#tickletober day 2: drawn on
dreamingticklee · 2 years
Tickletober Day 2: Drawn On
Fandom: Our Flag Mean Death
Characters: Lee! Stede, Ler!Ed
Words: 422
Stede couldn’t help but squirm against the ticklish point of the quill Ed was using on his ribs.
“You’re the one who said you wanted a “tattoo” and asked for my help, mate.” Ed tried to speak as evenly as possible.
“B-buhut you’re the one whohohoho s-suggested draw-ahaha! D-drawing it on my rihihihibs!” 
Ed couldn’t help but smirk and let out a smooth chuckle at that. “Okay, so maaaaybe I suggested drawing it here on purpose...thought it would make it more interesting. You’re just too ticklish for your own good, Stede!” 
Stede’s face flushed red at the teasing confession. Oh, this bastard. The tip of the quill was sending tingly zips all around the side of his ribcage and the affirmation of Ed knowing his ticklishness and also wanting to reduce Stede into a giggly puddle was too much. He had been trying so hard to keep his arms in place and not move too much in order to not mess up Ed’s drawing for him, but now that was being thrown out the window.
“Nahahahaa Ed!” In a playful attempt to stop him (not that he really wanted to), Stede started batting at Ed’s hand holding the pen. The tussle didn’t last long, however, as Ed was easily able to grab Stede’s wrists and pin the offending hands under his knees.
“Now, now, Stede...,” Ed tutted, “can’t have you trying to mess up an artist’s work! I wasn’t quite finished yet...”
Stede squealed as Ed brought the tip of the quill back in contact with his skin and began diverting course of his original drawing (a bow and arrow heart with “Ed” written in the center, of course) and started snaking it down Stede’s side.
“I think we need to add a little something here!” Ed then circled down to the jut of Stede’s hip. “And down here...oh!” Ed jumped the quill over to Stede’s other side. “You know what? We can make both sides match! And, hey! What about something here?”
Ed’s sudden movements all around his torso had Stede shrieking and gasping in surprise and his hips bucked with each new spot. But, if he was being honest, he was loving every second of it.
Ed smiled down at Stede, completely basking in the giggles and high pitched squeals as he used him as a canvas. A very ticklish canvas. Although, it wasn’t long before Ed was laughing along with him and setting the quill down to dive in with fingers and tickle Stede in ernest, “tattoo” forgotten.
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amazingmsme · 2 years
AN: tickletober day 2- drawn on. Nott is severely underrated in this community so I had to show her some love! Hope you enjoy! 
"Nott. Oh Noooott. Nott the Braaaaave."
Nott's eyes blearily blinked open, the fuzzy outline of Jester coming into focus. She cleared the sleep from her voice before attempting to speak.
"Oh, hello Jester. Did I sleep too long? Do we have to get on the road?" she asked, sitting up. Jester shushed her and guided her back down on her bedroll.
"Sh sh, no we don't have to go yet," she soothed.
"Oh, that's good. Wait a minute... WHY THE HELL DID YOU WAKE ME UP?" she screeched, throwing herself back under her blankets and curling into a ball on her side. Jester couldn't help but giggle.
"Weeell, Caleb said you'd been feeling a little sad lately, so he asked if I could use some of my classic charm to cheer you up!" she chirped happily. Nott grumbled under her breath, pulling the blanket higher over her head. Unfortunately, this made her feet stick out of the covers and a cold shiver ran through her body. Jester eyed the bare feet with mischief sparkling in her eyes.
"I'm fine Jester, thanks for the concern. But I'll feel much happier once I finish my nap," she said pointedly. Jester was already digging through her brushes and paints, humming along to act like she was listening. Though she really wasn't.
"Well Caleb asked me to do something about it, and I won't let him down. You've been so grouchy lately," she teased, grabbing an ankle and wiggling her pinky toe. Nott jerked underneath the covers with a startled giggle. Her head flew out of the blanket to stare at her with wide eyes.
"Jester! What do you think you're doing?" She only shrugged innocently in response to the question.
"I just think you'd be like, a lot happier if you had some super cute doodles on your feet. So you can look down at them, make up funny little voices, you know. That stuff," she supplied helpfully. A dark green blush spread across Nott's cheeks. She crossed her legs in an attempt to hide her feet.
"Funny, that's like, the complete opposite of what I'd like you to do," she sassed, a startled squeal slipping out when Jester grabbed her feet. "Wahait can't we talk about this?"
"Oh but there's nothing to talk about. I already talked it over with the Traveler, and he said this was definitely the best way to cheer you up," she said casually as she already started drawing a face on her big toe. Nott immediately started giggling and scrunched up her foot. Jester tutted and shook her head, grabbing her toe and pulled it back to stretch out her sole.
"Ohoho nohoho, d-don't lihihisten to him! Hehe doesn't know ahahanythihing!" she screeched, throwing the blanket over her head, as if that would help. Jester gasped and scribbled across her feet with more purpose, drawing out a loud snort.
"Nott, how can you say such a thing? I have to tickle you extra long now for dissing the Traveler," she said, voice full of mock pity. Nott kicked her legs as much as she could, her voice bordering on banshee levels of screeching.
"NOHOHO I'M SOHOHORRY!" she immediately apologized through hysterics. Jester giggled along with her friend as she doodled tiny faces on each of Nott's toes.
"This is papa toe, and here's mama toe, you really need to stop squirming or else it's going to get all smudged," Jester interrupted herself in a deadpanned voice to scold her.
"Ihihi cahahan't! Ihihit's ahawful!" she cried, squirming around in an attempt to escape.
There was a quick knock on the inn door before it opened. "Is everything alright in here?" Fjord's concerned voice came from the doorway.
"Fjord! Fjojohord hehehelp mehehe!" Nott desperately pleaded for his aid. He smirked, walking into the room fully.
"Jester? What uh, what're you doing?" he asked, not bothering to hide the amusement in his tone.
"Caleb said that Nott was feeling a little glum and asked if I could do anything to cheer her up. And I talked it over with the Traveler and he said this was definitely the way to go," she answered cheerfully, drawing a grid along the sole of her foot. The poor goblin girl let out a squeal of laughter.
"Well if he says so. Seems like it's doing her good; I don't think I've ever seen her laugh this much," he teased, crouching next to Jester.
"Fjohohord dohohon't be an ahahass! Hehehelp mehehe!" Nott demanded. Jester shoved a fountain pen in his hand and nodded enthusiastically.
"You heard her, help me!" she insisted.
Fjord looked between the tiefling's evil grin and the hysterical goblin between them. "Uh..."
"Oh come on, you even said she needs to laugh more," Jester reasoned. And well, he couldn't really argue with that.
"Sorry Nott, but she does have a point," he smirked, following Jester's lead and drawing faces on her toes. She screamed with tormented laughter, pounding a fist on the ground.
"Oh, I know! Let's play tic tac tooooeeee," she sang, wiggling Nott's pinkie toe. She screeched, shaking her head rapidly.
"DOHOHON'T YOU FUCKING DAHAHARE!" she screamed while Jester already started drawing the game board. She started off by marking the center box with an X.
Nott's leg jerked away and Fjord held it down so he could draw a circle in the box next to it, right in the center of her arch. She snorted, burying her face in the covers. Jester cooed and shot her hands under the blanket to squeeze her sides. She could only laugh and flop around like a fish out of water.
"Jester, it's your turn," Fjord reminded. She popped back out, fixing her hair and giving Nott a moment to breathe.
"You two are the fucking worst!" she cried out dramatically when Jester scooped her ankle back up. She scratched another X in the top left corner on the ball of her foot, nearly getting kicked in the jaw.
"Wow, you're pretty ticklish Nott! But don't kick my face, okay?" Jester asked sweetly, scratching between her toes innocently. She howled out for the only one who could save her. The only one who would save her rather than join in.
"CAHAHAHALEHEHEB! CAHALEB HEHEHELP MEHEHE!" she screamed as loud as she could. It felt like eons, but in reality Caleb appeared in the doorway 15 seconds later.
"Alright, party's over," he said with a soft smile and a warm look in his eyes. Jester pouted.
"But we're in the middle of a game!"
"You heard the man! You're finished!"
Jester stared at her for a long moment with a cheshire grin, tail lashing around behind her back. Then she pounced and Nott screamed before she could realize it was just a normal hug.
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gaybananabread · 1 year
Hi I love your fics! I was wondering if you could write a lee bakugo and ler best jeanist? If your requests are closed you can just ignore this, I thought it could be cute though!
Have a great day! Remember to take care of yourself!
