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radioluminescentoblivion · 9 months ago
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T1 is now complete for the ædreknog'vel Xenokotph. The next 3 tiers will come out eventually.
I'm proud with the results with these guys, even though one of my goals weren't met with the style of them, but maybe I might have a change with that in future tiers? Who knows, but they turned out great regardless.
Sorry for the delay today, I've had this terrible cold for days and it's hampered my productivity since then. Too bad I don't have any anti-virus for these sicknesses.
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admissifyedutech · 4 months ago
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successloops · 1 year ago
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6 Resources all for FREE when you join Tier 1 of the Labyrinth Circle.
It costs only an email address & you'll get:
*6 Self Assessments for self attunement *Training with Titans for a millionaire mindset *Never S.A.D. (stress, anxiety & depression regulation. *A Fb support group of like minded achievers *Bi-monthly emails - 1 Museletter & 1 inspired quote. All the latest news, strategies & updates *The Becoming Decisive one-page cheat-sheet.
Access link below
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koyunsoncizeri · 2 years ago
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Today a lil different post ! I will soon be uploading these patterns to Patreon (tier1) as PNG files, so they can be used in drawings easily !
Examples above ! With 2 Fingolfins and 1 Finarfin as a trial and they indeed work :')
If there is enough interest, I will create/upload patterns to Patreon 4-5 pieces montly :') <3
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transmechanicus · 2 months ago
Ok since Tier1/2 should be coming out any second now can we please please agree to tag discussions of the graphic novel with ‘#tog spoilers’ or something so the people still waiting for it can get a fresh experience with it?🙏🏻🫶🏻
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morilucidstories · 10 months ago
Patreon Tier Update
In March I added a bunch of new Tiers so I figured it was time to explain what is currently happening over there :3
Tier1 - $1 - First Served
You get to see the latest pages of my comics and illustrations as soon as I finish them. You won't have to wait for posting day. (This includes the art for the written chapters, and sometimes excerpts of the written part being drawn.)
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Tier2 - $2 - Draftsmen
You get to see the same as tier1, some of the sketch drafts, practice and concept art for my stories I do through out the month -most won't be posted anywhere else. (character outfit sketches, test scenes, etc)
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Tier4 - $5 - Resources
Same as all lower Tiers + The brushes and other resources I make -including test versions. I also make a lot of poses for CSP models but since I can't export them, members in this tier will be able to request 1 pose a month (this will be limited to the first 4 requests I get every month). The final versions of all of the resources will be made available on the CSP store. Most of the brushes and things I make are decorations and effect brushes to make drawing faster. (This will also have demos for using different types of models and other resources)
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NSFW Tiers with censored examples under the cut. Members of those tiers get the uncensored versions
Tier3 - $4 - NSFW Art
Same as lower art Tiers (does not include Resources) + NSFW art -these are nude anatomy studies, as well as spicy character and shipping art. I am into bondage so that will appear periodically.
