#tihs is about you
bloodtwin · 28 days
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puck is so funny to me. he doesnt get jealous in romantic relationships at all. the only time he might get jealous is if his affection is unrequited, and the object of his affection is already with someone else. but tbh, i think that's more him being envious than really jealous.
other than that, any potential aggression he might display towards someone flirting with his partner(s) is always going to be in cases where he thinks his partner is being mistreated or disrespected in some way. or perhaps he simply does not like the person flirting with them. but he's not jealous. he wants his partner(s) to be & feel loved by ppl who really care about them / treat them right.
. . . IAGO, HOWEVER!!!!!!!!! he's very unhealthily attached to his twin lol. so sorry to any potential iago suitors, you are going to have to get through their rabid guard dog first. you breathe next to iago, and suddenly puck is breathing down your neck & growling. he is VERY PROTECTIVE of them. he's probably a bit possessive.
there's a lot of projection going on with his perception of literally anyone who interacts with iago. it is . . . so, so, so complicated for him. objectively, in his right mind & outside of bhaal's influence, he wants nothing more than for iago to be happy. he wants them to live. to experience all the good things life has to offer. and he wants them to be safe! protected & loved! he wants them to find someone who can do that for them!!! because he loves them so, so much. at his core, puck just wants what's best for iago.
the PROBLEM is that he knows that is not him. he is not the best for them. they are NOT safe around him, and they never will be because he is supposed to kill them. it's literally written in their blood; they are meant to die at his hand. and oh, how many times he's tried to do it against his will. a few times, he almost tried on purpose- to kill them quickly & painlessly because he knew that wouldn't be how they died if he wasn't in control. but he could never do it because all he really wants to do is protect them.
puck is always very alert & on guard in general, but when it comes to iago those instincts skyrocket. especially about himself, but he takes it out on others. someone makes so much as a mildly snide remark to iago, and they're dead on the ground within seconds. puck just cannot handle the idea of someone else hurting iago because he already puts them through so much. (there's also the subconscious predator instinct. y'know, that's his prey, but he suppresses that as much as he possibly can because oh my god.)
there's also, of course, the insecurity. oh my god the insecurity. puck feels so much shame & guilt. he knows iago would be far better off without him, but that's his sibling. his TWIN. they've literally always been there for him & vice versa. no matter what happened he always knew they'd be right next to him, so he can never bring himself to push them away. he doesn't want to push them away. furthermore, they're also kind of . . . all each other even has? he's iago's only friend, and they're his. so he's afraid of them running off with someone else & never coming back home because they realized they're safer that way. i don't think he does this intentionally; it's definitely subconscious. if you asked him, he'd tell you that he & iago would never abandon each other & of course they can be with whoever they want! he doesn't mind! really!!! haha but what are your intentions with my sibling tho i will murder you if you even touch a hair on their head
^ IN THEORY. puck has very high standards for them. their partner had better be the BEST of the BEST. he can & will try to give their partner rabies or perhaps kill them if they don't meet the mark. this is why it was actually a fucking miracle that iago's canon romance is wyll because puck would have become the joker had it been literally anyone else.
basically . . . if puck can't protect iago from himself, he's going to do everythinggg he can to protect them from everyone else. he WILL protect them from everyone else. so. i am sorry for all the iago romancers out there. there is a dog barking outside your window, and he is about to start crawling into your walls with like. a Chainsaw.
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saltedsolenoid · 3 months
nothing of any significance but I had been looking for yr artfight like a week ago (had found it like... last year ? But didnt bookmark or anythubg like a DIPSHIT!!!) and was trying every combination of poisonous berries under the sun. Eventually got to blueberries but gave up before actually finding it . I do not know how to spell poisonous (solved via a quick search) nor did I know what the plural of "blueberry" was. Dead set on spelling it blueberrys. Like an idiot. Anyway I don't know how I planned on ending this ask what if I start it again. Hi sydnay twigehr arcademeptne live in your inbox wirh another ask for you today we're asking
o, the curse of artfight remains eternal 😔
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animutate · 1 year
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thought about this picture again and *car passes by so you cant hear what im saying and you get splashed with mud and Die.*
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caruliaa · 2 years
yk i think like. im trying desperately not to depress people around me w how close to doomerism i can veer but like. at a certain point its like. the effort and exhaustion that goes into maintaining just being alive in this world is not worth what comes from being alive and like. girlies we may have reached it. el oh el.
#like obvs its different for everyone like. what i really mean is that i have reached it or like. tht was always inevitably the case#for my life. which ik feels really depressing to say nd im sorry tht it makes ppl sad but idk like. its just true at a certain point#absolutely not from a lack of trying from the good things within my life to be clear not at all like. ik have sm great parts to my life#tht like. just mean so so much to me and im so so lucky to have but as upsetting as it is to say and think abt#at a certain point having to choose between being trapped in a situation were you can never authentically exist or like#have any control over your life and exist on your own terms even in v small ways while having to constantly be around people whove#caused you so much pain and trauma and hurt and being is a situation were like. at best your constantly working to afford living and you#are constantly exhausted by this and have no time for being yourself anyway and at worst you just cant afford anything and you die#and that could happen to you at any point idk like. these are my two options and i cant change anything about that fact#no matter how much i want to and that feeling is just. so so crushing and inescapable and just idk i dont know how to deal with it#like. idk iv done everything to try to but its only ever a temporary distraction#bc the problem isnt fucking like. mental or emotional its the facts of my reality and that cant be changed#so ofc im going to be constantly fucking miserable things just. are misearble#and idk. im sorry tht thts something other ppl have to deal with when it comes to like. knowing me bc genuinly its like.#they dont deserve that its sm pain for somoene to deal with and if that someone isnt. somone whos come to term with what#my fate invetiably is like have ik its too much nd im sorry for like. putting that on ppl i just. idk im sorry#idk what up with me suddnely. i mean i do but like. idk why i cant just hold it together like. this has always been the case idk why#im letting it upset me sm suddenly . ig bc i let myself have hope at some point. like an idiot.#idk im sorry. and its nearly 1am so i think im just going to go to sleep.im so sorry for just. all of this.#lucy if your reading tihs im so sorry for not sending and answering asks but i want to say that i love you so so so much. and im sorry#flappy rambles#vent#ask to tag
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iamthedukeofurl · 10 months
I feel like the Hbomberguy plagiarism video has a lot of really good lessons about building an argument. Like, the thesis of the video isn't just "Plagiarism is rife on Youtube", although that point was certainly well made, it was specifically about James Somerton, who isn't mentioned until about halfway through the video. Before then, Hbomb goes through several creators who are already widely discredited as plagiarists, and in each section he introduces concepts that are later incorporated into the final takedown of Somerton, but each section also stands on it's own. Like, he starts with Filip, the game reviewer, which he uses to introduce the format of how he will discuss and expose plagiarists. Specifically, the graphic of displaying the source material while the plagiarist's voice plays, and marking up said source material every time the plagiarist changes some wording slightly. This is the method that Hbomb uses across the entire video. With Illuminaughtii, Hbomb introduces a few major concepts 1) The idea of Insufficient citation. Illuminaughtii "Cites" her sources by putting a plaintext pastebin link in her video descriptions with no indication of how each source was used. Technically, her source is CITED, but not in any relevant or useful way. She has a big list of stuff she read, and a random youtube link in there happens to be the source that she stole 90% of the video from. 2) He introduces the profit motive behind this approach. Putting out a lot of content very quickly is how one builds an audience, and therefore an income, out of making stuff on youtube. Plagiarism of this sort is a way to produce content very quickly and build a following. The Internet Historian section introduces two new concepts:
1) The behavior of an exposed plagiarist, taking down and reuploading videos with minor changes, awkwardly trying to insert credit without admitting guilt. 2) That the plagiarists are stealing not just research, but STYLE. Previous sections go over how the plagiarists are reusing the same words, but this section oozes over how much of the final product's quality was the result of how well the source material was written. TIH didn't just crib the notes from the Mentalfloss article, he created a video heavily dependent on the original author's skill as a writer. When TIH tried his own hand at presenting the same set of facts, it came out much worse. So that when the time comes for the Somerton takedown, Hbomb has already laid the groundwork to bring these concepts back. Somerton takes down and reuploads videos when he's caught, he declares this his video is "based on" work by somebody else without providing proper citation. He's not just stealing research done by somebody else, he's taking their insights and talent as a writer and regurgitating it as his own, and he's doing so to churn out a vast wall of content that he can financially benefit from, and he doesn't need to tell you why this is important, because he's already done so. He already convinced you that Illuminaughtii hiding a line in a pastebin didn't excuse her plagiarism, so you don't need to be told why Somerton saying his video is "Based On" somebody else's book doesn't excuse it.
