#tinhat bullshit
cantquitu 2 years
I don't understand what they would get from it? How to make a hit like AIW or WS, learn about H writing process, or that he has it whatever it is. They're so obsessed with him it's pathetic.
They really, really don't like that Harry writes his own songs and for some reason it makes them very anxious when people talk about him as a songwriter, or his songwriting process. So they like to get ahead of it and make a lot of noise (one anon - "kid harpoon fucking hates Harry Styles" lmao 馃ぃ), knowing that the gullible chumps who follow them won't actually listen for themselves.
Then they can go back to pretending Louis Tomlinson is not played widely on radio or featured widely in print media because of the threat that Sony could withhold access to their artists like Harry and Adele in retaliation if they do (an actual thing that Sea believes)
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Hey. Ares. Dipshit.
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that's not your coat
that's not your FUCKING coat
you stole that. and now you're going to give it to me.
and then you're going to tell me where he is and what you've done with him
and maybe, JUST MAYBE
I'll consider not pounding you into a grease stain on the sand
how many parts of your human form can I remove before the rest of you dissolves back to Olympos?
*flips open pocketknife* ...I'm willing to find out.
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sgiandubh 3 months
Contemplating Bullshit
Quick, Fandom Police, screencap this and send it to CO. ASAP:
'Dear' CO (or should I say, eh... 'Glinda'? 馃檮),
You wrote what amounts to a PhD thesis about one of my recent posts (https://www.tumblr.com/sgiandubh/753845334988423168/they-watch-they-hate-then-they-copy?source=share). So long for your carefully curated 'I don't care about Those Tinhat Shippers' narrative, in the process: but hey, common sense never bothered you and your ilk, right?
You don't care, but you write. Abundantly. Prompted by a denunciation that should give your 'US progressive beliefs' pause. Between you and me, lady: our European shipper community cannot give a dead rat's ass about you systematically dragging the US politics current evolution in this TV series fandom, in an effort to-
a) brown nose the US more conservative, MAGA crowd (with which 'Erself seems to be resonating, but that is suddenly and conveniently of no social and political import to you, of course)
b) sound sophisticated towards what you think (wrongly) is a primitive, uneducated, politically unaware shipper fandom crowd.
Some of the shippers chose to go political, for their own reasons and if they are happy with it, so am I. I do happen to believe in freedom of speech and editorial choices. Many, such as myself, chose to never mix politics and mundane, private beliefs (such as all this fandom thing), just because we happen to think, in Europe, that mixing those two notions is extreme poor taste. With dramatic historical precedents to boot. So you see, I am not very sure what point are you trying to prove, spare that you somehow consider yourself superior to those who do not share your political views. Told you: so long for your progressiveness and I am sorry, but your are such a Cheap Demagogue, lady!
Then, you couldn't help yourself but tell a Big, Fat Glinda Lie:
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I did not invent the Orc concept. Your running mate, BIF (the Poor Man's CO, btw) did - and proud of herself, too:
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Discerning Orcs vs. Stupid Shippers, Circle of Trust vs. Rectangle of Reality. We know that song, that is so 2019. And sure, I did mention an Orc Army (five to ten blogs, the rest are parrots, unable to make the difference between 'pixilated' and 'pixelated', when talking about a blurry picture - pixie/pixel, btw). My understanding is that someone as genuinely intelligent (that, I grant you) as yourself was piqued by the irony. But you chose to be nasty. Fair enough. Your problem, not mine.
Have you moved on? It doesn't sound like you did. And yeah, you sound angry and bothered and barely keeping up a civilized demeanor, there.
I could go on and on and on, debunking everything you said, but I am merciful to my readers and I happen to think that sometimes being clear and concise is far more effective than being verbose. So, here is the deal, CO:
Take your condescending, US-centric world view and your intolerant nastiness and shove them right up your Glinda nose, ok?
