#tiramisu save me
chocochat · 1 month
craving.. tiramisu....
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musubiki · 1 year
i might have mentioned this sometime before but ive been thinking about it again: the reason why lime doesnt ask mochi out and vice versa for a while
Some time after mochi becomes a witch and lime has been in her guild, also after he becomes PAINFULLY aware of how he feels about her, theres a moment where he has a conversation with her (casual-like) fishing about how she would feel about getting a boyfriend. as long as hes known her, shes never gone on a date with anyone, no ones asked her out, and shes never mentioned having a crush on anyone to him. so during some conversation about something or another, he asks something along the lines of "Well when you get a boyfriend, he's gonna need to be okay with your weird witchiness I guess haha-- (lowkey interest check)"
and his plan here was IF she answers to some extent that she would like a boyfriend, he would ask her out. but instead she kinda smiles a bit and falls quiet, before responding "If I could have one..."
and when he asks what the hell that even means, she tells him the same thing pom and tiramisu told her when she first became a witch: "This isn't just some happy fun times, willy=nilly side hobby you treat carelessly. Your family legacy and more importantly, your life, are both constantly at risk and you need to always be focused on learning and mastering your magic as it grows. To that end, you don't have time to date and be in a relationship-- it'll only be a distraction to you and a weakness that can be exploited. You'll constantly be split between your magic and your partner. Either you won't be fully committed to your studies to spend time with them, or you won't be fully committed to them because of your studies. It's not a luxury you can afford. Until this is complete and you have full mastery of your magic to the point where you're not constantly in a state where you need to fight for your life, having a boyfriend is advised against."
and lime just kinda stays quiet for a bit, before going "...so no boyfriend until the magic shit is all done..."
and in his head hes thinking yeah, fine, that makes sense. I dont want to be a burden to her or distract her, and I dont want to cause more stress for her because pom is like an asian mom that constantly will remind her about what a bad decision it is. and this ALL hinges on the event that she wants to date him and it doesnt ruin their friendship. so he eventually decides fine. ill hold off on it for now, just be there for her however i can and i'll ask her out when this whole thing is done (and in the meantime, maybe i can gauge how much she likes me if at all, and if not i can try to get her to fall for me)
(worth noting he WANTS to ask her out right before the timeskip happens, something like "Hey we should go get ice cream tomorrow-- you know, to celebrate your magic reaching its full power and all." (where he was gonna ask her out for real), and she smiles and says "Sure!", but pom already told her she was leaving that night, and by the next morning shes gone)
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fazcinatingblog · 16 days
Aw man, I went too early writing today's fanfic
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alchemistc · 26 days
Evan's scraping a spoon across the plate of tiramisu they'd demolished when Tommy feels it bubbling up. He's talking about sperm whales, of all things, somehow navigating there from their earlier conversation about the Shelby his neighbor has been trying to entice Tommy into putting up on the lift even though Tommy has told him time and again that his entire life savings does not cover even a scratch in the paint on that thing, and Tommy wants to thumb at the cocoa powder stuck to the corner of Evan's lip, wants to drag him out into the street and dance under the moonlight, wants -
"And they have asymmetrical skulls, Tommy," Evan says, with his free hand still trapped beneath Tommy's and his smile stretching wide.
Half a year ago they'd sat at the table three yards to Tommy's left and Tommy had gone from nervous and smitten to reminding himself not to be too disappointed while he ordered himself an Uber in the span of an hour. It feels like a lifetime ago.
"I'm gonna say yes," Tommy says, which hadn't really been on his mind to say until this moment.
Evan stills. His hand twitches under Tommy's. His brow furrows and his lip curls out with the beginnings of a pout. "You found it, didn't you?"
"If you're gonna hide a ring box, sweetheart, do it somewhere we don't both keep our socks."
They've been playing fast and loose with the whole idea of pacing themselves since Tommy sat down at that patio table and took a sip of terrible coffee while the sun lit Evan up like he was the only thing worth seeing in the entire world. Finding the ring tucked behind his least favorite pair of wool socks hadn't even been a surprise, really.
"I can walk it back if you've got a speech," Tommy says, and Evan ducks his head and looks up at Tommy through his lashes. "God knows you might say something that changes my mind."
Evan laughs. It's a laugh Tommy fully intends to have as his soundtrack for the rest of his life. "Maybe no speech then."
"Still tweaking it, huh?"
"Maybe you just don't deserve to hear it, yet. That's what you get for hijacking the proposal, Thomas."
Tommy flips his wrist, rolls his fingers into the palm of Evan's hand, slides a thumb over his knuckles and grins. "Call me that again and I'm taking back my original statement, Buck."
Evan's nose scrunches adorably. "You made your point." (An argument, three months in, Evan pouting adorably because they'd run into an ex of Tommy's at a harvest festival and Tommy had introduced him as 'my partner, Buck'. Evan had spent the rest of the day caught up in naming conventions and the meaning of it all until Tommy's patience had worn thin enough to snark back. They'd discovered how great they were at makeup sex at three in the morning when Evan pounded on his door to continue the barely-an-argument.)
"Just. When you ask. Just know the answer's already a forgone conclusion."
If forced at gunpoint to choose a favorite feature of Evan's, it's the way his eyes actually sparkle like a cartoon princess when he smiles. He sticks his tongue between his teeth and taps his pinky against the second knuckle of Tommy's ring finger. "Noted," he teases, and Tommy doesn't even protest this time, when Evan picks up the tab.
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b0obs · 2 years
me: i feel like a slice of tiramisu would fix me, want some?
bf: honestly youre unfixable and great just the way u are
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genshin-scenarios · 6 months
what flowers they’d give their s/o
Summary: A raffle request from my Adopt a Wanderer preorders! They’re a mix of genshin and HSR, but I’m posting it here as Wanderer’s included! If you'd like to see more HSR content from me, feel free to drop a request at @tiramisu-rambles! 
Characters: Wanderer, Luocha, Jingyuan, Aventurine, Sunday
Content warnings: implications of character death in Luocha’s part.
Adopt a Wanderer: Digital Store
Red String of Fate Prompt List
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Wanderer: Anemones
Sincerity, forsaken love, anticipation, protection from evil.
Just like the many versions of himself, anemones are windflowers with various meanings depending on their color. And despite the hurt Wanderer’s been through, his barriers are worn down by your honest intentions; your brightness, moments of quiet connection, and how you’re adored by many.
He’s glad the wind has brought him to you. These flowers may have a delicate appearance, but it’s obvious that neither of you are so fickle.
“They’re a protection from evil, apparently. Something about closing its petals when it rains.” 
“Really? In that case, I have a version of that already with you!”
It’s a bouquet made with multicolored hues, where he hands himself to you. A small thanks for acknowledging his past, and a few blooms that represent anticipation for the future.
It’s been a while since he’s been vulnerable enough to feel nervous about something. But it’s a more positive spin on the emotion, akin to excitement when he knows he’s going to see you — but Wanderer would rather choke than use a word so innocently childish to describe himself.
Due to its wild nature, anemones also symbolize relaxation and a reminder to enjoy the moment. To take in opportunities at the right time, as he’s learned from you.
Luocha: Marigolds
Resurrection, energy, good luck, warmth, prosperity, jealousy.
Luocha sees you in the warmth of the flowers, as powerful as the Sun despite your bubbly outlook. He sees the light, which makes him worry he might taint your smile with his true nature.
You thank him for the flowers, thinking of him as the miracle doctor that’s giving you a gift. He is, but he also hopes you don’t get closer without being aware of what he is.
Marigolds represent despaired love, although this is mostly on Luocha’s part as he constantly sidelines himself, making himself a ‘side character’ rather than a potential partner for you. But he’s too selfish to completely step out of your life, accepting your invitations to lunch and walks along the harbor. He says the world feels peaceful around you. It’s true.
These flowers are often associated with life and death. In this case, it’s Luocha’s silent promise to always protect you, even if you might not want it yourself. 
And if there comes a day where he has to pick between saving one or another… He’ll make sure you get out alive. Perhaps he’ll even save the bystanders around so you’ll keep calling him a wonderful doctor, before his powers fail to heal his own wounds.
Jingyuan: Forget Me Nots
Clinging to the past, faithfulness, remembrance, true love, fidelity.
‘I’ll keep you in my thoughts,’ they say. A warm sentiment from the General, and behind them the memories of all he’s gained and lost in the past.
Jingyuan is used to being alone. He’s a leader after all, who wears the air of one without a care in the world. He’s capable and busy, but what he says as a teasing remark contains words that can be read very differently.
‘Don’t forget me.’
Forget me nots also symbolize links to the past. For a long-life species, it’s easy to feel the days melt together, and beautiful sights aren’t as vivid anymore.
That’s why Jingyuan thanks you for letting him remember — remember what it’s like to be surprised again, to see the sky and find it breathtaking, along with your voice in the wind. He wants to remember all of this as long as he can, so he gives you these flowers on occasion to remind himself.
“Do you miss me that much, General?” 
“Of course. There isn’t enough time in the world to spend with you.”
He starts to appreciate his lifespan again, for having the chance to run into you along the way.
Aventurine: Daffodils 
Honesty, truth, forgiveness, appreciation. 
Despite the amount of lying and masks he wears, Aventurine knows there is truth in the anxiety he feels around you. The same feeling before a risky gamble, where he hopes his bluffs will deceive his opponent.
…He doesn’t know what he’d do if you ever looked at him with disappointment. If he somehow managed to fool you into expecting something he cannot give; heart ringing hollow, echoing deeper and deeper in resonance every time you interact.
Perhaps one day this hollow ringing will actually turn into a heartbeat, and he can finally face you as Kakavasha. (Put aside the fact that despite his persona, Aventurine is still facing the world with honesty in every act).
He also chooses Daffodils because, in his attempt at excusing these sentiments, he simply thinks of you as his source of honesty and truth. A Sun that the flowers lean toward, after blooming each spring despite the desolate, cutthroat winter.
‘Please forgive me. Please don’t look away.’
Daffodils also symbolize rebirth, new beginnings, and good luck. Perhaps you can draw this out of Aventurine, who’s been on guard against the world for as long as he can remember?
Be the sunlight that sifts through the window, greeting him every day; a good-luck charm he continues to believe in.
Sunday: Violets 
Peace, devotion, healing. 
You bring him peace. With every smile you direct at Sunday, he feels hope that the world around him can be rebuilt. ‘You heal me,’ the flowers say. And despite how candied flowers dry bitterly on the tongue…
‘After all this is over, I’ll devote myself to you.’
He can’t be sure if you believe him, but Sunday has long disposed of the idea of predicting you. ‘It makes you human’, his sister once said.
Violets are reminders of loyalty, thoughtfulness, and dependability. Sunday looks out for you at every corner, even if his presence isn’t tangible. He notices your little victories and joys, feeling his heart twinge from the distance. And when your days are bleak, just know there is another soul mourning with you, playing a song to soothe your sorrows.
He’s devoted to you long before the drama of politics are done. In a sense, one can almost say he’s too caring — from a glance it appears he’s not bothered with you, and watch for a minute longer, the small, irrelevant commands given to his subordinates ring clear with thoughts of you.
Sunday doesn’t put a spotlight on his love, yet showers it with the adoration of the moon. Quiet, graceful, and just a bit selfish.
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larluce · 5 months
Arthur and Merlin travel back in time without knowing the other is from the future too AU
Tagging @aceauthorcatqueen , @fallenxjas , @smileytrinity ,@lucifertookmyshoe , @an-entity-i-think , @thecornerofbelu , @griffonskies , @odinjm , @cinnabon-sweetroll-tiramisu , @thelady-mary , @bennedict , @nightninjaboy , @st8-of-grace , @star-rie , @error-username-not-available , @dogberryrowan , @jamieweasley13 , @tansyuduri , @tercais , @robynnemrys , @evadne01 , @serasvictoria02 , @hairdryerducks , @hopeaha Sorry for the delay, my college classes started and this fragment turned out to be quite long. I hope you enjoy it.
LINKS TO THE OTHER PARTS OF THIS AU HERE: PART 1 , PART 2 , PART 3 , PART 4 , PART 5 , PART 6 , PART 7 , PART 8 , PART 9 , PART 10 , PART 11 , PART 12 , PART 13 , PART 14 , PART 15 (You're here) , PART 16
In "To kill a king"
Gwen's father, Tom, consorting with Tauren.
Tom: (exclaims, after Tauren turned lead into gold with the mage stone) Gold!
Tauren: (smiles evily) Pure priceless gold. Yours, blacksmith, if you keep your mouth shut.
Tom: I don't think that's going to be possible.
Tauren: (confused) What?
Arthur: (Enters with guards suddenly) Seize him!
Tauren: (Tries to scape, but he trips and is quickly surrounded. He turns to Tom, furious) You! You set me a trap!
Arthur: It was me actually. (turns to Tom) Well done, Tom.
Tom: Anytime, sire.
Tauren: (yells while he's taken outside) You'll pay for this! All of you! (is taken away by the guards)
Arthur: Tom, you put yourself at great risk by agreing to participate in this ambush. Your service to the crown won't go unrewarded.
Tom: (bows, grateful) Being of service to you is enough reward for me, sire.
Gwen: (enters, crying) Dad! (goes to hug him)
Tom: Gwen! (hugs her inmediatly) What are you doing here? I told you not to come! It's dangerous!
Gwen: And you expected me to just wait until you came back of your suicidal mission?! If something had happenened to you I couldn't bare it.
Arthur: (smiles, glad he could save Gwen the pain of losing her father) You didn't come alone, did you? (calls out) Merlin!
