#tiny riverway
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anonyb0b · 2 years ago
Tiny riverway but they share a SQUIP pill
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izzyfishie · 2 years ago
Tiny gay people will literally sit in teacups together
(I’m a little late to tiny Bmc because I was sick, so have some low effort riverway and happy pride month <33)
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catcas22 · 1 year ago
[Camera pan across Nokstella riverways.]
[Zoom in on coffin floating leisurely down the river.]
[Coffin strikes the bank with a gentle *thunk,* lodging in the soft mud.]
[Slow zoom in. Sound of muffled, high-pitched cursing audible from within the coffin.]
[Fade in on the interior of the coffin. A tiny doll can be seen repeatedly kicking the side of the coffin. She occasionally jumps in a plainly futile attempt to dislodge the lid.]
[Record scratch. Freeze frame.]
[Begin voiceover.]
Narrator Ranni: Yeah, that's me. You're probably wondering how I ended up in this situation.
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mono-socke · 11 months ago
Day 14: Nanotechnology (tiny)
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mini SQUIPs during class, ft. River, who's actually trying to help Jeremy by hacking his tablet and taking notes; Palace, who's exhausted from generally existing; Lyceum, who's bored and Jeremy, who's just happy to be here.
Bonus pic of tiny Riverway next to a Mnt Dew bottle
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the-hinky-panda · 1 year ago
The Drowning Kind: Part II
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Title: The Drowning Kind
Pairing: Captain Sean Renard x OFC (written as a reader)
Rating: Explicit
Summary: You heard of the Portland Grimm and leave your fundamentalist group of naiads in Vancouver. You just wanted a safe fresh start; you didn't expect to fall in love with a royal hybrid police captain.
There are two things that naiads are experts in: swimming and secrets. 
When you first met Sean Renard, you immediately recognized a fellow secret keeper. Words were used sparsely and with the craft of saying enough but providing no actual information. It was a language that you spoke fluently and his presence soon became the closest thing you ever felt to being home. You didn’t think he felt the same way until you saw the red kayak on the river at ten o’clock at night two days after the close of the case you had offered assistance. 
The late night rendezvous continued for the next two weeks, you floating alongside the boat while conversation flowed, still guarded but slowly unfurling tiny bits of information. You moved from Vancouver for a fresh start. His ancestry was old, traced back hundreds of years from Europe. You were living in a broken down house along the river because that was all you could afford. He was living in a penthouse in Portland. You had taught yourself how to read and write, your village not strong believers in their women being educated. He spoke five languages and had the best education money could buy. 
Slowly, more valuable pieces started to become revealed. His hybrid heritage. Your disfigured hands and feet. His tiring game of playing both ends against the middle to protect the Portland Grimm. Your deep scars of a betrayal from someone you had trusted. He was searching for balance between the two worlds he represented. You were searching for the girl who had dreams and once believed that love was real. 
So you found each other. 
Due to the situation he found himself in, along with a diabolical brother who searched for leverage in every aspect of his life, you understood why this needed to stay a secret. For your protection and everyone else around you, no one could know that you had regained that tiny spark of hope that maybe love wasn’t a myth. You still weren’t convinced of what this was between you two but it was precious enough to protect. And you did, for the first time in a long time, feel truly protected. So you kept the secret. 
“Where are we going?” 
You glance over your shoulder. “What’s the matter, Sean? Don’t you trust me?” 
The smile he gives you is sly, a subtle twist to the side of his mouth. “All I asked is what did you do today. Now you have me on one of the uninhabited islands in the middle of the river. I’m sure you can understand my unease.” 
“I do,” you respond. Trust is hard for both of you after the lives you’ve lived. “It’s worth it, I promise.” 
You found the abandoned fishing shack the same way you find everything, by accident. Growing up along riverbanks and on the edges of lakes in Vancouver, you had more of a need to know the flow of the water and the islands that got in the way of it. You were spending much of your free time learning the same thing here in Portland. That knowledge is what crossed your path with Detectives Burkhart and Griffin. 
A group of college kids who had too much to drink had gone missing after an afternoon of tubing on the river. They unknowingly became prey for some rowdy wendigo and needed to be found ASAP. Burkhart had reached out to the naiad community in the harbor and you had wanted to show your worth to your new community. You didn’t expect to be the one to find them but you did, only one out of the group of seven fell victim to the wendigo. Now, you were the riverway consultant for the Portland PD. 
After your maiming, you were still able to be useful. 
The shack was falling down, abandoned for years. It didn’t take much to patch the small roof or replace the broken board walls. It was meant to be a shelter from the elements, nothing longstanding. There’s no electricity that runs into it so you have to get creative in how to fix it up. Abel and his daughters helped you out by using their fishing boat to bring a futon, small armchair, and a desk. You brought some of your books and candles. You pitched it to them as your retreat but your true intention is to share it with only one other person. 
He takes in the ramshackle little hut with cautious curiosity. “Did you build this?” 
“No, I’m not that talented.” 
You push the door open hesitantly. You had already lit some of the candles, the soft glow flickering off the wooden walls and furniture. It actually looked more inviting than you thought it would. But then you remember the one time you visited his apartment in Portland. The large windows overlooking the city and river. The polished granite counters in the kitchen, the artwork that hung on the walls, and the bottle of wine he was there to pick up. All of it was worth more than anything you had ever seen before in your life. What were you thinking trying to pass this off as something special? 
“I think it’s lovely.” 
You feel heat rise to your cheeks. He’s patronizing you. Making the simple, little naiad believe she had done something magnificent when really he was laughing at you. Words are failing you and you silently stare at your feet until he nudges your shoulder playfully. 
“You going to let me in? Because I really want to investigate something in there.” 
You look around the space wondering what he could be talking about when he picks you up, your arms looping around his neck and your legs wrapping around his waist. You start to ask what it was he wanted to investigate when he takes the opportunity to kiss you. After a long day of not seeing each other, you easily give in to the familiar press of his lips against yours. You hear the door being kicked shut and feel yourself in freefall, stopped when you land on the futon. 
“So,” you ask him from your sprawled position on the blankets, “what exactly did you want to investigate?” 
He pulls his shirt over his head and drops it on the floor. “I want to see if that futon can hold the both of us.” 
You reach behind your back and untie the crocheted bikini top, tossing it on top of his discarded shirt. His eyes darken at the sight of your bare breasts and suddenly this rehabbed fishing hut doesn’t seem like such a silly secret after all. 
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thesquirrelqueer · 2 years ago
I present to you tiny riverway
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omg smol
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certifiedwerewolf · 7 months ago
So I've been doing some geography for Merriment and Mirth and if you've ever wondered about the geography of the story, wonder no longer!
The kingdom Merriment Stead is located in is called Ima, which is one of three kingdoms that are collectively known as Tyrhara for lore reasons. Ima is the northeasternmost kingdom of the trio, and Merriment sits near the northwesternmost corner of that, not too far from its border with Tuo, the northwesternmost kingdom of the trio and the one whose prince has had "things" said about him.
The three kingdoms do not make up a perfect triangle, rather, Ima is shaped like a crescent, taking up the bulk of Tyrhara's border with the Wood, the foothills of the Great Bear, and the coastal region in the east. Its western borders hug Tuo in the north and Haro in the south. Very little of Tuo borders the Wood and none of Haro does. To the south Haro and a very little bit of Ima share their border with the neighboring country, Orniara, called the Seas of Salt and Sand and home to the Sea-folk.
The northwest border of Tyrhara is about ninety miles, its northeast border is about sixty miles, its southern border is a little over a hundred miles, and its southeastern border is a little over fifty miles. The three kingdoms altogether make a bit of a rhombus, if a bit of a wonky one.
Tyrhara's climate primarily sits in zones 7 and 8, with a little bit of 9 along the coast and on the coastal islands and a little bit of 6 in the foothills.
As an aside, Snow and Bryory came to Merriment through the wood from a kingdom called Nurin, and Goldie came from Alran, a tiny kingdom in the foothills on Ima's northeastern border. Like Snow and Bryory, she came through the Wood.
Also as an aside, per their lore, if you were to walk the islands off the coast far enough you would come to the black-glass mountain where the Sun keeps his palace. This is, of course, an absurd notion best kept to lore, but no one ask Bryory's mother about it. (By the way, it's only possible to "walk" the islands at low tide and only if you go through the marshes. Only some of the islands are actually habitable full-time; many are underwater for part of the day every day.)
The River Merriment leaves the Wood and passes through Merriment Stead before eventually joining up with the River Ochee which runs to the Capitol down on the coast.
Along with the Bear-folk who are the original inhabitants of Atu, Ima is also home to the Horse-folk who live between the foothills and the coast, and to at least two clans of the Barge-folk, who travel the riverways of Atu, not actually on barges (one assumes the name is born from tradition rather than a reflection of their current reality, where they use paddlewheel boats).
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primrose-fr · 4 years ago
Wildlife of the Windswept Plateau
Hey I've decided to make this a series. Next on my list of "researcher documents the Flights native wildlife" we have the Wind Flight! I hope this is at least a good jumping off point for you writers/RPers/Worldbuilders!
Includes little personal notes here and there about possible uses, ecology and real-life equivalents, and interesting notes from the items bio too. Calling this series “Ecology of Sornieth” where I detail: Wildlife.  Aquatic life. Insects. Plant life. ???.
Long post ahead. Cut for convenience.
