#Buttercream Squad
dogthemaverick · 2 years
White man Paul tasting an ounce of flavour: It's BURNING
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Exactly, not only now she trusts him enought to do that, but it also means she finally tries to seek protection :'3
And protect Margarine shall!!! Marshmallow Cream protection squad!!!!!! :D
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g-xix · 11 months
Hey love <3 Could you write something about Niko being jealous? Cause I swear my man always acts all tough but deep down he's a little insecure 'cause he's so tall and lanky?
ofc babes, ask and you wil recieve ✨✨
One jealous Niko coming up!! First of all, pose for the camera:
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Slayed. Okay, now go on n enjoy the extra-long, 3k oneshot!!
"TODAY, THE BETA SQUAD DOES ANOTHER PATHETIC ATTEMPT AT A COOKING VIDEO!" Chunkz had yelled the introduction before the groups were introduced: Big Aneson Gib, AJ and Sharky on one team, and Niko, Kenny and Olivia on the other team. 
Gib and Olivia were the featured guests for the video, and Niko was secretly thrilled to have Olivia on his team. Despite nobody catching on- Niko had been... seeing Olivia for quite some time. Stress on the "seeing", as he didn't know whether it was really romantic. He didn't really know if she even liked him. 
All they'd done was filmed a "public pranks in the library" video and gone to grab a coffee afterwards, catching up a week later in the same café to edit the video together before ending up going on a walk through Primrose Park... They could have all been friendly gestures, at the end of the day.
But their meetups gave Niko butterflies, regardless. 
"Okay, what cake are we making?" Olivia pulled the cook book from the desk and began flicking through the pages. Niko leaned over her shoulder to try and catch a glimpse of what options there were, though Kenny seemed to beat him to it.
"Oo we should do the carrot cake," Kenny pointed the cake out- topped with buttercream and sprinkled walnuts.
"Isn't that a bit ambitious?" Niko asked, scrunching his brows together in confusion. Kenny couldn't cook to save his life and Niko knew that between the two of them they weren't very likely to produce an edible cake.
"Ambitious but... seems do-able." Olivia nodded in approval. "I make carrot cake quite a bit for my neighbour so we have a bit of experience at least."
"You make food for your neighbour?!" Kenny repeated incredulously, before grinning and offering a wink as he said: "Damn, where do you live and can I move in with you?"
Niko furrowed his brows in confusion. Was Kenny trying to flirt with her?
Kenny might not have been flirting but it made Niko uncomfortable regardless. He hadn't actually introduced his friends to Olivia, and he felt like considering this was Kenny and Olivia's first meeting, they seemed to get on better than Niko had expected. Especially as Niko then watched as Olivia giggled at Kenny, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear and looking down in flattery. 
Niko felt an odd sinking in his chest- all the way down until there was a miserable lump in Niko's stomach.
Kenny was flirting.
And Niko was jealous.
"Right then," Niko clapped a hand on either's shoulders, pushing his body between theirs to force them apart. "Let's start making, then. What ingredients do we need?"
Niko and Kenny were whisked away to the fridge in search of milk, butter, carrots and a few more items whilst Olivia sifted through the pantry.
"You good, bro?" Kenny checked up as they both searched for the butter.
"Fabulous, fantastic, perfect." Niko listed off the words, concealing the twinge of annoyance behind a smile before turning to check Kenny's expression. "Why'd you ask?"
"Dunno, seemed a bit tense." Kenny shrugged before pulling the butter from the fridge with a grin, patting Niko's shoulder as he shut the fridge and picked up all the ingredients they'd scavenged. "Hey, Olivia's nice isn't she?"
"Yeah... Lovely." Niko spoke slowly before gritting his teeth, holding the milk carton with two hands to avoid throwing it at the back of Kenny's thick head.
"Nice face as well," Kenny grinned before they returned to their station, dropping the ingredients besides Olivia's dry ingredients. She glanced up from the scales, flashing a smile.
"Great, thanks Kenny," She smiled at Kenny as though Niko weren't there at all. Was this some sick prank Kenny and her had orchestrated to tease him? Was she purposefully ignoring him?
Kenny seemed to bask in the praise though, as he grinned cockily and leaned against the workbench besides her, exuding confidence as he made talk.
"What can I do to help?" Kenny asked, picking up an egg and tossing it up, catching it cleanly and doing it again.
"You can try crack an egg into a separate bowl." Olivia instructed before (finally) turning to Niko, who had tried to lean against the workbench like Kenny had, but Niko simply felt like he looked a bit silly. Out of place and too tall to be leaning against the bench. And he had a feeling if he even tried to play catch with an egg like Kenny was he'd make an even bigger mess of himself. "We need four eggs so you can do two as well, Niko."
Niko nodded enthusiastically, puffing his chest and putting an egg in either hand.
"I can crack an egg without any shells getting in." Kenny bragged, neatly cracking his egg against the counter before the inside smoothly plopped into the bowl.
"That's easy stuff." Niko laughed, though he couldn't remember the last time he'd he'd cracked an egg. He followed what Kenny had done and much to his surprise he didn't spill the egg or allow any eggshell into the bowl.
"Can you do it one handed, though?" Kenny neatly cracked his egg with just one hand, impressing even Olivia as she nodded approvingly from behind.
"Impressive, Kenny." She appraised, as Kenny took a sweeping bow with a smirk only Niko could see. 
"Well, I..." Niko searched his mind for a way to one up Kenny. He wanted Olivia to praise him like that. "Can do that with my eyes closed."
"Can you really?" Olivia asked with a raised brow. She was clearly dubious but still seemed interested. "If you can then I will be seriously impressed."
"I'll make sure you can't see," Kenny reached around him and put a hand over his eyes, rendering Niko blind. Niko heard Olivia mutter a quiet ayo before he realised he was indeed not going to be able to do this. 
Niko managed to locate the counter, but not the bowl. He felt the slimy albumen glide over his fingers before the hand over his eyes was removed and he saw the smashed egg and shell all over the counter. Olivia had her hands covering her face in horror, eyes squeezed shut, and Kenny with a hand over his mouth trying to supress his incredulous guffaws. 
"WHICH IDIOT," Chunkz's voice boomed as he approached, spotting the mashed egg that was slowly slipping from the counter and dribbling down to the floor in escape. "HAS SMASHED AN EGG NOT IN THE BOWL?"
"A grave accident occurred-" Niko began explaining, putting on his camera persona to at least look as though he all had in under control. In reality, he could feel his annoyance oozing out into hot, bubbling jealousy in the pit of hit stomach. And embarrassment seemed to shroud him as he felt his cheeks glowing, ears probably a glowing red as he felt Olivia's gaze on the back of his neck.
"CLEAN IT!" Chunkz cut Niko off, muttering obscenities to the camera as he walked away. 
"Well then," Kenny slid the kitchen roll across the table and towards a scowling Niko, who ripped off a sheet and began scrubbing the workbench as he heard Kenny say "Well then, I guess that makes you and I the main chefs for now."
Niko could've turned around and kicked his shins right there and then. Instead he kept scrubbing at the slimy egg and hand picking the shell from the floor, inner turmoil bubbling and just about ready to boil over as he could only listen to their sickening laughter and little jokes. Niko watched as AJ sneakily approached Kenny and Olivia from behind (the two of them far too busy scooping the gloopy mixture into the cake tin)  with a small bottle of what appeared to be bright red herb in his hand.
Niko was ready to yell out for the Rat to piss off and stop trying to sabotage them, until it turned around and noticed Niko, grinning and instead diverting to chat with his favourite. Small, snarky and sincere, Aj had become Niko's favourite housemate, and they'd grown surprisingly closest out of the lot. For some reason, Niko always found himself able to pick up a grin around his favourite rodent. 
"What you doing scrounging 'round the floor whilst Kenny's stealing your girl?" AJ questioned cheekily, leaning over the workbench from behind to stoop down to Niko's level. Usually it was Niko that had to lean down to AJ's level, but Niko was amused by the role reversal none the less. 
"I dropped an egg now I have to clean up the mess like Chunkz-" Niko paused his explanation as he mulled over AJ's words once more. "Hang on, what do you mean by your girl?"
"I'm the master of love, I know everything Niko," AJ snickered as Niko rolled his eyes. "Cmon, you didn't think I missed the messages you've been sending her for meetups and to grab coffees, did you?"
"How'd you see those?!" Niko hissed, backing up to get away from Olivia in case she overheard their conversation. Though much to his dismay, Olivia seemed really occupied with Kenny as it were. "They are private messages for a reason!"
"Yeah yeah, just don't leave your phone unlocked when you go to take a piss." AJ rolled his eyes as Niko facepalmed. "But that's beyond the point- why you just letting Kenny flirt with her in front of you? I thought you liked her?
"I do," Niko sighed. "She's just... I don't know. I don't even know if she likes me. We never called our meetups 'dates'...I'm just angry for no reason. Kenny doesn't realise I like her and it isn't Olivia's responsibility to tell him to stop or anything... Besides, I don't blame her- Kenny's something different. The muscles, the smile... And he has good rizz-""
"Do you like her or Kenny?" AJ raised a brow.
"Her of course!" Niko exclaimed before closing his eyes and sighing. "I just don't know whether it's worth... Well, I don't even know what the whole deal is."
"The deal is that you're being a PUSSY," AJ pushed him from behind, Niko scrunching his eyebrows. Was AJ being for real? "Go and get her attention- make some shortbread or icing with her, i don't care... just stop watching from the side-lines. It's weird."
"Fine, you have me sold." Niko huffed before grinning as he turned to AJ. "Only because you're the master of love, though."
With a loving neck-slap from AJ, Niko returned to the workbench with a new sort of bravado as the other two slotted the cake tin into the oven. 
"Hey, Livvy," Niko called with a smile which he hoped exuded whatever Kenny managed to put into his smile- even using that nickname they'd laughed about in the park previously. "Wanna help me make some shortbread pieces for the top of the cake?"
"That's a great idea, yeah," Olivia nodded enthusiastically, leaving Kenny's side to join Niko. "There's some shortbread in the fridge that needs rolling out, I think- we can use that- and Kenny, you can work on the buttercream whilst we do."
Niko grinned as Olivia fetched the shortbread, Kenny working on the buttercream by himself leaving him and Olivia some time to spend with one another. Speaking of:
"Hey, Niko, some genius put the dough on the top shelf- can you use your superhuman length to grab it," Olivia called for Niko. 
Might be muscular but doesn't have my height Niko almost grinned at the thought, though he knew fully well Kenny would be able to grab the dough just as easily as he had done. 
"Hey," Olivia spoke with a hushed voice, meaning that he had to crouch down slightly to share the private conversation. He lowered himself until he was eye-level with her, grinning as she rolled her eyes at the gesture. She looked beautiful, right now. So Niko thought; with her bun slightly messy and askew, her cheeks dusted with a bit of flour, lips curved into that same beautiful smile. "You alright? You seemed a bit quiet earlier..."
Niko shook his head, the memory of being so annoyed at Kenny feeling stupid in itself. "All good, now." Olivia nodded before flashing a smile and taking his hand, pulling him back to the workbench now with butterflies swimming around his stomach, the feeling of her hand slotted between his so perfectly giving him almost a headache from the insane headrush he was getting. 
Olivia was first to plop the dough down, unsuccessfully attempting to knead it with her hands before offering it to Niko. "Whatever setting that fridge is on, they've basically frozen that dough," She had grumbled, complaining it was too stiff for her to roll out. 
Well fuck, Niko thought, knowing damn well he didn't have strong, dough-kneading arms. Still couldn't hurt to try, right? He had big hands and he was sure he'd read something in physics saying size was better that strength.
Rolling his sleeves up, Niko cracked his knuckles before attempting to stretch the dough with ease. As he lay his hand flat on it and attempted to push it out-
It didn't budge a bit. 
"This is, erm," Niko huffed as he put all his body's strength into stretching it out. "This has definitely been frozen- you can't even move a bit of this thing-"
"I'll give it a go," Kenny shrugged from across the workbench. Niko felt like ripping his hair out as Kenny began rolling his sleeves up. Obnoxious prick, Niko thought Everyone knows you have muscles, it's nothing special...
But it is special, another intrusive thought spoke, calmly enough to disturb Niko and offset his jealousy. Making Niko feel something maybe more depressing. Where's your muscles, Niko, you don't have what he has...
Niko huffed, pushing it to the back of his mind and letting his inner monologue overrule the thought. Either way, it's science, he won't be able to knead frozen dough- it'll just break off-
Niko's thoughts were futile as Kenny began rolling the dough out and kneading it with the fluidity of a baker. Olivia praised him and Niko internally rolled his eyes as Kenny lapped it all up with his stupid smirk on his face, flexing his bicep and letting her feel it whilst he worked the dough with the other hand.
Niko sulked, pushing the rolling pin from hand to hand and refusing to allow that stupid, demeaning thought play on his mind as his eyes caught a vacant AJ's gaze. AJ grinned as he made eye contact before looking to the side and catching Kenny and Olivia together again. AJ pointed to his mouth and gagged to sign-language his distaste. Niko exhaled a pathetic laugh, though he felt his heart growing heavy as he felt the moment slipping through his fingers once again. 
Yeah, Niko thought, I don't like seeing it either, AJ. 
It was fair to say that both cakes seemed surprisingly impressive considering the chefs. 
Niko, Kenny and Olivia's carrot cake looked delectable, coated in buttercream and topped with shortbread hearts and stars (and a complementary penis)  and Chunkz nodded in approval as theirs was placed on the front desk.
But also, Gib, AJ and Sharky's Victoria sponge seemed well crafted as well- with an even golden colour and gentle sifting of sugar powdered like snow on the top. 
AJ stood besides Niko, Olivia also besides Niko- her shoulder brushing against his arm. He felt as though he should put his arm around her shoulder, but his heart pounded in his chest at the mere thought of it. 
"I think we could win this!" Olivia whispered excitedly, looking up at Niko with a sparkle in her eyes that almost made Niko's heart melt. He took the opportunity, and decided to put his arm around her- hand on her shoulder as he rubbed it supportively in a side hug.
