#timothy granaderos one-shot
buckyseddie · 3 years
unexpected date gone right
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pairings — montgomery de la cruz x fem!baker!reader, featuring bff!tyler down x bff!fem!baker!reader
summary — in which, she lets monty take her out on a date to stop the constant harassment she endures from him.
word count — 1.9k.
warnings — jealous!monty, angst, mentions of hannah’s death and how reader feels about it, fluff.
notes — i just want to make two things very clear. i wanna clarify i wrote this fic BEFORE i found out that monty was gay. i’m only leaving it up because people wanted it to stay up. and secondly, i, in no way, support what monty did to tyler. that was completely wrong, and i have certain morals, so i don’t excuse his actions. however, i do have a soft spot for villains, and i feel that he, sort of, redeemed himself a little bit. and i also feel that if he hadn’t been killed off, prison would’ve taught him a lot, and maybe have redeemed himself. so, i just wanted to make that clear. and, p.s., in this imagine, monty never did any of the tramatizing things, like what he did to tyler. gif and divider creds to owner!
p.s., feedback is very much encouraged and appreciated <3.
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“THANK YOU, TY. I’LL TALK to you later, buddy!” she exclaims with a bright smile as tyler hands her the previously fallen textbooks.
“of course.” he says, before pausing, causing her to turn around with a questioning stare.
“um, i wanted to th—thank you.” he stutters out, wearing an uncomfortable expression.
“thank me for what?” she asks, tilting her head to the side in confusion.
“for always being so nice to me… and for being my friend. i know that you know how i acted towards hannah before. but, unlike everyone else, you didn’t judge me on that and i really appreciate it.” he admits, wearing a shy smile.
“aw, of course, ty! you’re so much more than your past. you’re a great guy, and i know that people will realize that one day.” [y/n] says, before pulling him in for a comforting hug.
“thank you — for everything.” he mumbles into her hair, finally hugging her back.
as he hugs onto her for a few more seconds, he feels confused and uncomfortable, considering he’s never had someone genuinely care about him or hug him like this, other than his family.
“hey, get away from her, stalker!” a snarky voice abruptly yells, causing [y/n] to slowly pull away from her friend, trying to find the person with the very familiar voice.
“what, was hannah not enough? you gotta move onto another poor, innocent girl?” monty exclaims, eyes almost blazing in jealousy.
“i was just—” tyler starts, but monty interrupts him. “—no. you leave her alone, freak.” he says, pushing the poor kid against the lockers.
“montgomery! leave him alone. tyler is my friend. leave him the fuck alone, asshat.” [y/n] exclaims, clenching her fists to keep her anger at bay.
“but, he—” he starts, but she swiftly pushes his fists off of tyler’s shirt — this isn’t very hard, considering the second her hands touch his, he instantly lets go of tyler.
“no. he’s one of my best friends. and if anything, he’s like my brother. so, if you go as far as even looking in his direction, you’ll have me to deal with.” she spits out, grabbing tyler’s arm and pulling him behind her.
“tyler, go to class. i’ll see you later, alright?” she orders, turning to him as he nods.
he turns around and rushes down the hall.
“what the hell is your problem? could you be any more of a stereotypical, cliché, entitled jock-asshat?” she asks incredulously, turning to him and practically glaring in his direction.
“you know what? honestly, why should i be shocked? you’re friends with fucking bryce, after all.” she mumbles, rolling her eyes as she walks down the hall, hoping the boy will just leave her alone for once.
but, of course, he doesn’t leave her be.
i mean, why would he? he has been bothering and annoying the girl for months now.
why? [y/n] has no clue.
but, that’s probably just because she’s super clueless.
“hey! just because i’m friends with bryce doesn’t mean i’m anything like him.” he exclaims, falling into step beside her.
“yeah, okay. why else would you be following me around, and annoying the shit out of me? it’s kind of obvious that you either want to piss me off, or get into my pants — and neither will be happening, anytime soon.” she states, stopping finally, and turning towards him, crossing her arms across her chest.
she raises her eyebrows in question, challenging him to tell her she’s wrong.
he sighs, anxiously fidgeting with his fingers — something that’s very unlike monty.
“spit it out already! i have a very important class to get to, and i really don’t have time for your shit today.” she groans, rolling her eyes at his sudden shyness.
“i like you, alright!?” he exclaims as she gapes in shock, not expecting him to stoop so low, to play this type of game to manipulate her.
but, the problem is, he isn’t lying. far from it, actually.
“w—what?” [y/n] asks, throat tightening up.
groaning, he shuts his mouth completely, so frustrated that he admitted what he’s been hiding for months.
“well? are you going to explain why you think pretending to like me is gonna work out with your plan to get into my pants?” she asks, glaring at him.
she couldn’t explain why, but for some reason, she didn’t like that he was using the crush tactic as a way to get under her skin, and to get what he wants.
the real question she doesn’t have an answer to is, why does this affect her so much? why does she care?
“y—you think i’m pretending to like you? why the hell would i do that? are you really that judge-mental that you think you know who i am just because i’m friends with someone who’s terrible? zach’s friends with bryce, but he’s nothing like him — the same with scott!” he exclaims, finally unmasking his hurt expression.
[y/n] sighs, mentally smacking herself for how mean she was seconds ago.
sure, monty’s not the definition of an angel, but deep down, she knows that he’s not a totally terrible guy.
and he is right.
she doesn’t know him at all — she just knows the side he shows her, which probably is just a ploy to distract everyone from seeing who he really is.
and being judge-mental is never the answer, which deep down, she knows.
she just couldn’t help it with him, she wanted to hurt him for being so rude to tyler.
“look. i’m sorry, monty. i don’t know you, so i can’t assume you’re like bryce. but, can you really blame me? you portray yourself exactly like him, so i can’t help but believe that. and how is it that one of the boys that tormented my best friend for an entire year — until it drove her to kill herself — could ever like me? i can’t help but think it’s just a joke. and not to mention, you always joke around about getting into my pants.” she admits, sighing as she drags her fingers through her now tangled hair.
“i get that and you have every right to believe that. but, i would never lie about my feelings — especially, towards you. my sister has had her fair share of getting hurt and played by guys and i’ve promised her i’d never do what others did to her to another girl. it’s heartless and disgusting to hurt a girl that way when all she does is care for you.” he admits, looking anywhere but her eyes, his anxiety becoming clear as ever.
“okay.” she sighs, looking up at him expectantly.
“okay?” he asks, slightly confused at what she means.
“i believe you. i know your sister and as much as i hate admitting this, i know you’re a good brother to her by the way she talks about you. so, that has to mean you’re at least not completely terrible. so, meet me at rosie’s at seven, alright?” she states as he nods, eyes sparking in utter excitement, before she turns and walks down the hall.
SHE REALLY DIDN’T UNDERSTAND WHY she told monty to meet her at rosie’s.
maybe, she was desperate for attention because guys never ever take her seriously.
or maybe she liked the antsy, nervous side of montgomery that she saw earlier in the day.
so, that’s why she found herself standing in front of her gigantic mirror inside her bedroom, wearing a cute, but casual outfit.
she wears an ocean blue cropped tank top with a jean jacket and a pair of light-wash skinny jeans. her hair sits down on her shoulders with small, innocent curls. and her makeup is natural; just some mascara and chapstick.
the whole point of her appearance that night, was to show monty that she isn’t going to change anything about herself, only for a guy.
when she does leave her house and arrive at rosie’s, monty is already sitting down at a table, tapping his fingers on the table anxiously.
