#till then i will try to school up and learn how to make stuff on my own lol
dylanconrique · 1 year
the worst curse god could've bestowed upon me is coming up with gifsets that i'll never get the chance to make because i am ✨️ talentless ✨️ when it comes to editing.
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simpee9000 · 2 months
Not Just Friends - 3 -
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Prologue : Chapter 1 : Chapter 2 : Not edited : 4.3k words : M.List
Childhood best friends turned into something more, at least with the label. Katsuki Bakugo, a fast-rising hero and fast-learning guy who is ever so slow in getting attached to and loving someone. Even three long years into a relationship, and your friends even forget you're even dating. Nothing happening, spare a few kisses.. like 3 kisses, during high school. Graduated and living together, and you guys have done absolutely nothing to further the relationship. Are you sure you're not just friends? CW: Smut, brief domestic violence discussion, virginity loss, aggressive flirting from creeps, gore with pro hero stuff (lmk if i missed any) Applies to all chapters regardless of it is in said chapter.
A loud spark woke you up, a jolt coming from underneath you before you were pushed to the other side of the couch. Being violently pushed out of the dream you were in and into the land of the living. Katsuki was on the other side of the couch, where you just were, looking at his hands as small pops of his quirk went off. His face looks betrayed at his own body. Small pops until a bigger explosion rattled off his hands. Causing him to franticly wipe his hands off on his now torn-up shirt before he got to the sink and washed the sweat of his hands, and therefore the explosions.
All this happening within the minute you woke up was a lot. Watching him stand at the sink, defeated as he stared at his own hands. It was as if he murdered someone.
You remember waking up in the middle of the night, due to the bright screen of the TV. Quickly fumbling for a remote before you realized that you fell asleep in his arms. Cuddled together on the couch, his legs laying along the couch and you between them and laying on his chest. His arms holding you close. It was something you've never done before. It warmed your heart until you woke up to being pushed away.
"The fuck is happening Katsuki?" you pushed yourself from the couch, wearily walking closer to him. Trying to approach him as if he was an injured bird.
"Don't," he barked out, making you stop your approach.
"I don't know," he felt defeated and it was obvious. His eyes alone spilled out his emotions. It was also obvious that he was lying about not knowing, something in the way he was looking at his hands told you that he knew. That he knew you couldn't be near. He stood there letting the water wash away his sweat.
You crossed your arms, frustrated that he didn't want to talk. "Is there anyway I can help?"
It was like watching a lightbulb go off in his head, "When can you get my watch done?"
"What?" you furrowed your brows, "How does tha-"
"How soon? Can you speed it up?" he cut you off.
It felt like he just wanted you gone, a chore to busy you while he figured this out himself. "Why? I can but why?"
"It's probably the only way you can help," his voice was honest.
You uncrossed your arms, wanting to take a step closer. "I can't get it done any faster than a week, and that's pushing it. I wouldn't be able to add the whole 'not letting people cancel your quirk,' I can get the password set though."
"Fuck it, I just want the watch as soon as possible at this point," only now did he let his hands out of the water, moving to dry them off.
Now you stood at the other-side of the counter than him, "Is your quirk acting up?"
He's been avoiding eye-contact till now, his hands sparking in response. "Something like that. I need a shower." He quickly pushed past the kitchen and went to the bathroom.
Without anymore guidance, and pure concern, you decided to get ready in order to head to the office and get his watch done sooner. Quickly getting dressed before knocking on the bathroom, a sharp explosion popping off at your knock. "Kats?" you called, getting a sharp grunt in reply, "I'm heading to the office, I'll get your watch done sooner if I pull later nights."
He said a goodbye and you headed out the door and to your office.
You still worked at Endeavor's agency, now Shoto's agency, with Endeavor retiring. He was still sitting on the name change for the company, not knowing how to go about it. His first actions were to hire Deku, Iida, Momo, Uraraka, and other classmates as pro heroes, keeping Endeavor's old employees as well. A surprise to you, and likely everyone else, was that he invited Katsuki as well. Giving him a rank alongside him, just like he offered Izuku. The biggest surprise was that Katsuki accepted it, alongside with a vow that he would leave the second he got a high enough rank to start building his own. Which he was slowly doing. He had a separate agency he worked out of with his other closest friends, but he was still coworking with Shoto. Only recently switching to actually work out of his own. He didn't want to leave his friends entirely just yet.
Shoto also promoted you, allowing you an entire floor for yourself and other techs that you hired. It was nice. Mei and you were the only ones of the floor currently. Leaving tons of empty space.
You each had your own office for paperwork and designing the sketch, an office for conferences, and a huge work room for actually making the support gear. It felt wasteful for only two technicians but the agency had four other floors of techs that were constantly working.
Made it a long elevator ride up to your floor through. Being on the 15th floor after all, closest to where the heroes worked.
A familiar voice calling your name cause you to look up from your phone, meeting Izuku's bright smile. "I thought you didn't work Sundays?" he said as he stepped in the elevator with you, pressing the button to his floor.
"Ah, I don't," you put your phone in your pocket, "Kats wanted me to get some gear done for him. His quirk is getting weird."
He tilted his head, "The watch?"
"Yeah, he wants it done as soon as possible," you nodded, remembering the meeting they had about it, "Has his quirk been doing this often?"
"I haven't seen it happen in a while, but I don't doubt that it's happening still," he nodded.
"It's scary, he won't talk to me about it," you expressed, worried about your boyfriend and hopeful his friend knew anything.
"He's fine, he's..he's just changing," Izuku struggled to put out. Pausing for the right words, "Don't stress over it."
You laughed at the idea, "Like that's possible? He almost blew my face off this morning with his quirk."
Izuku's face paled, "I'm sure it's fine. I bet it's something that'll go away with time."
"How can that be fine?"
The elevator dinged that it was at your floor.
"Kacchan will tell you eventually," he gave you a nervous smiled and pushed you from the elevator and closing the doors before you could yell at him.
"Asshat," you muttered, walking to your office.
Setting down your bag before you grabbed Katsuki's file. Flipping to the page of his watch. The drawings for the design were all worked out, just needed to plaster it together.
You had the materials to make the watch itself, just not the technology to make it disable his quirk. So you planned to get the framework done today so it would be ready for everything that was coming in the shipment tomorrow.
The transition into work was easy and fluent. Music pumping a steady beat into the air as you put each thing together. It was consuming the work you've been doing for the past six or so hours, making each step of the process more fluid then the last. A rhythm of the technique you've built over the years of working on gear.
You were sitting at your workbench, magnifying glasses covering your eyes, allowing you to see the smallest details that you were adding to the band. Quirk constantly activated so you wouldn't mess up in placements, needing the most practical design for the watch but wanting it to match him all the same.
After the framework was done in the watch, hollow for the functional aspects of the watch, you skipped to the details. Carving in a slight explosion outline, something you added on all his gear in the smallest parts. Showing it was his and only his.
It was well into the afternoon by the time you heard the elevator ding again. Music was blasting all throughout the room but you could still hear the faint steps of what sounded like metal coming towards you.
The brief thought of an intruder flashed through your mind. It wasn't uncommon for tech rooms to get raided, it was expected. Emergency procedures were added for the event though. A button was just needed to be pressed before heroes on the upper level were alerted.
That worry didn't last long, a quick check to your phone reminded you that Mei was coming in today. An idea hit her during 'breakfast', which was at 4pm, so she was coming into work.
Soon enough the doors opened, "Hey! Still working on blasty's stuff?"
You looked up at her, forgetting the glasses you were wearing. Letting out a gasp at her zoomed in face. To which she crackled out a laugh. You placed the glasses on the table, rubbing your eyes, "Yeah, I've finished all I can though, need tomorrow's shipment to do anything else."
"What's he having you do?" She made her way out of the door and towards your station. it was a huge room, used to make and test the supplies.
"He wanted me to make a watch for him, quirk proof and shit," you pushed the watch in her direction, letting her pick it up and look at it.
"Ah, lame, I was curious about his gauntlets. You always add cool shit to them every time," she placed the watch back down. Moving to her work station that was next to yours despite the amount of room. It was good company.
"I was probably going to start working on them, I finished everything on the watch, and I'm already in the flow state," you shrugged, pushing yourself up and off the chair. Grabbing the watch to put it in Katsuki's case. Grabbing his gauntlets instead. "I'll probably finish these and head out, been here since 9 this morning I think."
Mei hummed, "I won't be here for long either, want to go drink or something?"
You walked back to your station setting down the new materials you had to use, putting away the stuff you used on the watch. "Yeah, I'll have to ask Kats."
"Why?" Mei looked at you sideways.
"It's his only day off, I don't want to just ditch him. He is my boyfriend after all, I hardly seem him as is," you muttered.
"You're basically just roommates with a different label, I doubt he will care," Mei laughed out, "Come on, you deserve a drink just for dealing with his ass."
It strung, what she said. You already felt like you and Katsuki didn't pass for a couple, and Mei didn't fail to bring it up every time. You knew she was just teasing. So you hoped he would say no, just to prove that he wanted you around.
"Fine I'll ask," you brushed off her comments, grabbing your phone to text him
You Mei wants to go drinking, am I good to join her? I don't mind spending the night at home with you if you want. Kats Nah, do what you want. I'm probably going to go to the gym.
"He said yes," you breathed out, trying to mask the subtle unease with excitement. It felt like he's been pushing you away. Constantly bringing up how he didn't feel that you were happy enough. At this point you don't know if he was genuinely worried or if he was projecting.
"Fuck yeah! I've been wanting a beer, I know a good bar downtown," Mei cheered. You saw her setting up her station, prepared to weld some of her older protypes together.
"I got to ask though," you started, grabbing her attention, "So the other night, Nana texted me. Did she tell you why she needed my number?"
"Huh? No, why?" Mei set down her equipment and crossed her arms to look at you, curious.
"She asked if my boyfriend was hitting me," you breathed out, "Was hoping you didn't agree with her."
"Nah," she brushed off your worries, "I know Blasty isn't that type of guy, if I knew that's why she wanted your number I would of told her. I don't think she knew you were dating him."
"Good," you let out a breath of relief.
"Don't worry, I may make fun, but I know he's devoted to you," Mei reassured before clapping her hands together harshly, "Now I need to see if what I'm thinking works." She slapped her welding helmet down.
Mei was a good friend of yours, similar but different in many ways. She dug into your relationship but you knew she meant well. It was helpful that every once in a while she would confirm that too. Teasing that you guys were hardly a relationship while he was gone but teasing him for how he looked at you. Saying it was like a puppy that was trying to get a tennis ball from under the couch. Just out of reach.
She knew of the small aspects of your relationship, you've shared more to her than others, due to her not being in the primary circle of friends. She was your outlet, and she was also a good secret keeper. So you spilled to her the small things, after all it was easy to slip the details with how many night and days you've spent working alongside her. It was a way to fill the silence.
She knew how and why you and Katsuki got together. She knew about the crush you had on him from way before high school, and she knew of the odd first kiss you shared. And most surprisingly, she was the only one that you've told about not once getting intimate with Katsuki and in general. She knew how a kiss with him stayed a kiss and nothing more. How a hug was always just a hug. It was nice for her to know all the nitty gritty of it, it was refreshing.
You grabbed a welding helmet, putting it on and flicking it down to cover your eyes. Letting out a sigh as you prepared to work. Thankful that Mei was already wearing one, and got to work on the details to his gauntlets.
Before you knew it, you were seated at a bar, placed near the corner so Mei could people watch as much as possible. The bar was in a constant chatter, only some groups being overly loud. It wasn't anything like the bars that Mina or Uraraka went to. It was nice, the normal for you and Mei when you did go out.
You and Mei instantly ordered several rounds of shots, starting the night out strong. Letting the alcohol hit you fast and hard in order to stay drunk throughout the night rather than slowly get there. It was your routine together. Getting drunk then sipping on beers or mixed drinks the rest of the night to keep the buzz.
Mei took a long swig of her beer, "So," she smiled at you, roughly placing the bottle back down, "How ya been?"
"Normal I guess," you shrugged, picking up your drink as well, fighting slightly with the straw.
"Come on, there has to of been something. We haven't hung out solo in a week," she clasped your shoulder, as if she was shaking the information out of you.
You laughed, "I don't know, Mei."
"Really? Nothing?" Mei sighed. She tapped her fingers against the bar, looking around the room for some conversation. Her eyes landing on the TV above the bar, "Deku's getting quite buff, huh?"
"Huh?" you looked at the TV she was staring at. Sure enough, Deku was wearing a bright smile as he talked through an interview. It was a talk show, one he hated showing up on because the late hours, but it was good for hero ratings.
"He was cute during high-school but now he's a man," Mei emphasis with her tone, saying man more sharply than the rest.
"I guess? He's a lot taller now," you shrugged.
"I forgot you're lame," Mei groaned, "Only having eyes for Blasty."
A light went off in your head, "Oh, about Katsuki-"
"All I had to do was mention him? Couldn't of thought of this before I drooled over your best friend," Mei glared.