"All thanks to you," He whispered back with a sincere smile. Olivia's face only glowed even more, somehow.
"This is..." Chunkz went into the carrot cake for another spoonful before meeting the team's eyes with an astounded look.  "One of the best carrot cakes I've ever tasted."
"YESS!" Kenny cheered as Niko and Olivia met in a hug, Niko moreso celebrating the way Olivia wrapped her arms around his body as they hugged, resting her head against his body and jumping up and down with him, her hair bouncing up and down jovially. 
The groups went to taste their own creations, AJ giving Niko a slice which he said "hasn't been licked by me, yet" which Niko felt as though he were enjoying until he turned around and saw Kenny and Olivia trialling their carrot cake together.
Kenny had cut a slice out, taking a bite from it before nodding with wide eyes and picking up the slice, jokingly telling her to open wide and holding the slice out. 
Her cheeks were bright red, lips curved upwards and making her eyes contract into little crescents as she laughed at Kenny's gesture, though she leaned forwards to take a bite as Kenny placed his other hand beneath her chin, keeping complete eye contact even as she bit into the cake, only lowering his hand when she pulled away to swallow. 
Niko felt as though his heart had been slowly and agonizing pulled apart piece by piece in front of him, unmoved and placid whilst he watched Kenny laugh with Olivia. Niko never seen such a domestic look in Kenny's eyes as he smiled down at Olivia gently... and the terrifying way he seemed so warmed by Olivia's presence- her jokes, her smiles, her charisma...
And even Olivia seemed to like him.
It were as though someone had switched the channel- as though Niko's mind was just filled with static as he tuned out to the finale of the video, clearing the mess and helping the camera crew pack away without a word, his mind buzzing and racing as he worked on autopilot. 
Does she always seem that happy? He had himself questioning. Was she that happy with me? Did she smile like that all those times I went out with her? Does she compare me to Kenny? Does she think I'm less of a person compared to him...? That he's better than me...? Does she even think about me around him or does he mean that much to her that she loses her head around him the way I lose my head around her?
The questions shrouded his mind as he stepped outside, feeling as though a tear drop were rolling down his face as he exited the building, heart heavy and body a big bundle of nerves- like he were going to explode if someone touched him. 
"NIKO!" A hand on top of his was what woke him from his dazed state. He whirled around, electrified by the sheer feeling of someone's touch against his, waking him up from that horrifying daydream. 
There stood Olivia, his Livvy- hair still in a beautiful untidy bun, face still a perfectly stained with flour... Though she was wet. Droplets ran down her face like teartracks.
Niko looked up.
It was raining.
How hadn't he noticed it was raining? He had felt the teardrops staining his cheeks, yet not the heavy London bullets firing down the back of his neck. 
"Niko what-" Olivia's words were cut off as Niko tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. It had been covering her face. She smiled weakly at the gesture before clearing her throat and holding up her hand, carrying his puffer with her. "You forgot this..."
"Oh." Niko mustered. She didn't really care, did she. Was this all a game to her? Probably. He felt as though his efforts were futile, and so, Niko pulled his jacket from her arms before turning around and walking away again. She just came to give back his jacket. Of course. What else. 
He only managed a few more paces before he was stopped again.
"WHAT." This time he responded with an exclamation of his own. "What is it? Did I forget something else?! Did I mess something else up?! What now..."
He felt like shit the moment he'd let the words escape his mouth. Olivia's face seemed to fall slack.
"I just wanted to ask what's wrong..." Her face crumpled. Not as though she were about to cry- she was just suffering from empathy, and it made Niko's poor, bleeding heart seem to crumble.
He closed the gap between them and wrapped his arms around her shoulders- the two soaked bodies meeting in a warm embrace.
"You have no idea the way I feel for you you, Livvy." He mumbled, looking up at the sky. He couldn't tell whether he wanted her to hear it or not, but she seemed to have caught the message.
"Niko, you fucking idiot," She chuckled wetly against his sweatshirt, her harsh spoken words pulling Niko's head down so that their eyes met. "I don't know what you feel for me, but I... I like you. A lot."
The words seemed to take weight off of his shoulders. He looked down at the girl in his arms. His arms. His Livvy. 
"What about Kenny?" The words tumbled from his lips before he could stop them.
"What about him?" Her eyebrows furrowed as though she'd never even heard of his name. Then as though the truth of the universe hit her, her face cleared in realisation, before she began laughing. "Oh-Oh my, Niko, are you jealous?"
"Should I NOT be?!" Niko found it in himself to laugh incredulously. "I thought you two had something going this entire time?"
"I could never have anything with someone else when you're there, Niko." She smiled softly.  Niko couldn't take the feeling of bittersweet aching his heart carried. 
"I wanna kiss you so bad right now." Niko breathed, a smile tracing his lips.
Olivia was the one to get onto her tip-toes, throwing her arms around Niko's shoulders and pressing her lips softly against his. Niko's heart raced as he reciprocated the kiss, his arms instinctively pulling her closer by the waist. Time seemed to stand still as they melted into each other's embrace, their connection deepening with each passing second. 
Until Olivia pulled away, sucking in a breath of fresh air and grinning. 
The rain had soaked her hair, pressing those stray hairs flat against the sides of her face, and Niko yet couldn't think of anything but how lucky he was. And how stupid he was. How fucking ecstatic he was with Olivia in his arms. 
Hope you all enjoyed, pls give a little heart n whatnot if you liked
Hope you enjoyed reading!! Feel free to interact- whether that be a comment, vote or follow! Requests open, feel free to submit what u wanna see... Much love!!
To see more, here's my MASTERLIST
And here's my WATTPAD, with 50+ more oneshots to read
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cupid-styles · 3 months
months ago I wrote like 400 words for this really in-depth series idea where harry was a very spoiled prince and he and y/n grew up as best friends bc her dad was a bodyguard for his family but he died protecting harry's dad so y/n ended up hating him and then years later she got hired to be his personal assistant bc she needed a job
This idea is soo soo goodddddd!!!!! Kissy for ur brainnnn;)!!!! I will wait for u to write this!!! (No pressure just saying)!!!
kissy for UR BRAIN!!!!!! idk if I'll ever continue it but I'll put everything I wrote under the cut! it's actually 1k words lmao
content warnings: talk of death and grief
Prince Styles is a dick. 
This isn't news to anyone, but especially not Y/N, who grew up around the royal family. She doesn't mean that in a privileged way, where she was born into money and fame like Harry was.
Her father was a well-respected guard for Harry's father, Thomas. They served in the military together and when Thomas was courted as king and developing a squad of protection for his new wife and son to-be, he called Y/N's father up and asked if he would serve in his brigade.
It was a request that needed little thought. Y/N's parents were freshly married, too, already pregnant with a baby girl. They lived in a small cottage and Y/N's mom was on bedrest, unable to work at the bakery she'd been at for the past 10 years. Her father was barely keeping them afloat with a retail job at the local hardware store. To pick up everything they owned and move to the royal palace in London was a no-brainer, especially because they knew their daughter would be born into a much more fruitful lifestyle than they could have ever imagined.
And at first, it was wonderful. 
As it happened, Queen Isabella gave birth to a boy just a few months before Y/N's mother was due. Because of the close relationship between the men, Isabella and Thomas took care of Y/N's parents, continuing their generosity well into Y/N's childhood. Harry wasn't allowed to play with many other children and he was typically around adults, but they let him have playdates with Y/N. While their fathers worked, Harry's team of caretakers and bodyguards watched over them in the garden as they plucked flowers and sunk their chubby hands in the dirt. They started school together, in a class of just six students with a teacher that stayed at the royal palace with them during the week. 
And then it happened. Everything changed.
Y/N can remember it like it happened yesterday. She had just celebrated her eighth birthday a few days ago, blowing out the candles to a huge vanilla buttercream cake Isabella had asked the kitchen to make just for her. She was sitting in class, next to Harry of course, when one of the guards rushed in.
"Y/N is needed at the request of her mother," he'd said stoically. With shaky knees, she rose, following the tall bodyguard out of the classroom. It turned out her mother was standing just 10 feet out from the classroom, but she couldn't bring herself to retrieve Y/N, knowing that she was about to transform her life in the worst way.
Y/N's father had died protecting the king today.
He had taken a bullet for him. 
At the funeral, they called him a hero. King Thomas made a lengthy speech putting him to rest, thanking him for his selfless service. Y/N hated every second of it, and she hated the king now, too. 
Even worse, she hated Harry.
Harry, who she needed more than ever, was nowhere to be found in the days following his death. Harry, who didn't say a word to her at the funeral, instead flocking to his mother's side as if she was the one who needed comforting. Harry, who proceeded not to speak with Y/N and pretended she didn't exist for the next 15 years. Harry, who went on to become a total and utter dick, always out partying, spending money lavishly, hooking up with girls in public and breaking up with them 48 hours later. 
It made Y/N sick.
But it made her sicker to know that she'd stayed by her mother's side at the royal palace. Isabella refused to let them leave, instead permanently moving them to her side of the castle and ensuring they were taken care of for the rest of their lives. Nowadays, Y/N's mom spent her time painting thunderstorms and sunsets in the garden, but she knew she was never the same after her husband's passing. 
Y/N had moved out as quickly as she could. She went to college and university, doing what she could to make her mother proud. 
Except no one wanted to hire her. And Y/N's mom was tired of seeing her struggle, even if she attempted to hide it. So asked Isabella if there were any positions available at the royal palace, despite Y/N begging her to let it go, that she would be fine on her own.
And Y/N wants to punch Harry's stupid, smug face in when she realizes that the job she'd been hired to do was be his assistant. 
. . .
"You're out of your mind, you know that, right?"
"Y/N, stop being dramatic."
Y/N lets out a huff as she crosses her arms, leaning back against the white marble of her mother's bathroom. In classic motherly fashion, it's not even 9 pm and she's getting ready for bed, meticulously applying eye cream and brushing her hair out. 
"He's a terrible person. I don't want to work for him."
"You haven't been able to pay your rent in two months, and this family has done more for us than you could ever even fathom." 
She rolls her eyes, "That doesn't mean I have to be his assistant."
"Mum, you've seen how he spends his time in the tabloids! All I would be doing is arranging hookups and picking him up from clubs." 
Her mother turns around, a fierce look in her eyes that tells Y/N she's in for it now.
"Your father and I didn't raise you to be like this, Y/N," she hisses, making Y/N's stomach jump, "Do you think he wanted to spend his days protecting someone else after years in the military? No. That was for us. And now you have a job being offered on a silver platter — one that people would die for — and you have the audacity to say no?"
Y/N sighs. She hates when her mom brings him up, but she knows she's right. She was being a brat, but Harry brought that side out of her. 
"Fine," she grumbles, straightening her posture, "Tell Isabella I'll take it, but there has to be some kind of boundaries. I don't want him being rude to me like he was when we were teenagers. This has to be a very professional relationship in order for it to work."
"I'm sure it will be, Y/N, you'd be employed by the royal family," she replies easily, brushing past her daughter and turning the bathroom light off. "I'll let her know you've accepted tomorrow morning. Close the door on your way out."
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sebsxphia · 10 months
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drabbles part one.
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jake and bob holding you down*
holding you down*
car washes*
pregnant with poly!squad & part one*
coming home after a month away 
showers with them*
texting them at work*
rhett in poly!gun
brat taming their dumb baby*
poly!squad getting hit on*
someone always has to be home*
love how desperate you are*
poly!squad come home late*
when you submit your grad school application
love watching you in mirrors*
at the hard deck getting hit on
phoenix spanking you*
cowboys and cowgirls*
boudoir photoshoot* & part one*
teasing poly!squad in public*
asking poly!squad to tie you up*
sending polaroids to poly!squad*
“i don’t care if takes all night, you will submit.”*
mean!dom bob and poly!squad*
clone a willy kits*
poly!squad hooking their fingers in your mouth*
locker room manhandling*
taking their turns*
dealing with bratty natasha*
daddy kink*
poly!squad helping you through sub drop
doming jake*
natasha showing you off*
bradley using mean dom bob and jake*
going to a sex club*
pussy eating competition*
pussy inspections* and part one*
finding you reading
bob catching you, bradley and jake*
dancing for poly!squad*
flipped power dynamics*
nipple play*
going out to a bar*
reader doming poly!squad*
hiding from secret brat tamer jake*
poly!squad and a obedient reader*
sex pollen*
knife play with poly!squad*
taking care of you while you’re drunk
helping you with your new meds
bradley and jake’s punishment*
taking care of you while you’re sick
bob putting collars on you*
poly!squads home
admiral bradley*
nutella buttercream*
calling you princess*
pussy inspections after a cream pie*
bob inviting bradley and jake over to watch*
poly!squad when you use your safe word*
going to a nude beach
bob and natasha using bunny to punish jake and bradley*
rueben teasing mickey*
‘make me’*
nat only doming bob*
helping you study*
when sleeping in bed, where do you sleep?
sub jake with poly!squad*
bradley doming jake in front of you and bob*
pussy drunk bob*
calling jake a slut all night*
poly!squad & piss kink*
poly!squad making you hold it in*
jake holding you up for natasha*
bradley and bob making you and natasha piss on jake*
poly!squad making you come when you have to pee*
refusing to lick jake’s boot*
coming and pissing on jake’s face*
jake being touched starved
all of you coming on jake’s face*
poly!squad making you lick up your own mess through your shorts*
poly!squad making you and jake hold it*
jake wants to be used as a foot stool* 
coyote and fanboy coming in*
nat using you as a foot stool*
warming nat’s clit*
facials with poly!squad*
kissing nat after she has a facial*
jake getting his cock pierced*
poly!squad, pregnant bunny and lactation kink*
you and subby nat being good
aftercare with poly!squad
admiral bob and a spreader bar*
nat taking on aftercare with poly!squad*
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drachonia · 6 months
hiii, drac 💕 how are you doing today?
for noele: 🎮 💯 🐶 💘 🍰 🤩
I'm good! How are you? :D Also THANK YOU FOR THE ASK EEEEE I'm excited for this.