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good-or-bad-luck · 1 year
i cant gift potionomics to anyone becuase no one iwll be as insane as i am about this game
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maaaxx · 2 years
Whats the hecles thing? Is it atla or fandom related?
Sorry I took a while to answer this I was trying to figure out what all I wanted to reveal about this.
No, Hecles isn't fandom related. But this book that im working on rn (cots not ihiap) is kind of inspired by it in a way.
This is probably going to be a longish post so the rest is under the cut
Hecles is a personal project im working on. I might turn it into an actual books one day but im not sure. Its a really neat story line and the characters are some of my favorite ocs ive created and yeah.
Okay so Im going to give what details i want to share and then talk about the actual characters. My thought process through this is going to be not at all organized.
Eris is a kingdom in this story thing that has a civil war going on. Its a the people vs the government type of thing. And inspired by both the American and French revolution.
The government and royal family is extremely corrupt, and took resources from the lower classes, but the lower classes have been able to survive for nearly a century with this war going on.
Its less of a war and more of the lower class people were revolting and causing a lot of problems and so the government started killing them.
Im calling it a war for a lack of better word. This part of the story is still extremely underdeveloped and is all over the place.
There is a magic system that again is extremely underdeveloped but the premise of it is the royal family is thought to be descended from one of the Universes secondary Gods.
There is a lot of biblical undertones in this but this part isnt it.
There is one 'primary' god, Rora.
And then there are 'secondary' gods.
One of which is Derisue. Eris is obviously part of the name. And this is the one that supposedly chose the royal family to rule by giving them magical abilities.
The reason Derisue decided to give these people magic was because this specific group of people were near extinct from another war that happened centuries ago. So this group of 50 ish people get these powers (there was a system to determine who got them) and were able to fight back and save their type of people and these people gets put in power.
A few more generations and their descendants start to be power hungry and all turn on eachother.
Theres this mini war battle thing and some die and some run away and the one that is left declares themself Queen.
Like I said, some run away and these ones all have kids too and so theres the royal family who have magic and then theres the ones who run away and they kind of introduce this magic into the general population. So theres a very small percentage of people who have magical abilities in this kingdom.
The royal family sees this as a threat and start hunting down these people. But then the rest of the population sees their nighbors and friends being executed and imprisoned and are like 'hey wtf' and get pissed off with the royal family. This leads to rebellions and the royal family punishes these people by taking resources and increases taxes and shit and thus starts the civil war thing.
Propaganda makes the nobility and royal family think theyre in the right naturally.
Something else to note about the magic system is that the further down the generations go the more diluted this becomes. Its kind of recessive too, so you might have someone who has very strong magic but then their sibling is really weak.
So then with all that context you get to where the story takes place.
Magnis and Titas are the princess and prince of Eris.
Titas is a prophet and has a lot of other more minor magic things that havent been established yet. He's like 10-12 years old during the story.
Magnis is the first person in the family to not have powers. Shes 15-16 ish.
The interesting thing about prophets is that they are extremely rare. Like there is only one other person known to have this power besides Titas and thats the son of the first Queen that i mentioned.
The one of the sons prophecies is of a person who is the child of Rora. (the primary god). Meaning this person has the strongest magic of anyone alive at the time because theyre a first generation and like i said everyone elses abilities is diluted.
Then the prophecy says this person will help end the war.
So naturally the family thinks this means in their favor and go to track her down. It takes decades but eventually they find Ourelia, or Oura.
Like previously mentioned this whole story has a lot of biblical undertones to it. But thats only the case when it comes to Oura.
Everything else, the clothes style, architecture, race, has Greek, Indian, Mesopotamian, and Arabic influences.
This changes based on class, mainly.
So the royal family lives in a 'palace' that closely resembles ancient greek temples. Think mount olympus.
The general clothing style for this class is still inspired by the greek, with hints of arabic influences.
There are 5 main classes.
High nobility and the royal family. Like I said, the royal families architecure is mostly greek but as you start to get down into nobility the arabian influences become more prevelant.
Lower nobility. Most lower nobility still has the arabian influences but it starts to drift more so into indian style.
Middle class. This is like people who live in the cities and stuff and get by well enough. The cities all try to copy the first and second class architecture so thats what it looks like.
Upper lower class. This is the modern equivilant of people who are just getting by. They have a house and food and stuff but no disposable income. Like their equivilant to a family living right on the poverty line. Theyre architecture isnt new, they just kind of live in whatever has always been there. And the structures used to be built how Mesopotamian people used to build so thats generally what their houses and shops look like.
Lower lower class. These are people who have nothing. Some are living on the streets in the cities and begging, some are living in ruins. But theyre generally really skinny and malnourished and have no income or anything like that.
The bottom two classes make up the vast majority of the population.
The lower you are the more looked down on you are by the upper class.
The bottom class is usually referred to as barbarians and such and are known for being unpredictable and dangerous.
The clothing generally follows that of the architecture. Oura is an exception well get to that later.
Hecles is the poorest territory in the Kingdom. It's inspired by Appalachia and doesnt have a lot of resources so for the most part its abandoned.
It has a lot of mountains so unless you live there its hard to navigate. This makes it the perfect place to hide if your on the run.
The people there tend to be in groups. Or at most very small villages.
