#time to start drawin I guess
awriternamedart · 3 months
One of the many things Akira noticed about Sakamato Ryuji was just how quietly he loved.
He didn’t mean specifically in a romantic sense. Friends, family, strangers- the way Ryuji showed his care and affection was almost silent.
It had first made itself apparent when Akira learned that Ryuji’s bright, yellow blonde wasn’t his natural tone- it was in fact, a bleach job he kept up on. He had noticed that Ryuji’s roots were growing in- a dark brown color that stood out starkly- and made an idle comment on it, drawing a fidgeting Ryuji’s hand to his thick, unruly hair.
“Oh, yeah. Been savin’ up to get some more bleach ‘n toner ‘n shit soon- ain’t let it grow out this long in a while.”
“You bleach it?”
“Yeah, started doin it round secondary and just- never stopped, I guess.”
He had later found out that he had done it so that Ann wouldn’t be alone as the only blonde, and even though they had fallen out over the years, he had still kept up with it. And considering the price of that kind of bleach job, the fact that he was always reminded to dye it back- it wasn’t an easy endeavor to keep up with.
And yet, he did so without even a thought of stopping.
It really had caught Akira’s eye when Yusuke had joined their little group.
For the first time, Akira got to witness Ryuji get along with someone from the beginning- and it wasn’t exactly easy. Ryuji, for all his sunny grins, had more than a few walls up when it came to new people. He got to see a gruffer, more agitated Ryuji- and also got to witness him slowly lower that outward mask to let their teammate in.
When Akira caught Ryuji suddenly always having a pencil on hand, he had known Yusuke had his seal of approval.
This type of pattern just kept repeating itself, mostly. With Makoto it was… a little more difficult- but that was because they had a history by ear. Ryuji’s reputation was the stark opposite of Makoto’s so there was bound to be friction- but Ryuji wasted no time in trying to help her anyway.
Even if Akira would forever shiver at the memory of Ryuji throwing himself in front of a moving car.
From there- Futaba, Haru, even Morgana, Sae, Sojiro and Kasumi on the off chance of meeting her- Ryuji would always have a special way that he loved. That he cared.
Something even Ryuji himself hadn’t seemed aware of when Akira first brang it up.
“Eh? Whaddya mean?”
“The pencil in your pocket. It's for Yusuke, isn't it?” Akira prodded, a nonchalant question more than anything. The quiet tenor of his voice carried a much lighter lilt to it now that they had taken down Shido.
“How'd you know I got a pencil- well, dudes always mumblin ‘bout drawin this or that.” Ryuji offhandedly waved, leaning back onto the comforter atop Akira’s mishmash assembly of a bed. “ ‘s easier to shut him up with it."
“Haru never running out of soil or fertilizer?”
“The bags aren’t that heavy- sides, it ain't like I got anythin’ else to do after school, ‘less ‘m hangin’ out with you.”
“Morgana’s treat pocket in your bag?”
“Keeps him from yowlin’ at me.”
“Futaba’s ever growing manga collection?”
“They were just gonna rot in my room.”
“Makoto mentioned that her notes are always nice and neat whenever she gets them back from you.”
“Well, duh, they aint mine. Gotta keep them in nice condition.”
“Your hair?”
“What about it?”
Akira just rolled his eyes. This guy was impossible- so silence fell over the pair in the quiet room overlooking the backstreets. Wood creaked nearby, a quiet snapping noise that neither paid much attention to.
There was more Akira could have gone into to- the dishes when Sojiro was out and Ryuji was hangin around, Akira catching him looking up gymnastics specifics one evening- hell, Ryuji had even begun to look through how to properly play billiards before.. yeah.
For all the shit Ryuji was dragged through, the butt of the joke, the beaten up punch line- he never stopped caring. Akira couldnt help but be proud of his choice in a loyal right hand.
“Uh oh.”
“Ya got that look on yer face.” Ryuji leaned forward, a smirk rising on his face. “That stupid calculatin look like your takin a shadow apart with your mind.”
“I have no idea what you mean.”
The repressed smirk said it all to Ryuji, the way grey glinted behind faux glasses- Akira had all but two seconds before an arm was slung over his shoulder, gasping as he was tugged down and a hand was playfully ruffling with his hair. Laughter erupted, Ryuji’s demands that he tell him whats going on in his head almost lost to the tussle.
“Cmon, ‘Kira- you cant hide nothin from me!”
“Unfortunately.” Glasses knocked askew, Akira straighted up, going to fix them before they were snatched off his face. “Hey-!”
Ryuji just grinned back, shark teeth and all.
“So, gonna tell me or do I gotta hold these hostage?”
And Akira just rolled his eyes, easily snatching back his glasses and slipping them on his face. He looked back to Ryuji to see brown shining back, amber flecks dancing in the setting sun. Straw gold hair caught the few orange rays that managed to worm their way into the backstreets of Yongen-Jaya, freshly touched up blonde roots barely visible through the thicket of mismatched cut hair.
He felt himself just shake his head, melting easily to his partner in crime who just blinked- looking at Akira in slight confusion.
“Dude, you sure you're good?"
Neither of them were PDA people- maybe thats why it was easy for them to just exist around each other like they did. But for the rare moments- the quiet touch of their lips, the stolen moments they had, hands hesitantly bumping against the others- Akira knew.
For all the ways Ryuji loved, this was the way Akira liked the most.
The Quiet Way He Cares - awriternamedart
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green-alien-turdz · 7 months
Do you have any advice for drawing backgrounds? I want to start drawing them more but they intimate me and perspective seems really difficult
I can try! I kinda suck at givin advice, but here we go
When drawin backgrounds, you almost wanna think of them as their own characters with the details you add n put into them. Rooms n homes are the best ways to express this bcuz you can add details like decor that represents those who live there n shit. You can draw the wear n tear on things, the aging, etc. Of course, a lot homes aren't gonna be as maximalist as I like to draw lol but that doesn't mean they don't have their own charm. Even when it comes to drawin the outside, there's so many little details that make the whole piece. Even a vast open desert has rocks, cracks, heat waves n alla that. Now that's just talkin about details, if perspective is what you need to work on, there's a few exersizes for that I guess.
You wanna focus on depth. Now not every scene has to have a lot bcuz sometimes that's just not the perspective or location, but depth is kinda important. Think of what's in the foreground (closest), middle ground, and the WAY way background. The two best ways to really capture this depth can be 1) Forest/nature scenes, and 2) Lookin through a window.
Practice by drawin the things you see. Like wherever you're sittin, draw your perspective from right there (includin things close to you in the foreground). This can help gain a better understanding of shots n scenes in different locations n understandin the perspective. These drawings don't have to be the most beautiful thing, just take in the depth n perspective. Take a very impressionistic style if you wanna.