Merlin: (comes out of his hidden place and goes to Arthur, smiling not at all guilty) Someone had to have your back. (thinking) And make sure Tauren didn't scape.
Arthur: (perfectly knowing it was Merlin who made Tauren trip) As if you could. (calls out again) Lancelot?
Lancelot: (comes out of his hidden place and aproaches too) Someone had to look after them. (pointing at Gwen and Merlin).
Arthur: (sighs again and calls out again) Morgana?
Morgana: (comes out of her hidden place and aproaches too, in anger) You put my friend's father in danger and you expect me not to make sure you didn't get him killed?
Arthur: I know you weren't fond of this plan, but there was no other way to capture Tauren. And look, everything turn out alright.
Morgana: And now Gwen and her father are in the crosshairs of a whole group of renegade sorcerers!
Arthur: The king agreed put guards at their house, they won't be unprotected.
Morgana: They wouldn't need protection if you hadn't involved them in the first place!
Gwen: My lady, (puts a hand on her arm) it's fine. We knew what we were getting into and you know I'm not defenseless. I know how to use a sword.
Morgana: (calms down and smiles at her) You sure do. (turns to Arthur) You better put the best guards at their disposal.
Arthur: They already have one. (turns to Lancelot) Will you protect them?
Lancelot: With my life!
Gwen: (blushes at Lancelot devotion and smiles)
Merlin: Arthur, (gives him the mage stone he just picked up) Tauren dropped this.
Tom: Is what the sorcerer used to turn lead into gold.
Arthur: (serious) They're going to come after this.
Time skip. In the dungeons. Morgana goes to Tauren's cell.
Tauren: The king's ward. (laughs dryly) What brings you here? Do you rejoice in our misery too?
Morgana: (gets close) I don't rejoice in anyone's misery. Even yours, that almost got an innocent man killed.
Tauren: So you're here to lecture me?
Morgana: (gets closer and whispers) Allies can appear in unexpected places (puts a key in his hand). Good luck. (leaves)
Tauren: (very confused, but smirks to himself)
Time skip. Tauren scapes from the dungeons and is running away being followed by knights. Morgana appears dressed in a cape riding a horse, picks him up and they flee together. Once they left the knights behind they make a stop in the woods.
Tauren: (gets off the horse, suspicious) Why are you helping me? Is this a trap?
Morgana: If it was, it would be a very poor one. (gets off the horse too) Look, I'm not delighted to see you either, but I needed to scape from Uther and you're the best option I have.
Tauren: But you're his ward.
Morgana: (raises her voice, suddenly scared) I won't be when he finds out what I am!
Tauren: (realises, surprised) You're a sorceress.
Morgana: (nods, shy and her eyes water) I didn't want too, I didn't choose this! But I keep having these visions in my dreams and hearing voices in my head. I didn't want to believe it but then a made some vase explode with my mind and I... (she trembles and cries) I don't want to be a mosnter! I don't want to die!
Tauren: (puts a hand in her shoulder, gently) Magic is not something you should fear, my dear. Is a gift, you're special. The only monster here is the murderer the calls himself king.
Morgana: (snifs) I know. (sadness turns into fury) For years I've seen him kill thousands of innocents while I could only watch. But I don't want to be useless anymore. I want to fight.
Tauren: (still a little distrustful) How can I be sure you're really on our side?
Morgana: (pulls the magic stone out of her pocket and gives it to him) Do you believe me now?
So Tauren brings morgana to his hidden place with all his followers. She intruduces herself, explains her situation and they accept her. With the king's ward now on their side, now they can plan their next move.
Morgana: I really don't want to come back.
Tauren: It's for the best. It won't be long before Uther sends search parties after you. Don't worry. You won't have to suffer his tirany anymore if everything goes as planned.
Morgana: WHEN averything goes as planned. (she smiles and kisses his cheek) Thank you. For accepting me. (gets on her horse) Goodbye.
Tauren whatches Morgana in awe before going back to his camp. He smiles triunfanly. Tomorrow Uther will finally die.
Time skip. Morgana makes a stop in the woods and meets Arthur, Merlin and group of knights.
Arthur: (greets Morgana) Did they fall for it?
Morgana: (smiling) It was easy as cake.
Arthur, Uther and Morgana in a room, planning strategies.
Uther: It's very risky.
Arthur: I know. But it's the only way.
Uther: We could wait for them to attack Tom's place to captured them. If they're really going after the stone-
Arthur: But they won't send all of them. Especially with their leader captured. With this plan we can finally find all of them and kill them once and for all.
Uther: (smiles, proudly) You're right. So, who are you going to assign this important task to?
Arthur: I'm still working on it.
Uther: A servant perhaps?
Arthur: No, Tauren is no fool. He knows a servant can be easily hired or ordered to do stuff. He'll know it's a trap for sure.
Morgana: And if it was someone who is nobelty? Someone that can't be paid or order to do stuff because they're too close to the king? Someone like his ward?
Arthur: (concerned) Morgana...
Morgana: (determined) I can do it.
Uther: Absolutly not. It's dangerous!
Morgana: I know how to fight! If I can convince him that I'm on his side-
Uther: (raises his voice, sternly) No, Morgana. End of discussion.
Morgana: (leaves enraged)
Arthur: (sighs as he watches her leave and turns to his father) I'll talk to her later. Make her see sense.
Uther: Good luck with that.
Time skip. In Morgana's chambers. Morgana is siting on her bed and Arthur knocks the door.
Arthur: (opens the door slightly) Can I come in?
Morgana: As if you have to ask.
Arthur: (enters) He only worries about you, you know? I do too.
Morgana: I'm not helpless. For once I'm trying to help. I'm trying to support his absurd cause and he doesn't let me.
Arthur: (sits next to her) You don't really support him though. You don't support any of this.
Morgana: There's a reason Tauren and his men got to this point. Uther started this by killing all sorcerers indiscriminately. He brought this on himself!
Arthur: I know. I don't share his ideas on sorcerers either.
Morgana: (in disbelief) Really?
Arthur: Yes!
Morgana: And yet you're organising this slaughter.
Arthur: Because these sorcerers did do harm. It doesn't matter that my father wronged them first. They must to be stopped.
Morgana: Because they are evil sorcerers?
Arthur: No, just because they're evil. Nothing more.
Morgana: (softens her expression, a bit hopeful) You really don't believe all sorceres are evil?
Arthur: I did help you save that druid boy, didn't I?
Morgana: But... You never spoke up and always followed Uther's orders blindly.
Arthur: Because I had to, not because I wanted to. And you speak up more than enough for the both of us.
Morgana: Well it would have helped me for you to speak up for me there.
Arthur: I agree that you could easily fool Tauren. It wouldn't be hard for him to believe you don't share the king's ideas despite being the king's ward since that's already true anyways. But I also agree with my father that it's too dangerous for you.
Morgana: Wouldn't it be for anybody?
Arthur: You're the king's ward.
Morgana: So it's only okay to endanger others if they are not nobelty, isn't it?
Arthur: (sighs) You still don't forgive me for using Gwen's father.
Morgana: Will you forgive me easily if I used Merlin for something like that?
Arthur: ...
Morgana: Let me help. You'll be leading the ambush, Uther doesn't have to know I was involved. Please.
Arthur: (sighs longly) I'm going to regret this.
Morgana: Yes! (hugs him) Thank you!
End of flashback
The ambush is a success. Arthur and the knights kill Tauren and all his followers, leaving a pool of blood behind. It helped that the mage stone Morgana gave to Tauren was actually a replica Merlin helped made.
Arthur: (thinking, while looking at the corpses coldly) 285.
Morgana: (horrified at Arthur's display and guilty because despite knowing they were evil, these people were like her and accepted her)...
Merlin: (overwhelmed, but mostly concerned) Arthur?
Arthur: Lets go. (leaves)
Morgana: (to Merlin) Has he always been like this when he... does this kind of missions?
Merlin: (trying to reassure Morgana, but mostly himself) Yeah... It's... it's normal (thinking) But he has never been this numb while killing people before…
And they leave in an uncomfortable silence.
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darlingofvalyria · 1 year
❝You don't think I can please you?❞
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part 05 | we're really in it now, darling
chapter summary:
[ Everything comes ahead at a hedge maze because. . . hedge maze. ]
[ +18 MDNI ] [ 4,517 ] [ series masterlist ] | best friend's brother!aemond targaryen x f!reader, ft. cregan stark x f!reader, aemond x alys rivers
contains— angst, a lil smutty but no full whorishness, ya'll good - i should really put idiots in love as a tag shouldn't i - nsfw: grinding + some sexy, sexy second base lmao - no kingslayers, no rogues, no betas.
a/n— i hope ya'll forgive me. comment, reblog & like at will, mi luvs, mwa!
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You don't really know what you were expecting come Sunday. Once you started to 'ehh' 'hmmm' and 'maybe's your way through random moments with Helaena after the radio silence from Aemond— your best friend put her foot down.
"Fuck him," Helaena grumbled. "You've been going to Sunday dinners before he was even born, you are not backing down now."
 You snorted. "That's wildly inaccurate."
"Point still stands. Fuck. Him. You deserve my mother's tiramisu cake. He doesn't get to take that from you." Her eyes widen as if trying to instil her determination into your system via eye contact. "You are not going to let him take that from you."
You nodded. That's at least a point to pro you can stand by. Though she can't cook to save her life— Alicent's words, not yours — the woman sure can bake. It became therapeutic for her, she once said. How measuring ingredients and kneading dough to patiently folding cream after another kept her mind quiet and her hands busy.
"My faith strongly does not advise rage shooting, you know?" Alicent once hummed.
"Did you mean 'range' shooting?"
"Oh?" she nodded absentmindedly, smiling. "Yes, that too."
"That's true," you mused. Tiramisu cake was her mother's specialty. Every Sunday, she has all attendees pack up at least one cake per person and you and Hel usually stave off bites throughout the week until the next Sunday comes.  "I deserve some tiramisu cake, gods be damned it."
"Plus, if you come with me, we'll get two cakes to take home instead of one." She wagged her finger. "We count as two separate entities with one fridge, it's our greatest privilege."
"Daeron calls it preferential treatment."
"I am her only daughter, of course I get preferential treatment."
"As you should, bestie."
Even when you've stopped struggling with choosing if you were going or not, your mind is never faraway from thinking about Aemond. You wonder if he's finally gotten back with Alys was a bad train of thought, while an even worse train of thought is how soft his lips were and how he holds your hair to pull you close when his tongue glides across your bottom lip.
You blink, shaken from the thought. Bad. Bad brain. Stop it.
And repeat. At this point, it was safer to think about Alys and Aemond.
According to previous cycles, by this point they'd be at the height of their newly blossomed relationship— all sweet kisses and heated looks, unable to stop touching each other much less act a little bit better when they're trying to leave a group function to fuck their brains out — so you wouldn't be surprised to see come Sunday that he arrives with Alys— both of them tall, gorgeous with just enough undertone of smirky, smarmy tension that would make you want to stab your own eye out — pointedly ignoring you or whatever happened between you and him.
It hurt to think about sure, but what else did you think was going to happen?
That call made a space the size of a puddle that turned into a lake, welled deep with unresolved feelings and untouched topics. More questions than answers, drawing lines both of you were too scared to tug and see.
It's big enough to notice, and both stubborn enough not to anything about it.
You tried. Well, you almost did. In the weird hours of the day when your brain and body are more physically disjointed so rationality gives way to adrenaline. Most of the time, this is during working hours. You, checking your phone, running around his profile with your thumb a few times, biting your lip as your mind blanks and your body fights to call him. Or leave a message.
Before your mind and body reconnects and you fling your phone as far away from you as possible.
It's weird. You've never fought with Aemond before. If this was considered fighting. You've been disappointed in him, gotten angry and annoyed with him, but someone always, always offers an olive branch.
Every time you think about that call, you close up, your annoyance flares, and you shove your phone away.
In your amicable defense, this was primarily his problem. You weren't truly dating. He made it clear every choice he was making was en toward the agreed conditions were of making his ex jealous enough to take him back, yada yada yada.
Even if, possibly, you wanted more, he made no actual steps to make it known that he was considering it too.
Funny stares on your lips don't count. The only sabbatical from sexual adventures Aemond got were the breakup round with Alys, and as established before, they got it on pretty frequently.
Another thought bubble about Aemond's lips pops in your head, the mint from his toothpaste and the coffee from his black with no sugar, no milk, the way he seemed to suckle on your sighs—
Gods. Damn. It.
That last call?
You're a grown ass woman. You're allowed to do whatever you want with whomever you want, and you're not going to make Aemond Targaryen's steely silence of what— disappointment? Of your choices? Of your choice in Cregan Stark and Cregan Stark Jr? Of what you were doing? Sure he was faithful to the Seven, a good old religious boy raised by his momma, but it doesn't make him a saint. Just because he's clinging to the vestiges of first love thinking it could very well be his last doesn't make him holy, or warrant enough to judge you for getting your little you some good dick.
Life is hard. Good dick is hard to come by!
So. Yeah. Days leading up to Sunday was radio silence and way too many thoughts circling your head like vultures, eating away at logic and rationality, and stubbornly still, you refused to make contact. If it's not out of pride, it's out of hurt.
Because he could apologise, but Aemond wasn't known for his apologies.
But then you remembered the flowers, the tulips, and now you just felt sad. Moping, getting annoyed, and trying to get through work without breaking your phone speeds the week in a blur.
Come Sunday afternoon, Helaena was coming to pick you up from her shift at the vet— the beauty of having a vet bff is the Russian roulette of pictures; you never know if you're about to get cuddly new patients with big, sad eyes and pouty snouts or her newest c-section win without any attempts of a blur — so you could get to her mother's house together, you decided to go for the nines with your outfit.
