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tim-spirit-blog · 5 years ago
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🔴 . What do you know about vitamin K?😁 . Simple to say! It is an essential vitamin that is needed by the body mainly for blood clotting❤ and bone health💪 . Where can we get it then???😵Relax~It can be synthesize by bacteria in our large bowel💯🔄 . Also can get it in both plant🌳and animal🐥foods ....................................................... 你對維生素K有幾多認識?😁 . 簡單嚟講!佢係一隻好重要既維生素去幫手凝血❤同埋骨骼健康💪 . 咁我地可以食咩吸收佢???😵放鬆d~其實佢係可以自己係我地既大腸裏面透過細菌合成架💯🔄 . 仲有可以透過食植物性🌳或者動物性🐥既食物吸收 . . . #timspirit #easylife #easybalance #easyhealth #foundation #nutrition #knowledge #vitamink #beautytips #blood #bone #fit #themoreyouknow #quality #like4like #follow4follow #營養基礎 #維生素k #健康 #長知識 #實用 #學野 #健康美 #脂溶性 #骨骼增長 #健康第一 https://www.instagram.com/p/B9jG2bvn12U/?igshid=fyv50m1t1wl9
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supportivy · 6 years ago
Renforcez votre cybersécurité avec Public Cloud - TIMSPIRIT - Medium
Renforcez votre cybersécurité avec Public Cloud – TIMSPIRIT – Medium
Renforcez votre cybersécurité avec Public Cloud - TIMSPIRIT - Medium
Dans Au début de 2019, si vous avez recherché le mot clé «Clusif CSV» sur bing.com, vous avez accès à la liste des noms de quelque 2 200 experts en sécurité informatique (et non le moindre d'entre eux).
Une fuite de données ordinaire? Eh bien, oui et non: le plus drôle dans cette fuite, c’est que l’entité visée était le…
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aoptannu · 7 years ago
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tim-spirit-blog · 5 years ago
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⚪ . Low Glycemic Index Diet . First of all, this is mainly for helping ➕people with diabetes and blood sugar management👄❗ . So~What is "glycemic index"??😕 The glycemic index is means measuring how quickly your blood sugar rises⬆after eating food🍖🍚🍔 . Foods that are digested quickly and spike blood sugar levels in your bloodstream have the highest "GI"👎👎👎 . Also, remember to this concept: high content of "protein", "fiber" and "fat" ususlly =low GI foods👍 . And mostttt importantly💡, just like any other modern diet, a low-GI diet is not a cure-all.🔥It is a commitment to choosing relative foods that may prevent or alleviate the condition like diabetes✔✔✔ ....................................................... 低升糖指數飲食法 . 首先要知道既係,今次尼個飲食法主要係透過選擇食材去控制血糖含量👄❗,幫助糖尿病病情➕ . 所以~咩係"升糖指數"(GI)??😕升糖指數係講緊當你食完野之後🍖🍔🍚用嚟量度血糖升速有幾高有幾快既一個分數⬆ . 如果進食某種食物後,短時間內驗到血液裏面既血糖水平好高, 尼種食物就會被分為"高升糖指數"👎👎👎 . 仲有可以認識下尼個概念: 含高蛋白質量, 纖維量 同埋 脂肪量既食物通常都係=低升糖指數食物👍 . 最最最重要既係要記住💡,同其它現代養生飲食法一樣, "低升糖指數飲食法"唔係萬能key.🔥而係系選擇食材時對自己既一種承諾,為左想盡力去預防,紓緩正面對緊既健康問題, 例如糖尿病✔✔✔ . . . . #timspirit #easylife #easybalance #easyhealth #knowledge #nutrition #popularmealplan #lowglycemicindexdiet #glycemicindex #lowGI #fitness #trendy #healthymealplan #diabetes #like4like #follow4follow #營養知識 #現代飲食法 #低升糖指數飲食法 #長知識 #健康 #升糖指數 #排毒 #潮流 #流行 #生活 https://www.instagram.com/p/B-HzzW6HowX/?igshid=1m0d1nd44zd9j