I think the best advice I can give ya is to REALLY take in your surroundings. Every now n then, just take a moment to take in all of the little details in a room, in public, outside, on transit, etc. Look for the things that everyone sees but it's such commonplace that no one really notices. The beauty of backgrounds is that they can say a lot about a character, a places history, etc. Backgrounds tell their own mfin story.
But yeah, perspective can be kinda tricky, so imma go back to those two depth practices I recommended. Gonna do some quick lil shitty sketches to show you what I mean on like gettin that shit in. (Sorry for the crumply paper, my cat sat his wet ass on it). These are just to get an idea of what the practices can look like! They're not te end all be all. Spend as much or as little time as you want. It's all about learnin, man
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I don't know how helpful this was. Sorry about that, dude. The best advice I can give is to just keep practicin. Everythin seems intimidating at first. Ya just gotta take the stride forward and keep tryin. It doesn't matter where you are with backgrounds now, bcuz with an effort made you'll see improvement each n every time. I've seen some of your stuff, man, I know you got this shit. Good luck!
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dictatortirah · 5 months
Heeeeey! I just came across u randomly on my timeline and remembered I follow u on insta! Guess nows a good time to ask: what kind of stuff influenced your style specifically (aside from bendy and rubber hose era cartoons in general) ? Cartoons, comics, other artists, etc etc.
Also how long did it take u to get to the point where your art is satisfactory enough?
Sorry if these are basic ass questions. You just have a kind of artstyle I absolutely adore and it's nice to listen to the creative process of other artists
I really started with da crazier art style when watchin Zeurel or Ren and Stimpy or Bok Bok Choy's stuff!!! They inspired me da most i think. There are other pieces of media I really like, like uhh I Hate Fairyland comics and all, but Ren and Stimpy has gotta be da one dat inspired me a lot.
It took me 5 years to get to da art style I have right now since I started drawin in crazier styles
Also TYSM!!!!
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scriv3lloirl · 5 days
I come bearin Kitt Todd art cus I know how much y'all love them, plus I was in th' mood t' draw them a bunch. (Thank you MSI fer bein what I listen too while drawin.)
I have plen'y of Kitt lore here—it isn't 100% historically accurate.. but I'm tryin here. History was nev'r m' favorite subject.
Feat. Pre-trans Kitt n their four younger siblings.
Tfem goals tbh
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I know it says "9 years old" in th' first drawin—but I meant t' write "10 years old" whoops. I fuck up ages quite a lot here lol
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Not m' favorite drawin I've done; fucked up th' face.
Kitt (Todd) is the oldest of five!! They were born in 1926, a few years b'fore The Great Depression n all'at.
Their parents are neglectful. Wit their mom sufferin from severe Postpartum Depression n their father nev'r bein home cus of work, th' responsibility of raisin their siblings was left on their shoulders. They were only six.
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Douglas n Todd are best friends!! They met when Todd moved into a trailer home/park down in the South (sometime durin the 1930s) fer' their father's work.
They were both each other's first crush!! They were some of the older kids on the lot (who didn't have t' work yet) so they gathered a lot of the kids t'gether n they all had fun.
When Douglas was 12-ish he moved out of the park n t' a different state cus his father found a better job elsewhere.
Finally th' siblings!! (In age/birth order)
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First is Kitt, who we all know n love. They're the (Oldest; age 34—they/them pronouns. Transfemme Non-binary, Gay.)
They legally changed their name t' Leslie in order t' start a new life after gettin out of a horrifically abusive relationship. (That ex is th' reason why they became a sex worker in th' first place. (They've been in the Sex Industry since they were 18.))
They moved away from their family, out of th' South, when they turned 22—b'fore endin up in Skid Row (age 26.)
They started workin at The Gutter (age 30) as it was the only place that'd higher "someone like them." There they met Audrey, who is one of their best friends, n, eventually, their love interest, Orin.
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Second is Eugene. (Second Born; Age 32—he/him pronouns. Cis Male, Heterosexual.)
There's not much t' say bout Kitt's other siblin's, mostly cus I finally started thinkin bout them more a few days prior. But he's a door-to-door salesman.
He has a wife named Kathleen n a daughter, Tamsin. They're expectin a baby boy soon. (Named Archie)
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Third is Lester!! (Middle child; age 31—(ignore how it says 34. It's wrong)—he/him. Cis Male, Panromantic Asexual.)
He's a hippie n he's pretty cool. Th' only kid that still keeps in contact wit Kitt after all this time.
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Last are the twins.
Virginia (Second Youngest (but older by two minutes); age 28—she/her. Cis Female, Biromantic Heterosexual.)
She's works at a hair salon as a stylist!! She's single and own a pet cat name Jewels.
Constance (Youngest; age 28—she/her. Cis Female, Heterosexual.)
She works as a school teacher, n is engaged to a pilot named Herb Brewer. She's already expectin a baby, who they hope to name Peter (or Polly.)
I feel like I should mention that I nev'r came up wit a family name fer' these guys.. uhhh... I guess suggestions are open fer that?
If there's any misspellin's or anythin.. ignore it. I've been drawin n starin at a phone screen fer th' last 10 hours lol
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iammontygator · 11 months
Pov : Monty’s sudden and extreme agressivity is worrying the staff at the Mega Pizzaplex, and they’re starting to get fed up... [Monty’s affected/controlled story] :
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Mike : Hey John! How are you?
John : *sigh* ... Not really good, actually.
Mike : Why?? *see the yellow and black bass on his cart* Oh crap, you’re going to see Monty!
John : Yeah.
Mike : I hope for you he’ll be nice today. I really hope.
John : I hope too..
Mike : Apparently It’s because of him that half the staff bots disappe-
John : Yeah, I heard that, thank you. No need to overdo it.
Mike : Ah, yeah, sorry man. I understand.
John : *sweats* ... He really creep me out. He threw a chair at me one day. Of course that’s not the kind of stuff that his fans see..
Mike : Yeah, I remember that. You had to be rushed to the hospital. And to think that they haven’t even decommissioned him... We should install a camera in his room and post the video on YouTube. Do you know how many Insta followers that bastard has??
John : I have no idea.
Mike : 5 millions!! Can you imagine? And all these people litteraly adore him.
John : Because they don’t know him the way we do. You have to work at the Pizzaplex to find out who the Glamrocks really are.
Mike : *sigh* Thank goodness for Chica. Even if she gets a bit creepy when there’s pizza, she’s cool. She gave me a cookie last time.
John : And Freddy. He’s cool, too.
Mike : Yeah, you’re right. Freddy’s cool too.
John & Mike : *arrives outside Monty’s room*.
Mike : Well, that’s not all, but I’ve got work to do too. I’ve got to go and check the ventilation in Monty Golf, apparently there’s been some weird noises coming from that side for a few days. Good luck with the gator!
John : Yeah, thank you Mike.
Mike : *walks away and see a Wet Floor Bot* Hey buddy! *pats it on the head*.