“wow, you’re on time for once.” she states jokingly, trying to break how uncomfortable the silence is between the two of them as she sits down across from him.
“you know, this is the exact same place marcus harassed hannah. i’m not sure why i’d ask you to meet me at a place with such a bad memory…” she trails off, taking in a deep breath as she plays with her fidgety fingers on the table.
“i’m really sorry about that. a lot of the guys thought she was easy and marcus thought he could get her easily. he was a real dick that night.” he says, hesitantly landing his hands on top of hers, squeezing lightly.
[y/n] jumps in shock at the touch at first.
but, after a few more seconds, she relaxes, not being able to deny the comfort montgomery’s touch brings her.
“can i ask you a question?” she asks, looking at him this time.
“sure. what is it?” he asks, his nerves slowly unraveling as he lifts up one of his hands to run through his hair.
“why me?” she asks, her eyebrows furrowing, oddly becoming scared of the answer she will receive.
“what do you mean?” he asks confusedly.
“why do you like me? what’s so great about me that makes you like me? i can tell you right now, i’m not very interesting.” she admits.
“why do i like you? i like you, because you’re a good person, inside and out. you will do whatever you have to, to take care of your friends — to protect them. you never let anyone boss you around, or tell you what and who you are. and despite everything you’ve been through, you’re so kind and nice to everyone. you’re loyal and caring and you always put everyone’s lives and happiness above yours.” he says, sighing.
[y/n]’s quite shocked that he even knows any of that about her.
she tries to look for just one lying bone on him, but she comes up with none.
“h—how did you even know all that?” she asks, still shocked.
“i’m good at observing people and you’re an open book. you try to hide your real feelings, but it’s useless because you’re so simple to read.” he states, blushing a mad red color.
“o—oh…” she trails off, blushing hard, making her duck her head down, so that her hair covers her flaming cheeks.
“n—no one ever notices me… that’s why i was so convinced that you saying you liked me, was just a lie.” she mumbles, looking back up at him.
monty’s eyes widen in shock. “that’s not true. [y/n], everyone notices you.” he states, brows furrowing in confusion.
but, this little statement means little to nothing to her, considering everyone else never mattered to her.
she’d just wanted one person to notice her — at least, that is, before she saw how mean he was to others.
she finds herself becoming more comfortable around him and they began to talk about anything they could; things like her dealing with her sister’s death and the guilt that came with it, or monty’s issues at home with his father’s abusive behavior.
hours had passed by and soon enough, monty was walking [y/n] to her front door.
“i had a great time. maybe… we do it again, sometime?” she asks, leaning against the door.
“y—yeah, i’d like that.” he agrees, nodding as she lifts her body up off of the door and turns to turn the doorknob.
she pushes the door open and as soon as she’s in, she turns to the unbelievably, genuinely happy boy.
“okay, um,” she pauses, biting her bottom lip to hide her excited smile. “i’ll, uh, see you tomorrow at school, kay?” she asks as he nods.
“bye.” she gives a cute little wave, a few giggles leaving her lips, before she shuts the door.
although, she doesn’t see the genuinely soft and excited grin on the de la cruz boy’s face.
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jeffatk1ns · 7 years
The Louvre - Monty de la Cruz x Reader // Part One
Request - “can you make a imagine with Montgomery based on “The Louvre -Lorde"”
A/N: The other half of this request will be done soon! (This request did jump the queue a little due to the fact that they are all Jeff requests and the last few I’ve posted have been Jeff so I wanted to section them up a little.) This is my first 1st person imagine- let me know what you think!
Here’s the thing. It wasn’t until it was too late that I realised how far gone my feelings were. Although there’s no denying the boy looks like he was crafted by Aphrodite, I was never really a looks girl. I know, I know, cliché as fuck- but it’s true. So, the boy annoyed me. Sue me. And his looks were never enough to make me see past that. I hated everything he stood for and the teenage grind he bought into. Of course, I knew nothing about him and was being my usual judgemental self.
To start, I’d always found it odd that he took Art. Again, I was stereotyping the baseball star. That was the first seed I guess, planted way before the rest. The next was the fact that he actually enjoyed art, and the care he took with his pieces. Every single thing he produced was meticulously fawned over with each brush stroke and paint mix. Sometimes I’d catch myself watching, from behind a canvas, the way in which he performed. And it was - a performance I mean. I couldn’t even begin to explain it in a way that gave it any kind of justice.
It got a bit tricky after that. There wasn’t any helping the fact that i kept seeing him around with his sickening cronies putting into action their perfected formula for popularity. I was far too salty about clique culture because I never fit into it, but that’s for another time. The thing was - I noticed the falters. The falls of face, the glances around as if to say ‘I need something more.’, and the escapes; ‘Miss is keeping me back to finish my art, sorry man.’ Which I knew were complete lies. That was the next thing that kept me intrigued in the boy who was my anti-type.
Well, Summer slipped us underneath her tongue,
When it came around to summer, everyone was feeling the shift. Honestly, that’s where it really started for me. I was too consumed in the summery romanticist haze to notice what was happening. Like I said, until it was too late.
Montgomery de la Cruz painted in the most gentle fashion, no one would ever expect. He was a firecracker, always lit at one end, just waiting ‘til he’d burned all the way down and exploded. Fights or shouting matches were frequent occurrences for the boy, which was part of the reason I’d avoided him before. This, really, was the main factor in my confusion of Monty (as his friends liked to refer to him) taking art. I later realised it was a tactic to calm him down, keep him on the surface. So long as his head was above the water, the fire could be extinguished just enough to last a period of time. Problem was - small things dunked him back under and BOOM. All. Burned. Up.
Truthfully? I was embarrassed. I’d fallen for a guy I’d outwardly dissed for so long, I couldn’t even admit it for the longest time.
But anyway, it started one Art lesson in late May, when our teacher said we’d be doing a partner sculpture for the rest of the year. As you’ve guessed, I got paired with Monty. The first few times we planned our sculpture we didn’t really speak, aside from about the task. It was a little awkward, but I hadn’t expected anything otherwise.
“I thought maybe he’d have *something* going for him other than the temper, but he’s so boring. I am continually bored out of my mind when I’m with him.” I’d ranted one day to Jess and Hannah as we sat on the bleachers eating lunch. That was the start of the lies, because I’d already mentally determined that this boy was intriguing as hell, but I had to set them off my trail. Except, Hannah had given me the; ‘i know you’ look, so she became my one confidant in the Montgomery situation.
“This text, I know it’s only about the project but I can’t help but read too much into it.” I sighed.
“I’ve said it many a time, and I’ll say it many more, he definitely has the hots for you.” Hannah shoved me gently.
“I don’t know, It’s just a stupid one sided crush…”
I overthink your punctuation use,
Which brings us to this day, In which i met Monty once more to work on our project. A nervous rap on the door indicated him of my presence.