But the small villages are very few and far between. And at most like 50 people.
There is a lot of crime in this area so the villages are always on edge.
Children are treated horribly in this area. Theyre often killed or abandoned with the mindset of 'I cant take care of myself so how in the world am i supposed to take care of you. '
So its not uncommon for a toddler to be wandering around in the woods by themselves or for small children to almost form gangs.
This is one of the reasons this class is considered barbaric. If you see a 5 year old kid begging on the side of the road, dont approach him or else he might pull out a knife, stab you, and rob you.
The upper class likes to try to 'tame' these kids as like a vanity stunt. Like take them in and raise them and everything which is okay if they werent the way they were. They would often be abused or slaves or servants and not allowed out of the estate.
The Group thingy
Theres this one town in Hecles that was ransacked by bandits a couple years back and after that happened the entire population that was left alive moved.
Abandoning their children.
So theres these 5 kids.
Vita, Aticia (Atis), Birk, Nuave, and...
🥁*drum roll*🥁
These kids grew up together along side others but after the ransack happened they were the ones left behind and not killed.
they were all between the ages of like 5-9 at the time.
So they stayed together and moved deeper into the forest and mountains and hunted and scavenged to survive.
They learned to fight off robbers and shit like that. And altogether this group is very strong and very good fighters and strategic and smart and stuff.
Atis and Vita are two of the people who still have magical abilities. With Atis its very subtle she is very manipulative. So she can influence peoples decisions and emotions in a way (??) its hard to explain. But shes not very strong strong but it came in handy when someone needed comfort.
Vita is moderately strong. Her powers revolve around life. Like she can control plant growth and even had a bit of healing powers.
And then obviously Oura.
Her powers are associated with the sun. Because Rora is the god of the sun and whatnot. So she can control heat. She doesnt know how to use her powers yet but the entire group knows Oura is very powerful.
She also has a lot of spiritual abilities.
I dont feel like explaining those right now.
something they did was watch for nobleman carriages on a path near where they camped out. the mountains are treachurous but they span through the entire kingdom and were smack dab in the middle so there was no way to get around them when you needed to go to the other side.
And so sometimes there would be a carriage with guards who get cocky and either look for kids to 'foster' or are just trying to get through the mountains. Theyre cocky but theyre also naive.
Birk is the youngest out of the group and is actually really sweet and like the baby of the group but they would make him stay on the side of the road and pretend hes hurt so the carriage will stop. And when they did stop the other kids would rob them.
One time there were a lot more guards than anticipated and they got caught and the guards were attacking because they were barbarious kids and Oura is their first line of defense. She used her powers to fuck with a cigar the dude had before they were getting robbed and one of their carriages goes up in flames.
They put two and two together and realzie she has powers and arrest her.
They ended up having to knock her out and she gets thrown into the back of the carriage that isnt on fire and bolt, leaving behind one of the guards.
That guard doesnt survive.
And they dont get Oura back.
Other stuff
Theres a test they can do to see if someone has powers by cutting them and observing their blood.
Normally when someone with the magic bleeds theres a silver shine to the blood.
But when they cut Oura its golden.
No ones ever seen that before.
They call up the royal family like 'hey i think we found that sun child yall are always riping about'
And so Oura is taken to the temple and is raised alongside Titas who is only a small toddler when oura gets there and Magnis who is like 5 or 6 at the time. Oura is 11 or 12 ish.
A decade later is when the actual story starts.
Thats all im giving you about that.
Oura is the main character so i should probably start with her but Magnis is my favorite so oh well.
Magnis, like I said is the first person in the royal family to not have powers. A lot of people accuse her of being illegitimate but theres no way because her mom is the one who is Queen and connects her to the bloodline and yk moms cant give birth to children thats not biologically theirs. Atleast not in this universe, surrogacy isnt a thing here.
By rule, the oldest child is the heir, despite gender. But since Magnis doesnt have powers theres a lot of disagreements on whether or not she should be able to be Queen one day.
Especially when Titas, an extremely powerful profit, is right there.
Obviously this causes Magnis a lot of issues.
Shes the scapegoat of the family and will do anything to pleas her mother.
Think Zuko's impulsiveness and drive and obliviousness mixed with Azulas intelligence and you get Magnis.
Shes an extreme people pleaser and like I said, very smart. She aces all of her studies but she still isnt magic so this doesnt matter to her mom.
When word gets around of a rebellion group thats causing a lot of trouble in the 3rd and 4th class Magnis is the first to volunteer to wipe them out.
Her mom wants rid of her so she says sure and sends Magnis on her way at like 15.
Magnis is very self deprecating and also has the biggest ego in the world at the same time. Miss girl needs a therapist she aint doing well.
But shes fiercely loyal to Oura first and her mom second but Oura and her mom are on the same side so its the same thing right???
But when her mom didnt praise her or pay attention to her or validate her, Oura did.
Oura is major oldest daughter vibes.
This isnt about Oura yet im getting off track.
Magnisses mom (i really need to figure out her name) knows how loyal her daughter is though, and shell exploit that sometimes. This becomes very important eventually but not in a way you guys are finding out today.
Magnis has a playlist and a pinterest board
Go check them out if you want.
Okay so from where we left off with her, Oura got taken to the temple to hang with the royal family.
Oura doesnt have a sense of family and how familys are supposed to operate but she does know what love is from the rest of the group and families love eachother right??? So why does the royal family treat eachother like this????
She all but looks at the Queen and tells her that she isn't allowed to raise her own kids anymore. Oura works with Titas and his powers and talks with Magnis and genuinely loves the kids like siblings. And makes it a point to build a connection with them.
(Or maybe its because Ouras alone for the first time in her life and she doesnt know what to do without a 'group', who knows)
She's very smart. She knows immediately that if she opposes what they try to teach her, nothing good will come out of it. So she 'learns' quickly about the history of Eris and how the magic people outside the royal family are all bad and need to be killed and jailed.
She memorizes what they want her to believe but she doesnt forget how hungry the village was before it was abandoned. And she will never forget the abundance of food they could get off of the carriages. Far more than what a few nobleman and some guards would ever need.
She would always remember the house she shared with her father before he left her alone and how there was a hole in the door allowing the cold to get in in the depths of winter and animals to come in and claw at her feet when she tried to kick them away.
And then there were more rooms in the palace than Oura could count. Some of which she was told were too sacred for someone to step foot in so the door has been shut for decades.
Remember the detail about the foster children? There was one that was a servent in the palace. He was from the 4th class and was about 5 years older than Oura. He had been taken when he was ten and put to work for the royal family. He and Oura bonded quick. He explained the rules to her and told her who she needed to look out for and what questions would get her slapped.
Oura woke up one day when she was 15 and he had disappeared. Oura was too scared to ask but there was a rumor about a banned book under his mattress.
Oura learned quickly that in order for the people she cared about to not get hurt, she needed to be in control. But in order for her to not get hurt, no one could know this.
She dug and found the Queens weaknesses and secrets and only stored them in her mind, less they would be found.
