think my career is a joke.”
Tom laughed angrily. “You’re kidding, right?” You didn’t say anything. “Wow, you must not know me at all if you think for even a second that I’m not 100% supportive of you.”
“If I was a movie star up for an Oscar, you would’ve skipped a week of filming just to make sure I was mentally prepared,” you told him.
“Give me a break, (Y/N),” he said. “You’re being fucking ridiculous right now.”
“I’m being honest with you,” you said, “which is more than you can say.”
“What do you want from me?” he shouted. “What the fuck do you want?”
“I want you!” you shouted back. “I want all of you! I want you as committed to this relationship as I am! I want you to support me and, and to be here for me when I ask you to be! To be honest I didn’t realize I was asking for so much.”
“Can’t you see that I’m trying?” he said. “I’m here now, aren’t I?”
“Yeah, about seven hours too late.”
“Jesus Christ!” he yelled. “I can’t fucking do this. You’re acting like you didn’t know what my life was when we started dating. There was always a chance something like this would happen! I’m sorry I can’t be at your beck and call 24/7.”
“Stop twisting my words!” you cried.
“What have I been saying that you haven’t told me in the past ten minutes? You think I’m not here for you? You think I don’t care about you? If I didn’t care about you, I wouldn’t be standing here, screaming at you when all I wanted was to make love to my beautiful girlfriend the minute she walked in the door.” The two of you were silent for a moment until you sighed.
“Maybe we need a break.”
With a clenched jaw, Tom turned on his heel and stormed into the bathroom. He was furious but also so hurt. What had he ever done to make you think those horrible things? Yeah, he worked a lot, but never once did he ever try to make it seem like that meant he didn’t love or support you. He appeared in your YouTube videos almost every time you asked him to, and he told (and showed) you that he loved you practically every minute of every day.
Tom got in the shower, trying to calm his anger. Sleep. You both just needed sleep. Your relationship was not over. You did not need a break. He needed you, and he was certain you needed him.
When he got out of the shower and put on some boxers, Tom found you asleep in bed. He was sure the fight had worn you out. It had done the same to him. He hesitantly got into bed beside you. Even when the two of you fought, he hated to sleep away from you. It seemed that, subconsciously, you thought the same. Few moments passed before you laid your head on Tom’s chest, wrapping one arm over his stomach. A lump rose in Tom’s throat as he brushed his fingers through your hair. The two of you had been dating for about 15 months, and he couldn’t imagine his life without you. Sometimes it was hard for him to remember his life before you.
You had been given a crazy opportunity to film a video with Tom Holland. Your YouTube channel had been growing and, when you were approached to film with the movie star, you didn’t even hesitate to accept. You were nervous, obviously, but Tom immediately made you feel at ease.
Tom was smitten the minute he met you. You were quite obviously nervous to work with him, so he turned on his charm to try and calm you down. He thought you were beautiful as soon as you walked in the room. He could tell you were a novice interviewer, but he found it endearing. You didn’t film a traditional video, which Tom appreciated. After a long day of press junkets, it was refreshing to answer something other than “What’s it like to play Spider-Man?” and “How much training did you have to go through to get the part?” The two of you ended up filming a whisper challenge video. You and Tom were both doubled over laughing by the end of it, and Tom did not want the day to end. Neither did you, but that was pretty obvious.
As soon as the video was done, Tom had to go to the next interview. He hardly had time to thank you before he was ushered out. When his day was done, he approached his publicist and asked her for your name. Unfortunately, she didn’t know it, and Tom felt he had no way of contacting you. Disappointed, he opened up Instagram to distract himself. Getting bored on his timeline, he went to the pictures he was tagged in to see if there were any cool drawings or sweet fan pictures. He did this often, loving any opportunity he had to interact with the fans and show them how appreciative he was of the things they did for him. Amongst his tagged photos, he found a screen grab from the video you filmed with him. He clicked the picture immediately and found your profile. Instantly, he DM’d you. It was a simple and sweet message: Hey (Y/N)! I had a great time filming today. You’re wonderful at what you do xx
You responded back: Aww I’m glad! I honestly thought I sounded like a babbling idiot the whole time, so it’s good to know you had fun
He knew there was no going back.
The two of you ended up exchanging phone numbers and texted constantly. As soon as Tom found himself in your area, he visited you. Whenever you were near him, you did the same. It got to the point where Tom would make special trips just to see you.
The more time passed, the more Tom realized he wasn’t meant to be with anyone else, and hell would freeze over before he would let you go.
“Fuck,” Tom whispered to himself as the memories flashed through his head. He subconsciously held you tighter, his gaze fixed on the ceiling above him. “What the hell am I going to do?” You were sound asleep, your breathing steady and slow. Tom couldn’t help but continue talking to himself, almost practicing what he could say to you when you woke. “I love you,” he said gently, “and I love your job. If it wasn’t for your job, I would’ve never found you. I don’t even want to imagine a life without you. I’m proud of you and impressed with you and everyday you make me happier and happier.” Evidently, his voice had been too loud, because you soon stirred in your sleep.
“Hmm?” you mumbled, your eyelids fluttering open. Realizing you were cuddled up to Tom, you scooted away a bit and sat up, rubbing your eyes. “Did you say something?” you asked him, your voice monotone and still carrying audible sadness. Tom’s heart physically hurt. He brushed a piece of hair away from your face, and your cheeks turned a little red at the action.
“Yeah, I said something,” he said softly. “I said that I love you. I love you, and I’m proud of you and everything you do. I’m so sorry if I ever, even for a second, made you think otherwise.”
“Please, please let me finish,” he whispered. You bit your lip and nodded. “Darling, you are the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. I’m sorry that work is crazy, and I’m sorry if it seems like I’m not trying to be here for you, because I am. Most of the time Harrison has to drag me away from my phone to make it to set on time because I’m either calling you or texting you or reading through our old texts just to find a reason to smile. I know I can be a total dickhead sometimes, but I never meant for you to think I don’t care about you. This, this fight, I want it to pass.” His voice cracked at the end as he begged, “Please don’t leave.”
As soon as a tear rolled down Tom’s cheek, you pulled him close to you. He rested his head on your chest and wrapped his arms around your waist. You could feel him shaking, could feel his tears on your (his) shirt. His grip on you was so tight, it made your heart ache. “Hey, babe, take a breath,” you cooed softly. You ran your fingers through his hair, scraping your nails lightly against his scalp. “I’m right here,” you whispered. “Right here.”
Tom did everything he could to compose himself. He didn’t mean to break down. He had just been so stressed lately, and the mere idea of you leaving him sent him straight into a panic. He knew you hated it when he cried, so he did his best to suck it up. The feeling of your fingers in his hair soothed him so much, a chill went up his spine. “I’m so sorry (Y/N),” he whispered, knowing his words were muffled and hard to hear. You heard him though, clearly, because you pressed a soft kiss to the top of his head. “Work has been hard lately,” he admitted. He hated to say it aloud, wanted to pretend he was a lot stronger than he was, but he knew he owed you an explanation for why he seemed so distant so suddenly.