TickleTober Day 2 - Accidental
Okay, kinda lucked out! I was gonna wait till November to do this request, but I liked the pairing and needed an idea. You didn't request it as TickleTober, but that's what it is now. Changes nothing, just gives me an excuse to write it as such lol. Ignore any sewing-term errors, I don't sew anything. Anywho, I hope you Enjoy!
Lee: Bakugou
Ler: Best Jeanist
Summary: Jeanist thought that Bakugou's suit needed some special touches. The blonde obviously protests, leading to some rather giggly measurements.
Warnings: none! This is a tickle fic, so if you don't like that, scroll away!!
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Bakugou's hero suit was…well, it wasn't bad. It just lacked a certain flair the pro hero was looking for. So, with him mentoring the teen and all, Jeanist thought it his responsibility to spruce up the slightly drab suit.
The rapidly approaching fall season was a decent inspiration for him. With fall comes the changing of leaves, carving of pumpkins and cooler weather. Jeanist made sure to insulate the suit, knowing the blonde needed to sweat for his quirk to work. He kept the theme mainly orange, yellow and black, adding in a few splashes of green for style. 
By the end of his lunch break, he had drawn up a new seasonal suit for Bakugou. It was time for the hard part: getting his measurements without the boy exploding.
“I don’t need a new suit! Nothin’s fucking wrong with it!” Bakugou was not putting up with another change. His poor hair had been the first change. That damn comb over…he’ll never get over it. Now he wanted to switch up his suit design? Fuck that.
The pro hero sighed, expecting this reaction. “No need to be so dramatic. It’s just a little…seasonal makeover. Trust me, you’ll be much happier.” Bakugou huffed, shaking his head. Yeah right, he had said the same thing about the hairstyle…
Bakugou's choice of words wasn't his best idea. He was getting a bit pissy, letting his temper get the best of him. "Fuck off. My suit is fine, no more makeovers!" He glared at the pro, but that temper faded when he saw the look on his face. The look that meant Jeanist was done with his shit.
"Quite the mouth on you. I believe I said something about censoring your f-bombs, did I not?" Threads flew towards the teen, wrapping around his limbs and getting him positioned. When Jeanist was done, Bakugou was standing tall, his arms and legs spread just enough to get perfect measurements. "I would say 'stand still', but I don't think that'll be an issue now."
A bit dramatic, but he needed it. Bakugou thrashed and tugged on the thread, but everytime one broke, three more were quick to replace it. Jeanist was careful not to hurt the boy, just restrain him. "The fuck?! Get these damn threads offa me!" 
The pro rolled his eyes, grabbing his measuring tape and approaching him. "What did I just say?" Jeanist first ran the tape around his chest, getting the bust measurements. He wasn't expecting the other blonde's gasp when his fingers grazed his ribs. "Bakugou…are you hurt?"
Shit… "No, go away! Get these damn threads away from me!" He tried thrashing his way out, but nothing was working. Jeanist was too good at keeping him in place.
"Bakugou, if you're hiding an injury, you're only hurting yourself more. I only think less of you for getting injured if you don't tell me about it." His tone was serious. The pro didn't mess around when it came to his others' well-being. Giving Bakugou a stern look-over, he could tell the explosive teen wasn't lying. But if he wasn't injured, why'd he gasp? Jeanist knew he wasn't getting a straight answer; best to run a test…
Ignoring his protests, Jeanist got back to measuring. He did the bust measurements one more time, his fingers grazing Bakugou's ribs again. The teen was prepared, though, biting his cheek to keep quiet.
Okay, no noise that time…moving onto the waist. He moved the tape down, fiddling with the ends of it to find the exact measurement. He pressed his fingers against the boy's lower stomach, taking mental notes of the numbers. 
Bakugou's breathing was a bit shaky, his cheek starting to hurt from biting it so hard. Why couldn't Jeanist measure somewhere that wasn't ticklish? Literally any other place would have been fine. He just had to start with his ribs. Things only went downhill from there…
Now for hip girth. The tape was moved once again, running around his hips. Bakugou struggled not to react when he felt his mentor's fingers brush his hips. He could feel his cheeks heat up, the embarrassment and stupidity of his situation getting to him. 
Jeanist heard how shaky his breathing was getting, glancing up at the teen's face. What he saw shocked him. A blushing Bakugou, struggling not to smile. Why would he…wait a minute. He got a wonderful idea. And oho, it was perfect. 
The measuring tape was pulled away, Best Jeanist's fingers leaving his torso. Bakugou huffed, sparing a glance at his mentor. He instantly regretted it. The pro hero's smile was as wide as it was mischievous. The measurements were done for now, he could've released him; but he didn't. He knew. Bakugou was fucked. 
"Jeanist I- don't you FUCKING dare! I'll blow you into the stratosphere! Back off!" The blond pulled at his thread restraints, but Jeanist was too good with his quirk. He could barely wiggle around, much less escape.
The pro hero chuckled, shaking his head. "Wow, again with the language. What's it gonna take for you to clean up your act, Bakugou?" He tucked his arms behind his back, slowly getting closer to the teen. He knew exactly what it would take. He just wanted to have a bit of fun with his temperamental mentee. 
"Maybe…something like this?" He went behind the teen, squeezing his side. Bakugou huffed, jerking as much as the threads would allow. How were things as simple as threads keeping him restrained so well? 
"Lemme go! I swear, if you touch me one more time, I'll fucking blast you-" He couldn't even finish his sentence before Jeanist squeezed his side again, cutting his words off with a yelp. "There's that word again. You've really got to stop using it. Children aren't going to want to be near a hero who uses such scary language." 
To be completely honest, Jeanist didn't really care how the boy spoke. It wasn't up to him, he wasn't going to dictate how he communicated. Still, the cursing gave him an excuse to tickle the other blonde. An excuse he wasn't about to let go of.
Deciding to just go for it, Jeanist scribbled across the teen's stomach. He was pleasantly surprised to hear Baku's poorly-restrained giggles. He wasn't putting up much of an effort to conceal them anymore. "Shihit- nohoho! Get ohohoff!" 
It was nice to hear the aggressive, loud teen giggle like that. After all, he was still a kid. A teenager, yes, but still a kid. The boy deserves to laugh. And, by the looks of it, he doesn't really mind. 
"You'd think that you would stop cussing, but no. Honestly, do you ever learn your lesson?" The wiggling fingers move upwards, heading for his ribs. Bakugou's giggling got louder, still lighter and bubbly. At least he was on the right track.
Jeanist slowly moved up Bakugou's ribs, scribbling between each bone. The teen squirmed and thrashed as much as he could, his pink cheeks deepening to a vibrant red. The giggling was now borderline laughter. Just needed that one extra notch to get there.
"Goho awahahay, ohohold mahahahan!" The pro scoffed, pausing his tickling for a second. That kid was in for it now… "Old man?! I'm 35, thank you very much! That's a perfectly normal age for a hero. I think you need a lesson in manners…" 
The pro's hand suddenly darted upwards, scribbling mercilessly on the spot where his underarms meet the top of his ribs. Bakugou all but screamed, loud cackles replacing his giggling. "NOHOHO! GEHEHET- NOHOT THEHEHERE!" 
Jeanist just chuckled as he continued his ticklish fun. He was enjoying himself, seeing his mentee laugh like that. The boy never let loose besides fighting, it was a nice sight. "There we go, improvement. No insults, and not one swear word!" He didn't really have a definite reason for tickling Bakugou, besides the fact that it was fun. Excuses would help, though.
Laughter echoed around Jeanist's office, bouncing off the walls and lively the place up. The denim-clad pro experimentally squeezed Bakugou's hip, smirking at the squawk he got in return. His fingers moved away from the teen's death spot, fully moving his hands down to focus on his hips. 
"OHOHO MY- IHIHI'LL KIHILL YOUHUHU!" Bakugou was trying to continue his sort-of squirming, but he was tiring out. The tickles, paired with that morning's training and patrol, had him beat. He managed to keep his head held up, laughing as the pro went at his hips. 
His thumbs drilled into the boisterous teen's hips, smirking as he pulled laugh after laugh out of him. The kid definitely had a nice one; much better than his normal demented cackling. His eyes wandered down to Bakugou's legs, questioning if they'd be half as his upper body. Lucky for him, he forgot a measurement. 
"Oh, my bad! I forgot to measure your inseam! We'll need to take care of that, now won't we?" Jeanist pulled the measuring tape from his pocket once again, holding it against Bakugou's thigh. Only this time, he actually poked around the area, purposefully tickling him while getting the measurement.
Thigh tickles are a completely different experience from anywhere else on the body (imo). As such, Bakugou's laugh was a brand-new shade of adorable. The fiery teen giggled and squeaked, pitchy laughter replacing his cackles.
