lovelynim · 5 months
Daily report
Eighty Six - Shin & Theo and Raiden (feat. Lena)
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A/N: Of course my first (official) client would be @wertzunge! Thank you so much for your constant support and your trust! I hope this is of your liking, my dear, dear customer ~
Summary: As the captain of the squad, Shin is giving Lena his daily report, but the call starts to get a little... unstable.
Word count: 1118 words
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“And that’s how it went today, major,” Shin spoke softly, his eyes lost in the barren fields that surrounded the squad’s base at the Eastern Front First Ward. The night would be dead silent if it weren’t for the girl on the other side of the line and, obviously, the rest of the group that was still inside the old house. “That's all I have to report.”
“I’m glad to hear everything went well, captain,” Lena hummed on the other side of the line, her gaze fixed on the sketch book in front of her. “But this isn’t really the kind of answer I was expecting, if I’m being honest with you.”
Shin arched his eyebrow, puzzled. He already knew the girl wasn’t like the other handlers the Spearhead Squadron had in the past, but, still, what else did she want to hear? “Is that so? What were you expecting, major?” He muttered, leaning back in his chair, crossing his hands behind his back and one knee over the other. 
Lena giggled on the call, imagining what kind face the captain would be making. “When I asked you ‘how was your day’, I wasn’t requesting an official report, captain.”
“Ah,” he looked up to the starless sky, letting out a small chuckle, “my mistake, then.”
“Let me try again,” Lena smiled, twirling a strand of hair in her hand, “how was your day, captain?”
“Peaceful, I suppose,” Shin muttered, closing his eyes as he barely gave his own words much thought before speaking them out loud. There was no need for those formalities, after all. 
While Shin let himself sink in the casual - and private - conversation with the squad’s handler, two pairs of eyes peeked at him from the corner of the closest doorframe. Theo and Raiden slowly retreated back inside, with Shin’s voice almost fading in the distance.
“They are doing it again,” Theo mumbled, a pinch of annoyance in his voice. “Tsk, ‘let’s wrap up for today’ my foot, they just wanted to talk by themselves.”
“Hah, and you are jealous? Of him or the major?” Raiden teased, scoffing. Still, he couldn’t deny that it was - at least - curious that the oh-so-reserved Undertaker agreed in spending some hours of each of his nights chit chatting with the handler. 
Theo frowned, leaning to get another peek at his captain, “whatever. Are you ready?” The blonde grinned, looking at Raiden with the corner of his eyes and feeling excitement sparkle inside his chest when the other man nodded.
It was time to put their plan into action.
“...and then we had lunch together. It was pretty nice,” Shin commented, not aware of the shy smile that took place in his lips while talking to Lena - and also not aware of the two figures silently moving in the background. 
“I can imagine,” Lena, on the other end of the call, had already moved away from her desk. Strolling around her bedroom, the handler eyed the balcony, thinking about the squad under her care. “So, according to your report,” she continued, jokingly, “the squad went through some training during the afternoon. Did you join them this time, captain?”
“Someone needs to keep an eye on the group,” Shin replied in a monotone, making Lena wonder if he was being serious or joking back at her. While some other members were like an open book, it was pretty hard to get a grip on Shin's feelings sometimes. 
Walking over her bed, Lena sat on the edge of the mattress before allowing herself to fall on the soft surface. Swinging her feet in the air, the handler pondered about her next words, not wanting to let the conversation end at that point.
“But,” Shin resumed, picking up the topic from where he had left it. “I did take pa-ahart- h-hey!”
“Huh?” Lena frowned, rolling onto her side and laying on her stomach. “Captain, is everything all right?” She narrowed her eyes, doubling the attention she was paying to the conversation, but all she could hear from the other sound were… some sort of static? Or some other type of unknown noise. “Shin,” Lena insisted, “did something happen?”
“G-give meheh a secohond!”
Lena pinched the bridge of her nose, gently rubbing her eyes. She must’ve misheard it, but, for a moment, she could swear that Shin was… laughing?
“S-sure, but you’re ok, right?”
“Y-yehes, it’s just- agh, you two, stohohop it!”
“Huh? W-who is there?” Lena inquired, but nothing that sounded like an answer came from Shin’s end - just more noise, lots of noise. On the other side of the line, Shin fought as if his life depended on it. Sadly, it all seemed like a losing battle.
Theo and Raiden, working together like they never did, grinned at the Undertaker. 
“What’s wrong? ~ Aren’t you going to answer the major? ~” Theo teased, keeping his arm wrapped around Shin’s leg while his other hand dug and prodded at the sides of Shin’s thigh and the back of his restrained knee.