🎮: Noele's into baking, horseback riding, and sparring with her friends in her particular squad.
💯: 1. Some of the besties (specifically Celicia and Cure) actually gave me the inspiration to develop her a bit more, so she's a knight under Licht's command to boot.
2. Noele was an OC I came up with about halfway through 2023, but I really started developing her more during my history class on the Viking Age, so that was a decent inspiration for her homeland and her ideals.
3. Her home, Quartz, is partially born of the setting I had been building for my old DnD characters, a former duchy that broke off to become its own nation with a climate and landscape somewhat reminiscent of Norway and Iceland's coasts and fjords. (So...really fucking pretty with some seascape outside Noele's front door while she was growing up.)
🐶: She has a horse named Menthe, but otherwise not really a pet person. Her family and friends would have hunting dogs, though, and she doesn't mind getting a pet, she's simply too busy for anything not related to her profession.
💘: If anyone's been unfortunate enough to be in my vicinity when I talk about my brain babies (read: OCs) like Noele, she's my MC for Nokto's route. Safe to say she holds the goofy fox awfully close, even likes teasing him a fair bit!
🍰: Noele's favorite dessert is probably roll cake, the more fluffy, moist, and cream-filled, the better. Make her a vanilla roll cake, fill it with strawberry whipped cream, frost with buttercream or ganache, and top with fresh fruit and you have a very happy Noele.
🤩: Mostly spontaneous, she's usually not a thinker, she's a doer. A friend's caught up in trouble? Time to rush headfirst in with a greatsword and see what happens. Though sometimes she will plan things out if she judges her impulses to have a negative impact. She's an adaptable sort.
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glitterslag · 2 years
the one with all the firsts, part 2: carrot cake and class As
Synopsis: Eddie drives down to Illinois for Chrissy's birthday weekend.
Word count: 12k! (hefty)
Warnings: 18+ for hard drug use, explicit sexual content (loss of virginity, PIV sex, oral) language, mentions of eating disorders, period typical attitudes
Author's note: read part one of this fic here. For my other works set in this AU, visit my masterlist.
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Chrissy’s always disliked her birth month. February - a dull, drab, frigid month, when the holidays are long-gone and spring seems like it isn’t coming after all. The worst time of the year.
February, for Chrissy, has always been a month that signifies getting up for school in the morning while it’s still pitch black out. A month of waiting for the bus all bundled up and shivering in the damp, chilly air. A month of soggy socks and muddy feet after running the mile on the wet field in gym, of stomachs growling in math class and not fitting into birthday dresses. 
Last year, for her eighteenth birthday, her mom hired out the function room at the church. Chrissy had attended a lot of parties in that room over the course of her life, and there was nothing about it she didn’t hate - the stale smell, the dark green carpet, the dingy panel lighting. It was the furthest thing from a party atmosphere you could think of.
All of her family and friends came. She remembers getting wasted from a secret hip flask filled with vodka that she’d stuffed under her dress, and her mom never suspected a thing. She remembers going to the bathroom to throw up and hearing two of her friends from the cheer squad applying lipstick in the mirrors outside, talking loudly about their latest fucks. Drunk and jealous and spiteful, she’d come out of the cubicle and scolded them, told them they were acting like sluts. By that point in senior year, she recalls, she’d just about stopped letting Jason touch her altogether.
Chrissy only set eyes on her eighteenth birthday cake once. It was large and rectangular, iced in baby pink and edged in white and after she’d blown all of the candles out, her mom had cut it into little square pieces to give out to the guests. 
“You don’t want to ruin your dress, sweetie.” Laura had said, voice sweeter than piped buttercream and exchanging knowing looks with the other girl’s moms as she’d tucked a slice of it away in a folded serviette and slipped it into her handbag. “We’ll take some home and freeze it.” 
Laura shot her daughter one of those faux-sympathetic smiles she was so damn good at and Chrissy knew then that she’d never see that cake again. By that time, though, the alcohol was already at home in her bloodstream and she couldn’t bring herself to care. No one back then had ever told her that you aren’t supposed to drink vodka on an empty stomach.
Chrissy’s party dress was green and shiny with poofy sleeves and a big bow on the chest. When she’d tried it on in her room a few weeks before she’d fallen in love, but out there in front of everyone? Being looked at and having photos taken of her, Pastor Michael eyeing the dress’s hem and Laura’s grip on her shoulder just a little too tight - she’d just wanted to disappear. 
A few days later, Eddie drove her to the mall after school to get the film developed, and they ate hot dogs in his van in the parking lot while they waited for it to be done. Eddie let her tear a page out of his chem notes to wipe the grease off the frank before she took a bite. It’s okay that I’m eating this, Chrissy had reasoned with herself. I’m making up for the birthday cake. 
He’d insisted she let him see the photographs of her in the dress, smiling to himself as he carded through them - even at the one of her and Jason, and he said it looked like a fun party. She’d just smiled back and resisted the urge to tell him she’d choose eating greasy hotdogs in a parking lot with him over attending her own birthday party any day of the week.
Chrissy doesn’t think that Eddie knows any of this. He must be smarter than she gives him credit for though, because about a week before he’s due to drive down to Illinois he gets a brainwave and swings by the Family Video after work to ask Steve Harrington for advice. Unlike the guys in his band, Harrington is the only guy friend Eddie’s got in Hawkins who actually reliably gets girls, so Eddie figures he’ll be best to ask. 
“She’s probably gonna be really sad,” Eddie explains as he plonks himself up on the store counter (much to Steve’s disdain), swinging his big, clunky boots out in front of him. “You know, first time away from home and all. So I wanna do something that’ll cheer her up. But if she thinks I’m trying to make it into a ‘big deal’ or whatever” - he waves his hand around and rolls his eyes - “she’ll get mad at me. So it’s gotta be low-key.”
Eddie may not know all of the details but he isn’t dense, especially not when it comes to how Chrissy’s feeling. He knows this birthday is going to feel pretty different from her last, what with everything that happened between her and her family at Christmas. And she doesn’t exactly have her big group of friends from school anymore, either. Besides, it wouldn’t be too far out of reach to think that the girl with an estranged relationship with cake didn’t care much for her birthday.
Steve puts his price gun down and walks over to the register.
“What about taking her out for dinner?” He muses, as if reading his mind. “Doesn’t have to be someplace fancy.”
Eddie shakes his head. 
“Nah, that won’t work.”
Steve gives him a weird look.
“Why not?”
It can’t involve food, Eddie’s decided. After what she’d revealed to him not six weeks ago, the last thing he’d want to do is to pick the wrong place and send the girl into a meltdown on her birthday.
“Uh,” Eddie struggles to come up with a cover. “She has… allergies?”
Steve scoffs at him. 
“Just say you’re broke, man.”
“Hey, I earn more than you do, jerkwad.”
“How about jewelry?” Steve wonders, reaching behind Eddie to grab a pack of dusters and a spray bottle of pledge. Eddie sighs. It’s true - that would be the obvious choice. 
“I got her jewelry at Christmas.” He says.
“Hmm.” Steve takes out a duster and throws the packet back to Eddie, who silently takes one out and starts helping without being asked. “Chocolate?” Steve says. “Every girl likes chocolate.”
Not Chrissy, unfortunately. Well… actually. Eddie’s willing to bet that she does like it, even if he knows she’d probably have a hard time receiving it, much less eating it.
“It’s a birthday present, not a ‘sorry you got your period’ present.” He snarks.
“Come on Harrington,” Eddie grumbles, tugging at his wild hair in frustration. “I thought you were supposed to be God’s gift to women.”
Someone snorts behind him and Eddie whips round to see Robin Buckley standing in the staffroom doorway. Eddie’s never spoken to her before, but he knows through Steve that she works here, too.
“Not if the last six months have been anything to go by.” Robin says, walking towards them with a stack of what looks like sci-fi tucked under her arm. “I mean, have you seen any women around here lately? No offence, Steve.” She adds, shooting Steve an apologetic look.
“Nope, you’re right.” Steve shakes his head with a sigh and Eddie watches his luxurious mane of hair flopping back and forth atop his head. “I’m actually starting to think my virginity’s growing back.” 
“Fucking idiot.” Eddie tells him, before abruptly turning his head to address the girl behind him. “Anyway. Robin, right?” he asks, gesturing towards her with an open palm. She nods.
“Look,” Eddie begins. “I’m trying to get my g-” - he breaks off, clearing his throat - “trying to get this girl a birthday gift. Needs to be something special. She probably won’t be getting a ton of gifts from people this year.” He clarifies the last part, and Robin shoots him a quizzical look. 
Steve pops his head up at this too.
“How come?” He inquires.
Eddie’s surprised he doesn’t know, given how fast gossip seems to travel in the jock community.
“Uh, you remember how she went all uh, incommunicado for a while, last year?”
“What, after you pulled off whatever satanic ritual it was that made her leave Carver for you, you mean?” Steve pipes up. Eddie rolls his eyes.
“Yeah, it was after all that. Well, she lost a ton of friends. Kinda my fault, I guess.” He adds, and Steve looks a little trite.
“Hey man, you know that’s not what I meant.”
“Nah, you’re good, Harrington.” Eddie smiles, clapping his hands together. “Anyway. Figured the least I could do was get her something special.”
Cogs starting turning in Steve’s head - Eddie can tell, because he looks like he’s in acute pain.
“Hey,” he starts, and Eddie leans forward on his elbows, one eyebrow quirked. “At risk of hearing something about your freaky demonic sex life I really do not wanna know, have you thought about getting Chrissy, like, lingerie?”
Oh man. Had he ever.
“Uh, duh,” Eddie says, like it’s a no brainer, which it is. “‘Course I have. I just don’t think it’s exactly, y’know, appropriate.”
“Why not?” Steve challenges. “You’re a big hairy man now, Munson.” - Steve reaches out to clap him on the back - “You’re sleeping with this girl after all.”
Well, not technically. Not yet. But again, Steve doesn’t need to know that part.
“Yeah,” he concedes. “But she’s gonna be sad on her birthday, man. I don’t wanna be that guy that gets the tone all wrong and gives the sad girl sexy panties, or whatever. Oh and uh, say Chrissy’s name and the world ‘lingerie’ in the same sentence ever again and I’ll blind you.” He adds cheerfully, and Steve holds both of his hands up in surrender.
“Wait, Chrissy Cunningham?” Robin butts in suddenly, and both boys turn sharply to look at her, almost forgetting she’d been there. “Your not-girlfriend is Chrissy Cunningham?” She repeats, staring at Eddie with an expression that can only be described as sheer bewilderment.
Eddie shrugs and scratches at the back of his neck. 
“You didn’t know that?” Steve directs at her. 
“No?” She retorts. “What the fuck.”
Eddie feels his ears getting hot. Looks like he and Chrissy have been better at keeping things low-key than he thought.
“Look, just get her something personal, okay?” Steve says finally, glancing over his shoulder and lowering his voice as the first customer in over an hour walks through the shop door. “Doesn’t have to be some big romantic gesture. Something you know she likes.” Steve shoos him down from the counter as he slips behind it to take the bemused customer’s return. “And if all else fails, just get her flowers.” He adds.
Huh. Eddie hates to admit it, but neither one is too bad of an idea. 
“And stop coming in here if you’re not gonna rent something!” Steve yells after him when he’s halfway outside, and Eddie stops in the doorway and turns.
“Come on Harrington,” he drawls, a slow grin making its way across his face. “We both know you’d miss me too much.”
With that, he strolls out to his car, leaving a disgruntled Steve and an even more perplexed looking Robin standing behind the register. 
“Chrissy Cunningham?” She mutters again in a mixture of disgust and awe, eyeing him darkly as he skids out of the parking lot in his beat-up old van. “Steve, explain straight people to me again because how the hell did Eddie Munson get a girl like that?”
Steve scratches at his neck, watching Eddie’s dust retreating into the distance.
“I don’t know either.” He admits. “But he must be unbelievable in bed.”
The week drags out slow like the tick of an exam clock until Friday finally rolls around, the day Eddie’s due to drive down to Illinois. Chrissy’s restless all day.
He’ll get off work around six, Eddie tells her, then he’ll go home and grab his stuff, probably take a shower and eat something before he sets off. He can miss the rush hour traffic that way and still get there for around eleven, he says, eleven thirty at the latest. It goes around on a loop in Chrissy’s head all afternoon like a mantra. She does the crawl to it at swim practice, studies to it in the library, repeats it over and over again in class when she’s supposed to be paying attention to the lecturer. Ever since their little late-night phone sex venture the other week, Chrissy’s mind has been preoccupied to say the least. 
There’s been no mention of it in conversation since it happened, their phone calls filled instead with regular, everyday things, like how her classes are going, and swim meets and about his job, and the places they might go when he’s down to visit. If she didn’t know any better, Chrissy could almost believe he’s forgotten about it altogether. 
Of course Eddie hasn’t. For a good few days after it happens, he walks around the house like he’s some kind of zombie. He makes careless mistakes at work, and Wayne gets mad at him for daydreaming at the dinner table. There’s something that tells him not to bring it up with her again, though, as if talking about it would break some kind of spell.
Chrissy knows sex is going to be good with Eddie. She used to be pretty scared of it, back in school, having heard from a few of the other girls that it had hurt for them, or that their boyfriends hadn’t been considerate. She’d heard some of those boys talking about the girls they’d fucked as if they were conquests, had even heard Jason laughing along with them, and she remembers the dismal realisation that that was probably how Jason viewed her, too.
He used to get pushy with her, sometimes. Especially after he’d had a drink. Chrissy didn’t like it, but there was a small part of her that felt good, even though she’d never say it, to know that he wanted her.
Sometimes, back in summer, mostly, when she and Eddie spent nearly every day together, she’d wished he would be pushy like Jason was. Sometimes she’d wished he’d just try something, just once. She thinks maybe she would’ve let him, even though it would’ve ruined things, because at least then she’d know she was desired. There were times that summer, after Eddie had dropped her off home, kiss-bruised but otherwise undefiled, when she’d thought about calling him up and screaming WHY DIDN’T YOU FUCK ME. You had the chance. I would’ve let you. Even though it would’ve ruined everything I would’ve let you. Do you even like me at all?
