#Charlie St. George
justalexx-things · 4 months
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happy pride month to my favorite bisexual character 💜
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crystel48 · 1 year
Another installment of recs. 13 Reasons Why edition. Links included. It's been a while. I know.
Zach and Alex
Okay, so. I did not personally love this show. It was okay. I did, however, fall in love with this ship. In my humble opinion, there are not nearly enough fanfics for them, but here are a few
1. Deserved by TheLovliestCrime on Ao3. Okay. This fic is my favorite. It is so good. This fic starts with Charlie and Alex together, but Alex realizes he is in love with Zack. But there is NO Charlie bashing. Zach is kinda dumb in this for a while, but it gets better. Rated Explicit and has over 80,000 words.
2. Damaged by thatcrazymj on ao3
This fic is about 23,000 words. It is rated T. This fic starts with Alex and Jess together, but it is going badly. Basically, Zach comforts him in the aftermath, and they discover something more. Highly recommend. Kinda angsty. Be warned.
3. We Don't Need to Whisper by just_chiara on Ao3.
This is technically the fourth fic in a series, but it is the main one that the series resolves around. They are already together when the fix starts, and they are just figuring out their relationship. Rated Teen. About 85,000 words.
4. Baby Steps by Alex_Standalone on A03
So this one is kinda angsty, too. Zach is super depressed in this one. Eventually, he and Alex get together, and Alex helps him because he knows what he is going through. Great writing. Rated Mature, about 31,000 words.
5. Mouth to mouth, heart to heart by ZachandAlextime on A03
This takes place during the camping trip after Alex realizes what Winston's motives were. Zach has a bi crisis, as per usual. Explicit, about 42,000 words.
This next recommendation does not include Zach and Alex. It is a series about Justin and Clay being brothers where the dreaded 4th season does not exist. Read it. Please. It is so good.
6. A Maze of Moments by RealDaveofDaves on A03
This is an AMAZING fic series. It starts right when Justin and Clay have to start getting used to being brothers. The series as a whole has about 280,000 words. They are all rated G or T even though it is fairly mature content based around the content of the show. I really loved this series, and you won't be disappointed with the ending.
Happy reading. Give me feedback if you're willing. Love y'all.
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i just remembered i had 13 reasons why headcanons in my notes, so here you go:
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And if I didn't know better, I'd think you were talking to me now (if I didn't know better, I'd think you were still around)
By SilverShadow1
“I’m here to remind you that you have options.”
“I’m not suicidal.”
“Justin, be fucking for real.”
After Justin collapses at prom, he reunites with someone from his past.
Rating: Mature
Ships: Justin/Jessica, Hannah/Clay, Alex/Charlie, Justin & Clay, Justin & Hannah
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iloveboobsandbookz · 2 years
I like the first and second season of 13rw, and the fourth it's only good because of alex and charlie. The third one it's the worst shit to ever fucking exist, I HATE ANI ACHOLA SO MUUUCH
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themuselesswriter · 1 year
Between Then and Now - Chapter 11: Out of School - Back to School
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Characters: Winston, Monty, Estella, Luke, Charlie, Diego
Summary: Monty and Winston returns to school and their day goes unexpectedly.
Word count: 1200+
Warnings: slight homophobia
A/N: I’m ending this fic cause… well, I lost muse, so enjoy the last chapter:’)
Credits: photos from Pinterest, editing app is picsart
Monty was a smart kid, it was a truth that no one could deny, perhaps not in life, but in school and sports, he was bright, did that alone help him get good grades? No, but if he was such an idiot like his father says he is, how would he manage to pass all his school classes without having time to study between juggling a job, looking after his sister, dealing with the craziness and being in three different sport teams.
It was Monty’s first day back at school, and naturally, Winston’s too, neither seemed to want to let go of the other, Winston seemed to do a lot better, but that didn’t stop the Latinx from worrying, they walked the halls together, they weren’t holding hands, but they approached the school together “what do you want to do now?” Winston asked “I’ll walk you to your locker, then to your class” Monty replied, the other rolled his eyes “relax, I'm not going to break and go crazy on you, I can be fine on my own” Winston said in a protest, mainly because he was feeling guilty of the pain he was causing the other.
