ky-landfill · 1 year
Any chance I can ask for some brotherly art for Tim Drake's birthday?
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begaycommittreason · 1 year
i think tim’s siblings actively choose to call him every name under the sun in public except for his legal one
tim tam
mr. chalamet
the list never ends
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smittywing · 1 year
FicBit 6: Jason Todd/Tim Drake
Previous parts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
In which Jason definitely does not freak out.
Jason did not have a gay freakout. Instead, he spent a few days reading up on sexuality. Treatises, studies, popular fiction. He remembered liking girls before he’d died but then he’d only been fifteen and it was hard to differentiate what specific part of “everything” was causing that minute’s uncomfortable state. 
Sleeping together had been Talia’s idea; he hadn’t even thought about it, but at the time it seemed like a perfect, “Fuck you” to Bruce. 
Not, he realized, like a closeness he’d wanted to share with Talia. No. A big old Fuck Bruce. He probably shouldn’t parse that one too closely either.
There was Essence, Isabel, and Artemis, and they had all counted. Again, he realized uncomfortably, he wasn’t usually the one pushing for intimacy. He could be a flirt and he’d definitely dropped enough hints to Artemis until she took pity on him - no.  It wasn’t like that. He wasn’t sure what it was like, but it had been mutual. But she had left, and he had come home, and now he was here in Gotham with a crush on a guy he usually referred to as his brother.
Another can of worms but one less fraught than the others. Bruce thought of them as brothers. Dick thought of them as brothers. Jason and Tim hadn’t met until Tim was sixteen and Jason nineteen and well, that had a rocky start. They’d never lived together, they’d never really worked together until Mother and their months-long trek through the Middle East. 
Roy felt more like a brother than Tim, so Jason called him.
“What’s going on?” Roy asked.  
Jason hesitated, then blurted out, “I think I like Tim.”
“Tim Drake?” Roy asked.
“Yes,” Jason admitted.
“I mean. Most people do, dude. I know you’re pissed about him taking the Robin suit but you were AWOL for like - “
“No,” Jason interrupted. “I mean I think I like him. Like. Like him, like him.”
“Like want to make out with him?” Roy clarified.
“Yes. One hundred percent.”
“So…what’s stopping you?”
“Uh, mostly that he has a boyfriend. But don’t you find it kind of weird? That I’m suddenly into guys?”
“I mean, most of us experimented as kids, right? You never really got to do that so you’re doing it now. I’d kiss you but honestly how many of Dick’s exes do you want to score with?”
“Stop,” Jason ordered. “I don’t want to hear any more. And I didn’t score with any of Dick’s exes, We all crushed on Barbara. It was tradition.”
“I was talking about Kori,” Roy teased.
“Oh. Right. I never actually slept with Kori,” Jason admitted. “I just said I did so you wouldn’t hit on her.”
“And look how well that worked out.”
“Oh, shut up.”
Jasin was doing a little light Tim stalking around the marina. 
Seriously, Timbourine, what was the point of arming the boat like the BatCave only to sit out on the deck canoodling with your boyfriend?  Cannon Fodder was sitting between Tim’s legs, Tim’s arms around him, head tilted back on Tim’s shoulder. Jason felt a little green around the edges and this time he couldn’t blame it on the Pit.
He wasn’t going to *do* anything and he wasn’t going to *say* anything but then someone landed, featherlight, on the roof behind him and how had he failed to clock Dickie a building away.
“What are you doing?” Nightwing asked without much of a question in his voice. “What is going on with you? Are you stalking Tim?”
“No,” Jason said defensively. “I’m just. Looking out for him. Since he’s clearly not paying attention to anything.”
“Oh, you think not?” Dick said,because apparently something was happening over Jason’s shoulder. He whirled around with a little too much alacrity.
Tim was kissing Cannon Fodder goodbye at the edge of the boat and he definitely had one eye on the rooftops. Jason blamed Dick.
Dick gestured to Tim, who turned around and went below decks, and then rested a heavy hand on Jason’s shoulder.
“You don’t have to tell me what’s going on,” he said softly, which made everything Jason was feeling a thousand times worse. “But I’m going to guess and it’s up to you how wrong this guess is going to wind up.”
Jason sighed and turned away from the sightline of the boat. “So it turns out the guy I didn’t know I liked is in a disgustingly cute relationship and I don’t know what I’m supposed to do about that.”
He didn’t look at Dick’s face. There was nothing there he wanted to see.
“Tim’s happy right now,” Dick said. “You have no idea how happy.”
Jason had some idea. He had seen the smile on Tim’s face when he mentioned Cannon Fodder and he had heard the fondness on Tim’s face when Cannon Fodder came up.
“Oh, calm your tits,” Jason said. “I’m not gonna go beat up his little boyfriend.”
“That was, somehow, not even what I was going to worry about.” Dick sounded rueful. “I know things have been rough between you two and I want them to get better. But butting in on his relationship is not going to help. Maybe.” Dick sighed. “Maybe if this runs its course and you still feel…like you feel…maybe then you could ask him out. You gotta stop stalking him, though.”