"Sorry," you shrugged, taking another sip of your drink, feeling the liquor flow through you. "He's been weird lately-"
"Weirder than normal?"
"Shut up, it's hard enough to think as is," you pushed her lightly, "He's been weirder more often. You know how he and I don't.. you know.. do that sort of stuff.." you were fumbling with your hands, not wanting to repeat the confession.
"Yeah?" Mei drawed out.
"Well he obviously heard us talking the other night, when I said that physical touch is my main love language. It's thrown him for a loop. He's constantly asking if I'm happy or if I want him," you rushed out.
"Makes sense, everyone kind of shit on the idea of not giving your partner your all," Mei sipped her beer, "I'd be worried too."
You groaned, "I know but I've told him many times that I want him regardless. And on top of that, his quirk has been acting up lately. To the point he wanted me to make a watch that turns it off."
Mei tilted her head, placing her beer down, "Acting up how?"
"Well this morning, we woke up cuddling and his quirk went off, almost burned the couch. Another when I hugged him, got closer to him, and even when I talked to him while he was showering. Which is odd cause the water should of washed anything away."
She sat on that for a while. Racing through different possibilities. "Doesn't his quirk go off with emotions?"
"It used to, I don't think so anymore."
"When you first kissed, wasn't his quirk off? Same with the next few?" Mei pointed out.
"Yeah? What does that have to do with anything?" you took another sip of your drink, waiting for her to get to the point.
"Didn't his hands spark whenever you tried to hold them?" you nodded. "You are so stupid," Mei laughed, "You'd think with your quirk that you would've known."
"Known what?"
"He's nervous around you! So his quirk pops off," she pushed your shoulder teasingly.
You shook your head, "No, cause why would it be worse lately?"
"Because he knows you want more! Simple," she clapped her hands together.
"I don't know Mei, that doesn't sound like him," you brushed past the idea, finishing off your drink. "It's more likely the opposite. I'm worried his quirk is just showing that he doesn't want me near in general, and that me having a different love language is his 'out' of the relationship."
"I mean, think what you want," she hummed, "But trust me, he is in love with you. He couldn't do that to you."
You stumbled through the door way. Fumbling with your keys and toeing your shoes off before fully entering. Trying to tip-toe through the kitchen, craving something sweet. All your drunk limbs cause do was make the ice-cream fall from the freezer and onto your toe, "Shit," you cursed hopping around for the pain to fade. Holding onto your hurt foot as you jumped the pain away. Hopping in the direction of the silverware before you fell.
Not letting the height effect you, you opened the drawer and barely grabbed a spoon. Sliding back to the ice cream container that was on the floor. Opening it and leaning against the fridge as you started to eat it away.
"The fuck did I just watch," Katsuki grumbled from the hallway, looking at you on the floor.
"I was hungry," you shrugged, scooping another bite.
He flicked the light on, making you hiss and cover your eyes till he turned it back off, "It's almost midnight, why are you home so late?"
Content that the light was back off, you continued eating, "I don't know."
"How drunk are you?" He crossed his arms.
"Very," you laughed, leaning your head back against the fridge.
"Mei is a horrible influence," Katsuki sighed, stepping towards you and lifting you off the floor.
"Nah, she makes some good decisions, and points," you argued, letting him guide you to your room.
"Like what?" he entertained.
"Well, I'm not sure about this one, but," you paused, "She says that you spark with your quirk because you're nervous around me."
His footing fumbled slightly, before letting himself stall for too long, he led you to your room, laying you on your bed and under the covers.
"Well?" you asked.
"Well what?"
"Is it true?"
"You're drunk," he dodged.
"Yeah, I told her it was dumb. You would of told me," you smiled at him, getting yourself cozy under the sheets. Glad that your touch didn't scare him away. Just left you concern what the actual reason was.
He flinched at how confidently you said that, guilt consuming his bones as he was doing the exact thing you thought he wouldn't. "Goodnight," you squeezed his hand.
"Night," he muttered.
A migraine was all you woke up with the next day, last nights events ruining through your brain. Main regret was how much you had to drink, cause you to puke in the bar bathroom, the men's bathroom at that. Mei went with you but it was still odd to rush into the wrong gender's bathroom and puke. Hearing their laughter while face down in the toilet.
The conversation with Katsuki also stung a little. Made you question what your relationship meant lately.
You turned to pick up your phone, blinding yourself with your screen. Rubbing your eyes awake before you could properly read the time.
It was just past noon, having slept in an extra four hours then normal. Your bedside table also had some water for you, with ice in a good water bottle that stayed cold. You already had medicine in your bedside table, so you fished that out to get rid of your migraine.
You smiled at the fact that Katsuki plugged your phone in and got you water, he might not say that he loves you, but he shows it. It shook away some worry that he was only with you due to not having a way out, but you were still worried at what it could be.
Before you could let the thought fester and ruin your day, you decided to go to the office. Wanting to start on Katsuki's watch again. The shipment came in around ten, so everything would be available to you.
After a shower and some breakfast, you decided to take a job to the office, wanting to get in a better mindspace so you were ready to jump straight into work. It was only a 20 minute walk as well.
Reaching the agency, out of breath and tired, you dragged your feet into the elevator. Grabbing supplies from the other tech floors before heading up to your own.
Walking into your office to meet Shoto.
"Hey?" you questioned, setting your stuff down on the table behind where he was standing.
"Sorry, Midoriya said that you'd be in," Shoto stood leaned against your work table, hands propping him up.
"Hope you haven't been waiting long," you apologized, walking around your table to grab stuff to start working, "how can I help you?"
"My suit has been off, the cooling facture broke, been having to do it myself mid fight," he went straight to the point.
You noted that he set down his briefcase, the one that held his hero suit. "That should be an easy fix, do you need it soon?" you pulled the case towards yourself, taking out his suit and looking for the cooler.
"I'm going to see my brother, but I'd need it after," his voice stayed monotone, but you knew Dabi-Touya was a sore subject.
You looked up from his suit, "I can get it done by then, is anyone else joining you?"
Shoto coughed, "I think Momo, she's been curious of his improvement."
"That's good," you smiled. The two of them have been close and she was a good pillar of support for him.
"Yes, I'll be back at three, will you be here after?" he looked at his watch.
"I'll be in office until at least seven, got a late start so i need to put in some hours," you confirmed.
"Thanks," he bowed a goodbye and went on his way.
He stayed formal with you despite knowing you since first year at UA, and working with you since second year. Having you do his minor support gear during school because his dad didn't let you touch his son's gear. Only the best for his trophy.
Shoto told him otherwise eventually, having you be head of design for his gear.
The two of you were never necessarily close, but would definitely consider the two of you friends. If you needed each other, you'd be there basically.
He's told you about his brother Touya one night over some cold soba. He wasn't able to fall asleep easily the month that Dabi revealed. So one night, you went to the kitchen hungry in the middle of night, finding him with his head in his hands at the island.
Your voice startled him at first, but after an offer of food, he started talking.
After that was when he started to let you work on his gear a little.
You looked over the small wiring in his suit, finding only a disconnected wire. Connecting it was easy enough, one of the fastest fixes you've had in awhile. You'd have him test the temperature when he was back.
Your phone buzzed from the corner of the table. Katsuki's contact flashing the screen.
"Are you in the office yet?" he asked once you answered.
"Yeah," you put Shoto's case off to the side. Recentering Katsuki's watch.
"Sure," you hummed.
"I'm meet you at your office," he started.
"Wait! I'll meet you at yours," you cut him off.
"I'm already in the elevator, I'll just go up an extra few floors. You're at Shoto's agency right?" you lied, quickly grabbing a few things before actually heading towards the elevator. You wanted to keep the watch design a surprise till you gave it to him.
"Yeah, it's Monday," he pointed out. He worked there every Monday.
"Anyway, I'll see you in a second," rather than letting you say a full goodbye, he hung up.
A sigh left your lips. He's been a constant off and on again with how he is around you. You wanted to stay glad he asked for lunch, but the abrupt goodbye was unusual, just like all his other behavior recently. Maybe the watch would help his quirk, and therefor the stress of the relationship.
Hopefully the relationship went back to normal.
-Next Part-
In them m.list of this fic comment if you want to be added into a tag list <3
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angel-of-the-moons · 11 months
Need Steven with a freak. Let’s say he’s been dating this girl for a while and he’s ready to take it to the next step. He’s super worried he’ll make you all uncomfortable and stuff when he asks but the next thing he know he’s being ridden till the break of dawn
(I’m ovulating I am so sorry-)
Steven Grant x Fem!Reader
TW/CW: Smut, just smut af, protected sex (implant), oral sex (m!receiving) creampie, overstimulation
A/N: This lil dress here is what I had in mind for the outfit in the start. (I'm a sucker for sunflower patterns)
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It had to be tonight. He just couldn't take it anymore. None of them could.
But Steven was the worst about his urges. He felt awkward and worried it would chase you away, the first girlfriend he ever got to finally have; all the others didn't understand his... Problems.
Problems he later learned were triggered by Marc (and in some cases, Jake), but you? You took them in stride, like a duck to water.
The moment he first saw you, his breath had been sucked right out of him. Marc and Jake went dead silent, too.
It was a gloomy, dreary day; the rain coming down in heavy droplets, casting a grim light down on the London streets.
But there you were, walking around the museum, looking at exhibits and scribbling notes in your tiny notebook with oh, so many post-its sticking out, fattening the tiny book until it looked close to bursting.
You were the only ray of sunshine on that day, your yellow dress that hugged your body just right, little sunflowers covering the fabric. Your hair done just the right way to accentuate your face as your eyes studied each artifact and bauble you saw.
To say the boys were instantly smitten was an understatement.
It took weeks of bumping into you to work up the courage to talk to you, and it was only when you came in to buy a rather dinky looking scarab plushie in the gift shop. It's this conversation where he finds out you're in school, trying to become an archaeologist and historian.
Steven's dream girl, and he had hearts in his eyes at every word you spoke.
He couldn't help but blubber out a request for a date, and you agreed.
The rest... History in the making.
You'd been dating for two months, but already he could feel the pull of urges he didn't necessarily indulge in often.
Sure, he, Marc and Jake could indulge in it themselves, trying to take the edge off. But sometimes it felt like the more he indulged in it, the more intense his fantasies got.
He simply couldn't keep tugging his cock for momentary relief anymore, imagining it was your soft hand, your mouth, your tits or something else wrapped around his cock that had him practically drooling: your sweet cunt.
But tonight? Tonight was the night. He was afraid to bring it up because he didn't want you to feel like he was moving too fast; and he could barely function when you admitted you were a little surprised he waited so long. (And teased him a little for how sometimes he just wasn't stealthy when trying to conceal a surprise boner.)
You'd told him that you thought about him too, and that you were more than willing to let him indulge.
But it was from there that you found out that Steven had never actually been intimate with anyone. Jake and Marc had, yes. But poor Steven has just never had the luck.
And that's how Steven found himself in this precarious situation, you on your knees, your pretty little mouth wrapped around his cock as you bobbed your head so sweetly, tongue laving around his length, hollowing and sucking your cheeks with every drag, tracing the vein that ran up the side of him.
He couldn't stop with the babbling praises, the sweet petting in your hair.
Honestly, if you knew he was this weak? You'd have jumped his bones a lot sooner. Probably after the fourth or fifth date. It was rare you found someone who was intellectually a joy to talk to (not excluding Marc and Jake) who was so handsome and sweet to you.
One hand was thrust down into your panties, playing with yourself, dress hiked up so you could have better access as you continue sucking him off, the lewd sounds coming from both of you more suited to a pornography than the quiet air of his flat.
You could feel your orgasm cresting already, but you knew that you didn't want to just cum on your fingers like you had so many times before, you wanted to feel Steven inside of you and god did you want to drain him for everything he had.
Steven made a whine, babbling your name again.
"L-luv, I'm--I'm gonna--ugh--"
He couldn't even get the sentence out before you felt him spill down your throat, his hips bucking suddenly you gagged, carefully adjusting so you didn't choke as he pumped his load into your greedy mouth.
Well... you weren't surprised he didn't last very long...
He immediately started rattling off apologies that had you giggling.
God damn, you were going to enjoy draining him. Maybe Marc and Jake, too.
The blush that spread up to his ears made him look absolutely adorable.
"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to--" He stammered out, covering his face. "In--in your mouth, I--"
With the fluid grace of a cat you climb into his lap, straddling him.
You cup his cheeks and kiss him softly, before pulling away.
"You're alright." You assure him, peppering his adorable face with kisses.
It's when he squeezes your thighs and ruts up into you, his face buried in your neck that you realize he's still hard.
You bite your lip and kiss his ear.
"Steven, do you want me to ride you?"
"Ohgodsyesplease." He breathes out on a whimper.
You hastily line his cock up with your hole and sink down, taking him in inch by delicious inch until you're stretched beautifully around him.
You tip your head back with a groan. He certainly had girth for days, that was for sure.