I wasn’t entirely sure how he’d be today. Sometimes, usually, he was quiet and we only spoke ideas and plans, but other times, more recently, he’d started asking me questions about myself. Randomly. The other day we’d been sketching plans and he’d blurted out; “what’s your favourite sport?” And we’d had a fairly long conversation discussing that and his baseball playing.
“Hey.” He smiled at the doorway. I hadn’t noticed him open it so I jumped slightly.
As usual, we stayed quiet for the first half.
“Do you some drinks? Mum bought a six pack but she doesn’t like them, said we could have them.” He asked awkwardly after some time.
“Like, with alcohol?” I giggled, feeling naughty at the thought of day-drinking with Montgomery de la Cruz.
“Uh…no.” He grinned a boyish smile, affection washing over his face. “Sadly. But I can buy some  to bring along tonight?”
“Tonight?” There was probably a party I wasn’t invited to. How embarrassing.
“Bryce’s. You should totally come.” He chewed on his pencil absentmindedly.
“I don’t think I was invited…” despite my hoping for it to go away, my profuse blushing was obviously apparent.
“Bryce doesn’t do guest lists, he’ll let anyone in.” Well, that sure makes me feel wanted. But really, the fact that Monty mentioned it in the first place was sending me over the moon.
And I’d already decided the look he was giving me meant I was going.
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multifandom-images · 7 years
Love // Montgomery De La Cruz x Reader
Requests: "(Summary of request one) Can you make reader dance team captain and Monty fawns over them dancing."
"Hey! I love your writing can you do a #1 and #6 from your prompt list with Montgomery de la cruz?
" Prompts: 1. "Why did you fall in love with me?"
6. "You are drunk, let's get you home."
Requests and ships are open
"You are drunk, let's get you home," (Y/n) muttered as she tried to drag her boyfriend to his jeep.
"Nooo (Y/n) we need to partayyyy," Monty groaned, about to throw up.
"No you are not throwing up on me," (Y/n) pushed his face away.
"You love me," Monty winked at her," You single? How about we go on a date sometime?"
"Okay you're a dumbass," (Y/n) rolled her eyes," Zach help me get him to his car."
"On it," Zach took Monty and slung the drunk boy's arm around him. Zach put him in the passenger seat.
"You sure he's okay? He looks wasted as fuck," Zach looked at the girl.
"Yeah I'm gonna bring him to my house, no ones there until Wednesday so it's okay," (Y/n) smiled at Zach," He's flirting with me though, but other than that everything's fine."
"Okay (Y/n) whatever you say. If you need me I'll be here just call," Zach hugged the girl goodbye and walked back to the party.
The first few minutes of driving was silent, only because Monty passed out.
"Hey cutie already taking me home??" He winked at her as he woke up.
"Oh god Monty we're almost home and you can go to bed," She rolled her eyes as she turned a corner.
"You know my name?" He slurred out," Do you have a name or can I just call you my girl?"
"It's time to stop," (Y/n) pinched his arm then parked in her driveway," Lets get you into bed."
She walked around and opened his door, helping him up.
"C'mon Monty you gotta help me here," She muttered while throwing his arm around her shoulders," Why do you have to be so heavy?"
"It's all muscles," He muttered back and started to walk, in zigzags
. "Okay muscle boy," She pat his chest while unlocking her front door," Lets take your shoes off."
"O-Okay," He clumsily took off his shoes and looked at her like a lost puppy.
“Let's go upstairs and sleep," She whispered as the two walked up the stairs, Monty with the assistance from her.
"You know, I love you so so much," He whispered as she put a blanket over him," Why did you fall in love with me? I'm a angry guy who's gets into fights all the time, you're amazing so why?"
"Because when ever I'm with you I'm calm. I'm relaxed and you help me forget my problems. You remember my favorite snacks and my order at Monet's," She smiled.
"One hot chocolate and one (f/f)," He muttered while closing his eyes.
"Mhm, now lets go to sleep," She whispered while laying next to him.
The next morning Montgomery woke up to the sound of music playing and the smell of breakfast.
He yawned and stretched, then walked down the stairs, stopping in the open doorway to the kitchen where (Y/n) was dancing freely to the music.
As the song ended and she stopped dancing, Monty started to clap.
"Beautiful dancing princess," He smiled," No wonder you're the dance team's captain."
"How long were you watching me?" She shrieked as her face turned red.
"I don't know time freezes when I'm around you," He smiled cheekily.
"Are you still drunk?"
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writingsnmusings · 7 years
Two Best Fans (montgomery/reader)
requested by anon
juggling senior year with a baby isn’t as hard when your boyfriend helps out (i can’t summarize for shit don’t judge me)
could be part one
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“Babe! Where’s the diaper bag!?” Monty yelled from the bedroom.
You giggled from the doorway as you bounced Elliot in your arms, “It’s on the table downstairs, why are you freaking out so much?”
Your fiancé sighed once he spotted you and made his way over, wrapping you and your son in a hug before speaking, “Today’s the first game of the season and I remembered that El had my favorite mitt in his bag. I just didn’t want to forget it.”
You nodded in understandment, Monty always got a little antsy before games, especially the first of the season. He had no reason to be nervous though, he was one of the best players on the team.
“Now that you know where it’s at, you ready to go?” You asked as he grabbed his sports bag from the floor.
He nodded, “Yeah let’s- wait, what’s he wearing?”
A grin formed on your face as you moved Elliot to where his dad could clearly read his little t shirt. It was basically a mini version of Monty’s white and blue baseball shirt, complete with liberty baseball on the front and de la cruz on the back.
“When did you even?” Monty couldn’t even finish his sentence before scooping your son up in his arms and planting kisses all over his face.
Your heart swelled as you watched them interact. Raising Elliot wasn’t always easy but little moments like these made it all worth it.
“I had it made last week and today he’s gonna wear it to daycare to show all his little friends that his daddy is a baseball player.” You explained as you started walking down the stairs.
“I’m not an actual baseball player, Y/N, but thank you.”
After dropping Elliot off at his daycare which was right by the school, you and Montgomery had to go your separate ways for the day.
“I’ll go pick him up right after school and we’ll be here for the game, okay?” You confirmed as Monty leaned against the lockers.
Instead of answering, he reached over and pressed your lips together. You instantly melted into the kiss which made him pull away with a smirk, “I’ll see you later, babe.”
“That shirt is literally the cutest thing i’ve ever seen,” Jessica gushed as she cradled Elliot in her arms. “And the hat he’s wearing, Y/N! I want one of my own,” She whined.
“I hope you’re talking about the hat.” Justin scoffed as he took the seat next to his girlfriend.
You rolled your eyes at his response before getting your son back from Jess and seating him on your lap. You all were sitting right at the front, safely protected by the wire gate of course. The game was set to start any minute now which was why Monty ran up to the gate, a smile on his face.
“You guys made it!” Elliot began to babble incoherently once spotting his dad.
“I told you we would, we wouldn’t miss it.” You said.
The coach yelled for Montgomery which made him groan, but he ran to the field - but not before winking at you first. Such a charmer he was.