Monty, being himself, understood it as aggression, his expressions tensed as he looked at him “fine, you can go do your own shit” he snapped, he was nervous enough because it was the first day back at school, although his scars and bruises had faded but everyone already knew of what happened to him, he noticed the disgusting looks of pity, meanwhile, Winston was used to being the odd one, he ignored all the looks and the glares “could you just… calm down?” he whispered, standing in front of Monty “look, I know these past few days were torture, I figured… you could use a break from me, you know? Go hangout with your buddies, play some violent sport to make you feel like your old self! I don’t want to be burden more than I already am” he mumbled, looking down.
The other took a deep breath and nodded “okay, I get what you are trying to do, but this is bullshit, I’ll just walk you to your locker and first class, then you can catch a ride with me or Estella” he tried to reason, Winston was not in the mood to argue nor try to prove a point, he sighed and nodded, if it would make Monty feel better then yeah, whatever, it’s the least he could do, the two of them walked towards their first stop, gaining ridiculous glares from everyone at school, Monty had given everyone a hard time for being gay, it would upset many people who were connecting the dots about him and Winston.
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I cannot even begin to explain how much 13 reasons why is actively making me gayer and more sure of my transness by the second. Like please I’m begging you can I just have what Alex and Charlie have the same exact way they have it? Is it so much to ask for another queer guy to love me and also preferably for me to magically get a dick out of this request? Anyway I love them, I love this show, I’m very gay, have a good night/day
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alexstandoll · 2 months
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AAHHH! SO this happened!!! 🥹✨kinikilig akoooo!!!! 😍🥰
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shippergirl121fic · 1 year
Title: Just A Kiss
Fandom: 13 Reasons Why (TV)
Pairing: Chalex
Chapters/Length: 1/1 I 423
Rating/Warnings: T. Established Relationship, Fluff, Boys In Love, Goodnight Kiss, Cuddling & Snuggling
Summary: Alex spends the night at Charlie’s place.
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cervideity · 4 months
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The Fear's leader, generals, and observer.
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bluetrainer · 4 months
Pride Month Art Challenge Day #7: Charlie and Alex from 13 Reasons Why
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Okay 100% crystal clear disclaimer, I didn’t actually watch this show, at all. The only reason I know about these two is because of a friend who informed me that they were a thing. So I checked out their clips and honestly only their clips. But like honestly who would’ve thought we’d get a cute queer couple out of that show? I certainly didn’t.
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freefalasteen · 1 year
Charlie St George may have golden retriever energy, but he also developed an immediate crush on a guy after finding out he murdered another teenager. Dude's twisted in the funniest way.
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closetfascination · 1 year
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For less than 20 Kudos, I went back to my main fandom and found a recently posted fic of a ship I like (Chalex). This one-shot was really sweet.
Change of Plan - By ShipperGirl121
Rating: Teen
Summary: Alex had planned a surprise for his boyfriend, but it doesn't work out the way he imagined.
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rotturn · 2 years
@mythloved​, kat: “did something happen to you? something you haven’t told me?”