"CohOHOme ohohon! Youhuhu AHA- uhum,  j-jeheherk!” To his mentor’s surprise, Bakugou actually filtered his language. True, he had begun to call him an ass, but he took the effort to stop himself. It was kinda cute, even if he didn’t truly care about the other blonde’s language.
Jeanist chuckled, easing up on his student’s hips. “Would you look at that, he can learn. All it took was some tickling!” Said student groaned, his cheeks reddening as Jeanist said the word. Normally, he can hear and say the word just fine. That time, however, he was being teased and restrained by someone he looked up to. It’s waaay harder to stay composed when you’re giggling like an idiot.
Finally, the tickling and teasing got to him. Bakugou actually tapped out. He didn’t exactly say “uncle” or anything, but he did say one word that hadn’t been spoken since Jeanist started. “S-STOHOHOP IHIT! JeHEHEAnihihist noho mohOHORE!” 
And stop it he did. The pro hero pulled his hands away as the threads holding Bakugou in place snapped. The teen fell forwards, a bit dazed from laughing so hard for so long. Jeanist caught the giggly student before he could hurt himself. “Woah, careful. I didn’t go too far, did I?”
Bakugou shook his head, hiding his red face in his mentor’s shoulder. “Sh-shuhuhut uhup…” That was the only response he needed to know that everything was fine. The older blonde wrapped his arms around him, keeping the boy upright and letting him know that there was no judgment. 
“Alright, I’ll stop. Still, you have to admit you enjoyed yourself just a little.” Bakugou groaned, weakly punching his mentor’s side. That just made him laugh and muss up the teen’s hair. “I’ll take that as another yes.” 
A lightbulb seemed to go off in Jeanist’s head as he remembered the whole reason the silliness started. “Oh, I almost forgot! Now that I’ve got your measurements, I can start on your new suit!” He walked over to a nearby couch, laying the teen down to rest. Bakugou wasn’t totally spent, but he could use a breather. He grumbled something, but didn’t protest any. He wanted a quick nap, and knew Jeanist wouldn’t tease him for it. 
The pro went over to his personal work-area, grabbing the fabrics for Bakugou’s new suit. Hopefully, by the time his student woke up, he would have a starting point on the garment.
Their playful exchange had given him some good ideas on where to add extra padding, as well as some pops of color. Bakugou might have been a bit temperamental, but he was a good kid. A good kid deserves a good suit. As he cut the first length of fabric, he thought of the happy smile that was on his mentee’s face as he tickled him. He would have to take measurements more often…
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thebest-medicine · 7 months
Day 21: New Discovery
Tickletober 2023 - Our Flag Means Death - Stede / Ed - lee!Ed
[see my other tickletober 2023 fics]
[read on AO3]
A/N: I’m weak for season 2 and I need soft sweet moments between them forever and ever. This is very late yes shhh #Tickletober2023butits2024
Words: 750
Stede slowly blinked open his eyes. There was a warmth next to him, it felt so inviting. He reached out, clumsy with the fog of sleep, until his hand met the warm skin of Ed’s shoulder. He sighed, content, wrapping the arm further around his bedmate. Ed sleepily turned to face him, eyes closed with a smile on his face.
“G’mrning.” Ed mumbled. He reached up with one hand to run a thumb over Stede’s fingers.
Nestled in the blankets, they whispered stories and ideas with each other for a long, drawn-out half hour, during which Ed had the pleasure of Stede’s soft affection - a hand twirling his hair, fingers traipsing gently down his arms, it felt safe. It felt like home.
Stede scratched just behind Ed’s ear and he nearly let out a purr. Fingers glided down Ed’s neck, leaving a grin and a shiver in their wake.
Stede smiled fondly. “Ah, ticklish?”
“Dunno mate.” Ed shrugged, a bit impeded by their current position. “I guess.”
Stede raised a brow, smile somehow both terribly endeared and a yet little sad. “You don’t know?”
Ed mumbled a confirmation, nuzzling a bit closer to Stede.
“Right, right. Who would try to tickle the great Blackbeard, hm?” Stede said, his eyes scanning down Ed’s body. He reached out cautiously, and brushed a finger, gentle and slow, over the skin just above Ed’s night pants, watching him with a blooming curiosity.
“Heh-” There was that shiver again, Ed’s eyes shooting open. They flicked from Stede’s hand to his face.
Stede’s smile was warm, playful. “I think you are, in fact…” Stede paused then. Ed was watching him, wide-eyed. Stede held his hand up. “Listen, say the word and I’ll stop, okay? Is it alright if I give it a try?”
Ed felt warmth blossoming along his cheeks. He rolled his eyes and looked up at the ceiling, wriggling onto his back and pulled his arms up over his head. “Sure, mate. Go nuts.”
But, loyal to the gentle nature of their morning, Stede did not in fact ‘go nuts’. Instead, he traced a few fingers, soft and wiggling, across Ed’s stomach.
Ed’s stomach sunk beneath the touch, sucking in as he snickered out a laugh. His arms twitched with the desire to pull down and protect himself. “Ehehe, Stede.”
Stede paused. “Is that you asking me to stop?”
Ed squeezed his eyes shut, blocking out the sensation a bit with the added benefit of not having to watch Stede watching him. “Did I say stop?” He answered after a few beats.
“No, you didn’t.” Stede hummed, pleased, and then Ed gasped as fingers pinched lightly at each of his sides. He sucked in a breath, wobbly with near laughter.
“Ticklish anywhere else, hmm?” Stede asked, trailing his fingers up to poke gently along Ed’s ribs.
He squirmed at that, wriggling side to side in an effort to alleviate the sensation and keep the tangle of laughter building up inside him, well, inside. It was a hopeless endeavor by the time Stede’s fingers traced their way up, up, up… Two fingers touched down in the center of each armpit and Ed’s arms came crashing down with a giggly shout of surprise.
“Oh! Oh shit. Ehehe— wait!” Ed giggled, and Stede pulled back right away.
“Alright there?” Stede asked with a bemused but cautious smile.
“Fine. Heh, just kinda, surprising.” He mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck when he could get his arms peeled away from his sides. “Feels… weird.”
“Oh, it’s all in good fun. I know plenty of folks don’t like it though, I won’t do it again—”
“No! No.” Ed stammered. He took a breath, and a few ghosts of giggles slipped out. “It’s, uh, good fun, yeah, like you said.”
Stede practically beamed at him. “Mm.” He ran a hand gently down the side of Ed’s face, tracing along that chin he loved.
Ed’s heart nearly swelled from the sweetness of the moment. He thought it might burst. An out, quickly. “What about you, then, hm?”
Stede raised an eyebrow.
“Are you ticklish?” Ed smirked.
Stede’s nervous grin and blush were answer enough.
Soon, they were scrambling about the bed with laughter and shrieks and wiggling fingers. It would be a while before either of them received any morning briefing from the crew.
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My Writing Masterpost
Updated as of 9/12/2024
To check if there are any newer fics since this has been updated, look for the tag #my fic
You can also read many of these on AO3
My Multi-chapter Fics:
We Could Try? 1, 2, 3, 
Patton had found out. He’d found out not only that Virgil was ticklish, and not only that he actually liked it, but also that he’d never had a real tickle session.
Sequels: I do not understand, The Price of Cookies
Grumpy, Sorry
Virgil is grumpy and gets tickled by Patton, and tickles him back a bit. Later, Patton gets him back even more.
Tickle Week: Sunday, the idea, Monday, Dee and Logan, Tuesday, Patton and Roman, Wednesday, Roman and Virgil, 
“Well, seeing as there are six of us, I propose a tickle week. We’ll leave Sunday off, but every other day we’ll put names in a hat and draw one, and whoever’s name is drawn becomes a tickle toy for the whole day.”
The Tickle House:
Virgil’s New Job,
At the End of a Bad Day
There’s a place called the tickle house, where you can pay to tickle or be tickled. Virgil and Janus work there, and the others often visit.
Tickletober 2020:
One: Unusual Spot
Two: Feathers
Three: Stocks
Four: Scribbling
Five: Drawn on
Six: Kiss
Seven: Unusual Tool
Eight: Interrogation
Nine: Ganged Up On
Twenty-Three: Asking For It
My One-shots:
Roman’s Idea is Best
Written with @barelyticklishlee: Roman has a fantastic idea for Thomas’s date. Virgil doesn’t agree, at least at first.
When Patton gets into a Ler mood at the same time as Virgil is in a Lee Mood. 
Pretty self-explanatory
A bit of something soft
Patton’s having a hard day, so Virgil cuddles and tickles him
Cheating at Games is Ill-Advised
Virgil cheats at a tickling game with Logan, and gets very tickled.