Raiden, standing behind the captain, held Shin’s head in an armlock while his other hand moved against the captain’s sides and ribs, playing him like some sort of instrument. Unlike Theo, Raiden remained quiet, not wanting his voice to be captured by the mic - still, there was no need for words when his expression said all he wanted to.
“I-it’s nohohoting, m-major,” Shin gritted his teeth, trying to somehow coordinate his moves between punching Raiden in the face and kicking Theo away - but it was all for nought. “J-just sohohome minor i-issues!”
Lena felt the back of her throat going dry, unable to say something back while Shin’s laughter echoed through the voice call. Lena felt some heat spreading up to her face, tainting her pale skin with a bright shade of red. “S-should we stop for today? I don’t want to-”
“NOHohoh,” Shin laughed, his voice raising slightly as Raiden managed to dig his fingers under his arm, “a-ahah, i-it’s fihihine!”
The handler jumped in her bed, sitting up in a hurry. “A-are you sure?” She chuckled nervously, pressing her hands against her flustered cheeks.
“Y-yehehes!” Shin pressed his eyes shut while a large grin spread over his face. “J-just gihihive me a sehecond t-to- agh, dahahamn it!”
“O-ok, ok,” Lena smiled, “I will call you back in a few minutes.”
As soon as her fingers hit the button, the handler fell back into her bed and let out a huge, dreamy sigh. “I can’t believe… they actually followed my orders. I need to thank Theo and Raiden later…” 
Lena reached for one of her pillows, wrapping it into a tight hug while she hid her flustered face. “Poor Shin, heheh…”
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tickletastic · 1 year
Golden Hour
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Ship: Thiam <3
Summary: Theo and Liam spend a lazy eveneing in bed. Day two of Miya and Mia's Tickletober: claws!
The last glimpses of sunlight trickle through the edges of Liam’s window, glittering rays cutting through wherever the curtains don’t cover. You can see the particles of dust floating through the still air, a soft golden filtering the room, slowly dimming as each minute passes. Despite their mid-afternoon nap, Theo is finding it difficult to stay awake. There’s something about being in the warmth of the sun on his face, the fact that he finally has a bedroom, one that smells like him and Liam combined, and the fact Liam’s warm body has been draped across his chest since the afternoon that allows him this serenity. 
He had been trying to read The Old Man and the Sea, a favourite of his, but he had grown distracted by Liam’s laughter, the younger having spent an hour scrolling through TikTok. He could see the soft lines of Liam’s lips, the wrinkles at the corner of his eyes when he smiled at a video of a kitten on a skateboard, or a silly dance. Theo’s book had been forgotten at his side, and he distractedly watched Liam’s TikToks, obscured by curly brown hair. 
Harnessing just enough energy to extend his claws, knowing Liam loved the feeling, Theo started scratching Liam’s head, fingers patiently sifting through soft curls. Liam practically melted, his body somehow relaxing into Theo even more, he lets out a contented hum, growing too distracted to scroll through to the next video on his phone. 
Theo softly massaged Liam’s entire head, going in circles through his hair. He could feel Liam shivering every few minutes, thinking nothing of it considering Liam had resumed his TikTok doom scrolling. Theo continues even as he feels himself slipping, eyes closing as he listens to the audio from Liam’s phone. When the sounds stop, Theo thinks that maybe Liam is dozing off too, cracking one eye open and expecting to see Liam’s soft eyelashes against his cheeks as he falls asleep, instead, he finds Liam’s eyes wide open, biting his lip as pink rises up his cheeks. 
“You alright?” Theo asks, shifting as if he’s going to sit up.
“Wait, I’m comfortable!” Liam puts his hand down flat on Theo’s chest, urging him to stay down. “I’m fine.”
“You sure?” Theo asks, voice soft.
Liam falters, looking up at Theo through his eyelashes and nodding sheepishly, “yeah, it just- it kind of tickled.”
“What tickled?” Theo grins, raising an eyebrow.
“Uh-” Liam starts to blush again, looking down at his hands, “you were scratching behind my ear with your claws.”
Theo can’t help the fondness on his face as he looks down at Liam, blush growing to his ears. He gently extends his claws again, brushing one up against the back of Liam’s ear. Liam brings his shoulder up to his ear, shaking his head. 
Theo repeats the same action on the other side, receiving the same response, and it becomes a back and forth between the two of them until Liam is finally giggling, shaking his head back and forth but doing little else to get away from his boyfriend.
“Nohoho!” Liam giggles throwing his head back as he realizes there’s no way to escape the tickly hands, “ohoho my gohohod!”
Theo’s grin is splitting his face as he looks down at Liam, smiling as bright as the sun. His fingers trail softly down to his chest and ribs, and Liam jolts, squirming from side to side. “Do my claws make it tickle worse, Li?”