"I'm... Already close. Can you help me?" You say, giving him a sweet pout that makes his heart jump up into his throat.
"Y-yes, I can--"
The way he keeps cutting himself off makes you want to cuddle him and cover him with kisses, but at the same time fuck him until his legs go numb.
Maybe you'd do the former later.
You pull his fingers into your mouth and he makes a soft moan when you suck his fingers, swirling your tongue around his calloused digits until you deemed them wet enough.
Then, you guide his hand down your body to your throbbing clit, and show him the rhythm that'd work for you best.
"Try to keep it in time with me, m'kay?" You groan, grinding down on him in one slow, languid movement.
His eyes roll back, but he nods and keeps his fingers over your clit, massaging the bundle of nerves in time with each downward stroke of your hips.
Every bit of him had you aching, from his electric touches to his fat cock spearing you open and fucking your weeping pussy in the best way possible, you kicked yourself mentally again for not bringing up sex sooner.
Steven's cock felt far better inside of you than your fingers or your toys at home. He felt hot, he felt real. And real is what you'd been lacking lately.
Whatever Steven would give you, you planned on taking happily. You would--
Your eyes flutter open when Steven suddenly arches his back and hits you deeper than you expected him to; opening your mouth in a quiet cry, no sound escapes as your orgasm hits you and Steven continues swiping at your clit, fucking you from below as you shudder and collapse on top of him as he continues breathing on the hot embers of your orgasm to keep it going for as long as possible.
"Please." He whines in your ear.
"In-inside--" You whimper, biting down on his shoulder, earning a toe-curling moan from him.
"You can do it inside."
He grits his teeth and let's out a hissing cry, veins popping in his neck and forehead as he fucks his spend up into you, his orgasm burning and flaying his nerves raw as he pumps you full.
He drops back onto the cushions of the couch and sofa, breathing hard, desperately trying to drag oxygen back into his lungs.
Reality however, is a cruel mistress and he looks down at where you two were connected.
"Oh, b-bloody hell. I--I didn't--"
"Relax, hon." You giggle, leaning back with one hand braced on one of his knees for support, your other hand trailing lazily down to where his cock still split you open, his cum leaking out around his length. The sight of you sent a dizzying spiral through him.
"I'm safe, promise. I have an implant. Still good for another three years."
The thought that he could keep doing this for three years--
His mind went blank when you grind down on his lap, feeling his cock stir to life despite the fact he was now exhausted.
"L-luv, I... I don't think I can..." He panted desperately.
Your brace your hands on his chest and start bouncing on his lap, grinning wickedly the whole time.
"I'm gonna keep going until I drain you dry, sweetheart. Get comfortable."
The gulp he made was audible in the space you shared, as was the sinful slap of skin on skin.
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classypauli · 7 months
She’s the Man
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Pairing: Jenna Ortega x fem Reader Summary: With the new university Y/N meets new opportunities, plays on the football team, meets new people, makes new friendships, and maybe finds something she didn’t think would find.... But being dressed as her brother can create little problems in the future. She’s the Man AU A/N: So this fic will be based on the movie She´s the Man, it won´t follow every step of the story, I had it in mind some time now and have been thinking about if it is a good idea or not but well, here goes nothing… Not forcing anyone to read this, idk just wanted to try something new. Warning: first time writing, bad grammar and punctuation in complex sentences, spelling errors, boring and awkward Word count: 5k I DON’T OWN THE MOVIE THIS STORY IS BASED ON OR ANY OF THE CHARACTERS THAT ARE IN THERE. IT’S ONLY FICTION AND NONE OF THIS IS REAL.
Chapter 1
Y/N is sitting in her brother´s room, eyes wide open  „You can´t be serious! How am I supposed to do that?!“ she shouted at him. „I´ll be thankful to you till the end of my life.“ well, that won´t be for long if she decides to kill him right now. „Charlie-“
„Please Y/N you are my only hope, you know I´ve been wanting to go to this festival for so long, you know what it means to me, please.“ he puts his hands in a praying position, and now his puppy eyes are the only thing his sister can see. „Ew get away from me.“ she pushed him into the chest as he stumbled back.
Charlie, Y/N´s twin brother, wants her to impersonate him. Yeah, you heard it right, he wants his sister to go to his school and act like him this whole time that he will be on tour. He is in the band, their parents aren´t really happy about it, they say that music won´t get him anywhere and he should concentrate on the more important stuff. Y/N´s sad because she was always like if something makes you happy, that´s all that matters, right? But he isn´t giving up, he still hopes that he can convince them about being serious with music.
And don´t get her wrong, she´d do anything and everything for him, he is her brother, her twin, but this... She´s not so sure, it´s just too much, what if they find out? What if she isn´t good enough and mess up? What would their parents say? Oh God too much pressure on her shoulders and she didn´t even say yes.
But his sad and disappointed eyes are her last straw. „Gosh.... m'kay.“ Y/N whispered under her breath almost unnoticed. Charlie´s eyes lit up like Christmas lights and started running to his sister yelling „Thank you thank you thank you! I promise I´ll do anything for you!“ He almost suffocated her when they hugged. „Careful with your words and now get off I can´t breathe!“ he immediately pushed himself off and started his little winning dance.
She rolled her eyes at him „So how we are going to do that? I mean, I need to look exactly like you, act like you, talk like you, and EVEN SMELL like you? Well now I´m not so sure if I can do this I mean-“ she looked at him and scrunched up her nose. „Oh, you didn´t you f-“ he hit Y/N with the pillow in the head. She started laughing at her brother's offended face. „Just kidding stop being a baby.“
He stood up and started thinking „Well we look alike, like a lot, so there won´t be much work in the face-“ „What?!“ „-but you need to learn how to walk like me and dress like me. Stand up we are having our first lesson.“
They were practicing her walk, or more like his walk, and she got it pretty right. Clothes won´t be a big problem cause they wear uniforms and wearing baggy clothes is one of the most comfortable things for her. She doesn´t know how she will do it but for her brother, she needs to at least try.
A couple of days passed and now Y/N is sitting in the passenger seat, Charlie is behind the wheel. Sun is shining through the windows of their parent's car. She is wearing her school uniform and her leg is bouncing up and down in black uncomfortable shoes.
„Stop Y/N it will be okay-„ she turned to him „Well it´s easy for you to say! You aren´t the one dressed as me!“. Okay maybe she´s a little dramatic but she´s shitting her uniform pants right now, oh God please let this be over already.
Y/N didn´t even notice and they were already in front of the school. Students were walking back and forth, laughing and greeting each other after the holidays. The girl wasn´t a social kid growing up. I mean she doesn´t have a problem with talking to others, the problem is in the start of conversations. She can try as hard as she can but she never knows how to begin. Her mind suddenly stops working and becomes quiet. She´s not shy, at least she doesn´t think she is. For the longest time of her life, she thought that she was an introvert but as she was getting older she realized maybe she´s just a quiet extrovert. Y/N likes to listen to people more than talk to them. She likes to be by herself but also enjoys the company of the right people.
„Okay we are here, “ Charlie said „Just try to enjoy it, it will be fun“. Yeah, his twin is boiling with excitement.
They got out of the car, her brother went to get her bags from the back and she just stood there. Just like a kid for the first time going to school, doesn´t know what's waiting for them. She just realized that this is real and that what is she going to do is a crazy idea.
„Ch-Charlie I think I changed my mind I can´t do this-“
Walking to her dorm room is the next thing, bags in hands trying to find her room. Finally, she sees the right numbers and she can´t wait to put these heavy bags in there. She unlocked the door and walked straight to the room.
„Oh hi!“ Y/N heard from the other side, looked up and her eyes met with the unknown boy.
„I´m Percy.“ he walked up to her and offered his hand „I´m guessing you are my roommate?“ He was a little taller than her and had long brown hair.
„Yeah, nice to meet you my name´s Y-Ch-Charlie, my name´s Charlie.“ she said as she shook his hand. Damn! She needs to concentrate more.
„Well Charlie pleasure to meet you“ he smiled „I´d like to sit and talk with you but I have to go now, you can put your clothes right there, and on the left side of the door is the bathroom, thankfully every room has one so not all students have to share the same one.“  Well, at least it would be easier for her to shower. Y/N thanked him as he walked away. With a sigh, she fell right into her new bed. She started unpacking and soon walked out of the dorm. She doesn´t know where is she going but she will find out. Silently cursed at her new roommate for rushing away even though he knew she was new. Y/N was in her world passing around the corner of the hallway until someone smashed into her.
“Oh shit I’m so sorry!”
The girl moved her gaze to the voice and there was a guy, he was taller than her and looked like he was in a rush, he was holding some clothes which were probably PE uniform.
“I didn’t mean to do it I swear I didn’t see y-“
“Hey it’s okay nothing happened but damn you are in quite a rush”. she laughed and he started to rub his neck.
“Yeah, I’m heading into football practice and I’m late again, oh God my coach is going to kill me, last time he said if this happens one more time he will kick me out of the team.” he kept rumbling but the only word Y/N could catch in his sentence was “football”.
“But hey at least you are okay, I’m glad nothing serious happened-“ she cut him off.
“Wait you play football?”
“Uhm yeah, doesn’t it look like it?”. He asked in a small voice as if he was sad about it. What? He definitely looks like someone who does some sport, he is big and tall with his big arms wide shoulders, and athletic legs.
“No I didn’t mean it like that-” he kept watching her with curious eyes “-I just used to play football too and yeah, I don’t even know why I react-“ his face lit up.
“You can go with me! We have enough space in our team!”
“Thank you but am not sure if-“
“No! Please! I’m not going to force you but you can at least come and look, please-“ he was giving her puppy eyes now “-if you come with me then the coach would forgive me maybe if I said I was bringing you-“
“So that’s what it is about!”
“No! Well- maybe- but it would be cool to have someone new on our team! And we are missing a midfielder because of his injury, so you could fill up his place”. Well maybe it wouldn’t be the worst idea, she can at least try. Y/N looked up at him and nodded.
“YES! Come with me- wait my name’s Mason”
“Charlie” she introduced herself with her brother's name.
They shook hands and started to walk into a field.
„You are new here, right? I don´t think I saw you before.“-
Y/N was now standing inside the cafeteria, she was looking around for a spot when suddenly she saw Percy, he was sitting in one of the middle tables with some of his friends. Before she could do anything he looked up and saw her.
„Charlie!“ he waved his hand for her to come over to the table, his friends already looking at her. Well, there´s no way to go back now.
„Hey, I wanted you to introduce me to my friends.“ he said smiling „This is Hunter and Georgie.“ Y/N shook their hands and took a seat.
„Nice to meet you, Charlie, “ Hunter said, „so how´s the first day goin´?“
„Well I´m just warming myself in here but so far I don´t have any negative words.“
Georgie took a sip of something he had in his cup and looked at her „That´s good, if you have a problem with something just ask.“
Hunter laughed at Georgie „Yeah but I don´t recommend asking Georgie for help with a class, he is the one who should seek help with that.“
„I´m not!“ he said offended. Y/N could only laugh at their bickering. „Don´t mind them-“ Percy wanted to continue with his sentence but his eyes caught something more interesting. She followed his gaze until she was met with three girls who walked into the cafeteria. They sat opposite their table and were discussing something that Y/N´s ears couldn´t hear because of the loud noise of other students in the room. She knew that Percy knew them or at least one of them, she would be an idiot to not catch that stare he was giving them but she was fighting with inner thoughts if she should ask or not. Before she could even decide Hunter saw that and turned around to look.
„Oh, “ he said, and soon Georgie followed Hunter's action and started laughing. „you may wonder why is Percy stuck. “ he said to Y/N. „Well Charlie, the one girl in the middle is Jenna, and Percy here has been trying to get with her forever but with no answer “. Oh, so he was looking at her. Yeah no wonder, she caught Y/N´s attention pretty quickly. She was really attractive even from this far. „He tried everything.“ Georgie continued „from writing her letter and getting it into her locker, drawing her portrait and leaving it on the seat she used to sit at to ask her in person but nothing!“ he laughed and Percy punched him into his shoulder. „This is not funny! I don´t know what to do anymore!“.
„Have you thought about that maybe she didn´t see you in that way?“ Hunter asked as he turned back to him.
„Of course you idiot but at least she could give me a chance“ 
„Well, I don´t know I mean... it´s a little strange I can´t even remember if I have ever seen her with someone. There are lots of guys who wanted to get with her but she turned them down, maybe she doesn´t want a relationship now-“ Hunter still kept looking at him with a serious face „-Or maybe she just thinks you are a creep.“ Georgie said and started laughing again. Percy groaned and put his head in his hands. Y/N could only smile at this boy, he was hilarious.
They were sitting there and talking mostly about classes and professors in school. She learned that Percy is in an art club and loves to paint. That would answer the question of why he has so many paintings on the walls of his side of the room, Y/N must admit he is talented and has a unique style. Hunter and Georgie, the two boys she just met, were friendly, they always tried to keep her in a conversation and asked her questions about her last school, hobbies, and family. The girl may don´t know them for too long but she can already say that she feels comfortable with them.