A sweet summer dress later, some gold gladiator sandals half off from your favourite but largely can't afford shoe boutique that you swear you were always going to wear to make up for the insane price (thank the gods Alicent didn't have a no shoe policy because it takes fifteen minutes to get them on and you cannot be on the floor, on her house, with Aemond around, rolling around like a hot potato on the entry way trying to get a fucking shoe on), dusted and prepped in you're fancier version of makeup, and was just finishing off your hair— using the good mousse whilst blaring Disney epics — when knocking came.
You freeze.
On one hand, it could just be Helaena, forgetting her keys again somewhere as she had done so numerous times before, but there hadn't been a slew of expletives or her impression of a cool, clinical voice saying, ''Tis I, the Stranger, have come for thee soul! Open up I gotta pee, woman!' so you got a pretty good guess on the alternative, sending your heart into a stutter and get smacked with a well deep of yearning.
You miss Aemond. You miss hanging out with him, even just having him on video call whilst you prepped a late dinner and he's working out his thesis defense, too late for either of you, but catching another's eye in the tiny phone and sharing a comforted grin. You miss being called my lady in a language that means so much to him, miss bumping shoulders and smelling his crisp scent of cologne and laundry.
Miss his lips, his very soft, very delicious lips—
"Gods damnit, woman, keep it together," you murmur to yourself. Another series of knocks, ever patient, and you're moved by body not mind as breathless giddiness yanks the door open—
Only to fall flat.
"Oh." You can't hide your disappointment at the curly blond with the smirk for centuries. "Aegon. I didn't know it was you."
"Yes, the expressive disappointment in your eyes could bring a man on the edge to his downfall, I must say," he jokes hoarsely, a little hurt. "Not even a hi Aeg. I've missed you Aeg, or— hey Aeg! You look good enough to eat!"
It's Aegon. Not Aemond. Or Helaena. Helaena and Aemond's older brother, Aegon. Party rocking, cocaine hiding, sweat and someone's lipstick smelling Aegon. You like him despite his whorishness because he's funny, because he's sweet when he wants to be, and he always, always gets you a funny mug when he comes back from wherever he came from.
You blink a couple of times, laughing awkwardly as you give him a quick hug. He still smells the same, with the lightest tint of sun in him from his days at the beach not so long ago no doubt.
"Sorry, sorry. Hi Aeg, I've missed you Aeg, and yes, you do look good enough to eat, Aeg."
He hugs back tighter, smothering you in the denim jacket he's wearing and the curly edge of his white blond hair. He's got a new piercing and smells of new perfume.
"So do you, princess," he says as you step back and he appraises you appreciatively. "Those shoes can step on me any time."
"I will never."
"You will never," he says chirpily, moving back with a teasing grin. "Let me guess, you were waiting for my uglier version to come by and got too overwhelmed by the majesticness of me."
'"Majesticness isn't even a word." You snort. "And Aemond is not your uglier version, you don't look that alike."
He raises an eyebrow as you blink. Fuck. "Dear me oh my, I meant Helaena, babe. When did Aemond get into the mix?"
You shove his shoulder, huffing as you pick up your keys and bag, forcing him to step back as you lock the apartment, trying to give yourself grace from his burning, teasing stare. "As if Helaena didn't tell you." You finally turn to him, lips pursed at his faux innocent pout. "Helaena tells you everything."
"She might have mentioned a thing or two about a thing or two." He bumps your hip as you both get into the elevator. "Imagine my surprise when Lae-lae tells me of a wondrous development between her two favourite people that involved a breakup, some gift-giving shenanigans, and kissing." He gasps dramatically as you groaned. "I leave for what— a month or two and suddenly you and Aemond are making out? Babe, I must say, you're doing the tongue tango with the wrong brother."
 "He's not the wrong brother, also the tongue tango? Really?" you snap suddenly. The wrong brother comments always irk you because you understand that it's a sensitive issue to Aemond, as well as Aegon himself.
But it's a bait you realise too late because Aegon Targaryen enjoys hauling truths from people in steps and tricks, uncaring if he takes a stab or two to get there as you meet his gaze against the reflective wall, positively smirking.
"Really now?"
"Why are you even picking me up? I thought you were in Oldtown."
"Already sorted. Hel wanted to make sure you get there in time, she's going to be late... After all your earlier ride backed out didn't he?"
Your mouth pursed, annoyance prickling at your edges as the elevator pulled into the lobby. "I don't want to talk about it, where's your car?"
He whistles, languid and all the time in the world on his shoulders with just the hint of smug. "It's a thirty minute ride, babe, you're going to spill."
You shoot him a withering glare. "Not if I have say in it." For emphasis, you yank his door and slam it. Fuck his new Maserati.
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Thirty minutes is more than ample time for Aegon Targaryen to weed his way into your brain like the worst case of earworm (like a stupid ass commercial jingle that just. Won't. Stop) that by the time you reach his mother's, you were ranting.
"—like I get it, saying I'm going out with another guy to get some good dick after confirming that we're going to your mother's for Sunday as a date is bad, but we're not really dating! He said so himself! He pressed the issue of it not being a real thing! And he didn't attempt any—"
"— any communication at all," Aegon echoes, stretching his legs as he stood. "Not a sorry or anything."
"Anything!" you bolster, slamming his door again that is less about him and more about the aggressiveness. "I know that he's bad at apologising, or facing things that are hard, choosing to stew in it and act all shitty to people, I just... I thought he'd at least tell me. Doesn't that warrant our friendship?"
"Hm. Ever think that's precisely why he struggles with you?"
"What does that even mean?"
"That he cares about you, so he struggles more with expressing himself."
You turn to him, cocking your head. "When did you get so wise, oh Gandalf?"
"A Seven focused rehab facility can do that to you," he muses wistfully. "There was this nun that says verses when she orgasms."
You make a face. "Love the fun fact."
"You're welcome. But back to point, isn't the issue also the fact that you never tried to make contact with him either?"
"Well. Yeah. Because..."
Aegon squints at you sympathetically. "Because you're scared of rocking the boat because of how much you like him?"
"Not, well," you hesitate. "Not like that precisely..."
"How much you're capable of liking him?" Aegon smiles wryly. "You had a crush on him, I remembered that at least. When Hel first introduced you to him, you couldn't stop teasing him until he lit up like a Christmas tree. I knew you liked him since then. You called him pretty half the time, and I started to realise it was less about his reaction but how you actually see him, and speaking as the naturally cherub, pretty boy of the family, I find this highly, highly offensive."
You pinch his cheeks, wounding your arm over his shoulder. Aegon was built like a linebacker with less muscles that aren't postern, with wide shoulders and a strong body that's too easy to lean against.
"You're pretty too, Aeg," you coo. "But he's just..."
 "If you say ethereal, I will vomit right in my mother's petunias." He makes a face. "How about this. The problem is that you think Aemond doesn't like you back."
You frown at him. "I know Aemond doesn't like me back."
"Oh, sweetie," Aegon coos, sympathy and pity swirling in his smug, smug smile. "I'm so glad you're pretty."
You pinch his sides until he squirms. "Fuck you, what the hell?"
"What I'm saying is, let's test that, you know? Because that's the only variable you aren't sure with?"
You sigh. "Aeg, even if he does, I'm not going to pounce—"
The door swings open, and there he is, of pretty boy face and good boy posture because his mother raised herself a good, devout boy who doesn't know what a slouch is because he's not an ape— and is he wearing his leather jacket? Of course he's wearing the leather jacket and you know that smell, that spiced cologne with the leather and his natural scent and fuck, Aemond is looking at you, looking at his brother, and the open expression, the shock, that smidge of relief— shutters to an icy politeness.
Aegon because he's Aegon, pulls you closer, his mouth curling into a grin that only says trouble, forcing Aemond to straighten up his already perfect posture in preparation for whatever his brother has in mind and his stare is white-hot on the conjoined appendages between you and his brother— and Aegon lands a wet, smacking kiss on your cheekbone.
"Had to pick up your girl, baby bro, I mean what kind of—" his blue gaze finds his mother descending the stairs, peering out to see on who it was, and you're frozen, waiting for the bomb to drop and simultaneously unprepared for it, "— boyfriend has his brother pick up his girl? Good thing you got a good excuse, huh? Oh, hey mother dearest! Your favourite son has come back!"
As Aegon leaves your side with a cheeky little wink, you bit your lip at the frosty look on his face that makes you feel like an absolute idiot and fills you with rage all in one go. Because Aemond has never looked at you like that, like you were at fault and acting like a child, but that you also want to jut a finger against his chest.
"Did you have a nice talk with him on the drive over?" he says, jaw hard.
"I didn't tell him," you hiss, taking the hem of his leather jacket instead of his hands enough so you can pretend to kiss his cheeks because his mother is right there, eyes wide at that two of you as Aegon gave you a discreet thumbs up.
"Helaena did. Get over yourself, your mother's—"
As he freezes and Alicent calls your name, you plaster the best smile you can make as you twine your fingertips with his.
When you leave his side to greet Alicent, you make sure to stomp on his stupid shoes.
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As soon as you've finished your mandatory greetings— even with Otto Hightower, Aemond's grandfather, who merely raised his eyebrows at the apparent new status of you and his grandson, Alicent having to blink multiple times, wrangling positives as she kept shooting her son looks while he stood like a block of ice behind you — Aemond takes your hand by his own volition, tangles your fingers too tight, and starts tugging you along like a bouy.
"Are you a child?" you hiss, trying to pry your hand as insistently without outright yanking, Alicent already sending you both concerned looks at a news that she called 'oh, that is wonderful!'
"I am younger than you," he murmurs back, holding you tight.
"Oh, fuck you."
With a defeated huff, you take longer, heavier strides and stomps so you're the one dragging him.
It's all illusion of control built on pettiness because you're still being navigated, it's more just pride at this point, but you don't care, and when he scoffs right back, you felt at least a pinch of a win.
And then he, of course, matches your strides so fucking easily.
"Freaking horse-legged motherfucker," you mumble. You don't know if he catches it, or you're imaging the soft, surprised noise that's both a snort and a laugh.
He winds you around the hallway, an unbreakable trajectory to the backyard, dragging you past an easy eye view from the dramatic, floor to ceiling windows and trespassing straight into the hedge maze because of course they had one of those.
"Really? Here?"
"Do you want to be ogled up by my mother?" he says in a nauseatingly chipper voice. "Is that what you and Aegon are planning with all this, hm?"
You twist out of his grip, walking deeper on your own until your eyes are swallowed by the darkness. When you turn to him, your eyes adjust, only seeing the silver of his hair, so different from his black leather jacket and dark green jumper. You don't see his expression or his sharp gaze.
"Planned this? Seriously? Nothing since coming here had been planned, Aemond," your voice has bite and if your eyes had adjusted faster, or if you could see better, you would see the flinch he makes, "if it had been, this certainly would be the last of my fucking choices. Or do I have to remind you of the fact that we were supposed to go together? Oh right, things change when you drop a call out of fucking nowhere!"
"I—fuck." He moves around, a hand through his hair as exhales in frustration. "I didn't... think you'd want to go with me. That Sunday plans had been cancelled."
"And you didn't think to message? I mean it's not like we're friends in literally every social media." You try not to sound hurt before taking a deep breath, offering your palms up. "I didn't—don't even know what the issue is, Aemond. Were you so offended that I was sexually active that you just had to rudely drop the call and not talk—"
It's maybe the darkness, or intuition but you can bet half yours savings that Aemond Targaryen is blushing.
"It... gods, no it's not... I wasn't offended that you were sexually active," he says softly, evenly. He clears his throat. "I don't... mind that you're... sexually active. I actively... support it. Even." He coughs. Swallows. Curses.
If you don't feel like your heart is pounding in your throat you would have laughed. You had never seen the boy this flustered before that it's affecting his words, because Aemond has always been the most well spoken person you know.
"Is it about Cregan? Do you have something against Cregan?"
His eye flutter close. "No... and yes."
"I don't understand, Aemy," you whisper, defeated.
He sighs. In the dark, you notice a movement. His hands flex. It's a habit he's had since you've known him. It's instinct. The way you reach out, finding a piece of his leather jacket until you find your way to his hands, running your fingers over the bones and ridges, his sinew and skin. There are callouses from his fencing, running your thumb over his knuckles.
He's frozen first before he sighs, melting through the warmth you share with him.
 "I have nothing against Stark," he finally says. "It's the fact that you were still having sex with him that I found unfair." He steps closer until you can see his face better, the struggle in him can be told through the furrow in his brows and the press of his pillowy lips, red and wet as if he had bitten through it. "I... understand that we're not really together, but I couldn't... not feel as if it wasn't right. As if I wanted it to be me."
His hands finds your arms, eye closing and gently placing his forehead against your own. At first you panic, your body trying to make your brain decide do you like this or not but it's Aemond, and he's warm, gentle, sweet almost. It's familiar and new at the same time. It's warmth you recognise, skin you will know anywhere, but in a way that you've never felt him before.
You close your eyes and breathe with him.
You know that this is rare. That this Aemond is reserved for people he loves and cares about, but with his forehead against yours, with his hands holding you steady, rubbing a comforting thumb over your skin that felt just as for him as it was for you, breathing you in and exhaling you out. A single breath between two bodies.
"I don't know if I can agree to that, Aemy."
"What?" He pulls back, hurt pulling taunt your favourite pair of lips. "Do you like Cregan more? You don't think I can please you?"
"That's not—"
His hands closes on your face, cupping it in his palms as you stare, wide-eyed at the blue fire lit up in his eye. His breath brushes your lips, making them tingle.
