#sleepy joe sugg
imagineabuttercream · 2 years
Sleepy Jack & His Hair
Josh's White Deep V Tee (Josh x Reader)
Oli White's Secret
Birthday Boy (Conor x Reader)
CAMPING (JOSH X READER) 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  
Meeting Anna (Conor x Reader)
I'll Be Your Date - (Josh x reader)  1  2  3
Never have I ever had a threesome (Jack x Joe x Reader Smut) 1  2  3  4  5
"I have a daughter." (Mikey x Reader)
Conor's Blanket Burrito (Conor x Reader)
Prank Gone Wrong (Jack x Reader)
Dear Best Friend (Josh x Reader) [Letters]
Joe's Internet Friend (Sugg x Reader)
Welcome Home (Jack x Reader) [smut] 1  2
Distracting Josh (Josh Pieters x Reader)
Your Brain Freeze Secret (Caspar Lee x Reader)
Wisdom Teeth (Josh x Reader)
Surprise Visit (Josh Pieters x Reader)
I Told You (Conor x Reader)
Jump Scares (Joe x Reader)
TWISTER TRYST (Oli x Reader)
The Little Spoon (Josh Pieters x Reader)
Pink Cake (Jack x Reader)
This Is My Version (Conor x Reader)
Luggage & Tattoos (Josh x Reader) [smut]
Happy Birthday (Josh x Reader)
My Wife (Conor x Reader)
Cheat Day (Jack x Reader)
Can I Watch? (Joe Sugg x Reader) [smut]
Nightmares (Josh Pieters x Reader)
Bubble Gum (Joe x Reader)
Covers With Conor (Josh x Reader)
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mysummertimemusings · 7 years
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Joe Sugg tired moodboard 😴
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forevermoreale · 8 years
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Joe looks so adorable I can't my heart can't handle to much cuteness
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purplesurveys · 6 years
Have you ever... wished you had a swimming pool: I mean that’s like the ultimate status symbol (at least in my poverty-stricken country, it is) so yeah I’ve wished for it once or twice. wished you could meet your favorite youtuber: When I was 15 and was a crazier fangirl, yes. I was close to achieving it when I saw Caspar Lee (who waved at me), Joe Sugg (who also waved at me), and Oli White; but I don’t think I’ll ever get the balls to have a meet and greet with any of my favorites. It’d honestly be pretty cool to like bump into Pewdiepie and Marzia, but I’d be more chill this time around. outgrew your favorite pair of pants: No, I didn’t really have a favorite pair when I was younger so I didn’t feel bad about outgrowing them. thought how much you liked globes: Like, actual informative globes? Sure. Gab and I agreed on having one in our future place just because they’re so nice. thought hard-boiled eggs tasted better storebought: No, we make hard-boiled eggs in the house.
thought you should probably not wear yoga pants around a cat: What’s the big deal? I hate cats, so I wouldn’t know hahaha. ignored someone's rude comment: Yeah blocking is the most fun way to go. took your temperature when you felt sick and found it was normal: This has happened before. I just take a nap to feel better. had your backpack rub against the back of your jeans sounding like a fart: Absolutely never lmfao. This happens? gotten in trouble for telling another kid to stop: Stop doing what? fallen over backward in your chair: I’ve had close calls before but thankfully this has never happened before or else it would make for such a hilarious story. thought that pinecones looked cool: I never thought of pine cones that way. popped bubblewrap for entertainment: Ooooh, haven’t we all? had someone lie to your face: I’m sure it has happened before. avoided looking in a mirror because you didn't want to see yourself: Yep, on days that I just know I didn’t look my best. been forced by your parents to take a medication that made you depressed and/or sleepy: Wow never. Isn’t that abuse? had to use an epi pen: Never. I keep forgetting what that is, but I know I haven’t even seen one. had a severe allergic reaction: No allergies. been refused treatment at a hospital: Never happened. Plus I’ve been in the hospital just once my entire life so I think that’s a factor too. had a doctor yell at you and/or fire you as a patient: I’ve had a doctor be an abslolute bitch to deal with, but she never yelled at me when I was there. Didn’t stop her from being the ultimate dick. had a pill stuck in your throat that gave you an ulcer: That’s...a surprising turn of events lmao, that’s never happened to me. I’ve had the bothersome feeling of getting a pill stuck in my throat but it’s just that, it’s never grown into anything worse. had a small hole in your pants but still wore them: The jeans are comfy, so they are staying. had a small hole in a shirt but still wore it: I have one shirt that does have but it’s really indistinguishable, so that also stays. mixed two lipstick colors together: I don’t wear makeup. mixed two nail polish colors together: I also don’t apply nail polish since I can never take care of them. wore a birthday crown: Sure, I wore tiaras before. spent your birthday alone: When I was younger, yes. spent Christmas alone: No, my family always makes it a point to celebrate it. Physically, never; but I’ve often felt lonely anyway. spent Easter alone: It’s also a family thing. been abused by your crush: Nope. fallen asleep on your balcony: Hahahaha I don’t think so. slept in a recliner: I probably have before. noticed that you felt happier when the sun's out: I hate the sun with every bone in my body. wished you could afford a shopping spree at Dollar General: We don’t have that here so it’s an automatic no. made a massive Goodwill donation: Also no. waited until the last minute to wash the dishes: One of the biggest things I never seem to learn from. wore a headband or hat to cover up greasy hair: My hair’s not that greasy, so no. If I wear a headband it’s only because my baby hairs that keep standing up can get annoying.   walked outside in the snowy winter with no coat on: We don’t get snow. been accused of being a drug addict (when you weren't): That’s crazy. been accused of stealing (when you weren't): I don’t think so. been accused of being gay (when you weren't): It’s not accusing if it’s somehow true. been accused of lying (when you weren't; they were lying): Duh. been accused of being angry (when you weren't; they were angry): Sure, it has happened before. had someone ask you a ton of personal questions and just shrugged: Sometimes, especially when I don’t feel like opening up. felt violated: By creepy men in the city, yep.
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yourfandomfriend · 6 years
Veiled Finale | Eerie, Indiana Meta
So, I think by now we’re all acquainted with the trope where a fictional character from a tv show suddenly gets thrown into the real world.
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It’s a fun way for a show to go meta and let the audience see how their protagonist would take the news that their life is a story, seeing their friends and family acting like the actors who play them, and learning their suffering is for your amusement. So meta, right? Well, it could be even more meta, if you suspect your show is about to go off the air...
Let's put a pin in that and introduce Eerie, Indiana.
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For a lot of people reading this, depending on their age, all they know about Eerie, Indiana is that it was a major inspiration for Gravity Falls -- one lone kid convinced the sleepy town he moved to is the center of weirdness for the entire world. He investigates the paranormal and tries to get the truth out but it just looks to everyone else like he’s not adjusting. The resemblance is... eerie?!
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The show had Joe Dante (Duke of Hollywood Weirdness) as it’s creative consultant, directing a couple episodes, too. It was about a kid named Marshall Teller, played by Omri Katz. The great thing about Marshall is that he's a regular kid. He’s sloppy, scrappy, makes bad choices, takes people for granted, has that tween self-consciousness, and thinks he can get something for nothing. All the relatable flaws, but he was basically a good kid. At heart.
His bestie is Simon Holmes (Justin Shenkarow) a nice but lonely latchkey kid a few grades younger than Marshall. Simon doesn’t really believe as much in the paranormal despite it being all around him but Marshall is his only friend, so he kinda just goes along with whatever it takes to keep hanging out with him.
Two normal kids occasionally called on to save the world.
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At least, for the first 12 episodes. After that, the show experienced a retool. In case you don’t know quite what that is, it’s exactly what it sounds like. A retool is when a show is altered for various reasons, ranging from bad ratings to wanting to give a breakout character more screen time, all the way to someone at the network trying to turn the show into a vehicle for some pet actor.
EI was a great show but the competition was so stiff, no one watched it in its initial run. It was retooled to add two cool characters to the cast. Sort of.
The first was Radford, owner of the World O' Stuff store, played by a veteran of tv weirdness, John Aston.
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The reason why he’s only sort of new is that the show already had a Mr. Radford before the retool. But rather than recasting him with a more established actor and hoping the kids at home wouldn’t notice the difference, they revealed the Radford we’d known up till then was a serial imposter by the name of Fred Suggs, who’d been keeping the real Radford in his basement for six months until he was finally caught. But not for long.
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Pretty much.
The second was Dash X, a troublemaking homeless trickster with prematurely grey hair who woke up in Eerie with no memory of who he was and where he came from. A mystery in his own right and possibly the most popular character with the current fandom. This is in no small part due to him being played by Jason Marsden, the teenaged Ted McGinley.
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In case you don’t know what a “Ted McGinley” is (this is turning into an answers blog as we speak) it’s when a character actor with a lot of charisma is dumped into an existing show to “spice things up,” usually as a hail mary pass to keep it on the air. As a result, the appearance of a TM in the main cast will usually herald the cancellation of a series or at least a stark decline in quality. The original has come to be seen as a pox on any show.
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If one was to check Marsden’s IMDB page in the early-to-mid 90s, once you were done fangirling over him voicing Thackery Binx, Max Goof, and the best version of Peter Pan ever, you’d notice he ended up in quite a few sitcom retools, including The Torkleson’s, Step by Step, and Full House, and it pretty much always guaranteed the last season was on the horizon.
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Kidding. It’s actually a compliment to be a TM, since it makes you the Cobra Bubbles of TV Land. The problems are already there if a show starts jumping the shark and guys like Marsden are the ones they call when things go wrong.
So yep, as a die-hard fan of EI, I very much approve of the inclusion of Aston and Marsden to the cast. They made the weirdness hunting more of a team sport and added humor and personality to the show. Okay.
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The trouble was, in order to make edgy Dash work, they had to water down Marshall and Simon. Not okay. Marshall went from being a cool yet deeply flawed kid at the center of everything to being a goody-two-shoes who ended up butting heads with Dash and just reacting to the mayhem he created, while Simon went from a kid with a depressed, desperate streak to a cheerful cherub who for some reason really believed Dash was a good guy underneath it all.
As I’m sure you’ve noticed by now, the show was shifting its focus to make Dash the star. Which makes no sense from a creative perspective -- never mind that Marshall was a great protagonist. Even if he wasn’t if you were already gonna change him, why not just make him into whatever you wanted instead of replacing him? Why frame him out of his own show?
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“Eventually they wanted to replace [Marshall] with this other character called Dash X. He was actually supposed to take over for Omri Katz. So they decided to do an episode called “Reality Takes a Holiday”, where Omri realizes he’s the star of a TV show.” -- Joe Dante [x]
"Reality Takes a Holiday” was the finale, starring nearly all the cast as warped versions of their real-life selves (designed less to resemble the actors and more to contrast the characters they played) where Joe Dante made a cameo as the director. It was great! Best episode of the show, in my biased opinion. But what Dante failed to mention was the connection between the retool and this episode.
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The plot is pretty simple: Marshall’s family wants to take him and Simon out to the movies to have family fun. Simon is thrilled but Marshall is too cool to hang out with his family and uses his calling -- chronicling the paranormal -- as an excuse to bail on everyone. Then he gets that episode’s shooting script in the mail and ends up in the real world, on set, with everyone calling him Omri.
Marshall starts freaking out, as naturally he would, raving about how he and everyone else are their characters but nobody listens to him. They all think he’s lost his chickens over something to do with the show. But what?
Justin: “Stop it, Omri! You’re just mad because Dash is...” Marshall: “What? What are you talking about, Simon?” Justin: “...Nothing, nothing.”
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Searching the soundstage for answers, he hears a familiar voice and follows it to the World O’ Stuff set. There he meets one of the only people in this place who knows who they are and who Marshall is, Mr. Radford. For some reason, inside the set is just like it is in Mashall’s world and Radford seems oblivious of the change until he produces a copy of the script. The last few pages are blank and Mashall realizes there must be a writer for all this insanity. José Schaefer. He rushes to find the guy.
But when Mashall finds Schaefer, he’s talking to Dash who also seems to know who Marshall is. And weirdly, no one’s calling him Jason. Apparently, Dash has these great ideas he’s been passing onto the writers for killing off Marshall’s character and not euphemistically. They plan on letting Dash literally gun Mashall down in broad daylight. As long as he stays home from the movies.
