Mori -Lucid Stories
439 posts
I mainly post comic and character art here. Commission Slots available: 4/4 Find out everywhere else I am via: non-binary, Bi/Pan, CupioAce, 1991, white, neurodivergent
Last active 2 hours ago
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
morilucidstories · 11 days ago
This is making the rounds on BlueSky, but I haven't seen it here yet.
Twitter is rolling out a "Recreat this with Grok" button directly on images now when you open them. Also, some people have experience their artwork getting labeled as 'made with Grok'
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I understand why some people have tried to stay but, please at the very least start transitioning your work to other places so at the very least you have a exit without hurting your finances too much.
Twitter is only going to become more hostile towards artists. It's full of poison and it's only a matter of time before it fully erodes.
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morilucidstories · 15 days ago
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My “draw the squad” memes so far
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morilucidstories · 16 days ago
Hey everyone, I know it's going to be a busy day for a lot of people, but Google enrolled everyone over 18 into their AI program automatically.
If you have a google account, first go to and turn everything off.
Then you need to go to and turn off all Gemini activity tracking. You do have to do them in that order to make sure it works.
Honestly, I'm not sure how long this will last, but this should keep Gemini off your projects for a bit.
I saw this over on bluesky and figured it would be good to spread on here. It only takes a few minutes to do.
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morilucidstories · 17 days ago
i love when you read/watch an influential piece of storytelling and you're like ohhhhhh ok i see. so everyone else was copying this guy's homework
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morilucidstories · 17 days ago
i love when you read/watch an influential piece of storytelling and you're like ohhhhhh ok i see. so everyone else was copying this guy's homework
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morilucidstories · 17 days ago
pokèmonize yourself!!!!
spin this wheel to see your pokemon type
spin this one to see how you'll look like
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morilucidstories · 19 days ago
I just found the funniest font ever
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Like. What is this. Why is this. Who is the target audience of this?
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morilucidstories · 1 month ago
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morilucidstories · 1 month ago
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morilucidstories · 1 month ago
I drew mine with the handle on the left. I am left handed. English is my native and main language.
I normally have my drinks on my non-dominant side when sitting though. I have a bad habit of grabbing my drink while still eating with my utensils. I tend to move the mug to left side when I'm done drinking. I also tend to refuse to use the handle on most mugs and will just hold the mug directly. I mainly use the handle when the drink is too hot or the mug is a normal shape.
If I am walking while holding a Mug, I will use my left hand.
I need your help with a hypothesis!
For context: My linguistics professor and I got into a discussion after a test she did with us, and I was of the opinion that the reason for the results was different from the one she offered, so she encouraged me to test my theory.
What I need
All you need to do is draw a coffee cup (with a handle, not the disposable stuff) and then answer three questions.
I don't need to see the coffee cup. You can draw it wherever you like; on a piece of paper, digitally, in the sand, on a foggy window. Anything works. It does not have to be good. A doodle is fine.
You have to draw the coffee cup before you see the questions. This is very important. If you decide to help me with this, please doodle the coffee cup before you keep reading.
Assuming you have drawn the coffee cup, I now need you to answer these three questions:
On which side did you draw the handle?
Are you right-handed or left-handed?
Do you primarily write using the Latin alphabet or a different one? (please specify which)
More context
Most people will draw the handle on the right side. My professor says it's because most people are right-handed, so they draw the handle in the direction that would be comfortable for them to pick up.
I said drawing it on the right side just felt more comfortable to my hand and argued it's probably because we write a bunch of letters like that. B, b, D, P, p, R all look like a tiny "handle on the right side" and are all a straight line followed by a round one (so "cup first, handle second," like most people draw cups). The Latin alphabet doesn't have letters like that that face the other way, except maybe d, depending on how you write it, so it makes sense to me that people writing mostly Latin letters would go with the handle on the right side.
Which means that I need to know what Asians, Arabs and Greeks do and if the distribution of left and right sides of handles differs from the Latin alphabet group. Cyrillic seems to favor right, too, though it'd be interesting to see if there are differences.
If there are, my theory is right. Doubly so if there is a sizeable increase in a group whose alphabet has letters that benefit the left side choice.
So feel free to spread this to as many people as you like and put the answers in the comments or the tags of a reblog. The more answers I get, the better I can assess whose theory is better.
Thank you for your help!
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morilucidstories · 2 months ago
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I was playing around with some new rainbow brushes and decided to draw 4oUr
It's low saturation so it's like ✨ essence of rainbow 🌈
[Image description:
4 anime head drawings, each of a different character and at a different angle. Top left has short dark hair and is looking up and to the right. Top right has long light hair and is facing left while looking back at the camera. Bottom left has long dark hair and looking down to the right. Bottom right has long light hair and is looking to the upper right.
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morilucidstories · 2 months ago
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Happy New Year Everyone!!!!
I want to make a special thanks to all of you paying Patrons. After what Patreon takes you gave me $280 this year ;0; That's an average of $23 a month. That is about 2 weeks of fresh veggies every month for my whole family, or you can see it as paying for 5 of the specialist doctor's appointments I had this year. I am extremely grateful!!!! ;0;
[Comic script
Panel 1 A closed door
Panel 2 The door is open and the personification of 2024 is being kicked out. Someone in side is yelling "AND STAY OUT!!"
Panel 3 Mori slapping their hands: "Good Riddance! That jerks the reason I grow my own tinsel now" The personification of 2025 is sipping tea in the back ground. The room is on fire.
Panel 4 Mori looking at 2025 and gesturing to the room: "2025, as you can see, the bar is very low" The full room is in the shot. The fire came in from outside through a broken window.
Panel 5 Close up of Mori. Fire is reflected on their clothing. Mori: "Do. Not. Lower. It."
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morilucidstories · 2 months ago
So... I found this and now it keeps coming to mind. You hear about "life-changing writing advice" all the time and usually its really not—but honestly this is it man.
I'm going to try it.
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morilucidstories · 2 months ago
feels so embarrassing to b hyperfixated on your own oc like the smallest thing that reminds you of them has you giggling and kicking your legs and smiling goofy in public but it’s like sorry everyone i was thinking about shmoopsie from my brain again. yeah the one like max 10 ppl know about
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morilucidstories · 2 months ago
Meeting people through my reblog account is crazy. "Do you have any OCs?" "Have you ever written fanfic or anything?"
It's always at that moment that I realize the person did not find my reblog account from my any of my art or writing accounts
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morilucidstories · 3 months ago
Line of Action
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Pose Archives
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Bodies in Motion
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morilucidstories · 3 months ago
Hello dear, I am Hala, a mother of four children from Gaza. We live in difficult circumstances in Gaza. Our dreams and future have been shattered. Our home has been destroyed and we have been displaced many times. Please donate participate to evacuate my children to their father in Egypt. Thank you.
Vetted by 90-ghost and gaza-evacuation-funds
Hala's family is #87 on the gaza-evacuation-funds 's list
I don't typically respond to these, but this one was vetted so please help her and her children if you can
I'm adding a few of my common art tags to boost engagement. I apologize for the spam 🙏
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