John : *gulp* ...
Knock Knock.
John : *wait a few seconds then open the door* Good afternoon Mr Gator.
Monty : *sitting back in his chair, eyes closed and hands behind his head* ...
John : ... Hum. Mr Gator, I’ll bring your guitar for the show. It’s been completely repaired and we’ve made sure to repaint it in the same colours as before, exactly as you ask-
Monty : *open his red eyes* How did ya just called it..?
John : *blushes and sweats* W-what..? Are you talking about your gui-
Monty : *rises abruptly and knocks his chair over* IT IS. NOT. A. FUCKIN’. GUITAR!!!
Staff employee : *petrified* ... I-I-I am-
John : I-I’m sorry Mr Gator, it was a really stupid mistake-
Vanessa : *enters the room* MONTY !
Monty : *looks at Vanessa and growls* ...
John : *relieved* Officer Vanessa!
Vanessa : I thought I made myself clear last time. Wasn’t I?
Monty : *growls* ...You were.
Vanessa : Good, so why do you look so upset right now?
Monty : I am not..Upset.
John : He definitely is.
Monty : *turns to John* WHAT DID YA SAY?!
Vanessa : MONTY !!
Monty : *points to John* GET THIS MORON OUT OF MY ROOM!
Vanessa : John, get out of here.
John : *comes out grumbling* I’m really going to install that camera.
Mike : *meets John after finishing his work* John! How did it go with the gator?? Was it as horrible as last t-
John : *passes quickly in front of Mike* I hate him.
Mike : Well ... It went badly, I guess!
[Vanessa’s note : I don’t know what’s going on, but Monty’s have been behaving strangely lately. He’s got some pretty serious anger issues in normal circumstances, but for the last few days it’s been worse... He keeps destroying his room, and not just that! He’s also been messing up random places in the Pizzaplex! On top of that, he’s been particularly agressive and threatening towards the staff. Oh, and he’s even going after his bass now. He’s taken to destroying it on stage. I’m thinking of sending him to parts and service for a check-up, but he’d have to be in a cooperative mood...]
[artist : unknown. Please, if you made this drawing and my repost bothers you, let me know.]
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Hello ! Could I request a scenario about rusty James where he’s been interested in reader for a quite a long time and it shows, (like for example he’s always around her, always flirting and very jealous when other boys talk to her….) and while she feels the same for him, she thinks he’s not serious about it and is just messing around with her like as if it was some sick bet made by his friends, so she’s trying her best to look unfazed and uninterested in him….it could be a bit angsty with a splat of insecurities and jealousy but at the end they kinda confess to each other (?) and it’s all good….hope this all is understandable sorry if it’s too much 😭💔
This is so cute my loveee <3 (Also this length is just PERFECT! I love when people send long requests with details, it gives me more visuals and I can achieve the goal better when people are specific. <3
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🍒 ;↣(You're not mean, you just wanna be seen. You're so Art Deco.)
Rusty James didn't think he was mean.
In fact, he thought he was pretty nice compared to the other people around town.
Rusty got on the bus, and he just so happened to be the second person on the bus, aside from you.
He could've sat anywhere he wanted. And even if he wasn't the second person on the bus and didn't have much options of seats to choose from, he'd just beat the tar outa someone for it.
At least, that was your impression of him.
But he chose to sit right next to you.
Your breath stiffened as you paused your sketching. Starting to close your sketchbook before he started talking.
"What're you drawin'?" He asked, grabbing the book from your hands gently.
You stayed silent as he flipped through the pages carefully.
You were embarrassed and wanted to move seats as soon as possible.
You knew rusty James and he knew you. Y'all rode the same bus since kindergarten.
He looked through the detailed drawings of people that rode the bus with the two of you everyday, and stop signs that the bus came across at the end of every street.
"How come I ain't in here, huh?" He asked with a small smirk, his brown eyes looking deeply into yours.
You finally realised the question he asked and stuttered out an answer.
"U-uhm. I don't know. Just never thought about drawin' you I guess." You grabbed your sketchbook from his hands, putting it in your bag.
He nodded, knowing you were nervous.
Hell, he was just as nervous as you. He's always been like that around you, but never showed it.
Another person got on the bus, the doors drawing opening as the bus shook with every footstep.
"Hey Rusty. Hi Y/n, how was your weekend?" Steve asked you two, smiling ear to ear.
You really liked Steve. He was very kind, good grades and all. And you always wondered what he was doing hanging around with the mean dogs. Rusty James being one of them.
"Hi Steve, it was good. Yours?" You smiled back at him, giving him the same kindness.
"Mine was good. What about you rusty? Anything fun?"
Rusty shook his head, his hair waving back and forth as he did.
"Nah, man. Same old stuff." He leaned back against the seat that the two of you shared.
Steve went to go back to the front, where he usually sat, Rusty turning to look at you once he did.
"What about you, doll? Anything fun?" He smirked as you tried to ignore his ways of tempting you with his voice. His voice was one of a kind and you loved it so much, it was sickening.
"Nah. Just chilled all weekend. Smoked, watched TV, art. Nothin real special." You leaned your head against the window.
He perked up slightly as he heard you mention drinking and smoking.
"Wow, man. All these years that I've known you, my love. I've never heard of you being a smoker." He got closer with every word, his breath hitting your neck slightly, the air on your neck making you shiver as it tickled, before you pushed him away gently.
"Alright Rusty James. You can cut the crap now. You can pretend you got what you wanted and go back to sit with your buddies." You said, putting your walkman on as you looked out the window.
His eyes flashed a hurt expression before going back to their regular stare. He got up, grabbing his backpack as he went to the front, his friends patting his back.
He ignored the attention from his buddies as he kept making glances at you the whole ride to school. The flirty gestures didn't stop when you two got to school either. He threw an arm over your shoulder, making your face turn a gentle pink as he showed off his smirk proudly.
"Rusty what are you doing?" You forced out.
"What, man? I can't walk my bestie to class? Isn't that what you girls want these days? A gentleman?" He says with a chuckle.
You rolled your eyes as you took his arm off your shoulder, only for him to do it again.
"You are no gentleman, Rusty James. And I am most certainly not your 'bestie'. So hit the road."
"Well i've known you since we were five. That has to count for somthin', ma." He said with a bright smile.
You scoffed.
"We've known a lot of people since they were 5. We are at school. And I am not 'Ma' to you. I have a name and you know it. So use it."
"Oh I can use it alright. Meet me in the bathroom, ma." He said jokingly.
You flicked his nose. He sucked his teeth before taking his arm from over your shoulder as he just walked beside you.
"Well at least let me walk you to class." He said with soft eyes.
You looked at him with a debating expression on your face, wondering if you should take the bait or not.
"You mess up Rusty James and I'm gonna kick your ass." You say before walking as he smiled again, knowing you gave in.
"Yes ma'am." He said, walking beside you.