So diegetically, Dash is the one who’s responsible for the retool. Up till now, he was an antihero. Amoral in theory but ultimately a sympathetic human being, if not decent. Here he's a full blown psycho villain. So not only does Marshall have to figure out how to change the script, he has to dodge everyone in the studio who wants him to finish his final scenes, including Dash, who has to hunt Marshall down because if “Omri” doesn’t come back, they’re all canceled.
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But Marshall somehow manages to shed his opposition long enough to trick  Schaefer‘s secretary into printing new pages, ones where he says yes to movie day and leaves with his family.
Dash tries to stop it, but in this world, he's just told to “clear Omri’s eye-line.” Action is called and Mashall gets his second chance to skip the paranormal for a day and concentrate on what really matters. And Dash, his plan to take over the show foiled, tears his freaky script in half and sulks off. The show ends. Bittersweet.
But if Marshall stops investigating Eerie weirdness, what then? That’s the whole premise of the show. Without it, what’s left? Well, it got canceled so... nothing. It’s hard to say if the show was canceled because this episode was written or if this episode was written because the show was canceled but either way, few series get such a fitting (or meta) end.
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im-robins-bitch · 7 years
Tinder | Joe Sugg
Warnings: Swearing 
Summary: Somone was a dick to me so this happened
“What are you doing?” Joe asked, watching you from across the room as you sucked on your teeth in annoyance.
“I’m in a flame war,” You mumbled. “What’s a good comeback for ‘ your a 6 headed munter’”
“What is it your arguing on?” Joe questioned, leaning over towards you. You sat hunched over your screen. You were sucking on your finger, a habit joe had noticed you did a lot and had started picking up himself.
“Tinder?”  This only intrigued joe more, he had been on tinder in the past sure, but not so much anymore. Had it changed so drastically in the time he was away that rather than trying to find yourself a date you argued with people instead.
“Joe hurry up he’s going to think he won if i don’t say something back.” You exclaimed, squirming on the couch. Joe moved from his spot on the sofa opposite, squeezing between you and the armrest. He took your phone from your hands, making you sigh in relief.
He scanned the chat, trying to work out what happened, seeing a pile of insults being thrown your way. “What even is a munter,” You mumbled, resting your head on his shoulder, finally not feeling the pressure.
“Why are you still even talking to him?” Joe said, his fingers tapping against the screen as he tried to come up with something to say back. For a second you pondered, wondering why you hadn’t unmatched him the second he had said something nasty, but then another a message popped on screen.
“Rekt gg?” You muttered, reading the message in confusion. “What the fuck? Is he 12?” You questioned.  Joe nodded his head in agreement, unmatching from the guy before tossing your phone aside.
He slumped back against the couch, resting his head against yours. The two of your staring off into space, going off into different realms.
Joe bit down on his lips, remembering his tinder days, he had been so desperate back then, wanting more than anything to find a girl who, as cliche as it sounds, would complete him. He had long since given up on that, finding girls at bars and clubs instead and taking them home for the night. For the time being it was doing enough to fill the void but in the back of his mind he was always wondering when he would find someone.
It’s not like he hadn’t been on a date in years, just a couple of weeks ago he had gone on a date with a girl. A tall brunette with lips as painted a soft peach, but nothing had clicked. Sure, she was a nice girl, polite, the conversation was always there, but something was missing. It wasn’t like talking with you.
His eyes shifted towards you, your eyelashes were fluttering up and down, your nose ghosting against his neck. You were staring right at it, but he knew you weren't there, you had drifted off into your own trail of thought, as you did often.
He could understand that he couldn’t find anyone, he was busy all the time, a workaholic and while some girls liked him at first, they soon drifted off realising he was more of a lad than his appearance or YouTube videos would make out.
You, however, he just didn’t get it. How could you be forced to go on tinder to find someone to go on a date with. To put up with trailing through the mud, trying to find someone who wanted more than nudes or a one night fuck, hell even he was sometimes just looking for that. Then the thought, the thought that you had to put up with that bullshit from before, people on tinder insulting you when all you were looking for was someone to go on something as simple as a date with. It made him furious.
That was when it hit him, it was probably one of the best ideas he had ever had. He shook his shoulder, trying to get your attention, ignoring the way your nose would rub so soothingly against the base of his neck. “Y/N, Y/N!” He yelled, waving his hand in front of your sleepy face, it seemed rather than daydreaming you had actually been dreaming.
“Get your coat.” He said, standing up, making your body plummet to the sofa before you realised what was happening.
“What, why?” You mumbled, rubbing your eyes, but standing up anyway. Joe smiled, tossing your coat to you from the doorway, where he was hastily putting on his shoes.
“Come on slowpoke if were late there won’t be any tables left,”
“Tables left, what? Are we going to Ikea again?” You mumbled, fumbling around to try and get your arms into your coat. Joe rolled his eyes and quickly grabbed your shoes, walking over to you himself.
He dropped the shoes to the floor before moving behind you to help you get your coat on because he knew if he watched you struggle anymore he would feel too bad and he knew if he didn’t move right now he wouldn't have the balls to later.
Once you had finally put on your shoes and coat he wrapped a scarf around your neck, making your hair lie uncomfortably underneath it. He dropped his hand down to yours, at first just holding it in his, but by the time he had you to the door your fingers were entwined.
“What...What’s happening?” You questioned.
“I’m taking you on a date.” Joe smiled, squeezing your hand, then before you could protest he had dragged out the door.
And that date was the first of many more.
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chocolatemillkk · 7 years
Kid Brother VI
A/N: It's here! It's finally here! The last chapter. That took ages but I'm done. Read the rest here :)
I sit on the floor of the living room crossed-legged in the small space between the sofa and the coffee table; I tended to do my best work when I was on the ground. I type on the laptop resting on the coffee table as a mute Harry Potter movie plays in the back.
"Oh I forgot to mention," Joe says from where he lay on the sofa behind me. "I found a really funny picture my mum took of the three of us when we were young."
Joe was the only one left staying up late with me-kind of like old times. Zoe and Alfie had left for bed and Mike went home an hour ago.
"I'm not sure if I'm ready to see it," I groan. "I already know your mum's kept all the embarassing photos because she was always taking her camera out."
But I abondon my laptop and perch myself up on the coffee table since Joe hogged the sofa entirely. The screen shows a zoomed in picture of my face next to Joe's on the grass. I'm sticking my tongue out awkwardly and Joe puffs his upper lip like a monkey. As far as embarassing photos went-the pink streak in my hair and sticky pink lip gloss rated pretty high.
"Burn that picture!" I toss the phone onto Joe's chest. "I hated that stupid pink streak I convinced my mum to let me get!"
Joe gets up, laughing. He sits facing me and holds up his phone. "You haven't even seen the best part. Look at Zo!"
He zooms out and Zoe has her eyes crossed and her tongue poking out the side of her mouth. The unexpected addition to our photo forces a giggle from my mouth which leads to a full blown laugh when Joe recreates her funny face. But somehow, Joe still looked good looking doing it. The bags under his eyes were starting to form and his eyes looked tired-I tried to convince him to go to bed-I was used to staying up, but he insisted he wasn't sleepy. Joe Sugg was as stubborn as the day I met him.
"Shhh," I giggle. "Zalfie's sleeping!"
But we crack up anyway, wiping the tears from our eyes and settling back into the quiet night. I drag my laptop up to where I sit and go back to working. Joe stays seated across from me so our knees touch-serving as a good table for my laptop. The clicking of the keys becomes the only sound as I work. I glance at the time: 1:40.
"You can go to bed," I remind Joe.
"I know I can," Joe smiles sleepily at me. "I want to stay up with you. For old time's sake."
"If this was like old times we would have ice cream or crisps and laying on our bellies whispering to not wake your parents."
Joe laughs. "I reckon we can still recreate that. Sometimes I feel like Zalfie are my parents when I come down here."
That makes me laugh. "Don't let them hear you say that!"
I go back to my laptop but I sense Joe is still looking at me. I pause and make eye contact.
"Yeah?" I ask under his curious gaze.
He shakes his head. "How are you still this pretty at 2 in the morning?"
Time feels like it slows to a stop and the only sound I'm aware of is my heartbeat.
"Don't butter me up for a favour," I try to make light of the situation. "If you want me to record another video just ask."
I nudge his knee but the expression doesn't leave his face.
"I know I'm just Zo's brother but I-"
"Please don't do this," I cut Joe off quickly-the realisation already setting in. If Joe was going to confess he had feelings for me I would be over the moon! But that also meant I would have to confess my feelings, and saying them out loud just made it more real...especially saying it to the person involved.
"Just let me. Please. I've carried this around for a long time and if you don't feel the same way that's fine. I just need to get this off my chest so if you don't, I can move on."
I stare at Joe, shocked at the words coming out of him. How long had he felt this way?
"Y/N," he starts, picking up the laptop between us to rest it beside me. "I like you a lot. Honestly, I don't know if I ever saw you as Zoe's friend because the moment you came into our lives I thought you were the prettiest girl I'd ever seen. Every girl I liked at school I would just compare them to you-maybe that's why I don't have a girlfriend," Joe chuckles to himself. "Anyway, you were always around. Especiall when your parents were going through their divorce and we got close. You opened up to me and-and I fell hard for you. I wanted to help you fight all your battles back then-I still do."
Joe leans in towards me and I feel the urge to lean away but he moves his hand up to my knee.
"I used to fight with you all the time because I was an idiot. But also cuz I really liked you and it made me angry seeing you date all those dickheads who treated you like shite."
"So you took me to our dance," I whisper.
"I did," Joe's hand is pure heat against my legs and I feel it spreading to the rest of me. His words were a confirmation of what everyone always told me but now I had to believe it. "And of course I had to let you go when you went off for uni in London and you made new friends. I didn't want to ask you out back then and just be your boyfriend from back home. The timing just didn't feel right."
Joe licks his lips and I watch him weigh his words.
"I want you to be mine. And I want to be yours too. I don't know if you just see me as Zoe's kid brother-I really hope you don't or this would be really fricken embarassing-but give us a chance? And-and listen I know you don't date younger-"
"Joe," I stop him from rambling because his nerves were obviously kicking in. "Your timing is fine now. Perfect actually...I would want to be-love to be...I guess...I didn't face the reality until recently," I sigh, bracing myself to finally put these feelings into words. Joe watches me intently. "I really do like you and who you've become these past few years."
The smile spreads slowly on Joe's face-one part relief and nine parts pure joy. I feel the relief too, of not hiding my feelings anymore and admitting the truth out loud. It felt liberating.
"That's good," Joe laughs in relief as he falls against the sofa. "That's good." He repeats.
"It is," I repeat back. It was like we were in a trance now that we confessed for each other our feelings.
"That's really good," Joe remains against the sofa but our knees still burn where they touch.
"Yeah," I can't stop the smile on my face. Joe reaches his hand out to me and sits up straighter.
"Come here," he says. I look at him, almost having an out-of-body experience with everything that'd just happened in the last few minutes. But when I take his hand he tugs me to his lap and it jostles me back into myself. Who cares if Joe was younger than me or any of that? We'd held flames for one another for long enough. We owed it to give it a try.
Joe snakes his hands around my waist and I put an arm around the back of him with another on his chest. We look down at each other-the mood growing very somber. This felt like primary school when your first crush admitted to liking you too and now you were going to sneak a kiss behind the football field. It was like the anticipation of the drop before a roller coaster, the build-up making your heart race and your mind scream to stop but your body ready to hurtle down at full speed. It was also a strange calm, like being at the beach with a storm on the horizon-everything standing absolutely still for a moment; the world stretching out for a small infinity.
Our foreheads come to rest on each other's and there's a lightness in Joe's eyes like a shared joke between us. My hand reaches up to cradle his cheek, brushing the short strands of his hair. His own hand mirrors mine and slowly-so subtly-he brings his lips to mine, and then, we're kissing.
It's a gentle kiss that only two people who hold this much tenderness for one another could have. It's a kiss like one I'd never experienced before and when we break apart we take one look at each other and can't stop laughing. Relief-the kiss confirmed what we'd felt. This was real. This was happening.
Joe's expression grows serious once more as he takes my face in his hands and studies it. He places a gentle kiss on my closed eyes, and then the other, and I allow myself the sensation of being kissed by him, the only one I've ever wanted to kiss. When I open my eyes, Joe gives me a cheeky smile before pulling me in to a passionate kiss.
It's an intense kiss that only two people who have ever wanted each other this bad could have. And we wanted each other, very much.