“I’m not stalking him,” Jason said even though that was very much how he would have described his actions before Dick touched down. 
“Hey,” a third voice interrupted. Tim. Glorious. “Dick, I got this.”
“Nothing to get,” Dick said lightly. “Just checking in on our little bro.”
“Appreciate it, but I’m good,” Tim said and did the bro hug thing with Dick. He was in the Robin uniform this time and it was strange to see him back in it after so long.
“All right,” Dick said. “I’m here if you need anything.” He grappled away with a warning glare at Jason.
Jason absolutely did not scuff his foot on the roof he and Tim were standing on. Absolutely not.
“You want to talk about it?” Tim offered.
“Nothing to talk about,” Jason said stubbornly. 
“Yeah,” Tim agreed. “That’s what I said, too. So you want to talk about it?”
“Talk about what?” Jason reached for his hood and tried to put it on one-handed. He was usually better at that.
“I kissed you. And you kissed me back. And it was really good.”
“It was all right,” Jason conceded.
Tim grinned. “I guess,” he said. “Listen. I know it’s weird. I shouldn’t have done that. I’m with Bernard and I’m happy with him. But if I wasn’t, things would be…different.”
“Different how?” Jason gave up on putting on the hood. Hiding wasn’t an option right now.
Tim shrugged. “Maybe we’d do it again,” he said. “Maybe we wouldn’t. But um. I would probably want to.”
Tim wanted to.
“It’s never felt like that before,” Jason admitted hoarsely. “Never.” He finally lifted his eyes to look Tim square in the face. Tim looked sad, a little wistful and Jason took a step toward him.
“I can’t,” Tim said, but he didn’t back away.
“Why not?”
“You know why not.”
“What if?” Jason asked through a mouth as dry as the deserts of Qrac, “I don’t ever feel like this again?”
“You will,” Tim says after a moment.  “It might - I don’t know.  I don’t know what else is out there for you, Jason.  I don’t.  But I can’t be the only possible one for you.”
Because that would make him, Jason, the only possible one for Tim in exchange, Jason realized, and there was Cannon Fodder who lit up Tim’s eyes like sunshine.
“Yeah,” Jason agreed, even though he couldn’t fathom ever wanting anyone else.
“I know it hurts,” Tim said.  His smile was sad.  “I’ve been there.”
The SuperClone, Jason assumed. He didn’t ask. If Tim had felt even half the longing Jason did now, and he was happy now with Cannon Fodder, well.  Jason could be happy, too.
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ali-annals · 5 months
it's a small world after all
Pairing: Jason Todd x Marinette Dupain-Cheng
Rating: G | Ao3 | TW: - | WC: 2.1k
Jason brings his fiancee home to meet his family. She gets along great with everyone! There's just one problem… They've met her before.
Jason squeezed Marinette’s hand gently and smiled reassuringly at her. 
“They’ll love you, I promise. And if any of them offend you, let me know. If you get tired or overwhelmed, tell me, and we’ll leave–whenever it is.”
She patted his wrist. “You can relax, Jay. I’m sure I’ll be fine. You’re more nervous than I am,” she giggled.
Jason opened the door and they stepped into Wayne Manor’s deserted foyer.
He led her down hallways till they reached an empty room set up with gymnastics and trapeze equipment. “My older brother–”
“Dick!” Marinette exclaimed, watching the acrobat flip towards them. He twisted and stared.
“Dick, it’s Marinette! Remember my Nonna Gina would bring me with her while she visited Pop Haly? And you’d take me for rides on Zitka?” Her blue eyes lit up as she reminisced about her childhood visits to Haly’s Circus.
“Mari?” Dick came running up and hugged Jason’s girlfriend. 
Jason frowned.
“Mari! It is you! What are you doing here?”
“I’m meeting Jason’s family as his fiancee. So you’re his older brother, huh?”
“I am, as much as he hates to admit it,” Dick grinned and ruffled his hair, and Jason slapped his hand away.
“Congrats on getting Jason to let us meet you! How’d you two meet?”
“Nonna introduced us, of course. I still don’t know all the details because those two like giggling about their little secret adventures behind my back, but it was some life-threatening situation, of course.”
“Of course,” Dick nodded.
His phone buzzed and Dick excused himself to answer the urgent call.
Jason led Mari to the next sibling. “It’s not personal if he doesn’t like you; he hates everyone,” Jason warned. “Don’t let the sword fool you; he’s just protective of our family.”
Marinette stepped cautiously into the old art studio. 
“Akhi altifl!” Marinette swept Damian into a warm hug. “You’re Jay’s Little Demon, huh? I should have guessed when he said ‘sword’,” she grinned. “But I thought you were with your ummi, what happened?” she frowned and pulled away to look him over critically.
“Tt. Ummi sent me to Father. You are marrying Todd? You could do worse, I suppose,” he sniffed.