As for me, I am firmly on the ship deck. You are not to tell me what I saw with my own eyes. Better stick to whatever you post on your political blog. You have a LOT of work to do there. Seriously.
PS: in the book, Glinda is the Good Witch from the South. Just pedantically sayin'.
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markofcastiel 4 months
Remember that time years ago when a couple of fans said that Misha and Jensen were living together and said they had proof but wouldn't show it to keep their privacy and everyone thought they were bullshitting
And they were called The Inner Circle or some shit and we all thought these people had gone insane from all the tinhatting (affectionate)
And then years later Misha Collins posts a photo from the room he had in an apartment he shared with Jensen "So Do I" Ackles
Anyway... how was your week?
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laguera25 1 year
It's funny how everybody on the Internet is willing to at least countenance the most tinhatted bullshit imaginable, up to and including reptilians ruling the world, but the minute sexual misconduct allegations roll out, everyone turns into Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and a firm believer in the infallibility of the courts they mock as machines of deceit and tyranny every other time.
Just say you would rather believe the people who brought you joy and comfort in your worst times instead of dozens of anonymous women and go about your business. It's less embarrassing than trying to play John Jay on the Internet.
*I do not think Rammstein is a marauding band of sex traffickers and predators, but it is impossible that all of these women, with stories going back years in some cases, are telling lies. Sorry. At some point, you have to bow to reality and accept that something happened.
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gh-0-stcup 5 months
So I've got a tinhat headcanon for Chuck, based on just what I've heard about the last couple seasons.
Chuck's depiction in S11 was legit and truer to the sort of God he was for most of time. He was genuinely on the Winchester's side, despite needing to be distant.
S15 is the boys facing God's wrath. Chuck was fucking with the guys because he got tired of their bullshit. The "I've been controlling every single thing about your life from day 1" and "it's all just literally a show for my personal entertainment" was a lie constructed to really hurt them.
The last time Chuck came down and got involved, he explained very clearly exactly why he pulled away from the world. He wanted a world that could function independently. He wanted his creations to evolve and flourish. In his eyes, trying to fix everything for everyone was preventing this from happening. You can't learn from your mistakes without experiencing consequences.
From this and his conversation with Metatron about why humanity is so wonderful, we can gather Chuck's ultimate goal/desire was growth. The world is not perfect because it was designed to be perfected.
Even though Chuck has grown a bit jaded, he's sentimental towards the Winchester brothers. They fuck up a whole lot, but they always try their hardest to fix it and often succeed. Even their mistakes are generally made out of love or a desire to do good. They remain loyal and devoted to their family and overcome familial drama that even Chuck has failed to sort out.
Up against good, evil, angels, devils, destiny and God himself, they made their own choice. They chose family. And well...isn't that kinda the whole point?
Chuck was pleased with the boys at the end of this, despite it going against the "planned ending". Castiel, for his part in defying """God's plan""", was ressurected personally by Chuck (apparently more times than he can count).
Chuck gives more support to the boys than any other piece of his creation. He has faith in them, even when they don't have faith in themselves. He makes paths for their survival, stacks the cards in their favour, and directly saves their lives twice.
He does what he can so that they have the tools necessary to continue growing and saving his creation. He's the cosmic cheerleader in the background of their lives.
Another important thing to note about his conversation with Metatron - Chuck likes being Chuck. Prefers it, even. He enjoys being a mediocre writer and dating and having a blog. He wants to enjoy his work. He wants to be a part of his creation, not just its overlord in the clouds.
In S11, Chuck makes the effort to personally explain some of this to Dean. In particular, Chuck's policy on not interfering with problems his creations have the capacity to solve - even if that means people die or get hurt or the world ends.
With Amara we get a little peek into why the world isn't a paradise - the imperfections are part of what makes it beautiful. You can't have freedom without things getting a bit fucked up.
But after his feud with Amara is concluded, are the boys satisfied? Of course not! Any conversation about why Chuck can't be more involved is tossed out the window. And there's zero gratitude for anything Chuck has done for them ever, despite him giving them more than he's given anyone in millenia. Chuck nearly sacrificed his own life for the world, for the boys. He allowed their mother to be ressurected as a reward for their good work.