Y/N was speed walking out of her last class, she had a long day and couldn´t wait for it to end. Tomorrow she´s going to have her first training and she wanted to get herself some sleep. She was thinking about things to do when suddenly her body crushed into someone. Yeah, again.  She heard a small ugh and the sound of books falling on the floor. Well only her luck. She picked herself up and looked at who was the other person. She didn’t know if her eyes were making some magic on her or not. She realized what happened and started picking up her books from the ground.
“I’m so sorry- I didn’t mean to!“
“No no, it was my fault.” Y/N looked at her and was met with big doe eyes. Her brain couldn’t process what was happening. In front of her was Jenna, the girl from the cafeteria, she was wearing a school uniform and stood shorter than Y/N, her dark brown eyes, which she couldn´t see a couple of minutes ago clearly, matched her long hair.
Suddenly the door from a principal’s office opened and he walked out. „What is-?“ he started but as he looked at the scene in front of him he smirked. „Getting to know the opposite sex, are we? Male-female dynamics. All that sexual tension. It's all part of the high school experience. So continue. Please. But keep it clean, though. OK. Abstinence is key. Abstinence is... the best way to not is to not... yes.“ he slowly took back steps and closed his door.
„Well“ Y/N sighed and looked and the other girl „That was awkward... is he always like this? Friendly?“ she asked her. Jenna softly laughed „Are you kidding? That´s him being rude“.
„Okey... ehm... I´ll continue with my way.“ She didn´t know why she was acting like this. „Here are your books.“ She handed her them and shot her apology for eyes „Sorry again I didn´t mean to.“
Jenna only looked up at her with wide eyes „It´s okay, nothing happened “ she smiled „Hope to see you again“.  Y/N quickly walked away leaving the other girl behind her. Damn, she needs to put herself together.
The next day Y/N felt a lot more relaxed, she spent almost all afternoon with Mason and she decided that he just become her favourite person. He was so kind. Keeping an eye on her and always asking if she needed anything. He was outgoing and even though her new friend was the polar opposite of her social life, Y/N couldn´t help but feel comfortable with Mason.
The whistle was heard from the football field and Y/N was trying to find her way of getting the ball into the net. God, she missed it so much. Her legs were running like there was no tomorrow, others got in her way to stop her but they never succeded, Y/N was too good. She knew that. In the past, when she used to play, she was one of the best, if not the best, in her team. She truly enjoyed it and now that she finally had the football ball on her foot there was no way to stop her. Y/N shot the ball into a net and it flew straight to the right top corner of the goal.
„What? Charlie! How are you this good man?“ Mason ran to her and grabbed her shoulders smiling. „And here you wanted to decline my offer!“
„Well I got a little lost.“ They started walking slowly to get their water as they got a quick pause from the coach.
Some people were sitting on the tribune but she didn´t mind. This wasn´t only a football field, there were a lot of sports grounds and right now there were a lot of athletes too. She scanned the chairs when suddenly she caught the girl. The same girl she saw for the first time in the cafeteria and the second time ran into. She had books on her knees and a bag beside her, her hair was waiving in soft wind. But there is no way that she came to look at the football training, right? She was waiting for someone, maybe her friend. But as she kept looking, their eyes met and Y/N quickly looked the other way. This was embarrassing. Luckily she was saved by the whistle and that made her jog her way to the coach.
At the end of her training coach called the girl on the side „Good job today Y/L/N, I would be glad if you come next practice.“ he said as he waited for her answer.
„Yes, you will see me, thank you for having me.“ He only nodded his head and walked away. Mason came to her side and was smiling widely „You impressed him today, I wouldn´t be surprised if he let you play in our next game.“ his eyebrows went up and down.
She was glad that she let herself be talked into this, Y/N hadn´t felt this alive since she could remember. It was for sure a good idea and couldn´t wait for the next practice. As she was walking back she shot one last glance at the tribune only to find the spot Jenna sat in empty.
Y/N was leaning on a table, they were waiting for their professor to start a class. She´s standing beside Percy, Hunter, and Georgie. They are talking about plans for the weekend. Y/N doesn´t really listen she just looks like she is listening.
She was thinking about her brother and how she would call him when her class was over. He already texted her, asking how it was going and if she had any troubles. She misses him, but she won´t tell him that of course, and how could she not, he is her twin, her other half.
The teacher walked to their group with a bucket in her hand. „Everyone, please take a slip and read off the name of your lab partner.“ Percy was the first one who grab the folded paper, he got Emma Myers. Emma was one of the group of girls they saw in the cafeteria. „Oh you are lucky, she´s cool.“ Georgie says and Hunter nods at his words.
Y/N unfolded her paper “Jenna Ortega” she says out loud and Jenna immediately looks at her with a smile. “You know each other?” Percy hissed at her. “No, not really” quickly turned away with a slight hint of red cheeks. “Switch up with me please” he went to grab the paper with the girl´s name on it. “I can’t! She already heard me, what would she think?” the girl grabbed her things and went to her new lab partner.
“Hi.. so you are my lab partner?” “Yeah,” she said smiling.
„I don´t think we introduced each other the other day.“ she was hitting on the day they both ran to each other. „No we didn´t, I´m Jenna.“ she grinned. „I´m Charlie.“ She almost forgot about her brother. Y/N felt Percy´s gaze but didn´t mind him. It´s not her fault that she got lucky to get her as a lab partner, right? It happened because of something she can´t control.
“You know ehm... the whole dissecting thing kind of freaks me out. So, think you may have to take the reins on this one.” she said slowly.
Jenna leaned into the table with her eyes still on the other girl.“Wow, no guy would ever admire that” Oh f- Y/N quickly realized her mistake. What is she even saying? “Shit, you are right” Her hands started to sweat but before the inner thoughts and anxiety could grow even more the brown-haired girl grabbed her hands. “No! It’s okay you don’t have to be embarrassed, it’s cute”
Y/N moved her eyes from their hands and looked at her. God her doe eyes, they were beautiful, so innocent and pure. She lowered her gaze at her smiling lips and then her dimples, at that action Jenna smiled even wider. “So today we are going to-“ she quickly pushed her own hands away and looked at the professor acting like she wasn’t just drooling over her classmate. This will be long.
“So how it went?” Percy asked.
“What do you mean?”
“The talk with Jenna, how it went? What were you talking about?” Y/N turned to him placing books on her table. They were in their dorm right now since their classes were over. “Nothing, just school work” Well she wasn’t lying. They were just talking. He was silent for a minute, looking out of the window.  “What are you thinking about?” the girl questioned him but his eyes were telling that his thoughts were elsewhere.
“Charlie I need you to do something for me” Well this doesn’t start well. “ Can you convince her to go out with me?” “Who?” He turned to her. 
“Jenna of course! It’s just I’ve been into her-“ yeah she had noticed “-for so long and this is like a perfect opportunity for me that she will finally say yes to me.” he sat on her bed and looked up at her. In this position, it seemed like he was giving her an ultimatum like there was no other answer than the one he wanted. And like dude, there may be a reason if she didn’t say yes to you yet. He keeps looking at her waiting for the girl's answer and to be honest, for some reason, she doesn’t really like the idea of him with Jenna together but on the other hand, she can’t just say no to him. Why is she always the one who needs to please someone's needs?
“Well, I’ll see what I can do”. Y/N nodded her head and Percy instantly got up.
“Thank you Char you are a lifesaver!” he smiled wide at her and went to his bed as she just stood there looking at the ground.
At night Y/N couldn´t sleep, she was thinking about what Percy said and she didn´t feel good about it. Because of something, it felt a little disrespectful towards Jenna, almost unfair. But she already agreed. She will just say something nice about him and see where it will go, she can´t influence Jenna´s decision after that and Percy can´t be mad at her if this doesn´t work.
She picked herself up and went to the bathroom, silently thanking God above that this wasn´t a public bathroom, and could shower without being scared that someone could see her. She doesn´t even know what she would say if someone finds out the twin´s secret. But she doesn´t want to think about that option.
A couple of days passed. The classes were good but the football practices were her favourite. Coach wants her to play in the upcoming game and she just can´t wait. Mason is her right hand and he is always supporting her, now when she doesn´t have her brother near, the boy is playing the role of her twin. Today she and Jenna have class again. They are talking a lot more. Y/N liked her, she was sweet and always smiling, she also found out that Jenna likes to listen to music and loves acting. She even recommended some of her favorite movies which Y/N didn´t see yet. They spend a lot of time together, besides being together in class, they also sometimes hang out in the cafeteria and walk together to classes, and sometimes she even sees Jenna watching her practice. Y/N doesn´t know how she found out about her being in the team but she isn´t even sure if the brown-eyed girl is sitting there every practice for her.
„What?“ Jenna was shocked „How come you have never seen that?“ they were talking about films, the movie Scream to be exact. They were sitting under the tree on some bench. Students were walking around chatting, birds were singing in the trees and the sun was shining through the holes of the leaves. Y/N was walking out of class when suddenly she saw the other girl. Jenna asked her if she wanted to grab coffee since they had some free time. So now they were sitting next to each other, talking about everything.
„I have heard about it but didn´t see that, don´t know why.“ Y/N shrugs her shoulders. Jenna only shook her head at the girl.
„That´s a mistake, it´s so cool, the actors, plot, cinematography, blood-“ she started to mumble about the movie when suddenly an amazing idea crossed her mind „we can watch it together sometime!“ she let out and looked at Y/N for an answer. She only kept her gaze on her if she heard it right. She wanted to say yes but there was something in her telling her that it would be unfair for Percy.
„Yeah sure, that would be awesome“ Y/N said smiling. Jenna shot her smile back.
„Okay, so this friday?“ she asked the other girl. Y/N looked at Jenna, she didn´t know this girl would be so fast, she thought they were just talking about the possibility, not that they were already making plans.
„Yes, I should be free.“
„Great, can you give me your phone?“ Y/N gave her phone to Jenna „Here, you better text me football player.“ she said smiling as she stood up from the bench and started to walk away. Y/N laughed softly.
„Of course.“ she whispered under her breath and kept staring at her back until she couldn´t see her anymore. She picked up her phone and looked at the new contact. Jenna xx.
It was already the end of the week Y/N was getting ready to hang out with Jenna, and she texted her about the details. They are going to watch the film in the other girl´s room since her roommate is going to a party. She walked out of the bathroom and saw Percy, she didn´t tell him about her going out. It´s not like she has to say it to him, right?
„Hey you planning to go somewhere?“ he asked.
„Uhm... yeah, some boys from the football team asked me about hanging out with them.“ she said. Y/N hated lying but what would he say if she told him she was hanging out with the girl he had a crush on? It´s not her fault that Jenna invited her, or is it?
„Oh okay, we are going to the party some students are throwing, wanted to ask you if you want to come but it´s good.“ he only smiled at her. She thanked him and he soon left the room. It was already time to go so she picked up some snacks she bought and left the dorm.
“So? Your rating?” Jenna turned to face the other girl. They just finished watching Scream and all Y/N can say, it got her. They were sitting on the small couch, snacks around them, she faced Jenna and only the light from the TV made her see her. The girl´s hair was loose on both sides of her face, she was not wearing any makeup and her bare face only made the girl’s heart skip a beat. It was refreshing seeing her like this and also Y/N felt proud because this meant that Jenna felt comfortable around her.
“It was pretty good, not bad not good.” Y/N acted unbothered.
“Oh yeah? That’s why you didn’t blink the whole movie?” she smirked at Y/N, she squinted her eyes at her “Be honest.”
“Okay! I enjoyed it so much and actually liked the plot, that’s what you wanted to hear?”
Jenna tilted her head “That’s what I thought. What can I say… I have a good taste.”
They kept silence between them, it wasn’t embarrassing or tense silence. It was comforting. They were looking at each other.
“Tell me about your family.” the brown-eyed girl said softly, holding gaze with the other girl.
“Well, I live with my parents and my twin sister” Jenna raised her eyebrows.
“You have a twin?” Y/N nodded at her question.
“What is she like?”
“Well…“ she didn’t know what to say, it felt weird talking about herself as if she was talking about someone else “She is cool, likes to keep things to herself most of the time, likes reading and writing poems…”
“She sounds interesting, you could introduce us to each other sometime.” she smirked at her.
“Yeah, I think she would like you”
“You think?” Jenna straightened her back “I’m amazing! Of course, she will!”
Y/N throws her head back with a laugh.
“How can you be so sure that you will meet her?”
“Oh believe me” Jenna smiled at Y/N “I know.”
Y/N felt the vibe of the room change. When she was with Jenna she almost forgot about everything and everybody, her brother, her parents, school, her and Percy´s deal, her impersonating her twin…
But only almost.
next chapter
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simpleeindulge · 7 months
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What You're Getting for Valentine's Day!
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Info: Fem/reader x One Piece Men, Monster Trio, Eustass Kid, Trafalgar Law, fluff, minor suggestive ideas, soft Headcanons
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He's no Casanova, but the man does pay attention.