And she knew that there would be a moment when she would have to utilize those secrets to one up her.
I mentioned that Oura has a bunch of biblical undertones.
The child of a God, Saviour of a people, sound familiar?
Ouras pinterest thing Ouras playlist
Titas couldnt remember a time when Oura wasnt around. Magnis barely could, but Titas, not at all.
Titas was smart, but unlike Magnis, it wasnt clouded by the need for approval. He got the approval. He was the most powerful person in his family for generations and the only prophet for a century.
And he had Oura.
She learned to read and write with him and Magnis. She would tell stories about her friends when the sun set and they could finally talk without expectations of doing something else.
She told him about the value outside of magical powers and academic abilities. He wasnt just a prophet to Oura.
The rest of his family only saw him that way.
Titas decided long ago that he preferred Oura to his mother. And he knew how to read Oura in a way that Magnis didnt know to. He saw the split second glares as she lectured about political spiels.
And he was with her the night she went through his mothers office, digging for some dirt. Oura didnt think he was old enough to remember, but he was.
He knew Oura didnt like his mom. And he knew that when, not if, it came down to it. He would follow Oura.
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… babysitter trope or- i meeeeaan!! It sounds like babysitter trope, i’m just saying~ stop throwing breadsticks at me~
Girl-dad shuji IS the babysitter. Stay at home ex yakuza dad shuji. Dog dad shuji. Silly little dumb family shuji!!!! Shuji falling asleep with his daughter on the couch on a Tuesday night bc he's too soft and she refuses to sleep alone!!!!???!! ShUJI DOTING ON CHILDREN!!!!!!
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thisismeracing · 1 year
Ex | MS47
Pairing: black!singer!reader (she/her) x mick schumacher
Warnings: curse words, Twitter environment, breakup, mention of food, pregnancy, it's not proofread, etc etc. Minors DNI!
summary: Y/n and Mick used to be the golden couple in the paddock, that's why the internet went wild when they announced their breakup. Imagine how they reacted when Y/n dropped a song about not wanting to be his ex. Would the couple have any hope in getting back together?
a/n: none of the pictures used are mine, they are all from Pinterest and other apps. everything else is made up by me and I do not give permission for it to be published on a different platform. I would appreciate it if those things could be taken into consideration 💛
my masterlist | my taglist
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liked by dualipa, mercedesamgf1, and others
yourusername New song is out 🖤 Hope you guys like it!
view all 19,976 comments
schumicedes This feels like such a personal song, it gave me chills!
⤷ yn1990 It's like she recorded a voice message for him and then dropped it as a song.
f1sainzito I still can't believe they broke up, I'm still mourning their relationship
⤷ charleslechair1 I bet they will get back after this song lol
ynprincess I love her but this cover feels so...weird, idk, like it's rushed
⤷ mickeyn someone made a thread on twitter explaining it a bit, but it's basically a picture mick took of her, she wanted to make her message clear and that's why it's so artistically beautiful, it goes beyond the aesthetic
jorjasmith you’re so brave and pure, Ily!❤️❤️
winteryn Yn wanting to be friends with her ex, meanwhile I literally changed cities so I wouldn't see mine again
⤷ cruelsummer1 that's why I feel like they like gave themselves time, not really broke up fr, and now they realize it was not the best idea because they literally love each other.
dojacat Don't make me miss my ex, yn!!!! ☠️
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liked by georgerussell63, mercedesamgf1, and others
mickschumacher ⛰️
comments on tihs post have been limited
ynandschumi I wanted to comment something but I just know it will be deleted, so I'm just gonna say: you guys look good, hope you enjoyed your hike!❤️ also Angie seems a bit sad without her mother doesn't she....................
⤷ mercedessummer bestie, you did not LMAO
lewishamilton Roscoe says he's mad he was not invited!
mickschum90 I love you, mick!
sunandstarsyn This does not give happiness vibe...
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liked by wonderfulyn and others
dailycelebsupdate We woke up this morning to the leaking of Y/n Y/l/n’s baby shower. The singer spent a little over a year off the radar after her breakup with F1 star Mick Schumacher, only to show up now pregnant! Who are we betting on to be the baby daddy?
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ynlove we aint betting a thing, and stop saying “only to show up” as if these pics were posted intently, they were LEAKED. Respect Y/n’s right to her privacy!
sainzsunny I hated the fact that the leaked something that she did not want people to know, but my bet would be that she and Mick are back together since that song release 🤐
mickeyf1 You guys are disgusting
swiftieyln She lookes so peaceful, glowing and everything 😭
⤷ ynhundreds that because she was being able to keep her private life to herself.
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liked by user90, and others
f1gossipupdates Is everyone thinking the same thing?
view all 9,789 comments
schumacher47 Is leaking season? Wtf the wrong, why cant celebs have their privacy??
⤷ f1khalid especially Mick, he’s really open about how he likes to have his personal life respected. 😔
hockeyf1d They MARRIED???!!!
ynbrasil I just know Yn will be pissed when she open her socials to this shitshow
yourusername and mickschumacher
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liked by mercedesamgf1, estebanocon, and others
yourusername It's been a long ride and we wanted to share with you guys in a different way, the circumstances, however, did not help, so we are sticking to the good ol' Instagram announcement. We got married last year and decided to keep living in our particular heaven, I hope you guys don't get this the wrong way because we love the love and support some of you give us, but Mick and I needed to bask in our own love without interruptions or assumptions. This love grew bigger than us and it will be walking around the world in a couple of months. We appreciate our friends' discretion, and our fans' love, we see you and we love you. We hope you guys can respect our privacy and our wishes on keeping some details to ourselves. Love, Mick and Yn Schumacher
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schumickeyf1 "This love grew bigger than us and it will be walking around the world in a couple of months" PLEASE IM SO LONELY THIS IS A WHOLE NEW LEVEL OF ROMANTIC
mickschumacher Forever, mrs. Schumacher ❤️
⤷ yourusername forever and some more, my love 💗
charles_leclerc omg thank goodness you guys told everyone, I was so scared I would let it slip
⤷ lechair16 Charles ☠️☠️ LMAO
lewishamilton you guys deserve all the happiness in this world 🤍
ynandmick I was right and nature is healing
twentyoneyns So let me get this clear, my ex gives me a reason to go to therapy, while Y/n's ex gives her a ring, then all the love and orgasms in the world, and then a baby??????????? God definitely has its favorites.
⤷ schumercedes not the orgasms 🗣🗣 HAHAHAHAHAH
⤷ popyn Literally
mercedesamgf1 We already have a spot for them 💜
sunnydaysyln Are we calling the baby schumini or minimacher? or baby schumi? or macherbaby?
⤷ yourusername HAHAHAHHA I love them all
If you liked it, make sure to like and reblog <3 feel free to talk to me as well, my inbox is always open!