You pulled away from Tom and smoothed out some of the creases on his forehead. He visibly relaxed under your touch. “What?” you whispered.
Tom sighed, “I didn’t want to tell you because I didn’t want you to worry. I know I’ve been distant, and I know that can’t be easy for you. This director’s a hardass and I feel like no shoot I do is good enough. That’s why I couldn’t leave set to come see you tonight. I wanted to so badly, but I’m afraid one step out of line and he’ll find someone else. I swear we had to film a scene of me staring out the window thirty times. It’s a three second shot but it was never good enough. Like I’m not good enough. So then, when I come home and find out I haven’t even been good enough to you, it’s like a punch in the face. Like I’ve been fucking up in every area of my life.”
More tears fell from Tom’s eyes, but you were quick to brush them away. “I wish you had told me,” you whispered, pressing your forehead to his. “I’ve not been patient enough.”
“No,” Tom said quickly. “You’ve been wonderful. You’re always wonderful. I need to take care of my girl better than I do. That’s on me.”
“You don’t have to carry the weight of your stresses alone,” you pressed. “You’re not alone, Tommy. I’m right here.”
“I need you,” he whispered, his voice cracking a bit. “I can’t be without you.”
“I’m right here,” you repeated firmly. “Right here.” You sighed and gently kissed his forehead. “You’re wearing yourself too thin, my love.”
“Just want everything to be perfect,” he admitted. “The movie, our relationship, my life, your life.”
“You can’t control how the earth spins, Tommy,” you whispered. “Nothing is perfect. That’s just reality. You know what though? I’m happy. I’m still so happy.”
“You didn’t seem happy thirty minutes ago,” Tom mumbled. You ran your fingers through his hair again, hearing him sigh contently as he snuggled closer to you.
“I was frustrated and sad,” you told him, “but that doesn’t mean I don’t love you. Perfect or not, I’m happy with you.”
“You ever gonna leave me?” he whispered. You looked down at him to see him looking at you with his soft brown eyes. The sight made you melt.
“No Tom,” you cooed. “I’m never, ever gonna leave you.”
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elsehuggs · 6 years
drunk | joe
“well, you’re coming home with me whether you like it or not” - joe
The time was 11:48pm, and Joe was getting bored. 
He’d gone to a club with a few of his friends and his girlfriend Y/N and had danced for a while, but then realised - after two hours - that he wanted to go home. he had had a lot of fun, but it had been a long day at work and all he wanted to do now was go home, get into bed with Y/N and go to sleep. He was reluctant to go out in the first place after all.
So, he decided it was time to leave. After saying his goodbyes to Caspar, Mikey, and Josh, he went to find his girlfriend.
When he reached her, he found her sitting at the bar with her friend, Harper, holding a drink he couldn’t quite identify.
“Joe!” Y/N cried when she noticed him, carelessly throwing her arms out around her boyfriend, who had quickly noticed that she was quite intoxicated. 
“Hey, love,” Joe said, leaning into Y/N’s embrace, happy with her presence. “Listen, I think it’s time to leave. I’m getting a bit bored here. Shall we head back to mine and we can cuddle on the sofa?”
Joe felt as Y/N’s brown hair rested gently on his arm as she leaned into him on the bar stool, silently showing that she didn’t want to leave yet. “But Joe, we’ve only just got here babe! Can you just let me finish this drink that lovely Harper here got for me - which tastes REALLY nice Joe, do you want to try some?” Y/N clumsily lifted up her drink to him, applying close concentration to make sure it wouldn’t spill. 
“I think I’m alright. Actually, I think you’re alright too babe. You might have already had one too many.” Joe said, but Y/N just waved him off and went, “pfffft. I’m fine Joe! Completely sober.”
Joe just chuckled a little. “Come on Y/N, it’s time to go now.” He pestered, tugging on Y/N’s arm slightly. The girl shakes her head in protest, showing her disagreement. “I’m enjoying my drink babe!” She pouts, trying to win Joe over.
“Nope. None of that. You’re coming home with me whether you like it or not. I think it would be best for both of us if we just went home and relaxed in bed." Joe asserted.
At this moment, Harper piped up and said with gentleness laced into her voice, "Y/N, listen to Joe. I think he has the best idea." 
Y/N let out an over-dramatized sigh but said eventually, "oh ALRIGHT. If that's what you want. Because, after all, Joe, I am such a brilliant girlfriend. And I would do anything for you." She conceded, standing up from the cushioned bar stool, shrieking a bit out of surprise and grabbing onto her boyfriend's arm as she stumbled in her very high heels, her drink spilling onto the floor slightly. 
It was no secret that Y/N got very handsy and affectionate when under the influence, and as her and Joe walked out of the nightclub, her arm was wrapped closely around his waist, as was his around her’s, and her head resting somewhat dazed on his shoulder.
When they got outside, Y/N thought for a while as they were walking down the still busy streets of London. “You know what I really want right now my lovely Joseph?” She said contently, swinging their arms carelessly between them.
“What may that be love?” Joe asked in one of his accents.
“I really really want coffee. From like costa or something.” Y/N looked up longingly at her gorgeous boyfriend, drinking in his features. He was wearing those rounded glasses and they suited him perfectly.
“Darling, it’s nearly midnight. No Costa Coffee will be open at midnight!” Joe laughed, looking down at her. Y/N scrunched her nose and looked away. “Well now that is annoying.” She remarked. The brunette then looked up again, seeing that they were passing a McDonald’s. Her face lit up towards Joe, and she gasped excitedly.
“Joe! Let’s go in there!”
“McDonald’s? Now?”
“Yes! I’ve just noticed I really need one of those chocolate milkshakes. And a McFlurry. And probably some fries. Please?” Y/N goes as far as using puppy dog eyes.
Joe thought about this for a second and then replied with, “alright. Come with me and we’ll get something. Then we do need to get home. Alright, love?” He intertwined his fingers with her’s and leaned in to give her a quick peck on the cheek. Y/N frowned, trying to lean in for a longer kiss but failing in her drunken state.
The couple both ordered strawberry milkshakes for themselves and then traveled the rest of the way home via the tube.
They entered the flat quite tired, the small remains of strawberry milkshake still left in their hands as Joe grabbed some makeup wipes he kept in the bathroom when Y/N stayed over. He walked into the living room with them and spotted his beautiful girlfriend scrolling through her phone on the sofa, slurping the rest of her milkshake which had melted a bit in the process of getting home. Joe puts the makeup wipes down on the coffee table and then went over to the kitchen to grab some water for Y/N too, which he then also placed down on the table.
“Here,” Joe said kindly as he handed the brunette the glass of water, opening the bag of wipes. “Face me,” he said again in the same manner, holding Y/N’s face gently under her chin as he attempts to get the makeup off her smooth face. Instead, Y/N leans into Joe and gives him a long and messy kiss, that he can’t help but laugh at after they pull away.