“Thanks, bat altifl. That actually makes a lot of sense,” she muttered under her breath. “Bat altifl, Batman…”
“How do you know my little brother, who has not been out of one of our sights since he came here from the League?!” demanded Jason, thoroughly confused.
They both looked at him unimpressed. “My maman is good friends with Talia al Ghul, as they used to work together. I visited the League often when I got older, and Dami and I are quite good cousins, I would say.”
“Tt. Not blood cousins,” Damian took pity on Jason’s breaking brain.
“I had a good friend there before Damian was born, but she left a while ago. I was overjoyed for her sake; her training was…” She shook her head sadly.
Jason blew out a breath and shook his head. “Of course you know two of my siblings. You always know everyone somehow, and I don’t understand it,” he muttered as he led her down yet another hallway.
Mari dropped his hand and tackled a shadow. “Cass!”
“Of course, you know Cass, too,” sighed Jason, leaning against the wall as he watched the two embrace and break into body language and some spoken communication.
“Now there’s only B and Replacement left to meet; they should be home from work soon,” said Jason after Mari met Babs, whom she did not know, much to Jason’s relief. “I suppose you’ll be Timbourine’s long-lost sister or B’s goddaughter? You’d better not be B’s daughter, is all I can say. That would be a little too weird, even for this family.”
Mari giggled. “I’m 99% sure that I am not biologically related to your dad. Oh no.”
Jason turned to her, a little panicked after the events of the day. “What is it?”
She smiled innocently up at him. “Nothing, I just remembered something I forgot to do. I’m a little hair-brained because I knew I was going to meet your family.”
Bruce and Tim walked in the door as the couple descended the staircase.
“Mari, this is Bruce, my dad, and Tim, my brother. B, Timtam, this is Marinette, my fiancee.”
Bruce smiled happily at Jason calling him ‘dad’. “Hello, Marinette. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
“Thank you, you as well,” she smiled and shook his hand. “I told Jay it was better to meet before the wedding, but he said if we met after the wedding I couldn’t be scared off! I’m still here, though, so I think he was just being dramatic,” she winked conspiratorially.
Tim stepped forward and took Mari’s hand. “Hi, I’m Tim Drake. Do you have any embarrassing photos or stories about Jason?”
She grinned evilly. “Plenty, but we’ve got loads of time to share them. I hear your family is awfully fond of blackmail.”
Alfred announced dinner was ready, and the family gathered around the dining table. They got into a slight scuffle as to who would sit beside Mari, especially as Jason wouldn’t budge from her left-hand side. 
Damian won the privilege of sitting on Mari’s right, and Dick and Cass sat opposite her. The others scattered to their usual seats.
Bruce shook out his napkin, frowning in puzzlement at his children’s strange antics. “Have you met my children before, perhaps?” he asked Marinette.
“Some of them. Cass and Dami I met in the League, and Dick and I used to play together at Haly’s when it was in Europe before they came to America.”
“The League…?”
“Of Assassins,” Mari finished cheerfully. “My mother used to work with their mothers, and I often trained during summers at a League base with them. Also, I know you’re Batman, just so we can get the elephant out of the room. I love Zitka, but she would make eating a bit squished,” Mari flashed a smirk at Dick, ignoring Bruce speedrunning the 5 stages of grief.
(Why had he thought Mari was a perfectly lovely young woman and why had he been so pleased when Jason introduced them, again??)
“Don’t worry, I won’t do anything about your little secret,” she pledged. “I figured it out because Dami would never pass up an opportunity to–mmph!”
Damian shoved a bun in her mouth and glared at her. “Don’t say another word if you value your life,” he threatened.
Mari removed the bun and smiled sweetly at him. “But I don’t, bat altifl. I have 0 self-preservation instincts whatsoever and throw myself into threatening situations on the regular. Besides, I think I could take you on and win.”
She turned back to Bruce. “So, your youngest son here could never resist telling me all about his father and how amazing he was and how he was going to inherit the mantle of Robin, although somehow that came out as being renamed Robin. Anyways, baby Dami was adorable,” she cooed.
Damian pouted and she kept an eye out for flying swords after supper.
When Jason took Marinette back home that evening, she pulled him inside and sat him down. “Okay, I have a couple things to tell you, please hear me out to the end, okay?”
“Okay,” he took her hands in his and softly stroked the backs of her hands with his calloused thumbs.
“You know how you joked that I’d better not be Tim’s long-lost sister?”
“...you aren’t.”
Mari winced. “My full name is Marie Annette Drake.”
“You’re serious?”
“Yeah, I’m Jack and Janet Drake’s firstborn. I went with them to Paris for my seventh birthday and an archeological conference. My tutor was half-French and spoke it around me, so I grew up bilingual. It was easy enough to hide from my parents and let them fly back to Gotham without me. Someone found me, and I ended up adopted by the Dupain-Chengs. 
“Timmy was three and left with a nanny, and I always felt guilty for leaving him behind.”
“Oh, Pixie…I’m sorry you had to go through all that.” Jason slid closer and wrapped his arms around her. “Thank you for telling me.”