"Joe," I whisper as he lays me down on the sofa. His hands roam down the sides of my body and his lips take over my neck-sure to leave a mark.
"Hm?" He hums. The sound makes me forget what I was going to say but when his hands slip under my shirt the cold of his hands shocks me into remembering.
"Joe!" I whisper more urgently. "This isn't a good place."
"So come back to my room," he mumbles against my skin and I wanted to do it. Ever cell in my body was screaming in unison yes, do it!
"Not like this," I manage to get out. Joe pauses and looks up at me. He seems to understand what I'm saying because he rolls over to lay beside me.
"Okay," he says after a while. "You're right. I should take you out first. Not shag you on my sister's couch."
I burn bright, "When you put it that way..."
"No, no!" Joe sits up chuckling. "Sorry that's not what I meant. I was just getting carried away but you deserve better-we deserve better. This has been a long time coming. We should ease into it."
I sit up and smush Joe's face against mine in a kiss. He looks confused when I let go.
"We've known each other for years, we don't need to ease into anything! I just meant there'll be a better opportunity for this."
"So you'll come back to my room then?" Joe asks hopefully.
I laugh, "No but I'll spend the remainder of the weekend at yours once we get back to London?"
"I'd love that," he kisses my forehead and we get ourselves to our feet.
"Guess I should put my laptop." I laugh.
"I've been saying that all night," Joe says.
I respond to his I-told-you-so tone by flicking him on the arm. He looks up in shock and tries to get me but I jump back. When he advances, I run as silently as I could to my room so Joe couldn't get me back. I lock the door behind me just to hear footsteps on the staircase. I sense him standing outside my door and then my phone vibrates.
Joe: This isn't the end of that Y/N Watch your back ☠️
I stifle my giggle and respond something equally threatening.
Just because we were now two adults in a relationship wouldn't mean we were going to be adults all the time. It wouldn't be "Joe and Y/N" without a little bit of childishness after all. It was hard to believe there was a "Joe and Y/N" to begin with. But it definitley felt right. And it was about damn time.
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buttercream-me-up · 7 years
♡ This is your Version
♡ Unaccepted
Maynard Sibling Series
♡ Hate
♡ Take Care
♡ We’re here for you
♡ Pregnancy Scare Part 2 Part 3
♡ Crash
♡ Surprise
♡ The Floor is Lava
Joe Sugg
♡ We’ll get through this
♡ Cheater
♡ Visiting
♡ Having Doubts
Conor Maynard
♡ Forgotten Memories Part 2
♡ Happy New Years
♡ Prick
♡ Impress Me
♡ We’re Ready
♡ He’s Gone
♡ Daddy’s Princess
♡ Q&A Confessions
♡ Drunk Regrets
Jack Maynard
♡ Grenade
♡ Never Have I Ever
♡ Wrong Maynard
♡ Rumors
♡ Sick Days
♡ Daddy’s Little Workers
♡ Report
♡ Bad Builder
♡ Hurt
♡ Christmas with the Maynards
♡ Skydive
Caspar Lee
Oli White
Josh Pieters
♡ Brother’s best friend
♡ Sleepy
♡ Tell Him
Mikey Pearce
Byron Langley
♡ Childish Fears
♡ Girl’s Night Out
♡ Video Games
♡ Straightforward Part 2
♡ Drinks & Pranks
♡ Late Models
♡ I’ll Take Care Of You
♡ Festival Hero
♡ Tour Life
Group Aesthetics
♡ Buttercreams + Black & White
♡ Buttercreams + wearing eachother’s merch
Buttercreams➳  Originals
♡ Caspar
♡ Joe
♡ Josh
♡ Jack
♡ Conor
♡ Oli
♡ Mikey
♡ Byron
Buttercreams➳ Rainbows
♡ Conor ➳ Red
♡ Oli ➳ Orange
♡ Caspar ➳ Yellow
♡ Joe ➳ Green
♡ Jack ➳ Blue
♡ Josh ➳ Indigo
♡ Mikey ➳ Violet
♡ Byron ➳ Pink
Buttercreams ➳ Zodiacs
♡ Joe ➳ Virgo
♡ Josh ➳ Virgo
♡ Mikey ➳ Sagittarius
♡ Jack ➳ Sagittarius
♡ Conor ➳ Scorpio
♡ Byron  ➳ Cancer
♡ Caspar ➳ Taurus
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oh-ishouldnt · 7 years
Night series: My Place
My Place | Joe Sugg | imagine Night series are a little thing I’ll be doing today because of The Vamps’ new album, Night & Day. It will be 7 imagines, one new song for each Buttercream boy, and you can check them here. A/N: I was pretty skeptical in matching Joe to My Place, because Joe is my fav of the Buttercream and My Place is one of my favorite songs from Night & Day as well, so I thought it was my personal opinion getting in the way, but I really think that... Well, Joe is the older one and he seems to understand that love isn’t perfect and loving someone isn’t being happy all the time, it’s choosing that person after every fight, after every smile and laughter, choosing that person after all. That being said, I hope you all enjoy this imagine :)
⇢ Buttercream masterlist can be found here
"Joe, it is serious! For fuck’s sake, can you be serious for a single moment?” You asked him, pissed. You were trying your best to keep your voice down low, because you two were in the middle of the supermarket and you didn’t want to drag attention to both of you.
He laughed. “Are you fucking serious, Y/N? You can’t be mad at me because of this.”
You looked at him and rolled your eyes, deciding to not have that discussion there in that moment, knowing that if you two kept that going, you would lost your track and the whole city would watch you transforming yourself into a volcano, exposing that Joe Sugg had a girlfriend (probably you would be his ex by that time). “Fine.” You said at last. “I’ll pick the milk.” You informed, even though you were heading to the bread section and not the milk one.
Joe exhaled his breath heavily, you were being ridiculous. College was driving you insane and for the last couple months you were stressed out for every tiny thing that crossed your way, Joe was almost done with you. Maybe you two should split and leave that whole shit behind you. You could go and finish your graduation the way you wanted to be, he could go and... And... And do whatever he needed to do. He worked a lot and had his own issues to handle.
“Hey, you are Joe Sugg, aren’t you?” A girl asked him, rescuing Joe from his thoughts.
“Huh? Sorry, love, what?” He wasn’t paying much attention.
“Are you ThatcherJoe? From the Youtube channel?”
Joe looked one last time for you while you were stepping away, damn Y/N, before focusing on his fan and smiling. “Yeah.”
“Can I have a picture with you? Sorry to bother.”
“No, of course you can, it’s no bother.”
Joe was looking through the alcohol part of the supermarket, watching you talk to Y/F/N from a few meters away. She lived with her fiancee in the same neighborhood as Joe, so you always met her when you and Joe went out to do stuff in that area.
You loved her, however you had that smile on your face, that specific smile that you didn’t know that you had, but you did and Joe was the only one on Earth that could recognize it. You seemed to be having a lovely talk, but Joe knew that, in the back of your head, you were replaying the discussion. It wasn’t on the proper smile, it was something that you had in between your eyebrows that made him know you were slightly annoyed.
He was furious, he was tired. He didn’t want to deal with you being nervous about your studies with him, he didn’t have nothing to do with that and it wasn’t his fault that your teachers were crazy. Blame them, Y/N, not Joe. And, then, something passed through his mind.
You should be furious, you should be tired. He knew college wasn’t what he wanted to do, but you did and you worked hard for be in one.
Once you finished high school, you knew you needed to get out from your parent’s house, working to survive and find time for study as well. Somehow, in between the activities of your busy life, you met Joe and you weren’t prepared for a relationship. He didn’t have to deal with all your occupied life, still, it was inevitable. He would look at you with that smile of him and you would automatically smile too. The only reason he smiled the way he did was because of the sight of you.
Joe sighed. You were throwing bullshit at him all the week long and, well, he could handle that a little more. You were worth it, you two together were worth it.
He walked towards the conversation he was observing for a while and hugged your back. You immediately smiled and, while he leaned his head up yours, the little something in between your eyebrows vanished.
“Good morning!” You exclaimed to a sleepy Joe.
You had a wide smile in your face and held a mug with coffee in your right hand as you entered his bedroom.
“Why are you awake? It’s Saturday morning, woman. It’s weekend, have a break.” He complained, rolling in bed.
You went sit besides him, putting your open laptop on your lap to continue your text. Joe stood on his side of the mattress grumbling.
“You didn’t let me finish this work yesterday, so I have to do it now.” You explained, smiling still.
Joe smirked and gave you a side look. “Don’t say you don’t enjoy after-fight sex.”
You shrugged, hiding your own smirk. “I enjoy all types of sex, you know.”
“Yes, I know that.” He said with a laugh, seeming to be ready to finally wake up. “By the way, I loved the way you pulled off the Sugg merch.”
You laughed while typing, knowing he was only looking for your exposed legs. “The hoodies you guys make are quite comfy. I’ll send a feedback praising the quality of this.”
You decided to switch your position and, when you did that, the mug you held turned, spiting the brown liquid all over the sheets. You sighed.
“Y/N!” Joe exclaimed.
“I know, I know. I’m sorry.” You said, breathing heavily as you putted all the things you held on the bedside table. “Oh, fuck, why everything is going wrong in my life? I just need to finish this damn work. I’m just a piece of shit, aren’t I? I can’t even take a sip of coffee without messing my boyfriend’s bed, what’s wrong with me?”
Joe watched you having a break down, surprised. It was only a simple stain, he didn’t want you to feel that guilty. Maybe you were even more stress than he thought. He hugged you.
“Hey, calm down, love.”
You took a deep breath. “Sorry.”
He gave a soft laugh. “It’s alright, we can just put it in the washing machine afterwards.” Joe kissed your head. “It’s okay.”
“Sorry for being a bitch with you these days.” You felt tears flooding your eyes. “I’m so tired and I think the PMS is kicking in.” You admitted.
Joe laughed for real this time. “That’s fine, Y/N. You just need a break.”
“I feel bad now.” You sighed again, looking the stain.
“It’s just coffee, Y/N.”
“Yeah, but I’m frustrated. You know, I’m in college and, not being able to drinking something properly? Am I some sort of bimbo who is desperate for find some uprising youtuber?”
Joe rolled his eyes, knowing that you just wanted to light the mood a little, even though he didn’t approve that kind of joke. “I know that you are some sort of youtuber’s girlfriend.”
“Oh, yeah?” You asked. “Girlfriend? Who am I dating?”
“I don’t know the guy really, ThachingJonas or something.” Joe said with a smile while he approached his face to yours.
“Isn’t TrackerJohn?” You smiled as well by his lips so close to yours.
“I guess.” He whispered, before finally kissing you.
When you two stopped kissing, you sighed a different kind of sigh, it was a “I’m in love” one. “Thank you.”
Joe still had his arms around you. “You’re welcome.” He grimaced. “Hey, Y/N, when is the deadline of your writing thing?”
“Later this week, why?” You were confuse.
“Because... Hum... I had a lovely dream and... How do you feel about early morning sex?” He asked with a little smirk.
You smirked for real. “Well, Joseph... I enjoy all types of sex.”
Someone knocked the door. You grumbled, too tired to answer it.
“Are you waiting for someone?” You asked your boyfriend and, by his frowning, you could tell he wasn’t.
“I’ll answer that then.” You gave up when heard the knock again, getting up from the bed and putting the pink hoodie on once more.
A few minutes passed and Joe started getting worried about you, so he decided to get up to see what was going on. He putted his boxers on and went downstairs.
Joe could tell that it was Mrs. Grimaldi, the pain in the ass neighbor he had from the other floor and she was probably complaining about something with you. She almost held you two for an entire day just because she wanted to protest about a party it was given down street. It wasn’t even in their building, for God’s sake!
“Yeah, I’m so sorry about the noise. I guess me and Joe just got caught up in the moment, I didn’t mean to be that loud, but I think you know what I mean...” You were explaining with your voice of fake-education, Joe smiled. He couldn’t believe you were actually saying that.
“Of course I don’t!” The woman told you. “Please, it’s none of my busyness what you two do. Actually, it’s none of the building’s busyness! We don’t want to know!”
You were getting sick of that lady. Joe said she was a pain in the ass, but you knew she was actually after your boyfriend. You could swear for your life, one day, she was even starring his booty. And that one time she was lamenting about a party someone had around the block, it was only so she could be touching Joe’s arm every now and then. You loved your man, but he didn’t even have much muscles in there! She could take her little hands and...