Liberty high started out strong, like always. Monty was at the top of his game and you couldn’t have been more proud.
Elliot was squirming around in your lap and Jess took that as a sign to grab him from you. You laughed at your best friend but took the opportunity to cup your hands around your mouth and yell Monty’s name.
The game was coming to an end when you realized how lucky you were. You looked at Jess who was holding a giggling Elliot as Justin was playing peek a boo with him. You looked out to the field to see your amazing fiancé playing his heart out.
Your life was pretty perfect right now and you really wouldn’t change anything.
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clairvoyantsam · 4 years
13 Reasons Why S4E6 Thoughts
1)IS ZACK DEAD????? TELL ME IT AIN’T SO!!!!!!!!!!!!! :’OOOO Ok, NVM, HE’S ALIVE thank God, but Clay DITCHED him at the site of the crash????? WHAT?!?! HE COULD HAVE DIED, DUDE!!! Can’t blame Zack for telling Clay to stay away from him, he almost killed him.
2)Clay said he was in an appointment ... with his doctor, I guess, but his mom told the Dean of principle (I think that’s what he was called) that she didn’t know anything about that. What ...?
3) O_O What was that warning?!?! Is there actually a shooter in the school??? They said Code Red means it’s true!!! :O
4)Estella’s call to her mom ... It’s so heartbreaking ... Because shit like that happens in the US so often ... What world do we live in, man ... Going to school to learn stuff, make friends and one day somebody decides to murder innocent children and you find yourself locked in a bathroom, calling your parents to say goodbye just in case you don’t make it out alive ... Hard realism right here.
5)What’s that red stuff Winston wanted to give Zack?!
6)Diego better back off or ELSE. Leave Justin alone, shithead.
7)”Once you’re gone, all that’s left is the things you didn’t do. Or the shit that you did do and did wrong.” That’s deep, dude ...
8)FRICK!!! Tyler’s hiding too (in the girls’ bathroom?) and he’s with Estella ...!
9)Winston and Zack talking about their love for Alex ... Awkward xD
11)CHARLIE YOU BEAUTIFUL ANGEL!!! He pulled Alex out of that full-blown panic attack, I’M EMO!!!
13)Oh shit ....... Zack is telling Winston that he beat up Bryce .............
14)Justin Prentice & Timothy Granaderos as ”ghosts” of Bryce & Monty are freakin spectacular. So talented.
15)”I can’t save everyone, I never could” Clay breaking down like that, screaming and crying under that table while shots are being fired in the hallways ... Heartbreaking :’(
17)So, it WAS a drill.... WHAT KIND OF DRILL WAS THAT???????? Are u kidding me???? Those kids are traumatized for LIFE now. I know that I would certianly be.
19)The last scene ... Fuck, bro ... Clay ... totally lost it ... I mean what he said about the entire situation at school held some truth but when he grabbed the gun from that policeman ... He’s finally cracked ... That was so hard to watch :(
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jeffatk1ns · 7 years
Kaleidoscope - Monty de la Cruz x Reader
Request - "Can you write a Montgomery dlC imagine with the phrase "i need time to think about us?" Also, I love that your ask is Jeff Askins😂👌"
If, as tales and myths prophesize, soulmates are as real as the earth is round, then Montgomery de la Cruz and Y/N L/N were living in stark reality. Or, so was thought.
They'd met at school years back, and theirs was a love story one might read in a fairytale, a classic romance. It was rare they'd be seen without the other, never spoke ill of each-other, and knew their partner inside out. Even better than themselves, some might say.
Today Montgomery had knocked on Y/N's door at 20:42 on this hot summer night. The sun was setting.
"Look," he'd been acting strange ever since he'd knocked on her door, he hadn't even taken up her offer to enter the house which was an immediate red flag.
"Monty you're scaring me." Her arms wrapped around her stomach, less as a sign of coldness and more one of insecurity. Although she was really trying to avoid noticing the redness and watery eyes Monty was sporting, she couldn't help the fact that she already had. Her first thought was to run and hug him- make sure he was okay, but something was stopping her.
"I-" he stuttered and looked at the floor.
Then his entire demeanour shifted, like the switches had all been changed, and they were locked.
"Y/N, something's changed."
"You're damn right it has." Her stern tone was to hide the fact she felt she might throw up. They were supposed to know each-other better than themselves, but Y/N had no idea who he was right now, he was vague and unclear- she knew something was up but couldn't put her finger on it, an unusual occurrence for the two.
"You and me, have you ever noticed how different we are?" He chuckled softly, and each chime had a sharp edge which dug deeper into her heart. He slid his hands in his pockets casually, as though the stop was just that. A stop on his way to somewhere better.
"Yes, but that's what makes us so good..." she moved forward and closed the door behind her, since the cold had started to permeate the house.
"Don't you think it's always been... inconvenient?"
"No... because, when you love someone things like that don't matter. Nothing matters." She moved toward him and placed a hand on his chest, "I love you, so if you're feeling insecure about us-"
He stepped back abruptly. "Tess' back. Seeing her made me realise a few things." Everything stopped for a moment. All she could hear was white noise and all she could see was the fuzz of a television screen with no signal. She was spinning. She had no clue where she was looking or of anything else around her, she only knew the thought permeating her head incessantly.
"You still love her."
He paused. She could make out his face now, and the overriding emotion was pity. He wasn't trying to walk on eggshells, he felt bad for her, but he wasn't going to make this any easier. She'd hit the nail on the head.
"I need time to think about us." The trouble was that the nail wasn't stopping, it was still being hammered violently and roughly.
"Do you really? Or is that just deferring the official break-up you'd already planned for?" She snapped. The words were immediate. Noticeably his face was still red and patchy, his stern expression contrasting along with his strong stance, yet she noticed a falter, a flicker of hurt or regret. Or maybe that was just her hoping.
"Y/N, you know that's not-"
"Do I?" She whispered. “I feel like I have no idea who you are right now.”
After a few moments with no answer, she continued; "why?" She shut her eyes, seeing his expression might just kill her.
"Quite honestly, you were never what I wanted. I'm sorry I led you to believe that." A dagger. A kitchen blade. A stapler. A sword. Scissors. Pins. Needles. The sound of a 12 gauge locking and loading, pointed right a her heart. Anything and everything sharp was pressing into her chest.
"Silly me..." her voice was barely audible, and the dizzying effect of his words caused her to sway slightly.
And it felt like the kaleidoscope of butterflies that disrupted her stomach whenever she saw him, died. She could hear their gut wrenching screams, and it felt as though they were being torn to pieces, along with her heart.
"I never wanted to hurt you." He almost pleaded. "Hurt me? You're fucking ripping me to pieces, and standing there like it means dog shit to you!" She shouted back, eyes still shut, trying to stop the tears from falling.
"It was fun while it lasted, right?" He smiled boyishly, causing her blood to boil, her brokenness now mixed with fury.
You may have shattered my heart for ever.
“So this was all an act, Monty? Only I wasn’t aware that we were playing to an audience. I’m sorry that I wanted something real instead of a dream. A Midsummer Night’s Dream.” She chuckled bitterly.
“Don’t spout that nonsense, I’m trying to spare your feelings here.” He snapped.