She sees things differently now. She used to think that it was because Jason loved her so much that he couldn’t keep his hands off her, but the truth is that Eddie Munson was burning up inside her for long before she’d even viewed him as a viable option, and he’d never once touched her without permission. Sweet, gentle Eddie, who wouldn’t even let her kiss him until she’d broken up with Jason. Not until it was honorable. 
Chrissy’s glad she waited.
It’s been dark a while by the time she finally walks home from campus, homework all done for the week. She takes a shower, the scalding hot water a tonic for her aching muscles. She’s tired, she realises. Bone-tired. Classes aren’t getting any easier. And she’s been swimming a lot lately.
The chill of the unheated dorm block hits like a brick wall the minute she steps out, and she hurries back to her room to change into warm sweatpants and fuzzy socks. She doesn’t bother to take the five minutes to blast her wet hair with the dryer. She sits down on the bed, and she really doesn’t mean to fall asleep but she must do, because the next thing she’s aware of is the mattress dipping and Eddie’s soft voice coming from somewhere above.
“Hey, sorry to wake you,” he’s whispering, slipping under the sheets beside her. He smells of the outside, stripped down to a t-shirt and boxers, hands and face freezing cold but his body warm and delicious.
“Ed?” she croaks groggily, trying to sit up and orient herself. The room’s dark. “How’d you get in?”
“Some guy buzzed me inside,” he murmurs, jostling the single bed as he shifts around, pushing Chrissy further back into the wall. “One of your hall-mates, I think.”
“I’m so sorry I fell asleep.” She says as she grabs around for him blindly. Her hands find solid chest and she sinks into his embrace, body relaxing instantly.
“Hey, hey, no…” he shushes her gently. “You must’ve needed it.”
They talk for a while in the dark - conversations Chrissy won’t have any recollection of in the morning - until she falls back to sleep. Eddie lays there a while staring at the ceiling, enjoying finally having her sleeping on his chest again until he’s drifting, too.
The next day is February fourteenth. They sleep like the dead, waking late in the morning to weak winter sun and the windows dripping condensation. Neither of them mention the date.
After breakfast they get bundled up against the cold and take a bus all the way to Missouri. Eddie scored tickets to a concert he thought Chrissy might like: Warlock.
“It’s a chick front woman.” He tells her on the bus, leg bouncing up and down in feverish agitation. “I think you’ll like some of their songs. They’re from Germany. They supported Dio on their European tour last year.”
“Cool!” Chrissy chirps. She likes listening to Eddie talk about things she knows nothing about. It’s honestly kind of soothing.
This’ll be her first metal concert. She’s not exactly nervous - apprehensive might be the better word. She didn’t know there were girl singers in metal. 
“Not many,” Eddie tells her. “But this girl is cool. You’ll see.”
The bus ride is two hours but they still get there crazy early, which was sort of in his plan all along. St Louis is foggy and chilly, perfect for hunkering down exploring record stores and thrift stores and musty smelling antique stores - all high on Eddie’s list of favourite things to do. Chrissy loses him pretty quick to a labyrinth of dusty books and old, faded record sleeves. She wanders the aisles of the junk shop they’re in, turning over trinkets in her hands and trying to figure out what exactly it is that she likes to do. 
She likes swimming, she thinks. She enjoys the repetitiveness of it at least, the meditative nature of sinking into the water and switching your mind off, trusting your body with the movements. She likes how distant and echoey everything sounds down there. She likes the smell of chlorine, and how deeply she sleeps the nights after she has practice. Her coach gave her a leaflet about the best foods to eat before and after training, and she likes having a set of guidelines to follow given to her by someone she trusts.
New Year really has felt like a rebirth of sorts. Most of the time, Chrissy feels like a newborn calf stumbling around in the hay. Weak, but hopeful. Learning how to live. 
Neither of them buy anything the whole day, but Chrissy finds a yellowed photograph of a woman from the dust bowl era, and she can’t really explain why but she loves it. She’s standing in front of her porch with no shoes on, wearing a long, floaty, floral dress. She’s beautiful. The guy behind the counter tells her she can have it for free.
After that, Eddie takes her to a little back-alley bar to meet up with some people he knows before the concert.
“I’ve got some friends I’d like you to meet,” he’d revealed on the way there, leading her down a side street by the hand. “If that’s okay?” He’d glanced at her tentatively at her over his shoulder, half expecting her to say no, but she’d agreed.
She’s nervous walking in, having never formally hung out with any of Eddie’s friends before, but as it turns out they're the first ones there. 
“You should eat something,” Eddie tells her as she orders a beer. “You need to line your stomach if you’re gonna be drinking.”
Chrissy’s gut twists. They haven’t had any lunch, and she is hungry, but… new people. New environment. Greasy bar food. All of it makes her nervous.
Eddie must guess, because he whispers, “Wanna share?” 
Chrissy nods gratefully, and he turns to the bartender and orders them a burger and fries, and a whisky and coke for himself. 
“Starting on the hard stuff, huh?” She jokes as they slide into one of the brown leather booths near the back of the room, drinks in hand. 
Eddie shrugs airily, an easy smile making its way onto his face. “Ehh. Figured we deserve to have a little fun tonight.” 
Chrissy grins back at him.
It’s a cozy little bar - small and narrow, the walls all made of exposed brick giving it a dingy but intimate feel. There’s a jukebox by their table playing rock music. There are other metalhead types in, Chrissy notices, but there are regular-looking people as well. A real mixed crowd.
Their food comes out and Eddie splits the plate up with a practiced ease. Chrissy gets all the fries, and he gets the beef burger, which she hates, (but not before he dutifully hands over the pickles, which she loves).
She’s two beers in and full of salty carbs by the time Eddie’s friends arrive, and decidedly less nervous than when she walked in an hour ago. It’s not long before she realises there was never any need to be nervous in the first place. 
There are three of them - two guys and a girl, all about Chrissy’s age, all metalheads. They greet her like she’s an old friend - the girl, Tracy, even gives her a hug - and Chrissy’s cheeks turn pink with pleasure when she realises Eddie’s already told them about her.  
“It’s so nice to finally meet you!” Tracy says as she pulls back from the embrace. Her hands, painted with chipped black nail polish, remain tight around Chrissy’s shoulders. “Wow, you’re pretty!”
“Oh! Um, thank you!” Chrissy replies shyly. “It’s nice to meet you too.”
“I’m sorry, Chris - I should’ve said.” Eddie interrupts, leaning across the table to place his own hand on Chrissy’s arm. “These guys and I meet up a lot at concerts in different states.” He explains. “That’s how we all met, actually. At a Metallica concert a few years back.”
“Oh, I see! That’s cool.” She says, smiling at them. 
Chrissy always thought that the “guys” Eddie would talk about going to concerts with were the guys from his band, but it would seem that Eddie had friends all over the place.
“I used to go to everything on my own,” one of the guys, Ian, tells her. “Before I met these guys, that is. I was one of the only metalheads in my school.”
Chrissy giggles. “So was Eddie!”
“Guess I found my tribe.” Eddie smiles softly, clapping Ian on the back. 
She watches him fondly across the booth as he catches up with his gang. His tribe. Back in high school Chrissy may have been the popular one out of the two of them, but Eddie’s got more true friends than she ever did. It shouldn’t surprise her, either - Eddie was always kind. Always welcoming. He had been with her after all, hadn’t he?
More drinks keep appearing in front of her and everybody’s talking over each other and Chrissy’s keeping up until she isn’t. At some point, Eddie must notice she’s overwhelmed, because he catches her eye and makes a little cigarette sign with his fingers and jerks his head towards the door. She follows him out into the alleyway, the gasp of cold air a relief against her hot skin. It’s gotten dark out.
“I could see you as a big city boy.” 
It’s the first thing she says to him, shoving her hands into her warm pockets as they lean against the outside wall. Eddie lights up his cigarette and laughs.
“St Louis is hardly the big city.”
“You know what I mean.” She says. “It suits you.”
Chrissy’s not lying. It does suit him - being here where the culture and the art and the music is. Where finding your clothes at the bottom of an old trunk at the thrift store is seen as something cool, something edgy, not as something shameful you have to do only if you can’t afford to buy new. Chrissy’s always pictured him finding a life in the city. Maybe not here in Missouri, but somewhere else. Like New York, or maybe Chicago.
Eddie just shrugs. 
“One day, maybe.”
She watches him take a big drag and let the smoke go. He looks handsome in his leather jacket, the fuzzy orange street light softening all the hard angles that make up his face.
“Hey,” she suddenly finds herself saying. “I got you a Valentine's present.”
Eddie snorts a little but he doesn’t smile.
“Oh yeah?” Chrissy nods at him bashfully. “What’s that, princess?”
She goes fishing in her purse until she finds what she’s looking for. She pulls it out - a perfectly wrapped joint. Eddie’s name is written on the paper in her signature pink, glittery pen, and she’s drawn him a little heart. He takes it from her and turns it over in his hand, examining the craftsmanship. There’s a slightly bemused look on his face.
“Where’dya get that?” He wonders.
She shrugs.
“Made it.”
“Yeah, but with what? You pinch some of my stuff?”
“No, of course not!”
“So where’dya get it?” Eddie repeats, and a smile tugs at the corner of Chrissy’s mouth.
“From my dealer, of course.” She says simply, and his mouth drops open into an incredulous grin.
“You have a new dealer?!”
She’s not sure why he’s so surprised. Yeah, Eddie had been the one to introduce her to weed (sort of - she’d taken a puff or two at a few parties before she met him), but that didn’t mean she couldn’t smoke it on her own.
“What, am I not good enough now or something?” He says, only mostly joking, and to her absolute delight Chrissy realises he’s jealous.
“Eddie,” she begins, trying not to smile too wide. “We live in different states now. I have to get it from somewhere.”
He says nothing.
“I rolled it up real nice for you.” She offers, pointing out her handiwork, which she’s actually pretty proud of. “See?”
Smoking without Eddie is easy, but having to roll her own joints has proved that bit trickier.
“Hmph,” is all he says, and Chrissy’s positively gleeful.
“What?!” She says finally, unable to stop herself from all-out beaming.
“Thought you only smoked with me.” Eddie grumbles, smacking her shoulder with his so she stumbles a little. But he’s smiling in the dark now, too. Chrissy can tell by the way his voice sounds.
“Are you jealous?” She asks, pretending to be affronted, even though she already knows the answer.
Eddie scoffs. 
“Look, all I’m saying is that not every dealer is gonna be as gentlemanly as I am-”
“Gentlemanly?!” Chrissy interjects with a disbelieving scoff of her own. He is gentlemanly, and she’d tell absolutely anyone that, just not Eddie himself. Not to his face, anyway.
“I’m telling you, Chris,” he continues, and she watches the glow of his cigarette waving about as he talks with his hands. “Your standard garden-variety dealer is as sleazy as they come. He probably thinks if he gives you enough free shit then he can get lucky-”
Chrissy pushes him hard, and he stumbles back off the pavement.
“What was that for?!”
“You’re being gross.” She says firmly. “Plus, you sure are talking some shit for a guy who’s not my boyfriend.”
She probably wouldn’t have said it if she hadn’t had four beers, but then again, Eddie probably wouldn’t have said what he did next, either:
“Yeah, well, maybe today we change that.”
Chrissy grins then, so hard it could probably split her ears, and it’s not the big, scary, serious moment that she’s been building it up to be in her head for the past six months. 
“Whadda you say, Cunningham, huh?”
Her heart races.
“Sure, Eddie.”
“You for real?” 
He might act cocky, but Chrissy knows Eddie well enough by now to know that he would never ask her for anything he wasn’t a hundred percent sure she was going to say yes to, and even when she does say yes he still has to double check anyway.
“Yes.” She says.
And that’s it. No fanfare, no fireworks, he’s just her boyfriend now. It’s something they probably should’ve talked about a while ago, she realises, but in that moment they’re both just glad they did it at all.
“So you wanna help me smoke this bad boy or what?” Eddie says, hardly missing a beat.
“Nah, it’s yours.” Chrissy tells him. There’s a confidence instilled into her chest that wasn’t there before. “Like I said. Consider it a Valentine’s day gift.”
The concert is loud and a little overwhelming if she’s honest, but Eddie sticks close behind her the whole time, arms slung around her waist and making sure she doesn’t get lost in the crowd even though she can tell he really wants to jump around like a madman. He even lets her get up on his shoulders at one point, which is kind of scary but also pretty cool. 
Doro, the singer, is pretty cool too. She’s wearing chains and black leather but her hair is pretty and long, and even though she’s got one of those deep, powerful rock voices, Chrissy thinks there’s something kind of beautiful about it.
She’s never been in a room with so many people who look like Eddie before. It’s not everyone, mind. There are guys there with short hair and ordinary clothes and there are even some girls dressed a little like her. Chrissy always thought she’d feel so, so out of place at a metal concert, sticking out like a sore thumb, but everyone’s just lost in the music. They’re not looking at her at all.
Eddie asks her afterwards how she liked it. 
“It was good!” She tells him as they file out of the building, gripping onto his arm so as not to lose him. In a crowd of this many long-haired, leather wearing metalheads, she’s not too sure she’d find him again.
“You don’t have to say that.” He says kindly, but she finds she’s not lying - not even a little bit. 
“No, I’m serious actually. It was a lot of fun.”
There’s an afterparty going on at the apartment of one of Ian’s friends. They fall in step behind the rest of the group and Eddie whispers that they can just get a motel or something if she doesn’t want to go but she tells him no, she wants to hang out with his friends. Eddie looks so happy that Chrissy can’t help but grin, too. They take the metro downtown and get stares from people, and she finds herself delighting in it because this isn’t Hawkins - no one knows them here. It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks.
The party’s already in full swing by the time they arrive. Three college guys live in the apartment - Ian’s friends. He and Tracy both go to college here.