Wild Life:
Balsas Anole (Able to change color based on mood. probably a popular catch for hatchlings) Plague Bat (Bats native to the Scarred Wasteland. Most likely purged for spreading diseases.) Sun Flecked Fieldmouse (Fur sparkles in the sunlight. can leap great distances and has a tendency to brood.) Zephyr Sparrow (Flies very high but is prone to oxygen deprivation. Tend to be short lived due to this reason. Possibly kept by dragons for it's plumage) Broad-footed Moles (Stubborn. strangely tend to dig in opposite directions from their mates. Possibly dug up as food by hatchlings) Cottontail Rabbit (A decent meal for dragons, probably farmed for meat and fur. hilariously large dragons might use them similarly to cottonballs.) Hooded Hen (Can be ornery maybe? A decent meal for a dragon. Probably farmed for meat and feathers.) Steppes Box Turtle (Known for the pattern on it's shell) Hooded Skunk (despite being a skunk its rather docile. Probably hunted for as wild game for meat and fur) False-Peacock Quail (Pretty plumage. A decent meal for a dragon. Probably hunted as wild game for meat and feathers) Mallard (A decent meal for a dragon. Probably hunted as wild game for meat and feathers. Note: Irl only male Mallards have the signature green hood.) Golden-Laced Rooster (Can reached running speeds of up to 15km an hour. Probably hunted as wild game.) Arroyo Toad (Most dragons have developed an immunity to it's skin toxin. Mirrors however are allergic.) Firebearer (A type of squirrel monkey. Has been observed spreading forest fires by carrying burning branches to new areas. Possibly done to flush out game from underbrush or usher in new growth in remote areas. Possibly a Keystone species?) Fancy Rat (Possibly kept as pets. Might even be given as gifts(for pets or to eat) during special occasions) Wallaby (Probably hunted as wild game. A decent meal for a dragon.) Pangolin (Noted for keeping lairs insect free! Might be kept around as a form of pest control. although maybe not by insectivorous dominated clans.) White-Eared Hummingbird (Yes birds do have ears!) Olive Sea Snake (VENOMOUS. Aposematic. Bright blue and orange coloration warns of it's toxicity. Named not for it's color by for it's curious love of olives. Note: Irl all species of sea snake are venomous. they are close cousins to cobras and kraits.) Grey Squirrel (Probably a common meat in stews and campfire roasts) Tree Gecko (Has great camouflage but oddly is color blind.) Magpie (Hunted for both their meat and hoards of shinies) Ferret (Probably kept as popular pets/small game hunting companions.) Sugarglider (A prime pest of Sugarmelon crops. Probably kept and bred as pets for their cuteness. Funfact: It's a possum!) Bar-headed Goose (Probably hunted as wild game or farmed for meat and feathers.) Crested Newt (Notable has a crest for mating displays) Emerald Striker (VENOMOUS. Contains it's venom in the "emeralds" on it's body. Probably not safe to eat due to the "venom pockets" throughout it's body) Silver Racoon (Named for it's love of silver ore and trinkets. Might be hunted as wild game.) Lesser Land Iguana (apparently very self confident. I take that to mean they are aware of how dangerous they are and probably have few predators. Probably hunted if there are no other options though. Most likely avoided due to average iguana temperament (That is to say violent as hell)) Bog Canary (Has an awful call. but it's plumage is pretty and might be kept as pets (Note: Picture depicts a budgerigar not a canary)) Golden Reefprince (A type of axolotl, has a golden sheen. typically given by dragons to someone they're trying to impress. Might be farmed similarly to Valentines roses and sold for holidays and anniversaries.) Black Swan (Probably kept as ornamental birds by the upperclass. Compete in elegant displays with each other. Probably over mating rights.) Juvenile Prairie Skink (The adults of this species perform excellent parental care for lizards when the hatchlings are young. (Note: Maternal care in irl skinks is highly unlikely. Note 2: Art possibly depicts a jeweled lacerta instead?)) Muskrat (A native to the Gladevines of the Viridian labryinth this rodent is commonly found in aqueducts hunting small aquatic life. Probably hunted as wild game or farmed for meat and water resistant fur.) Reedhopper (Amphibian. well camouflaged though makes a loud incessant croaking. Probably a common sound at night near fresh waterways like ponds and rivers.) Collard Lemmings (Has local folk stories that tell of them staring into your soul and knowing all your secrets.) Glowing Pocket mouse (Common prey to smaller predators. It's brightness indicates it's mood. Kept as familiars) Skycats (Common winged felines that guide dragons throughout the Windswept Plateau. Multiple sets of large ears implies excellent hearing. Normally catch the updraft of larger dragon wings for easier flight. Kept as familiars.) Bamboo Phytocat (Has developed bamboo growths on it's body for camouflage in the reeds. Ambush Predator. Large and dangerous. Possibly hunted for trophies or as rites of passage. Kept as familiars) Banded Owlcat (Silent ambush predators from both the land and the sky. Kept as familiars) Grassland Trunker (Small squat herbivores. Very docile. Often kept as pets or farmed for meat. Kept as familiars.) Lilyfowl (Birds who spend most of their time submerged in ponds and such. Can breath through it's plant-like growths! Kept as familiars.) Myosotis Fox (Fur is vibrant in color and displays many beautiful flowers. In the wild they most likely use this for camouflage. However they are kept and bred as companions. Possibly bred for color and flower variation. May even be used in shows. Popular among upper class? Kept as familiars.) Traveling Garden (Large tortoises with a variety of plant life growing amongst their shell. Maybe a Keystone species? Kept as familiars.) Heckling Hydrena (Possibly native to the Shifting Expanse. Unknown if invasive or just widespread. Most likely inhabits marshlands and other waterways. Apparently pose danger to stray hatchlings. Kept as familiars) Toxic Igueel (TOXIC. Coloration is aposematic to warn would be predators. Probably inhabits rocky coastlines and other marine environments. Leather is very useful in leatherworking as interfacing and support. Kept as familiars) Tradewinds Gull (Common seabirds. Popular for use in message transport. Most likely used by maritime trades. Kept as familiars) Blueridge Greatshell (Large aquatic turtles that inhabit freshwater only. Cannot survive saltwater. Probably hunted for meat. Kept as familiars) Scaleside Noggle (Most likely a riverway/lake predator for small to mid sized creatures. Kept as familiars) Fiendcat (Fiery predators that cook their prey. large and dangerous. Probably a threat to smaller clans. Hunting one could be considered and accomplishment. Kept as familiars) Bluetail Skira (Large herbivores who spend much of their time lounging in ponds and lakes. Blue algea growing on their tail gives it that blue color. Kept as familiars ) Ringlet Amphithere (Tiny winged snakes that can fit in a Fae's claws. Might be kept as pets. Kept as familiars.) Hippojay (Might be farmed for meat or hunted as big/trophy game. Probably a common sight in wind clan backyards. Or kept as familiars) Crowned Roc (DEADLY. Massive dangerous birds that can be found hunting the skies of the Windswept Plateau. Poses a threat to all but the largest of dragons(Imperials?). Might even hunt/eat mid to small sized dragons. Apex predator of the region and a possible keystone species. Might commonly be the subject of stories, legends, myths, art, ect. Hunting one is probably a great event. Kept as familiars) Cloud Chaser (Airborne cetaceans that fly through the air, possibly in massive beautiful pods. produces clicks and whistles. Groups of them might sound like an orchestra of woodwind instruments. Most likely the favored prey of Crowned Rocs. Also probably subjects of popular culture. Kept as familiars. )
Aquatic Life:
Fissure Crawdad (Found only in dark crevices. Tasty. worth the effort) Leech (Common pest after swimming in waterways) Common Minnow (can be eaten in mass quantities for nourishment. Possibly kept in dragon aquaria) Sun Baked Oysters Jumbo Shrimp (Meat has a sweet and tender flavor.) Pumpkinseed Sunfish (Tasty and addictive when roasted and salted. decent meal) Sea Sparrow (flying fish known for it's abrasive chirping) Sea Hare Sea Fae (Known for it's resemblance to the dragon species. Plentiful snacks) Dumpling Squid (dipped in tangy sauce when eaten) Golden Rainbow Trout (Commonly fished from riverways as a decent meal. Golden shine is noticeable from the bank. Might be farmed in aquaponics for meat) Green Corydoras catfish (Tiny bottom dwelling armored catfish. Might be kept in dragon aquaria) Golden Cushionfish (Puffer fish) Seabed Pincher (When threatened they swarm and attack the threat. Plentiful food if a little difficult) Longfin Urchinbane (Species of cardinalfish that preys on urchins. considered a pest fish by dragons.) Sea Heart (Some kinda urchin. might be preyed on by Longfin Urchinbane) Steppes Pincher (Well camouflaged and possibly territorial) Topaz Guppy (Very friendly, possibly live in a area free of natural predators. Beautiful copper finage. possibly kept in dragon aquaria) Silverside Tetras (Small tetras, shimmery scales confuse predators when in schools. Possibly kept in dragon aquaria) Red Octopus (Color changing cephalopods. Might display typical cephalopod intelligence. Tentacles might be eaten as seafood.) Lesser Shallowshark (Small cat sharks. Scavengers. Large schools are common and very efficient at striping large carcasses) Royal Oyster (The more pearls this species has produced the more valuable they are to dragon collectors.) Chromodori Swimmer (Variety of dragon sea slugs) Golden Snakehead (Labrynthian fish capable of breathing through primitive lungs. Allows them to live in low oxygenated water. Medium vicious predators. Decent meal for dragons.) Electric Stingers (Jellyfish whose sting is particularly painful) Marbled Hatchetfish (Top dwelling schooling fish. Probably kept in dragon aquaria) Kuhli Loach (Bright colors ward off potential predators. Probably kept in dragon aquaria. (Note: Water spaghetti! One of my favorite fish in aquaria)) Molten Goby (Thrives in incredibly hot waters. meat is possibly very spicy.) Glass Isopod (Have very fragile shells that crack easily.) Pale Smallmouth (CANNOT handle water touched by the plaguebringer, It's presence is an indication of a healthy ecosystem and safe water. Indicator species. Decent meal for dragons too) Discus (Popular, beautiful, and challenging to care for in irl aquaria. Possibly kept as decorative fish for the upper class in dragon aquaria) Four-Eyed Butterflyfish Morning Star (Seastars active only in the early hours of the morning.) Angelspine (Golden spines of this urchin are valued. Meat however is bland.) Gaseous Megashrimp (Big, kept as familiars. this is speculation but depending on the size it may also be used as a seafood alternative to whole roasts like pig) Skittering Megashrimp (See above) Lurefish (Predates on other fish using it's lure. Probably a species of jawfish. Kept as familiars) Plantation Pincher (Considered a rampant pest on farmland.)
Insect Life:
Gliding Ant (Known for it's ability to glide across the ice. Most likely Native to Ice) Honeybee (Tastes sweet. Most likely kept for food as well as honey.) Crop Cutter (Pests that can devour entire fields. Plant eater hate them while others feast on them.) Nymph (appears to be just a grub) Bean Beetle (considered a pest to gardener. popular to eat for insectivorous dragons though. Get your Fae friends!) Swamp Mosquito (Clouds of this insects are a joy for insect eaters and a plague for everyone else.) Blow Fly (Very common in summers. tend to swarm lairs to keep cool. Doesn't need to be stated that that's upsetting.) Cricket (Commonly caught in bulk, dried, and sold as snack. Faes are experts at catching them) Greenworm (Blends in well and challenging to find) Garden Snail Spotted Grasshopper (Particularly vibrant specimens are caught as trophies and pinned to walls by Fae.) Stick Insect (Tundras often mistake them for actual sticks and often get a buggy surprise) Striped Earwig (Common pests that get into everything) Lunar Lacewing (Swarms can be found flitting between trees on full moon nights.) Redknee Tarantula Southern Grass Cicada (Nymphs can't fly and are commonly dug up as snacks) Millipede White Cabbage Butterfly (Very common. Overconsumption can lead to gas issues.) Stinglash (DEADLY. Aposematic. Skull pattern on it’s head is a threat display. When stinger is removed however it’s considered a delicacy) Pillbug (curls into a ball when threatened) Four-Spot Mealworm (Commonly found feasting on festering rot) Rhododendron Leafhopper (Swarms of these insects inhabit the interiors of bamboo stalks. Hatchlings love playing "Shake the Stick.") Venomous Fly (DANGER. Bite has paralyzing venom.) Green June Beetle Blackshield Cockroach (Fae use rocks to crack it’s shell for eating.) Diving Aranea (Aquatic spiders similar to the diving bell spider) Petal Moth (Makes its home in flower beds of a similar color to its wings, helping it hide from darting birds and lesser mammals.) Yellowtail Caterpillar (Commonly eaten in piles with pepper sauce, cucumber, rice, and wrapped in seaweed) Bark Biter (Devours tree bark. Can devastate entire forests overnight if population wasn't kept in check by dragons. Quite tasty!) Water Bug Micromoth (Common reagent in magical remedies. Most likely cultivated for medicinal purposes) False Mantis Prickler (Herbivorous. Example of batesian mimicry. Mimics the threat display of mantids to fool predators) Autumn Pennant (Dragonfly. Scarce, only appears towards the end of autumn) Brave Blue Bee (carapace is a shiny blue color. Possibly a species of solitary bee.) Reedcleft Sparkler (Hides amongst reeds. capable of bioluminescence) Leafy Moth (This large moth feeds by spreading its chlorophyll-rich wings in a patch of sunlight and flapping gently. Large. Possibly farmed as cow equivalents to insectivorous dragons. Kept as familiars) Triple-Sight Firebug (Dragons closely bonded to this bug can use it’s sight for short periods of time. Possibly used for rough reconnaissance. Kept as familiars) Goliath Mountain Beetle (Long lifespans and natural armor allow this insect to reach enormous sizes. The largest has up to a 7m wingspan! I could see these being herded and tended to by Fae. Kept as familiars.) Garden Larail (Pests. A gardeners nemesis. However they are cannibalistic and keep their own population in check.) Highgrass Priest (A type of mantid)
Plant Life:
Clover (Common plant life. A legend tells of a rare clover that can unlock anything and uncover buried treasure.) Cliff Lion (A species similar to dandelions that grow on cliffsides. Like it's cousin it can be fermented into wines and beer) Sweet Grass (Some dragons choose to chew on sweetgrass for hours. probably similar to chewing gum.) Cindershroom (Spores resemble cinders but are completely harmless. Unknown if edible. Possible.) Red Emperor Tulip (Cultivated by herbivorous dragons as both beautiful displays and tasty treats!) Greenstripe Amaranth (Healthy food for herbivorous creatures. Cultivated for food. Naughty hatchlings pass their amaranth to their familiars.) Wild Mustard (Grows in thick patches with bright yellow flowers. Goes great with wild Catsup) Thistle (Provides food for herbivores. Seeds provide food to songbirds.) Sour Spinach (Has little to no nutritional value and is nearly inedible. Used to discipline naughty hatchlings.) Sunkernel (Smallest of the acorns. Harvested and eaten in mass quantity.) Green Shoots (Hollow. Makes for a chewy meal or a durable paper.) Chickweed (Used in herbal remedies to sooth itchy scales. Probably cultivated for medicinal purposes) Greater Plantain. (possibly like its relative the Herbal plantain whos leaves can be used as an effective anti-toxin. Probably cultivated for medicinal purposes) Peace Lily (Pretty and edible, it’s petals are a favorite snack of peace doves. Probably cultivated for decoration and consumption.) Corona Sempervivum (Edible succulent. Cultivated for food and décor) Treasure Plant (Considered to bring good luck if kept in the lair. Possibly cultivated for decoration or as gifts.) Boxwood (Has a subtle flavor?) Seaberry (Bright blue berries most likely found near marshes and waterways.) Bonebark Mold (Plentiful. grows on dead trees.) Tundra Cactus (Grows well in winter and colder climates. Probably native to Ice.) Sour Green Apple (A green apple. Sour. Probably cultivated in orchards for consumption) Wild Onion ( Edible? Possibly Deadly??) Prickly Pear (The fruit of cacti. Edible but not that great.) Peppermint (can be consumed to help aid a number of maladies such as indigestion, nausea, colds, and headaches. Probably cultivated for medicinal purposes) Sunbeam Fig (Edible fruit. Trees only produce fruit when exposed to direct sun for long periods of time.) Fairy Ears (Tree fungus. Theres a myth explaining it's existence but it's apparently unpleasant. Unknown if edible.) Green Plantain (Has a tart flavor and can be stored in cool places for long periods of time. Probably cultivated and exported to other flights.) Lume Daffodil  (Blooms under moonlight, with a cool, refreshing taste. Often consumed as after-dinner mints. Probably cultivated for these reasons.) Quinoa (Recently, Tundras have started claiming quinoa is full of vitamins, cures disease, and attracts mates. Mirrors are skeptical.) Pinwheel Paddies (The blooms of this plant can spin for hours.) Minty Jadevine ( leaves are favored as snacks due to their sweet, cooling taste. Probably cultivated for these reasons.) Strawberry (Its a strawberry.) Withered Rose (perfume made from this rose remains nauseatingly strong. Dragons may use such blooms to cover up all manner of undesirable scents. Possibly cultivated for this industry) Pompom Mums (Vibrant, cheerful petals. Very attention getting to pollinators. might be used to attract pollinators to fields. Also useful for decorative purposes) Sand Creeper (Type of ivy that spreads prolifically over sand. Might be a good crop for those in barren wastelands.) Charged Duneberry (Berries glow brightest and taste the best after storms. Possibly native to the Shifting Expanse.)