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HOW    OBVIOUS    MUST    IT    BE?    the    way    happy    facade    will    sometimes    slip,    the    fearful    glances    occasionally    sent    in    monty’s    direction.    it’s    hard    to    explain,    hard    to    process.    nothing    happened    to    him,    not    explicitly,    but    there’s    a    threat    of    it.    there’s    a    knowledge    he    wishes    he    didn’t    have,    a    lie    being    told    every    day    to    both    his    friends    and    the    authorities,    a    fabricated    story    of    what    had    happened    on    the    night    of    a    murder.    a    best    friend    turned    into    a    biggest    fear.    how    can    he    explain    to    her    the    pressures    on    his    shoulders?    how    can    he    say    all    that’s    happening    without    explaining    that    he    may    be    hiding    that    his    ex    best    friend    could    be    a    murderer?    that    something    horrible    may    happen    to    him    if    secrets    get    spilled.    his    grip    on    her    hand    tightens    slightly,    an    anxiety    response    as    his    heart    pounds.    wide    eyes    show    fear,    even    as    he    tries    to    hide    it,    even    as    face    softens    to    a    look    of    faux    confusion.    ❝    what    do    you    mean?    ❞    voice    isn’t    as    soft    as    he    intends,    anxiety    and    paranoia    slipping    through.    ❝    why    would    you    ask    that?    ❞
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kate-inhaler-1975 · 11 months
The Undertaker & Mia Wallace // Ross McDonald
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A/N : This is a continuous series of the Promptober fics that I failed to do 😭 (I'm sorry, @abiiors ). So here's the Ross & Eve content that people need xx
C/W : Mature languages, a lot of self-doubt, and maybe slight sexual tension 👁👄👁
W/C : 2,180
Matty and Amy officially started dating in mid February. Valentines Day to be exact. Which meant their first Halloween together was here.
It also meant it was Eve's first time being in a social setting with the entire band.
Eve had been for lunch with George, Charli, Amy and Matty. She'd hung out with Adam quite a bit, but she was always chatting with Carly and Polly. With Waughy, Gabrielle and Jamie, she'd had some short but sweet interactions with them, but Ross was never there.
Eve would always leave a party minutes before Ross would turn up. She'd hang up a facetime call with Amy seconds before Ross and Matty would entire a room. At the St. Annes show, she made an excuse not to go to the after party for his birthday because she was too scared to be in a social setting with him.
It was always bad timing for her to meet her apparent "soulmate".
So, tonight was the night, and here she was trying to blackmail Matty and Amy into telling her what Ross was dressing up as so she could maybe match with him and act like it would be a coincidence.
"I will leak every message that Amy has ever told me about and I will find any possible nudes and I'll send them to TMZ and The Sun newspaper if you don't tell me right now." Eve aggressively took a puff of her vape, pacing around her hotel room like crazy.
"Seriously, Eve, I'm not breaking a sweat over you threatening to leak nudes that don't exist." Matty smirked and shrugged his shoulders, kicking his feet in the air as he layed on Eve's bed.
"Oh, fuck off! I know for a fact Amy has something you wouldn't want fans to see somewhere in the archives." Eve bit back. The room fell silent as Matty and Amy stared at each other, eyes wide knowingly.
"No, Evie, no. I know for fact that if, and only if, there was something to leak you wouldn't do that because you love me and deep down you love Matty as well." Amy showed Eve a toothy grin while doing heart hands over her chest, making Eve roll her eyes and dramatically fling herself into the plush armchair.
"I need to make him fall in love with me!" She whined into the palm of her hands.
Matty felt the need to tease his girlfriend's best friend. He wanted tease her and feed her information without giving her the full details.
He already knew that Ross had seen pictures of her and that he was already stalking her instragram religiously.
"Who said he isn't already in love with you, hmm?" Matty looked at Amy even though he was speaking to Eve, sending her a wink as Amy held back a laugh.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Eve shot up out of the armchair, her face covered in eagerness.
"I'm just saying that none of us has said to your face that he isn't already in love with you. Anyways, I'm going to shave this fucking stache off and I'll see yous later." Matty huffed as he got up off the bed, bending down to kiss Amy who was sitting cross legged on the floor.
"I love you." She giggled into the kiss, resting both her hands on his reddened cheeks.
"I love you most. See ya later Evie." He winked and pointed finger guns at Eve before speeding out the door.
Leaving Amy blushing and picking at her nails and Eve sitting back down in a huff.
"Ams?" Eve called out quietly after a few seconds of silence, pulling at a thread that was loose on her t-shirt.
"Do you think that Ross could like someone like me? Even if it's not romantic, just in general." Eve kept her eyes away from looking at Amy, feeling embarrassed by her question.
"What is "someone like me" supposed to mean? Every bone in my body wishes I was someone like you." Amy's brows furrowed, quickly rushing to Eve's side and sitting down on the floor beside her, resting her hands on Eve's knees.