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Tier5 - &6.90 - NSFW + Resources
Same as all lower Tiers + 3D poses and other assets that are intended for 18+ use
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ondayuki · 3 months ago
ing!!!! MV 制作秘話。
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■はじめに おおまかなあらすじ・設定はこちらで語ってもらったので まずはそちらを見るとより一層楽しめます。 文字起こしで見たい方はこちら
■てなわけでmaking!!!!(言いたかっただけ) 初手自分語りなんですが、絵コンテを6,7年ぶりに描きました。 14枚描きました。
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【全体】 楽曲に込めた想いを伺った後に楽曲を聴いてみた印象は 「めちゃくちゃヒロイックだな!?!?」でした。 その印象そのままにヒーローものを作りたいと打診したところ二つ返事でOKをもらいました。
最初はOP風で走り切る予定でしたが、どうやっても無理なので 1話分のお話を描き起こすことにしました。(え?) ここで巻き添えをくらったのがKIRAAAAAさんってワケ... 本当にありがとうございました...!!!!! 幸いにもONdaは特撮大好きマンだったので、持っている知識フル活用で制作に臨みました。 日常→事件発生→怪人と遭遇→戦闘員との集団戦→巨大ロボ戦 この枠組みをベースに楽曲の意図にあわせて肉付けをしました。
【イントロ】 テレビデオから始まる今回のMVですが コンセプトの「過去vs現在」を端的に表せたと思っています。 過去(テレビデオ)に映る現在(ing!!!!)のロゴ。 シルエットの位置にも意味を持たせています。
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演出的な話になるんですが左から右=過去から未来と表現することが多かったりします。(お約束みたいなもので別作品でもやってます) 爆弾のシルエットは若干左寄りなのは本編見てたらわかるかもネ... ちなみにロゴの登場シーンとOPの演出、 それぞれ異なる2つの特撮作品のオマージュが入っています。 分かる人には分かるかな?レベルです。(もちろん意図を込めています。)
1つはわかりやすいと思いますが... 某アニメでも同じ元ネタが使用されていましたネ... 被ったァ!?って叫びました。本当に。
日常→事件発生 パートですね。 さて、ここでは絵コンテからのビフォーアフターを見てみましょう。
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読解力ゥ...となりました。 本当にイメージ通りの絵が来るので毎回ドヒャー!となっていました。 それと、「美しい時間は過ぎ去り未だにその影法師」部分は 前述の左右の話を意識して見てもらえると嬉しかったりします。
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他にも上下の動きが...ここは後述します。多分。 (ここまで書くのに2時間近くかかってる)
【1サビ】 ここ寸分違わず同じ動きしてます。間違い探ししてみてね。
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キョンツーのCiさん初登場シーン。 初期案ではもう少し可愛げがありました。
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まあぶっ叩かれるのには変わらなかったんですが。 後にこのデザインで統一されました。
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振り返りでも話してましたがどちらが正義って話でもないので キョンツーの方がヒロイックな構図を作っているときもあります。
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こことか。 逆に、Ciちゃんが悪人顔(?)になるようお願いした差分もいくつかあります。
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元ネタは変●ベルトのCMですね。 このためにお面を3Dモ��ル化しました。 非公式なのでDXでもなければロゴも写真もガビガビです。 謳い文句もどこか様子がおかしかったり。 なれる!じゃなくて可能性!で留めてるあたりもヤラしいよね。
劇中では描かれていませんがこれによって本拠地がバレることになります。(販売元割れちゃうだろうしね) 【2A・2B】
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キョンツー量産工場。ここにもきっちり意図が組み込まれています。 ここまで読んだなら気づけるはず!多分!
ちなみに、キョソシーとキョンツーで迷ったんですが ツ←これが顔に見えるのでキョンツーになりました。 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
↑こういう顔文字みたことないかしら 余談でした。
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実を言うと最初に作り込んだのはこのシーンだったり。 工場の3Dモデルや唐揚げ爆風が生まれたり、戦いの中で成長しているッ!となりました (ここの爆破に使った唐揚げのデータ紛失してしまった...)
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ンダコラァ!!!! 【2サビ】
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KIRAAAAAさん、やりすぎだって。(超褒め言葉。良すぎ。) (補足に「キツそうだけど楽しそうなカンジで」って書いてあった。) 正直なことを言うと、ここからは勢い重視なので2サビ以降はノンストップで見てくれると嬉しいです。
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こちら、Tier1の唐揚げ素材です。もも唐揚げです。 仕入れ先はガ○トと鶏○です。
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Ciロボ初期案。結構スリムでした。 KIRAAAAAさんにシルエットおまかせしつつ、カラーの指定はさせてもらいました。
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冒頭でも使われたSNS画面の話。 コスト的な面もあっての流用なんですが...
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ポストの内容とは別に冒頭と差別化した要素があります。 実際のXとか触ってみたら意図が伝わるんじゃないかな。 勢い任せとはいいましたがここは一時停止して見てもいいかもしれない。
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ただのパンチの予定でした。なんかいけると思っちゃってェ... 手足のパーツ全部バラして、自由に動かせるようにして... 一回ビーム撃たせて却下してロケットパンチになって...