Gale Wolf (Dangerous and possibly extradimensional? Only appear wherever a warm front meets a cold front. leaves behind mass destruction. Hunting them is probably considered a great accomplishment. Kept as familiars) Glassbound Gustvul (Glasslike vulpines that can be found often napping in patches of sunlight. Might be popular in folk-lore, stories, art subject ect.. Kept as familiars.) River Muck (Goopy. probably common in or near waterways. Probably a pest/hazard) Garden Watcher  (Walking tulips???) Orange Blotch Pansy (??? Uproots and moves itself to more optimal locations when required.) Cactus Marzal (Behaves like a normal plant until it matures in which it will become more animalistic. Weird. Kept as familiars)
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Forget Fishing: 67 Replacements You Need to Jump On
Loading fishing line onto a spinning reel is an easy process still numerous anglers expertise difficulties once they load the reel with new fishing line. There are a selection of causes for this and I hope this brief clarification will eradicate them to suit your needs.
How persistently Have you ever noticed Or even even done this you? You purchase a different spinning reel and once you go to put in the road you've got anyone stick a pencil in the Heart with the spool the line will come on, and whilst They may be holding it You begin reeling the road on to your reel. You fill the reel to wherever it is actually amount While using the spool lip on the spinning reel and Imagine you have accomplished an excellent task.
Alright your spinning reel is now comprehensive and that means you tie on a hook and weight or maybe a entice and visit Forged and as soon as you open up the bail from the reel your line jumps of like it was a spring which was just launched. Now you receive this mess cleaned up and the line back on the reel and take a look at to cast realizing the road wishes to bounce off the spool this time you ensure that you maintain the line restricted with all your finger once you open up the bail ah ha you fixed the issue. Now any time you head to Forged once more your line comes off in an enormous tangled mess that looks something similar to a loosely constructed birds nest.
Allow me to inform you I have been there myself and when you might observe these basic measures you might stay away from ninety nine% of those issues.
Let's begin with tying the line on the reel spool this is an easy process so maintain it that way. Just tie an easy around hand solitary knot to the tip within your line and pull it restricted. Now set two wraps of line round the reel spool and once again tie a straightforward more than hand knot and pull the road tight. The knot you tied to the end within your line will cosy up in opposition to the knot you merely tied over the spool and will tighten when you pull on the line. You'll be able to trim the excess line which can be left driving the 1st knot therefore you are wanting to commence filling the reel.
Place the spool of line down on the bottom with the label aspect up. Now you wish to stand to in which the spool of line is straight underneath the tip within your rod. Seize the line among your index finger and thumb so you're able to utilize pressure to the line when you reel. You wish to apply simply enough stress you could feel the tension as you reel but not so tight that it would make the reel hard to transform. Transform the spinning reel take care of and start applying the road after about fifteen turns on the deal with cease. Lower you rod idea slightly toward the spool of line, the line hanging from a rod tip into the spool really should hang straight, if it desires to twist simply flip about the spool of line and repeat this method. The road should really now cling straight without twisting.
Once you have the line hanging with out twisting when you take out The strain of the road you happen to be all set to begin loading the reel spool with line. Go on to apply barely enough strain together with your index finger and thumb to the road as you reel. After the line is inside of an 8 of the inch of the spools lip quit reeling along with your reel has become absolutely loaded with line. When you are employing a major line over the reel say everything around 25 lb. examination you might want to give your self a little bit more home involving the line as well as the spool lip.
You are now prepared to start out fishing therefore you line should really keep about the reel with out having All those frustrating twist.
The smallmouth bass fishing accessible in Missouri is recognized, but sometimes is overshadowed by several of the other fishing options through the point out. Several fly fishermen target trout in the various streams, trout parks, and lakes that hold trout or are stalked. A lot of bass fishermen target the largemouth Model of your species. This information will give a rundown over a pretty a few of the better streams.
Major Piney River
The massive Piney River is a superb smallmouth stream. Among the initially Ozark rivers to get Specific smallmouth bass restrictions, this stream has lengthy been seen for a Unique asset for smallmouth fisherman. The large Piney is clear, spring-fed stream with exceptional fishing for heritage strain smallmouth bass. It will be hard to find a river with far better scenery or smallmouth bass fishing.
Existing River
The existing River is additionally a great smallmouth stream. Climbing from springs deep within the Ozarks, the Current is without doubt one of the prettiest during the condition. Various reaches of the river offer you myriad choices to the smallmouth angler. With about one hundred twenty miles of fishable drinking water around the river, there are various superb areas to the river.
Eleven Place River
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The Eleven Place is Just about the most scenic streams inside the Ozarks, along with the smallmouth bass fishing is superb too. The Eleven Issue holds a smallmouth population from It really is headwater deep during the Ozark Mountains the many way into Arkansas. In all, You can find about fifty miles of smallmouth drinking water around the Eleven Place, starting from tiny, wadeable stream, to substantial river.
Gasconade River
The Gasconade River could be the longest river that flows solely by way of Missouri, and each mile of it retains smallmouth bass. The Gasconade is one of the rivers that would seem too excellent being legitimate, a 250 mile river with great quantities of smallmouth bass in the course of. Many people express that it is the greatest smallmouth bass river within the country, and There may be benefit to that claim. You'll find number of other streams while in the place with much smallmouth drinking water, a great number of fish, and as numerous trophy sized smallmouth.
Huzzah Creek
Huzzah Creek is undoubtedly an often missed smallmouth stream. Situated in the course of terrific smallmouth bass country, it is not difficult to discover how fisherman can search earlier this small gem. Nevertheless, this creek is generating top quality smallmouth bass angling For some time, and those who are informed about it may possibly vouch for It really is productiveness.
When compared to the opposite waters on this checklist, the Huzzah is a little stream. It isn't going to widen into deep, slow pools like most of our Ozark streams do. Even now, the habitat is certainly there. There are several deep, if brief pools, that happen to be studded with boulders, weeds, and woody include. In addition there are quite a few fast runs exactly where smallmouth bass like to carry, particularly when They are really feeding actively on crayfish and insects.
Jacks Fork River
The Jacks Fork River is among the best while in the Ozarks. Flowing as a result of beautiful Ozark canyons and hills, this stream has Significantly to provide equally in how of smallmouth and landscapes. This well known float fishing stream flows through stunning, remote territory, and is truly a sight to determine.
As Ozark streams go, the Jacks Fork is much more isolated than most. Simply put, it is found in the course of nowhere. Starting off significant during the Ozark hills, and floating via The gorgeous Ozark plateau every one of the solution to It really is mouth at the Current River. It's really best inshore spinning reels a large gradient river, and it is closely spring-fed. The two of such attributes predispose the Jacks Fork to excellence as a smallmouth stream. The river has an abundance of riffles and deep swimming pools, and it has a wonderful meals supply. It has been mostly untouched by gentleman, Primarily now, as a result of the fact that it truly is safeguarded because of the Ozark National Scenic Riverways Park. Increase to the river's quick access, and you have an almost ideal stream.
Meramec River
The Meramec River can be a wonderful smallmouth stream. Flowing by means of The gorgeous foothills from the Ozarks, this stream has A great deal to supply on the severe and everyday smallmouth fisherman. This is one of the most popular, if not the preferred smallmouth stream in Missouri, and There's also a large amount of leisure floating website traffic. Nevertheless, the Meramec has a superb fishery plus the fishing is adequate that these difficulties can feel unimportant.
Niangua River
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The Niangua River is the http://query.nytimes.com/search/sitesearch/?action=click&contentCollection®ion=TopBar&WT.nav=searchWidget&module=SearchSubmit&pgtype=Homepage#/kayak most effective smallmouth streams during the state. While the Niangua is mostly known for It is really exceptional trout fishery under Bennett Spring, the smallmouth fishery is great in addition. The river has miles of traditional smallmouth habitat with several Light riffles, and deep, oxygenated swimming pools. This is a prototypical Ozark stream with higher than ordinary smallmouth fishing.
Other Smallmouth Streams in Missouri
Other good smallmouth streams in Missouri incorporate the large River, Black River, Bourbeuse River, Elk River, James River, Moreau River, North Fork on the White River, St. Francis River, and also the Salt River.
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therealvagabird · 4 years ago
The Days of Clay - Pt. 1: Lands and Oceans
Another setting concept! This one for a paleo/neolithic world. I’ve had the urge to make this kind of thing for a while now, but I finally got done with the editing.
You can read the full setting rundown all at once on my WordPress. But I will also be posting it in separate parts here on Tumblr depending on your viewing preferences.
Feel free to a leave a comment, and share!
The world is vast, yet humanity is small. Wilds stretch all about, dwarfing even the largest stone houses of Man. It is a primordial era, when the thinking folk knew not the strength of metal, nor the heights of civilization. Most are born and die knowing but a fraction of all the world about them, or if not, braving seas and lands filled with ravenous monsters of a forgotten age. These are the first days, the longest days, the eternal waking dream of those who first knew what it was to tell stories.
In the Days of Clay, humanity exists scattered across many continents and isles in a world of vast seas and dangerous wilds. Great beasts of ages past hunt humans like vermin, and the elements are often the most dangerous foe of all. Fine resources which would allow for technological advancement are rare. Copper and tin are like gold and jewels, though in turn tribals may make extensive use of saurian bones, the carapaces of giant insects, and other exotic materials. Most tribes live confined to tiny fractions of their homeland or hop from island to island in endless seas with nothing but the stars as their guide. Yet others may roam far and wide, or travel from land to land should they be so brave. Though advanced metallurgy and the heights of empire are yet unknown, humanity is not always so “primitive”. In many places there can be found great cities of stone, or gathering places of many tribes, leveraging the power of cooperation. Likewise some crafters may do things with rock and wood and leather that would put even iron-based technologies to shame. Magic is absent, but spirituality is everywhere. The Days of Clay are a time of diversity, danger, and possibilities.
The Thirteen Lands and the Seven Seas
Ancient Land of Sakha
Within the waters of Asra, the Great Blood Sea, the old continent of Sakha stands as it has since time immemorial. Not the largest landmass, it nonetheless has many arable river-lands hidden deep within its interior clefts, and numerous peninsulas and nearby islets which have made the coasts a boon for seafaring tribes. The Sakhan peoples are among the most diverse of any continent, having mastered mountain-climbing, boat craft, basic riverside agriculture, and even the domestication of certain beasts of burden. It is the claim of the Sakhan shamans that their land is the oldest in the world, and the birthplace of Manu and Manya – the first humans created by the gods.
Sakha’s climate is very hot, with mountain ranges erupting from broad highland deserts. Within the gaps of these mountains, however, can be found riverways which give rise to flourishing green sanctuaries. Out to the ocean, the bounty of the Blood Sea is abundant, and many tribes stake their claims upon nearby islands, pursuing dangerous seacraft to trade goods between the Sakhan mainland and the outer isles – sometimes even to the far neighbors of the Blood Sea.
