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marbleclan · 2 months ago
Marbleclan Moon 13-15
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In between moons 14 and 15 Orchidlily asked Kestrelstar to go and find Verbena, because she thought his ability to spot omens from and knowledge about Starclan would be incredibly useful.
Anyway, him!! Verbena!! Verbena is very fun I have been super exited to draw him since I got him invited to the clan He keeps getting the status 'Has been hearing the voices of Starclan Cats' or having weird dreams over and over again, def has a weird connection with Starclan and I am hoping to expand on that :3
The kits cards should be listed as 1 moon not 0 but uh- whoopsies...
Character Cards:
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Link not working or missing? Please let me know!
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ice-creamforbreakfast · 2 years ago
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Cabbagepatch and the currently known Mothballs siblings.
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cryptidclaw · 2 years ago
These are my 3 in oldest to youngest order
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First is litten who would be tigerpatch
Second is her son sneab who I'd loudyowl
Third is his brother gregg who is orangemuzzle
:3 they are all silly
Oh they such cuties I love the names <33
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leaderslog · 2 years ago
Shinestar Log #1
I didn’t want to be thrust into this role. I hate politics, but unfortunately, after the previous deputy and leader died due to the mass outbreak of greencough, here I am. Why Tigerpatch, the previous deputy, chose me, I’ll never know, especially since I had to reassign myself as Dogpaw’s mentor after he died. However, I made my own former mentor my deputy, which I think will make cats have faith in me since I have an older and more experienced cat as my deputy.
We lost Bouncespeckle’s mentor as well, and she’s nervous about being the only medicine cat, but I have faith in her. She doesn't seem it, but she's a lot smarter than even me… even if she fell into the river that runs through our camp.
It’s a moon earlier than normal, but I made Volepaw Volestone. He’s skilled, that’s for sure, but I worry about the glint in his eyes, even if he’s steadfast and loyal.
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samurottdragon · 1 year ago
Birchstar : white cat with light brown stripes
Lionclaw : ginger tom cat with extra toes on each paw
Medicine cat
Goosefoot : grey cat with orange paws
Rabbittail : bobtail brown she cat
Pigeonpelt : grey fluffy tom cat with white ring on neck
Beetlebush : black tom cat with dark brown eyes
Brightberry : white she cat with one brown spot on belly
Yarrowpelt : light brown tabby she cat with blue eyes
Tigerpatch : fluffy dark brown tabby tom cat with ginger patches
Mousetail : black tom cat with white tail
Mudstream : brown tom cat with long face (a devon rex)
Deerhoof : white she cat with brown paws
Thistlespike – grey tom cat with long sticking out fur
Junipertail – brown tabby she cat
Pearpaw – small light brown tom with white patch on belly (mentor – Rabbtitail)
Robinpaw : white tom cat with ginger belly (mentor – Beetlebush)
Ivypaw : ginger she cat ( mentor – Thistlespike)
Hawkpaw : small grey and white she cat (mentor – Tigerfur)
Queen –
Blossomtail : white and grey cat (mother to mosskit and ghostkit)
Greyeyes : grey she cat with brown eyes
Speckledspruce : white she cat with one brown, one blue eye
Foresttail : brown tabby tom cat with bushy tail
Robinpaw , Ivypaw and Pearpaw are children of Yarrowpelt and Thistlefur
Hawkshriek is child to Pigeonpelt (mother is dead)
Birchstar is father to Blossomtail
Hailstar : black and white tom cat
Sparkpaw : black fluffy she cat with violet eyes (mentor - Frogmouth)
(will leave the rest for now as its alot and yous have all the main characters here)
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stagwhisker · 5 years ago
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This takes place a few days after Snow arrives in Meadowclan. Since he is still a kit, he becomes fostered by Eagleflight’s mate Pinestripe and grew up with their kits Redkit, Tigerkit, and Fawnkit.