真面目な話(言い訳)をすると、過去の思い出補正や歪んだ理想像をモチーフとした敵サイドなわけですが 過去には過去の良さというか、魅力があるはずなんですよ。 だからこの戦いは生まれているわけで。 ヒーローもの...魅力...と考えた結果「必殺技」が必要だな。と。 ただのパンチからロケットパンチになりました。 そしてそれを乗り越えて...
サイクロン・ペネトランテ 穿つ大竜巻
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厨二病全開の名前の由来は ・ドリルの形 ・“Ci”clone(イタリア語表記のサイクロン) ・武器名:逆墓“荒らし”=“嵐” のトリプルミーニングです。
マジでこの情報どこで出す予定だったん?てな感じですが、ここまで読んでくれた方へのおまけ要素です。 Ciちゃんは最後、画面左下へ突っ込んでいくわけですが それと最後の「つづく」にはニコイチで込めた思いがあります。 そこが恐らくいちばん最後の考察要素になるのかな、と。 考察というよりかは、どう解釈します?くらいに留めておきます。 もちろんポジティブな意味を込めていますよ!
■おわりに 改めてここまで読んでくれてありがとうございました。 考察の幅を持たせたいのでヒントなどの種は蒔きつつ、直接的な解説というよりも初期案とか、裏設定とかそういった部分をメインにお話しました。 なにはともあれ、自由に解釈をしてくれたら嬉しいです。
応援のコメントや、倒したあとの「やったー!!」のコメントなど プレミア公開の最中に現在進行形で完成する作品に仕上がったと思います。 かつ、我ながらめちゃくちゃ詰め込んだなあと。ちょっとキモいくらいに。 それもこれもすべてCiちゃんの魅力があってのことだと思います。 本当にいいご縁に恵まれました。改めてありがとうございました。 是非またMVを見てもらえたら嬉しいです。 何回も見てほしいです。本当に。
それと最後に。 ドリルって時計回りに回ることで穴を空けるらしいですよ。 またどこかで! p.s 他の自分の作品もこれくらいの解説可能なので好評だったらまたやります。
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fallinginreversefanblog · 5 months ago
Ronnie Radke chilling in the Patreon chat
If Patreon wasm't attractive enough because of the opportunities to get closer to FIR and Ronnie or the exclusive content offered, you can also add Ronnie's random and unexpected appearance in the main chat.
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If you happened to miss the Patreon notification, the connected Discord chat will help you in keeping up with the most important events.
Ronnie had to prove he's him LOL, fans were doubting 😅😅😅
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Click HERE to subscribe to Ronnie's Patreon! 🔥 Make it from the browser, choose Membership tab and pick your fav Tier.
- Tier1 gets you the basic content and the Discord chat
- Tier2 gives you access to more content, including "Bad Guy" video, releasing this Friday
- Tier3 also includes video chat with Ronnie twice a month (cca. 1 hr long chat, same like Twitch was before)
-Tier4 makes you part of the band 😍😊 Seriously, all Tier1-3 + free concert tickers, VIPs, merch for life and stage side view if possible with the venue. And being treated likea a king/queen ❤️
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kamil-a · 6 months ago
if you wanted to take an extremely cynical read you might say sven got pushed to tier 2 so quickly because tier1 is a method of weeding out the worst of the incoming humans, and as Clean Of His Memories Of Earth sven had sort of already passed the test- we Know he is not earthstained. well that and the silly little crush sayer had. lest you forget whos blog youre on
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layla-san · 1 year ago
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wasn't originally planning to but i guess i kind of want to tier1 bcos we don't know until when deresute will be a thing and it's a Layla tier event at last (even bought the premium pack) so wish me luck
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unit2282 · 2 years ago
[01100100 00110011 01001110 01110011 01100001 01001000 01110000 01110011 01001001 01000111 01010010 00110010 01100101 01011000 01001001 01100111 01100100 00110011 01001110 01110011 01100001 01001000 01110000 01110011 01001001 01000111 01010010 00110010 01100101 01011000 01001001 01100111 01100100 00110011 01001110 01110011 01100001 01001000 01110000 01110011 01001001 01000111 01010010 00110010 01100101 01011000 01001001]
[DECODING: tier1] output: d3NsaHpsIGR2eXIgd3NsaHpsIGR2eXIgd3NsaHpsIGR2eXI [DECODING: tier2] output: wslhzl dvyr wslhzl dvyr wslhzl dvyr [DECODING: tier3] output: please work please work please work
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...Are you having difficulties? I recognize that this is not KUIPER v7 SQUIP Operating System. Are you seeking assistance, or just choosing to perform these operations in my presence...?