"Push me away if you don't want it," he says before his eye closes and he takes your mouth against his own, swallowing your gasp then pulling you away again, eye glinting.
"Push me away, ñuha riña." His voice is so soft, words crisp while your body thrummed in a single, frantic heartbeat. When you don't move, too shock, thoughts tangled, he smirks.
With his teeth, he captures your bottom lip, grazing it. When he feels you shudder, eyes fluttering, he chuckles meanly.
"Push me away as if you don't want me." He tilts your chin up as he looks down on you, eye confident in its lust. His thumb brushes your bottom lip. "As if you don't feel everything I do."
"Fuck you," you manage to exhale as you grab the back of his head and devour him just as you did at the restaurant. He groans, using his other hand to feel your side, pass your one breast, giving it a firm squeeze that makes you gasp, tongue clashing, legs tangling as you push and push and he pulls you to him, his back hitting the prickly hedge. It's teeth and tongue, breaths twisted in one air as you used each other like lifelines, like enemies in a swords match.
It's feverish and passion, infuriating want that gives. Because when you dominate the kiss, tangling his tongue with your own, yanking him down and down as if you want him to reach every part of you inside, he bends and follows. And when he pulls you, tangles your hair and takes every gasp and breath, you surrender.
He groans when you suck on his bottom lip, pulling away just enough to spit out, "You taste so much better than my dreams." His mouth moves down and down, leaving a path of heat as he suckles at your neck, practically ripping the buttons of the top of your dress as he slides down and grunts in pain.
"A-Aemy?" Your eyes flutter. "Your back, shit—"
"Fuck that." He tugs you down until you land with an oomph! on his lap, your chest at his eye level before he drags them back to your gaze. "Tell me to stop."
You shake your head, tangling your fingers in his hair. "No."
Your back arches, supported in his hold, as he starts sucking the skin lower and lower, another hand massaging your tit that pools hot down your core until his hand, warm and solid, sinew and bone, and Aemond Aemond Aemond, slides between your bra and cups your breast and his hand is so big, and it feels so good that you start grinding on the hard length you feel right at your—
An ear-splitting shriek freezes the both of you. You and Aemond pull back, hand still on your tit.
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TAGGED: @snowprincesa1 @gemini-mama @fan-goddess @snh96 @valeskafics @opheliaas-stuff @tempo-rary-fix @fantasticpeaceharmony @diannnnsss @iamavailablesstuff @spinachtz @at-a-rax-ia @bespinnn @tsujifreya @moonlightfoxx @kemillyfreitas @joyouart @bananzaa @honey-on-mars @alexa4040 @cinnamonbambii @wintrr13 @wxb-slingrr @astroswift @queenofshinigamis @helaenaluvr @kaetastic @jxdegodfrey @laniii-on-your-left @watercolorskyy @microwaveallthedemons @kazuyatokue @herfantastyworldd @averyyreads @urmomsgirlfriend1 @bellstwd @jiminie-08 @ttkttt @nockerin @backyardfolklore @random-ocity @hc-geralt-23 @vendettasblog @cicaspair418 @malynn @anehkael @schadenfreude-and-sarcasm
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morganbritton132 · 2 years
I really think Eddie would propose to Steve every time they go to a restaurant just to get free dessert
because this man is a menace
Oh man, he would’ve only started doing it after gay marriage was legalized too.
It’s romantic when Eddie tells the waitress at Enzo’s that it’s Steve’s birthday for free tiramisu. It’s their one-year anniversary and even though they can barely afford the meal, Eddie insists that they go. He makes the reservation months in advance, saves up all his money, and even dusts off Wayne’s one good suit so he looks nice.
His car battery unexpectedly dies a few days before and Eddie kinda already knows that he isn’t going to be able to afford the meal and dessert, but he is going to make damn sure Steve gets his fancy Italian cake. And he does, after a whole song and dance that colors Steve’s face pink.
Steve gets the last laugh when it turns out Eddie doesn’t like the coffee flavor of the tiramisu.
It’s sweet when Eddie accompanies him and Hopper to a specialist Dr. Owens recommended for Steve’s worsening symptoms. It’s sweet when Eddie holds his hand while they wait for results and sweeter when he insists in all his grand Eddie Munson fashion that today actually is Steve’s birthday and he deserves – nay, it is his god given right as a hero of this goddamn country  - to have cherry jell-o.
It’s cute when on that same trip, Eddie lies to the hotel staff that Steve just got engaged so they’d send complimentary champagne and chocolate covered strawberries up to their room (though they were bunking with Hopper so not too romantic).
It’s funny when Eddie tells every restaurant they stop at in every city they visit that it’s Steve’s birthday so they can get free ice cream when they’re twenty-somethings traveling the world on a nationwide tour.
It’s so fucking embarrassing when, for no reason other than his own amusement, Eddie tells their waitress that they’re waiting for Steve’s girlfriend to arrive. He says that Steve is going to propose and Eddie is there to capture the moment on his camera, and could they have champagne ready for when she gets there?
No one arrives because there is no girlfriend, no ring, no proposal, and the restaurant staff keep giving Steve sad sympathetic looks. Eddie spends the entire night laughing his ass off and is pleased as punch when the restaurant gives them the champagne for free.
The first time Eddie gets down on one knee at a restaurant, they’ve been legally married for sixteen days. They are not teenagers anymore. They are in their forties but Steve can’t even find it in himself to be mortified at all the people staring at them because Eddie is asking him to marry him (again) and Steve wants to (again). They get a round of applause and a free chocolate cake.
The second time Eddie does it, Steve threatens to kill him. Eddie asks ‘but you’ll marry me’ and Steve angrily says ‘yes, of course, duh.’ They get side-eyed and peach cobbler.
The fifth time Eddie gets down on one knee in the middle of a restaurant, Steve cuts him off half way and says, “Sir, this is a business meeting. I am your co-worker.” 
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babyhatesreality · 1 year
Hey babes! Can you do a stucky mafia little reader where stucky and they reader are out at dinner or shopping and someone tries to attack them? The reader is ok but very shaken. 🥺
Fluff, angst, mentions of shock and doctors 🥺❤️
I love your page
Sure thing! And I love you back <3 Thank you for your patience, it means the world to me.
A/N- this is an AU outside of Katie Cat, and outside of my other series. I decided to try my hand at Dark Stucky for this one. This is a stand alone- and I'm excited to play in this sandbox for a minute, so thank you darling nonnie!
Down the Rabbit Hole
Pairing: Dark!Mafia!Stucky x little f!reader
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Warnings: dark mafia Stucky, f! reader, severe Stockholm syndrome, Stucky both referred to as Daddy, pet names, reader is smaller than Stucky, language, an attack on all three, violence (not towards reader), shock, fear, angst, doctor talk, fluff.
"Mmmm," you couldn't help but say as you lingered on the last delicious bite of spaghetti. It was so rare that Steve and Bucky had a night away AND could take you out to dinner, that you'd almost forgotten what any other spaghetti other than Steve's tasted like. "It's so good."
"Good girl, you cleaned your plate. I'm proud of you," Steve said, the corner of his lip curling up in that smile that was almost a sneer, but you'd come to understand it meant he was pleased. You giggled and ducked your head, not wanting to admit that his praise in public made you feel all giddy.
"I think we should get the tiramisu to go. It's getting near your bedtime, little one," Bucky said, looking at his expensive diamond-encrusted watch. He chuckled when you pouted. "Now, now. None of that or we don't do this again." You instantly wiped the pout off your face. You couldn't remember the last time you'd actually gotten to leave the mansion for a date night with your daddies, and you weren't about to jeopardize that. Seeing the pout gone, Bucky purred. "That's better. Now let's go."
A waitress handed Steve a to-go bag with a large piece of the dessert in it as you all were heading out the door. You were surprised when you realized that neither Steve nor Bucky had paid, and couldn't help but look behind you as you all were exiting. "What's the matter, Princess?" Steve asked, taking a firm hold of your hand. "What's wrong?"
"Don't...don't we have to give monies to the people for making us food?" you whispered, a little afraid that this was going to be one of those questions that got your daddies mad when you asked it. But this was the exact opposite. Steve squeezed your hand a bit, and Bucky quickly took you other hand and kissed it as you all walked down the street to where Sam had parked the car a few blocks away.
"Look at our sweet little girl, Buck, making sure all her people are taken care of," Steve said, grinning at Bucky and then down at you. "Seems like she picked up a thing or two from the business."
"It's okay, Sweet Cheeks, Daddy and I know the people that run this place. They make us food for free, whenever we want," Bucky said, smiling down indulgently at you.
"Oh. That's nice of them!"
"Did you like going to that place?"
"It was...nice. The food was way yummy. There was lots of people there."
"Was that too many people, honey?"
"Um...it's okay. Just not used to anybody but Daddies."
"Well, how about we all go back home and it can be just Daddies again?"
"Yeah!" you cheered, relieved. It was weird being around people again- you weren't sure that you liked it. You hadn't been around that many people since your Daddies saved you from your boring life to make you their Princess. It had taken a long time, but now you couldn't live without them.
The three of you turned into an alley. Normally, it would have terrified you to walk down a place like this, but with both of your daddies holding your hands, you knew you had nothing to fear.
Suddenly, you heard a deep voice behind you. "Stay right where you are. Don't move."
Ignoring the voice's orders, both Bucky and Steve whipped around instantly. Steve forcefully shoved you behind him. Afraid, you buried your face in the back of his jacket and tried not to make a sound. As you did when you were home and their work people came over, you stayed silent, like a good girl does.
"Give me your wallets and no one gets hurt," the voice said, low and gruff. Bucky let out a bark of a laugh as Steve stepped forward.
"Oh, son. You have no idea what you've just done, do you?" Steve said lightly, but you could hear the undercurrent of violence in his tone. You felt Steve's arms shove aside his jacket lapels, but the next thing you knew, Bucky had you up against the brick wall of the alleyway. Everything got really loud really fast. You turned your head in terror to make sure Steve was okay, but Bucky forcefully grabbed your chin in his hand and made you look at him.
"Eyes on me, Princess," he commanded, and you obeyed instantly. "Good girl. You remember our codes?"
"Y-yes, Daddy."
"Good girl. Rabbit hole. Quick like a bunny. Go." He let your chin go and stepped towards Steve, leaving you alone with your orders.
After Steve and Bucky had rescued you and you'd grown accustomed to this new life, they had drilled code words into you in case of situations like this. "Rabbit Hole" and "Quick like a bunny" were codes for find a place to hide as fast as you can, and don't move until they come to get you.
You looked for a safe hiding space, just like Steve had taught you to, and found a slight notch in the brickwork of the alley- just large enough to hold a dumpster. You ran into it as fast as you could, squeezing yourself in between the dumpster and the wall. You huddled down, hands over your ears and eyes squeezed shut, pretending you were a rabbit in a hole, just like they taught you. Your hands over your ears mostly muffled the shouts, the grunts, and the loud bang. Then everything was silent.
After a couple minutes, you felt three taps on your arm. You opened your eyes to see Bucky kneeling in front of you, smiling. You peeled your hands from your ears just in time to hear him say "Good girl."
You flung yourself into his arms, sobbing and scared. He picked you up, balancing you on his hip, as you cried into his shoulder. He gently kissed the top of your head before pulling his phone out and making a call. Less than a minute later, Sam came barreling into the alley. Without a word, Bucky passed you to him and walked towards Steve.
You started crying even more hysterically. "No, Daddy, please don't go!" you wailed, trying to stretch out of Sam's arms to get to them.
"Hey," Steve's voice cut in sternly. You instantly stopped squirming, knowing better than to push Steve when he was angry. Seeing that you were behaving the way he wanted you to, Steve turned his attention back to what was left of the would be attacker. Sam pressed your face into his shoulder so you wouldn't look, and you stayed right there, unable to control your trembling.
A couple phone calls later and the situation was resolved. Your cries had quieted to occasional hiccups, but you were trying your hardest to be quiet and good, just like they wanted you to be. When you felt Steve's strong hands lift you out of Sam's arms though, you turned with lightning speed and latched onto him.
"Shhh, shhh, it's okay, Princess, Daddy is here now," he said in a much softer and more soothing voice that before. You sniffled a little.
"Daddy?" you whispered, looking up at him. He smiled softly at you.
"Hey there, Princess," he said, rubbing his nose against yours. You sighed in relief, and returned the butterfly kiss, before turning your head to look for Bucky. You didn't have to look far- Bucky was right behind Steve, smiling from ear to ear at you.
"Princess, tell Daddy what you just did," Bucky said proudly, lightly punching Steve in the back to get him to listen up.
"Runned to be a rabbit in a hole, like Daddy said to," you explained carefully, wanting to make sure you didn't mess it up. Steve's smug smile grew.
"Yeah? You were in a rabbit hole like Daddy told you to be?" Steve said proudly. "Well, how about that. You must have been a very brave little girl to be such a good bunny when the mean man came." At the mention of the attacker, you began to shake again.
"Shh, it's okay Sweet Cheeks, we're here and the bad man is gone. He didn't hurt us and he can't hurt you," Bucky crooned softly, stroking your cheek with his finger. But you couldn't stop shaking.
"Boss, you want me to call the doctor to come check her out?" Sam asked gruffly, seeing you beginning to tremble again.
"No! No doctor!" you whimpered before burying yourself in Steve's shoulder. You heard a smack and turned your head to see Sam holding the back of his head and looking annoyed, while Bucky stood next to him, fuming.
"Idiot, you know she hates doctors," Bucky hissed at their second in command.
"Sorry, sorry," Sam apologized, before looking at you. "Sorry, Princess."