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patchgame · 5 years ago
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Tiger 🐯 Patch @patchaddict Exclusive Patch! Only $4 with coupon TIGERSUN at PatchAddict.com . . . #patchaddict #patches #embroideredpatch #embroideredpatches #irononpatch #irononpatches #moralepatch #moralepatches #tigerlover #bengaltigers #bengaltiger #tigerpatch #savethetigers #tigertattoo #airsoftpatch #airsoft #tacticool #🐯 #tigercub #tigersafari #cooltattoos #patchgamestrong #patchgame #patchlife #diyfashion #bigcatsforever #circustiger #bengaltigers #bigcatsanctuary https://www.instagram.com/p/B-ngl8gAOEx/?igshid=1x7kbe4ovlu1i
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shug-the-gawd · 3 years ago
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Animal style #mrhoundztooth #custommade #jacketstyle #leopardprint #tigerpatch #patches#cheetahprint #denimjacket #shugthegreatbear #baltimoredesigner #artistsoninstagram #designeroninstagram #dope#drippy #theartofcurvesandshapes https://www.instagram.com/p/CakF_0dOEpT/?utm_medium=tumblr
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iamghostwriter · 5 years ago
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‘Where’s Mr. Sunday?’ ‘Wait! There’s supposed to be 7 of us?’ ‘I believe there were only 6 of us when the job started...’ ‘....so we have no driver coming?’ #tigerpatch #igcomicfam #igcomicbookfamily #igcomics #spiritualnapalm #panelalchemist #panelscientifix #readmorecomics #readmore #supportindiecomics #supportindiecreators #supportlocalartists #supportindieauthors #createimproverepeat https://www.instagram.com/p/CCDk843hIMQ/?igshid=daxiu8zk2ehg
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seaofthesunsurfer · 5 years ago
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“Between who you once were and who you are now becoming, is where the dance of life really takes place.” —Native American Wisdom Eyes open. #nativeamerican #nativeamericanwisdom #nativeamericanpattern #chainstitch #chainstitchembroidery #chainstitchpatch #patch #vintagepatch #indianpatch #chief #fashion #backtominimal #flag #flagart #vintagepatch #headdress #smileyface #goodquotes #tiger #tigerpatch #spiritofthejourney #waves #thirdeye https://www.instagram.com/p/CB6-VgcBjXV/?igshid=mx1uf28f236z
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icenidesigns · 5 years ago
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Tiger head #embroidered #ironon #patch . #tiger #tigers #tigerhead #tigerpatch #patches #patchgame https://www.instagram.com/p/CB1zl8rpLrU/?igshid=1sbepubdec2fb
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marbleclan · 2 months ago
Marbleclan Moon 16-17
!! Content Warning !! - This moon contains Animal death, Blood + injury
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More kits in the clan! Ghostkit and Whimsykit :3
This moon ended up having a lottt of Yuca in it, the upcoming moons make it even more interesting I am hoping I can weave her in even more >:3
Again, the kits cards should be 1 moon not 0, whoopsies
Character Cards:
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Link not working or missing? Please let me know!
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ice-creamforbreakfast · 2 years ago
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Cabbagepatch and the Mothballs Siblings would like to know if the human sacrifice is ready yet.
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annexvintage · 7 years ago
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À nice pink knit and some cats! 😸 ::: Une jolie chandail rose et quelques amies félines! 😸 #annexoutfits #annexvintage #montreal #mtl #mileend #boutique #outfit #vintage #ootd #vintageoutfit #montrealvintage #pinksweater #tigerpatch #cattote #meow (at Annex Vintage)
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stagwhisker · 5 years ago
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Medicine Cat
Kit : Snow
Apprentice : Lavenderpaw
Warrior : Lavenderfrost
Loner : Lavender
Medicine Cat : Lavenderfrost
Father : Hail
Mother : Sweetpea
Foster Mother : Pinestripe
Foster Father : Eaglestar
Sister : Rain
Foster Brother : Redwing
Foster Sisters : Fawnhop, Tigerpatch
Mentor : Eaglestar
Unofficial Mentor : Firestorm
Apprentices : Stormridge, Tawnypaw
    Lavenderfrost was born as Snow to Hail and Sweetpea. He lived in the Old Mill on the southside of Shoreclan territory with a clowder of Kittypets, loners, and rogues under the supervision of Shoreclan leader Snapstar.
    Snow lived in the Mill until three moons old when he was swept away by a young hawk. He struggled until he got a good angle and bit the Hawks leg causing him to be dropped. The Hawk came back for Snow but a large Meadowclan warrior named Eagleflight defended Snow and the Hawk gave up. Snow was seriously injured and brought back to Meadowclan camp to be treated by their medicine cat Firestorm.