“I will try to keep quiet, Mrs. Grimaldi, but I can’t promise that really. Joe likes when I scream and keep things dirty are quite fun. You should try anytime.”
Oh, now you were being rude, Y/N. Joe thought, just before hugging you. “Hey, babe, what’s going on?”
Mrs. Grimaldi blushed by seeing Joe in his underwear. She was about to keep her speech of “you are a young loud couple” when he interrupted you two.
“Er... Okay then. Thank you for being so comprehensive, Y/N.”
Your smile grew bigger for seeing her so uncomfortable, Joe gave a weak laugh. Unbelievable.
“Anytime, Mrs. Grimaldi!” You exclaimed. “I’m sorry for being inconvenient! If it was all, you may excuse us, but me and Joe have some... Activities to finish now.” You concluded, leaving the woman speechless and closing the door.
You jumped in Joe’s lap and he held you. You kissed him. That lady just made you think how much you were happy for having Joe. He could be with any other person of that city, somehow he kept choosing you. You would choose him any and every time too.
“I guess that you won’t be able to finish your work right in this moment, then.” Joe commented, making you laugh.
“Weren’t you saying I need a break?
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eversweet-imagines · 7 years
The Promise - a Joe Sugg x reader imagine - Final
y'all have been asking for this one so much. I wanted to only make it a three parter so this part will be extra long to try and wrap up everything I wanted to do with it. I hope you guys enjoy it!
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A knock at the door ripped Y/N from the moment, she jumped away from Joe fixing her hair as the door opened. Joe kept his eyes on Y/N, a smirk on his lips.
“How are you settling in Joe? You have the room with the best view I think.” Y/N’s sister walked into the room, staring at Joe with a smirk while moving towards the window to look out at the view of the water.
“Definitely the best view.” Joe said, winking at Y/N. Y/N felt a blush rise to her cheeks as she smiled at him before moving over to her suit case and beginning to put her things away.  “I’ve been settling in quite well, you have all been so lovely and its been nice to finally meet Y/N’s family, considering how long we have been together.”
“It has been nice to meet you finally as well. We have heard, well nothing about you, so do excuse the staring and whispering that the others may be doing. How long have you two been together, exactly? I would love to know the date so I can at least send you guys a card on your anniversary.” Y/N could sense the evil that was laced within her sisters words. She flinched slightly at the question and bit her lip praying that Joe would have an answer so that they could have one solid answer. Joe picked up on the tone that her sister was using and noticed Y/N tense up. He felt horrible that her family was so awful to her, and vowed to himself in this moment that he would never let anyone treat her so terribly. 
“Well, its a funny thing really. Y/N and I have known each other for years, and we have had feelings for each other for just as long. It was sort of a love at first sight deal, though neither of us were brave enough to admit it. I finally sorted out the courage to ask Y/N out, and even though she laughed in my face at first... she agreed. And I have never been happier. We are coming up on about 7 months I think, right love?” Joe reached his hand over to Y/N and rubbed her shoulder as he pulled her close to his chest.
“7 months on tuesday.” She smiled up at him and wrapped her arms around his waist as she pushed herself up onto her tippy toes to kiss him. 
“hmm..” Her sister stared at them for a moment, her eyes slowly looking over the two. Joe hugged Y/N tighter to himself, he felt as if he was on cloud nine every time he was able to be this close to her. “Well we are leaving for the rehearsal dinner in 20 minutes. Don’t be late again or mom will literally have both of your heads set up as our center piece.” Her sister turned on her heel and left the room closing the door behind her. Joe immediately turned Y/N around and connected their lips once more in another heated kiss. Y/N smiled against his lips before politely pushing him away with a giddy chuckle.
“Joe we need to get ready.” Joe let out a selfish groan before leaning in and placing a delicate kiss on top of her head. 
“What ever you say, love.” He smiled down at Y/N before following her actions and searching through his bag to find something nice to wear for the dinner. He couldn’t decide on which suit to wear for the wedding when he was packing so he brought nearly every nice outfit he owned along with him. He wanted to make sure what he had was sophisticated enough to match what ever Y/N wore for the wedding to help empress her and her family. Y/N tucked away into the bathroom that was attached to their room to get dressed and fix up her hair and make up while Joe looked over three different dress tops.
“Hun, which one should I wear? I don’t want to be over dressed but I also don’t want to look rank.” Joe asked when he heard the bathroom door open. He turned around to glance at her to see her opinion when he was struck speechless. Y/N was absolutely stunning, as she always was. She had a simple light pink dress on that hugged in all of the right places, her makeup light and flawless. “ Wow.” Joe whispered as he grinned at Y/N. She smiled in return as she made her way across the room to join Joe at his side while she adjusted her earrings. She looked over the different tops he had laid out and chuckled as he wrapped his arms around her waist and planted a trail of kisses along her neck. 
“You look beautiful.” “Absolutely gorgeous.” Stunning.” He continued to whisper compliments against her skin between each kiss. 
“Thank you love.” She smiled before pointing to the white button up that was in the middle. “That one.” Joe nodded and released his hold on Y/N before pulling his shirt over his head and tossing it aside. Y/N’s breath caught in her throat as she stared at him. Her face grew heated as Joe smirked and slipped the shirt on and slowly buttoned it. Y/N let out a huff as she pushed Joes shoulder and moved past him.
“You’re such a tease.” She said, shaking her head and grabbing her purse. Joe let out another small laugh as he slipped on a leather jacket and adjusted himself in the mirror. 
“Ready?” Y/N smiled warmly at him. 
“Ready.” Joe nodded and grabbed her hand in his following her out of the room.
The dinner was a mess. Every adult arguing about how things needed to be, where people needed to sit, and what everyone was meant to say. Y/N was sat with Joe to the right of her sister who had her head in her hands and was crying. Y/N was absolutely sloshed by the time their main course was even brought to their tables. And Joe, well Joe was just terrified. He understood now why Y/N had questioned him so many times about him really wanting to come. She thought he was right mad when he insisted time and time again. People were yelling over each other, Y/N’s sister was bawling her eyes out while her fiance comforted her and Y/N was slouched in her chair laughing at nothing while twirling her fork in her dinner. Joe had only seen Y/N this drunk once, and it was only because Jack challenged her to a drink off. Jack knows how to hold his liqueur, Y/N on the other hand does not. 
By the time the rehearsal dinner was ending everyone had gone quiet and Joe was the only sober one. He placed his arm around Y/N’s waist in attempt to help her walk to the car but when that wasn’t working he swooped her up into his arms and carried her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and cuddled into his chest with a sleepy smile. 
“You know -hiccup- I have loved you for years.” Y/N slurred, her eyes staring up at Joe in a daze. 
“I know love.” He cooed down to her as they got near their car. “I have loved you for a long time too.” 
“How come you never asked me out.” Y/N pouted, she hiccuped again as she began to feel dizzy. 
“Lets not get into this now, love.” 
“No. Joe we both know you have no problem talking to girls or sleeping with them. How come I was never worth your time?” Y/N slurred her words, her voice raising and drawing peoples attention. Joe looked around quickly trying to notice if any of her family members were paying attention. He put her into the front passenger seat, brushing the hair out of her face and shut the door, letting out a frustrated sigh and running his hand through his hair as he walked around the car to the drivers seat and got in. Y/N was slumped against the window, crying now. Joe was starting to learn her different phases of being drunk, thankfully crying was the last one before getting incredibly sleepy. 
“Y/N.” Joe gripped the wheel, shutting his eyes as he sorted out the words in his mind. “I know you wont remember any of this in the morning, because I know how intoxicated you are and I know how little I remember when I get to that point. But because you are so invested in knowing, its because I was terrified. I was terrified of ruining everything we had as friends. I loved you too damn much to even risk not having you near me. You are my safety. The one person who reminds me why I love doing what I do and the one person who has always had my back and pushed me to try new things and not be afraid. ITs funny because even though you made me the fearless Sugg that I am, I was still so god damn afraid to lose you. I have no doubt in my mind that you are my soul mate. You were meant to be in my life and we were meant to be together. I promise that I will always be by your side. I promise that I will always love you. And most of all I promise to not be afraid to tell you how I feel.” Joe felt his voice shaking in his throat as he spoke, he held on to Y/N’s hand in his own as though he was holding on for dear life. 
Y/N’s head fell lightly against his shoulder and her breathing became slow and deep. He stared down at her fragile face that looked so innocent as he blinked away tears that he didn’t know had been forming in his eyes. It was rare for Joe to be this vulnerable, he never wore his heart on his sleeve with things like this. But Y/N brought out everything in him, he couldn’t hold anything back around her.   
“A Sugg never breaks his promise.” Y/N mumbled in her sleep, as she cuddled herself closer on Joe’s arm. Joe allowed a small smile to form on his lips as he drove from the dinner place back to their cabin. He carried Y/N back to their room, helping her get out of her dress and handed her his shirt to sleep in. 
A warm orange glow cast across the bedroom, slowly lighting up the corners that had previously been the home of shadows. Y/N rolled over with a loud groan as the light danced across her face, hurting her head. She snuggled into the side of Joe, her arms wrapping around him as she held him as close as she could. Joe blinked the sleep away from his eyes as he let out a yawn and looked down at Y/N. He smiled as he turned from his back onto his side so that he could hug her back. He kissed the top of her head as they laid there for a few minutes in a comfortable silence. His mind was racing about the night before, how much of what he had said did she remember? He should have known better than to put everything out on the table when she was drunk. In a way it was as if he took advantage of her, he would never have the courage to say what he did if she was sober. 
Y/N reached her hand up and lightly slapped it onto his entire face. “You are thinking too much Sugg. It’s ruining the moment.” She grumbled before opening her eyes and pulling her face away from his chest to look up at Joe. “Thanks for dealing with my drunk ass last night. I’m sorry I left you to deal with my family sober.” her fingers started to mindlessly draw shapes on his skin as she spoke. “Now my memory is pretty fuzzy about everything last night but I didn’t forget what you said. Thats actually the only part I remember clearly. A Sugg never breaks his promise.” Y/N smiled up at Joe, he stared at her for a moment a smile curling onto his face before he leaned down and kissed her. He left his lips against hers for a long moment, not rushing anything.
“I love you.” He whispered as he rested his forehead against hers. They could have stayed frozen in this moment forever, but of course that was impossible on a day like today. The wedding day. 
“I hope you are decent!” Y/N’s sister yelled as she flung the bedroom door open, causing Y/N and Joe to jump and accidentally slam foreheads together. They both groaned and brought their hands up to rub the small bumps that they swore were already forming. Her sister flung a packet of paper at the two, Y/N grabbed it and flipped through it while her sister began talking quickly over the days schedule. “Now after the mess that was last nights rehearsal I can't have anything go wrong today. Say your lovey dove goodbyes because I'm stealing Y/N and you won't see her until the wedding. Chop chop people we gotta wedding to start!” Joe and Y/N stared at her sister, trying their hardest to process everything that was said, Y/N turned and looked at Joe, placing a quick kiss on his lips. 
“See you later Suggy.” She grinned as her sister grabbed her arm, yanking her from her spot in the bed and dragging her out of the room.
Y/N smiled down at her phone at a tweet from Joe that featured his multiple chins and a cheeky quote about being the most beautiful wedding guest this world has seen. Her sisters favorite songs played through the room as she and the rest of the bridal party sat in their hair and makeup chairs, a process Y/N was used to after the many interviews and photoshoots she had done before this point. Thankfully her sister had hired Y/N’s personal favorite makeup and hair artists so Y/N felt loads more comfortable. They had been going for hours and it was nearly about time to start the ceremony. Her sister retreated from the changing room, a beautiful gown floating around her body. It was perfect, not the Y/N expected anything less for her sisters wedding. a few tears stung at Y/n’s eyes as she looked at her younger sister. She stood up from her chair, walking over and embracing her little sis in a hug. 
“I love you.” Y/N said, hugging her tightly. She felt her sister take in a shaky breath before speaking.
“I love you too sis.” The two smiled at each other and squeezed the others hands before pulling apart and putting on their game faces. “It’s showtime ladies!”