Native flora of Sakha includes varieties of desert palms, coniferous trees, and hearty broad-leaf shrubs. Low-lying vegetation is common, and hundreds of varieties of grains, fruits, and aromatic herbs either have their origin in Sakha or were brought there through gradual trade across Asra. Fauna includes many mammalian varieties, including large goats, camels, some pygmy horses, and cattle. Big cats and jackals constitute predator species, and although there are not many saurians to be found upon Sakha, there are a great many enormous snakes and arthropods both in the deserts and along the coasts. Ape-Men are also prominent in the south and east, though not all of their tribes are hostile.
The peoples of Sakha tend to be darker-skinned due to the harsh sun of their home, though are sharp of feature and their hair is less kinky than tribes to the south. Sakhan peoples are as a whole regarded to be more “civilized” than most of their neighbors, having pioneered trends of building, copper-craft, boat building, and other technologies throughout their history. There are hundreds of gods in Sakha, though many of the shamans and priests seem to give reverence to the same higher concepts of “light” and “shadow”. Battles between entire tribes over supposed disputes between their gods are not uncommon. The Sakhans are also noted traders and travelers, sometimes being found on entire other continents after long and adventurous sea-voyages most in their right mind would never consider.
Batyr, Land of Wolves
To the northeast of the Blood Sea there juts a prominent chain of mountainous isles, stretching further and further east all the way into the deeps of the frozen north. The coastlines of Batyr are treacherous to sailors who do not know their secrets, but they hide a hidden boon. Just about the tip of the Land of Wolves there can be found its broad steppelands, which though culminating in snowy barrens at their furthest reaches are some of the most bountiful wilds in all the world. Vast forests and open plains filled with game, if one can just brave the harshness of the winters. To the south, the mountain ranges are less prominent, meaning that those who wish to reach Batyr from outside must know their way about the island-jumps, and the coastal tribes of Batyr are themselves more disposed toward heading south into the Ocean of Tiham than the western Blood Sea.
Though temperate for most of the year, the winters of Batyr are biting cold and can freeze unguarded humans where they stand. Most of the flora that isn’t woody steppe-shrubs are tall and mighty growths of oak and pine which have endured countless years beyond the memories of the oldest shamans. Saurians are unheard of, along with most great reptiles, and any cold-blooded beasts must seek refuge deep underground. Batyr’s greatest wealth and greatest danger, therefor, is held within its name. Massive mammals can be found all throughout the far country’s wilds, from towering mammoths, to great god-birds, and the fearsome dire wolves. There is nary a beast of fur and fang anywhere across the thirteen continents that cannot be found in a larger and more terrible form within Batyr.
Batyrian folk tend to be pale of skin and hairy of body, though darker tribes may also be found, either from ancient mixings with wayward natives of other lands across the Blood Sea, or from tribes out in the distant east. Hair colors come in many ranges, and beards are as popular as anywhere to keep back the chilling winds. Furs are worn in absence of less durable fabrics. Though many are happy to trade, Batyrians have a fearsome reputation, as they are also known to be raiders, and many of the wilder tribes maintain gruesome practices stemming from a single-minded desire for survival. The hunting of large game has bred a people who are not to be trifled with, channeling the unstoppable spirit of the mighty wolf.
Darkest Ar-Nung
Far to the south, beyond the furthest expanse of the Ocean of Tiham, there lies a hidden land where few have journeyed. Though in ancient times humanity did in fact reach those far shores, not but a paltry handful have ever come in or out ever again. South of the very tip of the Hinterlands of Siral’ik, Darkest Ar-Nung dwells across the stormy seas. It is a desert land of great peril, where all must struggle to survive. Though known for its searing and mind-baking heat, to the very south the mountains of Ar-Nung connect to the great ice which blocks off the shadowed reaches of the frozen lands. Travel to Ar-Nung in near impossible save for the savviest of seafarers from Siral’ik who know the way to hop across the island chains of Tiham to eventually reach Ar-Nung’s stormy northern shores. Though there are said to be lands in the frozen wastes beyond Ar-Nung’s most southern mountain ranges, those reaches go unnamed save for being considered to be part of Ar-Nung, as no human has ever journeyed so far into that icy hell and lived.
Within Darkest Ar-Nung there are many perils. It is not just the unforgiving climate and ferocious predatory monsters one must be wary of in the broad deserts, but also the numerous subtle ways one might be killed. Tiny arthropods and reptiles hold enough venom to kill even their titanic cousins in a single bite, while flora of the most beautiful hues – some even resembling their useful or edible counterparts – may likewise inflict a horrid and agonizing death on any who even touch them. Places where water might be found are no less dangerous, as great crocodiles and sharks lurk within the rivers and along the coasts, fit to swallow a grown warrior whole. Meanwhile, to the south, the frozen mountains which lead into the uncharted ice-lands hold untold horrors none have ever braved, from fabled frost-wights and storm-dragons to unnamed, hungering things deep within the mountain caves.
Despite this, the peoples of Ar-Nung are regarded to be rather intelligent and unaggressive, having mastered the delicate art of survival in such a country over many generations, and averse to undue risk and conflict when there is already such peril in their home wilds. They are a dark-skinned folk, even so dark as natives to lands like distant Noba Rugna, though their features do not in any way resemble those of their neighbors, possessing weather-worn faces and bristling hair. The Ar-Nung tribes may be found all about their continent, even within the mountains of the south, and those few who have ever managed to journey to Ar-Nung and back have told stories of those strange and silent folk who engage in all manner of bizarre rituals to ward off misfortune and evil. It is the necessity of the Ar-Nung tribes to know the spirit of every plant and animal upon their country, as to harbor uncertainty is to be subject to a sudden death.
Etlen Rugna
The land known as Etlen Rugna is in fact a jagged and mountainous continent divided up into many smaller regions by prominent inland seas along with numerous lakes and rivers. It dominates the western reaches of the Blood Sea, with its north coming close to the outer isles of Fjallgarth, while its south is likewise not too far by island-hopping from Sakha. Numerous tribes have made the diverse climes of Etlen Rugna their home for long ages, warring and trading in equal measure, enjoying the bounty of what some would call the most plentiful of all mankind’s lands. To the west of Etlen Rugna is the Etlen Udra – the Etlen Sea, which few have ever dared to cross. A quite skilled shipmaster might be able to make it to Frozen Nunaat by way of Fjallgarth, though many upon Etlen Rugna’s shores know nothing of the cousin-continent with which their share a name – Guarana Rugna.
The northern reaches of Etlen are vibrant, seasonal, and rich with many landscapes from soaring mountains to gentle prairies. Rivers, lakes, and inland seas are all commonplace, as well as deep and temperate forests. To the south, weather becomes hotter, culminating in biting deserts to the far south, dotted with oases of palms and other tropical flora. Animals upon Etlen are as diverse as the landscapes or the people, though most are not so large or intimidating as those that might be found upon other continents more suited to their climes – smaller breeds of mammoth are relegated to the furthest northern tundra, for instance, whereas saurian are found upon the outer isles and peninsulas of the far south. Within certain reaches, ape-men might even be encountered in not inconsiderable gatherings. Etlen Rugna is a vast land, though crossing its many wilds is no easy task, dwarfing neighbors like Sakha. Even trade within Etlen’s borders is not always so commonplace.
Just as with their homeland, the peoples of Etlen are varied in appearance and practice. To the north, they become more fair of complexion, whereas to the south their skin and hair becomes darker and rougher, as with each river-gap and mountain pass their roaming territories become more like the harsh deserts and jungle isles across the sea. It’s in the south and east that tribes tend more towards basic practices of agriculture and weaving, while in the north their industries are more inclined towards fishing, hunting, and raiding. There are hundreds of gods and spirits worshipped across Etlen Rugna, and in times of scarcity some of the greatest and most unforgiving bloodlettings have occurred, as tribes turn upon any outside of their immediate kin. The diversity of Etlen fosters as much xenophobia and hatred as it does cooperation and understanding, and even travelers from lands as schismatic as Sakha have remarked on the pains every Etleni takes to distinguish their tribal identity from all others, as confusing one Etleni folk with another is often a grave offense.
Far Anpe and the Islands of Fire
Across many of the far seas to the west, across the Etlen Udra, and the K’aino Udra, and the Devil Sea of Xulub, there is a distant country at the furthest reaches of the world’s shores. This is Far Anpe, a hidden range of mountain isles crowned with fire and watered with mystery. Formed of a grand chain of volcanoes, Far Anpe is most treacherous about its northern and southern tips, where the peaks are still young, and new mounts are prime to be born from the boiling waters of Xulub and the polar ice. Separated from the jungles of its sister-continent Guarana Rugna by the K’aino Udra – the K’aino Sea – Far Anpe is composed of tall mountains in its near entirety. Those places not defined by colossal peaks are fertile beyond compare thanks to the rich black soil, and on the sloping foothills leading out to the sea house numerous tribes who have built civilizations to rival the stonework citadels of distant Sakha. Save for trade with Guarana or the south tip of Dziil, the Anpean peoples go unknown to the rest of the world.
It is said in the ancient stories that the first Anpean tribals were among the most adventurous and daring of all folk in the world, until they came to the Islands of Fire from beyond the northern sea. Their heroic chieftains claimed that these peaks were in fact the gates of hell, and that just beyond – should they be so bold – the promised land of paradise awaited them. Finding the mountains and green slopes of Anpe, the tribes settled there at last, content that they had found their promised land. Most of the Anpean tribes control fortified encampments placed within the mountain clefts, which they use as communal shelters when not engaging in nomadic herding and foraging. Dangerous beasts like snow-jaguars and giant snakes might be found in the clefts, but for the most part the deadlier saurian are relegated to neighboring Guarana Rugna. Long-necked camels provide wealth to the herder tribes, whose wool they trade with the fisher-folk and mountain-dwellers. In certain hidden valleys, large mammals such as the lumbering shellbacks and giant sloths may provide adequate challenge for hunters, and to the south, the very earth heaves with fiery hunger. Apeans tend to have dark skin and hair, do not often grow beards, and have sharp features. Though small in stature, the Anpean people are fair of face and enduring of body and soul, descended from great warriors and grown even stronger off the bounty of their sacred homeland.
Northernmost of those continents that border Asra, the Great Blood Sea, the very name Fjallgarth inspires fear in the hearts of those folk who set their tents upon Etlen Rugna’s coldest shores. To the more distant Sakhan, should they be versed enough in stories brought from traveling tongues, it is a name that belongs to a strange land, where the people are white as the snow they wade through. The homeland of the fabled giants. Some stories are more fantastical than others, but save for Frozen Nunaat or other climes within the cold wastes of the icy Skathon Sea, no continents are as frigid and brutal as Fjallgarth.
Mountains, icebergs, fjords, and sharp valleys mark most of Fjallgarth’s landscape. Its coasts are near all intractable to outside sailors, no matter how fine-built their canoes or rafts are built. Sea-serpents dwell in the waves, along with kraken, sharks, and whales of colossal size. Yet this does not deter the brave natives from fishing within the rich yet chilling waters. Inland, there are reaches which can be found which are not so rocky and hard, and indeed many wild stretches where the sun is warm in summer and no sight of snow is to be had in the hot months save for crowning the distant peaks. Yet in the distant north, where both Fjallgarth and Batyr meet the icesheets of the Skathon Sea, even the great mammoth and dire bear struggle to stave off the cold. It is told in the fables that hairy men who feast on human flesh, along with giants who can command the powers of blizzards and wildfires can be found in those treacherous wastes beyond where even the most fearless raider chief might travel.
The folk of Fjallgarth are similar to those of northern Etlen, being fair of skin and hair, though yet moreso than their more temperate southern cousins. They grow to prodigious sizes and are fond of wearing enough furs to match their own hirsute appearances, and engaging in a warrior lifestyle which puts most other folk of Asra to shame. Fjallgarthan tribes are also known to be skilled seafarers, having constructed boats capable of reliable island-hopping. While the Fjallgarthan raiders might build no great temples or broad gathering-grounds – at least not as the southeasterners do – the northmen have been spotted in as far-away lands as Sakha and Noba Rugna.
Frozen Nunaat
Few have traveled to Frozen Nunaat since the ancient days of its settling by humankind. Even the ape-tribes have little to do with the vast wasteland, but for those who dare the gnashing ice, it can be a country of great plenty. From the more temperate volcanic isles in the south rich with fir trees and good fishing, to the prime whaling shores of the icy north, there is more to Frozen Nunaat than its name suggests. Laying beyond the reaches of Asra, in the depths of the cold Skathon Sea, Nunaat is said by some to be the home of frost giants or other mythical beasts.