"You don't care. You never cared."
She picked up the pieces of her self that had been carelessly splattered onto her doorstep, and entered her home, locking the door behind her with a newfound emptiness.
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writingsnmusings · 7 years
Baby Boy (montgomery/reader)
requested by anon
just monty fluff :’)
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The knocks on the door were enough for you to scramble off your boyfriend’s lap and take your original place in front of your open textbooks.
Mrs. De La Cruz popped her head in and asked if you’d be staying for dinner which of course you were, you’d never pass up an opportunity to listen to Monty’s parents tell embarrassing baby stories.
“You should tame your sex hair before we go down stairs babe,” Monty snickered.
Gasping, you pulled out your phone and opened the camera, “Montgomery! There’s no way your mom doesn’t know that we were fooling around instead of studying!” You whined.
It was supposed to be a typical study session, but your boyfriend had other plans. Ten minutes into you reading aloud from the book Monty began leaving open mouthed kisses on your shoulder.
“Baby stop, coach said you gotta pass this test if you don’t want to be benched next game,” You explained but he didn’t listen.
In one swift motion, you were on his lap, chemistry long forgotten.
Dinner with the De La Cruz’s never disappointed. The food was obviously amazing and so were the stories. Tonight you found out that Monty used to carry around his baby blanket till he was 8 years old. You thought it was utterly adorable, but he didn’t.
"You were 8, babe! It never occurred to you how weird it was?” You teased as he guided you to the front door.
"Yeah yeah, whatever,” He dismissed it but you could definitely see the blush on his freckled cheeks.
After making sure his parents weren’t looking at you two through the windows, he lifted you onto the hood of your car and stood between your legs.
"I had a fun study session today.” He smirked as he held your face in his hands.
You scoffed, “Coach is gonna have your ass if you fail. You’re one of the best players this season.”
He shrugged, “I have Jeff for that class, he’ll help me.”
You connected your lips and wrapped your arms around his neck as his gripped your waist. His tongue explored your mouth which made you lightly pull at the hairs on the nape of his neck. He moaned into your mouth before you pulled away with a smirk.
"It’s getting late, I gotta go.”
Monty pouted but nonetheless let you hop off the hood and get into your car.
"I’ll pick you up in the morning, yeah?” He asked.
Nodding, you smiled before speaking, “See you then baby boy.”
It was the end of the day and you were putting books in your locker, trying to pass the time since Monty was nowhere to be found.
A pair of hands covered your eyes, “Guess who?”
You turned to face your boyfriend who’s smile was contagious, “Finally! What’s got you so smiley?”
Montgomery held up the test he took last period that had a red ‘78’ printed on it.
"Baby, you passed!” You gushed as you wrapped your arms around his neck.
He chuckled as he held onto you, “I don’t know how I did it honestly,”
You scoffed, “You’re really smart, Monty, don’t underestimate yourself. How about we ditch going to Rosie’s with everybody and-”
Your proposition was cut off by Jeff, “Nope! The whole team is gonna be there just for your boy toy so you lovebirds can’t skip out on it!” He teased as he slung an arm around Monty’s shoulder.
Your boyfriend rolled his eyes at his teammate, “Alright, we’ll go for a bit then we’re gone, okay?”
Jeff nodded, a content smile on his face, “Deal. See you guys later.”
Montgomery once again wrapped his arm around you and brought you to his chest, “I love you,”
“Love you too baby boy,” You mumbled which caused him to groan.
“We’re staying at Rosie’s for ten minutes, tops.” He declared.
You were absolutely fine with that. The sooner you guys could leave, the sooner you could show Monty how proud you were of him.
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jeffatk1ns · 7 years
3.9.4 - Monty de la Cruz x Reader
Request - “Maybe a monty fan fic where monty and y/n have been besties since birth and he loves her but she's dating jeff, since both of them play baseball.”            
A/N: I worked on the premise that they are 16/17. I’m pretty sure this is definitely not what you envisioned and it’s not what i did either, i kinda hate it. lol. I left the ending unclear in case i decide it needs serious editing.
3rd September 2004
A small freckled boy and a lonely shy girl make eye contact at their first day of school.
“Mommy says if someone looks nice I should talk to them” He said as he tapped her on the shoulder rather aggressively.
“My mommy says that too! Will you be my best friend? Mommy said I might meet one of those today!”
“For ever and ever and ever!”
6th January 2006
“Montgomery look at my snowman!”
The boy sulked noticing hers was far superior.
“I’ll help you with yours Montgomery.” She placed her mitten clad hands into his. “That’s what friends are for.”
9th September 2014
“Happy Birthday to my favourite person in the whole entire world.” She ran up from behind him holding a small home-made cake, which read; ‘Happy 15th Montgomery’
“Now, you know how much I appreciate the gesture, and how much i love cake, and you, but what have I said about continuously calling me my full name now that we’re in high school?” He took the cake.
“Don’t be such a teenager, Mont. Just because you’re now older than me.”
“Exactly. It means I get to boss you around.”
“We both know that’s never going to happen.”
22nd June 2016
“MONTGOmERY!! MONTGOMErYYYY!!” She yelled as she ran through the corridors, pushing people who were in her way.
“Monty!” She panted, flying into the boy with force.
“Guess what?”
He rolled his eyes. “What?”
“NO. You have to guess.” She jumped up and down.
“Fine. You got an A?”
“Hell no, who do you think i am? Try again.”
“They finally made Pluto a planet again?”
“Monty! Keep up.” She pushed him.
“Well you haven’t given me any clues whatso-”
“Fine. FINE. I can’t wait any longer I’ll have to tell you. JEFF ATKINS ASKED ME ON A DATE!!”
Monty often thought this was one of the worst days of his life, the knife cut deep and sharp.
“Oh.” He pretended to put something away in his locker in order to hide his expression.
“Mont you’re my best friend, I expected you to be a bit more...animated.” Her face fell.
“I am really happy for you, it’s just, I just remembered that I have a chemistry exam next. Oops.”
Monty wasn’t sure how he could bear to see the girl he loved with the boy who had everything.
June 2017(now)
Montgomery and Y/N. Y/N and Montgomery. However you said it, it just sounded right. The two were inseparable, and when Monty threw a fit, which, really,  was a lot, the only person he would even consider looking at was Y/N. She was his rock, and he was stupidly in love with her.
The problem was, she was dating his friend, Jeff. A guy she’d crushed on since freshman year. He had the hearts of everyone in school, he could pick anyone, but he’d decided to choose the one girl Monty even glanced at. Of course, he didn’t blame him, Jeff had no idea how his friend felt about Y/N, and well, she was perfect, but it still stung. What was worse was that being the best friend, he was constantly hearing about how fantastic Jeff was, and how different they were.
He often wished to be more like Jeff, but his temper decided to show its ugly horns and take him right back to thinking it was never possible.
"Does my anger scare you?" He asked her as they sat on the school field making history notes.
"What?" The question seemed to catch her off guard and she lost herself for a second. "Of course not Mont. You know I'm not scared of you."
"You hesitated. You're scared." He clenched his jaw and turned his head to the grass.