Eddie’s mouth is at her ear as they walk through the front door.
“This is probably more your scene, huh?” 
Chrissy hasn’t been to a lot of parties since she started at SIU, but the ones she has attended have been a little… uptight. This one bears a much closer resemblance to the high school keg parties she remembers from her cheer days - rammed to the rafters with people, half empty pizza boxes and spilled cans of beer littering every surface you can see. The music’s noisy and people are wasted, but what Eddie says is true - Chrissy kind of likes that in a party. Walking into a place like this doesn’t feel too dissimilar to walking down the busy high street in St Louis. You’re anonymous.
They sit on the floor in the living room sipping beer, Chrissy half in Eddie’s lap and talking to Tracy about college, while Eddie gets wrapped up in conversation with someone else about the concert. A little later, when she wanders through into the kitchen to find more drinks, Chrissy gets accosted by a girl with purple hair who nods towards Eddie in the next room and then back at her.
“You guys are such a hot couple,” she says, throwing Chrissy a flirty grin that she’s never been on the receiving end of from another girl before. “I don’t know which of you I’m more jealous of.”
Chrissy’s eyebrows nearly come off the top of her head. It’s friendly, at least she thinks, but it’s brazen, too, and she feels herself getting red as she stutters out an “oh, thank you!” with a little giggle. She grabs herself a beer off the side and another one for Eddie, and by the time she makes her way back to where they’re sitting some of the guys Eddie’s talking to have pulled out a bag of what looks to be cocaine. 
She watches with curiosity as they tip the contents of little baggy onto a shiny silver tray on the coffee table. Ian crushes it up really fine with the razor blade he wears on a chain around his neck, before forming small lines in the powder. Some of the guys take it, some of them don’t. 
Eddie looks extremely unfazed by what’s going on two people down from him, which is probably about right, all things considered. It doesn’t bother Chrissy at all, but she’d be lying if she said it wasn’t slightly jarring to see this part of Eddie’s world first-hand, and to see him looking so comfortable there. She hands him the beer and scoots back in beside him, tucking herself against the wall between him and Tracy as she tries to pick up the conversation from where she’d left it ten minutes ago. She cracks open her beer.
Chrissy and Eddie have drunk plenty of beer together in their time. Smoked a lot of pot, too. Never enough to get wasted, though, and never enough pot to get her out of her mind. At parties, sure, but never with him. They only ever did enough to let themselves pretend they weren’t in some dead-end town in Indiana.
They’re not in Hawkins tonight, though, and for once, Chrissy’s ready to get a little wasted. Get a little out of her mind. She’s not too sure how many more beers she gets to the bottom of before the curiosity eventually gets the better of her and she’s whispering in Eddie’s ear, “can I try some?”
By now, things are a little quieter, and they’ve migrated to a couple of shabby old armchairs in the centre of the room. She’s in his lap, playing with his rings as he has a conversation with Ian next to him. Eddie laughs against her neck and it sends a trail of goosebumps across her skin.
“You wanna try the blow?” He murmurs.
Ian’s cutting up lines on the table again and Chrissy’s watching him, the conversations that are happening around her all but tuned out.
“Yeah.” She whispers.
“You sure?”
“Okay.” He says steadily, shifting her off him slightly to lean forward over the table. “Someone pass me the bag.”
No one's paying any attention to them, Chrissy notices, relieved. The music’s loud and everybody’s talkative and far too occupied with each other to pay them any mind. No one cares if this is her first time doing it or not.
“I don’t wanna snort one of those big lines.” She says quickly, grabbing Eddie’s hand as he goes to reach inside the bag. “Looks like it hurts.”
“Shouldn’t hurt,” he assures her. “Not if you crush it up small enough. But here, you wanna do it like this, for your first time. Ready?”
Chrissy nods, and he sticks his finger into the bag, telling her to open her mouth. Here goes nothing, she thinks. Gently, he rubs the substance onto her gums. 
It looks like sugar but it tastes bitter, and still she sucks every bit of it off his finger, letting out an exhilarated little giggle just before he leans in for a kiss. It feels funny, her mouth quickly becoming numb, like she’s about to get a filling. She’s laughing when she breaks away but Eddie’s serious, looking up at her with those big, dark eyes.
Every so often, Chrissy has moments where she can’t quite believe that this is her real life. Now is one of them, sitting in Eddie Munson’s lap at a party in a different state, surrounded by metalheads and sucking coke off of his skull ring. 
She’s having those moments a lot more frequently of late. Like when she’d told him she loved him over the phone three weeks ago and then she’d heard him come. Or just before, outside the bar before the concert when he’d asked her to be his girlfriend. It feels surreal. 
After he makes sure she’s okay, Eddie takes some too. It’s kind of hot to watch, him scraping the white powder into a thin line with a practiced hand, rolling up a piece of paper and pushing it along the surface as he inhales it through his nose. After he’s done, he tips his head back and closes his eyes. 
All of a sudden Chrissy’s feeling flushed, skin hot and her heart beating fast, and she doesn’t know what’s part of the drug and what’s Eddie. She’s overcome with the urge to kiss him, right there on the gross, stained armchair in front of everyone, which isn’t something she’d ever normally do but she’s going in for it before she can stop herself. Eddie doesn’t mind. She grinds down on his lap, nipping at his neck and whispering in her ear. It’s dirty shit, more renditions of what was said on the phone the other night. What she's gonna do to him. What she wants him to do to her. They’re in their own little world.
They stay up all night like that. Chrissy feels a little guilty that she’s not making more of an effort to talk to people besides him, but Eddie clearly doesn’t mind all that much, because every time she pulls away he’s dragging her back in for another kiss. He asks her how she’s feeling and then they take a little more, him using her dorm room key to show her how to do little bumps, all the while making sure she doesn’t get too much. 
It’s a very different kind of high to pot or alcohol and she thinks she likes the feeling, but she knows she probably won’t do anything like it again. She’s happy for her first hard drugs experience to also be her last, to remain a wild memory from her college days that she can look back and smile about. She suspects that things aren’t quite the same for Eddie. 
“How often do you take this kind of stuff?” She asks him at one point, after she’s watched him do another line using a rolled up ten dollar bill.
“Barely ever anymore, actually.” He replies truthfully. “This shit’ll ruin your life. And your finances.” He adds, waving the now-crumpled note at her. Chrissy nods, reassured. “Wasn’t gonna let you try it all on your own, though, was I?” He quips, and she grins.
“Okay, fair.” She concedes. “But I am glad to hear it.”
“Why’s that?”
She makes a face at him.
“Because you definitely have an addictive personality.”
Eddie laughs.
"Sure I do." 
He looks down at her, all laid out across his lap, lips red and swollen and her nose all dusted in white. He taps at it teasingly with the tip of his finger. Chrissy grins up at him. 
“After all," he starts again." I never could manage to leave you alone, could I?”
The bus ride back to college is unpleasant. Chrissy falls in and out of a restless sleep on Eddie’s shoulder, headache already setting in and a bitter, chemical drip in the back of her throat. She’s never been happier to get back to her dorm room in her life. The two of them crawl into her cramped little bed and sleep hard, neither one stirring until late into the afternoon.
The day disintegrates while they sleep, and Chrissy wakes up jaded and grimey, dismayed to find that it’s already gotten dark out. She wakes Eddie and makes him phone for pizza and when it comes they eat it in bed, and he doesn’t say a word when she picks the pineapple off every single one of his slices. 
“Phew.” She says later, stretching out on her back and patting at her stomach, which makes him smile. “Guess I was hungrier than I thought.” 
The pizza box lays discarded on the floor next to the bed, now empty save for a few grease stains on the cardboard. Chrissy surprised herself by eating even more than Eddie, devouring slices one after another while barely even stopping for breath.
“That’s good, Chris.”
She rolls her eyes. Nothing makes Eddie happier at the moment than seeing her put away a plate of junk food. She mostly likes it, actually, but for some reason she still feels the need to act like he’s more annoying than he is.
“You’re gonna make me get all chubby.” She tells him with a frown, pulling at her t-shirt until her bare midriff is exposed. She pinches at the skin there and Eddie’s quick to swat at her hand. He knows she’s fishing for a compliment, (probably something like “but baby you’re so skinny. You could never be chubby!”) and Eddie’s too smart to take the bait. Plus, he would never say something like that to her, so instead he says: “And what would be wrong with that?”
Chrissy knows he’s right, but rather than admit that she just shrugs and changes the subject. 
“We should take a shower.”
“Yeah.” Eddie agrees reluctantly. “No use staying in bed all day, I guess.”
They both look at each other expectantly, but neither one of them makes a move to get up from the bed. It’s far too warm under the comforter right now to consider leaving it for the drafty corridors of the accom.
“Okay, okay.” Eddie says finally with a yawn, stretching his limbs out across the sheets like a cat. “I’ll go first. You can lay there a little longer. Unless…?” He makes a move to get up and then he stops himself, throwing her a questioning look over his shoulder. “Unless you wanna go  together?”
He cringes slightly as he says it, immediately worried he’s said the wrong thing, but to his surprise Chrissy's nodding at him shyly.
“Okay?” He repeats, just to make doubly sure.
Eddie grins.
“Shit, okay.”
“This is gonna be a tight fit.” She’s whispering a minute later as they squash themselves into the shower cubicle, giggling and trying not to slip on the wet tile. 
Eddie’s seen her body before, but only in bits and pieces, never all at once like this. Actually, other than Chrissy’s mom, who’d always seemed to think it was her god-given right to barge in on her daughter changing, no-one’s seen her fully naked at all. It isn't scary like she thought it would be. She feels safe.
Eddie holds her body close under the hot water and murmurs that he loves her, ducks his head down into the junction between her neck and shoulder and plants a sweet kiss. It’s the first time he’s said those words to her in real life. Chest pressed against her back, she can feel his heart beating - strong and fast. He’s nervous. Or maybe he’s just as exhilarated as she is, naked, body flush against hers and enveloped in steam. They stay quiet, not wanting anyone else on the floor to hear them in here together, and both of them think privately that this is the closest they’ve felt to another person in a long time. Maybe ever.
Eventually the shower starts to run cold, forcing them to quickly finish up washing themselves (Eddie dancing from foot to foot, Chrissy quietly squealing as she rinses the last of the shampoo from her hair, sending icy shocks of water down her back). 
After, Eddie lays down on the bed and watches her dry her hair in front of the big mirror she’s placed on top of her study desk, the surface of which looks more like a beauty salon than a place to work. He admires her reflection, watching as she picks up various bottles filled with sweet-smelling stuff that mystifies him like ‘heat protector’ and ‘de-tangler’. They sound like something you’d use on a car.
He must be staring kind of goofily because Chrissy turns to him, one corner of her mouth quirked up in a smile and says, “what?”
“You look beautiful.”
Eddie replies without thinking, but her smile widens and he senses it was the right thing to say. 
He realises he probably doesn’t tell her things like that nearly enough. In his defense, Chrissy’s only officially been his girlfriend since yesterday. Eddie’s never really thought of himself as the romantic kind of guy, but for her, he thinks he could learn. 
When she’s done she comes over to the bed and lays on top of him, and when he asks her what she feels like doing now she says she doesn’t know. Eddie has a suspicion that there is something she wants, though, because she buries her face into his neck and starts kissing at his throat, hands sliding up under his t-shirt and towards his chest. Eddie moves his hands down to steady her, one warm palm coming to rest firmly on her butt, one stroking the back of her bare thigh. After their shower, she’d slipped on a big t-shirt, fresh underwear and a pair of fuzzy socks. Nothing else.
“You don’t know?” Eddie repeats into her soft, freshly-washed hair, still slightly damp and smelling of apples. Chrissy shakes her head. He places a kiss where his words were, and his grip on her thigh becomes just a tiny bit tighter.
Her kisses have turned wet, her hot mouth open and spit-slick, sliding up towards his jaw, around to the soft spot behind his ear. She feels him growing hard.
It’s cold as hell in her little dorm room. The cinderblock walls do nothing to insulate and the heaters, controlled by some central system, are never switched on. The little window above her bed steams up pretty quickly. As Eddie rolls her over onto her back, she pulls the sheets up and around them, clinging to him for warmth. He’s hot as ever.
He kisses her for what feels like forever, like that’s all he ever plans to do with her, his soft, full lips teasing her own until they’re bruised and tingling. Chrissy puts her hands everywhere, half seeking his warmth and half just to touch him, to feel the hard muscle of his biceps and the soft, downy hair on his chest and stomach. Her hands travel lower and Eddie sighs against her, warm breath fanning over her face.
“Are we doing this?” He mumbles into her mouth, stopping to kiss her lips once, twice - little pecks. She nods vigorously, clutching him tighter, answering with a breathless, whispered “yes.” 
“Yeah?” He murmurs, one hand skimming over her waist, her ribs, settling on her chest. “You sure?” Chrissy lets out a whole-body shudder when she finally feels his hot palm where she needs him, gently cupping her bare breast, thumb brushing over her nipple like an electric shock. 
“Yeah, m’sure.” It comes out more desperately than she intended. She lays her hand over his own, squeezing, urging him to carry on, and he lets his head drop down into her neck.
“Alright, baby.” He whispers, his hand leaving her for just a second to thread his fingers through her own. He gives her a gentle squeeze. “I’ve got you, yeah?”
His voice is all low and it makes her shiver, nodding again as she loops her arms around his neck, pulling him down close and threading her fingers into his hair. She lets him work her up under the covers, touching and tasting everywhere except for where she wants it most, so that by the time he’s finally sliding her panties down she’s dripping.
She curls her knees up to her chest so Eddie can hook them down and over her feet, throwing them off behind him somewhere carelessly, which makes her giggle. His hands slide up the under-sides of her thighs, gently prizing them apart. This is the part always makes Chrissy feel the most exposed, the most vulnerable. Eddie knows she doesn’t like him looking at her for long, but right now, he can’t help it. She’s so… pretty. Rosy brown, wet and flushed and open. He places a single kiss to the inside of her knee, his dark gaze burning into her before he comes back up and they’re eye to eye. 