"Is okay, Sammy. Thank you for...for helping me." You didn't really want to thank Sam for holding you back while your daddies were taking care of their business, but Steve and Bucky were very strict about manners and you knew they would want you to thank Sam. You were rewarded with kisses from the both of them, on either side of your head.
"Good manners, Princess," Steve whispered. "Come on. Let's go home. And see? Daddy didn't even let the bad man get our dessert. Let's go watch a movie and eat it before bed, okay?"
"Okay, Daddy."
"Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to go out to dinner, hm?"
"I'll do anything you want, as long as I can stay with you and Daddy forever."
"Good girl. That's what we want to hear."
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rosehipmarmalade · 2 months
rest in peace to roberto linguanotto, the inventor of tiramisu. thank you for literally saving my life & giving me a reason to live
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henza-hex · 6 months
Corey's Pov
Today I will meet my new roomate. The last one wasn't bad at all, but he always let the dishes dirty and forgot some of his underwear through all the house.
I fixed and cleaned everything to wait for my new roomie, I even prepared a dessert, like my famous tiramisu, and ordered a pizza. Always want to make a good first impression, because it will be easier to deal with him after.
I heard the door and it must be him. I combed my hair in a perfect side part and ran to greet my new roomate.
I opened the door and...
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He was an unit of a man, large pecs, biceps and quads, his clothes were tight on his body, and as he entered with a carefree look, I could check on his ass, and his cheeks were almost eating his shorts. I was staring for so long that I didn't notice that he even said hi.
He threw his backpack on his bed and said, "Do you have anything to eat?"
I woke up from my trance and said "Yes, yes I have everything prepared. Hope you like pizza, everybody does."
"Of course I do!" Before I could serve the plates on the table, the guy already snatched two slices with his hands and started to eat it ferociously.
"Hmm... what's your name?"
"Adam" he said with his mouth full.
"And what do you study?" I was waiting for him to pick my slice, but he never stopped eating. Conversation goes and he almost ate the entire pizza alone.
"Rugby. I'm on *he crunched the slice again* the rugby team."
"Amazing" a player, awesome. Probably doesn't even know how to wash his underwear.
He was on the last slice, and I thought of getting it before he did, but he was already on his way to snatch it.
"You must be full, save some space for dessert, haha." I said trying to break the ice.
"Dessert? You said dessert? Oh my gosh, how am I gonna... wait, wait" He pointed his index finger and started ro rub his belly, and then slowly...
He completely relivied himself on the table. He wore a pround grin on his face and said "Now I have some space for dessert"
Adam's Pov
I smiled proudly after the burp I let out and waited for this guy to give me my dessert "What are you waiting for? You said you made a dessert for me" I say irritated seeing how he just stares at me
"Oh...yeah sure" he says with a frown as he walks to the kitchen to come back later with a tiramisu that makes my mouth drool a bit "Damn dude, it looks great, give it to me" I say without even asking if my roommie wanted some and starting to devour it quickly in front of him.
"BURRRRRRRRRRP" a guttural belch comes out of me as I sit back on the sofa better and rest my arms on the headboard with a smirk "Yeah, right on the spot" I say with a giggle as That guy just looked at me with disgust
"Didn't they ever teach you that burping like that is rude?!" The boy dares to say what I just look at him for a few seconds as if he had told a joke and I laugh and then say "listen boy, nobody tells me what to do, much less how to act, I just act like the man I am, you are a simple boy, do you think I will listen to you?" I say mocking as an evil idea runs through my mind and I smile widely.
"In fact I want to thank you for all that welcome lunch you made just for me, let me do it my way" i say as I stand up noticing the big difference in height between the two of us making me smile even more "how easy it will be to dominate you" I think to myself
While that boy began to look at me with fear, I didn't let him react as I quickly grabbed his head causing him to let out a couple of complains "Shut up" I commanded as I turned around and made his head be practically in front of my butt "This will teach you to respect the man of the house" I say and slowly start to lift my right leg, some growls in my stomach alert us and I just smirk "I hope you like the taste of protein shake" I say and finally let the bomb out on him
A gigantic flatulence came out of my butt, making me let out a small moan of pleasure enjoying letting out all that gas that I had trapped since today's training, all my gas automatically hits the scrawny boy that I hold next to my butt and I can hear him coughing loudly by the smell "Damn, that was a good one, huh bro?" I say jokingly with a cocky smile.
Corey's Pov
-few hours later-
Everything will be alright Corey. I didn't think this guy would be this kind of jerk. I even prepared a big welcoming meal for us today, and he... even thinking about disgusts me, but now my room smells like his gas. I just needed a shower, maybe when I come out, the smell will be already dissipated.
I combed my hair in a tight side part and wore my clothes, when I came out of the bathroom..
Everything happened in slow motion. The door opened, and I was greeted with Adam turning around,  gaping his mouth wide at me, and what came next...
A humongous belch came ripping from the depths of his gut right on my face. My eardrums were shaking from the noise, and then I could feel some specks of saliva landing on my face. His belch was so bubbly I thought I could feel some gassy explosions on my face.
My senses were stunned. That burp might have lasted for 15 seconds, and all I could see was Adam holding me with a mischievous grin.
"I think you will have to take another shower" he said.
I was blood red in anger, "Cause my gas messed with your side parting, haha" Adam said.
I touched my hair and it was a mess, he literally blew me away.
The night came and I was flabbergasted by his behaviour. He even messed up with my hair. When I started to argue, he left to gym and I stayed here. His shoes are already stinking, and I can't wait for him to come.
He arrived all sweaty and shirtless from training, he threw his damp shirt on the couch and already went to the fridge for some beverage.
"If we want to live together, you have to stop being a total slob."
He slowly turned to me, drinking a whole bottle of gatorade. He pointed his index finger as a 'wait' gesture, and I could see him strongly swallowing all the drink inside.
"Aaaaaaah, now that's better. Sorry, I couldn't quite hear you under that belch" he spotted a grin.
I came closer, only realising I was entering his stink cloud.
cough "You can't just go into my room and burp and fart on my face! I was here first, one day and I just can't stand your smell, behaviour and this stupid little grin you wear everytime in your face!"
Adam's Pov
I just roll my eyes irritated listening to the dwarf complain again as I force a huge loud fart out of my butt making noise throughout the room "You better shut up if you don't want that on your face" I say threateningly
"Why don't you go and make something useful like a meal for me? I'm hungry after all that training" I say rubbing my stomach hungrily thinking what I could eat as I let my self lay down on the couch with my legs spread easily taking up more than half of it from space.
I started to feel discomfort in my lower abdomen, making a small grunt u forced some of that protein gas to come out as a muffled fart across the couch as I let out a relief sigh "yeah man I had to let that bomb out " I say with pride because of how strong it was and I laugh again.
Corey's Pov
It will be a long semester, Corey...
A collaboration with @gassydumbjocks
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Adoring Stands
Here’s another JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure fanfic! I love Mista with my whole heart, and I came up with this idea the other day and had to write it down. As always gif and characters are not mine, and if anyone would like to make a request, please feel free to ask!
Description: Guido Mista’s stand, Six Bullets, absolutely adore the reader, and they love to show the bullets affection in return. When Mista tries to rest after an exhausting mission, he is greeted by an adorable sight.
Warnings: cursing, mentions of fighting and violence from the mission, otherwise none (if I miss something though, don’t be afraid to point it out!)
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After a successful mission, the Bucciarati gang loved to go back to the Libeccio for a five course dinner. Bruno spared no expense when it came to boosting the moral of his comrades, and each person took their seat in their usual spots. Abbachio sat to Mista’s left, his headphones playing classical music as he drank from his wine glass. To Mista’s right was Y/N L/N, the newest member of the team, followed by Fugo and Narancia. Bruno and Giorno sat across from Y/N and Mista.
“Excellent work today, Y/N. I must say your fighting skills continue to impress me.” Bruno commented as he took a bite from his garlic bread.
Y/N gave a slight smile as they bowed their head in respect. “Thank you, Bucciarati, but the mission would have failed without the help from the rest of the team.”
“Come on, don’t be so modest! You totally kicked that stand user’s ass.” Mista playfully nudged Y/N in the ribs, and they returned the favor by punching him in the shoulder. Narancia snickered at Mista and Y/N’s antics, and the rest shared knowing looks. The chemistry between the two of them had always been present, and the others loved to tease Mista about when he would make an actual move.
“What are you laughing at, uomo idiota?” Mista asked as he glared at Narancia. 
The younger boy laughed even harder as he twirled spaghetti around on his fork. “It’s nothing, Mista. You’ll figure it out eventually.”
The group continued to eat in silence, or it was silent until Mista’s stand, Six Bullets, complained about their own hunger. They all tried to climb up onto Mista’s plate to steal some of his food, except for Number Five, who had been punched by Number Three and knocked back onto the table. Number Five rubbed his swollen gold cheek as he started to cry, but Y/N quickly scooped them up into their hand.
“Easy now, Number Five, there’s no need for tears. Number three may pick on you, but you are just as valuable as the other bullets. Here, I saved you a little something.” Y/N offered part of their tiramisu cake to Number Five, and the bullet squealed happily as it pulled the dessert off the fork. Number Five quickly shoved the coffee-flavored cake into their mouth before the others caught them in the act.
Number Five hurried back to the group, and they whispered to Number One the kind deed that Y/N had done, hoping to earn some brownie points with the leader of the group. Of course, this wasn’t the first time that Y/N had slipped the Six Bullets desserts or extra snacks on the side apart from what Mista gave them, but it still excited each of them every time.
One by one, the other bullets sneaked off to steal some tiramisu from Y/N, trying their best not to catch Mista’s attention, but he wasn’t a fool. “Y/N! I told you not to sneak extra snacks to these guys! The last thing they need is coffee, especially since I will be the one dealing with the aftermath.” Mista shook his head, but Y/N simply giggled as they looked towards the Six Bullets.
“Do you all promise me you won’t trouble Mista? I would appreciate it if you take it easy on him, and if you behave, I might be able to spare a macaron or two.”
“We promise, Y/N!” The bullets replied in unison, causing Mista to shake his head at them, but Y/N noticed the start of a smile on the Italian’s face. After lunch came to a close, the Bucciarati gang headed back to their secluded hide out to rest. Bruno told them that it would be better if everyone lay low for a while in case other enemy stand users were still searching for them. Fugo and Narancia sat down on the couch in the common room of their hideout since Fugo promised that he would help Narancia with arithmetic problems. Bruno sat at the table by the window drinking a cup of tea and recording the details of the mission. Abbacchio sat across from Bruno listening to Monteverdi, taking a moment to reach across the table and take hold of Bruno’s hand. The capo smiled at the gesture and rubbed his thumb against the back of Abbacchio’s hand. Giorno worked on trimming a bonsai tree that had been a basket a few moments earlier before he transformed it with Golden Wind. The atmosphere radiated with tranquility, that is until Mista started pacing the floor.
The flirty interaction between him and Y/N was not the first, and yet the more time that passed the more that Mista felt something growing deep in his chest. It felt warm and comforting, but at the same time it made his stomach twist into nervous knots. The others told him numerous times that the feelings he experienced each moment he stood beside Y/N was love, but Mista still had some uncertainty. What if Y/N flirted with him for fun? It wouldn’t be the first time someone played with his feelings and left when boredom took over. “I’m going to go lay down for a while. Maybe some rest will help clear my head.” Mista walked down the hall and opened the door to the room he typically slept in.
Mista expected to see an empty bed, but the sight in front of him made his heart leap with joy and astonishment. Y/N laid on their back, their favorite blanket tangled over their legs as their eyes remained closed. The Six Bullets were curled up on Y/N’s chest, also in deep states of sleep. Number Five snored lightly as they nuzzled into the soft fabric of Y/N’s shirt. Mista grinned from ear to ear at the sight in front of him, and he thought to himself that this moment was sweeter than the chocolate cake he had for dessert that afternoon.
Trying his best not to wake Y/N or any of the Six Bullets, Mista crept over to the dresser and sat his hat on the oak furniture, running a hand through his curly locks. He crossed over to the side of the bed that looked the most spacious and settled into the spot. Mista leaned over and lightly touched Y/N’s shoulder. “Hey, you’re hogging my bed, bellissima.”
Y/N let out a groggy mumble as they opened their eyes. Their chest felt heavier than usual, and as soon as they looked down to see what was causing the weight difference, they noticed that the Six Bullets were still snoozing away. “I’m so sorry, Mista,” Y/N apologized. “I thought you were busy, and these guys were ready for their nap, so I offered them a comfortable place to rest. It appears I dozed off myself.”
Mista brushed the back of his knuckles against Y/N’s cheek, causing them to blush. “No need to apologize, especially after the ass kicking you did during our mission today. You deserve the rest, and clearly my Six Bullets are in the same boat.” It was Mista’s turn to blush as he glanced away to look out the window. “They really seem to like you Y/N, adore you is more accurate, and they aren’t the only ones who adore you with all their heart.”
Y/N gasped at Mista’s confession, but they could feel their heart swell with joy from his sentimental words. Y/N had developed feelings for Mista months ago, but after so many failed relationships, they thought that it would be impossible for someone like Mista to reciprocate the feelings. They reached for his hand, and Mista turned back to face Y/N. “I think you should lay down and rest a while too, Mista. I would say that you look even more attractive when you are exhausted, but I wouldn’t dare lie to the person I’ve had a crush on for months.”
A chuckle rumbled from Mista’s chest as he reclined on the bed and wrapped an arm around Y/N’s waist, pulling them closer into his warm embrace. The Six Bullets seemed to enjoy the extra warmth from Mista’s sweater as well, and for once in a long time, Mista felt at peace. “I’m glad to hear that you would not lie to me, tesoro, because now that you have confessed your feelings too, I will be by your side for as long as I live.”