"No, I'm not, you just surprised me because I wasn't expecting it. I promise you." She placed her hand over his own, smiling gently. He shook his head in the direction of the school.
"Jeff's coming." Her expression when he mentioned his name did a complete 180. She was grinning so much he thought maybe her cheeks ached.
"Jeff!" She waved at him, standing to greet him. He pulled her in for a kiss. Monty averted his eyes.
"Oh, sorry for the PDA man." Jeff chuckled, coming to sit next to him, Y/N returning to her spot.
"Yeah keep it in private." He nodded. Y/N glanced at Jeff with an amused expression. Montgomery decided he would ignore the exchanged glances at his expense.
"You look pissed. I mean you always do, but more so than usual." She stated. They were sat on her bed watching a movie. "You know I'm always here..."
"Oh look, she's an observer now." He mocked. He began to realise how bothered he was getting at her presence. It was a struggle having her around nowadays knowing how un-reciprocated his feelings were, and how he could never confess. Her compassionate and caring nature was making everything worse.
"Don't be a dick Monty. I just wanted to know what was wrong so I could help you. But whatever."
So he decided to push her away in the only way Monty knew.
"Don't bother trying. You never could help and you'll never be able to." Monty could see that this was hurting her, but for some reason he kept going. "I don't know how you haven't realised yet that I'm broken beyond repair and you're just another fucking pile of salt adding to my wound."
"Monty stop?! Where is this coming from? You don't really mean this." Tears were brimming at her eyes. Why was he being like this? Where had this come from?
"Yes I fucking do." He spat, staring off into the TV screen.
"Right. Fine. If I'm such a fucking hindrance to you then I'm leaving." She stood up and collected her things. "Don't expect me to be back. Ever." The door slammed with force.
Once she was out the door he realised what a mistake he'd made.
"Fuck. Y/N WAIT!!" He ran to the door, but all he saw was her car driving away.
47 texts. 30 missed calls. Those were the stats on Y/N's phone under Montgomery's contact. She knew he snapped. He had always had anger issues, but this hurt her and she didn't need to be made to feel like that by her best friend.
"He'll come around, babe." Jeff rubbed her back.
"He's already tried. Twice in the past week. My mum is worried something's happened between us." She rolled her eyes.
"I can try and talk to him again."
"No, Jeff. He needs to know I'm serious about this. He can’t just treat me like shit because I’ve dealt with him the longest."
"Okay, you know I'm always here. He always has been a little... tetchy."
"I know I'm angry at him, but he's still my best friend."
Truthfully, she already missed him.
Knock, knock.
Not a-fucking-gain. She internally groaned.
This time she would open the door and tell him to fuck off. He'd made his bed, now he should lay in it. She was the only one home, so she ran down to open the door.
"Y/N!" He was haggard. His eyes told her that he hadn't slept a wink since their disagreement, and his hair was limp and greasy. It was evident that he was surprised that she'd opened the door.
"Fuck. Off." She began to pull the door up but Monty held it open.
"Wait! Please. Just hear me out." He pleaded.
"Why should I?"
"You shouldn't, really. But you will because you're kind, and caring, and you think everyone deserves a second chance."
"You know me too well, shoot."
"Okay, so, there is NO excuse for what I said to you, I know. This isn't a justification, it's an explanation. You know I have anger problems, and that is part of it, but most of it is something I've tried to hide for so long now."
She looked concerned, pulling her arms into herself.
"I'm hoping after I tell you this we can go back to normal, just ignore it ever happened. Don't worry though, I'm not counting on it. Okay... so...." he breathed heavily. He was finally going to tell his best friend of 13 years that he was pathetically in love with her.
"I am majorly, stupidly, pathetically, in love with you Y/N L/N. In love, not just 'I love you as my best friend'. I don't expect you to say anything, I just couldn't deceive you any longer." He stood twiddling his thumbs while she watched in shock. It felt like eons went by.
"Okay. That's all. Thanks for hearing me out." He turned and made his way down her road, his head spinning, but feeling a weight off his shoulder. He'd done something he'd never expected of himself. Maybe he'd ruined the best thing he'd ever had in his life, but it was too late now.
Something tugged his arm and turned him. It was Y/N. Her eyes were speckled with tears as they looked up at his.
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jeffatk1ns · 7 years
Dreams Like Air - Jeff Atkins x Reader
Request - "Could you do a modern day gatsby inspired imagine (or mini series), where y/n is dating monty (aka tom buchanan kinda), and she had a thing with jeff (gatsby) in the past. And jeff tries to get her back. Thanks x"
A/N: I'm crying at this request I honestly am so in love with it, The Great Gatsby is one of my favourite books ever and i don't know if I could ever do it justice. May or may not have nicked some... can I get done for plagiarism? Let me know if you want a Part 2, I left the ending open.
They met in May. A summer romance of frivolity and spontaneity, laced with passion. There was always something that summer brought, a hyper-reality, a vibrancy no other season had. Montgomery was the all American boy. Baseball-playing, blue eyes and freckles, and that smile that could make one kill a man.
She was something else, playful and charming, like a sunset- and had any boy falling at their knees.
To any spectator, they were well and truly in love. Yes, she did feel it. She’d been in love only once before, but this was completely different. There are all kinds of love in this world, but never the same love twice.
Some may have said they rushed into it, her and Monty, but it was so right at the time, to her there was no other option. And here, having made it to the following Summer, told her it was no rush. Looking over at him now, the dimpled smile that was the American Dream, and his short-ish fawn hair blowing about from the open topped car, she couldn’t help but feel content.
She lay a kiss on Monty’s cheek as he drove along the highway.
Upon arriving home, Y/N could hear voices permeating out into the hallway. The louder, confident voice was Jess Davis, one of her best friends. The other she recognised as her estranged cousin, Clay Jensen.
They’d seen a lot of each other as kids, and the got on well, but life and growing up had separated them. Nevertheless she still held much love for the boy.
“Clay!” She swooned up to the boy sat uncomfortably on the sofa.
“Y/N! It’s been far too long.”
Word is Monty’s got another girl, a voice rung in her ears. His phone had been ringing incessantly, and when he’d escaped to answer it she had followed not far behind, but she could still hear Jess and Clay. It hurt her more than anything, even if she had known for a while now. But she couldn’t leave Monty. Love makes you do stupid things, she thought.
He was whispering to the other side of the line angrily, a few ‘no’, ‘not at this time’, ‘will you just-’, ‘I’m with her.’, were thrown out, and sighs of frustration.
She cleared her throat as she reentered the room with Jess and Clay, and their previous conversation abruptly stopped.
“So, Clay, do you know Jeff Atkins? I think he lives near you.” Jess turned to Clay.
“Yeah, he seems a nice enough guy, we haven’t talked all that much-”
“Jeff Atkins?” She piped up. she hadn’t heard the name in years, what with them having moved apart from each-other and losing contact. Maybe it wasn’t the same Atkins, but that seemed unlikely. Suddenly, she was restless.
“Yes! He throws the most extravagant of parties, but oh, Y/N, I’ve never seen him so I wouldn’t know if-”
“He’s got a bad reputation. Only ever heard bad things of him, you be careful Jess.” Monty swaggered into the room, silence fell. He leaned against the doorway, holding a beer can, his hand in his jeans.