    Snow was terribly scarred and needed to stay in Meadowclan camp until he was fully healed. In that time, Eagleflight and his mate Pinestripe became his foster parents. Snow slowly learned about clan life from his foster family and grew to appreciate it. When the time came for Snow to return home, he decided he wanted to stay in Meadowclan. There was pushback from some warriors of the clan but Sandstar allowed him to stay and apprenticed Snow, now Lavenderpaw, to Eagleflight.
    Lavenderpaw trains to be a Meadowclan warrior under Eagleflight for the next seven moons. During this time, he is shown to be very empathetic and Firestorm suggests that he see if he would be interested in learning medicine. Lavenderpaw isn't keen on the idea at first but after about a moon learning medicine from Firestorm on the side, he finds it more engaging than his warrior training. He tells Eagleflight who passes the message to Sandstar who then declines. Sandstar tells Eagleflight that having a former loner for a medicine cat may cause more upset than it's worth and considering Lavenderpaw has completed his Warrior training save for his assessment he might as well become a warrior.
    Lavenderfrost becomes a warrior of Meadowclan while continuing his side education in medicine and becomes a bit of a dual-purpose warrior which catches the attention of the Shoreclan medicine cat Walnutglow and the two become friends. Around the same time, his foster sister Fawnhop brings a former Kittypet named Levi to the clan and confesses her love for him to her father and now deputy Eagleflight and Sandstar. Once again there is pushback with Levi as well but Lavenderfrost steps in and supports his sister and her mate. Sandstar is hesitant but also allows him to stay, once again ruffling the fur of her warriors. It wouldn't be long before Fawnhop announces she is expecting kits and later gives birth to Rainkit, Stormkit, and Lightningkit.
    Lavenderfrost gains Stormpaw as an apprentice early due to a surplus of kits being born. While Lavenderfrost was an amazing teacher and Stormpaw a bright and receptive apprentice, the two never quite formed the bond Mentors and Apprentices often do and he suspects it was because he still wanted to become a Medicine Cat. He brings it back up to Sandstar who once again declines. Lavenderfrost tries to put his foot down and debate with her which only causes him to lose any hope he had of her giving in. He leaves defeated and tries to drop the desire in favor of Warrior life.
    During a nasty border dispute between Meadowclan and Ridgeclan, Stormpaw falls into the Rushing River and Lavenderfrost dives in to save her. He's able to hand Stormpaw off to Levi before being swept downriver. Lavenderfrost awakes to three cats trying to resuscitate him on the bank. They introduce themselves as Hina, Aki, and Emi before convincing Lavenderfrost, whom they refer to as Lavender during his stay, to come back to their den with them until he can regain his strength. The three turn out to be a group of siblings living with some other barn cats on a Twoleg farm. While resting, Lavender meets an old she-cat named Amber, a former Meadowclan warrior who seems to have so much disdain for her former clan that she refuses to give Lavender the way back home, instead insisting he stay. Lavender refuses and tries to head home early the next morning but is too far from home to find his way back. He gives up and returns to the barn hoping that he can wrangle the way back out of Amber.
    Lavender ends up staying for quite a while at the Twoleg barn and gets to know the cats there pretty well. Especially Emi, who is very interested in what clan life is like but could never get anything out of Amber. Eventually, she brings up wanting to follow Lavender back to Meadowclan to be a warrior. Lavender thinks about it but ultimately decides it wouldn't be worth it considering Meadowclan already let in two outsiders within a short time and both times fights broke out. He also finds himself feeling homesick for the Mill where he grew up with his birth family before being carried away. Lavender makes a mental note to go see his family when he gets back home.
    One night in Leafbare, Lavender is visited by Sandstar who delivers a message to him. She says Whitecough broke out in Meadowclan and that hers became Greencough and took her last life. Firestorm has fallen ill with Whitecough and it threatens to become Greencough if she has no time to treat herself. Sandstar tells Lavender that another Starclan cat has visited Amber as well and that she should tell him how to return home now. Lavender wakes up and decides to grab catmint from the Twoleg's protected garden before heading home to get a head start on treating the afflicted cats. Emi catches him and, refusing to take no for an answer, helps him gather catmint intending to take her own mouth full back to Meadowclan with Lavender. The two finally get directions from Amber and before departing, she asks Lavender to tell Eaglepaw she's always thinking of him and that she's sorry. It doesn't take much to put 2 and 2 together and figure out she meant Eagleflight. He promises to and the two leave for Meadowclan.