“You’re cute when you’re drunk.” He laughs.
Grabbing the makeup wipe from him, Y/N frowns in disgust. “Joe Sugg, I am not drunk!” She says, opening her mouth in an “O” shape.
In return, Joe chuckles and mumbled the words “come here.” With one hand on her cheek, makeup half off, half on, he pulls her in and gives her a loving kiss on the lips. “I love you, so much. Even when you shout at me like that.”
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Celebrity Masterlist
Tumblr media
Links Below The Cut
Hayley Atwell
Date Night
Brooklyn Beckham
Joel Dommett
Lizzie Dwyer/ LDShadowLady
Coming Soon
Tom Felton
Coming Soon
Tom Fletcher
Cliche Dream
Grant Gustin
Coming Soon
Trisha Hershberger
Coming Soon
Stacy Hinojosa/ StacyPlays
Molly - {Coming Soon}
Tom Holland
Niall Horan
Dan Howell/ DanIsNotOnFire
New Year’s Eve
Harry Judd
Ryan Lawrie
Charlie Lenehan
Phil Lester/ AmazingPhil
Kate McKinnon
Coming Soon
James McVey
Dylan O’Brien
Steven Porter
Daniel Radcliffe
Dougie Poynter
Danny Sexbang
Sebastian Stan
Harry Styles
Festive (1) (2)
Joe Sugg
Like You
Louis Tomlinson
Contest (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Meg Turney
Seal Of Approval
Aaron Tveit
Coming Soon
Emma Watson
Coming Soon
145 notes · View notes
buttercreamscenes · 6 years
Snowy Nights - Joe Sugg
Request: No
Smut: No
Requests are OPEN!
A/N: This is kind of long...oops? I hope you like it :)
The snow had started to fall in the morning but you were perfectly content staring out the window, watching it fall as you drank your coffee in the warmth of your apartment building. Your day was going to be long but the longer you looked outside, the more you wanted to curl up under a blanket and binge watch any show you could find. But your day was also important, which meant you couldn’t miss it for the life of you.
Parking your car in your usual spot, you made sure you had your snow brush in your trunk as the weather was starting to pick up during your drive in to work. Placing your things at your desk, you waved to the nearby cubicle at Delaney before beginning your day.
Hours passed and one by one your co-workers started packing up their things and heading home for the night. However, your boss expected these papers on her desk by the end of the day, which meant for you...staying all night. But surely, soon enough, you stapled the papers together and slid them under your boss’ door and into her office. 
Grabbing your things, you made your way to the parking lot but almost immediately stopped in your tracks. The whole of London was white and never in your life had you ever seen such a sight or even prepared for it. Heading to your car, you placed your things inside, turned it on to warm it up before grabbing your snow brush and beginning the journey of cleaning your car.
“Who knew London could even get this much snow?” Jumping at the sound of a man’s voice, you looked a few spots down and saw a man cleaning off his car as well. “Here,” He said, making his way towards you. “pushing the snow from behind your tires makes it easier to get out.” Watching as he did just that, you studied him. He was small and thin, which meant if needed, you could take him. “I’ve been out here for so long, I can’t even feel my fingers.”
“You don’t have,” You began, as he started wiping off the snow from your car. “to do that, you know? I wouldn’t want your fingers falling off at my expense.”
“What’s a few more seconds?” He said, looking over at you as he smiled. His face was red from the cold but still, he continued. “Well, that should do it. Have a nice night.” 
Calling out a thank you as he walked towards his car, you headed to the drivers seat and began your journey home. However, looking behind you, you saw the man from the parking lot in the car following you and your mind began to wander. What if he wasn’t as nice as he let on? Not knowing what to do but not wanting to spend any unnecessary time on the icy roads, you headed towards the parking garage of your apartment building, praying you could make it inside without him seeing you.
“Okay,” Jumping once again at the sound of his voice, you turned around and saw him emerging from his parked car. “I know what you’re thinking and I swear it’s not that. I live here.” He explained, pointing towards your apartment building.
“And I’m just supposed to believe that you’re not just some creep who’s trying to kill me?”
“Fair point.” He said, nodding his head. “I’ll prove it, come to mine for a cup of tea. Lord knows my fingers could use the warmth.” 
“Well since I won’t be able to sleep without knowing the truth, I guess I have to.” Keeping your bag close to you as you held onto your phone tightly, you followed the man towards the apartment and watched as he entered.
“Can you believe this weather, Joe?” Hearing a voice call out as you entered the apartment, you smiled at the thought of the man actually telling the truth.
“It’s crazy outside, Byron.” He called back, offering to take your jacket from you. Following him into the kitchen, you sat on the bar stool and watched as he began making the tea. “See? I’m not a killer.” He joked, placing the mug in front of you.
“Well, depending on how you’ve made this tea, I might just have to come back.”
“You’re welcome anytime.”
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chocolatemillkk · 4 years
Party (JS)
I put the final bottle of champagne behind the mini bar and adjust the cocktail bowl slightly to the left. I look around the living room, the grand Christmas tree was still up as it usually was until after New Year’s. The whole place was covered in string lights, outlining the furniture and hanging from the ceiling. This was the famous New Year’s Eve party my parents have been throwing since before I was even born and this year was the last one I’d be attending for a while, I realise sadly. This time next year I would be living in LA, in my first year of university and my parents planned to come down for Christmas and be back here for New Year’s. I wouldn’t come along. I always looked forward to this, guess I’d have to savour it the best I could.
Both my mom and dad were only children which meant growing up they made a lot of friends along the way and each year our parties got a little bit bigger, more and more families coming together for their New Year’s eve party. I always looked forward to two though, the Michaels and the Suggs.
“Are you done daydreaming?” My sister comes up from behind me. “Because there should be appetizers that need rearranging or something according to mom.”
“I’m on it,” I say mock-seriously. My mom really went all out with the food and my sister and I always teased her about it. My sister, Liz, had started uni this year but luckily she was only in London. A lot of our friends her age weren’t though, so we were missing a lot of people this year. But at least Joe would be around, I think. And Zoe.
“Put these near the piano,” my mom hands me a plate as I make my way to the kitchen. “Don’t drop them!” I pretend to struggle under the tray which earns me a stern look. “You should get ready,” my mom reminds me. “There’s only an hour before guests start coming!”
I run up to my room after gently placing the tray where my mom wanted it and put on the dress I had bought for the occasion. It was deep green satin with a plunging neckline and a leg slit that went up to my hips—a shorter skirt lay underneath so I wasn’t flashing the whole party. I usually wasn’t this risky but I figured the occasion called for it. The sleeves are almost bell-like, and I do a twirl before the mirror, excited to see how people liked it.
Who was I kidding, I wanted Joe to see me in it.
It was silly, there was half a year before I was leaving this place, but more than half my life that I’d been crushing on Joe Sugg. Sometimes, I thought he knew how I felt, I thought I was quite obvious as a kid. For a second, I thought maybe the feeling was mutual. But after truth or dare in the seventh grade, I’d tried my hardest to hide whatever feelings I had for him. I wondered if he’d noticed.