Most of the continent consists of broad tundra, hence its name, though this is not the totality of its landscape. Along the south shores there is some resemblance to Fjallgarth in terms of the wilds consisting of a blend of pine forests, fjords, and warmer volcanic wastelands and outlying isles. It is here that settlers from Fjallgarth wage intermittent battles with the native folk, though trade of furs and other goods is also common. Fish and game birds are in plenty, and in many ways the southern parts of Nunaat are not so lesser in wealth nor hospitality than places like Etlen Rugna. The winters are harsh, indeed, but any who settle there are well accustomed to them save for the worst of years. Northward, where the distinctions between land and sea become blurred by virtue of the all-encompassing ice, things are less endurable. Most of the interior is considered a hellish desert to all but the most determined of overland travelers, devoid of oases and cold the whole year round. Even in the warmer months, when one might not have to contend with blizzards and endless night, that is the time when the wolves and bears begin their migrations, hungry after the dark months. Yet in the north there is still bounty to be found. Great whales, seals, and penguins migrate along the north shores, and the native Nunaatun peoples display a skill for harpooning that outstrips even the barbaric Fjallgarthans.
Nunaatun tribals, separate from the Fjallgarthan outcasts who have since made semi-permanent encampments upon the south shores, tend to be short of stature and thick of bone. They grow abundant hair, though beards are less common, and their skin tends to be dark from the constant sun-glare off the snow. In many ways they resemble the folk of distant Anpe or Siral’ik, though to see any of those human strains in one place would be a rare sight indeed. Though overall a peaceful people more focused on survival than grander designs of migration or war, they are among the few folk who the Fjallgarthans will speak with reverence of, as it is said by them that when the nights grow dark and the winds cold, nothing will stop a Nunaatun from doing what they must to survive.
Guarana Rugna
East of Anpe, surrounded on three sides by the seas of Xulub, K’aino, and Etlen Udra, the jungles of Guarana Rugna are as deep and green as any abyssal waters. From the highest peak to the lowest river-valley – of which there are hundreds upon hundreds – the verdant plant life of Guarana coats the entire breadth of the continent. Hot, humid, and lush with a diverse menagerie of flora and fauna, the many tribes of Guarana have all they need to survive and more – and even more ways to meet an unfortunate end. Survival-craft is a necessity, even by typical human standards, and river-canoeing is a popular method of navigating the otherwise intractable jungles.
Not all of Guarana is composed of forest – there are also wetlands, grassy plains, and a few small deserts, but for the most part, jungled sprawl coats the majority of the land. Were the trees to be stripped away, it would be seen that Guarana Rugna has a landscape as varied in altitude and natural wonder as any, though this can be hard to tell when trekking through boundless jungle reaches, shrouded by trees which look mountainous in their own right. Saurians are plentiful, and larger mammalians are scarce. Humans, apes, and other warm-bloods must be quick and observant to avoid being snatched up by a stalking pterosaur or raptor, and even great carnosaurs may camouflage themselves within the sheer density of the foliage. Great serpent-leeches and rope-spinners can snatch a whole human up from above or below, yet that is not all. Beautiful flowers and insects as small as a fingernail can deliver agonizing death before an unlucky creature has had time to realize what their lack of awareness has brought upon them. Guarana Rugna is a land of a thousand beauties, and a thousand dooms.
Yet the tribes of Guarana love their home and the bounty it brings, having had their senses honed to obsidian sharpness over long generations, learning from their surroundings so that even the mighty devilsaurs may not tear down their tree-houses, and the quetzal-boa would prove no greater threat than a songbird – when met with a dart coated in harvested manchineel poison. Guaranan folk tend to be short of stature and dark of hair, though their skin tones are very diverse, as some may spend most of their lives shrouded by the heavy foliage, and others baked to a deep brown beneath the coastal sun. Dense body and facial hair is uncommon due to the humidity and heat, though the Guaranans are fond of body paint for many purposes – clan identification, imitation of poisonous creatures, religious use, or camouflage. Though quite skilled at the building and utilizing of river-canoes, as well as high-altitude construction, the Guaranans have never been inclined towards trade beyond the waters, save for a few ambitious peoples who ply the island chains between their northern shores and the south coasts of the Leghen Alps, and a few others who dare cross the K’aino sea to trade with the affluent Anpean peoples.
Himaleh Vistra
East of the Ancient Lands of Sankha, north of the Ocean of Tiham, there is a strange and jagged land considered quite intractable despite its location at a crossroads of several continents. Himaleh Vistra is named for its great mountains, larger than any in all the myriad ranges which dot the shattered lands across the seven seas. To the north of the Vistran range lays little but desert and tundra steppe, yet to the south the river-broken coasts are lush with jungles. It is an overall misshapen land, carved up by peaks and ravines, rivers and gulfs, which have made it notorious as a confusing hinterland for any who dare make the journey to its shores. Yet many have made that journey, for not unlike those peoples who huddle around the Blood Sea, Himaleh Vistra’s central location in the world means that its beaches may oft be landed upon by visitors from far Siral’ik, from Sakha, and even Noba Rugna. If one dares make the trip to Himaleh Vistra in search of rarities not to be found on their home continent, they will be rewarded by seeing more diversity and exotic beauties than most humans would ever bear witness to in their simple lives.
The Vistra range is Himaleh Vistra’s namesake and most prominent feature, composed of a meandering chain of colossal mountains which stretch from east to west, between the closest gaps of Siral’ik and Sakha. A diverse country, most of those hills north of the Vistra range are composed of steppe and tundra, much like the nearby reaches of Batyr and Siral’ik. These other northern steppe-lands are separated from Himaleh Vistra by little more than the straits of the Skathon Sea, and during the coldest winters vast stretches of that ocean may freeze over, allowing mammoths and their hunters to cross should they be so ambitious. To the south, Himaleh Vistra is much more hospitable, lush with deep jungles and fertile riverlands where many tribes make their homes. Saurians might be found, along with ape-tribes as can be encountered across the entire breadth of that continent. Giant snakes are also a common threat and are worshipped by some tribal sects as living gods. Himaleh Vistra is noted as having some of the greatest diversity of flora and fauna of any continent the world over.
Those people who call Himaleh Vistra their home appear quite like the denizens of Sakha in many ways, though they tend to be darker of skin overall. Among the peaks and to the northern steppes, these Vistrans can be seen to have lighter skin, and some with features more like their neighbors in Siral’ik. The divide between the different regions of Vistra is quite pronounced, with the dwellers of the coasts and foothills considering the jungle-tribes to be more primitive than them, while both the southern cultures regard those who live north of the Vistran range as being little more than barbarians. Despite this, the Vistrans are noted to be quite accepting of outsiders, as they have gathered much wealth by aiding enterprising seafarers in finding safe harbor on their jagged shores. The Vistrans have the privilege of being some of the few people to realize that the scope of the world far exceeds the borders of their homeland, and in turn their trade of rare goods has let other tribes realize this truth as well. To find an artifact crafted in far Siral’ik while one is bartering in an Etleni encampment can be attributed to a Vistran trader somewhere down the line.
Hinterlands of Siral’ik
To the furthest north and east, across numerous islands and twisted stretches of land between the Ocean of Tiham and the Skathon Sea, there are the Hinterlands of Siral’ik. Though few journey there, the cultures of that distant country rival even great Sakha in what they have accomplished since their first settling. While goods from Himaleh Vistra are valued in their own right, for a western trader to find an item from Siral’ik is the best of luck, so lauded is the craftsmanship of the mysterious peoples of that mysterious land. Jungle, highlands, forest, desert – all climes may be found in Siral’ik, across the Hinterland’s many offshoot peninsulas and winding reaches. The very borders of the country can be hard to define, for in the north the continent merges with the bitter Skathon ice, and to the south a hundred-thousand islands disperse across the Oceans of Tiham and mysterious Kaiwa.
Giant apes, ape-men, saurians, huge snakes, devil-crabs – these are just a small selection of the species that can be found throughout the many disparate climates of Siral’ik. Much like Etlen Rugna, Siral’ik is a jagged continent which contains within itself climates suitable to near any species that might be found upon the world. Travel within Siral’ik comprises an epic journey in and of itself, to say nothing of travel beyond its shores. Though most of the land is within the frozen north, its winding peninsulas and island-chains venture quite far south, meaning that the distinct appearance of Siralese folk can be found throughout a significant range.
Siralese tribals – sometimes referred to as Siral’iki – tend towards shorter statures, paler skin, dark hair, and almond eyes. Beards are less common than in lands like Batyr, though not rare, and within the south stretches or in the high tundra where the snow-glare is bright, dark skin is also quite normal. Though many of the Siralese peoples live simple lives as nomadic hunters or clan-based fishers and farmers, the adventurousness of the Siralese is well known. Not content with spreading out across the entire breadth of their own homeland, the Siralese are some of the best seafarers in the world, having mastered island-hopping to reach lands as far as Batyr and Himaleh Vistra. Though none ever returned, it was also the case that in the distant past Siralese seafarers managed to reach even Darkest Ar-Nung, as well as cross about the curve of the world upon the waves of the Kaiwa Ocean. While none of the numerous islanders who dwell within the mysterious reaches of Kaiwa would consider themselves “Siralese” – if they have even heard such a word – their appearance attests to a shared blood with both those intrepid tribes and their cousins all the way across Kaiwa in reaches like Dziil.
Leghen Alps
Surrounded by the Sea of Gami to its west and the seas of Xulub and Etlen Udra to the east, the Leghen Alps are an isolated land little-explored from the western reaches. Instead, the tribes of Leghen hold more in common with their neighbors in Dziil or even Guarana and Anpe. Defined by its prime mountain range, the Leghen Alps are great peaks which rise above vast forests, swamps, and other green reaches all along the eastern coast. Across their heights, brief prairies give way to the expanse of the Sea of Gami, whose treacherous waters are all that separate the nomadic Legheni peoples of that region from their counterparts in Dziil. Save for a few fearsome creatures like great bears or the rare ape-tribe, the Leghen Alps are noted as a peaceful place, assuming one does not allow themselves to get lost in the deepest of its forested clefts.
Saurians are quite rare in Leghen save for the southernmost swamps bordering Xulub, with most of the wildlife being composed of smaller mammalians, and the flora being quite typical and not often dangerous. Still, while there are many pleasant climes for settlement, the Legheni know not to dally too long when crossing the passes of the Alps. Strange creatures dwell in those shadowy clefts, and in the wrong season it can be the case that entire tribes would meet a terrible end trapped by vicious snows. Still, so long as one stays in the more explored forests, or along the coasts, there is much plenty. Even the dangerous oceans of Gami and Etlen Udra – prolific homes to some of the most horrifying sea-beasts – are not so treacherous so long as one sticks to the ancestral routes.
Legheni are quite similar in stature and appearance to their neighbors in Dziil, being strong of body and face, if not the tallest in all the lands, with sun-toned skin and dark hair, which they are fond of decorating. Form the forests to the prairies, Legheni tribes are quite adept at surviving the perils of their homeland and then some, having made trips to Dziil and Guarana Rugna in the past in the name of trade – something their neighbors would not otherwise be inclined to do. Hunting, fishing, farming, herding – all are known to the Legheni, and where lumber is good and the call of the open sky is not so pressing, they will even build quite impressive villages among the trees. Yet the Legheni are creatures of habit. They will not venture into waters they don’t know, and they will not tarry in the mountains. The ancestors of the Legheni are, after all, just those individuals who were not so foolish as to get lost in those horrible reaches.
Noba Rugna
Below Etlen Rugna, and forming a great chain between the rifts of the Etlen Udra and the Caraka Sea, Noba Rugna is the southernmost of those continents within the “Asra Bounds” – the area by which seafaring tribes from the various lands about the Blood Sea prefer to travel and trade. At its north, Noba Rugna is a hot but fertile land marked by its bountiful coasts, yet to the south it contains as many mysteries as distant countries like Ar-Nung. Across vast mountains, badlands, deserts, the arid reaches at last give way to jungles of primordial age and depth, at last culminating in the far south shores where sweeping grasslands roll out to the temperate Caraka Sea.
At its northernmost extent, Noba Rugna is not too dissimilar from nearby Sakha, being arid but not the most brutal of climes, with its rocky deserts crossed by numerous rivers about which humans and beasts alike are able to seek succor. Seacraft is common there, and the waters are not so treacherous as those to the south. Some saurians prowl the wastes, but for the most part the land is manageable to those acclimated to the heat. South of the very harshest stretches of the desert expanse, however, there can be found some of the deepest and most lush jungles in all the world – and certainly nearest to Asra. Creatures of every type may be found there, from the smallest pygmy ape-man to the largest and most terrifying saurian. South of those forests, temperate grasslands and savannah proceed out to the south ocean, home to most of the larger mammalian species upon Noba Rugna, as the lizards and great arthropods prefer the damp of the northern jungles.