And what does Chuck get? Dean accusing him of actively causing every bad thing that's ever happened to them, despite most of it being the result of their own choices, and demanding Chuck ressurect everybody.
Now it's completely understandable and valid for Dean to feel this way and his prayer is fucking heartbreaking. But just imagine being Chuck. How irritating would that be?
So, Chuck shows the brothers what the God they imagine him to be would look like. A world centered around them with a sadistic overlord who uses them for entertainment. He takes away the meaning of their choices, their skills, and their victories. He pokes and prods and psychologically tortures them until he's finally (finally) overthrown.
The result is the boys get what they want. A God they chose and raised up themselves. A God who immediately comes to the exact same conclusion Chuck had - it's bad for God to interfere with people's lives. But by this point, it's seen as a good thing.
Their lives continue as normal. They still hunt, they still have to mourn the loss of their loved ones. The only thing that really changes from how things were under Chuck? Dean dies. The ending is bleak and pretty fucking depressing for the boys, considering the magnitude of their final victory.
And what is Chuck's ending? He has to actually be Chuck. A part of his creation, rather than above it. No longer will he hear the pleas and cries and condemnations of his creations. No longer will he be blamed for their bad choices. No longer will he be asked for help with things they could (and should) do on their own. He'll live out his days a mediocre writer who blogs about cats and then he'll die.
Chuck just happens to get exactly what he wanted in S11 and the boys learned the lesson he tried to impart back then in the process.
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justzawe 1 year
If you wanna hear one of the owners of Backgrid debunk bs, listen to this about 15 minutes in: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/deux-u/id1604255499?i=1000606556537
95% of their content isn鈥檛 staged. The people who have their PR set stuff up are very low tier celebs trying to get their name out there
Celebrities don鈥檛 call Backgrid to take their pics
Gives two examples of paparazzi following celebrities and spending hours chasing down content. Sometimes they鈥檒l spot celebrities while they were staking out another celeb
They don鈥檛 employ photographers. These paparazzi are freelance and they work together with Backgrid to sell their photos to media outlets
They have to pitch a story to the media outlets in order for them to want to buy the photos and make an article
Celebs using the attention their relationship is getting to their advantage, doesn鈥檛 mean the relationship is fake
There are certain hotspot restaurants where celebs know they鈥檒l be papped (just names a few in LA)
So this notion that your faves got Backgrid on speed dial to come take their pics, is complete bullshit. Do I expect conspiracy theorists and tinhats to accept this info? Of course not 馃檮
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its-moopoint 1 year
Advice: never trust a dude who wears more lipstick and more blush than you do yourself.
Advice #2: never trust bloggers who call their IG fake account eclectic shit to come then to Tumblr and share stalking lies as a troll.
Advice #3: never trust bloggers who tell you lies about stuff you can debunk yourself just exercising your gift of sight. No, everyone can see that wasn't SH at the funeral but C's brother, and her husband was sitting behind with their child. Your lunatic delusions are the least disgusting part of your bullshit posts about karma. Using the death of her father to share propaganda of your tinhat stupid theories and fanfiction is utterly pathetic and revolting.
You are the embarrassment of the fandom.
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doctortwhohiddles 2 years
One thing the tinhaters have in common, is that they can't bother to make their lies credible. See this example about Zawe:
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I call bullshit on all of this. I think this anon just confused the real Zawe and the character she played. What she describes sounds a lot like the plot to the episode. Surely, it can't be a coincidence.
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cantquitu 2 years
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incarnateirony 2 years
The most annoying part to me about people ignoring not only what you're saying, but Jensen and the others... This fandom 'joked' for MONTHS about his silence because he was mad. Now that there is undeniable proof that was true, half of them are ignoring are pretending they didn't see it. Outside of when asked by others a question that man didn't talk about the series until The Winchesters was announced but again people ignore it.