I will start a taglist on my posts, to be part of it you just gotta comment/send an ask saying so, and most important: have your age in your profile (I don’t interact with minors!). See you guys next story! <3
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I hate democrats with all my very heart but I can't in good faith advise to vote 3rd party in these hell years when they would see every trans person hang and be off hormones. When the transphobia is not at its height (Eg, like. a few years ago) I would 100% agree with you, but the stakes are too high. If the states falls to transphobia, even more countries will follow it. I think it's harmful to consider not voting D this upcoming election. Once they got off tihs current bend, I could get behind where you are coming from.
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"this is helpful and not lacking critical analysis at all"
"if the states fall to transphobia"
Where have you been?
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GA & VA are blue states this year btw. It's gotten worse since May and and April, too. The mid terms didn't save anyone.
Also if you, the person reading this, have considered voting 3rd party pls know it's not nearly as unpopular or as unlikely of a win as Democrats want you to think it is.
People would vote for a good 3rd party candidate, actually.
Dems convincing you its a long shot is absolutely a self-preserving psyop hoping to convince you otherwise. Its a half-assed theory that blatantly denies what we learned from 2016 and can still see in polls.
And that's 3rd party candidates stand a shot of they can get in the primaries for the general election. People want progressives. People were pissed and turned to voting for Trump when Sanders fell out- not Clinton.
They need and want another option and it's not a long shot or unlikely. They just need to make it to the primaries.
Enter Cornel West
Cornel West is not running as a Democrat and thus does not need to battle Biden for a spot on the general ballot in November of 2024....
✨ Which gives you and all your friends plenty of time to learn about him ✨
So here are some of his policies and also his campaign site
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I'm a decolonial anarchist that hates the state and sees voting as nothing as upholding the state. I make no room for Democrats because Democrats lack the ambition to challenge anything about it.
But unless Cornel West drops out or ends up being some awful closeted abused... Im going to vote for him.
A lot of his politics and campaign goals align with my politics. I wouldn't feel like I was settling if I voted for him.
And a lot of this stuff isn't unreasonable or unrealistic either. Like I just made a post about how the NDAA budget proposal for 2024 is being increased with enough money to solve clean water, homelessness, and implement free college tuition for the whole USA. And Republicans are fighting for more.
And that's just the budget for two years, it'll probably be increased by another hundred billion in a couple years. Nobody blinks when the military budget is swelling like that.
But we should when we can be using that kind of money to solve real problems that real people are having and face and would change lives literally overnight. They just throw that money at the military where most of us never see it again.
But this stuff can be real.
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corviiids · 1 month
hi rook sorrgy I'm back but I've been thinking about your akeshu as girls genderfuckery tweet for 20 million years. idk if you can share anything in good faith here on the Tumblr corner of the internet (if not then by all means ignore this) but if you did I'd owe you perhaps my entire soul!! thank you very much either way :3
i would LOVE to talk about this thank you so much for asking
[under the cut in case anyone would not like to see genderfuckery stuff]
okay so first of all.
on the topic of boobs
this is important to lead with do you understand. most of the akeshu as girls stuff ive seen around has akc as flat-chested and ren as boobed. and that's valid i support that. but personally. personally to me. i think it's the opposite. tbe reason (well one reason) i think it's the opposite is because i think girlren is a little rat of a creature and akechi who is prim and feminine and perfect is so FUCKING angry about her crush on ren like she's barely surviving it and then this is the nail in the coffin. she's like why can't i stop thinking about that messy unassuming thing. she doesn't even have boobs
my other reasons for tihs are that i think joker is more androgynous charm while akechi is more feminine/masculine duality i think this makes sense to nobody else. i think ren regardless of agab is riding the rail of the gender spectrum 🛹 while akc is collecting extremes of gender presentation like they're pokemon do you understand. are we on the same page here. ren being into drag is important to me for this reason (again regardless of agab). meanwhile akechi having very clear feminine secondary sex characteristics but presenting gradually more and more masculine in terms of clothing/hair/personal style etc. is also extremely important to me. and that includes being biog of tity while her style veers more and more into masc as time goes on
the detective prince
i think girl akechi (at 17-18) presents very femininely because it's what's effective for her. i would call her style................... kawaii corporate chic. does that make sense for everyone. it's like schoolgirl girlboss. she has a bow instead of a tie but it's a very classy one not a kitschy one. smart blazer, uniform pleated skirt, patent leather shoes, u know the drill BUT. people still call her the detective prince. this is VERY IMPORTANT to me. no detective princess. only detective prince. do you understand the importance of the genderfuckery of a super feminine girl being called by masculine terms. to me. we're continuing the legacy set by my hero naoto shirogane bigender queeng. bigender kin. bigender genderneutral non-monarchical ruler
i think by third sem girl akechi is starting to dress more androgynously/masculinely. more pants. i think her third sem outfit is unchanged from canon. just a smart coat, sweater, buttondown, slacks. postcanon she gets a haircut.
just trying to live an honest student life
ren is like so fundamentallyuncomfortable with the fact of his existence at the beginning of canon so to me girlren is like... she dresses like she's trying to hide in her clothes. messy hair. i have no strong feelings about whetehr her hair should be long or short, or whether it's loose or pulled into a tail, but i know it's messsy. untamed curls. and she uses it to hide her face. none of her clothes fit. she's in oversized everything. i have a very clear image in my head of a ren idle animation where she leans down to pull up her leggings because they keep falling down. she also has terrible posture. she's androgynous at this stage not on purpose but because she's too self conscious to like... exist... and present... in any notable way at all
i think as she gets more confident and as the year progresses she starts to dress more distinctively. i like the idea of her getting more comfortable prettying up. maybe working at crossroads helps her with this 🤔 i dont know how to explain this but i think she's still feminine in a gentlemanly chivalrous way rather than a girly cute way. girlren has that same steady calming vibe that guy ren does
joker & crow
crow has a magical girl skirt. i have a drawing of this but im too self conscious about my own lack of drawing skill to show it off so i cropped out the key part and put it into an ms paint void in the distance as my visual aid
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there. i hope this is illustrative
i think given girl akechi's use of her feminine charms to gain popularity, her hero complex would be similarly gendered given we have confirmation that robin hood represents not (only) heroics for altruistic reasons but also the theatre of being seen doing good. there's a real drama element to the idea of a magical girl transformation that i honestly wish we got for male crow too. i always am depressed that we don't get to see much theatre for akechi's initial appearance as crow and summoning of robin hood, anyway, girlcrow has ribbons and a capelet that flap in non-existent wind.
black mask's outfit is unchanged from canon. i'd like it to look a little less stupid but that has nothing to do with gender i just want it to look a little less stupid.
joker's outfit is also unchanged from canon. listen. im back on my bullshit. in the metaverse her behaviour gets more feminine and more sly and confident than in reality. she's got that femme fatale shit going on. however, she is still a gentleman thief. she has the long coat. she has the poofy trousers. she has the waistcoat. she's still smirking and fixing her gloves and flipping her knife and doing that thing that canon ren does where he lifts his chin and does the little "come on" thing with her fingers. do you understand? do you understand me
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betryl · 10 months
Hampden College dashboard simulator
(credit to @barnbridges too for some of the ideas :))
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🧣 françois-abernathy follow
🥃 mcaulay-ch follow
@ richard-papen ?