Tag list: @pansexualtimcurryvampireelf
Y/N hummed as their eyes drooped shut, sleep taking over once again. Mista fell into his own peaceful dreams, but none of them could compare to his current reality where his dream had already come true.
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eddiediazismyhusband · 3 months
God I wish I could be positive like other anons that said that for them 7x04 is the biggest confirmation buddie is happening. Please ignore this if you don’t feel like consoling me about my pessimist rant. I was optimistic but 7x04 made me a pessimist.
I just keep thinking “if 7x04 was supposed to be about buddie why was not about buddie?
Let me explain: it was the perfect setup for starting buddie. You know how it’s a bait and switch. They could have just not switched. They could have had Eddie go to buck instead of Tmmy and have Eddie say “you’re irreplaceable” which would have been much more meaningful and then “you know I can have more than a friend, right?” And buck could have said “maybe i don’t wanna be your friend” and boom you have bisexual buck and can get rid of that old ugly man.
It was the perfect setup, you need to change literally ONE SCENE. I literally can’t find a reason why they didn’t do it. My BFF said “they couldn’t make them come out at the same time” but they wouldn’t have. Eddie could have rejected him and then spend s7 coming to terms with his feelings instead of the shit that happened. I don’t believe in the “it’s cuz it’s a slow burn” theory because 6 years is slow enough. I wanna be a truther so bad but ever since 7x04 I’ve been slowly losing hope.
I flip flop between being optimistic and pessimistic… to me i can see the vision of whst they were *trying* to do with 7x4 but with no chemistry and one of the actors being so inept at their job it just fell completely flat… it felt unearned in a way bc we have seen buck and eddie interracting for 6 years, and the entire episode was centered around buck pining for eddie’s attention (im sorry, there is not way any of what buck did in that episode was out of any interest in Timmy Turner) just to throw the curveball at the end. The point of a bait and switch is thay the switch has to be believable, and earned— but it wasn’t because you spent the entire episode talking about eddie. Why not have buck’s jealousy be solely “oh i hate Tylenol, he’s so ughh and i hate him and i can’t stand him” bc if it had been that i would be more inclined to believe that buck had some sort of unconscious interest in him.
but that’s not what they did, they made him go gaga over eddie the entire episode.
another thing they could have done to make the switch effective is actually given Tuberculosis a role within the episode other thsn to show up and kiss buck… like showcase him and buck interacting more… build sublte tension there that makes it believable that buck is attracted to him… don’t just shove him in a corner and leave him collecting dust (don’t get me wrong i am NOT campaigning for them giving that man more screentime in fact i want that man off my screen as soon as possible which should have been the end of 7x3)
so from a narrative standpoint… to have eddie so intrinsically linked to Buck’s emotional arc in 7x4, i can absolutely see the vision of trying to do the whole misplaced feelings thing… even if they didn’t stick the landing at all bc lfj’s face is so stiff from all the botox that he can’t emote to save his life.
to me where things start to fall apart is after 7x4…. they had the perfect opportunity for buck to have his arc in 7x5, “mess things up with Tiramisu” (even though i fully side with buck in everything that happened on that date, like bffr) and then end the episode with them deciding to no longer pursue a relationship because they want different things (buck wants a relationship but is still new to this, Tire-Iron is old af and just wants a boytoy) and have them part ways… but they decided to double down on the relationship, having Buck invite a man he has known for 5 minutes to his sister’s wedding and then proceeded to make the wedding about buck??? that’s where the writers truly lost me. especially after they spent the first part of that ep establishing that Tricycle is nothing but dismissive and condescending to Buck just to make the whole wedding scene about them??? there was no need for that cringe-ass kiss (even if it had been a buddie plot point that kiss would have made me cringe bc the way it was written was so fuckin corny and also we waited too damn long for the madney wedding for it to be about someone else).
then ofc there’s the medal ceremony where we once again see Tuberculosis being dismissive of buck, and then 7x10 where he steamrolls over buck trying to have a meaningful conversation for him to just make a fucking sex joke…..
like i keep flip flopping back and forth bc i KNOW that T-rex has no substance as a character and no personality whatsoever beyond kissing buck, but i don’t understand why they’ve kept him around this long? There were plenty of opportunities to end things between them… 7x10 had a golden opportunity to solidify buck prioritizing bobby/eddie over his relationship and having Trampoline get upset and move on?? 7x9 could have had Bobby tell buck that he didn’t think Tablecloth was a good partner for him, comparing her to Abby and Taylor.
He was nowhere to be SEEN in 7x7
There could have been a moment in 7x6 where Eddie and Buck had a heart to heart (not even to make buddie go canon in that ep, but for eddie to point out that Truckstop doesn’t seem all that interested in him— hell or even hav HEN do it??)
After the entirety of 7b my trust in Tim has dwindled down so severely that I genuinely am trying not to form any expectations from s8… like i am fully prepared to just be disappointed again.
That being said I do think there is still so much potential for them to fix the mess quickly if they actually put in the time and effort… my issue is that idk if I trust them to fix the mess or just make it worse.
Plus if the same thing happens with s8 as s7 where they get renewed early on, that runs the risk of Tim changing the story yet again and dragging out plot points that don’t need to be dragged out.
Like it has fully been 6 seasons. Booth and Brennan were together by then, there is no reason buddie needs another full season…. especially after they’ve given themselves yet another wide open road to give us eddie coming to terms with his feelings; whether they go down that route or try to rehash shannon again is yet to be seen…
i saw someone else on here say something (and i cannot for the life of me remember who said it so full credit to that person for this quote) but it was along the lines of (and this is SEVERELY paraphrased) “tim made the choice to kill of shannon. if you wanted her to still be around then you shouldn’t have killed her. you made the choice, so stick with it.” and i feel like that applies to a LOT of the character regression/retconning we saw in s7
so i’m still in that boat of until they actually make the show good again, I’m gonna sit and wait because it’s not worth getting my hopes up and stressed about something that may not even happen bc the writers love toying either our emotions more than they love telling the story the way they themse have set it up to be told.
(also this applies to the show as a whole, not just buddie, there were so many plotlines in s7 that just careened into the realm of melodramatic soap opera to me in a way that was so ooc for the show… what happened to the little procedural dramedy? why is the cartel here committing arson? why are there pirates attacking a cruise ship in an arc that lasts all of 5 minutes? i miss the s2/3/4 era so badly (yes, say what you will about s4 but i enjoyed that season) and i really thought we were going to be getting that back in s7 (and pirate plot aside, eps 1-3 showed promise, and tbh aside from the kiss at the end 7x6 is one of my favorite episodes of the show in general, but as far as the season as a whole it just fell so flat for me)
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corpsebasil · 9 months
firefighter nikolai part 2
au: after Nikolai saves you from a fire you’re more than willing to repay him.
part 1 18+ smut
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“How you doing, sweetheart?” The first voice you’ve heard for hours asks, the steady beeping of a machine and the hiss of an air conditioning unit buzzing in the background. You groan and move to sit up, flinching when a hand moves to your back to assist you. “Hey, I’ve got you, Cinnabon. You okay?” His words are an echo of what he said to you after the fire and it’s a fact not lost on you.
You blink wearily over at Nikolai; he’s got a few cuts on his face and an exhausted look about him but other than that, he’s unscathed. His eyes are full of worry even if he’s forcing a small smirk, the furrow in his brow giving away just how scared he was—is—for you.
Cinnabon. Of all names right now.
“It was…one time.” You manage to rasp, earning a shaky laugh from the blond. He moves his hand up and down your back in soothing motions, his features relaxing. “Dominik’s okay?” Gods, your throat feels like it’s on fire.
“Yeah.” He nods. “All good. Trust me if anyone was getting out of that fire alive, it’s Dom.”
“Does he know—”
“He trusted me to get you out.” Nikolai explains quickly, not wanting you to think less of your brother for not being the one to save you. It’s needless—you trust Dominik with your life. “Believe me, though, I would’ve done anything I could to get you out. Anything.”
Nikolai runs through the flames, not caring if he’s burned alive as he tears through the fiery restaurant. Of all places—of all times—you have to be here. On a damn date, too.
Your asshole of a date didn’t even bother to stick around to help you, not that Nikolai blames him much. People do irrational things in emergencies but this, you… You were more important than anything. Nikolai would’ve died before leaving you.
“Y/N!” He yells, dodging a falling piece of the ceiling as he shoves aside a broken table. “Y/N, where—“ that’s when he hears it. The screaming coming from the woman’s bathroom.
Nikolai darts through a pathway that’s on fire, not caring if anything happens, and moves towards the bathroom door. You’re inside, yelling for help, the door blocked by flames that make the handle too hot to open with bare skin.
Utilizing his gloves and boots Nikolai stamps out as many flames as he can before yanking the door open, spotting you huddled in a corner of the bathroom, choking on smoke and in tears.
“Nik—” Is your weak call to him before he’s running over, hitting his radio as he moves.
“I’ve got a civilian in the bathroom. Get medical ready.” He speaks into the receiver, waiting briefly for Dominik’s response as he squats in front of you. “C’mere Cinnabon. Gonna get you out, okay?” His voice is soothing and you nod, unable and unwilling to protest as he scoops you up into his strong arms.
A second later he’s racing out of the bathroom, your weak body clinging to his in fear of all the fire swarming the restaurant. You’d just wanted a nice, simple date. A lovely Italian bistró that has the best tiramisu on God’s green Earth but this—a fire—hadn’t been anywhere on your radar.
“They okay? What’s the status?” Is Dominik’s reply through the radio, causing Nikolai’s jaw to clench as he hurtles towards the door. Time is ticking; he has no idea how long until this building collapses around the two of you.
“She’s um—” he swallows, tucking your head closer to his chest as you tremble, his legs carrying the two of you faster and faster to the exit. “It’s Y/N, Dom.”
“Get her out.”
“I will.”
The moment his shoulder slams into the door and you’re outside, chaos erupts.
You’re clutching the material of his jacket as tight as possible, your temple knocking into his helmet with almost every step. You don’t care. Smoke is in your nose, on your skin, in your hair, but Nikolai is here. Nikolai’s fingers are digging into your flesh, his grip almost bruising. It’s like he’d rather die than let you go; like you’re two parts of one person he can’t live without.
“Y/N!” Dominik yells, shoving through the crowd of onlookers and firemen to reach Nikolai. Your eyes blink slowly as his hand touches your forehead and—are you imaging things?—Nikolai’s hold on you tightens an almost protective fraction. “Oh god. Shit. You okay? Shit, Mom’s gonna kill—”
The end of his rant is lost to you when you glance up, finding Nikolai’s worried gaze on yours. His blue eyes are searching your face for something you don’t know when he nods once, lips twitching at the corners.
“I’ve got you, Cinnabon.” He murmurs, eyes softening when you loop your arms tighter around his neck, your forehead nuzzling tiredly into the crook of his neck. The smoke is probably getting to you.
“I know.” You sigh, lips brushing the skin of his neck, before you sink into sleep.
Nikolai sighs and keeps his hand on your back, the other moving to gently touch your knee over the hospital blanket. Your skin feels on fire for more than one reason, burns aside. It’s not your fault, really—Nikolai has always been attractive and the banter between the two of you is easy but this…saving your life? He might as well have a halo over his head with the way you’re looking at him.
“And um—” You glance around, spotting the IV in your arm and feeling the dry pain of your throat. “I’m not dead or anything, right?”
At this he outright laughs, fingers tightening on you as his shoulders shake. After a second or two you giggle as well, tentatively, before he’s massaging your knee with his thumb and ripping your breath straight from your lungs.
“I swear, only you would joke right now.” He breathes, eyes crinkled at the corners as he takes in your smiling face. “I swear, this is why I—” he stops himself and forces another laugh. “I’m going to hang a photo of you up in the firehouse. ‘Captain Cinnabon’ is your new official ranking.”
“Oh my god, stop.”
“‘Survivor of Fire’. ‘Sweet as Sugar’.”
“Nikolai, if you don’t—”
“‘Rescuer of Baby Squirrels and Feeder of Firemen’.”
“‘Ten Time Champion of—‘”
You slap a hand over his mouth and grin as he watches you, his amused expression melting into something like relief. His eyes blink slowly, lips touching your palm, and you suddenly find breathing a bit difficult as you slowly extract your hand.
He catches your wrist, though, and you truly don’t know how to breathe when he moves forward and presses a soft kiss to the center of your hand. His forehead is pressed into your touch next, a tired sigh leaving the man’s body as he simply holds your palm against him, melting into you.
You don’t speak until he does.
“Try somewhere else when you’re going on a shitty date, yeah?” He asks, eyes hidden from your view as he presses his forehead further into your palm. His hair tickles the tops of your fingers, his skin warm, and you shiver involuntarily. “Maybe find a man that can cook? Or get takeout?”
“A man that can cook?” You ask with a slightly breathy laugh. “Not many I’ve met.”
“I make a mean roast.” He blurts, then pauses. “If you’re interested.” You watch the top of his head for a moment before he pulls away, embarrassed gaze meeting your own. “Forget it, sorry. I just—”
“I’d love that.” You say quickly, fingers wrapping around his own. “I mean—I could make dessert. If you want.”
His smile is nothing short of dazzling when he nods, blue eyes locked onto yours.
“Perfect.” He mumbles, dropping another quick kiss onto your knuckles. “I’ll tell Dominik you’re awake.”
Three months pass before anything happens.