“Do you think Tim would like me as a sister? I know I’ll be his sister-in-law, but would he appreciate me telling him I’m biologically related to him? Would he hate me for leaving him and never telling him, preferring to never know about me? He looks happy with you guys.”
“Well, Timbrie’s abandonment issues would not like being told another person left him, but he’s logical, so once he got past that, he’d see you weren’t leaving him but your parents, and you were only a kid yourself. Who knows what goes on in that kid’s head, though,” he shuddered.
She groaned and dropped her head to her knees.
The next week she texted Tim.
M: Hey, it’s Marinette. Can we talk?
T: Sure, what time?
M: I think you’re busier than me. When works for you?
T: I have 30 min on Tuesday from 12 to 12:30
M: Perfect, thanks so much. See you at WE?
T: I’ll tell my PA you’re expected in my office
M: Should I bring lunch?
T: Batburger and jokerized fries?
M: You got it ;)
At 11:59, Marinette arrived at the top floor of WE and made her way to Tim’s private office.
Tam Fox, his PA, greeted her and let her in.
Marinette gave him his lunch and took her own, sitting across the desk from him in a comfy chair.
“So, why the meeting?” asked Tim around a mouthful of his burger.
“Er…how much do you remember of your childhood?”
He narrowed his eyes. “Enough. Why?”
“Do you remember playing with a girl called Marie?”
“I have a few memories of her, yes. Again, why?”
“I was Marie.”
Tim blinked. “Oh, were you Mrs. Mac’s granddaughter or something?”
“Mrs. Mac? Was that your nanny’s name? No, I’m…your sister.”
Tim blinked again and swallowed. “What?”
"My biological parents are Jack and Janet Drake. You’re my little brother.”
“You’re serious?” Tim shook his head in disbelief.
“I am. Jack and Janet took me to Paris for my seventh birthday. I stayed behind because I couldn’t stand being with them anymore. I got adopted by a lovely couple there. Aunt T wiped any traces of my existence as a Drake, but if you want proof, I can call her. I’m sure she has a backup somewhere. I’m willing to take a blood or DNA test or answer any questions you have. Or, if you’d rather, we can ignore this and pretend I’m only your sister-in-law.” Marinette gulped for air after she nervously monologued without stopping to breathe.
“I’m sorry for leaving you behind, Tim. I always felt guilty about that.”
“Tell me stuff only my family would know, then,” Tim challenged.
“You were born on July 19th. Your middle name is Jackson, which is a little on the nose in my opinion. You love photography-- even as a kid you loved looking at photos and playing pretend photographer. Your bedroom paint was robin’s-egg-blue– ironic, huh? Jack and Janet’s walls were an ugly mustard-coloured wallpaper. I taught you how to make KD, but I never let you make it by yourself in case you got hurt. Your secret teddy bear was named Mr. Cuddles. The Drakes’ motto was ‘Never bring shame on the Drake name’.”
“I never told anyone about Mr. Cuddles,” Tim said slowly. 
”I gave him to you when you were born,” Marinette reminisced.
The DNA test came back, confirming Tim and Marinette as biological siblings. “Hey, I’m the only one with a bio sibling,” realized Tim. 
“I’ll be Mari’s favourite now,” he boasted to the others, sure he finally had the secret code to win the quiet competition to become Marinette’s favourite.
A throat cleared behind him, and he turned to see Jason and Mari standing there, Jason’s arms crossed over his chest.
“Sorry, my favourite is Jason,” Marinette defended him.
He very maturely stuck his tongue out at the others.
“Wait, Jason’s marrying my sister!” Tim exclaimed in dawning horror. “I’m feeling the urge to deliver a shovel talk.”
“I’m your brother!” said Jason.
(“And that’s not weird at all, Tim’s sister marrying Tim’s brother,” said Babs to Cass as they watched the altercation.)
“I’m shockingly gonna agree with Demon Spawn here and say blood comes first,” Tim said.
Jason gasped. “Betrayal!”
Damian came charging, sword drawn, and the room devolved into chaos.
Mari stood back and snickered at the chaos with Plagg.
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lilblueprint · 2 years
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Saw a wide smirk on your face 
You knew the entire time
You knew that I’m a mastermind
You admit some truths in the light of morning sun. Jason approves. Or, you both get what you want.
Been a while, guys. Hope you all enjoy your holidays and Merry Christmas <3
Jason tossed and turned under the sheets that were smothering his body, eventually throwing them off before crawling back when the cold bit at him. 
It was the worst night to fall asleep—two days from Christmas and all he had were the stifling bedcovers and a persistent migraine. No body warming the bed next to him, no delicate breath against his skin. 
No you. 
You must have received some sort of sign from the cosmos, however, because a few minutes later, his phone lit up on the nightstand. 
A gleam entered his eyes as the screen reflected off his half-lidded gaze, growing brighter as he picked up on your caller ID. 
He winced at the crackle that popped through his throat, holding the phone away as he coughed. 
“Hey, Jay.”
You sounded like you were smiling—god, he hoped you were smiling. 