“What kind of bad things?” Y/N questioned.
“Don’t you worry, Y/N, we don’t need to associate with him.” He brushed off.
“Charismatic as heck though.” Jess muttered.
Annoyed, Y/N turned to Jess.
“So these parties?”
“Oh yes! Amazing. I’ve been a few times now, they’re the grandest thing.” She smiled, before mouthing; “You should come to one.” so as Monty couldn’t see.
“Never trust a guy who’d throw huge parties like that. Who cleans it all up? And something’s bound to get out of hand, things broken, Class A’s everywhere - you know...” He shrugged, coming to sit with Y/N and putting a firm hand on her knee. It relaxed her somewhat.
“Right. I’m not really a party person anyway.” Clay added.
A few days later Clay had called Y/N; ‘Would you come to Atkins’ party with me? See, there’s this girl I like and she’s going, and I’d really like some cousin-ly support..’
Of course she’d accepted, how could she turn him down? Her name was Hannah and Clay had a bad case of puppy love. There was also a large part of her yearning to see if this Jeff Atkins was the same one who had been her first love, because there was definitely still a part of her that wanted him desperately, no matter how much she loved Monty. She had suspicions that her boyfriend was visiting this other girl tonight anyway, since he’d mentioned ‘lad’s night’, but he was severely lacking in ‘lad’s’. She needed some distraction from her broken heart, and she needed Monty to be distracted if she really was going to be seeing her ex tonight.
What Y/N didn’t know though, was that Jeff and Clay had got talking, and he’d actually been the one who’d asked if Clay could convince her to come.
“Parties always bring something new, that’s why I never miss one.” The chestnut haired boy chuckled beside her, sipping from his red cup. The tree was their backrest, the leaves overhead acting as a canopy from the other party goers.
“I’ll be honest, I was dragged along to this one, but I’m glad I came.” She looked at him as she said this, eyes lingering on his plump lips. He noticed this, and bit on them nervously. They’d been talking for hours, and it was clear neither were even sure of the time anymore, or cared.
“You’re really something. I’m annoyed our circles have never clashed before.”
“Going to different schools can sometimes do that.” She laughed sarcastically, and he rolled his eyes in faux annoyance.
“Hmmm.” He hummed, now close to her face. “I’ve had bit to drink, so excuse me if this is brash,” His voice was now reduced to a whisper, but he was so close it didn’t matter.
Hesitantly, Jeff’s lips brushed Y/N’s questioning permission. She smiled at the action, and pulled them into hers. It was sweet and youthful, it tasted like first love, and they both knew there and then.
After a while they broke apart, and Jeff remarked,
“I knew missing parties wasn’t worth it.”
“This is so exciting! You haven’t been out much at all since Monty.” Jess nudged her as she admired her dress in the mirror. “Plus Clay needs you.” She added halfheartedly.
“It would be exciting if I didn’t look like a potato.” Y/N scrunched her nose up at her appearance.
“Are you kidding? If Mr De la Cruz could see you right now, that dress would be off in seconds.”
This warranted a snicker from Y/N.
“I think he’s with her Jess.” She slumped onto her bed. Jess’ face warped sympathetically.
“Girl, like I said, If he could see you right now-”
“It doesn’t matter! Either way I’m clearly not enough for him. But I try so hard- what else am i meant to do?! I love him so much Jess.”
“We’re going to go the party, going to have a great time, help Clay get his girl, and forget about that ass.” She stood up, pulling her friend with her forcefully. “Hey, maybe we’ll even see the infamous Atkins.”
Maybe they would.
As they walked up to the entrance, they noticed people scattered everywhere, drinking and laughing, generally enjoying the atmosphere.
“There are a lot of people.”  Jess gawked.
“It’s a big party, bigger than before?” Y/N asked Jess.
“Probably. More seem to turn up each time. I couldn’t count how many people hadn’t been invited.” Jess scoffed at Y/N.
"I like large parties. They're so intimate. At small parties there isn't any privacy.” She remarked. Jess seemed to consider the statement, but remained confused.
The house was just as crowded as outside, but they managed to spot Clay almost instantaneously, alone in a corner.
“You look lost!” She shouted over the pumping music.
“Like I said- parties aren’t really my thing.”
“How do you feel about another drink? Jess and I are in need.”
“Where’s our host?” Jess grinned mischievously, ignoring what Y/N had said.
“I don’t know. I thought no one ever saw him?”
She shrugged. “You’re his neighbour, I thought he might have said hey.”
“I know no more than you.” but something about his expression seemed dishonest to Y/N, like he had seen him just five minutes ago.
Which, unbeknownst to the girls, he had. Jeff had fled with a sudden burst of insecurity once he’d seen Y/N enter. It was something he’d dreamed of for so long and he couldn’t believe it was actually happening. He’d heard of her new beau through the grape vine, but that wasn’t going to stop him trying his hardest to win her back.
“Can someone get us drinks? I’m going to find a bathroom.” Y/N sighed.
It wasn’t any quieter in the next room as she may have wished, but there was a balcony visible, which looked a little more remote, and she hoped that would lead her to a bathroom. Except, when she looked up at the balcony she saw something unexpected. His face was unmistakable. Yes she was in his house, and yes this was his party, but after everything Jess had said and thinking of her own bad luck she just assumed she wouldn’t see him. Apparently she was wrong. Their eyes met and they stared together at each other, alone in space. None of their surroundings mattered, they were completely and utterly drowning in each other.
He looked pretty much the same, handsome as ever, eyes that set her soul on fire. She was lost.
Neither sure who was making the first move, they stared on, until eventually Y/N made her way up the stairs, never breaking eye contact.
“I’m glad to see you again.” She stuttered breathlessly.
“Here-” He motioned to an unoccupied room at the end of the corridor so that they could speak in peace.
“You...look amazing.” He said shutting the door behind him.
“You look the same.” She paused, “Amazing.” She giggled.
“I’ve dreamt this moment so many times.” He neared her, smiling down at his feet. His dress was unspectacular, but complimented him well in the form of jeans and a button down.
“Jeff, I- I have a boyfriend.”
He smiled smugly. “Yet you still came when I asked.”
“You didn’t ask-”
“Clay is my neighbour, Y/N, you didn’t think I asked he invite you?”
“No... the thought didn’t come to mind.”
But they spoke as though no time had passed at all, she laughed at all his jokes and he awed her every move. It was much like their first encounter, neither kept track of the time.
“I am so happy you’re here.” He grinned, the perfect smile she remembered well, and played with a lock of her hair. He leaned in slowly and caught her lips in his quickly and smoothly, he tasted the same as she remembered. She did not fight back, in fact she only pulled him in closer, tasting everything about him she’d missed so much, and only stopping for breath.
“So am I.” She replied breathlessly, once again taken aback by the whole situation. But she caught herself, “So why do I feel like I’m betraying Monty...” she pushed his hands off her face.
“Because you love me.”
“My dreams told me you’d come back. I knew you would.”
“Your dreams are like air. Light and floaty with no substance. They always were,” She sighed regretfully. “We can’t repeat the past.”
