#tiger mama
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gazkerber · 2 years ago
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Visiting Saejima 1
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montydrawsstuff · 6 days ago
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leena for those who like her!
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kartsie · 4 months ago
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Taking a walk through the snow with mama❤️
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peppermintpillz · 5 months ago
I don’t think it’s acknowledged enough that Aran Ryan chose to go by his real name in boxing. While initially it doesn’t seem all that special, I think it actually shows a softer side to Aran. In SPO, it’s mentioned he was canonically bullied for his mother deciding to spell his name as “Aran”, rather than the typical “Aaron”. Instead of changing his name or going by another alias for boxing, he fought off his bullies and stuck with his REAL name. I think that shows he truly loves his mother
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howlingday · 1 year ago
Panthera Tigris Tigris Nikos
Jaune: Hey, Pyrrha? Can I have a hug?
Pyrrha: Of course, Jaune! (Hugs)
Jaune: (Sinks into her)
Pyrrha: Would anyone else like-
Nora: (Dragging Ren) MEMEMEME~!
Fun Fact! Bengal tigers are big. Females have been documented to reach 400 pounds, males 500 pounds, and occasionally larger specimens reaching 700 pounds. Royal Bengal Tigers are reportedly even bigger, with one specimen shot by David Hasinger in 1967 was reported to be 857 pounds, measured at 11 feet long, and left paw prints "the size of dinner plates," and it's last meal was a live water buffalo weighed down by an eighty-pound weight. It is displayed in the Smithsonian Institutions's National Museum of Natural History, in the Hall of Mammals.
Pyrrha: Ready for our run, Jaune?
Jaune: You bet! Maybe this time I could-
Pyrrha: (Ear flicks) Oh, uh, why don't you keep warming up, Jaune? I need to grab something from the dorm.
Jaune: Oh, uh, sure thing, Pyrrha. I'll be right here.
Cardin: (Sitting on the roof) What the hell? Where's Nikos go- (Door swings open, Mauled)
Fun Fact! Bengal Tigers are fast. They can make short sprints of forty miles per hour, which is about the speed of a thoroughbred horse. An incident with a startled tigress mother with her cubs in Nepal in 1974 resulted in the death of a researcher who was hiding 15 feet in a tree. In 2007, on Christmas Day at the San Francisco Zoo, an Amur Tiger cleared a thirty-foot moat to maul three visitors who were harassing the tiger, killing one of them before being killed after four shots to the skull by responding police officer's .40-caliber-pistol rounds. It should be noted that the Amur was a captive tiger, raised from birth in the zoo. Imagine a wild tiger raised in the jungle.
Pyrrha: Are you okay, Jaune?
Jaune: Y-Yeah, I... Wait, what about the goliath?!
Pyrrha: It's okay, Jaune. I took care of it.
Jaune: But how, Pyrrha? (Holding) Your weapons-!
Pyrrha: (Takes, Smiles) I took care of it.
Jaune: (Looks behind her, Sees dead goliath)
Fun Fact! Bengal Tigers are strong. Their bite force can reach up to a thousand pounds, which is much stronger than a pitbull's and about a quarter of a great white shark. Their prey includes deer, buffalo, bison, bears, rhinos, and elephants. A single blow can break a bear's spine, and easily decapitate a human.
Jaune: Thanks again for letting us come visit, Mrs. Nikos.
Mama Nikos: Oh, Jaune, don't be so formal. We're practically family, so just call me Mama.
Jaune: Uh... No, I'll just stick with Mrs. Nikos, if you don't mind.
Mama Nikos: Oh, you are just so polite! I'm glad Pyrrha could have such a handsome team leader like you.
Pyrrha: (Blushing) M-Mom...
Nora: Can I have more meat buns, Mama?
Ren: Nora...
Nora: Oh, right! Khm! May I have more meat buns, Mama?
Mama Nikos: They're in the oven.
Jaune: So what do you do for a living, Mrs. Nikos?
Mama Nikos: I'm a personal fitness trainer. It's actually how I met Pyrrha's father. He said he could perform a perfect double twister kick, and I told him it was impossible unless he could twist and launch himself at a 167 degree rotation with a north-northwest gale blowing at 3.5 miles per hour behind him-
Mama Nikos: (Ding!) Oh! Meat buns are done!
Jaune: Huh...
Pyrrha: Don't worry. I didn't get it the first time, either.
Fun Fact! Bengal tigers are smart. Cubs are raised by their mothers for two and a half to three years. There are also notes of tigers imitating deer and bear calls. They will chase larger prey into water, tear at buffalo legs to bring them to the ground, and will flip porcupines from to their backs to avoid spines. There are also records of tigers killing 15-foot crocodiles, 20-foot pythons, 300-pound seals, and a 20-year-old elephant.
Jaune: Hm? Hey, Pyrrha? Who's this standing with your mom?
Pyrrha: Hm? Oh... That's... That's my mother. She... She's not around anymore.
Jaune: Do... Do you want to talk about it?
Pyrrha: I... I don't know where to begin. She was my hero, but she did something really bad, and she died when I was really young. And I...
Jaune: Hey. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to.
Pyrrha: (Leans on Jaune) I was probably six years old when it happened. She and I were on our way to watch a tournament together, but then this guy came from out of nowhere. He shot at us and broke her jaw. She carried me back home, and then... She left that night. I didn't learn about what happened to her until just after getting accepted into Beacon. She... She went on a rampage and then... Then she...