Pay Attention
Virgil can’t pay attention to the conversation with Roman and Patton tickling him.
Beware of Running Away from Lers
Virgil tries to run away from Roman
Arms Up
Virgil tickles Roman’s armpits
Patton feels fat, but Roman still loves him just as much, and wants him to feel so much better.
When Patton has a Hard Day
Patton is feeling down, but tickling Virgil might help him feel better~
Unnamed Fic
Logan gets soft back tickles from Roman.
The Sweetest Lee
Tickling a sweet little lee is just the best thing ever~
It feels better when you just let it happen ;)
Cuddly tickles for Roman.
Remus Catches a Lee
Virgil's been caught in a trap and gets tickled to pieces.
Virgil’s Voice
Virgil wants tickles, but can't voice his requests, so Roman helps him out, getting him all the tickles he wants.
Dwindling Creativity
Roman shrinks down as Thomas's creativity is used up. Janus helps to distract him from his work.
Patton is gonna tickle someone. If not a sacrifice, then everyone~
Roman wants to join
Lee Roman
14 and 25 with Lee Deceit and Let Patton please?
No regrets, with Roman and Remus maybe?
oh requests?? hmm maybe either 22 or 25 w lee virgil and any ler you like?
14 with LerRoman and LeeLogan???
w/ pat ro and lo testing which of virgil's spots is the worst
Tell that to the tickle monster: Ler Patton and Lee Virgil.
16 Any pairing u think fits!!!! 
I know something sweeter than cookies: same pairing, Ler Patton and Lee Virgil.
maybe 29 with ler!patton and lee!logan? 
4 with Lee Roman and Ler Deceit? 
11 with Ler Logan and Lee Roman please 
22 with Lee Logan and Let Remus please? 
19 Lee Deceit and Ler Virgil and Remus please? 
Do you think you could do 3 with a lee Deceit?
9, with Roceit? :3 
16 and 7 with Lee Deceit and Ler Patton please 
Shy Lee Janus being forced to ask for tickles from Ler Logan?
Logan noticing Virgil having a bad day and and just having him lay down and giving him a pillow to giggle and blush into while he traces Virgil's back with his fingers or fluffy brushes to help him relax❤
Moceit cheer up tickles? 😃 (Lee Patton and Ler Janus, if you would)
oh prompts! maybe lee Patton ler roman with some sort of challenge? (Don't move, laugh, smile, whatever)
What about a lee!Virgil? (ler!your choice. Preferably a twin.) Someone comes in to wake him up from a nap, or something, with pokes. Virgil is still half asleep at this point, so he has no filter.
Lee Roman denying his in a Lee mood but Janus is behind him smirking because he knows when someone lies?
So, peharps a bit of Lee!Janus and Ler!Roman, please? Maybe Janus is monopolizing Roman's bed because it's soft and warm and g e t o f f XDD.
Lee!virgil ler!roman? That’s my everything lol
What about Lee Virgil being pranked with tickles by Remus but once Remus stops he shyly asks for more? Please and thank you!
If you're still taking requests maybe lee Janus being overly grumpy and getting cheer up tickles from Logan?
How about Remus acting as annoying little brothers do, and Roman getting back at him with some extra teasey tickles
may I request lee Logan and ler Patton where Pat's just gushing over how cute Lo is while tickling him?
Can please do some Lee janus and ler patton? Like Janus is being suspicious, and Patton is trying to figuring out what he is doing.
For the prompts thing how about Patton ticking Logan to make him take a break from working? 
Ler Logan and Lee Remus, if you are up for it. Remus starts to bother Logan while he is working and Logan gets payback with tickles, knowing secretly that Remus wanted this to happen. ???
Pre-Accepting Anxiety Virgil walks in to the common room to see the Light Sides having a tickle fight, cue big Lee MoodTM. So now he's awkwardly trying to keep up his bad guy persona while desperately trying to figure out how to tell them that he NEEDS to be WRECKED!
Prompts! How about Patton tickling Logan to make him take a break from working I can never get enough of that! 😂
Lee!Patton and Ler!Logan (or whoever you wish!) Patton has always been the mind palace tickle monster and after a week of his evil ler moods and tickle attacks Logan turns the tables and gets revenge tickles?
Ok so... after Accepting Anxiety, Virgil is a little shaken from his name reveal. He sorta hides away in his room because he’s embarrassed, until Roman comes in to check on him and cheer him up and make him feel welcome with tickles 🥺
Logan maybe gets hurt, (trips or bumps against something) and Patton decides to tend to him, making sure he's not injured badly, but it turns out Logan is ticklish where Patton is examining
Ler Patton Lee Deceit - Patton accidentally brushes by Deceits scales and it sets Deceit into a fit of giggles. So Patton gets curious and starts to poke and stroke the patches of scales that are all over Deceits body. And Deceit secretly not so secretly enjoys this
Maybe some cheer up tickles with Logicality where both were watching a show and a tickle scene appeared and person B is like "Oh, this is a signal. That is how I should cheer up my friend."?
How about lee!janus and ler!virgil where Virgil remembers Janus being super ticklish back when he lived with the dark sides still and decides to see if he's still that ticklish.
Could you do a college AU where the core 4 are in their university’s theatre department? Like... they all are walking back to the dorms and they find out Roman is extremely ticklish and tickle and tease him the whole way back??
How about lee Logan hiding his lee mood from Virgil?
lee!Virgil and ler Patton, Logan, and Roman. Virgil has a huge lee mood and is way to shy to ask to be tickled so he drop little hints to try and get tickles( more like Virgil being an a** and a bratty little sh*t). The sides act like they don’t know what he want, but do. So they force him to ask
anything lee logan? I would DIE for lee logan
Okay I’m bored and I need lee!Virgil and lers Janus and Remus
Anything lee Logan would be delightful! Thank you!
I was wondering if you could do something where Virgil gets stuck somewhere and the twins find him and team up to take advantage of the situation? Thank you in advance, your work is amazing!
I would like to make a trade. I will give you a boop for lee!Logan ler!Remus. :D
Janus with hypersensitive scales is the bestttt so how about a rude snake getting tickled to tears by an unforgiving Ler Logan? Maybe using a new tool that makes Janus scream?
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mushiewrites · 2 years
Whiskers and Eyeliner
Day 2 is for a request from @kasey-writes-stuff for lee!Dream and ler!Karl! Prompt from this post for the Tickletober event!
Day 2: Drawn On
(lee!Dream / ler!Karl : 1.8k words)
It was just an eyeliner pencil; something Sapnap had picked up at the halloween store when trying to find their ridiculous costumes. It was gel, specifically made for the purpose of being used as costume makeup, both so it wasn’t too harsh on the skin and so you didn’t have to press down as hard as a regular eyeliner to see results. 
Dream let out a frustrated sigh when he flinched again, groaning and closing his eyes in annoyance. He looked at himself in his bathroom mirror, then turned his attention to the small pencil in his hand, spinning it between his two fingers as he contemplated whether he should continue or not. He knew he had to, but he couldn’t bring himself to do it. When Sapnap and George had brought up the idea that he should be Patches for halloween, Dream immediately agreed, knowing it would be a minimal effort costume with maximum rewards, getting to see all the fanart of it for weeks to come. He set the eyeliner onto the marbled countertop of the sink, looking into the mirror and adjusting the brown ears that sat amongst his dirty blonde waves before glancing down again at the eyeliner. 
It was just an eyeliner pencil. So why did it tickle so badly?
A loud bang on his bedroom door pulled him from his thoughts, noticing his reflection was now bearing pink dusted cheeks where his tan freckles usually reside. Dream turned his head slightly as the door swung open, Karl bursting into the room in his bright green frog costume. He made his way over to Dream who had turned his attention back to the mirror, messing with the eyeliner again between his palms. The two met eyes in their reflections, Karl’s smile faltering slightly when he realized Dream wasn’t ready yet. 
“You’re not even ready! What have you been doing back here all this time, Dream? I mean we know you’re handsome, but seriously.” the blonde shook his head with a smirk, a quick burst of air huffing from his nose at the comment. 
“I-I just am having issues with this stupid eyeliner thing. Don’t we have any black paper I can just tape onto my face in strips or something?” Karl rolled his eyes at the comment, taking the eyeliner from Dream and turning his chair so the younger boy could face him . “Why do I even need the whiskers? I have the ears!” 
“You can’t be a cat without whiskers, that’s unheard of. What are you, an idiot? Just come here, Dream.” the giggly brunette leaned down, eyeliner in hand as it made a beeline straight for Dream’s right cheek. However, the minute Karl touched the eyeliner down against Dream’s cheek and moved it slightly, the blonde was recoiling back with a yelp before he could process what had even happened. 