“YEHES!” Liam squeals, hair flying everywhere as he thrashes. Theo’s fingers drift down to Liam’s tummy and the younger is down for the count, hysterical, boyish laughter flowing freely. “THEHEHEO NOHOHOHO! NAHAT THEHERE!”
Theo laughs, spidering his fingers in circles over Liam’s soft tummy. He knows Liam is trying his hardest to stay in place, but when he notices Liam losing the fight, nearly thrashing away from Theo entirely, Theo’s fingers slow to a stop. 
Liam pants, giggling and hiccuping throughout, going limp against Theo’s chest. Theo lets his claws go down and attempts to rub the tickling feeling away, stopping when Liam starts to giggle harder again. “You’re being sickeningly adorable right now.”
Liam slaps Theo’s hand playfully, “shuhut up.”
“Never,” Theo says, moving his head down and kissing the top of Liam’s head.
After a while of Liam catching his breath, blush dissipating as the minutes go by, he looks up at Theo, doe eyes on full display, “so, how does nap part two sound?”
Theo laughs, repositioning the two of them so they;re on their sides, Liam as the little spoon, “sounds great, Little Wolf.”
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a-go-ni-a · 2 months
Acabei de ler o livro Canção dos Ossos agora. Achei muito bom, diferente das minhas últimas leituras. A reviravolta no final me deixou de queixo caído, o mesmo fez uma cena anterior que me lembrou da "doença hanahaki". Foi uma leitura ótima, a única coisa que pesou foram os erros que a revisão deixou passar. Isso é algo que me desagrada muito, afetou minha imersão e, querendo ou não, deixa um gostinho amargo com relação à editora e à autora.
Enfim, leiam mais yuri. E yuri tóxico também pode ser bacana.
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hauntedeyes123456 · 4 months
Tenho headcanons que a Luna anda com alguns curativos para o Sam pq ele cai de 2 em 2 minutos,que o Theo fica falando sozinho (que nem eu), o erik bota rock estouradasso pra animar o Sam, e o Sam tem um caderninho só pra anotar coisas sobre dinossauro
Mas sobre o caderninho eu não sei, o Sam costuma ler vários livros sobre dinossauros, ele não gosta de ler mas se tiver um dinossauro na capa ele lê tudo em menos de dez segundos
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yourdarlingness · 8 months
hello deathe ! may i request npts based on Teru Mikami from death note , please ? thank you
 Teru Mikami names · pronouns · titles
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 ◞◟ NAMES ✦
asher . christ / christopher . charlotte . eleanor . claire . eli . ezra . jonathan . lucy . madeline . morgan . olivia . reid . rowan . theo . william . yves
hx / hxm . shx / hxr . thxy / thxm . ki / kill . kil / ler / killer . 4 / 4s . fou / four(th) . pun / punish . mor / morbid . vi / vile . si(n) / sin . de / dev / devote . un / unholy . ob / obey . noe / note . wri / write . scri / scribble . de / death . tomb / tombs . 🩸 . 💀 . 🔪 . 📓 . 🖋️ . 📓🖋️
 ◞◟  TITLES ✦
the ( devotee / loyalist / fourth / hand ) of Kira . the servant who serves Kira . the most devout follower . the evil punisher . the devotee who vanquish evil . one with strong sense of justice . the unholy juror . the "righteous" one . Kira's most devoted follower . the prosecuting devotee . prns* undying devotion . prns* sickening ideals
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sorry for less names >< it was a bit hard + mind was blanking out
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mayisgoingnuts · 1 month
Thinking about Lee!Theo and Ler!Denny... thinking how Theo would do nothing but hide his face both because he knows that he looks like a dork and because he doesn't want to hurt Denny..... thinking how Denny would be comfy enough to be a tiny bit of a little shit but also always giggle with Theo to show that he's having fun.....
Thinking about all of this happening when Theo liked Denny and how it always leaved Theo with butterflies afterwards.......