“Hey, sweetheart. How’s the old crime rate doing uptown?”
“Uptown? Very funny, Mr. Todd—“
“Don’t you dare,” he growled, trying to ignore the grin breaking out on his face. 
“—Todd-Wayne, heir to a cut of the greatest fortune in all of America and possibly, the world.”
Oh, you were so in for it when you got home. 
“Tease,” he accused as he settled against the newly refurbished headboard. “You’ll pay for that later, doll.”
“I’m sure I will,” you replied serenely. “Lucky for me, Timmy’s going to be the one picking me up tomorrow.”
“What? I didn’t know that.” He frowned slightly. “Isn’t the Timbourine too busy taking care of business?”
Your no was positively gleeful. 
“He said, in his own words, that you and Dickie would steal me away the second we got to the gala and that he was taking advantage of the time allotted.” 
His groan echoed through the phone, and even he could hear the crooked smile in his voice. 
“All right then, doll. Say hi to Uncle Clark for me. And I guess I’ll have to catch you at the bar tomorrow night then,” he sighed, and he made sure to stretch it out as languidly as possible. If only to get your heart to twist for him—just a bit. 
“You’ll see me,” you whispered sweetly. Jason heard the soft chirrup of your kiss before you hung up. He chuckled—how cute was that, Mrs. Todd?
The next day, he got two texts from Tim. 
Stole Timmy’s phone. Over at his place for the day, I’ll see you at the bar?
Sorry abt that idk why your wife keeps forgetting she has her own phone. See u later were out for shoes
Grinning, he texted them back on their respective accounts. 
The roar of his motorcycle died as he parked it at the side of Wayne Manor’s garage, duffel bag swinging from his arm as he checked his watch. Nine o’ clock, he had just enough time to switch out his cargo pants for his trousers. He could already hear the rumble of the crowd as he passed a few windows. 
Slipping in through a side door, he made it to a bathroom and removed his boots before entering. Alfred would have his hide if he cracked the tile and Jason knew better. 
A few minutes later, he left the bathroom with a conspicuously lumpy bag, his uniform boots considerably larger than his loafers. He tossed the bag in his old room before making his way to the gala hall. 
Second dinner was in full swing as waiters paraded along the tables with trays of food. Jason only peeked in before deciding that whatever he could whip up in the kitchen would be infinitely more filling than the first class morsels being served. 
Luckily, he met Alfred by the door. 
“Master Jason, Merry Christmas to you.”
“You too, Alf. So good to see you.” He wrapped his arms around the old butler, and his grandfather let go of his strictly professional demeanour to return the hug. 
“Now, my dear boy, why aren’t you dining with the rest of our family in the hall?” Alfred asked when they parted. “Your wife asked after you.”
Jason offered a lopsided smile. 
“Well, I’m not giving up the time I get to spend with my old man.”
“I am touched, Jason. However, I’m certain your absence in the hall will concern Master Bruce and your wife. Shall I notify them that you are here, eating the recommended amount of Christmas dinner?”
He thought it over for a second, yes, you would wonder where he was, but that wasn’t with the intention of seeing him. 
Jason grinned. 
“No, I’ll take my time and notify them myself.”
He stifled a burp as he slid between the upper crust of Gotham, making slow work of navigating the crowd. A glimpse at the bar showed him you weren’t there, though you had been just moments ago. 
You’d waggled your fingers at him in a way of hello, then taken off as soon as you saw him pivot towards you. 
“Playing the long game tonight, aren’t we?” He muttered, grinning upon reaching your empty seat. 
He turned and instantly knocked into Tim. The two of them stared for a second, then took up seats at the bar. 
“Alcohol,” Tim told the bartender. Jason rolled his eyes. 
“Don’t worry, he’s not drunk,” he informed the bartender. “Not yet, anyway.”
Their weary smile told Jason they understood perfectly. Soon, drinks were in their hands. 
“So what’s the deal with her running off?”
“I’ll tell you when you’re older, Timbers.”
“At least you’re not making fun of my shoes this time.”
“Nah, those aren’t fun-sized.”
Two hours later, Jason was back on your trail—he had a good idea of where you’d be at this time. He stole up a staircase, whistling Jingle Bells to himself. The relief of escaping dance partners who weren’t you put a spring in his step. He unlatched a window and shuffled out onto the manor roof. Sure enough, you were standing at the edge, facing him with your arms outstretched. 
“Took you long enough,” you called to him as he slipped down the snow-covered eaves toward you. 
“Look who’s talking.” He pouted. “You spend a week away on business and you tell me I’m late?”
“Actually, a bit early,” you corrected. “It’s not midnight yet.”
“You were going to wait up here ‘til Christmas?” He asked, catching you up in his arms. He tipped you toward the edge, basking in your whoop of surprised delight. He braced himself as you swung your foot at the snow-covered ledge, knocking off a clump of the powder with your heel.
“Okay, Jack, let me down,” you teased as he propped you up on his forearm like a child. 