Noba Rugna’s people are hearty and strong, suited to survival in heats even more unforgiving than summer in Sakha. Along the north shores, they tend to resemble the Sakhan folk a great deal, though perhaps with darker tones to their skin. Within the jungles and grasslands where few northerners have dared tread, the tribals can reach hues as black as night, with rough hair and many diverse features and body types adapted to different climes. Those within the jungles tend towards shorter, lither builds, while within the grasslands endurance and strength is favored for long hunting journeys. Though the northern Noba Rugnans sometimes think of their southern counterparts of primitive, any who have made it past the dangers of the southlands and laid eyes upon the great works and daring feats of those folk would know better.
Wide Lands of Dziil
Far, far to the west, past the reaches of the Leghen Alps, and the great Sea of Gami, there is a land of cruel extremes which extends from the furthest north to its southern twin of Anpe. This is Dziil, the highlands. A series of mountains which cleave their way out from between Gami and the great Ocean of Kaiwa, to the west those grand peaks descend into temperate rainforests up to the far ice, while to the east the foothills roll into broad badlands which meet their end in the waters of Gami. Wild and seldom visited by any save for intrepid seafarers from Leghen, there can nonetheless be found some appealing stretches within Dziil’s borders – though those that claim them as their home must be prepared to defend them from the various tribes of the outer wastes.
Dziil is a mountainous country whose namesake range split the length of the continent down the center. To the furthest north the peaks extend all the way into the great ice-sheets, while to the south they taper off into many of the volcanic islands which define the roiling Sea of Xulub. West of the Dziil range the climate is more temperate, so long as one remains in the middle regions, lush with warm tropics and cool rainforests. East of the peaks, things are not quite so lush, defined by broad prairies at best and searing flatland deserts at the worst, though these mercifully abate at the shores of the Sea of Gami, among the reedy wetlands where the fisher-tribes dwell. Ape-men and saurian are both in abundance out in the west, while enormous bison, aurochs, and other large mammals reserve the eastern plains to themselves, being hunted by the nomadic tribes there. Despite its relative shallow depth, the Sea of Gami is also full of life, including opportunistic super-predators who sailors must be wary of if they wish to journey across the full breadth of the ocean.
Tribal folk of Dziil tend towards dark or tanned skin, though with considerable variation, having strong and beautiful features much like their neighbors, though standing the tallest of all the folk in those lands surrounding the seas of Xulub and K’aino. They are survivalists and hunters, managing to stake out prominent territories throughout their rugged homeland, facing any foes with bravery in their hearts. Though fierce, they are not often ones to war with each other, though when they do it is most common among the eastern tribes. Out in the deserts and plains, many of the nomadic folk see an easy opportunity in raiding their neighbors rather than risking their own starvation. Those who have made it so far as Dziil from other lands – a feat in and of itself – have remarked upon the brutality with which the Dzillai greet intruders.
Asra, the Great Blood Sea
One of the most important and well-traveled of the Seven Seas, and perhaps the most storied. It is Asra whose waters border the lands of Etlen Rugna, Fjallgarth, and the Ancient Lands of Sakha. These three lands conduct the most frequent wanderings over the Great Blood Sea, but the mingling waters of Asra also reach as far as the western shores of Batyr, and other lands besides. The Sakhan peoples named the great expanse “Asra” after the rich hue of the setting sun over its waves – it was only later that it became known for the numerous battles which took place across its waters. Though dotted with many islands and host to much travel between its three neighboring lands, the human tribes have also shed much blood upon the waves and lost even more to the jaws of hungering leviathans.
Caraka Sea
The Caraka is a jagged ocean which cuts the land of Noba Rugna from its northern sister of Etlen Rugna. Filtering into the southernmost waters of the Etlen Sea, as well as the western stretches of the Ocean of Tiham, it is a little-explored waterway save for a few of the daring coastal tribes of Noba Rugna. Its waters are warm, but its coasts are treacherous, and one may find themselves stranded on any number of islands if they cannot navigate the inlets of Noba Rugna, or worse – be swept out into the daunting expanse of Tiham.
Etlen Udra / Etlen Sea
To the west of Etlen Rugna lies is sister sea, Etlen Udra. Descending from the southern tip of Nunaat, across the fjords of Fjallgarth and down to the nameless ice at the bottom of the world, Etlen Udra is a stormy ocean of mystery and danger. Unknown to all but a few of the most legendary sailors to have ever journeyed out from the west, Etlen Udra is the path to the Leghen Alps, and even perhaps Dziil, Guarana Rugna, and Far Anpe besides. The Etlen Sea forms the great barrier between these lands and the continents about Asra. Yet within the very oldest stories of humankind does some inkling remain of this truth. Within Etlen Rugna, Guarana Rugna, and Noba Rugna are told stories of the Breaking, when once the fields and mountains stretched unbounded before the elder gods cleaved the Etlen Udra into the wilds, shattering the earth in twain. To the shaman-storytellers of Noba Rugna and Etlen Rugna, it is assumed the western lands sunk into the sea, while the peoples of Guarana Rugna likewise consider the east to be a distant myth.
Great Ocean of Kaiwa
The largest ocean in all the world, so massive that no human has ever comprehended its scale. None have ever crossed its breadth through sheer skill alone. The seafaring clans of the great ocean may journey about its many islands, but even they cannot say where all Kaiwa’s bounds lay. Likewise, unknown to even the wisest shamans, in elder times some hunter tribes of Siral’ik even managed to make the trek across the shattered ice to the north peaks of Dziil, but that way has long since been forgotten. Between Ar-Nung, Siral’ik, Dziil, and Anpe, and speckled with as many islands as there are stars in the sky, the mysteries of Kaiwa are as endless as its blue horizons and abyssal depths.
K’aino Udra / K’aino Sea
Descending down from the Sea of Xulub, the K’aino Udra separates Guarana Rugna from Anpe, and Anpe from Dziil. It is a warm ocean, though quite harsh, and brimming with dangerous creatures. Thick with life, it provides an endless bounty to those who fish along its shores, though crossing its expanse is no easy feat. Even if one avoids death by one of thousands of ravenous beasts large and small which prowl its waters, the many islands within the green waves are said to house hostile tribes of humans, lizardmen, and ape-men. Though all types of predators may be encountered amidst the waves of K’aino, the sea-serpents are the most renowned of all.
Ocean of Tiham
The largest of the eastern oceans, rolling over a great expanse between the south shores of Himaleh Vistra and Batyr, and the far and darkened beaches of Ar-Nung, as well as flanking the eastern edge of Noba Rugna. Tiham is host to many islands, most near to the coasts of its bordering continents. It is rather warm, though prone to storms, yet that has not stopped many seafaring tribes from taking advantage of its riches. Great leviathans may be found in its waters, as with many of the seas, though they are more prevalent about its interior where the abyss descends with sudden rapidity away from the shallow waters near to the broken, isle-flecked coasts. The very name of Tiham comes from the mythical ur-dragon said to dwell within its very deepest waters.
Sea of Gami
Splitting the great plains of western Leghen and eastern Dziil clean down the middle, there is the mighty interior seaway known as Gami, stretching from the ice-flats of the north down to drain at last into the Sea of Xulub. Shallow for the most part, it is not free of perils. Within its teeming waters are as many dangers as there are resources. Still, that has not stopped the native tribes upon both sides of the sea of making the most of it, and some peoples spend near their entire lives upon the waters. So long as one is well-versed in the craft of the waves and keeps a sharp eye out for anything bigger than a saltwater alligator or giant gar, it can be an outright pleasant life exploring Gami’s waters and all its tributaries.
Sea of Xulub / Devil Sea
One of the most terrifying yet enticing of all the world’s great waters, the Sea of Xulub, also known as the Devil Sea, lies where the Sea of Gami filters out between the Leghen Alps and Guarana Rugna, forming a hub between the waters of Gami, K’aino, and the Etlen Udra. It is a warm and tempestuous sea, with many reefs about its edges and many islands that dot its waves. Yet the center of Xulub is unfathomably deep, perhaps as deep as such abysses that can be found in Tiham and Kaiwa. Horrifying beasts lurk below the black waves, and none but the most skilled of seafaring tribes may brave its central waters. Still, the reefs and island chains which wreath the Devil Sea are among the most bountiful to be found, more colorful than Gami and fresher than K’aino, rich with valuable coral and mollusks and tropical fish. It is not uncommon for the tribesfolk of that region to make war over the valuable islands, and battles are far more frequent than among the other island-hopping tribes of reaches like Kaiwa.
Skathon Sea
The northern sea, the name given to all those waters beyond the reaches of Nunaat, Batyr, Siral’ik and the like where the great ice-flows crash together and icebergs roam like mammoth god-beasts. It is not the coldest ocean – the waters beneath Ar-Nung and off the southern tip of Anpe have that honor, but unlike those darkened waves, many people have actually explored the reaches of Skathon. Most of all the shipbuilders of Fjallgarth and Nunaat, who whale and raid among the icy flows just as much as traverse them on foot. Cold-blooded leviathans are predictably rare within Skathon, yet the whales and pinnipeds are more than titanic enough in size to still provide dangerous sport. Yet it is always the gnashing ice and frigid waters that make for the greatest danger of any who seek to traverse the Skathon reaches.
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anonyb0b · 2 years ago
Tiny riverway wish you a happy pride!
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“I would have thought the best takoyaki in the city would be somewhere...err…. Nicer…” She stepped around a puddle, not wanting to further examine if it was water or something much worse.
“Ahahahaha~ Why would the best takoyaki be from a stuck up 5 star chef that probably only makes a few dozen a day?” Floyd waved for her to follow him and pointed towards a small stall tucked into an even narrower alleyway.
“Floyd! It’s been so long I thought you’d died!” the chef yelled out to him when he caught sight of him.
“I thought you knew I couldn’t die!” Floyd hollered back, clapping the man on the back when they were close enough to reach each other. Kore watched the exchange awkwardly, her boss seemed to know the strangest group of people. The old chef turned his eyes to Kore and frowned.
“Now Floyd, that one is…”
Floyd waved away his words with a sigh.
“She’s my employee, not my date. Don’t worry. I’ve got my sights set somewhere else” He grinned
“Oho? The ever promiscuous Floyd Leech looking to settle down? That’s surprising!”
“I wouldn’t say that-”
“Boss, don't lie! You’ve been asking Yoru out for months now! Ehehe” Kore giggled as Floyd pointedly looked away, chagrined.
“Well little lady, your takoyaki is on the house if you spill the details about this guys’ love life. He’s always been so-” Floyd glared at him to shut him up.
“Not another word, old man” He hissed. The older man smiled and held up his hands in surrender.
“No mean to offend, sir. Takoyaki is on the house for both of you, have a good night!” He handed them each a boat of the fried octopus balls and waved them away.
They wandered around the alleyways eating their dinner off the tiny toothpicks that had come with the meal, Kore trying to pry into Floyd’s love life as he ignored her questions.
“What about you, Kid? I see how red you turn every time Kalim comes in for a coffee.” He asked her as they watched the fish in the river bite at the trash on the water's surface.
“Hey Mister! This is about you and Yoru! Not me! I don’t wanna talk about me!” Kore stammered
“Then maybe we call it even? I don’t wanna talk about Yoru much right now anyway” He muttered, leaning on the railing separating them from the edge of the riverway.
“Huh? Are you actually upset?” Kore pried, a grin growing on her face.
“Nah. Annoyed. Come on Kid. I’m bringing you home, I need to go do something” He stood up straight and stretched his arms over his head, throwing his trash into the water below.
“Hey! You shouldn’t litter, the fish will eat it!”
“So let them. We all need to eat something” He shrugged, turning back towards the alleyway they’d come from, not bothering to look behind him to see if Kore was following.
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djbead123 · 5 years ago
Riverway squiplet au
•River had the kiddos
•There are four kiddos
SMOL, bout as big as a lion cub so maybe not that smol
Three look like a mix of ly and river
The runt of the litter looks more like jeremy
Both are proud papas
•Ly is a very protective dad, like, extremely protective of his kiddos
He hiss
Don't touch his kiddos
Don't insult them either
•River is also protective
Growls if you seem like a threat
You need to leave immediately before he drags you out himself
Both won't attack right away, they'll just kindly drag you away from the babies
•Squiplet things
eggs come out tiny but with enough love and warmth, grow.
When ready to Hatch they'll grow and whoever birthed them will get a message telling them that their kids will Hatch soon.
They're born nakey, some are born with either parents default clothes but that's rare
They need to be bottle fed mountain Dew
This au ly and river are not like,, digital,, they're real,, they're like half human, half squip
They're the type of parents to dress their kids in some fancy ass clothing.
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thehalfbakedlogician · 5 years ago
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SPECIES NAME: inaquosa terrafunemii {arid land rope}
ANCESTOR: two coloured caecilian
Habitat: This caecilian's ancestor had become so successful that it now found itself in entirely new habitats, including jungles, savannas, tropical grasslands, warm temperate grasslands, and mediterannean. This population found itself in the arid lands of the major continent along a seasonally flooded riverway, a region where plants were far and few between and water was scarce.