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tim-spirit-blog · 5 years ago
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⚪ . Flexitarian Diet . Combination of the words "Flexible" ➕ "vegetarian" . Yup you're right💡That's mean encourage mostly plant-based foods🍆🍅🌽while allowing meat🍖products in moderation . Generally, it has no any cut rules or ideally number of calories😆 . Some principles you need to remember📣: -More fruits, vegetables, whole grains -More protein from plants -Less processed foods . Lets immerse this trendy and healthy "lifestyle"🌈 ....................................................... 彈性素食法 . Flexitarian其實係講緊 "彈性" ➕ "素食" . 無錯!就係你諗既咁喇💡尼個飲食法係鼓勵主要食植物性食物為主🍆🍅🌽同時亦可以食適量既肉類🍖 . 一般所講既彈性素食法係冇任何固定既規矩,同埋冇限制卡路里攝取量架😆 . 但有d原則你係要記得既📣: -多水果,蔬菜,全穀物 -多來自植物性既蛋白質 -少加工食物 . 一齊融入尼個健康流行既"生活模式"啦🌈 . . . #timspirit #easylife #easybalance #easyhealth #knowledge #nutrition #popularmealplan #flexitarian #flexitariandiet #plantbased #flexibility #trendy #healthymealplan #quality #like4like #follow4follow #營養知識 #現代飲食法 #素食 #長知識 #健康 #學野 #彈性素食 #潮流 #流行 #生活 https://www.instagram.com/p/B7xZh6_HGLB/?igshid=urfy341sbg6b
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tim-spirit-blog · 5 years ago
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🔴 . Carrot carrot carcar rot . Directly think about💭 Vitamin A=Carrot right?😂 . In fact there have othersss ingredients rich in vit.A 🍳🍊🍇 . The superpowers of vitamin A would be known for providing us healthy vision👀🌟, strong immune system💪and beautiful skin and hair👶 . Retinol➡mainly from animal sources Carotenoids➡mainly from plant sources (Can be converted to retinol in the body) ....................................................... 紅紅蘿蔔紅蘿蔔 . 一講維生素A咪就係直接諗到紅蘿蔔囉下話?😂💭 . 其實仲有超多食材都有豐富既維生素A架🍳🍊🍇 . 維生素A有既超能力包括增強我地既視力👀🌟,抵抗力💪同埋皮膚,髮質既健康👶 . 視黃醇➡主要由動物性食物吸收 胡蘿蔔素➡主要由植物性食物吸收(能在體內轉回視黃醇) . . . #timspirit #easylife #easybalance #easyhealth #foundation #nutrition #knowledge #vitaminA #beatifulhealth #vision #immunesystem #beautyful #knowmore #quality #like4like #follow4follow #營養基礎 #維生素a #健康 #長知識 #實用 #學野 #健康美 #脂溶性 #視力 #健康第一 https://www.instagram.com/p/B73heG0H3Cx/?igshid=1s7cl6m2pt89l
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tim-spirit-blog · 5 years ago