“Okay?” He checks in, looming down for a soft kiss on the lips which Chrissy returns, mumbling into his mouth.
“Yeah Eddie, I’m okay.”
He splays his palm out on her lower belly, rubbing at her affectionately with his thumb until he’s slipping down lower. No one but herself has touched her there in nearly two months, and the first brush of his fingers against her lips sees her hips stutter and jerk. 
Eddie starts off slow, working her up gradually just how he’s learned she likes it, needs it. He slips a finger inside and she whines, arms clamped tight around his shoulders and her hot little face buried in his neck. He can feel her changes of breath, damp and tickling on his skin.
He pushes a second finger inside, rubbing soft circles that make Chrissy opens her legs wider, hooking one foot around the back of his calf to bring them even closer than they already are. She pushes her hips up into his palm, grinding against the flat of it, urging his fingers deeper. She’s gasping softly, eyes closed and brows furrowed in concentration, completely lost in the sensation. Eddie knows how this goes by now. He can tell that she’s close. 
He curls his fingers, brushing fleetingly against the spot that makes her cry out.
“Eddie,” she whispers, and he cuts her off with a kiss, shushing her gently and pushing her bucking hips down into the mattress. She wraps her legs around his waist, pulls him down by his shoulders until there’s not even a millimetre of space left between them. He presses comforting kisses along her jaw, her neck, starts curling his fingers rhythmically like he has done a thousand times, the movements he spent the whole summer getting good at sending her over the edge like always. Those perfect, breathy sounds escape before he can trap them with his mouth, and Eddie finds he doesn’t care anymore if anyone can hear them. He wants to listen to those sounds forever, Chrissy’s hallmates be damned.
He gives her a breather while he strips his shirt off, throwing it behind him to join the rest of the growing pile. Chrissy takes her t-shirt off too, finally sufficiently warmed up, leaving her in only the socks. With a sharp twang, Eddie's brought back to their phone call a few weeks earlier, to all the things he’d confessed to her. He thinks of their coked-up conversation from the night before, of the things he’d promised to do to her. 
“Chris, baby.” He says, reaching out to stroke at her sweaty, bare stomach. She’s still panting, coming down from her high, but her head snaps up the minute he says her name. 
“How are you feeling?”
She squints up at him. He’s sitting crossed-legged on the bed above her, stroking her belly and admiring her now-naked form. Chrissy eyes the bulge in his underwear. Left only in his boxers, he’s straining against the thin material. 
“Good.” She tells him. 
“Baby,” he starts again, shifting onto his side so that he’s propped up over her, leaning on one elbow. “Remember that thing we talked about, on the phone?”
“What thing?” She wonders. 
“Me going down on you.” Eddie prompts. “Remember?”
Chrissy reaches up to take a lock of his hair between her fingers, twisting it back and forth around her pointer. Her breathing is starting to calm down, sweat cooling a little on her chest. She shivers.
“You wanna try it?” Eddie prompts again, one hand skating down her shoulder, coming to rest at her waist.
They’ve only done that once before, back in the summer, and Chrissy had been too nervous to let him carry on for very long. Things are different now, though, and despite the nervous tingling in her stomach, she nods her head yes.
“Jus’ tell me to stop if you don’t like it.” Eddie assures her as he makes his way down, settling in between her thighs. “Okay?”
“I don’t think I’ll need to, but okay.” She whispers as he nips gently at the inside of her thighs. 
Eddie strokes at her legs reassuringly while his kisses move closer to her centre, leaving a burning path of desire in their wake. Something else Chrissy didn’t know before meeting Eddie is that she can come more than once - maybe even infinitely, if she has inclonation. It makes her feel a little guilty sometimes, particularly when she’s on orgasm number three and Eddie’s neglected dick is still inside his trousers, untouched. On the other hand, though, it feels like karma, divine retribution for all the times Jason tried to get her off and failed, so she can never really feel too bad for too long.
Eddie grabs a handful of her ass and spreads her legs wider before diving in, licking an experimental stripe right up her clit. Unprepared for how intense it immediately feels, Chrissy lets out a squeal, clapping her hands over her mouth to shut herself up. 
He has to hold her hips down, doing his best to still and subdue her as she squirms all over the bed, but she never asks him to stop. In truth, it feels even better than it did in her memory, only this time she’s going to let him continue all the way. She's going to let herself come in his mouth.
At one point, Eddie reaches up to slap his own hand over her mouth, and even though neither of them really care about being quiet any more she seems to like it, so he keeps it there. She grabs onto his wrist with both hands, alternating between biting at his palm and sucking on his fingers, which earns her a pained groan.
Poor Eddie, she remembers. Still untouched, after all this.
“Touch yourself.” She encourages, leaning up just a little on her elbows until she can make eye contact. What she’s not prepared for is the way he looks. 
Lips pink and swollen, his face is wet with her, his hair wild from where she’s grabbed and pulled at it, and his pupils are so blown his eyes look black. Chrissy’s breath hitches.
“Chris, I can’t.” He warns, shaking his head. “I’ll come for sure.” 
His expression is so serious it scares her for a minute.
“Really?” She says, not sure how that can be true, but the look on his face tells her he’s not lying.
“Yeah,” he breathes, dipping his head back down to place a burning kiss on her thigh. “I’ve wanted to do this for so long Chris, you don’t even know.”
Her stomach twists with his words, suddenly devastated that she’s deprived him - deprived herself - for so long. 
This is brand new territory for Chrissy, and she doesn't realise she's approaching her climax until she’s right on the edge. Eddie’s tongue is inside her, fucking her - something so thrillingly intimate it sets her heart racing, and his nose is bumping against her clit. 
“Eddie. I think I’m gonna…” 
She lets him know and he threads both of his hands through hers, lacing their fingers together tightly before bringing them to rest on her hips. She drapes her shaking legs over his shoulders and squeezes his hands tight, trying her best to keep breathing as he brings her over the edge for the second time that night. 
It’s a different high to when he uses his fingers - a sharp spike of pleasure that makes her yell, followed by a dozen little aftershocks, pulsing through her body like waves. Her legs spasm wearily, and Eddie keeps planting little kisses to her clit until she pushes him off, too sensitive. She’s gasping for air again, chest heaving as she comes down.
Eddie kneels up on the bed, surveying her beneath him for a second as he wipes his glistening mouth on his elbow before surging down to meet her in a kiss. She realises she’s tasting herself - salty and a little tangy, but nothing too bad. Eddie seems to like it, though.
“See how sweet you taste?” He’s murmuring, kissing her fervently over and over again, like he’s high, and even though she doesn’t see how anybody could think it tastes sweet she indulges him, because it makes her feel like some kind of goddess.
He stills after a while, rolling off her, and she rolls onto her side to face him. 
“You wanna take a breather?” Chrissy asks, to which he shakes his head violently. 
“No, why? Do you want to?” 
She shakes her head. 
“No.” She says, grabbing him again in another searing kiss, pulling him in closer. 
“No.” She repeats. “Want you to fuck me. Eddie, please, I’m ready. You promised you would.” She adds, pulling back to look at him earnestly, and Eddie’s not sure why she thinks she needs to beg but it pulls at his heart all the same. 
“‘Course I will,” He assures her, kissing her clumsily in between words. “You sure you still want to?”
“Yeah I’m sure,” Chrissy says for the umpteenth time tonight. “Eddie, please?”
“Alright, baby.” He says, soothing her with a kiss to the shoulder before he’s clambering off the bed. “One sec.”
He makes a beeline for his bag under the desk, and Chrissy watches his ass as he roots around in there, up to his elbow.
“Just getting a condom.” He explains, glancing at her over his shoulder with a sweet, bright grin. Chrissy’s heart skips.
He finds what he’s looking for and comes back over, kicking his underwear off before perching on the edge of the mattress. She watches his cock spring back against his belly, flushed pink at the tip and leaking. She thinks, not for the first time, about how thick he is, and wonders briefly how she’s going to accommodate him.
“Eddie?” She whispers, and he turns to look at her again over his shoulder, hovering behind him on the bed. He puts the condom packet down and reaches for her.
“What is it, princess?”
She kneels next to him and puts a hand down on his shoulder, which he quickly covers with his own. He’s looking up at her with his big brown eyes, kind and warm and expectant. She shifts her gaze away, burying her face into his shoulder. 
“Will it hurt?” 
She mumbles it into his skin, and his hands come to rest around her waist. 
“Maybe a little,” he says truthfully, mouth brushing by her ear before he’s kissing her hair. “But it won’t be for long, I promise.”
And that’s all it takes - that’s all it ever takes, if she’s honest, for her to calm down again. Just one word from him, reassuring but not hiding the truth, so that she knows that no matter what happens next things are going to be okay.
“Okay, I’m ready.” She says, picking up the shiny wrapper and pushing it into his hand.
“You sure?”
“Yeah. Let's do it.”
Eddie looks at her a beat too long, searching, but in the end he must find what he’s looking for because he nods - more to himself than anything - and rolls the condom on. He swings his legs round onto the bed and pats the space next to him.
“C’mere, beautiful.”
Chrissy wants to be under him, wants to be able to look up at him and hold him and pull him down close and kiss him, and most of all she wants to feel like he’s in control and that she’s safe and of course Eddie doesn’t mind any of that. 
First, he lays his dick out on her stomach, and he gets this sort of strung out look in his eyes when he sees how far inside her he’s about to be. Like, all the way up in her stomach. He feels a little nervous for her if he’s honest. Not that he thinks his dick is anything special - it’s just that Chris is really fucking tiny. After one final check that she’s ready, he lines himself up and slowly pushes inside.
He kisses her forehead as he enters her, distracting her from the sting. After the initial pain subsides, however, Chrissy’s surprised to find that it doesn’t hurt at all. It feels strange, for sure, and maybe a tiny bit uncomfortable, but it’s a totally manageable feeling. He’s big inside of her, and it sort of feels like she needs to clamp down around him, like her body wants to push him back out, but after a couple of minutes she’s getting used to the feeling and urging him to move.
It doesn’t exactly become pleasurable - not like when he fingers her, or just before when he’d kissed and licked her clit. But it does feel nice to finally have him inside of her, so close to her after so much waiting, particularly every now and then when she feels him brush up against that spot.
For Eddie, however, it’s a completely different story. In truth, he’s been wrecked from the first thrust, unable to believe quite how good she feels, how tight and how hot, even through the condom. By this point, he’s not had sex for about a year, because deep down, even though he’d told himself at the time it wasn’t true, he’d been holding out for Chrissy since long before she’d split up with Jason. It’s for that reason that Eddie’s amazed he’s not coming instantly - although it’s still an embarrassingly short length of time before he’s physically fighting his body not to.
“You feel so good, Chris.” He whispers into her ear, head dropped down onto the pillow below. His voice sounds utterly wrecked, and it sends shivers down Chrissy’s spine. “Oh my god. M’ not gonna last, I’m sorry,” he rambles, lost control of his mouth by now and long past bothering to try and reign himself in. “You just feel so fucking good - so fucking tight. I can’t believe it.”
His words make her throb, make her back arch and her toes curl, and all of a sudden she is up there with him after all.
“Fuck,” she murmurs, hiding the amazed grin that’s burgeoning on her lips into his shoulder. “Eddie, that feels really good.”
“Shit, really?”
“Yeah, I’m really not kidding.” 
She laughs against his shoulder, and Eddie’s half stunned. He’s never been someone’s first time before, and of course, he was always going to make sure she wasn’t hurting, but he’d kind of resigned himself to the fact that it was going to be a dud, pleasure-wise. So to hear her say that, that he was making her feel good - it’s pretty amazing.
“Ed, keep going.” Chrissy spurs, tapping him lightly on the back. He hadn’t realised he’d stopped moving. “Please,” she adds, nipping at his neck affectionately. Eddie’s heart soars.
She's renewed his confidence, and somehow, seemingly, his stamina, and he manages to last a little while longer before he’s about to fall off the edge. 
“Fuck - Chris, baby. I’m gonna come.” He pants, biting down into her shoulder as he fights to keep his thrusts steady.
“Come for me, baby.” She whispers it, mouth on his ear, and his hips stutter violently as he lets out a high pitched groan. “Come inside me.” She appeals again, making him swear under his breath, eyes screwed shut. “Wanna feel it, Ed. Wanna feel you come.”
He’s done for, spilling into the condom with a drawn-out moan that’s so pretty it makes Chrissy’s stomach flip. She pets his hair as he collapses on top of her, winded and panting.
“You’re a bitch for that.” Is the first thing he says when he gets his breath back, looking up from her chest with this dreamy, fucked-out expression on his face. It’s quite something. They both burst out laughing. 
“Fuck,” he says as he comes up to kiss her, hard and a little wet, before he’s pulling out of her to slip the condom off. “I love you, Chris.”
“I love you too.”
He seems surprised to hear her say it back so readily, but he covers it up with a smile to himself, tying the condom off in a knot before he chucks it towards her waste-paper basket. It misses. Chrissy doesn’t seem to notice, though, so he says nothing and lays back down next to her, arms out wide to receive her in a sweaty, sticky cuddle. It’s a little gross honestly, but that’s okay with him.
“How was that, my darling?” He murmurs tenderly into the top of her head. 
“Good.” She says contentedly, snuggling into his neck.
“Yeah? Not painful or anything?”
“No.” She answers honestly, craning her neck up to kiss him for the millionth time that night. “Felt pretty good towards the end, actually.”
“Ah,” Eddie says with a grimace. “About that. Sorry you didn’t get to come.”
Chrissy laughs, incredulous. 
“Eddie, don’t be stupid. I came twice before we even got started.” She grins at him, pressing a kiss to his collarbone. “I think that’s more than fair.”
“It’ll get better.” He promises her. “Next time, I mean. In fact, gimme twenty minutes and we’ll go for round two, I'm serious. I’ll last longer than thirty seconds this time, promise.” 
He draws a cross shape over his heart with his finger and Chrissy giggles at his dramatics, rolling her eyes. Leave it to Eddie to get her half-way to her third orgasm in an hour and be self-deprecating about it. 