“Truth or Dare,” Olivia asks my sister, Olivia Michaels was our neighbour growing up and the one who introduced my sister and I to the world of beer and rock and roll. My sister and I were good friends with her and her younger brother Felix.
My sister choses dare and Olivia has her eat one of the gross drink concoctions we made earlier. A few rounds later, my sisters asks me.
“Dare,” I say, feeling brave.
“I dare you to kiss either Joe or Felix,” my sister says smugly.
“What? I-“
“It’s a dare!” Zoe laughs and I look at Felix, he was a couple years younger than me-he was a child...and Joe was my huge crush. There was no way I was going to have my first kiss with him like this; with popcorn in my teeth and my lips stained with popsicles.
“Unless you’d like to kiss them both,” my sister teases.
Not wanting any more pressure, I lean over and peck Felix on the lips. I can’t help but sneak a glance at Joe as I go back to my seat and everyone laughs at Felix’s flushing cheeks. But he looks uninterested.
A few rounds later, Felix asks Joe and Joe picks Truth.
“Who would you date from this circle?” Felix asks. My heart plummets into my stomach. Joe looks around, avoiding my eyes and that makes my heart race faster. He had to know how much I would die to date him. To call him anything more than my best friend.
“Liz,” Joe says my sister’s name and I felt sick. Of course he liked her better than me, she was smarter and prettier than me. I was just his best friend.
“Aw you’re cute,” my sister pinches Joe’s cheeks and his sister joins in. I excuse myself but I didn’t think anyone even noticed.
A knock at my door reminds me there was a party about to go down, or already going down, I realise as I hear voices already. “How long are you going to take? Mom wants you downstairs to greet everyone!” Liz calls through the door.
“I’ll be a minute!” I say. I take my new christmas present-an eyeshadow kit my mom had given, and the lipstick my sister gave after I used most of hers, and put on my makeup, feeling like a grown up already. So much was changing and I was buzzing with excitement.
I skip downstairs and greet everyone the way I usually did every year. This year everyone asks about school, I tell them my LA plan and they wish me luck. Over and over. Until Joe walks in with a bottle of something in his hand and I run to him, nearly knocking him down as I throw my arms around him. He smelled like the cologne he reserved for special occasions, and the soap he always used. I could never tire of it, of him.
He was as handsome as ever, a clean white button up tucked into black trousers. He’d cut his hair recently but I sort of liked the way he styled it, the soft layers looked bouncy.
“You look handsome! Where’s Zoe?” I ask.
“Food poisoning,” he hands me the bottle and I take it from him, stepping a bit back so he could see my outfit but he continues on without comment. “Mum’s stayed home with her, the bottle’s from her.”
“Duh, as if you could afford this,” I tease, pretending like my heart wasn’t just stabbed by his nonchalance. He follows me in as I sneak the bottle past my mom and hide it in the kitchen, it was a tradition for us kids to get drunk on our own stash we steal throughout the night.
“Where’s everyone else?” Joe asks. “Your sister?”
I ignore the ache I get in my chest, “Oh doing her rounds probably. Pretending she’s an intellectual because she’s done one semester at uni.”
Joe laughs and I love the sound, especially when he laughs at a joke I make.
“Y/N! There you are!” Felix and Olivia pop in, interrupting Joe, and I give them both hugs. Olivia had brought her boyfriend this year so we get introductions and a quick catch-up before Olivia goes to find Liz and I’m left with Felix and Joe. Felix had grown to be surprisingly handsome, in a nerd chic sort of way. If it wasn’t for the fact that he was younger than me, I could have even considered dating him.
“So Y/N you look really amazing tonight,” Felix says.
“Aw thank you,” I say. “You look quite chic tonight too, is that suspenders you’re wearing under your jacket?” I tease Felix until he’s pink in the face before I turn to Joe who looks bored. I loop my arm through his, “Want to get something to eat? I’m craving some shortbread cookies.”
“Yeah. If we’re having our own party later on we don’t want a repeat of ‘09,” Joe jokes. That was the first year we had all snuck a bottle of wine from the party and drank it on an empty stomach. None of us had a good time.
“Don’t remind me,” I shudder before I call behind me. “Felix you coming?”
Joe stiffens beside me but we walk on.
After a dozen devilled eggs and shrimp cocktails, I lose everyone to the crowd and find myself alone near the stairs. I watch the crowd and bask in the togetherness the holidays brought on, I would miss this a lot. I almost didn’t want to go when I was in moments like these, but I knew what I wanted from life and I knew I couldn’t stay in dreary UK for it.
As I look around with the room so full of lights, the corners of my vision suddenly warp and distort into a blurry mass. I blink a few times but it remains. This was so not happening.
I sit myself on the step and close my eyes, placing my head on my knees but as I do that, the nause creeps in. This was getting serious. Perfect.
I go up to my bedroom quickly and close the blinds, shutting the room in darkness. I unzip the side of my dress to give my room to breathe and lay down.
Of course I had to get a migraine the day of new year’s eve. My last party for a while. I groan and turn to the side, blindly groping for any pill bottle, not wanting to risk turning on my phone light.
I lay in the dark, I don’t know how long. Time passed slowly in the dark, the only thing I could hear is the muffled sound of the party downstairs. My phone vibrates a few times but I don’t dare look at it. I wanted to nip this migraine before it could come full force. I couldn’t believe this was how my year was going to end, I think. And without meaning to, the tears leak out from my eyes. Stupid migraines and stupid Joe Sugg! He hadn’t even noticed what I was wearing, he didn’t even care. He fancied Liz more than I and I was still crushing on him like an idiot. I wasted my high school years waiting for him. And now I was going to graduate soon, with no history of a relationship and no...
A soft knock interrupts my pity party. I wait again as the knock sounds, just to make sure I wasn’t hearing it.
“Y/N,” it was Joe.
I swipe at my face, pulling my blanket over my face. “I’m here,” I say. “You can come in.”
I hear the door creak open, the noise from downstairs flooding through before the closed door muffles it again.
“Migraine?” Joe asks. We’d been friends long enough that he knew exactly what was going down. I sense him standing at the edge of my bed, the room still in darkness.
“Yeah,” I inch the blanket off my face. It’s not like he could see my makeup streaks in the dark. “Great timing right?”
“Can I do anything?” Joe asks. God, I scoff, I thought I could just turn my feelings off for him but him just asking that brings them back full force. “Maybe some water...”
“I’ve got water,” I say. I sense him shifting around the room.
“Didn’t you used to have those ice packs?” Joe knows his way around my room, he often came over when we did homework, or in the summer before we would go out with our other friends. He locates where I kept the freeze packs and he cracks them, walking towards my bed and sitting on my sheets. “Here.”
He places one on my neck and I flinch at the cold.
“Sorry,” he mumbles before putting it back on.
“It’s okay,” I whisper, the cold already numbing the throbbing in my neck. “Thanks Joe.”