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imperfekt · 6 months
[ M!A ]
Você não consegue falar por 10 minutos. /Marcelo
Preso em seu quarto por conta dos problemas com o encanamento da universidade, Theo não poderia estar mais feliz, e o motivo era por ter Katherine em seus braços ali com ele. Estavam curtindo um bom momento de paz, talvez mais que isto uma vez que fora obrigado a expressar seus sentimentos para ela e agora ela estava ali disposta, de varias maneiras, a ficar. Tinha acabado de contar uma piada tosca que arrancou uma risada da moça quando ouvira a notificação em seu celular na cabeceira da mesinha ao lado de sua cama. Inclinou-se para buscar pelo aparelho, desbloqueando-o e então pode ler a mensagem de Marcelo. Dez minutos sem poder falar, hun, não lhe parecia tão ruim assim. Virou a tela do dispositivo para que Kath pudesse ler a mensagem sem dizer uma palavra e deu de ombros como quem se desculpava. Digitou algo em seu celular e então mostrou novamente a ela, a mensagem dizia "Dez minutos no céu comigo?". Logo depois, colocou o dispositivo no lugar onde estava anteriormente e aproximou-se de Katherine com um sorriso nos lábios, puxando-a para si e beijando-a nos lábios, e precisava confessar, aquele não seria um jeito nada ruim de passar os próximos dez minutos.
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just-cutie-avocado · 6 months
Jade Armor tickle headcanons !! ^0^
Lan Jun Ye/Jade Armor
(first tkl thing for this fandom omg yes lets go!!)
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Ohhh she's that kind of extremely playful ler
Always is the first one who's starts the tickle fights in the family
Always on the way to find the lee's death spot
Of course TICKLE FIGHTS WITH FRIENDS, she tickles Alisha and Theo quite often
Had tried to tickle Pearl to cheer her up (even though one time she regretted it-)
Also doesn't lose the chance to give a bit of tickles to her beasticons
And as Jade Armor, even though she's the superheroine who has to do her duty, her ler-self never disappear!
She sometimes uses the tickling to catch the villains off guard so it'll be easier to defeat them
Doesn't show or say it out loud, but she's secretly finds it very hilarious and amusing to see how Crimson Lord, Black Tiger and Xinyan reacts to the tickling
She's kind of playfully shy lee
Squeaks quite often while being tickled
Always when ler is going to tickle her, she's backing away, saying "No, no, no, please, no!"
Secretly enjoys being tickled, especially by her family and friends
Alisha and Theo are finds her right spots very quickly, what made her feel very vulnerable
Her beasticons just LOVES to tease her with tickles, and she always trying to be aware when they're gonna do it..
When she's Jade Armor, it's not so easy to found her in a lee mood, but if the ler gets the right second, then it's just the great chance to catch her off guard!
Crimson Lord once used the tickling torture to make her as weak and vulnerable as possible in front of him. And it's worked for some time!
Black Tiger used this technique too. And since she got an ability to became invisible, she got an opportunity to get Jade Armor! >:3
Xinyan also manages to get and tickle her multiple times. He's quite quick and apburt, so he always trying to confuse Jade Armor at first and then takes an advantage of it and catches her off guard
After each times of getting wrecked by villains, poor superheroine Jade Armor feels very embarrassed and somehow ashamed... (but also she secretly enjoys it)
Her most ticklish spots are sides, armpits and belly
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gabykatttt · 3 months
Forbidden Love
Chapter 6
What the hell is going on? Why do I hear gunshots? Sonata asked.
I don’t know Sonata it’s probably some idiot doing stupid shit Adagio bumping into someone.
Ugh watch where you going bitch Theodore crossing his arms.
Then get the fuck out of my way Adagio said hearing the gunshots and people screaming.
Omg Dagi I’m scared Sonata said holding on Adagio’s arms tightly.
Don’t Sonata let’s find Aria so we can leave Adagio said staring at Theodore dead in the eyes.
Theodore sticked his tongue out and left.
Asshole Adagio said finding an exit.
Dagi where’s Aria? Sonata asked worrying about Aria.
We’re looking for her Adagio said as gunshots and scream began to go louder.
With Aria
Aria was sitting alone in the bench listening to music on her phone and starts singing.
Aria 🎶🎤
Oh, I hope some day I'll make it out of here
Even if it takes all night or a hundred years
Need a place to hide, but I can't find one near
Wanna feel alive, outside I can't fight my fear
Isn't it lovely, all alone?
Heart made of glass, my mind of stone
Tear me to pieces, skin to bone
Hello, welcome home
Still listening to music the sound of gunshots stopped.
With Sonata and Adagio
Oh looks like it stopped Adagio said.
Sonata couldn’t help but sigh of relief.
With Theodore
Alvin where have you been? I was looking everywhere for you Theodore said hugging his brother.
Alvin couldn’t help but sigh and hugged back.
I was doing some errands Theo Alvin said still hugging.
Okay Theodore said still hugging.
Alvin smiles a little and lets out sigh.
No one can know about this Alvin thought still hugging Theodore.
@simplydannie @once-ler-ask-blog153 @horrorartist23 @sweetgirl15161819 @brozonelovergirl @skydiverdrawings
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velhojupiter · 6 months
Qual livros já leu? Tem algum que queira ler?