📚 richard-papen follow
📚 richard-papen follow
📚 richard-papen follow
who DOES keep voting yes????
📚 richard-papen follow
who even are you people reblogging this??????
#please stop.
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🐇 thebunster-deactivated follow
drew tihs
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🥃 mcaulay-ch follow
this is really nice bun
👓 H-M-Winter follow
No, you did not draw this.
🐇 thebunster-deactivated follow
🥃 mcaulay-ch follow
🧣 françois-abernathy follow
7 notes
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💅 ritch-bitch-jpoovey follow
real talk what do you guys think is ACTUALLY going on at the lyceum atp cause like i've heard too much weird stuff about those freaks......
💅 ritch-bitch-jpoovey follow
not richard btw!! he's fine he's cool
🦌 mcaulay-cam follow
He still won't sleep with you anyways. Let it go. Get better soon 💕
💅 ritch-bitch-jpoovey follow
what do you and your creepy ass brother want from me OMG leave me ALONE
#i'm blocking ALL five of you jfc
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🌝 hampd3ncore follow
#like hello??? #that WASN'T normal #why isn't the police investigating...... #hampden #mystery #unsolved
666 notes
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📰 The-Hampden-Examiner ☑️ follow
Edmund "Bunny" Corcoran — everything we know so far about the case of Hampden's missing youth:
🏫 student-council-president follow
🎀 bunnysbarnbridge follow
💔💔💔 Please guys help us find him...
👩🏻 dearest-sophie follow
^^^ reblog!!! i really hope he's fine... share if you know anything that might help!!
🚗 flipper follow
What have those greek guys got going on 😭 it's always them everytime something happens istg. let's hope they find him and all's well tho...
5.389 notes
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🏛️ has-bunny-corcoran-been-found-yet follow
#04/14/1983 #THOUGHT IT WOULD TAKE LONGER OMG #it's not even been two weeks #this is crazy... #i can't believe he actually died #rest in peace #bunny corcoran #hampden #hampden college
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🏫 student-council-president follow
Guys they found Edmund Corcoran... He's dead...
🪞 stauralaura follow
🏫 student-council-president follow
The Examiner just confirmed it. They're saying it was an hiking accident. He went in the woods near college for a walk and fell down the ravine... It was a girl with her dog who found him the other day when the snow had melted and she called the police. Broken neck and everything...
🔍 truecrimeenjoyer63 follow
You still believe it was an hiking accident? lmao come on. There's clearly something else behind this. Not to mention NONE of his friends have ever spoken about it or anything. Ain't that suspicious for anyone else? They have to know something.
🏫 student-council-president follow
Stop using his death as an excuse to start fights and get clout omg... You people are horrible. Maybe let's not make assumptions on things we know nothing about and just be respectful towards him and the people grieving???? The police will take care of it it's literally not your business
⛓️ spik3yy follow
whatever he was awful tbh he deserved it
🏔️ mount-cataract follow
no he didn't?? what the hell? did you even know him
⛓️ spik3yy follow
you're all ridiculous he was an ass and you know it, no one could stand him and now everyone suddenly pretends to miss him just cause he's dead, be fr now 💀
🏫 student-council-president follow
If you think Bunny deserved what happened to him just block me. I'm so serious I don't want anything to do with you.
#i hate this school sometimes #if it was your family member or your friend you'd be devastated #maybe think about that before opening your mouths #bunny corcoran #justice for bunny #hampden #hampden college
3.749 notes
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🚬 invisibilitycl0ke follow
stop spreadin shit aboyt bunny btw. he wsa NOT involved in drugs.
🚬 invisibilitycl0ke follow
ME NEITHER. jsut so were clear yk haha
🚬 invisibilitycl0ke follow
i swear
🚬 invisibilitycl0ke follow
listen to my pdocast
🔥 blazed 420 notes
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🌝 hampd3ncore follow
🚗 flipper follow
🏫 student-council-president follow
Yeah it's true... Chilling...
🇺🇸 bornintheusa follow
Nah that place is cursed I tell you 😭 first that Corcoran guy they found in the ravine and now this... No wonder they shut the class down
✨ aesthetic-academic follow
they really did fuck around and find out with all that cult shit they were into 💀 bet they really got themselves some curse or something messing with dyonisus or the devil whatever it was 💀💀 crazy people. who cares the college is better off without them tbh they're creepy
🏫 student-council-president follow
Not the same discourse again... No one cares about your opinion on them. He died. TWO of them died. And you're here speculating on them and still treating the whole thing as a joke?? Gross.
🏔️ mount-cataract follow
no fr y'all did the same with bunny corcoran when he went missing and now you're doing it again... i don't care if you didn't like them i mean they were kind of weird but... at least just try to be a decent human being in front of an actual tragedy. all you people should be ashamed of yourselves.
🔍 truecrimeenjoyer63 follow
I CAN'T be the only one thinking there must be some kind of connection between these two events right????
#idk maybe i'm crazy but hear me out #just think about it #it's barely been a month since corcoran and now THIS happens?? #like yeah maybe he was just #depressed?? for corcoran???? and so he did that #idk #but it sounds REALLY weird to me #plus what was the whole fuss with julian morrow just #randomly leaving college out of nowhere?? #AND let's not forget mcree either like????? #WHAT IS HAPPENING #hampden #hampden college #bunny corcoran #henry winter
1.479 notes
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caruliaa · 2 years
yes offense actually but like "uuhmm this trans headcanon doesnt make SENSE though" has always been one of just. the most inane takes in fandom ever like. assuming the person making it is someone whos otherwise an ally to trans people/not transphobic (just because with people who are transphobic that an issue thats obviously much bigger than just fandom stuff) whyy !! do you give a shit !!! like why !!! like bla bla i understand if you dont think the idea of that character being trans makes sense or you think something is canon contradicts it or you dont think its in character whatever it is you dont have to hc them as trans if you dont see them as trans you can even talk about how you think theyre cis if you want but like. its literally not hard to just not treat people who do have those trans headcanons as if theyre wrong or that their interpretation of the character is stupid/something to be mocked or act as though your superior for not reading them that way like. even if that doesnt come from a place of transphobia you will inevitably read that way to some people and regardless like. who gives a shit if someone is seeing themselves within a character/reading that character the way they want to esp in regards to a group of people with such a pitiful lack of positive representation as trans people. like get over yourself
#^^^^^ what my last post was about. i told u it wld b very obvious tht these ppl were in the wrong#(and i wonder why i was afraid to have any opinion on this show around these mutual in laws. jfc)#anyway like. please read this and like. consider it esp if you know who im talking about bc i feel like they received very little pushback#for acting that way and like. im not saying go give them that pushback do whatever u want im j saying pls consider tht that attitude#is wrong and like. You Should Not Mock Trans Headcanons as basic as that feels to say#sorry if im being like. mean or harsh or whatever tihs is just something i see as so like. fucked like why r acting that way !!!#abt trans ppl seeing themselves in characters they like !!! bc a lot of the time thats the 'reason' behind these trans hcs !!!l#i feel like my mutuals who arent from [REDACTED] fandom r gonna see this and b like what kind of ppl did u have to deal w and yk what#if i keep thinking about it ill start being mad at someone other than them who i really dont want to b mad at abt this again so lets move o#anyway this post is okay to rb btw its not just meant to b abt the ppl im kinda vauging#bc ik this is a phenomena in many fandoms and its just stupid. and downright cruel once it reaches mocking ppl#so feel free to ignore me nd j rb this and go of about ppl being stupid in whatever fandom ur in in the tags#let of some steam god knows i have plenty to let of thinking abt tihs phenomena. anyway time to be normal hopefully.#flappy rambles
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cogmented · 9 months
how do you come up with your designs for mcyt’s? theyre so creative and cool so i thought id ask
now entering yap city tihs will be a long post
my steps are basically
og look of minecraft skin/branding
player movement
other ppls fanart (if any)
things that happened/cultural associations
i start with a bunch of random sketches to get the feel of the person.. that's why so many of my early posts were doodle pages. to me, character design is more based on what the person is like rather than what they look like. i think a lot of people do that
I do this with all of the above and shape language, but in bigger art pieces outside of lineups i also use color and perspective (as in youll see more of someone like spepticle in large, sweeping scenes while someone like zam in closed, heavily perspective-based ones) to indicate personality. ill change designs when suited for this too (spoke with or without a gas mask, vi with or without a mouth, etc etc)
my first iteration of lifesteal designs heavily relied on the look of the skins and were gradually tweaked over time. my most prominent example of this is my spoke design, so i'll use him at least once in the examples for continuous comparison.
