Hot Male Celebrity Vore
14 posts
Just a collection of vore based around hot young celebrities.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
celeb-vore · 2 years ago
Do you take requests
Depends on the request really. If it sparks some interest, I might write something. Feel free to submit one 😄
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celeb-vore · 3 years ago
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Vore Profile: Joel Mills
Joey Mills, the popular gay porn artist, is what one would call a secondary pred. Joey regularly enjoys being the receptacle of the product of cock vore. Often once to twice a week, he’ll schedule an appointment with a cock-pred in the area who’s recently had a meal, and will greedily drink the cum from their enlarged cocks. While not a pred in the technical sense, Joey has consumed hundreds of people, just in the form of gallons of cum.
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celeb-vore · 3 years ago
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Notorious for making extras and interns “go missing” most people no to avoid David Henrietta when he’s hungry. Of course, with a voracious appetite such as his, the only time he’s truly “safe” to approach is when he’s still stuffed with whatever Hollywood wannabe is gonna end up today’s missing persons case.
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celeb-vore · 4 years ago
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You know, at first when Shawn showed up eating our guests, we had assumed business was done for! Little did we realize, we would quickly become a hotspot for prey to flock to, hoping for a chance to make that fateful trip down Shawn’s throat or, if they’re lucky, up his ass. Business is booming, and Shawn’s been enjoying gorging himself.
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celeb-vore · 4 years ago
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C’mon KJ, we’ve talked about this, eating extras needs to wait until after filming. If your shirt is tight to your gut the audience will see the Mic’s wire. We’ll postpone filming for now, and have an intern come to rub your stomach to help with digestion, but I expect you to be ready to film again by 6:00, understood?
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celeb-vore · 4 years ago
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The KSI vs Logan Paul match certainly didn’t go as anyone expected. Things looked close up until the third round when a right hook from Logan knocked KSI to the mat. Then, before he could stand up, Logan grabbed his feet and shoved them into the back of his throat. The audience watched as Logan’s jaws practically unhinged as he swallowed KSI live on TV.
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celeb-vore · 5 years ago
Here’s the discord folks!
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celeb-vore · 5 years ago
Would you guys be interested in me setting up a discord for you guys to join? I’d probably have channels based around my individual blogs.
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As well as general chat channels.
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celeb-vore · 5 years ago
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“Look! He’s totally gone!”
Minutes before, Ross has just swallowed an unsuspecting stagehand that happened to look just a little too tasty... It’s always fun to watch a new pred marvel at the wonder that is his own body
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celeb-vore · 6 years ago
Will you be returning to this blog?
Of course! I’ve just been lacking inspiration lately. I don’t watch tv or movies too much, so I don’t have many celebrity crushes. And of course, I don’t want 90% of my posts to be one celeb. Expect more content in the next week or two!
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celeb-vore · 6 years ago
My fourth and final (for now) vore blog. This one is dedicated to celebrity vore captions.
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Here are all four of my current vore blogs. I’ll repost it on each blog, so that it’s easier to locate them (since they don’t show up when searched for)
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celeb-vore · 6 years ago
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“Uh Rob I’m really horny right now so it might not be safe to sit directly behind my ass.” Lachlan warned. “I’m horny too, So why would I want to avoid an ass like that?”“ Rob asked *SLURP* “ That’s why”
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celeb-vore · 6 years ago
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“Shit...” KJ thought to himself. “I’ve gotta learn to control myself..” He layed in his bed, looking back at what had just transpired.
Just an hour or so ago, he had been eyeing one of the extras on set. He was a tall, blonde gentlemen in the background of scene six. The scene had all the actors in swimwear, so He couldn’t help but take in the sight of the guys flawless abdomen. When the guy caught him staring, he winked, and gave side eyes toward an area behind the curtain on set 3.
Once the scene was over, KJ met the guy there. The hot stud pushed him up against the wall, and started kissing him, roughly.
Kk pushed him off, “not here... can’t get caught.. here, follow me to my trailer, but not too close behind.”
Slowly the pair snuck their way back to KJ’s trailer, where things immediately resumed. The blonde eagerly kissed KJ, pushing him back into the couch. As they kissed, the guy reached down to untie KJ’s swim trunks. It was only a few moments before they slid down his legs, revealing the toned muscles of his legs, as well as his hefty cock. The guy then removed his own, revealing his own sizable manhood.
Once they both were starved for oxygen, they broke the kiss, and KJ moved to the bed. He crawled onto it, his knees and elbows against the sheets. The taller blonde moved behind him, and positioned his face so as to penetrate KJ’s hole with his tongue. He pushed his face deep within KJ’s toned ass, his tongue punching in and out of KJ’s pucker.
In a fit of pleasure, Kj slammed his ass back into the guy, stretching his asshole around most of the guy’s face. Taking this as a signal to go deeper, the guy pressed his head the rest of the way in, so that KJ’s pucker rested around his neck. From inside his ass, KJ could feel the guy licked every inch of his ass. Knowing there was know way back, KJ flexed the muscles in his ass, drawing the guy further into his ass, by this point, the guy was up to his elbows and heavily leaking precum. KJ was in a state, as his ass was stretched to lengths he’d only felt a few times before.
In a matter of about half an hour, KJ worked the hot extra into his ass, until only his feet remained exposed to air. Knowing he was about to blow his load, KJ relaxed for a moment, edging himself, then all at once, sucked the rest of the guy into his ass. As his pucker sealed around his feet, a wet *pop* sealed the extra’s fate. At the same time, KJ came. He pumped ripe after rope of hot, sticky, white cum out of his massive cock. He layed back on his bed in exhaustion.
“Shit... I’ve gotta learn to controll myself...”
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celeb-vore · 6 years ago
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“Dude! What the actual fuck! You said you were gonna give me head, not the full tour of your digestive system! I’d figured you were just being kinky when you started sucking my toes, and then before I knew it, I was up to my waist in your throat! I hate to just run, but I have a scene to shoot at 6, and I didn’t exactly plan to spend an hour in your stomach. Call me though, I might enjoy being swallowed a bit more if I expected it..”
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