He makes good on his word, though, after they take a break for snacks and after he’s eaten her out once more, because now he’s experienced it he can’t resist doing it again. And it does get better. Much better, in fact. 
It’s not until they collapse into a sweaty heap some hours later that Chrissy notices the time on her alarm clock, blinking at her from over on her desk. 01:47.
“Hey, look!” She manages, out of breath and stiff and sore, pointing over at the desk. Eddie looks over at her questioningly. He follows her finger and then looks back at her, not understanding at first until she clarifies, head flopping back onto the pillow. “It’s my birthday.”
“Hey, look at that.” Eddie says, a brilliantly sleepy grin making its way onto his face. Chrissy’s follows. He reaches out for her naked form, pulling her in and pressing a big, wet kiss onto her cheek, making her squeal and squirm out of his grasp. 
“Happy birthday, princess.”
It’s gonna be a good year.
Chrissy feels like it might as well read “not a virgin anymore” on her forehead in big red letters. She doesn’t know for sure if anyone heard them, but when they trudge through into the kitchen the next morning, pink faced and eyes on the ground, no one says anything. A couple of the girls from her floor (Suzy and Kathleen - two super sweet, slightly nerdy girls Chrissy’s become friendly with in the last few months) are already in there, talking and drinking coffee. 
Chrissy’s noticed that Kathleen always blushes a tiny bit when she sees Eddie, and this morning is no exception. Chrissy doesn’t mind. Eddie makes her blush, too.
She’s blushing right now, actually, stealing looks at him from across the breakfast table, over the stack of waffles a mile high that Suzy's gone out of her way to make for them knowing it was Chrissy's birthday. 
Chrissy wonders if her mom will call her, glancing periodically towards the phone in the hall as she sips her coffee.
“Do you want her to?” Eddie prompts, and the answer's probably no but also, kind of, in a way maybe yes? Birthday feelings can be confusing. 
“Hey, come somewhere with me.” Eddie says to her after they clear away the plates. 
They take the van into town, and he won't tell her what he's doing as he parks up on the street corner and runs into somewhere (obscured by parked cars, Chrissy can’t see what the store is). He comes out hiding something behind his back, but he can’t disguise it for long. It’s a huge bunch of flowers - lilies, specifically, which are her favourite flower, although Chrissy swears she's never told him. 
"Oh! Eddie, you didn't have to get me anything!" 
She grins, making a grab for them, and it's the sort of thing Chrissy always says but for once, she really means it. She genuine hasn't even given a single thought towards presents. The amazing weekend Eddie's given her has been enough. 
Eddie holds the flowers out of her reach and tells her to open the glove compartment. There’s an envelope in there, and she shoots him a weird look before opening it. 
It’s a birthday card, and inside it’s been signed by a while bunch of people - Steve Harrington, Max Mayfield, Nancy Wheeler, Gareth, Jeff, Grant. Even some of the girls from cheer have signed their names - she recognises Tina’s handwriting right away, and there's Lisa. A few more. Lots of little handwritten messages reading ‘happy birthday’ and ‘good luck with college’ and ‘hope to see you soon’, all from people she’d honestly thought she’d lost as friends, and some she didn’t even know she had as friends in the first place. 
"Eddie…” she begins, blinking back a stray tear or too as she tries to process what’s in front of her. “You got everyone to sign this?”
“Not just that.” He tells her, smiling. “They all put a little money in for you, too.”
She doesn’t quite understand what he’s saying at first. Doesn’t quite believe it.
“Baby, these are from your friends.” he explains gently, finally handing over the bouquet of pinks and whites. She grabs it, so big she's barely able to close her arms around it, and inhales the scent she loves. 
“Wanted to get you the best flowers we could afford.” Eddie says proudly. “It was Harrington’s idea, actually.”
Eddie had taken Steve's advice about the flowers. How Eddie knew her favourites were lilies though, he doesn't know. She's never told him. It's like he has this sixth sense sometimes, when it comes to her, and it told him not to get her roses - he just knew somehow that they wouldn't be right. 
“God, I thought Tina hated me - I…” 
Chrissy’s eyes are streaming now, and Eddie has to admit he feels a little bad, even though he knows the tears are mostly happy ones. “I should give her a call. And god, Gareth, Eddie. And Grant and Jeff. Your friends put money in, for me. I don't even know what to say.”
Eddie shrugs pleasantly. 
“They’re your friends too. They love you, Chris.”
She looks up at him with her big, glassy eyes, and the look on her face - it's really something. He knows he's done a good thing, but, never one to dwell it, he quickly directs her attention back to him. 
“Oh uh, I also got you a little something just from me, too.”
He pulls it out of his back pocket. A pink, sparkly swimming cap. It's not wrapped - just a gag gift, but hey. It's the thought that counts.
“A swimming cap?”
Eddie nods gruffly. 
You’re always telling me how the chlorine’s making your hair turn green, so.”
“Awh Eddie, that’s thoughtful of you." She beams, reaching up to bring him down for a quick kiss. "Thank you. Even if swimming caps do make me look like an egg.”
Eddie grins. 
“Babe, you're gonna be the prettiest, pinkest egg in the pool.”
They both crack up laughing. 
Chrissy props the flowers up on the back seat and they leave the car to go get carrot cake and milkshakes in town, and it tastes even better than how Chrissy imagined her eighteenth birthday cake had tasted. 
She eats the whole slice and doesn’t think twice about it because hell, it’s her big day. She deserves it. Eddie watches her proudly, and she doesn’t give her mom or dad or anybody else a second thought all day. 
Yeah. It's gonna be a good year. 
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angelcloves · 1 year
Hexside Squad's favorite Easter candies? (I think maybe when I get home if I'm not too tired and I'm motivated enough that I MIGHT make the same headcanon on my sideblog)
luz: peeps. amity hates them so she takes advantage of not having to share
amity: chocolate bunnies. hard to go wrong. shes very methodical about what order she eats the body parts in
gus: also peeps but purely for the human novelty of it all. he hates the texture
willow: bubblegum eggs! shes a bubblegum girl to me. she likes to see how big of a bubble she can blow but it usually ends in her having to scrape gum out of the ends of her hair when it pops in her face
hunter: not candy but he has carrot cake energy. his favorite permutation is a cream cheese icing base with piped buttercream carrots and the buttercream is not optional he will get upset if theres no buttercream carrots on the top yes im projecting from when i used to work at a bakery
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darkecho17 · 2 years
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Got another piece for y'all (and another on the way!). Merry Christmas, happy holidays, and an early happy new year too, I hope y'all have a good one! ^w^
This one features the members of the durp squad - my wonderful homies and family! I love you guys with all of my cheesy little kitty heart and I'm looking forward to whatever the new year has in store for us~!
I did something similar to this last year, so consider it a redraw of this piece! --> https://www.deviantart.com/echo-of-the-sea/art/Meowry-Crimas-Happy-Howlidays-901799505
Characters included are... Cheese and Bandit, who belong to me. Finn belongs to @17-poprocks . KK belongs to @agentkk00. Isinki belongs to SweetTo0ths on TH. Achilles doesn't have any socials I could link to, I don't think... Kaine belongs to @kitbeekat . Grey belongs to @ten10zen. Brooke belongs to @brooke-the-pal. Syl belongs to @merlins-tower . Buttercream belongs to @discordderpy .
This one also comes with a speedpaint! -->
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loosesodamarble · 1 year
A Future as Bright as the Sun and Stars
Thoughts about Morgen and Josele's wedding and their life if they got their happily ever after.
Discordia is @lyranova's oc.
Thomas tries to walk Josele down the aisle but with his bad leg (hunting injury), he can't make it the whole way. Josele walks the rest of the way on her own.
Yami, one of Morgen's groomsmen, almost objects to the wedding but is silenced by William and Nacht.
Discordia, Charlotte, and Rachel (from Driftwood Desserts) are Josele's bridemaids.
Morgen kisses Josele on the lips before the priest gives the go ahead. The audience all laugh about how much Morgen adores his bride/wife.
After Josele and Morgen have their first dance as husband and wife, Josele dances with people like her father, Nacht, and Yami. William and Discordia also get a dance with her.
Charlotte is the one to catch the bouquet when its tossed but she quickly shoves it into someone else's hands. And that someone is Yami... 👀
The wedding cake is three layers: two vanilla and one strawberry. The frosting is buttercream. There's one or two pieces of Gladis' sugar art displayed at the wedding as well.
At the wedding, Josele whispers to Morgen that she suspects she might already be pregnant.
Josele moves into the Faust Manor after the wedding. She and Morgen still have their rooms at the Grey Deer base but Josele is officially part of House Faust (no matter how much Vincent and Adela hate it).
At the same time Yami and William get their own squads, Morgen would become the captain of the Grey Deer squad. He immediately makes Josele his vice captain.
Morgen is considered as a top candidate for Wizard King alongside William, Fuegoleon, and Nozel.
Morgen mostly deals with the work that's done while behind a desk. He sorts mission reports and attends meetings. He coordinates missions for the squad members.
Josele's main job as the vice captain of the squad is training the squad members. She mentors new recruits, guiding them through their first mission and then teaming them up with older members who she believes will help them grow.
Josele encourages physical exercise as well as honing one's magic to the squad.
The Aqua Deer squad thrives with Morgen and Josele at the helm. They make sure that everyone does their best in work but also encourages their Magic Knights to enjoy themselves outside of the job.
One time, someone suggested that Josele became vice captain only because she is Morgen's wife. One duel later, the person retracted their statement.
The members of the Aqua Deer and even other squads often go to Morgen and Josele for relationship advice.
Josele and Morgen sometimes get into heated discussions. And a trick that the squad members have learned to get them to calm down is to yell "Just make out already!" It embarrasses the couple and makes them think more clearly.
While their jobs keep them busy and don't make it possible to have every meal together, Josele and Morgen always have at least one meal together in a day. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, or even a snack break, they like to share their meals.
They try to have a date every two weeks. Nothing major but at least something like trip to a cafe for drinks or a walk through the manor gardens.
For their first anniversary, they took a weekend off to spend at a private beach house. No captain duties, no Magic Knight duties whatsoever, and no one else (except maybe their child[ren] if Josele's pregnancy suspicion was right).
Morgen and Josele's future kids would consist of 5 sons and 2 daughters.
They kept having sons and only stopped when the daughters (twins) were finally born. Although they would've agree to stop at 10 if the boys just kept coming.
Morgen is not the best parent at first. He has to do a lot of reading and practice with Josele before he gets the hang of it.
Bless this man. He loves his kids with all of his heart. But when he sees his firstborn right when he was fresh out in the world, he definitely loses consciousness for a few seconds. He was told there'd be blood but he didn't expect the baby to look as bad as they did.
It's through sheer determination that Morgen learns and becomes the best parent to his children.
Josele isn't perfect either. While she knows her way around kids, she's hesitant to smother them. She tends to their needs of course but she doesn't feel comfortable "spoiling" them for a long while.
Morgen reminds her that she should give their children what she lacked growing up and what she lacked was parental doting. And that gets her to change.
Each and every child would develop at least one healing spell, regardless of their attribute. Such a kind magic is in their blood.
Josele would also teach the children how to use weapons and Morgen would help them find an artistic outlet (music, poetry, drawing, anything).
Josele and Morgen are "Mama" and "Papa" to their kids, no matter how old they get.
On each of the children's birthdays, the birthday child(ren) always receive their first gift under their bed. They ask Morgen and Josele why they put the first present under the bed and the parents answer that they don't put it there.
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Josh's White Deep V Tee (Josh x Reader)
"Totally up to you if you want to write this or not, but possibly an imagine where the reader is friends with the buttercream squad and she films a video with Josh, Conor and Jack and they somehow ruin her shirt so Josh offers her one of his and she's a bit insecure because she's curvy that it won't fit but he encourages her to put it on and sure enough it fits, and the guys tell her not to be insecure about her weight :)"
"WRONG!" Jack yells, signaling that you and Josh have to do another forfeit and that Jack and Conor get another point.
"How am I supposed to know your family cat's name??" you complain.
"I'm hurt, y/n" Jack feigned "You don't follow me on snapchat, obviously, because I've only said it a thousand times."
On your trip to London you had tried to make the rounds to bank as many collab videos as possible. You had filmed a hilarious go-pro hide and seek video with you and Joe against Zalfie, a very dramatic nerd vs nerd video with Dan and Phil, a clothes swapping video with Louise, and you and Josh had just finished vlogging your first tour around the city. When you arrived back at the flat Jack asked you and Josh to film a video for his "Brothers vs _______" series.
"Drama queen. What is our forfeit?" Josh asked, knowing that there were only 3 or 4 left and they were all bad.
Conor pulled a piece of paper out of the hat and started laughing so hard he couldn't read it. Grabbing it from his hand, you read it out loud. "Oh, god. It says to let the members of the opposite team give you a Marmite face mask."
"Yes!" Jack cheered, leaving the room to grab the Marmite.
"Pleeeeeeeeease don't get this in my hair." you begged, knowing he was still going to get it everywhere, including your hair.
Sitting down with the brothers standing behind you two, Jack started putting Marmite all over your face while Conor started drawing a penis on Josh's face with the Marmite. "Jack! You just dropped it down my shirt! Ew! It's squidgy! And all over my boobs!"
Perfectly timed, all three boys moved so they could see where Jack had just dropped the Marmite. "Really boys?" you laughed, staring at the camera.
"Looks like we have our thumbnail" Conor laughed. "I think Y/n got the worst of this, though." He dipped his hand in the Marmite drenching Josh's hair and face in the rest of it.
Finally it was time to end the video. Jack and you sat in the middle with his arm around your shoulders. Josh on your other side and Conor on Jack's other side. "Subscribe to these three and give this video a thumbs up! I have to say, I've never seen Marmite look so good." Jack teased as he once more openly looked at your now very sticky cleavage.
Turning the camera off, Conor offered you his bathroom to clean up since Josh had just hopped in the downstairs shower. "I'll show you where everything is." he lead you up to his bathroom after you grabbed your bag.