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⚪ . Mediterranean Diet . From mediterranean countries🌍 ~like Greece, Italy . This diet is mainly related with reduced risk factors for cardiovascular disease❤💡 . The foundation is talking about vegetables, fruits, herbs, beans and whole grains👅 . Moreover, moderate amounts of dairy, white meat(🐔🐟..)and the mosttt attractive RED WINE🍷haha (one of the Flavonoids ~resveratrol) ....................................................... 地中海飲食法 . 源自地中海果邊d國家🌍 ~例如希臘,意大利 . 今次尼個飲食法主要係針對減低心血管疾病既風險❤💡 . 餐單既基礎係講緊多菜,水果,香草,豆類同埋全穀物👅 . 仲可以有適量既奶類製品,白肉(🐔🐟..)同埋最最最吸引既紅酒🍷哈哈(其中一種類黃酮~白藜蘆醇) . . . #timspirit #easylife #easybalance #easyhealth #knowledge #nutrition #popularmealplan #mediterraneandiet #redwine #plantbased #heart #trendy #healthymealplan #quality #like4like #follow4follow #營養知識 #現代飲食法 #地中海 #長知識 #健康 #學野 #心 #潮流 #流行 #生活 https://www.instagram.com/p/B76LjGhHR-6/?igshid=1nbckvaez4zck
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tim-spirit-blog · 5 years ago
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🔴 . Let's take a sunbath🌞🛀 . Is SUNLIGHT!!!Except the foods, sunlight☀is the other source of vitamin D. (Resulting in skin synthesis of Vit.D) . In adults👨👩, deficiency of Vit.D can lead to "osteomalacia"💀, the symptoms are commonly presenting with aching bones and muscles😫 (Difficult of standing up and walking) . In children👦👧, deficiency of Vit.D can lead to "rickets"💀, can cause bone pain, poor growth and deformities of the skeleton😰 ....................................................... 嚟曬返個太陽先喇喂🌞🛀 . 係陽光!!!除左食物之外,曬太陽☀都可以幫我地吸收維生素D架. (陽光可以刺激我地既皮膚合成維生素D) . 以成人嚟講👨👩,身體吸收唔夠維生素D會導致出現"骨軟化病"💀,通常病徵包括骨痛同埋肌肉痛😫 (原地站立同埋行路都會覺得困難) . 而小朋友嚟講👦👧, 唔夠維生素D會導致出現"佝僂病"💀, 會出現骨痛, 阻礙發育同埋骨骼出現畸形😰 . . . #timspirit #easylife #easybalance #easyhealth #foundation #nutrition #knowledge #vitaminD #beautytips #bone #muscle #beautiful #knowmore #quality #like4like #follow4follow #營養基礎 #維生素d #健康 #長知識 #實用 #學野 #健康美 #脂溶性 #骨 #健康第一 https://www.instagram.com/p/B8MEBzSHnn-/?igshid=1rq3k0qjrj5ru
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tim-spirit-blog · 5 years ago
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⚪ . 16/8 Intermittent Fasting Diet . Eating, Fasting and Eating,Fasting That's it👼‼ . 16/8??? 💡: Consuming foods during 8 hrs👄and avoiding food for the remaining 16hrs👄🚫each day (9am-5pm? 12pm-8pm?) Suit to you👑 . There's no any time and food type limit within the 8hrs😍 . Buttt, if you want to maximize the potential health benefits✨, it's important to choose the nutritious foods❗ . Mainly talking about:📢 1. Boost metabolism and increase weight loss 2. Improve blood sugar control ....................................................... 16/8 間歇性斷食法 . 喪食,禁食 又喪食,禁食 就係咁啦👼‼ . 16/8??? 💡:每日有8個鐘可以食野👄,而淨返既16個鐘就冇得食👄🚫 (可以係9am-5pm? 12pm-8pm?) 方便自己就得喇👑 . 係尼8個鐘裏面冇任何進食次數,食物種類既限制架😍 . 但係但係,如果想最大化食完之後身體健康既果效✨,就要小心揀有營養既食物❗ . 主要講緊既作用:📢 1.促進新陳代謝,有助體重下降 2.有助控制血糖水平 . . . #timspirit #easylife #easybalance #easyhealth #knowledge #nutrition #popularmealplan #intermittentfasting #16/8 #weightloss #fitness #trendy #healthymealplan #quality #like4like #follow4follow #營養知識 #現代飲食法 #間歇性斷食 #長知識 #健康 #學野 #體重 #潮流 #流行 #生活 https://www.instagram.com/p/B8OoMoPnrST/?igshid=sil01nvillcp