“It’s nothing,” Joe whispers back. I take the pack from where his hands hold it and hold it myself as I gently turn in bed, the little light streaming in outlines his sitting figure.
“You don’t have to stay here,” I let him know. “Go back to the party.”
“It’s no fun if you’re not there,” Joe says. He slowly inches himself down beside me and the smell of him invades my nose. Oh no.
“Joe your cologne-“ I say and he quickly gets up.
“Oh shit right,” Joe stands and I see the shape of him pace away from the bed. “Uh, I can go home and change-“
“Oh my god,” I let out a laugh and cut it short as my head throbs. “You’ve left so many shirts here when we go swimming in the summer. Just put one on if you want to stay here so bad.”
“I’m just here to avoid everyone asking what my plans after school are,” he jokes. “Are they in the bottom drawer?”
“Yeah,” I respond. “Tell them you’re still figuring it out.”
“Everyone here has kids who are doctors or some shit,” I can hear the Joe changing and I try to keep the inappropriate thoughts at bay. “That’s not an acceptable answer.”
“Who cares what they think though,” I say. Joe joins me back in bed, laying down to stare at the ceiling as I look at his profile, barely illuminated by the light peaking through my blinds.
“Sometimes I do,” he says quietly.
I find his hand and squeeze it. He squeezes back and then turns to me. “So are you going to tell me why you were crying before I came in?”
“I was not crying,” I lie.
“You so were.”
“Was not.”
“Was too,” fingers graze my jaw and I’m busted. “Your face is still wet.”
“Fine,” I sigh. “I was just upset I was missing the party.”
“I dunno, it’s my last party for a while!”
“Oh yeah,” Joe quiets down. A moment passes. Then another. “I’m gonna miss you.”
“We still have like 7 months together, don’t cry for me just yet.”
“You’re the one that was crying,” Joe shoots back.
“Shut up!” I joke. “Can’t you let me win? I have a migraine!”
“How is it?” Concern creeps back into his voice.
“The usual, I just have to tone down my senses. It’ll get better.”
Joe’s hand moves up to my face and cups it, my heart fluttering, the blood rushing to my face and joining the dance my migraine was putting on in my head.
His hand creeps up into my hair and suddenly his hand is plucking out the pins from my hair, and putting it on my bedside. Of course he was just being helpful while I was getting all bothered. “Do you want to get into something more comfortable?” He asks. I try to ignore the way I felt with his body hovering over mine in the dark but my mind blanks for a moment. “Y/N?”
“Oh I have every intention to go back to the party later,” I say. “This dress stays on.”
“It’s a great dress,” Joe says.
“It is isn’t it,” I say, noticing how uncomfortable Joe was getting. He actually noticed. Why didn’t he say anything earlier?
“I mean,” he clears his throat. “You looked...beautiful.”
I pause, pure joy rushing through me. Joe noticed me, he said I was beautiful. And oh god, all these things happening in my body were not helping my migraine. But I wasn’t about to tell Joe that.
“Thank you,” I say softly, too afraid to break the moment.
“It’s nothing new though,” he says just as softly. “You always look beautiful.”
I look at him, squint in the dark to try to read his face but it’s hard to. Was he saying this because I was having a shitty time or did he actually mean it?
“Not as beautiful as Liz though,” I deflect, deciding he was just taking pity on me. “She’s the one with the looks in the family.”
There’s a deafening silence around us, I can hear my heart beating in it. He wasn’t denying it, I want to cry.
“She is...beautiful sure, but you’re something different Y/N. You bloody take my breath away every time I see you.”
I want to cry for other reasons now. Was this really happening?
“Sorry,” Joe interprets my silence as rejection and begins sitting up to go. “The dark’s just made me stupid, I said way too much and-
“Joe,” I try to cut through.
“You obviously just, you need to rest and I’m-“
“Joe Sugg,” I say again and grab his hand. “Lay back down you big idiot, your blabbering is making my head pulse.”
“Right,” Joe lays back down but I can hear his quick breathing. I was glad to know he was just as nervous. I still have hold of his hand and I place it around my waist, inching closer to him.
“When?” I have to ask.
“Do you remember when we had our second friendiversary?” He asks. I did. We met when we were both 7 after our parents had set up a play date and we got along so well we knew we would be friends instantly. We’d spit on our hands and shaken them, declaring that day our friend anniversary, and we’d celebrated most years since. “You had your parents drop you off on your way home from your nana’s because it was our friendiversary and we didn’t see each other all summer. And your nana gave you cookies for the ride home, and you saved me the peanut butter ones? I don’t know, when you came in that day I just took a look at you and I had butterflies in my stomach. You were there ever since school let out and I’d missed playing with you for so long. I think I realised I missed you more than just a friend that summer. And when I saw you-“
“I actually remember.” I join. “Because you had just stared at me with your mouth open. And I just put the cookies in your open mouth. I was angry I thought you were looking at me like that because Liz had put gum in my hair a week before and my nana had to cut a lot off.”
“Yeah,” Joe chuckles. “I remember that too.”
“And since then?”
“Yeah,” Joe’s hand curls around my waist.
“What about the seventh grade? Truth or dare?”
“You bloody kissed Felix!” Joe exclaims.
“I...you picked my sister because I kissed Felix? He was like 10!”
“I was stupid.”
“Was? If I was feeling better I would be slapping you right now.”
“Good thing you’re not,” Joe tugs me closer. Our faces are inches apart, and I want to lean over and just kiss him so bad.
“What’s taken you so long,” I whisper, my fingers resting on his face.
“Scared I would ruin our friendship. You’re so much better than me, I thought you would laugh if I told you.”
“You are so ridic-“
“Shh,” Joe shushes me. “Do you hear that?”
I quiet down and listen as the party downstairs begins counting down to New Year’s. Suddenly my hands are clammy, this was it. I was going to kiss Joe Sugg once and for all.
“5...4...3...” Joe whispers between us.
“2...” I get out before Joe closes the space and kisses me, his lips so soft, my head feeling like it would explode. And not just because of the migraine.
“Wow-“ Joe gets out before I go in for a second kiss, the cheering downstairs drowns out as I pull Joe closer to me, closer, finally the love of my life was in my arms.
We’re moving too quickly, a wave of nausea hits me and I pull away.
“Sorry was that too quick?” Joe panics.
“Head,” I say as I squeeze my eyes shut.
“Shit,” I feel him sitting up and hovering over me, probably looking for the ice pack because soon the cold feeling returns to my temples.
“Thank you,” I whisper. He places a kiss on my lips as I stay still, trying to ease my nause. I feel a kiss on my jaw, then my neck. “Do you have to go home?” I ask.
“Nope,” Joe shifts beside me, I feel him get under the blanket, and he pulls me close to him. He lays his hand gently over me and I settle in beside him. What a New Year’s.
“Y/N!” My sister’s voice wakes me and my eyes fly open. She stands in my doorway with her jaw open and I realise she’s staring at the weight on my right side. Joe.