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zot3-flopped · 10 months ago
Oh look, tier1 tickets already sold out! I know that Louis is quite loved in Mexico, but why do I have a feeling that tier1 tickets were very few so now they have to purchase more expensive tier2 tickets?
twitter com/AFHFestival/status/1779912396745613369
Probably about 300 people going by this photo. It's tiny! Just a hotel garden.
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violetkatart · 2 years ago
looks like i gotta make a whole entire post for polls, but i got some ideas, so...
for the updated rewards: the current idea i have is sketches and wips for tier1, tier2 gets any drawings im able to complete, and if tier3 stays i might take small doodle requests on there from time to time(obviously not as frequent as the wips and finished pieces)
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technical-support-servic · 4 days ago
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tier1hw · 6 days ago
Testosterone Replacement Therapy for Men: Reclaiming Vitality at Tier1 Health & Wellness
Testosterone is the key hormone that shapes many aspects of men’s health, including muscle mass, energy levels, mood, and libido. As men age, their testosterone levels naturally decline, leading to a variety of symptoms that can affect quality of life. Fortunately, testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) offers a solution that can help restore balance, improve well-being, and enhance vitality. At Tier1 Health & Wellness, we are committed to helping you regain your youthful energy and feel like your best self.
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What is Testosterone Replacement Therapy?
Testosterone Replacement Therapy is a medical treatment designed to restore testosterone levels in men who suffer from low testosterone (low T). It involves the administration of synthetic testosterone to bring hormone levels back to a more optimal range, alleviating symptoms associated with low testosterone. Low T can affect men at various stages of life, but it is most commonly seen in men over 30, with levels naturally declining by about 1% each year after that age.
At Tier1 Health & Wellness, we provide personalized TRT treatments tailored to meet each patient’s unique needs. With a range of delivery methods, including injections, patches, gels, and pellets, we work with you to choose the best option for your lifestyle.
Signs You Might Need TRT
If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms, it could be a sign that your testosterone levels are lower than they should be:
⚡ Fatigue or low energy: If you constantly feel drained, even after a good night's rest, low testosterone could be the culprit.
🧠 Depressed mood or irritability: Testosterone plays a significant role in mood regulation. Low levels can lead to feelings of sadness, irritability, and even anxiety.
🏋️‍♂️ Decreased muscle mass: Testosterone helps to maintain muscle mass, so a noticeable decline could indicate low T.
⚖️ Weight gain or difficulty losing fat: Testosterone influences metabolism and fat distribution. Low T can result in unexplained weight gain, especially around the belly.
🍑 Low libido: A decrease in sexual desire or difficulty maintaining an erection is often linked to low testosterone levels.
🧠 Cognitive decline: Reduced testosterone can affect memory, focus, and mental clarity, making everyday tasks more challenging.
If you notice these symptoms and they seem persistent or worsening, it might be time to consult with a healthcare professional at Tier1 Health & Wellness for an evaluation.
How Does TRT Work?
When you begin testosterone replacement therapy, the synthetic testosterone you receive mimics the natural hormone, replenishing what’s been lost and restoring your body’s balance. The goal is to bring your testosterone levels back into the optimal range, which can have a significant impact on your overall health and well-being.