“Of course we can! I love you, and I know you still love me, so what’s the pretense for?”
“I have a life now, Jeff, With Montgomery. I love him.”
His face contorted painfully, he knew she was telling the truth.
But there were two truths, and Y/N’s heart was split down the middle, one remembering the love she had for Monty, the other incapable of forgetting the enigmatic boy beside her who’d been stuck in her head for too long.
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jeffatk1ns · 7 years
Mutual Destruction - Jeff Atkins x Reader // Part Two
Part One | Part Three>
A/N: I really hope this lives up to expectations guys! Apologies if it doesn’t quite and i’ll see how it goes concerning a part three.
Playlist (optional): Weak When Ur Around - Blackbear Bloodfeather - Highly Suspect
“I should’ve listened to Jeff!” Monty spat at Y/N. Quite the crowd was beginning to form around the two of them at the lockers.
“Jeff, huh? And what did he say about me?” She smirked.
“You’d break my heart. Or, in so many words.” He looked at her despairingly. His jaw clenched.
“Jeff’s a smart guy.”
A few nights ago; Rosie’s Diner
The atmosphere was cheery and bright, almost as though she really had been transported back to the superficiality of a commercialized 50′s diner. Except the place had been refurbished a little. Dim lights, oversized clocks with touchy hands and artificial grins. She knew the place well, but something of it haunted her tonight. Maybe it was the way the Jukebox laughed at her for the memories she’d had here. The memories shared with one Zachary Dempsey, who she’d begged to put coins in the Jukebox, and who’d picked the ever appropriate ‘A Teenager In Love - Dion & The Belmonts’.
A loud cough from Montgomery de la Cruz, who was now sat across from her, broke her from those thoughts.
“Cruz. I was beginning to think you were a no-show.” She looked up through her painted lashes at the freckled boy before her. He looked good. Really good. Possibly even better than he had the day she had approached him. It reminded her why he was even here.
“You think I’d stand you up?” He scoffed, eyeing her up.
“I wasn’t sure…” Y/N stirred her milkshake absentmindedly.
“Guess you don’t know what kinda guy I am.” He smirked. He’d regret saying that, she thought. Because she did know, and knowing how he was, and what she was doing, would almost make her a little guilty, if she tapped into her emotions.
Although she didn’t want to admit it to herself, she’d had a good night. Monty was funny, and surprisingly sweet, not to mention those devilish good-looks. So she’d decided to take the plunge and take a little Montgomery. His lips were unexpectedly smooth, moving against hers with obvious hunger. Her arms fell loosely around his neck and his gripped her ass tightly. When they broke apart, both were breathing heavily and smiling to themselves.
“Wow.” Monty panted.
“Wow.” She repeated.
“When I asked you out, I wasn’t really expecting a yes.” He revealed. She chuckled.
“Honestly, I’m not sure I was, either.” She revealed, tracing his jawline with her index finger.
Monty didn’t always quite understand the way she spoke to him, but he made the mistake of liking that about her. And he made the mistake of starting to like her. Monty wasn’t big on mistakes, but this was a BIG mistake. The baseball player liked to think he was a player player- he was wrong about that too. He ended up getting too involved and getting burned. Jeff always helped him, but he knew that Monty wished he was more like Jeff.
Monday’s number one priority was avoiding Montgomery until she had decided where she wanted this to go. She still wondered what flavour girl baseball players were into, but would be lying if she said Monty wasn’t a bit of a liability.
If she was being completely honest with herself, Monty’s friendship with Zach was a driving factor in this escapade. She wanted to hurt him the way that he had hurt her, not really caring who else got hurt on the way.
She saw Jeff Atkins on the way to her first period, wondering what it would be like to tutor him. He was with a group of guys, messing around and laughing, and she thought he was probably just as she imagined.
“How’d it go man?” Jeff brought his bat down to his side to meet Monty.
“Yeah, really good I think.” Grinned Monty.
“Really?” Jeff attempted to hide his surprise, but to no avail.
“Yeah, she was really into me.” Monty was determined.
“Have you spoken since?” Jeff brought the bat back up, wanting to avoid his friend’s eye contact. His eyes always told the truth.
“She said she’d call me.” He shrugged, leaning against Jeff’s batting cage.
“And has she?” Jeff cleared his throat.
“Well…it’s only been a few days.” He shuffled his feet a little.
“She does like me, I’ll prove it to you.” Monty’s anger came through in his voice.
“Go ahead.” Jeff hit the incoming ball with force.
Something she kept to herself, was the amount she visited the school’s library, so she knew the inside out of it. She was a little early for her lunch revision session with Jeff. The table in the very corner called to her, and she set up her psychology things, ready to tutor. She still wasn’t entirely sure how this boy could really need a tutor in psychology, but the extra credit wouldn’t go unappreciated. Just as she was putting her glasses on, Jeff slid into the seat opposite her.
“Hey, Y/N, I’m Jeff.” He reached out his hand for her to shake, which she did, but laughed at his introduction.
“I know who you are, Jeff, your reputation precedes you. I couldn’t count the number of home runs you’d had, literally and metaphorically.” She casually noted as she passed him a red pen.
“Well you’re not shy, are you.” He raised his eyebrows at her forwardness.
“Or maybe I am, It’s all to do with psychology.” She tapped her brain demonstratively.
“That was a clever change of subject.” He chuckled.
“So, exactly how bad are you at psychology?”
Y/N and Jeff spent the next 30 minutes in complete concentration on what she was teaching him, he listened with intent and asked questions when he needed to. This was a surprise to her, because she had assumed Jeff was failing because he didn’t care enough to try, and that he was too busy with his other ventures. She started to think that maybe she had been wrong about him.
It was common knowledge that Jeff Atkins was a bit of a womanizer, and she had noted to stay away from that trouble, she much preferred to create her own.
Out of the corner of her glasses, she noticed a familiar figure coming her way.
“Hey…you never called me back…” Monty played with his bag strap nervously, coming up to the head of the table she and Jeff were sat at. Monty was shocked by Jeff’s presence, but it was too late to turn back now.
“I know.” Her voice was cool and detached. It shot Montgomery right in the chest.
“But I thought-” He faltered.
“What? That I owed you something?” She scoffed.
“Well I mean-” Monty continued to stutter, clearly feeling uncomfortable discussing this here.
“I think it might be best if you leave, dude, we’re studying right now.” Jeff piped up, calm and collected. He gave him a pressed smile, something in his eyes saying; we’ll talk later, which struck with Monty, and he left.
“Thanks. Let’s carry on.” She motioned to the textbook and smiled sweetly, hoping Jeff would ignore what had transpired. But, of course he didn’t.
“So you didn’t call him?” He smirked knowingly. “Could’ve picked someone easier, L/N.”
She remained stoic for a few moments, before looking up at him; “Where’s the fun in that?”
“Touche.” He flashed his bright teeth, before seeming to remember something. “But Monty, he’s-”
“So was little Lacie King. She was distraught when she realized she wasn’t so special anymore.” She pouted, mocking sad.
“So that’s how you wanna play, L/N?” He crossed his arms over his broad chest.
Her shit-eating grin said; bring it on, Atkins.
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