The two of you walked through the crowded hallway, people giving you odd stares. A few of Rusty's friends walk up to him, doing a handshake before talking about skipping.
"Can't, Walkin' her to class." He said, holding onto your backpack so he didn't lose you in the crowd.
His friends let out a series of "What?" and "Her?" as they pointed to your figure.
"Rusty, i'm gonna be lete if you don't hurry. Mr Coplin don't play about being tardy. I'm already on my second strike." You said, trying to get him to start walking.
He shook his friends off, walking with you. He watched as your hair flowed over your shoulders as you tried to make it to class on time.
Luckily you did. Right on time.
"Thank you for the tour of the school. Now will you leave me alone?" You said, unpacking your bag.
"Hey man, Watch it I'm sensitive." He said, his hand touching his chest.
You roll your eyes before siting down at your desk.
"Alright. I'll see you at lunch, ma." He said, twirling your hair before running off into the hallway, leaving you in your own train of thought as you process what just happened.
You were so confused. He barely talked to you. The only memory of talking to him was in kindergarten when you let him use your crayons or let him share your sleeping mat during naptime when he lost his. You were deeply in love with him but you already knew that it was just some cruel, sick joke to him. Probably one that his friends talked him into.
Rusty walked through the hallway, saying "hey" to friends as he walked by to his class.
It was lunch period and you sat down at a random table, taking out your packed lunch.
Which was just a sad sandwich that you made this morning, and some apple slices.
A boy sat next to you, starting to talk to you.
You weren't that interested in talking to him and you would've rather talked to Rusty about strippers and beer than talking about the war of 1812.
The kid was cut off by a hand tapping his shoulder.
"Hey. Hop up, man. I'm sittin' with her today." Rusty James said to him, before blowinng a kiss at you.
Rusty couldn't stand the sight of someone taking you from him and thinking it wouldn't be dealt with.
The kid rolled his eyes and left, his seat replaced by Rusty, looking through your sketchbook again.
He was in awe when he saw a new portrait of him.
"This me? Pretty cute, right?" He said smirking at you.
"If you say so." You laughed.
He gasped at you, making you laugh again.
"Come on. You know you think I'm cute."
You blushed before hiding it.
"Do I, though?" You smirk at him before getting up to go to the bathroom, Rusty following right behind you before pinning you to the wall gently.
"Rusty what is with you today? You have been so flirty and I don't get it. It's honstly starting to scare me." You say confused.
"Maybe because I like you, doll." He says, playing with your hair.
"Okay rusty you can drop it now. It's not funny anymore. I get the joke now." You said, not finding him playing with your emotions that funny anymore.
"What jo- you think i'm lyin, doll?" He said, leaning against the wall next to you.
"Well, I mean.. Yeah I do. The only time you've ever even talked to me was when I shared my stupid crayons and stupid sleeping mat in kingergarten." You snapped, not looking at him.
"Yeah and ever since I have been in love with you, huh? You believe that one? Because it's the truth." He said angrily.
You didn't look at him as you began to cry silently. You didn't understand why he was playing with your emotions like he was.
"Hey, man. I'm sorry for actin like that. Please look at me, doll." He said softer.
You hesitantly looked at him, only to be met with those beautiful brown eyes you knew.
"I don't know who told you I was lyin, but I'm not. I love you so much, doll." He said, finishing off his words with a passionate kiss, his hands getting tangled In your hair as you kissed back.
"Rustle James! My office now!" The principle yelled through the hallways.
"Alrigh alright! I'm comin'! Love ya doll." He said before pressing a kiss to your lips once more, then running off. Smarting off to the principle as he got onto him about something he's done.
"Yeah yeah. Whatever." He said before blowing you a kiss.
I hope you like it! Also please do send more whoever you are because I LOVED this fic as you can tell I put my whole heart into it lol. <3
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Diabolik Lovers LOST EDEN ー Yuma Dark [02]
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ー The scene starts in the guest room at Eden
Yuma: Ruki, that bastardー I can’t believe he won’t let me have dinner until I fix this damn chair...
I mean, I’ll admit that I’m partially to blame for kickin’ it up into the air ‘cause I was feelin’ frustrated.
Yui: You’re almost done, so one final push, okay?
Yuma: ...Right.
Yui: ( I’m sure Yuma-kun has plenty on his mind regarding Shuu-san and Eden... )
Yuma: ーー Yui. Could ya grab the nail over there? 
Yui: Sure!
*Rustle rustle* 
Yui: ーー Ah!!
ー She suddenly falls down
Yui: ( Uu...Seems like I tripped over one of the other nails laying on the floor... )
Yuma: Oi, are ya alright!?
→ It hurts... (M)
Yui: It hurts...
Yuma: God, the fuck ya doin’? Come on, show me.
Yui: Seems like I hurt my foot...
Yuma: Then take a seat on that chair over there. I’ll patch ya up.
Yui: Yeah...Thank you, Yuma-kun.
→ I’m totally fine! (S)
Yui: I’m totally fine...! It’s nothing serious...
Yuma: Haah? Don’t lie to me. You’ve been holdin’ back the tears this whole time.
Come on, I’ll take a look at yer injuries. Sit down on that chair over there.
Yui: B-But...
Yuma: ...Fuck, what a drag...!
Yui: O-Ow...!
Yuma: Hurry up!
ー She sits down on the chair
Yuma: There we go...Lemme see.
Yui: ...!! Yuma-kun, don’t lift up my leg too high...!
Yuma: Aah? Why not?
Yui: Well...Y-You know...
My skirt might move up and...Uhm...
Yuma: ーー Haah. That’s what you’re worried ‘bout?
I’ve already seen yer panties a million times by now.
Yui: Wha...!? 
Yuma: Ya love to pretend you’re still a Saint every now and then? I mean, last night we evenーー 
Yui: S-Stop, Yuma-kun!
Yuma: Oh shut up...Then show me the wound already!
Yui: ...Kyaah!
Yuma: Ahー ...It’s an open wound. It’s bleeding quite a bit too, ya know?
Yui: Eh? ...Really? 
Yuma: Yeah. What a waste...Nnh. 
Yui: ...Ah!!
Yuma: Does it hurt? I guess that makes sense with a cut this bad...Nn...
Yui: Yuma-ku...Why are you licking it...!?
Yuma: Haah? I promised I’d disinfect the wound, didn’t I?
Yui: Then you should use disinfectantーー
Yuma: I don’t know where to find that shit...What’s the issue with doin’ it like this?
I’ll make sure to clean it thoroughly...Nn...
The sweetness of yer blood is mixed in with the metallic taste of the nail...It tastes kinda funky. 
Oh well, I guess it’s not bad...Nn...
Yui: Uu...
( It hurts so badly...I can’t even speak... )
Yuma: ...Don’t cry. Does it hurt that badly? 
Yui: Y-Yeah...