While Sanji, Nami, and Usopp are trying to hook him up with the usual stuff, Zoro will get you something you want.
That journal and pen set you liked, that hairpiece you thought was cute, or even the shoes you thought would look good with a dress you haven't worn yet.
He doesn't do it to be different or because he thinks the day is dumb, which he does; he does it because he knows you will like it (and prove to the cook that he does know something about romance).
But yes, he will give you all the gifts the rest of the crew had ready for him anyway.
His gift surprises you because you don't think he pays attention, but the man does.
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Now, he is new to this and does and does not get it. He loves you every day, so why is today different. After getting schooled by Franky, Usopp, and Sanji, Luffy is on board. (Nami offers help, but the boys tell her they got this.)
What follows is some chaos. He will beg Sanji to show him how to make chocolates, ask Usopp to help make a teddy bear, and beg Nami to find an island so he can find flowers. (Robin did offer hers, but Luffy wants to do this on his own.)
What you get is truly something from the heart. A box of lumpy-looking chocolate hearts, a bear that, for some reason, shoots lasers (Franky's idea), and a bouquet of poisonous jungle flowers.
It's hard not to smile at Luffy when he looks proudly at you with his gifts.
You know Luffy cares, and it feels good to see that he had fun treating you.
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The whole nine yards and then some. You're drowning in chocolate and smuttered with flowers. It's so bad that the other men beg Nami to dock the ship so they can escape. (They'll be back later for the food.)
That's fine by him because he has other things planned for you, starting with a long white box with a dark red bow.
Yes, it's lingerie, but it's good quality and something you would wear.
He'll romance you into it by making you a bath, lighting candles, and setting out all your favorite lotions and oils.
The man may be a pervert, but he knows how to turn up the charm and treat you special.
You're basically going to have the Valentine's Day the stores wish they could promote.
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Valen-what-now?! HaHAHAHhahaaa!
Okay, but seriously, Kid is going to that guy who remembers at the very last minute and could give a shit.
Killer is your savior in this department because he knows how to speak "Kid" and what could motivate him. You and sex.
Expect lingerie, flavored oils, heels, jewelry, strawberry chocolates, whipped cream (you know why), silk rope in your favorite color, and candles (to be used differently if he can talk you into it.)
Killer will help set the mood with roses and candles(different ones) and leave the rest to Kid.
Kid may be a rough diamond, but he knows how to turn on the charm, and you won't see it coming till it's too late.
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I would laugh here as well, but Law is an intelligent man. Happy girlfriend equals...PEACE!
He'll do the three essential gifts and think that he is set. It should keep you happy, right?
Well, it will, but after getting a second option from Ikkaku, Law is shocked to learn that he is boring with his lazy Valentine’s wooing. His gifts are fine, but he has no other plans, just the usual daily work!
In a panic, Law will rethink his plan just in time to order the ship to find land. He'll ask you to go with him to a nice restaurant and maybe a walk to see the sunset.
It's cheesy and still predictable, but you love it because Law does not leave his comfort zone for anyone except you (and Bepo). While the flowers are lovely, his time and attention are a better gift.
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nukiiszn · 2 months
the blooming panic boys as fathers —
i will never escape the brain rot
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he's a relaxed, casual, playful dad, maybe to a fault. it takes him a while to really comprehend the fact he's a father of a life, one he brought into this world with someone else, a life he can now see grow old beyond his own. it takes him a while to comprehend he's not just babysitting or something. so he's wild and fun with them, careless, even. he throws them up in the air, catching them every time, flying them around in the air, balancing them on his shoulders, smiling wide as they giggle. letting them ride around town with him on his bike, letting them wear his comically large helmet. but sometimes it kicks in, when he sits with you in peaceful silence only broken by the distant giggles of your children playing, his heart swells and his lips curl with an all consuming, content of a foreign yet familiar life he could get used to.
"papa, papa, can we ride your bike again tomorrow?"
"haha, at this rate you'll be able to drive me around yourself, hm? alright, but don't tell your mom/dad."
he fell in love with his child the moment he laid eyes on them, held their impossibly small body in his impossibly larger arms. he dotes on them, cherishes them, loves them every opportunity he gets. he takes them to school, he helps them with their homework, he cooks them their favorite food, he learns about their hobbies. he dresses up in a frilly pink gown far too tight for him in messy makeup for his daughters, he lets his sons climb up on his back and he crawls around the house making engine sounds just to hear their laughs. he can be a bit too coddling, too overprotective sometimes, but he only ever means well, he only ever wants to see them happy, give them the teenage years he robbed himself of. it can all feel quite new and daunting to him, a life he thought he'd never find, but it all comes like second nature to him, and he plans for it to stay till he grows old with you.
"daddy, can you come play princess with me?"
"gosh, what'll i do with you? alright, baby girl, but go easy on the makeup? i have work tomorrow.."
he's a bit freaked out by everything when it all happens. months pass like minutes and in the blink of an eye he's at your bedside in the hospital with a child in his arms. he jumps into the role as best as he can, but ashamed as he is to admit it, you took the reigns a bit for the first month or two— because he can hardly take care of himself let alone a child. but with time he settles into fatherhood, trying to find his own pace with it all. with gradually decreasing hesitance he finds himself doing everything with ease; bottle feeding the baby when you're too tired, changing the diapers, patting their back when they've had a little too much to eat, rocking them and singing quiet lullabies when they're crying. they're small, mundane, expected things, but he finds joy in every single movement, finding a perfect place in your life and his child's.
"papa, papa, look! i used the makeup at your desk, i look just like you!"
"oh! yes, you do, little guy! but here, maybe this color of lipstick would suit you better.."
he's so incredibly worried, so unnecessarily stressed. he doesn't know the first thing about fatherhood, he hardly knew how to hold a bloody baby when his was placed into his arms. he tries his best, embarrassingly, sheepishly so, looking up guides and articles on how to do every little thing so he doesn't mess it up. he only makes it through every day because of your reassurances, that he doesn't have to be perfect, that he doesn't have to know everything. but you're so good at it, such a natural, he only wants to be the best for you and your children. he tries to do the small things, letting the kids braid his hair and stuff it with flowers and ribbons, even if they pull too much sometimes. letting the kids paint his nails, messy designs that match his braided hair. he shares his hobbies with them, playing video games with the kids, raising little nerds of his own. the big things feel so big sometimes, but he's doing so well, he just needs reassurance, and a push.
"dad, what's call of duty? can we play that one tonight?"
"fuck, um.. honey, don't touch that one! that's for when you're older, let's stick to braiding my hair again for tonight, okay?"
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batboyblog · 2 months
This post motivated me to try something different: namely, name a good quality about the Democratic Party and its candidate.
Biden’s most admirable qualities are his general wisdom and steadfastness in the face of great challenges. While I might not always agree with EVERY choice he’s made for a number of reasons, I do think he’s shown that he’s much smarter than people give him credit for.
Furthermore, he’s very firm without being either too standoffish or trying too hard. One of the things I hated about his predecessor (I refuse to name him) was just how anxiety inducing and chaotic he was, something that sucks for me since I’m a very skittish person even if I try not to be.
Biden is steadfast and (media aside trying to make a conflict on him) has never made me feel like I’m on unstable ground. He’s like a rock in the storm:
Stand by him, and we’ll weather through the chaos.
I mean in part thats why I do my weekly lists of what Biden et al are up to, because every week, EVERY single week its something huge and transformative, for the first time in my lifetime people can write "The Case for Climate Optimism" we have a government pledged to ending hunger in this country reduce homelessness by 1/4th by next year we are doing big things in this country
a few political speeches are the pole stars of my politics, the center of what I believe in.
Harvey Milk's Hope speech "I know you cannot live on Hope alone, but without it, life is not worth living" tells me and teaches me to always be for something not just again stuff, and to always be the happy warrior, gotta give 'em hope.
Ted Kennedy's 1980 DNC speech "the work goes on, the cause endures, the hope still lives, and the dream shall never die." to always get back up and get into the ring, its not never over till you give up, the Dream Shall Never Die how ever dark it gets if you hang into it with both hands
but most importantly is Ann Richards 1988 DNC Speech, if you've never heard it, you should:
I’m a grandmother now. And I have one nearly perfect granddaughter named Lily. And when I hold that grandbaby, I feel the continuity of life that unites us, that binds generation to generation, that ties us with each other. And sometimes I spread that Baptist pallet out on the floor, and Lily and I roll a ball back and forth. And I think of all the families like mine, like the one in Lorena, Texas, like the ones that nurture children all across America. And as I look at Lily, I know that it is within families that we learn both the need to respect individual human dignity and to work together for our common good.  Within our families, within our nation, it is the same. And as I sit there, I wonder if she’ll ever grasp the changes I’ve seen in my life -- if she’ll ever believe that there was a time when blacks could not drink from public water fountains, when Hispanic children were punished for speaking Spanish in the public schools, and women couldn’t vote. I think of all the political fights I’ve fought, and all the compromises I’ve had to accept as part payment. And I think of all the small victories that have added up to national triumphs and all the things that would never have happened and all the people who would’ve been left behind if we had not reasoned and fought and won those battles together. And I will tell Lily that those triumphs were Democratic Party triumphs.
It is always worth it to fight, however hard it is, however bitter it may feel in the moment to take half a loaf or a part payment, it is always always always ALWAYS! better to take a half step forward than not to move at all, because its not chess, its not a game, its people's very lives
as to what I like about Joe Biden? I could say a lot of things, he's a guy the world has knocked down a lot of times, a lot of struggles and personal tragedies that in someone else could make them hard hearted and cold, but I see a guy who always takes the time to listen
thats who is, always to see Joe on a rope line talking to people is to understand their cares are truly his, he truly and I promise you this wants what's best for people.
and just for a second remember who he's running against, who that guy is on the most basic level, saying he couldn't have raped that woman she's too ugly
so do you want a President who stops everything to tell a kid its gonna be okay, that that kids can do anything, and gives him his phone number and calls him to help, or you want the guy who tells your kids "when you're famous they let you do it, grab 'em by the pussy" up to you.
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kusakiguzen · 3 months
Yandere Mha x Reader x Yandere Batfam
A/N: So recently i got into yandere batfam x neglected reader. And i like mha x reader. Soo my fav fic of mha x reader is on quotev " Future Keeper" and my fav batfam x neglected reader is " again & again", my brain just mushed them together like.
Our reader was born and raised in japan (reincarnated from modern world) till she was 9 (instead of 5 ), childhood friends with aizawa. Her parents passed and she find out her father was was not her real father. And she is sent to Gontham to Bruce . (read the fic to get a better understanding, link on the names cuz spoiler. ) There she gets neglected and then decides to transfer to UA high ( here UA is a secrate hero school and on surface its a prestigious high school). She sends a direct letter to Nezu about her "Foresight", and asks to be transfared there. She does get in. Meets Aizawa again. Then meets tenko, adopts him. Meets kai, adopts him. Meets touya, takes him in. And finally Keigo.
But Dick shows up when reader or any adult is not home, tenko opens the door, and Dick speaks in english, Tenko calls Kai (who knows english cuz u taught him, on his request) to speak to the stranger (Dick).
Kai knows him ( due to him being extreemly interested in how you have such good etiquette and wanted to learn, you taught him but also opened up about your past, showed him pics of you "family", and warned him if they come make sure to not give them hope about the reconcile between you and them).
Kai followed you order told the other kids to stay in the room and call the adults (detective tsukachi and night eye) aswell as the reader. He makes it very clear that you are not leaving and Dick's presence is unwanted. The adults arrive before you and try to calm the tension between the two but still agreeing with what Kai said. This pisses Dick off and then tells them that they have no right to decide for you. Kai bites back saying neither does Dick have the right.
Just then reader comes busts trough the door panting and sweaty like she ran the whole way back with Aizawa close behind her, Aizawa goes to check up on the other kids while reader starts walking towards Kai but Dick though she was going towards him and opens his hands expecting a hug, but you pass him and go to Kai and hug him and check if he was injured and then tell him to join his siblings, to which he refuses, Saying you are too kind and he has to be there cuz he knows what it does to you emotionally. And kai stayed
Dick asked you to come back toe which you refused saying that you now have a new family. He tries to persuade you, but was cut off by kai saying "emotional blackmailing won't help since he was there". Then you list everything they ( the bat fam) missed. And then ask if he could tell how many awards you won, you'll give them a chance. Dick didn't know and said a random number but Kai corrected him and along with that he also flexed about how much he knows about you .
You refuse and he is kicked out. You thought it was over but it wasn't. Now you were stuck being messaged by random numbers to reconcile. which are blocked by Aizawa and Kai. Due to Aizawa being worried about you, he proposed to exchange phones since all their contacts were same. to which the reader agreed reluctently.