You want the truth? The same reason people are unstable as fuck in what they do on things like that is the same reason I catch so much horse shit, all around.
Very few people in this fandom are genuine. In what they say, believe. Some think they're genuine, many don't care to bother. The same person that'll say Misha was Teh Debil for running back in the closet or whatever will turn around like 2 days later and wail BUT WHAT IF WE DON'T GET MISHA GREETS. Logic source: Some shit they made in their own head that makes ZERO sense.
A lot of it has to do with trying to moralize fandom for control, rather than moralize themselves for honesty. But if they can, they turn everything into a perceived spin of righteousness. This goes as deep as even the j2 tinhats, where they've built themselves worlds where they can disregard anything they don't like as "PR" under the imagination of Being True Fans That Know The Truth. It positions them morally above other fans (due to delusion) and warrants excessive, often attention seeking behaviors.
The average panic-- whatever the chicken little bullshit of the day is-- ratings, cancellations, plots, who will or won't show up, who is or isn't satan, the Horrific What If of the day--is about giving the person themselves attention, rather than if that person critically inspected that belief or has any meaningful, stable, or continuous morals guiding it.
Then you get the congoers that forget they're just consumers because they've earned recognition. They forget this and start taking up all the air in the M&G room, which annoys other people, who then ask HOW those people get THOSE experiences, They Must Be Special. Begrudgingly. Rather than them just being overconfident while others are shy, and sucking all the air out of the room.
Many of them KNOW they're twisting or warping takes, many of them KNOW they are overglorifying their placement in things. Many of them hide behind civility culture games. Very few have confidence in what they say, as much as twist things they hear to try to convince THEMSELVES of something.
So with all of that, I'm blunt as fuck, I'm efficient as fuck, I've always managed to run circles around this exact same group of numpties since day one, they've gotten saltier and banded together into groups of failed numpties. It isn't even about being right anymore to them, it's about Trying To Make Me Wrong. Or leave. Or whatever. HOW COULD AARON HAVE POSSIBLY KNOWN ALL THIS EVEN BETTER THAN JARED THE WHOLE TIME THATS IMPORRRRSIBLE!!!! No, it's fuckin not.
But they all lie and exaggerate and jump moral bars all the time. In fact look at how many failboats those big ITK people had in years past, WHY they're so angry. They've always exaggerated what they've known so they HAVE to project I'm doing the same, because they literally *do not understand* that *they can not pay pass to what I do.*
But it's that. So people that formerly saw SexySilence FUNNY, are suddenly like. Nono, protecting my viewpoints, both my victim mindset, my lack of culpability in being a dick to creatives, etc--protecting this ego and denying it is more important right now.
Flip, flop, flip, flop.
It's no one side. It's that this fandom is infested with people with attention seeking personalities and, frankly, other cluster B traits. And sure those can be managed, but they don't. They don't manage. They just get into a Cluster of Cluster B and lob their shit at everyone.
Doesn't matter to them how True something is, really. They think if they say it enough, it'll make it true. In their heads, seems to be what I'm doing--I talk, something comes true. But that's because, you know, I've actually spoken with these creatives outside of transactional relationships and have paid attention and listened for years. So yeah, I talk, something comes true. You can't just. Replicate that off of pure stubborn bullshit. You can't just Project your headcanon of the universe into reality.
Consumers found a property full of other entitled consumers building psychosocial bubbles of nonreality in the internet where everyone patted them on the head and told them it was as okay to get as hysterical and ridiculous and embarassing as they want Cuz Feelings. Then they just. Assume everyone else is being as fake.
So yeah. All you're seeing is the shit I've been telling the genuine people that WANT to listen and WANT the truth for years: the people that often made the biggest hysterical noises over the years, or even are right now, don't even care about the actual result of the hysterics, they just care about the attention they get in the time between.