“What?” Joe mumbles, awakened by my sister barging in.
“Oh my god!” My sister squeals. “It’s happening!” She runs out my door. “It’s happening!” She yells out to whoever was awake. And if they weren’t awake, her commotion sure woke them.
“She’s crazy,” I mumble before turning to Joe, the evening rushing to catch me up. He’s still only half asleep. When I call his name, he only groans and pulls me closer to him, hiding his face into my neck. My heart flutters, it felt like we’d always been together like this.
I allow myself the small pleasure of running my hands up into his hair and he groans into my neck, lifting his face up to look at me. Suddenly he starts laughing.
“Way to make a girl feel confident,” I’m suddenly self conscious as I get up.
“You do realise you’re in yesterday’s outfit? Including your makeup?” Joe asks, his voice hoarse.
“Shit!” I run to my mirror and laugh at what I see. “I’ll be back!”
I grab a spare shirt and move to the bathroom where I clean up and brush my teeth. My skin looked awful having slept in makeup but the glow I felt from waking up next to Joe kills any issue I might have had with it.
When I get back to my room he’s already up, the bed is made, and he’s folding his clothes from yesterday.
“You didn’t have to do all that,” I say as I walk to him. Immediately he catches my hand and pulls me in.
“Your head?” He asks.
“Great. Yours?”
“Clear as day. Glad it listened to my heart this one time.”
A smile creeps onto my face as the realisation of what he said settles in but pulls me in and kisses it off.
“Happy new year Joe,” I whisper when we part, pulling him in for a tight hug.
“Happy new year Y/N,” Joe whispers back. “I think it’s going to be the best one yet.”
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They’re Going to be Just Fine » Joe Sugg
Request: can you do a joe imagine where the readers getting loads and loads of hate for being with joe and zoe starts worrying that you'll leave him or something but then she sees how much you love each other and realises it probably won't happen?
You were sat in the passenger seat of your boyfriend of eight months’ car on the way to Brighton to visit his sister and her own boyfriend. Paying little attention to Joe, you sat scrolling through twitter and reading the hateful comments you were sent from his fans. The remarks ranged from judgments of your appearance to how you were only using Joe to get more followers and even to how Joe didn’t actually love you and he was going to drop you soon. Even though to anyone else this was absurd, you had always doubted yourself - you struggled a lot with anxiety and depression, especially in your teenage years although Joe was the person who persuaded you to get help.
You were terrified at first, you were always so desperate to get help but the thought of someone confirming your deepest fears scared you away. It took you seven years, but after struggling since you were around 15 years old, you slowly began seeking help. It started with just talking to Joe and his sister Zoe for a few months, but with their help you agreed to see a professional. At the age of 23, you were diagnosed with clinical depression and generalised anxiety disorder and suddenly it was like your worst nightmares had come true. Being diagnosed was like being thrown into the deep end compared to struggling without any actual labels — it was real.
Things started to get better, but as expected, it didn’t last. You had been with Joe for six months when you had finally announced your relationship to the world. You were finally happy — you weren’t struggling as much with depressive thoughts and anxiety attacks and you were comfortable enough within your relationship to make it public, but alas your content just couldn’t last.
“Y/N?” Joe called pulling you out of your haze. You hummed in reply, acknowledging him only for him to look at you with a questioning gaze. “Are you alright?”
“What?” You asked surprised. “Yeah, I’m fine. Why?”
“You just seem a bit out of it.” He commented warily.
“Just a bit tired, that’s all.” You brushed his concern off nonchalantly.
“We’re almost there. You can have a nap when we get there, Zoe and Alfie won’t mind.” He told you.
“No, it’s fine.” You protested but you were quickly shut down by Joe’s hardening stare. “Okay, fine.”
“Y/N!” Zoe squealed, running towards you and engulfing you into an embrace.
“Hey.” You spoke quietly. She immediately retracted, looking at you with concern in her eyes.
“She’s a bit knackered, Zo, I told her to head off to bed for a while.” Joe told his sister.
“Right.” She responded, not fully convinced that you were just tired. “You know where the guest room is.”
“I’ll come up with you to take our stuff.” Your boyfriend smiled. You both headed upstairs and Joe placed your bags on the floor whilst you climbed beneath the bed sheets. You shut your eyes and felt Joe kiss your forehead. “I’ll wake you up in an hour, get some rest now.”
You were not allowed to experience the sweet surrender of sleep though due to the mass of thoughts about the hate that flowed through your head. Downstairs, Zoe had voiced her concern to Alfie whilst Joe was editing a video in the living room.
“Maybe she is telling the truth, Zo.” Alfie suggested. “She does look exhausted.”
“I know that look, Alf.” She sighed. “Do you think it’s the hate?”
“What hate?” He questioned in confusion.
“You haven’t seen it?” She frowned. Alfie shook his head and she pulled up Twitter to show him. “I’m really worried for her, what if she thinks it’s too much? What if she leaves Joe? He’s finally found a girl he wants to be with, it’ll devastate him if she leaves.”
They were interrupted when you stumbled into the living room and collapsed next to Joe.
“I thought you were going to sleep.” He chuckled, closing his laptop and wrapping his arms around his tired girlfriend.
“I couldn’t sleep without you there.” You mumbled but the three all heard the words clear as day. “I missed you too much. Please don’t leave me.”
“Never.” He spoke lovingly as you buried your head into his chest. He stared down at you, running his fingers through your hair and placed a kiss on the top of your forehead.
“I love you.” You whispered sleepily before falling asleep.
“I love you too.” He smiled to himself, but you were long gone by then.
“I think they’re going to be just fine.” Alfie grinned wrapping his arm around his own girlfriend.
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thatchedsugg · 7 years
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fluffyjoeck · 6 years
there’s a fire within my soul
this is a little something i wrote to surprise the beautiful @preciousjoeck as a thank you for being such an amazing friend. she spoke to me about the enemies to fake dating to lovers trope and i loved the idea. this turned out a little different to what i had planned, but i still hope you enjoy it!!
this is a spy au, because there’s no way i could write a fic about jack and joe feeling anything but undying love for each other based on their lives bc those two are so in love it hurts, and have always been like this. @ me if you think differently.
The bet is simple – don’t fall in love with Jack Maynard. He wants to laugh at how easy it will be. The mission itself will be tough, but he thinks when their target is captured and Jack has to snog Mikey at the Christmas party for losing, it will all be worth it.
They’d been brought to the main HQ together, barely speaking as they walked side by side in the corridor. This was where they were told about their undercover mission, where they needed to pose as a young married couple who were settling down in their first home in a nice quiet, suburban area. They tried to fight it, tried to suggest other agents, but they were fighting a losing battle.
“Don’t fall in love with me,” Jack had said, a smirk on his lips that Joe couldn’t possibly stand. It was like Jack was asking for more ways to be hated.
“What makes you think I could ever fall in love with a guy like you?” he counters, but Jack doesn’t even react to it.