Faz tempo que não paro pra ler, preciso voltar. Tem alguns salvos no meu carrinho:
Cartas a Theo - Van Gogh (quero muito esse)
Antes que o café esfrie - Toshikazu Kawaguchi
Não sou Ninguém - Emily Dickinson
O menino, a toupeira, a raposa e o cavalo - Charlie Mackesy
Os sete maridos de Evelyn Hugo - Taylor Jenkins
Pessoas Normais - Sally Rooney
Todas as coisas que eu te escreveria se eu pudesse e Textos para tocar cicatrizes - Igor Pires
Os que estão em destaque são os que eu mais queria, vou comprar em breve.
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lovelynim · 2 years
TickleTober 2022/Day 2 - Drawn On
Eighty-Six - Theo x Shinen
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Despite taking Theo a stupidly huge amount of effort, he managed to convice Shinen. All the other remaining members of the Spearhead Squadron agreed in letting the blonde practice some bodypainting technique he found while looking for art books, all but one. However, things were just about to change.
Shinen sighed, not exactly distressed, but also not the most excited person with the idea. He knew he should play along and it wouldn’t be bad to do something different, but as Raiden said on other occasions, Shin could be “a little grumpy” sometimes. 
Taking his jacket off, Shinen sat down, with his back turned to Theo, who was already waiting for the brunette. After all, he wouldn’t leave Shinen waiting for a single second because he couldn’t risk letting the boy change his mind.
Just like the rest of the squadron, they both agreed on painting the old Undertaker’s personal mark and, maybe under a symbolic reason, Shin chose his neck to be Theo’s canvas.
“I’m going to start now, ok?” Theo said, pulling the other shirt’s collar down a little to have a little more skin exposed.
“Alright, go on.” He answered, keeping his gaze distant as he let the other do as he pleased.
Theo couldn’t hold back the excited smile on his face. Nodding, he picked up the pencil, making sure it wasn’t too sharp, and decided to first trace some rough drafts and, later on, start making the outline of the mark. 
But things weren't really working as he planned. At the very first line, Shinen fliched, slightly scrunching up his shoulder.
“Sorry, did it hurt?” Theo asked with a pinch of worry.
“Not really.”
“I’ll keep going then, alright?”
“Mhm,” Shin hummed and the blonde couldn’t help to hear as he sighed again, as if trying to relax himself.
Placing his hand on the back of his colleague’s head to stretch, Theo decided to be a little more gentle while tracing over his neck. Maybe his skin was more sensitive around his scar, so he should be careful as he drew on him.
But Theo had barely managed to finish a circle before Shin started trembling. There definitely was something off about it.
“Y-yes?” He huffed, coughing as he tried to ‘fix’ his voice tone, “is something wrong, Theo?”
“I need to hold still, I can’t finish the draft like this.”
“Sorry, it tickled,” he tried to admit as naturally as possible, maybe trying to not spark the other’s curiosity, but it was unavoidable.
“It what?” Theo gasped, even stopping for a moment.
“I’m not repeating myself,” Shin snapped back, letting out an embarrassed huff.
“Right… Just try to bear with me a little longer, okay? I won’t tell anyone,” Theo giggled quietly before resuming the drawing. 
Shinen closed his eyes shut as he tried to focus on something else, controlling his breath and letting his body as loose as possible. But as soon as Theo resumed, the feeling seemed much other than before.
“P-pfft- Theheheo- mhmph- it tihihickles…” The undertaker giggled, making the blonde slightly blush behind his back.
“”I know, but you are doing well…” Theo replied, trying to hold the other in place as he continued to brush the pencil over his friend’s neck, “I will be done in no time, trust me ~”
Just as predicted, the lines ended up as messed up as they could. Not a single straight line in sight and all the round ends were roughly sharped. Shinen struggled to not giggle during the whole process and they had to stop constantly to let the boy calm down before the blonde would resume drawing on his neck.
Despite the many obstacles in his way, Theo managed to make a nice (and rough) looking mark on the brunette’s neck. 
“Alright, we are done with the draft,” the boy cheered, placing the pencil down.
“Ah, so we are over?” 
“Ahm, not really. That was only the draft. I need to draw the final outline and paint it…” He explained and Shin could feel the pleading-puppy-eyes staring at his neck.
“Alright,” he sighed, biting his lip as he mentally prepared himself, “go on.” 
“Heh, as you say ~” Theo said, not really putting effort in making his tools feel less ticklish on his Shinen’s skin. After all, if he ever asked the blonde about it, he could easily claim it was all about making the artistic process more… enjoyable, for both of them.