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scarefox 4 months
How to reverse brainwash my father and brother so they lose their toxic masculinity & sexism bullshit and right wing tinhat ideologies?
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theblogtini 2 years
You know what seriously creeps me out about Meghan? Why I believe she is disturbed and unhealthy to be around with and ngl I fear for Harry and the kids despite me hating him? Because of things like that bullshit made up story of the pilot calling her "maam". You know she only put it there because the Queen was called like that. It's so disturbed. Like how she put that footage of archie baking to combat the viral video of George's baking. How she stole the queens's name, a woman that she clearly hates, to name her own daughter like that, a baby she suppose to love. Who names their kid after a person they despise? It's legit terriefying to be that jealous, that obsessed, that delusional..to go this far and copy past the lives of others into your life ...I never seen anything like it. The small things, the "Maam" moments tells me that this woman is a monster, and nothing could convine me otherwise. To me she is right there with the likes of jessy and elizabeth holmes
I hate to sound like a total tinhat conspiracy theory crazy person but I kind of agree. I think M has a lot of SWF tendencies that to me would be major red flags and seriously off putting.
The thing is, she found a perfect mark in Harry
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insanityclause 2 years
Like I know there are some disturbed conspiracy theorists and seriously naive individuals who think everything is fake, but I have a feeling that a lot of the people that promote and perpetuate this bullshit know better. But because of their selfish parasocial outlook, they run with the PR narrative because the thought of him being a settled family man is too disturbing to their fantasies. Same with the CB tinhats and now the CE ones as well.
Selfish is definitely a key personality trait with all of them.
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I really don鈥檛 know what Matty is doing, he confuses me so much. Is this part of the whole sliding downwards thing he talked about at one show?
And about George drifting, yeah I kinda think that鈥檚 what鈥檚 happening and it鈥檚 definitely bothering Matty. That one instagram story about the comment about George not being fond of him anymore? He did not like that.
Oh god I hope not? If erratic behaviour and dating yet another model is part of the shtick I can definitely believe it, but also I low key hope he's done with the method acting bullshit and takes care of himself when he's not on stage (I know, pretty far-fetched innit)
As far as George is concerned, if you feel off a few layers and (yes, speculation time, grain of salt, tinhat, blah blah blah) look at it a little more closely, it does sound like another marriage crisis. It makes me sad to think about, but I am also glad that Jack is in the picture since the beginning of it now, because he's the one who held their hands through the whole of making BFIAFL and I believe he's probably the only one outside of the band who has any idea how to make it work even when it's not working as well as it was once upon a time.
Re: that Instagram story, I'm still confused tbqh. It was obviously mocking something and someone, but it was quite ambiguous too? Still haven't 100% understood what he meant by that one.
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laurelwinchester 2 years
Olicity stans on twitter are still spreading shit about Katie Cassidy. Now they're saying Laurel was supposed to die at the end of season one to have Tommy become the Dark Archer but Katie "got her laywers involved" and had it changed and that Stephen wasn't being paid fairly during season one because she was making them pay her more. I can't with the delusion.
lol wow they sure think katie had a lot of inexplicable and completely random power over at the cw.
anyway yeah that's bullshit. like straight up fanfic level bullshit. easily refuted bullshit. delusional is exactly the right way to put it. kind of pathetic really.
i mean yes i will admit i'm laughing at the whole ''got her lawyers involved'' part because it's so stupid it's funny but let's be serious for a second here.
katie cassidy was treated like garbage for eight years straight. eight fucking years. it was constant. it was relentless. i don't know how she put up with that - and if i'm being honest i also鈥on't know why - but she did. if she could just wave a magic wand and ''get her lawyers involved'' and end up with whatever she wanted, wouldn't she have used that power to idk get people to stop treating her like shit?
come on now.
it's like they don't even try to sound believable.
for real though imagine being a toxic olicity stan in the year 2023. what kind of tinhat nonsense is that. i know cringe doesn't exist but.....that's pretty cringe.
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