i watch a couple of each person's videos first, understand their voice, personality, and what they do, then focus on them in other people's videos too to get a full story, their movement, and what others think of them (helps with personality and things we might not see). streams are the most helpful because they're less biased and you see so much more of their antics. huge stream fan.
i get into the how after this
this process doesnt go in order for some designs and others have a more prominent focus on particular parts of the process that override or effect other parts
starting off with not spoke here's a problem i encountered when designing wemmbu
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I based him a lot off of spoke and ashswag due to not knowing much about him besides the fact that he schemes (spoke&ash-esque) and he doesn't move his character around too much when talking (ash behavior). he didn't match the left one because his voice doesn't have the dramatic, flamboyant fratboy flair that spoke has, so I shifted it to be more friendly yet still dangerous with curved square shapes rather than triangles. i made his scheming, diabolical nature more evident through his clothing that's pretty jester-like and sharp, but with a smoother middle that spoke doesn't have (and to match his eyes).
voice also impacts character height. i dont know how to describe this. mapicc and zam are similar heights because their voices are similar, same goes for parrot and vortex, but leo and vitalasy are close to the same height (due to vitalasy's huge fuckass ears) despite having wildly different voices, with leo's bold text voice and vitalasy's higher-pitched jumbled kinda speech they still take up the same "amount of space" in conversation. they stand out. and even though spoke's voice also stands out an incredible amount he is still only slightly taller than average. this is where personality overrides voice in my designs.
spoke is sharp in every sense of the word, but is also able to mold himself around to get what he needs.
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my first attempt at him was pretty lackluster. i didn't know much of him at the time, only his wither video, and thus understood him mainly through his association with parrot. he seemed a lot more evil and more serious at first glance. like woah! fully fledged mouth and nose?! not anymore.
i cover certain expressive parts to also depict more of their personality in some abstract, holistic way. after watching streams and whatnot, spoke doesnt actually speak (excluding his random sounds and yips or whatever he does) too terribly much, except when the spotlight is on him or he's trying to get something. so, i tweaked his design to encompass that when i understood him better.
i take away his arms to allow his hands to stand out more (character movement thing, he moves around a lot when no one is paying attention to him, punches the air when ..not talking but making a point ig. he's a big fan of hovering menacingly), i give him a slinky-like outside skeletal structure to both capture his affinity for withers (i made him a wither thing because of the wither sounds in his video.. and the withers in general) and to give him the feeling of more freedom with his movement.
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i also just really like gas masks so. basically, spoke is someone that hides away until he chooses to stand out. thank lord heaven he looks like some shadow creature.
later on i gave him more magenta highlights, especially in the wormhole era because 1. magenta wasnt heavily included in his rainbow look, making it stand out on his whole being, and 2. because magenta is really really cool and people should use it more.
og minecraft skin/branding
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hi spokeis here. this will be quick because his branding is so heavy. lightning, rainbow, black. boom. character. withers and white eyes? easy. causes a lot of anarchy? again, lightning and withers.
planetlord on the other hand is someone i greatly differed from the og skin and branding. i saw the design in a vision idk. i shift his colors all the time in different pieces but i use more of his pfp colors now because there's too many purples in this world. his branding, personality, and voice all connect very well. a bit misleading, he's a bit of a weasel.
i never used to look into movement, but pvp styles and conversational movement of lifesteal is intriguing. unfortunately it was only something i started paying attention to during the end of s4 because vitalasy's movement was so interesting. he's a big fan of getting in people's faces.
ill be real, i didn't really notice spoke a lot during things because he was almost always never alone, and when he was it is always at a distance or you knew he had people to back him up.
spoke's movement isn't actually too abnormal. he's goal oriented and tends to always be doing something, and when he does he finds the most efficient way possible. pretty basic. his design choices are based mainly on voice and personality.
someone like mapicc on the other hand has very particular movement. he spins around people when fighting and gets right up in their face (in nethpot pvp mostly), so i made his clothing tighter to the skin with looser parts to accentuate that movement: practical clothing for close combat battles. it was also noticed (by the lord) that he tends to look straight forward instead of the slightly down that most players do.
zam fights differently, but i made him with the og branding (he's princezam) and what he does in mind. his body language in my art is more indicative of his personality.
