#tile hell
marzipanandminutiae · 5 months
I just encountered the most greedy-ass Landlord Bullshit today
so I'm trying to move from the fairly nice but Landlady In UnitTM apartment I ended up in post-fire to something hopefully just with other tenants, and ideally Victorian-er (not to knock my current place, which is from 1913 and still has some pretty period details). I went today to see an apparently promising apartment in a house from 1900. the listing pics were gorgeous- stunning fireplace with artistic tiles! bay window! pretty doorknobs and plaster molding! It seemed to have been cut up from a single-family at some point, but no matter- the little flourishes remained. delightful
but when I got out there, the landlord cheerfully told me about all the work he was having done. the second-floor apartment with the pretty fireplace didn't NEED a living room and dining room both, surely! so he was going to close the doorway between them, cut a tiny new doorway, and rent the living room as a bedroom. one common room and a kitchen would suffice, for this new three-bed apartment :)
and that big kitchen- well, they didn't need all of it! that could be halved to make a small kitchen for the third floor tenants. so that the kitchen up there could become a living room, and their living room could be a fourth bedroom. as opposed to the three already crammed into what I guessed had once been housing for...two servants? maybe three? not a large space at all
I just nodded, imagining three people stuffed into the not-overly-large second floor of this upper-middle-class Victorian home and four in the even smaller attic. with one (1) common space for entertaining and relaxing, neither of THOSE large either. each room rents for over $1,000/month, so one can't even argue that he's creating affordable housing
he and his wife just bought another c. 1900 house. they're going to rent half of that, too, "once it's renovated"
I can't imagine being that greedy
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upsidedownsmore · 4 months
Tonatiuh Requiem
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I made this Styanax drawing for a contest being ran by @medusacaptures for her 2nd Warframe creator program anniversary!! You can find the link to her post about it here! (though it's ending in like 7 hours as of writing this, oops lol)
You might also perhaps recognize the eyestrain colors from a certain Tennotober piece... :)
(...i was running out of time lmao)
Alternate colors:
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Kind of an unhinged one tbh lol, had a lot of struggles with the initial rough sketches as I tried to figure out what I even wanted this drawing to be. One of the recurring ideas was with something relating the parazon with Requiem mods with Styanax Tonatiuh, but it just felt like too big of a stretch and I couldn't figure out the posing fast enough
WIPs and grayscaled alts below the cut!
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god he's so hot
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eggman-1 · 1 year
Every NPC talking about pirates in Lurien village and stuff got my hopes up abt actual pirates. but of course it was just bokoblins
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drathe · 4 months
hello!! do you do the romance tiles as commissions?? you're so good at them!
Yes, I do them (lately for DnD/BG3 characters mostly), and it's EUR40 per piece :3
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brockhamptuons · 8 months
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┊ ┊yes, we belong together
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for eternity ﹉﹉﹉
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bunabi · 2 years
Been 2 hours & I already miss my kitty-bitty 🙇🏿‍♀️
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mads-agenda · 3 months
John's monologuing in episode 43 is going to make me EAT MY OWN ORGANS
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icedpee · 1 year
Felt physically ill after not drawing my fav for too long so I cranked this out
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+ a less shaded ver so u can see the details a bit better
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greppelheks · 9 months
It's 2024. Scientists need to find out a way to properly clean your teeth in under ten seconds
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sydmarch · 2 years
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oh yeah I finished covering my nightstand earlier today
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godspa · 7 months
my day was going fine but then my amazon package was stolen and i accidentally left my phone in the produce aisle at lidl 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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holydramon · 7 months
alright pretty much just need to get aesthetic work done before game is in a state where I’m fine presenting it.
well uh. Asethetic stuff AND getting the camera working. Which I am putting off cause it scares me.
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possessable · 2 years
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look at this gif i found
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claire-starsword · 11 months
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dungeons have automap, which i guess became standard for phantasy star rereleases. Still nice to see it even in a java phone port.
The emulation is however struggling big time with the music between steps, i'm gonna look into other emulators later
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Everybodys assuming Nayuta Killing You is a real possibility because of what Denji said but we are forgetting Nayuta as we know so far is just a weird little kid and Denji is a teenager. I think when he says worst case scenario you could die it really is Worst Case and the more likely thing that would happen is Nayuta gets really grumpy and refuses to eat dinner because you forgot to take your shoes off before you came inside and we always take our shoes off !!!!
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totallyseiso · 1 year
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This achievement is so mean, I need to try this
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