#tiktok tf
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kylestfs · 9 months ago
Hey, I would love to get the Tesla model X. Always been my dream to get a Tesla so appreciate your offer on giving cars for free. I'm from France so i hope it'll ok for the shipping and everything. How does it work by the way? I heard you needed a decscription of my body, guess to make sure it was really me you hand the car to. I'm french, 28 years old, always been single, pretty hairy body and some muscle definition (still working on it). Hope you have everything you need.
The Tesla model X
a typical influencer car for a typical influencer TikTok boy, always flexing your Los Angeles house that you share with all the other TikTok bros, dancing and lip-sincing for a living, and obviously
showing off your himbo body! Although you definetly don’t have the smarts, you’ve found the perfect job.
Identity :
Name : Blake
Age : 21
IQ : 65
Personality : Always flexing, hungry for attention and recognition, dumb, very childish and overall loud and annoying.
Sexuality : Bisexual
Body :
Body type : Himbo
Overall attractiveness : 8.5/10
Private’s size : 4 inches hard.
Rear end size : Big, fat, giggly and doughy buns, begging to be moved with different tiktok dances and trends, and obviously be filled.
Overall B.O : 6/10 - Not too strong, your pits do have quite a sweaty, unwashed smell. Same thing for your feet, but they’re not overly offensive. Just enough to be noticed when we get close to you, and to comment on why you don’t wear any deodorant. You obviously don’t even care, I mean, you do but you’re so dumb you always forget to even think about wearing any.
Gassiness : 8/10 - Always eating the infamous In-N-Out from California gets you very gassy, burps and farts included. Your gas smells rancid, like pure rotten eggs.
Muscles : 8/10 Nice, himbo-like muscles.
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sanzaibian · 11 months ago
The last few people who were on break were now back in their seats. We might not be a lot in this meeting room-like conference room, but for a seminar of linguistics and philosophy, I guess we’re in good numbers. It’s only the second seminar like that that I’ve attended, having merely started my master’s degree, but even though not everything was in my area of interest, it still seemed interesting
 if I understood what those researchers were saying correctly

“So, welcome back everyone to the second session of the seminar ‘Identity in Language and Thought’, this afternoon we welcome Matthew Zubair from the University of Southern California who will talk to us about Identity, Identification and Coreference.”
As the speaker stopped, a great-looking young man in suit took place at the center of the room. He really came in overdressed, as if he was at a business meeting, not a seminar in a small city

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As he took place, sitting on one of the tables, he started :
“So, I guess we’ll start !”
He has a slight Indian accent, but most importantly the demeanor and tone of a business promoter. I guess even researchers in philosophy of all thingscan look cool, unlike skinny me with my short hair
 Even an afro I can’t style it...
“We talked about this morning about copular sentences, so sentences with a copula, in English ‘be’, a word that has no meaning besides putting in relation the subject and the object, and more precisely, ascribing a property to the subject. We also saw that there are multiple types of copular sentences, Predications like ‘John is an actor’, Specifications like ‘The best candidate is John’, Identification like ‘This is John’ and Identity like ‘Superman is Clark Kent’.”
Matthew’s currently only retreading what we talked about this morning. I guess he finds it important to go back to the basics

“My area of interest are the Identity and the Identification sentences. So, before anything, a bit of history. Frege is the first one to ask questions about these kinds of sentences. He enunciates two puzzles, which look at sentences which are virtually identical yet are received quite differently. For example, if I say ‘Matthew Zubair is Matthew Zubair’, it seems like a useless sentence. Yet, it’s identical in structure to ‘Matthew Zubair is Matt Zubair’, which is informative.”
I nod. What Matt’s stating might be obvious, yet it means that there is a difference under that.
“So, what’s different between those two sentences so that we find the second good, but the first bad ? In both circumstances, we are talking twice about the same person. Yet, in the second sentence, we are actually talking about two modes of presentation. In short, while in both sentences we are identifying a same referent, in the second there are actually two references. ‘Matthew Zubair’ and ‘Matt Zubair’ are two references that are distinct, but they point to the same person – me. Therefore, the second sentence is informative because we are learning that two references are actually references to a same referent. Therefore, an identity sentence is a sentence that shows that two references belong to the same referent.”