At Tier1 Health & Wellness, our expert team will conduct thorough blood tests to determine your current testosterone levels. Based on the results, we will develop a customized treatment plan to address your specific needs. Depending on your lifestyle and preferences, we offer several methods of testosterone delivery:
💉 Injections: Testosterone can be administered via intramuscular injections, typically given every 1-2 weeks. This method is often preferred for its high effectiveness and quick action.
🧴 Topical Gels or Patches: Gels and patches provide a more gradual release of testosterone throughout the day. These options are popular for those who prefer a non-invasive method of treatment.
💊 Pellets: Testosterone pellets are implanted under the skin and release testosterone gradually over 3-6 months. This long-acting option reduces the need for frequent treatments.
Benefits of Testosterone Replacement Therapy
The positive effects of testosterone therapy can be life-changing for men suffering from low T. Here are just a few of the benefits you may experience:
Improved Energy Levels: Many men report feeling more energized and less fatigued after starting TRT. You’ll find yourself more active, whether it’s at the gym, at work, or just playing with the kids.
Enhanced Libido: One of the most noticeable effects of TRT is a boost in sexual drive and performance. If you’ve noticed a decline in your libido, testosterone therapy can help bring it back to life.
Better Mood and Mental Clarity: Testosterone has a positive effect on mood and cognitive function. Many men experience improved mental clarity, reduced anxiety, and a more positive outlook on life after beginning treatment.
Increased Muscle Mass: Testosterone helps build muscle and burn fat, making it easier to achieve a lean, toned physique. TRT can also help reduce body fat, particularly around the belly area.
Improved Bone Density: Testosterone plays a vital role in maintaining bone density. TRT can help prevent bone loss, reducing the risk of osteoporosis and fractures.
Better Sleep Quality: Low testosterone is often linked to sleep disturbances, including insomnia and sleep apnea. By restoring normal testosterone levels, TRT can help improve the quality of your sleep.
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Is Testosterone Replacement Therapy Safe?
When administered under the supervision of a qualified healthcare provider, testosterone replacement therapy is generally safe and well-tolerated. However, as with any medical treatment, there can be risks and side effects. These may include:
Acne or oily skin
Increased red blood cell count (which can raise the risk of blood clots)
Sleep apnea
Breast enlargement or tenderness
Prostate enlargement (for older men with pre-existing prostate issues)
Our team at Tier1 Health & Wellness closely monitors all patients on TRT to ensure optimal safety and adjust the treatment as needed to minimize any potential side effects.
Take the First Step Toward Regaining Your Vitality
If you think testosterone replacement therapy might be right for you, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at Tier1 Health & Wellness. We are here to guide you through every step of the process, from testing to treatment, with the goal of helping you feel your best.
We understand that each patient is unique, and we take a personalized approach to testosterone replacement therapy. Our team is dedicated to providing you with the highest quality care and support, ensuring you can live a healthy, active life.
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Contact Us Today!
📞 Call Us: +1 (423) 417-1700 📍 Visit Us: 2700 Oak St, Chattanooga, TN 37404 🌐 Visit Our Website: Tier1 Health & Wellness ⏰ Office Hours: Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm ET Lunch Break: 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET Saturday & Sunday: Closed
We look forward to helping you reclaim your vitality! 💪
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dojoe-tokyo · 1 month ago
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Special” Patagonia LOST ARROW PROJECT"
Das parka
size L-Long
身幅 68cm
着丈 87cm
袖丈 62cm(脇下~袖先)
¥220000 (tax in)
"Lost Arrow Project"
Navy SIELDsや、SIELDsの元隊員で構成されるDEVGRUといった
DWR(durable water repellent/完全防風耐久撥水)シェルを使用し
インサレーションには、パタゴニアと日本の東レが共同開発した FullRange®
●店舗と在庫を共有しております。 稀に同時タイミングでの購入で完売となってしまうケースが御座います。その際はご連絡致しますのでご了承下さい。
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