“What the hell was that for?” Karl was still giggling, trying to assess the situation that was currently playing out. He allowed his eyes to get a good look at Dream, really taking in the details; Dream’s cheeks were bright red, his lips pressed together as he appeared to be struggling to keep his laughter in. It suddenly clicked for Karl, his smile turning into a mischievous grin spreading across his face. He could see the exact moment Dream realized Karl knew what was going on, and he began to cackle as the younger brought his hands up in embarrassment to cover his overheating face. 
“Tell me your cheeks aren’t ticklish, Dream. There’s no way,” Karl raised an eyebrow when he saw green eyes peeking out from behind pale hands, a nervous shrug accompanying an anxious giggle that had managed to slip past his fingers. “Oh my gosh, they are!”
Dream groaned through another giggle, finally removing his hands from covering his face and crossing them against his chest with a flustered huff. 
“I didn’t know that, okay! But every time I try and draw the stupid whiskers my cheek gets all….you know! And then I mess it up and have to start all over. It’s fucking annoying.” Dream turned his head slightly to point down at the trashcan in the corner of the room, filled to the brim with dark stained tissues, no doubt from the failed attempts with the eyeliner. 
“Oh stop, it’s adorable,” Dream rolled his eyes as Karl very clearly tried to stifle his laugh, trying not to embarrass Dream any further than he already was. “Come on, let me help you.”
Dream thought about it for a second before letting out a nervous chuckle, whining slightly as he turned his face back towards Karl. 
“I’m gonna try and go fast, okay?” Karl got a grunt back in response and took that as the okay to get started. He tapped the eyeliner down on the top of Dream’s cheek, drawing it out towards his temple slowly. Karl had been trying to make the line as straight as possible, but this task seemed impossible to do with Dream’s cheeks moving due to him trying to suppress his giggles. The curly haired boy couldn’t help the fond smile that was forming everytime Dream’s nose twitched from how bad the pencil was tickling his face. It was fucking adorable.
Dream was sitting surprisingly still through the second whisker, more towards the middle of his cheek and out towards his ear. But when Karl was drawing out the final line, dragging it down towards the blonde’s jaw, Dream flinched violently, causing Karl to draw a line down under his chin instead. 
“Dreheam! You just messed me up, you idiot! Now I have to fix it!” he couldn’t help but giggle along with Dream, the blonde fidgeting with his hands in his lap as he tried to keep his hands away from the drying gel on his face. 
“I’m sohohorry! I didn’t mehean it, I-I cahan’t help ihit.” The blush was slowly coloring Dream’s neck a light shade of pink, the embarrassment getting to him a little more now that his skin felt even more sensitive with the anticipation of the eyeliner returning to his cheek once again. 
“Alright, let me just wipe this off before it stains,” Karl grabbed another tissue from the box, noticing immediately how little was left in the box and how much Dream must have messed up drawing on himself. It made Karls heart feel warm, picturing the younger boy giggling to himself as he tried to draw whiskers on. Karl wiped the black line clean, bringing the pencil down and quickly finishing the line before Dream had time to react. “There! See, that wasn’t so bad.”
“Nohoho, but it feels all tingly and weird.” The blonde refused to make eye contact with the boy standing above him, knowing his blush would probably turn him purple at this point. He heard Karl bark out a laugh at that, making him finally lift his head to see what was so hilarious. 
“You can just say your cheeks are ticklish.” Dream’s ears were on fire, his cheeks blazing and spreading throughout his body like a wildfire. He could see goosebumps prickle his skin at the mention of the word, causing an involuntary shiver to run down his spine. Dream rubbed his hands against the thighs of his jeans quickly as a way to release his giddy energy, shrugging and throwing his arms up after a few seconds of silence. 
“I’m not saying that!” Dream finally managed to whine out, making Karl laugh even harder.
“Okay cutie, come on. The others are gonna come kill us if we’re not out there in the next ten seconds,” Karl took a step forward, placing a hand on Dream’s left cheek to turn his head slightly for a better angle to draw against. Giggles were already tumbling out of Dream, unable to stop them as Karl once again drew the top line just under his eye. He moved his hands to wring at his shirt, trying to focus on something other than how bad it was tickling.
Karl successfully drew the middle line with little issue, but he knew that this last line would be the issue. They were in the homestretch now, and he was not about to deal with an inpatient Sapnap. 
“Alright, last one Dream. Think you can stay still? Or is your jaw too ticklish, too?” Karl teased, a snicker following as Dream’s hand came up to shove against the smaller boy’s hip. He readjusted himself to be back directly in front of Dream, grabbing his chin to hold him in place as Karl went to draw the final line. 
“N-nohoho come ohohon! H-Hurry! You’re dohohoing this on puhuhurpose!” Dream was nearly in hysterics as Karl kept a strong grip on Dream’s chin, keeping his head in place as he slowly drew the last whisker. 
“KAHAHAHARL NOHOHO!” the brunette couldn’t help but giggle mischievously at that, continuing to go back over the line near his jaw painfully slow. Karl decided to show mercy and finally released him, stepping back to appreciate his work. He spun Dream’s chair around as the last of the giggles finally simmered out to show him the whiskers. 
“Oh my gohosh, this is horrible!” Dream let out a wheeze before breaking into cackles, seeing how wobbly the lines on his face were. “What did you even dohoho?!”
“Listen, if I didn’t have such a ticklish canvas it would’ve turned out better than this, okay?” The comment made Dream press his lips together quickly, not wanting to provoke Karl than he already had. Karl smiled and poked his nose with the eyeliner, coloring in a black nose to complete his costume. To his surprise, Dream let out a little squeak when Karl finally pulled the eyeliner away. They shared a look, one that was a mutual understanding. Karl was the first to take the bait though, and the teasing began once again. 
“....So, the tip of your nose is ticklish?” 
“Shut the fuck up.” 
“Excuse me?” 
“.....I’m sorry?” 
“Right. I’ll remember this, Dreamie,” Karl turned on his heels, making his way towards the door to go meet the others that were waiting downstairs. He turned around when he was in the hallway, leaning back through the doorway with a finger pointed at the blonde. “Watch yourself.”
Dream realized he shouldn’t be intimidated by a man in a frog suit, but nonetheless, he swallowed thickly as he made his way towards the door to follow Karl, already planning to be on high alert the rest of the night.
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giggly-squiggily · 2 years
Hello friend! How are you? Is Tickletober day 2 (drawn on) taken? If not, can I please request it with lee! Enmu ler! Douma (platonic!)?
Day 2: Drawn On
Heyo friend! :D I'm doing well! Day 2 is officially yours! :D I hope you like it! :)
“Aheahhahahhahaha! Hehehahahhaha! D-Dohohoohuma, how lohohohohong will this tahahhahhake?” Enmu giggled out, squirming as the upper moon gently doodled along their arm.
“As long as it’ll take, dreamer. Hold still.” Douma had one hand gently grasping Enmu’s wrist, the other slowly dragging the paint brush across the pale skin. He had the sudden desire that day to draw. With no paper in sight however, the ice demon had to turn to the next best thing.
“Whahhahahaht exaahhahahahctly are you mahahahhahaking?” Enmu tried to peek, ducking away with a giggle when Douma reached up and tickled their neck. “Ahehahahahha!”
“No peeking! You have to have trust in your superiors, dreamer. I’m almost wounded you don’t.” Douma sniffed, mock tears dampening his eyes. Blinking them away without much thought, he continued adding swirls and lines to the skin before him, smiling as Enmu snorted in their hand.
“At leheahhahahahst give me a hiihiihihint?”
“Nope!” Douma popped the “p”. “It’s a surprise!”
Truth was- Douma had no idea what he was making. He never went into things like this with much planning- and once Enmu started giggling and complaining the brush tickled, he forgot all together about a drawing and was now just trying to get as many giggles as possible out of them.
Right now- Enmu’s arm looked like an octopus inked on them.
But Douma couldn’t let them see that.
An idea coming to mind, the ice demon started transforming the lines before him into something abstract. A dash of ink here, a swirl there. Enmu’s relentless squirming wasn’t helping- but in a way, Douma liked the challenge.
“Okay! All done!” He announced, finally releasing the other’s arm. Enmu slowly took a peak, opening one eye as they took in Douma’s creation. “Oh wow…” They breathed, holding up their arm to the light.
The scene was of an enchanted forest- the trees varied in length and tone. The sky above them was filled with swirling stars, the moon the color of Enmu’s skin as ink stained the skin around it.
Even on such a small surface- Douma’s attention to details never missed.
“Thank you, Douma! It’s beautiful!” Enmu got up and bowed, excitement making them bounce on their feet. “I’m gonna go craft a dreamworld just like this! Oh, I gotta show Rui!”