It might be a bit finicky a definition, but it’s actually logical. Basically, someone might be known by different ways, and while it’s useless to learn a name we know, it’s useful to learn a name we don’t.
“However, you might know that a name is not the only thing someone is. Indeed, a name is only a property that someone possesses, and we can possess others. For example, ‘Matt Zubair is cool’ is also an identity sentence.”
Everyone chuckles. But he’s right, cool is indeed a property Matt Zubair possesses !
“But then, something very interesting happens. The properties don’t actually attach to the referent, they actually attach to the reference. This means that we might even attach some properties that are contradictory to two references, while they’re actually referring to the same person. Say you have a stage name, and you’re well known. People who know that stage name may say ‘That person is cool’, but when they see you in real life, they might say ‘That person isn’t cool’, even though they are sane and don’t tend to contradict themselves ! Yet they just said something illogical, and that’s because they attributed qualities to your references, not to you yourself.”
Yeah, I guess there are aliases I’m more well known with. Back in my day, I wrote some stories that were actually well-liked, you know. People might even have thought that I was cool – though it’s obviously untrue.
“Now, what are these references, or modes of presentation ? How are they structured ? If we go to the root of concept, we find that by someone’s identity, we actually mean someone’s role. Therefore, everybody is a conjunction of multiple roles, names and properties, that we regroup in what we call a ‘mental folder’. A mental folder, in this view, is an amalgamation of multiple traits that someone has, and you may open folders when you hear of a new individual that you meet. However, this is not entirely true, as an amalgamation of properties and roles can actually fit multiple people. Say you’re cool people. If there was a mental folder with only the property ‘cool’, it could be referring to any of you, which goes against the very fact that a mode of presentation anchors to a specific person. Therefore, a mental folder is an actual thing who’s linked to an actual referent, and it’s that link that defines it.”
It’s logical, everyone of us can be considered cool, yet we’re all very different. If someone only knew one of us by one of our aliases, they could theoretically mistake for example me for the one sitting to the right of me, yet it doesn’t happen.
“The reality of the mental folders can be explained by the fact that identical folders can actually exist. For example, take a slow night in which you just wander on Tiktok. You see a video from a content creator that you really like, but for some reason you forget to save it. After a good while, you forget everything about that content creator, except that you really liked that one video, and then you stumble onto another of their videos that you really like. You open another mental folder, and, same thing, you forget most of the things about that video, except that you really liked it. Now, you’re left with two identical folder, that refer to the same person, yet you’re certain that they are two content creators.”
Yeah, I guess I can imagine that. I’ve spent way too much time on Tiktok, and don’t really bother liking the videos
 I look around, and the one on the left of me is looking at his phone. When I nudge, I see Tiktok. Should have guessed.
“Therefore, mental folders are identities, someone that exists in the eyes of another. We may even go further and say that the only way someone is aware that there are things of interest is through mental folders. Every time a new item of interest is discovered, a folder is opened for it. However, even though those folders can be redundant, it doesn’t mean that those two folders that have been opened with the same referent aren’t two complete identities. In fact, quite the opposite. You all have multiple identities, and therefore are seen as multiple people by some others. Therefore, there is your cool stage name identity, and your normal regular person identity, which are both real people in the eyes of those who have two different mental folders.”
Yeah, that’s for sure. The one I am on Tiktok is very different to the one I am in real life. That’s why I don’t really show myself in what I produce. I don’t want people to associate me with my real self and harass me

“But, now that we have the mental folders sorted out, let’s go back to the very beginning and talk about identity sentences : what happens when one learns that two mental folders are the same ? In theory, anything could happen, but Strawson is kind enough to tell us that two mental folders who refer to the same subject must merge.” Everyone has a small laugh. “Therefore, when one says ‘Superman is Clark Kent’, it is a sentence that means ‘The mental folders of Superman and Clark Kent should be merged’. This is what, deep down, identity sentences are, an invitation for a mental shuffling. It also means that we can finally thoroughly prove why ‘Matthew Zubair is Matthew Zubair’ is an ill-formed sentence : it invites us to merge two mental folders which aren’t separate, therefore to do nothing, which is not informative.”