Diet: Knims are generalist omnivores, feeding on whatever they can find including seeds, insects, plants, mollusks, crustaceans, worms, and tiny vertebrates {even other species of caecilian}. They have many sharp little teeth to help immobilize and crush prey. They have an incredible sense of smell and touch {feeling the vibrations in the ground} to help them locate lush aromatic plants and creepy crawlies to eat.
Adaptations: Being in a very dry environment, the knim has adapted to reduce water loss as much as is possible, by gaining metabolic water from the plants that it feeds on, as well as having bumpy, thick skin. Their bellies have strong muscles running the length of the knim, enabling them to locomote in a similar way to snakes. While these are terrestrial animals, knim typically build burrows for themselves to shelter them from predators and the daytime heat. Most knim are nocturnal. Knims have the beginnings of nose tentacles that help them navigate by use of chemical signatures. These knim are not toxic to predators, but their bite hurts.
Reproduction: Knims also have an advantage over some other amphibians due to the fact that they give live birth to precocial young. Desert Knims breed just before the rainy season. These are solitary creatures and only meet during this time. Male knims will, upon finding a female, stay with her in her burrow for about a week, guarding the entrance aggressively against other males {who are known to eat the babies}. Knim mothers, like humid-adapted caecilians, will allow her babies to feed on her skin to acquire fat and protein using specialized mouths which don't harm the mom.
DATE EVOLVED: 6 million years
RANGE: these caecilians evolved in the tropical to temperate grasslands across a good portion of the main continent, but this species is strictly arid-dwelling
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fun-outdoor-activities · 5 years ago
3 Perfect Outdoor Activities for your Next Vacation in the Dominican Republic
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The Caribbean’s second-biggest country (behind only Cuba) may also be its most diverse. The Dominican Republic’s beaches are the headliners, but centuries of history, magnificent mountain ranges, vivid riverways and national parks, one-of-a-kind culture, cuisine and local products, all combine to provide a tropical island destination that goes well beyond the sunny coasts.
You can do more than defrost on the island’s famous beaches this winter. 
 On your next trip to the eastern half of the Caribbean’s second-largest island, get off your lounge chair and get involved in the Dominican Republic’s most famous sporting activities.
 Golf like the Greats
 It’s the most celebrated golfing destination in the Caribbean. Voted “Golf Destination of the Year for Latin America and the Caribbean” in 2019 for the fourth time by the Global Golf Tourism Organization, the Dominican Republic’s courses are legend.
 Avid golfers can book tee times at lush seaside and inland greens designed by the most acclaimed golf course architects, including Pete Dye, Jack Nicklaus, Robert Trent Jones Sr., Gary Player, Tom Fazio, Nick Price, and Greg Norman. 
 From La Romana to Punta Cana, Juan Dolio, and Puerto Plata, the country boasts 86 sea-facing holes and 39 ocean-side, where the course design and ocean breezes provide challenge as well as the breathtaking views.
 Golf pros regularly flock to the country for working holidays and tournaments including the Dominican Republic PGA Tour.   You can get a taste of that high-flying golf lifestyle at any of the DR’s dozens of top-tier golf courses. 
 Gone Fishin’ in the Caribbean
 Dominican Republic is a fisherman’s paradise. Surrounded on three sides by rich waters, the island’s local fishermen have a long history of bringing home the day’s catch. You can do that, too.
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Whether you’re looking for a laid-back fishing getaway or a high-energy, man v fish challenge on the high seas, you can give your fishing tackle a workout in the Dominican Republic.
 Visit one of the local sports fishing centers or work with an expert guide who can bring you to the shore’s most abundant waters, where you’ll be certain to reel in a brag-worthy catch.
 Push your Dominican Republic holiday into May, and you can join other anglers for the Torneo de Pesca fishing tournament. The high profile annual event showcases Bayahibe’s best catches and its unique and colorful fishing atmosphere.
 Further east along the southern coast, the Casa de Campo International Blue Marlin Classic Tournament in La Romana in April brings visitors to one of the country’s hottest spots for the majestic blue marlin.
 The pleasure you’ll get from this exciting fishing event is enhanced by the stunning surroundings. Casa de Campo was designed by an Italian architect, and mimics the old seaside villages of the Mediterranean. The Casa de Campo Marina is one of the region’s most prestigious, and accommodates up to 350 yachts.  You’ll want to do some interesting people watching after you return with your day’s catch.
  Dominican Republic’s National Pastime
 Baseball may be America’s game, but it has deep roots in Dominican culture and history.
Known lovingly as “pelota” in Dominican Republic, is the country’s undisputed favorite sport, the game you’ll see played in every tiny neighborhood park, and the source of dreams for countless young players. The Dominican Republic punches above its weight in producing international baseball stars.
 Many of the world’s most legendary players hail from the country, including Sammy Sosa, Pedro Martínez, David Ortiz, Robinson Canó, José Reyes, Juan Marichal and Bartolo Colón, among many others.
 There aren’t many opportunities for visitors to the country to play, but lots to enjoy baseball from the stands. Attending a “juego de pelota” is more than just watching a game—it’s also a ticket to a live party, and an opportunity to share with locals a celebration of one of the country’s greatest passions.
 The Dominican Republic’s baseball season runs from mid-October through late January. Game schedules can be found at the Dominican Baseball League’s official website. Six teams compete at stadiums around the country, and for baseball lovers, the experience is not to be missed.
 Whether your picture-perfect getaway involves the challenge of an oceanside golf course, a day at the baseball field or an open water adventure in pursuit of your next great catch, Dominican Republic delivers memories that last a lifetime – as well as the opportunity to recharge and refresh pool- and beachside.
 Start your Trip!
Photos: Dominican Republic Tourism
Copyright BestTrip.TV/Influence Entertainment Group Inc or Rights Holder. All rights reserved. You are welcome to share this material from this page, but it may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
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scurvgirl · 8 years ago
The Woods, Part 5
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Uthvir belongs to @feynites
Darevas and Felasel belong to @selenelavellan
Faunalyn belongs to @justanartsysideblog
Warnings for blood and vomit. 
Also me taking liberty with ideas about dragons because they’ll always be my fave
It’s interesting to see the difference between her and those who are not accustomed to the woods. Even in parts she does not recognize feel more like home than the walls of the palace. Traveling through Eluvians and the Crossroads had been odd, vaguely reminiscent of older times. Her skin feels like it’s been covered in a dew while the tiny hairs on her neck and arms stand out.
But the woods! Oh the woods with their eerie bird calls, rustle of leaves, and the occasional roar of a beast declaring that this here is its territory and the rest of the wood ought to know. The unaccustomed lords and soldiers place their hands on their swords at the roars, not entirely realizing just how far away the beast is.
“It’s far off, no need to get concerned,” Miriel whispers to Darevas.
“And besides, it’s a territorial call – probably already eaten its fill on a large deer. It only means to make us know, not to harm.”
“It is an impressive sound,” Darevas replies and she chuckles.
“I hear dragons roar even more impressively than that.”
She can feel Felasel side eyeing her from his saddle, but she ignores him as easily as she ignores the roaring beast.
Darevas shrugs, “Dragons need not roar to tell everyone that this is their territory – everyone already knows.”
“Do they? What if the dragon is still growing?”
“Then it hasn’t yet established a true territory yet. Dragons only claim territory when they need to, they’re intelligent creatures. A shame we see so few,” he continues. Miriel furrows her brow and looks up to see a juvenile winged serpent, it hisses at her then takes flight into the trees.
“And how does a dragon claim a territory?” She asks.
“It depends on the species. But generally, all dragons go through a marking period. Fire-breathers rake the ground then scorch it. Frost-breathers create large ice sculptures with their breath and claws. Creatures will live in these sculptures, like ice serpents. Lightning-breathers are interesting because they use their enchanting abilities to create a low level of static in the air to tell anyone entering their territory that they’re there. Poison-spitters have impressive scent glands all over their bodies. Their territories smell like flowers and sulfur. Water dragons are elusive, draconologists have never nailed down any single theory. I am fond of the idea that the river dragons like to create intricate ox-tails and riverways, even flow into cave networks to bring water to those ecosystems. They forge their territories from the very home they’re born in.” Darevas explains.
“You are forgetting the Cloud Runners, brother,” Felasel says in a level voice, “the only dragon species to not have a specified territory.”
Darevas nods and Miriel finds herself curious.
“And where did you learn all of this about dragons? From books?”
“Of course, even if we were foolish enough to try to hunt feral dragons in our youth, we would not learn their long-term habits like draconologists of the past have.” Darevas explains.
Miriel smiles and shifts forward in her saddle, “And I suppose a prince would taste the same as anyone to a dragon.” She teases.
“In that case, it’s a good thing we haven’t gone and hunted dragons. They’d go straight for me,” he plays, shivering for effect.
“Really? Are you that tempting to a dragon?”
“Oh I’m delicious, Felasel though is all stringy, he’d get caught in their teeth.”
“All the more protection then,” Felasel drawls and Miriel laughs.
“If anything, you could tell jokes and avoid death all together,” she plays along. Darevas laughs while Felasel remains silent.
For the rest of the first day, her and Darevas banter back and forth. She tells him about the woods, about the different animals making calls and skittering about. She points at wild growing elfroot and other plants that have various uses. Hunter she may be, but she learned from everyone in the woods.
She spends the night in a warded tent, unable to leave for fear fleeing apparently. She stares at the flaps of the tent, scowling. Darevas had assured everyone that the tent wasn’t needed but he had been vehemently outvoted by not only Uthvir and Faunalyn, but also by his brother.
She can’t be trusted, Darevas, Felasel had whispered to the side. She almost said that if she wanted to do something stupid there many other opportunities to have done so, but she remained quiet, resigned to her tent prison. As far as prisons go, it’s not that bad, if she just forgets about the crippling pain she’ll suffer if she tries to leave.
In the morning, she spends ten minutes calling to be let out so she can relieve herself. One of the more taciturn guards opens the flap and she scurries out and into the woods. When she returns, it’s to glaring eyes.
“Is having to piss an offense now?” She sneers before moving to her things to don her armor.
“You become vulgar when upset,” Darevas says behind her.
“Is that a crime, my lord?”
“And snarky when defensive,” he continues. She straps on the chest piece and begins to pull on her breeches.
“Are you analyzing my behavior now?” She asks, still avoiding his gaze.
“Of course, you’re interesting. A keen-eyed huntress yourself must have made some observations about me.”
“You flatter yourself, my lord.”
“There’s that snark,” he continues, clearly not taking the hint or choosing otherwise to ignore it. He can, he’s a lord, she reminds herself. She inclines her head in a submissive pose then reaches up and starts to pull her hair into a tight braid.
“And what if my observation is not to your liking?” She asks in a soft tone.
“I’ve liked everything else about you so far, I’m sure this will be fine,” he replies, nonchalant.
“There is a first for everything, my lord,” she continues. She feels his hands reach for hers and into her hair, continuing the braid. She freezes and lets him continue. Like a deer caught in a light.
“Please?” He asks and she takes a deep breath. Risk not speaking and upsetting or saying what she thinks and offending him?
Or she could lie. But that would be obvious since it’s about him.
She takes a breath, “You prefer to diffuse tense situations with humor and sweet words.” She pauses but he simply continues with the braid.
“Very astute. Would you like breakfast?” He offers. Just like that. He lets go of her hair and it feels a bit…odd. She feels like a mouse being toyed with by a cat but there’s nothing she can do about it. Darevas, as powerful as he is and how odd it is that he’s taken such an interest in her, is her best ally at the moment. There is a fear that should he no longer find her interesting that all her protection will fall away.
She needs to get to her people, now more than ever.
Breakfast is a quick affair, then they’re up and traveling again.
The part of the forest they’re traveling through now is older growth, full of trees that have weathered longer than even some of the older elves. Moss and vines hang down from the trees with critters of various sizes and diets scampering about. Miriel’s face becomes serious as she pays more attention to her surroundings.
Uthvir and Faunalyn both seem to more alert as well, watching the ground as Miriel guides them through a particularly thick patch of forest. The harts grumble about the maneuvering necessary over the ground, but then a silence falls over the party.
Miriel stands up in her saddle and sniffs at the air.
“So when the Lady Andruil unfortunately met her end, a few of the gifts from her wife got loose. One of them is a particularly smelly beast. It’s not particularly aggressive on its own, but it is large and extremely territorial.”
“I have a bad feeling,” one of the soldiers murmur.