The sun shined brightly in the old yard that was decorated in a beautiful rustic theme. The soft music of a string quartet played while guests found their seats. Joe sat nervously in the front surrounded by Y/N’s extended family who still couldn't seem to shake the fact that he was actually there and also couldn't grasp the concept that staring is in fact rude. He shifted uncomfortably in his seat under the cruel heat of their gaze. It was funny how used he had gotten to having Y/N by his side, he almost didn't know how to act without her there. He felt incomplete. A silence fell over the crowd as the music shifted into a new song and the bridal part began making their way down the isle. Y/N hugged her sister tightly once more whispering words of encouragement before it was her turn to go. 
She stepped slowly down the isle, her stomach full of nerves as she felt everyones eyes on her. Her eyes anxiously searched the crowd and landed on the soft face of Joe, who was staring at her in complete awe. Y/N looked like something out of this world, a beauty Joe didn't even think could exist. She grinned at him feeling a new wave of confidence. He winked at her as she found her spot in the front of the line of bridesmaids. She turned her attention away from Joe and gave her sisters fiancé a fist bump before the music changed once more and her sister began to walk down the isle. Everyone turned their attention to her except fro Joe, who no matter how hard he tried couldn't take his eyes off of Y/N. He knew in this moment that he would marry Y/N, he couldn't picture any other woman to be up there with when it was his turn.
The ceremony didn't take long and soon enough everyone seemed to be getting buzzed and dancing around as the reception was in full bloom. Y/N had finshed with pictures and searched the crowd again for Joe, spotting him quickly and running over to him. He wrapped his arms around her waist spinning her around as he connected there lips in a loving kiss. 
“You look beautiful.” He whispered as they passed their foreheads together. A blush rose to Y/Ns cheeks as her heart skipped a beat. “ I can't wait for the day when you walk down that isle and I'm waiting for you at the end. I promise that will be the best day of my life.”
“You promise?” Y/N smiled, pulling slightly away from Joe to look in his eyes.
“A Sugg never breaks his promise.” The two said together, each with a childish grin on their lips.
AN: Good lord this series took me so long to write but I am really happy with how it turned out. Thank you everyone for being so patient with me and constantly telling me how much you all liked this story. You guys constantly are so supportive and amazing and I love each and everyone of you. Please send me requests, notes and use say hi! Thank you all again and I hope you like this ending!
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cursivesugg · 7 years
Awful Liar || Joe Sugg
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Requests are currently [ OPEN ]
Masterlist can be found [ HERE ]
Word Count: 1.2k+
A/N: this has been in my ask box for a while, seeing as i wasn’t quite sure how to go about writing it. but after writing a little drabble, aka the first two hundred words, i decided to morph it into a request and it seemed like this one fitted perfectly. enjoy!!xo
"This isn't funny, Joe!"
"Babe, come on. You've gotta admit that it is."
"No!" You protest, shaking your head violently as you stare at the mess of your boyfriend's kitchen, your eyes wide as you run a hand through your hair and take a small step back.
Joe, along with the rest of the boys, who had all collapsed onto the sofa, laughed at your overreaction, which to you, was an under-reaction. The place looked like they'd managed to hold a children's party in the hour whilst she was at Waitrose, and given them free reign of the kitchen.
You so desperately wished that you could begin to scold Joe just like you would if you were alone, and had to bite your lip to hold the comments in as he walks past you, inconspicuously brushing his hands across your waist.
You glare at his back and give the mess one last glance before rolling your eyes and walking out of the room, pulling your shirt over your head as you walked, flipping the boys off when a series of cat whistles were sent your way.
You walk into the downstairs bathroom and manage to find one of Joe's clean shirts to replace the one that you'd taken off and thrown into the laundry basket. Shrugging the soft material over your head, you quickly check your face and hair in the mirror before adjusting your tight fitted gym shorts and walking back down the corridor and into the adjoined kitchen and living room.
You walk into the kitchen and lean against the counter, crossing your arms over your chest and eyeing Joe with an amused smirk as you watch him reluctantly disinfect the surfaces. "You don't have to do that, you know."
"But you don't like mess, and it's not fair if you have to clean up after me all the time. That's not your job." He mutters, putting the cloth down and looking at you with a cheeky grin. "And besides, the boys were starting to get on my nerves."
You glance over your shoulder curiously, before looking back at Joe and cocking your brows. "Why, love?"
"Think it's just because I didn't get much sleep last night."
At his suggestive tone, you roll your eyes and nudge him. "Oi."
Joe smirks, glancing over your shoulder to make sure that none of the boys were looking before quickly kissing your lips and proceeding to worm his way around you and walk into the living room with a glass of orange juice in his hands and a cheeky grin tugging at the corners of his lips.
You press your lips together to hide your smile as you chuckle, picking up your phone from the place you'd left it on the counter and walking into the living room, collapsing back into the empty space on the sofa beside Joe, bringing your legs up to your chest and looking up at the TV that the majority of the boys' eyes were glued to. "What're we watching?"
"Some game show that Josh and Caspar used to watch back in SA," Oli says, taking a sip out of his beer bottle and looking over at her with his eyebrows raised a fraction. "Wait, are you wearing any form of trousers right now? Because all I see is skin."
This caught the rest of the boys' attention, and they all turned their heads to look at you in curiosity. You roll your eyes and shuffle up slightly, gripping onto the bottom of your cotton shorts and pulling them down as proof. Oli raises his hands in defense at your smug smile, and a few of the guys laugh before looking back at the TV. Joe leans in close to your ear, whispering so that none of the other boys could hear. "You know, it wouldn't be the first time you walked around this apartment with no trousers on."
You push him away, giggling quietly and rolling your eyes when he wrapped his arm around your shoulders and tugged you even closer toward him. Looking up at him through your lashes, you shoot him a pointed look. He simply smirks down at you and uses his free hand to scrunch up your face, laughing when you attempted to shake him off.
The gameshow turned out to be relatively entertaining, though the way Josh and Caspar got so into it that they'd glare at anyone who dared speak above a certain volume made the whole thing a whole lot more interesting. You got up a few times, either to use the bathroom or get drinks from the kitchen, but your spot under Joe's arm remained the same throughout the night, though every time you returned after doing something, you inched even closer than you had been before.
Your eyes began to burn after a good few hours, and you dug your hand into Joe's pocket to pull out his phone in order to check the time, seeing as you'd left yours charging in the kitchen just a little while earlier. You blink and allow your eyes a moment to adjust to the brightness of the screen before reading the time, your jaw slacking slightly in shock. The last time you'd checked, it'd only been around ten pm, and somehow, now, it was gone one am. You look up at the show playing on the TV, wondering what the hell kinda game show lasted for more than three hours before mumbling incoherently and looking up at Joe with sleepy eyes.
He looks down at you instinctively, and you blink up at him silently as he brushes his thumb over your cheek. "You tired, love?"
You nod your head and part your lips to reply, but Josh's booming voice interrupted before you could. "Okay, enough if enough. What the hell is going on between you two?"
You look over at them all, a startled look on your face when you realise that the TV had been paused and all the attention was on you and Joe. There was a moment of silence, before Joe cleared his throat and rubbed his forehead awkwardly. "Depends on how you characterise us as human beings."
Caspar snorts, rolling his eyes and chucking a piece of popcorn at the two of you. "Yeah, sure, whatever. But we all know that whenever Joe doesn't want us to know something, he tries to distract us with some kind of incorrect philosophical bullshit."
You bite your lip and shrug. "Well, would you guys be opposed to us dating, or..?"
"I have to agree with Casp here; Joe's a bloody awful liar. And, to be honest (Y/N), it'd be a long time coming, and we all think so." Jack snorts, and everyone else in the room, excluding Joe and yourself, nods in agreement.
Joe shrugs, looking down at you and kissing you softly. "Go to bed love, I'll be in soon."
As everyone in the rooms' eyes widen, you hum and kiss him once more before standing up, clutching Joe's phone in your hand, fully intending to use it to keep yourself occupied before he joined you upstairs and lectured you on how much better it is for your health to not sleep with a phone in your bedroom. You smile at the boys sleepily. "Night."
You received a quiet chorus of 'goodnights' as you begin to walk out of the room and up the stairs toward Joe's bedroom, leaving all of the boys to turn to stare at Joe with wide eyes. He shrugs and glances over his shoulder at you, watching as you turn the corner at the top of the stairs into his bedroom and smiling to himself. "Yeah, I'm not quite sure either.."
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imagineabuttercream · 2 years
Joe's Internet Friend (Sugg x Reader)
"Hello, love.", Joe messaged you after a long night of editing.
"You're up late." you replied, grabbing your phone and snuggling into your blanket. He was in London and you were in the states leaving an 8 hour time difference between the two of you.
"Just finished editing a 'More Likely To' video with the lads and I don't really want to post it anymore." Joe messaged back, snuggling into his own bed.
"Why not?" you asked. Late night texts had become a thing between the two of you. You had met Joe online years ago when he was just starting on you-tube and you'd become great friends.
"It just reminded me of how many things I'm not doing right. I'm the least likely to get married. The most likely to get drunk and lost. The most likely to stay single." Joe text you, adding "fml."
"Oh, love. You're not 40. You have all the time in the world to settle down." You replied. "You're a brilliant, sweet, caring, talented, committed, creative soul that will find those things in your own time."
"You always make me feel better." he text back, slowly falling asleep.
"Anytime, sweetheart." you replied. When you didn't get a response you assumed he had finally fallen asleep. "Sweet dreams, sleepy boy."
When Joe woke up the next day, he read back over your messages and decided to post the video.
The two of you had never met in person, but you'd become an almost daily fixture in each others lives. At times, you thought the slight anonymity is what made your friendship work so well. You weren't roommates or siblings or co-workers. You were there to talk to each other when you didn't want to or couldn't go to those in your actual lives. Up until this year you hadn't even exchanged phone numbers, sticking to instant messenger. You did enjoy getting the drunk voicemail messages from Joe, though. You two had even talked on the phone during long train rides or nights you were there to answer his drunk calls.
A few days later, you got off of work to find multiple texts and voicemail messages on your phone from Joe.
Joe - "Sometimes I wish you were here."
Joe - "I hate fucking time differences."
Joe - "I'm posting the video I told you about."
Joe - "Jack is yelling at me for being on my phone the whole night."
Joe - *Video of the boys taking shots*
Joe - "I'm so drunk."
Joe - "What do you call a fake noodle?"
You always felt bad when Joe would send the "I wish you were here" texts, but at the same time you felt the same way. The general drunk texting always made you laugh, though.
Voicemail 1 - "Yyyyy/nnnnnnnn. Call me when you get off work."
Voicemail 2 - "Stop yelling in my ear! I'm talking to my friend!" Joe seemed to be scolding someone around him. "Y/n, you've got to visit London. You'd get a kick out of hanging with the boys." The rest of the message was muffled by drunk cheers from people in the night club.
Voicemail 3 - "Y/n, Jack doesn't think you exist." Joe said, but you heard his hand muffle the phone right after. "Sorry, love. I'm not interested. You seem lovely, but I'm talking to my girlfriend." You had to listen a few times to make out the whole thing, but that's definitely what he said. "Love, I want to buy you a plane ticket." he said, clearly to you, before yelling to Jack to order an Uber.
You text Joe to see if he was still awake.
You - "I see that drunk Sugg made a showstopping appearance in my texts and messages tonight, lol. Make it home safe?"
Joe - "Y/n!"
You - "You're alive! Were you by chance eating Laffy Taffy?"
Joe - "How'd you know??"
You - "The pasta joke, lol. It's my favorite candy."
Joe - "No one laughed at my joke."
Joe - "What's your favorite flavor?"
You - "Aww, I laughed! Banana."
Joe - "Ew!"
Joe - "You would like the rankest one haha.
You - "It makes sense. I like you plenty."
Joe - "Oohhh you've got jokes!"
Joe - "You always laugh at my jokes."
Joe - "I want to buy you a plane ticket to come visit me."
You - "Of course I laugh at your jokes."
You - "And why weren't you interested in your admirer tonight?"
Joe - "How'd you know about that?"
Imagining the confused look on Joe's face made you laugh.
You - "Joe, you left me voicemail messages, haha. You used me as an excuse to blow her off!"
Joe - "Oh shit. I remember that! I didn't think you could hear me!"
You - "I don't think you're as sneaky as you think you are when you're drunk, love."
Instead of texting you back, Joe called you. "Can't handle typing?" you laughed into the phone.
"Just rather hear your voice is all. She was pretty but not my type." he replied, slurring every other word.
"I don't even know what your type is." you replied, still giggling a bit.