I guess it’s quite fucked up how I maintain that difference between me and that identity on Tiktok, I’m not being very truthful
 I should really be clear and honest with all my followers

“So, now, how do the two mental folders merge ? There are multiple ways to imagine it, and we are reaching the limits of our knowledge, here. Either we create a new mental folder that encompasses both of the old mental folders, or we make it so that one mental folder is subsumed into the other. I’m more partial to the second option, because the first option means that we create a new folder that doesn’t have any direct reference to its referent, which to me goes against the very foundation of the concept. However, the second option also means that there is a ‘true’ identity, which is theoretically dubious.”
I push back my dreadlocks. Even though I wasn’t sure when I decided to wear them, it’s become my best decision ever. Yeah, I might be a bit of a different person outside the camera, but I feel like I’m showing my real, goofier self on rather than off

“Let’s finish this talk with Coreferences. These are a topic our linguists friends might be more familiar with, but basically, it’s the phenomenon in which two different words refer to the same object. Basically, I could talk about ‘a Tiktok celebrity’ and then talk about ‘you’, and even though they are two different expression, they are referring to the same referent. To formalize it with the mental folders, a coreference is when there are two expression that refer back to the same referent, or to be more precise, two modes of presentation. Therefore, in identity sentences, we are making a coreference of a single referent, that refer to two different mental folders in the listener. Say a listener has ‘the philosophy lecturer’ and ‘my agent’ as two different mental folders, but I say ‘The philosophy lecturer is your agent’. I’m making a coreference out of the philosophy lecturer and your agent, therefore showing you that they are the same referent, therefore urging you to merge the two folders.”
As I saw my agent finishing his lecture quickly, talking a bit about different kinds of coreference, he asked us if the lecture was good enough for his class next week, and I held my finger up – I love doing that, it flexes my forearm just right – though the others mostly stayed dumbfounded. You know, I started my career with writing help, so these kind of discussions weren’t that rare. Back then, I didn’t even show my face, how ridiculous I was !
“Matt, ya good now, can we finish that fucking business meeting ? I wanna visit our new content mansion, bro !” Said someone with big fluffy hair. I somehow feel like they were the speaker
 yeah, of course, the best lip-sinker !
- Don’t worry, you’re going to make a lot of money, you lot ! I’m investing in you ! Now, do you want to take a group photo to commemorate the event ?”
Everyone cries of joy, as we gather in front of the meeting room. The big life we all worked for so long is finally at our doorstep ! We all posed, I did my special grimace, and we posted that photo on Instagram.
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The #IdentityHouse is finally #opening ! Come watch our #live on our #Tiktok !
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d1strict12-peacek33per · 15 days ago
Kinda freaking out over what’s going to happen later today rn at 5 o’clock in the morning bc I can’t sleep. Uhm. Yeah.
Anyway, shit you need to know:
You see I.C.E?
Yell, “La Migra.” (La-mee-grah)
Be as loud you possibly can.
They are supposed to be starting Raids in Chicago on Tuesday.
You know neurodivergent or queer people?
No the fuck you don’t.
Are you apart of that spectrum yourself?
Suddenly you aren’t.
Know trans people or trans yourself?
Do you have immigrant family?
Tell them how to answer I.C.E if they come across them. (a bunch of shit on TikTok can tell about that)
If you have birth-right citizenship, you’re at risk too.
Don’t be in usually populated areas.
Like, the mall, movie theaters, etc. it’s not safe, trust, there will be dumbasses out there today and probably the rest of the week, keep that in mind.
Anyone ask you about your political views?
Or, “I don’t like to talk about that stuff.”
Don’t talk about them at all.
Same goes for your identity, aight?