They ran off, leaving a smiling Douma behind.
“Not my best work.” Douma admitted to no one, sitting back on his hands. “But if it makes them happy, it’s worth it.”
He should do this more often.
I hope this was good!
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tickly-trashcan · 2 years
Tickletober 2022 Masterlist!
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Here’s the collection of the 2022 Tickletober drabbles I wrote!! Enjoy!
Day 1: Anticipation - EiMiko
Day 2: Drawn On - Yusuke and Akira
Day 3: Shriek - Cresswell
Day 4: Reward - LilacCream
Day 5: Punishment - Tanjiro and Rengoku
Day 6: Cuddles - XiaoVen
Day 7: Massage - ChiLi
Day 8: Death Spot - Akihito and Mirai
Day 9: Trapped - Zelda and Link
Day 10: Ticklish Kiss - Beigguang
Day 11: Competition - Achilles and Patroclus
Day 12: Surprise - Poison Mushroom and Licorice
Day 13: Blush - Kyohru
Day 14: Tracing - Kaider
Day 15: Games - Nick and Charlie
Day 16: New Discovery - Wizard and Gingerbrave
Day 17: Trick-or-Treat
Day 18: Chase - Bennett, Fischl, Klee
Day 19: Revenge - ShinoGiyuu
Day 20: Counting - Soul and Maka
Day 21: Wake Up - Thoma and Ayato
Day 22: Monster - The Forgers
Day 23: Spidering - Sebastian, Sam, and Abigail
Day 24: Don’t Move - Catradora
Day 25: Teasing - ZeLink
Day 26: Favorite Spot - XiaoVen
Day 27: Hiding - Obanai, Mitsuri, and Kaburamaru
Day 28: Distraction - OCs
Day 29: Ghost Tickles - OCs
Day 30: Flinch - Viktor and Heimerdinger
Day 31: Aftercare - Shin Soukoku
(I used @/august-anon’s Tickletober prompt list for this year!!! You can check it out here!)
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august-anon · 2 years
Sunlit Tattoos
TickleTober 2022, Day 2: Drawn On
Fandom: IT movies
Ship(s): Benverly (pre-relationship)
Characters (lee/ler): Lee!Bev/Ler!Ben
Word Count: 649 words
Summary: Bev is already planning out some tattoos for when she grows up. She asks Ben for some help.
[ao3 link]
It was rare that it was just the two of them. Usually it was hard to get away. There were only so many places the Losers felt safe enough to hide, odds were that you’d find at least one other person there.
But somehow, not today.
Because today it was just Ben and Bev, reclining in the late summer sun, the familiar stink of the quarry clogging up their noses. Ben leaned back against a tree, watching Bev as she doodled on one of her wrists, dappled in the sunlight that breached through the foliage above. She stuck her tongue out when she was concentrating. It was cute.
“What do you think?” Bev asked some time later, thrusting her wrist out in Ben’s direction from where she laid on the ground.
He took the offered appendage gingerly, helping hold it up so her arm wouldn’t get tired. He twisted his head to look at her finished product: a wolf on a little howling up at a full moon, sketched out all small to fit on her wrist the way she wanted.
“That’s really good!” He said, shooting her a grin that he hoped was more genuine than nervous. “I really like it.”
Bev smiled at him and took her wrist back holding it above her head to examine her handiwork. “It is pretty good, isn’t it? I think I’ll get it tattooed when I’m old enough.”
Then, she shot him a more sly grin. Pulling herself up into a sitting position, Bev shuffled back until she was leaned up against the tree with Ben, the two of them pressed together from shoulder to hip. She thrust her pen into his hand and held her clean wrist out to him.
“Your turn,” she said.
She rolled her eyes with a smile, pushing her unmarked wrist into his other hand. “Draw me a tattoo, New Kid. Come on.”
“O-oh. I dunno, Bev. I mean, isn’t Bill really the other artist here?”
She nudged his shoulder. “Come on, Ben. You wanna be an architect, don’t you? Maybe I’m looking for something a bit more geometric for this next one.”
Ben worried at his lip. “Are you sure?”
“Positive, dummy.”
He took a few moments to think, and then Ben brought the pen down on her skin as delicately as he could, starting to sketch out a shape. Bev hummed as he worked, and slowly, her fingers started to curl up into a loose fist. Then, at a particularly light stroke, Bev gasped and jerked her wrist in his grasp. Ben immediately let go, pulling the pen away as fast as possible.
“Are you okay? Did I hurt you?”
“I’m fine, Ben.” Bev huffed, shaking her head with a small smile. “It just tickled a little, that’s all.”
“Oh. Sorry.” He scratched the back of his head. “I can stop, if you want?”
Bev laughed. “How am I supposed to get the tattoo if you don’t finish it?”
“Are- are you sure?”
Bev offered up her wrist once more, an easy smile on her face. As he reached for it, she pulled it back for a moment.
“Just… not a word to the others, alright?”
Ben smiled, drawing an X over his heart with a fingertip. Bev’s smile grew into a grin as she gave him her wrist, and that grin lasted all throughout the rest of his sketching. 
In fact, he was even lucky enough to catch a few giggles when he was drawing in the right places, Bev squirming next to him while trying to keep her arm still. Ben made sure to work extra slowly in those spots. You know, so he wouldn’t mess up. It had nothing to do with wanting to hear her laugh as much as possible.
Ben would draw her a thousand tattoos if it meant he got to hear it just a little longer.
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ami-chat · 2 years
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Tickletober Day 2: Drawn On
It was a little hard to come up with an idea for this one, but I think it worked out! Still contributing a little to the Cuphead fandom…hopefully will get more comfortable drawing the characters soon enough!
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gamequeenanya · 2 years
Tickletober Day 2: Drawn On
(Spiderverse: ler!Mary Jane x lee!SpiderGwen)
(Note: Is this ship semi-canon/hinted in the movie? I could have sworn Gwen had a moment of reminiscing over her own universe's Mary Jane... but then again that could also have been Peter? I dunno, it's unclear. /// No hate to any ships, by the way! I just liked the idea of this one so I'm writing a fanfic! :))
"Stay still!" Mary Jane giggled, doing her best to paint Gwen's nails. She'd chosen a hot pink color.
"Hehehee! I can't! It tickles-!"
Gwen sat on Mary Jane's bed, trying not to squirm too much. Yes, her fingers and fingernails were ticklish. And yes, They were sensitive to a small brush coating her nails with paint.
"Seriously girl, is it really this bad?" M. J. teased.
Pulling her hand back, Gwen giggled. M. J. rolled her eyes.
"Alright, but you'll only have three fingers painted!"
Taking a mini fan from off the table, Mary turned it on. The fan carefully blow-dried the paint on Gwen's nails. The pink paint carefully took the shape of the nail as it dried.
"So Gwen, what made you decide to come over? You're usually so shy around me."
She blushed and looked to the side.
"Well, I met a wonderful friend. And he gave me the confidence I needed!"
"He sounds really sweet," M. J. said with a smile. Gwen looked up at her with hopeful eyes. "Heh. Anyways, let's finish your makeover!"
Mary Jane reached for the foundation brush on the table. Gwen squeaked and squirmed away.
"Eep! That's gonna tickle too!"
Waving the brush at her in a teasing way, M. J. grinned wickedly.
"Hehe, good!"
And she pounced, fluttering it everywhere on Gwen's neck. She scrunched her neck up between her shoulders.
Gwen swatted her hands away, face flushed.
M. J. grinned. "Where else are you ticklish...?"
Curling up, Gwen hoped to sheild as many spots as possible. But her feet were still sticking out. They were small but kinda cute.
Taking a paintbrush and dipping it in pink paint, Mary Jane held her ankle and painted a smiley face on her arch. Gwen let out a squeal and almost webbed her in the face. Oh no, that would have been bad! She did her best to control herself and keep her hands under her, deciding it better to succumb to the tickling than reveal her identity.
M. J. had grabbed the other ankle and painted something on her other arch, making her delve into high pitched guffaws, and pound the bed with her fists. Finally, M. J. let up. She smiled sweetly.
"Sorry if that was a little too much!"
Gwen got control of her laughter and pushed herself up.
"Oh, hehe! I-it's alright! You're fine!" She reassured her, still glowing.
Mary Jane put all of her makeup tools and paint away.
Meanwhile, Gwen looked down at the art on her feet. On her left foot was a smiley face with the words "cutie pie" written above and below it. She exhaled happily at that, and looked to the right. On it, was a heart with the words "U R precious" written above and below it. Gwen's heart melted.