"I don't either. I just know when I see 'em. Or hear 'em." he replied. You could hear a few people in the background.
"Is that so?" you asked. "You guys still partying?"
"Nah. We're at the Maynard flat. I'm crashing with Conor." Joe replied, but you heard Conor talking in the background. *Is that who you've been texting all night?* "He's still giving me shit for being on my phone."
"Probably because you blew off a beautiful girl to drunk text your friend." you laughed.
"Maybe. I don't care. I'd rather talk to you anyways." he replied, sounding sleepier.
You thought about the voicemail and what he had just said. While it was amazing that you and Joe had grown so close, you felt bad. Were you the reason he wasn't dating?
"Well I'm flattered. Why don't you get some sleep, love." you replied.
"I don't want to." Joe drunkenly whined.
"Well you don't always get what you want." you laughed. "Come on. I need to go make dinner and you need sleep."
"Fine." Joe huffed. "Talk to you tomorrow?"
"Of course, love." you replied. "Sweet dreams."
"Night, love." Joe replied.
Sitting down to eat your dinner, you couldn't get your earlier thoughts out of your head. If you were really the reason Joe wasn't dating, you'd feel so guilty. On the one hand, if you and Joe lived in the same place...You would want to date him. On the other hand, he lives half way around the world and while you knew what he looked like from his videos, he had only ever seen a few pictures of you. "Maybe I'm just overthinking this." you said outloud.
"You never said anything about visiting! I want to buy you a plane ticket." Joe text you a while after your phone call ended.
You - "We'll have a sober conversation about it later, lol. Go to sleep, Sugg. <3"
Thankfully you had the next day off, so when you woke up to texts from Joe you could actually take the time to respond.
Joe - "Why do you put up with me, lol?"
Joe - "I drunkenly harassed you all night."
You - "Oh, hush. I love me some drunk Sugg. You always make me laugh. :)"
Joe - "If you say so, haha."
You - "How are you feeling?"
Joe - "Like proper shit. We drank so much last night. I need someone to make me breakfast."
You - "You think you'd learn, lol. I'm getting ready to cook breakfast, but I doubt it'd still be hot if I mailed you some."
Joe - "Don't tease me with food! You'll have to cook when you're here."
You - "You're not letting that go, huh?"
Joe - "I really want you to visit. You're one of my best friends as weird as that sounds."
You - "Joe, I have a question and I don't want you to get mad. Okay?"
Joe - "Of course, love. Shoot."
You - "If I'm totally wrong, feel free to tell me. Am I one of the reasons you don't really date?"
You held your breath after sending the text. When you didn't get a response right away, you went to the kitchen to cook your breakfast.
Joe - "I'd be lying if I said no, but I don't think I ever realized it until you just said it."
You - "Joe, just the other day you were upset that you didn't have a girlfriend. I feel horrible that I had any part in you being upset."
Joe - "No, no. You shouldn't feel bad at all. When I need someone to talk to, you're there. When I feel like shit about myself, you're there. When I feel alone, you're there. When I need a kick in the ass, you're there. Those are all things that a girlfriend would do. I guess I just never thought about it before."
You - "Love, maybe you should try finding those things in someone you want to love."
You - "I care about you so much, but I would hate it if you ended up regretting letting me get in the way of you finding happiness."
Joe - "I could never regret letting you into my life."
Joe - "I'm buying you a plane ticket. It's final. I really want you to visit and I think it would be good for both of us."
You - "I'll think on it, love. I can use my vacation time whenever I want, I just want to make sure this is for the best. <3"
Joe - "Well I'm buying it regardless. You can decide if you want to come."
You - "Stubborn."
Joe - "It's why you love me."
Joe - "This Friday at 8 pm your time."
Joe - "I'm going to wake Conor up so we can get food."
Joe - "Please come."
"That stubborn, stubborn boy." you said, looking at your phone. You quickly received an email confirmation of your tickets. 1 week, starting Friday. That meant you left in 2 days. If you were going. You wasted most of the day worrying about everything that could go wrong. What if once you met you didn't get along? At the end of the day you had emailed your work telling them you were taking vacation time, packed your suitcase, and cleaned your apartment.
You had talked to Joe a few times over the next two days, but mostly you were making sure you didn't leave any loose ends before leaving for your trip.
"You're absolutely sure about this?" You text him, waiting for your uber to show up.
Joe - "100%"
Joe - "Stop worrying, love. This has been a long time coming."
You - "Go to sleep so you can pick me up in half a day, lol."
Joe - "Make sure you sleep on the plane. If you don't, jet lag will hit you like a brick wall. Believe me, I've done it."
You - "I have sleeping meds at the ready. :)"
Joe - "Good girl. See you tomorrow, love."
Joe - "I really cant wait."
You - "Same. See you tomorrow. Sweet dreams, Sugg."
Joe put his phone down and stared at the TV. "What's up, buddy?" Jack asked, sitting next to him. "You look a bit pale."
"Just a bit anxious, is all." Joe replied.
"What on earth has Joe Sugg anxious?" Jack teased him. Joe looked over at Jack but didn't answer. "Is it serious? What's going on?"
"Kind of. You know the girl that I'm always talking to when we're out?" Joe asked, running his fingers through his hair.
"Yeah. She's the girl you met through you-tube ages ago, right?" Jack replied.
"Going on 5 years." he said, looking down. "That's crazy. I've known her longer than I've known some of my best friends."
"So what are you anxious about?" Jack urged him to continue.
"I've always wanted her to visit and the other night she asked me if she was the reason I never date." Joe continued.
"That's a bit forward." Jack snarked.
"Nah, she's right. I just never realized it. So I told her and I think it freaked her out a bit. She told me that she didn't want to hold me back from finding happiness, but I've always wondered if she was it, you know? So I bought her a plane ticket and she'll be here tomorrow." Joe rambled quickly.
Jack smiled over at Joe not saying anything until he looked back at him. "You've got a mighty set on you, don't you?"
Joe laughed. "If that was true I would have bought her a ticket ages ago."
"So what's the plan?" Jack inquired.
"She's going to stay in mine for a week. I guess we'll see how things progress once we actually meet."
"Wait, you've never actually met in person?" Jack asked, a bit surprised.
"Nope. She's seen me in videos, obviously. We're friends on Facebook so I see pictures of her, but we've never actually met." Joe answered.
"Joe, what if she's really a 40 year old man?!" Jack gave him a weird look.
Joe busted up laughing. "She's not. We talk on the phone and I follow her on all of her social media. Snapchat filters can do a lot, but they can't turn a 40 year old man into a 25 year old woman." He continued to chuckle.
"Well, we'll all want to meet her." Jack said.
"That's up to her." Joe replied, standing up. "I'm gonna head to mine. Clean up the house and go to bed so I don't miss my alarm to pick her up."
"Need help cleaning? I'm still not on London time." Jack asked.
"If you want. Crash at mine, yah?" Joe replied.
"Let me grab a bag."
Jack and Joe cleaned the house for about an hour before crawling into the spare bed to fall asleep watching a movie.
After boarding the plane, you almost immediately took medicine and fell asleep. You woke up to eat and use the restroom once and then fell right back asleep. Feeling someone lightly shaking your shoulder, you realized a flight attendant was trying to wake you up. "Miss, we're getting ready to land."
"Thank you." you replied, sorting yourself out. You pulled a make-up wipe out to freshen your face up and you downed a water bottle.
"Joe!" Jack yelled, shooting out of bed. "I don't think your alarm went off!"
"What?!" Joe shot up. "Mate, we were supposed to leave 20 minutes ago." Joe grabbed his phone and pulled his clothes from the previous day back on.
"I'll order the Uber." Jack said, pulling his converse on. "He'll be here in 3."
Joe - "Running a tad late, we'll be there soon."
You - "I just landed. We aren't even at the gate yet. Take your time, nerd. Be safe, please."
Joe - "Of course, love."
Joe - "I'm so happy I'll get to actually hug you soon."
Joe - "That sounds weird, but I'm so glad you decided to come."
You - "It doesn't sound weird at all. <3"
Walking through the gate, you found a restroom to use before waiting for your bag. "You can do this." you said, looking in the mirror after washing your hands. Seeing the dark circles under your eyes and your hair in a messy bun, you started to get nervous. You pulled your make-up out and went to apply concealer before stopping yourself. If he expected you to look like a Disney princess after an 11 hour flight, then you didn't really care about what he thought.
You - "Waiting for my bag."
Joe - "Just parked. We'll see you soon."
You - "We'll?"
Joe - "Sorry, I forgot. Jack is with me. I hope that's okay."
You - "Of course. Just to warn you both, I'm a hot mess, lol.
Joe - "Impossible."
You - "You say that now. Look for the girl in Joggers and batman shirt."
Standing in front of the luggage carousel, you felt something small hit you in the back. looking around, you didn't see anything. When it happened again, you saw a mini banana Laffy Taffy sitting next to you on the floor. Your face immediately lit up and you turned to find the person who threw it.
"Really Sugg? You make me fly half a day and now you're assaulting me?" you laughed, seeing him walking up to you with Jack.
"You know I do it with love." he laughed, throwing his arms around you. He buried his face in your hair and held you tight to his chest. "I never thought I'd get to do this." he said, continuing to hold you in his arms.
"Ahem." Jack cleared his throat.
"Hi Jack." you said, peeking around Joe's shoulder.
"Nope. I'm not ready to let go." Joe said, refusing to let you leave the hug.
"Rude." jack teased.
Joe finally loosened his arms and just stared at you. You couldn't help but blush. "Stop being weird." you laughed, covering your cheeks, making him laugh too.
"I can't help it." Joe replied. "Feels a bit like Christmas."
"As you can see, Joe is just as cheesy in real life as he is in his videos." Jack interjected, reaching his hand out to shake yours.
"Oh, I already knew that." you laughed. "Nice to meet you, Jack."
"You too." Jack replied. You had been standing there so long that your suitcase was the only one left on the belt. "Is that your bag?" he asked, grabbing it when you nodded yes.
"You alright, Sugg?" you asked, pushing his hair out of his eyes.
Joe just stared at you for a moment. He stared at your eyes and then your lips. He stayed silent, but his mind was racing. He realized that he never wanted you to leave London. His feelings became very clear to him. "I'm great, love." he said kissing your forehead.
"You two could stand there with gooey eyes all day or we could go get breakfast. Who votes for breakfast?" Jack said, raising his hand.
"Alright, alright, ya big baby. Lets go get food." Joe laughed.
"Can I get changed before we go anywhere public?" you asked.
"You know what. Lets go back to Joe's and I'll go around the corner to get us food." Jack suggested.
"Sounds good to me." Joe said, looking to you.
"Works for me." you smiled at them both.
When you got to Joe's house, he showed you around and walked you to the room you'd be staying in. You kind of unpacked your bag and laid out the clothes you were going to wear for the day. Joe showed you the spare bathroom and told you where the shampoo and soaps were. "Call if you need anything." he said, placing another kiss on your forehead.
After letting the hot water of the shower wash away the airplane grime and muscle aches from sleeping sitting up, you went to get out but realized you hadn't grabbed a towel. "Joe!" you called into the hallway, trying to stay hidden behind the door.
"You alright?" Joe jogged down the hall.
"I'm fine." you laughed. "I just forgot a towel."
"One second." he said, walking to a cabinet and grabbing one. "Here, love." he said, handing you the towel.
"Thank you." you blushed, feeling a little exposed. "I'll be out in a minute."
"Take your time." Joe smiled and left you to get ready.
When you walked back to the living room, you stopped at the end of the hall, hearing Joe and Jack talk about you.
"Is she what you expected?" Jack asked Joe, amidst the noises of take-away containers opening.
"I don't know what I expected, but I know that she's way more than I could have imagined. I can now add beautiful and genuine to the list of things I know about her. The fact that she wore a batman shirt tells me she is absolutely who she says she is." Joe laughed.
"I expected her to be like, dressed up and girly." Jack laughed.
"I didn't at all." Joe replied, still chuckling. "I know her pretty well after 5 years."
"Are you glad you finally got her here?" Jack asked, mouth full of food and already knowing the answer from the look on Joe's face.
"No doubt. I'm pretty sure I love her." Joe answered.
"I can tell. Are you going to tell her?" Jack replied.
"MMmm, breakfast smells delicious." you said, entering the room.
"I got you coffee too." Jack said, handing you a cup.