    They arrive at Meadowclan camp just before sunrise and Lavenderfrost rushes to the Medicine Cat den, heartbroken to find that Firestorm is dying. Realizing there is nothing he can do, he stops to spend time with her in her last moments. The commotion of Lavenderfrost returning woke up Firestorm's apprentice Tawnypaw who finds the two in the Medicine Cat den. Before she dies, Firestorm invites Tawnypaw into the den to meet Lavenderfrost and tells her that he will be her new mentor and Medicine Cat. Lavenderfrost is stunned by this development but takes it with honor and quickly begins instructing Emi and Tawnypaw on how to help the sick cats.
    The illness was becoming manageable but Lavenderfrost knew if he didn't get more catmint the illness would pick up again. Eagleflight (who hadn't had the chance to visit the Mooncave) organized healthy cats to go with Lavenderfrost to Shoreclan to ask for catmint. Fawnhop, Nightwing, and his former apprentice Stormridge accompanied him there. The group meets up with Walnutglow and Lavenderfrost has a brief reunion with his friend. While they do retrieve Catmint from Walnutglow, it's very little. Walnutglow suggests they see if there's a covered patch in the Old Mill, which Lavenderfrost takes up instantly.
    The Mill Cats don't recognize Lavenderfrost at first but Sweetpea does and she runs to greet him with tears in her eyes. The two have a warm reunion along with Hail, Rain, and Hail's sister Blizzard who helped raise Lavenderfrost. Much to Lavenderfrosts relief, the Mill Cats do still have Catmint and let him take as much of it as he needs. He says goodbye to his family and takes the catmint back to Meadowclan, successfully healing the sick cats. However, despite the efforts of Lavenderfrost three do still perish being Greystone, Swiftmist, and Goldenfur.
    Eagleflight decides to hold a vigil for the fallen cats before he and Lavenderfrost leave for the Mooncave. Lavenderfrost mourns Firestorm and laments for always wanting to be a Medicine Cat but never wanting it to happen like this. After the sun rises and the dead are buried, Lavenderfrost and Eagleflight set out for the Mooncave. To reach the Mooncave, the two need to pass all the way through Ridgeclan territory and catch the attention of a patrol to escort them. Along the way, the group ever so happens to run into the new Ridgeclan Medicine Cat Barleytail, who despite seeming friendly enough, gave Lavenderfrost wicked feelings and left him feeling uneasy.
    Upon reaching the Mooncave, Lavenderfrost remembers what Amber had said and tells Eagleflight while the two are waiting for Moonhigh. Eagleflight tells Lavenderfrost that Amber, formerly Ambersun, was his mother and that she abandoned him, his brother, and his father in the midst of a dispute over reforming the Warrior Code, saying the clans were no longer a place she wished to live. Eagleflight elaborates on the reforms that would have been made in the clan had it been successful and Lavenderfrost asks him if he wishes to try reforming the code again once he became leader. Eagleflight is unsure and admits to Lavenderfrost that he would most likely be following in Sandstar's pawsteps, trying not to ruffle fur too much and just worry about keeping his clan alive.
    The two head into the Mooncave at Moonhigh and Eaglestar receives his nine lives and a troubling vision, which he shares with Lavenderfrost once they reach the surface. Eaglestar said the reformist cats who perished gave him a prophecy that foretold doom for the clans if the Warrior Code and the ways of the clans weren't changed. He says that he isn't sure what needs to happen but when he finds out, he will give it all he's got. Lavenderfrost is satisfied with his leader’s resolve and vows to stand by his side no matter what the change may bring.
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patchgame · 6 years ago
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Tiger Patches @patchaddict. How do you improve the best selling tiger patch? SUNGLASSES!! PatchAddict.com . . . #patchaddict #patches #embroideredpatch #embroideredpatches #irononpatch #irononpatches #moralepatch #moralepatches #patchgame #bengaltigers #patchgamestrong #tigerpatch #tigerlover #bengaltiger #tacticool #patchlife #savethetigers #tigertattoo #roaringtigers #tigerfashion #tigers #tigercollection #bigcatsforever #bikerpatch #lovetigers #whitetiger #airsoftpatch #patchesandpinsexpo #tiger🐯 https://www.instagram.com/p/By_U04CgHe6/?igshid=1rsin9tu9cc8h
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