Did this mean...? No, no, no. Mary Jane could have just meant that as a friendly gesture. It wasn't a sign that she liked her back, right...?
Getting up, Gwen looked over at M. J. still on her chair, now tending to her own nails.
"Uhh, Mary Jane?" Gwen said, and she looked up. "Do you want to hang out again sometime, maybe at the park?"
Grinning, Mary Jane's eyes sparkled. "Sure! It's a date!"
Okay, maybe it was true after all! A blushing Gwen thought.
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lovelynim · 2 years
TickleTober 2022/Day 2 - Drawn On
Eighty-Six - Theo x Shinen
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Despite taking Theo a stupidly huge amount of effort, he managed to convice Shinen. All the other remaining members of the Spearhead Squadron agreed in letting the blonde practice some bodypainting technique he found while looking for art books, all but one. However, things were just about to change.
Shinen sighed, not exactly distressed, but also not the most excited person with the idea. He knew he should play along and it wouldn’t be bad to do something different, but as Raiden said on other occasions, Shin could be “a little grumpy” sometimes. 
Taking his jacket off, Shinen sat down, with his back turned to Theo, who was already waiting for the brunette. After all, he wouldn’t leave Shinen waiting for a single second because he couldn’t risk letting the boy change his mind.
Just like the rest of the squadron, they both agreed on painting the old Undertaker’s personal mark and, maybe under a symbolic reason, Shin chose his neck to be Theo’s canvas.
“I’m going to start now, ok?” Theo said, pulling the other shirt’s collar down a little to have a little more skin exposed.
“Alright, go on.” He answered, keeping his gaze distant as he let the other do as he pleased.
Theo couldn’t hold back the excited smile on his face. Nodding, he picked up the pencil, making sure it wasn’t too sharp, and decided to first trace some rough drafts and, later on, start making the outline of the mark. 
But things weren't really working as he planned. At the very first line, Shinen fliched, slightly scrunching up his shoulder.
“Sorry, did it hurt?” Theo asked with a pinch of worry.
“Not really.”
“I’ll keep going then, alright?”
“Mhm,” Shin hummed and the blonde couldn’t help to hear as he sighed again, as if trying to relax himself.
Placing his hand on the back of his colleague’s head to stretch, Theo decided to be a little more gentle while tracing over his neck. Maybe his skin was more sensitive around his scar, so he should be careful as he drew on him.
But Theo had barely managed to finish a circle before Shin started trembling. There definitely was something off about it.
“Y-yes?” He huffed, coughing as he tried to ‘fix’ his voice tone, “is something wrong, Theo?”
“I need to hold still, I can’t finish the draft like this.”
“Sorry, it tickled,” he tried to admit as naturally as possible, maybe trying to not spark the other’s curiosity, but it was unavoidable.
“It what?” Theo gasped, even stopping for a moment.
“I’m not repeating myself,” Shin snapped back, letting out an embarrassed huff.
“Right… Just try to bear with me a little longer, okay? I won’t tell anyone,” Theo giggled quietly before resuming the drawing. 
Shinen closed his eyes shut as he tried to focus on something else, controlling his breath and letting his body as loose as possible. But as soon as Theo resumed, the feeling seemed much other than before.
“P-pfft- Theheheo- mhmph- it tihihickles…” The undertaker giggled, making the blonde slightly blush behind his back.
“”I know, but you are doing well…” Theo replied, trying to hold the other in place as he continued to brush the pencil over his friend’s neck, “I will be done in no time, trust me ~”
Just as predicted, the lines ended up as messed up as they could. Not a single straight line in sight and all the round ends were roughly sharped. Shinen struggled to not giggle during the whole process and they had to stop constantly to let the boy calm down before the blonde would resume drawing on his neck.
Despite the many obstacles in his way, Theo managed to make a nice (and rough) looking mark on the brunette’s neck. 
“Alright, we are done with the draft,” the boy cheered, placing the pencil down.
“Ah, so we are over?” 
“Ahm, not really. That was only the draft. I need to draw the final outline and paint it…” He explained and Shin could feel the pleading-puppy-eyes staring at his neck.
“Alright,” he sighed, biting his lip as he mentally prepared himself, “go on.” 
“Heh, as you say ~” Theo said, not really putting effort in making his tools feel less ticklish on his Shinen’s skin. After all, if he ever asked the blonde about it, he could easily claim it was all about making the artistic process more… enjoyable, for both of them.
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A/N: Second day, let’s go! I always wanted to write something for them and I just have to say thank you for my dear friend @wertzunge​ for the hcs that inspired me to write this ~
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kusuguricafe · 2 years
🎃🖤🧡 Tickletober 2022 masterlist 🧡🖤🎃
Day 1 - Anticipation (lee!Deku, lee!Bakugou, ler!Hagakure) - BNHA Day 2 - Drawn on (switches Kirishima and Kaminari) - BNHA Day 3 - Shriek (lee!Reki, ler!Langa) - Sk8 Day 4 - Reward (lee!Leviathan, ler!MC) - Obey Me! Day 5 - Punishment (lee!Mammon, ler!MC) - Obey Me! Day 6 - Cuddles (lee!Kobayashi, ler!Tohru) - Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid Day 14 - Tracing (lee!Raiden, ler!Yae) - Genshin Impact Day 18 - Chase (lee!Gorou, ler!Thoma) - Genshin Impact Day 21 - Wake up! (lee!Bakugou, lers!Bakusquad) - BNHA Day 25 - Teasing (lee!Deku, ler!Bakugou) - BNHA
(prompt list by @/august-anon)
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thebest-medicine · 5 months
Day 18: Magic
Tickletober 2023 - The Owl House - implied lee!Luz lee!Eda and lee!Amity
[see my other tickletober 2023 fics]
A/N: A bit of a different style with this one. Luz discovers a tickle glyph by accident, she details the event in her notes.
[ao3 link]
Words: 500
From the journal notes of Luz’ Noceda: 
“Glyph Combination Attempt #73”
Effect: causes a tingling, spark-like sensation of tickling, causing the person in range to laugh uncontrollably for the duration of the effect
Appearance: three rings of concentric circles, light glyph on the right of the outer ring as well as the bottom of the inner ring, plant along the bottom of the middle ring with fire on the top, two fire glyphs on either side of the outer ring light glyph
Possible uses:
Incapacitate the enemy with laughter!
Fighting without damage or causing pain!
Fun prank!
Do not accidentally stand too close when activated!
Be careful how big the glyph is drawn (size and intensity seem to influence how long the effects last)
First-Hand Account #1:
I decided to reserve Wednesday afternoon in my schedule to test out new glyph combinations and see what other types of useful combinations we could come up with to help in the fight against Belos. With the Day of Unity coming up, we could use any extra tricks up our sleeves we could get. 
I stumbled upon an interesting combination today by accident, when I tried to activate this glyph (see attached sketch on the next page) it had an instantaneous effect. I couldn’t believe it… it, well, it tickled!!!! SO much - OMG! Lucky for me, it was only a minute or two before it wore off. It feel like a hundred fingers and tingly shocks all over all my ticklish spots! I just crumpled to the ground. (I’m glad nobody else was around to see that!) I’ll have to test it out further (ALONE! Or maybe on someone else?) and see what its capabilities are.
First-Hand Account #2:
It’s been two days since I accidentally hit myself with the ‘tickle glyph’. I have carefully drawn up another and decided to enlist Eda to help me test it today. 
It went hilariously spectacular having Eda try the glyph! She crumpled onto the couch cackling and even tried pulling off her own feet — that didn’t seem to help her though. This one was drawn on a bigger piece of paper and I think it went on a little longer than when I first stumbled on the glyph, but it was a little hard for me to tell how long it was exactly. Eda said she’s going to feed me to the Wumplerampus but I think she’s just bluffing. It was good to see her laugh. I do think, in retrospect now, that perhaps it was not my best idea to teach her this glyph combination…
I’ve decided to create a small stockpile for myself in order to prepare for the worst. And, also, maybe to test them out a bit more with Amity and with the rest of our friends.
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ticklish-n-stuff · 2 years
Tickletober 2022 fics:
Tickletober day 1: Trick or treat (Subaru x Hokke)
Tickletober day 2: Tracing (ShinDeku)
Tickletober day 3: Hiding (AkiRui)
Tickletober day 4: Don't move (ShuMika)
Tickletober day 5: Ghost tickles (ChiaKana)
Tickletober day 6: New discovery (Yukina x Ran)
Tickletober day 8: Ticklish kiss (AkiToya)
Tickletober day 9: Trapped (NatsuMugi)
Tickletober day 10: Distraction (LeoKasa)
Tickletober day 11: Death spot/Anticipation (RuiKasa)
Tickletober day 16: Izumi day (Makoto x Izumi)
Tickletober day 17: Games/Drawn on (AkiToya)
Tickletober day 20: Massage (RuiKasa)
Tickletober day 21: Teasing (L/N Kaito x Len)
Tickletober day 23: Punishment (RuiKasa)
Tickletober day 24: Trick (LeoKasa)
Tickletober day 25: Revenge (AkiRui)
Tickletober day 26: New discovery (RuiKasa)
Tickletober day 29 (Izumi x Ritsu)
Tickletober day 31: Cuddles (poly wxs)
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mushiewrites · 2 years
(updated 01/30/2023)
Remember to interact!