Yuma: But it’d be bad if I don’t do this and some nasty germs get in there, right? Humans are already frail enough as is.
Yui: ...Right.
( Yuma-kun’s being so nice to disinfect the wound, so I have to endure it... )
Yuma: Ahー ...Right, I guess all I need to do is distract ya?
Yui: ...Eh?
*Rustle rustle*
Yuma: Like this...Nnh!
ー He bites her
Yui: ...Ah!!
Yuma: You’ll be able to forget all ‘bout the pain by drawin’ yer attention somewhere else, right? 
I’ll keep doin’ this until the pain fades away...
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paleparearchive · 4 months
Their Daily Life
Bazille's 2nd initial 3★ story (2/2) ( 1 - 2 )
Location: entertainment room (morning) | Characters: Bazille, Renoir, Money, Sisley
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Sisley: Instead of a match, a condition...? What are you planning to do?
Bazille: It's not that hard. It's just that the loser of the game will be the drawing model. If we don't do this, we're not going to be drawing anytime soon.
Monet: Sounds like fun! I'm all for it! It's more excitin' to bet on somethin'!
Renoir: I also think it's a good idea.
Bazille: Are you okay with that as well, Sisley?
Sisley: Yeah. If I can do a proper drawing and everyone can enjoy it, then why not?
Monet: Then let's get to it! I'll start first!
Sisley: Alright. I guess it's nice.
Bazille: As usual, Sisley is aiming for a certain spot. Compared to that…
Monet: Aaaaah! Another failure!
Renoir: It's not going so well, is it? Well, it's always like this.
Monet: Goddamn, what's wrong with ya!? That's where you're supposed to play!
Bazille: Are Monet and Renoir going to win, I wonder? Especially you, Renoir. You're too lazy. I know I'm the one who suggested the match... but you're going to lose at this rate, you know?
Renoir: Hahaha, as long as I'm having fun, that's all that matters to me. I don't mind being the drawing model.
Bazille: … Well, if that's okay with you.
Monet: The heck!?
Sisley: Woah, are you okay, Monet? Your face is turning bright red.
Monet: I was about to make a big move, but the ball hit me…
Bazille: It's because you try to do something difficult when you're not good at it. Here, let me see... You're just turning red, right?
Renoir: I'm glad it wasn't a big deal. But you'd better be careful next time.
Monet: Ugh… gotcha. But if I had made that one, it would have been a turnaround. Guess I lost after all! Well, a promise's a promise! I'll do my best as a drawin' model!
Bazille: That's fine, but… what's with that pose?
Monet: I tried to make it look like Manet-aniki! Draw me like this!
Sisley: … What part of this is Manet-san?
Monet: The cool part! See, ain't the way I hold this cue just like him?
Bazille: You can do whatever pose you want, but... If you're in a position that's hard to maintain, you'll hurt yourself.
Monet: It's fine, it's fine! I'm tellin' ya it's easy!
Bazille: … Good grief.
Bazille: (Last time we had a billiards game and all that... But today, things have calmed down.)
Monet: Another failuuuure!
Bazille: (Hm? … Was that Monet's voice? He's in the entertainment room again... What's he doing?)
Bazille: What's all the fuss? I could hear you in the hallway.
Monet: Ah, Bazille! No, ya see, I lost the game the other day. I was so frustrated, so I was practicin'. Next time, I'll have you do the drawing model, Bazille! Be ready for it!
Bazille: Are we going to do that again…
Monet: It's frustratin' to lose all the time! Let's see, if I hold the cue like this…
Bazille: Monet, that's not the way to hold it. Do you want to hurt yourself again?
Monet: Is it like this? Ah, it sure feels easier to do so! Hold on, I mean, what a caring person ya are, Bazille, givin' advice to your enemies.
Bazille: I'm not taking care of you because I like you. If you get hurt, your production would be affected. Besides, I have no intention of losing, even if I'm giving you advice of this level.
Sisley: I thought I heard voices and it was you two. So you were here.
Renoir: Are you playing billiards? Then let us join too.
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dreamtydraw · 6 months
Glub Glub
Guess whoooo~!! That’s right! It’s me!!! FISH ANON!!! *cue loud cheering*
How have you been? I apologize for being absent for a little while, I believe the last ask I sent in before my departure never made it through so I decided to leave asks alone for a bit so that wouldn’t happen again. I’ve gotten up to a couple of things while I was gone….I got sick again…whoops…. I’ve also been trying to psyche myself up to draw for the first time in a while, to make a very long story short some events in life made me stop drawing entirely a couple years back and I’ve been nervous to pick it back up again despite really wanting too cause I’d most likely have to go back to learning the basics which for my brain is so difficult to navigate, but I’m getting there!!!!
I also come with a fun lil VN recommendation! I literally just found it today and I loved it, it’s a short VN on itch.io called Akiya by Chary! The plots very sweet and simple, it’s summer break and you’re exploring an abandoned traditional Japanese house to take some pictures and you meet a new friend on the way! It’s such a cute game, the art is gorgeous and it’s also jampacked with information about Japanese culture which was extremely fun to learn about, the download page actually has an additional “Reference Sheet” you can download alongside the game that goes into more detail about all the cultural references that’s made (along with music sources and an ending guide!) All in all Akiya is such a cute game that I enjoyed and really recommend you check out! The creator also has another game but I haven’t played it yet
It’s very nice to be back in my cozy little fishbowl~ Thanks for listening to my rambles and I hope you have a wonderful day!
Hiiiiiii, Sorry that it took me time to answer I was [having a time life emotional crisis] I'm happy to learn you're trying back drawin. Doing pause and coming back is always hard but it's nice to starts again !
Checked the vn and know I added it on my "to play" playlist because the artwork seems wonderful !
Hope you have a good day fishy !!
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friesian · 1 year
1,2,6,16,20 for Marwyd and Tiyrnan (@likemesomesalads)
Who makes up your family?  How close are you to them?
"Ahhhh.. well, uh, that's a complicated one. Obvious answer is my sister, Niddhil. Closest person I got. We've been through it all together. Everythin'. All the highs'n lows that a Commander could possibly face-- and she stuck by with me until the end. Hell, she ended up even havin' a nephew. Little guy is my pride'n joy… did you know he could box? I didn't. She took me to one of his junior boxin' courses a few months back and I ain't ever seen a boy with more fire in his eyes at only a few years old. I think he could maybe even beat the shit out of me on day when he's older!"
"Otherwise there's… my father. Ishmayl. I uh, I dunno if I wanna talk about him, though. Basic rundown is that he's the person who found me when I came outta that oasis and took care of me. Taught me the ropes of life… but uh, ya'know. Shit don't always go as planned, I guess. Fuck if I know."
"… just don't ask me about'em anymore, alright?"
Who is your best friend?  Tell us about them!