“Good instincts because we’ve wandered into its territory. It’s moved for some reason, it was farther east before, that’s why I was leading you west and then up.” She tilts her head and listens for the beast. It is a large thing – with horns that curve from a spiny snout and a body that resembles the unholy conglomeration of a lion, boar, and rhinoceros.
Uthvir draws their hart next to hers, “Do you know where its den would lie?”
She shakes her head, “Not if it’s moved. It hasn’t moved in twenty years, but I do know how to avoid it otherwise. Make sure to check for claw marks that have a purple hue to them on trees. It often cuts itself when marking territory. If you do see it, don’t make eye contact but don’t turn your head or back on it. That’s asking it to kill you.” She tells the rest of the party.
Miriel scans the trees she can see ahead and chooses a pathway that doesn’t have the claw marks. She’ll lead them more east then, since the west appears to be otherwise occupied.
“Is it possible it bred?” Faunalyn asks and Miriel shrugs.
“We only ever saw one of the creatures, but I suppose…it could be possible that it reproduced in some fashion.” That’s unpleasant thought.
Leading them farther east leads them to the old territory, however, which has become rather swampy. The harts grumble at the water and soft earth, but it beats being in the heart of the territory of the beast.
They travel for an hour before she hears it. Uthvir’s ears twitch and Faunalyn turns her head, quick to pull out her bow.
A low rumbling noise that is barely audible, but she knows these woods and nothing makes that noise that is harmless. She takes out her bow and begins to scan the surroundings for it. A hiss breaks through and Miriel takes a deep breath.
If she was on her own, she’d shift and fly away, but she’s not and these poor bastards would be left to the beast and the swamp. She’d later be killed. Dammit.
Her hart is already tied to another for fear of her running, so Miriel jumps down from her hart into the low water. She can work better like this – tracking and fighting and hiding.
“You should get into a circle facing outward, with the princes given the best escape route. I’ll scout ahead, try to draw it off. Uthvir has an idea of where to go, just in case.” She whispers.
“That’s insanity!” Darevas is the only one to protest.
“Don’t worry, I know how to survive here, let me keep you alive,” she whispers, then disappears into the thicket. Her boots slosh through shallow murky water, making it difficult to hear, but she keeps low and small, listening carefully for the beast.
The thick canopy above blots out most of the light, creating darkness in the middle of the day. The brush itself is tall and hides her well as she stalks forward. Soft fronds shield her from sight, water sloshes around her boots and a humid air clings to her skin.
Another hiss. The beast must be defensive right now. Miriel stalks forward with her bow, arrow ready to be launched if need be. She doesn’t really want to kill the thing. It’s lived here rather peacefully and by itself for as long as her people have. It eats the deer, sits in its land, and otherwise doesn’t cause too much trouble unless threatened.
Her father encountered it once before, and he spoke of how it was easy to escape simply because it was uninterested in fighting an elf. He suggested that it too was scarred from living under Andruil and it simply wanted peace.
Miriel climbs up a tree and scans the area. It can’t get to her here – at least she doesn’t think it can. It’s got hooves on its hind legs, or so her father said, so climbing isn’t going to happen. She looks back towards where the rest of the group is and sees no signs of the beast.
But there goes another rumble. And a low growl, warbled and old sounding. Miriel shifts in her perch to look down to her right to see the beast crouching in the brush. It’s massive and yet it looks thinner than it should. One of its horns has broken off at some point and she thinks it’s missing an ear.
Poor thing. Its remaining ear is pressed flat against its head and it bares its teeth at her, tail whipping against the ground behind it. It scrunches up its body in a defensive position. It’s scared more than anything.
Miriel sighs and stands up on her branch. She sucks in a breath and lets out the best screaming roar she can muster. She shakes the branch, bares her teeth, screams. The beast back up, hissing and growling in fear. But not enough to run.
She leaps from branch to branch, getting closer to it before shooting a couple of arrows down at its feet. She purposefully misses and it sends the message loud and clear. The beast turns and high tails it away. She pursues it for a few minutes before turning and heading back to the group. Strange looks great her when she gets back.
“What? I did what I had to in order to get it to leave us alone. Killing it served no purpose, it was scared and now it won’t get close,” she explains, hopping back up into her saddle.
“Mercy for beasts? Strange woman,” one of the guards murmur. She doesn’t particularly care. As far as she’s concerned, she has more in common with that beast than the guard in his shining armor and fancy saddle.
Darevas is watching her, expression hidden from her, and she can only hope it is something good.
“We need to move forward,” Uthvir says and she couldn’t agree more.
Miriel leads them out of the swampy area and into a dryer wood. They stop only once to eat and allow people to relieve themselves if need be. Miriel is nibbling on a piece of jerky when Darevas approaches her.
He’s quiet for a moment then takes off his mask and begins to eat his own jerky.
“Taking your meals with the strange woods woman who shows mercy to beasts, my lord?” She asks and he smiles.
“Those were some impressive noises – were they all yours?”
She chuckles, “Fancy the shouting, my lord?”
His grin is wicked and he leans down close to her ear, “Of a vastly different sort.” Her eyes widen and she leans back in horror. He couldn’t possibly mean –
His brows furrow in confusion at her face before they relax and he holds his hands up, “Pleasure! Shouting in pleasure, not –
“Oh!” She says and turns beet red, “that’s much better, I mean, that is – I need to crawl into hole now. E-excuse me, my lord.” She turns on her heel and speeds over to her hart where she buries her face into the animal’s thick hide.
That was horrifying, she can’t believe she actually thought he meant – that he didn’t mean – and she actually –
“What was that about?” Faunalyn asks, making Miriel startle for a second.
“I um. Didn’t quite understand something the good and noble lord said and it got, well…hm.”
Faunalyn raises an eyebrow at Miriel and Miriel takes a deep breath, “He flited, but I didn’t catch the flirt and well,” she gestures and Faunalyn nods, smiling.
“Ah yes youth, I take it they didn’t teach you flirting in the woods.”
“Not with a lord, no,” Miriel murmurs and Faunalyn’s expression turns serious again.
“Tread carefully with that. What you don’t know can and will end badly for you,” she whispers so only that Miriel can hear. Miriel blinks and nods. Faunalyn moves off and Miriel peers around the hart to see Felasel and Darevas talking. Darevas’s mask is back in place, ruining any chance she has of knowing what he’s thinking now.
Tread lightly. She’s been trying but there are these moments where he doesn’t feel like her lord, just Darevas. And while Uthbora would be gushing about how wonderful that is, how that’s always how it goes in her books about lords and peasants falling in love, Miriel knows better.
He could order her bound, whipped, harmed in any number of ways for insinuating he liked to torture people or anything else unflattering she may have insinuated over the last few days. No one would bat an eye and there would be nothing anyone could do.
She has to remember that at the end of the day, she is still just a strange woods woman to these people. To Darevas.
Miriel climbs back up on her hart and reorients herself. She’s here to help her people, that’s what she’s doing. Darevas is handsome and surprisingly kind but he isn’t the focus. She needs to remain focused.
They head north east, along a path that only Miriel recognizes. She sees the small notches in the branches, the scuffs at the bottoms of the trees, remnants of traps sprung a while ago but now empty. Concerning is the lack of fresh traps. They’re set almost daily in the hopes of finding something. Food’s been getting more and more scarce, requiring riskier hunting.
Maybe they caught a large deer?
They move up the hill to where the camp is, and it is silent. Dread fills Miriel’s belly as they round to the top…to find the camp empty. Her heart sinks and panic begins to enter her.
“Where…” she whispers, hopping quickly off her hart. She checks Varas’s hut, then Uthbora’s, Serendipity’s, her parents…
“What is the meaning of this?”
“She lied.”
“Miriel, what is exactly did you mean to accomplish?”
They shout for her but she doesn’t answer. Where are they? They were all here when she left, it’s only been a couple of weeks…
She looks to the ground and sees it – blood and large swathes of mussed dirt. The cauldron knocked over, coals and wood scattered…tents knocked over.
“Stop talking,” Uthvir says and she hears them dismount, “there are signs of a struggle.” Miriel begins to trace the patterns with her body, counting in her head how many there must have been.
“Somebody must have taken them…please, I…I don’t know what happened, they were here,” she murmurs.
Tent flaps fold and snap in the wind but over that she hears a rustling. Animals had the tendency to keep away from the camp because of the fire and the smell of people, and while rustling wasn’t too uncommon, she rushes to it, blindly hopeful.
She is quick, darting behind a tree to find a wounded Serendipity.
“Miriel?” He gasps. She sets to work immediately, finding the bleeding and pressing down to stem it. But the bleeding…it’s everywhere. His clothes are ripped to shreds, soaked through with blood from his belly and chest.
“HELP US!” She cries out towards the group. Uthvir is suddenly there and inspecting the bleeding elf with her. They tear his clothes, finding more wounds. He begins to cry and Miriel coos at him.
“What happened, Serendipity?”
“We thought you were dead! Your parents wouldn’t hear it though, they went out searching but they didn’t come back. And then this morning they came and…and they took everyone, kicking and screaming or knocked out. I barely managed to escape,” he sobs. Sanaste and the others are quick to join Uthvir and Miriel, pouring out healing spells and replacing them at his body.
“Who attacked you?” Uthvir asks but Serendipity just sobs as he’s poked and prodded.
“Monsters!” He cries.
Miriel takes his hand and strokes his hair. Monsters indeed! Who could have done this? Why would they do this? It doesn’t make any sense, how could they –
Serendipity’s sobs turn into full cries as the healers inspect his wounds.
“We need to move him into the camp,” Sanaste says softly.
“No, no, please no, it hurts!”
Miriel pets his hair and winces at his tone, “It’s to help you, Serendipity, we’re going to help you. I know it hurts, but you just need to push through for a little bit, alright?”
Uthvir moves behind him and together they lift the screaming and sobbing Serendipity towards the camp and into Uthbora’s old healing tent. She plays assistant to the healers, wincing and trying not to cry herself as she hears Serendipity’s cries. She hands the healers the herbs and things they need, trying not to look at the apparent mauling Serendipity had been given.
Who could have done this? The barbarism in his wounds…
“You need to leave, Miriel,” Sanaste says.
“No, I can help, I –
“You are poisoning the energy in here with your emotions – it is not a request,” they say again and she bites back a protest.
It goes against everything in her to leave but it’s for him that she’s doing this. She kisses his forehead and bids him to heal before leaving the tent. She has the distinct feeling of being covered in blood and sweat, but it is the persistent knowing that her family is in the hands of people who, who did that to Serendipity.
She stumbles out of the tent and towards the woods, falling to her knees, emptying her stomach in violent nausea. Gasps and sobs leave her in equal measure as her body shakes. They’re all just…gone. She can still hear Serendipity’s cries, in such excruciating pain….
They ran to escape this. Cruel hunters were taking advantage of the chaos – raping and torturing and killing any of those who would fight against them. Factions had developed and those who did not to ally with any either disappeared against their will or on their own terms. Miriel’s parents took the risk and they ran.
Serendipity had been terribly abused by the time he had gotten enough courage to run. They had promised him protection, told him they’d do everything they could to prevent what he had suffered from happening again.
And this happened.
She staggers to her feet, stumbling back.
“Miriel, Miriel are you alright?” Darevas asks, suddenly there, his hands on her arms.
She turns to him, a tumult of emotion in her, “No. How could I be?”
Felasel steps forward, large and looming and she can feel the disappointment rolling off of him. He remains silent as Darevas tries to calm Miriel.
“We’ll find what did this, Miriel, we’ll find your family and friends.”
His promises feel hollow.
“When? I…want to go now but Serendipity, I…” she takes a deep breath and tries to ground herself.
“We will leave first thing in the morning. Pursuing the attackers now after a day of riding and with the sun almost down is unwise,” Faunalyn says. She walks up to Miriel and inclines her head to the lords.
“My lords, you are encouraged to remain with the healers and Serendipity while we investigate these kidnappings.”
Darevas shakes his head and looks back down at Miriel, “No. They’re my people too, I should be there for them.”
“As you wish, my lord,” Faunalyn replies.
“The longer we wait, the likelihood that they’re killed increases, we have to go –
“Miriel, listen to me. You are no good to anyone in the state you are in. Everyone here is tired. Be here for Serendipity, recover as much strength as you can and tomorrow we will fall upon whatever did this with a vengeance.” Faunalyn cups Miriel’s face and looks down at her, eerie cat-like eyes that have a soothing sharpness to them. She understands, she was a hunter, she knows.
“Did you know them? Tassan and Caution,” Miriel asks softly. Faunalyn nods and knot loosens in Miriel.
“They’re good people,” she cries.
“They are, and we will find them,” her voice is quiet but hard. Miriel leans closer to her and Faunalyn guides her away from the masked lords.
“I’m going to find them and kill whatever did this,” Miriel hisses.
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