"Thank you!" you replied. "Do we have any plans for today?" You asked, sitting next to Joe and taking the food container he handed you.
"That's up to you." Joe replied. He looked you up and down taking in your appearance. "You look beautiful, by the way."
"Aww, thank you, Sugg." You answered, blushing a bit. "Why is it up to me?"
"Well, the boys will all want to meet you." Jack said.
"Only if you want." Joe quickly added.
"I'm down for whatever you want to do." You replied, taking a bite of your food. "This is delicious, thank you."
"Well, then. I vote we go to ours." Jack said, finishing his food. "I am going to shower and change since this is what I wore last night."
"I need to as well. We rushed out of here so quickly, we just threw on our days old clothes." Joe laughed.
"Well, you both get ready and I'm going to finish my breakfast." You suggested, laying down after they had both left the room. You woke up to Joe sitting next to you running his fingers through your hair. "That feels good." You said, sitting up. "How long have I been out?"
"Not long, love. Jack's almost ready to go" Joe replied. "You can lay back down if you want."
"I'll fall back asleep." You laughed, stretching.
"It's Jack. You have some time to nap." Joe laughed, patting his thigh.
"Fine." you gave in, laying your head on his leg and letting your eyes close. You fell asleep quickly, feeling Joe resume his playing with your hair.
You woke back up to Joe loud whispering "Shut up! Don't wake her up."
"I'm up." you yawned. "Ready to go?" you asked, sorting your hair back out.
"We've been ready for a while." Jack laughed at you.
"Then why didn't you wake me up?" you asked, rubbing your eyes.
"You just looked too comfortable." Joe smiled at you. "You're quite cute when you're sleeping."
"Nerds, you should have woken me up." you scolded them. "Lets go." you stood up, going back to the spare room to grab your bag.
Joe followed you to make sure you were okay. "We really don't have to leave the house today if you don't want to." He said, sitting down on the spare bed.
"I want to." you walked up to him to stand between his legs and placed a kiss on his forehead. "I just needed to grab my purse."
Joe's smile went ear to ear and his eyes dropped to your lips. "I know I keep saying it, but I'm really glad you're finally here."
"Me too. Really." you smiled down at him. "Lets go. I want to meet your friends." you grabbed Joe's hand and pulled him out of the bedroom.
When you arrived at the Pieters/Maynard flat, everyone else had already arrived. Joe and Jack were greeted as usual, and Joe introduced you to the boys. "Finally we get to meet the mystery girl." Conor pulled you into a hug. Your afternoon/evening was pretty chill. You guys played games, drank, ate, watched a few movies, and talked. When it was getting pretty late, you decided to grab some water and hang out on the balcony.
"What are you doing out here, love?" Joe joined you.
"Sobering up a bit." you laughed, finishing your glass of water.
"The boys getting too rowdy for you?" Joe asked, coming to stand by you, leaning against the balcony wall.
"Not at all." you replied, pulling your sleeves over your hands. "Everyone has been very sweet, actually."
"I'm glad." Joe slurred a bit. "Are you cold?"
"Just a bit, but I'm fine. I love this weather." you answered, looking out over the city. Joe shifted to stand behind you and wrap his arms around your middle. "I'll add touchy feely to the 'drunk Sugg' attribute list." you laughed.
"Sorry." he said, starting to pull his arms back.
"Hey, come back." you fake whined. "I didn't say I didn't like it." you put your hands over his and laced your fingers together.
Joe rested his chin on your shoulder and held you tight against his body. "I think I'm just afraid I'm going to do something stupid to ruin this."
"You won't ruin it." you reassured him.
"I'm really afraid I might." Joe replied, turning you to face him. "I've wanted to do this since I saw you standing there at the airport." Joe said, capturing your lips in a brief kiss.
Going up on your tip toes to continue the kiss, you trailed your fingers up either side of Joe's neck. Joe's hands made their way down your sides to rest on your hips, his body pinning you to the balcony wall. When you finally broke apart you were both out of breath. "I told you you wouldn't ruin it." you said, snuggling your face under his chin.
Kissing the top of your head, Joe said "Lets go home, love."
After saying bye to the boys and making your way back to Joe's, you went to the spare room to get changed into your sleep clothes. You brushed your teeth and washed your face and plugged your phone into the charger. When Joe didn't come find you, you wandered the house looking for him. Knocking on his door, it opened to reveal Joe in his towel on the other side. "Come in, love. I'll get changed in the bathroom."
You climbed onto Joe's bed and waited for him to return. When he walked into the room with wet hair wearing just his sleep pants, you couldn't help but smile at the sleepy, tipsy boy. "Feel better?" you asked.
"Indeed. And seeing you laying there in my bed makes me really happy." He said, crawling to join you on the bed. "Stay with me?" he asked.
"That's the plan." you replied, shifting to scoot under the covers.
Joe joined you under the covers and opened his arms, telling you to snuggle up against him. "I know I keep saying this, but I can't believe you're actually here." one hand tangled it's fingers with yours and the other rested on the small of your back under your shirt. "Am I what you expected?" Joe asked.
"I feel like I already knew your mannerisms and such from your videos, but actually being able to hug you and look at you when I'm talking to you? It's so much sweeter than I could have guessed." you replied, hiding your face in Joe's chest.
"You're so much better with words than I am. You said that perfectly." Joe leant down to kiss your hair. "I had only seen pictures of you, but your personality comes across exactly the same in person. It's just harder to keep my hands to myself when you're flesh and blood standing in front of me." Joe's hand crept up your back a bit.
"We'll have to have a sober conversation about that later." you laughed. Joe slowly removed his hand from underneath your shirt and placed it back on your clothed back. "Joe." you said, lifting your head and scooting up to face him. "I wasn't scolding you, silly boy." you dipped down to softly kiss his lips.
"I just get told a lot that I'm too much. Too touchy or too loud." Joe replied between kisses.
"I've never thought that." you said, kissing up his jaw and down his neck. "I just meant that we'll have to talk about what this really is and what we both want it to be, but I don't want to have that conversation right now." you said, sitting up to straddle Joe's middle.
"We don't have to talk about it right now, but I already know what I want." Joe said, sitting up and running his hands up your sides under your shirt.
The next morning you woke up laying across Joe's chest. You could feel his fingers tracing shapes up and down the naked skin of your back. You laid there for quite a while, thinking on how this was going to work. You didn't regret sleeping with him and you'd be willing to do whatever it took to be with him if it's what he wanted.
"Mornin', love." Joe said, smiling down at you.
You adjusted how you were laying to hold yourself up on your elbows. "Good morning." you said, ducking down to kiss him.
"Am I allowed to say it now?" Joe ran his hands up and down your sides.
"Say what?" you asked.
"You said we needed to have a sober conversation. Well, I'm sober and I know what I want." Joe replied, leaning up to kiss you again.
Even though everything had gone perfectly so far, you were nervous to talk about this. "I guess I'm ready." you said, your brow showing the worry you felt.
"Hey, don't stress." Joe said, pushing your hair out of your face. He cleared his throat and put his hands on either side of your face, just staring up at you for a second. "You told me that I should try to find the person that's going to make me happy. Well, I did. I've got her right here." He paused, leaning up to kiss you. "And I don't know if that means that one of us has to move right away or if we make a habit of visiting each other as often as we can, but I want to make this work. I need to."
You were left a bit speechless, just staring down at Joe's crooked smile. You let your weight rest on Joe's chest again, meeting your lips in a slow kiss.
"Can I take that as a good sign?" Joe laughed, breaking the kiss.
Nodding, you replied. "I'm in. Whatever it takes, I'm in."
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joesuggswaifu · 7 years
Good Luck, Good Luck ~ Simon Minter Imagine
"So, how do you feel?" You asked This was the first time you have ever attended a Sidemen FC vs. YouTube Allstars charity match. Obviously, Simon had done it before but you had never been in the crowd for any of them. You had always been in meetings or out of town but this year was finally, different. "Uh you know, same. Quite excited though. But definitely more pressured that I have someone to empress in the crowd" He smiled sitting beside you in your place at the end of his bed. "Really?! Who is it?!" You said facing him instantly. "You obviously!" He said laughing "Oh yeah." You said sighing. Though you were happy, you had a pit sitting in your stomach. Deep down, you knew something wasn't okay. For about a week or so your foot had apeared brusied. At first you thought you must have knocked it on something, until it enlarged to the entire heel of your foot. This was the point when you knew you had to go to the doctors. Which was scheduled for later to night, approximately 6:30 and it was 5:45 right now. The thing was, is that you just felt that something was wrong and that's why you didn't want to go. But you knew you had to. "We'll I better get going" You said standing up. "I- I thought you were going to stay the night again?" He said confused but with a slight smirk tattooed onto his face. "Aw you know, gotta feed the cats and get some sleep. You do too! So uh, I'll leave you to that." "Y/n, are you okay? You're acting, off." "Off? Simon, I'm- I'm okay. I'll call you later okay?" You said walking up to Simon giving him a peck on the cheek. "Okay, but I'm on to you y/n l/n." He said giggling, you simply smiled and walked out of the room. Little did he know that you were on you're way to the doctors, right from his house. Yes, you lied but you didn't want to worry him. You pulled up to the parking lot and parked. The moment you started walking up the doctors steps your heart dropped. Something was totally wrong. "Miss y/n l/n?" "Yes, right here" You smiled through the anxiety. "So y/n, we found that you have a type of bacterial infection in your foot. There are three ways to take on this issue. One, anibiotics, which doesn't always help in some cases. Two, intense surgery, it requires treatment, long term bed rest and a month or two of no walking at all. Or three, amputation, Miss l/n we do not want it to get to this but if we find that it has reached the bone, we will have to operate. So we will schedule a scan and call you for the date. Till then I want you to limit all mobility. As much as you can of course, but we don't want to disturb it any more than it already is." "Wow" You breathed "That's uh, not what I was expecting, I guess" "I know it's a lot but, there's a cure. Ways to reduce this, so don't worry too much about it until we tell you too, okay?" He laughed and put his hand on your shoulder. "I'll try" You smiled You were now at your house, sitting on the couch. You were afraid to get up, if you did you could lose your foot! This was all too much. In the midst of your thoughts you received a call. Simon You thought But it wasn't, it was the doctor. "Your scan is scheduled for May 21" "Oh great thank you so much" You smiled and hung up. May 21, May 21. You thought. What am I missing? You thought. Shit. Game day. You realized. How can of all the days, your life altering 'scan' takes place. How do you tell Simon. Obviously you can't lie again, you have to tell him what's really going on. But not tonight. Too early. Even though it's Thursday. He can't worry about this. -- "Y/n? Y/n!" Simon cooed "Wake up sleepy!!" He laughed hovering you. Game day. It came so fast! You don't even remeber Friday. Probably because you were thinking about your scan the whole time. "Oh yeah, wow." You laughed sitting up. Noticing that Simon was already dressed. "I have a suprize for you!" Simon exclaimed. "A suprize? This isn't my game silly." You shook your head hiding your pain. "I know but, for all the support you've given me." He smiles handing you a thin rectangular shaped box. Opening up slowly it reveals a football shirt for SDMN FC, and the back reads 'Simons #1'. "Simon! This- Oh my gosh!" You smiled holding it to your chest. "You like it?" He said giggling. "I love it Simon, thank you!" You chuckled hugging Simon. Then remembering everything. "Simon, I'm sorry there's something I have to tell you." You say sighing. "What?" "I cant go to your game today." You put your head in your hands. "Wha- y/n! We talked about this! You said you would make sure you could!" "Simon! It's not my fault!" "How can it not be your fault." He said standing up. "It's your meeting." "Its not a meeting Simon." You said eyes glazing. "Then what is it? A date? Another football game?" "I have osteomyelitis." "What?" His face softened slightly. "I have to get a scan today, to determine whether they have to operate or amputate my foot." You said as you started crying. "Y/n, I'm so sorry. I had no idea, you didn't tell me?" He said walking towards you. "Yeah, I know. I just- I just didn't want you to worry." You said wiping your eye. "We'll of course I'm going to worry!" You both laughed "So, today?" "Yeah" You said looking at the clock. "In an hour." "We'll you better get dressed then!" He said lifting up the shirt that he had just gave you. Smiling you pick up the shirt and say thank you. Simon left the room for you to change and went down stairs. You put on the shirt and it suddenly put you at a slight ease. "I have to go now." You said at the bottom of the stairs seeing Simon on the kitchen chairs. "Y/n," Simon began walking towards you. "Promise you will tell me anything from now on. Even if you think it will bother me or scare me. You have to tell me everything." "I promise." "I mean it." He says "I promise Simon. I have to go know." You say hugging him. "Okay, good luck" He said pecking you on the cheek. "Good luck" ------------------------- First imagine of the new book, done! Wow I haven't done this in a whole but I can tell you, it feels good to write again. The inspiration I got for this story actual came from my past, I had osteomyelitis when I was younger and to be honest, it effected my mental health a lot. I think this is where my anxiety comes from. It was a difficult time in my life let alone traumatic, to the point where I don't even remeber certain things because the nurses gave me amnesia to forget. This is very personal and I am proud to incorporate it into a story. School is almost done and that means free time to write lots of imagines! In my Joe Sugg and SDMN books feel free to write requests! Thanks for reading and sticking by me! grace xx
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iheartmyyoutubers · 7 years
IDFC- Joe Sugg Imagine
Word Count: 1,058
Request:  PLEASE WRITE AN IMAGINE BASED AROUND IDFC BY BLACKBEAR!!!!!!!!!! preferably with conor, jack or joe but if you think a different boy would fit better then that’s ok!