Now probably they got the hint and would leave you alone....... Or you thought
Three weeks later, bat boys along with Bruce and Alfread show up with all your favorite stuff ( which Dick remembers cuz Kai had spoken about it). Since it was Touya who opened the door, he didn't give them a chance and shut the door in their face saying that they'll make reader have an anxiety attack or something bad, then told them to leave. They didn't and since you were on your way back home, you unfortunately bumped into them. Again it was the sme bushit except Damian who you thought had lost his mind since he kept demanding you come back home, to them, and spoil him with more love than you spoil anyone in your so called family cuz he was your one and only real sibling.
You laughed at their faces, called them pathetic and told them your family is here and so is your home. And continued by saying if they love you even a little bit they would leave you and your real family alone.
Leaving heart broken Wayne family outside. Regreting their choices.
But they promised that they would get you back........... No matter what.
And your Japanese family vowed to protect you from them....
A/N: This was a fucked up idea in my head i just had to write it down. PLEASE CHECH OUT THE 2 AMZING FICS, LINK ON THE NAME OF THE FIC IN THE AUTHORS NOTE!!!
Hope You Enjoyed!
P.S. I tried to keep it gn, so all the genders can enjoy, i hope i did fine.
Stay Safe, Healthy And Hydrated
☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
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Do you think Crowley would be protective of us? Maybe fend off the beasties that try to court us?
That's a cute thought.
Realistically, Crowley is a dick that often leaves the protagonist to fend for their self and pushes them to take care of dangerous stuff that they really shouldn't have to.
But on the other hand…hehe birb dad.
One of the reasons he avoids us is because of the whole us “wanting a way home thing.”
Imagine his surprise when you tell him you would rather stay. Maybe you don't have a family, maybe the family you have is horrible, or maybe it's because our world is a polluted mess with a cruddy economy. Regardless it means he doesn't have to (pretend) to put in the work of sending you home. 
Well, as long as there's a place for you to stay that is. He is sort of your guardian and it would be in the best interest of himself and the entire school if you stayed.
Now a thing I like to think about…this man is likely lonely. I mean, a lot of people don't like the guy. (for good reason) The students and teachers are tired of his shit, though he and Trien seem to be homies and have tea together, the guy’s cat still hates him. Crowley also doesn't have a mate or any hatchlings waiting at home for him.
Combine the guilt trip of having nowhere else to go, add his loneliness, and then butter the guy up. I would say you have a good chance of getting him attached.
Imagine he sees you heading his way and is about to screw off cuz he doesn't want to deal with whatever thing you need to get fixed or have to complain about, you catch the sleeve of his coat before he can, and so he braces himself. But instead of asking him for something or scolding him you simply ask him about his day and how he's doing.
Birdman is shook.
Bit by bit the tasks and chores he gives you are ones where you'll be around him or he’ll randomly pop in to check in on you while doing them. Soon you end up being the preferred person for making and bringing him his tea. He pretends to nap on his office couch while you do his paperwork. May even ask you to help him file his claws on occasion. If it wasn't so dire for you to take care of things at the school he would be half tempted to bring you along on one of his vacations. If you give him anything it's going on his desk and he will brag about it to anyone who enters his office.
His cheap ass isn't going to spoil you but he will bring you small gifts. Usually the random shiny thing and small souvenir from his trips away. You might start finding loose feathers around Ramshackle and more crows around who also bring small things.
He starts thinking up plans for you to stay on as official faculty of the school once graduating. Of course, it's only because you are super useful and not because he’ll miss you or anything…
It doesn't really hit him until after he sees one of the teachers getting all father figure-y with you and he gets jealous.
Displeased bird noises.
Even before he started to get attached to you he did keep an eye on you, your easy prey amongst beasts after all, but he does develop a habit of popping in more when a boy happens to show his interest in you…or anytime he thinks someone is trying to sneak in and swipe his unofficial dad role…he does a lot of that with Crewel and Trien in particular.
Still, even with his affection for you, he’s still very much…him and the boys know this. Not long till he finds the more well-off beasty boys in his office offering donations to the school in exchange for certain things. More info about you, making you a member of his dorm, ect. A few have learned that the best thing to butter him up with is to talk about what a kind and generous father figure he is and how lovely it would be for Crowley to give the perfect away on their wedding day.
As a result, he, and probably Grim, are going to nudge you toward certain preferred suitors.
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harrywavycurly · 5 months
What You Deserve Part 10: It Counts
Masterlist: Here
CW: None
Tag List: @littlered0000 @saramelaniemoon @ali-r3n @sapphire4082 @sweetmoonlove0214 @eddies-girl-22 @darknesseddiem @peaches-roses-sins @blckburd @comeonatmebruh @daisy-munson @cultish-corner @mrsjellymunson @aol19 @micheledawn1975 @2000babies @marshmallowgem @ang3lc @angelina16torres-blog @transparentenemypenguin @alilstressyandlotdepressy @josephquinnsfreckles
A/N: I know y’all will enjoy this one and I’m very happy with the progress you and Eddie are making in this whole situation you two have got going on✨
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“Did you have a good time tonight?” “Of course…I always have a good time with you..but you know you don’t always have to bring me flowers right?” “Well that’s the thing…I figured you’d eventually mention which ones you like the best and I’d just get you those but…you say every single bouquet I get you is the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen so…I can’t stop until I find your favorite…” “you could just ask me what my favorite flower is?” “Where’s the fun in that?” “Well don’t let me ruin your fun then…but these…these are top three for sure.” “Really? Okay…tulips are in the top three…I’ll remember that.” “So…uhm do you want to come…uh inside?” “Right now?” “Uh yeah? Only if you want? I don’t-” “I’m sorry I didn’t mean for it to sound like I don’t want to…I just have an early morning-” “it’s okay…I get it…uhm can..can I ask you something?” “Of course…what’s on your mind sweetheart?” “Do you find me attractive?” “Excuse me?” “Like…do you…think I’m cute?” “Cute?” “Yes?…” “No…cute is for jr high school crushes…you’re beautiful.” “Oh..uhm thank..you.” “I’m sorry I clearly don’t make that known to you enough…I’ll work on that.” “You don’t have to uh tell me I’m like…beautiful all the time it’s..okay but uhm so…if you think I’m…pretty or uh whatever…how come you…haven’t tried…anything?” “Tried anything?….oh…ohhhh right…well I just didn’t know that was something you wanted from me?” “I just assumed it was part of the…arrangement?” “And if it wasn’t? Would that…change things for you?” “No no it wouldn’t change anything I was just wondering if that’s something…uh…you wanted…out of this?” “Sweetheart you should know me well enough by now to at least know out of all of this I just want to make you happy…you just have to help me learn how.” “But would…that…kind of stuff…make you happy too?” “Uh..yes.” “Why’d you hesitate?…you hesitated with the yes.” “I didn’t want to seem too eager but yes…I wouldn’t mind that kind of stuff being added to our…relationship but please understand I do not want you to do anything that will make you feel uncountable or that you’ll regret okay?” “Okay…I understand.” “Good.” “We can take it slow…like you hold my hand a lot now so maybe we can uhm…like kiss? Sometimes? Maybe?” “Are you trying to ask me to kiss you?” “Yes…does it count as our first kiss if I had to ask for it?” “I’ll let you decide after we kiss how does that sound?” “Sounds-” “Sorry you just kept biting your lip and-” “it counts…that totally counts…holy shit.” “It was good then?” “Shut up you know it was good you did that hand thing.” “Hand thing?” “Yeah you grabbed my whole face with your big…nice..warm man hands and kissed me…I need to go take a shower…can I get one more? For scientific purposes?” “Well yeah…anything for science.” “God how do you just…kiss people like that?…you’re so not fucking real…” “goodnight sweetheart…I had a great time tonight.” “Goodnight Eddie…text me when you get home please.” “I will.” “See you tomorrow?” “Sure I’ll stop by the Video store and bring you some lunch.” “Perfect.” “You want another one don’t you?” “No…maybe?…yes..” “last one then you’re going inside and getting ready for bed.” “Wait till I tell Steven how good of a kisser you are.” “Goodnight baby…” “goodnight Eddie.”
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tiredfox64 · 5 months
🔆 you’re popping off. your writing rocks brah.
I was hoping maybe you could do Raiden and Kung Lao fighting over readers (fem/afab) attention. Like back and forth jabs. And like Kung Lao trying to show off, kinda talks down on raiden in front of her. where as Raiden takes a more gentle approach with helping the reader with their training, helping her with her form he’ll glance at Kung Lao knowingly. It builds a small wedge between them, so reader decides to invite both over one night. And like you know that movie challengers? Like the zendaya scene where she’s got the two guys kissing her? Like THAT. LIKE THAT. If you can do this. I’ll piss rainbows. 🌈
Are You Challenging Me?
Prior notes: I had only the trailer to work off of so I hope I got things right. Also what a statement from you at the end. It’s not bad it’s unique and I like it.
Pairings: Kung Lao x Afab reader x Raiden
Warnings ‼️: Suggestive at the end
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Even those who have been friends for so long can end up fighting over something. That something could be a girl. That girl would be you.
No one has ever seen Raiden and Kung Lao turn a friendly competition into a serious one. Constant bickering and jabs at each other that turn to hisses from nasty remarks. You would only see this kind of tension from middle school boys or some cheesy teen movie from the 2000s. Ah but boys will be boys. Who can blame them?
You are the prettiest girl they’ve ever seen. Not just that but you are tough and always willing to learn more. That’s why you train with them so much. Well, it used to be training. Things have changed since you came around. Mostly their attitude and their closeness.
You knew Kung Lao was cocky and boastful, even for a Shaolin monk. The things he did in front of you made the other monks groan in frustration and caused Raiden to shake his head in disapproval. He was always calling for your attention.
“Hey! Hey! Look! I can spin as fast as a tornado!” “Check this out! I can beat up five guys at once!” “I bet Raiden can’t strike as fast as I can! What do you think?”
That was the usual stuff you would hear. Though comparing himself to Raiden was mostly common. He would put Raiden down the moment he had the chance. It would go beyond fighting and go into ridiculous stuff.
He can eat more than Raiden. He can jump higher than Raiden. He can stay up later than Raiden. Everything Raiden could do, Kung Lao could do better. He’ll prove it again right now.
Kung Lao ran up to you and Raiden, almost crashing right into him.
“Hey Raiden, how about another fight? Whoever loses has to pay the next time we visit Madame Bo’s.” Kung Lao was hoping he would say yes just so he could beat Raiden up.
“I can’t, Kung Lao. Can’t you see we are busy?”
“Oh I see. You’re afraid of losing again. Bet you’re afraid of embarrass yourself in front of her. Don’t worry, I get it.” He patted Raiden on the back before letting out a laugh like he successfully humiliated him.
“That’s not it,” he rolls his eyes before speaking, “I’m helping her with training right now. We can fight soon just let me finish up here.”
Raiden loved to help you and you were grateful for that. Though it always seemed like you needed adjusting when it came to your form or help when stretching. Even if you are a centimeter off he had to correct you. Guess he is a perfectionist. Or maybe he is sneaky.
Raiden came behind you and placed his hands on your waist. His foot tapped yours to make it move to the side more. You didn’t notice but he gave a light squeeze to your waist. He wished he could wrap his arms around you but now is not the time. Though it would upset Kung Lao a lot.
His hands traced up your arms till they were at your head. Your face was so soft he wanted to kiss it. But all he can do now is adjust it. Raiden glanced at Kung Lao and saw he was almost seething with rage. For once he decided to be a little cruel to his dear friend.
He went down till his face was inches away from your thigh. His hands grabbed at the tantalizing piece of flesh before him and turned it slightly. Now your form was perfect.
Kung Lao couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Though Raiden’s straw hat was concealing his eyes it could not conceal that smirk on his face. He knows exactly what he was doing. He’s just too good at hiding his devilish intentions behind a sweet, kissable face.
It seems that no matter how many time Kung Lao shows off, Raiden will always be the winner here. He’s the one who gets to touch you.
You’re not dense you can feel that something is wrong. There is tension in the air and it only appears when Kung Lao and Raiden are in the same vicinity.
You have been keeping a close eye on their relationship. They have been drifting apart for some time now. Everyone can see that. What you didn’t get was why. You were missing the signs. You missed the glances Raiden would give to Kung Lao. You missed the fact that Kung Lao would only call for your attention, not anyone else’s.
You had to do something about this. It would be a shame if their friendship crumbled over something silly. Whatever that silly thing was.
Inviting them over to your place was a great start. Though they might be shocked when they see each other at your place. You might have left that out on purpose.
“What the—what are you doing here, Raiden?”
“What am I doing here? I should be asking you the same thing, Kung Lao.”
They both stared at each other with mouths agape. They were confused as if the possible reason was outlandish. It’s not like there is a universal rule that you can only invite one person to your place.
“What are you two standing there for? Come inside, you’ll catch your deaths out there.” You called for them.
They didn’t even realize you opened the door. But now that they do they were racing to get it. Kung Lao pushed Raiden out of the way, leaving him with a disappointed expression.
Your place was well decorated and well kept. It’s only you living in this small house. That doesn’t make it any less of a home. Your house expresses you which the boys really like. They followed you closely but realize you were heading in the direction of your room. There was hesitation, especially from Raiden. Why not just stay in the living room? What gives?