"Well, I got asked about Hua-- guess I'll talk about Lei now. Zheng Hualei. Lei's.. he's… uh, really somethin'. I see a lot of myself in him some days. Other days, he's nothin' like me. We met at a Gala. Guy called my sister a bitch so I threw his ass into a fountain. Ever since, he hated my guts. To the point where he tricked me into punchin' Hua-- since he and Hua share a body. Long story."
"Anyways, after everythin', I learned that kindness sorta made'em go away? And I started bein' more 'kind', as much as I could. But… ya'know how they say the ones who need the most kindness are the ones that are the hardest to give it to? That applied here. But it sorta worked in the long run. He's nicer now. Says sorry. Thank you. Even likes spendin' time with me now. Gives me gifts that ain't shards of glass stuck in candy. Fer my birthday, he carved me a horse from memory… even has a little cut in the ear just like me. Cute little thing, honestly."
"Only complaint I have is that he gets WEIRD with me. Like, really weird. Stares at me, gets high and starts talkin' about how 'pretty' my eyes are, found some weird ass scraps of paper where he just writes my name over and over. Y'all know he even drew me once? I didn't know. Good drawin' though, but… the way he found even the smallest little feature to draw on me was odd. Little shit is weird. But.. at least he's kind…er. Kinder."
What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever had to do? [COPY PASTED]
"Leave home. Probably. You spend twenty damn years under someone's thumb. Beck and call. Their ire. Their eye. Then you just gotta leave everythin' you know behind fer some weird land that you don't barely know a lick about. I gave it all up. Fer what I have now, I'd say it's worth it-- sometimes. The job I got ain't anythin' I would've picked. Fuck, I would've gone back to outlawin' by now had that shit with the damn Tree not happened. Ah well, but… I know everyone I know now. I know my sister. I know my best friends."
"… but sometimes, I do wonder about my family."
Describe your perfect day. [COPY PASTED]
"Hm.. probably goin' to a rodeo. Maybe spendin' time with Saint Elmo'n my flock of birds. Barbeque at the end, and campin' out in the desert. Sounds like my kinda day. Ain't complicated."
Describe your biggest pet peeve.
"Stupid motherfuckin' people makin' a big ass showboat out of themselves to be the center of attention. It's LOUD. It's ANNOYIN'. They don't know when to STOP. Why do you EVEN NEED attention? It's nothin' but a pain in the ass fer all involved. I could be doin' work. Studyin'. Cleanin' up messes or fixin' shit, and here you are doin' everythin' in your power to have eyes look at you. The HELL DO YOU NEED IT FER? KNOCK IT OFF."
Who makes up your family?  How close are you to them?
"As a firstborn I suppose that I have many brothers and sisters. None of which, I am close to. They all disgust me in their own little ways. Too kind. Too obnoxious. Too considerate. None of them ever resonated with me. Save.. for one, of course, but we do not talk about them."
"The short version for you is that I care not for family, and I care not for connections."
Who is your best friend?  Tell us about them!
"I do not have friends. See above. I do not care for connections."
What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever had to do?
"Abscond the mortal limits to become something that one may find to be nothing but a monster. Truly, it was painful. Every part of my body twisted and turned into something that was only parallel to the self. A reflection, yes, but one in oil. Where your own eyes can't see past something so abstract, clouded, darkened, and misremembered. Someone made that thing you call a body, long, long ago… but they turned it into something utterly wrong. Perhaps that's what I am. Misremembered. Though, I do see clearly enough now. And what I see is…"
"Perhaps it's best for me not to complete that thought."
Describe your perfect day.
"A perfect day? That's the day I finally find myself with my hands wrung around the neck of that fool that everyone calls 'Commander'. The perfect day, is the day that I see the light that burned within them completely snuffed out by the heel of my boot as I drag his corpse alongside me to be twisted and mangled into something that is completely unrecognizable-- beyond even what the mind can place back together. An unsolvable puzzle. An unidentifiable body. Truly, a perfect goddamn day."
Describe your biggest pet peeve.
"People preaching to me about ethics, or morals, or any of that. Do you think science cares for your morals? Do you think life cares for your ethics? I will tell you one thing right here, right now. Were it not for people like me who did not care for these things, we would not know what half of the bacterium and viruses on this planet would do. We would not know how the body works. We would know not know anything in terms of science. And if I hear one more person attempt to moralize my work towards me, I can assure you that we will find out what the advanced stages of a prion disease can do the mind and body."
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ghostoftheyear · 1 year
I don’t know if I was just too busy to feel anything while I was moving, or if I’m just on a downslope now that the move is basically done, but man.
(btw the move was successful, aside from a couple of broken items where I could see the movers just fucking gave up -- and the fact that I had to clear out my entire kitchen and both bathrooms by myself. SUPER glad I moved mid-month and had two extra weeks to get as much shit out as I could)
anyway, I’ve been getting a few drawins done and I was pretty pleased with them, but boy. after getting tons of hits on the dmmd bromides, I was starting to feel like all popular and shit, but of course it wasn’t because of me personally, it was the pretty boys and pictures. and rationally, I know that, and ALSO rationally I know that my art has never been hugely popular on here or even on twitter -- and don’t get me started on pillowfort or itaku.ee -- and yet.
it’s one of those goddamn things my brain likes to seize on and run around with. “only one person liked your art and no one reblogged it!” “only one person retweeted that post and NO ONE liked it!” “clearly no one likes your art! your art sucks and you should feel bad about it! hey guess what you’re gonna feel bad about it, dumbass! you keep telling yourself it’s good and you like it but ha ha you’re clearly the only one who does!”
obviously this is the worst sort of internal monologue... well, I’m sure there are worse but for me it’s pretty noxious. it all just sort of spirals until I start deleting posts, because if no one commented or RB’d or RT’d or even so much as tapped an emoji on it, OBVIOUSLY that means I’m a rotten artist and should give up on the one ambition and dream I have anymore. OBVIOUSLY it’s not due to the algorithm (fuck you twitter, fuck you new asshole owner for making it so much worse), or the fact that I’m terrible at self-promotion and really don’t even like reblogging myself bc it feels like attention whoring, or simple bad timing. or, you know, the fact that I’m drawing for a dead fandom (”but,” my brain whispers insidiously, “lots of people liked the bromide posts so it can’t be that dead, now can it?”).
fuck I hate my brain. I hate depression and executive dysfunction and ADHD. I hate that when I do manage to push through everything and draw or write or finish something, a combination of all the factors above just serves to reinforce the negative belief that my stuff is no good. I hate this spiral of thinking “but I liked it! I thought it was good!” and my brain going “what’s the point if you’re the only one, though?”
that might be the worst part though because I know I’m not the only one. so now I’m letting the numbers get to me, and that is absolutely the last thing I should be allowing. Fuck you, brain. Why are you like this?
I really need meds. Or a social life. Or both.