“What makes you think you could resist me?”
Joe knows Jack’s only trying to rile him up, but it’s working. They’re joined by Conor and Caspar, who are eating up the news of their mission. It’s only Oli who seems genuinely concerned for their safety.
Although, that’s probably because he found out that Josh will be their handler.
“Well this is cosy.”
Their home is a small, two-bedroom house. It’s fully furnished and has views to be envious over. It’s somewhere that he could actually see himself settling down in, but in much different circumstances.
They order Chinese, because neither feel like cooking, and they keep to themselves all night. They read over their mission, discuss options, and get their backstory in order. They’re no longer Joe Sugg and Jack Maynard, they’re Ben and George Davidson. It’s all straight to the point, and as soon as they’re finished, Jack goes for a shower.
This is when he realises that oh god, he’ll have to share a bed with Jack. It shouldn’t make him feel so awkward, it’s not like he’s never shared a bed with someone before, but this time it feels different. Especially when Jack comes out of the shower, wearing nothing but the towel draped around his waist.
He climbs into bed first and doesn’t say anything when Jack joins him under the covers, after turning off the bedroom lights. “You better not kick in your sleep.”
“I’d prefer to be awake if I were to ever kick you,” he retorts, and although it’s not his best insult, he’ll go with it.
“I don’t know why you’re having such a hard time with this,” Jack says. “If I were you, I’d be living it up. It’s not every day you get married to such a stud like this.”
Joe groans, rolling his eyes at the comment. “Just stay on your own side of the bed.”
They don’t – they wake up with their limbs tangled together but neither bring it up.
He remembers the first time they met, back when they were first starting out. It wasn’t that he always hated Jack, but they’ve never got on well enough to know each other. Jack had been cocky, sure that his connections to one of the top agents Conor Maynard was sure to get him in. He had the skills to go with confidence though, and Jack was consistently at the top of the class.
Joe watched as all the best cases went to Jack, silently fuming as he got smaller cases. Jack would go to Berlin and work with top agents, while he and Caspar would end up in the British countryside, tracking down a drug dealer pretending to be a pig farmer.
So yes, he was jealous of Jack. But that wasn’t the tip of the iceberg. It was their first mission together – the only time they worked together alone before this. He doesn’t like thinking about – neither of them mention that night in Paris, or the way their bodies moved as one as they raced back to the hotel room. They don’t talk about how urgently they kissed one another, almost like they needed it to survive.
They don’t talk about how Jack left early the next morning, or how he paraded his new girlfriend around the office the next week.
He doesn’t mention how he let someone like Jack fucking Maynard break his heart.
“Will you stop squirming?” Jack hisses in his ear, and he shoots daggers back at his ‘husband’. They’ve only been at it a day, but he’s already sick of playing happy families.
They’re currently at a party being held in their honour by their next-door neighbours, meeting the rest of the street. Joe’s had to shake hands with so many people, and his jaw hurts from smiling so much. He’s told them the story of how Ben and George met – “a mutual friend introduced us at university. I could feel a spark between us, so when he asked me if I wanted to dance with him, there was no way I’d think of saying no. Thankfully George wasn’t put off by my dance moves!”
They’re the centre of attention throughout the night, constantly being asked questions about each other. “How did you know you that Ben was the one?” one woman asks Jack, and he watches as Jack stills ever so slightly.
“There was always something about Ben that I couldn’t put my finger on,” he says, and Joe finds himself forgetting that they have an eager audience surrounding them. “He’s always been so kind hearted – he always does his best for everyone, and he never complains about it if it gets too tough. He’s smart, and he’s a lot stronger than he appears. He’s not too bad on the eye either, which helps.”
Joe doesn’t know what to think about this, there’s a growing part of him that wishes for the slight opportunity that he’s speaking about him, but George and Ben are just made-up people with a made-up background.
“I guess I realised that I couldn’t see a future without him,” Jack adds, and he watches as everyone eats up his answer. He’s glad he’s left the talking to Jack, but they’re pulled off in different directions again, and he stumbles his way through more questions.
They eventually find some time for themselves and they met outside in the garden to reconvene. “Do you have eyes on the target?”
“Of course I do. Unlike you, I’ve been doing my job all night,” Jack says, and Joe doesn’t actually believe what he’s heard. “Marcus Butler, lives two doors down from us. He lives with his girlfriend and he works at a clothing store. He’s invited us to come over for dinner tomorrow night.”
He’s about to respond, but they’re interrupted by one of the guests – Tanya, he thinks she’s called. “We’ve been looking for you!”
“Sorry,” Jack says, as he wraps an arm around Joe. “I just wanted to get some alone time with him. We haven’t seen each other all night, and I missed him.”
Tanya coos at that, although he doesn’t see why she wouldn’t. Jack’s incredibly believable at this – if he hadn’t known better, he’d think Jack actually meant it. “Well hurry up lovebirds, or you’ll miss Jim’s party trick!”
He doesn’t want to know what the party trick is, and hates how domestic this whole night is, but he pretends to be excited. “We’ll be five minutes!”
They watch as Tanya goes back inside, and they wait until they’re sure before they start speaking again. “We’ll have one night to build our evidence – do you think we can do it?”
“Come on, we could do it in our sleep,” Jack says, overly confident just like he usually is, but this time Joe doesn’t actually mind it. He doesn’t think he can keep up with this charade for much longer.
Finding the evidence is easy, it’s fleeing the situation alive when Marcus catches them.
“This has gone from Come Dine With Me to Die Hard real quick, and I don’t like that,” Jack says to Joe, as they dodge more bullets coming their way.
Then, there’s a gunshot that kills him.
Well, he doesn’t actually die. But Joe’s sure this is the closest he’s been to dying.
“I got him,” Jack says, sounding borderline hysterical, and he starts applying pressure to his wounds, which hurts like a motherfucker. “I don’t think they wanted him injured, but we kind of messed this up, didn’t we?”
“I was a fucking pro,” Joe says weakly. He starts feeling a little tired, but he knows he needs to keep his eyes open. He’s seen enough spy movies to know what to look out for when avoiding your imminent death. “Will you stay?”
“Of course,” Jack says, which makes him feel a little better. “I’m not going anywhere Joe, so you can’t either.”
“Tell me more about how you fell in love with me,” he attempts to joke, but somehow it comes out wrong.
“I never planned to,” Jack says, which definitely takes him off guard. He’s either dying, or he’s hallucinating this conversation. Either way, he doesn’t like the sound of it. “But then you kissed me in Paris and that night we shared was fucking magical, but I got scared. Conor always said it was too dangerous to fall in love when you’re in this profession.”
It’s a lot to take in, even if he wasn’t currently bleeding out, so Joe decides his best move is to play it safe. “You never listen to what Conor tells you.”
“I never wanted to hurt you,” Jack tells him. “You deserve so much better than me.”
He wants to tell Jack that he doesn’t get to decide what’s good for him or not, but it doesn’t come out. Instead, everything goes dark.