“No, I like this view,” he replied, and got his hair pulled in return. Laughing, he set you down carefully on the ledge. 
“You are such a menace.” You leaned forward to touch your forehead to his.
“And your menace hopes you missed him,” he replied without missing a beat.
After years of knowing him, even after marrying him, you still blush. 
“I did,” you admitted, a rare shyness creeping into your eyes.
He smiled.
“Merry Christmas, doll,” he murmured against your crown, pressing his lips to your hair. 
Merry Christmas, Jay.
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txmothy-drake · 1 year
timbourine how are we feeling are we okayyyy
fuck off.
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miscelunaaa · 2 years
whispers in the dark | jhs
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pairing: sleep paralysis demon hoseok x gender neutral reader (platonic)
genre: … fluff?? Angst. Post-break up au. Supernatural au.
summary: Hoseok just doesn’t have it in him to make you even more miserable right now, so he tries something a little different.
rating: 18+ because I do what I want
word count: 1.4k
warnings: Swearing. Sleep paralysis. Creepy sleep paralysis demon Hoseok a la the “More” concept photos. Watching people while they’re sleep but not in an erotic way lol. Referenced Jimin x reader; technically a post break-up situation. Some image self-consciousness from Hoseok. Platonic spooning. Lots of talk about feeling or sensing smells and emotions. I know it seems creepy but really this is very soft, I promise.
notes: Ah wow, this is short but there’s so much in here. It started in a group chat with “idk what to do with more hoseok in the best way” and then it turned into me and @bangtanintotheroom​ taking “this hobi is our sleep paralysis demon” and running with it in two wildly different directions sldkjfhaslkdj. I know I’m supposed to be on break but like after finishing stuff last month, I had this whole “will I ever write again” crisis. Without @thatlongspringnight​ and @xjoonchildx​ this wouldn’t be here, and I wouldn’t feel ten million times better now than I did leading up to my meltdown. So, thank you. It means the world to me. I’m just going to yeet this into the void and get out but I miss yall!! Hope you’re having a nice July, wherever you may be :)
my masterlist | my disclaimers | read on ao3
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Hoseok hasn’t gotten the chance to stretch like this in ages. As he steps across the lush carpet, he lets his muscles lengthen and move. It’s dusty and cramped in his little crawlspace, even with his cleaning regime. When was the last time you let him out his literal hellhole? 
He looks at your sleeping form. You’re passed out, that’s for sure, huddled beneath layers of sheets and blankets. The dawn is beginning to trickle through your curtains, your eyelids freely fluttering in deep sleep, unencumbered by the sleep mask that’s somehow slipped off during the night. 
He can feel how frozen you are, how you want to turn over to a more comfortable position but can’t. Ah, it’s been so long since he could feed freely like this. What a wonderful welcome you’ve decided to give him.
Hoseok straightens and adjusts his cap as he glances around the room. It doesn’t seem that much has changed since he was last here. There’s a calendar propped up on your dresser, and he’s surprised to see that it’s been at least a year since he was last freed from the confines of your mind. He’d stopped visiting you shortly after you started keeping that punk around … what was his name? Jim? Tim?? Something like that. It’s not easy haunting folks who co-sleep with others. Finally he’s gone, and Hoseok can resume doing what he does best. Finally he can just lurk and get the energy he needs after his long sequestering. 
Stepping closer, Hoseok leans down to leer at your face. You can’t see him, not really, not in a way that matters. But you can feel him, and he can hear your breath quicken as he draws near. His veins sigh in content as the anxiety leeches from your body into his own. It feels sweet and soft against his senses. You always did taste better than his previous charges. 
If you’d kept him inside much longer, he was going to have to find someone else to feed from. So thank god Timbourine or whatever isn’t here today. He reaches out and brushes the sheets from your face so that he can see more than just your eyes.
Huh. That’s odd. 
Your cheeks are grimy. 
Hoseok, dead inside as he might be, feels his black hole of a heart fall. Fuck. 
Had you cried yourself to sleep?
Hoseok stands and steps away, casting his eyes about the room. It still smells like Jimothy or whatever, just barely. You might smell sweet on your own, but there’s a musty spice that undergirds everything. It doesn’t smell like you, and it’s like it’s faded. You probably don’t even smell it anymore, but that doesn’t mean you don’t somehow feel it.
There’s a box in the corner that smells stronger than the rest of your room. It’s got clothes in it that don’t look like you’d be caught dead wearing them. And there’s a picture frame laying flat on its face right next to your calendar. He feels like an idiot for not noticing it sooner. 
“Aw, darling, did that dickwad break your heart?” he murmurs. His heart goes out to you. He doesn’t really much do desire himself but he imagines that the emotions are torrid and stressful. “That’s so unfair, isn’t it?”
It doesn’t seem right to feed off you now, for some reason. The succulent taste of stress he’d been taking from you now feels bitter. It tastes off, spoiled even. Was he really gone so long that he developed a conscience? This is garbage. This is not a part of the plan at all.  
Hoseok sighs as he sits next to your sleeping form. You don’t move. 