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A/N: Second day, let’s go! I always wanted to write something for them and I just have to say thank you for my dear friend @wertzunge​ for the hcs that inspired me to write this ~
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tickletastic · 11 months
Fifteen Minutes
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Ship: Mason/Corey, pre-slash Theo/Liam
Summary: Corey and Theo leave for fifteen minutes to run an errand, chaos ensues. Day fifteen of Miya and Mia’s Tickletober: babysitter!
Corey and Theo had been gone for fifteen minutes. Fifteen minutes. 
Only fifteen minutes and Liam and Mason had made some atrocity in the kitchen using ketchup, marshmallows, Monster Energy, and raisins. Only fifteen minutes and now they’re on the floor, wrestling like they had when they were kids, watching WWE on the tiny TV screen in Liam’s mom’s old house. 
“You know that I have supernatural strength, right? You still think you can take me in wrestling?” Liam teases once he gets enough momentum to roll on top of Mason, effectively pinning him.
Mason laughs, a glint in his eyes that Liam can’t place. “Oh, trust me, Li, I can definitely still take you.”
Mason’s hands shoot up, attacking Liam’s ribs, and Liam instantly rolls off, landing on his back on the ground while throwing his head back in a fit of contagious giggling. He tries to roll away from Mason but is quickly trapped between his best friend’s knees.
“Mase dohohon’t!” Liam is desperately floundering, trying to get Mason’s hands.
“don’t what, Li?” 
“Tickle me!” 
Mason snorted, shaking his head, you’d think that after years of this treatment Liam would have finally realized the trick. “Well, if you say so, Liam. After all, I haven’t gotten the upper hand in a while.”
Liam snorts loudly when Mason starts kneading his tummy, trying to throw him off but finding that he can’t muster up the strength. 
Liam doesn’t even notice when two heartbeats enter the room until he sees Corey and Theo looming over them. Corey is taking a sip from the straw of his iced coffee, a smile on his lips. Theo is holding his own, smirking in a way that just fills Liam with embarrassment.
“I can’t leave you two without a babysitter, huh?” Corey teases, walking over and bending down to kiss the crown of Mason’s head. Mason closes his eyes, leaning into Corey before Corey pulls away. 
“Aww, is the big bad beta ticklish?” Theo cooed in the voice he would use with a toddler, and Liam makes an attempt at a glare.
“Dude, you don’t even know.” Mason continued to dance his fingers over Liam’s tummy, but he looked up at Theo, a mischievous smile on his face. “This is just the tip of the iceberg.” He accentuated his words with a pinch to Liam’s side, and the boy yelled, bucking up his hips.
Liam stopped trying to fend Mason off in favour of covering his face, which was turning cherry red from the attention and embarrassment. He felt a weird vulnerability having Theo see him this way, helplessly giggling on the carpet. Maybe it has something to do with the way Theo always seems so stoic and unbothered, or maybe it’s for the same reason he finds it difficult to make eye contact with him sometimes.
“Cute.” Liam couldn’t see the soft smile of Theo’s lips, but the tone of his voice was enough to convey the same fondness. Theo nearly felt himself blushing from watching Mason and Liam, entranced by Liam’s adorable giggles and the blinding smile on his face.
“Shut uhuhup!” Somehow, the fondness was worse than the teasing, especially given the rare show of sincerity from the chimera. He couldn’t bring himself to look up, hands glued to his face, and he could tell that Mason could sense his predicament when his best friend’s hands were suddenly wiggling under his arms. “NOHOHO!”
Liam’s arms clamp down to his side as he thrashes, throwing his head in every direction as he giggles madly. Liam feels tears spring in the corner of his eyes, slowly moving down the sides of his face. He tries to beg but his words are incoherent, sputtered, aborted protests leaving him breathless. 
Theo can’t help but stare, Liam’s smile now entirely visible, the corners of his eyes wrinkled as he squints through laughter induced tears. Liam catches his eye and they both look away, a blush low on Theo’s cheeks, and Corey sends him a look that is all too knowing for his comfortability. 
Meanwhile, Mason snakes one hand down from Liam’s armpit, the other still wiggling away, and starts pulling up Liam’s shirt, revealing his tummy. Liam’s eyes widen and he lets out a shriek, kicking his legs but feeling completely weak from the tickling. “MASON NOHOHO! IHIHILL DIHIHIE! MAHAHASON DON’T!”
“Liam, you’ve been shot before,” Mason deadpans, sending Liam a leveling look, “I think you’ll survive this one.”
Liam howls with laughter when Mason leans down, placing a massive raspberry over Liam’s belly button, planting smaller ones on every spot he knows to be sensitive. Tears are freely flowing while Liam screams, desperately trying to roll over or find some relief. His feet and arms bang against the floor, and he is suddenly wishing Mason didn’t know he had supernatural stamina. 