"That's not true, Amy. You're kind, funny, sweet, pretty, and you've got Matty. Who would've thought you'd end up being Matty Healy's girlfriend after all those years of drooling over him. But me? I'm loud, annoying, stubborn, hard to please. I've grown to understand that it's just going to be me and my cats for the rest of my life." Eve let out a breathy laugh to cover up the obvious hurt she felt.
The more that time went on, the more Eve decided that she'd come to terms with being single for the rest of her life. She'd only ever had one night stands, situationships, awful tinder dates, but she'd never been in love and she'd never been in a relationship.
"If that's what you think about yourself, then fine, so be it, but I'm going to tell you what people really think of you. You're hilarious, you're the life of the party and the light of many lives. You're loyal, and Jesus fucking christ are you beautiful. So fucking beautiful inside and out, Evie. I love you, Matty loves you, your family loves you. Everyone that meets you loves you. So I can promise you, with every beat of my heart and moving bone in my body, Ross is going to love you just as much as we do."
Eve gazed at herself in the mirror, cocking her head to the side with a face of stone.
Lips painted red. A wig, shiny and black, cut into a Bob. Black dress pants tight with a white shirt and a few buttons popped open to expose the top of her lacy black bra.
She hated it. She hated all of it.
She feared that she was being too much. That the costume she decided on would leave people whispering, saying that she was a try hard.
"I look fucking ridiculous." She groaned to herself, rolling her eyes and dabbing the fake blood under her nose, hating every single bit of this and wanting to fly home immediately.
"Eve! You alright in there, love?" Matty's voice echoed from outside the bathroom in the venues greenroom.
"I look like a fucking knob, Matthew. I'm not going anywhere looking like this." She sighed from inside. Turing away from the mirror and leaning against the sink with her arms crossed.
"Eve Beatty, I will get Amy in here if you don't shut up. Come on, let me see your costume. If you want someone to tell you the truth, then don't fucking worry, I'm the one to do it."
Eve was hesitant to open the door, her hand lingering over the door handle as she cringed at the thought of her appearance.
"You promise you won't laugh at me?" She whispered.
"I promise, on Amy's life. I won't laugh at you." He whispered back. The soft smile on his face almost audible.
She took a deep breath, swinging open the door to be faced with Patrick Bateman.
"Jesus, Matthew. I don't know whether to laugh or run away screaming and crying." Eve chuckled, finding his costume impressively good.
"It's good isn't it! I think I pull off Patrick Bateman pretty well." He spun around on his heal, showing her jazz hands as he turned back to face her.
"You really do! Now, back to me. I look like a fucking knob!"
"You look far from it, Eve. You look incredible, I promise." Matty opened his arms, welcoming Eve in for a hug that she much appreciated.
Matty and Eve had gotten close over the last few months. Not in a weird way, they just both respected each other and had the same thing in common.
Which was that they both loved Amy.
The double doors into the green room banged open, making both Amy and Matty's hearts stop in fright.
"Tell me about it, stud." Amy spoke seductively, swaying her hips as she walked into the room in her Sandy costume.
"Fuck me." Matty whispered under his breath, but Eve was close enough to hear.
"Someone's got a hard on." Eve spoke through a loud and arrogant cough, making Matty stand on her bare toes in return.
"THE FUCK WAS THAT FOR!" She roared in pain, bouncing up and down on her foot that Matty didn't stomp on.
"FUCK! Evie, you look so fucking sexy I might pass out!" Amy gasped, stumbling a little bit from the height of her heels as she made her way over to her.
"Who looks sexy?"
The room fell silent.
Eve's heart began beating at what felt like an ungodly rate.
Her entire body froze as her eyes fell onto him.
Ross. Ross dressed up as The Undertaker out of all people.
"Oh! Ross, this is my best friend, Eve. And Eve, this is Ross." Amy smiled cheekily.
Neither Ross or Eve moved a muscle. The two of them just stood there staring at each other. Eyes dry and stinging and chests heaving.
Ross felt like his world was spinning. He felt like a deer caught in the headlights. He couldn't speak or move, he just froze up.