"Towels are in there, use whatever you want in the shower, and the hair dryer and stuff is all under here." Conor pointed.
"Thanks. I cannot wait to not be sticky." you laughed, finally getting your face clean in the sink. Opening your bag, your stomach dropped. "Oh, shit. I don't know where I left my sweater." you said, realizing you'd have to hand wash your shirt in the sink and wait for it to dry.
"That's not a problem, I'll just grab one of my t shirts." Conor went to leave.
"No, no. I'll just hand wash this one really quick if you can throw it in the dryer while I'm in the shower?" you asked hoping he'd just do it and not argue with you.
"Y/n, I have more shirts than I can count. I can throw yours in the wash, but you don't have to wait for it." he replied.
Internally sighing and getting a bit anxious, you finally just said it. "Conor, your shirts aren't going to fit me. It's fine. Really. Just let me scrub this really quick and then I'll hop in the shower. it's not a big deal."
Conor's face dropped knowing he had just made you uncomfortable. "Hey, hey. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. I wasn't even thinking about that. How about you take it off and hand it to me through the door and I'll take care of it while you're cleaning up." he cheesily smiled trying to fix the fun mood he felt he had just ruined.
Unable to not laugh at conor being a dork and relieved he didn't force you to try one of his shirts on, you agreed. "Thank you." you said, handing him your shirt through the crack in the door.
He went downstairs and started scrubbing the shirt in the sink. "What are you doing?" josh asked, seeing Conor in the kitchen when he came out of the bathroom.
"Scrubbing y/n's shirt. I fucked up and I'm trying to make it up to her." Conor said, focused on getting all of the Marmite out.
"How did you fuck up?" Josh asked, confused.
"She doesn't have another shirt with her so I told her to just take one of mine, but she kept saying she was fine and I just had to keep insisting not even thinking about it." Conor replied, adding more soap to the water.
"Thinking about what?" Josh asked, still not getting it.
"She finally just stopped me and told me she wouldn't fit in my shirts so I'm trying to clean hers. I wasn't even thinking about it, but I know I made her uncomfortable." Conor said, realizing the Marmite wasn't coming out of the shirt. "This is hopeless"
"Hey, don't worry about it. Put it in the washer and I'll bring her something she can wear." Josh replied, starting to walk to his room.
"Josh, she's going to kill me if I let you go try to convince her to wear something else again. She'll kill me for telling you it ever happened!" Conor started to worry.
"Really, I've got this. Just throw that in the washer with spot cleaner." Josh finished getting dressed and then grabbed his favorite white v-neck t-shirt, heading upstairs.
He could hear the blow dryer running in the bathroom, so he sat on Conor's bed until you were finished. Hearing the dryer turn off, he walked to the door and knocked. "Y/n?" Josh called.
"Yeah?" you responded, putting everything back on except your shirt.
"Can I come in?" He asked.
"Um....hold on." you grabbed the towel and held it to your chest, covering your stomach and bra. "Yeah, come in." you answered nervously.
"Hey!" he smiled. "Your t-shirt is in the wash so I grabbed one of mine so you weren't walking around in a towel."
"I'm going to kill Conor." was all you said, closing your eyes trying to calm down. The last thing you needed to do was have a full blown panic attack in front of the boy you actually liked.
Josh put his hand on your shoulder. "I made him tell me. He was down there trying his best to clean your shirt and I knew that mine would work just fine."
Looking up at him, trying to keep the water in your eyes from spilling into tears, you didn't know what to say. Do you wait in the bathroom for your shirt to finish being in the wash? Do you risk putting his shirt on and looking like a stuffed sausage?
"I know that you think that it won't fit or that you'll look horrible in it, but you're wrong. first, I know for a fact my shirt will fit you just fine. Second..." He paused blushing a bit. "Second, you look beautiful in everything you wear. Okay? I'm going to turn around and shut my eyes and you're going to put this on." Josh said, running his thumb under your eye to clear away a few stray tears before handing you his shirt.
'Did he just say what I think he said?' you thought to yourself, realizing you were just standing there instead of changing. Dropping the towel, you pulled the shirt over your head and turned to the mirror.
"Can I turn around?" Josh asked, looking adorable with his hands covering his eyes.
Laughing, you responded. "Yeah, you're good."
"See! I told you it would fit. It looks better on you than it does on me." Josh teased.
"Yeah, yeah. You were right." you felt relief flood your body. "I just get a lot of grief for being a big girl. Especially a big girl on you-tube. I avoid anything that would make it awkward for me or anyone else." you responded, looking at your feet.
"Y/n, there is nothing wrong with being a big girl." Josh replied, pulling your chin up so you were looking at him. "Now lets go watch a movie or something. I know Jack wants to order Chinese."
"Thank you, Josh. Really." you felt him pull you into a hug.
Grabbing your hand, Josh led you down the stairs to the living room. Pulling you down onto the couch next to him, he put his arm around your shoulders and you kind of snuggled into his side.
You noticed Jack walk into the living room with his vlogging camera out. Thinking Josh wouldn't want you two to look couple-y in the vlog, you went to sit up straight, but your efforts were met with Josh pulling you back into his side.
"Look at these two cuties." Jack spoke to the camera, panning over to you two.
Conor complained "Hey! I'm cute too!" throwing himself across your laps. Everyone laughed.
"By the way, Josh. You're never allowed to wear that t-shirt anymore. Once the world has seen it on those boobs, you'll never be able to make it look as good." Jack teased, having no clue that there was any drama behind you wearing it.
"I have to agree," Josh said, looking at you and trying not to blush.
"I don't know, I thought you looked quite handsome in it." you replied.
Your cute moment was interrupted by Conor yelling "I ship it!" at you and Josh. "And by that, I mean I ship Y/n and that t-shirt." he joked.
After everyone had eaten, Jack came up with the brilliant idea to film another video. "We should play 'Never Have I Ever'" he yelled. "We never have any girls in those videos!" Popping up to grab his camera.
"As long as there's no Marmite involved, I'm in." you responded, very happy with how your day turned out.
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sorathecookie · 1 year
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another one for the squad yet again
this is Buttercream Hound Cookie, a teenage noble of House Scone whose personality fits that of how a noble should be: polite, kind, and elegant. She does have another side to her that's rude, sarcastic, and short tempered. She always speaks in a nice tone so you can never tell when she's being sarcastic. While she's always happy to make new Cookie friends, but it's best that you don't get on her bad side. She believes that House Scone will rise to glory again and always comforts Light Cream Cookie when needed.
While she has the traits of a Werehound, she cannot turn into one.
also, the second image is how she looks when she's mad. Her mad can be seen as a sort of second self to her(she's perfectly in control of this side however). Also when she's mad, her voice will get deep and growly.
She also has a crush on Hackleback Caviar Cookie
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elsehuggs · 5 years
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💞💖💝💕💖 for them
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Exclusive - Jack Maynard
“You mean, exclusive?”
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Y/N felt as if she had to throw up. The music seemed to fade away, only because it wasn’t important anymore. The only thing she could focus on was him. And the girl who was grinding on him. Jack had his arms around a petite blonde, pressing her hips flush against his own, swaying to the beat that seemed like background noise to Y/N now.
Conor, who had been dancing next to her, noticed her stopping in her tracks. 
“What’s wrong?”, he loudly asked so she’d hear him. He noticed how she glanced at his brother.
“I need some air”, Y/N said and made her way through the dancing crowd without looking back.
When she finally reached the smoking area outside, she desperately tried to fight the tears that threatened to spill. Y/N wasn’t even sure why she felt that way. She shouldn’t feel jealous, she shouldn’t feel sad and angry, but that confused her even more. They had hooked up a few times, when they both went home drunk after going out clubbing like today. It wasn’t regular, it wasn’t anything special. It was just in the heat of the moment, a used opportunity. She tried to steady her breathing as someone approached her.
“Can I offer you a cigarette?”, a handsome stranger asked. He was rather tall, quite tan and muscular. Y/N found him very attractive, but he wasn’t Jack. She was surprised that this was the first thought that came to her mind when she looked at him.
“I don’t smoke”, she said, although that wasn’t even true. She did smoke one or two cigarettes when she was very drunk, and she’d actually really like to have a smoke right now. But she knew by the way the guy looked that it wasn’t just a cigarette he offered. And she didn’t want that. Looked like Jack was the only one who’d get laid tonight.
“Maybe a drink, then?”, he asked and smiled at her. He actually had a pretty smile, but it made her feel nothing. She only wished Jack would smile at her like this. He’d never, probably.
“No thank you”, she said a little more determined this time.
“Playing hard to get, I see”, he said and came a little closer. Y/N felt a little bit uncomfortable at this point.
“Look”, she said, “I don’t play anything. I just don’t want to talk to you. If you want a hook-up, go look for someone else, I’m not interested.”
“You might want to think twice before turning me down, promise you won’t regret it”, he continued.
Y/N was just about to say something when someone cut her off.
“She fucking told you to back off, mate”, Jack said and put an arm around her. You could see that his tone affected the guy. He sounded very angry and if Y/N hadn’t known him, she would have been scared.
“Hey”, the guy said and raised his hands in a defensive manner, “didn’t know you had a boyfriend. You could’ve just said that.”
Y/N contemplated whether she should object, but she was pretty glad that the guy finally seemed to stop his approach.
“She’s taken, fuck off”, Jack said and watched as the guy finally left the smoking area and disappeared in the dancing crowd inside.
“You okay?”, Jack said and turned around to look at her. He noticed how puffy her eyes were. “Have you been crying? Did he hurt you?”
She shook her head no, but didn’t look up to him.
“What is it then?”, Jack asked, worry now evident in his voice. “Hey, look at me.” When she didn’t obey, he gently took her face in his hand and lifted her chin up. Their eyes met for a second, and Y/N was surprised at how soft his eyes were, so full of concern for her and her wellbeing.
“Where is your little blondie?”, she asked him. She really didn’t want to say it because she knew she’d give herself away with that, but she couldn’t stop herself. Y/N watched his face when she said it. First, it was confusion that she could see, then realization hit him, then confusion returned.
“Dunno”, he said, “why’d you care, though?”
She shrugged her shoulders and tried to pull away from him, but he held her by the waist. She managed to look away from him, though.
“Why don’t we go on a walk”, Jack proposed as he noticed some curious stares from some social smokers. He turned around, not letting go of her waist and gently nudged her in the direction of the closest exit. They passed the security guard and walked in silence for a few minutes. Still, his arm rested around her waist.
“Are you mad at me? Because it kind of feels like you give me the silent treatment. And I don’t know why you’re mad. Please, just tell me what I did wrong”, Jack said.
As Y/N finally looked over to him, she saw that he was truly sincere. This look he had truly got under her skin, it wasn’t often that she got to see him like that.
“I’m not mad at you, Jack”, she said and stopped walking, “I’m mad at myself.”
“Now you’ve lost me”, he admitted.
“When I saw you in there with this blonde girl, I just felt so jealous of her and I know I don’t have any right to be jealous because what happened between us wasn’t important but maybe I want it to be important. And I know you don’t want that, but I don’t know if I can still be friends with you now when I suddenly feel this way and now I’ve ruined everything”, Y/N rambled until Jack finally cut her off.
“Breathe, Y/N”, he said and took one of her hands in his. She let it happen, but raised an eyebrow at him.
“Look”, Jack started but this time, it was Y/N who cut him off.
“Please just make it quick before this gets really embarrasing.”
“I didn’t know you wanted this between us to be important”, he summarized and squeezed her hands.
“Well I didn’t know that either till earlier”, Y/N said and let out a rather raspy chuckle, “but I know that you don’t want that.” “You suppose, but you don’t know for sure, don’t you?”, Jack asked and smirked at her. Unlike the smile of the stranger earlier, this affected very much. Her heart began to race and she could feel her palms become sweaty. She just wished that Jack wouldn’t notice. If he did, he was too nice to say something.
“Well, do you want it to be important?”, she asked shyly and looked away again. She was sure that she couldn’t bear to see his face if he rejected her now.
“Yes”, he said, making her look at him to see if she didn’t get him wrong.
“You mean, exclusive?”, Y/N asked.
“Yes, exclusive”, he confirmed, making her blush. He looked at her with such a wide smile that she just couldn’t help but to return it.
“Can I... kiss you now?”, he asked, which Y/N found absolutely adorable.
“Of course”, she said and felt butterflies in her stomach as Jack closed the distance between them.
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sebsxphia · 1 year
Housewife bunny making a Nutella buttercream and not telling poly!squad plus Javy and Rhett. So when she says it might take a few minutes to prepare dessert, she meant spreading it on her body. Can we please get a lengthy Drabble on how the dagger squad, Javy, and Rhett would react to finding their housewife bunny on the bed covered in Nutella buttercream? With plenty left over for extra rounds?
YEAHH BABEYYYY this is complete and utter porn without a plot 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
bunny would wait until they all got home to find them on the bed and covered in nutella buttercream. they text their lovers throughout the day, most of them thinking they were going to get a sweet pudding made up for them. technically they were, just in another form.
bob and natasha are the first to find bunny, calling out your name and then stopping dead in their tracks with their eyes wide and lips parted. bob wets his bottom lip with his tongue and swallows thickly. he’s pissed more than anything that you decided to lie and tease him like this. natasha is the first to call out to the others.
“jesus fucking christ.” bradley blurts out mimicking the same facial expression as bob and natasha. jake and javy follow in tow, with both of them wearing smug grins on their faces.
“you do this today, bunny? get all covered for us?” jake asks the first question. “make our mouths water to taste you?” javy follows second.
you nod sheepishly and run your fingers over the swell of your breasts, licking up the buttercream and spooning it into your mouth. the action is enough for all of them to groan and finally make their way over to bunny, keen for a taste themselves.
eeeek thank you so much for this insane thot my love!! 💌
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DIDN'T I SAY SOMETHING ABOUT MISSING THEM LIKE YESTERDAY????? I want to thank the universe and Joe for this one ❤️
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