“PLEHEHASE! MAHAHASON IHIHIM DYING!” Liam screeches, trying to push Mason’s face away. He finally gets a bit of a grip, able to hold Mason’s head an inch away from his tummy while Mason continues to attempt to raspberry him. 
“Okay, okay,” Mason laughs, his breath on Liam’s tummy causing Liam to squirm. He pulls away and climbs off, and Liam rolls into a ball on his side. 
“Ohoho gohohod,” Liam giggles, “Ihihive dihihied. Ihihim dehehead.”
“You’re fine,” Theo responds, smirking down at Liam as he continues to giggle, shaking with laughter.
“Noho Ihihim not, Theheo, I’ve dihied.”
Theo rolls his eyes, grabbing the drink he had brought for Liam and sitting criss-cross next to Liam’s head. Liam perks up, looking up at Liam with big eyes. “A frappuccino?”
Theo nods, handing Liam the drink after putting the straw in it. Liam quickly grabs it, moving closer to rest his head on Theo’s thigh. 
“Oh my god, I love you so much,” Liam says as he takes an eager sip from his drink. 
“Whatever,” Theo says, but they all see the way he grins, the way a blush forms over his cheeks. He tentatively runs a hand through Liam’s hair as he drinks, still breathing heavily every few seconds. “I’m totally going to use that against you, just so you know.”
“Oh shut up, I bet you’re just as bad,” Liam says, shooting a joking glare Theo’s way. 
“I guess you’ll never know,” Theo responds with a wink. 
Liam’s cheeks go pink and the two of them continue going back and forth with their bickering and teasing, both of them with sickeningly fond smiles on their faces.
“Maybe it’s time for you and I to run an errand?” Corey whispers, leaning into Mason and taking a sip of his coffee.
Mason nods, leaning into Corey too, “I think you might be right.”
“Something tells me fifteen minutes might not be enough.” Corey laughs.
“Nah,” Mason says with a smile, “I think they might finally have their shit together this time.”
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ticklishraspberries · 2 years
Hey if you Are still doing the tickle ask could You do it with boreo? You dont have to but i would love if You did.
I Love Your Blog btw, your stories are so cool and u seem like such a sweet person <333
hey so im not officially doing this meme anymore but i don't mind doing them for you!! tbh if anyone wants to send more of these, i could use the distraction, lol. ty for the sweet words xo
Who’s more ticklish?
theo is more sensitive but boris reacts so dramatically to being tickled that they seem pretty equal
What kind of tickles are they sensitive to?
boris is not used to soft, gentle touches and therefore soft tickles drive him crazy, especially when he's high. it can be either relaxing or shriek-inducing depending on the spot. theo on the other hand is susceptible to both, but rougher tickles definitely make him laugh more.
Which role (lee/ler) does each of them hold?
boris definitely tickles theo more, he's just the more physically playful/affectionate one and can't resist tormenting theo
How did they discover each others’ ticklishness?
they were stoned in boris' bedroom and theo kept covering his face while he laughed and boris started poking and prodding at him to be able to see his smile and was pleasantly surprised when theo cried that it tickled. theo immediately struck back though, so they figured it out pretty quickly into their friendship.
Who’s more likely to instigate a tickle fight?
boris!! either by actually starting it, or egging theo on until he does
How often do they tickle each other?
usually they only do it when they're drunk or high, it's just easier for them to be their goofy, affectionate selves when under the influence. also, only if they're alone. luckily though, they're usually alone and intoxicated, so it happens pretty often.
Who’s the least likely to ask for tickles?
theo would maybe ask for gentle tickles on his back or arms because his mom used to do that to help him sleep. boris would maybe ask to try it too, and then just immediately dissolve into giggles, but i can't imagine either of them would never explicitly ask to be tickled in any other context
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New fic?
I am kinda motivated to write again....Remember: only Lee!Reader...
If u have any wishes feel free to tell me! If not:
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empty-thingss · 2 years
lista de 101 desejos de uma garotinha de 14 anos.