Jaune: (Holds her) Hey, hey. It's okay, Pyrrha. I'm... I'm sorry to hear that. I'm... I'm sure she was a great mom.
Pyrrha: (Sniffles) She was the best. And, on the bright side, because of her, there's a new standard for huntsman and huntresses to follow. And she's part of the reason why I became a huntress. So I could make sure everyone follows the standard. Follows the example she set. (Smiles) I think she would have liked you.
Jaune: (Looks at family photo) I think I would have like her, too.
Fun Fact! In the first ten years of the 20th century, until her death in 1907, the Champawat Tiger, also known as "the man-eater" killed and ate 436 humans in western Nepal. She evaded capture and continued to kill until she was shot by British hunter Jim Corbett, who speculated the tigress lost her teeth years ago from a gunshot, forcing her to change her prey to much easier humans. He then went on to be an advocate for wild tigers and spent the latter years of his life devoted to their conservation, even having a conservation park in Nepal dedicated to him.
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dixieandherbabies · 9 months ago
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Dixie and her babies.
In my awesome box in the dining room tonight!
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1captainjordan4 · 2 years ago
Could you draw a Sanji with his mother?
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Theyre so very precious to me so of course o7 o7
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sunelrose · 5 months ago
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Il mio amore 💞
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peanuts-designs · 8 months ago
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palettepainter · 1 year ago
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Mother and son
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gazkerber · 2 years ago
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Coming out to the brothers
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bellalampwickrossi · 24 days ago
Disney Descendants : Lampwick back when he worked for Katrina Van Tassel on her farm HC
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Lampwick liked to play with the animals
Whenever he got too mucky, Katrina turned the hose on him and then sent him to the shower.
Crop picking sucks and he hates it but he liked working for Katrina herself.
Lampwick wants to learn to play accordion because there was always some at the parties.
Lampwick loved going to the fair for the farm. Prizes, food, rides. It was great.
Tiger Lily liked to pick him up when he was done
Katrina would always ask Lampwick how school was going. She expected him to do well.
I think Katrina got along really well with Carina.
Lampwick was a little awkward at first, since Pinocchio got him the job, but he ended up doing a good job himself
Lampwick can come back if he ever wants to work there again. He doesn't think he will but it's nice that it's an option
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sailing-homeward · 2 years ago
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Donovan, Cass Elliot, and Kirk Douglas in Tiger Beat, January 1969
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the-owl-tree · 11 months ago
man comparing my color choice in my old art and new art is funny lol the saturation levels when compared are something. i feel like my old v new tigerstar designs exemplify this
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howlingday · 1 year ago
Did tiger Pyrrha ever have to deal with the fallout of her mom being a spree killer?
Tiger!Faunus Pyrrha
"Are you sure you have to go?"
"Day shod ad ush." The tiger faunus growled in response, her vision filled with both red and the sudden assassination attempt on her life. "Ah gah won, bud wuh bout de othersh?"
"But what about Pyrrha? She already lost her father. She can't lose her mother, too!"
"She won." She pressed her lips to her wife's forehead, smearing a little blood on her. "She shtill hazh you."
"Please, don't-"
Before any further argument could be made, the large woman hugged the shorter one, then leaving upstairs. She caught a glimpse of her daughter sleeping peacefully in her bed, blissfully unaware of the bloodbath that was soon to come. A bloodbath to protect her above all else.
That night, a woman died. The next morning, a monster roared.
"Where is she, where is she?!" A panicked huntsman whirled around in terror. His teammate was already picked off earlier, as was the Spider member they were supposed to protect. Whoever got them wasn't just a huntsman, but cold-blooded killer. Considering there was no laughter, that ruled out Tyrian Callows. "Fuck, fuck, fu-"
A battle cry from behind made him deaf, and a strike to his chest made him defenseless, and a swipe of iron made him dead. As he fell, he caught sight of the woman who'd done it. He remembered where he saw her, though it didn't matter anymore, now that he was dead. Someone put a hit on her, for a reason that left him as quickly as his life did.
As his vision fell to black, the last sensation he felt was the sharp sting of a knife digging into his leg. Right where his tattoo was. Apparently, Lil' Miss was right. Once you live as a Spider, you die like a Spider.
"Pyrrha Nikos, eh?" The young woman gulped and nodded as her prospective manager eyed her with scrutiny. The woman's gaze then fell to the paper in front of her. "Father, deceased. Mother..."
"A-Alive." Pyrrha replied, careful to follow her mother's instructions to not mention her deceased mother. The mother who died to protect her. Or that was the story she was told by her living mother.
"I see." A smile spread over her lips. "Oh, don't be so stiff! This is just a standard interview! And with your record so far in athletics, I can tell you have a bright future ahead of you!" She gave a laugh. "Just be careful you don't get burned by it!"
"Ha ha..." Pyrrha gave a weak laugh in reply. "Yeah..."
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tigers1o1 · 2 years ago
I NEEEEEED Gillion to have the relationship with his mother that Hiccup (HTTYD) has with his. I need Gillion to meet Falyn and understand exactly everything that was taken from him. I need him to realize how much she loves him, how much she’ll do for him, and how much leaving him with the Elders killed her.
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