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dandy-bones · 2 years
this questions gonna be basic and probably already asked, but whats the crews fave way to spend their time? like hobbies or music or somethin?
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⭐️ Usually when it comes ta hobbies and stuff, we don't really do a lot of them... I mean I'm out 24/7 and really my only hobby is bein' on Tumblr and exercisin' with the foot pedal thingy we got.
QT's hobby is similar ta mine, which is lookin' through Tumblr tags with me. We usually start around 8 at night and then go until 10 or until QT gets tired. It helps us destress after Tay works.
Meow doesn't really come out too much to really have a hobby... He normally kicks in just ta chat for a bit and then bounces again. Not really... much with bein' in front.
Zo Lin doesn't really... have a hobby either. She rarely comes out, like Meow, just ta chat or try ta make us feel better with impressions.
And then Tay is usually workin' on orders or runnin' errands. Her hobby is guess is drawin' but it's also her job...
Huh. There's not really enough time in the day ta have a hobby unless it's late at night because we're busy doin' stuff all day...
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⭐️Thanks for the ask!
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angebaby · 3 months
Intoject Ask Game
1. What's your name and source?
Ange, and I'm Angel Dust
2. What type of introject are you? (Fictive, factive, etc.)
3. How connected do you feel to your source?
i guess id say very connected
4. Do you have any exomemories? What's your favourite one?
my memories are vague and hard to talk abt and describe. but im thinki g abt times i had w cherri.
5. What do you think of your source's fandom?
I enjoy it mainly for all the great art and smut!!!
6. Do you have any sourcemates in your system?
well i dont rly know if we share the same canon, but we have an Alastor <3 do also have a Husk but I don't know him v well yet
7. Have you ever met any sourcemates outside your system?
yea! again not sure abt canons but, yea!!!
8. Have you ever posted/sent a sourcecall anywhere? Did it help you find sourcemates?
no havent felt the need to,, yet
9. What do you think are your biggest differences from/similarities to your source?
im a transfem dyke so yea that DOES change things but i didnt look different (or want to look different, i liked how i looked!) and i mean im not necessarily 100% exclusive to women but i prefer em fer sure (and i love women with weird and fucked up genders <3) OH another thing i guess I MUCH prefer topping. I mean 4 my job i just did what i had to do but I rly love being a dom top (there are instnaces/w certain ppl id prefer subbbing tho)
10. Do you like being compared to your source?
yea I do as long as ppl arent weird abt me being a real person
11. What's your favourite thing about your source?
hmmm. I guess I like. i dunno! the songs are fun
12. What's your least favourite thing about your source?
well one thing i dont like is that its so short lol. ik theres gonna be more seasons but. snot enough!
13. Any funny exomemories?
hmmm nothing coming to mind. damn i wanna think more abt memories....
14. Does your appearance differ from your source's appearance?
i dont think so
15. What other role, if any, do you have in the system?
I honestly dont know shit abt that
16. If you could go back to the life you had in your exomemories/source, would you?
UM NO. as much as I miss ppl, I'm ok not being in hell
17. Does this universe differ at all from the one in your exomemories/source?
umm yeahh lolll. cuz like, i do t ely have any memories as a living person, only rly remember hell
18. What's your favourite clothing item/accessory that the system owns?
we got some fun pink heart glasses! in general we need more fun clothes tho i dont like our stuff
19. Do you have any merch of your source?
Angel poster signed by blake roman!! we cant rly hang it up but its tucked away in onuv our sketchbooks
20. Do you ever get homesick? If yes, what do you do to deal with it?
I do. not really for any of the places, but I miss the ppl...I dunno what I do. just wallow? well I am in a fictive and kin server and I can talk about it there with other ppl who understand ao that. Helps
21. What songs remind you of your source?
I think keshas album gag order, like the WHOLE ALBUM reminds me of it.
22. What activities/things remind you of your source?
ummm flirtingg and having sex
23. Do you like engaging with your source/content about it?
I do, most of the time! I like rewatching the show, even ep 4. actually, I specifically like rewatching the first half of ep 4 the most. comforting, somehow??
when it comes to other hazbin stuff outside of the show, I honestly dont know as much about it. we didnt follow the pilot or any of the stuff before the show. but i do wanna start dipping my toes into that stuff, to see what still holds true fer me
24. Have you ever created content related to your source? (Art, fanfiction, etc.)
we've been drawin a bit! haven't posted most of it but DO plan on posting stuff on our twitter. I actually started a valangel piece today.
25. How do you feel about doubles?
I actually LOVE doubles, cuz I feel like they Get it, yknow?
26. Talk about anything you want, relevant to rhe rest of the questions or not!
i wish i has more memories but everythin is way 2 vague,,, but. um! oh well!
0 notes
campbluelake · 2 years
Aw, Beans | Trial 2.2 | Eri | Re: Jacky-Bobby, Saya, Malyce
If it wasn’t for Suzy’s support, Eri probably would have started tuning out the discussion in favor of stewing in her grief over Lydia. But hearing her agree with her, as well as everyone else’s insults towards the killer, strengthens her resolve enough to not fully zone out. After all, who is she if not someone who loves to talk shit?
Which is why she outright lets out a cheer and starts clapping enthusiastically when Jacky-Bobby goes off on his rant about the paint brushes. Even if it feels a bit trivial, she appreciates the energy he’s bringing to the table here. So much so, in fact, she decides to speak up herself.
“Hell yeah, Jacky! Maybe Suz and I won’t need to kick the killer’s ass, when you can just give ‘em a verbal beating so bad they’ll be begging for their execution!”
Her eyes shine as she praises him, grinning at him as cheerfully as she can in this situation.
“Anyway, back to the case. I think Sayacchi’s right! Like, why the the killer used paintbrushes and their shit art. So if art skill’s something that can be incriminalating, we can cross Lyds off the list, Malyce.”
She turns to look at him. And in spite of considering Malyce a friend, the glare she’s giving him is anything but kind. Clearly she’s upset he so much as insinuated Lydia would do something like this.
“Her art ain't like, Picasso level or whatever, but it's not trash. Plus none of the drawings we found had anime eyes on them, and she loves drawin’ those! It’s uh, it can be real cute, y’know? Sometimes she’ll even cut ‘em out and stick them to, like, her blowdryer.”
Please don’t perceive her still using present tense for Lydia. She’s coping.
“So anyway, I doubt it’s her fault! Especially ‘cause the times don’t line up, right? Or they do, but backwards. Which was probably all part of the plan, y’know?
“Basically I’m thinkin’ the reason why that black stuff was on some of the instruments is ‘cause Lyds was trying to help Alice. She likes music-y stuff a lot, y’know? And she’s a good person, so of course she’d try to dig her out! But uh, well… I guess in this situation, Al was the bait. ‘Cause it ain’t like Lyds managed to get her out. So she probably got interrupted by the killer, and they got her runnin’ down the trail, and… well…”
She heaves a sigh and shakes her head, before looking down at her hands.