Data de início: Quarta feira, 1 de janeiro de 2020
Data do Término: Quarta feira, 31 de agosto de 2022
Em andamento:
Realizados: (0\101)
1- aprender a tocar piano
2- comprar um ukulele
3- aprender a surfar
4- trocar cartas com alguém
5- aprender algum idioma novo
6- ler todos os livros do harry potter
7- decorar um poema fofo
8- assistir a um pôr do sol( sem dormir)
9- conhecer pessoas incriveis (3 pessoas)
10- presentear alguém sem motivo algum
11- fazer uma festa surpresa
12- aprender a andar de skate
13- comprar um all star azul bebê
14- organizar um bullet journal
15- dizer "sim" o dia inteiro para uma pessoa( e escrever sobre essa experiência)
16- completar uma estante com livros bons
17- escrever um livro( mesmo sem publicar_
18- fazer um piquinique com alguém especial
19- comprar um patins
20- aprender a zer lettering
21- comprar um air max 97
22- entregar todas as cartas que fiz para as pessoas
23- dar uma festa
24- viajar para o rio de janeiro
25- tomar um sorvete em cima de uma árvore
26- catar lixos nas ruas
27- alimentar animais de rua
28- aprender a cantar
29- comprar uma escova secadora
30- aderir uma saia xadrez
31- dedicar ao blog
32- praticar yoga
33- comprar uma Instax Mix
34- Fazer um mural de fotos com a Instax Mix
35- Dançar música retrô com alguém(especial)
36- Ir em um Musical, Teatro, Peça e etc...
37- Comprar uma planta
38- Estudar sobre cosmos e astros
39- Ajudar um morador de rua
40- Comprar os quadrinhos de Deadly Class
41- Comprar um computador novo
42- Aderir uma bota de cano longo preta
43- Fazer amigos virtuais
44- Trocar cartas com o henrique
45- Fazer um stop motion
46- Ter um moletom de the neighboourhood
47- Colocar um papel de parede de astronauta, ou de algo relacionado ao espaço
48- Fotografar lugares especiais
49- Fazer uma visita para meus amigos antigos
50- Conseguir pescar algum peixe
51- Comprar um ursinho de pelúcia,e apelidar de alex petroski
52- Ajudar trabalhos voluntários
53- Ter uma foto debaixo d'água, no mar( e na piscina)
54- Ser amiga de alguém no clube
55- Tentar publicar um livro, pode ser em um aplicativo
56- Criar um aplicativo
57- Fazer uma música para alguém
58- Ter uma pistola que solte bolhas de sabão
59- Escrever citações com o Kalel
60- Mudar de posição no futebol
61- Fazer um gol em um jogo, dedicado a minha familia
62- Comprar uma lente verde, ou azul, ou até mesmo cor de mel.
63- Comprar óculos escuros para o Theo
64- Comprar um quadro
65- Fazer uma arte, e colocar em um quadro
66- Entregar um buquê de flores, para alguém especial.
67- Comprar tulipas amarelas
68- Reencontrar gabi,duda e wayra.
69- Acampar no quintal dos meus avós
70- Fazer uma fogueira, e assar marshmallow ( com a Júlia e a Hellen)
71- Tirar fotos retrôs
72- Terminar uma série bastante longa
73- Economizar dinheiro para um intercâmbio
74- Comprar todos os volumes do livro " O garoto do Sonho"
75- Conseguir fazer muitas embaixadinhas
76- Ter uma escrivaninha arrumada
77- Assistir aos Clássicos da Disney
78- Comprar um video game
79- Aprender uma coreografia nova
80- Visitar a Wayra,e presentea-lá com algo
81- Dar uma festa( talvez não se realize, não gosto de dar festas)
82- Gravar um vídeo dançando jingle bell rock ( com amigas especiais)
83- Fazer um artesanato e presentear alguém
84- Fazer uma surpresa para 3 pessoas
85- Conhecer o isac, ou o henrique
86- Ter uma barriga chapada
87- Conhecer um lugar especial ( registrar no blog)
88- Comprar uma pelúcia de harry potter
87- Aprender a se maquiar bem
88- Ter um álbum de fotos
89- Sair em família
90- Costumizar um caderno
91- Arrumar um lugar exposto para meus Desenhos
92- Relatar sobre experiências aqui no blog
93- Comprar uma jóia cara
94- Ser bastante inteligente
95- Entender arquitetura
96- Me aprimorar em arquitetura
97- Fazer vários cursos
98- Ter pelo menos 2 cursos terminados
99- Ser mais responsável
100- Comprar um presente para minhas irmãs, e para o arthur
101- relatar sobre alguns desejos no blog
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peter1001r · 10 days
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Cosmico de Caio Yo.
Que HQ linda!!! Uma das melhores escolhas que eu fiz foi decidir comprar essa hq na Bienal porque achei a capa fofinha. A hq trata da história de Theo, que está no processo seletivo do doutorado, e de Marco, que é um barista em um café. É um amor à primeira vista entre eles e também do leitor com o quadrinho. Uma leitura leve, divertida e fofa, além de linda. O traço do artista é maravilhoso. Nossa, fiquei muito feliz em ter escolhido ler, é sempre bom ter coisas que nos despertam boas emoções ao ler e lembrar do prazer que é ler.
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