Idgaf if he “saved TikTok” it was a stunt, they think we’re stupid. Forget that shit, don’t thank him. It’s fucking propaganda.
Stay safe,
Ik im not popular, like at all but please reblog, share, whatever
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cheschesterpossum · 9 months ago
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Who's that wonderful girl? Could she be any cuterđŸ„°
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carpbait · 2 months ago
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hey guys. runs into a wall
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v6quewrlds · 16 days ago
"president trump" suck my dick and balls.
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parkersbliss · 2 months ago
if you’re willing to, how about 141 reacting to you saying “no one will hear you scream”? i know they’d all play the biggest uno reverse card, especially gaz because he just has such a sweet face you wouldn’t expect it.
I am always willing to!!! anon thank you for blessing me with this. you're so right like don't threaten the military men who are masters of stealth, now that's asking for trouble...
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pairing: task force 141 (ghost, gaz, price, soap) x reader 
warnings: um, gaz threatening you? actually, all of them threatening you bc you threaten them
a/n: see me personally I would not mess with this. and certainly not price.
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requests open for tf141!
It was easy to convince Kyle to come out here. In fact, he didn’t even think twice when you asked to go out on a hike. He had grabbed a light jacket, laced up his boots, and was out the door. He was an outdoorsman, after all, and any time he could spend with you was well spent. You weren’t going to hear an argument out of his pretty mouth. 
It’s nicer this time of the year. Not too hot and not too cold with the leaves changing into the sunset colors. Honestly, you were glad you had come out here, even if it was because you had other intentions than some fresh air. 
You were lagging behind Kyle, his hand flexing and calling for yours. You jog to grab his when you notice, swinging them as you approach a viewpoint. 
You can overlook the area below you, coming up on a small cliff that showcases the changing leaves and sun. There’s a slight breeze that ruffles your hair, making the tips of your ears a little cold. 
“It’s so beautiful,” Kyle breathes, taking in the view. 
You nod, gazing out at the leaves tumbling in the wind. Then, with a practiced ease, you say: “No one would hear you scream out here.”
Kyle steps back from the edge, whipping around to look at you. “What?”
“What?” You ask dumbly. 
“Don’t “what” me.” He points a finger at you. “I heard that shit.”
You step toward him, feeling guilty when you see his face. “Kyky-” you call. 
“Nope!” He grabs something from his pocket, pointing it at you.
You put your hands on your hips, scoffing and stepping back. “You brought a taser?”
“And I’m not afraid to use it.” He continues to point the weapon at you as you take steps back. You were messing with your boyfriend, but your boyfriend was not messing with you. 
“Babe, it was a joke!” You protest. 
He narrows his eyes. “Oh, not so funny now, huh? No one could hear you scream.” 
“Kyle!” You hiss at that, his point made.“Please put the taser away.”
“Please don’t threaten me,” he retorts, but relents and slips the taser back into his pocket. 
“Why do you even have that?”
Kyle shrugs. “You never know. As you just proved.” 
“Oh my god,” You said, walking back over to him tentatively. Once you’re close enough, he grabs your waist pulling you to his side. “Don’t ever say that shit again,” he whispers. 
You glance at the taser in his pocket. “Lesson learned.” 
Kyle smiles, kissing your cheek. “Ice cream?” 
You take a deep breath, letting the crisp autumn air fill your lungs. It’s cold, cutting through the skin of your throat, yet at the same time it’s comforting. It’s much better than the humidity-laced air of summer at least. Where each breath you took felt like you inhaled oven air. 
Simon glances over at you, cocking his head to silently ask what you were doing. 
“Just taking in the air,” You said. “’s nice.” 
He hums an agreement, walking along the stream you two were hiking. A few birds were chirping, leaves crunching under your boots, and the sound of water running over rocks. It’s a quiet you’re not used to from being in the military. That still doesn’t stop the idea from forming in your head. 
“No one would hear you scream out here,” You muse, falling in step beside Simon. You say it casually, not looking at him. You act as if you had just asked where he wanted to get dinner tonight. 