Author’s Note: I love blackbear and this song, so it was a fun one to write!
~~~ You remember taking shots with a couple of your friends. You lost count after three. The music was blaring and you were dancing the night away. Going on nights out was your favorite way to blow off steam.
You weren’t entirely sure how long you’d been out, but you knew you were drunk. Stumbling into the booth where you left your bag, trying to locate your cell phone. You moved your hand across the seat until you finally felt a hard, square object. You lifted it up, pressing the home button to make sure it was yours. Your lock screen was displayed on the screen. The time read 3:30 am.
“Shit.” you groaned, finishing your drink you left on the table. You knew you should probably head home. You were definitely in no condition to drive. You could take an uber, but you never liked riding in one this late all alone.
As you struggled to find to the door, you finally made it outside to make a phone call. You held your phone up to your face, not wanting to bother with dialing or accidentally drunk texting the wrong person. You knew exactly who you were going to call.
“Siri, call Suggy.” you managed to say clear enough for your phone to register.
The phone rang a few times before you heard a sleepy voice answer, “Helloo?”
“Suggy! Can you pretty please come pick me up? I’m drunk and I need you.” you said sweetly.
You heard let out a deep sigh into the phone, “Yeah, sure. Where are you (Y/N)?”
“I’m outside of DRAMA.”
“Ok, just let me throw on some clothes and I’ll be there in like 15 minutes.”
“Thank you babe. I’ll be waitinggg.”
Joe POV:
I sat outside of DRAMA in the car waiting for her. (Y/N) had called me to come take her home again. This has happened several times in the past few months. Almost every weekend, she calls me drunk and I come to her rescue every time.
I ask myself, Why?
Why do I let her do this?
When she sees me, she kisses me on the cheek, slurring her words, whispering in my ear. “Suggy I freaking love you.” I can smell the alcohol on her breath, but it doesn’t really phase me anymore.
I never know what’s the truth and what’s not. Does she really care for me? Or am I just the one who’s available at her beck and call?
I don’t care
This time was no different. She opened the door and basically fell into the seat. There was no denying she had had a few. She adjusted herself in the seat, placing her hand on my thigh.
Leaning her face towards mine, pressing a tequila filled kiss to my cheek, “There’s my Suggy! Thanks for rescuing me.” she smiled as she bit her lip. I just brush it off.
The whole car ride she talked about the guys she met and how much fun she had at the club. And also just chatted absolute nonsense, before passing out in the passenger seat.
I arrived at her flat and put the car in park. I looked over at her asleep with her heels in her lap. She was a mess. Her makeup was slightly smeared and her hair out of place. Yet she still managed to look beautiful.
I reached my hand over to her side, gently shaking her arm. “(Y/N)! Come on. We’re here. I’ll help you up.” I got out and opened the passenger side door. Holding my hand out to her as she stretched and gathered her things.
She batted my hand away. “Thanks for the ride Joe, but I go it. I don’t need a babysitter.” she snapped, then letting out a laugh.
I wanted to tell her off for being rude, but I just stayed quiet and let her pass by. She made her way up to her flat, heels and purse in hand. All without saying another word to me. Which isn’t unusual.
After I dropped off (Y/N), I went over to Jack’s to film.
I entered his living room to see him on the sofa, scrolling through his phone. “Hey bro! How’s it going? You look terrible.”
I laughed, running my hand through my hair, then rubbing my tired eyes. “Thanks man. Yeah I’m knackered. I just got back from taking (Y/N) home from DRAMA.”
Jack looked up from his phone with a smirk, “Again?”
He shook his head and laughed to himself, “I can’t believe you woke up and took her ass home again. Why do you keep doing this to yourself?”
I was about to answer, but Jack interrupted waving his finger at me. “I’ll tell you why, it’s because you still care about her! Even after she friendzoned you.”
“Nah mate.” you scoffed. “I’m just a good friend, who doesn’t want her going home alone when she’s drunk. What if something happens to her?”
“Joe you know that’s bullshit! She could’ve taken an uber or something. You still care and you know it.”
I continued to shake my head despite what was running through my mind. I’m a fool for you
“I don’t fucking care honestly.”
Jack stood up with a sigh, putting his hand on my shoulder, “Yeah keep telling yourself that.”
I was done with the conversation. “Can we drop this and go film please?”
He shrugged his shoulders, “Alright, alright! Let me go get the lights and the tripod.”
When Jack went into the other room, I sneakily slide my phone out of my pants pocket. Quickly, I typed a text and sent it to (Y/N).
Reader’s POV:
You had just gotten out from being sick in the bathroom, you were exhausted and hungover. Your head was pounding and all you wanted to do was sleep.
You climbed into bed throwing the duvet over your head. Avoiding letting any light in to disturb you. You were just about to doze off, when suddenly you heard your phone chime. You slipped your hand out from under the covers, blindly searching for your phone on the nightstand. Once you grasped it, you let your eyes adjust so you were able to read the screen.
It was a text from Joe that read: We need to talk.
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My Babies || Joe Sugg imagine
Extending my tired arms above my head. I stretch out my sleepy limbs. I lift my body into a sitting position, running my fingers through my H/C  hair. My E/C eyes trail around the room before finally resting on the body next to mine. A soft smile graces my lips.
I move my fingers over into his light hair, "Joe?" I whisper, my voice raspy.
The chestnut colored haired male lifts his head from the pillow. Blinking his weary blue eyes open. "Good morning," He croaks out, voice thick with sleep. I place my lips on his forehead softly and then stand up from the bed. My feet walk me through the hallway and into the cozy living room. My hands trail up and down my sides trying to create some warmth. My eyes sweep across the room. My ears perk up at hushed voices. My smile grows as two sets of feet come running into the room I'm stood in. I crouch down opening my arms ready for my children to come running into me.
"Mummy!" Quintin's little voice shrieks in excitement. His twin Hayden, squeals when I poke his side softly. The little body's push themselves against mine as hard as they possibly can.  I laugh with them. The boys both have the same messy H/C hair that adorns my head but have Joe's electric blue eyes.
After a few minutes of us talking and laughing the boys run off and go to play. I stand up and walk into the kitchen. My bare feet walk me across the room and over to the stove and begin cooking some breakfast for my family.
Joe comes into the kitchen a while later, flicking on the Television. The news appears on the screen, "We're turning into actual adults now," Joe jokes. I laugh nodding my head, pouring us each a coffee before sitting down next to him on the island bench. The TV lights up with a 'Breaking News' story.
"An epidemic has broken out," My brows join together, "Young children around the globe have been dying from a mysterious disease that is burning their skin."
A strangled cry comes from somewhere within my house. My eyes widen and my head snaps to meet the panicked blue eyes of my husband.
"Joe," I draw out as he stands up and half-runs into another room eyes wide searching for our children.
"Quinn, Hayden!" He calls out. My eyes widen as they chase after the brown haired male. I stand up from the bar stool and make my way through my house, following the movements Joe had made only moments prior.
"Daddy?" Hayden's shake voice calls. Joe's and My eyes meet. Tears spring to my eyes at the weakness of his voice.
"Hayden?" I call out softly, watching him walk out of his and Quinn's shared room holding his hands out silent tears falling down his cheeks.
"Whats wrong buddy?" Joe asks, bending down so that he's in Hayden's eye line.
My mind goes into overdrive. Where's Quintin? My feet move me towards the bedroom. Quinn's cries curse my ears. My eyes look down towards the screams. Quintin's messy H/C hair is all over his now red face as he screams and cries. I gather him into my arms, making my way out of the bedroom and into the hallway, Joe has Hayden in his arms. Limp, Hayden was limp.
"Call an ambulance!" I shout voice frantic.
The rest of the day happens in a blur. Tests are run on my boys, but nothing comes back.
"Mister and Missus Sugg?" One of the many doctors we had seen today comes over to where we're standing slowly, a sorrowful expression on his face.
"Nothing has worked has it?" I ask softly hand locked tightly in Joe's. The doctor shakes his head softly, "I'm sorry for your losses."
My eyes widen but no tears fall. My mind and body go numb. My babies have passed.
"No!" I shout my body falling towards the ground, before being caught by my husband.
"What was it?" Joe asks softly. His arms supporting me.
"We're not sure," The doctor says cautiously. I nod my head slowly. My weight seeming too much for me to hold I allow Joe to hold all of my weight.  
I scoff, "So none of you know what has killed my babies?"
"No we don't," He says wincing slightly at the awful answer. My eyes well with tears and I pick up my body and begin to walk outside and away from the place that had killed my children. Silent tears fall once I'm out in the air.
My gaze travels to the sky, my tears subside and my breathing regulates. My eyes harden. I must find out what has killed my children.  
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ewritesthangs · 7 years
Please don’t leave
Authors Note:: Tried to Fluff it up. Hope you like it!
Anonymous said:
Hi! Could you please write a Joe sugg imagine where he thinks hes not good enough and he thinks I will leave him for one o the buttercream squad guys?
Joe’s POV
The dream:
I was hanging out with the boys. Jack and Y/N went out to get some food. They have been gone for quite some time. I decide to leave the room and call Y/N. I walk outside and then I hear something. It’s Y/N and Jack.
“I love you Y/N. I feel like you feel the same way.”
“Jack, I can’t. I am with Joe. I love you too. I don’t want to hurt Joe.” She says. My worst fear. Jack is better. Younger, hotter. Then it turns dark. Y/N is in front of me.
“Joe, I don’t want to be with you anymore. Jack has my heart, not you. You are a great guy but Jack is better for me.” I am crying.
“But I love you! I will always love you!” I scream, but nothing comes out. She just laughs and kisses Jack.
I jolted awake, sweating my balls off. I look at my phone to see what time it was. 05:37. Fucking great. I sigh loudly and plop back against my pillows. I wish Y/N was here, she always stops the nightmares. She always reassures me that she loves me, she is here. I debate calling her. My finger hovering over her name in my phone. I end up calling her. It rings a few times, and just when I think she isn’t going to answer.
“Joe?” She says in groggily whisper. She has the most beautiful voice. Always.
“Hey baby.” I reply in an embarrassed whisper.
“Are you okay? What time is it?” Her sleepy tone begins to wake up.
“I am so sorry my love. I had a nightmare and I just wanted to hear your voice.” I was rambling but then she shushed me.
“Joseph, I am right here. Talk to me. What happened in this one?” She asks, in a calm nurturing voice.
“You left me. For Jack.” I say sadly, in a low voice.
“Oh Joe baby. I will never leave you for Jack. You know that. I love you and only you.” She says in a soft voice.
“I know but I still think I am not enough for you. You can have anyone in the world and yet you choose me.” My insecurities start coming out again.
“You’re right. I can have anyone I want. And the one I want is you. We have been together for 2 years. I am in love with you, I will always be in love with you. I said yes to marrying you. I know you still have your doubts. But you have nothing to worry about. I am your fiancé. We are getting married. You are my everything. No other man can take that.” She knew just what to do to make me feel better. I smile as wide as I can.
“I love you Y/N Y/M/N Sugg. I cannot wait to marry you. I am sorry for waking you. But thank you for helping me.”
“I said I would always be there for you. I keep my promises baby. I love you too, Joseph Graham Sugg.”
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