“What am I going to do with you, darling? You kept me tucked away for so long and now I can’t even take what I need.” 
You don’t reply, of course. You can’t. You’re frozen in place, paralyzed and dead to the world. Awake and yet not, all at once. Hoseok has craved being able to take what he wants from you for ages, but now it just feels unfair. 
The demon sighs again, noticing now all the things he’d not noticed before in his eagerness to feed. You’ve got pillows tucked behind you, as if to simulate a person at your back. One of them is even wrapped in a shirt. Ah, how sad. There’s other mementos about the room too: a sock in the corner, discarded undergarments next to the laundry hamper, all sorts of small things that have that unfamiliar scent wreathed around them. Even when he doesn’t think there’s more, there’s always more. He can’t imagine how you must feel, having all this crap around that belongs to someone no longer in your life. The agony of finding still more at every turn must be torture. 
He finds himself pitying you. It’s strange. He knows it is. He’s a demon, a thought form, a parasite even; nothing more or less. He shouldn’t have any feelings not placed within him that didn’t come from his host. 
Is that what this is, then? Is this you looking for comfort?
Hoseok’s not sure how he feels about this. He’s never heard of someone manifesting comfort from their sleep paralysis demon. You’re one of hundreds of people he’s haunted. This shouldn’t be anything new even though it clearly is. 
Maybe he’s just getting soft. Maybe being stuck in your mind made him soft. 
He should have gotten out sooner. 
Suddenly, you whimper. Hoseok about jumps out of his skin. He scrambles away from the bed, his eyes flying to see if you’ve somehow managed to rouse yourself without him noticing. 
No, the paralysis holds, but only just. Your eyelids flutter, your fingertips twitch. Still, you don’t move. The emotions wafting off you shift from fear to yearning. His stomach churns and his head spins as the sensation registers. It’s even stronger than the anxiety. It’s just pure, unadulterated loneliness. 
Hoseok takes a deep breath. 
Damn it, you’re soft. And he’s soft for you. 
He takes his cap off and runs his hand over his face, and then through his hair. He’s not much to cuddle with. As far as demons like him go, he’s kind of scrawny. To make himself look scary he has to lean on makeup and piercings and clothing. There’s only so much a glamour can do to make him look intimidating. And none of it’s easy to shed so … maybe if he just spoons you from behind you won’t notice how wimpy he actually looks? 
Your breathing has picked up again, and you whine into the cool air of the bedroom. How are you doing that? Hoseok puts the question out of his mind as he toes off his shoes. 
“Okay, fine, I’ll give you want, but just this once. Just because I missed you or whatever.” 
He rounds the bed and carefully crawls on top of the sheets on the side opposite you. He tosses the pillows away, even the one wrapped in Jimbert or whatever’s shirt, so that he can come up behind you. He fits his body behind yours, the warmth of your body seeping like a warm tide into his clothes and his flesh. 
He trembles. It’s been a while since he was this close with anyone. He’s a big spoon anyway, this is fine, but fuck, it’s kind of weird too. 
After a few moments, he reaches around your middle and pulls you closer. Might as well really lean into this shit if he’s going to do it in the first place. Thank whatever that this is a solitary job. He’d never hear the end of it if one of his colleagues saw him comforting his hauntee like this. 
For a moment, Hoseok wonders if this is doing anything for you at all. After a few minutes, however, your breathing slows, and you move of your own accord. 
You nestle. 
You nestle back into Hoseok’s chest. As if this shit is natural. As if it’s exactly what you needed. Your hand finds his, and squeezes it. 
His heart drops. 
This is more than he anticipated. And he’s horrified to realize that he kind of likes it. 
The fear is gone from you, and so is the longing; the loneliness that was clouding your heart has been burned away like mist by the sun. Hoseok breathes in the scent of your skin at the nape of your neck. Sweet. Content. Strong. 
Hoseok bites his lip. 
Just a few more minutes like this. And then maybe he’ll leave. Can’t let himself get used to this. And you can’t get used to it either. He’ll let you have this moment together. Tomorrow morning he’ll get back to doing his actual job. 
For now, he’ll let himself enjoy this with you for as long as he can muster. 
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Thank you for reading! Drop me an ask and tell me what you think. Find me in various places at my carrd :)
©miscelunaaa 2022. My work is only found on this blog and under my ao3 pseud. Do not, under any circumstances, copy or repost my work.Thank you.
posted: 7.4.2022
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bunnvoid · 3 years
🗡 for one tim, timbi, timbo, timtam, tango, telephone drake?
Timmy Timbourine? absolutely!
thank you so much for the ask btw!!<3
Badass Headcanon for Tim Drake
Gonna do another fighting hc :)) cuz these are fun
(Dick, Jason, Duke, Bart)
so the specific hc is similar to mine for Dick but he is adaptive in the sense of adapting to fighting with people on a team.
It's something he's picked up from being on many teams, being robin, and having an extensive vigilante family, and so on. Sure he can fight as well as everyone else on his own but excels in pairing with other capes to work efficiently.