Simon, of course, is aware of everything. He stops walking, turning to you at an agonizingly slow pace. “Excuse me?”
You shake your head. “Nothing.” And continue along the trail. 
He doesn’t follow you. You can tell when his footsteps aren’t echoing yours, a little slower and more steady. Instead, they fall silent on deaf ears. You can’t hear anything and the hair on the back of your neck stands up at the sudden stillness of the forest. 
“Simon?” You call, turning to face him. And of course, he’s gone. You curse under your breath, spinning around to find him. You walk back to where he was, checking around the trees and the bushes. You shouldn’t threaten a lieutenant, the master of infiltration nonetheless. You peek around another tree, trying to get a view of him when a hand grabs your shoulder. You scream, throwing the hand off your shoulder and raising your fists. You come face to face with your boyfriend and drop your hands. 
Simon stares at you, a deadpan look on his face with arms crossed. “What was that about no one hearing me or, should I say you scream?” 
You swat at him. “It was a joke.”
“Damn right, it was. You think you could take me?” He begins walking again, offering his hand to you. He was a true gentleman even after he pulled that stunt. You really needed to learn to keep your eyes on him. 
You lace your fingers together, sighing. “No.” 
Simon is content with the answer, placing a soft kiss on your temple. “Let’s finish this hike without any other threats, hm, sweetheart?"
“It was a joke.” 
“Mine wasn’t.” 
Johnny took convincing to go out for a walk. He was more inclined to spend his days on the couch, relaxing next to you. Not some boring “walk for fresh air.” He would argue he’d already gone on plenty of walks while deployed. 
You dragged him out anyway, saying it’ll be good for him to do one without worrying about being shot at. 
So here you are, on a quiet trail in your local park, pointing at the various colored leaves and their unique shapes. 
“This is stupid,” Johnny said, kicking at a pinecone on the ground and sending it flying. 
You roll your eyes, squeezing his hand, which was intertwined with yours in his jacket pocket. “You could humor me a bit.” 
“What good would that do?” 
You huff. “I actually quite like it out here.” 
“‘m sure you do, love.” 
You tap your chin with your free hand. An idea forming in your head to spice things up a bit. Or at least raise the stakes for your walk. “Like, no one would hear you scream out here, you know?” A mischievous grin curls on your lips as you look at Johnny with innocence. 
“What?” He asked, eyebrows furrowed. He knew what you said, just hadn’t quite processed the implications yet. 
“I said, we can go get ice cream. As a peace offering.” 
Johnny removes his hand from yours, taking a step back. “I don’t think so.” 
“You don’t want ice cream?”
He shakes his head. “Nope. I’m actually tired. Thinking we should head back now.” 
You jut your bottom lip out, enjoying the slight panic on his face. “Already?”
He spins on his heels. “Yep! Right now. Let’s go. Back in public. With people.” He urges, walking away from you at a brisk pace. 
You laugh to yourself, jogging after him. He glances at you over his shoulder, clearly paranoid and you feel a little bad about it. His pace quickens and within seconds, he’s out of your line of sight and you sigh. Damn him. 
You exit the trail, and back into the regular park, squinting your eyes to spot your boyfriend. You can’t find him anyway, which is weird because his mohawk makes him unmissable. 
A hand taps your shoulder and you jump. 
“Oh, relax,” Johnny said, holding out an ice cream cone for you. “We’re out of the woods now. Everyone would hear you scream here.” 
You take the ice cream from him, glaring at him and his smug look as he remixes your words against you. “Not funny.”
“Now imagine how I felt. Except I wouldn’t really have a problem if people heard.” 
“We’re going home.” 
Johnny laughs madly, throwing an arm around your shoulder. “That’s all I wanted.” 
You stand at the end of your hike, overlooking the view beneath you. The cliff dips into a valley, scattered with red and orange trees, the telltale sign of the approaching cold. The sun sits high in the sky, blessing you with a little warmth as the clouds drift through the breeze. 