You don’t have time for this stupidity. You grabbed their hands and dragged them into your room. They always imagined being in your room , of course that fantasy always involved you on the bed and the other one not being there. Clearly none of that good stuff will happen, right?
“Alright, sit down, I need to ask you guys something.” You plopped down on your bed.
The bed is off limits in their minds. The chairs? No. The bean bag? No. The floor? Probably a safe bet.
They sat in front of you, looking up at you like loving puppies waiting to be loved by their master. That’s not the first order of business tonight. Don’t be fooled by their eyes. There is still a wedge between them.
“Mind telling me what’s got you two so bothered. Don’t act like I haven’t noticed your strange behavior recently. I’m concerned about you guys.”
They can tell that you really care just by the tone of your voice. But a silence still hung in the air. Kung Lao nor Raiden wanted to speak the truth. It’s awkward, especially with your bro there. Kung Lao’s cockiness got to him though, reminding him of who he is. He shouldn’t be afraid so he’ll say it.
“I want you to be my girlfriend.” He declared.
Well that was a shock. You know what else shocked you? Raiden.
“I want you to be my girlfriend.” He said as well.
They glared at each other after saying that. They don’t even acknowledge the fact that you were sitting there with a confused expression. It’s not usual for two men to ask you out at the same time, in the same way. It was at least straight forward. You snapped your fingers at them to bring their attention back to you. Like the good boys they are they obey.
“How often does this happen? Going after the same girl?” You asked.
“Not as often as you think.” Raiden responded.
“We usually have different types.” Kung Lao chimed in.
This is weird. Somehow you were the connection between them when it came to types yet at the same time being the wedge between them.
“So…are you saying I should be flattered?”
“Aren’t you everybody’s type?” Kung Lao said it so innocently that it was smooth. He does good when he’s not trying too hard.
Think about this for yourself now. It’s no lie that you like them both. They have their own quirk that draws you in. You love Raiden’s kindness yet ability to be brutal while in battle. He works hard and is willing to guide others to try hard as well. Kung Lao’s cockiness can be annoying to others but it enriches you. It gives him confidence and the ability to think of new ideas. That razor-rimmed hat didn’t come out of thin air. There is so much you can say and love about them. But which one do you choose?
Alright, you have an idea. A weird one but it’s an idea.
“Come here.” You motioned for them to join you on your bed.
“Which one of us?” Kung Lao asked but Raiden was already up and running to your bed. Kung Lao got there just as quick as he did.
Nothing else was said from you. You only had actions. You leaned into Raiden first, bringing his head closer to yours. Your lips captured his in a passionate kiss. It was just like everything he imagined. Your lips were soft and had the slightest hint of vanilla that came from your favorite lip balm. He was practically melting in the palm of your hands as he wished this could last forever. But you pulled away, you have someone else to get to.
When you turned towards Kung Lao he has an upset expression on his face. It turned to shock the moment he felt your lips against his. That softness and the taste of vanilla enchanted him. He almost turned the passionate kiss into a whole make out session. That desperation to have you and touch you himself was building up for quite a while. He doesn’t want to hold himself back. But just like with Raiden you pulled away.
From the kisses you gave to them you came to the conclusion that you like them both equally. You don’t want to break either one of their hearts since it will break yours as well. So why not have both men. This can do good in bringing their friendship together again. It might even make it stronger. Yeah, this can work out. And you would have told them but they came to a similar conclusion as well. That will be discussed later.
For now you are more focused on their lips that are leaving kisses all over your neck. It makes your body heat rise up and causes a stir between your legs. Their hands are all over you. Kung Lao’s reaches for your neck to hold it still while Raiden’s reaches for your chest. You whimper at the sensation of their tongues lightly licking your skin. Kung Lao thinks it best to stay leaving hickeys on you. It will show everyone who you belong to. Raiden should do the same so that all know that you belong to them.
They lightly push you back against your bed. There is a hunger in their eyes. One that has built up for days. Raiden just can’t wait to hold you close as Kung Lao goes to town on you.
There is no shame is wanting this as well. Don’t hide that devious smirk from them. It will let them know to keep going.
You know what they say. Sharing is caring. And they care for you a lot.
After notes: If you’re gonna piss rainbows do it in the ditch I dug. If a skittle don’t fall out imma be disappointed. I have a sneaking suspicion that imma be asked of more from this. I didn’t want to push it beyond anything I’m sorry if you wanted more. Now I must finish eating before I mentally prepare myself for my class tonight. Adiós!
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angelsworks · 1 year
Happy Birthday Klaus Mikaelson x Pinkie Pie! Reader
Type: Challenge One shot
Challenge Masterlist -> Here
Summary: You celebrate Klaus’ birthday, much to his displeasure.
Warnings: Nothing really , mentions of violence
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If you could do anything for anyone it would be making them feel special. In a world practically bursting with people, it’s easy for some to fall through the cracks. Into the lonely abyss of forgotten. While you enjoy time to yourself, sometimes it’s too much.
The feeling of not being connected to anyone had deeply upset you since you were young. Maybe it was friends never trying with your relationship, or busy parents or teachers never bothering to learn your name because of your quiet nature. All of it combined really brought you down.
Until it didn’t and it instead pissed you off. You channeled how you felt to become more sociable in high school, using it as your chance to start again. You spoke with everyone no matter the clique or social status. Determined that no one in your reach would feel like you.
Naturally this filtered into celebrating birthdays. Whether it was bringing in presents or cards to any and everyone you’d spoken to. People in your class, in your after school groups, on your street. By sophomore year you’d cemented your position as the peppy party planner who was always the life of the party.
You’d kept that up all the way till senior year. Happy to make others happy. You kept a list of everyone birthday. Always staying on top of them. So why did everyone expect you to exclude Klaus Mikaelson from your list?
“I just don’t get it, how do you even know his birthday?” Caroline asked, before stabbing a piece of cake on her paper plate.
You smile as you pack away some blue solo cups, “I know everyone’s birthday.”
The blonde gives you a questioning look.
You laugh, “Maybe I’ve got some Bennet blood in my veins and I’m psychic.” You muse.
Caroline rolls her eyes, “When you can light candles with your mind let me know.”
“If I could, I still wouldn’t be able to put enough candles on Klaus’ cake.” The party had been for one of the girls in your art class. She’d asked if you’d help make it a memorable birthday and you could do nothing but deliver.
“I just don’t know if it’s a good idea. There’s all that stuff that happened with him and what if he like, I dunno, kills you?”
Now it’s your turn to roll your eyes at your friend. “That was ages ago. Now him and Elena are practically on speaking terms. Rebekah had no problem when I brought her a cake.”
Caroline chokes on the freshly frosted piece of blue birthday cake. One you’d made especially for Emily. From the rest of the decorations and the dress code, anyone could tell that was her favourite colour.
“Rebekah Mikaelson? She’s crazy. The amount of times she’s tried to kill me, to kill Elena.” She starts to rant.
It was true the Mikaelsons had brought trouble into town with them. Klaus was desperate for Elena’s blood, ready to kill anyone who stopped him. He and his family often clashed with Caroline and her friends. Occasionally you too, yet you tried to stay out of it.
After all parties had gotten what they wanted, with much mediation on Elijah’s part and changing of the a spell on Bonnie’s, they managed to reach an agreement.
“It was all smoother over, what it not?” You ask her, still busy packing away decorations. “Aren’t you meeting Elena today?”
Caroline raises her eyebrows in shock and practically throws her cake down. She takes a napkin to wipe her face, then starts to collect her stuff.
“You are totally right. Elena wants me to help Jenna pick out an outfit for her and Ricks anniversary.” She tells you.
“Thank you so much for this. Just be safe with Klaus okay. Don’t do anything reckless.” You wave her off, finally being able to stack boxes of party supplies together.
You say your goodbyes and watch the blonde hurry off. It doesn’t take long to pack all the items away. You see Emily before you leave. She’s clearly having a good time, with more than juice in her solo cup. She slurs her goodbye and thanks you extensively, at one point wrapping her arms around you in a jumble of a hug.
For Klaus’ cake you decided to go simple. Well simple ish. It was a plain enough cake that said happy birthday in white buttercream. It was covered in a blue fondant. When you finish you realise how boring it looks. While you don’t want to push your limits with this cake, you also want to go above and beyond for Klaus.
You’d heard of his tales, of what he’d done in the past. You’d also seen him around town. Always alone. It seemed he didn’t have all that many friends, outside of his siblings. Even they didn’t act like friends.
It reminded you of how you felt all those years ago. Alone and sad. Lonely in a town so small you’d bump into teachers all the time. Sometimes in the most inconvenient locations.
So you added extra details. You fashioned a brush and paint pallet out of fondant. Arranging it carefully on top of the cake. When you were satisfied with your work you put the cake in the box and in the fridge.
You wrote out a card and packed his present in a small bag. The present in question was a pack of small canvases and brushes. You knew he liked to paint. Once you’d seen his work on the wall of the Mikaelsons house. It was a large piece, portraying a field of flowers and a serene sky filled with the colours of a sunset. It was truly marvellous.
Yet it got you thinking, what about little canvases? Little piece of work that wouldn’t be as large a project, but could require just as much detail and precision for the small space.
Eyes wide and lips pulled up to smile brightly, you walked through the door of the bar. It was a little difficult with the large cake in your hands and present and card bag dangling from your arm, but your managed. You searched for Klaus, finding the man in a booth in a the corner of the bar. He sat alone of course, nursing a glass of scotch.
He didn’t look up when you walked towards his table. The bar was fairly empty and he was clearly in his own world.
You place the cake down on the table, then pulled the bag of your arm, placing it down next to it. Then you sit opposite him in the booth, moving the items on the table aside slightly so you can see Klaus.
Klaus’ eyebrows knit together in confusion. He knew you of course. Noticed you at his family’s ball and around town. He’d heard Rebekah gushing about you to Elijah. Talking about how happy she’d been when you brought her a cake and made her feel special.
“What all this Love?” He asks. You try not to let the pet name mean anything. While Klaus is an extremely attractive person you’re here for a purpose.
“Happy birthday!” You smile wildly then pull out a party blower from your pocket, giving it a blow. Much to the other patrons (not that there are many) displeasure.
He lets a small smile grow on his face, “Sorry love, but I think birthdays stop counting after you move into a four digits age.”
You shake your head, “No way. If you’re immortal then so is your birthday buddy.”
“Buddy?” He asks incredulous.
You push the bag towards him. To which he cautiously peels back the the tissue paper and pulls out the contents.
“They’re mini canvases.” You tell him. Then explain how you’ve see his work - which you think was really beautiful - and how you though painting a smaller canvas would be a different challenge and a change for him. He nods along. Almost entranced by what you’re saying.
“That’s really thoughtful, love. Thank you. I can’t remember the last time anyone celebrated my birthday.” He told you earnestly. Genuinely so appreciative of your kind gesture.
“Well that’s a real shame Klaus.” For a moment your eyes connect and you feel rooted in place. You try not to blush so instead move on to remove the cover of his cake.
“Now don’t get too upset, but there aren’t any candles on your cake. I think it would be a little difficult to fit over 1000 candles on there.” He laughs. Eyes move to appraise the cake. They widen in surprise at the detail on the cake and the paint pallet and paintbrush you’ve created.
“This looks amazing love. Thank you.” It’s the first time you’ve seen Klaus Mikaelson smile. It’s genuine and lights his face. For a moment he doesn’t look like some scary vampire. He looks like a man enjoying his birthday.
“Happy Birthday Klaus Mikaelson. Have a great day.” You say, reaching a hand out to his own.
Time seems to slow as you stare into his eyes. Your hands entwine and your heart skips a beat. You notice how there’s some green in his dark blue eyes. For a moment they shine gold.
It’s enough to bring you out of your daze. You move to stand only for Klaus to stop you.
“Aren’t you staying for a piece?”
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rispwr · 1 month
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part two
part 1
contents: handjob, a lil bit of tit play, big c jungkook.
What else do i have to do to keep you from lingering in my mind?
pairings : classmate! bestfriend! jk x classmate! reader
it's a kind of fwb typa stuff so yeah
summary : for 9 years of being in the same class with him since 3rd grade you have developed a small admiration towards him, till it had grown stronger the more you stay with him. will you be able to keep this secret from your bestfriend forever? does he know you like him? or do you both share the same feelings?
"kook.." i whined as i try to wake jungkook up for school. "5 more minutes pleasee" he whines.