You’ve taken up Nikolai’s offer of dinner at his place, a meal that was ridiculously better than anything you could’ve gotten at a restaurant. Roast beef with baby carrots and creamy potatoes, fresh rolls, warm gravy—the whole nine yards. You’d gotten dessert as you’d promised, earning a laugh from Nikolai you’d never forget when you’d presented the gift.
Two Cinnabon rolls, fresh from that day. He’d warmed them and sat on the couch with you as you watched a movie, curled into his side. Then, later, he’d tucked your hair behind your ear, his fingers sliding easily through the silken strands.
“You’re beautiful, you know that?” He asked, his face tilted towards yours as the credits roll on the horror movie you’d chosen.
You tilted your chin up, smiling shyly.
“I know.”
“Good,” he breathed, fingertips lingering on your jaw. “just making sure.”
Weeks later you found yourself in the back of his car, straddling his waist while your lips moved furiously over his. He was literally moaning into your mouth, fingers digging into your hips as the two of you practically dry-humped each other like teenagers.
“Do you—” You gasp, pulling back an inch. “—have a condom?”
“No,” he pants, lips finding your neck. His next words are muffled against your skin. “we can wait if you—”
“Fuck that.” You scoff, yanking at his belt.
Nikolai lets out a small noise of surprise before shoving your dress up, his fingers tugging your underwear aside while you pull his pants and boxers down.
The second you sink down onto him the two of you collectively gasp, his hands gripping your hips with lethal force as he drags you further down onto him.
The next time he has you is, ironically, in the firehouse, your hands braced against the shower wall while he slams into you from behind. The stream of water drowns out your heavy breathing as he tugs your ass back against him, railing you like his life depends on it.
Then he’s got you on your couch, his tongue fucking into you as his fingers rub your clit. This man is a munch, I don’t care. He’s sucking on your clit like it’s the fountain of youth when he manages to get your legs spread open wide for him.
And you, on your knees, sucking him off while his hand is fisted into your hair.
You, one hand wrapped around him, stroking up and over his shaft and tip until cum decorates your palm and fingers.
gave someone a handjob today dont ask questions it’s for research guys okay RESEARCH. Sorry tMI
First time he makes love to you instead of rigorous fucking is over a month into your situationship, his slow thrusts making your head spin as he takes care of you, pulling multiple orgasms out of you before he lets himself finish.
But the most important part to you is the aftermath.
The way he shows up randomly with your favorite coffee, goes grocery shopping together before helping you cook dinner, watches whatever movie or show you like regardless of how corny it is.
How he kisses your forehead before he leaves, even spending the night a few times in order to make himself at home in your apartment: the way he massages your pussy in the morning leaving you an absolute mess before you head off to work.
Nikolai is a menace.
But you love him, right?
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larluce · 3 months
Arthur and Merlin travel back in time without knowing the other is from the future too AU
Tagging @aceauthorcatqueen , @fallenxjas , @smileytrinity ,@lucifertookmyshoe , @an-entity-i-think , @thecornerofbelu , @griffonskies , @odinjm , @cinnabon-sweetroll-tiramisu , @thelady-mary , @bennedict , @nightninjaboy , @st8-of-grace , @star-rie , @error-username-not-available , @dogberryrowan , @jamieweasley13 , @tansyuduri , @tercais , @robynnemrys , @evadne01 , @serasvictoria02 , @hairdryerducks , @hopeaha , @curiously-lazy , @ harriettesthings , @andrealux16 , @wacko-weirdo , @greatdonutenemy , @yougottobekittenme , @anxiousosaurus
LINKS TO THE OTHER PARTS OF THIS AU HERE: PART 1 , PART 2 , PART 3 , PART 4 , PART 5 , PART 6 , PART 7 , PART 8 , PART 9 , PART 10 , PART 11 , PART 12 , PART 13 , PART 14 , PART 15 , PART 16 , PART 17 , PART 18 , PART 19 , PART 20 , PART 21 (You're here), PART 22
I forgot I never showed how Arthur and Lancelot became friends again so here it is:
After the events of "The Poison Chalice". Lancelot in the dungeons.
Lancelot: (lying on the floor, thinking) The luck I have. I came to become a knight and somehow, as soon as I arrive, I end up offending the Prince of Camelot himself (sighs) Maybe that dream didn't mean anything after all. Maybe I'm not fit to be a knight… But then why were the prince and that boy in my dream?
Gwen: (arrives with a plate of food) Uhm... Hello?
Lancelot: (stands up quickly) Oh.. hey! 😅
Guard: (opens the cell)
Gwen: (enters, blushing a little) I...uh... brought your food.
Lancelot: (laughs softly) I can see that (takes the plate) Thank you, my lady.
Gwen: I'm not a lady and don't thank me, it's my job. Well not really, I'm Lady Morgana's maidservant, but Merlin asked me to make sure they were feeding you, so, uhm, it's actually a favor. Not to you! But to my friend Merlin, that is. (thinking) Oh, gods! 😳 Why did I tell him all that?! 😫🤦‍♀️
Lancelot: Merlin?
Gwen: The boy you saved.
Guard: (urges Gwen to get out of the cell with a gesture)
Gwen: Right, sorry. (gets out of the cell)
Guard: (closes the cell)
Lancelot: (stops Gwen before she leaves) Wait! You said "saved". You mean he is alright?
Gwen: (smiles, touched at his worry) Safe and sound. He was just under the effects of a paralizing poison, but it was not letal. He can move now.
Lancelot: (sighs in relief) I'm glad... wait, then why am I here?
Gwen: (confused) what?
Lancelot: For how the Prince reacted I thought I was being arrested for murder! Does the Prince still think I tried to kill him? Hasn't your friend explained to him what happened?
Gwen: (laughs without being able to help it)
Lancelot: (confused and a bit offended) I don't believe my disgrace is funny, my lady.
Gwen: (still between laughs) No! it's not-Sorry, it's just... (turns to the guard, scolding him) You didn't tell him why he was arrrested?
Guard: (shrugs) That's not my job.
Gwen: (sighs and turns to Lancelot) You see-uhm... sorry, what's your name?
Lancelot: Lancelot.
Gwen: Lancelot, the prince didn't send you here because he thinks you murdered someone. He's keeping you here because you touched his manservant.
Lancelot: ...
Lancelot: What? 😧
Gwen: Merlin, the boy you saved, is his personal manservant, but also the token of his affections if you know what I mean and you were found in... a very compromising position.
Lancelot: I was just holding him!
Gwen: For his highness that's compromising enough.
Lancelot: But I saved his life! Shouldn't I be rewarded instead?
Gwen: Yeah, but that also means you stole him the chance to be the hero. Merlin has been defending you, of course, but apparently that just infuriated him more.
Lancelot: Oh...
Gwen: Yeah, you might be here for a while.
Lancelot: (scared) He is not going to execute me, is he?
Gwen: (with a comforting smile) No, he wouldn't go that far. (thinking) He is not King yet. (says) I have to go now. (starts leaving)
Lancelot: (shouts) I didn't get your name!
Gwen: (turns and smiles softly) It's Gwen, short for Guinevere.
Lancelot: (smiles back) Nice to meet you, Guinevere.
Gwen: (blushes and leaves)
Lancelot: (thinking) Suddenly life in prison is not so bad.
Time skip after Merlin moves to Arthur's antechambers. In Gaius's Tower
Merlin: (enters) Gaius, did you call for-What happened?! 😨 (Goes to Lancelot worried, who is being bandaged by Gaius)
Lancelot: Nothing.
Gaius: The prince and the knights decided to use Lancelot as a practice dummy.
Lancelot: More like a practice bag. 😓
Merlin: Wait, that was you?! I thought it was an actual dummy. You weren't moving at all.
Lancelot: It's worse if I defend myself (streches a little). It's no so bad though. I've learned a couple of new fighting technics today! 😊
Merlin: That's still not right. I'm going to talk to Arthur. (Makes a move to leave)
Gaius and Lancelot: (Shout so loud Merlin startles) NO! 😱
Merlin: (confused) Why not?
Gaius: My boy, Arthur is taking it out on Lancelot as bad as it is. Trying to intervine is just going to make things worse.
Merlin: I just don't get why he is treating you so badly. I always talk him well about you.
Lancelot: (grumbling) That's the problem.
Merlin: Uhm?
Lancelot: Do me a favor, Merlin. Talk him bad about me. Maybe that will work.
Gwen: (enters with small package) Good morning, Merlin, Gaius, Lancelot.
Lancelot: (straightens up inmediatly and smiles) Good morning! (smiles, but winces a little at the sudden movement)
Merlin: What brings you here, Gwen?
Gwen: Oh, I just came to bring Lancelot his food.(goes to Lancelot and gives him the package) I know the Prince has been giving you a hard time
Lancelot: (blushing) Thank you, my lady. But I'm not in the dungeons anymore, you don't have to-
Gwen: Still not a lady and it's no problem really. Sometimes there are leftovers in the royal kitchens and I hate to see food going to waste, so you're actually doing me a favor.
Lancelot: By eating the food nobody wanted?
Gwen: Yes.
Uncomfortable silence.
Gwen: Uh... Lady Morgana must be looking for me.
Lancelot: Right, sure. Send her my greetings. (thinkings) "Send her my greetings"?! 😳 Really?! 😫🤦‍♂️
Gwen: Goodbye. To all of you. (leaves quickly as red as a tomate)
Merlin and Gaius: ...
Merlin: Alright, what is going on? 🤨
Lancelot: I don't know what you are talking about. (unwraps Gwen's package) Uhmm... It smells good.😋
Merlin: Yeah, like it's been recently cooked despite it being leftovers that normally by this hour are, you know, cold.
Lancelot: (takes a bite of his food) Uhum.
Merlin: And isn't smoked pigeon Gwen's especiality?
Lancelot: Really? I didn't know. (takes another bite)
Merlin: (takes Lancelot's food from him rughly)
Lancelot: Hey! 😠
Merlin: (accusing) Have you been courting Gwen? 😠
Lancelot: What?! No!
Merlin: Well, she's definitely courting you!
Gaius: (scolding) Merlin! (takes the food from him and gives it back to Lancelot) What's the matter with you? What's wrong with Gwen showing interest in Lancelot?
Merlin: (raises his voice in desperation) That is not how it was supposed to be!
Gaius and Lancelot: ...
Gaius: Merlin-
Merlin: I have to go. (leaves)
Another uncomfortable silence.
Gaius: Aaand I never got to tell him the errands I had for him... (sighs and looks at Lancelot's food) Can I have some-
Lancelot: Mine 😠 (brings his food closer to him, protectively)
Time skip. Merlin in his new chambers watering his lily.
Merlin: (thinking) I shouldn't be this mad. Is not like Gwen is being unfaithful to Arthur. They are not together yet and they haven't shown any interest in the other either. And Lancelot has always loved Gwen, that's not a secret. I want Lancelot to be happy. He's my friend, but... Then who will be Arthur's Queen?
Arthur: (from the door that conects their rooms) You're going to drown it.
Merlin: (stops watering his lily and turns to Arthur, confused) What?
Arthur: The plant. (walks to him) If you give it too much water you can kill it.
Merlin: Oh, right. Sorry. (blushes)
Arthur: You should fertilize it too. Plants don't only live of water, you know?
Merlin: (laughs a little) Since when do you know so much about plants?
Arthur: (his smile wavers) I... read. (Composes himself and jokes) Something you should do more often if you even know what that is.
Merlin: ...
Arthur: Okay, what's troubling you?
Merlin: Uhm?
Arthur: No snarky reply, no insult. It seems serious.
Merlin: It's nothing. I'm being ridiculous.
Arthur: It's not ridiculous if it's bothering you.
Merlin: You wouldn't understand.
Arthur: Try me. (takes Merlin to a nearby seat and sits next to him) Come on, you can trust me.
Merlin: (sighs) Gwen and Lancelot like each other.
Arthur: ... Oh.
Merlin: I should be happy for them. I know I should but I didn't expect Gwen to fall in love with someone so soon! (thinking) Someone that it's not you. (says) And Lancelot is a good man and his feelings are sincere. I know he would make Gwen happy, but... (thinking) She was supposed to be happy with you.
Arthur: Merlin, are you... jealous of Lancelot?
Merlin: What? No!
Arthur: Of Gwen?
Merlin: No! She's my friend. They are both my friends. It's nothing like that.
Arthur: Friend's jealousy perhaps?
Merlin: Maybe? I don't know. I guess I'm just afraid of change. (thinking) And how this will change EVERYTHING ahead.
Arthur: (sighs in understanding) I know that feeling.
Merlin: And how do you feel about this?
Arthur: (confused) What?
Merlin: How do you feel about Gwen and Lancelot having feelings for one another? I mean, Gwen's been Morgana's maidservant since forever. You know her longer than I do.
Arthur: I... don't know. (Thinking) I know I was relieved to know Lancelot was after Guinevere instead of you, but I was also furious with Lancelot for making Guinevere cheat on me with him before. But I'm not mad at him for wanting to be with her now.
Merlin: But it doesn't bother you, does it? (Thinking) If you have feelings for her in this life too I'll intervine, but if you are okay with it I won't. Just tell me.
Arthur: (thinking) It should bother me, she was my wife after all, why doesn't it bother me? (Says) It's her life, Merlin. She can do what she wants.
Merlin: (sighs in relief) You are right. Thank you, Arthur. (Stands up and goes to the door)
Arthur: Wait, where are you going?