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DTQK (Dream / George / Sapnap / Quackity / Karl)
Foolish / Punz / Wilbur
DreamXD / GeorgeHD / Sapnap4K
(cc! & c! - DISCLAIMER: I don't really know dsmp lore so please keep that in mind!)
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Feel free to send an ask (anon or not) or a DM if you have any questions, want to brainrot or just want someone to chat with!
Taunt (lee!George / ler!Dream : 1.1K words) Dream and George are making breakfast, listening to music when “Taunt” by Lovejoy comes on. Dream mentions how George broke his straight-face in the music video - George doesn’t believe him, so Dream decides to prove it. While doing so, Dream discovers something about George
YLYL: The Aftermath (lee!Punz / ler!Foolish : 1.2K words) After Foolish saw how Punz reacted to Karl tickling Sapnap during the YLYL stream, he has something on his mind that he wants to confirm is true. Punz pretends he doesn’t know what Foolish is talking about, so Foolish decides to show him.
The Escape Artist (lee!George / ler!Sapnap / ler!Dream : 2.1K words) George takes the last drink - Sapnap wants it. After attacking each other, George throws the bottle at Sapnap and flees the scene. Sapnap wants revenge. Dream assists.
Cereal Killer (lee!Sapnap / ler!Dream : 1.4K words) Sapnap knows how Dream is when he first wakes up. Apparently Sapnap lets it slip his mind this morning, however, as he sees no issue in finishing the last of Dream’s cereal. Dream lets him know not to do it again.
One Little Poke (lee!George / ler!Dream : 1.4K words) prompt from this post: 20 - “Can you…do the thing?” / 36 - “I didn’t tell you to stop”
Mr. Kitzel (lee!Dream / ler!George / ler!Sapnap : 2.6K words) Dream, George and Sapnap come across a rather interesting find at the store, intrigued by the name of it. Dream puts it back, flustered and not wanting to look at it any longer, but George and Sapnap throw it back into their basket, forming a plan on what to use it for (or who to use it on) in their heads.
Sore Loser (lee!Punz / ler!Foolish : 2.3K words) Tickletober prompt: Day 1 - Anticipation
Whiskers and Eyeliner (lee!Dream / ler!Karl : 1.8K words) Tickletober prompt Day 2 - Drawn On
New Discoveries (lee!Punz / ler!George : 1.2K words) Tickletober prompt Day 18 - New Discoveries
Soft Surprises (lee!Dream / ler!Sapnap : 1K words) George comes home to laughter bouncing off the walls of the entry way when he walks through the front door. He recognized someone was clearly losing a certain type of playful fight, only this time it wasn't the laugh he was used to
Sweet & Sleepy (lee!George / ler!Dream : 1.4K words) Dream challenges George to keep his arms out to the side and gives him light tickles, seeing how long he can last before gently targeting a very specific sensitive spot
Late Night Texts (lee!Dream / ler!Sapnap : 1.1K words) dream is overly exhausted and can’t sleep, so he texts someone who can help him
Day 1: Hide & Seek (lee!Sapnap / ler!George / ler!Dream : 2.7K words) Sapnap has been lee all morning, but is feeling way too shy to ask for tickles - Dream notices and points it out. This leads to Sap getting embarrassed, darting away from Dream and George, and throwing them all into the most interesting game of Hide & Seek they’ve ever played
Ghost of You (lee/ler!Dream - self tickles / implied ler!Sapnap : 1.5K words) dream daydreaming about a specific tickle scenario where he’s the lee, imagining himself getting taken apart into pieces by tickling and teasing. it’s enough to make him blush, slamming his face into his pillow with a whine and making him do little kickies against the bed
Red (lee!George / ler!Dream / ler!Sapnap : 1.6K words) dream decides to show sapnap some very VERY sensitive spots on george. with the help of sapnap, they hold him in place and make him scream
Flipping the Switch (switch!George / switch!Dream : 2.4K words) Giggles & Ghasts prompt: bratty lee who tries/tried to tk their ler and instead it just turns into the ler tkling them…basically tk fight
The Troubles with Teleporting (lee!George / ler!DreamXD : 1.8K words) XD has been teleporting with George all over the server for a little while now, never experiencing any issues that they were aware of. However, when XD goes to teleport them both back home, they’re confused as George refuses and makes a run for it.
Helping Hands (lee!GeorgeHD / ler!Dream XD : 3k words) From this prompt list: 9 - "tickle me?"
Forest Monster (lee!Sapnap / lee!George / lee!Dream / ler!Sapnap4K : 2.2k words) From this prompt list: Day 22 - Monster
Sore Winner (lee!Dream / ler!Sapnap : 1.5K words) Giggles & Ghast prompt: Dream and Sapnap are speedrunning a parkour course they made together. Dream gets cocky, having won the majority. Sapnap takes him down a notch by targeting his worst spot(s). [That worst spot depends on the writer/artist's headcanons!]
Tummy Troubles (lee!Dream / ler!George : 771 words) Day 1: Tummy tickles - Dream doesn’t feel well - he knows what will help him feel better, though. However, he doesn’t know how to ask. George gets the idea and helps Dream anyway.
Sleepy Secrets (lee!Dream / ler!Sapnap : 832 words ) Day 2: First meeting / stream - Sapnap finally makes it to Dream’s their house after driving hours to permanently move in with his best friend. When hugging Dream, he discovered a ticklish secret of his. After they get settled in and decide to relax on the couch, Dream falls asleep. Sapnap is unsure if he’s actually asleep.
That's What the Point of the Mask Is (lee!Dream / ler!George : 1.6K words) Day 3: Mask - Dream somehow ends up being hunted down by George, who was obviously bored and in a mood to wreck someone. The blonde gets flustered when George somehow catches him and decides that he wants to see how red Dream can get from blushing.
Morning Idiots (lee!Dream / ler!George : 698 words) Day 4: Tickle Hugs - A very sleepy George finds Dream in the kitchen, reaching in the cupboard for his favorite mug. When he suddenly sasses the older boy, he decides to teach Dream a lesson.
Sensitive (lee!Dream / ler!George : 1.7K words) Day 5: Scars - While practicing for a manhunt, Dream missteps and ends up taking a nasty fall. Sapnap and George attempt to see if he’s okay, but Dream refuses help. A few days later, George confronts Dream was the intent on finding out the extent of his injuries.
Flower Power (lee!Dream / ler!George : 862 words) Day 6: bee!Dream - George and Dream prepare to do a challenge with Dream in bee form. Dream is being reckless, and George discovers something about the little bee when he crashes into flowers.
Burrito Night (lee!Dream / ler!Sapnap / ler!George : 1K words) Day 7: Couch / Beanbag / Blanket - George finds himself walking into the living room where Dream and Sapnap are messing around with a huge tortilla shaped blanket. As he leaves the room, he hears Dream scream and decides to turn back to check out the situation.
The Better Idea (switch!Dream / switch!George / ler!Sapnap : 1.7K words) Day 10: Anticipation - The Dream Team have been living together for a few weeks now, and Dream has found a way to get what he wants fairly easily. When Sapnap walks in on George getting wrecked by Dream for absolutely no reason, the two boys decide to teach Dream a lesson the best way they know how.
Sleepy Tickles HC 1 (lee!Dream Team) HC 2 (lee!Dream Team) HC 3 (lee!George / ler!Dream) HC 4 (lee!George / ler!Dream + Sapnap) HC5 (lee!George / ler!Dream)
Birthday Tickles Raspberries + Timers (lee!Dream / ler!George + Sapnap) Set time to name spots (lee!Dream / ler!George + Sapnap)
lee!Dream hc's Dream's death spots Dream's "two fingered" typing Kettle laugh "Guess the spot" game Squeaks and panting
lee!George hc's XD cheering George up Clingy Dream, sensitive George George annoying Sapnap Dream finding George's melty spots
lee!Sapnap hc’s ankles being a death spot / melty spot always wearing a hat (scalp tks)
AU STUFF XD’s cape Foolish controls water currents (lee!Punz / ler!Foolish)
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