He wakes up, in an extremely dodgy looking medics room. It’s not the first time this has happened to him, and it certainly won’t be the last time.
“How are you feeling?” Jack asks, and Joe can see him in the corner of his eye, sitting in a seat beside his bed.
“Like I’ve just been shot,” he moans, and Jack just shoots him a pointed look in return.
If he thinks back hard enough, he can distinctly remember Jack confessing his undying love for him. Which is, wow. Not something he’d have ever expected to hear. He’s not in the mood to make this a moment straight from a romcom, so instead he shuts his eyes, letting himself fall asleep again.
He wakes up, properly, on his own.
Which kind of hurts, until he sees Jack rushing in a few moments later. He’s dressed casually, which isn’t something he’s used to seeing, but Joe likes it. “You’re awake,” Jack says, eyes widening at the sight of him sitting up in bed. “Holy shit, are you okay? I need to call someone.”
“No, please, I’m fine,” Joe says, and he watches Jack think it through. He concedes in the end, and sits back down on the chair. “I didn’t think you’d still be here.”
“My partner got shot on my watch,” Jack says with a shrug, which stings a little.
“Right, and not because you’re in love with me?” he asks, watching as Jack flinches at the words.
“I was hoping you wouldn’t remember that,” Jack says, actually looking embarrassed. “It’s fine, you know. That you don’t feel the same. And why would you? It’s not like I’ve been anyway like a decent human being to you.”
“Nope,” he says, because it’s kind of true. “But that doesn’t mean that I don’t fancy the pants off you.”
Jack looks up at this, shocked at the words. “What?”
“I’m still mad at you, for everything, but I might not be so mad if you take me to dinner when I get out of here,” he says, somehow finding the nerve to act so nonchalant. Caspar would hug him if he was here. “So much for not falling in love with me.”
“Fuck that bet,” Jack says, and Joe actually laughs.
“You’re only saying that because you have to snog Mikey,” he says in a mischievous grin. Oh, he’ll enjoy that. Jack tries to argue his way out of it, but a bet’s a bet. It’s only fair he humiliates himself in front of all their colleagues.
“Don’t worry,” he says, reaching out to hold onto Jack. “I can teach you a thing or two to calm your nerves about it.”
(The doctor that comes in to check up on Joe finds them making out on his bed, which will definitely spread around HQ. But it’s okay, he thinks, because he’s waited too long for this and he’s going to enjoy every moment of it.
It’s a danger to fall in love in their line of work, but Joe’s never been one to follow the rules.)
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music-my-angel · 6 years
A warrior
Prompt - Could you write a YouTuber prompt where Joe has cancer and Zoe is at his flat taking care of him when he needs to go to the hospital and all of his family is there supporting him and trying to make him feel better. Thx. My birthday is October 4th🙂
One of Zoe’s biggest fear was something bad happening to one of her family members. She was very attached to her family members and if anything was to happen to her mum, dad, brother or Alfie, she wasn’t sure she would be able to be strong enough for it. So it came as a shock for her to learn that her little brother was sick. Her little brother who usually was a ray of sunshine because of his antics happened to fall sick and the diagnosis of cancer fell on them without any warning.
For the past few months, Joe seemed to be falling sick almost out of the blue. The weight loss, the always being lightheaded and the other symptoms looked worrying for a while and even their close friends could see that the boy wasn’t fine.
Caspar was the first to inform Zoe about Joe’s poor health. He had tried in vain to convince Joe to see a doctor so he decided to let the boy’s sister try and convince the boy. But before Zoe could talk to Joe, their friends pointed out how much Joe had changed.
“His voice seemed different, right?” Tanya asked.
“He looks skinnier than usual too” Louise whispered.
“Zoe, I really feel he should see a doctor” Jim stated.
“I told you” Caspar added.
Looking over at her little brother, Zoe sighed. They’d have to book that doctor’s appointment much sooner.
Zoe and Alfie had both accompanied the boy to the doctor no matter how much he tried to convince them that he wasn’t a child that needed support to get through a doctor’s appointment. Zoe had merely shaken her head at Joe’s antics. But at the end of this appointment, Joe was glad that Zoe and Alfie were by his side. The doctor had informed them that he was pretty sure that Joe had throat cancer and he immediately subjected Joe to some tests. By the end of the tests, Joe was physically and mentally down as he let Alfie help him to the car and back home.
The diagnosis was confirmed over the next few days and no matter how much they wanted the diagnosis to be wrong, throat cancer happened to be the news they couldn’t run from.
Joe had been absolutely miserable at first. He just couldn’t understand how he got the illness and why him? And similar to Joe, Zoe had been quite upset too. But she had to stay strong for her little brother. Especially when she found her brother so down.
“Why me Zoe?” Joe sobbed, sat on the bed, tears streaming down his face.
“It’s okay buddy. We’ll get you treated. Nothing will happen to you. I’m here. I got you” Zoe mumbled as she pulled Joe in her arms.
Stood in the doorway, Caspar and Alfie shared a sad look with each other.
Zoe and Alfie took the responsibility of taking Joe to treatments. Jim, Caspar, Tanya, Louise, Oli, Josh Jack and Conor were all by Joe’s side. They tried to lift his mood and they tried to keep him happy always. But the most important thing was that his parents managed to come and stayover with him. And Joe really needed a heart to heart with Daddy Sugg.
“I’m not going to make it, right?” Joe mumbled as he sat shoulder to shoulder with his father.
“You’re an idiot if you think like that” Graham huffed.
“It’s cancer, Dad.” Joe whispered, voice cracking as a lone tear rolled down his cheeks.
“It’s still treatable. We detected it very early. We can get it cured, kiddo” Graham said, ruffling Joe’s hair.
“I don’t wanna die Dad” Joe sobbed.
“Nothing is going to happen buddy. I’m here baby. Daddy’s got you” Graham whispered as he pulled Joe in a hug.
Tightening his hold on the boy, Graham pressed a kiss to Joe’s temple. He won’t let anything happen to his youngest. Zoe and her mother had to blink back tears at the scene in front of him.
Joe’s cancer turned out to be treatable. The first thing on their list was a surgery. And after the surgery, Joe had to go through a radiation therapy to eliminate the remaining cancer cells. As tiring and strenuous the treatment happened to be, Joe had his friends and family by his side.
And after a few time, he was finally on the mends. The boy was slowly recovering and putting this scary illness past him.
“I told you nothing will happened to you” Graham whispered to the boy.
“Exactly! You’re no longer a star now buddy. You’re a warrior now” Caspar added.
“He’s a tough guy and I’m so proud of him” Zoe said, ruffling Joe’s hair.
Joe looked up at his family and friends, smiling.
He’s found his smile after so long.
When you’ve got your friends and family by your side, you can fight anything. Joe had been very down when he learnt about his illness but now, he was just glad that he managed to put his illness past him. He was a warrior. One that triumphantly won over his cancer.
This is just a story. May Joe stay healthy forever!
Hope you all like it.
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