Price stands next to you, hands on his hips like a proud dad after completing the hike. He pushes his sunglasses to sit on his forehead, taking a deep breath. 
“We should do this more often,” he said.
“We should,” you agree, watching a pair of hawks circle and dive. “It’s so peaceful out here.” 
“So quiet,” Price added. 
You hum. “No one would hear you scream.” 
You knew the risk of saying something like that to your boyfriend, but you couldn’t help it. A little challenge for him. 
Price doesn’t hesitate, he takes a step back from you, putting considerable distance between the two of you. His eyes scan the trees, the valley below, the space behind you — he’s clearly checking for any threats. 
You take a step toward him and he holds up his hand. “No. Empty your pockets.”
“What?” You asked with a laugh. 
“You wanna say shit like that? Empty your pockets,” He said again. 
You stare at him, and you can see the serious look on his face. Within the minute you had uttered that sentence, you already regretted it. Leave it to John Price to take everything so seriously. Even when it was his girlfriend who could never hurt him. You sigh, dropping your phone, wallet, keys, tissues, and everything else. You stare at him. “Happy?” 
“Hands up.” 
“Not hearing you out, darling.”
You begrudgingly raise your hands as he steps towards you, patting you down and inspecting the things you’ve dropped. “It was a joke.” 
“Am I laughing?” His hands come to rest on your shoulders, squeezing them slightly. “Believe me, darling. You wouldn’t be able to scream before I drop you.” 
You spin around to face him, a shocked look on your face. He had gotten you there. Price wouldn’t be stupid enough to let you make any noise. 
“It was a joke,” He mocks you, a sly grin on his face. 
You purse your lips, grabbing your things off the ground. “Point made.” Price grabs the rest of your belongings, handing them to you with that sweet smile of his. 
“C’mon, let’s hike back down. We can go to your favorite sandwich place.” He places a hand on your back, leading you off the cliff.
“As long as you don’t slip poison into it.” 
“No promises.” 
-- END --
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đŸ· taglist: @trxpslxt @looking1016 @the-kakawshi-bird @Bitchyzombietaco
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doubledudeski · 1 month ago
elita getting fired in a nutshell
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czcreation · 22 days ago
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More au designs with no specific order
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cassiesdad-blog · 2 years ago
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want his balls stuffed so far down my throay
lovely work done by @loneghostwolf !!!
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xxxsilverstrikexxx · 2 months ago
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Has anyone else seen this tiktok 💀 curtesy of krazymage
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logicallyblind · 2 months ago
stop i saw a tiktok comment earlier saying smth like “in his heart dick always intended on making tim his nightwing” in the era of dick grayson becoming batman and oh my god i never considered that alternative mindset before and it’s killing me , if anyone knows the o/p pls tag because their minddd,,
but like holy shit can you imagine dick grayson slowly crumbling under the pressure of suddenly taking on the weight of the oldest holding mantle of the family, the core pillar keeping all of your tumultuous family members in balance, to put it mildly-
and as well as this you’re having to contend with parenting and raising a child no one foresaw appearing, holding views and training that clash sharply with your own and those around you to the point that it’s a growing contention amongst your youngest (? for now holy shit how many more are gonna appear out of the woodwork??!) siblings amongst the turmoil of bruce’s sudden hole in your lives and the responsibilities-
and to try to restore balance you reshuffle the dynamics that best adhere those that didn’t hold and the arguing and violence and stress and- but you forgot one singular component amongst all the constantly turning cogs because usually they’re functioning in the background, stress free (so he thought) - dick forgot to give Tim nightwing .
and we all know what happened after that
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chamm0y · 10 months ago
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that one tiktok audio bc i thought it was really funny (go watch the tiktok i love stopmotion lmao)
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mia-martian · 1 year ago
I saw this idea mentioned on tiktok and wanted to animate it so bad-
The drawings are so messy but this was a real good lip sync practice !!
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deepmorosis · 3 months ago
In a moment, it could all...
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beemochi-art · 3 months ago
Justice for J’BAM
Get to see my boys again! One of them at least

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