He's robin in a time of transition when a lot of new faces are joining the community and new members of the batfam were joining. So switching things up to fight more efficiently is super handy. He's worked with Nightwing a lot so picking up the habit of being adaptive is natural. So when he pairs up with another hero in a fight they become just as seamless as the dynamic duo as long as the other is willing to work with him too :)
Like its canon he works well with his own family of course but I like to think it can also extend to other heroes!
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bitimdrake · 3 years
“Replacement” is boring and lazy, very one-note. I’ve read multiple fics where Jason just calls Tim a variety of nicknames/word plays on his name (ie Timmy, Timbo, Timbelina, Timbourine, Timbuktu, Tiny Tim, Etc Etc) and I always 100% enjoy that more, even if it’s like the bare minimum
And imo this totally tracks with his established patterns! Jason throwing out a million different nicknames just to be annoying, with a particularly creative one thrown in here and there...this I can really get behind.
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ectonurites · 3 years
Little Timbourine Drake
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hers. him with a tambourine :)
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stcph-brown · 2 years
please tell me this isnt a fuckin joke - tim
its not timbourine i promise you im right here
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transrobins · 4 years
Cass and Tim for the hc thing? 👀
Here you go <3
A) What I think realistically
Cass doesn’t instinctively respond verbally. If someone asks her a question or says hi, her automatic responses are physical, like a nod or a wave. She doesn’t respond verbally unless she needs to, like if she's asked an open-ended question and a simple nod or head shake won’t suffice
B) What I think is hilarious
Cass is one of the most affectionate members of the batfamily. She’s also the only one who can get away with hugging anyone, despite their grumpiness. She gleefully uses this power (mostly for good, sometimes for evil). She can tell when they don't want to be touched from their body language, and she won’t hug anyone when they don’t want it. But she will hug them when it’s embarassing
C) What is soul-crushing and awful but fun to inflict on friends
Cass always knows what her family really means, even when they won’t say it. It can be unbearable for her to be around an argument because she can see when it’s just a miscommunication. She knows that Bruce is only angry because one of his kids got hurt and it scares him, or that Damian is only lashing out because he’s lonely. She hates that they can’t just say what they mean, when they’re the ones who don’t have to struggle with speaking the way she does
She’ll try to step in and mediate, but she doesn’t always have the words to fix it, and that only leaves her more frustrated
D) Would never work with canon, but canon is shit so I believe it anyway
@DC let Cass be a lesbian
A) What I think realistically
Tim’s autistic, and has a really hard time with social cues and boundaries. He can sometimes come off as overly serious because he can’t always tell when someone is joking or being sarcastic. Sometimes he’ll respond seriously even when he knows something is a joke because that’s just how his brain works
B) What I think is hilarious
Tim has collected a whole mess of nicknames, mostly bastardizations of his name courtesy of his siblings. Some of his least favorites are Timbourine, Timbelina, and Timberly. These are mostly Jason’s fault
C) What is soul-crushing and awful but fun to inflict on friends
Tim still sometimes flinches if Jason or Damian move toward him too quickly. He can usually control it so no one else notices, but there’s still the instinct to get away before he gets hurt. One time Jason reached out to ruffle Tim’s hair and gave him a panic attack. They both felt awful and guilty after that. Tim thinks he should be over it, since he’s made up with both of them, but he can’t just out-logic his trauma
D) Would never work with canon, but canon is shit so I believe it anyway
This boy is trans! He also has an amount of money set aside in his monthly budget to donate to crowdfunding pages for trans people who can’t afford to transition. It’s enough to fully fund several each month, and he does it anonymously. He doesn’t want any attention or press coverage, he just recognizes that he’s lucky enough to have the money to transition and wants to pay it forward
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turbanforce · 4 years
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Sad truth😅🤷‍♂️ #scratch #dj #music #rane #vestax #serato #audio #bonn #köln #bpmsupreme #djcity #crossfader #allwedoiscut #cutitup #scratchscience #record #needle #pioneerdj #turntablsim #djlife #skratchsociety #djlife #germany #swisttal #timbourine #routine #djcityuk #timbourine #reloop (hier: Bonn, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-NR2YsoQ0L/?igshid=1pqme4y0ldzvs
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batfamquotes · 6 years
luke fox: What’s your life motto?
dick grayson: Single and ready to mingle.
tim drake: Bi and ready to die.
dick grayson: Absolutely not, Timbourine.
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txmothy-drake · 2 years
timbourine i got banned from the mall for life - steph
how the fuck
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mjrlgdjs-blog · 8 years
#Repost @djtimbourine cuttin it up with that 56. Still my favorite mixer 👌 ・・・ #SoundForceDJs #dj #aycustoms #scratchmy #txscratchleague #germany #rane #routine #SoundEngineer #allwedoiscut #bonn #köln #nrw #technics #vestax #vinyl #turntablism #turntable #timbourine #producer #serato #cologne #creative #crossfader #bpmsupreme #mjrlgdjs
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