“But what I don’t get is what scared her so bad. I mean, we’ve basically figured out the killer is a wimp, yeah? So what made her panic and run off? Was she allergic to beans or somethin’? It ain’t like she’s an oni, right?”
Plus Eri’s not even sure baked beans could be used to ward off oni. Then again, maybe American oni are different? She falls quiet, brow furrowing as she contemplates this. As she does so, she subtly reaches over to grab ahold of Kyousuke’s hand.
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weemsbotts · 2 years
“Woman, my God, this ain’t no time to pray”: Memories from a Bethel Church Member
By: Lisa Timmerman, Executive Director
Living in the Town of Dumfries during the early 1900’s meant you relied on products available from traveling salesmen and local shops. Meet James Woodrow (Woody) Taylor, an active member of Bethel Methodist Church. Thanks to Mr. Taylor’s willingness to share his memories and experiences, we gain insight into an incredible variety of people and places he visited along with poems he composed! Enjoy some of the extracts of his extensive interview with The Prince William Historical Commission as we included a quick humorous story about a local couple along with his memories of visiting salesmen, their remedies, and travel on local roads.
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TN: Tom Nelson, PWC
WT: Woody Taylor
Date: 09/30/1980
Subject: The Cannon Cocker
TN: Woody, we’re going to talk about a variety of subjects and let’s start off by talking about a Mr. Adams that you know.
WT: Well, Mr. Adams carried the mail out here for quite a while. He was a retired chief gunner’s mate in the Navy. Mr. Dallas Davis down at Woodbridge promptly named him “Cannon Cocker.” So he carried the mail. He was quite a character, and he had a wife that was as much Christian as he was on old rough-and-ready. One Sunday evening they went for a little ride in an old car they had. I think it was a Studebaker Roadster, and the roads around here then were right rough. And over here someone or other they got stuck and she got out and knelt down and started to pray. And he said, “Woman, my God, this ain’t no time to pray. Get behind and push.” And she promptly got behind and pushed and I think they finally got it out there. That was Mr. Adams.
Subject: Home Remedies, Traveling Salesmen, & Mules
TN: Did you ever have any home remedies or anything?
WT: Oh, we had a few little things we could take. A lot of people for indigestion you could take a slug of Watkins Liniment, and it was so hot and burned so bad that you soon forgot the indigestion. Another remedy was baking soda. That was for indigestion. And then if you had an epidemic of boils or something like that, which we had quite often, they’d make all kinds of poultices and put on it to draw that infection out of there. One of them was flaxseed meal. I forgot how they want about fixin’ that but they would slap that down over the boil and they would bind it. And you could feel that drawin’ that stuff out of there. Then for cuts and bruises, why they had all kinds of salve. One of them was Watkins. That was a product of some company out west, I believe, but we had our local agents that went around and peddled that stuff along with the liniment. That was about the end of the home remedies.
Then there was another old fella that would come around selling’ what they called “Pain Killer.” And that was supposed to be good for most any pain you had, but I told Daddy that anybody that had nerve enough to take a dose of that would have to havin’ some pain. But they all relied on it, they thought it was great stuff.
A lot of the stuff, I guess, that doctors prescribed wasn’t much better than the old home remedies. It tasted just about as vile anyhow, I can tell you that.
TN: Talking about salesmen, do you recall any of the early salesmen and how they operated in the area?
WT: Well, about the only salesman that we had to amount to anything was the fellow like I just mentioned, this Watkins products. Then there was another company by the name of Raleigh’s. We had a salesman for that, and they sold a lot of extracts like vanilla, lemon, and all that. And you could take that lemon extract and mix it with water and something else they added, I forgot what that made – it had a right good alcoholic content. We had one agent that traveled through, long since dead, by the name of Will Smith and he would take the extracts and mix that all up and when he’d get around to the house he had very little left to sell. It would get you a cheap drunk, in other words.
And of course, we had insurance, agents, a number of them. I believe the first one that I can remember that come down from People’s was a fellow by the name of Hoy. And he got everybody pretty well insured in the neighborhood and of course others followed him. The one that lasted the longest was Avery Reid up at Hoadly. He really made good at it. He kept that agency going for about 25 or 30 years until he got old enough to retire, and now he lives in a nice home up here the other side of Hoadly. That was about all the salesman we had.
Oh, we had some that went around and sold little old knickknacks. There was one old fellow down here that lived down at Smoketown by the name of Horace Turner, and he used to go around sellin’ little things they called “Mend-its.” And if you had a hole come in an old boiling kettle, that would fix that. If one come in the water bucket, you could fix it, put a “Mend-it” in it and have it fix that. They were right useful…
TN: Roads in the area, especially David Ford Road by your house here, have been changed considerably since those early years.
WT: Yes. In 1916, I believe it was, down at the corner of 123 on up to where the road forks up here at Hoadly, Davis Ford goes to the right and then the old Hoadly Road, we called it, went left on to Manassas. Well, they straightened this old road out and rebuilt. And there was a contractor by the name of Boatright, A.S. Boatright, that done that work. My mother and I were goin’ along to what is now Mr. Russell’s store. It was run by a man then by the name of Ed Dewey. Right down here at the bottom of the hill, just as we got there where they was fillin’ in, a team of mules come up over the bank hooked to what we called a “wheel scoop.” Just as he got his head up over that bank, he brayed and I’d never seen a mule. So I took off down through Mr. Glasscock’s old cornfield. My mother finally caught me and brought me on back. She said, “It’s only a mule,” but I wasn’t very well satisfied. Mr. Russell for a big kick out of that when I told him that.”
Mules were common in Virginia thanks partly to George Washington! Thanks to his persistence with the Spanish monarchy, he eventually acquired Spanish jacks, aka mules, for Mount Vernon. While the north continued to embrace horses and oxen, the south generally preferred the mule as their draft animal of choice.
(Sources: “An Oral History: “Woody” an interview with James Woodrow Taylor. “The Bethel Methodist Church and its Neighborhood” by Tom Nelson, 01/1982. Transcribed by Rhoda Durkan, Typed: Lynne Barbeau, Project Director: Roger F. Endert; Coe, Alexis. George Washington Saw a Future for America: Mules. Smithsonian Magazine, 2020, accessed 20221130)
Note: Ready to craft a gift for your friends & family or even yourself? Craft elegant holiday winter swag for your home using fresh greenery and pinecones from The Weems-Botts Museum. Walk away with the skills and swag after joining us for an hour of arts & crafts! All supplies included. Program scheduled for Merchant Park Pavilion if weather allows. If not, program will be held in the Annex. Masks are required for entering any HDVI building. Tickets here!
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tenshindon · 3 years
Was about to suggest to myself to write while my computer’s WiFi is fucked but then I remembered
I need da fuckin WiFi to write
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