"kook. it's 5:30 am. we need to get ready." i said getting up "but your massage yesterday was so good, i don't think i can move anymoreeee" he whines as he pulls my arm, making me fall on the bed onto him. 
our bodies presses together. my clothed tit makes contact with his toned abs as we make eye contact. he tucks my hair behind my ear, admiring me. "can we shower together?" his straight forward question suddenly shocks me. my crush asking me to shower with him? 
well we have been friends for more than 6 years, ofcourse we have showered with each other in the past but that was when we were still young. now we're graduating highschool and finally going to college in a year. but this time it was different. 
i felt my cheeks turning red as i slowly start to find it hard to not smile. "pervert" i chuckled "but seriously. wanna? to save time?" he said looking at my eyes with his doe puppy eyes "fine" i said getting up from him as he tightened his hold on me "lets go together?" he asks me with a ginny grin. "i'll just wait for you-" before i could even speak or finish my sentence he got up and picked me up in a bridal style making me squeek as he chuckles. 
we reached the bathroom as he puts me down. "you're so unexpected." i let out a chuckle as he starts slipping the strap of my tank top down as it falls on the ground, exposing my tits. 
he lets out a chuckle with a slight smirk, his eyes stuck on my tits 
"hey eyes up here perv" i teased him making the both of us laugh. 
"i'll undress you first alright?" he said calming. i hummed and nodded. his hands makes his way towards my shorts sliding it down. my shorts fall along with my purple lacey panty exposing my abdomen and my cunt. 
"my turn." i said as i look at him whilst unbuttoning his pants "you know? my closet at home is full of your clothes already. might aswell move there instead?" he said jokingly trying to avoid getting hard. i pulled down his pants along with his boxers exposing his large member.
"dang. i don't remember it being this big kook" i laughed shockingly as i look at his big member "it gets bigger when im hard" he adds "i know, we learned that at school" 
he puts our clothes in the laundry as i open the shower. 
he squeezed the soap on the loofa and his hands as he lather it together making a bubbly consistency. 
his hands then starts roaming over my body as i do the same "enjoying this?" i teased him as his hands lingers around my breasts a little bit too intimately "maybe" he said squeezing it as he then moves on. 
"so..what do i do with your...yeah?" i ask him looking at his member "you do this" he said grabbing my hand from his chest to his member, as he positioned my hand on his member as he slowly strokes it "there." he said "just keep doing that, that's how you clean it" he said smirking at me "if you want a handjob just say so" i laughed as i fastened my pace in stroking him "w-w-we're gonna be late..y/n.." he lets out a whimper. "i'm sure it'll be fast. keep going, clean me." i said as i liked the fact i was in control.
he cleans me as i keep on jerking him off making him bite his lip to restrain himself from moaning. "you enjoy this huh?" he chuckles as he pants. 
finally i felt that he was close "i-i-im close.."  he says. i took my other hand cupping his face "shh" i teased him. 
he then finally releases his cum, getting white stuff on my stomach. "was that good?" i asked him with a grin. he caresses my stomach spreading his load all over me "arghh y/n now i have to clean you up again" he scolds me as he gets the shower head, spraying it all over my body as i rinse his member.
we got out of the shower and wraps ourselves with towels, getting out off the bathroom. i take a look outside the window and it was 
raining very hard
*ping* my phone rings a notif from the school
"hi students of class 1-3, classes today are suspended due to heavy rain and for the safety of our students we suggest all of you to stay at home and relax for today. we will be continuing tommorow if the weather gets better."
"hey kook, we don't have classes todayyy!!" i said smiling to him "let's sleep more. i'll tell eomma i'm at your house" he said pulling me into the sheets with him "let's get dressed first?" i said "okay ma'am" he said sarcastically as he pulls away to change into his clothes as i do the same.
we were now on the bed, spooning each other, as we fall asleep to the sound of the rain.
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fluffymaxsworld · 11 months
first post!! read please👇👇
before getting into it fr i want to make a few things clear!
1. i’m not english neither i’ve professionally studied english, i’m self learned, so i apologize for any mistake!
2. i’m a MINOR, i’m aware of what i write and i’ve already took the responsibility. in any case, i don’t want any minors end up like me so please DNI <33
3. it’s the first time EVER i write stuff and publish it, so i accept gladly any critique or advice as long as you don’t insult me, thanks :D
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husband!leonkennedy x wifey!reader headcanons
(i wrote wifey but gender is not specified!)
i’m sorry, it’s a short post cause i’ve gotta study (i hate italian school)
sfw + mention of nsfw
• leon doesn't hesitate for a second when you ask him for something, which can be a Happy Meal or a yacht.
“babe, i was joking when i told you i wanted to live a castle!”
“whatever, i bought it, it’s yours.”
• he’s clingy, god, so much clingy. it’s even annoying, sometimes. when he’s at work, he’s gonna call at least twice a hour, checking on you or asking if you needed anything. and when he comes home expect cuddles, lots of them… and if they aren’t enough he’ll fuck you dumb till morning (so basically everyday).
• he listens to white girl music. you first discovered it when you arrived early from work and heard california girls blaring in the living room. ever since you caught him dancing to Snoop Dogg Katy Perry it's been taboo in the Kennedy household. he loves you, yeah, but don't try to remind him of what happened that night.
• [this is for my italian fellows out there] being half italian just like him was a sure great point in the relationship. you spend hours talking about how stupid americans are for putting pineapple on pizza, how much you love your origins and how attractive Monica Bellucci is (yes, she's the only woman you allow him to call attractive). plus, he LOVES talking to you in italian, especially some cheesy stuff like:
“sei così bella, sembri uscita da un film di sorrentino” (“you’re so beautiful, you look like you’re from a sorrentino’s movie”) [sorrentino is an italian film director and screenwriter]
“i tuoi occhi sono profondi e mi fanno sentire amato” (“your eyes are so deep and make me feel loved”)
• he’s a movies addicted. he forces you to watch every night a different movie. and it’s fun cause he always falls asleep in your arms before the ending.
• having sex with leon kennedy is like getting a one-way ticket to heaven. he treats you gently but still roughly. he pushes your spots so well that you could come in seconds. he loves playing with your nipples, he likes to suck and pinch your sensitive buds, making you scream and moan. he's definitely dominant in bed, but he likes to be dominated, as long as you feel good about it. he likes to spank your ass, leaving a red mark that he would then lick, apologizing for leaving it. he bites your neck like a damn mosquito, so much so that one day you almost ran out of concealer. if you really want to enjoy sex just ignore him for two days, he will come to you like a lost dog and you’ll welcome him with open legs.
hope you enjoyed this short post <3 please share advices if you want!
DO NOT STEAL!! thanks<33
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superbellsubways · 1 month
robor lore time
Showbitz and Heartbreaker stuff (+ a bit of their creator) ↓
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Lets start off with their creator (🙄) Their creator is a young, sad, lonely man named Dennis who spends most of his time indoors working on his own projects and lounging about. He had originally gone to school to become a doctor but instead took more interest in robotics. After graduation, he found a place and experimented with his newfound passion. Bitz would be the first of his bots to be considered a success.
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as mentioned in the reference, Bitz was built with the purpose of dealing with heavyweight items and disposing of useless things/trash (crushing with his teeth). During his free time (when not having any orders given to him) he would watch tv or browse the Internet. He learned about the outside world and everything it had to offer this way, and soon he realized he wanted to see it for himself. However, his creator would not allow this in fear that he would get damaged or cause harm in some way. But of course, this wouldn't stop him from trying!
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At some point, Dennis ends up building a housekeeper bot to help keep the place tidy and such. Soon enough she and Bitz became acquainted with eachother, and would hang out with eachother more and more on their breaks 😁 with Bitz showing her his favorite things to watch and look at.
Ok ok Fast forward a bit. The two bots both decide they want to run away to see the outside world. They pack up some supplies (including money they had stolen from Dennis lol) and find a way to leave while he was out for errands, it was the perfect opportunity!. They trainhop a few times till they finally reach close to the big city (very far from their home).
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Here, they would try their best to figure themselves out and what they want to do (along with trying to get a roof over their heads of course). Days pass and their hopes start to dwindle, until suddenly out of the blue, they get asked to be apart of an ongoing tv show, and immediately take up the offer as long as it provided them with a safe place to stay. Bitz would end up becoming the new host for a popular game show (the show having a robot host as it's main gimmick) with the housekeeper bot (now known as Heartbreaker) as his assistant.
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Now, you must be wondering "wow Mari this doesn't really explain why Bitz is the way he is now!" "Why is he passive aggressive nowadays?" "Does Bitz kill people" bear with me Ok.
At some point early into his career he ends up having his trust broken by a Certain Someone. This ordeal causes him to snap and hold a huge grudge towards them. Overtime he would start experiencing hatred for literally anyone he finds even the slightest bit of irritating, including a few of his own contestants or audience members (essentially he becomes corrupt, a Huge Hater, and develops anger issues LOL. You know the "are you tired of being nice don't you just want to go ape shit" meme yea thats basically what's happening).
One day he thought to himself "well why don't I just get rid of these people?" (which would be just. ya know. killing them. crazy i know. but at this point he really doesn't care!). He uses Heartbreaker to do the dirty work for him (hunting them down hitman style) while they're not on the air. She does not mind doing the job, as she does not feel much empathy towards people she doesn't know personally Especially humans (not to mention she also knows how to clean up once its done haha).
Anyways the fame from his show starts getting to Bitz's dumb robot head, which leads to him becoming more egotistical, to the point where he's practically obsessed with himself! He wants everyone to focus on him and him only, it's what he craves most. He would do anything to be the center of attention.
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and that's kinda all I have left to say for now. I do plan to draw a few things I purposely left out + things i mentioned here in the future. I also want to make another post about the other bots at some point. Kudos to anyone that was cool enough to read through this dumb thing. thanks
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sl-vega · 6 months
·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳ FAKE IT TILL YOU MAKE IT
Pairing: Karasu Tabito x [FEM!] Reader
Genre: fluff, classmates to lovers, puppy love, canon compliant, pre-bluelock, drabble/oneshot
Synopsis: Karasu likes you, like really, really likes you. Yet he can never muster the courage to actually ask you out. So when he accidentally convinces you that he's struggling in Chemistry, he takes advantage of the situation and has you tutor him.
CW: ooc karasu (?)
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Karasu stared at the clock from his desk.
2 more minutes
2 more minutes until class was over, 2 more minutes until he got to see you.
Karasu had liked you for a while. You'd caught his eye during orientation and he had a habit of always bumping into you, despite being in different classes.
He would've asked you out by now. But for some reason, he couldn't. He'd made many attempts, but he'd always chicken out last minute.
So what made this time different?
Well you see, he didn't actually ask you out. He made an off handed joke about sucking at chemistry (completely false), but you didn't pick up on the joke so you offered to tutor him.
And who was he to say no to you? He'd finally get some alone time with you. Sure, it wasn't a date-date but there was some progress being made.
Even though it was built on a lie.
Karasu heard the bell ring. The second the teacher finished with the lesson he sprinted out the door. He checked his phone.
♡ {L/N} ♡ (sent 2:55 pm)
I'm at the library rn, right by the fantasy section
He smiled, and placed the device back into his pocket. He made his way to the library, the second he entered the room, his eyes scanned the room for you.
Across the room, his eyes met yours and you waved at him, beaming.
How were you so good making his heart flutter?
He made his way over to you. Placing his bag on the floor. He pulled out his seat and sat down. You pulled some books out of your bag and set them out for him.
"So what part troubles you the most?" You asked, tapping your pen on the desk. It was pink, with a fluffy pom-pom attached to the cap.
"Karasu?" you asked again, making eye contact with him. He stopped day dreaming and flipped to a random page in one of the textbooks you handed to him.
"Uh, this." He said, playing dumb, he pointed to some random question.
You moved your seat closer to him. Your shoulders brushed against his. Karasu's heart skipped a beat.
As cliche as it sounded, you always gave him butterflies. Your laugh, your smile, everything about you drove him absolutely crazy.
You were pointing out to some things in the book in front of you, and you made some notes while explaining something to him. He didn't pay it any mind, he focused more on your voice than what you were actually saying.
"Does that make sense?" You asked, looking up at him. He nodded. You handed him your pen. "Give it a try." You slid over a worksheet to him.
He answered all the questions effortlessly, and you looked at him, mouth agape. "You're such a fast learner!" You exclaimed.
"Is that all you needed help with? 'Cuz it seems like you have the hang of this-"
Karasu quickly flipped the text book to another page. "I actually need some help with this." He said, quickly.
Don't leave just yet
He silently pleaded in his mind. You smiled and moved closer to him again, explaining some things and showing him your notes.
This process repeated for hours on end. You'd be surprised that he learned so quickly, and Karasu would find another thing that he "struggled" with.
Soon, the two of you found yourselves talking about things unrelated to school work, and Karasu finally got to know you.
Minutes turned into hours, and you glanced at your phone for the first time that evening and gasped at the time.
"It's getting late we should probably get going."
Karasu siged. All good things have to come to an end.
"I had fun though. We should do this again." You told him, beaming.
You packed your stuff into your backpack and made your way to the library exit.
"You don't have to play dumb if you wanna ask me out. I'd be glad to go on an actual date with you."
You smiled at him before leaving the room, a few minutes later, he heard his phone buzz.
♡ {L/N} ♡ (sent 6:51 pm)
And if you're gonna pretend to need my help, choose something that you aren't super great in <3
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