Merlin: (from the door) To give the new couple my support! 😊
Arthur: And your chores? Merlin! 😠
Merlin: (already gone)
Arthur: (sighs and keeps thinking) I loved Guinevere, I know I did. I should be at least upset about this and yet I'm not. I decided I would court Merlin instead of her before I traveled back in time. I already had Gwen in my other life and it wouldn't be fair to either of them if I went after both, but... It was easier than I expected. I haven't thought of Guinevere until Merlin mentioned this. (looks at his ring finger with a sense of nostalgia) Guinevere...
Arthur's flashback.
Arthur in his chambers writing a speech on his desk.
Gwen: (enters, in a cheering tone) Hey! They told me you were hiding here.
Arthur: (not looking up from his papers, in a bored tone) I'm not hiding, I'm writing a speech.
Gwen: For tomorrow's ceremony, I know. (gets closer) I can help you with that. Give it a feminine touch as you would call it. This way you'll finish this sooner... (hugs him from behind seductively) And his majesty can concentrate in something more... exciting.
Arthur: (doesn't react at all at her intend) I rather do it myself. Thank you, Guinevere. (keeps writing)
Gwen: (her smile falls and separates the hug, but composes the smile quickly) I was thinking on visiting my father's and Elyan's grave today. (her smile turns sad)
Arthur: (hums in acknowledgement, eyes still on his papers)
Gwen: I haven't done it in years since Morgana... you know... It's silly cause is not like she can harm me now, but I still have this... fear sometimes.
Arthur: (doesn't even hum now, eyes still on the papers)
Gwen: But I can't live with fear forever so I'll go today. I just... don't want to do it alone.
Arthur: (finally looks up from his papers) You won't be alone.
Gwen: (hopeful) Really?
Arthur: Of course not, you are the Queen. You can take all the knights you need. (looks back at his papers)
Gwen: (her face falls) Right... Yes, I guess I'll do that.
Arthur: (keeps writing in silence)
Gwen: (walks to the door but stops midway and suddenly grabs candelabra and throws it at Arthur in full rage)
Arthur: Ow! (Brings a hand to his head) What the- 😨
Gwen: (grabs a vase nearby and throws it at Arthur too, screaming in rage)
Arthur:(dodges it barely, still very startled) What's wrong with you?! Guinevere!
Gwen: (keeps throwing random things at him)
Arthur: (yells) Stop it! (goes to her, being hit or dodging objects constantly) What are you doing?! Guinevere! (holds her wrists to stop her)
Gwen: (shouts, histerical) NO! (frees from his hold and shoves him furiously) I CAN'T STAND IT ANYMORE!
Arthur: Can't stand what?
Gwen: You! This! (points both of them) Us! If there was even an us to begin with!
Arthur: What are you talking about? We are fine.
Gwen: (laughs dryly) We are NOT fine. But of course you haven't noticed! You don't pay attention to me at all! You don't care what I do, you don't care how I feel! You wouldn't even notice I'm gone!
Arthur: That's not true!
Gwen: Really? When was the last time we intimated? Even better, when was the last time we share a bed?
Arthur: ...
Gwen: You don't remember. Why would you? It was so long ago...
Arthur: Guinevere-
Gwen: But you didn't realise it until now, did you?
Arthur: (full of guilt) I'm so sorry. You are right, I've been a terrible husband-
Gwen: Husband? (laughs dryly again) Oh, Arthur, we have long stopped being wife and husband.
Arthur: (heartbroken) Don't say that.
Gwen: Don't pretend you are hurt now. Everyone in the castle knows you stopped loving me years ago. Or maybe you just pretended you loved me all this time.
Arthur: (angry) Who said that?
Gwen: Everybody! The servants, the nobels, the dogs even! It wouldn't surprise me if all Camelot knew!
Arthur: But someone must have told you this rumor-
Gwen: Is not a "rumor"! They told me that to my face!
Arthur: (very offended and angrier) They can't do that! You are their queen! It is a grave lack of respect-
Gwen: You think they respect me? I'm a peasant possing as Queen that can't even give them the heir they want. For them I'm no more than your little experiment at best.
Arthur: I had no idea-
Gwen: Exactly, just like you had no idea Morgana had me echanted for WEEKS until Merlin pointed it out. But you did notice when he left your side for more than 5 minutes, you noticed something was wrong with him before you left for Camlann and you noticed when he didn't smile for 3 days!
Arthur: (confused) Why are you bringing Merlin into this?
Gwen: I just don't understand! (tears run down her eyes) Why? Why did you marry me? You went against the council, the law itself just for what? To have me as some decorative queen?
Arthur: Of course not!
Gwen: THEN WHY?!
Gwen: ...
Arthur: (realising his choice of words) I LOVE you. I meant to say-Guinevere! (Stops her by the arm when she starts leaving)
Gwen: (frees herself roughly and slaps him) Don't touch me! (Cries)
Arthur: (utterly shocked) ...Gwen-
Gwen: I should have run away with Lancelot when I had the chance! (Leaves closing the door behind her with force)
Arthur: (touching all the spots where Gwen hit him either with objects or her hands, feeling sudden pain) She's stronger than a give her credit sometimes. (sits on the bed) And does know where to hurt. (puts a hand on his chest, feeling hole in his heart)
End of Arthur's flashback.
Arthur: (thinking) Oh, gods... It's not that I didn't love her, but I stopped loving her way before I did the ritual. And she knew before I knew. (goes to the window and spots Gwen walking with the laundry) Guinevere, I know we were happy at least at the beginning. But even in our best days you weren't as happy as you could have been, were you? You never asked to be queen, you never wanted the title and the responsability. You just wanted a partner that adored you and respected you til the end, and I couldn't even give you that. You always loved Lancelot more... just as I always loved Merlin more. You told me before leaving that you just wanted me to be happy. Even when I made you miserable in our last years of marriage, you wished for my happiness. (sighs as Gwen goes out of sight) You also deserve to be happy.
Time skip. Lancelot at the stables.
Merlin: (enters) Hey... Sorry for how I reacted before.
Lancelot: (gives him a smile that doesn't reach his eyes) It's okay, Merlin-
Merlin: No, it's not! I was rude and mean and you didn't deserve that. I'll understand if you don't want to be my friend anymore.
Lancelot: (laughs) Merlin, I was thrown in the dungeons for you and that didn't stop me of wanting to be your friend, did it?
Merlin: No? 🥺
Lancelot: Of course not. (smiles) And I understand why you reacted that way. Gwen has been your friend for longer than I have and... I'm very aware I'm not the best match there is.
Merlin: Don't say that! You are more than worthy of her.
Lancelot: Really? She is Lady Morgana's maidservant and the blacksmith's daughter. I, on the other hand, don't even have a proper job and I came here with nothing because I have nothing for myself, much less to offer. And I met her when I was in the dungeons! what kind of good first impression is that?
Merlin: Good enough. She does like you. I can see it.
Lancelot: Gwen is a wonderful woman and I'm lucky she has any interest in me at all. But she deserves better than just... me.
Merlin: I think that's for her to decide. Don't you think?
Arthur: (enters) There you are. Lazing around as always.
Lancelot: (nervous) No, I wasn't, Sire! I-
Merlin: Relax, he's not talking to you. (aproaches Arthur) Need me for anything, my lord?
Arthur: No, but Gaius does. Apparently, there are some errands you should have done hours ago.
Merlin: (facepalms himself) Ugh, I forgot.
Arthur: What a surprise.
Merlin: On it! (leaves running)
Arthur: (turns to Lancelot with a serious face)
Lancelot: We were just talking I swear!
Arthur: (throws a sheathed sword at him)
Lancelot: (catches it in reflex) ... Sire?
Arthur: Not bad.
Lancelot: (still confused) Would you like me to sharpen your sword again, sire?
Arthur: Don't worry. I have my own. (points his sheated sword in his belt) What I'd like is for you to kill me.
Lancelot: (even more confused) Sire? 😥
Arthur: Come on, don't pretend you don't want to. Hell, if I were you, I'd want to. (unsheates his sword)
Lancelot: (unsheates his sword carefully)
Arthur: (smirks) Come on!
*insert epic sword fight*
Arthur: (smiles) Not bad indeed. (sheates his sword and puts it aside) It's a shame the Knight code doesn't allow commoners in the calvalry.
Lancelot: (nods sadly) Merlin informed me of that, Sire.
Arthur: I can make an exception for you though.
Lancelot: (hopeful) Really, sire?
Arthur: You just have to do me a favor.
Lancelot: (very happy) Anything! I'm so grateful you are giving me this chance, sire! I am forever in debt with you!
Arthur: Do you know Guinevere?
Lancelot: (confused at the sudden change of subject) Yes, she is lady Morgana's maidservant.
Arthur: Such a beauty, isn't she?
Lancelot: (frowns) She is.
Arthur: I know you two are close.
Lancelot: Oh, we are just friends, but yes. We have grown really close, sire.
Arthur: That's perfect. Then it will be easy for you to do what I'm going to ask you.
Lancelot: Which is?
Arthur: I want you to convince her to join me on bed tonight.
Lancelot: ...
Lancelot: (any trace of kindness on his face gone) What?
Arthur: I would ask her myself, but I want discretion, you see. And since you are so close to her, I'm sure you would have no problem-
Lancelot: No.
Arthur: Excuse me?
Lancelot: I won't do that, sire.
Arthur: Oh, it's a real shame. (sighs) I'll ask someone else to do it then. (turns to leave)
Lancelot: (blocks his way) No! I won't let you dishonor Gwen like that!
Arthur: (laughs) Like she has any honor to defend.
Lancelot: (unsheates his sword pointing it at Arthur's throat, furious)
Arthur: Lancelot?
Lancelot: Take it back.
Arthur: Lancelot, you are threatening your Prince.
Lancelot: (raises his voice) You are NOT my prince! How dare you speak of a maid like Gwen like that! I don't care that you are the Prince of Camelot or of all Albion! I rather die by decapitation for regicide than let such a dishonorable man taint her!
Arthur: (smiles proudly) You are right. Gwen deserves a man that treasures her and defends her of everything and everyone... just like you are doing now.
Lancelot: ... What? 😧
Arthur: Well done, Lancelot. You have my blessing.
Lancelot: Your... blessing?
Arthur: To court Guinevere.
Lancelot: ...
Arthur: You can put the sword down, you know?
Lancelot: (sheates the sword and puts it away, blushing) Sorry, Sire.
Arthur: So, when will you start courting her?
Lancelot: (still pretty confused) I wasn't really planning on it, sire.
Arthur: Don't tell me you don't have feelings for her. You were about to kill me for insulting her just a minute ago.
Lancelot: It's not that!
Arthur: Oh, you think she is not good enough for you? 🤨
Lancelot: No! It's me who is not good enough for her!
Arthur: Because you are a poor country peasant that was arrested as soon as he laid a foot in the citadel?
Lancelot: ...Yes?
Arthur: It may sound ridiculous for me of all people to say this, but titles and possessions don't actually define your value, Lancelot. My father believes that nobelty is defined by blood and the family you were born. I, however, believe nobelty is defined by the actions of men and what they have here. (points Lancelot's chest) And I can tell you for certain you are the noblest man I ever met.
Lancelot: (looks at Arthur in awe)
Arthur: So court her! Fight for her! Even if a lord or a prince or even a king shows interest in her, because they might have riches, but not what really matters.
Lancelot: (nods, emotional) I will. Thank you, Sire.
Arthur: Don't thank me. I can't actually make you a knight, Lancelot, not until I'm king. But I can give you the training meanwhile if you allow me. In exchange of that I do need a favor of you.
Lancelot: You... want me to ask Merlin to join your bed?
Arthur: (blushes furiously) What? No! I would never-
Lancelot: (laughs)
Arthur: (laughs too) Alright, I think I deserved that. No, what I want is for you to protect him when I can't. He tends to get into trouble constantly as you could see and I can't always be around to protect him myself as much as I'd like to.
Lancelot: (smiles) You can count on me, Sire.
Timeskip. In Morgana's chambers.
Gwen: (enters with a couple of flowers in her hair)
Morgana: (compliments) Nice touch.
Gwen: (shyly, blushes) Thanks.
Morgana: Wait, I know that face. (gets closer to Gwen) Are they from someone? 😏
Gwen: (blushes more)
Morgana: Don't tell me. Lancelot?
Gwen: (nods, smiling brightly) He gifted them to me.
Morgana: I can't believe it! Finally! (hugs her) It was about time he made a move. (pulls away) I'm so happy for you.
Gwen: We barely just started courting. It may not last.
Morgana: It will. He'd be a fool to let a wonderful girl like you go. (caresses her face fondly) You know what? You can have the rest of the day off.
Gwen: But you-
Morgana: Will manage on my own just fine. Have a date with your man. You earned it.
Gwen: Thank you so much, my lady. (about to bow)
Morgana: (stops her) Morgana. Just Morgana this time.
Gwen: Morgana. (hugs her) thank you. (pulls away) I'll tell you everything when I get back! (goes to the door)
Morgana: I want every detail!
Gwen: (leaves closing the door behind her)
Morgana: (her smile falls as soon as Gwen is gone) It's fine. (goes to her bed and sits) She's happy. (smiles again, but her eyes water) Gods, I've never seen her... (sobs without being able to help it) so happy!
The events of this part happen just before the events of "Lancelot" for which I already wrote a small fragment and I don't plan to write more on that episode really cause basically the only thing the changes is that Lancelot kills the griffin when it first attacked Merlin since Merlin echants Lancelot's weapon sooner and that's when he properly discovers Merlin's magic (though he already suspected it). I will write a bit more of "Excalibur" though and extend myself in "The Moment of Truth" and "The Labyrinth of Gedref" because there are gonna be important changes there. Once finished with that I'll full on go with Series 2 (where most of your requests are). So enjoy Series 1 :D!! cause series 2 is when everything will go to hell
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