Other people's fanart
shoutout the community, a notable amount of ideas were from the mid-late 2022 lifesteal community.
dog leowook and leather jacket mapicc were from gen, jackalope rek from aoi i think, "croptop" jacket spoke from saints-blade, snail terrain from navy-leader, tv ashswag from kish, sock puppet red definitely from someone i dont remember, 4 armed squiddo from seri, and old cartoon jaron was from bucket
Things that happened/istarted talking about cultural inspirations
spoke and his connection to godhood influenced his redesign greatly. this section affects what the character wears most of the time.
i give both spoke and vitalasy painted palms (alta) due to their connection with godhood and destruction, with spoke in particular reminding me a lot of Kali Ma, thus i gave him a skirt (due to nppp too). vitalasy's clothing is based on Indonesian cultural clothing. wemmbu's also takes inspiration from Indonesian and Bhutan cultural clothing.
indigenous cultures inspired some designs too (i do a lot of ethnographic anthropology work with some of the tribes i base the clothing off of), with woogie having Yupik and Inuit inspiration. polar bear = cold climate in my head. and leo has Haida and Yunnan (minority Chinese providence, not a tribe) inspiration.
bacon's... not bacon strip design's clothing was based on Bangladeshi clothing (im Bangladeshi, i also added alpona patterns to ash's design), nomadic cultures, and some german pilgrim thing?? idk not my best design. i specifically looked for nomadic inspiration because of his willingness to flee at any moment lol. i didnt do this for rek despite his fleeing reputation because i dont watch rek content too much and he already had hybrid traits that took care of that presentation.
poafa's design is a goat because of the medusa trials where he was used as a scapegoat. makes sense i think. his horns are from past associations with jepex that infected mapicc as well (devil trio s1). zam's design is very much from s3 empire and s4 castle.
planet's design changed slightly, mostly rounder shapes, but also the number of "spikes" on his scarf, now stuck at three because of 3ht.. and easier to draw than five. minutetech has a bow instead of a bowtie from jumper due to s5 happenings. the gem on his crown has wemmbu's highlights from his gem's main color.
roshambo's design was also heavily influenced by medusa where i gave him a snake body. in my art that depicts before medusa events he doesn't have the snake body, and same goes with before s4 spoke where i draw him with full pants. in some sketches ive depicted mapicc with a muzzle only after the destruction of s4 spawn due to quix's mapicc dog influence shoutout.
mapicc and ro have matching things that persist seasons (mapicc periwinkle collar, ro red painted ring finger... head finger?), as did subz and vitalasy with matching shoulder pads (beginning of s4 subz had a bandana and vitalasy had a bell that traded between them through artworks of mine) Vitalasy also gained sun and moon earrings. mid and 4c have matching hoods/cloaks ^_^ marriage or something.
hope this made sense and covered everything you could have ever wanted forever... feel free to ask me questions i love explaining processes
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moodymisty · 8 days
I know everyone is talking about primarchs but I see absolutely nobody write or share these thoughts but khârn the betrayer is a cutie and I'd FUCK the shit out him ima be licking those nails during it👅👅 (you may see me again dpending on the reaction to tihs)
fam this is a Kharn simp blog, I've been down bad for that man since i got into 40k. We all simp for him here you are in welcome company
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astroyongie · 1 year
can you do the what does your bias says about you with seventeen , im sorry if im bothering you
What Does your Seventeen Bias Says About You
his fans are usually very feminine, and very pretty, they are just little candies on legs, walking around and being adorable with the world around them. people that like him are also very intuitive and they are purely attracted to scoups energy
in another way, they are also very co-dependant on their environment, and they love scoups because he gives feelings of being reliable, and they need to be and feel protected by someone. they have a lot of inner feelings they don't express
okay so people who bias him are either people who have great daddy issues, like absent fathers or just dads that weren't very present or mean and they see on Wonwoo a fatherly figure, a partner that they would want unconsciously for their offspring. the other type is the contrary, people who have excellent fathers figures and see Wonwoo as a representative of what their father is and what they want in someone
these people are very perfectionists, they like to make things their way, and everything stressed them out but the wort is that they are also always bored and easily fall into the path of procrastination which is a paradox for them
they might deny it, but hey, you are very very good at manipulating people and you find that a common trait with Wonwoo. it's easy for you to manipulate your environment in order to make things easier for you to go through
these people are also quite jealous by nature, they have mood swings and some difficulties on dealing with their emotions and they are certified delulus as well, always living up in their heads
his fans are very intuitive as well and they just click with vernon's energy, usually, they don't have reasons why they like him, they just do. they are also the type of people to represses a lot fo their inner feelings because they don't want people to know how they feel and it's a way they connect with Vernon
they are trouble being sociable, and they are mostly introverted people who withdraw a lot of the world and use Vernon as an anchor to go through the day. they hate conflicts and they retreat whenever things get too hard for them
okay his fans are very chaotic, exactly like him and they are mostly mirrors. people who love him are very impulsive and they do things without thinking twice, they can be ruthless with others or when it comes to protecting mingyu. they also have high expectations for him and for themselves, they want to be important and not just somebody
they are adventuring people, they want to work or to study overseas, they want to travel around and be fully independent and live a life similar to Mingyu's. whenever they get opportunities, they know how to take them
his fans are very detached people, they deal with a lot of crap emotionally, and they find Hoshi comforting because they share the same energy. some of his fans can be attracted to the occult or at least on everything that deals with a dark self perceptive
most of you are also very smart, very curious, make good studies, and have good grades in general. You know how to communicate with others and share your own truth and stories. like Hoshi, you know how to make people see new perceptive
also, most of you are just pessimists by nature, for your life is shit and everything that happens to you is shit. most live in regrets of things they have done in the past as well
you guys are rather simple people that don't want their heads to be overcomplicated, and you like Minghao for that because his energy is calm enough to put you at ease. always sin your life you have to deal with things that never go according as planned and yet you also have a hard time letting goof of things
you too are simple people and love Jun for his ability to make you feel at home. a lot fo you are independent people,w tih your own life fixed or at least already planning how to make it. some work very hard too and are trying to consolidate your working life and your family life that haven't always been easy
okay, so it seems like most of you grab unto Dino because his energy is the only think that makes you happy. most of you suffer a lot from depression, anxiety, stress, fear and other mental illnesses that have taken your life for a great part of it
also most of you have suffered important losses in your life, and Dino's clam and young energy is also a way of coping with it. most of you have had heartbreaks
For some reason some of you are extremely moody and have to deal a lot with mood swings and woozi is also like an anchor of that moodiness and self-indulgence that you are trying to learn
some of you are huge emotional manipulators, probably a trait learn, and shared with Woozi. but despite that you are also very compassionate of others, and sometimes using that skill is needed in order to help others or to protect them
I don't understand much, but it seems you guys related to Jeonghan on his idol image and mostly you are very attracted to him because in your own life, you aim endlessly and aimlessly drift away from things, like a feather in the sky, you have no control over life and just hide in your love for him and other idols
most of you are unable to take action, to make decisions and are just too emotional immature and thus see Jeonghan as something you want to rescue you from your own misery
You guys are usually happy with your life and you just love the warmth this man is able to bring you, despite that jovial side of yourself, you are also very materialistic in your life, very goal driven, and more rational than intuitive. because of that you are always dissatisfied with your situation, you seek improving your life and give it the best you can
You are too much and the love you have for DK isn't a joke and it's kinda beautiful to see. As characteristics, you are someone who over-invested in things, in people, in dreams and you often have to question your self-worth or you always get disappointed in how things turn out, but you also try to be positive about it, just like DK
most of you also still live in your past and are unable to let go of things that have happened to you years ago, mostly because those events made you the person you are today and you are scared to let that go and becoming nothing without it
you share some of his personality in a way, you guys are also perfectionists in your life and you always try to self-improve in your life and try to be better at the talents you already possess
On a more deep level, most of you also have deep wounds, deep betrayals and deep emotions that you still are working on and rely a lot on seungkwan as a strength to help you go throught things
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