"Ehm, hello! Wakey, wakey!" Matty cooed jokingly. Finding this interaction very entertaining.
"Fuck off! Hi, I'm Eve. Uhh, nice to meet you." Eve shook herself out of her daze, sticking her hand out in front of Ross.
"Hi, I'm Ross. It's nice to finally meet you. I mean, sorry if that sounded weird, it's just I've heard a lot about you from Amy and Matty so I was looking forward to meeting you." He rambled, shaking her hand.
"Only good things, I hope." Eve giggled while still holding onto his hand.
"Definitely only good things. Haven't heard a bad word about you." Ross' smile became less tense the more Eve talked, and Matty and Amy just sat down on the couch practically all over each other but Ross and Eve were too focused on each other to notice.
"When I walked into this room I never thought I'd be meeting Mia Wallace." He commented, his eyes flickering up and down her body in a way that didn't actually make her feel uncomfortable.
It actually made her feel confident instead.
"And I never thought I'd be having a conversation with The Undertaker, but here we are. The duo no one asked for." Eve chuckled, taking out her vape that was tucked into her bra and taking a lengthy drag of it.
"Shouldn't you be smoking a cigarette if you're dressed up as Mia Wallace." He pointed at the vape in between her lips, smirking as he took a sip of his preshow whisky.
The eye contact they were holding had Eve weak in the knees. Her left hand gripping onto the mini fridge behind her to keep her standing.
Her legs crossing slowly to try and get rid of the sudden throbbing in between her legs.
"I, ehm, I've never tried a cigarette. Jumped on the vape bandwagon long before it became a trend."
"Would you jump on trends often?"
"No, not really. I like to do my own thing. I don't feel the pressure to tag along with trends just to make myself fit in with today's generation." Eve shrugged her shoulders like it was no big deal, swapping out her vape for a large gulp of her Gin and Tonic.
"Wow, Mia, you've got brains." He moved closer to her in a blink of an eye.
She barely even noticed until the large hat he was wearing was shadowing over her and the smell of his cologne overwhelmed her senses.
"And you, The Undertaker, are easy to talk to. Even though I'm enjoying this conversation, I think you should get a move on. And! You, Matthew! Get your tongue out of my best friends throat, please." Eve pinched the bridge of her nose in slight disgust.
It was a strange sight, seeing Patrick Bateman and Sandy from Grease eating the faces off of each other.
It was almost laughable.
The small chatter continued as Matty and Ross left the room, leaving the two girls to chat away for a while.
"Hope you enjoy the show. Oh, and, meet me outside for a smoke after. Or should I say vape." Ross turned back to speak to Eve, his hand slightly brushing hers by accident.
"You're not going to kill me in the smoking area, are you?"
"No, that's Matty's job. I just might be the one to get you into Cigarettes, darling." Ross winked before strutting off, letting the door close behind him and leaving Eve completely starstruck.
Or maybe Lovestruck.
"So, Evie, was I right or was I right in saying that Ross McDonald was going to love you." Amy squealed as she wrapped her arms around Eve's waist from behind. Swaying the two of them from side to side.
"I don't know about him, but I'm down fucking bad for The Undertaker."
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allbornscreaming · 2 months
was tagged by @weirdgirlvampire to write my url using songs i like (thanks!!)
Alter Ego (Doechii ft. JT)
Long Snake Moan (PJ Harvey)
Love is a Laserquest (Arctic Monkeys)
BOA (Megan Thee Stallion)
Obviously Five Believers (Bob Dylan)
Run Of The Mill (George Harrison)
No One's Better Sake (Little Joy)
SLIME (Shygirl)
Ch-Ching (Chairlift)
Reckless (St. Vincent)
Either Way (Wilco)
Aviation (The Last Shadow Puppets)
Marcel (Her's)
I Love You (Fontaines D.C.)
New Love Cassette (Angel Olsen)
Guess (Charli XCX)
tagging @angelolsenwife @arlo-parks @c0wboyjunkie @legzeppelin @littleoblivions & anyone else who wants to! (no pressure though!) :-)
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