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tim-spirit-blog · 5 years ago
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🔴 . Did you know that the function of vitamin E?😯 . Antioxidant🏆!! . It protects our body cells from the damaging effects 💀of one harmful chemical (called "free radical")❗ . What's next?😕the "free radicals" damage cells and may contribute to the cancer😨and cardiovascular disease😨 . "Free radical" can produce naturally in our body👨👩, it also can be induced by lifestyle factors: 1. Air pollution🏭 2. Smoking🚬 3. Alcohol🍺 4. Fried foods🍟 ....................................................... 你又知唔知維生素E有咩用?😯 . 係做抗氧化物既角色🏆!! . 我地身體既細胞奈唔奈就有機會會比一種化學物(叫"自由基")破壞💀,而抗氧化物既角色就係阻止尼件事發生❗ . 破壞左身體細胞跟住又點?😕"自由基"破壞左我地身體既細胞之後, 就會容易導致癌症😨同埋心血管疾病😨 . "自由基"除了能夠係我地體內自然產生👨👩,仲會因為各種生活模式所引致出現: 1.空氣污染🏭 2. 吸煙🚬 3. 酒精飲料🍺 4. 油炸食物🍟 . . . #timspirit #easylife #easybalance #easyhealth #foundation #nutrition #knowledge #vitaminE #beautytips #cancer #antioxidants #beautiful #knowmore #quality #like4like #follow4follow #營養基礎 #維生素e #健康 #長知識 #實用 #學野 #健康美 #脂溶性 #抗氧化 #健康第一 https://www.instagram.com/p/B8thd0gHYh9/?igshid=c0h23dhqeu0d
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tim-spirit-blog · 5 years ago
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⚪ . Juice Cleanse Diet . Are you kidding me😆?Juice diet??Liquid only??🍼 Yes!!!That's it!!! Time to DETOX❗ . Generally, is best to run this diet 1-3days🕛Only Juice and smoothies are recommended to drink during the diet period✔ . Fresh fruits🍎and vegetables🌿are rich in vitamins and minerals and served as a juice form is the easiest way to digest and absorb them⚡ . The juice can flush the toxins and waste out of our body💪and absorb all of the healing nourishments🌈 Also stronger our digestive system👄 . So what's the diet pattern?? It is typically comsumed a couple of hours apart, with the final drink of the day being at least three hours before bedtime💤 . Common ingredients:✌ Milk, Celery, carrot, cabbage, spinach, beet, avocado, kiwi, banana, cherry etc ....................................................... 果汁排毒法 . 你講笑渣下話😆?果汁餐??淨係飲液體??🍼 無錯!!!就係咁!!! 係時候排下毒喇❗ . 一般嚟講,尼個餐最好只進行1-3日🕛規則係尼段時間只能涉及果汁或者奶昔✔ . 新鮮既水果🍎同埋蔬菜🌿有超豐富既維生素同埋礦物質,由果汁形態食用佢地係最容易吸引同埋消化既方法⚡ . 果汁可以沖走我地體內既毒素廢物💪,同時仲可以比我地吸引治療性既營養素🌈 仲有可以強化我地既消化系統👄 . 咁每日嚟講又應該點分配時間嚟飲??一般嚟講都會係每隔兩個鐘飲一次,仲有樣要記住既係訓前3個鐘唔可以再飲架喇💤 . 普遍使用既食材:✌ 奶, 西芹, 紅蘿蔔, 椰菜, 菠菜, 紅菜頭, 牛油果, 奇異果, 香蕉, 車厘子 等等 . . . #timspirit #easylife #easybalance #easyhealth #knowledge #nutrition #popularmealplan #juicecleansediet #juice #detox #fitness #trendy #healthymealplan #quality #like4like #follow4follow #營養知識 #現代飲食法 #果汁排毒法 #長知識 #健康 #學野 #排毒 #潮流 #流行 #生活 https://www.instagram.com/p/B80jKkynDyL/?igshid=1eahs0qpkzyet
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